MI DUQUESNE • COLEMAN,' itAtM & CO,. Manuilicturera of ]RON, NAILS. STEEL, MEM at ~` ` ...'.. AXLES -AND SPRINCS, Duinesne Iron, Sheet:and Iron, Juniata Iron. WagorCßogaroin Charcoal Iron, Cylinder Iron,- X' L Iron, Flanged (latter Bars, Guard Iron, Drag and :Dropper Bars,' T Rail for Coal Roads, Iron Wedges, Mat Rail for Zell' Roads, Boiler Iron, Crow Bars, Chal.n.Linits..Boller Aosta'. Steel and Iron Harrow Teeth: Carriage, Wagon; Seat - and Coach Springs, and Axles. all stvlee: slab Steel for Plows. Cultic& tor Steel, Steel Winne and 'Mould, cut to pattern: String steel all %lees. A. B. Steel and Steel Tire, Steel crow Bars. Steel Shifting. Re. . . , ALL GOODS FIRST CLASS AND WARRANTED. EirONees'and Works...WM street and Allegheny Stret and 77 WATIfRISTBSETs ?iiisbure l • At&Tvinungsvrresit. F. P. rouss, Bur r ITTI3REFIGH FORGE . • . AND, IRON COeir, e't a 01" cm= , • Bar Irian r,43l,44l,fishipors Zona; ,tg=esli ilososaotttertailLOS; I LipeeezniotlS *AIMS la 1161.11;itedlin . _ loat ROMs, Waist* Pittman jaws, Qoltatii Ofa.C43, PENN 3: 4- EvEmoNiillawirs , ‘.Tesmsy ~ ,i r on 1 NOE. 160 ead.llll Oldie Weal" Mcinfl 144111914"4: ipviressusunc arSeds , , , i'r* / SE/gre WORKW "- . bitEQWEPE 1 r ,- : ,.. 5 ', ; : .i: .' G ;IL; r .-• • ' IRON "ANO STEEL WOKS. ' $ ~,..,,, .. , ,re . .: • ...4.4.t , . , • , ....:5. , ..1. iiii; ' , Eallist:iii*,_____Altod; vairikai• *l O -waseaqfplimm."4",42air.- -s, • .., Anl-sitt/iffiliphai=it ittelkAtif ashil. -- (assa at Itount — "lrint i tardf aid ar . irlerstAtMilkir s ew",; ' C al " ; 10 ,844 11 1 4 *A ir ocu p i n se r: ri ; w.erza . .iiitatli Oa: lli" wow Sus. Artm olkA ....; - ... ~I iiiiiiii --. OKA Int L' • , tl3 t -7. Xswiticturagairrisillisedo,-f pf, STEEI., L .:1 1 40 , 4N AMlZMitcfMte . / tr i rehouse,' St Water 84100 Pint 116. Nti44l4 8 . 4:1314 &PARKIN: 1 Giunouz, rAwnrias: I . .WFARW 4 ze r-IY11!:1 ..111W gRESPCNT ATE= WORKS, 6.1 . . • t. 1. ° . • fillu r r 33 9 . -;.thertY Stit • • it - . 4.i. 4. _ s.wOILICAL* MEER 001 - ARS4- - ' -• • • • ~ .4=lolll3Mrilas. • 4: 4't•t • ' ram-. • : 4 4 4. wpm e 4116 1,14418 111 1 lirr*B• • • 21,11110 : I*. mtmidw, )mawn. DAP FORT PITT . FOUNDRY OFFICE AND WORKS, v il*F 4 tE TAlt t itttrr, PIiTSBURGH, PA, tiriEngines, Bolling kill Ma; chinery, Nail Machines, Retorts, and Castings generally. NM NATIONAL FOUNDRY ' • AND PIPE WORKS. °Cosier OGirio' 11 'sail liiiniallanazi Stave*, ibirlffa Wawa kr170.13171t43ME., Ladd WILLIAM SMITH , 31asinfaCtOror of OAST IRON BOWL PIPE, TOG - GAEI AND VAT= WORKS.' YT fives area oast ilivarlahly In Pits, Ii ;lily sand, and LS feet lengths. Also, mu assortment of Eleneraleasthigs Pot gal arid Water Worts. !would also call the atiesittim of Sriperlit4mdents of Gas Works to Say toile of !WORM. AT4V 3 MORTO74 STELE:ICT„II_IOth,WW, lh4tliailllt• These Worts are . among thelargess and snort Oomplete establishments in the West, and are now propand to furnish angisies, of every 0fref'11 0 11• 11 . _ Boiler% Oil Tasks. stieet'zion Work.