The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, January 09, 1869, Image 1

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FOIST 11111101
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Private Bills' Considered and
Passed—Mr. Jenckes Civil
,yice Bill -Denounced by Mr.
[By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gant
: z WAsttmeTON ;January 8, 1869.
SENATE. ll i
Mr. RICE introduced a bill to create a
new judicial district in Kentucky. Re
ferrecf to the - Judiciary Committee and or
dered printed.
Mr. PATTERSON, of New Hampshire,
introduced a bill to repeal the usury laws
in the District of. Columbia.• Referred.
Mr. SPENCER introduced a bill to regu
late the price and encourage the production
--of cotton in the;United. States. "Referred to
the Committee on Finance.
On motion of Mr.,,THAYER, a bill to
, conirm the title of 'certain lands in Ne
braska, and a bill Supplementary - thereto,
.were taken up and passed..
Tbe morning hour having expired, the
7 1 - 411 for the relief of Sue Muyfy, of Decatur,
- came
Mr. POMEROY, from the Committee on
Public Lands, reported. back, without
amendment, a bill granting lands to the
State of Wisconsin to aid in the cofistruc
tion of Green Bay and Lake Pepin Rail
way. Ten alternate sections per mile are
granted on each side of the road.
Mr. FOWLER introduced a bill to amend
the act of July 4th, 1864, to restrict the
jurisdiction of the Court of Claims, which
was referred to the Committee on Judic
iary: It provides for the payment to citi
zens of such States as are now entitled to
the - .benefits of
.said . act - of claims for stores
furnished to the Engineer and Ordnance
Department. of the artily.
A -long debate followed, but no action
was taken. The Senate then- took up and
passed a bill for relief of R.. W. Best and
Samuel Philips, of North Carolina, and
- then adjourned to Monday.
The House proceeded, as bu-iness of the
.morning hour on Fridiy, to the call of
Committees for•bills of a private character,
and took tip the bill reported by Mr.
FERRY, from the Postoflice Committee, on
the 18th of December last, to allow Lewis
D. Smith Postmaster at lonia, Michigan,
-credit for public money and stamps stolen
from his possession. not exceeding $1,861.
After considerable discussion 4 the .bill
WaS passed. -
Mr. LINCOLN,' from Postomce Commit
tee, reported a bill to make an additional
-allowance to E. B. Hoag on a mail contract.
Also, a bill allowing compensation to
IL S.` Gibbons, Postmaster at St. Johns,
Michigan, for money stolen from him ho-'
- longing to the Postofflce. Passed.
Mr. FARNSWORTB, from the Commit
tee on Recopstruction, reported a bill re
lieving from legal and political disabilities
R. W. Best and Samuel Phillips, one a
-clerk and the other a reporter of the Su
preme Court of North Carolina. Passed.
Mr. SCHENCK, from; the Committee on
Ways and Means, reported .a bill amending
the secoria Section of the law of March
31st, 1838, to, exempt certain pianufacturers .
from internal - la*, so as to extend Its pr,
visions to maniffacturers of naval machin
ery for the .government, and remitting
such taxes as had not accrued-prior,to,the
let of April, 1868. "• -
Oa motion of Mr. WASHBHRNE,
nois, the naval appropriatioh bill was
made the special order for Nionday neXt.
Mr. BROOKS reserved the right of mak
- sing points of order on- the various sections
• of the bill.
The House at two o'clock went into
• a Committee of the Whole on the State of
the Union, Mr,:llubbard, N.N.,in the Chair,
on the Military Academy bill, and an hour
and a half being allowed for general debate,
Mr. LOUAN addressed the Committee in
opposition to Mr. Jenckes' civil service
bill, discussing, the whole matter and de
daring that he desired the :business of this
government to- •be discharged with the
utmost intelligence, fidelity and despatch,
and upon the principle of scrupulous
economy, and that the employee shall re.
•cleve such compensation as will make
them proof against dishonesty. He
would vote, for any practical measures,
to bring about such reform, but he
was opposed,to the establishment of a life
tenure in office system, so opposed to
the geniiis and spirit of our Institutions and
• ! people, and regarded with so much appre
; hension by the debaters on the COnstitution.
Beiheld that the people aro the rulers of
theccounery, and that their representatives
have no right to create a power not liable
to their decision. The• whole bill be de be an opekning wedge to an aristoc
racy Which, once established bylaw, would
result in two schools in this country, one
for military and the other for civil educa
tion, which schools would monopolize all
the avenues of approach to the govern
< went "and might, in the event of another
war, prove a most formidable enemy. He
appealed to the friends of those - who died
on , their country's altar, that this great
.government might bi preserved in form
and in name, to ate that the law should
, never again, adopt another code that would
make men less free.
