1 I 0 Cart - 017NC, NOVS MERCAN TILL LIBBABY AND MECHANICS' IN SrITUTE. REGULAR TICKET. 1869. -Or •itidtnt —JOSEPH ALBEEE. _ nes Prat:fent—Gen. B. 8 H'EITZER Recrertary—AUHUSTUS H. LANE. Treasurer—D. P. i-ORWIN. W. D. Mc;rR)WALN, • J. J. DONIVELT R. S. wARINci., AT. BE R.T.M. RAE I' ER, • MALCOLM HAY. . - AUDITORS : . - JOB. SH&I;LENBARGEI2 J. IficH. RICINEiAIrr., A.. J. PARSONIci. Respectful y submitted by • . • BERRY HOLDSHIP, - W. P. HERBERT. W. J. RADCLIFFE, JOHN Li. auLmEB. JEldEsli. BELL. J: E. DIO/DiON, • • ALUERll°Ltitillufttg¢ Comnilttee. LECTION-4011D • Y Jettuary 11. • AtuABLE nusuass PROP. tirr i T 4 .1 tr, on jetra m ttaeL:rn, 40,1 mittstantiaint r adtnas. This property trerl srot s irty of attention.. Yer sale by , - - H. CUTHBERT' & BONE. ! ja7 85 dmithdeld street. CLOVER • AND TIMOTHY SEED. d lame stock of !NEW. SEED lr store and for gale lowes:t market rates. Now is the time to buy. as the market is ?rhino w. NV. KNOX, . Semester to J. Knox, 137 Libertyb Bt:t Pittsburgh. Pa. ,2J17:c33-IP PPLICATION: :TO. SELL LIR , 1708811 e Clerk's office. J. The ipL. tavern N orth Tayette Towaship. l,l /cense Board will 3RP:it . ..hearing the above applies 'Slob Oar SATURDAY; this 18th Inst., at 9 e'dock January B,'.lBs!x, 1 • 10:e8,54 _ biCE9I I . CITY' ERGINIZJI AND StrltritrOß, '• ' - • Pittsburgh, January 7th, 1880. S XOTICE.- 1 -The Assessment for Ortullag Colwell street from Dinwiddle Street (lambert's Eastern Line. is now ready for exam ination, a.rl can be seen at this office until Monday, January 18th, 18644 wlten it Will be returned to the Clty Treasurer's office for collection H. J. MOORE, City Engineer. CO -PARTNERSHIP. ISEM .tea have this day admitted BFI NEW A. 1,1) GEO. P. GRISCON as members of our firm.: The• style of the ltrm will continue unchanged. . , Pttsbncgb, Jannae7;l,; ,lB69. "I - Atllk OIL WORM FOR SALE. • ..'THREE ACRES Or LAND. fronting 'feet on PennsYlvanla _Railroad, in -Lancaster city. Pa., , With :Railroad tideing, first-class 011 Refinery iron, Crude 011 Tank, holding 1201:bur= lc Capital 7of liVorks, 150 barrels per wets, with - all necessary, apparatus , fixtures, ac... in proportion. All new and in perfect order. -The local demand Is over WO. barrels per week. Will be sold with or without the iand, at a low price. Apply to HERR. Jt RIFE,; • • Real Estate and Collection. Agents. ja7:el7.:s.F Lancaster. Pa. JANUARY, OM% • C t AtILZL3P3MTISS. MEMO]) & COIJINS, WILL CONTINUE THEM ANNUALCLELI LANCE SALE TYPO WEEKS LONGER. 4reater llargians th A m Ever =Will - 130 Oftliteld' to ClOllO Our Special ILitne of Goods, at 71 and 78 Fifth Avenue, Second Floor DISSOLUTION. NOTICE. rfIHDE CO-PARTNERSHIP .HERE •A• tofore existinebetween E, HOUSTON, JOHN PIGLET and W. H. HOUSTON; under the name and style of E. HOUSTON & CO., was dissolved by mutual consent on the first day of Is ovemper. 