• ' ‘,-11,4114n4 , • . • Soutar ; gIII essusag. Bloshlue . „ , . • • • Sestool Onsitogii;, , . oitrom 64:44amin ao9snso WORKS; L. o. Lrtrucoamoi.'w. tt. nontr.w: A. =am o% as. - r J IM INGSTON II . " "Ta IRON rointinitas, lattr/AC l 3 2 . l Mibl FZNE LIGHT F l LElTlfi r eilk Alfle81V0)0 ;Agit 7r311.,:t and. 4WOrk promptli attended to. ; y t' ASKO* '; l4 =ser il i '" regten7 OltY. r 1 4. -; ," - ROBINSON, RIBA & CO, ifoixiAtiOra 'to Wiwitic* lefisaurix*, WASHINGTON WORKS. FOUNDERS AND SACHINISTStIITTUURBH, leamdreturers-vf Bost sad Eltatt k oney *elm. Mi l - Wittig,intlast desafttionsa Tink el l i ra Stills, Boiler and Root Iron Work. I a t NME 7 B74aV r i agOTt i tr frooloirßonors. ..... . - -•- Jarkrs2 I Butler Street, Ninth Ward, 1 ,I%*".4to43Alrfilignio I , . Romig Min km Br it a Caatlnss, T1M1214 SKEINS , AMD PO. Intl; r A 4 IF ° Aiii*K 4B 4 A 1253 !"*" L Orders iromptly_sed oarefull7 executed. (WOK 10.1.!Maie. MOUS h 1111.01 MIR "ce., Fewji Ward -Ittuidrf lad , kidlike Work', SANDUSKY BT., A.LLYMEIDIT CITY, and l ta cLine Castloge, erste !tars, eights, Wagon Bozos, to. Saw to order and him on land Railinnotellebmst, antritnis EMT Ll'Ovititatie r , A ANOWOLIANORito reAmi,l94treost. . 1 . 44 jou -• Ja 1 ,•1 1 . 191 P 1) . 410 Wr CLUI Base 111131143asitass, Eon LisliNik IRON BROISX*4 1$4•1111Mit rilactiqr . 141 - q•rtiutait /.11e Oen t 0771— nAi oisbilablar 9011 • t!tt.t,t.ttt it i t'. TTL'i A:f 11" , "1,1 7.• q11191:1')301 t:111; ,1: ,411*IiiiiivokuAn 4141004110.14Paltai0011•114 PMAtajzge PaiNtiNG AND-WRAPANG PAPERS. SUPPOIIV7IO/04411StratlantleCniNVr1 ORRIVONDI NOIOETON. EIIII _ll, - . Pic 8211011 StrAl l ittialtirgh, Pa. ictigifeker I .7NO. L• g • env"; wain= --- SAM= -1 4 :147 i ir21111117 ... 101,11#.1*HaPg. Wir18494114 f: 111 , wow. - , fillimit 1 iin.„lmila. llginali _ . ~,...„," ~,.... gpicli - ' • - - pidall, FR . - .-, itoviwks * - . win' cu , . " H. „ = t es t ic% 11 1 giliadi r god ilew,t,, J. -' ~,,, AAinntwarztr. a. ',10,640,.....mh,..,,,,, ~,,, ......--- , a -, -. lbe e a t 11 • . run Mai y GAAvng-.., , e,.f.waxgsp* ,cmoprimoruns. cifT 777 7 7 i 7) 'PAPER. -;-.71.,..; TP3 FLOUR, -i , ;l 3 NOW 3 44l; l3 c ) 4P i P 4.Bge ` .1111611 N. BOLE 'B‘ CO Cor. Point Alley and Daqueene (NICAIt THY POINT,). • Engite Builders, Founder s &MIAOW' • Manufacture STEAMBOAT ENGINES and STA TIONARY ENGINES, of all eine. S !al attention Invited to er i ver r taTAT i l& 511 ER. ofir-Lurie . • t t ; ti t' C ig 3Tll4° %ISN ' T ~b outor6. e . 0 dry, .tbelovr irk t. • _RIGS for 011 Wells, SHAFTING, PULLEY% RAN N - GfB.l,2B4lE ß ir s iZel: ) .t.CCO d SC a l i trl in x : IRO order, at the , • *INDUSTRIAL WO RKS 1 . I • , Fronting on the Allegheny River, near the rola. Prrresuitan, PA. AII orders promptly Wig. Tar tie. FORT PITT • BOILMSTILL - woltims: - 'CARROLL et SNYDER, Tustrall: DO BLUED TUB IILAB, TIE* BOX AND CYLINDBB BTKAX sonatas. OIL BMILLB Asp,. 