. . - financial !Utters in New York. Lard unsettled, holders,.very, firm but not _ much demand sales of steam, head and . . Gold Closed at 1353 i . grit, at, 18c; steam leaf at 18,6( 3 1118%; prime . - • -- kettle country rendered held at 19c; apecu -IST Telegraph to tbe VlD.sburghDazette. deinand has Ceased to a reat extent. NEW Ironic, January 8, 1869. and the consumptive ' demand has lieen mcexs y . cite 'light. Green meats, nominally un cluinged; hams • 15,115 c. Butter dull and Money weak and f4realer at 7 per cent. for 1 ~urroney,bein the-ge,neral rate through- Linseed oil and Lard- oil unchanged and . supply better; fresh, 38a380. Eggs 29a30c. not the day. he Erie ,Company havkng quiet. " Petroleum dull at 28,930 c. Sugar y ; ------';, *ailed in theirnegotiations for the Cinein- higher; sales 190 hhda Cuba at 12y,a13c, nit', Hamilton and Dayton road, itis stated Coffee unchanged, salea 700 bags at 22a Porto Riml3al4;o; New ;Orleans 12%, alsc. hat they have made contracts to'-build an 24%c. Star candles at V..c for_frill weight. r i `sir line from Cincinnati to Dayton,Gold 14Wbuying. Exchange firm and iic-• Nork to be commenced immedia ely. Pri- tive at' lcili td 50 discount buyingand par rate telegramsatate that the Cie eland and . selling.' 1: • ' • --'ittsburgh directors have decl ed a divi lend of 15 per cent, ,Sterling mat 9,4® fi t •cfficAii-O;litin. B.—Eastern exChange 1-10 off buying and 1-10 pramium selling. Flour ),,. Gold strong, ()Oiled at, 135 - and _low grades active -and good 10 choice dosed at the same figure. . • 1 - 2 ..... --, - swing and winter extras in, large supply, BONDS AND 3 . STOCKS. : ', . ~ but dull and 'fieglectedt_sales at $5,25a6,75 Governments active and "firm Coupons for low to good 6pm:l - g - extras. Wheat dull .881, 111%®111,4; do. '62,112q5®112%; do. and weak; sales No., lat $1:121a1,23; No. 2at 04, 108%®109;; do. '65, 1093 4; do. $1,13a1,14; pales since the change at $1,14%. iew, 168%®108V0 do. '67,108y,@106,4i; do. Corn dull and y;a%c lower; salesMt i s4c , for 68, 108%®108*; Ten-Forties; 106%14466M; old No. 2; kiln dried 54f4c; new 52%,a53% , i, Pacific Railroad, Sixes, 100%®100%. , and 48%a4934c for no grade, closing at 581fc State bonds lieu 'active; but first. MS- for new; and 49c for no'grade. There is ;ouris, 87@8734 ; old Tenneaseee; 66%@ nothing doing in corn this afternoon. Oats leg; new do., 56%®67; old North Carolinas, shade firmer and miore actiVe; salmi of No. 15; new d0.,' 1 63@64; Virginiaa,..s6%®sl; 2at 46%a470 and 'rejeCted at 441045 c, clos- Isiana Sixes, 64%@6414; old 46%a46Xirfor No. 2.1 , Rye quiet and ing at 'ionds, 69%@)71%. . - V s o higher; sales of No.-1 at $1,14a1,15, and Stocks firm atter a. day of great activity- No. 2 at,51,13„ eosing , at. 51,14% for No. 1. _n all; of the leading shares. Rock Pirlev dull, at $1;84a1,65 for No. 2, closing :eland was the great feature and advanced., with free sellers at the inside figura. High. a combination controlling it, tO 123® mines - dull at' 93c. Provisions , less active. 23%. The advance ran sharp also on Wa., Mess Pork $29. 'cash. Lard - 190. Sweet .ash, St. Paul, Northwestern. Toledo and Pickled - Harns 16e.'Steart Rib Middles 14%c, ?mina Mail. The spirit of speculation is loose. Short clear ' leides 15%c, loose. mpidly increasing on the Stock Exchange, Dressed Hogs active and a shade higher; And bids fair to culminate in a-further rise sales at $11,50a13,00, closing firm at $12a12,- ~, m prices: , Market very active to a late 20., RecelPta for the.past twenty-four hours lour, 1111 d. OciseiVvei7 strong.' - '''' ‘-18,79 4 bbla flew, .14,725 Waal' wheat,15,647 . Pive.thsrly 1 °Prices :—Lum3berland, 37 ® _bush corn, 2;537 bush oani,,.3,94bush rye. 0; Wells Express. 24®244; Adama, 481% Shipments-10,04 0 ,btas 'Sour, 46,410 bush 448%; Uni6d States, 42%@44; American, wheat;,s3,osBbush ;corn, 23,224 hush'eats, 01542rMercliants Unlon, 13%©14; :Quick, 7;308 bush rye; 4,2B4hush barley. silver, 225i@22%; Varittin,-.5t%@52; '' Pa. ' Hoga"verY firni, otrilig to light receipts; ... ific Mail, 121; Western, Union .Jele- Wes at $9,20a9,25 fdr light Shipping, and '_•,raph; asy,®333o Raiford and Erie, •28@ #9510a10,60 for-good to' .choice' packing; re -8%; Mariposa .5f57;.. 'doi. preferred, 20© celpts 4,423. head: , shipments -13,699 head. 0%; New York,Celatild,-157X®157%; Erie; Beef Cattle firm' aud . actiVe on local ac- Oi/,©40%; do. preferred, 62%65; ifudeen„; Amint; sales at ; $4,12%a4,75 for cows, and 35%®186f Harleiii; 124®126rTerre Haute, 17p5a7,56•f0r good to choice steers. i .8@40; do. preferred, 64%; Wabash, 61%@ St. Lours, January B.—Tobacco dull and 2; do. preferred, 74; St. ' Paul, 7,‘,@72x . , ;nothing doing.. Hemp—there is a light de. ,o. preferrod,-91%®92; 'Ft: Wayne, - LIN mend for choice dressed, with sales 0152,30 )119%; Obio mnd}Mississipnii:lls%@34;47.. a 2,35. 'Fleur unchanged with it steady de lichigan • Central, 114%4116i- Michigan -wind for lo c * 'grades; sliperftnes, ander!, 'outhern, 91%©9130111.1n01a Otintral,: 142 g 'ti -a range $4,00a7,35, and 'double extra $82 5 43; Pittsburgh, 88%®88%; Toledo . 104%% a 8,75. INV heat iti light• demand and prices' ,04%; Rock Island, 1V..