• Mr. JENCKES replied : The key note of
,• -the gentleman's speech had been that the
bill created offices With'a life tenure, and
therefore. should not be Countenanced.
'The bill proposed no such thing. It pro
, posed that the incumbentof an office should
hold it only during the efficiency of his
service, which _was an entirely different
thing. In other words, it proposed that
every person, in the service of the Govern
went should render to the people an equiv
alent for his compensation. Re ridiculed
the idea bf the bill creating,an aristocracy,
t saying it merely provided the means of
knowledge for the' President and of pre
>, -senting to him the names of persons quail
," Led for the various offices. .
! The general debate being, closed, the Mil
' itary Academy apprdpriation bill was con
sidered and ordered to be , reported to
the House. It apprOpriates V,715 58.
J The Committee arose and the bill was
- Teased by the House.
- The House at 3:40 Went into Committee
H of the Whole on-the State of the Union,
IMr. Wilson, of lowa, in the chair, ou the
President's message of 1807, and w as a d_
dressed by Mr. I3GYER, in a areech on
i general politics, in reply chiefly to a
.speech made by Mr. Bletine, of Me., before
f! -recess.
The Committee rose and the House ad
- r s purned to Mouday.
The Eastern Question—Anxiety
Concerning Turkey—Great Agi
tation Throughout
LBy Telegraph to the DittaborghGazette.)
IZiENNA, Janusry B.—The Presse of this
city asserts that •the representative of the
Greek Government at the Paris Conference
will not be permitted to offer any proposi
tion, but will attend only for the purpose
of giving infOrmation in regard to Subjects
under dismission . . , The . Confeience will
frame a project-of 4ttlemeut, which it will
be the duty of Greecete adopt, after its ac
ceptance by the Sublime Porte and the
withdrawal of the Turkish ultimatum.
LONDON, January S.-The firm atittude
of Turkey on the Eastern question excites
much alarm.
PARIS, January S.—A rumor is current
here that an insurrection has broken out in
Milan. Dispatches from Madrid report
much agitation prevails in all parts of
PARIS; January B.—The Spanish Govern
ment is about to establish a corps of obser
vation on the Pyrennes.
SOUTHAMPTON, January B.—The steam
ship West Philadelphia from New . York
arrived this afkernoon;
LogrioN, January B.—Evenirg—Consols
closed at 91% for money- and 92%292%.
for account. 5.20 bonds quiet at 71. Stocks
heavy, Frie 26%, Illinois 95V 0
PitaNKFORT, January B.—Bonds at - 79%a
79 1 A.
LIVER P.' OL, January- B.—CottoM sales of
the week amounted to 82,b00 bales,- of
-which 20,000 bales for export, and--13,000
bales of speculation. The stock ou hand is
estimated at 350,600 bales, of which 94.000
bales from America. The quantity afloat
for Liverpool is 383,000 bales, including
111,000 bales; American. Market closed
firm to-da}; sales of 12,000 balesof middling
uplands at Ild. to arrive, 11d. do. for Or
leans, for Manchester. Breadstuffs
are less favorable. No. 2 red western wheat
10s.al0s., 2d. Flour 2.35., for western. CO'rn
375..,. for old mixed western and 355., for
new. Oats and Ririe/ unchanged. Peas
455. Lard 455., dd., per cwt. Bacon 6Gs.,
6d. Pork • firm at 92.5., dd. Beef at 10`,s.
Cheese 71s. Naval Stores firm. Tallow
475. Petroleum unchanged._ ,
• Loxims, January:B —El:ming—Linseed
Oil 27 pounds 15s. • Tallow 4tis.'; dd. Cal-,
cutta Lindsaed 611.. dd.,as7s. Petroleum at
Antwerp 54a5414 francs. •
FRANKFORT, ' Jan uary 8. —Even Mg.--
American bonds closed Grin, and are quo
ted at 794g79!.g.
PARIS, January B.—Evening.—Bourse is
weak. ' Rentes, 70 francs, 17 centimes.
HAvnE, January B.—E:rening.—The Cot
on market is dull; troy ordinaire, on spot,
27 francs.
(By Telegraph to the l'ittsbnzgh Gazette.]
Collision in 'the Sound-Submarl'tie• Cable
Company—The Injunction Against 111er
. chants Union Express ccimpany Modified
. : —ltie . solistbitis or Sympathy for Cretaus to
theirStruigl for Autonomy.
