s. CITY AND SUBURBAN. The; alarm of. Ore at midnight -from box No. 32 was false. We direct attention to the Bank notices 'and staternents on our fifth page this morn ing. A heavy rain and wind storm passed over the city last night between eight and nine o'clock. Removal.=The office of the Evening Mail has been remOyed to No. Xl9 St. Clair street. The paper is in a flourishing condition. Personil.--Gen. J. K. Moorhead left for Harrisburg last night. We believe Hon. Thomas M. Marshall does not propose being present during the Senatorial struggle. Petroleum V. Nasby, (D. B. Locke r Esq.,) was greeted by , an overwhelming house last night on the occasion of his lecture under the auspices of theltercantile Libra ry Association. The lecture sustained the 'reputation of the eminent gentleman. • f Oil Assoclat u.—There will be a meet ng of the Pe oleum Association this af ternoon, at th ee o'clock, to hear the report of a Committ e appointed to present some plan to gover the trade in making future sales. Railroad A cident.—At nine o'clock yes hterday morn ng, Engine I.Zo. 3, drawing t t he mall train o the Allegheny Valley Road, ran into a 1.. d slide aE Tarentum. The -train ,was thtained in consequence. two hours and a elf. Drowned. Yesterday afternoon, about threeo'clock a negro named Brugous, fell off the steamboat Kenton, in the Mononga hela river, at the foot of Wood street, and Vas drowned. Body not recovered. The nnfertunate man was intoxicated at - the time of the accident. Free Lecture.—Prof. ylutchings, the cel ebrated "lightning calculator," Who is re garded as a wonderful mathematical mys tery, will deliver a free leeture this even ing at the Iron City College', audience room. The lecture will be intensely interesting, and me advise a full attendance, 'especially by , young men and accountants. Secured the Prize.--The "N Inger Sewing. Machine, offered as a prize by the managers of the Eagle Fire Company's ball, at City Hall, on New Year's eve, was secured by Miss Josephine Tatnall, of Second street, Sixth ward. It could not have been - 11 more ed to ore worthy lady, and, she feel truly grateful over her good fortut,ie. Pocket Picked.—Alderman Lynch, of the Fifth ward, while coming out of the Crimi nal Court room yesterday afternoon, had his pocket picked of a wallet containing sixty-three dollars. In the dark passage leading from the court room to the rotunda, past the Sheriff's office, he was jostled by two individuals, to whom he attributes the honor of the,skillffil theft. • • Sunday Liquor Selling.—Jaeob Abby was picked up on Sunday, on Ohio street, Alla -ghetiY, "dead drunk." Yesterday moth ing he stated that on Sunday he drank twelve glasses of "adulterated fusil oil, otherwise whiskey, at thesaloon of Arthur Hoffman, on Chestnuestreet, in the Third ward. Hoffman was arrested and held to answer at Court for illegal liquor selling. The.lllvision of Ohio Townsidp.--In the Court of Ott - at-ter Sessions, yesterday, an order Was made on motion of N. W. Shafer, Esq., fixing thAlmelor holding the elec tion for the division of Ohio township ou Tuesday, January 26, 1869. The election will be held at Ki!buck School House, and at Duff's Mills, these bCing the voting places respectively of Precincts Nos. land 2 nof said township. Arrested.--George Barnes, of Allegheny, was arrested yesterday, in that city, by officer Gamble charged with.: participating in the asSardtinommittednpon George Both well, on the night of. the 12th of October, in the Second ward, Allegheny. The of fense will be remembered as bowl; political in its origin. Barnes waiheld. by Mayor Drum to answer a charge of aggravated as sault and battery. The Week of Prayer.-11 is hoped that the noon-day prayer meetings held by our young friends of the Yoimg Men's Chris.. tan Associatio at their rooms, No. 23 Fifth avenue, will evidence the interest with which our Christian public enter into the observance. These days are signalized by the most earnest Christian men in all lands -where one common religion is represented, by twcial prayer. Ladiei,as well as gen.t tlemen, attend the meetings to which we are tailing particular attention. Good. Invention—Our friend J. Y. Mc- Laughlin, Esq., has just had patented an axle for railroad cars - which has excited much attention; and' which will, in all probability, annercede all others in use. The patent axle is seven independent bars of wrought iron joined - tog:ether, securing -great strength, and providing against ab ,ei . .A.ll' of the seven bars must break before the car is let down to the track. 