GOV GEAtnIiESSAGE. - To the &nate anfit House of Rifiresentatiees of the :Commonwealth - of Pennsylvania: GEtraniami : For the harmony and gen ' eral relations of comity and friendship ex ' 'sting between Pennsylvania and all ;the other States and Territories of the National Tinian; for the present prosperous Icondi tion of the - Commonwealth. for the glad signs of coming political tranquilitY; and . for the success which attends the progress of our free institutions, we owe a heavy debt of gratitude to Divine. Providence,,in view. of. the favorable circumstances under which you are now assembled, it becomes my province and duty, as it is:my pleasure, to offer you my hearty congratulattms, and to tender von a cordial welcome to the Leg's - - lative Halls of the State. This,, indeed, af fords me a higher gratification because I participate with:' your constituents , in the confidence manifested by them in selecting you to represent their indi r cual interests as well as thole' c , the Co onwealth. On your xisdotivi egrity, judgment and dis cretion, cretion, all undoubtedly rely for . the correct detero ' tion of every question of ' fecting the larg st interests and gravest re sponsibilities, and for a continuance, and even an increase, of that prosperity which has`hitherto been so signally enjoyed. It is'not without a consciousness of the ereat reiponsibility, resting upon me thatj undeftake the performance of a constitu-; tional duty, req uiring that the Governor' "shall Iran - ci. to time give to' the General tw i l Assembly ;info ation of the state of the Commonwealt , and recommend to their consideration such measures as, he 'shail judge expedient." In conformity with this requirement, your attention will be called only to such matters of public interest as in my j tidgement deserve careful consideration and action on your part duritig the present session. _ - a -,-,- -i:- ,•,,_, - Pnvences. = '- ` •4" - The following is ate - carefully prepa r e statement of the financial condithiff of the State for the fiscal year ending November .10, 1868: The reports of the Auditor General and State Treasurer elbow that t e balance In the Treasury November 30. 1807 r" , was - $4,661,,46 Ordinary receipts during the Sica I year eliding November 30,1801. 1116 5,2 - 16,049.53 Depreciated funds In Ise Treasury, un available . . ... ... 41,0r.,00 Total in Trea•nry for fiscal year ending November 33, 18,E . $9,913,918,01 i PAltate,wrs, viz . Ordinary expenses during fiscal year endlug--Noe.-- - - le, 188 , .454,516.09 Loans,'&e., redeemed - 4;417,463,64 Interestyments - 1.2„600,00 on loans • .1,979.600,91 Depreciated (duds unr , lnle , • ' 41 032,00 Balance in 'Treasury, Nov. 3+3,ltetweip • in ki ng By'-2 T— et approved April 10, 1868, the transactions orthe Com miEsioners of the Sinking Fund.were or dered to be thereafter reported annually to the 30th day of November. Their last re port, > therefore, includes a period of one year and three months. The following is the "recapitulation" of the operations of the sinking- fund, from September_ 3, 1867, to. November 30, 1868: kalance In hind, Sept. 3„ . 1867 81.737,412 41 .uecelpte In InniLlt: 4lesq.,/, ,3,867 Nov. 30; ..... .. .... .. . 3,418,442 In - - Paid interest 5,16,904 72 . - - $1,938. co§ 4 Premiums paid as equivalent - . ' • 8 for coin Loans redeemed Balance In fund Nor, 33, Thas - $ 93444 76 By the sixth section of the act of Kay 16, 1861, a special tax of one-half mill:on the :dollar wakespecially-set apart. for the-pay ment of the interest and redemption ‘).f the . interest and.redemption of the loan created by an act allay 18, 1861, entitled "An Act to create a loan and provide for arming the state." Bats:ice on hand Sept. 3, 1867 .. .. .. ...• 0111,933 17 The rectiats from said tax an d . tax on !uses receipts home:fent 3. 1 11 ed• to.:; Nov. IWS, amens t 0... Total Interest paid In Janauiry and July, 1668 Byline° In fund N0v..30, uss.... Condition of Balancer. Balance In sinking fund No venther 30,1863 • ex 4 on 76 Balance In sinking fund N0vember30,1833...... vember30,1833...... .......... 574.687 97 ------ $1,503,700 13 Drdoe! balance in Treasury NoYespliir,r duct .30, 1868. Balance in favor of sinking fluid-- • Reduction of the State e Commissioners of the Sinking Fund for the year ending Septem • _• 1 ber 3, 1867, tlie "loans redeemed" amounted • 1 to $1,794,669.30. and •by their from September 8, 1867, to November 80, 1868, the "loans redeemed" amounted to $2,414,- 816.64, making a total reduction of the State • • - 1 deb t , in two years and three months. of four million two hundred and nine thousand • ; three hundred and eighty:six dollars and • fourteen cents. The assets remaining lithe Sinking Fund 1 are as follows, viz: Bonds of the Pennsyl vania • Company..six million : roar hundred thousand dollars, and bonds of the Philadel. plaia and Erie Railroad Company three mil lion live hundred thousand dollars.' These - 4 are non-interest bearing bonds and will not ~1 mature for many, years. I, therefore rec ommend to the considefation of the Legisla. .• 1 tare the propriety of the passage of a law, "authorizing.the Commissioners. the Sink ing Fund to sell these bonds at ptibliasale to, the highest bidder, and direct the pro ceeds to be applied to the liquidation of the 3 1 State debt. • - Public Debt.- ' '7 . 4 Public debt ontataadrug December 1, : 1887 409 77 Deduct -mount redeemed at State P7 ' 7o4 ' Treasury during' lb. OKA, viz:,Year end la g Novemberllo,'.l6ss, &per cent. loans $4 364.263 64 4)4ser cent. loans %CO 00 /teller notes caner:ll,d 1 0 00 Public debt December 1, Ma_ ~ ~ ‘ 33 . 