NEW( YORK, January B:—The Newport
steamer Old Colony, when opposite Execu
tion- Rock, in the Sound, about six last
evening, ran into a schoOner loaded with
gravel, bound for this city. The bowsprit
.of the schooner was broken; and two of the
crew in fright leaped overhoard , and were
drewned, The steamer loWered two boats,
tlie first of which was swamped. The calla.
took three men to the schooner. who suc
ceeded in working her into G:en Cove.
The Chamber of Commerce has adopted
resolution recommending :Congress to
grant the memorial of the New York and
New Foundlund Telegraph Company for
permission to land a submarine cable on
the shores of the United States. .
, In the, ease. of Blatchford against Ross
the following order was • issued to-day by
Judge Ingraham : "The order of injunc
tion made in, this action 'by me is so far
modified as not to interrupt , the carrying
on of the express business now being trans
acted by the American Ilerchants Union
Exprest Co., or to prevent . the Company
from using in said business property actu
ally transferred and delivered to it by the
-Merchants , Union , ' Ex press Co. before the
service of said order of injunction."
A meeting was held this evening in -
Cooper Institute for the purpose of ex
pressing sympathy for the Cretans in th-ir
struggle for autonomy.` The:attendance
was large and included some of the lead
ing niinds, of the city. William Cullen
Bryant presided. Addresses were made
by Rev. Henry Ward Beecher, Dr. Crosby,
Dr. Bellows and ex-lieut. Gov. Woolfori.
A-preamble fad resolutions were adopted
reciting the fundamental and inherent right
of self government and concluding with;s.
pledge of the warmest sympathy ou the
-part of the American . people.
Missouri United Stateg Senatorfihip.
;fly 'releFraeh to the PttWnlrgh Gazette.)
ST. Loins, janu'ary general caucus
of the Missouri legislature .Was held at
Jefferson City last nignt, Co hoar Generals
Scburz and Loan, candidates for - the United
States Senatorship' , define -their positions.
The caucus turned out to be a mass meet
ing, and was largely attended by the citi
zens generally, as well as .the members.
General Loan, being unwell, WIJEI not pres
ent. The discussion was intended mainly
to give General Schurz an opportunity to
reply to the'eharges of: his oyponent—that
he is in favor of immediately enfranchising
rebels; and turning the State over to the
hands of the enemy.
A special to the 4 nzicgcr gives the follow
ing account of the proceedings of the meet
ing : General Sehurzdistinctly-denled the
above charge, and stated he was astonished
at it, after so frequently anti 'emphatical I y
declaring his posit,on on the question. He,
divided the question - into two parts—Fed
-eral and State—and said in the--United
States Senate he would support the follow
ing amendments r First;—Genisial suffrage,
without distinction of color or previous
condition,- but recognizing -the right 01- l a •
State to disfranchise -on account of felony
or rebellion. -Second--;Art amendment to
reduce every. rebellious Stale to territorial
condition. So far as Missouri was con
cerned, negro suffrage Was a justice dope
the negro, and rebel suffrage was a grace to
be done to the - - disloyal..lle was firstfor
justice and- second for grace. Ho was for
repealing the disfranchisement act only
after negro suffrage was adopted. Ho ridi
culed the comstitutional performances of
Drake Sc Co., and said, had he been a mem
ber of the Convention be never would have
consented to make enfranchisement easier
. than negro suffrage, as the Drake Constitu
tion did. Ho severely criticised both -
Senators Drake and Henderson for leaving
Washington at so critical a moment only
for the purpcse of defeating him.
HUN trp" 11 1 .
itt :ii in,:.,
FOUR oNcr.ocn A. Id.
Cabinet Meeting—Supreme Court
—Excess of Internal 'Revenue
Officers —Revenue Frauds—The
Texas Conventlon—Central Pa
- ' Railroad—lnfernational
Penny Postage—The Virginia
[By Telegtaph to the Pittebtrith Gazette.,
WASHINGTON, January 8, 1869.
There was a full attendance at the-regu
lar Cabinet meeting to-day. •
General Prank P. Blair had au int3rview
with the President this forenoon,
The argument In the case of George W.
White et. 'at., an original case in equity,has
been fixed by the Supreme Court for the
,first day in February. This suit involves
many important questions in connection
with the disposal or Texas bonds in that
=State during the rebellion.
Fifty internal revenue storekeepers were
appointed for New.Ym k, who are nut as
signed to duty an yet, there being no de
mand for their serviced.. A sufficient num
ber has been appointed for all other sections
throughout the country, excepting the
Fourth Kentucky District. Many of those
who have been appointed are without as
signment to duty.
Information has been received that the
Texas Convention has passed au ordinance
giving the right of way to the Interna
tional Pacific Railroad from the eastern
and western border of that State, and a
reservation of twenty miles on each side of
the road, the road to be completed within"
six years. This road 1t one of the connect
ing links of the international line from
Cairo to San Blas, on the Pacific. Ocean.
