KEZEM Z 222 ME IE 6 ur y - t'T --- ' - Buitt A lD-ii, AN. Mg • Tlie rain oflionday evening olesned off, lheiddeWalkii'and street erossingsrsoss to snake. thetri-vassable. - - , pans Drum yesterday committed Mi .mhiul.Gallagher, a -veteran “druuk," to jail for thirty days for the old offeuse. • rarest' gloat of 'the saasorn will be 'found first at the liqultti Continental Din ing rooms otiVirCitoltzheimeriTifth Aire? - rine; next' doofto the Post Office. ' - some. of the miners in the coal pits about ItittOntgh are oats on; asatritte. They - are mow paid four and a lalf cents per bushel tordiggifig; bat demand - hive cents. - •- • • The I%lmi/ea" •.wets' at -. : work on Irtfth 'avenue yesterday. Some other principal thorouglafaresinthecivy night be coruilOer.. ably improved by 4. 4 little. attention . from them. _ - ' • ' . . Three Carters -violtited city. ;ordinance. by driving civeri.—Siderividk` AlleghenV. yesterday. They were each required _to pay tnp-iiinlier, nrtd.tift s y,,nents fot.iteir f9r getftettmt:l. " • ' ' Peeltet:Pir.ked.',.i4ohn !Floroyne, TWIT: diet, bad 'his pocket picked at the depot of the Allegheny Valley Railroad on Monday evening. .4le ksit teigiitebn '-dollati. The thief valved. Piirties aresupplied 'with rnag nifioent meals at most_reasonbte prices at 'the Continental Dining Roonss of Mr. Ifoltzl*kner;, Fifth Aron tots pextr 4 clar to the Post office, -' - • oyste.ri s cr in all the various styles, are -sideilaripidthelieintituinnoir at 'the etaiLl ~ p optdar Cbntinental Dining Rooms of Wil llamHoltzheimer, Fifth avenue, next door to tillfitlittifftee: !_'" The Grand .llaryperposa making a visit -othispostion Diament .11..wpW, to-day. "-They will start mai/ o'elockfrom tbe Federal - street (AllethenY) Statlcni ~of the: :Pitts birgh, Fort Wayne and Ohio* ndlroad. Fined.—Conrad; MenstaE4attight3poilez,/ 'was fined tan dollars and costs yesterday* 'inorningi. , hsr - , Mayor ;Drpm, , ior !emptying, "tie tan - tents:et 'his fart on the bank of, within..the. city, limits on Monday "'evening!: • hiOwned..'=...A. in . 'firinanfed Frederick Fol: . , ger was drewnekin tha.,Mon_ qungaltenn,s Station; yeaterday afternCoon, near 13 . , Map; yawn . vow "therit"l3h hand d :the. road. - The bod y was r ecovered. an - Coroner rout fOrro hold an-ingnest. \Behind . num.—The , Westward bound trains of the Pennsylvania Ihdlroad were all \ behind thnestbont an -hour and a half yesterday, owing to, the breaking'down o! looomotive , atlached 4* the -BaltimorePs press. gthaaoeldent ocomred lathe vicinity of Bantan'estritiOn; personwaitbjiMed. StocitSeldparileildV;evelfittg January sth, on -second floor of Commercial Sales Iloom, 106 Smithfield street, by A. BIM -walne,-attetioneer : .13ankof Pittetnireh ..... . AllealifinntitrOftqt BodtAtelis'lfgatirauge Opilittartse4-CP4I)O. Ran Killed.-We learn tthatla main 'was run over by:the Cincinnati Express Vida going , east on the Pennisylvtuna Railroad, yesterday afternoon about one d'obick, near Brintori'c•litestion, - and :-_insiantly - ifewstrlsitianct On the lattelvar the time of the aocilient. 'No further particulars have been esoertained. • am. 'ins.l3triningh ' - - kfire broke out .in a frame building on Carson street, Sir iniorgbam,•yestorday, which was occupied jointly es acorifectionary and tobacco store. 43efore the 'Hamm could be extinguished the stock and fixtures in both stores were Ulmegliestroyed, and thebuildincoonsid. blydaniaasidi It is hotltnowtfboi+ the Are originated. . • L. ,•• ;,...114Thway Robbery.--James. Dam, who was arrested Mili&Onday , on a•-charge of fe; • lemons assault and battery, committed at the Rush Houssewas yesterday rearrested on a clutrge of highway, rdbbery, in -stealing a watchfroui arnuu•i2titutufd- LOlO l 4 IP Lib erty street, a feweyenings ago. Dunn woo be y d in .3600 bail for Isis, appearance at %Court. s Felt-Overboara.---Monday afternoon Joe. Brngans,*colored taboret, went ele, board the ateamer•Sentai, iihiat had just "airiv edir.outTeskersburg, for the purpose of getting empkryment .at unloading the freight. 'He wasry mach intoxicated at the time and in s ggeringabont fe ll over board 4 was dra .-nnder the beat and -.drowned, notwit din/revery effort was made to rescue hi At fast accounts the bodyttaduot been covered. • - Allegheny Mayors Otlice.—Dtuing the month ofiDeeembei,c 1868,. there-were two hundred lulAwenty4evett;etuseEdlecharg ed of, as follows: 'Den:Aeneas and Disor ,derlies, 172. 'Vagrancy 17. Larceny 8. Assault and Battery 4. Surety of the peace 2. •Feliaions Assault and Battery 2. Fraud Q. SelitninUctiM GU clilnrelapil: Total 2A7....of.thasewarassent-tojailtl B -paid 'fineCZ"haL-retaabicier- ivetA-411schsaged, the .p Orators ing'46 nsakor - oid, - the • 'Land lidides.- I Theie Were •ao lase than . .eight land.olides yesterday along the , dine of the Allegheny, yalley Railroad. between •this city and -iflady's Bithd. -- The mail -Iran which should have been , here in the morning did not arrive ,until afternoon, ,and tall; the? trains orpthe road were alga 'arty' tlkaye Portun ta it. , nano ref - them were thrown off the or any person :Injured. A .strong force of workmen are engaged insflearing,awayitiso ebitrnetions, .and traits will s bertin regularlyab soon as possible. 4 A. OE 0 • 1 ."1 The' -l Ener- Prise ingurum Company. whose office is at 'No. 423 Pena street; has attained envi able popuituityamid receives - 4r large share •of public patronage. its business 'is care fully eonductedand the interests of the *s awed guarded acurplMtetedin a zealous xnanner. The Company is careful in tak ing risk s , ,and". redguads V? the 881 . 