350 .510 / 3 Statement showing the condition of the indebtedness ofithe CoriamonwCalth on the first day of December, 1868. "..; Funded debt, via: a p r cent. loana. ...... ... $25.311,180 5 per cent. 7 . 74 5471 55 •-• `,, per cent. lean.-- .. . 112,000 00 Total funded . .. . . 1183.172.,951 56 • Amount brougbt forward., $13,172,55t Unfunded r . e,,r. viz: ' Relief no te s in circulation... 6 56 , 4 Z CO Intermit ceradcates -out- • standlog Interest certificates un claimed - . . . Domestic crealtors' certifi cates .. .... Total unniziaer 44 ar 4 113,594 67 Total funilfd and unfunded Which is the 6 33 . 266 , 54 6 / 3 before stated. amount of. the State . debt as During the last eighteen years there has been carried upon the accounts of the Audi tor. General and State Treasurer, and in their several public statements, "depreciated funds unavailable" to the amount of forty one.thousand and thirty-two dollars. I re- , {med the appointment of a joint conz mi, the Legislature, -whose duty it shall be to ex mine the said ;depreciated and unavailable tlinds and dispbse of them to the belt advantage of the Treasury; or, if ' found to be worthless, to Candel and destroy them, so that_the accounOrig, citicers may be re lieved from4he necessity and responsibility of annually accounting 'ilifthem. The large cash balance remaining in the Treasury_on the 110th of Noyember, 1867, has been used for the: iayment of the twen- V-three million lOan for the liquidation of outstanding claims•against the State. The , investment of, the funds, in one of the modes recommended in my last annual message, I has therefore, in a great measure, been-rendered unneceimary for the present. Bat in the, event of large eccumulations of money hereafter, the recommendations therein given are respectfully referred to, and renewed. Whenever there may bestir- plus funds in the Treasury, they can, with safety and benefit to the State, be employed in the parchese of outstanding bonds, and in saving the interest on them which would accumulate prior to their maturity. ,I regret to' state that tne lastlegislature, although fully:forewarned r ift: regard to, the insecurity and want of proper and sufficient guards for the safe-keeping of the money of the Commonwealth, failed to determine upon any mode by which the Treasury may beectually guarded against the possibility of I es. The present Legislature has it in its d ower to secure for itself no ordinary honor, by the enactment of such a law, If strong and efficient for the purpose indica ted, and the enjoyment not only of the ap probation, but the permanent gratitude of every citizen. _ , Notwithstanding the satisfactory reduc tion of the public indebtedness, as shown in the foregoing statements, an immense State debt is still upon us,' requiring nearly two million of dollars to be collected to pay the interest accruing,upon it annually. Its extinguishinent at the earliest practicable period, not inconsistent with other public interests, is of the highest importance to every tax-payer. I . cannot, therefore; too strongly urge the strictest economy in res- Pect to every expenditure and , the utmost rbtrenchment in every department Retrenchment is emphatically demanded by the people, in legislative expenditure., as well as in every other liarich of the gov ernment. Their eyes are open to investi gate, every transaction, and by their ballots they are ready to strike down •those who will not take effective action in favor of positive and radical reform. The money paid into the Treasury is the property of the people, every one of whom has a just right to hold his representatives to, a strict ac countability for every dollar that may be appropriated or expended. I here renew the remark made last year On the subject of "annual appropriations," to which you are respectfully referred. For four successive years the general appropri ation bills have been signed on the eleventh day of April, being about the time of ad journment. The Governor has been forced either to sign the bills without proper inves tigation, notwithstanding any objections he may have; suspend the means to defray the operations of the government for the ensu ing year, or call an extra' ession of the Leg islature. I repeat that "it is earnestly de sired that that the •appropriation . bill be taken up, discussed and passed at a suffi ciently early period during the session to enable it to receive that thorough ermine lion which its importance demands." Entrcsvolf. ' Common &hools—The annual report of the Superintendent of Common Scliciols exhibits the , condition of that department in a highly satisfactory _manner. - Within the State there are 1,918 school districts; 13,776 schools; 2,382 graded schools, 11,698 school directors; 73 county, city and borough super intendents; 16,771 teachers; and 80,515 pupils.. The cost of tuition, for the year was $3,2'73,269 43; of building, purchaaing and renting 'school houses, $1,991;152 55; 'of 'contingencies, $854,253.2L , Theeethree items,, with 'expenditures for all other pur poses connected therewith, amount to • the aggregate sum of $6,200,537 96. These facts are exhibited with great satis faction, as they show the average annual cost for the tuition of each pupil to be about seven dollars and seventy-four and a half cents. The average amount paid to: each teacher is about one hundred and ninety_ Ave dollamazuL se,ven teen antia -half cents per annum. This, in my opinion, is too small a salary to secure the services of com petent teachers; and lam fully justified in urging the necessity of increased compen sation. It le but just, and it will have as elevating tendency not only open the teach ers but the manner in which their duties are