The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, January 06, 1869, Image 3

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Mattsre New 'fork;
Gold-VlOed at i34%@i34x.
CB9 Telegraph to the Pituborgh Gazette.)
'.' NEw Yong, JoauarY 5, : 7569..
~. The money market worked close until
, 'after meridian, wken 7 per cant. currency
'tree paid with commission ranging frem'
1-16 to' 1-fper cent.; bot laterlt,began, to
cease up, and after three o'clock money
Was plenty at 7 per cent, OFrouoy. . Close
observert profess to see / indications of re
f laxation n the stringency; ; The oppri_beird
, , ~
; and stock exchange have:. siOOliahed the '
buying 'or selling of, IncMey twithin:lhe
I.•building. SeveraLattempts to revive the'
1 system were madeAux.the sidewalk, but all
failed. ,14- similar effort 0 the /Pug •Yoom`•
•.',.' reedited in the seminary : • ectimm cit.
, 2„partibir from the ' ' b ding. ' ate of. the ,
;„ /ergo ,banks re po rt .. eceipta,o . currency
from Ciicago 1a e l lin e of = emit-'
rances the Booth,. 4 1 1,ito*Pec40alther
' l ‘ 4ll ' graddatlYibl iaC k . • but la se
;'"at 9Na9g. 'C'4olylolVer;bur, Alin steady,'
oper.ugatlss3e, ofroth•nht9AlOthere, was a
'.. 'a - ect l'o .- 1° 1 4%104 / 1 49, 0, 414,0 1 3 4 fia .
f , ,," - 'l34x", at'close. .: ''
r .vernmenti drurttiro a ton.t Ito .day.
'er the ItulrePeCesser -Money they
ced sharply.ta ;sonselluitlumg per
Coupons , !81,111M4 I.IIW do. 62,
/0 7 316/ 08 ; dc'• r ' 6s '
. 1 „,,N08%. do. 'new ;2.070a07,41 do. '67,
1.1.07%; do !AS:Ten
' vs, 10kye100..,, •••• •
Vlore. active: - Missouri et 88;
i'ennessees, 6634@66; old do,. 66y@
New North Carolinas,. 8230 old do,
6 . Old 50@56,44; newj:do, 56%
Stoek market was feverish and , tin•
sett!.ad dgring the morning. New. York
t Con. rat opened at 158 X and , advanced
; stea , .lly to 15534, but on the renswal'orthe
rumors of a further litigation concerning
„the. scrip dividend the price Wpk...t0,..1.53,%;
the decline. was then rcbecked 'and prices
.raUled _to 15.13 i, but, again returned to
• 15sy The zest _ of the ' list partly •
4. •ItYPIEm
-1 thiscliwith the movementfl of the
' The most active stocks , were • the North.
➢ -'western, Rook Island and'the Fait Wayne.'
• I • 'After the four o'clock ' Board' the market
was weak, antrCeoti,al fell. o 153, causing
sympathetic movement in'other stocks. At
the second Board the market was dun and
Central.', at 1154, - and Fort
"Tayne 0'115; while Rack island was Weak
' at 'ley,. 'At the lead Board the Market
was dull but steady; etiPseoentlY;', under
'll.lll . eastei rate in money, the'shares became
active and Chronic,
,•*pecially' Fart ' Wayne,
'which sold as high as 117, and, Nay( York
'Central 155,g'theliigli,iist prices *ere ' not
' sustained at the cl o se of'the pailtet, jeay
ing off„ heWirier,•stibrig.but nY settled.
Itive•thirty ;Pricestw- - Cumberiand, - 35M@'
NM; Wells Express, , 23®24; Adams,
48; 13nited-8tate5...40ican, 39 4 4 1;
Merchaxds Union, 14(4145. 8 ; Quicksilver,
2154€021k; Canton, 49MW49XL Petite Mail,
1185/A4118M; Western Union -Telegraph,
33X44)14;rrartfoid and Mari Poss,
5©7; do. nreferied,'l9X©2o4; New York
Central, 155%®1.55; Erie, 118(438y,; do.
preferred, 65; Reading. •1324133; :Harlem,
.122@124; Reading,92sos923oVer Haute,
35; do. pref.; 62%; Wabash, 49g,®60; ; do.
''preferred, '704; - • - Paid;" pi:. do. pre
ferred,. 873;588; Ft. Wayne, • 116©116yf;
phio and MIRRIRRippI, 3240)83; Michigan
Central, 1,1314@1_15a, Micir.senthera.
;$75014872V - 1111nopi,..teilt • /41; • Pitts
- Outgo ' =84@84;4 , Tole 4 .100@1001‘ ;
',Rook Island, 1183@I1834; Northwestern,
- filgg@tE; do. preferred, 83X®134; St. Joseph,
-preferred, 91; L'inoinnati, Columbus, Cleve.
hnd - and Indianapolis, 75. • , •
_Mining .shares -
Ig°lotExchange,Pgik, 161,
. clearances
- r y
The receipts at sub trer were to:da
t51,239,911;2; PaPnelitt . B uZ 350;
-77 • '
,‘ ,
NEw."Yorus., January b.—Cotton 34c, bet
ter; Saki :4,000 b a l e s ati7Ne forlildiddling
, .
Upland. Flour--arece is 5,318 - b bls ; mar
ket ZalOc better; low grades in fair demand,
and dull and-declining :for medium. and
good descriptions; sales 9,400 bbls at $ ,60
for -Superfine State and Western: $7117,30
fOrsxtra - Statel 1105..,,a1; 1 2(rfOrlierthr ill
ern; $8,30a10,00 for white 'Wheat extra; s7a
9,50 for R. H. Ohlor, $7,50a8,34) for, extra Rt.
'Maid; Parl.,so , for vood`bholieldot, closing
quiet; California dull; sales 350,sackh ati9a
950 for old, : and $9,75a11,50 .for new..: Rye
dour quiet; sales 280 .bbiel'l."-' Corn-Meal
ute.ady; : sales_6o9,l)lAB4 - 41,743ferAftkatanzi
and ss,sorroe.BralAYwint...vWhisky diet
atsoc . for .Western- free. , Whets " pts;,
216,579 , btts.-,- nearly' all from' - California;
;..meirket-20,80-. better,.,witits ; goecL eXOW'rtd_ei -1
wand; sales 126,00 0 hns at 1160111.,64f0rW0. ,
2 spring in store and afloat: $1:74 for • No.- V
afloat: , $2,20a2,40 • for Mute Michigan, the
latter„price .for .Aeri...0140104.-...,115.e,du11ai..
111;50a1,55. Barley dull., Barley Malt quiet,
sales of 500 bushels. — ltye Malt, . ;1,50.
Corta T -recciipta,;• , ' , L 5 t 7ACk , ,t bpalOblik Whett
lA2c - better, With fair .export, and honie
• trade dianand;Jades 76,000 bush at 98ca51,02
for new milked western; -11;05a1;11 !for in'-.
' ferier,to. ge dolls store ' °la' do store' and'. afloat,: .
and51,67a1,074 for new white southern.'
Oats; receipts '9Bl l'butsh; rule ii faror of
.buyers; sales 57,000 .. bash .at 75Na76%13 ,
for western in store, - inside priee,.. and 78s'
'• 79c1br . 40 all4t- -. BIOS ','du11... , .GOffeentilet.:
attar quiet; - aides 125 hhils at t llm,al2,lie for .
