The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, January 06, 1869, Image 4

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PB. kilt:Mali. .JOILLII KING.
. ,
T. P. 110IISTON. • N. P. REED.
• Nditorcoad Proprietors.
"' '". 04.1431 t
g env
. - • . yousi*r.:. .
. .
firms-Daily SeifiVgreatlV. ' Weekly,
: kii " . ";;;:• 8 11 171.1Z*.nt8 a l ligl icop g PT... : 4 1:11
*TAU week . 7•
'Mtge Wei, 76 , " " . 1.15
caldera •., - • i ,, —sadcms toAgept.
Tinc.'WEEzinr Gezirers, (Hued on Wed—
„ .
illieskir and & 2 tur#4o,Atlui beat and cheai
eet fnmily,serspoper Pm/toy/tank; '
prangs each week fokst:eight CONMII4 of
00-reodirigny4ol7. s 44viva colullog; ip
'leen ;:aticeihott rehabldmarket reparir or any
paper in tlie Eltute, Its files cnv used exclu
608131 OM (foul*, sr i
, I
gheny county
for rears n e siMiUnt issues to determine
the ruling mites' in at markets a the time of
iht butiness traiilactsan in dispute. Terms:
ion", ens year, 111.60 ;' tin clubs ofji fiv e,
VAS; elubs4 ,ten, $1,15, and 'risle"fret
io 145 :getk;' up - seas club. BPeGinifn copies
Dint free to any address.
Wz rnn on 11l : mitts , 1 mos of this
Atttitirnin g 's GAziris--4ktinfi pcseo': 474nh•
trris,' Miscellaneous. Thisvi and Sixth.pages:
...Ffnanekl, Commercial, Mercantile and River
Xmas, Karki*:. Imports. Ef.tptOf ;vie:
- •lcinissryTashions - Oct N£scellaneotts. •
GOLD * closed. yesterday in :Now York a
";.Ti p . special presentutent of the Grand
4tiky, a welf'writtendoduniat,,is published
'oat 01. eighth page.' auggeltions are
,yery imiairtant, *id:trial " our County
, Cornixdraionera-wiitnotlia:elliii to take such,
action in the matter at the 'imperative ne
cesaitiei demand. ,
l'Ext.4mni.pau. has tot inttc.h to complain
of at the hands oQ the Pennsylmiti
d managers. It was recently,shown in
;debate in her City Councils that 'the divi.
dends" of the stock of the road held by the
city netted 8140,000 above six per cent.
interest on the sum invested.- •
Tirr; E.taterzoN , of. ITnitedEtates Senator
Neill Tag held on tl}i3 : third .Tifeiday of , Janu
sly; at: three 6'clockin the aftepuion, that
hour being axed by 'a speciiil > law three
years ago, for,the,reason 'that theinauguni
tion of the dovernor is also' fixed,on the
third Tuesday ofl,anumy s „
The election fl State Treasurer will take
place on Monday
• Tin Allegheny cotaty delegation to the
Legislature at Harrisburg, yesterday held a
caucus meeting, when the fact •-wa!! dei-el
oped duit our home, candldatea for :the -llnt
-60 Sides I:3l:litie . ';lied .e , :iMd• strength,. each
receiving four votes. • It-ils.not probable
that either ,
be i electedd Jaw; BcOrr
wpm' to' be the comirw , m mn. for the po.
*don. Both the Cameron and Penitsylva-
Bailroad,parties are. ePorted to be
Ipritble to hikelection, and, if such be the
i*B, he can hardly beset aside for any• Other
gentleman, ( • • "!
Tin:stratum cif Claim county, Tenneme, at I , 3 4kth"taken into their oiin hands
1 5 U PPFP $81°10 t-the I) =4o_ thieves, Mg'
laws and murderate::who, under"the nam9 of
the ktaZlnx, lave - given that district a tut
ithunlr• Pelpil!itaTe been. living
" long enough under' the reign of the clan,
and hive iasoliell that the civil law must
sndOwn have its con= that count yUral
thilialieti 10 813218121 the - CiVil °fa:
ars in the, execution Of thesame. If thaw
levt itnd 'order citainis `are'resllyin earnest,
wkmay louttlet*llttkilliholeabyte he,44, 1(
ain 'Bn effeetnal Nilping out of the'KU:altii
/r4loll#4lVAu s tiot4 cF,
Tnz Chicagblirriliais , Cdnifaini has just
bee iPmulek )!11:4 141 1 . sulumf 7, 1 )40. drawl
sustained irom libel: bra irdiaan'izi
city whose nametippeabld in Wince depot t.
It was in evidenAtl4t the, he g itk i mtaijdng
the libel had Wei oiderea h out by, the man-
agingeditorOindi6t in bfibeiderit , The
paper < m tkraimiieuregl l 9**Alid would
possibly have escaped the heayy verdict had
not a plea of justificatfaii Vein entered and
notoeusbdrie4 , lo# the tr.K.)fne
ap. -
Dll4/#4l/ of,the irTe il- o'tka*ls - AO do
• gichl 'or ;Aintrieitirrepiejn- ,
d le lle : V eu t
the reeptnidh e p es of the no bad
made silithembaratloginnsidislcikiet trepi•
11PRIk°4044.0 2 PulgiC"tioiro4keiteisi f :Trbloht
the 'bad` due rizoOhtitl*ti:fieekiint;
of their • .