performed. _ Your attention is called to the fact 'that, notwithstanding the ample provision now made bylaw for the education of all persons bet Ween the ages of six and twenty-one years, large numbers of children, principally in our cities do not attend any kind of school. Over twenty thousandof this class are fourid in Philadelphia, and the number in the Stete is estimated to be not less than seventy five thousand. These• children .grow up in ignorance, frequently without employment, and many of them contract habits of vice, which eventually cause them to be commit ted to houses of refuge, .county prisons or penitentiaries. Humanity and 'sound pub. lie policy demand that something be done to remedy thisgrowing evil, and also that of the neglected condittonof considerable num bers of children in the alms and poor houses in many of the counties. Four Normal Schools are now recognized as State institutions. The number of stu dentsattending them' during, the past year was 2,115, ,of ' whom eighty 'graduated. Two additional Normal Schools will prob ably go into operation during this year, one located at Blocinuibtirg, ,Ccilumbia county, and the other at, California, Washington county. The value of there institutions to the common school systera - cannot be esti mated.. Oar 'schools are comparathely worthless withoul quali fi ed :teachers, and such teachere can most easily- be obtained from the . Normal institutes, where the art of teaching is made a sPedalitY. A Meeting' of the presidenti and other - authorities of a nufaber of our principal colleges was held in Barriaburg last winter, the object of which was to bring about a closer union of all our _educational institu tions, and connect by a bond of sympathy, if not of organic strutture, the common schools, high schoolS 'academies and col leges: The establishmeint of such an .edu cational Alepartinent seems to - be desirable. There is no subject heth e. de liberationsof the Legislature than e pro motion of the welfare . of: , our common schools. They immediately underlie the char , acteristic features of our social system; they are fountains of that widespread intelligence, which, like a perennial vitality, pervades the nation, and are' nurseries of that spirit to which we are indebted for the purity and preservation of our free institutions. . In a republican government education is a sure basis of power and pablic prosperity. By it the people are taught to discern and estimate the value cif their own rights; to dietiuguish between oppression and the exercise oflawfal authority; to discriminate between liberty and licentiousness; to preserve an inviolable respect for the laws, and exercise "eternal vigilance" against any encronchments upon them. ' It is admitted that a thoroughly ed+ limited people alone can be pernmnently free.' By educational ' culture patriotism'is expanded, and the principles; manners and sentiments of the whole.people are assimila ted. Many of the sources of jealousy:and prejudice are diminished, social harmony. largely increased and the structure of our free and happy system of government ce mented., strengthened and adorned. Salon' Orphans,' Behoots.—ln ' his_ re- Port the Superintendent of Soldiers' Or phans' Schools exhibits the total expenditure for their support from Decembeil,,lB67 to May 31,1868, to be - $2313,970,26; total num ber of pupils in the schools 3,431; 'average cost per , pupil $69,061 for six months, and the average weekly expensea per pupil $2,64. The fiscal year of these schools, like that of the common schools, terminates by law on the last day of May of each year. The present report of the Superintendent, • -8.905.492, 64 SL Oliellt 37 2,414.816 48 .6989 4,=, V 1 90 4.,979".= 1E8,245 iv $57 . 667 ST 1,013,415 37 1495, 784 78 15,086 52 4,418 88 ffl_ElFfirsrmwmm 111 '••": •=. • v - r - , - e "T .1" '1 sx— • - .Intsßuitan ooze* - Ijixtr t svAt- -uxu.ox- t - 1869 • --- . Itherefpre, embraces only six months, and reports"will be made up to the 31st day of may, ainuilly. hereafter. The special ap propriation of February 25, 1868, made in accordance with an estimate of the Super intendent, presented in my last annual mei -004, Sag 7 e, 4 exceeded the actual .expenses *6,- Notwithstanding every possible effort has been, and will continue tobe made, to econ omize in the expenses of the present year, and,f6 keep them as far as possi ble within the appropriation made by the last Legisla ture, it will readily be obsery d that there will be a deficit for theyear ending May 31, 1868, the amount of which will:be carefully ascertained and presented to the Legislature prior to the close of the present session. ' , The schools are all in good condition and improving, and their usefulness is daily be coming more manifest. -They are among the most philanthropic institutions of the age, and reflect high honor on the patriot ism of the Legislature by which they have been so liberally endowed and upon our people by whom theynre sustained. The endangered children ho are the recipients &their ben efits are t e offspring of brave men who vol untarily their lives in the cause of their country in the most trying hour of its existence, 'and who, glowing with patri. otic ardor, fought as bravely and as herotcal iy as thepoblest men in the world's history. Thousands of them who left , their homes in the bloom of health and with the brightest hopes of manhood; now sleep in death, leaving their•widows, and little ones to the care of thtt.dountry in whose service they fell, and which promised them its protec tion. Their children are the wards of this great Commonwealth; and too much praise cannot be awarded its people for the munifi cent andtender manner in which they have thus far, through their representatives, dis charged the sacred and delicate trust. • Agricultural Colkge.