9114 T ANN% mumiars, Buisounie AIND. A r lm A3l PAN% 133M1N4) rAxa, 80.Y4 .1.2P3 MON `nrsamitie "nem ap -e•507:1704/ Azirp 33Eauti ;/ , • . I'MBON Doom AND COAL MITES Offfee avid istatoupe,L earraer Second, Third, Shook sun Lowrey Streets, YR 11 a. air Otters tent to the eboye„eddress ton bi • otly ittendett to•:. z •••. • . . • - loh7:119 WM BARNHILL & ::.BOILER MAX.bS —AND SHEET IRON Nos. 10; ➢* Alm lie tidlN wr. Havtnz secured large yard =a Aumisiled wilt the most - approied 'machinery, *e arepre_pared U manufacture every description of HOYT ln Pat bestiaF avanantWednat any madam Via.llo Zredchili_pr. Oka lads, Steam ipes, Locomotive Boners, condensers, Salt Pans, Tanks, Ott Stills, Agitators,Settling Pans, Bow: Ija,,Bri4Elks; wa n t 691 C Man. tutruturll'ofEaraniu,s-Palintt Rater*. Itspalsing done on the shortest notice. UM= JMKEIi M. BITER, Nos. Eys and 56 MO/1r Street, PrITSBIIIaOII, PA., murarminfpag; 451 , 01 t . I #4l, yootio SETTLING PAN& COPZILII STEAK PIPE. ROLLING MILL BTACKB, And BERET IRON WORK, • Tor Steamboats. JAB= Y. ==Cm JLDNITND D. IMMO. JARED M. BRUSH & SON, warirrAcTuazu 01 Steam Boilers, Oil Stills, Aniant WON WOW el Pedi ;9tieet, Putsaa;aii, Pa. OILS. "NV "WWI WARING AND KING, Commission Medd:rants and Brokers In Petroleum and its PrOduets, DALZELL'S BUILDING, DUQUESNE WAY, PEELLADiitiIm ifninutss. WARING, KING & CO., TACK BBOTIIEBS, commissioNlincliffrs, AND DEAL IN Petroleum and its Proditepli. ebrAteigir.W.,,VMDZlWear. ner Vivienne Wsi and Irwin streets. ThUselelphliCHSee—lSlT WALNUT BT. api:w3o vr is. LONG & CO., A-11.• YANUFACTUREES OP - --'-- - PUBS WHITE BURNING OIL, - a - 0 ,, , L V 4.?.? , 41. 1 J ~ t.. 1 ..-; , i,v.... 1 Once, No. x e Way, Pittsburgh. liWU:)WARE,; NEW ELARDWRIE ROUSE. LINDSET, STERBIT & kUWER, ,P2Frftreatinorimtt ,, L'_ -&-ft/1:0-TTAORE% 6 2", P - , CLITLICRIFF - Aikei ld! 'IOC4 101 I - . lit • ;L.!: 837 LITEiSTREF/Ili iv:Ol.H •ifs t: if ,t,OO4MIOSIIATIaIv f • 1 1 ;>7,r.tz ,In • • Olio Naar" NailPe l otas Dwell , 13! Itrnf t.ll. ;,,fn ,a$ 1.• Or. fAr.cM ttl!7 -.511 .7 ;,•.i ED Pn .l l l .lMYßan'Y' V r : • • ~.,-., ; ;Nu; r 1. toll f r ,T:j • rUtz.,ti . 41 07.-" I r 1 ,( 11 41)AMEIV , 111'wEE' N 'Is a 'Mr . • nasmteranza. UIP • • t fu re.; f . Hg Otandird ' ;: fur , 0114 Vaunter,: Iced,4ltonisuLPatent Door LI " 4 I :,.and litteheir I'AVW felitigr A ffiffr , iitta r/V 'Corner of Grant9indi ~.~~~:: = • _ _ t j ooptiontatiliblitillf • ' c. '" '-'i••'l4llllOntraalinu,,,,,o_.,-.. sd, “•e4.... ,1 / 4 7- -, ... 4... 't!. 4,14111 4 4 ." ''.'" ...,.64M44, & 4 Ark..) ~ .0!, "I c • . PA R E f . ,No wl. ,i.me fr.-!1nfr , .: ,,,, , ,,- gainismaanriatritiaimicli "•Indbri . t tl. 81 4 / 44. 1. 1 ,1 ! r 1 a1l . 4 .0, . • ....„". - 3 • . ‘, 1711 :4100 ' ,- .- , . . 4 . 111 •,,... .- ' ..." - ... • ' 11°' ' 'l .. :- . ''' ..st ~, I. ' i t.:.• . .. - . . i s • 1 • P I MII -. • 17 a. Pin. , AP dip atirsi ,.. - :• t i t NANCI AII' lIIMAAPNIAIONAMI4;WW.O,OO,APPI FORT ..•PITT:1011NO - -CORNY! No. 169 Wood Street. CiPffAL $2OO • • • • : 000 ••• , f I STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE. • incia.zEs IN • 439yEamplir BECIIRME, AA A it ND COLD. A 'i 11(1111111 ( ' el_ c.n.eu...-Nwie of all sttoesslble pants la the Vatted atstse atldClaaadas. i • . . ... • 7 . 1:11:11ZOTO D. llostetter, 1 -..3. , i Jim. BB . Q Bieber. James Elordaini" ' Bobt. if. Emir, D.-Wallaeor ... , . . -haelrew.lol l erft • Z. Pawoetti• 'rt , " demerbt.Belletx y. i . 81111%. 11100 L. 117BIKAN, Priet. _ NATIONAL I ,kili OF CONIERCI, ' . -7 Von of Wood. and Blnth.Sts. xRi0n;..,..,... . ..........,..Presideat. .'