The Convention is debating the question of
dividing the State.
CENTRAL Ractrte eAfteoAn.
Trains on the Central Pacific Railroad are
running on schedule time to Carlin, in the
north-east corner of Nevada, six hundred
DOLOR distant from San Francisco. Tue
trackl;tyers are at Humboldt Canon, twen
tv.five miles further east. No interrup
tion has occurred from snows so far, the
twenty-two miles of euow sheds at the
'summit of the Sierras working With-Etc
torily. The commercial business of the
Central for lle - Ceinber exceeded f:;;',310,000.
A cable dispatch states . that. the system
of penny postage between Great Britaid •
and this country is advocated by a large
number of members ;of . rue new Brush
Parliament, and that ;a memorial, signed
by hundreds of the members of Par
'fitment, has been presented to Reverdy
Johnson, requesting I him to urge the
American Gov erumentto adopt the system
, of postage between the United States and
Great Britain. The LOudon• Times prints
the memorial and comments favorably
thereon. This is grati . l2,-ing to Postmaster
General Randall, wh favors cheap rates
of international postage. In negotiating
the present postal convention with Great
Britain, Which went into operatiOU on the
first of January lest., the United States
office proposed and urged a further retitle-.
lion of the international letter rate of post.
age, but without success, the British of
fice' declining any reduction. An • impor
tant reduction of the postage to Great
Britain and the countries on the Continent
of Europe, amounting to auout one half of
the rates pi eviously charged, has been
- made by the recent postal conventions with
those countries, and Postmaster General
Randall is ready and anxious to further re
duce the present rates Of postage to the
lowest - practicablei standard; The members
of Parliament and British public who favor
this important!postal reform should there-
Jere'menioralieb their owd governlnent ou
the subject, as the opposition of the Brit
ish pustothce to a eheaptr rate of postage
is the only obstacle to accomplish this
object. . . '
The Committee appointed by a Confer
ence of citizens:from different parts of Vir
ginia, which Mot at Riblimond December
aist, arrived here to-day. Their object is
to ascertain the bast terms on which Vir
ginia can be restored to the Union. The
action of the COmmittee is to be submitted
ton Cchiveritipn of delegates elected by the
people, to be held in Richmond on the 10th
of February. The Committee .held a pre
liminary meeting to-night.
It • was recently. stated thiit Lucius F.
Rolfe had been arrested on a charge of pre
senting a! fraudulent claim against the
Treasury ,Department. Ile—had a hearing
to-daY-before U.'S.' eotritnisSioner Drown,
'who honorlibly discharged him.
Supervisor Creery, of the limishina Dis
trict, is still in the City engaged in the in
vestigation of frauds. recently discovered
by him in that Suite. He will return iu
few days to New Orleans.
The Rosenberg fraudulent naturalization
ease, which has been certitied from the Cir
euit Court of New York to the Supremo
Court of the United States, will soon be
The Select Committee examining into
the alleged frauds in the State of New
York has already taken testimony enough
to make eight hundred printed octave
Maine United States Senatorship.
(By Telegraph to the filtAbergh Gaxette.
AnnuerA, JanuarY• B.—The great Smut
ted:al contest Is virtually settled. The -ex
citement has, passed away and it is con
ceded that Hamlin will receive the unani
mous support of his party at the election,
a week from Tuesday, next.
—Tbe Lonisville,, Harrisburg Sc Virginia.
:Railroad Company' has been fully °ma
nized by the eleetiortof the following offi
cers: President, Henry Dent;. Vice Presi
dent, GePet_goard; Treasurer and Secre
tary, Geo. W. Morris; Directors, Jacob L.
Smvser, Thos. J. Tapp, Julius Dorn. W.
B. Hoke and Henry Dent. Mr. Patton, the
c hief engineer, submitted a very interest
ing report, which was read.
—Gon. Rousseau, commanding the Dis
trict Of Louisiana and Texas, (the Fifth,)
died at New• Orleans yesterday. Gen. Bu
chanan assumed tomMand by virtue of
sehiority.' His order assuming command
simply announces the fact.
—John Minor Botts is dead. His - remains
will be taken from Culpepper to Richmond,
Ira., lute:Mem. t
The Cuban Insurrection—
Peat c Pr..spects
—l2eporttu of Engagements—Revolution
ary clue& ReTlve to Declare, All Slims
Free Aru
ae.ty Proclamation by the
Captain Oeneral—Advices froth, Hayti.