%igt122%; North- irregular; prime to Choice fall $1,50a1,52; veatern, 83%@83X; do. preferred, 86%® spring $1,27a1,32:'C0rn dull and very lit -0%; C.,. C. and.lnd.fl46. -,- • • - " --- - tle - doingt• choice white and yellow 64a666. The Post says:, the prevailing. opinion Oats quiet and firm at 55a58c. Barley very avors a higher premium for gold shortiy drill except for fall and fancy spring, which nd considerable purchases are being made mold at $2,00a2,25. - Rye steady at $1,28a1,30. uietly.' The Express says the failure of a Whisky steady at 97%c. Pork firm but iholesale dry goods firm is - aimiounced; not much doll g; choice. mess ,held at $3O. amo not stated.' - • - Bulk Meats quiet but thin; shOulders 12c, Mining mhares' 'dull; Gregory 335; Smith clear - rib - sidea 1534 c. ' Bacon firm but not nd Parmelee 270., active; shoulders 14c; clear rib sides 17%c, Copper Stocks at Boston Calumet, 50; clear aide% 18c. ' Sugar orired hams 113 c. 'opp_ Fella, 16 34; Franklin; 14%; Reda, Lard firm and held higher; city packers 0; Har.cock, 70; Q.niricyr2l%.- - ' 'holding tierce at 19c and keg at 20c. Hogs Clearances at Gold Exchange' Bank, $35,- firm, buyers standing ell fur lower figures, 36,000., , • • and prices range at 934a10140. Cattle nn chi- - -ed. Receipts-10,800 bus wheat, 3,495 SUB • . The iedeipts at the Sub -Treasury to-day 'ere $1,25u,290; payments, $1,201,134; bal nee, $80,938,948. - .._ Markets by Telegraph, NEW Vous. January B.—Cotton Tc better nd decidedly more active; sales 1,000 Pales .20 for middling uplands. Flour receipts .; 858. Flour steady and dull for low grades "stra and 10a15c lawful' other kinds, sales 300 barrels at $6a6,30; superfine state estera 51a7,40; extra . state $6,85a8; extra ,estern $8,20a10; white wheat extra 7,05 a '4O; Round .Boop Ohio $8339; extra St. Louis a,50a12,50; good choice St. Louis closing 'all.. Rye Flour heavy; sales 250 barrels ;. $5,7548. Cornmeal quiet, sales 200 bar ds choice western at ' $5,70 free $l,OO. 'e ceipta Wheat. 'none. • Wheat dull , id lower, with sales of, 30,000 bushels at, ~57a1;59 'for N 6.213011 - in stare; *l,6Na - I 62 for., do. afloat; $2,22)032,40 , for white . ,ichigan, e n v yatter priee an extreme. Rye I, all and hat $1,45a1,50. Bailey dull I Id declining; sale's - 5.000 but Turkey ate •,82; 1,500 bu State on privatetorms. Sat..' y malt quiet; sales 500 bu rye malt at $1,48, I)rn—receipts 5,459' bn, dull and heavy; 3w 243(3-Lower; sales Wet 954970 ttm aw mixed western, closing at tlie inside ice; $1,07a1,10 for old do. in store and - bat; $1,102431,11 - tor' ' retail lots of ). afloat........o.3la—receipte-of-,2,600--bn - ~- id dull; sales of 33,000 GC' at)75%a76e for astern in store; 7843 for do. afloat. Rice 11. toffee: steady : talas - 805' Flo n' •ivate terms, Sugar steady; sales 150 bon'. avails at 11310,__Molwestaull;aales... 220: As New Orleans at 134a741.4•AA0pa quiet at .820.3 for American. Potroinm 'quiet at • 4mc for crude, and -bond.32eterseeT r tdlXl • :reseed oil quiet at 99 sf: 'Sp iti ,- oturpen no lower at 49%a50%c. Pork firmer, sales -/50 bids' at '529,50a29,62 ~for new chess; . • 3,50a2§,75, for,: old_ d0;.114442.5 1 0r- - Wa me t ,- 7.50a2.8,75 for prime mese; g1e,0, , ,1,000 bbls '• w cocas, sellers for Februdryiuld March, 422,62429,75. Beef steadv;,sales 470 bbls , -.- ' $9a9;59 for' linwlpiiiirineall; "Mid' sl4a 1 x!5O for new extra mess.-.Tierce beef I r in, 125 tierces at 27a31; /prime sness, 32a , • ' ~,•3; Indiana mess beef haicui steady. with '. • ) bb15 e et430.,00.4 44 1 ,011 ; cut; ata listiler,'S I ...) packages, at-121'12%c; shoulders,l4al7e. 'eased hilts, ceady at 13a13, for western, • d 13yirt% for City; Ildiddles Urn and quiet; I ;43 steady, 850 tierces, 18)4a19X for steam, 'd 19X13206. for kottle/endered, aleq, 2.250 , :roes Mark kenderell'lnt'bil:fers and Sel.-.1 .' i!i for January, at. February .and ia,' ' • 21:1 1 / i . Butter clUiet and steady Marc at 20140 e • ' ', Oho and 40a50 Mt State., Cheeie firm •-..- ' , 16a20 for common to prime. Freight,. .:ILiverpionl quiet Mai very Ur*: ~ • farttest,—Flour closed very •dull. forlioar; • ides of extra, which. Is scarce; the mar . •-. 't is Mill and ; heavy, for other kinds/ , .; • _neat very dull,and nominally 1820.0wer, „ •-• : I ' •e dull Mid fleiriy %t 41 1 ,46111 50, Oatiftref I '. • ~, ,let at 75;0760 (orwaStere hi r atore,/and. ; afloat. Coin" 1 ;wer , andodnilf- - for newt • txed western. with otos at 5i40,514241.- dab 'Ming fir Vt• 07, arlif 114 attire i and Wit :- Irk noinlpal-qist s29,so.foi•ilowc•mess on ))t, and 529,75a30 for future delive_m_Beef • "ady, crittrir-TrinderaTireethW:,, ',Tar lets firm and quiet: . (ctsitioli (MIK-. and . • • tidy . Lard quiet at 19X0,19X13 for, feltr, Orime ethatir. aEigki dull'it mat t sg.