—Before the General Government appropriated public lands to the several States for the purpose of agricul tural and military education and the me chanic arts, and prior to the time when Pennsylvania endowed the Agricultural College with her share of these lands, it was dependent wholly upon individual influence, without any, other means for its support than its own earnings. History proves that seminaries of learning cannot•be efficiently sustained by their own internal resources. The education ofyouth in the higher branch es of knowledge seems to require the aid of philanthropic contribution& This institu- tion hid not these benefits to any adequate extent, and though the board of trustees be stowed upon it the moat anxious care, their zeal and labor, combined with those of its friends, were not . equat to a contest with the want of means. Hence the school did not command the , confidence of farmers who were able , to educate their sons, and who could not forget that the char acter of the College attached to the character of its graduates; and that its failure would enter into the estimate which the world would place. upon the ed ucation it bestowed. This feature has now been removed. The people, through their Legislature, have endowed this institution Twit h the Interest upon: fund of *318,500;- 1 00, (invested is the United States and Penn siyvania State six percent. bonds,) payable to it semi-annually. 'Last year.this interest amounted to 625,642 78.' Tne residue of the fund, $43,886 . 50, has been appropriated, under the law, by the board of trustees, to the purchase ofthree model and experiment al farms; one at the college, in Centre County, for $B,OOO 00, one in Chester county for $17,750 00, and one in Indiana county for $18,136 po. The' board has also recently re-organized the faculty and re modeled the course of studies, so as to adapt them to,the wants of the agriadtural Item munity. This new order of things goes into operation at the commencement of the next session, and it is earnestly hoped will be a success. There is no - profession, trade or calling in life, where the value of knowl edge and the lights of science, and the practical application o botb, are so potent for profitable results as f in their adaptation to agricultural pursuits. And in this truly practical age it is well worthy of the consid eration of parents, whether they shonldnot avail themselves of the benefits of this insti tution, new so generously endowed by the State. MILITARY. , From the report of the Adjutant General you will learn the condition of the Military Department. The inactivity in military affairs after the cessation•of hostilities and upon the return of peace, has in a great • 'measure been dispelled; and an active mar tial spirit new prevails throughout the State; more particularly in Phiaderphia, where, by as. special, legislative-enactment, ' the minimum number of men recpgred to form a company has been reduced, and a brigade fund is raised by a tax upon those who are not members of a military organi zation, but liable to We performance of ixilitaiy duty. I recommend the passage of a similarlaw for the whole State. For the sake 'of preserving the great interests in felted, which , include 'the lives, roperty and happiness of, our people, thi s is pre sented to you as an important subject for your deliberation. • , Every possible encouragement of volun teers , bas been afforded, and notwithstand ing the difildulties indicated it hal resulted as follows : In 1860 there - were eight vol unteer companies in the State; in 1867, thirty7eight; and in 1868, eeventy-seven, and ll_ number of others in Preparation for or galization. By a reduction of the number: - for a com pany from that now required to an aggregate of fifty officers and men, companies would soon be _numbered by the hundred, any of which could be easily recruited to the max imum number if required for active service. The State that alWays maintains the highest degree of prepa ra tion, accomplishes most and suffers least the conflict of arms; and by being in.readiness it often prevents) Im proper encroachments upon her rights. The Adjutant General presents a fall and. detailed statement of the disburgements in his department during the year ending No vember 80, 1868, with 'an estimate for the necessary appropriations: for the current year, and `also for such, amounts as have been discovered to be due from the Trans- , portation Depithment, contracted during the i war. State Agency—The existence of theXili tary State Agency at Washington termina ted on the 81st day of July last„at which time the appropriation for the payment of its expenses was exhausted. ~Much benefit resulted to many -of the soldiers of our State, and *their representatives," from this office, in which their just dues from the United Statei Government were collected and trans mitted to them free of charge. In August,- after the agency ceased to exist, there still remained a, considerable number of unsettled claims, and , as no one knew more about their' condition, or could,possibly obtain an earlier settlement of them than the late agent, Col. Cook, I permitted him, upon his own offer, to close up the business of the office, and to transact any other business for the soldiers of Penn sylvania at ons•haV the fee they are charged, by other private agencies in . Washington; This arrangement has thus far been carried out, and IBM pleased to add, with very general satistiCtiert. Allsthe books and pa pers of the agency will be