Pontas - D "' ' baize ttriiveaid*
7 Of, Ant la , 1M
b7.4 1 1f 1 1 11 4/ PAW of the South for the Chia
ofy OA. 1 1 . ! 2 1 1 PRI Orate - thilvatilty, A'
Difiselas — lPpi paper aecarm 1,. wino iNk , bon(
- .., .0 , ... _ t
teacheryt t 7e,liAltajesinan , " and thinks
410 presenee 4 iw the facility of that Institu-
Iloniioidriclif itieli;mdred students. If
the Sinithiikiiaiple at 4) in anywise partial-
lar that their
torarfelrgiaicriVevij*p-,. phie their
conduct ar.weuM - have them
tagrolf*gwfases'utitailio i ion'
nau 44 1 .t r f l i k il lG PP4 l lf o .P 4u . he
ahßuld 14:ffi , ected_ goo mpg
izowilikaiipoYsliet t aitlutfliyoudfitiAirirbo'
with to whleitit! the tiog,
ge a ion might ;aim — th,FOO plume 1219.
weir : r } epo s 4kTemitd cotiritiy
Wltb a rf,01,1,11#1,,,r)*
1 1 1ii ss , ?mP ie t e dCP 3l ,4 l #9o,BerYi•lgPnly
kcal purposes; tills read big 'proved of very
great advantage to_ this 'city, as well as to
lbw, district. of -, country:OM:olmq to . it.
'Only a - few' itionthk isiobablY elapse
befoielt *lll be linisbed to Chintierland, af
fording direct and easy communication be
tiveen this point and Baltimore and Wash:
ingten: This will greatly increase the ben
efits derived from it.
• But something - more than this must be'
done'to take the road out of the category of
beinglocal in its ties. •It mtist have Western
Connections; elevatirig it to the character of
a through or trunk' line. To this end .two
AIN, are ripcsaan: ii The, nuniaspni theft c of must be able either by negotiation 4iSiby
construction to acciture affiliated lines exten
ding .wistWitrli and ibeithey gust be able
actually to make connection therewith, so
`aito'dliPatch freight
out detengon and costar transit., from one
depot to another.
To this end; Kr:Hueruavr, the President
°C;tlitel P9.lslPlulhAn• • 4 4 4th ultimo pre
sented to the Councils a memorial 'asking a
concession of the privilego of cioilaingfrom
the right . bank •of the ,Mononghela over to
left,-.449ft4e-AIIf•EART. 144,14. this
P4Yilege 1 . 3 441 1 4 0 0. FaPtA,Wa PIRWOO Th at
the ,Company . must rest , spider grEat
establishing anthriate 'connec
tions • with the Fort Wayne road, or any
other line entering thecitybil that sicie e ' A
supplemental •rtnite by : way of • Nine Mile
and Negley's Runs, would render a connec
tion with the Allegheny-Nalley Road • fetal
bleop that access could tie had; - by agree.
nient, over that channel from the point of
-ante rtiect.ion down ' into the city; but we do
not know that such agreement Practidebte.
Nor dO we know that a Clime arrangement
with' the Fort. Wayne Road can be estab
,Msed , by the Connellsville, even if the
transit across the °lel alkali be Made; though
we.prestune it'axn be. ;In that „event mistrial
interests will grow up, and these cannot fail
to' open the Tray for enungeractite mutually
benefidial. -
it must be remembered that the,wes
tern terminus or ilia `Coniselltiiillie'rO*l is
now; and always lid "-beck close by the
-track otthe Panhandle road, and no direct
"Connection has been eitablished between
them. Cara can, indeed, pp., at . Turtle
creek ft6iik the C c Onnellkvilfe over'ito
,the Pennsylvania, come dawn. Itb/tivY ,
:and pass on to the Panhandle; but that's all.
It may be, for ought we knOw", that the
managers of the *timore mad cold° road,
who are potential In the Ronnellsville Com
_do not anc : to,preas towapkthis con
nection, for the reason that it might'operate
-injnriously to the business of their_lim be
tween Cumberland and Wheeling; but such
a connection wouldlivadvaniageois toqbe
Connellsville road,as a distinct organization.
NOw itis an economic truism that it is fOr
the welfare,of this city to afford.'t.tie largest
itecomoclitions to all the ,nsilrelads centering
here,,Which are consistent 'with the proper
Movements of the - population 'along. the
streets. The formation of th&territory,upon
WhiCh the'sity is &die, renders It difficult to
decide what ought lobe don& Situated be
, tweet' two rivers, :Which approach each other
atiliait*gles; sb hate Imite l iuid*tiinhigli
promontory or bluff in the middle s , :separti:
ling the two . distimit , : connected
only near: the o c,o fru en e. eof these
streams, it is praciticidly more Zitlicidt; to
meet the proper wants of the railroad cern
panies, than in almost any other town.
Evetiat Phihidelphfaiii Chicago,-iitich are
located on extended plains, insuperable ob
'catkins would. be raised-to a project for
uniting all the roads on a partictdit BRO,t)
central and that a onti. ' trielsbjeti
tionif Which:Weida Insitied• elsenihere ; =are
intensified. . , • ac :=.. •
At Philadelphia and Ofil*go,,however,
rallwaYa can go, iothid;,tie,;nialiil of iMid
rendering detours cOmphratriely - Inexpen
sive and feasible. 'Ude fe iiiikgbitifiltial
conditions areAuite .differentl and afford a
narrow choice of alternatives.. the
city and the reiliay compardointat ;do the
bat they 'can, as, the, circuriistances, stand.
XT. XI:I6II.L.RT puts the point well when
he insists that , butt fdiltitpanyjhait iefalt-p
claim as another, to. OLei uSe Df :the strati.
