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' -"- \'-,-. - '::t - :s% i ":t.• - • ./- -,--. 41) V V ! 1 '' ..,• '..l Ib. --.. :'-.101;1*, ________ ..._ _ -_- _-7.- -- ---- -7-_ - -1- - -- - T -- - - - -- - - -: - "-- - --- - ----- .----------- :'' -::' --- m . - ' , .4.-- --. • „ _ , -..e .=. -----' Id -,,,---- -,?,..'• - ••• - '-`...------.- ------ --------` -._._.- -_,_...."-_. ',_.- -..--':-..-.-- - ---'''"''''' --•---,.. --- -- - , n" ...- --=------- ... - 7 a " ' ' ' " ~ ''. _..----.• . - 7: -. --=--- - ----,Tz--- -'3 , - - ; - : - -- , -- - - ---4 :"-_ - :__ - ___-_-__ __ • _, ..-..--..,_-_-: . , . . , , IN Sir 0 4 ; - 1 VOLUME' 'LXXXIY. '+ 'FIRST 011101. TWELVE O°C73:-.og/Es M. R F. The II •'ited Elitatis : ' -- Sentitorial 1 Question Atteiheny 'belegation Equably Divideid`oh Bleprhe4d and alarshall—Sco!t; w of ItuntingtiOn; Seoold Choice -- Expected Success of i.c.. llicOtt.';!-'.; ' . ', 7 1 .':',. •-.;" ';'.'? ..Vv •,.---... ':. ..,.• :.,... ,'-!;„ ,'..i - [PilTeiPitiiieii to ilieiiiiiiibtiiibelaimie.3 - - :•.. 1. - _ ~'. . . - HARiusaußa, January 5,. 1869 Much exifitement prevails here over the 1 - " s appioachineienatorial contest ' as,yet . . gshavenot assume any definite shape. 1. The respective friends of Marshall and Moorhead arezealously-wer,kiug, and-At is : I • Improbable thafeithei - wlll'withdrivorfrom the field. The Allegheny county delega- Welheid'a caucus thig afternooo,.:SUfiSafter I. some canvassing a vote was taken, which f developed the caudifij,stes strensth Eks,pqual, there befroifiiiiilroteiii • awiiiiinfllleorhead and four for Marshall. No agreement was arrived at. There is a strong Inclination manifested for John Scott, who appears to be the seicond,, choice, of all. It is highly probable th'at Soott . will fiave a , the caucus before morning. • • The Treasnersnip is lost-sight • in ,the More important struggle for the senator', - . and the contest has assumed no well defined shape. ' V. t HARRISBURG, Jan. s.—so caucus has been held for tlidted lititteiSenatcii, 'the gen eral opinion is that the' Republicans will noinittate,John Scott, of Huntingdon. Meeting_ of the I.cgislature7Or ' ganiiatiOn --Of -Both - - Iloases- - Election of Minor Officers—Ad dresses of Speaker Clark.9f the House, and Speaker Worthing- . ton, of, the Senate—Philadel- S.Lict Pi-Pc4i(M-F4 1 4 13 r.t . ,) Us* ritistaiblialatee.) ErAtittitiaitTio, Pe. ;Tim HOUSE tir iitkRINAVATritElf. i The House was organized at 12 o'clock. It was called to order by General f3elfridge, lag cierk - The:l:4tatits ill the members present except D. K. O'Neilkof Mr. ADAIR, of Philadelphia, apical" aided Jno. Clark, Rep., for Speaker. Mr M'CULLOUGlEl,,of,deparai t fiaed Sa4inel - Mi. Clark reeefieralitY - thirtyLieven votes. NS =II Speaker Cl+Rli - was conducted to the chair by Mr. jOsephs. He said: Gentlemenof the Souse of Itepreeentativea: Ihave had so little exPerience ass legisla tor that it is with diffidence I assitme the duties and responsibilities of the position you have hoirred me• while But ;plying upon your 'indillglitnee, oi-OperatiOn and support, and with the determination to perform the and to the best of my abil ity, faithfully and-impartially, I trust we may . be able to conduct the business of the scesionwith deeorunii_ that harmony .and good feeling will prevail; and that the ,laws ire marenact will - redound to the benefit of our several constituencies and the general welfare of the State. Gentlemen : I thankyou most sincerely for this distinguished mark of your confi dence. Mr' .dOSEPIIS administered the oath' Of office, atid the members were' sworn in by the Speaker. Mr. lONG, Philadelphia. nominated for Clerk jamegt.L. Seltrldgw of Northampton; for Assistant -Cleric,l , FALiG. Lee. -of Phil adelfibia, and for Resident. Clerk John A. Of Ilarrisburg—being Republican Mr: COR nominated for Clerk G. W. North, of Cumberland, Democrat. Mr. McGINNTS,- of-Philadelphia, nomi " noted Anthony. Lewis, of Philadelphia, for Assistant, and Jacob Zeigler, of Butler, for Resident Clerk—both pem ; cocriop. The Republican nominees were elected 1 17 14, 14#3 7 • 11 944 - • • -• • ,Thr On motion of gr. WILSOIC; of 'Alle ilieny,,the election x;If: - the reulainita affi cero was postponed till to-morrow. On motion of. -Mr: of: Philadel phia, the hours of meeting were fixed from eleven to tneld'olock each day.' • The usual Committees to the Governor and Senate*ere appeintedl , •1•• ; Mr. KLECKNER, of Philadelphia, offered resolutionlor a Committee to Make a Obn tract for the legidlative Resod. Postpond, it motion ef'Mr DhVIS. " • Mr.: LONG, of Philadelphia, presented .1 ptaltion of twenty-nine citizens of the • Eleventh District, pronchnicing l•the elec tion of Mr. Witham, Democrat, • fraudu lent, and asking the4driiftution of Wm: V. Bunn, who it alleges had 3,044 votes to !Witham's I,97,whereas the returns gave liVitham 3,079. • • z. A resolution for a committee' on the case 'was aPPolated, the