The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, January 08, 1869, Image 1
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[By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Casette.] -3Y4 1 0 1 N.0 1 4554 8 1 1 , 11ar YN /S69e • • Mr. CONELING presented a protest of citizens of Neitk York _against the Rouse bill fixing-the ditty on copper, ' aiictfprOpos . a lug sulshitrite; Referred to Committee on Finance. Mr. NYE introduced a bill to facilitate 4eleg apb eihtunitniCatfoit ISetWeen s tlie East ern and VlNsteTh Continent. ,Iti:Oitiid,to donttititteeotiComM`erch;‘ - Mr. TRUMBULL, from the COmmittee on Judiciary, reported and recommended the t indefinite postponement of the following: ! A:bill to- facilitate - the decision of'ques ! Ilona in conflict between the United States ' and States "by the Supreme Cock of the United States. • A joint resolution for the payment of I elaimsofloyel citizens of the United States. I The Rouse bill to extend the jurisdiction 1 of Probate Justices'of the •Peace - in Idaho . .1. ' 'and Montana. ' Which-. were..- accordingly indefinitely phstponed. ' • On Motion of Mr. EDMUNDS, the Sen-, ate took up the - bill to prevent the holding of civil offices by military officers, and to prevent the holding of more than one office -at,the same time. After discuision, the- morning hour ex 'tared, and the Senate resumed the Consid eration of the bill for the relief 'of Sue Marty, which•mras also debated, without se : .tion, until 18:40, when, on motion of Mr. TRUMBUI,JJ, the Senate went into Execu tivei Session, and a few moments afterwards adjohrhed. . _ HOUSEOF REPRESENTATIVES. t - • The House too k-up' the ow' reported • yesterday from - the Committee on Naval Affairs, to increase the efficiency of Medi. - cal Department of the Navy. • 'After a brief discussion of the on motion of Mr. SPALDING, it was laid on I thetablt to 81 ,1. !! • - _ 71 The SPEAKER presented a communica. ;'}ion from the Secretary of the nterior and' Attorney General in reply to 'a resolution .-4 of the -House, stating the!t... no diminution ' t , can be madein the ef their depart ! meats, or in the compensation of em .,-•.- .1 •PlaZeesjf•t___:...c.. ..-.:: • _ ....... . • .i .....--,= ,i , UIOKN, front .votteeten Fdreign Affairs; reported a bill top* the widow of ..*4 James Wrlson, late Minister to Venezuela, ti on &quieter of her husband's salary. - `; After an explanation' the, bill passed l',_Stir. CULLOM, from the Committee on I. Foreign Affairs, reported a bill for the I=B- '1 =mai of - the- remains of Isir.,Coggeshall; ' late Minister of the United States at Ecua;' .; . I dor,to the United States, and of his Baugh tear, and appropriattng one thousand dol - 1 for the purpose. t Mr. SHALLAJ3ARGER moved an addi 'l) tional appropriation - of one thousand dol ,. lazs for the relief of the widow of Mr. . Coggeshall. - _, i. 'The amendment wee. agreed to—yeas i seventy-one, nays and the bill as ;.; amended was paAsed. = , _ ; The--SPEAKER presented, a message ' . l , from the President, with, a' report of the . c Secretary of •State, in reply to the House -I resolution of July 20th, 1867, declaring sympathy , with the suffering people of Crete. Referred to the Committee on For f sign Affairs.- ..- - _ _____- r • ~ - •-_,' :: ,' i Mr. WASILBURNE, o Il l inois, from the Committee 04 2 Appropriationa, reported the Inlitirk" Academy appropriation bill. ' which was orderedto be printed and post. poned until to-morrow. :Mr:, WASABURNE, - iff Illinois, - asked •:- leave to offer w & reamble and ,resolution in 1 , = reference to ells, Fargo Co., alluded • to yesterday. He. stated that the Commit tee on Appropriations had directed the' resolution to, be drawn and offered for adoption by. the: House, and that in the [ meantime a..o*of it'shottld be sent to the Postmaster.Geneial, which• had been done, and that the Postmaster General had come i to the room of the Committee and, payment tad been stOpPed. He had since been ad vised that` the ;Postmaster, General, not, withstanding all the= facts, had determined : to make payments under the contract. He desired the resolution to be ;adopted and • sent to the Postmaster General, and then it .': would be seen whether that official would pay any attention telt. .;• Mr:FARNSWORTEIargued ' that a con -tract made according to law had the force '''..4 of law, -and 'that the Postmaster General -i - 1. oolild , not, on a mere rerlution of the .4. House, enspendit:___ • „tii i lAer considerable.discussioni Mr. JOHN -1 SON objected to the resolution being of • •Titit - HtMaktheri went into. Committee of the Whole orr - the state of the Union, and was addreasiellyAtr.:, CQBURN eta the tines. tion bf finances He, - argued against the propositions to return to specie payments, or to provide for , immediate payment of the national, debt.