'Fhb! . is , undoubtedly true . Tint, Councils
should remember -that!, individual citizens
hiveittiol Ind stronger claims to tife iitfre
paded Use ef the, streiti,tl4.4i...ral!way
corperation whatever. IfOeu4c4, 4 7it t aili
ago, made mistakesiii
way companies to'.eiceiWthistreets to the
serious inconvenience of theleopleAt does
not follf•w. that those MietiWeacbtioall
peatek, :On the contrary / 4t courßarts with
canted, and new ones, of shoe, dutrietgr,
be avoided bettec Ass 0, 13 ratrwrkt
companies; bil;'eatOiati lie subjected
ki Met Ilief frotibWititberitherAfttf thepe6: l
ple of - thetltty,landfrcquettters here; mould
lie ; brad ant 'elideriga:ea ''beyond` a
=Aerate - degree in a
° off aftthelr
business or pleasure may . prompt them to:
We adlitiber - diffteriltfeedl the elite ; and
tba;JaMbsote.bantumed.otrenuotudy that
it is far wiser to ;spume ezist4n, g
Mons from theVlTO:l,am. otx
'tonal ones to be'biltnif."The presehr4 l
rengementli baanot' be= 1116ffectti-Watutin=
much lecc ouyn AC ,A 4 1r.04#9'•
duced--withont - T•renderingoirithin a. brief
perApd . , itettelgarAtke most frequented Atreets
aitb ether imPialai' l l49/ i'949l4r l ,Nia an
ordinary vehiclea - ( If plans can iv deviited
thr ntitiMlaMll2lllo :Wow , the ilerel of the
streets, much :trut#l be T4t would
eaten extiage upon the'ompsnles, but in
then tttTi:tllo%-dxperlditurea,howerei Uire,
would toUldlittii be etbubnitiali 12 1 . - 3 k,
The &Pt P ‘ 2 ,9 1 2z9N.94 3.oPis-puittor uh
their hands. of the pembersof those
bodies are finsiness inter- j
estatf thittity; iiitil-know what is
FiIPPPSWPS 4 ;tI9 , bIM4PiSAIKL, fr .
we doubt not they will bestow upon it full
and dispassionate wnt,*.at i ko 4,ndtthen
do whet shall -be. Atiir7 ;the cir
cumstances which" br ot h , pon the
citizens andAtidtlint map rations.
Their task in the premlses !Ivor ;
tanVettedelicate;' but - the ' WM:4' iki Ili&
sure, acq,uit t gae, lyetpbt—riulit with
wb °masa - cretion. . ‘
i'f'..zil,ttALLl.4: 4.1 t 6;4 L 1 4 ,24 `JV 0.:4;
- - , , EEPISIIII% :. - 7 t
We have received from Special- Commis
sioner of the Iteveaiie; tikfro A. *Era,: s',
an advance copy of his report for the year
1888. ".It is an, elaborate and volumirdius
docuMent, occupying 110 ordinary pamphlet
pages, discueshig the policy of legislation
"most likely hereafter to prove advanta
geous to the revenue,. and most certain to
establish the credit and industry of the coun
try on a sound and substantial basis." The
great length of the documenterid the variety
of topicsdiscussed prevents either its entire
publication or a review of its main points
this morning. -
The CoMmisaioner holde that the aggro.'
gate wealth of the 'countryis increasing.
rapidly, but itl does', not 'follow that there
is the same increase in, ;general pros;
perity ? and ". I ,adtranceti the theory that' the
effects of• inconvertible paper money are
that the rich beeeme richer ; and the poor
poorer.. The influence of direct and indi
taxitien pon th cost of domestic pro
I na
to'- " sees results. He
classifies ta , than n eithese L heads: Un
der the. In venue; '2. Under 'the"
tariff; 3. State and load taxation, 'and disi.
cusses at much length the influence of, each
form upon • e cost of production and upon
National d elopment. The abatement'of
internal re ' enue• taxes has not proved in
any ,waYl de t rimental to the national ex
chequer; bu in nlos instances the repeal of
the taxes c au sed no reduction in the
price of the articles relieved, but, on the
contrary, has been equivalent to legislat
ing a bounty into , the pockets of the con-
He says that under the existing financial
condition of the country, the old time
issues between -the "‘ advocates of free trade
and protection have ceased to be of any real'
importance, as revenue must ,be derived'
from that source. The question of protec
tion, as it is interpreted in Europe and'
America; is thoierighly discussed'and he ar-'
rives at the conclusion that the ' foreign
method is to remove -burdens, cheapen cost
and reduce prices, while ours is to levy a tax,
thereby increasing:cost and, reducing con
sumption. A tariff is a tax, and to demon
strate it a carefully'preparedtable of statis
tics is presented, showing that from tea, cof
fee; sugar and pepper, ,the average receipts
from duty per annum' re received sufficient
to pay in gold the interest on 4140,000,000,
and involving a tax of four ' cents
per week on each consumer. The tariff
is a Much preferable system of .taxation to
that of internal revenue. The Commission
er holds that a consideration of the whole
subject will show that no material reduc
tion of importations can - be efiected through
any practical increase of the existing tariff.
alere is a curtain point to be reached in im
posing deities on imported articles which; t o
go beyond, Wouldrender the tariff inopera
tive and would invite smuggling, and in no
country can evasion of the excise or cuff
tonie be carried more 'enecessfuily than in a
a republic where popular opinion is both
the law- maker and sustainer.- . • •
The tariff, as a measure for 'raising reve
nue, and as a protection to home indus
tries, is contrasted. . ; Essential differences-of
opinion arise on. the subject only when con
sidered as a measure of protection, in which
he asserts it preaents itself as a question of
profit and loss, burden and advantage, the
burden being the ,tax i and enhanced prices
the advantage and profit which is hild
to accrue from the resulting stimulus and
development of domestic In
various phases the Commissioner discusses
Witter ik*‘ l 4:anner' - ' Wide, ',open for feline
and inviting contradiction ftom thefriends of
liberatprotection. :, ,i„ ,-,
;In speaking of the future financial policy,
be IWe: ' -
It seems clear that Whatever fiscal policy
may be preposed for;adoption, it, must not
only recognize and be based on the exist,
ink condition t of affairs, but triust be alao in
the nature at .an'iniendineilt,' - whfch - shall;
to the smallest extent possible; partake of
the character t ot* an experiment: ;'Violent
chanke;uneertainly arid 'unstability ' are, of
all things, what the business interest of the
country have most reason to dread; while
qn„Ahtpother, - 4411, the; daterlolnetion : ita
recognition of a clear, well defined and
practical issue, to be attained l, by a certain
progressiv4even,though slow, movement,
is sure -to bring with It stability,: Wipe; and
confidence tz,t, the fPture7thePelogents,FtWyh,
tid.ftetitiite iti fie small degree the basis of
both. private:and Imam - ProaritYr .1 Can
such an, issue be consummated ?