11968, JOHN BLlLETretiring. All business of the late Illrm will be set' led by fie remaining partners. Those indebted are urged to settle their accounts on or before February Ist, 1669, a 8 the Maine's of the ate Inn must be closed by that time. E. 'llolll3Toii ..1041 , 1N BIOLSC PitISEMISGEL, D. 315t,11968.? H. 11°U8 E. HOUSTON. E. HOUSTON & CO., MERCHANT TAILORS, , N0..101 Fifth Avenue, Respectfully Inforintheir - patrons and the pnblic generally that they have on hand a large supply of _GENTLEMEN'S CLOTHING. or all , the latest Tashions. which they intend to close out at greatly 'DUBUC= PRICIS, to make roam fora Spring stock.: Prizes on regular custom Work have also been greatly reduced to suit the stringency of the times. Call and examine the stock *id inquire the prices. E. HOMITON & CO., .107 Filth Avenue. m ptBitcSALE or . IrdierIABLII - COAL WOHIEIk , will off m at nubile sale -on WERNESDAY. Jan. `ZiOth, 1669. my 'COAL wignEts. ciliated on the B. • te.l R. a. 4 119 miles east of Columbus, at Cain. bridge. Geernsey: coatim. Ohio, conshettng ot ••le lessoot/TO Arms et Coal - , kayo% Off years to , run tram June: 1866; yetis N'teet tback; or iood QelllL, with all necessary appurtenance* , for aolug 4 No. business. ' The sale , Is peremptory. arefetke Volts will' 'be' disposed of to the tdshest tudder. Nfrrifotrr mt*BaTr. On day of sale all , passenger trains will .top at th - e , Works to let off an y parties that say wish LO Weed ft. For tdrther latormatton gest i r o o;a 4 l I Cr iz euLtip s. ol p l L f tli lieets, No. , Peurtle street. ' • - • N. B. — ltdesired by the packager."' Rood Portion oteal #lll be takeXin part DeYnlent. fae: e7 0-LET—TELE • ' . , I,I IOE.ANDIUBSTINTIAL WAREHOUSE, . 1 , 105.-.9IIAND 92121 TATER STREET; Between Market and Wdsd streets, (fronting on Water street 43 feetsind, sunning through 160 Mei . to Mit avenue.) Is now for rent. Possession to be liven en the let of April next. This warehouse Is ' l a"! oextrOled 0,7 Ohane. Chalfant et Co. Inquire of 'JANES PIeAITLEIN A t • Iron City National Bank, Fourth avenue. Pirtssituto • ANG .!W•ft n, December AI, 18158. - )ae:g96 N O TIcE 4- 4.ll_lPersons Having cloning sobs at the FEDERAL OIL COMPA are requested to present the same duly authentic'. led for settlement. And all persons holding certill .esteo ot stock•will please have the same' properly' 'transferred on the hooks of the 'Conpany to p rop. cityto draw dividend from proeeeds of this prop. .erty which has been so.d, dof which divide re pad nd went he or ' awarded when debts of the Company A. B. EMUS, Secretary. -- C°rner Duquesne Wsytana Hand street. Plusher. h. Jana. L 969. • • JakkeTO AcjAirM - QUiv-Tl AV`barreis lint ire , - telve# for. rata tn. a 2 - 18AfIH D iC & co. caq o34l- 7 300 ; packs es 4.. coin in atora for aalopr ~ 'D3AIAH DICKEY CO; 1101rEMIN-83 bales , Keittacky /temp on consignme for este isIISAIAR _DICKEY A Co. ONIOIIIB.