-;He favored- the passage of a funding bill, which would the rate of Interest. He would cut ott, as far as possible, allimports of luxuries, would develope evetyavenne of improvement to the vast mines of the west and encouratre manufacturing interests, and would expand the_ urrencyto meet :the reasonable- Wants of the people. This was the gradual and elm method of resamption." • ZAr. SHANKS spoke in favor of the recog nition of the Provisional Government Crete. The Committee arose'and Mr: AsatEY, or, Obio,introduced a bill , to facilitate com xnerchti intercourse between States and Ter ritories with foreign countries, which was Aeferred•to the Committee on ,Territories. Adjourned. - Malne United' 'States fienatorettlps )33r Telegrapla to the Pittsburgh Gazette.) AUGGSTAsItia, January 7.— IL (MUCUS of the Republicans of both branches of - the Legislature was held to nominate a candi date for. United States Senator. The whole number of Totes Cent was'one hundred and forty-nine, and one blank.. Of these sett enty-five were -for Hon. Hannibal Hamlin. and seventy-four for L. M. Morrill. By the statutes of Maine a blank vote b held to be no vote. Great excitement prevails. The •Republican members of the New vada Leielature in canoes unanimoUsly nominated William M. titewart for United 1 , 1 States Senator. BRIEF TELE GIRAR S. —General Rousseau is ill almost beyond recovery with Inflamation of the bowels. —The Maine Legislature re-elected all the present lunurubents of the proininent State offices. . , —On Wednesday night Jacquen's brew ery, in Wishington, Tazewell county, 111„ was burned. Loss, 611,000. • —F. Pierpoint, formerly Adjutant Gen eral of West Virginia, died at New Orleans yesterday, of consumption. —Rev.- Chas: D.Di, one of the oldest Methodisti in lowa, died in Mt. Pleas- ant, lowa, Wednesday night. • —An Albany letter reports Dewitt C .Lit tlejohn in the field for. United States Sen ator, in place of Noah Dayis, retired. —An elegant one :dollar`- establiihnient, on the . plan of, the. Math. Orden, New York, is soon to'be`statted Inthicago. —The revenue collections in the Rich mond (Va.) district last year amounted to $700,000, 'nearly42ol/,000 mor& that in 1857. wae ;executed at Freeholdi' New "Jersey; on the 7th , inst, for the murder of Hartshorn Fleming last night.' _ • . —The spacious lecture room. of ,Faneuil Hail building, Chicago, in which the noon day prayer meetings are held,was dedicated yesterday. —Among the,Chicago measures .before the Illinois Legislature is one to postpone the municipal election until fall, when the county elections are, held— . —The Denver (Colorado) Board'of Trade have unanimously passed resolutions en dorsing the policy of 'Generals Sherman and Sheridan toward the Indians. —By2 - oriliii of , tfie GrOvernment statues of Queen Isabella and other symbols of the late dynasty of Spain have been removed from the squares and public) buildings of Havana. —Hon. John Botts:was seized with paralysis on Wednesday, and at last ac counts was in a dying condition. He is at his residence; at Auburn, near Brandy station, Va. • / —The gold shipments from Denver ttol orado) through Wells,Fargo dr Co. during the last year were aboxt two, millions find a half. A large amount was also shipped through private parties. —Di the Kentucky Houie ,Represen tatiyes a resolution was introduced author izing the Governor to take such steps as he may deem proper lo test the Constitution ality of the Civil Rights' bill/ —ln a cave under the i island at Rook Island, Illinois, the 'Statue of an Indian maiden, a solid copper pedestal seven - feet high; an obelisk of solid brass, and other curiosities have been discovered. flack cherry trees were brought to Bt.' Louis yesterdoy in full bloom. It is feared that the present warm weather will result in bringing vegetation to such an extent that future frost will Minn this region. - —Democratic members of Congress have signed a petition asking for the-pardon of Dr. Mudd, believing himt :unjustly :sen tenced on the evidence of Weichman, the falsity of which is becomiqg daily more :apparent.. —The location elf the Capital of Montana is not - yet deterniined. Ortthe 22d ult. - the House amended the Council's bill, substi tuting Helena for Deer Lodge City. The Couttell - wm-ooncurred, and couferencestge being:held. —Eleven demderatic newspapers InNir girds have declared • in favor of the -- new movement for universal suffrage, with the, hope of universal amnesty, and eight Dem ocratic and two "'Republican newspapers have declared against it. - • —The Wyomenck Institute and Semi nary for young ladies at Lebahon Centre, N. Y., was destroyed by fire on Wednes day evening. There were but few boarders in the 'Jinilding at the time . and no lives were lost. Lots qudte heavy; insurance very light. —Mr. Rinchblaok, a mulatto, has given notice of his intention to. introduce