• .CAPITAL, - : : : 8500 0 000 e j ii , .t , DIBBOTOBB: . A. Pitterlen, , Boorgelc,Oaqs, " m. D. Bro JILVIes YClVlLlaieils has. Lockhart; Wm. Dooglu. Allen 3DrkpaUlek, • ' Wm. Beet. - M . * l3 ! # ll°° P . . , i' otoothiros D. 131 FART, BAN.. MEM iCaleaums *l:l4lmAsitscill Stocks, Particular sale of ••- • ' 300.:41, 127 Walnut 8 In! F e~~ EEO ,',I,.iTAIIIIART.'I I,- .. 1869 OWED ON TUNE .DBPOBII LEISTIIIII.I_IIOII. gliutbi#o, *. 17 114. 11. • AVGHET & AND -BROKERS, and Caned's."de on tri the prized* points of the nds and other Securities AND SOLD ON 00/0132810N. QM 'attention paid to tha•parcbau and States Securities. DRUG 13 AND CREIDEICALS. MACHEOWN & BRO., WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, • - 'Oto marcrAc;trazus or CYE1(1.113C:033. COl.ll. MOVED NO. 195 LIBERTY STREET, ,PITTSBURGH, PENNA.. White Lied, Window Glue and alamWare at NnnuinetarnrePridna.' ' . . dog BLINTICCORDLik . Aiiistallibla remedy for Bummer Complaint. Diar.. rhea, DrieMtery. Vomiting, Boor Otoutaah and Cholera Moibus. D apeCiaa for Cholera, Crucial. sad rain a SPIV". Of alge " HARR= ar. zwiNG, disitiP,Ai Liberty and Wiring Streets, `"~ ~-' '. ~ . ':.'J..I3I:B3OKIKAKER & SON'S PURE •L IWHLTEIirIiE.6.O earD, MC aws nistonvarthuars, • 114 - 00. ssiat Slut *Ea 1,44 deteriorate bi oxotNirare: It will look better, last longer and Ore more perfect eatielisetbiti any vast In the , market , 1. " "wgirria.i.l.4lol.9lo;!,'BA:;;. 1 1 I • • ; ,1;01 31'.112T4110111n101a$0•1 - i•t" ISCIINITDT „ fk,FRIDAY UHF • . •••.• . ,„ ,„ Toinize st,• • • vr'4• • ~ .‘ rvi • ; .v_as • 1 4 , WC. ; 'Tr • • • •' • v • - • 11 5 liltorp AND Liquurcti . • , • , , • , yr0...409,re5s Street, r.V$ Would direct the attention of the pahlie ti t tle I that, poi stadia 611,4760 i isollitles throes several Dirge Wise sn4 Liquor Houses la Europe, and teazle( their importatioas direct, they are enabled to offer the various grades of hots WINES AND LUPO*. St D404E1910 'tits* .ritearal aatiaatwas gammas t oak a.l yespectfully solicited. A choice assortment or pare OLD DU WEIS. ZIT oonstaitit al hand m i d ;:rWilii i ii F ICEINCii hi; CO., Nits. 1814 1117,1119, 1 9 1, 19.1. Me I P , "}fpliTwrisurr rrrisk '4l', ' ottosi . ! HO 4111,1 : 41 . !:" IturtipAropouria,m, , ~, ~ , , 44404,.:1.10A. joini n i e r , s : ijusii,46llolli FORTSON 1ii131214a LIQIJOBB. VPS. - .46.4,:.• :I . ! ' ammo STONE:-' 86:1044rpwit4, • poser ° w a tAna i non , Aluskial! U A & CO. artt On on, is Be a , igki s tig kli'VeParli for 111401 StAILMR,4I. bilge% Asimilitaill Taultail • memo. 9140111MASIT CENTR#L AVID UNION . . •. . • PACIFIC RAILWAY BONDS, The cheapest investment now In the market for sale hy PEE . ,R. Ze i riala r rZ, Cormir FIFTH AVENUE t WOOD.STREETS. Also, dealer in Government Honda: Gold and Coupons and European Exchange at market rates. deal IMIES BLOT- BG, aniceasors to S: 401IBB'S C 0..) ' Corner Fourth and Wood Sta.,. .113 ". I\T 33C. 3371 - EL BUT 124 D 8 . 