00 and tehelirettiese'viho Janie with the Enterprise. The Directors and °Moen; are all well known business men, respon -zdble end shrewd,and in every way .worthy Abe conildeeee of the general public ' ' "fraud iiime.l4. -,, Coronor !,:ilawson.beld. an inquest yaster , I ~• • . day on thebodY or-Viiomas" -, oerseken, a lai)oripg mad{, wir,srasmm over *coat tralil'on the' Pennsylvania. Railroad the ReettieMaTenisibri near, -Itraddocks Fields: . Irrotifthe'facti deiiebiped atthe - iiqUest it aisetUe t 4 94 the 10eette*,1,1 43 1t_IPe u ,7 43 14 t Pr - , Ailiy`iii imirch -- ot employilieht. 'Aboilt +eight o'clock in thsfevaning'he was stand-. in on the track, when the coal train from Waihruistimr”!-came-alung: - - The- - engine wakttehed :off -frogs the - :0 1 3111. 7 legv# l 4 AitentfOlun on a siding abd it is supposed -that - StrCiaCkim,, seeingO4Womotive spii• I„i,. • proaoldng, attempted ' b' Cr the twitehi .r.!,.. ' when' he was knocked down and run ;:'i';', ." -overf.-, __,- MUM Olt e l - klirtt- ]tad 1 ' Flog w . 30 , - remains' were ' fOttiof lying 4 du iti .. , ily across the rails; From the evl - ' ' '4s,eilcd it apiNtared `teat ; ha Var. perfectly sober at the time, and the jury returned a ~:.. ,-. • v f l ot of aeOldeptrld death. ,Ide was sp at: t,.; , • - . fi ".kive years of age; and leaves a Wife • $ve bildreti ' Previous to the acol ' • ~ --- ~ an ; 0 • fCr,' '. ..; Vdent hie had Presided. at Oak link station, „ joar itatons. About a year ago one of: his ' if fctsitilledln the Oakliill'Coal Mines. 1. - -, 5.1- '7 . ..... o' ! • s - , 12Z111 I= watt novo . • . jf, SpeelrAl Presents:olo br the. unlit' rosy—j Praetteal, IfsaproVementi Ifagtested for . Presersatasn or Berates, Papers, ete: , On the' . "Opithing:bf the Court Of Quarter Sessions Tuesday morning the Grand Jury I •• . . in;attendance upon the - present session of ~. the Court made the following special pro sentment-: - • ' Toithe Honorable., the ;fudges of the Court 'of Quarter Sessions, etc. of the County of Allegheny. - ' , • . The undersigned Grand Jurors of the county of Allegheny, of the December ses• sion, 1868, beg leave, outside of any ; regular or formal presentment they may hereafter • ; make; to .call ,your especial attention to L .an some matters immediate .and .pressing importance, as it , occurs to them, and o through you th attention of the Commis sioners ipf_the uaty and the . Controller, whose 'proviiice "If - wilr be; as they are , ' in' formed, totarry these views into practical) Iffect, and prov ide means for the payment '-the same.: / vtlw First--We . eg to direct attention 10-the safety, or rat er the total absence of all safety of the Public Records and arehives of the county] in the office of the Piothono tug. Weeded° simply to thedariger from fire. Originally these records Sind papers were in a portion' of the building esteemed to be,' and *filch; as . we believe i was and now is afire proof," Some yea rs - ago, for some Tenon nor other, they were , removed up stairs to the now occupied by the Prothonotary;hence their present danger. The room is not trianysense fire proof, and by accidental Or'intenttonal burning of the' buildinVor that' portion of it occupied by them, their loss would be inevitable. No human agency Could save them, for to them water Would bees diasstrons as tire. The cerssequeeces CV such ri dastrucliolil can hardly be „conceived, since almost ever, member Of our community would be af fected hyilt, Io our judgment it would certainly — be cheaper ' tor' olir county to' build a new .Court„ House, at double the cost ofour present expensive but misers bly;Contrived structure, than run any such risk as this. "Confusion worse confound- ed" would beyond all question, result ,froin-such a calamity, and its effects would be felt in every. avenue and ramification of our huslitese,commenity. To the judges of the 'Court, and the,members of the bar, this must necessarily be -Specially evident, and We consider it only, necessary to mention the fact, in order to seenre their hearty Co operation in tine Changes we propose. ,We beg new to mention,the means for their safety, which a practical examination of 'the matter enables us to suggest and • moat earnestly recommend. We propose that the papers, records,etc., be inane-, dietely'lreplated in the fire4netif''" 'rant *whence they came, and that so many of the adjoining rooms be added as may be neces sary for their proper accemmodation: By patting-up iron doors, lifting up the wooden floors in these rooms and replacing them with stone ones,`the fire proof character of these rooms would be established- beyond all cintetiem - • We. propose, =fmther, that abroad and commodious seaway be opened from the rotunda,- leading down into these rooms, and that by stone fire proof partitions at either end of the mine so much at the ball adjoining these rooms as maybe necessary shall he 'devoted to. the purposes already indicated. This:ball • addition will largely increase the storage futilities necessary, assist ,materially in. accomplishing . this mach-to be desired change, awl in no. ay prejudice the occupation of. that portion of theilidlding, or In any. way, es we learn, in building J Anahlteztes com tdapeak, say that *Lenten is not o . feasible but easy of ac comeisfserk au ate -cost -of hut a Jew Inn Thii,vsiiipmed vitt:l - the interests involved, lea mega trifle, not to be considered with the safety which will, beyond' Atli (stratsiihif;..= be obtaitied.t -We cannot too strongly urge this much needed improveinent; and ask that you wilt at once mil the attention of the, proper county authorities to the matter, 'acoompanied by our request as a grand - inquest, that it be attended to immcsdlately. , The details , of , the-improvement we leave to -them only asking that It be done, and done / or thwith. • ...Sean Incident to this change, so impor tant to itself, another •incalculable good would result. We-could and would have the Suss of another court room one of the Very hest„ possibly., :in, the building,- but stow`loidte•tlfePtiblie for ' that pur pose by reason of -its Present , oniefe and most hazardous ocimpancy as an office for therrottericitary. As.