transferred to the office of the Adjutant, General. REGISTRY LAW. At the last session of the Legislature an act was passed known as the "Registry Law," the intention-of which was to pro. E " i • • ,i .11 ' . ./.....t. ' 1 1 teet the ballot-bOZ - alienist' corrisitTon and fraudulent voting, towbiebit bas for.many years been • ally exposed. This law provisionsto ve been so defective in some of its as to have received the con ;demnation of a Majority of the Supreme Court, by which it was pronounced "incon truous and unconstitutional", At the elec tion immediately after this decision, ,it is alleged that frauds were perpetrated, , sus- Passing in magnitude, perhaps, any, that have been consummated heretofore in the history of the Commonwealth. These frauds have demonstrated the necessity of the pas sage of some law, or laws, that will accom- Wish the desired object, without being sub ject to, the objectionable features pointed out by the learned gentlemen who pronounced the opinion of the Supreme Bench. There is no subject of such vital impor tance to the whole country as the sanctity of the ballot-box, and the protection of all cit izens in their right to the elective franchise. This right is our proudest boast. It endows the American citizen with a freedom and a Power not possessed by the subject of any other Government. It makes him the peer 1 of his fellow man ' whatever my be his' , rank, station, or po sition in - life. ,To be de , prived, of it by any means whateVer, his tioasted freedom becomes a sham--'-his espe cial and exalted prerogative a mockery and a farce. What avails it to the citizen that he hi entitled to a vote, if• that vote is'to be nnlb• hied by ftaud? Such guards, then, should be throats' around the polls as will effectual _lY, if postible, preserve them from the taint of a single illegal vote. Not only should false voting be severely punished, but false swearing ' to obtain a vote, be visited with the pains and penalties of perjury and with perpetual disfranchisement. iThe PeOple must be perfectly free to regu late their public business in their own way, and when the voice of the majority is fairly and clearly expressed, all should bow to it as to the voice of God. They are the sov ereign rulers, and their will must be the law of the laud. ' Corruption of the suffrage in a Republican Gcivernment is the deadliest crime that can be perpetrated; it is an assassi nation of the sovereignty of the people, and will be followed by a despotism, the motive power of which will be money and perjury. Andif this privilege be tampered with, sooner or later the sure and indignant popular cOndemnation will be rendered and condign punishment administered. All good-citizens, of whatever political opinion. should lend their aid for the accomplish ment of any and every measure that may tend to secure to each voter, not only his right to the elective franchise, but the assu- rance that his vote will not be rendered valueless by illegality, corruption or fraud. Every proper facility for the naturaliza tion of citizens of foreign birth should be afforded• but the Legislature, in its com bined wisdom, can surely enac t some mode to prevent the possibility of a single vote being cast upon spurious naturalization pa. per; and thus fully secure the purity of the elective franthise. • =VISION or THE CIVIL CODE. The . Commissioners appointed to codify the statute laws of the State have diligently prosecuted the work assigned them, and with every prospect that it will be hilly -completed within the time prescribed by the legislative resolutions of April 8. 1888; and in !lather compliance with them, theywill cause to be laid before each branch of the General Assembly, at its present ses sion, varloaa titles of bills, with brief ab etracts of the several sections of each, which have been matured. - ~ INSIIHARCE DEPARTAIENT. Among the subjects of importan ce s to the citizens of Pennsylvania, is the tablis - l h meat of an insurance department. Su • departmenta are in successful operation n several neighboring States, by means f which the interests of insurers are guard d and promoted. So careful a super/is! n is had over the transactions of insuran e Companies that frauds are rendered ilmo t impossible, and spurious companies can have no existence. The result of the pro tection thus I afforded, is, that whilst foreign companies, thus protected, de an immense business in this State, so little contideace is _ had in those of Pennsylvania ithat their business is almost entirely confined within the State limits: and lately some of them have withdrawn their agencies from other States,. beeause' no riski will be taken, in consequence of the inadequacy of the laws to afford pro tection to insurers. To this defeat, more over, may be attributed the operationa of the number or worthless companies which have lately sprung up, without any solid basis, and as sudenly expired, to the ry of all whose confidence they obtained, and to the dishonor of the Commonwealth. Whilst Peunsylvania insurance companies transact little businesa outside of the State, it is alleged that foreign life insurance com panies alone patd taxes on thrft millions eight-hundred thousand dollars ofpremiums received in Petuisylvania, a great propor tion of which would be confined to this State if the same, protection was given by law toots citizens as is afforded by other States.' The report of the . Insurance De partmentof New York, , published in 1887, shows that the companies which were do ing business in 1868, in Pennsylvania, and also in New;York, had risks in force for more than five thousand millions of dollars; audit is believed that the