4:7lft' 'And I EIIOI I O3 iAkeiTtemaisia: Nei ,
~ . ,
lessee du11.,: Psroletm` gigot at Illige, fer, ,
.cride, and :v , • si:for:. 'refined - bonded.;
411 3 4 111911 4 i . f ,t1.4..r t f
tin,OlvidiCkoo ...:PAirY I "
ma id : - i
moderate demand; sales 700 bbla at $28,50a'
4129;9011,r119Willuildfilid 157,
-s22a23, l ao4prlibri,./htd $8101;50 for prime
mean sati,2sobblaalslTAMWelltar
. Tabidirijati OF llllicif -WO' 2111WEIP 1 11 11 1,_
, 180 bbls skfipapAkfir,AM g 4h1 = 1441 4 41 P
' 4 1 . 4a / 9 . 50 ' lor. new , .=''exlszeo meas., lane:
Beef quiet, withasdeviplA c tcs-st. gB7e3olet .
• .Prime mesi,:,SlA.l.- , for ; India mess... ,
Beef hams , firmf:salii 170: bliient 130 23 C•
'Ca alea . 4l,2nPlaiMVO;jol4o4 l flitiiiglic
1.44 c -
:e ~ lsoaderth: and lialliii-doi'isema:
Dressed hogs &uteri 4st , Vire, West,
.ern, 1834614 . for Tin .410 1 -1444/4
lte boiU._ at 15301 fcrirshOrt bads; , ,Pi for'
. O c emberland _mit.' lairdfirnieit Wet lOW'
idaresit4#ll/7;(4l#3Liorestetuni iliKtinoller
kettle, reWerelf; - .14W0. •tieronvatealla
1 sailer- iratinary, February -' ant March, at '
1$ alBMl' - Dater', „Shahly;,et ';so44oc , " xer,
and: 408590 . 1er State: , Cheese• firm at .
3 19Mo. ' Freightr kg 4601 lower;
1 0,
trente flirt /40001 s aOrilloar steamer
- ;irerif#A - Flour: Closed , ' reef '.fitlp ; tir low"
rades and dull Ind' beery for the other .
kinds, : Wheatrevy,firm.for spring, Fliti la
fair export demand. winter , ruled dull and
without decided Change. ~ Rye nominal.
Oats dttli at,75 3 / 4 676X,, in store, and 7648%',
afloat. Corn tirm -at $1,00a1.09 'for -new'
stdxed western andsl,o6:ll,lo for , old mixed
Wisdom. 'Pork quiet . and .•renninallya
'shade „firmer., „Beef, „firm end deT
nand. 'Vitt Ideate '''verystrorig With, d mod,
crate demand. Bacon , firm- and la 'fah:
demand- yard firm and in fair demand,
with sates 4:if-,1;000 tcs prime steam at 18y,c,
February. Eggs dull at 85a2f3c.' • I
Dry Goods--The recent , beery failures
- hi their operations , and wholly , urtsettled
....iiii4 d6rangeti • the paper market, so that it '
would be:impOssible to give quo table; rates
• " Scuttle very best names. In -view of these
circumstances the operations in:dip goods
'cannot be otherwise than li mited to the pr.;
gent'Vecebsitiets 'Of the season; . yet the firm;
nests of. raw materials and
~the high cost of
3ssoor have a tendency to neutralize the ef
'feat of other contending causes, and._ there
-fore, there is but little disposition exhibited
to realize hnlesiat full prices, for slistisple
stylesrof/gosidir. . 1. Meantime stdall sales are
b e i ng made at 15:116 for heavy brown sheeti,
In 1.8a13.44 for fine do. and. heavy brown
ahlrtings; 124a35f0r common to Cue bleott.
ed do., and 123iaL33j for fancy styles of dark
ST. Low's, January 5. Tobacco; none in
the market. „Cotton; the demand is good,
.but_the supply is small and prices higher;
sales of low 'middling at 2a24c. Flour
firm,. with a good demand fcir,low grades;
superfine 55,75a6,75; extra ;7,0087,25; don=
, ble extra 27,7E48,00; treble extra Pali).
Wheat; low .'grades firm; prime red= to
strictly prime , white sold -at 21,55a1,90;'
choice red and white 82,00; No. 2 spring
8420; ohOice,N6l I 21,35. Corn - doll, at 60a
63c for mixed -and yellow and 68a70c for fancy: white. .Oats , a little better
but sloffir at 55a58c. Barley quiet, at 52,25
i for, fancy Minnesota, Rye firm at 21,25.
7hiiiky,,,unchanged at 9730.- Pork ad
yinictsd to .828,50, and held at the close at
422,00. Bulk Meats le higher; loose dry salt
SlObldeis 113icp car slides, loose and'
„moked, 15,;ic; packers are asking 11,ia12c
for:fully.cnred dry salk , shonlders packed.'
Bacon,buoyant, at 133. :far ehOulders:and
/74p, for,alear Laritteld at 1730
,113o,WiAtiout_IMyersi :of: one thousand ,
tierce! FsPprircip s team for buyers for Feb
'ruilly at 2,200
bbls; wheat, 2,200 bush; -corn, 6,100 bush;
0at5,3,700 bush; barley,,,l,4oo:basti;.ryfi,-
,1,200 t?usdi; h ogs , 158 head. ,
, 1 -1 92 2 very . 12 93010,qa. • Cattle; good
16 extra scarce and 7 nrm• et 557%c, gross;
common to medium in good supply' and
3a4c:. c .' •
LotnswtiiiSantuiry 5.--Tobacco;'' sales
of 59 hhcbwlight itigst to good` leaf $4128,50.
Cotton ts,:c. Superfine flour 85,50450.
.Wheatitl,6oa2.! 'Corn tifia7oo:- Oita , 58a00c.
Bye $1440. Mass p0rk128,80a29: 2ard.1814
Sae, . Bulk ,shoulders 12 01 i dear -rib aides
15y,c;,- clear aides 15%e packed. •Bacon—
shoulders 24c;.-clear rib-aides 1750; clear
sides 17%c packoc . l.
.Whisky—raw $l.
BALTpLORS, J*uuary 5.--Flour dull and
weak; webtein superfine $6,25.37,00; do ex
tra $1,75a9,50; fanifly $10a10,75." Whdat
dull _and unsaleable. :Corn dull' !Slid ie
ceipts,enuill; p.rirne white _ 85o;• yellow 80a
Bsc. Oita dull' at 65a73c. Rye firm at $1,55
11,00: Mess tork firm at 828,5 1 :M2900. Ile
leon UM: aides 18/A'al7c; 'clear do 17 'c;
shoulderslll 3 / 4 al4e;-hams' 1804 f Lard active
ToLsno,January,s.—Flour quiet. Wheat
-4amber held'at $1,82, with /1,81 bid: sales
-No. white Michigan at - 51,97..CornL:new
No better and active; sales 0042641 i:: Oats
dull: - Rye ii 3a4 better; No. 1. $1.27a1,M,
Barley - ^fluietf 'cloyeraged 58,50. Ho g s firm
and a shild better, at 114a11% for heavy.
et - EIFEL/ND, late. 'continues
, titeadloAniet and unchanged. NW:fat—No.
1 red ivinter'll,Bo.* „Corn—gar. ' held - at 72c.