21 4' AIL £I DS OP hu 4:1•1.; unqavb, etna), annit AND. courous, ox isoir Teams. sir Interest Allowed On pOosits. a2r Honey loszed on Government Bonds at low 'eat market rate.. • • Orden azetated for she Parelaiiiif glad Sale of STOCKS, BONDS aad 8914/. • - JAMES.T. BRADY lar' PARTIES DE SIRING TO 111+ ST in UNTO- AND CENTRAL PA CIFIC say! one per cent. , br l ip . rquis. g before - JANUARY Ist. Rondo on hand for delivery. • JAMES T. 'BRADY L CO., Agents Central and Union • Paclde Railroad eera rues, corner Fourth and Wood streets. ..drilibla - t:ji..:pti . 6itigt - -Gaitt4 FINANCE 4IMD TRADE. WiTto*WITOPIMMMMWaRriMi TA:Mane:T. Jannary-15, UN& s • Gold, bonds and stpci9 antlered alurther decline to-day flout the ex treme itTingency of the Aifozitiftnarket , ; ia 'made ar- tUicially tight to bring down gold for the purpose of buying in at low rates. AR lots of gold offered for cash are readily taken at quotations, whilst regular purchasers have to submit to an advance of from y. to pet cent. - ' • Government bonds, for the old issues, remain firth, as likewise the Eighty-43nel' and Ten-Forties, but the new issues have declined from to 1 per cent. Stooks have. suffered a heavy decline, especially New Nork Central, Rock Island, Reading, Ohio's and Pacific Mail, whilst Erie and North Western remains firm. Express shares are firm but lower. Money , 7 per cent., gold, and a commis sion on call. -- - Closing quotations as received by Ph. R. Mertz: Gold, 134%; Eighty-one's, 110%; Five Twenties, 1862, 111; do, 1864,10734; do, 1665, 107%; do, 18654i:few. 106%; do, /Be 7, 107; do, 1868, 10734; Ten ' Forties, 105%; Railroads -Cleveland dt PittsburgA, 8334; Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne & Chicago. 114%; Chicago it Rock laland„ 116%; Chicago it North Western, 81; do Preferred, 85%; Michigan Southern, 87; Reading, 91%; Erie, 313;' - New York Central, ..%%; Ohio I' Mississippi Certificates, 32%1 Western Union Telegraph C0.,33%; Merchants Union Express; Co., 14%; Pacific Mail. 117%; Adams, 47%; 51ining shares—Gregory, 3,614 , Quartz Hill, 71; • Smith do , Parmele, 2,65. . . . --Says the Chicago .Repubhcan, of Mon day: The Aisthignshing „feature.ot r thit time is the stfingent df Off money market, tbejaok of facilities 02- cept among a favored few, for obtaining Prompt. liceOrdoiOdatirph, liCausibe ~ no. little distress'amon'i the commercial *hd have .been trying to close up accounts, so as to begin the new year with a clear record and new books. •Wti'llo not wish to be un derstood .as: saying,that ..M9007 r is .anY Closer that it higbee for someiveeks past; but on htlinday •nextthe:Nnticinal'; banks are 'rf witted Make Op*. statement of thelreondltiou, and in order- to intake ra good, ShoWlng, particularly &tibia Of year when so inunli , moneyls , needed to early ou,general businees;they have peen obilge4 to contract their lines Of: discount, that to-day there more money on hand then is freherilly supposed, put the bank ers dare not lend as much as they would werenotion Weave of. statement clay, for; finfrenaiihnr "short." , Onrreturria doming: niani l freely'from. the West, while - the radio:than some sections have fallen off metsrkellyi;ltates of 'interest have been steady and Jilin at len per cent. per annum. " 1 "-Cnotithit ittiotiFt*l.:loii4klif 4y 'Ames, T..