risks in Pennsyl vania companies which; for want of a proper Insurance Department, cannot be obtained, would swell the amount to over six thousand million. / In View of these facts and, of the Costly experience of the people who haie been imposed upon and defrauded by ,unsubstan tial and ephemeral.'companies,/I repeat the recommendation made to the' Legislature at its last session, that an Insurance Depart ment be established. and a Superintendent appointed by law, who shall have supervis ion and control over all insurance compan ies, allowed to transact business within the State and annually publish, under , oath, full reports of their tranctions. The commu nity Is deeply intere s tedinters in this matter, and demands the protecti on which can thus only be afforded. NEW HOSPITAL FOE TEE INSANE. !'The Commissioners appointed by an act of the last session to establish an additional State hospital for the Insane," htve notified me, that they will present , a report of their proceedings, sometime during the present month, which will he communicated when received. ' DAMAGES BY RAMO. • I In accordance with an - act of the last ' sea ! sion, providing for an investigation and ad jucation of the claims of citizens`of several counties "whose property , was , destroyed, damaged or appropriated for the public ser vice, arid in the common defenee in the war to suppress the rebellion," a cominis. elan of three competent gentleme4 was ap pointed, who have performed the allotted duties, and will soon make a fall report of their transactions. PAWS Exposrnow. I have received, through the Secretary of State of the:United States, a bronze medal and:diploma- from the Imperial Commis sionets for the best specimens of Pennsyl vania anthracite coal exhibited at the Paris Exposition in 1807. These tributes to an IMPortiint branch of the internal resources of Pennsylvania have begn assigned a place among the other valuable relics In the Ex . ecattve Chamber. STATE COAT OP ABM. Dilligent but unsiic cessfut search has been repeatedly made for the coat of arms of the State, and tbi "the shthority under which the present design was established. It seems that for ,yeara past no trace of either the original authority or aesign could anywhere be found, and - it is recommended that the Legislature take the necessary steps to sup ply the omission, by such means as they in their wisdom shall determine. BUTE RENBFICZARIEB. - • A number of benevolent., charitable and other similar institutions annually receive appropriations from the State for their sup port. These appropriations, in most, if not all cases, appear to have been adequate for the purposes to which it was intended they should be&applied, and are as liberal as can reasonably be expected in the present con dition of the Treasury of the State. THE SIISQUEHARNA FISHERIES. A preliminary report on the .buliquehanna fisheries has been submitted by Col. James Worrell, Civil Engineer, Commissioner under the act of the Legislature in refer ence theieto. There are, some facts which should be embodied in the, report, but which can not be ascertained until early in Janu ary. Permission has therefore been granted to the Commissioner, at his request, - to postpone the submission of his regular re port until the earliest day practicable du ring the present month. Icammis DISEASE. - The prevalence of contagious or epidemic diseases among cattle and other animals has been a prolific source of anxiety and alarm among the producers and consumers of meats in many of the States. It was there fore deemed important to call a convention of competent persons to take into considera tion the means best calculated to remedy this great and growing evil. This conven tion, composed of three commissioners each from the fourteen States represented, ap. pointed in accordance with an agreement by the several Governors, assembled at Springfield, Illinois, on the first of Decem ber last, and an account of their transactions is herewith presented. Without legislative authority, but believ ing my action, would be sanctioned by the people's representatives, I appointed Dr. Hiram Corson and Messrs. E. C. Humes and A. Boyd Hamilton, commissioners to represent Pennsylvania In that convention. These gentlemen freely gave their time and experience, and also incurred a pecuniary expense of about three hundred dollars, to defray. which I recommend that an appro priation-be made. STATISTICS. iln view of the vast amount and great va riety of the products of the State, a desk for the collection of statistics, relative to exports and imports, agriculture, manufac tures, coal, iron, oil, lumber, Ike., might, with propriety and profit be established. This could be accomplished by the employ ment of a competent clerk, under the super vision of one of the present heads of de partment, whose duty should be to collect and publish inch facts as might tend to stimulate and increase our productive ener gies, instil 'new life and vigor into our manufacturing interests, and lead to• more accurate knowledge of all our internal re sources and the proper methods for their development There is abundant space in the Capitol buildings to be appropriated as a receptacle for books, papers, mineralogi cal and geological specimens, and other ar ticles that might be contributed appropriate to such a department and which in a few years would form an invaluable collection. Under legislative direction, the good re sults world be almost incalculable, and are required by the progresalve spirit of the age in which we lire. - RESOLUTIONS OP THE VERMONT LEGISLA TURE. Your attention is called to the accompa nying joint sesolutions, passed at the