. The - ands ' . 1.6 :;be attained are, mainly,.
three: i ltrit v ilott t tssforatts% 91_04 aarffga4
eredit bltd iettraptfed'of specie ylajfass*'
second, refunding the national debt at a
lower rate of interest; third, reduction of
00404P,o,tmati(InaZ Prildgetfittl, tofth tt, qeb
of enabling ths products of American in
dustry to compete on terms o greater squat.
priStmetssif if , nathenli Aim
iikwpdissbti; - theretry Cs bltsblug a eye.
terns o
national: protection and insuring
, stability, pareiLsiug„,psochrO, and gi,,fgere)y,
!opment of American commerce and ship.
btlftlillV,i't ? - 11: ',i ' - ,‘,.t..1 :'', I. ','.. I .f 71.
' let ns now enquire what elements are
ready at
,qlPor4efband for , the accomplish
ment at
eTs4lol* te tsi L , cseivetyf d e bit; and Is ar er em barrassed
the volinne, of its matured ag4, agspen.
'ded Papef."To r frief l itsell mebibirrass.
meat and to redeem its suspended paper,
thereivould stem to be bathe , ode , meibhd,
which is alone available to individuals un
'delSlllolaz.grotimSancess..7l,o•l STRIATINIik
iiisome way to-receive more than is ex
pemded, and to r apply,the maples of receipts
over expenditures to the' Tnifmtlit i of debts
And to the reetoratam of credit. . , ~.,
The determination of the probability of
obtaining such a surplus: and also its poitit-i:
ble extent, involves the consideration of the
national filitneesi'present and prospective,
and to this attention is next invited,
Thei4iii(titiieriiiiiHirtint tolAii desenesii
intelligently in the repor t
t to wldch we
shit* agithi- ' refer. ix , the concl6ions ' Ara '
thus sunturd.pnt fr -; • - - . • • • '
- t r• t IX- ,'
! Our ilrelfenetarilris' - iu many particulars •
appateptly based, upon the old, ,fiWacy t,wit,
in the texcharigef of commodities bet Ween
nations,, which cogstitutes commerce, what
one gains the other loses. .It - needs but a
tboment4 ..thouglit,,t9 pA s convincell that
there.. dahlif'nO..pfitaalleitt tradeor corn.
coerce unleis it is for the gain of both na.-
dans; upuitrade wbagettapiti rite intithalibf
et 'services, and :it Is one dtthe, evidene e l.
of the progress of modern th ought, that
WI intertlieperiderice of naffoMtin Patch:Wag.
to be recOghized:
• Thie is emluently_frue
ist - AngfandLPranCe.isnd Ofrithuty,.,true r ,in
Mini !. aud,lapin,Arne even is
~ s k il l " ; but
, ~:.. ~..:.; .:,,... Slis i• ;El., •
tot let thelTriltetiftateN,
our laws are to be taken as the evidence of
our thotfght. •
With these feeli ngs and convictions he
would _ therefore prove untrue to his trust,
he not here enter his most earnest pro
test against any farther general increase of
the tariff, but would, on the cOntrary,
First. An enlargement of the free list; ,
Second. A reduction of some rates ' of duty,
and, as an exception. an increase of a few
Othere, with.a view to the increase of the
Third. A reduction of some rates; f / duty
with a view to an absolute abatement, on the
simple' ground that the redaction of a duty
the'is reduction of a tax, and that the most
efficient method of protecting home indus
try is by the removal of obstacles in the form
of taxes.
, A ura. T conversion. to the utmost
possible extent of the present. ad ea roe
duties into specifics, as the only Practi hie'
Method of insuring' certainty and • egu ty
to the assessmcnt of duties and the n
tion of Undervaluations and, thartbro 'lon
of the priVilega which enables ret g •
tourists to Import (rep of duty, an amo tof
goodi corresponding to their real or suppos
e .social, conditidn. •
NEW your.
The Underground' Railroad Company—
:. Scheme of Washington Lobbyistutialle
miens Sued for Libel—Mayor Hall De.-
clines the Prefix of Honorable . —Tne
Legialature—Message of Governor Hoff.
man—Tke Senatorial Question—The .El
- Law. • ,
Cal , Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.)
I NEW YORK, January 5, 1869.
The Underground Railroad Company, in
cerporated by the last Legislattire, have
returned their charter and given up the job
for the present: The conditions contained In
the act IT': • incorporation were so stringe nt
, .
that men of capital did not dare to invest
in the enterprise, although the engineering
difilcnities are found to be much less than
would generally be supposed. The' Com
pony will ask an amendment of the act and
an extension of time for commencing ope
rations. .
p. Stated that the lobbyists at Pirash
ington - have recently inaugurated a acheme
which promises to pay them well, and' for
their services have already realized a very
respectable sum.— The English adVocates
of the Canadian reciprocity treaty 'Are
anxious to have the old policy revived, and
are paying handsomely to those who aid
-the scheme, having advanced to the lobby
ring the sum of fifteen thousand dollars in
gold, and are ready with another 'natal-
went as soon as it Is needed to influence
The Herald understands that several libel
cults have been brought , against Bohemians
who have recently been busily engaged in
this city in calumniating the characterof
several of our, grocers and dealers, and that
Hon. Reuben E. Fenton, late Governor of
'this State, would bring suit against Thin
low Weed for the publieation in his paper
in this city of a most atrocious libel.