80.. ing of wrought iron, the axle will bend and twist before breaking in rounding a curve. Drowned.—On Thursday evening last as. The steamer Storm - No. 2 Wes towing the hull of the Minneapolis from Wheeling to ';Pittsburgh, , the clerk of the former, Mr. W. L. HaMilton, of Rochester,Pa., sell overboard and was drowned.' he Storm and her tow reached the wreck of the In. garner near "The Sisters'! about five o'clock in the evening, when Hamilton was observed to go down on deck, and that was the last seen of him. The unfortunate man was about six feet high, bushy hair, and had on dark clothes. Sidewalks in West Pittsburgh.--A Chron icle correspondent, residing in West Pitts burgh, complains bitterly of the condition of the sidewalks in that borough. The board walks are broken in numerous places, and are covered nearly entirely with a thick coating of mud. A lady was very serious ly injured a day or two since by stepping into one of the holes, and he fears that more accidents may occur if some effort is not *lade by the Council to improve the walk. A new board walk is needed; and should be constructed as soon as possible. A Pittsburgh Lecturer.--We clip the fol lowing complimentary notice of a lecture delivered by Rev. D. R. Kerr, senior editor of the United .8-esbyterian, of this city, frona the Rochester (New York) Democrat, of the 31st nithnl. "Rev. David R. Kerr, D. D.—A. brim full house a-senabled in the "United Presbyterian Church—Rev. Mr. Sanky, pastor—last evening, to listen to this eloquent and . distinguished preacher. His subject, 'Martin Luther and }pis Time,' was handled is a. manner _that deeply interested - all present. The lecture was, indeed, one of marked ability; and Dr. Kerr is a pleasant, earnest and elo quent speaker. We are pleased to learn that the lecture financially, too, was a suo oess. We hope Dr. Kerr will visit' our city again soon as a lecturer." , • Notice . The Managers of the Women's Christian Association deaire to state to the publle that the Fair, recently held in City Hall for the benefit of the "Home for Destitute Wonien," netted 87,569.00. • ' in audVion to the cash receipts, 300 yards cif muslin, 40 4 yards of carpet and a large quantity of -provisions were sent to the Home. The entire debt on the property. No. 45 Chatham street, .Imounting to 52,090.00, has now been paid, and the surplus funds have been invested for. / the support of the Home. Thanks are extended t 4 all-who, in any way contributed to the success of the Fair. CITY COUNCILS. • , . Meeting and Organization, of „the .New Councils=Electron or Preidding Officers, Clerks, and Messenger in Each Branch— Canvass of the Votes Cast for Mayor, Con troller and Treasurer—Declaration of the Result—The Oath of Office Administered to lion. dared M. Brush, the Mayor Elect. The members elect of the Select and Conimon Councils met at the City Building, in their respective Chambers, yesterday morning at ten o'clock. This was the first meeting of Councils under the dew appor tionment. Considerable intere - st was man ifested in the proceedings, and the corridors of the City Building and the Council Cham bers were thronged with spectators. Select Council: A quoruM of the members of the Select Council having asseinbled in the Council quarter o'clock by E. S. _Morrow, Clerk of Chamber, it was called to order at ten and a the last Council. The Clerk then submit ted the returns of the election for members of Council, embraced in the certificates of the 'election officers of the various wards. The returns were then read by the Clerk and approved by Council. • The Clerk stated that the first busine'ss in order was the election of a President. Mr. Wm. N. Ogden nominated James M'Auley. The nominations were closed, and on mo tion of Mr. S. Morrow, Mr M'Auley was declared unanimously elected. On 'taking the chair, the President thanked the members for the honor; stated he relied