-4 barrel ia l e b y Tea LsALUI DIIKEY CO. IG LEAD—Wants flift Galena rt.. stow add ; tor sate B. °minima) a sozi, DIRECTORS JOHN G. BROWN, Clerk. ME BIBSELt aCO: 'pada' MMIN..III , H. HOUSTON QtAMTERLY STATEMENT Nerctunitat and Manufacturers' National Dapital Stock ' ' $ 800,000.00 M. and M. Bank State Circulation... • $11.11115 00 M. andM. National Bank Oirculatiott 8a8.21114 00 pue Desitors 4500 03 Due other po Banks " ' 50 , ,55 73 3.10 'dividends Unpaid_ 2,899 50 Profits and Earnings - • 203,41.11110 Notes and Bills Miscounted 6 .: 4 64 %70 3 37 Banking House - ' 33,461 10 Specie Legal Tender N0te54268.871100 ' • • '- National - Currency... .. . . 118,285 71- . 388.518 72, Due .by other Hanks ' • ' 131,01* 64 IT.ll.,eleverruxtent noatulttes 800,000.00 NEW: :ADVERTISEMENTS FARMERS' GOODS. we would call the especial attention of farmers at this time to the following articles. RAY, STRAW AND FODDER CUTTERS Of all idles how S indh to 13 Inch knlvee, for either hand or: power. made of the BES) BIATERLi.L. FINELY FINISHED, SIMPLE IN CONSTRUC TION, and without doubt the most DURABLE CUTTER in use. Farm Grist Xllls r _ SIMPLE, DITRA.BLE AND ErYWIENT. what every farmer needs for gr.nding any kind of grab for tosd, etthcr tine or coarse, for making corn meal or family dour, and for GUIDING CORN iv TICS Edit. Will grind front four to six budiele parlour tine. or creek front ten to /Men bushels per hour. • PEBBLE'S FARM BOILERS OR STEAMER, Found an ladlspensable article wherevertried, be ing one of the 'most useful articles of the ,klnd for forte use ererhttrodueed for , Cooking Feed tor. Stock, Hog Scalding. Wool Scouring and for eve , vtliing requiring boiling, having great points of advantage ovcr all other methods only to be 'teen to be appre ciated by every intelligent farmer. CROSBY FANNING MILL. A great improvement, having morepoint! of ea • eellenee than have ever before been Lutrudocect In a framing mill. Also ' • Corn Sheller s, Of All the best pattern!, of alli;arracities and prices • CLOVER AND TIMOTRY SEED A lure stock of rew seed'ln atoreand for sale a LOWEST MARKET RETtS. ALL GOODS WARRANTED KNOX'S AGRICULTURAL HOUSE W. W. KNOX, Ilneeessaor to J. RNOX. 137 Liberty St., Pittsburgh. Pa. Ja7:ess WINTER GOODS Very Cheap. EMI BATES & BELL OPFER THE BALANCE .OF THEIR WINTER STOCK IM BM Low. PRICES. QtrARTERILT REPORT OF. TEE CITIZENS NATIONAL BINH OF PITTSBURGH. Pl7l Bun 0. January 4.1889. • Loans and Discountssl,9Bl,ll72 98 - Visited Batas Securities ....... 817,000 00 Specie • • • • -116,157 11 . 7 Legal Tender and Clearing Sousa Exchanges • , • 185,189'n. Nationalßankliotea *- • • 9, 00 Fractional Currency . and-Cents • 1 . 15.054 25 Remittances and other cash 5,0118 Due from National Banks - - 2117,0 75 Dee from other Banks and Bankers • Ire Al Taxes anB/1111-1111e. ipria Beal Estate ' ,113. $9,1 01' :11141046650;°"000 0 0 00 10,500 00 978,593 53 • - 1%909,11345 11 - .5 157.454 0 'Capital Stock ' National Circulation State 'Circulation Depositors Due National Banks Due other Banks and Banker.. Earnings , • ' 011,4513,69511 81 I certify that the above Is a true abstract from this & igir t : e trj Report made to the Comptroller of the A • J. E. BRADY. Jr.. 