In discussing the question of natnraliza
tion frauds, the Herald 'recommends the
passage by' Congress of a law by which
foreigners - who desire to become citizens of
this country can do so at once on the sim
ple condition of-residence.
Mayor Hall of this city yesterday issued
his first general order, which. was to the
effect that hereafter the prefix of Honorable
was not to be used in connection with his
name or office.: Communications are not to
be addressed to His Honor, but simply to
the Mayor. ,
A. B.•Matlett, supervising architect of
public buildings at Washington, sends a
note to a paper here relative to the recent
faliing of the walls of the Howard Unlver
sit ,in which he says: I cannot consent
to e held responsible for the falling of the
building, more especially as I' did not hesi
!tate to express my opinion t when the mate
rial of which it was composed was brought
to my notice, that it was utterly worthless
for building purposes, and also predicted
more than a year since the recent catastro-
Curt, specia l
In the Supreme I,ourt, term, to- I
day, Judge Barnard vacated his order in
the suit against the President of the Mer
chants Union Express Company, appoint
ing a receiver of that company, on the
ground that all motions of that character
should be heard at a special term.
Jas. Tallent, the man who surrendered_
himself to the police on New Year's day,
has been fully identified as one of•the'ns
sailants of Mr. Ewers, who was taurdtirtid
in front of his pardence on Thursday last.
Chits. Easton one of the most esteemed
cotton merchtuits, died last night in his 05th
year. ' . r •, January 5.-The Legialature
me to-day and . Truman G. Younglove, Re
im -
'lean, was chosen• Speaker of the Assem
bl . receiving seventyvotes against fi ft y-two
foi [Wm. Hitcriman, Democrat. E. T. Under
hill, Republican, was elected Clerk. The
organization was completed the election
of subordinate officers. •
~klovernar.Huiroaan,lahla to the.
Legislature, says , the. revenue_ in the
Erie and other canals daring the past year
has-paid ,the balance of,- Vie venal debt •tif
IfSid.sfitillleSall other requirements, and
paid into the State Treasury over a hundred
thousand dollars. He says the excise law
confers arbitrary powers and violates prin
ciples involving, the righta of individtuals
and communities, and recommends a reg
istry law for the , whole State. which should
alas • te 'ochre to every cititen his right
41„7"etiffrageit free I ifionar ( ititlmicifition e i
I.ruptietior onerous exactions, while the
99rfsPi. use of money in elections should . .
Re severe'? Pluilithed, and "farm guarantee
established:by_ whickillegal ved-sli:reS7 be
prevented. He thinks there is a manifest
dispoiltiOnopthe part of , CoPgroos to een
_,..t..l6trol and regulate suffrigein all the Mateo,
Ile deprecate serisiVitifir it/110116c l
or belitrallsed 'power •I n thk :Gen-,
eral Government, ,nnwarranteri, by ,the
Coristitiition. The . increment . 44:(_, pb
,moire the power :of naturalisation ..from
the State to alt ' s ~ Faitp4 twos Apt"
he epiame s s is it :woult? then -aesoolvd
more upon pailliariait at preuilt, sta.
he contends that the ntalleged abases
can vemedied,lnit erNexisting jurisdie
tion. He door not consider. - M at point
wise,: that while l conferring suffrage upon
the Imules of the people at the South; it
pt sa l l itts Wain limo warOf .03ttenifintrIf
referring to .national mitten) hefealls%
attention to thelittle that , has beenacoom , ...
pillised durintsthepasufburyeare to, restore. the people of the litinitiatti Peace, and charges
Congress with having directed its efforts to
thelleuttleeeleß of rePresentition, snhver.,
sir 04 .Itepubiloan- government, in those
State, prolonging the subservience of the
eivt to the military power, and post nin e
thee "anvil of peace, andeOnsidellthe spit "
oPfinittrititollerance a, dangerous evil
which follows air electiVe bilkers, but they
should not, ; be, intimidated lay, them.
will r ehdaltisli to' dos 'his dtity" filthfidi .
and while ! upholding the principle,, of s
part r, will support the Executive of the U.
S. in every ' patriotic effort for the
welt are of our , common country.
In) the SenatellMr. "Creamer gave notice
of a ill to amend the MetropolltakElo
law, reducing 'Mensal to one hundred do - ,
lard for the ease of spiritons liquors, an
s, ja i
thlrt dollars for the sale of ale and , bee ,
also alating the hour for closing a place
of b usiness *bare liquors are gild,' by„re- 1
quiring them to effectually and Icohipletely,
olmel such plaoebetweittaltte,,tionra of one'
and four A. Ir eil'Week days'and on Sun
day, exteptafter twee % Ott ithenlittirdsdnd
places for sale of liquore may, be ppm,
A 1113 0 0 1 ff_Part9 ,suc cess of Irpunglove
as Speeder c tie r eigetddd l ifl sisettle
toed, of the Senatorial contest, although
"'kalif thentitoblnerautianxlods ta re.
t tha t . . con ettiletie .211,e -battle Yet re.-
`riming to be ` ought and the indications are
that the fight will be a bitter one.'Fenton
cannot count on all the votes that would
have been given for. Younglove in caucus,
had a 'ballot been taken, by at least fifteen,
and unless his strength is lamely augment
ed before the 19th, his frie nd s will find a
cloier contest •than • they anticipate. The
bringing forward of a third candidate is
not among the improbabilities of the Sena
torial contest between now and the day of
btandaid of illissoarl River stesunerk
CB! the Pittabargh Guette.l
Sr. Lours ' Jan. b: The" Committee ap
pointed by the Board of Underwriters; to
consider the matter of raising the standard
of steamersplying in the Upper Missouri
river trade, him made a report, which di
vides boats into three -classes, namely:
Thirty-twa feet wide" thirty-five feet - Wide
and forty feet wide, and prescribes
the strength of each 'elan, the standard of
which is considerably higher thinthat now
in: use._ The Committee rebomidend that
boats already built or run in the "'mountain
trade, not up to the standard Ireqlllr4 be
made equal to the standard •"by , extra
.floors 'and fastenings, other Wise they be
classed 'number. 'two. No boats rating .
less than number two shall be litsurable in
the trade to Tort lkintow The standard
adopted'is to apply the same to stern and
side wheel boats, .the former, hbweirer, to
have in addition balance rudders and bows
and stern bulk heads,. The report was ac
cepted by the Board of Underwriters, '
—At New Haven, Conn., on :Tuesday,
Stephen Abbott wows convicted of the mur
der of A. M. Bronson, last September, and
sentenced to the State prtson fOr life.