[ by Telegraph to the Pittsbureh Gazette.l
1-Lcv.ANA., January B.—The Proclamation
of Captsin General Duke is favorably re
ceived by the majority of the people, but is
disliked by the extremists 'of both the
Spanish, and Cuban parties.. .
It is rumored an interview will soon take
place between General Dulce and promi
nent revolutionists in Havana. Should the
Meeting be succeseful, it would tend mate
tidily to the restoration of peace in the is-lend.
Nevi's is received from Nassau that a
schooner recently arrived from Cuba, after
successfully landing fifty recruits and two
hundred muskets for the insurgents.
Many report's of engagements between
troops and rebels in the interior are circu
lating, but none of them hive yet received
The correspOndent of the New York
Times ' at Bayamo, says the revolutionary
chiefs have concluded to issue a proclama
tion making all slaves free, and' fixing a
day after whibla they shall receive pay for
their labor, and they propose to carry this
resolution into immediate effect.
HAvxwA, January B.—The Gazetta will
publish to-morrow a proclamation by the
Captain General, granting general and ab
solute ainnesty -of all political offenses,
pardoning all persons, whether now con
fined in prison or hiding, or absent from
the country. General Dulce will Issue
another proclamation to-morrow dissolving
the military commission and restoring lull
iuriscliction to the civil Courts.
Within a few days General Dulce will
promulgate the law establishing liberty of
the, press. The public prints will be per
mitted to discuss, without intervention of
the public censorship, all questions except
those relating to slavery,and the dogmas of
the Catholic religion.
The British war steamer Eclipse has ar
riVed with Important news from Port-an-
Prince. The Haytien, steamer _Salnave
seized the British schooner Couch, from
St. Marie with a cargo of cotton' and coffee,
and carried her into Port-an-Prince
las a prize. It was reported that the
United States Consul at. Aux Cayes had
been savagely handled by the revolution•
ists, but the story is not credited. An at
tack was about to be made on the port of
Aquin. President Salnave has ordered his
steadiers to attack the port in front, while
he will personally superintend the landing
of the forces in rear of the place. The
women and children have all taken refuge
in ships in the harbor. There was a tight
at Aux Cayes on Christmas, In which the
citizens and troops defeated the Piqnets.
School Ded lc:Mon—Swindler Arrested
- e!eyinottr E.iipress Robbers—s.tieet Balli;-
road War —iircision in Bankruptcy--
Huard of Trade la COurt.
By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.;
CHICAGO, January B.—The new Franklin
School building, ereeted at , a cost of fifty
thousand, dollars, on - the forth side, was
dedicated today. •
The arrest of a Swindler, named Horton,
who has . been operating since Christmas,
prevented several merchants and railroad
cbmpanies from, being heavily, victimized.
When arrested last night he had certifi
cates of deposit and notes amounting to a
large sum. . .
Allen Pinkerton emphatically denies
Detective Felker's statement that the Reuos
and Anderson were innocent of the express
robbery at Seymour,lndiana, and that
• Felker knew, and could have arrested, the
'guilty parties. Pinker:on reiterates that
Anderson and tbo•Renos were the crimi
nals. - •
The Street Railroad war has been carried
into the Circuit CI •urt by an information
against the West Side Railroad, with a view
E o the forfeiture- , of its charter. The com
plainant, Mr Daniel Worthington, makes
three charges: that it is an imposition to
charge more for a single ticket than for
ten when they are sold,together, that the
Company refuse to lay a track on Milwau
kee avenue as their franchise declares, and
that the charter is forfeited by the Compa
ny refusing to furnish the public with ade
quate accommodations.' A public meeting
is to be held to hear reports on the matter
next Monday. . • - -'
Judge Drummond,•in the United States
District Court, to-day decided that upon a
proper showing by a bankrupt he would
lissue an injunction to restrain the sheriff
from selling the stock of goods of a debtor,
-awl that the inference of the judgment
creditor could not be allowed until the
crecßtors appeared duly in court.
lii the Superior Court to-day, the Board
of Trade of this city interposed their an
iu•the injunction suit to prevent their
expelling Murray, Nelson St Co. from the
privileges of the Board. The Directors
deny that they were 'parties to the late
"corner" on corn, and uphold the by-laws
and regulations of the Board as being legal,
and assert that their action is based upon
these by,laws. The case will come up for
hearing tomorrow on the motion to dis
solve the Injunction. ' -
Cowardly Murder ay a Gambler.-The Arm
!Lamas muitta.
(By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.)