, Oattles four ears at 82c Rye in mode.
-rateliernskd-No. 1 is held at t11;28e1,30; No
2 gi,2o a ve ,• • •
f.ii54644" AND Prrrasoaea Ram-
Ace:l4. Jaffpar.v. 5.13' cars iron - ore, Sho
enberger & Blair; 2- do do, Hutchison,
'Glass & Co; 2' do do, MOHnight, Porter .41c
Co; 1 car .ti4e and . rick, Graff, Hughes &,
Co; 50 hble oil, J. Speir; 50 do do, F. A
`Bates;-2potgoes t A P Barber; 1 do rye,
th Co
o;`s Fin;•s keoapple: butter,
Steel (it Co;'.6. cases pearle, I Dickey litCo; 41
eke rye. Dean Patterson• - 36 bdls chairs.
6 do rockeri, ~Bedford 'Cl:air • • Co:, 47 sacks
corn, Scott a°JEW; 10 bble pearl barley,
Rinehart ac Stevens;
• 3 bbls beans, 2 do, 1
bf bht eggi, 7 'hf bble, A,firkin butter, Head
it Metzger; 8 bbls. potitoes, 1 bbl, 2 hf bbls
eggS, 1 bbl butter, P Duff & Son; 4 ske oats,
F GCralgttead.
pixTsensuile, ,FOET • WAYNE & CHICAGO
Reir,soAn., Jarman , r 5.-100 bbls apples,
Graff it ReiterL4ttubs butter, W Herat!' &
041:roll leather, D. Chestnut & Co; 1 car
rye, Guckenheimer & Bro;12 bbls apples, 1
dressed hog, H Rea , Jr; car oats, Scott it
Gisak.kcar wheat. J B:Liggett & Co; 4 bbl,
applee, Voigt, Mahood & Co; 42 bble oil,
Har:naan & Late; 1 car middlings, Willis
Booth; 1 oar ; rye, Jae Craig; 85 bole bones,
Seward & Campbell; 19 cars metal, Nimick
&,Co; 7do do, as , Woc:odaon & Co; Ido do,
Brown & Co; 5 do do, Bryan & Caughey;. 2
Robinson, Rea t Co.
Avamaczn'T MALTA!: , RAILROAD, -Jan
uary 5,-21 bags;: rap., Paper WarehOuse; 2
butter, L J Blanchard; 1 bbl vrhisky7 -
Adler & Co; 9 bgs.tourral.C.Jenkins; 1 box
• trers Knox ; hPrees, Arts
hum; 4 'car", estpne, Hhoenberger &
Blair; 7 bga rags; 'McElroy & Harrison; 3
dressed. hogs, Heil di Ritehart; 2 cars , metal,
McKiligtit, Porter deco;, Ido do, - . Totten &
Co; ZOO hble refined oil; McKeown &.Bro;
133 hideS, H Anderson CO; - 240 bbla
A B Co; 80 do do, John N Mc-
Chtciieoh h ,
ElTAvoir, - January 5.-1
cat.oats, Knox & Son; 111 ski; oats, S
DfcMasters; 50.bble apples, •B F Blackburn;
100 bbls 'lour, Martin;_: 297 - bills paper,.
4S.zier 4...Metzger; .1 box cigars, .R & W
Sankinson; O.: bales key, Roso-&•Ewing;r•l ,
car: filLicseed, „Ewer, Hamilton & Co; 1 car
oats, Gee Stewart; 4 bbls eggs, 3.Herbert4 , 2
do do, Kohen; 2 do. do, J O'Hanlon; Ido
FOR .."
10L " •
t oTHE
Gray i g.
131:" 'GLAIR : 'SIRE
„nRp."1:„46„71u11),4,7.,, ;Tußs,i
,;, ...
, ~. l', - ,
!.i . l,_ _
ktot i bi aii I:ibi i iii il':
; i:-. , ~,, ..,•• ~, VIM..); ,: arraltign. , '
Etc i : .i.tOtilik ,,, tEL IT'
pr then ~itpAliiia .tilt ni 1ryi'1;...,4 15 ll',
. ' o l oM4oll o o4l:**Ma griii4;
Ur Italy traleiiimPerptlrtgraltteid'iNerttitilt . * ' 6 .!
perfect to Its Ornauerstuidtrairrtrltgblt 14 I •
also emirs, ass torrent itritte Fe , : rICB ~
ValpozOivrill_Neetudesti r AIM el._ :
tor ouftsents4= Nom 19 Veda ma: oAlleAllArr I
oity, i thetralracttirtrr WV Gio epler In ips . .re.": ,
-,,.. ,i 0,.„....... <:.,„:.:,:,D .. ..; .:1 ~.. ..,
Fon siifipis •
14: •1- -,:r aggil,rmattesT. -;,it :1.
iti2l, b 'invest/54L ideCRERItY. L CO.
EEN OIL VP/r/I,FOIALTra. !, low BffAlfif.S-Weitrettaw`inanufacturini
Set's article, 9,1;s outality inillntab. and
twines lower wan can be had of any Eastern DUMP
tactzarers: Dealer' MlllEndit mine:, Interest to
exls ; o11/. g??.4°,l>.ec°.r? PriatiPitierlbimere.,
' •
noao. ; 26 and SSE Stith Bt.. formerly eit.
BOU'IItBIYN tab' WIFia.T;•
To arrive dad for Igo by,
oplo r. , - VeRANZ k%A.Militri , 4
Fti 11
.c,isi stock a' arge: aleortnient'of ilttloOlikria=
. widths at . tborongblY, eealoaed Flooi , OIL
Clothe, whtehweiare Offering to tlie.w.holeealt, and
ritual trade at prices lower; taking quality ii4onOrt
'Meridian, than can be ha d be Ibis intl. , , ,_ ... ,
1 ., •.„ . , . , _, J. A IdSI- rrillslsrE4
isollo ' • Ma and S Mtt' street.
~ x
.8111181 1 1 A , FIGS.- „choice
article le,dras Waco; Alpo rime Pm- .
nal ta
o !mall in boxes', o f salet,bf the and 7
• • e JOHN A. , RE BILL ; •
de l8 _
coreer.Libertr,andfleed Ltreets.
EEN --APPLEti‘42Bi barrels
n store and for settiL ex * meiz i x ,
44 80144;
0.01! ABlll--400 ,tons choice
b Iwo in gore and An • EON
now J. D. D .
LEAD-500 Pip Sun Galena
store and for sate
J. Ai CAlNniglar ENKiv
3 : 4 • I . • ,4 '
Tha river wati again rising at this point
last evening, with eleven and half feet in
,ohannel the Monongahela niarks.
the rise was in t he . Monongahela,. as the
Allegheny continues to - recede. The
weather - las turned quite' cold again, the
tkermometer being-almost. down to freer- -
112 R point yesterday afternoon. " •
•_ The Sal li e cleared ' for • Cincinnati and,
Louisville last evening with a fair trip,
and, we presume, engagements beloW.
• ,The G. A. ,Thompson arrived from New
.Orleans yesterday with • a very good trip,
including a considerable tjuantity of dugar
and 'molasses.': ' ' - •
-.Theltayard, in charge of Captain Geo, D.
Sfoork' cleared for 'Parkersburgn on time,
and the Grey Eagle, Captain 10At
•mnr, is the'regular packet ".ftir C.
idg promptly at noon. '.: • • .