Amizemekt.'- "
OPERA HOUSR.—Mr. and Miss Conldook
made their second appearance at this
. .
tablishment last evening anti were greeted
with a fashionable and apprielatiYe
ence. The principal pefformance oti the
`programme, "The Chimney Corner," with
its many exquisite :passages and welching
ly beautiful domestic scenes, was rendered
in an almost nerfect manner, 'and • • seemed
to rivet the attention of all who, witneased
it. To-night the celebrated historical, play
of "Louis the Eleventh," will be p resented, _
Mr. Conldock taking the patt of. Doubt and
Miss Couldock the "the Dauphin." . •
_ .
world-renowned9regOrys Will Ida etheir -
first appearance at this ,place oramnee
ment. This combination , of gymnasts,
acrobats, learned quadr.upexhyla3.,.4b3, is
said to have no superiors in t Hay of.
business, and certaini t s if they do but half
that it is represented ; ey;can-,do,i the per-
-formance will be one o rare attractiveness:
The best way, howSVer," to Judge 'of their
ability is to remember - this•antionnceiment
andht be in the proper - place to see them to
Masonic HALL .- "B lind Tom" was
greeted with another' overwhelmin g audi
ence last evening,;and Masonic Hall re
sounded with the street and stirring melo
dies which this `rare'Musical prodigy
evoked. NO better' evidembe of the popu
larity and Character of these entertainments
could be.had than a sight ol the= audiences
which always fill the hall in which they
take place to its nttitostcapaoity.Thiele the
last day of his visit in this locality, at
least for the present season, and those' who
desire to witness the marvellbus, - for they
seem indeed marvelloste,- ' -performances
should not miss perhaps the last oppeirtu
nity,whieh will ever be afforded them. A
matinee will -be held at half- past two
o'clock, and this evening the engagement
will be brought to dose. Reserved seats
may be obtained at Meller's, 81, or ffleber's
122 Wood street. - ' •
TEM Osmosis FAin.—The Orphans Pair
Is stillprogressing finely in the basement
of the Cathedral. It seems not to have loit
one whit of its attractions to lovers of plea
sure, who throng " thithei to pass • a few
hours pleasantly. The' object for which it
is held is tit most praiseworthy one, and
should receive the encouragement and sup
port of all.
; Diseases of this nature are ,fould to taint in per
sons of all ages. Children, and even infants. , are
subject to unnatural secretions of the/ Wheys, and
pain Ite voiding the - mine, al well iinaduPs. Zoe
daily is this the case With iged and ;Menu persons,
atidthese whose habits are sedentary. Nor SS this :a
matter Or surprise wh.ri we take into conilderation
the delicate nature of the kidneys, and:the Import
ant functions they hereto perform. • All the leper-
deans, unhealthy , and poisonous waste of the'sytitem
ranst ;ppm through the Miami, -thence into the
bladder, and panes off with the tritif; consktiently
any obstniction in the. kidneys, that will preimit
these poisonous particles -from- being thrtiair
willbe followed by disease of :the in ganirtheratelVeir
and more or less derangement of the Aunolesystem,
Among the esnaptome or such derangement are the
following: Deep , seated pain ittthejmtlijeLthe,
tract,' sementeeterxtettglciftirouhathe - loins in trier
aboomen, or a dullfhesyy, tpmettirir pain, extelidi.
nem the back !it She loiter tiamtuilty ot the.
ntsbaonten Pe t choler part oftthe thigh; great
cUlty is exoellenced voiding the urine, fever
ish skin, headache. nervous and general debility,
ac.,in atbe'
erenoval and cure of such diseases, no rem
edy basyethmi ,diseovered.tbat sisals Dn. BAR
met •Beckractts rpaLs.
They lisffer been DIGO 'extensivelrfpr... upwards or
forty,,", end hs'en hrew perfecttsatt !fiction in '
every ease, ;no are hig hly recommenced by all who
have used them. For Gately all Druggists.
Is atitiCoachuifed tokfirw. Evro ghoso .. ho
hilVit b revereilbr.nente t with et hing Igiallitiitbw
tiolli iin returfrimes ire Apt to neglect i the pre
cautions necessary to preserve theie precious en
dowments.. Indee As athe more healthy end
robnat ama iii . the Ithre Mathis Ile is in Vitae to
sale with his own physique. it is some consolation
40 th b era i irally Fp a:phis:pow tiwher.
cant esi Vivre ant Ut n a:: e ,
. 41 ,
°jib in . wide iel his 1) lit i i . -
phial, as nave a nin th better ant e of long fe
and exemptions from disease and pain, than toe
most athletic of their-fellows who are foolish
enough to suppose, themselves Invulnerable. and
act accordingly. • ...
prtgAltv - gitg.VlTHlCll v irct Inbl .S. 4fei i
..: ,''' !gab* them to rt. thso medic •
tliel les and minds, w tee fast 11th of his
restless age ethasioas. /*Act. spurs, schekrinv.
onexcding tonic, is the I ra ad distratu o the
bus millions. and they have th e artic e In HOS
TETTER'S BITTERS. /1 . 11 4 1, atr i a um
curs. f. C. li , ill ilviti-e g to weak
systems anddirs r tarisalsoisn ns. Its
reptdOlith Mid Velem have steadily increased.