committee to be detected to-morrow at one o'clock. ' • i . - 1 . , ,- It being understood that the House 7 will adjOurn -to-nloirow to _Monday _evening, Mr. , NICHOLSON, of Beaver, spoke severe -Iragainstudjonrnments over and frolicks to Philadelphia, -' 4 Adjournbd. - SENATE. The Senate organized at throe o'clock. Mr: WORTHINGTON;, of Chester; was :elected Speaker over his Democratic com- Tetitor, Mr. BURNETT, of Monroe., - Speaker WORTHING' ON, after promPl- In f to administer the rules faithfu lly, Bince . the last meeting - the country;has passed . through another of those exciting politicarcontests Which, in 'accordance with theprOvisions of our national Constitution, recur every four years, and the' result, while it is In barman* with the' Wishes of a large majority :of,-,the people, has inspired them with' hiCredsed confidence in the stability of -the American:Republic. The struggle was fierce and bitter.. Much seal and activity distinguished the efforts of •tartloSis:‘ "Doubleis "both- were actuated by a 'audible desire to advance what each • regarded as best adapted to , proinote the general Welfare of the nation. In making this - decision the people have 'restored the 'affairs of the Government to' the same loyal hands which ,bave controlled its leg -Wativ4 poWer for the last eight years. The same great leader who led our gallant armies - against treason and rebellion, overthrowing their power by destroying. their marshaled legions, has been chosen to fill the Executive chair of the nation. I need scarcely say his noble deeds of patriotism and military, skill. with the . brilliant achieveMents of - the 'Union army, have placed our nation upon the highest pinnacle of military renown. And when we recall to remembrance the just ness of thiscatwirfor vrhich they:oontendeit,7 the priceless -- principles - of human' liberty for which they gathered around the na tional standard, we cannot marvel that the approving smiles of a just Omnipotence crowned their 4.ltrbors triumphant success. - In contemplation of our future as a na tion, a few topics press themselves upon our attention. It is in ,no partizan spirit that I would allude to them upim this occ; casion. They .havel , natiehal nibportatke, and deserve to be regarded above all party considerations. Bodotr or shosio.loive bee more or less discussed during the late po .litical campaign. Others, I trust, looking alone to the_great„interests of humanity 'and equal jtlstipe, can meet with Apposition from no natiorialeolfice i tf We have retison'to, believe Abet the qties tion of the repildiatied of- the national debt, in every form in which it can be presented, is settled. If the late election has decided anything, it certainly has determined that the Ameican people will require the Na tional; Government to maintain with the most tinfiexiblei' fidelity the national faith. 101 credit' will ea - certainly be preserved as its honor and integrity are regarded essen tial to its existence. - Nothing else can give us' - p fe stierßy iltoine'. and 'just ly entitle de to tdiforable . distinction abroad. If anything can detract from the spotless reputation of the nation's honor, or endangerlts future pre . sperity , and MC' ii..2dlateloid of Kw-84161Pd" obligations to redeem every promise it has made. Even suspicion of its justice or probity would sapttte fonwhition of its best hopes,and bring upA-ittlhenialedictions of all nations of the l'heAmerican Peo ple, educated, and living under the benign influence of a high Christian civilization, can-never bring themselves to sanction the repudiation of honest debts.:. ,:. For several yeate an evil, has been groW ing among ns, which, if not err: ested; Inuit weaken the purityof our ikee institutions and eventually altogether destroy the safety' of the jtepnblic. I allude to .the system of fraudawhiah are perpetrated in our ballot box. ,This, evil has made rapid progreSk among us, 'especially in Mir larger cities, it until threatensio defeat , the will of the P_oopleand destroy their confidence in this mbdelff selecting` rulers: When this eablitlllir obeli oVertake us, we may bid adiet(to a*Governmentifounded upon poP- Itiar With. the-:eviderice before•ms dpon ,thissubject, . beectnies ..the terest;as _well as duty, of.! all who love Republican institutions, ~t o,latioi with Untiring diligence.tosOorratithe evil. „If laws fffin be framed to meet this great ex.; igencrencl save the natiori3kbm ruin, it Ti wise the part of 1440 n to - to enedt them. Piny:spirit and party prejudice and; discip line must yield a-eelflah purptee,Wild join I:tithe:adoption of-such legislationns secure: fair and, honest elections.