The R. R. Hadson,-Captain Russell,' is
, announced to ,leave for Cincinnati •and
louisville to.merrow . evening, .and:: pas-'
rifftigetr,s and 'shippers should. ' , bear this In
Mind: M. List ism the aloe.
• "The high-needed "LeenidttS; eagarg •• Ed.
•Evani; clerk, Tohn Fisher, will be ttle first
boat otit for New Orleans: . As' will be seen
by card, she is al:mounded to - leave to•tridr.
The Lorent,pakt er Sam.:Shi l iman, will be
the first boatent-for St: Souls. The fact
that the Glendale and Gl asgow, got through
-all right id , emfticlint" .eviderwe that the
t Mississippi is Open betweeii Cairo 'end St.
The , Messed eri•Capt. - .l r esse'Deani . lies a
sign ant !Or Memphis'and New Orleans.
"•Capt.,Stookdate . wet ttp.thb Monongahela
yesterday, looking a ft er his new boat: •
—The Mary Davage arrived at Cincinnati
on Sunday.. • • '- •
—The Glasgow, St. Louis to Pittsburgh,
was at Evansville on Saturday. • -
—The itaska, burned. at Paducah a short
time.ago, originally cost $70,000.
--The liellevernon was advertised •to
leiVe 'Cincinnati for "Pittsburgh on Mon
:—The'lltellteernon enronte from New Or
deans to Pittsburgh, was at Louisville on
:Sunday. , •
—The burning of the Minnow, at; New
Corleans, on the 7th,.was the work of an in
—Captain J. C. Dowty has chartered the
Stonewalfte take the place of tbeSt. Nich
alas4o* Red River trade
The Malta, purc haseda at Wheeling by
Air. ,William Beawell. of- .Arkansas. at
MarPhare sale, will be taken to .White
. .—When the Robert& Lee passed the
:sunken Empire•'at liendeison • Ashley's
plantation, on..theo the craw
were out on the:bank under tenni.
• z- , The Wilds Dnek and liafges left Cin
cinnati - for Pittsburgh on Saturday 'night.
'She has 450 tons iron Orel; 500 sks fye, 200
tons metal and 455 bales Of hay for this
The merchanti of Sh reveport , evep)rt, Loutale
"na have - petioned the Now ,Orleans under
writers for a the'rates of insu
.rance on cotton, filial' Red river to New
'Orleans. •
—Maj. rack B. Downing, a- well known
- Si. Lonis and New Orleans pilot, was mar
ried in Gallipoli.% on New Year's Eve. to
Miss Romle Miller, daughter of Wm. G.
Miller, Esq., of Gallipolls. ,
—A portion of the deck loadoof cotton on
the St. -Nicholas, recently sunk in Red
river, floated off, and that, with the cabin
furniture and machinery, will be saved;
the boat and balance of cargo will tie a
total loss., The wreck doesnot obstruct the
channeL - -
—The National is wrecking the Monsoon,
lately sunk in Red river; "ten miles , above
Grand E. Core. She had 1,400 bales of cot
ton. This is the third beat - that has sunk
in Red river during December. First, the
Er&No. 10, next the fit. Nichcilas, and now
tbe Monsoon. -
- —The steamboat ff.'Brown . collided
with the Bremen steamship:Tee:dor:la, be
t Ween New Orleans and the, month of the
Mississippi; Wednesday, and soon 'turned
botiom np. The•bOoks, money -and and every
body on inard Were saved:' the r Teutonia
was uninjured and passed on. , • •
An' Evansville telegram to the Cincin—
nati', Chmmerckt?, s ,under ' date of Sunday,
says: The Westexuareland islenloading, and
will be hauled out and rePaired.a. Bathi
ng' or Madison.., She struck hard; a por
tion of the rock still sticking hi her nos=
tng, in the starbnarcf, bow. Bet guards
strildrjg ;the rocim eil4ove• saved her hull,.
Vitachimsinld. heien ISO
aiiiilhdd as teisink;hear Imiziediaterya, But
little sit her freight.' is .4teinagecl, , and her
pumpsfkeep her, nearly free. He! freight
is:inn turneel over: to Capt. liumphreyp
And' Meech 'of it is peilshable if not Shipped
immediately. The Strader lies over to re
adiices frtent" the underwriter 7regaid
lug: the -Westmoreland's • freight. • •
. - .
~Ravers and AVeathim
- I.kiirierALLE, Jarttudy 'rising;;
with twelve feet • three incheelofwaterin,th..e,
oanal by .mark. 'Weather .dlear stud dt.
lightfoL, , , -
VOIt ANDiggEt'
getateallar 11f, •:,
It s . IL HUDSON'. C. T. al as szza,; i3onimonders:
W(llleave ot , TittifteDAT. Joionstir nth, at 4)
o# t frfilifid or tufa . iiiiptY on ti4ord'AP tti
_' ; •
APlif tt COLLIIO • • - •
cnAutzs' p.,Ats, ifs. . `
Lovlsvi4LE.-;/xe*plee ,
tic &. THONEEINPU.. t>t B.?PigHiot eeintisiii 4N; 1
'WM LeiteWeln BITUIRThet, Juitai 9; '44 4:1!.:' ig.
7ot:freight bi eitttr
enstei g 'et4l4 1 14 4. " .. 4*l-1114441 ' 11"1 " 7 "
'Winl are.onSxflfAXFlghtgATlMI I patio /4410 o3l' .
140 6 ~. , l A)te., , • .
..- • f. 14 .. t. 2. 1 1
1e5atir.5..&1....4,..A1.•..i • .4.t4.4;....Cai1t elk.rasteittiii
JAW kisyelor ,thirabielesorts, , Zug :DAV. n ; 4.
light Or Pailsigespplras of • n 4
.c. , ;;;s"` ng AfrACIE CoialtiteldrACOD;" , r.
41 1 4 - , , e,'t • re r•rrl r.,Aventu,ii •
„ J•
'll 11.
FOllO -J1111EN1P1119 , 41,11 . !
24EW 01WICANII-The eteame re
'LEONIDAS- • - mu . I....i:c.lts3..CiptV ilecittiishiti%
lAt li fi s iesee_Prthe abase': int ill iiiterniedlitat :Piftisi -*
/ • PAT. the Otbi g triat.«lrt,A i ri f ißphiti ht4i OMB!
r 45,Sliiltt. , or puss e *OA o_ii archpr_ta,,,-, „ ,
, 3
i'•••,- - • • -, - , 1 illtrEAT . A SIJT• 'Or :.
c.-• •' • ''' ,- 'I • ,;PLAWIAIi thILIJOIGWOOD:. '
'weigh receipts gim Ot,titgyll a nt•to Set.
am 'Ennuis, lleriton,` Menthols, 1 ,lied ell
other Palate on the AillballlSTrltelik 4 ale porta
at the towest xatee bp — • ••• :•
Jl4 ' '' fikilitiiiii 3 i if AILX1 4 4 .
- ,
IfrEIV.E.I.IOI9I c* ,
Iffarie,ttii:and Vio ersburg.• line.-
Leitie tool WOO itreit,
• : • PALLY, LT I.*
, , • •. • .