In the Legislature of- Lonisana a bill requiring all public conveyances, places of business and public resort, for which licenses are required, to be open to all without distinc tion of color. —ln the United States Circuit Court at Madison, in" a case claiming damakes against a railvfay for the death of Mrs. H. K. Whiten, Judge Miller decided that the suit must be commenced in st- State Court, and after As action the Federal Court would"take jurisdiction. —The Michigan Legislature met in Con vention, yesterday morning, to hear the retiring Governor's message, which was a lengthy docnment t reviewing the financial condition of the, State. At no time in the history, of'thei State has its credit " stood higher or its exhibit appeared moo satis factory in this regard than to-day. -3. W, Beatty, charged , with rObbing the ,Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Com pany messengers, at Annyille, in April last, hasbeenitried at, Lebanon and found guilty. BP will; also be tried on Anothel indict- ment, charging hini with lobbing the safe of Andrew Krider, at Annyille. Nat Dor rint, an accompli ce, escaped from Jail on the lst, and is still at large. —Gov. :Marshall submitted . his message to the Minnesota.-Legislature yesterday. The State's financial condition is pro nounced, good. The receipts for the past year were $866,550. and the expenditures $762,815. The taxable property has in creased fifteen per cent. in value since 18,67. The school fund. exceeds $2,000,000. Last year's wheat crop was 16,000,000 bushel's. —The New Hampshire Republican State Convention nominated Samuel D. Qualle for Railroad Commissioner. Hon. E. H. Rollins was chosen Chairman of the State `ComMittee.' Resolutions were adopted In favor of impartial suffrage for all loyal' per sons, against any ~ repu d iation of, the na tional debt and urging. measures to bring the paper dollar to a gold basis, and the pas sage of a funding bill. In the district con ventions all the preeent .members of Con gress were renominated. —Gov. SanLsbury's message was comma the Legislature of Delaware yes terday. He refers very fully to the State finances. The total State debt is $1,558;000. The Governor recommends a direct State tax, to include bonds, mortgagee and ma chinery, and it tax which will • reach the national banks. He suggests to the Legis lature that it may be necessary to revoke the charter of the Philadelphia. Wilming ton and Baltimore Railroad Company. be cause-Of iticrefusal to pay the ten cents tax on passengers. —Gov. Claffin of Massachusetts, will be inaugurated and deliver his message on Saturday. The valedictory address of Gov. Bullock, read vesterclay.was quitelengthy, giving an exhibit of .the financial, i3ductr tional and material interests of the Com monwealth. The total funded and unfund ed debt of the State is 127,735,870. an in crease during three years of about four and a half millions. The several sinking funds applicable to the reduction of the funded, debt already nine and a half mil lions. The advance in the market value of the securities which compose the sinking funkis more than one and a quarter mil lions.unfunded debt of the State is lees than one million, , • lIMME= PITTSBURGH, FRIDAY, JAICUARY 8, 1869. SECOXII EDITION. FOUR 0' THE CAPITAL. Nominations by the President— . Caucus on the Financial Ques.- • tion=Treasury Warrants Du ring December The Plain Truth Concerning Affairs in Arhansas Officially Reported. [RfTeleiriptiti• the Ylttebargb Osiette.) Sanuw, 7,1889. L eileArtiENT. The President Seqt a 'number ; of bon:kiwi,- thins 'to the Senate te•day; %eluding Ail drew. • Vius Dyck, •Collector of Customs at Oswego, New York ; Mattel killxiurne, Second Assistant Secretary of the Treasury; , to fill vacancy . of -July 2d, 1808; Isaac W. Webster, Postmaster at Kenosha, Wiscon sin; H. E. Dunham, Surveyer General of New Mexico; George W. Wilkinson, Agent for Winnebago. Indians; John B. Church, Receiver of Public Moneys at Central City, Colorade. ' CAUCUS ON THE-FINANCIAL QUESTION. The Republican Senators this morning held a caucus on the financial question, in voiving the consideration of Senator • Mor ton's resumption of - specie payment bill, and Senator Edmunda' resolution declar ing that the 5-20 bonds should be paid in gold. No - was arrived at. About fortymembers were present. INFORMED OF.HIS NOMINATION. Senator Stewart received a telegram to day informing him he. was • unanimously 'nominated in the Union caucus for re-elec tion to the Senatii•of the United States 'from Nevada. The Legislature consists of "fifty nine members, forty of whom are Dem ocrats. ' DECEMBER WARRANTS me warrants' issued by the Treasury Department during December, to meet the requirements of the Government, amount in round numbers to the following sums: Miscellaneous and Foreign intercourse... $4.148,000 Interest on