last session of the Vermont . Legislature bear ing a jest tribute to late ' Hon. Thlildeus Stevens. Joint revelations from the same body are also sent you, which I regard as worthy of your consideration, relative to the act of Congress "to establish and protect National Cemeteries," and recommending "to the Legislature of the State of Penn sylvania the passage of an act empowering the Board of Commissioners having charge of the Soldiers' National , Cemetery at Get tysburg to transfer all the right, title, inter est and care of said Soldiers' National Cem etery to the General Government, upon the completion of the same." • ummonrear. It has been the misfortune of the State during the past year to los death two of her repreeentativett\rin the Congress of the nation, Hon. Thaddeus Stevens, of the,_ Ninth, and Hon. Darwin A. Finney, of the Twentieth District. Both were natives of Vermont,- but in early life selected Penn sylvania for their home, and identified them selves with her interests, which they 'were guard in 'the Legislature, and the people of the Commonwealth/will long re member with gratitude. their faithful and efficient services. Tim first went down to his grave after a long .fife .of public useful ness and in well matured honors; the other in the prime of - manhood;: which gave prom ise of a scarcely , less - brilliant career. PAEDONS. . The list of ardon's during the past year will be found p among the papers to which your ,attention is called. The principal reasons upon which they were based, and the names of some of the prominent peti tioners are given in every case. That a few of these pardons may have been unworthily granted, through misrepresentations of rela tives, friends, sympathizing neighbors and other interested parties, there is no doubt, but in the majority of instances it la certain that the facts not only justified but demand ed Executive clemency. The whole number of applications for pardons for the year has been sixteen hun dred and twenty-three. The number of pardons granted in that time has been- one hundred and six, which is a little over fif teenper cent, Of those • pardoned about five percent. have been again brought before the Courts in consequence of their return to the commission or crime. I am fully impressed with the weighty re sponsibility, of tbe pardoning power, which ranks among the most difficult and embar rassing duties of the Executive office, Daily beset with powerful and pitiful im portunities, as well .as conflicting; represen tations, from those in whom he should be enabled to place the fullest confidence, in or der to avoid errors -in the decision of any case the Governor is compelled to take into consideration the action of the - Court before which the convict has been tried; the majes ty of the law which may or may not have been violated; the condition of the prisoner; his temptation to err; the injury that may be inflicted upon his helpless and dependent relatives, and the arguments and appeals of citizens, whose opinions and wishes be is bound to respect. And however just his decision, and humane andgenerous his ac tion, either in favor of or against the peti tioner for clemency, he must expect to have his motives Impugned, his name and char acter maligned, and to suffer virulent at tacks for the of this moat Important and merciful prerogative. The pardon report will exhibit 'that in many instances in which Executive clemency has been invoked,youthfulprisoners,c.harged with their first offences, and thoae of a trivial character, have been the re cipients, The object •of punishment, in all cases, should not be So much to inflict pain as to reform the sufferer and prevent the repetition of evil deeds: This fact Is frequently lost eight of in imposing pitniaitnient toorilly' when inexperieneed youths are shut up in close cells with meh hardened andMe where its arta are daily taught a ro- Mance thrown around.its commission. In stead of being improved, they come forth at the expiration of their terms of sentence with the loss of self-respect, their moral sentiments blunted, and prepared to prac tice upon society the infamous lessons they have learned. Such punishments tend to Increase rather than lessen the quantity of crime. When houses of correction and re formatories are constructed, or a proper sys tem of confinement or prison disciplihe is adopted, there will be a material decrease of crime, and comparatively few cases to de mand the exercise of the pardoning power: commtirarroN OP SENTEN the P CES. There are confined in P hiladelphia= county prison the following named convicts, under sentence Qf death, for whose execu tion warrants have not been issued: Edward Ford, sentenced May 12. 1851; Jerry Dixon, May 30, 1863; , Patrick Finnegan, February 9, 1863; Newton Champion, December 1, 1866; and Alfred Alexander and Hester Vaughn, July 3, 1868. Successive Gov ernors, for satisfactory reasons, have de clined to order the execution of these per sons. The law requires that they shall be executed in accordance with the sen tence,tut conditionally pardoned, or held in close, eon': finement in the county jail during life. The latter punishment, with the additional em bitterment constantly preying upon the mind that a death warrant may at any mo ment be issued; is, perhaps, the severest that could be inflicted. It would be both just and merciful to give - the Govenior authority to commute the sentence of death in the above named , cases to imprison- ' ment, at labor, in the penitentiary, for such a term of years as the ameliora ting circumstances may seem to justify and demand. One of the convicts named has been imprisoned about eighteen years, and