upon their assistance to discharge the duties impartially to all, and he trusted that if-he ever erred, his action would be promptly, revised by Council—he would re gard. th&cOrrectlon as a favor 'to himself. The oath' of office was administered to President M'Auley by Mr. John Shipton, after which the members were sworn in by the President.' Mr. E. S. Morrow was unanimously elected Clerk 'of Council, and Capt. Samuel Cooper, by the same unanimous vote, chosen Messenger. These officers were sworn in by the President. The roll was called and the following , Members found to be present: Messrs: Ahlborn, Ahl, Brown, Burgwin, Coffin, Craig, Dickson, Edwards, Gallaher, Heil man, Hartman, Holmes, Herron, ,iones, Kane, Kehew, Kirk, Laufman, Little, Lloyd Marshall, Morrow, Murray, Mur dock, kcEwen, McMahon, Ogden, Phillips, Quinn, Raffdrty, Rees, Rush, Scully, Ship ton, Schmidt, Torrens,' Wainwright, Z., Wainwright, S. J., Wilson, White, Zero, and President McAuley. Mr. Ogden moved that the rules of the last Councils be adopted for the government of the Council. Mr. Holmes moved an amendment to the rule requiring Councils to go into an elec tion of city officers to-morrow. so that the election should take place on Tuesday. the. 12th inst. The amendment was accepted, and the original motion adopted. • Subsequently a reconsideration was moved by Mr. Phillips, and the rule mak ing the Presidents of Councils ex-officio members of all Committees, was changed SD that tbershould be ex-officio members of the Water and Finance Committees only. The rules as 'thus amended were again adopted. . The amendments to the rules were non coneurred'in by C. C. Mr. Shipton called the attention of Coun cils to the fact that there should be a re drawing for seats, sa that the new members would be placed on equality with the old.- Twenty-three numbers were placed in a hat and the wards called alternately, commenc ing with the First, then the Twenty-third, : and 80 on. The members selected their seats in the order of the numbers drawn from the hat. The Select Council then proceeded to the Common Council chamber to meet iu joint convention, and after returning to their own ichamber adjourned to meet on Tuesday of next week. • Common Council. , • ' 'The memberg • electi of Common Council assembled in their chamber, and shortly after ten o'clock were called to order by H. 11P.Masters, E.sq„ Clerk c!f the preceding Council. The Clerk laid before Council the re turns of the late election for members of Corrimon Council, as set forth in the certi ficates of the election of icersof the.various wards. On motion, of Mr. Batchelor, of tho Twentieth ward, the returns were ap proved. , The Clerk announced that the first busi ness in order ' would be the electioq of President. Mr. Batchelor moved that W. A. Tomlin sonror the Fourth ward, be elected by ac clamation. _ Mr. Moorhead nominated. Dr. A: G. Mc- Candless, of the Eleventh ward, for President. Dr. McCandless respectfully declined the nomination, but nominated Mr. John P. Penney, of the Twenty-first ward. Mr. Penney said he had no ambition to come into : Councils and assume the duties and responsibiiities of presiding officer. He would therefore beg leave to decline/ Mr. Tomlinson-being the only candidate in nomination, he was elected by acclama tion, and the oath of office was administer ed by Mr. Batchelor. Upon taking the chair Mr. Tomlinson re turned thanks for the honor conferrod npon him and promised to discharge the duties of the office to the best of his abilities. The roll was then called and all the mem bers answered to their names, except Messrs. %Barton, Boggs, Hutchinson and Jamison. Thq oath of office was then ad. ministered by the President to the mem bers present. On motion of N.T. Reed, H. McMaster was unanimously re-elected as • Clerk to Council. S. Cooper, on Motion of Mr. Rehman r , was unanimously re-elected as Messenger, The oath of office was then administered by the President to the Clerk and Messen ger, and they entered upon the discharge of their duties. On motion of C. W. Batchelor, the rules governing the preceding Council were adopted, Mr. John McCiaren, member elect from the sth Ward, presented a communication setting forth that since