Tur.stre Airp
. . B t .**, itiaDattu„ tar'
• - Wzronpriaxi /ma
B?Prritir• MA.itq•
7retskt wiabareteWed at MI boiirs In •
sole • • , JAALEN OOLLIN&
•, „ .
iltAlArAhr. ;;, •.,
t , f
' .1 1 1 . - 104 '4IOInitELS • ' • • — 0
- • .“;•"'
CHOICE SPRING AND FA . . 7; , , t .„/
t r • .
ap;d:fOr py i s -
". .1111v*
note . •, ~..349.Lutztry,tyr .
IEVIZNIN-4111-: barrels aparaulick
VV cre ! ieasUltAtm and for sale br •
1194 it; s • cssrialib I *0!.
. •
ATION „ . • • •
In accordance
the. Act of Assembly incOrpor-.
, ,
acing said City f Allegheny,'Ond' the seieril sup
'plemeats thereto, - I, SIMON IiiRITAL , ljayor of said
city. dcs issue Wong Proclamation,, that on the .
"Seeond Tuesday: of :Amity, A: D. 1869,
, Being the ißth day of said rionGt,, the , freemen of:
Mid alo', qualified to vote for members of the Eloise .
of Representatives of this CcMittiorniealth, shall
peatd by ballot
onepersonn to serve as Director of Poor of said,
Aleto on toe samedry„thequalided,electoro of the.
'various Wards of the tity4lll riot -by ballot mem
bers of 'Councils, as follows tr. „•
-FirstiWard—TWo members of ConinWiti Connell.
Second Ward—Three paemborsof CommonCOuncil. ,
Warg*Teuratemberir Of Conimea CounelL
. Fourth Ward—Fourrnesoners Of Callmoll Congcu.
'"Fifth Ward of Common Ganef,:
Sixth Wardwci members ef i ConiMon council.
Sevelth.Ward—TWomenitierb 6 - fCionii on Council.
Eighth Wasd—Two members:et Select Connell and .•
two members orCommon
;Nub- of whom 4 4 111 ) Wgilaiiedlo 7 .serve
'bees - or the Reuse or ttepresentarives ,of this Com
, lootitrflaith4 leitidants of • the !Wards, la which titer
"shill be elected, and qualified voters therein,.
At the election to!beheld eforegald,L , bn !TUE&
I nt i .t . e tit' the
rublielScoool Douse /a said Ward.
Theetettots o tries SicetitiVard-sbeil Meet at the
public SchooL Donee In said Ward •
electors of Iheifirit Preeieet Act rite Third
Ward shall meet .at.the Public. sc4o94,Eouse pi.sfo.d
- The eleetOrs of the: Seeteld ,Preciuetiof the,Third
-Wire 001 meet at the helium( Col: George Gertt,
on the Corner of Esat e. and.l-7-e,rireet...-
• The electors of - the" First Precinct of the north
Wud : •ahail 'meet the :.h.Sadaldry Street
• •
• Theelectorse -•
f theSecond;Precluct - of the Fourth -
Ward elan aeet at the house of John Gordon. core
nor bf Chestnutatid Mainsitreeu.L ,• ,r.;..
The electors of the Fifth. Ward shall meet at the
.-Pebile, School Hotule,;cornerott.liartiertil end Tay-.
ette streets.
The electors of the Sixth Wafd Alin Meet , at the
Public:School Lions% .corner of. chanters and Juni-
The electors of the Seventh Ward shall meet : at the
- Etitt Douse, • in-said ward. • • .• - • '
Tee electors of the Eighth Ward shall meet . at the
Public Schootllonse of said Ward. • -
in testimony whereof I have hereunto set
• my hand and seal of the City of Allegheny,
.8, }this second day of January. in the year of
- 1 our Lord one thousand eight hundred and
(Late Allier, ifc itteketaoty)
Os. 221 AND 228,
er Liberty. and Irwin Street'',
Offer to the tride at Low, Fi gu rer.e ,
. .
15 Ipp s .. lam 21,4csinficp, ;barrels,
natves, quarters ant kits.
/00 and
.cholce YUNG JstAal
50 sacks oi RANGOON RICE. :
515 bbls. ch oic e CAROLINA RICE.
50 bble: SYRUP; cho ce brands.
100 bbls. N.O. MOLANSES.
500 bble. REFINED SUGAR..:.
75 bads. PORTO RICO, CUBA and DENA.-
RABA SUGARS. ‘:: • -
Ii 0 bags RIO COFFEE.
R5O cases: MOW ' , CRANDON'S - 'CHAU.
• ,11{111U7 on band. . .
Pittsburgh, December 25th, 1585. — I
ICE.—The Assessment for
Imam Street. from Twelity•elzAh
to Twentyeighth Street..
- Igo, .11;r Grad Paving and Carbh4;
Street;,from,lteed to Filth Avenue
euberger Street.frurn Fifth A.
to Ot. Patrick'o 1.11e7.
Alaofnethe Board Welk on the :1
brig Pilify from Mellon's Lane to
, - ,Ctater iAvenue. : •
. • ,
Are- hiiw readk Tar exam thttld
and eiri re' Bean at
this ,office until T,l3lthi)LY,,z rianuarr, Stbv, .11189.0
when pney Wllt bi retained' to the City Treastirent
°Mee tor col4sct i n n .; • •-• ' ‘,,,
J " 3100EE,( City Engineer.
Etti vsxTEb
, 41.10- , A. - DAY.
WO-c sto.,MAPB :TOW'
- : LLOTIPS : •
L 'VIT Rio tE A V N O o IV .E I u N RO G IET op Iatiip UBLE ic i a M u A ni PS . R.
.....•.-. • -.. ~.
Colored—ln 4000 uounttiej" • : ~. •J:.'
These great Map, nowlestelerapieted.ithoyr every
place ef•tinportance; ill Railroads to ' da e, &lathe
latest alterations to the various Europearrittatea.i
These Maps are needed ,In every School and family
1 4•Slill Jadd - .lher ordunrthe Owe ()nine - Map, and
by means of tee .tterereer,..,plaher sidesan i i. ei e thow*
f r ont; and Any part breugrit level to tee e .'' 'Coen
ty rights and large discount. stem to goo 'Agents. • •
Apply . f9rCirculars., Teries;!to
' :1L,!..,/..,ttlfp'S MAP , ' HP *0 4 0: 1 0,,,:'
.:deat-Art ' ..
,i 3 Covirilandt streak-N. T.
- ROCK ''. 1 1 15. E BABY
i) t•' , '' .1
1:1111' I KO4P.
, 01 1Pir BY! ,'-• :•,::
:?J 114...' tM .
WOW OirOgitre NititilWOOrhiAtt4
, 11it5 , ..1104317111 , 11 -
114 ,
Where ,reer-9! fould & Air e l 9q ta f fklA r
12Ziazabefena iratehen Forrrl ....
W•14, 11;'.141.0 4 1141119 t 4''
1 • tr tl , O
\ EY, ,11 1 T1
fl,ic(k.r!: 1i“ - 01:11. ;0 vrtl
•qi E :331:11.41/110:',1 ffE51174.:11, 10 J t<:fr icin
.N 9. 191,1.41E132'Y 1321311:1112ya
few rheum Shore 61:11LAIII.