* court' loom `lt is greatly needed, and in consequence of the •depriVation of' tte use for that purpose, our comes, as we Isiarti,. are- compelled to hold their sessions. in atoms wholly unfit for itnehlrarposevanst utterly inadequate to a decent accominodatienitif.sultors and par tles.having business therein. This should bememedied, and at the earliest possible moment, and onset the speediest and belt remedies;weeandiscover is the one nplusye already leig•gested. This Would enabe our co u rts to comfortably and centinuensly, and thus bring 'up the • public baseless, now, as-we learn, largely -Warmers, and so enahle,parties to. accomplish au _early de termination of theircauserrit result greatly to be desired, and one which - the law, in ;theory at least, always accords to them.: , We We would call your attention to,the Imo ewe. and indeed, as we learn, `dangerous condition of the -rooms now occupied . by dnryis room beloweeenpled. Re the gszarter, stone , Cirtitt` foam. • 'Owing 'to ' the. great length of,the t flOrdetstr: Prio l 4 l 4floof of die Xermer blis &Mk o 4 settled 004 peri4 ceptibly, and' la graditally but' surely con tinuing to sink, so that it , ,*lll , eventually, if .notato secured, fail through, , bend-Wig and carr yi ng with it consequences that we, occupying the rookie as we do,itesiecarcely alksw otirselves to contemplate. It has been told us, truly, we doubt not, that one of our eery-best and most experienced. architects, riowileceaseft—always:-reftused "to - ntterfilt Siditiff Sales hitbeseleems, allele &Slid Juror, being well assured that sooner or, la ter, if not corrected, the whole thing 'wolli fall ' down.. carrying with it, of muse, maiming andileath as, well to those, under as to those upon the floor. We ask through you that the county alitheritles take hum ;note etepsite ccgrect . this certainly immi nent danger. Weals° recommend the immediate ere°. .4101i,0f a new infilding of building, for the delver (the MuntyCifilearsiaotnecessisailY re uire4,..(ses•lss the Prothohotarra.omapj t o be near to the court reome: These build , sweeted of either aidethe bfiliding, azdhr onr Judgment-Mune:lt, beerected too goon. , We :;recommend "that proposals for the buildings pe givenenten the earliest convenient occasion:Lendthat their erection be zommenced aieodifiut the opening of the coming spring, willeallew. :Into these buildings- should, put the County SurveYbt,'Reglister. and other offi cers, now oeetspying rooms that oould tie " put to ..otherpnrposes; It is 'possible that the erectionef, the work housemen in pro g.resa. *wilt permit a portion of the jail build, rig to-he changed for such uses. If so, we recommend that nhen the opportunity for such change, if.such there be,. presents it 'eelf, it should he availed of at once. „ Toatitithg thesis* lied' chatiettfr 'tot' the new building we beg leave to make sf few suggestions. The *mkt of s - 44 1401e room or of reohielbt a' 'Lan Lll3Yery has long beeafelt, *salsa a,roomfor the sessions of the Supreme Codit; which should, for the convenience of the Judges, be as close as possible tts i tikei - IthKetry, 7)W,ch alined* t a n, order 'to Meet bOthiffthese admitted wan ; to make the new'. binding two stories, high, to conned' the d ifoPo.*orfb7 14 -c o Pred gallery. With the omit room now Occupied by the . Court of Common Pleas in the north east corner of the -41141.1eg: We` Proposio that the new build ing should be as Large as the ground will info*. ..We Bugged that, the inneeitOry' Used, Ittld , ' o o ll ) l . o .firs county offices, and the upper story for aka., preme•Coort room,andalso for a Law MM.- Thereweilld be aliiPle rooin for &Mart roorri in the rear of the building towards, Rose street;..Whibit : 'the -:large and ;aypil, ..:. . .. . . „ • .. . .. -. • . _. - - . .. . .. _ .. . •,.",.,-Z-; :4 ' . ...g . ;:pg.f . - i '.g;;.•: : 4; j ;ZO , "/" .- r:. ,, •%"6.' , '7f-',••Y.' „l- ;;;;: -1 : 4 • - v .,-.. ' .. • • • .,-;- ' ,-4-...,- ' ,..:,:-.:;,:..,:*.:1k..-6.4!: ' ,.?',--4'.,:,..;:-,;-,„:.;-.J.:._,:.4';,.*p.,...,;-.4-:,-fQiifr:';,4:E...Jp..:i.,..1.,..*.,...,..q.:J:i.,.-., . „ - „ ..i-..... • t r ; J~~; 1~~ ~~~r -.• able remaining' ,r*d&.. 7 of Ai would be admirably cui:4ol, - to.. Ow; VOW 'of a Library. Water'to dtraddreffhp be pat into this building for thii - socommor dation of the feonutt dinernbera,robtliet but an d bounty ofildeNt; whibh, if 'properly kept and properly. ared_fer, mightcbviate the necessity Tor such convenience in other partsof. the Court,House building. By ; this arrangement 'Mt hddltlonal 'or fifth court` room would be eecured, and which would also be once : of the/verY=besti `A 'him 'it brary Room would also be, secured, luid such ether conveniences as would t e eny' suggest theinselves. ,Aror- these -r o raetteat auggeatious,We beg leave taaay,, we ere ', kr ,. debted t 0 tits 'admirable report -of :the Law Library Committee, presentwa in the 1)1s , trict Court on the With tine In the erection of thlsnew building , ' in 'order .. to; compass ' the ends sought' for, Ne understand. this 1 , committee of bar.. would be willing to 1 glye the county' ~s:athorities , and builders 1 .the benefitof the ir detailed planywhigh, of course, we have only hinted at: We Urge, the earliest; pohable adoption of these sug gestions. . , The last change le propose le in regard to the water closets connected with our public ..lbliffdings. .Altholighilast . named, the matter , is certainly,not least in import. anoe: There-Should'be water closets, prop erly cared for and cleaned, in every room In , -our. Court , . House, except the Court, rooms;. Competent ; architects . say that nothing is 'More easy of accomplish ment. As at present constructed; used, and, more espectallyiltpsmurwaterelosetwarouthr grackleithe eountWund , a shams UpOtt:the decency and purity of its. people, who cer tainly paid amply for their coMotructiorby and now certainly pay enough to have: them decently he t and eared for. Half of the time witbent eat,. even' in the colder weather, always fi lthy to be entered by hiimaniAnge, they a standing,_ mond- ment to the long . sufferance: and forbear ance of the taxpayers , of Allegheny couri, ty. We-demand that, bad and intoner lent as they are, they be at least kept warm and clean, and that „if the persons having present charge will not do so, they be dis miesed forthwith, and some competent per sons placed in their stead. This relief, however, would be only tem porary, although It would be Most welcome. The whole arrangement let radically defeo tive, and can Only be corrected by the erec tion of . others in. 'different parts • of the building and.under its roof. 'Closets, more numerous and larger; for the different sexes, and for their exclusive use, and also for the accommodation of jurors and others , in different parts of the building, should Ca..' tainly be erected. t, ,We beg the attention of Or county authorities to this matter, tram: ring( theta that d*ency, purity and a proper regard for 'the health and 'comfort of the citlaens of they county, demand that the correction of this evil cannot ; come , ono hour Mc) soots., - • . , , We have only. to add further to your Honorable court, that in making these sugl gestions we have, as yon will perceive, only outlined these needed improvements, leaving their practical execution to those whose business it is,tdederthe laws, to see them dried out, .We believe them, of ha-. portstror;+-le 'much Importance tt) be delayed o ne diet) theitysecompliehtrient can be secured, We ask our. authorities to act, andtiet'paiditiptlf;'' tekitiir ii - Pgcodr Con gestions in the order, in which we have enumeratetl *GM, -• • -.= ( Pike.' :.• . our kxviiz ii i nli patleri itilt re: cords by placing them in secure and tire proof rooms, and by so doing secure to us —which is of the largest importance—a large, commodlans end mach neededeourt roota r i -liff mohieh.: , wik , lire , - ants itipeoperly; and with great loss to the public. unjastly de= Secure against all accident the rooms occupied by the 'Grand Jury and rooms belo,w.An accideutheremt3ht•Cent. the convey t he price or a Court Houfity,'ln addition to the fearful calamity it would certainly involve. Third. Make radical chimes in the construction of, our water closets and their cleansing, that we,,,ahall, not be compelled to blush, as nee now 'ire, 7Wheneoter we see [ men and women forced to avail them -1 selves of their filthy and uncomfortable privileges. r • , These changes weave h suggested are easily inkidi),'l)orhydraffeely g in cost, andsuch as , the safety and wants of our , people, and of our greatly increasing county, Imperatively= -demand. May =we hope that these, our suggestions, will be promptly acted Upon and that before the sessions of soother. grand jury shell hhyp compelled themselves upon 3rour Senor eble. attention,. that which is now a mete reoonmendition will have become an aceompllsed- fact., . • The presentment : was 'slimed by seven- The grandjurors, and after having been read was ordered to be filed. =, - "tireleitm Asik4atiall—Sperial i litegulate)dode of Aapeclal meeting Of the Pittsburgh?... troleum Association was held, yesterday 4dternoon at Dabrell's ettilding, "on n o:mond' Viesiy, te. receive they report ,of- a Committee _s*lnted at late , 4iilicitellt a plan ibr rep...biting tales lbrthe year 1,869. 'H. Long, President Of the Association, palled the meeting to order, and litecdtsaoted aaSeefetarY• The Chair stated the meeting was called especially*. hear -therveport of the Cour. mittee on aplan of ? ADOHe also stated the Pennsylvaela Railroad - had agreed to reduce the tsetse!, freight two °butt. a IW :els-but he WO been linable; as yet, to hear frouthem, antis subject or a Axed guar. terly or yearly rate. - - „ , Mr.S.'S. Waring, from the Special Comy tnittee on ' a plan of sales; made a TiOnt recommending the adoption of alorm of contractor' seders °Oleo, pither half, month with ten davit notice,live of which to. be - within the time. The report recommended the a d o ption of the 831 lowing resolution, with a be signed by the members of the Association: Repotood u puttousnd after January oth, 1869, we will net *ell * Old at buyers opidon, or permit the same to be done for uslot Wit' or last half of the month; excepting options of ninety days or More, with days' notice; and that we will only sell at sellers'. option:drat and laat hair of the month, the tellers to [give buyers teri days! notice, fiVe of which shall be,withia the There waccoosiderable discussion the maiden(' meetly 'idStplintitiCh ,` of Alt, which was participated in by Meseta. Waring,,grew, Warden. Ravi.. antithaPres ident' and others. Mr. - John A. Warden' objected that the new system went Into operation at too early a date. • He , moved to change the date from the sixth of :January to the slitearith: Other membere opposed", the delify;kin the ground that if 4t was .. -..ned the more difficult would be the c •:r • The amendment Wltsv I. at ` e a decult m a jority, the sentituentof, the meeting b being . un in t ß i a .k e m ? -r y foor of '',,pgt,tifidf the , mil* plan in' operation at totibe. " ' The resolusion was :then' unanimously adopted. . • Mr.'Waring read a lettei froti Mcßride & Co., of Cleveland, stating:that in no ; lust:mos had they, made a WOpf oil at buyers' option, .and all' sales for' future delivery were made sellers , option,-and that' they could be relied, upon co. operation in the Matter. • , The - Aesociation adjounied after ageeeral conversation on matters pertaining to the trade, which was participated in 4), all the members protest , °Mora wing *lncept have been elected by the, Neptune Steam Fire Engine' Oodiparty to delve for the"en siting ;year:,President, _Nathan f;Jones Vice President, Watitcnatr becrei tsry,1 1 7:::11.1 - Reed; liblitiftint FloYetary t F. AL:4llll,in; Treasurer, Henry Vetter; Foreman, W..J.;. Robinson; First Lienteu arit, Terrence 'Casey; Secend Lietitenant,,, J. M. 