his election to Council he had been appointed Notary Pub lic, and he desired to have Council make an expression of opinion as to his eligibil ity prior to taking the oath. On motion, the communication was referred to the City Solicitor. , The Clerk, was then directed to notify the members of Select Councils that the Com mon branch was ready to meet them in joint Session. At the conclusion of the joint session, the members proeeded to select seats by lot, .after which, without transacting furthet business, a motion to adjourn until Tuesday next was adopted. Joint Convention, Both branches of Councils met injoint convention in the Common Council cham ber to canvass the votes cast , for Mayor, Controller and Treasurer, to declare the result and administer the oath of office to the Mayor elect, Hon. ;Tared M. Brum / The returns from the various wards were announced by President' McAuley and re corded by Clerks of Council, from which it appeared that the official vote for city officers at . the election in October last was as follovys • FOR MAYOR. Votes. Jared M. Brush 7,287 Jam Blackmore 8,734 Majority 1,543 ' 7011 CONTROLLER. I Roheri. I..MCCionan 7.4a2 Thos. of. Wright 8,5 m Majority . 1,878 FOR TREASURER. ' ' A.T. Coehran 7 .r 4 wni. F. Mcßride 5,133 Major ty 2.341. The returns were accepted and'approved„ as correct by Councils. ' On motion of Mr. Quinn, of the S. 0., a Committee of Five was appointed to watt PITTSBURGH GAZETTE: T On the Mayor elect, and esoort laim to the. Council Otis saber. The apriolfit.% ed as such Oompalttee ...atesars--Aninir liadz LloYd of S. C., and Messrs. Hare, Morgan and Batchelor of the C. C. As soon as the canvass of yotes t had been concluded the , COminittee appeared in the Chamber, accompanied by the Mayor elect, Hon. Jared. M. &ista .and. the May6r; Hon: James Blackinork who were received with enthusiastic applause from members of COundils and the pectators present. The oath of otlice was administered to Mr. Brush by President McAuley. . Mayor Brush then delivered the follow ing brief remarks!: "Mr. President; Gentlemen of time Select and Common COIGIkI, and Fellow Citi:.'ens— The obligation I have just taken to well end truly perform the duties of the office of Mayor of the city hi Pittsburgh, I shall endeavor to discharge to the befit of my ability; but without your cooperation an.l aid I shall fall far short of your expecte. tions and my own desires. Relying upon your encourgemerit and assistance, there fore, and with a determination to adhere to what I conceive to be right, I shall hope to merit, in some degree at least, the approba tion of my fellow citizens." The Joint Convention then adjourned - until Tuesday afternoon, of next week, at two o'clock. HOUSE OF itEFUGLI Fifteenth Annual Meeting of the Contribu tors—Report of the President and Hoard of Managers—Election of °niters and Managirs for 1869. The coutribidors of the House of Refuge for'Weatern-Penusylvanla held their Fif teenth Annual meeting at the office of the institution, No. 67 Fourth avenue, at ten o'clock yesterday morning. Tames B D. Bleeds, Esq., called the Meet ing to order, and upon his motion Robert C. Loomis, Esq., was called to the chair, and Charles S. Gill, Esq., appointed Secre tary. • Immediately after the organization the Board went into an election for officers and managers for the ensuing year. Messrs. Charles S. Gill and R. L. Ring wait were appointed tellers to conduct said election. While the balloting was in progreas the Secretary read the report of the President of the Board of Managers, as follows: 20 the Contributora of the House of .Refuae of IFestern Pennsy/vania, and the Levi:sta. ure:—ln presenting our Fifteenth Annual Report, we would acknowledge the blessing of Divine Providence, which has attended our labors during the year, and Would again express our renewed contidence in the suc cess and iniportance of the work committed to our care. For information respecting the statistical, sanitary and financial condition of the in stitution, we would respeciluily. refer you to the reports of the Superintendent, Prin cipal, Teachers, Physician and Treasurer, which are herewith submitted. The Board of Managers feel deeply im pressed with the responsibility