Fuzimuotruit 110111121: 1
tpl:: y.3-t1734)
i ff or
I • iZ , IIP. 6! Lu.:, I
,!,10:11118111/T1WILIa CZZLICZEII Ititt 11111161 iii
q!!!:.: 91TOta tivitivr
PitoPtebUP Fleuti•
:L! %.*: ~,tit 74577 niizva,
neestberegibd beieq ff. 0
( . ); 1.1 1 j t.iaft.:l3o
319avd321:LibartyS1s;PIttiburgliv Pa;
1 q [
:,.. ;1111 1 115 , , We Wi5141.144*.
W A ;qIF-1f',79./N V9P. 1 114 8 491g51 r .1 .
ONE AT:46 7- P44"D •
_Xfg.lo- :
E 1430
i r j r.4
- • _
i 0,4; a
" 11 c ,.. "IV Lto IV:.I
tric:el in 4
furintee... , ?(*rt packages dlittactir and Italut •
• • 'P.' )11AIL;Lill 1 / 4 '
Nem,Yalk„ , . • • $ narhatil•
ATM !b.-444000; te,
se 4111 )014, Aktiegaty ,
4 V 7; years.
Alikrad add Mortgage foe% yawl;
4`lo, insides* ai• Accommodation Paver
the .donnt (pm 000; uma trom 60 days to 4
W.AN:rpTo enchains Tama Ift r itMemot
Limn ttv sari tor a - 7amtly _Be now,
Wrinni nit% Cll. ‘ ,
V9nior IT' sag th 11414 oti
1 86 9
ecorld'Street, Pittsburgh, Pa.
•- ' RECts IND 'SELL
Alt- Hinds 'of Country' Produce
All orders for Merchandise proieptly filled at
Werger market rates,_ - Particular attention given
to the sale of Butter, Eggs, Cheese Dried Fruits,
ac. IVie feelebnldent•tlat wecan give entire sat,
lefaction. by making QUICK Betas and rnourr RE- •
TURN& 011111311213 T aunz2T. PHlCird, and therefore
respectfully solicit your consignments. All cOrre
spondeneb answered promptly. Marking Plates
forniabed tree. -firssit 01. store salt As artlye,
artaltr7l : - • -• " '
M 1 Higll) Apr A. & T.
-ef,X41344 • : •
WHOLESALE katt:;•cya,
271.'Llb'etty StOet,
muiaxprur 917.. , ZA5zal Ekrlnu4l • • 1,
• f t`rr•frBl3lltrridikiioli
E 316
• Annizaiii.ts. itZALIIIS nr
€6llllol.*Odtle Co; PiNCh
EthizitT, near itie'rt7
screcuirutiburatt. ra. . , mews
61119,1A....1 T. tiP ''' ••1. i• ..... •4. A. assts.
STE 48i SOX,
'..Onesmissiois Merchants,
ErX.40.1311y,,! . .:2 1 733XEM11i
No. R 5 I OW? 870141, near Xast Oorszson,
•- • ' ' ' 'ALIO:OI2NY CTtY.,,ZA L .
J. s. CAJnifsiik - ' : ' • ' • '
B: CANFIELIViti , SON,. con
reslersinClititi , l'ocgoWN S ' . l3 l4l nru d
Cheen..Butter. erd,. Pork,. Basoz . flour. -71 sh,
DriedlirolS,'OesM Pit Lead; Pot, 'Pearl and Sods
Ashes, Wh_Oe LinuN-I.4aseedi laird, coal soca"-
bon' 011s.'NO:•141.1Pirst street', inttsburah.
' ' • r. wawa%
't, J • ••• Akin DlLitlaiga -
dr;,ptr,, 441W2f. WM& MIL YE4CD, Am ! , AG"
'249lAberty sc.; rattebnigh„ -
41411M00/01*.lr:;••1 444.14 • 441.8. MUM.
.21111.PP:!WR i.? 1 4 41 4* 111 . 14 : I•: ; ;
. Deafen is PboVit , cuint liItOiIItrOSSEN
,ZI4.I.,LY. Rio., ; 144 Virolllfair STIpAIFr., *boys
Smithfield; tt. let
. . ,
For the ogle of Flour, Grids; Bacon, Lard. Butter,
Beeda,Drled-Prult'and Produce generally, No. le
M A nywr gqp.p.pir, corner °flint, Pinson:eh.
Who:donde and Retail gimes,
Ram ~.• Autriasw scrcir.
Tri DlAMONWoppoette City Hall, Allegheny City.
.1.-rrnsi-•• BAIRD - & .- PATTON;
Wholesale, limes's, Comnsluden.Merchants mut
sleils'in Prouct. ; .Flosr; • Bacon, - Cheese, - PUN
Carbon find Laird Oil,- Iron, . Nails, taus, cotton
Yarns and I'll I"Ztetnlrgh MannfictutGi genetallyi.
• and Sill, dYCONIVISTISILET, Pittsburgh, .... c
JOHN norra.....zaw—acaras.. sow%
4 - OHN,L, HOUSE - Sr; BROS. ' Sue
cesedts sd•JOHN H01715E4 CO.; wholesale •
rx.ers and Commission Merchants., Corner .cd
nUttitld'and Witter Streets. Pittsbargh. Pa. •
.10101111.4.; ..A
G.A.' If BTAEXii rlitsburich..
- "'.': 7 ''''- - ".'"PROPESs;O .::4X.i.
, NEEIPER, • ,
• -
iitv •l tticArt" Agri E st Ulu FlClO..Tihrilizz or
RE R• 1 .4Pir , .. 3 . • :
~SpeCksl; gb4llttOß /IW O to' covireltosztag and.eol
/e a,
Ct 1012.8 udeds. BOWLS sad Mortgages drawn up,
*l4 a . lll.4lgaklsualaass attended .to rrrosapt!) , art d:scol
earately. . • .
t r9:10111:1TIL: ER •
W.4 I 4Tim: A G I BM TBI ,
Once, ne WYLIE STREET, near Waallagtot
_Ale '73onde Mortie lamowletuti
D lISOUOIIettiOU Call • al:Lother le timid 1
eYllxeMite,aProP r„ at 9
- .
zilotietiAiusildiiir the NIA ' 'and i'6114:4
IntaIM,ADATOPP.r•Yr.:°PMkt43:P, ,
Dhallso -•,Xartgages, Acknow,ledgments;
Deittiations, inawitTehal Sublets htecuted' with
•• - wikwaill zithwaton. : -• : :,, t. i 1 anIIIII
RusgrAcE, ; 9. , pounow,.
1 aIEn3tIVLN;
•:rerwriDi 47tt . " Aarii —
Dee Bonds, Yortgaents,
Dew zee elllßeipdst dtq
Di • tIIIIIIISIUId • . 111112 i
/ I~i~ l
UV -
Ci: i 0; el + Ati 4 V - 4 1 4N) 341 1" Ir. , i L.+ , ',
C i .
gr e ar t iliffelnelL OR VHS? Engns ' Alm
r isb n.
AI 7 iti c = V e itil l 4liiittli
ciulow a
atn =tagrXr : 711
. ,
9 11.3
!settrPrAf f fts,l ll ,M#0 1 'MR 'PRI, 14°,42,
mieriogik,-. 1 ,
11101111(1Wtilq Val r.E911:.
bat ATTP444PCMAZ4AWi.tI !ar
Udi XEKloDLinalifriarlrtaireareites: :1
t r , 44006
4 7, 6 ,- , - • - ft...__. _ ____ ' '‘ii. '
i - a ,I , e ...; , 1,1,.. . , ,J,,t , ot ~9ftit i;lct
--aiErArnatigYriAlreliliN ..