- Brady. • ib::130.: f'l Gold, 184% ; United 'Statoa Sisteldtgitira Go ld , , 111; 4.20'a, i 564, 107)4; 4,20 a, 1-' 4 A 108; 10-40% 105%;,..Ag01y January all. July, '65, 106%; 6-2641, January and July, ;' 6 7,..0 6 )0 2 -P B t JamtftbWiti do ;Lor•wel -Oompouriaso 119; Union Pa o Railroad, par; Central. -.41;;;?.t Vl' 11 .11;q17 IF 4.- I'OU . ce , Arpal 0:0101'11 fl#t f' TOEsns=,.xanuary 51•'1!168. zedsno abefiMesitlintilatiiatiiiitnit 1 0 1 41 liiar l o o , /14r114.41 1 0 6 tior*or bmthersi,sontinues- comparativelT, ciriciskespecialryler future deliveries, are sf on' she fitly sustained. It is asserted, 10,1034 t every ret la aa°Pl:A9,,holOti'thi.o: itliiiertte t `it t there. not sufficient ififfer. eVetVittien Crude and Refined to afford: tie t*ititatetnfer t4vidi yrrt Int4itilvox'as retarding business and restricting operations. This being the °ail ) ; the *Lion" is not:_bensilthed by.the recent afirMoe,ifte.grude .has advanced in We flame ii.lo4ol_4llthsllefinliticr Altat:the. r manufacturer is in reality but little, if any; :better off than he wall - week since, when prices were - considerably, lower. The tideideiletiplierer nor can auy fault tie nd with the pro. ducersi for realising theican for their oil. This, as near4e; we pen learn, is the 1 situation of refiners generally, though , °duller , tiVose who bought acciailtwerair. OAS fOr kiteurtifieliVe*Yiti 12 nOr, ,*o.ll',ieftned • against • iti;si,d'!ieftliaelf: handsome margin; ..the' ' tiouble,however, -, the - lact that those who bought Crude 'at"lott prices, sold Refined at the tome time,--and therefore, as a general thing, cannot take aditantage of the mar kikt. rt .. r , : Thif.:MWfet opened strong elet abl3_, , ao,lMATlCOn d oe l44ol4ow4gort4l93 Bilts4Powi.-810e of .8,000 bbls first six enths; Webers option, at 14. Late in the de.9, however, tine", roiled to be a weak neo-'ollinifelitedi vac' 4 trlille there oars Mil to sell, atl4, bat lbw if anv buyers conk ; be found. Late last evening there, was a ! sale -of 4,000 each . 'rem' January to March at 14x. To-day there were offers to sell the same delivery at 14. _ 1 The market for Refined continues Arm and excited, and prices are well sustained, particularly for rate months in the year. We can report 1,000 bbls for. January at 31q; 50Q each fqr January and . reb soo - 31%; 500 for rebnary'fat , 32.; andeach from April to December at 3535. Offers to buy January to:Jitne. - at 33; and' March to July at 34. AslWe have already intimated the volume of business would-be larger if it was not for iscarcity, of sellers, and we have almi give the reason why relineri, as a genoral•thing, are unwilling to enter into new engagements. _ „ OIL SHIPPED MA ST BY A. V. R. R. . McKelvY Bros. & Co., 270 do to W. P. Logan , ; • Citizens . Ref. Co.; 60 do Aar" fa' Pittston Gas*Co.; Philadelphia.' Total shipments Refined.. :270 OM SHIPPED EAST 'PRIM DINKrESNE DEPOT. P. A. Bates, 00 do tar to Paraffne Oil Co.. New York. Prrrstsußqu D[ARSEm. Dims or rwaTirrsatmost Gazirrri l l • TtrEsnAY, January 5, 1869. s The general markets are