Fantle debt 905.000 War Department 9,4100.990 Navy Department ',MOO° Interior, Pension and Indians 1,315.000 Total 17,623,000 This does not include warrants issued for the pi incipal of the public debt. AFFAIES -IN ABIKANS.I.B. The following official report relating to affairs in Arkansas has twain received at Gen. Grant's headquarters, from General Horace Porter, of his staff: Little Rock,Arkansas, December 28, 1868. General; Gen. Baboook and I arrived here two days ago. So many contradictory re ports halm been in circulation in,regard to Governor Clayton's militia that it maybe, well for you to know the facts. The present State Government was -certainly in some danger' previous to the Presidential. elec tion. Senator Barker had been shot and wounded badly; _Mr. Uphata, of the Lower House'NOunded; Mr. Blues,m , a em ber. of tkotgre6e, and itTreedmen s Bureau agent killed{` and -Other- agent* and: the United States Marshal driven from' their posts by threats. The Governor, Senator Rice and others bad to sleep in the State House under guard for -fear of states sination. The Governor wisely re frained from taking any violent measures until after the election,, fear ing that the opposition might make capital out of it. As 'soon as it was over he organized a militia force; of about 800 men, one fourth-colored, under Gen. Catterson In the southwest, and Gen. Up had. in the northeast, to live off the country, taking what was absolutely neces sary and giving vouchers. His intention is to pay all loyal holders of vouchers and no others. Two assassins have already been executed by sentence of a military commission, seven others are in 'prison, and a great number have been run out of the btate. But the best result I can see, is the disposition Orel business men to volun tarily enroll thilaselves as a posse, - pledged to assist sheriffs to arrest lawless characters. if the Governor will relieve them from martial law. He Accepted .many of such pledges, and martial law exists only in parts of seven counties. The entire con servative wing of the Republican party were oprootted to the declaration of martial law, including Gen. Smith; U. S. A., com manding the troops: They admitted the reign of terror established by the rebels, but wanted the United States ,to make the arrests. GOv. Claytdn's argument in favor of his policy is as follows: • The :United. States troops do= not know the people and country; the idwless behave while the United States' troops are in the vicinity, and break out Worse than ever when they leave; the rebels' are generally anxious to have them as it , creates an ex penditure of money in their midst, from which they reap a benefit; the militia punish all the disloyal, and 'extort pledgesfrom them to respect the laws, as these people have threatened to break up the State government as soon as the United States troops are removed; this teaches them that the State is able to protect itself. The militia have been under tolerable good control, and tile plundering reported In the press is the taking of supplies under orders. One negro militiaman committed a rape on a white woman, but was itnmedl ately arrested by Gen. Catterson, (who seems to be a very good man,) tried, con victed and executed. The Governor's pol icy has uo doubt seriously interfered with business, where martial law has been proclaimed, and injured builiness men of all parties: Hence the opposition' from loyalists: It. has interfered with travel, taken off hands for the militia at a Season wlien theywere badly needed,. and created many panics. It has, however, no. complished much more good thalg - themost sanguine expected, and General Smith ao knowledged he thought the Governor's judgment was better than his. and the re sult would fully justify the action of the - former. The Governor is now disposed to relieve , each county from martial law as soon as it can be done safely. ,The • Govenfor is certainly a man of intelligence .'.and nerve, 'and has labored under difiletiltien that would have deterred a less able officer. Four thousand stand- of arms were 'seized by the Ku Klux and, thrown off , a boat, below Aleni phis. SO could seldom secure good' men for "officers, and in tile eastern' counties he had to depend entirely upon the negroes for soldiers. " .., Very Riispeethilly, Houses Forrsn A. D. C. NOMIMOION' CONFIRMED. The Senate to-day confirmed the nomina tion of Phillip A. MOrgan,lo be Attorney for the District of lquislana. —The baggage •car of an express Irain n fo o r a t o B r u o is w v iis i 1 l v e i h y e e , s w t e a s r d ay d c a o rt T e e r r n e n t n o t bwohoe on fire. The train was stopped, but before the ftr . e could be extinguished the car anti the greater part of its contents including a portion. Of the matt , " were ' destroyed, i ti , i~. WEST INDIES Advice's frotn Hayti and St.Domingo.