' evwbvllli , wP Ml* be!! bee* intreducted ad 1
tisillistaifit boitSVß.lfoiriet%
si either perished a the attemp (whimsy ihe
t n na l tr il ai M u te iriVanwi lli r_ , atlnftrtrill " ' i
conga Ur- liviAvolgien a lwedicinels this country
als,wide 7 kispwn. oy Indy lewd. . i . • J
Won illiiithiliglirraliescranniag Ineessantly than..
dal pl a t {hi ir twittlie TVS timsa A g l irely s ,
i s i Ail lb. e 14 13 I 1 1 11 1 3 1 k al STu se "":4Crp9lo.sion...
u se n t h i
a rth rear , the a r reulas_tois now bei n g
A ov , er .c.‘ live ri
v.e .thil- i.
/ At this time ot.tb. rim, yietet this streets and
Tiavetne4tsere covered rill pow, end dash, It
no wonder that the nitntal rat MO equcluets
ties become sleeted with whets and pahnenuy
and throat aliments: One of the very beet areethr
all theie litivoica belbrind tin 3
' PEOTORAL SYRUP, mbleh at'onee sets freethe
;Imprisoned matter,"remotes ttiildbettieffot( sad ,
allays the lrkliablllty,of 414 seressili.sysieWii itch '
a way u to do 'no Injury to health, or Interfere with
..ottehe usual avocatleris.i. - Whit thriit;be
to have so. notenteL7 rerondf IRlket IimPIIOPLA,
KILYISER*B rigoTousi, SYRUP, millet, for rivet
twenty years; has - datued the affeedioni and , re
stored, the heiltb'Ottbousilads of der Deenle. To
get the best of - what Is going)." a good :Maier ant.
thing ; but It hi lialMelaliy true with regard to ioedi
eine,..andthi-rp Is no pent",ltlic.ll4B4lkat know.
ot:otkiial pdthhoy; bbtb eard i and pretentlp
Sold at: the great Idedielue Store, No. MO Wood
street. WILL :Illeldon • ATTER, JANUARY
to/lIIILIBRIEWSPIREST,AinfiIdere disked 1111ht'l
Glair. • •••-• ' •• '•
DB. iIMIZIPS'Ets(DVIT-insiall for LUNG
oBsTINAIN 0 1 /4 1 41 0. 01 1 ,Man 2 4421Y70" , `
5111/11T.:PM8ktIga42 471
9 kit,: u ikeiki .
VielliamitiNc 3 444 l / 4 . • •
District Court-4udges Hampton and I[ll
'Natick. • ,
The case of Adam Appel vs. the halal
James Woods, deceased, previously repo;
ed on trial before Judge Hampton, is tt
yet concluded. • '
Before Judge Kirkpatrick the Jury in u
case of Williams' Bartley returned '
verdict for the plaintiff; with six ce a
damages arid costs.
The else' of Augustus Frecke vs.
Hartzell. and Nicholas Mold, previously IN
ported, lastill on trial.
The trial list for to-day is the same as tin
published yesterday. •
. Common Pleas...fudge Sterrett.
In *the 'else' of Diets vs. Duncan an.
Watahter, jai) , found for plalutlfl74
In S he case of Doyle vs. Altuteyer, Vex
diet for •defendint.
Patrick Dunn is. Eli. Wycoff and A.
Hughey, Action' to recover 1938.57. allege(
to be due for labor done on sections, MA(
and ten of the New' Castle and Beater Val
ley Railroad, hi which defendants were
contractors. On trial. .
The following is' - the trial list for to-day;
298.: Allen vs. McKee.
138., O'Brien .vs: Holmes. '
154. Mitehel et tut. vs.'Stayer et lux.
169;j0h30k vs.• Woods dr, Co. -
162: ,
168. O'Sullivan at Barite vs. Thomas.
118.•,Qxiigiey vs. Hutchinson et al.
188. Anderson et al. vs. Plk ereglli Co.l
107. llonYerret Emrnerlizig.
14.9.• Dash vs. Sharp.
102, LeaheV vs. Gke•
197. People's Brick MacOineCo. vs. Red- f .
'e. • ' - '
• 198. &tine plaintiirva. Livingston. t
199. Kruese do Son vet Sullivan. •
,200. Frailr•va.- Paybe'a adua l ra.
Court otQuarter Seasiona—Before Judge
- • Mellon. •
• The case of the Commonwealth Ys. Wil-1
Ham Edgerly, indicted for participating in
the late riot At O'Nellra coal works, was
t aken up. The defendant was indict
ed • With others, at a former term, and
the case '' was ,conducted by . Colonel Dull
'for the prosedution, and R. M. Gibson, Esq. ,
for the defense. It " was not conclud
The circumstances of the riot were fully t
reported at tile time of its occurrence and
during the of ether defendants in.the
Criminal Court.
John and The Mas Luatman, who were
subpoenaed as witnesses in the case, failed
16 -put in an appearance. Yesterday they
were arrested 'On an attachment and brought
into Court. Failing to pay the coati Which
were imposed, they were committed to jail.
Commonweelth vs. - Lewis Lane. - •
sir rforort--ro zato , -For saw* ••LostO•
"Vrantit," "Pound, tt "Boarding, 4, dc., not tn.
eluting 70671. 1411813 each totlibe tneertstt to then
eauving 'alias for ttrBYTY-17Y3 CENTS; each
additio44l iil4B hE CENTS. •
men oince:; No. 'St. Clair Street, BOY: 8
8 , .8 and ldENo•for different Made of employ.
meat. :Persona - wantinK help of all Muds can 84
anopliea on abort notice. . • •
yAV lED-AITtrATION--Ily one
:tabu can adaiit him self to clecdmstances. He
Is s readrwrlter, and quick and accurate In figures.