-". - "ary Goods; The, market for 1;140'0a:40 1 1 i pis is buoyant and 'by arVad . )ce and 'the fineness' in 'raw material, ' ich clOsed strong' at, _284 for 'middling . ands.. The cloth market was comm. • 3ntly strong/at aii'ituivaime' a lo per d on Meat brands of Altana° A and In Heavy'brown sheotings firm:at 1654 e Staik.Aand Pacific extra; lac for. Aden - IL fine;theetings and V heavy shirtinge; • for do. P; ~ 1 3.3 for. Atlantic heavy 'wn dress; ~161 , 40, • for; Arkwright. ached- biuslins 18; Strong Chelsea 19e; 'Akan * lac; Avon Mills ' lac; Penn nafacturing Co. 18c; Pepperell R, fine . . wn, 14e;•Great Falls S, bleached: 124 • D,l, 13 11 4 c; do. A, 14 1 .4 c; Lyman P, 15 1 ,4 c; v York) M1116,,25e; Wamutta, 2.1%c; do. nch. 2To; do. , 45 inch. 80c; Sprague's rk . prints, 14%c; do.,pinks anti purples, .c; do. Ishirtings, 15c; IPacidis - IPercoles, Booth A brown drills, ,17c; Lancaster ;bainti, , Pte. hia:nville clunbrica; 10c; Pe do. lie; Lewiston A cotton ba - s, 42%c: droscoggin, 37)4c, being an ad ance of .ci a . •;,i ericrfa.TX, January B.—Flour, rm and ' I'lood diunamdf family , $7,75a8.1 Wheat; at 81,10 for No. 21 market bait. for No. 'Torn 'Simi:- taw' firth Oat s. t 60a6tc."' ley utichatigcul and quiet.. 'Rio $1,35 No. 1. Cotton firmer and price 3 higher; ..,riling' we, Whisky dull at $1; some ''s as low as 980. - 'llO2 l lirowliVe $10a11; lased $11,50412.5%. receipts, l.,o3po.,. t pro • ens irregular, with more aellers4ilaik ,era, ha , holderii are'n'deWalfhkte Mai; Cessiorii3. Mess Perk . soid4a239, bir, _ ' month and - seller February; ' none • jpresent deliveii. ' Milk meats Arn ' Jet; shoulders, at 420,L0...c0me1in - Id at 14, I§, and 15X, but no sales.' let and mit muc aideh out of smoke; 4 14ci clear s 17Xa18o, with Ell ;7 61_bus corn, 4,236_bui oats, ow( •qt ti( bbls flour; :a. 673 bus ry 1 ,130 bas barley,. 1,072 head of hags. - t • CBEVELAITH, January B.—Flour market is quiet and steady. Wheat; sales of 1 car load of No. red winter bl,BO, and '1 car load of Na. 2 do. at 81,67. Corn; sales at 74c, and 2,000 bushels seller " for - February at 703'e. ' Oats 63c. Rye qalet at 81,32a1,35 for No. 1, No. 2at $1,25a1,28. Petroleum firm and in better reqriest, refined in car lots held at 28a28c, 30a310 in trade lota. MEMPHIS, January 8.--Cotton excited 27a2.7y.c. ; receipts, 1,038 bales; exports. 1,601 bales; week's receipts„6,B46 bales; ex ports, iqjt)9 paps; stock , 8,4 bales. .Flour unchanged, superfihescarce, 17,0(41;4,25. Cord 65c. Oats scarce, 68e in store. Hay 323,00ab24;00. Corn meal, b3,95.P0rk.b2 9 ,- 50. • Lard, Isal9c. Bulk meats firm. Shoul ders, 12a12j6c ; clear sides, Ise. ParLADELPEra, Jan. b.—Flour dull and weak; lowa and Wisconsin family 87,50 a 7.7'..t Indiana 510. Wheat drooping; red No. 2 amber 52,04. "Rye 11,60a1,62. Corn dull; new yellow 93a96c; old do. #1,12. Oats dull at 72a75c for western. Provisions ex- , eked and advancing. Mess pork 129,u0. • Lard 193;a20c in bbis; 12.4 in kegs. Whisky dull at b1,02a1,05. TOLEDO, January B.—Flour; sales of - amber at 59,110. Wheat dull and 2a30 lower, amber at 81,76. Corn 1 1 ,0 lower; ,salef of new 63a63ysta. new rejected at 59a 5%c, new yellow 66c; new condemned 57c, , kiidt dried , 67c. Oats_ lo lower, No. 1 and -Michigan atike. Bye - dull and nominally lower. Seeds 2c better. Clover Seed 58,50./ Hogs without material change, closing at 12a1234c. , BUFFALO, 'January &—Flour dulland without change. Wheat nominal and no demand: Corn: good demand,for %law, old quiet, sales of 20 cars new a1.80a8143 on the , track and in store, and 3,ooollush old at 95ti In store. Oats; Rye and Barley nominal anti, unchanged..; JlighWines better,. 930 offered, but rehired. : Poriefirai at 1130,00. Lard lirmi 20c for prime. Drested Hogs 013:113,50. " • , January B.—TobiOca; sales 69 klads lugs and/untting leaf at ii5a17,00. Cotton 26e. Whe at 114,90. . Corn 650. Oats • 6.90.,,',8ye el or bulk and in store. ' Mess Pork , WO. 130 J-k Meats steady. Lard 1% 18 o , for Aare°. . Bacon: hams 18%0 for packed. /13Ighwilies81,00. Flour, super. line 155.5016,00. • Ba.l.Tirsond, January B.—Flour is dull and favors buyers. Wheat firm; prime to 40310: Ted • $2,25.., Corn, dull; white 85a90c, anti yellow 8ba920. - Oats dull at 65a79c. Mess Pork PO: 'BaconaOtive;. rib aides 17c, c1ear:d0...1'4017%0, shoulders ltlyial4jic, hainkl9a2oc. Lard firm atl9a2oc. •, . 1041rORTS.#1( -RAILBACID. _ • , P121.11-11non, ORT W dr, CHIOAOO RAILROAD. JSBUSTV . 8.r , 1131. cars Hisfalbk ctodo, John Moorhead; 4 do do, Bryan. & Caughey; 1 do . do, Brown dr, Co; Kars: rYe l 'lr. l ri l o l ggio G i ß24soll,;,/ rdo4of JOs S'Finc :• 600 b tiorir,-. owner; 6 c limestoe, Shoenberger &-Bittir;lo undleaars,-Ell,slattiOwS; 12 be. buckwheat stIOUTt Thomits Brcq 26 skis rags, Frazier (1, , Metzger; fksks'doireis; Rinhart & Stevens; 30 ,•bbls appleS;" 1 dres s ed hog, H Rea Jr; , 23ibis fipples, 1 dressed hog, Volgt, Ma, hood & 0W56 bblti liider4oPri Sleek; 'Bl dO ap - ples, John Barker, - 9ldo do, Fetzer & Armstrong; 3 pkga tallow. PDuti & son; 3 cars corn, -Hitchcock. bicereery & Co; 100 bile flour, 1 car rye; Dell Walltice; 55 bbls bighwinett, Sbipton "& Wallace; 6 cars bar ley, J M. Carson. & Co., • CsinvEntaw •aIID PITTSBURGH RAIL )I,OAD; January 8.-2. cars iron ore. Hutch ison; ;Glass &, Co; 2 do do, Graff. Byers dr Co; 100 bids oil, Win McCutcheon; 50 do J Spear; 8 etas' rye, W J Meek; 1 car barley, J M. Carson dr. C0;.2 ears iron ore, 'McKnight, Porter & Co; 4 do do ,:Shoe larber ger & Blair; 1 halt bbl butter, keg R r, J d. Uraff & Reiter; 2 - kegs"apple butte Thopson; 'lO bbls green apples, • Vol gt, tn Mahood & Cu: 50 SRA rags,P Markle & Co; 3. bbls corn, 1 do d o t beausiezgar strong; odo dry apples, 2 beef, 2do be &in, 2 bxs but; er, 1 bbl, 1 cask peaches, 1 bbl beeni, 1 do eggs, Morrison & Devol. . ' A.Z.LEGHETIT V ALLST ftAtt,noAo, Jan nary 8.