quiet and de- • • *old, of anything that is really new or im portant: Flour and Grain are a shade - • firmer in consequence of an upward ineve ment In:Chicago, but there is no improve ment to note. the -demand, and, as yet, no advance in prices. The demand. for almost everything is light, and restricted mainly to supplying the immediate wants of the retail trade: - APPLE BUTTER-7 0 to 80 cents. APPLES--In better , supply but - un changed at $3,50 to $5 as to quality. BUTTER—Continues very dull with a Emptily largely in excess of the demand; we continue to quote, however, at 35 to 40, for good to prime. ' ,• • - 8EA.158--18,50 t 0•53.75 ner bushel. . BUCKWHEAT FLOUR-410 4% eta. CRANBERRIES—S2OO too $23 per bbl. CIIFESR—DuII; 15 to 20. CORNMEAL-41 to $1;10 per. bushel. CARBON OIL—Is quoted at 2535 to 26, in a jobbing way, for standard white. DRIED FRUIT,-Steady with sales of Peacues, at 12 to la for-quarters, and 15 to -16.f0r hslyes. Apples 9,.t0 11. . DA, DM. WI/ ROWS--12 td - 1342; 1.• EGGS—DuII at 30 to 32. • HAY—We can report small sales of"good to prime baled, in store, at $23 to $26. HOMINY-46,25• to 16,50 per bhlf PROVISIONS—Bacon is steady with job bing sales at • 1435 for Shoulders, and 1835 to 19 for Plain Sugar Cured Hams. Lard, 16 to 17c, and prime city, 18 to 18%c. Mess Pork, $28,50 to $29. • ,•. . • , LARD OIL-Js. firm and unchanged at $1,30 for No. 2, and 51,55 for No. 1. GRADT—There • is no movement in .Wheat, and prices are nominally un changed. • .oats quiet, but with a-limited supply, prices are firm at 61. to 65c on track, and. 68 to 68c in store. Corn andill quoted at 82 to 83c by the car load, 85 to 87c, in. store, and dull. ' Rye cannot be fairly quoted above 01,45 to $1,47, though round lots are held' firmly at $1,50. Bar ley—sale of 3 cars No. 2 Chicag9 : Spring • SALT—Is firm but ,uncrunigedr Alle gheny river brands are still quoted at $2 by the car load,• with:the usual advance for small lots in. store. POTATOES—DuII but unchanged; small wiles in store at 80 to 85c. Sales 2 car loads. at 75c. FEATHERS--168 1 ea to the trade at 80 to 85 for live , geese, and 90 to 95, in a retail way. _ MILD FEED—The following are the Pearl Mill prices: Bran, $1,10; Shipstuff $1,30; Middlings, $2; Screenings, 51, and Rye Shorts, $2. ,FLOUR—Is , a shade firmer, under_the influence of the advi , sia from, Chicago, but there is no iloprovement to note in the demand, and •no change in prices. Spring Wheat, 57,50 to ;Mb; and Winter Wheat, 18,75 to 48,25 per , bar. rel. Rye Flour, 57 1 75 to $B." The Pearl Mill quote their best brands, made of the beet. Wheat. as follows: • •Extra Flour. in barrels, ati9,s l V an: On 'sacks, P,2op4 ; barrel; Double. ,Extra ,Famuy. In. harrebri $10,20, and,2:in •Isicks,• $9,90 , „per barrel;' Spring Wheat Flour;•in .barrals,.sB,oo. and, sacks, $7,70 per barrel. The City Mills; note prices as' follows: Extra • Wltnei.),Art • barre 15,49,514 and; sacks, ,20st barrel; Double Extra -Family, in , barie ' 110,00, und,„iti sacks,, 59,70 per bsr-, rel, an Spring,.sB,o,in barrels, and $7#70;7 in sacks, per‘bgerek - - • • • •• • are still'iinoted, In a jobbing,wav at 97 to 98c. • ' I lit i E E . Cfaq.cio, tin ry . astern xchange s Ls fi rm and unchaugelL Flolir is in better i request and :the market is firmer; sales are i reported. at_ls,Boalhkll for low to spring extra ( ' Wheat is "..cdsre Sisci,firmittrist Mc I higher.; adds of FM:I atlf,22 annlb. 