I -oia4;iiistiiiiiiiisitirisi; l " '.- ': c '''''
19i1,; 4 .a'..iitepppittellitivourvuolisev) --L t;,
tre i l ii4 i i,..., ,I:, t: 1 111 . ! ..•.•• to ekitsinitivii.,ii:.
tr 6 0:1LOOKItiell.t; -
Ji.flOr: :.1 f:;/'1•1 f-!.`/.7
~: , : ATTDRAAY, AND , t01110:011 . AMAIll'' '
1i.)11;:1 ,%!
t Egio. 114110 vitreint astreet„
ULT24:b2I , 4 .BIIIIIIEOP/61:i
' • • + ++f
ILV*o3lOrkili"44.l% a .
, tv+Lilil +l+l to ,i.C - 71+1!,•.
• - 1 1 4 1 . 09 Es S : II P E R I P ; •
k .
itATEs, I srii,"eiLtirm • .
1 , L., ,, p-J ~-,,,, ; .1, - t• ti, WI ,
$ Ol
,v,),13 ' rfeti • Bin
' -1.".) •,I iii, , u f:, l .. t
)•••; ii • 11..‹. •,1 1-411 •,,,, 11 R, 0 ;' , •
...--- ti!teic pure;•istoxri &e.,,,
•-, AI ,4
All o th er etxles sed t glatedi t e the emir Xoireet rates
t ,14, lITAMISIDESIik SRO& .1 •''
41434 19 7W=Lid 6T.1.111;1495112161
On and after YUESDAT, liroyember, 17tb. 11366
trains will arrive at and depart from take Depot CO:1••
ner of Grant and :Water streets. is followa:
Depart. Arrive.
Mail to and from Ilritont , n. 7:00 A. x. 6:00 P. X 4
kfoltestsport.Arreortunodt , nill:oo'.C. V. A:O5 P. Ka
Ex. to and from Uniont*n. 3:00 P. x.10:10 A. Mg
West Newton Acoommodna 4:30 P. x. 8:33 A. 14
Braddock's Accommodarn 6:15 F. A. 7:50 P. 14
Night Aec. to hicEeesport.lo:3o.r. x. 6:43 A. x.
Sunday Church Train to and
from West Newt0n....«... 1:00 P. x. 10.00 A. Ar
For tickets apply to .
3. B. NINO, Agent:
W. B. STOUT. SuPerinterokeot. nor°
cll./MC.IIEOf TIME .
4 . ......9.. ~-.: • •
01:Yantt after' 31e.:21DAY,"-Yovenitier 7th, leer
TWO TLIAINS DAILY 6 1,111 leave Pittsburgh Sta.
tioncomer otEleventh and Pike streets for Frank
lin. bit City, Buffalo and all potato in the Oil Be
glens.- . -
_.. PRTBIMIGEL ILIIMMI 110 Prlesewan.
kali ' 7:15 a millet'.... 5:-Wp at
Express TM) omi r Express..... -. ..... 5:30 a lIL
Bradralt , d/te 3:00 p m Bradys B'etetelo:3o6 la
lit Soda Works Ist SodaWerks
Accomod , n.:lo:so a m Accomodate. 8.70 as
ild OcKla Works. , , ~ . . Aid,l3oda West/
__ E ...
..L.Ao.mod_ ~ n -. 5:00p in t <Acta:moan, 5:40 n Int
. Church Train leave Pitteleatith at 14111'..11.- ,
"kive at Pittsburgh at 9:50 A. M. •
• kassengere taking. aseeress . train have Ault was
ebange clears between Pitttbnigh, Buttalti and 011
fissions- , Mail anA_Expreas !Iran, . step ogle! at,
- -psinetpat nointi mailxes , Way add Aecommodsairat.
.t t "*" "11 11 1 10 4 3 1 1.1 1 8 . 11:41170;Aks;t. Bani:
'l9',. 7 . 951718. #org, TlckielAgeitti . r , ', n2ll
IA 1 1 SiltraG INMI§MpI
tbidAM A A . 9. 4au)ll7. • •
tiaxixss 01 ger s! ! z S i tgra
tatilrat, ii;ollows, L imo
grt. , Arrive, .
Malt Exp1ain...4..4...i... i n: aa. 1M:13 a.m.
Fast Lime— 1.04.3 a. la. 133 taMt•
'latt.Expreaa • fil:511 au' 12:181;21.
Nixed ......... a. m. X 8 : 33 ‘Menetialfra ACerki NO. 'X . 11:28 a. m. '8:33 P.m.
Steubenville Aeemntaod'n. , , 3;38.p. m., 9:48 a. M.
MaDonald , aAtira.NO:l.; D.= 3: 1 8 to.
• ,
Mir 2:58 P. N. jZ_xpreiti will leire dal y. '
12:13 =taw datly. - -
The 10:13 a. m. Train leaves 'daily, Stmlaya ex.
'eepted, and maker close eertineetiona. al Newark 112
Zanesville and points on tistulaakz, Maaaltekl
S. P. BCIILL. General Ticket Amt.
W. .'CARD, Sul:Pt.. fitenbenvillei
• •
i to .
••0 4 .0
Enna Dec. 20tir ,, 11360, item; will leave hen
and arrive at Abe :Mums Depot, north skde. Pitts—
borgh city tithe:as follows: - -
Chicago Ex.... 3:03 a mli
Erie & Uri Af'l.-7:3111 • IS 4
01. Whif M:1 6:08 a m
Chicago 6:68 a:rad
Chicaze. .x....10:00 a mil
E:4 7 51:1135p
Chicago Sl:44pla
.W. , eZErleEz.;.4:o3-p
tt from 44iy a rt.
: aid
etsdale • 2:28 ll=
Rochester. " . .1:33p cs
Leetsdale Aco. • 3:68 phi
N. Brigt'n • . 5:33pm
N. Brix: " . 6:2Bpm
Leetsdale .10:43P161
Leetsdale Sun
day intinrch. b a .1.:/3P,M1
Er Chicsgr
ear _ ./. 11:159 , 111.M..Chic5 ,
'dem ' " B. ItTEF
rt Nits x.*ANILL : -- • .
crarra.A.l. RAILROAD. - - - -
and after Nov, 28th. 1568; Trains wUL sesh•
rive at and deparC.from the Union D corner e
Washington and Liberty streets. Dhow s: .
Arries. _ .
Mall Train.... 1130 a mDay . Exp_ress.. 2:30 ea
Fast Line 1140 - am Waft's No. 1.. 6:30 alit
Wall's No. 1.. 6 20 ant Mali Train 8:16 ase
ja_rinumAcc"n. 9":50 ain oCincinuatißx.l2:3s p
Wall's No. 2... 11:50 a in Wall' e. No. 2.. r 11:20s
Vinclunatl Ex: '9:40 a m Johnstown - 3:25 pm
Johnstown Ac.10:35 am Braddocks Nal 4:2opat
.Baltimore Ex.. - 1•45 pin Philo'. Express 5:10 pm
Phila. Express 2:03 pm Well's No. 8.. 5:20 pa
.Wallls N 0.3... 1:30 pre Wall's No. 4.. 6:15 p
BraddocksNo.l. 5:50 pin Fast Line.