-80 , bbls nil, Fisher it Bro; 160 do do, -Jas Wilkins; 400 do do, D Edger on; 480 do do, Eagle_ Works; 240 do, McKe. & Co; 160', do do, Pool Bro; & o ar oil bills, Citizens Oil Co; 61 sks grain; Jas Graham; 2 bpi eans 10 do Co 1. John Rather; 2 cars metal,-Totton,& Co; 1 do do, Brown & Co; 2 do do, blcKnight & Co; ; Ihnestone,Shoenberger & Blair. ;.,.AL alisttx SrALLOs... -January car chtn. M Steel Son; 12 bdl4hides,l . do :peits,'Lappe &," Weise; 1 car metal, Rogers &Burchfield; 3 cars rye. Culp,& Shepard; but 1 Car wheat. ' W McKee Sr. Co: 1 do , 4 - aides Kennedy Bro: 2 cars iron ore„, •Cheittiit dr, Co; 32 sks Co; M. shottld r _dam; 2 ibis eggs._.l Kohen &Co; 300 gallons no sales. - stoneware, Bekneld & lilebouse. ED fl/21 , GAZ'ETTE: ,9, 1869 RIVER. NEWS The river continues to recede steadily at this point with scant nine feet in the °hen het by the Monongahela marks. Weather continues warm and pleasant, with indica tions of rain. Business continues slow at the landing, freights for all points being scarce, Wand boats experience considerable difficulty in picking up a trip. The Maggie Hays, Capt. B. C. Martin, will follow the Lorena to St. Louis. The Bayard arrived and departed as usual for Parkersburg. The Grey Eagle, Captain C. L. Brennan,, is the regular packet for Parkersburg to-day, leaving at noon. Captain Russell, of_ the R. IL Hudson, was a passenger on the - Bayard, haling gone home for a day or two.• He expects to return on Monday, *hen he will at once commence- loading for Cincinnati and Louisville.. , The Leonidas. 'Captain Ed. Evans, leaves for Nevi Orleans this evening without fail. She is one of the staunchest and besVboats that navigates these waters. Mr. John Fisher is still in the office. The G. -A. Thompson, Capt. U. B. Pier sel, leaves for Cincinnati and Louisville this evening positively. _ The Wild Duck and barges arrived from St. Louis yesterday, and is lying on the opposite side of the river putting of iron ore: The Messenger,Capt. Jesse Dean, will follow the Leonidas to New Orleans. —The Mary Davage, Pittsburgh to New Orleans, was at Louisville on-Wednesday. —The Glendale, left St. 'Louis for Pitts burgh on Wednesday, with a good 'trip in cluding 600 tons of iron ore. —The Armadillo, New York and Silver Cloud No:2, were advertised to leave Cin cinnati for Pittsburgh on ,Thursday. —Latest advice!' say Arkansas river is bank full/having fifteen feet of water be , low, and twelve feet above Little Rock. =The little steamer Ozark is laid Tip in the Arkansas, with a badly damaged set of boilers. It is said an entire new battery will have to be provided. —One of the steam ferries opposite the upper part of St. ' Loutsa called the Ash brook Fero, has been bought by the St. Louis k Chicago Railroad Transportatimi Ferry Company for $lOO,OOO. -The Dexter his been sold by Nathan. Newbuy; , of Citicinnati, to ' for Freese it East ham, Cattlettsburg, Ky., $3,600—‘2.000 cash. She will make daily trips up Big Sandy, from Cattlettsburg to Louisa. . . —The steamer Dan Able, which bas been lying at the Memphis wharf- nearly two years. was purchased ou Tuesday, by Cap tain Gross, who will place her in the New Orleans and Bayou Sara trade. Terms of sale not 'made public. —That portion of the J. Nu McCullough saved from the wreck his been landed at Madison. The wreck of the ill-fated vessel has entirely disappeared beneath .the rising waters, and no mark remains to show passing boats whet e it lies. —The Nashville Union, of Tuesday, says: The Camelia backed out for Pittsburgh, as deep in the water as she cared to get, In, view of the fact that a lot of 200 tuna of pig iron awaits her below. She had 10 hhds tobacco for New York, considerable scrap iron, cotton, feathers, peanuts, chesnuts/ dried fruit and 300 sacks cotton seed. —A letter from the sunken Empire says: , "The boat had tied up on account of the fog. At about rive o'clock in the morning the bank caved in upon her, precipitating a large log through her, from the hurricane deck doWn. She sunk immediately, and careened to one side, so that the state rooms upon the lower side were sub merged. No lives were lost. The boat and moat of the cargo is believed to be a total loss." —The Swallow has,arrived at New Or leans. She narrowly' escaped destruction by fire on her trip down, when a abort dis tance above Cairp. One of the firemen,. who had been cleaning out the • furnace, threw the red hot poker against the canvas used as lire screens. Instantly they were in flames, y which 'communicated to the wood work. The bout was landed. and by the exertions of Capt. Fenton, and crew he tiro was extinguished. ,• ind Weather. ' Elver a.— ;Brielegraph to the F4tibarghtiasettr.) /LOIIISI . /ILLE, 'January 8.-River falling ;with twelve feet and seven Inches In the canal. Weather wet and worth. ,ST. Louis, J anuary B.