2al 4 11,1634a1,18, closing firm at $1,1714a1,17K .1 for,:No. 2; sales were made of No. 2 this afternoon at ;1,17. Corn is more active and firm and is 14a2c higher; sales of old No. lat 65c; No. 2 kiln dried, 56a570; new, 563 fr A as7c; no Esde,)o34_o2lgo, closing firm at 7 56 34a 5743 To 1010017118734 Ci for no 'trade; i since 'clidgiste; othibighsatlabitibifti Oats are fairly active, the demand is chiefly speculative; the rates are yo higher; sales • i were reported at 473ta48 1 40 for No. 2; 443{a I 450 for rejected, closing steady at 47% for i No. 2. Eye Is stsady_and quiet at $1,17a1,18 1 for No, 1 and 11,16 for: 2. o, 2, closing steady at $l,lB for No 1 and 11 16 for No, Bar ley is dull and weak, rly sales of No. 2 were made at 11,65, dosing with sellers but no bayers at 11,64. Highwines are dull and firm at 92a9334. Provisions opened quiet and easier, subsequently became firmer and modsrstql3l4,olTowialegor liD,A,:,ibiii foe 511810r1141.111181/3k al,l'ili i.Oll tere& and $27,60 from dressed hors; 128, seller, last half January,, and $28,50, seller, Feb ruary and March. Lard is quiet -at 18X6, seller, February. Sweet pickled Hams, , 15% 0 ; green lams, 1430 ; dry salted shoulders, lltiq cured rough sides, 1330. Loose dressed Hop are in goodking and shippisigkhquildi titrilit, clos ing firm at i11,50a12. Receipts were as fol. lows: 11,886 bbbs sour; 31,003 bush wheat; 33,580 bush corn; 16,804 bush :oats; 5,336 bush rye: 2,300 b ush barley; 7.810 head- hogs, lihipments-17,494 bbls flour; 11,702 o b :liV i t i 1 nic a rbarbarer 4,712 Mead o' . " ' 4 ' Cattle Market—Hogs dull and area shade easier; sales were made at $9,15a9,60 for common to fair shipping; /9,60a10,40 for fair to good Mess Pork Hop. Beef Cattle are fairly active; sales were made at 540501, 5,62% for common and light steers and $ 7ll 71.: go Pi le l e d al",ll.l "'' •- - i . , i, rf r 1614nitdi anuary rlour in mode rate demand, with family at 7,6027,76. Wheat rather firm ; at 1,78a1,75 for No. 1 red. Corn dull at 65 for ear or shelled. Oats dull and firm at 90a81. Rya steady at 1,85. Barley unchanred. Cotton unsettled antareaidett,o4- Pr , Middlipg, W ey ti ogii4iiixiAt V5ll 10,60 for live and 11a11,26 for dressed itstM2 ,rn i tat A i d a it 1 1 lirik liliZitheld t,,lili t l,4,giul J6V,. for silbtllk blear 141140 ittlics aiid , ln deitiande 4 1 ) Bacon, shoulders 13g; clear ri side," It clear sides 17Xa1754. 11ctrd. rticti-.4 0 - lug to any extent; sales of ow grades Ad, 17a17% for prime steam to rsteam lett; kettle sold at 18a18 , but is now held t 19. B rfl ei t ing L Ifi t atco4 344l4 k A uSy i t i 4 1, • etroleum qu et at or re ned star. Candles 28a24. Lard 011 1,65a1,61 for No. 1. Extra Bo r dvaneed 10. Gold 1,36 Y, buyisg mtd. .40111,pg.-,-.4scharige dull at 1 t-tiipit* , ifsbeatfotitig as* - par selling. El .'.,i • RE