* I ask for -the adoption jiff - net unconstint tionalz: measure:- It' ask for nothing which is not in. sown:to:lce with jeer rice sad honesi3'. and 'Cleerly within the power of legislative %slice to grant; but Elio ask for some faint and equitable legislation, which. ; will throyf'. around the ballotZox such protection-itir'*lll oeettsele from corruption and fraud; arid inspire the people with confidence in ihrlinrity. He concluded b 7 an eloqueht appesain . behalf Or edtwating tht&masabs. qeorge NiCtialtarCyrnas elected idirk over:Thavid-Caldwell;aiimocrat. CONNELL, of Philadelphia, offered a resolution appointing the following offi cers, being Republicans : Assistant Clerks—Lucius _ Rogers, Fred erick H..l3faggipe. Transcribing Clerks r -Ebenezei ; Williams, Wm. L. Rosier, Charles Wintams, Joseph Anderson. Postmaster-Capt. Andrew B. McClain. -serßeaup.at-Arms-Wm.4.?Vireo; Afr. oil:Stant" Sergeantest-Arna- M a. -Ldvi' , YSt McCanly, Ueorge Strain; Messenger--Geo. Hutchinson, Assistant Mos.sengers-l3enja. min Newman, N. N. Selby; Doorkeeper- Benj.JEfaldeman; Assistant Doorkeepers- Capt. .Abrelitifik . tGollithidk; Sushitts L. Braun ; Superintendent Folding Depart. ment--Jno. Fries; rasters and Folders-- Jas. Thompson, Henry Woltington ,John Fisher, Al' illhener;bargerMODAßPba inson, Gills; Doorkeeper of Rotunda-;- Frank Lefferts; Librarian-Jacob StyerP. Mr. MvEgIRE, .9f , Plarry, , offetkd an enbitittithig '0:9 1 following Democrats: Assistant Clerks---W. Walters. Charles B. - Strain; Sergeant-at,Arits-Ed. ward Coiiirelli4o /Assist/kit Sergetaitina4 Arms-W. W. Williams, Charls9 Davis! Transcribing Clerks-A. B. H . ,edgi4ss, Ben jamin. fitidtiost, Keyeerilet nes L. Celly; Doorkeeper-Samnel Carson; Assis tant Doorkeepers-W. W. Saylor, James M. Mahon. David Buck; Messenger-John H,T4wrence; Assi e tant :Mssimiger.-Johe .!.. The amendment was defeated,. • Mr.; Bil LINGFIiIrT, Republican. of,Lan casterVofibred sit atneudmetif thripensitig wltttpasters and folders, and authorizing the Finance Committee to receive proposals for the`work. Lost • Mr. CON,NELL'l3,retiolutiott wasadopted. On motion of Mr. -TAYLOB.,, of-Beaver t the hours of sersta d - WereiiiZedfrOti4ela'ven to one o'clock: ; - • - *•• Mr. WHITE,' of Indmilit f 'bffered- joint resolution for the;sappointmetit , Of John Burns, hero vol . ' , Gettysburg, Assistant Doorkeeper; to which k Molars. Searight, Wallace and Fisher - objected, because , it was adding another officer in violation of After diecussion, Mr. WHITE withdrew the resolution for- the present. ' After the transaction of some uniinpor tent bttaineas, the Senate, adjourned. • News Frow.,llleilgo• "HevAr44-Jormary steamer from Vera Cruz brings' tlie 'l6lloliirig news: The Mexican ,Conpess. ,bra largo ma jority, has approved the convention of the fourth of Julys:a:radii vrith the United States, for the settlement of claims of citi zens. of both, pantries. The Congress,,, in secret Sealskin, has - also approved the treat with the- .United Statesi„recognizing the American - doctrine of rights of naturalized citizens. The'police ailithorities of the City of-Mex ico had issued orders restricting the -per formance religlous .ceremonies, caused - some 'cliurehee tetclose their doors. A police ,regulation had also been put In force prohibiting the sale of liquors after ell o'olock. An Ahe eveniug. Several joUr iatlk object to thes e new Jorderk, ine the ground that they attack : personal liberty, the 'free exercise of religlOo and right of commerce. • _unlined ilePotVp'Sti:Lac, Wisconsin, tin Monday afterrinon r ia young man named Chapman, while passing a gate leading 'into the yard, was, accosted, by a stranger. - Stepping within the gate, Chap. man was first struck uportthe• hea4with a slung shot, then . stabbed in the throat with a dirk,, after which a slash was made at the pocket of his Pants, which contained , one hundred dollars. The victim was left un conscious, and• the murderer' escaped-on the train going north. ' q::iz PITTSBIJR.G4 . ,:if: - .W.EDNE bii:'-; . ':i.X*ll -- i - ii: ''6, • ', is -6 FORTIETH CONGRESS. [7111m) sEssioN•l: SENATE Raper t ,of - Revenue Commsssioner Wells Presi7, dent's Constitutional Pouter 'to Grant Amnesty . ; Doubted—Bill to Enable Georgia to . Form a Republican State Government —Amendments Offered to Na , tional,Curreney•Act t -HOUSE: Consplar and _Diplomatic . Ap- and Proteel,Freldomof Transit —Abuse of Franking Privilege, a- - , , ite.,' ke. CB , " Telogninb to Mt rtttatrareltGazette.) WASHINGTON, &ilk. 6, 1859. -. • ' • •= SENATE: I ' - " The Senate resumed its session at twelve o'clock, the following named Senators being present: Messrs. Buckalew, Cattail, Cole, Conkling, Dixon, Davis, Edmunds, Ferry, Fesaemien,Fowler, Frelinghu,ysen,Grlmep_ , ~ Harlart, i Harris;.