—Weather unset tled and warm at 3:49 P. M. OIi' . MEMPHIS Alywi NEW 0111.tAndr—The Miaow!' LSONIDAS' Capt. tD. • . Wat leave far the above and all lat.a•rn ed I ate pant'. TRLb PLY. the , 9th Inst., at 6.ecto..k , Per treightorkasvage apply bovrd orlo . tiHR tiASIAT r, oT .-- • vi.Acti .1 OLT. idt4Vl l l4OD. Tbroarb receipt' lOC°eo tbv above boat:to del ras., ku'aula. bentvn, Jlotitgomery. Ala—and all other points on the MllOlOlll river and Texas porta at tiro lowest rates by" Jai " • OFIRIIOr 4t HAELErI. Veit CINCINNATI ANOitidEt LOIIISVILLE.--Tbe ane intim er Ci. T1i0kr30.g.....t. J 3.. rlaulOt.. Commander, =Heats orr:TIS DA.* , januarr ";), at 4 . r. x. Bp; settetiOr,,inagttroltmo&)o.",cit or . • BI.AeK coilawoWooD. or CU& RUT'S MAHN E 4.: Agents. FOO , CAIRO - AND ST. Lout S.—The steamer MAGOIE BAYS - Capt. B. C. Martin. Wilt leave for the above ports on Wednesday, the 13th inst. , ,_ Ave freight or passage STIDIY on bear d , ,: t.. JOHN LACY. - - J. ..COLONOWOODA„. 1i I i ' ' Wlt' rAr i git AZ GETT 1 4 ' 10O¢ MEM - PHU AND Nsw .ORIAANB.-rThe dne PM Mtn ier , . • 319989N91;11,4.,„ JAI3I3Z PiAN, COMUISTIMITI Will loath ' on 9:iti'Ultltl'AY. Jana ary 9th. , . :.or:tre4ht , pasaap apply on board. lan ' VoiTTSBURGuI * 5- , wur.ETJ No. Marietta and Parkersburg Line. Lestlt Fe=pears Whorl' Boat, foot of 'Wood street, TUESDAYS ADD FRIDAYS/ ILANABD A. D. toisrusnro, Muter. WIDAZADAYS ADD BATUBDATB, ortlek' EAGLE C. L. BBINNA.D. MOW. II fONEVi MoNEY I !—54,000 to IT", invest , la a Itiorigrage city or' county Property.fJr s tsttrinf three years. 4.000 to loan on Bond and_hiortunge for 2 years. WANT o.DLtutdnes. or A ecounned3tl,in Parker to the amount at 020.000; time from 00 days to 4 months. WANTF.D-7To exchange 3, Flinn of 100 Acres of Land In Mitsourl far 'a gamily &min and Spring . Wagon. Apply toa IN de4 , . (lorne'r INinrth ay and 9inlthdOd at. STD& DAILY, AT IL% _ , ... r . Freight Inn be received at - all Lorna by , sel4------ .1 &NITA% Cor.LINS. koreat. ----•--- ----- PPLICATION to sell liquors •Lii. now on file tn.thtt Clerk's office t ROEDEIAIEVI AFFELDEII. Pitts. burgh. The tletp Board,win slt lor bearbig the above else on the 10th inst., at O 0%106. :111. innuari.l, ISOM • ' AppLICATION HELL uoub die d wine Clerk's ffice. J. ; A 1.. tavern, Nerth vsyette Ttlwuhln. 7he I. c e ase lles'd ettfur hearing the Ah..ve Dun on SATURDAY. the 16th lust., at 9 u'eluck JAnuars 8 . , 18 . 69. JOH.II 17.` BROWN,' Clerk. -----. -------- T—oiilog, or alit PialN licg A;Nti.• SOW lIYOIt. t , Pittsbure. January 'NI. 18E9. • t XTOTICE.—Tiie , 'Astessmeist ''tor /71 tirtulittg.t;olwrairititt top t Dinvriddhl croet, to Grtrabert,a Eastern tetel. .m" soft for esArki - , Matted, a I can be seetrltt It wilt be Sfonday,* Jan ary 19th, 1899. wht-u It wilt be returned to' the City T,reattuier,o ogler fur colten J tion. li .Aofll3, - ,367:1111 . • citywaigineu. _,.. i. L. DILLINGSB•••. A E. STEVENSON. I . BIIILINGEII & STEVENSON, CORMISSION lIERCIIINTS, No. 87 Second Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. RECEIVE AND BELL , • All Kinds of Country Produce All orders for Merchandise promptly filled at fomiterinarket rates. Particular attention given to the sale of gutter, Eggs, Cheese Dried Fruits, ftc, We feel confident that we can give entire sat isfaction, by making QVICk SALES and PROMPT RE TURNS. at HIGHEST MARKET YRIC.Es, and therefore respectfully-solicit, your Consignments. All corre spondence answered promptly. Marking Plates furnished free. Drain in store and - to arrive daily. anal:t7B 1 E S e T A B y L f s lp. E D BY A. &T. W. 31. GORNLY; WHOLESALE GROCER, No, 271 Liberty Street, mairovrLy OP?. EAOLS HOTEL ' ) kiTTEFEgrinSall• P A.. se :yis • WATT; LANG & WICOLMLZ DILLIES. IN Groserios, Flour. Grain, Produce. Pro* visions, Fish, Cheese, Carbon 011. Noe. 'ITS and 114 WOOD BTEDVr, Rear Li berty street. Pittsburgh, pa.. noti:nss Y. wrxxxx Air STEELE ' & SON, .11L • Commission Merchants, AND DEALIBEI IX --- Egr43llgXl4 i ' cateiN. &O No. XS 01110 etBEEI. near East Common, ALLEGHENY CITY. Jen. CANTIELA A. T. CANITILLIN i. B. CANFIELD & SON, COM MISSION MERCHANTS, and Wholesale ealers la lioahen_, Factory. Hamburg and W. ll.' Cheese, Butter,' Lard, Polk, BICOII, - Flour, Flab, Dried Fruit, Brain . Pig Lead • Pot, Pearl and Soda Ashes, White Lime, Linseed:' Lard, Coal lad Car-, bon Oils. , No. 141 First street. Pitpbarieb. PIT= =IL JAS. alcuAir. IC EIL & ItICHAIXT, r COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND MUNRO I X , • MITE, ORAIV, SEEDS, MILL FEET, de., be., 1149 Liberty Mt., ritisbursh, _ ALIN» WHAM: / J .B. ASIJIIit. McIIANE & AMIE% - COMMISSION MERCHANTS. • Dealers In FLOUR. GRAIN and PRODUCE GEN. RRALLY, No. 14a ,WATEit STREET, above Gmltbileld' Pittstoursm i • • -- / ' ies FETZER &zARMSTRONG! FORWARDEROIiSD' 00MMD33101131.11801USTB, for the sale of Plour, Brain, Bacon, Lard, Butter, Heeds, Dried Fruit., and Produce generally, No. 16 MARKET STItE,ET, corner of Pint, Pittsburgh. re22;uB L 4; BLANCHARD. /Wholesale and Retail Groeers, 2.T0. 