'lEirkpatrick; First Hose Director, Patrick Harkins; a Second ',Hose Director,. James. ItfartipTbird Hose Direator, P. Mon tague; Delegate to Firemen's Association, MP* Martin• ' ' - 5.. mstrkwq SANtlitt)(l,-180: Attemptedillit , Viniatio n. tQldte-Iniexciternent.was created mat. . Clair stree yet:tardily afternoe,n, between four and five o'clock, in thellUililly of the , . . „ , lE3 ct uu de Pe ofult:ieul7dyjtitsia,gb named:.. the t . mpt s s ul he , was 18AtscoVersd aPpare tit in a state of • great mentalexciteme* londling towards , . ......-- • the river. from Duque rip. She enc . , (seeded in getting omen 'o f. ;the oil barges, . and was:about throwin herself In the river when she was fertuna lypecuted by those whose attention had ntattraeled by her excited behavior. . Hugh Boyle, (Iv watchman:on t le brl e, followed the lady to the boat; a dt, h Athe assiststnee of others took , he to'' be toll office of the bridge. It was 1 ther ascertained that she was the inmate of th hone of her brother. in-law, the 'proprie or ,of the Well known saloon and restaur t 'on St: Clair street. three doors from t bridge; formerlY,ltePt " by W. N. Phestena : 'Prom tlitibidther-in la*" of the unfortuate lady *e obtain the following particulars: Mrs., McNally, .it appears,. has hitherto been 'a ‘reildent onndianapolle, rind i iii `a 1 cl lady of means in her .own right, as well as educated l'and fined.. Two months, ago she came.' to. th ' city to join her b ri aband; who was'' said be in ill health. Some domestic diffi culties ensued, Whichresulted: in his leaving. the -city. This distressed Mrs. McNally, and ,ahe rescirted. to after plane ,to drown her borrows. She was ao cuitotned tb indulge in the.drug to eicess, which rendered her insane while under its influence. Yesterdayy, morning she sent to' a drug store on I AbbitY street and obtained fifty cents worth, of morphine. She took half of it, et onc, which rendered her, so violent that it 7:equired all theefforts of the family to kee p her within doors. ' About one O'clock Wee .becameymiore Calm, arid' their vigilance subsided. 'Taking advent agaof this; l&rs. McNally rushed from , the house and' made her way to the river, aPPor` rently bent .on ) ; self-destruction. Fortu nately she was prvented, in the manner ' we have 'elated, 'from, consummating:the Lase iterdrigAfie iady had recovered en tirely e it. from the effects of the, morphine, and f ul ly realized the, terrible nature, •Of her at tion. She,will leave to-day ..,for the hom of her father in Didiani. " Annual Meeting' of the Public Catholic Lt. brary Assoclotion. The public Catholic Library Association he a 'third annual meeting last night, at eiriroome on Wood street. There was fu attendance and much interest was nifested in the proceedinws. • CI. L. B. tterroo, Esq. presided, and Mr. Paul Unlevy ofllciated `as Secretary., The ealdent's report, Treasurer'S - exhibit and 'issibrarian's report' 'Were read, ail of which • *owed the Library to be in a healthy con ' ditlon and ineastireably properons. Since' its organization some twenty-tive thousiind volumealuive been circulated and the read ing room has been largely patronized. The President's report .urges renewed 'efforts on the , l part of the members, that the nsefulnessofthelibrary may be made More general'and its •shelves replenished with the latest literary publications., The Li brary has now upwards of four hundred paying subscribers and about thirty life members, which, 'with little exertion, could IN; largely increased. A resolution of thanks, reported from , the directors, in the, ,Preitidepta' reporh 'acknowledges the' ' handsome donation -from the , llinon Social tlub of nine , hundred dollars's/3 pre meds Of I picnic and soiree;, held during the past year.. The reports were all aocepted, after which t h e followleggantiernerewera wetted:to serve Wi 'officers' during the - !ilt suing year ; 7 4 President; A:F:lreiitingrVite President, tlbsdes Magian; Beortsrv, M.•J. McGann; Treasurer, Wm. L. Buettler; Directors: Philip R. Mertz, Wm. H. Rousted, P. J. Ingoldoby, Paul Durdevy. John E Fuchs; Auditors, Jas. Phelan, H. A. Freyfoxle, Wm. R. Meese. On motion of Mr. J. B. Dodge, a vote , of thanks was tendered the city press for fa vors received during the existence of the Library, and for the gratuitous donation of city papers for the reading rooms. ,The Library, is ; one of our most apprecia ted publielditittflons'and refiettscredif to our Catholic.felisni.citimus.. It is conduct ed on a liberal basis. pot being!tectarlan or exclusive Charatiter, and we'are glad to leer* through ' the ' report! that it. is in a flourishing soadition. EMU UM . . Prosperous Company. ' Tha annual meeting of the stockholders of the mammoth Agricultural Worka of E. Ball' & 'Company, located at - Calton, Ohio l took place at' the Real Estatki Savings Bark;iii 'this ;city; on Monday fterimon. The reports Piesented showed