'Cashier. OF ,TB& Plrrautracr, January, 4,1889. LIABILITIES ASSETS. JOEN" SCOTT, 4, Cutittir. • : ••••„ ...,. . .• .- , .., ~ • . , . -. L .-...... :- , ' • _ ... •ci - 1•:':'• . .,_ • .. - -' , :.' . .. i :.-.... , . L ...`.:: . i.. . ..01TT-PO4O/3i,:-,:0-.4ZEt.T.W:1....,..111UVRA14:14.7.•-.7:40.11:A.R4:::'1;-..'4869 §TATEHENT:. OF' THE CONDI.. THAW OF THE PiTraRIJRGH BANK FUR VINGi. December 31, ISOS. Capital' Stock.... Due Depostturg.. Contingent Fund Bonds , , afortgages Slits ltecelrable... Ogles fixtures Cash The underfigued Auditing Committee B o oks t and sful ly Report that they have examined the Assets of the Bank, and find the above statement to be correct. a. H. HARTMAN. .• BORT. C. SCHMERTZ; t*. FOLLA.NABER, Pit•ahnrgb, January 2. 1869. • nUAIITERLY STATEMENT .° C ' . . FIRST. NATIONAL BANK OF PITTSBUROIL Loans and Discounts United States Bonds.. State Bonds ' Due from Banks a pd _ Bankers.. Specie and Legal Tender Notes. ational Currency • -' - Cash items and Remittances Real Estate Expense • Capital Stock Due It divldual Denositors... Due Banks and Bankers Due Treasurer of-U. 8.. Circulation Contingent Fund and Profits. I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true ab stract from the Quarterly Report to the Comptroller of the Currency. ' ' - . • J. D. SCULLY, Cashier. QUARTERLY REPORT EXCHANGE NATIONAL BANK.' PIiiI3I3I7EGII, dinuary 4, 1844 • Notes and Bills Discounted 12,041,361 46 U. S. Bonds.deposited to se- ' cute Circulation 1040,002 U. 8, Bonds deposited to se cure Deposits. v . . - . 005,000 00 Specie and othertitirful moneyy 209.212 00 National Currency • %COS 00 Cub 1tem5...... . . .... .t: • 16,182 25,2130 22 Due by Banks ' 220.508 36 Real Estate 66.400 00 Taxes and Expenses ' -3,466 63 $3,560,828 61 Capital , Stock...l.l3,loo,9oo 00 National Circulation - ' 800.000 00 State Circulation 32,028 00 Individual Deposits .. . ... 054,320 United States Deposita—. 10.G9 02 Due to Banks.... 39,4.57 26 604.264 55 Earnings 421.534. 12 Icertifythat the above is a true abstract of the statement made to the Comptroller of Currency. T R. M. MURRAY, Cashier. ? ir.I II I SrARTERLY REPORT 01' THE THURDNATION L RANK OF PITTSBURGH . to e Comptroller of the Currency. on the morning of the FIRST MONDAY IN JANUARY. 1869 : Loans and. Discounts 8 714.452 68 U. h. Bonds 502.000 00 Other Securitle 540 00 Real Estate and. Fixtures ' 48.353 77 Expenses 2.150 18 Duo from Banks • - • "-- - • - i .170;848 01 Cash Items, Cheeks -on Banks. aid-. . 1 Revenue Stamps ' '" - 19;318 01 Leg. Tender notes ..CB MS CO , National Bank Notes t einit. I. • i ... , ; .