- froward, - Horne; - Kellag i- McCreery, Morgan, Morrill, (Vermontd Morton, Nye, Patterson, (New Hampshire) Patterson, (Tennessee,) Pomeroy, Rice, Robertson, '2:ltoss, - ' Sautsbanr, •:Sherman, Stewart, Sumner, Trumbull, Vickers, • Wade, Warner, Willey, Williams, Wilson. The President laid, before the Senate:a communication from the Secretary or . War,' transmitting a statement of the number of troop, regular and volunteer; employed in the service against the Indians. Re ferred. • • , Also, a communication from the Secre tary of the Treasury, transmitting the re port of the Special Commissioner of Rev enue; Mr. Wells, asking` tbe attention of Congress „to his reaommendations. Re ferred to Committee on Finance. , Mr. SHERMAN offered a resolution to order the printing often thousand copies of the report for the use of the Senate. Re ferred. Mr. SUMNER Inesented several Pen. tions, including one of Hungarian citizens in the United States, praying for - the estab lishing of a Consulate 'General of the United States at Buda, Pesth Referred to tha Committee Oft Comoieree....; 4 ., , li' Mr. MORTON offered a joint resolution forbidding'the landing of anY•eubmarine cable in any part of the territory of the United States without the consent of Con gress it ',Referred to the Comtaittee'• ' on Judiciary: '• ~ -.4 • .• : . Mr. FERRY offered a resolution request. lug the. President to transmit a copy of his late Amnesty Proclamation,. with,a state; meet of-the authority by which it- was issued. Le' ' Mr. PERRY said .pffered the resolu tion because, although he favored the am nestyclir doted tue" fight of the Prii.si dent to grant it in thli sweeping Way, end he wished to have the question settled. Mr. HOWARD was very. glad the atten tion of the Senate had been . called to the question. -He -thought. IV-Important- that the people of - the - United States should know, whether the President had such a dispensing power as was implied in the issue of the proclamation.. He believed the assumption by the Executive of such a power was entirely, unwarranted by the Constitution. Mr. FERRY said he approved of the amnesty, but doubted if the antnority ex isted for the President to extend it in that way, and so offered his resolution with a view of preventing the establiShment ota dangerous precedent. - Attar considerable debate between Messrs. Frelinghnysen and Conkling against the resolution, and Messrs. Davis and Doolittle tails favor, it was.adopted. • } Mr. WILSON introduced a bill to amend, the act entitled "an sotto provide a national currency, secured by pledge of public stocks, and to, provide for the circulation and - redemp t ion. thereof," *blab', wag •e•- ferrod to , the'nontrnittee_on Znades4 , ' Section first makes it unlawful for any bank, organized under the said act,. •to Pay or-receive interest in any form for or on account of - depcisit Made by; With or on account of any other bank, corporation or individual; provided, however, that the iketo*, city and town treasaretentayXeceive nterest on their 'ln'aiy bank Or banks. • - -- - Section second prohibits any bank officers from certifying good any amok,' draft or nete,ror to issue ' s 'certificate 'of deposit • other evidence of debt, unless at the time of such certilicate or issue the whole amount so certified!, in the actual. poi,ilottl of said' bank ,'; payable on `demand : •r • - ''` Section third provides that hereafter all deposits in behalf of the Alnited Stater in any National Batik, be. special de posits, nor te be used by said bank for loans or, disconnts, but held subject to i.raft by the Treasurer of the United States 'or other disbu sing officer, and such .dept sits shall not be subject to taxation, . • 1 • ! , Section f urth provides that the cis*. troller of t e - Currene.Y. may at' any lily, call on any inking arecklatiod for a 812,,Ce ment of Its re on any'past day,-to bt .)y , him specill d, and such report shall ice within,five ays of thereceipt of the regul ation there or, with a penalty of one I lan died dollar for every day's' delay of a .ich report after the said five days; abstract, of such, 'repot' 'shall: he Piiblialied• by he Comptrollerin a newspaper in the City ! of Washingto , add a report of each separate association shall be published in a newspa per inthaptace whereAhe'atioclation iaes tablished, or in the nearest place thereto, such publlatioa to bent the expense of the associationpneg 041.481DtkrtLejsch weep elation liiregn dtd report - to the Comp troller on the first Tuesday of each mouth the ctoidittan'ef thelaultiatinn on , the pre` ceding day, said statement to include a re port of loans, specie, deposits and circula tion.. . - - ' • 7 j : Mr. POMEROY introduced a bill to Isar thorize the., establishment , of Ocean mall snip service between the United' States and Mexibo, which was referred to Committee on Postoilice. -' • " i . Mr. CONKLING introduced a bill to ati thorize the New York;'New Foundland and London Telegraph Company. to land ene or more submarinb cables upon the allores of gip United, &stag s , and to tpaintain Oil work inch cables, for the. transmladon of message's and intelligence" between jthe United, States and Europe .ot any,inter mediate places, during thilleklatihoe ot the company's charter. Referred to the Corn mittee oti• Commerce,.-.