396 PENN STREET. ap181:110 110,8 T. KNOX AWDRYW Taan. KNOX & SON, COMMISSION 110. MERCHANTS and deniers In FLOUR, GRAIN . L FEED and PRODUCE GENERALLY, No. 10 DIAMOND, opposite City Hail, Allegheny City. Jal7:r37 - krrTLE, BA.IRD tAlk. PATTON, Wholesale Grocers, Commission Slerebants anu Men in Produce, flour, Bacon, Chemin Fish, Carbon and Lard Oil, Iron, Natio'. Glass, 'Cotton Yarns and all v".taburgb 'Manufactures generally', 111.51 and 1 1 1 or,COND STREET, Pittsburgh. - - JOHN I. H0W111,.....T.DW. 1100811 • W HOUSE & ROUSE.ROUSE. J r OHN I. HOUSE & BROS:_ t Suc cessor. so JN I. HOUSEWholetale ixers and Commission hiert)hante. Corner of Smithfield and Waxer Streets. Pittianrab., Pa. DORY lir ALL ACE § sv U/PTON & WALLACE, uour. SALE 0 ROCERS ANT ) PRODUCE DEALERS o. 8 SIXTH STREET. Pittsburgh. . 10.123A11 ROCK THE BABY EARNEST'S PATENT CRIB. LEMON & WEISE. Practical paridtare Nameactarers, tc., 3.1.13 voicrwri-i ,A:FENtnr,. . . Vlore may be Nowt I full assortment of Pa ilrlor,ettS ()lumber an u o inteben Rurutture. - WALL 1 1 APER--REMOVAL. THE OLD PAPER STORE IN A NEW' PUCE; W. P. - 3i.glitigiiAtiL Ay removed from WI WOOD 14TitEET to NO. 191 LIBERTY EI'REET,, troy doors 'dove ST. CLAIR. (08 WANTED --ON COMMISSION, ONE HUNDRED TONS 'OP POI7L'I'R3Y,• . . F H HOLIDkYI3 - : .Vie Wilber/a Waiter, nrleeli and•iidiek tiles guaranteed. Maric,pankra db4l,getly, ago leo' X9lceaby mall. • ‘• , Mt ' : BALLARD:AG-XI/ 4 Counnfsalon !ferebauts„ .33,11‘.Wasbl4gten str Now y rk ntoTtsicl • , SKATES, fiILATES4 131LATF13: • Ameriemtittak, New 'York Club, • Empire,' Starr, ikes. All other Ores iud klies tl'Ag Ter! Icweit Vacs , WIIITEBIDE3 A DRUM, • BARLEY. 2,500 lIIISREIS VOICE SPRING AND FALL, In store and for 61 by TAILISA.NOIt etc It AitPElt, • '' 329 Lit ItERTY 14TREET 1 SION ENTERPRISE' • •• • FOUNDRY Wllll. 4011XMON, . ..nteturer (I COOKINU es Fee rs. S h 've STOVES A r che s doe W nd .Ca a Whee and , an l al nd, a there. castingi, COB. 'WATSON 1 SIKINUISS S.. PlTTshtsittl. Ru2G,,,37 , N11(3E.--.431 Persons knowing thetnAelres InddAted to thd emetic Of HOB IltT E., ism it; Yittstutrab,.detd, _whl. thane imme• date payment to the aplifierlher at hm Ftore In Teat ou..kiV lo le, Atlegtteht connive.' aud all pi-IV:m.3ll*v inWhim egitl ,, st IMId tatatt wilt prd erlt them daly an bender cd.lOr settlxmeetr:. . . . ..t.. .. . - L. JAMES. NapI;AnDS9N. . Deceaiber al4 . 1869 . .11 i ; .. s . -t. ~ potos pßowx, Clerk. .._ N. 19; OTICE.J—T6 Peim(itis r aura o,Ksullalt .or Whet Ilug atibblsh or A.- hes: Y.Oll. Ire hereby notlfie.l ud t t • place , tny rubbish or est:4o l on the whurf.,:r Allruhltton er ashes must be taten .o the point. Any ner,on taturnt rl oho Ine the above, notice willibn •deat inch .to the , futteet l ea tent of the ROBERT A• • dert . :4l ' AiltithenyWharr AlasLer: .artF,EN' AP.PI.ES _ litstmrcand turjuitwoll' null J. H. VA Virlltt.l) h Soy; QOPAL ASH-100 tons choice pa moo In Iteril.sud for gale by . Roll J. B. CANTISLD & MOS: • • a • TOOTTSBUTIGH nda :1 - `2 P i'" JL .CONNELLSVELLE it. K. On and alter TUESItAT, Noyember,l7th. 186 e traint,arrive at and depart from toe Depot ect • ner of Grant and Water streets. st follows: • . Depart. Arrist. Mall to and from Uniont'n. 700 A.M. 6:00 P. X, .31.clieesportAccommodDn.11:00 .x. 2:05 P. II Ex. to and from Uniont'n. 3:00 r. at. 10:10 A. x. seWst Newton Accod'n 4:30 P. 8:35 a. at addock's Acc ora omm modat'n 6:15 P. H. 7:50 P. Night Ace...to McKeesport.lo:3 o p. K. 6:45 Sunday Church Tratu to and _ from West Newt0n ........ 100 I". X.10:00 A. X ?or tickets apply to • T. R. KING, Agent, W. B. STOUT, Superintendent. cIIANGIE9f T 1 IE. fIidEfEINT VALLEY RAILROM On and after MONDAY November oth, ISO TWO TRAINS 'DAILY will e Pittsburgh Sts tion4 corner orEleventh and Pike streets for-Frank lin. 011 City, Buffalo, and all points in the Oil Ite• gions. tawrz prmsbultair. ;ARAMS , IN Privsnatian Mall - .7:15 am:Man 5:40 p.n. Expreas_.. ~.... 7:10 rn 6 :30 aix Brady'a B'd Au 3:00 p Bradys EPollec.lo.3 o a 111 lat Soda Works ; lat. Soda Works Accomod'n.. 10:50 ato • Accomodaln. 8.710 a 'Ad Soda Works ltd Soda Works • Accomod'a .. 5:00 pm! Accomodie'n. 340 p Church Train leave Pittsburgh at 1:10 P. X. , .$6l , rive at Pittsburgh at 0:50 A. 11. • ' Passengers taking express train have but One change or cars between Pittsburgh. Buffalo and 01: Regions. Mail and Express Trains atop only .& principal points Mixed Way and AccOmmodatlol trains stop at all stations. THOMAS M. KING, Ass't. Sup't. W. FOSTER ROPE. Ticket Agent. no 9 J. ♦. STLICLI. in SOLD. ONLT BT NM IMMO BEI I I/1101/N I[TTSBURGII, CINCINNATI AIM EiT. l 'MS PAN HANDLE ROUTE. CHANGE OF TTME.--On and after SIINDA.I Nov,22d, 1868, trains will leave and arrive at. the Union Depot, as follows, Eittsburgb Depart. Arrive. Mail raptors 3:13 a. in. 151:13 a. m Flat Line 10:13 a. m. 1:33 p. m Fast Eritrea[ ' :58 p. m. 12:1E8 a. in Mixed Way ' E.:43 a. m. 6:43 p. m. McDonald , s Acc&n. No. 1.. 11:28 a. m. 8:33 p.m. Steubenville tecaommod`n. 3:38 p. m.. 9:413 a i m. McDonald • s 4cr.'u, No. Z.. 5:08 p. m. 3:113 D. MI. , . Sir 2:58 P. M. Express will leave daily. 