• Frictional Currency..1.,....10,50439-; 278,754 08 Capital Stock Circulation Contingent Fund Dividends Unpaid Esruings Due to Banks...., Due to United 'Stites Due to Depositors QUARTERLY'. REPORT OP 1.111: ALLECIHEI . NT,NATIONAL BAIIIE. Notes and Bills Discounted Bonds and Mortgages United States Bonds deposited to secure Circulation ' 500,000 00 Specie ana other lawful"sone,'" _ 141 SS* 4 1 Circulating Notes of other Natio . nal ' ' • Banks 8,360 00 Circnlating . Note'-,, of -other State Banks 1,084 00 Cash Hems. Cleanup House Cheeks &a , 56,640 82 Due - bi Banks ana Bazaars •51,1.1. 362 All Beal Biotite ~ 71.828 76 I=9 Capital Stack. .. . . .. . National edrenlatlon IStat e' n i dv l e s e a trac ir D e ta n t p i p o % a n t , Burldas ?arid and Etrnlngs ilhao to Banks and Bankers. • , . The 'dotal. a triie . tuitric't hen: Reptort made to the Comptroller of the Currency._ • W. DIcCANDLESS. Cuhler. QIJARTERLY STATEMENT PEOPLES', NATIONAL BABB OP PITTSBURG% " • , ?'' JiNtiAJIT 4; isei).‘ Notes. and DIM Discounted and. mortgages D: &Securities. at cost $909.141 01 991.743 39 Banking House and Furniture, • 98,310 SS Legal Tender Notes, and specie.... 258,QVU 00 Notional Band NntelintialtrectiOti.' 3 aI OO IIIIIO.Y W. 1.34 W Nnerictitt._4;ertleastiei,e, . . • l er,ooo 00' Coating House Checks and bash 16 I , Items 04,075 Due bY Banks and Bankeza. .... .... 1111.2 01 / 7Z, Nipstuma and Taxes ' 11,978 a 49,498,313 43 Capital Stock t ' 0i 3 000.000 00 Circulation 800.000 00 Due Depoitcots_ 601,950 8% pue to Banks and itankers ..':.... • - ' '1,69,5 la surplus Fund and Profits 118,687 40 `i• --- ' •'? 111 1 0 440313 45 I certify the above to be a correct abstract from the report-to the Comptroller of the Currency. B. at. outtuos. - Cashier. QUARTERLY REPORT Pittsbnigh National Bulk gommerce. 1111 , ~ ,...Tai974717'. *IBIS e• . RESOURCES. ‘r , 9 588 Loans'Bo7 55 n:and Discounts.. ..ii- . I L , Bonds Deposited- . smeh U ll' 900,077 pp pp for cireulatim•Att.-,;••• . - 01 11 509 V. 9: Bonds'otrha d • - .". 46 IDne frontNaultit anit_e7l:,•;""' .... /4 54,9190 77 5, 0 k035 House:" . Ze al tal es ti n :de r guld i 0nt0... ...... ..,..,),, P26.1114°4145 * National Orlrreaer.' (Heir' ing Iloilo Cash Items and rntetional Cur- 26,692 50 9 reacY cent.OttrAlleatea .... k' 79 '. 7 7 7 PO Pee -.. .. -' .. . .........-...... - 91,475,478 75 MA134.171E8. - , , ."- 0101.97,382 S 3 fpspits! Stock $ 500.000 00 iroulstion - - “ • - :- 440,11.410 00 epositors - and Baaktand Banker*, 41r38 300 86 urplus 31.000 00 Prat. 80.8719 89 . . 4%197,382 83 zh c e o rzg ro ohnp a is t ra s c eas ei trr y , tetnii 01/ Prt: to JOSIIPU S. BILL. LIABILITIES. •111 75 , 000 0 00 30 019 T " 12 449 28 $ 3 / 8 ,079 XS ASSETS. $518,079 23 'D. E IicHINLET. Tress. - JANUARY 4,1869 RiesOtmcp 41,354,47000 0.00 07 Al 5. '12,812 50 245,820 59 247.035.88 10,243 42 7.174 97 37.000 00 7,022 87 $0,397,180 07 LIABILITIES 500,060 . 00 1,086,387 57 143,542 87 ' 13,94.5 15 360,000 00 243,330 48 ' - $2,397156 07 OP TRE .3.560, 888 07 ASSETS e1.055.919e4 LIABILITIEb .8 500.000 00 . 356,750 00 • ,9A.6,410 . 11.142 00 9.004 00 33.212 _ —,..smetst caT: 761,709 47 '41411. 84 JOHN U. trnsosTox. Cattier PrxTsriviin, eapaary 4, 1809 ASSETS. 