MI.:311'111s, January B.—A. shooting affray
occurred at ten o'clock this morning, corner
of Second and Market streets, resulting in
the death of Edwin Whitfield, of the firm
of Moore and Whithfield, cotton factors, by
T. A. Doran, a gambler.' Doran had rented
a house from Whitfield's , father and kept
such disreputable•company that an attempt
was inade - in the'courts to eject him Do
ran this morning published a card in the
-Avalanche, denouncing both Whittields as
thieves, liars and poltroons. Edwin Whit
field and Maj. Moore went to the house for
the purpose, it, is supposed, of chastising
'Doran. , On knocking at the door, it was
opened and as Whitfield entered, the door
was slammed in Moore's face and locked. •
Shooting - commenced Himultaueouvly
with the locking of the • door, when
Moore and a crowd, attracted by the
firing,.: burst _ opfm.. the door. Whit
field Was found lying on the floor, dying,
Dbrataiatid two women standing in the.
centre of the rooraerled out , that they sur
rendered. He and the women were taken
to -jail. - Whitfield's pieta was found
him, never' havig been drown. He was
shot thrpugh the 'body five times and beaten
over the head with a pistol . . • There is strong
talk orlynching Doran. Whitfield was an'
exemplary young man, recently married,
and during the war served on the staff of
Gen. Dick Taylor.
Mr. Dillard was also killed by the Ar
kansas militia, at Fifteen Mile Bayou, as
well as John Argan, as reported last night.
Officers of the steamer Linton report that
the militia boarded her near Madison, help
ed themselves to the contents of the bar
and abused the officers, who ordered them
to leave. As the boat backed out they fired
into her, the barkeeper barely escaping with.
We life.
—The thermometer at Cincinnati yesj
tent:iv stood at 52: barometer 29:20.
—The grorers of Philadelphia, five thou
sand in number, have formed a protective
110 1011.
—The reeoiptsi of the Girard estate, Phila.
clelphia,last year amounted to nearly half
a million dollars.
—The Fails C.ty Sc Vincennes Railroad
Company was
.temporarily organized at
New Albany, Ind.; yesterday.
—Mr. Eggleston, of Cincinnati, announces
that he will contest the seat of P. W.
Strader, in the next Congress.
—who fourth annual meeting of the New
Hampshire veterans was held yesterday at
Concord. There was a large attendance.
—A vessel, supposed to be the A.R. Dun
lap, from Boston to Halifax, has been
wrecked on the coast and all on board lost.
—Rev. Mr. Sparrow was assaulted and
stabbed, by one Christie, at Eldorado,
Canada, on Thursday night.. Christie has
been arrested.
--Sixty civilian clerk . B of; the Freedmen's
Bureau at New Orleans were discharged
yesterday, reducing the establishment to
quite small proportions.
—The large flouring and grist mill of S.
S. Stevens at Big Flats, near Elmira, N.
Y. ' was destroyed by fire Thursday night.
Loss 10,000; insurance $7,500.
—The Legislature of Kentucky adjourn
ed t oyer yesterday in commemoration of
the battle of New Orleans. A national
salute was fired at Frankfort.
—lda Eddy, a young lady of Philadel
phia, while practising with a pistol on
Thnrsday,had her right hand blown off by
the premature discharge of the weapon.
—Gen. B. F. Mitler has been employed
to prosecute Samuel Bowles, of the Spring
field, (Mass.,) Republican, for his editorial
remarks concerning James Fiske, Jr.
—Nine car loads of hay, attaChed to a
freight train from Millstone, caught fire on
the Jersey road, near Rahway, Thursday
night. Four cars were destroyed and
others damtted.
—The Standing Committee of the Protes
tant Episcopal Diocese of Pennsylvania
-have refused, by a unanimous vote; to sign
a testimonial for Rev. Dr. Doane, recently
elected Bishop of the new Diocese of Al
bany, New York.
—At the execution of Wooley, at Free
bold, N. J., on the 7th iOstant, a large
number of well dressed women were pres
ent, and while the wretch was stilltanging
a crowd children were - admitted
to witness the spectacle.
—The City Councils of Cincinnati yester
day passed resolutions requesting the
Legislature to authorize it to issue one and
a half million dollar of bonds for city lm
' p -ovement; also, a/resoiution purchasing
fn - ty-ono acres addition to Eden Park for
$1.15,009, on a ten years' tease. - •
&24 pound wild turkey was lately shot
near Newry; Blair county. • It measured
nearly five feet from beak td tail.
DONNELLY'S mill, near Hillside, on the
Pennsylvania,Railroad, was destroyed by
fire on Mondanight of last week. Loss
ON Tuesday the fire danip in one of the
C. 1. Co.'s mines, at Johnstown, exploded,
killing two men and seriously if not fatally
injuring several others.