-111ar row Escape Or Sainave from Assassination --The Insurrection in Caba--Prociama tion of Gen. pales. (By Telegraph tune Pittsburgh Gasette.l HAVANA, January 7.—The following in , telligenee is received 'from Hayti and St. Domingo: The rebel 'General Sage had advanced on Porau-Prince and comsnenced a heavy cannonading, which was vigorously re tarnedi - ' . . President Salnave recently attended at a elisamln a church at Nilaagbane. While there a tarty of rebel's attempted' to cap tore him, bat he-was seasonably informed ot the.pletbralgoman and !made his es cape. His personal staff and suite of at tendants were., however, attacked by ;he conspitlatdfa and cult to flees& •‘ '' • Capet,Haytien was c osely besieged by the yergutionary forces., Jackenel KM re mained in possession of the revolutionists, and'Vraelvell axle to resist. the "threatened attack let Salnave by land oases. It is re. ported! - that the revelationists have aua ceeded - in purchasing a steamer in New Yoik. ! News from St. - Domingo is unfavorable to the Government n party. General Mon had crossed the frontier from Hayti and joined the rebel General Organdi's forces. The position of Presidett Baez was becoming HAVANA.) January 7.—Capt. Gen. Dulce has leaned his anxiously awaited procla mation. It is addrellsed to Cubans. He says:;' "I will brave every danger. accept every responsibility for ybur welfare. The rev°. lutionr.has swept away the Bourbon Dynas ty, tearing up by the - roots alant so poison ous that it putrifled the a ir we breathed. To the citizens shall be returned their right to maintain their dignity. You will receive all reforms which-- you require. Cubans and Spaniards are all brothers from this day. —Cuba will bq considered as a province of Spain.. Freedom of the press,l the right of meeting in public, and representation in the national Cortgp, the three 'fundamental principles of true lib erty. are g'ranted yen." • General Dulce concludes' as followe: “Cilbens and Spaniards, speaking in the namaof Our mother, Spain, I adjure yon to forget the past, hope for the future, and establisionion and fridernitv.” ' The news from the :interior to-day is that Count Valmesada is marching to warda Boyoms. The revolutionary forces, strong In numbers, are beseiging Gibra and ether towns, and two thousand of them are holding Colonel Lono In check at Tams. The Marquis of .Santa Lucie and General Catith, at the head of rebel bands, remain' in' the zeighborhocid of ,Puerto Principe. Provildons are tarrying at Santiago for troops and the famishing people of the in terior. . Seiler Vasques, who was killed by Spaniel' officer yelterday, was burled this morning. Many of his friends accompanied the corpse to the cemetery, and while on the way some Cubans excited 4 seditiona cries.; but otherwise the affair passed off quietly., though the *Cubans intended to make the funeral - a political demonstration. NEW YORK CITY. Hati/ 1011 111, Against 411112c21anta Union E4i, press Company--Strang Peeling Am on National Banns Against Senator Wilson a Bill to Prevent. Certification of Chet: s Payment of Interest—Chamber f - Commerce Bleeting—Cyrus W. "Field Se . verely Injured. - Lily Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gatette.3 NzwYOßK,January 7.—Judge Ingraham today granted an injunction restraining , the 'Merchants Union Express Company from completing consolidation with any . other company, and the American Mer chants 'Union Company from receiving any monies: property , rights or franchises ,frorm. said Merchants Union Company, and also restraining the Merchants Union Company from collecting the last called assessment of five dollars per share, the defendants to Stow canoe on the 18th inst. why the in junction should not be continued during the pendency of the actions commenced re cently by Jas. W. Blatchford, against the Merchants-Union Company. - The- Commercial of to-day says that the clause of Senator Wilson's bill proposing to prohibt the certification of checks and mined of interest': oh deposits has pro duced a strong feeling among the National Banks. One bank is now asking the consent 'of its i.tockholders to be recognized pnder the State laws. - A private capitalist is also said to be taking measures for the organi zation of a State Bank. Should 'Congress sanction this clause prohibiting the pay ment of interest on deposits,there can be little doubt that we should w itness the or ganization of new State Banks and the con version of -sational into State institutions. The Chanibel'Of Commerce to-day adopt ed amemorial deelarlig Congress to be the onlyl power baying jurisdiction to grant fran,chises to Atlantic Cable Companies. A; A'. Low subudtted a resolution favoring the contraction of currency by tne redemp tion or cancellation offgreenbaoks at a fixed uric for gold per month, commencing at 185. ents. for .100,-..and decreasing at the rate of Ono per cent. per month till values are equalized, the place of cancelled _greenbacks to be atken by United States bonds .for a long or short term of years, as may be deemed expedient, said bonds to be receivable by the Comptroller of Currency as a basis for the issue of additional National Bank notes, and els° recommending, in case this plan fails to operate, that the Secretary of the . Treasury be authorized to receive five or ten • per cent. of import duties in legal tenders. • The su . ect, after some discu s s. don, was post ... .. two weeks. ~ Cyrus W. F eld yesterday slipped dovin a steep declivity near his residence;ln Irvington, and sustained severe injuries. 