the .a c6inpany to be in a prosperOus condition aad;a7deci ded 'success in every respect " •The'proa pecte of ttur next Ammon are qUitepramis ing. i! Most 6f titckikholders arts among the lisuiing. business eapitalistelff this city. The electionofficers of and Directors for the tinsuing -ear,ttre as follows : Ephraim Ball 'Prealdent ; Isaac Jonia,. Vice Presi dent, Thomas Faarcette Treasurer; Jesse Durbin, 'Attuary; William R., ' Kincaid, Secretary, and ,Ephraim Is aac Jones, Thoinas Fawcett,Milliam M.Fabet, James Hopkins, prank Rabm'Alex.,Chatikbers, Israel C. Pershing; Wm. H. Kincaid, Louis 'gatemen, June Durbin - and Jared - M. Brush Directors. The Executive. and Finance Couirnittee consists of - ,T.Paweietto L. Jones , PAterson, 7A. Faber; P.Rahni. go Bettor of the Company, jam es H. Hopkins, Esq.: DAeFitirem liVeW Ire namsofDr.'Gv Eipenoer is closely identitted with the ' selenbe of deritist6 o . and many jibr 3iOars past lie his held lead ing Position among the most eminent' den tists' of the ainntry. WnAiro - glad to learn that' his patronage is ai large • ever, and thatPennhis*legant robma, No. 254 street, are bonsWitly thronged with those anxious to embraoe themselves of his • skill, thus proving that true merit always wears Dr. Npeneer attends to all niatterso-petain ine to his profession, and m has sepfitatlon ma dental artist: rivala the very first o 4 Parisian, artists •in thelnanit facture of 'ililse eyes, a branch of business in which he is laygeiy , patronised and .emi nently-ineoesaful. Professionals Arrested. Last evening . Mr. Louis Basher, usher at the Opera Mouse, noticed a couple of men in one the galleries whom he recognized es Professional, pickpockets, .The attention of ()facer Moon was called to the men, whdm he immediately arrested. , They were dressed to represent green countrymen, but thdeyets or the official were too sharp, to be decelved: They give their names at jlie witch -house fa. Thompson and Free. topton , was arrested some time since and released upon condition of departing front the city in ten days. which he seems to bane forgotten., It is probable that each , wit be allowed ninety days repose - An the Co my Jail after a hearing this morning. " .AGloomy Future' There is old. proverb which Outings the 'sentiment that whatever, 'spatial work is fi rmed the first hay& iii4 4 'leai = will be repeated every day until its close. If thistle true,litlary• Santo Thomas; a real. cle of , the. hird Ward, , Allegheny, hake ltxtv future before her, ' as her husband, .John Thomas celebrated the entrance of . 1869. f by administering to her a sound tnigustOnci. To avert the dreadful calamity of ha ving it ; repeated, she has notified Mayor Drum of the circumstance. The likelpolice are on the look for , •„Tohn; - will likely be furnished with tk free boarding y e,ded, _ _. - • - ..--:,.4.----- •,::; . ...:',:,..•:.E. , :! ,-,-.,-.7,,,,.,,.,,,._ - =rs pence. Tits IfOrnef'orthe bastitute, which did so I much good in our city last year o lio been re-oDened, the large warf.ttionie at No. 234 Penn - street having been secured for the purPose until next. This is in a great many reimectione of the most praiseworthy philanthrqic institutions in our midst, and we hoye it may be well sustained during the time that it :remains open. Friends of th e work will remember in connection with the number 234 Penn street,• that do nations of clothil‘previsrons, etti., will be thankfully . and gratefully received by the managers of the enterprise, and may be sett at any time during the day or evening. Last year over seventeen hundred men were fed anti lodged during the three months in which it was open, and-Many of these, through the influence of the.mana gess of the "Home," secured situations furl employment by which they were enabled afterwards to gain a livelihood. . ; The "Home" is not, a resort merely. where the idle and vagrants are provided far, and en ccittraged' in their indolence. AU' who , enter are assisted in obtainingemployment, and urged to labor at whatever theirlhands may" find to do 'of honest toil. tide means' it - was found• that the expense§ of supporting the establishment were consid erably , lessened: last year, and the same result ; is anticipated this year. The aim of the enterprise „is practical, permanent good, and not _ merely temporal relief. Te plan heretofore aaopted has been found to' work well and 'will , ' doubtless be'as suc cessful again. The People , ' Barber Shott. Afesrs.Priese it Oiler, Vi hose' . Popular , and well conduited barber. and hair dress ing asloon is at No. 120 Smithfield street, have recently enlarged their facilities and made their tasteful shop so commodious and inviting as to entitle it , to the name of the. ~ , people's barber shop." A full corps! _ of careful and lon g-experienced barbers and hair dresiers are, kept in constant at te'ndance, and at •no Similar establishment can the patron receive more - attention. Cleanliness; qrder -' and Precision are oharacteristice of the shop, and :patrons who have been accustomed to. going there could not be pervalled upon to change. The partners of the - - - firm' are clever and accoinplislied gentlemen, who ••do all in their power to render , their' saloon attrac tive, and by ; fair dealing and reasonable prices have secured a large share of patron age together with the confidence and re spect ,of their customers. Cupping and bleeding is'attended to in the most artistic manlier at all hours of the day or night, and to physicians or nurses we heartily commend thial firm for this sick room as thoroughly conversant with all the details of that important branch of their profes sion.:' • • • . Dlxmont. HoispitaL . • • ALLEGHICX4 CITY, January 4,1868. The undersigned reepecttullytender their thanke to Mr. William M. dila, the effi cient Chief Engineet of Diitiont Hospital, for . hie invitation to visit the same and for his kindness! in showing .us thiough his department. J Our .thanlcs are also .due to Dr. Grayson! for polite attentions in show ing ,us througti the .various wards of the hospital. We feel tha4,ive , cannot speak in too high terms of the n admirable arretige- Mont and order appir in every depart. Ment. and the friends of the uniortunate inmates maY test assured that they areln gait' bands , mid Will be well taken care of.' We cannot close \ without expressing our warmest. thanks :to Mr. and Mrs. Cain for the bountiful repast provided for us, and assuring them .of our hearty good wishes and • that the occasion will be ever , reinem bared by us with pleasure.