14:13 P. M. MAIL will arrive daily. • The 10:13 a. at. Train leaves daily, Sundays ea espied; and makes cloie connections at Newark 10: Zanesville and points' on Sandusky, Mansfield & Newark N. - • 13: F. SCULL. General Ticket Agent„ /W. W CAN% SuP't., Steubenville, Ohio. / nor& • &Fr • 31 1 - i l el t et/ 111 11, FORT WAY NE .1 CIIICA 0 R. W. AND CLEVELAND & PITTSBURGH R. R. • infom Dec. 510th, 1868, trains will' leave boa U and arrive at the nion Depot, north tilde, pltto-, burgh city time. as follows: • Leave. Arrive. Chicago .3:03 a m Chicago Ex... 3:13a Erie& Ygn 7:214 m,Chlcagio Ex—All:sli a n Cl. &Wln'a•l3 , l 0:38 a m!Wheeling Ex• - •11:13 a Chicago Mall.. 6:584 m , Crestfine Mall.. 3:53p m Chicago Ex....10:08 a ni•Chicago Ex.... 4:38 p Cl. & Wrg EX. 11:513pit , Cleveland Ex .4toBp Chicago :4:43 rim Erie & Ygln Ex 6:13 pm -W'e4, Erie Ex. 4:n3 p ICI. &Wh`g Ex 0:58 p Depart from Allegheny.! Arrive itt-Alienttentb Brlgt`n Ac• 8:58 a m"lgt. Brtgt`n Ac. 7:03 a A Leetsdale"s 10:28 a-mi N. Biligra I tt '8:%16 11 B 2 • 11:58 a m ;New Castle " 10:33 a m Etochester " 1:33 pmjLeetedale ••• 9:13 aix Leetsdale 3:58 pm' " 1:08 pm N, .5:33 p m I N. Brlgt•it •• 9:43 pm N. Brigt`a ". • 6:2Bpm Leetsdale " 4:53 pm Leetsdale. " .10:43 pmj " " - 7:18 vto Leetsdale Son. ; Leet ad she Sun , day yhtireh... 1:13 pin, day ~birch... 9:58 a m MP 2:43 p. m. Chicago Express *eaves daily. "Er 11:58 a. In. Chicago Etprets entree daily: dr. F. R. NYERn. General Ticket Agent. ICIENNST TASIA tlrr:!ir„. CENTRAL RAILROAD. • a- •••'••••!.Ye'w...'" On and after Nov, 2.Bth. 1868, Trains!will at rice at and depart from the Union Depot, corner re Washington and Liberty streeta, as follows: • Arrive. Depart. Express.. 2:30 an Mall Train.— 1:30 am' Day Fast Line 2-10 ain Wall% 0. 1.. 0:30 a n Wall's No. 1.. 6 90 a m!Mall Truth 8:15 a a BrlntonAcen• 7:50 ain 'Cincinnati Ex 18:33 pa Wall's No. 2...8:50 a ro!lVall's No. 2.. 11:20 as Cincinnati Ex• 9:40 a m ;Johnstown Ac. 3:25 pm 'Johnstown Ao.110:3 3 a IV' Braddock! Nol 4:20 pa.. Baltimore Ex. 1:45 p m .Phlia. f.:x press 6:10 pa Phila. Express 51•08 pint Wall's No. 3.. 5:20 p Wail's No. 3... 1:30 p m.Wall's No. 4.: 6:19 pa . Braddock! NO 6:50 pm !Fast Line 7:50 pa Wail's No. 4. 7:25p Wails tau. 6.. 11:00 p is Way Passen'r.lo:2o p m', The Church Train leaves Wail's .Station 'ever) SundayAt 9:15a. na., reaching Pittaburgtint 10:01 a. rn. Returninp leaves Pittsburgh at 12:50p. at and arrives at It airs Statlon at 2:00 m. •Cincinnati 'express leaves daily. All other train• daily. except Suciday. For ftutner information apply to W. 11. BEcKWITH, Agent. Tile Pennsylvania Railroad Company will not as. same any risk for Baggage, except for wearing ap parel. and limit their responsibility to On Rundrec Dollars in value. Al! Baggage exceeding e lbw amount In value will be at the risk ofthe owner. err less taken by special contract. _ EDWAED U. WILLIAMS, noM General Superintendent, Altoona, vs,. . WESTIEUN PENN- . - . , a---- , ), • ..,, ;A •ii;3 , `"`'•- Slit VAN lA 13.1-1, •- - , -......, • ..m... •• • )AD.--Ou and after , ov. 21d, 186 .. the Pas senger Trains or. the Western . Pennsylvania Rail. road will arrive at and depart rrom the Feders: ' Street Depot, Allegheny City, as follows: im. I Depart. Springd'e Arn Nol 6:410 a trstdall ' 7:00 an: Freeport No.l 13:20% ml Freeport No. 1 9:15 an Kspress 10:40 a m,Sharpb's No.111:20 a a SharpWg No.l I:RS pm. Express :45 p m Freeport N 0.13 4:00 pin IS . yding:Pe No 1 3:20 pni Ma i l 15:53 p re:Freeport No. 2 11:40 p m Sprit:o'e Not 0:45 D talSrningiVe No 1 , 1:10 pta Aboye trains run daily except Sunday. , The Church Train - leaves .Allegheny-Junet. every .innday at 1:40 a. in.. reaching. Allegheny City at 9:50 a.. m. Returning, leaves Allegheny Cite at 1:310 p. in. and arrive at Allettloont Juliet. at 3:45 9. in. CogYUTATION TIP92Y33 — For sale in 14okaget- I Twenty ,_ between Allegheny City, Chestnut street: Herr's, Bennett, Pine Creek, Etna and Sharpsbura, and good only on the trains s topping at Stations sp.. dried ou tickets. ~ - The trains leaving Allegheny City 'at 7:00 a. u.. make direct eonnecUcm mirreepor. -with Walker line oPStages for Butler and Manual . ..town. Throng! tickets may- be purchased , at lb. OtSce,No. 3 St, Clair street, near the Suspensior Brldga Pittsburgl and at the Depot. Allettomv. for further information apply to . ' ' • JAIIES-LEFFIRTS, Ageni, Fetiend Stree: Depot. , -The Western.Feansylvania Railroad will not at. some any risk for Baggage, except for wearing ay.. parel, 'and limit their responsibility to Otte Hundnoc Dollars in' value. All baggage exceeding thi. amount In valve *lll be at the riot of the owner, Un less taken by special cotract. ' __, -BMW:tat:ill, WILLIAMI I non, Ren....al Soneristendent, Altoona. Pa. S tat 2 ° II3 .OINWRII UNION 'PACffIC lUULWAY, Eastern Division. The SHORTEST A.HD MOST ItE.T.4AII" U , ou 4 from the grit to ell points ID - • , • .. •Colorado," Nevada, .. . ... . . , . • Califor.idat , Utah, 1riZ01111; New, 1!1',1.01), Idaho, Oregon. • tire' hvaii *rite' te . Line 'and Leivetiwort I,allr eg ePret4 Lon the mini oltram ,, aeif 03 ands” c•ltatiroati m lit; oats, and . Ihmulbal Ant bt. ; Jo-Railroad from Watley, conneettitv. at Law. canoe, Topeka- arid Wamego with at,e,,s for al polawki NAASAllo „gut ot track west or RIR. worth with the IONIT ED &TES EXPREL 4 B 00N. PANT 'l5 DAILY LIN R iv OF ERLANI) .11An &ND RX.PRIISI3 COACRSB FOR • , • ~, DEN IrElitt ../aAllr ; . 