•• • , ~, • • • , ;1 4 Mi. STEWART intradneed a 611116 ena ble the people ,of Georgia _PI, form a Sate government'republican'hrfornf, which was referred to the Committee on Judiciaryylt provides for the repealing of sii muc of the sot of 312120 fah, • 1868, as. relates Georgia,,extd making the governmentOf the State provisional only, and subject lb the sot - of March` 2:1,- 1867:officers 1 1 , elected under the present proposed Co sti tution of said. State, who are not - disf an chised by . thii, • fourteenth amendment :or 'any of the acts above mentioned, 'ex apt members of the Legislature, shall continue • - i in office until' the State Isbell' `e 'fully re stored. - - It further prOvidg that such members Of the Convention t olected under the laws of Congress to form a State Constitution, as are'not dlstranchlsed,: , shall ,e t tisemble on the'lliat'Moriday" of March' herr, with full powers to alter and amend- said. Constitu tion in anyinatternot 6Ontacl with the laws of Congress and the Constitution of said State. The Constitution as amended shall be submittdd to ttie people at such time as the Convention may appoint, and on ratification, or rejection of - said amended Conattultion, such persons and no others shall vote•as Shall be' prescribed by Itr - said 'amendeff-eornftitution; — prmrided that no person: 'ffhAll btf excluded frond vot ing on account of race' or • color. When said atrumdedOrtatittitlort shall bliveteen , ratified by a majority of the votes, it mffy:t. be submitted for consideration of Congress. .htr. - SUMNERVintroduce& a bill -pronid: log that accessories to a violation of the Fifty4ifth likictiett :of the' NatiOnsilCtiriedniy act filiall•recelve the saute punishment as the principal ofthe - assticiation. • ;Also, a bill' declaring chat the words "trial at common law," in the first section in the act of. JUne 2d, 1862, relating to the complicity of Witnesses, shall be held to include criminal trial proceedings also; judge to impose sentence of imprisonment with bardlabOr iii cases where the law of the United States for embezzling and kin dred offences makes a general allegation of embezzlement sufficient in the indict-' ment, and making no restriction, as °to 'the amount Also, a bill to repeal the act Of'rebruars 28, 1808, prohibltings,the importation.of cer tain persons into certain S:ates. All of which were referred to Committee Oll:Tuditsiary/ .s 4 Mr. SUMNER introduced a bill to `proms vide for the 'execution In the Diktrict of Columbia of commissions issued by CoUrts of States and Territories and`of foreign na tions, and for taking deposition - a - to be used in such Courts. ...Referred to. Committee oni DistrictOf Columbia.'' ' Also, a, bill„ to provide: .for. the ritualtih, ment of „accesiories crimin#l oftences against the 'United States. Referred to the Committee. on Judiciary. , On motitm'tif 'HOWARD thetleciel tary of the Treasury was directed totem:ls: mit copies of the last annual reports on the Pacific.Raßroad Coinpany. ' •` Adjourned. 1/?.Ar'S,NTA-7: 1 7 .- P. 'WA81111IIRNt; or Win6l9; . 'repoit 2 ed, from the Committee on Appropriations, the consular and diplomatic appropriation He also offered s resolution inquiring into. the overland mail contracts under Wells,. Fargo &Co. Objection was made.' ' The SPEAKER laid before the Housithe repiirt of Special Commissioner of Revenue Wells. A resolution to prittt tetra .00pies was referred to thei Comtnittee on Printing; Mr. ELLIOTT introduced a bill, which was referred to the Committee on potn., merce; tnextend the lms remive tt3 "the register of vessels. ; _ N _ , • On motion of Mr. WASHBURE, of 81 4 . the Secretary of the Treasury , was directed to Inform.; lie Ha tufo whether.iusy.Consular., officers at', the °United. Stateit lave dfunand ed and received for vtrifieittion bf - invoices feesgreater than those proseFibe4 by I v y ) &c. • _ Mr. ELL aakedi leave •tiroffet- a • iresolia tion providing fora committee pf ftv4,9 vestigate cal taro newspaper chargestigainlit the Postmaster• General in ceimeotion with the Arizona mail service. • Mr. McKEE objected. Mr. BARNES•titiefed . A Ves , oitifionitrat ft is the duty of the government to develcipe its resources, increase its revenue and re tain: its , auttada gold, !with a illOtO Ito aA speedy. return,to i specie payment as pout ble; thaf it Will rettuld'this purpose, disturb valuea and• interfere with; the revenue. to contract currency in• any-respeet;:oriander take to fix it - time by , haw whet: aped pay ments-shall commence, until the legal ten der notee,:have morcoleariY: approximated in vahie through the operation of nature. causes. ObjeCtlbri was; ' i f; Mx...MILLER Introdueed . a bill Appro. oriatiiiis tract. id.latt onalteildiaiis.llll4 Washington, fox ,a slew Executive Mansion. Referred to' Corrimittee on Pablic Build ings. Mr. LYNCII, as a queetion of privilege, made a statement as to certain, charges made in the Cincinnati Gazelle and` Wor cester AS'py..thathe ttad , ,sold:tha :use of his frank. - lie had simply franked the Mer cantile