'MEXICO: Rumors of Another Revolution—Animosity Against the United States-An American Vert'Unix. CBI , Telegraph to the Pittsburgh easette.l H*TalgA, January 7„..6.The bCatUl g- UZI perstritte; ITOMArPra Cruz, brings - 521114liter datei from Mexico. There were; many ru mor., some of them claiming to come from reliable sources! :that Mexicit 'the - of another revolution. It is Ri se:tad that the. people are disgusted with the - administration of Juarez; that the President is controlled by Pedro'de Tejaha; that the government , officials act ag they please, and there is no protection for Amer ' loan, residents., An American was murder ed outside the walls of Vets Cruz shortly before the Sailing of the - steamer. IThe .assatudn, although known to the authoritiee • was suffered to escape 'and arrived at Havana. yesterday. The U. S. Consul at Vera Cruz is powerless to obtain Justice. The Mexicans are much - incensed itgainst the United States, and some of them clamor for another war. it.was reported t h at Gen.' Alatorre would lead a revolution against., Juarez, and Tok the purpose of placing Per.' ii l / 01 ? ) 4‘z atWu head t'he'49lll?li9l BE MIME MEE FROM EUROPE By Teieviiph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.) GREAT BRITAIN'. LOiCDON, Janatiry 7.—The feeling among the tenantry of Ireland is very bitter against the landholders, and manycases of agrarian revolt are reported. MADRID, January 7. 7 -It 'is reported a Communist conspiracy has been discovered in Xerxes. An investigation of the affair is now in progress. • • FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. LoNoox, January 7—Evening.—Consols for money 92g; account 93. Five-Twenty bonds 743‘„ , • Stocks quiet, Erie 2635; I nois 95%. ,- .FRANIEFORT, January 7:—Bondi 79Xa 791.' LIVERPOOL, January 7.—Cotton quiet; with middling uplands at 11d, , and Orleans at 1114 d; sales ten thousand bales. Califor nia white wheat firm at lls 10d a 12s; red western firm at 10s a 108 3d. Flour firm at 27s a 27s 2d. Corn dull at 37s 3d for old, and 35s for new. Oats 3s 6d. Barley ss. Peas 44s 6d. Pork 928 6d. Btef 105 s. Lard 70s. Cheese 70s. Bacon 565. Spirits Pe troleum 7d; fanned le .7d. Tallow 47s 6d. Turpentine 29s 6d. LONDON, January 7.—Tallow flat at 48s 3d. Calcutta Linseed 56s 6d.: Petroleum at Antwerp firm at 5434 frs. Bullion in the Bank of England decreased £74,000. FRANKFORT, January 7—Evening.-IJ. S. bonds closed firmer and higher; Five-Twen ties," 59Na5934. Pews, January 7.-13onrse better. Rentes 70f. 37c. The Tennessee Legislature—Engagement Between the Negroes and Ku.klus. By Telettraptfito the Plttabuirgh Gazette.l NASBVILLE, January 6.—A quorum was present to-day in-the lower branch of the Legisliiture. Mr. Rydel, of Shelby, intro duced a bill'providing for a State Conven tion to amend the Constitution so as to extend the right of suffrage to those now disfranchised. An animated debate is ex „pected on the bill to-morrow. 'A Mr. liampton, and his son,. Union men, were killed in Jackson county on Sunday morning last by a tenant whom they endeavored to dispossess by force. The tenant was a returned rebel soldier._ s The latest advices from Bedford state that is not known that any one was hurt in the af fray at Shelbyville on Saturday between the! Ka4Clux and negroes. A cape and platpl left ' behind by one of - the Klan is in possbasion of the representative from Bedford. The negroes ibught With spirit and saved.their school house, the burning of which ap peared to be the object of the raid. Old citizens generally declare these outrages of the Klan shall be stopped; to accomplish which they must organize in support of the authorities. - . —The parties charged with ravithing and, murdering two negro women in Spencer , county, Kentucky, were arraigned before United States Commissioner Ballard, at Louisville, yesterday. The evidence of two negroes and four whites was hoard and the case postponed for additional testimony. The Watts brothers, accused of being im plicated in the murder, state they can provei they know nothing concerning the affair. They fu4hor state they were btmg until in sensible bay the mob Who arrested them, in= order