although it might not be advisable to set him at liberty, humanity and the ends of justice require the commutation of his sen tence in the manner suggested. CONCLUSION. The foregoing subjects have been deemed of sufficient importance to submit at the present time for your information and con sideration. Others may occur before the close of the session which may be worthy - of special communications It will be my constant care and determination to co-oper ate with you. in the prosecution of any measures that may tend to preserve and in crease the prosperity of the State and the • happiness of its people, with the firm belief that your united wisdom Will aim constantly to promote these desirable results. Many of the events that have transpired since my last annual communication to the Legisture have been tinusually interesting and significant. They have,been infinitely more than political, and bear directly upon the great Interests and most sacred destinies of the nation. Apart from the vindication of the prineiplea of tbe' party, which sus tained the government and the army daring the contest for the preservation of the Union, and the election to the . Presidency of the rst aoldier of the age, is the fact:that the people have by . triumphant majorities forever settled our controvereyiport certain Madam - mind principles. Parties may end -- undoubtedly will ar upon other issues, but there can be n. future struggle about slavery. Involtm servitude, as a monop oly of labor is fo - Ter destroyed- The obstacle oeacle to the national progress has been removed, d henceforward all the faculties of our peo.le can - be developed "without let or fun. rance." -, The fair and exuberantly fertile • States of the South, heretofore compared ely retrogressive and unproductive, retie! . from this terrible curse, with the in ux of northern im- • migration and ca ital, will soon be come the rivals of air. northern- sister. States in all the arts of. peace, and addi tional markets will b: develo pe d in which to exchange the variet products of the here tofore hostile sections. Hardly less magical has been the effect upon other nations. e eneral Grant's Ise tion has confirmed the opes of our'a friends, and the fears of its foes in tee Oid World. It supplements and mils the ver.. diet of arms and the progress of Republican principled. The downfall of the reberwM in the United States was quickly toll° red by the great civil revointion in EilAi md; the peaceful expulsion of the last of the Bourbons from Spain; the unrest of, Cuba; the concession of more liberal principles in Germany; and the necessary itcquies cence of the. Einperor of the French in the Republican sentiments he fears even as he has betrayed them. What aro these but the echcies of the dire catastrophe that ' has overwhelmed aristocracy in the United States? Notwithstanding the importance of the issues involved in the late LIMVSSS, and the bitterness of feeling as well as the , earnest nem with which it was conducted, its tcr raillatiell has, happily, met with the acqui escence of nearly the whole people; and at no time In the history , of the notion .has there been opened before usa brighter prcs.. pest of continued peaeeand increasing pros perity; and we have no greater cause for universid congratulation - than that no differ ences of opinion now exist that can msteri. .ally mar our national happiness, retard our onward progress, or, threaten the ptace or perpetuity of our Government. In conclusion, permit me to remark that the, voice of Pennsylvania, as well as that of a majority of the States, has at the ballot boi proclaimed to the- world that all our na tional Indebtedness, no matter how heavy the burdeb, will be paid' according to "the letter and spirit" of the agreements made - and entered into at the time the debt was contracted; and that in this, as in all other respects, our individual and national honor "must and shall be preserved;" that we are determined, by all honorable means in our power, to secure ample •encouragement and _protection to each and every branch of Home .industry, ,and every manly enterprise that contributes capital, labor skill and in dustry to our material wealth, social ad- vancement and political tranquility; that for all our citizens, the children of the Com monwealth, being also citizens of the Uni ted States, we demand the fullest protection, in their persona; their property, and in'all their rights and privileges, wherever they may go within the national Jurisdiction or in foreign lands; and that whilst our firma- •4 dal policy shall be such as to maintain un- trammelled our national credit, it is to be hoped that it may, .at the nine time, be such as will sanction the construction of the great railways now in progress and,:stretching out their giant arms to grasp the z mighty commerce of the Pacific, to develop the untold , sources of wealth in the inter vening territories, and to connect the moat, distant portions of our country in a CM% mon union, not only with iron bands; bnt by the still stronger and • more indissoluble ties of a common interest and a common brotherhood. To lessen the burdens of the people, and to keep the expenses of the State as nearly, , l as, possible within the limita of its absolute, ' necessities, will always be among the chief objects of wise and just legislation. Let us,: then, with a due sense of our obligations= and high responsibilities, endeavor so to charge our duties as to secure the greatest , good of the community, and - merit the V' probation of Him by whom our Common wealth has been so abundanfly blessed. JOHN W. GEA.RY. I EXECUTIVE CHAMBER, ' I HARRISBURG, Jan. 6,1869 - 7.