journal, containing his speech, WhlCh,LatLiff. ow:troth:lol3P_ ausione the purpoa ap was conferred: ' a " - Mr. BALDWIN, of Massachusettacpro• prietor of the Worcester Spy, disclaimed any responsibility for the article in ques tion, wAiclittibillubliOted 1411 rin g -sills ab sena° froin Warcester, and said his investi gation showed that the gentleman had act e4 entirely:within the • Mr. CART, of 'Ohio, said the' Cincinnati Gazette bad. made charges against him. He would not have 'eared for the ar. tic4e, bad it not been ,coßked into . reapecta, ble papers. — He did not consider the' Gaiette capable of slandering him. Mr. PRICE introduced ' a bill compelling allvetlroaderneeepting grants of -land-iron' the United States,' or !Wan anyStite, to use only American iron, under a penalty that said grant be null and _void.: Referred tp Pacific Railroad Committee. An Ineffectual effort was made to take up the hill appropriating .00 1 00 for the relief of the poor 'of the - District - of Columbia. The bill relative to the claims of the State of lowa, on account„of the latewar, was re; feried 'hack to tile' 'Committee which r& ported it, with instructions. . Mr. JONES, of Rentucky, offered ftreso lutleit that the reisblutlons"passed' intoth Houses of Congress severely criticising the - President's annual message are an infringe-` went upon-the rightof thoExeouttyerimad providing Sgt the printing of one ',hundred thousand copies of -said, message for the benefit of the people of the United-Stotts. Objection was made to its consideration. Mr. BUTLER intrOdnced a ,bill to: secure and protect the freedom of transit in the United States. Referred to the Committee on Judiciary. lidmerous Yeaolitticine bf inquirY were passed and various billkreferred. Mr. KELLY reported a bill, providing that's civilian , May be appointed Chief "of the Bureau of SteadEngineerlim. Passed. . The House then resolve - mitteeeof the Whole on 1 Union• Mirol;rtriTie,ol4-61 NV INIX)M" MEMO. s r the constrdetion tff,,tke Railroad. - ThmOonuttittee toed, n journid: 6-The t 'Memphis Oily muddlS about - the sale of theidolnAtta .11.11d..„1.41tt1e., the 'Pint Natio* Bank, was consummated in Sect the - knowledge of a partli The matter called Oup the tilated -A°: - meeting t of held yesterday, and a met. Leftwich' on the subject ws he denounced warmly t' pregs; The discussion be several members left, and there tint being a quorum present, the Board adjourned. SECOB EDITION. V4IIOI4'O 9 eLOCIECA: at. Presentation by Printers to Gen. Grant—Mysterions Death" of Two Negroes—Mill, to‘ protect Free Transit—Union' Pacific -Railway-7-Diplomatic -Appro priations—Medals Asked for In = ' diansi--Mililary, on the Plains , — Cause of the Trouble with IVe., groes in Georgia. ' svreinTips to the Pittsburgh °slate.) WAstiiiiefrozr, January 5, 1869: ; PRESENTATION TO O.£I4ERA.T., GRANT. At, noon to-day the 'members of the Printers' Grant and Colfax Club, number ing about one hundred, called at the Head quarters of the Army, for the purpose of presenting to General Grant a congratula tory letter of their Club, which had been engrossed on parchment, signed by all the members, and neatly framed. General Grant met these gentlemen in.the recep. tion room of the headquareers; and after a short speech from Charles E. Lathrop, Esq., foreman of the Public Printine Office and President of the Club; the members were. individually presented and shook hands with the' General. At the conclusion of thin formality, General Gr,ant said:• thank you for this manifestation of yonr sentiments. Ido not litumr of any j morelhat I can say than tbat. I ain glad to have had the Support, of all classes, and particularly of those who ;arefinding em ployment under - the Govinitinent: - I hope there will.be nothingin. my Courselereaf , ter to. make you regret the present you have seen fit to give. • -,„ The bill introduced in the House by. Mr.' Butler provides: that no citizen of the United States in passing from one place to another within the same shall be subject to. capias,. summons, citation or other process of whatever name or , nature in civil suit or cause, whether mesne process or execntion in any Territory or disttict through which he may be passing, and of which, he is , not • a cltii.en, unless he ' shall voluntarily tarry therein for The 1 apace' of more than forty-eight hours. , Air processes and writs contrary •to:the prtSvia= ions of this bill shall be held null and void. Persons offending shall be held, guilky. of, a , high misdemeanor and subject to 13104; and on conviction-be tined not Mess than one thoustuad nor mate ;than ten thon sand didittit; and impritionment not less than' one nor' more than ten yetirtifat,the' discretiOn'Of the Cuurt. •" 1 ' • • vs - tox ,PACITIO In a etainntudestioit laid before theTionse : to-dm- fr om tin Secretary of Interior t o' President'Johnson,' riatetV`December lEith;• he 'says I ; • 4, The Unleti Company has received bolida-Onnind-idid-1 