_7:50 pre
Wall's 'No: 4. - 1:26 p Wall's No. 5.; 11:00 p
Psasen'nlo:2o psn , - - -
-The Church Train leaves 'Waft's Station 'ever,
Sunday at 9:15 Teaching Pittsburgh at.10:99
'Returning leaves Pittsburgh at 1.2i50 p. m,
and arrives at Wsill'illtetion iyt 4:00 p. -
*Cincinnati Expreal leaves Ansither than
daily ex.sept Sunday.', ,
- For Winer Inrciramiaoss'apPly to
w. aoaEcicwrra, .Agent.
The Pennsylvania Railroad Company will not sas
sume any risk for -Baggage, ezoept for wearing sp•
parel, and limit their responsibility to One Hundred
Pollars 1n value. ! Ali- Baggage 'exceeding that
amount in value will be It'the rls gets owner. sus•
less taken hyerxdal oontritotct.__:, • • :
• ssoZt ; gliiiserOttlidellt.AlWG l Pas t ;
. _
.. r SYLVANIA, , RA—Lr
R AD:-41n' and after 'Nov. Bad, 1658. the Fas. "
sender Tritium:at the tWerterntrenneylvania. Rally
road will arrive at and depart from the Federal
atireel:ReP9ti AllelheitylOity, ea follows: . • . -.
Armee. Depart. ,
Sprlngdie -NO I , : 6:40 witllialli ` 4:00 nit,
Freeport No. 1 8:90 am:
13=' 10:40 a m[Sharpbsg No.111:90 a9l •
1 1 1 41 g No.l 1:515 p m !Express , . ..... 514k5 put
Freepmt N0..2 ' 4":05 p XiliSpringdhsNol 810 ptat
5:55 xi zn Freeport No. 2 A :MO p in
Wlngtht No 2 41:45 Dan Snrintrd'e No 2 ' 7:loiStet
Alton trains inn daily exec . pt Sunday, ... ... ,• .
• -, The Ch u Train -leaves Allegheny trimet; eveZ
Sunday at 7:40 a. m.,reaching Allegheny „City
9:50 a. m. Returni ng, leaves Alleshbny Cita le
l:" p..-IP•end-arliP4,llX *Atilt= Dina. at3:4B
p. m.
towsruirApCqt, .T 1 _Cltell7Ter Bela in Fll4ll= t
Twente 'hew .ftntnuegheny City; Chestnut et,,, '
tee trains
Etna and Sharpabrus ik -
and , only on tee trains stopping itt Stations apt
on tickets .
The train* leaving Alletieny City 'at 7:05 - A. EV
make direct connection a -Freeport with Waller L 4
line °Magee Parßutlet and Bennetts town. Through.
tickets mat; i be Touche/led at D. 01ftext,Nip.,3 u.
Osir area 'near the Suspend's]: Bridge PittabOrtil,
and at the . pipet, Alla these .....
Pot fertser'inarmatiou applylo
. . F, RIITS,' a -ant.
i = ' "lgira - Fed& 5 The
treet pl.,
The. Western .Pemisylvania Railroad will notel et
puce any risk for Baggage, except for wearing Al.
Mini, and Malt their responsibility toOne Brindled
Dollars in vane._ All baggage. exceeding -Olt
amount twvainewlll best the dale Grebe owner.. nite
, fate, by
s p ilJ : ,
EDnWRD , R WILL I• - ,
nop, ittoralfnperintendent„"atopN:
Chicago Ex... 2:13
Ohlngo Ex....11:58 a OIL
Wbeeltng Ex. 11:las m
Ch'estlide ULU.. 3:53p ea
Chicago Ex...... 4:38 pa
Cleveland Er- .5:051111
l u is aW E x „011
r dtrive,o‘ ditagAsay
If.'.l3rlgt•n 7:uB
;BrigVn " 8:03 sm.
New 'Cattle -" 10:33 ail
p#:o4l}le, " ,0:13 sea
66' 'IC I:US p
N. " 511:43 pia
LeetticTale " 4:53 pas
" 718 pia
'Leetsdale Sun.
day ...Lurch,— 9:58 a al
Express leaves daily.
• Express arrival daily.
.; - General Ticket Agent..
Itl 11[0 Hlf. ~, BijkLadesim
1.7 m.trwrig,
1:: f,t. : FeNitenkithine . :'tsti 7 -
Cr1e1b19,t19,141 v9 1 404i.. ,• :f Iv - - , , i ;-:,/,:nf, , ,
.1 cokaadoi L: [r snrada,il ,l ' i • - , ),.
t a int io
Iv •• - - • hiddL 1 . -:,
ob 6 c,...
A r t it • •
. t1:1; 44‘4 7481 , 4 ft; :IFnahingte' i';••-:
, .
*arca; Naito; ' i .:":,
~ ,f :I .-.-,,,.-; -;:.74:‘, i i': , _ clr•:) - I: r: '. -,.. :• \ (1
. ... I; 1 .‘, - .. , .1.,.: OP ti.M lll4 / , :. • ;i•:::•j i.: . • .. : i , - •'_-;
tint‘W Lammas
!-. ilittgfk i rie l oa te f aakke Q - cituaft
- sad. uivitt.. , Air
-- , - nrit i Vi*"addasstta...l , imp..
I' rens Ingo. x i
•' f k
.pontrits4kmarsifnszt%ixibrinalassit 1! 4
ita76r_ . _os
azi - 43=1131(0 1 1.1L01122170 3 M111) ': -
',And itligsdartilialthe Town - midair.
I !Atha Sp ian aairofticsosiretia . Lis'! di'
,ix ... A.c . ro l p i o,v i tif
i mi t l a rir, i m i tigiar
trelillexim .
_, ,,,
; wish the moat ingenious or ifilia l l-atoceria
equipment, and tk . ...i , , iwawata : -mint re.
sponslble Overland - TransPortamoniLines from Ito
western terminus, thin road , tow mien, uneonalled.
fiellitirmforken kallunnlanonq boos so - ths au
"Ilak.okslifrlsiaiu4ii tail: loissoi . pi oat* ik ilia':
/ re te ;”4",:ag a il d 'A-rsii' ':iii' 4 - Trit SitOild+'
EtriiiiVrtifiarrlr RA I 4:1,, fIotILWA.Cf,
k.lii , .f.i , . .fit; ''.f...t. 1,- I..Ainnizses, ,
. I- • " ' •
• . J.! • Pl"*.°l*"!`rf i l! t AF tde24. _
• i! • IIIriPAIIT.2•I4 I
Osn %vat )11144104 and Tteket Agent I
rre ..morpareoL-ANDAtm
c'-Qtr4EX 4 arqv 7 XT 7 ' --
Trita : , 4 , ijra ii ie
7!". 1 .9 149. 4 . 1 / 4, 4
=grli34ifft-411,04,-Ye0111,4 Fillborthas
614-51,M.„ff efiTrank
1811tlf 1 ; :jr EVEUTi: SATIIIMAY, troairter 4115 . Nortk,
c br i ew York o r Sonoma* or farther issawiisibi.
" lit° • Eng%
' • • -411
10.11 Tilt !WNW. (Onrogia• fintlfiloso
Atttlefir oPPoiIN Nit NMI rlttabll4lll.