A LITTLE son of Mr. Daniel Hoover, of
Waynesboro, was fatally scalded by upset
ting a large crock of .boiling water over
himself last Wednesday week. ,‘
Roma WALKER, of Danville, died last
week, aged eighty-five. The deceased emi
grated to this country froin Ireland in 1819:
11c was one of the oldest members of the
Masonic fraternity, having belonged to that
order for over sixty years.
HAnmsnurto and Pottstown are growling
over the excessive faithfulness of the police
to their duty in cutting off the gas after a
certain hour at night, no matter what the
condition of the evening may be as tcolight
from the natural lamps hung in the heavens.
Tim Delaware, Lackawana and Western
Railroad Company is about to lay a third
rail of narrow gauge between Scranton and
New Hampton, a distance of eighty-three
miles. With this rail down, the road named
can reciprocate traffic without change of cars
with all the great Pennsylvania and New
Jersey railroads'.
TUE Sunbury Whig says: "We under
stand that Wm. J. Bear, Esq., has been au- ,
thorized to make arrangements fot the im;
mediate delivery of telegraph poles on the,
line of the Connellsville railroad, from
Ursina westward, it being the intention of
the company to erect 'a line at the earliest
practicable moment."
A:GERMAN named Fitres, murdered a
countryman of his named Stein last Wed
-nesday week, near Shippensburg, by strik
ing him on the head with an axe and then
chopping off his head. He let the body
lie in the woods until Friday when he bu
ried it, but there was snow on tie ground
and his footprints were followed, the horrid
corpse discovered, dug up and brought to
town, where the murderer was arrested and
confronted with it. He confessed the deed
and is now in gaol.
Arc old lady named Torms Was found dead
to her bed near Mercersburg, the other day.
Some time ago the nephew of the old lady
died suddenly and she shortly afterwards
made over all her property—no inconsider
able amount —to a man named Jones, who
was, unknown to her, living too intimately
with her servant girl. The property was
made over on condition that Jones would
keep and take care of her as long as she
lived. As Jones is of bad character, and
as tbe old lady's death was an advantage to
him, he and the servant have been arrested
ou suspicion of foul play, and the stomach
of the deceased is being analyzed.
STEEL, it is asserted, has become the
name of a genus composed of a large varie
ty of species. Ordinary steel is aicompound
of iron' and carbon, the latter' ingredient
making from one:to one and a half per cent.
of the metal. The carbon, however, by
later manipulations, is replaced by other
chemical elements and the results are steels
described as alloys of iron and of tungsten,
manganese, chromium or titanium respect
ively. Other substances also can enter into
combination with iron, as is the case with
the silicon steel of the French chemists,
where the iron is combined with silicon, the
base of flint. Drawing an analogy from this
latter compound, it is argued that boron, the
base 01 borax, will also combine with iron,
,and that the tools possessing most extraor
dinary hardness and cutting powers recently
made in Glasgow are composed of boron
steel. The instruments mention( d, it is as
serted, performed thirteen times the amount
of cutting work of an ordinary tool of car
bon, steel.
NUMBER 10.1;
1 —'. Arrest of Consumption.
1 - •
• There IF no mnin!ly v, iiiell causes so large
a mortality as consumption. Statistics show
that, throughout the civilized world; an
average of one death in six, every six in the
lists ;of mortality, may be :attributed to its
agency. 'though our own city shows a
smaller average from this scourge, yet it is
computed that even here it is the cause of
one death in every seven or eight. It was
formerly considered an incurable disease,
and was often left noiselessly to run its fatal
course unchecked ; but modern investiga
tion and science have proved-that the tuber
cular deposit, to which all its dread results
may be traced, will frequently diminish
under suitable treatment. This is fur
ther proved by post mortem examina
tions, where death hits occurred from other .
causes, in which the lungs, scarred and
puckered, attested the healthy closing of
two and even three large tubercular cavities.
Few are aware how muck the prevention
and even cure of this dread disease depends
upon their own. offorts. An eminent Amer
ican physician has recently declared that,
with pro Per precautions by any one now in
health, consumpti,on will be well nigh an
impossibility, even though hereditary influ
ences may predispoise him to it, and that
even those who are already under its grasp
may have hope of arresting its ravages.