to obtain a confession.: - -The Missouri Legislature organized yes terday by the election of S. W. Heedlee, of Green county, as President :pro tern of the Senate, and A. Moser, of Ironton, Secre tary. The House elected J. C. Grnick. of St. Charles, Speaker and J. C. Scolley Chief Clerk. A resolution .was offered in the House that members present from re jected counties, having credentials, should •be sworn in, which. was tabled, and ,tfie matter lies over until the Committee . on Credentials reports. _ STATE NEWS. Seßarrox has , street cars. TITERS is excellent skating on the Le high river. HARRISBURG complains of the scarcity o imitable houses for the poorer classes. - Taus is said'to be a fair prospect that the rolling mill at Kattanning will be re builC A Bria,tuu3 match:came off at Easton on last Thursday,' Crocker scoring 1,000 and Stuber 867. - kini,ovims, Crawford county, has dedi cated a new public school building which cost 05,000. Ray. Jona Bitacartaunos , Mnnn, a well known Pennsylvanian, died in Washington on the 28th tat. TUB teachers of Northampton county pre sented the County Buperintendeni with a handsome ten set. „ JOSEPH BRELSPORD IS Mdliti(Hled in con nection with the Republican nomination for Mayor of Reading. A. MAN named Bitting, of Reading, pre sented each of his employes with a keg of porter on Christm,as. Tan Pennsylvania Railroad bridge span ning,the Susquehanna. at- Columbta was opened to travel on Monday last. A am:mama at Lock Haven pays the ; Democrat there one thousand dollars for the use of One page of the paper one year weekly. A urns, son of John McMichael, of West Nottingham, had a large portion of his nose cut entirely off with an axe Friday last. ' _ , • • 'rum Clarion Democrat of Saturday last an nounces that oil was struck — at the depth of 700 feet in a well on the Grose farm, four miles from Clarion. A . CLOTIMTO STORE Carbondale was destroyed by fire last Sunday, and the stock, valued at •$5,000, completely des. •troyed - by fire and wutei. Iv is said that the only original copy of Rogarth wits some days ago sold in Read , ' ing for $lO6. The, volume contains one hundred and thirty tine engravings. FOREST' county has an extensive mine of lead ore with eighteen per cent, silver. For the troth of this the county' papers are wil ling to vouch; at least they say so. A BOY was killed at Johnstown last Friday while attempting tojnmp:from Ei ear while in motion, when he Was' stnick by a car ow the side track and almost instantly killed. Ta Postoilice Department will soon .:Is7 sue proposal& for the transportation of the ljnltcd States malls over alarge number of routes in Pennsylvania. Contractors should be ready. • JONIIS estoaped from the Doylestown prison on Saturday evening lagt, by first sawing off his hobbles and then sealing the walls by means of a rope made, out .of his blankets. He was arrested for horsti: steal . SPAIN. NUMBER ti. ! THE COURTS. State Supreme Court Dee.telonti. lir the Supreme Court, in session at Phil adelphia, opinions were delivered in the following cases from Allegheny and other western eonnties, on Tuesday : By JuEitice Agnew: Kahle .ys. Sneed. District Coiat, Alle gheny county. Judgment affirmed. Kirk & Lister vs. Clark it Graham. Dia; trict Court, Allegheny county. Judgment affirmed. Cluley vs, Lockhart, Frew & Co. Dis. trict Court, Allegheny county. Judgment affirmed. By Justice Sbarswood: The City of Erie vs. The Erie Canal COM. pany. Common Pleas, Erie county. Judg ment affirmed. Stittewell ve..Reynolds. Common Pleas, Fayette county. Judgment reversed and venire faciasWe novo awarded. Kistler vs. painter. Common • Pleas, Westmoreland county. :Judgment affirmed. Wood. r vs. Wood. Register's Court, Greene county. Decree affirmed. - Hunt vs. Gilman: - District Court, Alle gheny county." < Judgment reversed. Wilde vs. Trainer._ District Court, A.lle gheny county. Jridgment reversed and venire facies de novo awarded.'' - Pringle vs. Pringle. • Common Pleas, Cambria county. Judgment reversed and venire facies de novo awarded'. , Rife vs. Geyer. District Court, Alleiheny county. Judgment reversed, and .judg-: ment for defendant, as the caeeatated. Court of Common Pleas--Judge Sterrett: Court tnerat ten o'clock yesterday morn ing, Judge Sterrett on the bench. The case of John Bongers and • Theresa, his wife, vs. Dr. Charles Emmerling. Ac tion to recover damages for alleged Mar practice. On trial. - ‘ The President and Managers: of, the Bir; mingham, and Brownsville Mecadanaized Road Company vs. the School Director's: of Baldwin, township. Petition and moalt for a prelljninary injunction to'restrain de•• fendaritti from building a wall, . the ground . that it will cause the overflow or inundation of plaintiff& road. Injunction granted and Saturday, January 9th; 1869, Axed for a hearing. -, In the case of O'Sullivan and Brown