- , JOSEPH CHADWICK, GX4. W. GREIO, OzolioitKietEri, JOHN. C. HARPER, JAIL K. SPEER, DAVID CREES, MOS. NEILY, THADEUS KERR, ANDREW KIBLER, Joint NEWILL, JAMES C. COOPER, 'FRANK BENTON, JOHN. L. SHOOS., GEO. CAMPBELL, ' ELIAS R.ICHARDSON. Informattop Wanted. On•tbe 23d day of Eleptember;lB6B,Par. G. Y. Lee, a resident of the borough of Taren turn, left his home' to attend a political convention in this city,since when nothing has been heard„of hinit'hyikiii relatives or friends. fie /eft a wife and two children, who are in great distress in regard! to 'his mysterious disappearance, and who can, as. sign no reason why he should , voluntarily absent .himself. He ,was- a carpenter' bY trade, andsaid to boa first,claraworkmaty and doing a gobd business at the time, He is amen about thirty-seven years ,of 'Age. five feet eight inches high. black hair and whiskers; slightly mixed with . gray, Ro man nose, and blue •eyes. •• When he -left home he wore dark pants and -vest, yellow coat, dark heavy overcoat,• and beaver hat. Any information 'Of his whereabents will be shankfallyrackeived tor „hiafamily t and can be communicated by addressing Mrs. Jennie Lee;' Tarentnm P. - 04 Allegheny county,' At a spetilat meeting of the Aft. Joy Sol diers'. °M4lolll:Scheol,', , Jarititifyilif , 1869, the fbllowing resolutions were unanimously adopted:. • ,r r • , , WI:Eu.BAB, The' Mount .Joy Soldiers Or phan Sohobl 'has .lieen the recipient of a copy of the PITTERIIRGH GAZETTE for the . Reekved, That among the 'oldest papers of the country the -Prrrsnuuou. GazgrrE alhoiauke advo cate pf correct , political principlea and a 'daring firmness for tight. • , Resolved, That we, hereby_ tender our thanks to the, editors ItniPutiblishers, for the interest they have thus manifested in our behalf,' id their liberality and isinerosi ty in thus supplying us with a . journal which -thaw Want appreciated 'and read with great interest by the entire school, as it is by, alltoys) citizens. of :our cotuaLrya ",..' Resolved. That the same kindness that has been shown in the past year Will be ap preciated still,, and this valuable paper.wAl ever be grneted as a most welcome, visitor, and will always _find` a place du the file of papers of this sohciol. • 'r • JOSEPH IRVINE' 7 .1' A ; BORT,' STANLEY Booz, • r ELHANAII , Ef. DATE?,. • " . . CHARLES;COOMSEt-, , WILLIAM BUNTER. MOUNT JET, PA., Jan. 15t,4868w, Clearance bole.—A. iiand closing out sale is now going on at W. W. Moorhead's popular and fashionable retail trimming and notion 'house; No. 81 Market street. fteadevi Way expect to tietnitel rare bariaine, as every article in the house .hes been specially tetdiaceeso that the 'large and varied stook of lace goods, trimmings, em broideries, ribbons, flowers, skirts and gen eral,notigpq•map.:be enAlretyolotied-ent. ""Honor. to Munn k Honor Is Due: 7 —We have naeat, our Beiler,,Worka three of Kee-10f' rt. licalea nearly eeven :years with perfeet.satiefaction. Werwant'no better. Wm. atBNIITIA. & W:S Pittsburgh, Jan. 1. IBlegant.=-The assortment of muslin' at 21 plait avenue, , is one. of the Eldest lart! have'aver had the Pleasure 'of datimining. It comprises (mouthing in thl line, and in quality cannot be excelled. - • .t, ben a WooS Bonnier -i-bcnoot Ibr ßoyce Four vacancies on .Tanuar,y 8t Apply tn. Rev:J: TaylOk; NewarldhlOn. Ps. • 21f.. Linen Goods of all kinds, enabroidered piano covers and embroidered stand covers; at Bates it Bell's.' • ' A Ladtesr 111adezgar1ments,k large assort ment at Bates* ' . • ~ _ -....,,,,...,..,.„..„,„„.,..„,.,,_... . . - _ ...- .-: . ~,. . ! ; -..... -,_. • ,-.-..._.-..,..,..,...,-,-.-,-.-.,..-,.......-,..5:2,-••=..,...;•'...:.Y.i.i..-_;;;:1.f.,-t,"-Vq-q...;:.:',.-.-I'f,:/;--...'-'".4....;',';',-q4.:':..-i--1-,,'"-4.-'4-.,,.7..j."-f.t. -..'.:,---:'-'--.':. :,-;..,-"-.1.7-.2:2-...-..;.":-;:-',....-.,f:r1Tal:.--i-'1.:;:X"'"'-'''""'-`",-"'"'"-"'-'-a,i'--,,,...;'4.Z7,-•:.4-i,-.,...-!....,,:4;4-::4:.:.-..!•:1,...;,,,,,w..t.f.i.',f,44,4',.-W.' . - -.-. -. ..c. , .. - :,:-....4.1 ‘ . 4, 7 7a. . . Boots anollStattgte • ry. --Mho - - stock oC. books 'and StatiorteMS, Cot. P'• book start, Sixth avenue, near zanithneld street, notwithstanding the immense run • made upon it during the= past week, is still quite large, it havitigo'betin ' rene wed, in order to meet the demands of his largely increasing custom. In addition to the. splendid selection•of books and the varied!. assortment of stationery, the Colonel keepst on his counter all the latest magazines and periodicals. A purchasing visit to his es tablishment will inure to the beneifit of all in need of any articles in his line of bud.. ness. • Chinchilla r -The material is becoming very fashionable. Iklessm. Bates sit Bell, 21 Fifth avenue, have a fine ;assortment on - hand. They. sell at the very lowest prices and give their patrons the fullest opportu- - nity to plbase themselves. We should reammend our readers to buy there. Ask your Grocer for Diarvin's superior Spiced Jumbles. - • eod2w Bow often do, you hear the complaint t froni Mother and father that their son or' daughter is not well; that they have no all petite;. that they feel languid; that their hiiad aches; that they are growing thin and feeble, and that they have no life energy left.