dred miles of its road, -amounting to 522,- 797,000. The Commission- has 'submitted favorable • reports , upon two sections of twenty miles each, but no Executive action has been -taken upon them. The amount or, .51,250,t00, Which will, be , dbe tha, company in the event:''of Yout ceptance of these sections, is thus retained by the Government. The government sub sidies Which will be earned upon the corn , ' pletion anclequipthent of the' remainder; of the road it la belleVed will be safticient, , , with the foregoing amount, to guarantee its completion ass first class road:" Since the date of this communication the two sections have been accepted. • FOR isrcmisrm: : • 2 in the Senate to-day .1t communication was read from the, Secretary of the Inte rior, transmitting,. and •recommending. to favorable =COnitideratiou r a letter from the Commissioner of. Indiatr,'Affairs, ting an estimate of an appropriation "re : qntred for medallions:Cif U. S. Grant, Pres ident of the United States; for distribution to Indian tribes. The eotnnirtrileation states it is -• - • customary when a 'President is elected to have medallions of such Presi dent madeand distributed to the head men of the tribes who have proved deserving of aurae special mark of favor end recogni- Lion, and he therefore asks that and, oration cf . :1 , 5,000 be , made for that purpose CAUBF, OR , EISOMT. TROUBLES IN _GEOSOIA 4 , Senator Browning to-day recta:vet/a letter from Georgia, in which ,it:is . -stated the re cent troubles en the Ogeechee river were caused, byy, the refusal of the ~p lanters to share, their. Crops iioitably.abiong,t4 groes, which theysialatO"purinant to last yeer!s contract. has= occurred'. the - Pritvickts crop; the negroes thislithe declared the crops should not be "removed 'till they had their just shares. Geri. Saktitti. with two _com panies of soldiers, Went to the Scene of con. diet, arrested the ring leaders and divided the crops according ;to contract. • EXCITE/ ENT lIP TOWN:' •-• "There Was considerable excitenieut in the upper patter the city in Consetinenoe of two - ciOlored men being found deaslin their beds at the residence of !the French Minis ter. Large crowds surrounded the house, and reports were current that they, were suffocated orpoisoned.; ; , • s MILITARY n FORCE ON TUB PLAINS. 'A coMmtlnication from the Secrreitary,of War to stheliienate ehows that 2,s2l•regulars and 1,218 volunteer troops are employed in Indian hostilities and in protectinft the Missouri river .trafia and. the Union Pacific Railroad and.othervise policing that region. . PETITION imn PARDON. • • Paul Bagley, the Missionary, is oiroula a petition here for the pardon of Dr Mudd, now.prisoner in Dry Tortugus... Isis head ed by Hon. Stevenson, e.r . Archand signed twenty other Demoerats of loth Rouses. Tim :Benate to.day confirmed several nominations, including Ch lidegrue, ABC , sensor of Internal Ilevenno. for the Second District of Qhio. • DiPpOzioerip, ipruoi t uis.viou's. 'The Consular and DiPlometle aPProPria ,tion bill,.rerted to the -House WiaYi prop.rlates ;1 pp ,160,234. Provision macie fur ticcusulate at Rome,' but no *blister. • , SPINNER Still remains very unwell, and is unable to beat his:desk at.the Treasury.Pepartmeiat. CRINESIIEL LOGAN. a in AP Appeared in his meat to-day, although stil suffering from Illness. • . • • ,Asits tbr a Trial. •By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh gazette.). PECLLAMIT,PHIA, 'Jartrlary s—Mrs. Twitch .3ll made a formal application to the court to-diy to fix. - a day for her trial, protesting her innocence. The trial was set down for Monday. THE. CAPITAL. ==l OEN. BUTLER'S DILL. NOM,INATONSCONEfIDE EWp. I= NU3IBER,-- 4. NEWS BY CABLE. Earthquake in Persia—Safety of Dr. Livingstone Confirmed— The Eastern Difficulty—Anoth er Carlist Conspiracy Discoirei , ed in Spain—The . Chinese Em- b111313y. . By Telegiaph to the I . 'lttibur . gh 6azette.l GREAT BRITAIN.., LONDON, January s.—Telegraphip reports have been received from Alexandria of an earthquake at 'rrabeez, a Persian city of sixty thetisand people, on Sunday last. The shocks were said to be violent; but" no * loss of We is-reported. LONDON, January 4.—The latest news re-, ceived here frdin Africa confirms the, re cent report relative to' the safety of the great African traveller; Dr. Livingstone.: It lErsaid that he is somewhere in the vicin ity of Lake Niassi, near the confines of Zanzibar. Owing, itie thought, to the war between the native; tribes, his passage has been impeded,and consequently he has been unable to reachtheiea coast. , • GREECE AND, TURKEY:. , . `ARM, January's.--The La Turvti ttevm aper asserts that Russia' urges a" , meeting of the conference, now that Crete is quiet, with a view to prevent the expulsion of, Greeks ' from -the Ottoman Territory. It intimates that the representative of the Porte ieave the . conference, if - this point is introduced, and warns Russia' of the danger of another Crimean war. LOSDON, January s.