11 7 69 82 618 3 % .13€1 19 Lusn.rrurs. "." is 00n0 38,930 0000 no. . 4 . 9.904 00 • • 844,384 , 83 • 15,489'78 4.745 05 $1,674, 854 lii OF TELE FITT7 OF THE IMO E==El I== AT . H 4 216651 25 . 50 , ,096 t 3 31 863 8 1-68 0 1 0 . WILLIAM SEMPLE'S 180 and'lB2 Federal street, Alleghen BLkiCIIED ifflitTDlG MUSLIN, GOOD' QUALITY; AT lag CENTEL YARD WIDE HEAVY UNBLEACHED MUSLIN. RED, YELLOW AND-WHITE ALL WOOLFLANNEL Sj AT AA CENTS, ALL WOOL GREY TWILLED FLANNEL FULL APBOR.7IIIENT OF Blankets . Cassimeres; flannels, Jeans, t‘e. • 447 Lb, V PRICES, WHOLESALE, AND EETAH., AT it / WILLIAM St.._ PLE'S, . .. 180 & 182 Federal ' St., Allegheny. 11ISSOLVEION NOTICE. , • Notice Hi hereby given that the Partnerstan heretofore exibtiog under the name and style of LITTLE, BAIRD & PATTON, Wholesale Grocers. Is this day dissolved by mutual consent. SAMUEL 11. BAIRD is "authorized to settle the business of the Arm at their °Mee, Nos. 1151 and 114 SECOND AVENUE. I SAMUEL H. BAIRD, R TAMES PATTON. J., MARY LITTLE, _ JOHN H. STEWART. [ THOMAS LITTLE, JR., l• • SAMUEL H. BAIRD, Executors of Thomas Listle, deceased.l Pittsburgh, December 10, 1668. _ • MBE WHOLESALE - GROCERY A. Business wIIt be 'carried on at Noe. 112 and 114 SECOND AVENUE, as heretofore, ander the firm name of • iseinro, 11A,MTAnT OUT DIT IN LITTLE, BAIBD & PATTON, . to my. partner. SAMUEL B. BAIRD. I take pleas ure In recommending hist to the patronage of our customers and the trade generally. - de2S:b97 JANES .P.ATTON, JR. DISSOLUTION: THE PARTIVEIIBIIII' . IIIEIRE'TO YORE existincunder the arm mutua l Hum, la this thy dissolved by c onse n t. The business of the firs will be settled at the office No. 5197 Liberty street.' ; - JOHN WATT, Juilis WILSON. Pittsburgb, Janbary 109369. , IPARrancitsetip.—thrii sub. scribers bavincreirobasedihe interest of lir o n Watt to the busluels of Watt & Wllsgdu have formed a partdership undkr the name of .man Wil son &Von. and will eontinnethe w h olesale' grocery business st 291 LlDerty street., JOHN-WILSON ozonoz W. WILSON. PH0 1 4 141 0. Jeurterli, aNB9. TNRETIRING TROBITRE FIRM f Watt • Wilson. Lake pleasure In recommend • y successors to the patronage so kindly exten • ded to es In the past. Plttaburah, January I; NO7rIC]E., The following dela:Hied 'Rotes, viz: One Note dated Nov. 5, 1808, 18 Mos: thr 99,500 One Note dated Nov. 5, 18614 oi 411101. for 4 ,500 One Note dated N0r.15, 111611,"e: 4 woe. tor 509 one - Note dated N0w.15; 1565, at I moi. for 4,500 All drawn by orrointelßGEL BLAIR CO.. to the order of J. IL DUMB LE, Managing Director, and by tam endorsed, have been . • LOST, and she public. are hereby cautioned against the purchase of the same. They are made payable at the Allegheny National' Bank of! Pittsburgh, and payment has been stooped. THOS. S. BLAIR; Ez.eleent Cobourg, Peterboro and Mormons ita way and Mining Co. Pittsburgh, December 3 ' 47, IMIDOSTERS 47 TOR BOYS' CLOTHING. Gray & Logan, ; .12: ST. CLAA STREET. FOli TU RMS. FURS <