Address EARNEST, Gazette office. • -
ant room, with board, suitable for gentleman
and we, or two young gentlemen at6B FOURTH
eTRERT. Also, a few day or dinner bc9r6ers cam
be accommodated. Reference required,
vv. $2OO PER MONTH—To sell a New Book
pertaining to - Agriculture aod the Mechanic w e
e k ,
by GEOEOE E. WAftINO. Esq.,•the dirtingaletted
AuthOr and Agricultural Engineer of the New York
Central - Park, Aa. Nothing like it: 200 Engra
vings.. Belle at eight So. Ifarmera.Mechanica and
workingmen of all classes. Bend for Circulars. A.
L. TALCuTT4 C 0 , .? 68 Market Street, Pittsburgh.' •
. A ,
W . TER . TO BE N T A ny per-!
W .
son baring a coatfortable bonse of four or-
Ara rooms, In a desirable location in either city or'
suburbs, can bear or a .gOod tenant *by addressing'
J. SOL.- GAZZTTA 0.171 CW - . -• . • ,
a pleasant b ili ZlEni,lll7 a 2,
Goad reference. Address C.. GAZZTTZ OPTIC/.
s2selk flex D
9/JUIII and niort i l l a N ge ° o?Rtt ri e ° gPt i eny
County Propertt: - . Apo* to or 'address Ottiferl'
144 &suite Agents;
_Zi0...139 Fowl&
avenue. .
R RENT.—RottIE;-=-A: large:
Double • Parlors. • Library; Dining: 3toom, Kitchen
and Wash noun .sur Sewer floor * , and b twd rooms
and bath room on second doer. Also finished attic,
good cellar with bake.oren in It, together with large
yard- panted with shrubbery. and Dalt trees. Hot
and cold water sndgas, through toe house. The •
house Is to good order. filielypaDered and Witted
•throughout. 'Marble mantlepieses la barters, tiers.:
ry and given atouce...l.o
cation in Elevehth (old Bev. nib) ward. For terms,
ito., address, D. Z.; tare iloz.W: Gazette Mice.
LETI-Two:intilit Convenient
ROVSI 'tS:.4thm with dgl rooms and the other
e even, on Eige its "streorover Penn, oPPollito Christ
Church.. IniudreataT, Penn street. • •
II L ;;:- • 0.,, itorostisizitar..
, gti irn ief e d r ik ans : mkt tam med'il,re; one on Ant
oor.lanll OA* trout uti males. • Ipotitte atl99 =ed.
t. ,
.Coalsjalog,,lBl..seres....loasW .1a Aliesbear;
aim NA tidies team' sbe 'e - 4•KTroars on-we i l!
Peessylvsali Italinied/ gad titerosdidlegs ere with:::
Ilk ma BOUM S Via alit7.4 and Karnes stations V
ai Free Or. Weir swiss in grass. The whole ' ,
lona aos. be work E by *emery; good befog bOo.
ogig soaks. siadzspleadid totters ,•.. frame banti
giMet a riffr l V idi ra 3oTl3.l".l"ftell '
alle et, 0 , * Olt and
_well war, ,
Serattaoa meat at sake id !fairs firm. E'er:..
Fang II irst.oltia, oil nag* needs asig So be sees
to be fi sted, eppz .be told low as sae owner is
determes os I'' Tnea_s wy. apply t o , or ,
address CRUrr AVHILLIew. paa Mate Agents;
No. 119 701711•Til AV • Ft. .._.' ~„ •.,. • - .
. , .
- •lantstniiii
•, STAND, tOdatrtbs o likelif-theilZLe., O. ' •
lathe antatahadlshict. la 0 Neon.
elating or a, two story ate. matebtaliNt. by 110.
convenient *Balboa& with side trash 'tannins In-'
to Uto accommodate. histallcand shipment ot)
Wain' .Nt. OP.ZOtkallier Manse damn - am'
Partl 10 engage P_ b al Oils stand:
emit a'ilaissoota snow it mites *mud: Timm '
are other advantages connected with the stand
bq explain ed on angle-Won.- aatistactory ream.
scums r .to at address Cat:ll/T,
'WILL .Ido saw T Amt
onna astane._.-
1101.D.41aytnea. fratit•cif 48 feel' nn W tublike's.
ion aareatorstithova .the..erala fit:rater.' ter 1.0. ,
rept ..leep a one alter. 41:6- ,w la erected .1 )
three "tom tax beithess bobs.% now reatthg for
1111.900 parjear. Leaselthilalrara Willa. Groom::
r. ' lfolitaelerrathorq: ther. Price low ma.
terms our. pty to or a reas1)10.11?
LiPit. Real ' Es to Arent.. 1 Youth avenue:
F9ll, 8446F71iN5i4,17.13r,ri-7,
A well known tad piospeicnimholesale bud.
neis stand. l!tth offered 1W
site. PAWL:toil; 018.01 s sdt ea for the 0 1 0 0 • I
w. Apply M rkWOODsxwavi._
lolot . sAure 6 mkattfiviet Itsvo , storr
L 'brlck :wseehanso..,'St4 byrlll4efest:elenstell'on:
OHIO sTBEET, Aline* 1 N0.19/1, now,lsksle - •
ple4 as Slone end unrin waYetionso: :Mimi
t Ivo story brink • dwelllets house, *Ow
lowans the-alloys !oolasallang :Ex
furthergartloulatkemeilro 931. the prc~miw nL Ai.
STEEL SOS: • s . •
/ 4 0d; tro 15 ' 5l O/1111TELVI• ~,
part,leulsrs- eallidns at , i.4DBSPB' , BPINCNPAR,Y
Ball'n Mod Tilern, fleitond,Sirennehr. • ;
R SAILX-7-A, new;house eIC
*etas' rooms Jese and wstelr.' will/ tL
ki then. corner Pamir. -end ?ORR= etri r iplTo
thou, Or fonrroolon to-tetitMit onweak:
TO' : ;LET;