vs. Ellen-Thome,‘Motion for a new trial and reasons tiled by defendant's counsel. • Tilid list The same asimblished yeserday. ::Libel Cases. In - reporting the hearing in the libel cases brought against its proprietors, the Dtspatch says: There was a hearing before Aldermatt Mehlasters yesterday, in the libel cases in stituted by George L Hall agaiwft the pro prietors of the Dispatch. In. the first caw the prosecutor's counsel admitted that the statement in the obnoxious article reht tiVe to Hall:. being charged with being 'connected with the outrage referred to, was true; that it was true an information had been made against' Hall for the , offense at the time; that it was true a warrant for Us. arrest had been given to officer Moon for execution; that it was true the proprietors' of the Dispatch did not write the report of the case given in that paper, and further that they-never saw the article until after its pu.blication. As the only matter is the • article complained of as being libelous, wius the mere statement that Hal was charged with beinstconnected with the case report, ed, mid as there was no `attempt Whatever to show - malice in its publication, the de-• fendants claimed the dismisial of the charge. On the second charge, the y also asked for dismissal on, the ground that it merely sat forth the fad* which transpired at the Alderman's ( office on the first hear ing. The Alderman reserved his decisina. It is highly , probable that the case will be dismissed. That an, nformatlon could ( be sustained on the facts is fresh evidence that a change in the odious libel law of the State is needed. Raltroad Inspection. Yesterday morning a number of Penn sylvania Railroad officials, accompanied by Depot Master ID M. Butler, Train Mas ter Ed. Pitcairn, and the Foreman of the Car Shops Mr. R. W. Ramdey, started on a special train eastwa id; to m ake. a tour, of inspection over the Western Division of the Pennsylvania Railroad ands its branches. After visiting Altoona, they will return and pass over the Bbensburghßranch. On their way back to the city they will leave the main track at Blairsville and come by way _of , the Western Pennsylvania RoaQ They expect to make the round t;ip and arrive at home this evening. Real ,Estate Transfers. The followinz deeds were filed of record . before H. Snively, Esq., Recorder, January 7,186 D • • Ittehard•Dougan. to Thomas' J. Winlaelci r January 6. 1869; lot on Greensburgh turnpike, Se enteenth ward. 40 by 140 feet $5,080 John Praster,et pl. to Alexander 'slack, l i t r iretabex , 6, 1868; lot on Hamilton street, Skititw , Plitt. _borsch, 47 by ISO feet ' • ' 'd.4. ' 83,0:X) Barbara Wilkinson to Thomas Alders n, May 1, 1867; lot on. Brownsville pik,., youthplttsbur& =by 51 feet Jacob Colmer to Alexander. Patterson; rNortni 17, 1868; lot on Mixon street, Stilly ward.. Alle- - gbeny, =by 120 feet H ' liet° . James L. Graham to David L. Agnew. Apri l 36, 1860; lot on Lacoek and Hope streets, Fourth ward _ Allegheny r..716y 319 - feet.23,oM arowramais. . Sli mortgages - were lied lbr record. . - ' . . —The brig Minnie Abbe, of New\Bedford', e_ i t from Buenos 'Ayres, reports tha On the. 16th, in latitude 6, longitude 37 d eas 40 minutes, while under full / sail, e was struck by heavy cross seas fom N. E. and B. E., which caused the vessel to roll fear fully, and carried away the fore and main top makits, with sail blocks and rigging at tached. A light breeze was blowing at the time,and after cutting away the r igg ing she kept ou her course. A low ling noise was heard for a couple of hours pre viously, and it is supposed that the, heavy sea was caused by the - shock of an earth quake:- , Markets by I.elepbapb. Nsw , 0111.E&718, January 7.--Cotton is in light demand at a decline of xe; middlings 25xc; sales of 1,700 bales; receipts, 4,505 eiports, 8,071 bals. Gold' 135%. Sterling 147. Commercial Exchange. Ha% percent._ discount. :Flour; low grades are scarce and firm; superfine 57,62,..d0ub1e - extra t7,70a7,75, treble extra $8,00a8,80. Corn—prime for shipping scarce; white 75et yellow 800. _ Oats dull at 6608 Bran,dult at 51,27. Hay •unchabged. 'Pork active at 1530a30,25. • Bacon scarce; shoulders 14Xc t clear rtb aides 18Xe,' clear aides 19340. tard 'Arm; lerce 19519140. and keg 19Xs20c. Su gar active and advanced qc on all 'grades. Molasses active and higher; common 6011 62c, prime 68a70c, choice 72473 c. Catosoo, January 7.—Grain market. at ‘P. 31. board quiet and prices without ma terial change. No.: 2 closing at 113 X; in the evening one lot sold at 113 X; market closing firm. Provisions moderately active, though but few sales are reported; one - p lot of 10,000 pounds salted shoulders sold at 11X, bnyers for January, and, 100 tierces salt pickled hams at 16 on spot. Ness pork quoted at 29 a 29,60. 'Lard J 9 a 19X.' Short ribs 14X a 14l loose, - .NEE 611