1.41.1i-Ei . dnii all Pointe th the Territoiles, And with 13ANCERSOIPS TRI-WX_EIELY LINE of COACHES - for Fort union, Bent's Fort, Pass, Allm; querque, Santa 4e, and, alt. tiolots in Arizona ant New sfezieo. • - • With the recentradditiont of Toning 'stock ta< equipment; and the arrangements made with re sponsilde overland Transportation Lines. from itt western terminus, this road now - oilers unegaalle( facilities for , the transmission of freight to the Fa: West. Tieliate tor sale at al) the principal United btates and Canadss Be sore and ask for kets' vis THE SMOICI 'HILL ROCA' f.. ITHION PALI IC RAILWAY ZbiITEIIN DIVII3IQIS. Prelght Ano Tlrkep !wilt STEAMFIVS TO, LIVER 00 IL ANDate ' 'QUEENSTOWN: tin! ',ltalian fIWL STS9AISZIIP!► Numbering sixteen tratroleas vessels. among ther the celebrated .OF PARIS, CITY. OF ANTW . EFP, CITY OF 'BOSTON; CITY of BALTIMORE , cury , or CONDOM alnbe tarzny SATURDAY, from Pier 45, Nort. • s3, , rer..tfew •YOrk.: For ormare or fErtbet Informs Mon apply to WILLIAM MINIIHAM, Jr. • Musty opp O/nrrli STRENT ro n Uct., Cbronlal ok e Inatbitnr. arbie -- - „ HERNIA ; Oft. RUPTURE. Hernia or linpitire cured. Hernia or finninre Heinle or Rupture cured. Scrota or Raptor° cored. Hernia or Ilupturti cured: Hernia or Rupture cured. Hernia or latlptnre : cured. Hernia or Rupture eared. , WEREM Marsh's Budteal Cure Truss. Ritter's Patent Trues. Fitch , e Supporter Trull. Self -Alienating Truss• Dr. Banning's .Lace or Body Dracut for becure of Prolaosns rf ter 1, PUCE. Abdoraloll an. Spinal Weakneersea pr. S. S. Fit c Ws Silver-Flitted Snpparter. Pile Props. for the mill:art and cure or Plies Wraiths Stockings, for weak and varlcoail vetm. Elastic , "Knee Cape, for Trenk knee joints Ankle Stapporteisi,for week knee joints Snipezuiory Bindages. Sold at Dr. KgYSEIVS, 140 ffocid Washingto A. AND EIRSON. 06Leral,Siii)erittieniieni WEBSTER', Rapture or Heroin cared. Rupturo or p!ernia cared. jßapillpreor Iterstia..cared. - linptnre or Hernia eared. Rupture or HernlO en ed. Buptnre or ilerniainred. nnlitilre or Hernia cored. Rupture or Hernia cured. 3ELF-INJECTING SYRINGES SEE-INJECTLNG SYRINGES SELF-INJECTING SYRINGES SEI:B-INJECTING SYRINGES Also, every kind of Syringes. ETU S i rENSORY BLI:DAGE STM'ENSORT it/..NDAGES, SUSPENSORY BANDAGES, SUSPENSORY BANDAGES, A dozen different kinds I 6 dozen different kinds A dozen different kindi. At Dr. KEYSKR:S, 140 Wood Street. D rag Store, 'So. 140 WOOD STREET, alga. o the Golden 3loTtnr. Persons writing for Trusses should send the number of Inches , around the body, imoriediatel3 l over the•ruptttre. . . Sir DR. rEYSRR will glee tits perßoti.s.l ateen- ou,to the application of Trusses to aitalts and children, sad he btaatistled that, with an ei_perlenee of twenty years, he win be enabled to give satinfse• Dur4 SED LUNGS. There le no daiibvrrhatever that - dtr.iares of the nage,' or taceni of whatever sort, on any of the ernalorgina Tosy are frVluentlY cued, mid complete condition ot health established. I.c.tto elabotmtive Itinetions, ot , which the stomach it the• primary ind mold important:one,' are restored to . . condition to do the repairing of the hamanajaterii,i • ulsers'or eoreh; ) whether noon the hogs,' the liver, the kidneys or the bowels; or upon'th;;t legs, ss frequently tbe ease, can be made to beat, and a eons. piete'rtsnd&rd of tkolkith n34,Utbpleheil, Vire .Ikaye ' frequently teen these,resialtaltrim 014 use of Dr. KEMP.* LUNEPCIIRE; -a—oleassurt ill!ingreentite medicine whlcb will ripen up and pin -gut the sidinal eirete and used up material. I t IC..iuors . that 11 . hast, ;mown the moat Mitre*Dag „ hm:asaing coa . g4, whose vt b a tliOntWould,thqesten to *hike .the whole conetltiv itoti to plated, resioi , ed Sn the'eou fee of'-few 1&y In tone stanallgeasis of eoaenmpfion, or orothea . . sometimes htal:blit il•kaYirtro uni es= and annoy ityc maladies., 1131131 , 11Liacits ' irtt, chronic brOnct4its l trachltla Or Obarynett?, It laa wongertal aklaTia tinem4dloina In the . fornar and a sure =On he hitt:disease. DR; Eirress 4 B Ltricd Cukts re itlrßiciarm BOA Or THA MOST YiIXTA;ILE BACRINI • . AMORY/ SOBS 1:18i4 #.lil:ospleATlN - E IN ,ALUDET7II. RiOiSATZD. 137,41414 01 TIIZ, 13L001%'' , Mai whilst it *ads to ite plasma, it 'at' the same time stimulites, : gently 'tint effectively; the skin, the kidneys, the flair kid - the glair:dor system to suffl- eight actloi to inkble the body to take on heaithlbl. action and entaleite the disease. The elet: and et! ilictedahould bear in mind the virtues of tuffs great trtedtaine, and U those who are snlnetenttridive to the hiliwtance 'of 'welsh, resort to tt in the beginning of eougb or cold, there would be no tallinst into declines and rapid consumption., hopelessly Incurable and so MOF.S surely fntnl• Sold by the gross, dozen orfingle bottle, •t Dr. Keper's ,Great Nedleint3 Store, 140 Wood Street. DR• KEYSER:I3 lIRSIDF: NT ovules for I. EXAMINATIONS, AND TUX ITILF,.ATIEENT, 0118T.INATE.C11R0'.11:19 171:3}1E11, 1W . STREET, PITTI3IIIM II . PA. Once to a A. w. until 4 T. K mist Xi ism