—lt is said Greece will introduce the claims of the, Cretans into the conference about to meet in, Paris, and will demand that they be alloWed to declare who shell be their ruler. -• COICISTANTDIOPLE,. January mixed Commission, with Forbin as President, has been appointed to adjudicate the case of the , Greek steamer Eros's. - , _ SPAIN. MADRID, January s.—Four of the insur gents at Malaga - fired - into a 'party of refu gees whlle.funder -the 13roteetion .of the .4uerican deg. , The General in .command. in Malaga had ibe offendera arrested and punished, and puts since communicated' with:the; commander 'of the American soinadron in the-Spanish waters 'informing him of the measures - taken by the 'Spanish Government in the case. • •,: MADRID, •Jan4ary-5.1-4- CardSt "Maglar- Icy has been discovered in Xtarcelona, with. ramidcatinits In Saragossa andother pieces. Many persons have been arrested aa cated in the conspiracy. among tbem ,Var tend, a noted Cardst. The peasants in An &duel% pressed by poverty; .have organ ized into plundering partiesmid•are pil laging rich landhoblera-f ,• • e- • • . 1 I - ••IFRA 6E. • PARIS, San. s.—The Fake says the path! , in France 'with . the •nbjficia of f ..the thipete gmbaay. 4 , ll9grcat tb M. -Bur"' iingaineld as- mire ''or aucttati ` ere - 'SR in England: s ' ITALY ; ' ' '— Ftoninds, iTtinnaiy s:—The'conofry is perfectly tranquiLL;Theyseent disturb.; aneee -caused by thg ,colleisfragrr ogott o taxed were p rey reactioniets. • MARINE - NEWS.. , LOYDONDERRY, January s.—The Nes, toria, from PAfftland, has artived. - BitEsr, January s.—The 'steamship St. Laurpnt, from New York, arrived to-day.. FINANCIAL AND CONIMERCIA.I4. i .. ~ .1.441D0p!, January 5,--Evening.—Consols,. for m oney. 92 / 5 6 for aceonnt 92X. 'Five liiienty bnds, 74%: Erie, 25%; Illinois, 96;Atlantio and Great Western. 44%.. , . .1 FRANKFORT, January 5.-17, Bonds,, 79, 1 ,1@79%. ' • 'LIVERPocir.,• January 5.--Cotton firm; sales fifteen. hundred bales:middling ,up lands at 11%d• on spot, ,and 10%alld to ar-, rive; ' Orleans 'on spot 11%d. 'California' white wheat Hs 10da12s; red western Ma: Oos 3d.. :Western Flour 275. , Corn 37s Gd. ats 3s 6d. Barley ss. Peas 44s 64.1.- Pork.. 903: Beef - ; 1 5s. Lard 675. Cheese 70e. Bacon 54s Spirits Petroleum Id; fined is 7d. Tallow 47s 6d. gpirta Turpen tine-295. ; LONDl: , ,Tantuitir 5;-41eigar , 365. 6d. for No. 12 o spot. Spirits „Petroleum.- B‘l.l Tallow, , 5 s. 3d. . ,Linseed, Las. 6d.15578„ Spirits Turpentine is firm at 295. ttd. , ANTWERP, January. 51—Petroleum' '53 PARIS, Janwir9'B.—:llouraeginet. 13,entea 10f. 25c. FRANKFORT, Januar3. s:—/Dtienin9:=ll - 8: bonds closed at 793;a791g.: •• • - kiA.vna, Deceinber &--Evening.--Cotton active and at"l29 on the spot and 128 to arrive. ' ' : _ 'QUAA: -1 ; Deikkrtnre of the Ex-Gailtain 'Genera - Inangural :of III( trate mot. Anxiously Asstatted--Specubitiou as to the Insurree %ion—Reported Battle. (Byjelegrephto the P4ttebttrgh Gazette.) HA47AINTA, Jantuiry s.—Ex-Captain 'Gen. fAersundi and:Admiral Chitca sailed lo4day fbr Spain. GeneralLersundi, previous to his embarkation, - 'paid visit torAnter- Jean Admiral Hoff, on board his - flag ship. He was, received: with _ the ; ;usual ceremonies. This is the Arst ' instance 'known here ca"a'Ciptiiiii thinerafikoirg do .board a foreign mar6of.war. The inaug ,ural proclamation of Captain General Dudes is awaited with much' nxiety bylne Span iards and Cubans ' both' parties' being in 'the dark inlegard to his _fnture Cubans expresa the opinien that_ the Rev- olutionists at Iliyarno will refuse tolisten -to any proposition for compromise; and Spaniards . are convinced tbat the troops now in the Island, reinforced by those on the way hither from Spain, will. spec!dlly -put an end ,te the revolution. A report is in circulation that the revolu tionary Generals Santistiban and Lopez hid wbattle'on the 22d ult. with Colonel IJono,. ant defeated him, zaPturing two flags and 'forty-two prisoners.- .The . . insurgents ac knowledged a loss of ten killed and one hundred and thirty-six wounded: • This news comes solely from rebeleources, and is flatly, contradicted by the; official dis patches received by the Government: • Gen. Hulce' to•day gave: orders that the Most.-ample, latitude be allowed by-.`the Government censorship for the publication and'forwarding of telegraphic news. ' Other important concessions, enlarging eriy of the, press, are expecte. _ _ It is reported the liberal journal. whinh suspended a short time ago, will resume publication Ina few days. The . United .Stateis steamer ; Gettysburg arrived yesterday and was ordered by Ad miral Hoff to Nuevitas Co protect the inter ests of the American residenta. —The LegislatUre of, Nevada met at car • son on Monday; and organized by electing L. D. Edwards, ..of Ormsby county. Presi dent of the Senate, and - D. 0. Atkison, of ,Storey county, Speaker of the House.. II I=