• That they are low-spirited'. • . and perfectly incapacitated to participate in ' any pleasures, or perform any mental 'or physical dirtY. And the - cpaestion is often asked, what "shall I. do for. ,them? or, what shall I give thentli Oar answer. li t . let them try PLANTATION BITTERS moderately three times a day, and they,wll). recover. , • , • , . . . , liannobis: INATM—SI parlor to the Beat' Imported Gem= Cologne, and sold at half; the price." 213.5.T.F. Not too Late,Though _Christmas has• lisped, it is not yet too, late fonfolksto sup ply themselves with the fins, goods which • were procured for the occasion by the en terpriiing firm of Bates do Bell. 21 Fifth avenue. Most eregant shawls and mantlis are being sold there'. • • • - Chapped Hands, 'face and all roughness of the akin, certainly :cured by using the Juniper Tar &ap, made by Caswel4 Has. and Co., New York. It surpasses all other remedies as it will prevent, roughness' of the akin if used during cold weather. It is easily applied, aTkliding all the trouble. • of the greasy compounds now in use: It can be used b ladies with the most tinder skin, :without irritation or pain, making it soft and clear. Sold by the druggists gen erally:, , uor - Mk your Grocer for Ifarviu'e superior SpleedJunibles. ' ' eod2ii ! Still in Favor.—The poplins atll Fifth avenue, are in as great favor as ever. _Thti new sappliesTeceived by Messrs. Bates do Bell are t very' superior and warranted to give unlimited satisfaction. Throat Affections and- illoarsenew--All suffering from TrritatiOn of the Throat and . Hoarseness will be agreeably Surprised , 4 the almost immediate relief afforded by ' , Brown's Bronchial Troches." The demul cent ingedients allayjoulmonary irritation; , and, after. public speaking or singirg e wken the throat is wearied and ' , weakened by too much exercise, their use will give renewed strength to the vocal organs. , . . , The place to get Whit ey Lame, Calcined Plaster, Hyctraulle • Caniant. Is at , . Picker & °whey's,- 167 Thet:'street. CloilcTLe-balance of our stook at low puma to close Bates it :Bell. • Asic ycittr Grocer. for Marvin's Superior Spiced Jumbles. ' ' eod2w . _ Whitson:des RinseAst- Air Asthma him worked wonders:. All• Druggists sell it. - - • titth:W . • ; S,4I4CR!ED 5- : • PATTERSON=III.AGILk - Ou Tuesday eTening, January 5, 1509, at the residence of the bride's- tD . father, by. thelley. S. 11,. W,.1. PATS TERSUN and NATE, 'Yedusest daughter et ear Sneilif Wm. Maglll, - all of-Pittsburgh. • DIED: VlENNELT.Eit—Testerdaymonttno; Jen; sth;. at 6 o'clock. Mrs. ANNA.BANdaRA VLSREUSLLZR, ((widow of 'Henry •VleebsUer, SY.. deceased) In the ellth tear ot her sloe. : • The funeral will tikeplace from the residence - of r • her. snu.ln-law, Albert Boessints. No. 851 Fourth avenne, on. TittgutpiT ArrnallOo/r. at Jantutry I, The frleitPe of the fandly_ere respscto telly invited to attend. , Jae: V=EA t rao:Mti 3 . Mc UNDERTAKE* - Arr. AIR 9_ y : No. 106 FOURTH 'STREET. ' , Pittsburgh, Pa. : INS of all kinds, CRAPES; GUMS, and ev• ' ery description of Punatil furnishing Goods ;fttr. nished. Booms open Clay. and night. , Ream, and! Carri llzs ag inunec e"ureb ufr•-• h ltev ed. : DSO" 'leer, 0 D., Bev. /AC : W. Jacobus. D. D., Thomas Ewing, Seq - .. Jaconil. 13QUARLES &PEEBLEStIINDEItt TAXERS AND LIVERY ,STABLES, corner oU DUSKY STREET AND CHURCH AVENUE. 'Allegheny City„•wbere 00kIPIN ROOMS art Constantly supplied whit. realiena imitation -AM. Walnut wood, Mahogany andn Doinasi at'prices rue rying from ll* _to 1100. Bodies: prepared fbr meat. . Hearsea - and Carriages Tarnished: . &Doi' ma lands of Mourning GoodS; IT. required. 09Ine age* it all Sours, day and Watt. .•• _• , •r • ' xIoBEnT T. ;ROD Eir t _tavatiOrif TARIM AND MB •.. ER; No. 48 i u M 1 ? EF.T, Allegheny, Keeps .constant? on large assortment or ready-Wads Coffins of .the fol. lowing lands: First.'-itie eelebtated'Americen Ail ,Belf.sealing,Alt , tlßtit :Cue. and Caskets. and Rosewood . Ws notiloisiwooft Imitation Coffins. Walnut Coffins from Pe tiro. 'wards. Rosewood Imitation. Coffins from $5 up. wards; .and no paint will be spared to Orr/satin satisfaction. Crape and Gloves !Waisted free 08 shame. - Best Hearses and Carriages Punished on Port notice. Oarriages furiticherl to -Minerals GENME SCOTCH P,F4X3BLE SPECF/ I J s •C a lar 4 E4 11114111WiTO To •Tntwriz ;Tas DUNSEATH 4k 114A81ETT.-: as sums Imam. ILENS E G. HALE, - MERCHANT TAILOR., Copia of Peiwitiull3tAii Stirpot4 iia., now In stock ono - of the largast and =toil's/tile. Winter' triter broiled to Ott' city. • Ells stcielt obabisoes the latest French sad Ensltifi insantatturei of .. dignge / (fABSLIECIpt. OVPICIOATUICitz • Also.•s tut tine or 4frattl# Purnisfitrii tEloothi;..•:•:* ! NEW. . S. _ • GOOD NEW - GOODS. FOR AlnYl.tint OVERCOAT • - IrOltit. STYLISH DR11;88 GOA T • Unit Mtn vlav v oifirt r TOW.% 8171MOEI PAIN 0 P 51118, ' 'Oa Alt 'M.IBSVEST : O R Tar ali the totes% stein eat olatilltatati talkie pest m*tertol, and by• firot-clats worktmen,oirtprkoo low, , go to the - well IttiOwn• Nettbsot -I ••WI IIiESPEATIMID 101 Fr*.. „ 4 4 1 4 11 k SWUM, untaalb... 21100. P. LULL .1).:;.; .4..8:11.-51:11T014. nonEIINMERSIGNED HAVE 0.. SOCIATED themselves tditether Sot the 'PRACTICE OF MEDICINE. Of!lea HNo 19 ISTOCICTOO AVEZIIIII, 4 slty. , - THOu it: DAR - id: no L 1 4191 it. l4 13131/01i It. D . Eacm =I ME Fon sax, -By Blecal BI 0