The plain and simple principle, which din
this case is the essence of ail-wise - treatment,
is to raise the physical system to the highest
possible vigor. In company with thise
of the best curatives and preventives is to
expand and strengthen the lungs themsel es
by deep inspirations or breathing in of p re
air. These inspirations should be ;ni de
as slowly as possible 'through ai s all
tube or with the mouth nearly. clos
ed, and with the shoulders thrown.
back and downwards. When the lungs or
chest are filled, the air should be as slowly
and gradually breathed out. By continual
practice it will--be found easy to take long
and deep inspirations, and the chest: itself
will become permanently expanded; 'so' as _
give the lungs fuller play. Where strength
has begun to decline, the efforts must be
proportionally milder. As the air at first .:.
enters the lower part of the lungs it only fills -
the apex after a long and sustained 'effort,
and hence; the necessity of making the in
spiration as slow as possible. Six times a
day in khe open air is not too much for this
exercise. Indeed, the great advantage of
mild , or dry climates to consumptives is the
possibility of passing so much of the time
out of doors. Much is justly said of the
pure and bracing air of Minnesota, but those .
who go there for lung diseases should re
member that only as .hey breathe the are
outside air habitually -can it prove benefi
cial. A lady with tubular deposits and.
severecough - Went here sometime since,
and a month spent in the. ordinary way
brought her no Iprovement; She then
joined a camping pa ty of ladies and gentle
men, who started in an open wagon, and
slept in tents at night. After three days',
exposure to this open air she manifestly
imprnved,.and, though frequently exposed
in the evening,' took no cold. The continn- -
ance of this mode of life restored her health
and so strengthened her constitution that in
two months she could sleep with impunity
while the air was bloWing freely across her.
Many similar, and even more remarkable
instances took place among the poling men
of our army i in the late war, many of whom
enlisted agtunst the advice of their friends,
and returned with greatly improved physic
al constitutions. The exercise thus induced
is most essential to the desired end.
Abundance of nutritious and wholesoine
food, including fatty articles, is essential in
the arrest of consumption. Most of. those
who have such tendencies reject fat meat,
but its. place may be supplied with butter,
milk or cream. Restriction - in diet in:these
cases is highly injurious.' The dress is alio
a matter bearing strongly on the health 'of
the lungs,Woolen fabrics worn next the
skin; an warm covering for the extrem
ities are all important. So also is the shape
of the garment, - which should allow full.
.play to the muscles. Relief from care and
anxiety, as far as it can be secured, is im
portant, but even where .this is impoisible,
attentionso the other requisites, so simple
as to be within the power of every intelli
gent person, will in many cases prevent
and in most incipient cases sliest the pro
gress of this most distressing °Pall maladies.
Giant's Inflexible Line.
A Washington letter, reporting thq wri
ter's recent interview with the Pretident
elect, closes with the following highly inter
esting statement:
This conversation shows that whatever
he may hereafter do he now.stands by his
past record. He means that a citizen of the.
*United States shall be recognized as such.
and secured and protected in his righis and •.
privilegei in every State; that the freedom
of the freedman shall be recognized and his
labor fairly compensated; that the national
obligations shall not be increased, and that
the promoters of the late war at the Smith •
shall not be aided by the Government in re
pairing the damages occasioned by the war.
The result of the interview was a strong
conviction that Grant is a Radical in the
most radical sense of the political term, that
all parties North and South would ddwise
lif to recognize the fact and act accordingly.
That lie will follow the course of Johnson
and abandon the party that elected Min, and
to any extent identify himself with his ene
mies or opponents in war, is contrary to the
character of the man, and his present posi
tive and clearly expressed convictions,
Grant's manner is ; that of quiet 'ease,
perfect self-rellance, and the most pdsitive
convictions. He expresses his ideas in
short sentences, and in a low tone of voice.
Although there is a remarkable quietness in
his manner, there is at tile same time a
marked positiveness of utterance to such a
degroa indeed that one feels that thereis very
little use in replying to an adverse opinion.
Such is drant as I saw him. He ;s un- ,
changed. He is as positive and determined
as ever. Whatever line' of battle he' may
fix hpon, you may depand upon it, be will
.fight it out on that line. •
Markets by Telegraph.,
NEW ORLEANS, January B.—Cottlin ex
cited and Advanced : ,.;c; - middlings 26. Re
ceipts 6,527- bales;. receipts for the week? ...
26,958. Exports to LiVerpoolls,o36; to con!
tinent 7,904; coastwise 13,562; exports today'
8,488. Stook 122,483. - Sales today 9.509.
sales for the week 20,800. Gold 135%., Ex
change sterling 146 N; commercial 1.451‘a
14614; New York Sight Nag dis Count.
Sugar firm; common 9!,4a114(; prime 123;;
yellow clarified 14a1454.Molasses firm;
common 60462; prime 68a70; choloe 72a75.
Flour firm for low grades Genf•searce;
white 78: yellow 80.. Oats easy at, 66a65.
Bran dull at 1,30. Hay, prime, 26a27. rork
firm at 30,50a30,75. Bacon scalce; show dens.
143;; clear rib sides 1856 t, clear sides 195(. •
lArd firm a; .RX for tiers° and 24) for keg.-