of the work in which they are engageif t and It is their constant effort, while the interests of the unfortunate inmates make their confine ment a necessity, to render the Refuge, as far as possible, a comfortable and happy home. A much huger number of chlidred have been indentured during the past year than in anyyear since the opening of the Insti r , tution, and we'are happy to say that in no former period have the children, who have been discharged, done so well; indeed, those who have again relapsed into their evil habits are rare exceptions. The em ployinent of an agent of the Board, whose duty it is to visit, counsel and encourage the discharged inmates, has been produc tive of most salutary Influence. The Indenturing Committee have la bored with the ':kindest solicitude in the discharge of their duties; it is owing to their ethane that so many of oar chil dren have been provided with coin• sortable hoines, , and aftbrded the op portunity of obtaining the knowl edge of some useful trade or occupation. The discipline and instruction of the in mates receive the cordial approval of the Board, and it is hoped tlfat the moral and religious training which our children have received will be the means, through the blessing of our Heavenly Father, iu lead ing many of them, who have hitherto been the subjects of vice and evil influenees to a life of honor and virtue. Our thanks are due to those clergymen in the vicinity who have kindly volunteered their services in the chapel exercises during the year and who have thus aided the institution in the religious instruction of those committed to our care. • - To the Superintendent, olilcen and em ploya, who, by their fidelity in the dis charge of their ditties, have afforded valua ble aid in accomplishing the objects of the institution, the floarddesire to express their kindest acknowledgments. Submitted by orii of the Board of Man agers. ' WILLIAM DiLWORTIL I'l'oBlllolM. On motion of G. L. B..Fetterman, Esq., it wa4 • Re.yolved, That the report of the Presi dent and officers be referred to a committee for publication. Dusts. LotnnLs, H. L. Ringwalt, C. S. Gill, and; R. N. Avery,Superintendent, were appointed a committee under the' resolution. Communications were received from the, Commissioners of the. following connties,r appointing the following named gentlemen to represent their counties In the Board of Managers: I Allegheny COunty—Hon. John E. Parke, Josiah,King, Esq., John Dean, Es' q., C. Negle Esq. Armstrong County—Alexander Rey , noids, Esq., of Kittanning. Fayette County—Dr. R. M. Walker. Washington County--SamtlelK.Weleishi 'Esq, Washington. . A resolution was then adopted that the polls close at twelve O'clock noon, at which lime the Teller announced the following persons as having received a plurality !or the vote and wore elected: ! Wm. Dilworth, President; John Phillipit Vico President; James B. D. Moeda, Seam; , Calvin Adams, Treasurer. -Board of Managers—Jas. Schoonmakett G. L. B. Fetterman/B. L. Fahnostock, A. Herron, T. J. Bighain, C. Yeager, Jos. Woodwell, Joseph Kirkpatrick, James Cloper, W. W. Patritik, Thos. Wightmarti. Wm. Rinehart. 1. The new Board. will meet for organitt tion_on Wednesday, the 13th iust.,, at the office of the Institution. . The meeting then adjourned. • Death of Col. Stafford Graham. -1' Yesterday morning the: body of' Col. Stafford Graham, a native of this city and son of John Graham, Ng., late President of the Bank of Pittsburgh, was consigned to its last anti final resting place in Allegheny• Cemetery. The deceased died suddenly at Shelbrellie, Missouri, wherehe had been residing. He was a gentleman of many noble qualities of head and heart and was highly esteemed, both here and at his late, home. He had a brilliant army record,' serving with distinction under Gen. Grant in the Southern States. The father of the deceased is in a preca rious condition of health at Shelbyville, and , it would be a heavy blow to this coin -munity should he not recover, as few gen tlemen have more warm personal frien slid admirers. Amusement, Directory. OrritiHous.—Mr. and Mies Conldoc in. Chimney Corner, a touching picture domestio life, .to conclude , with . farce Saristi Swains. THEATRE.—To-night will witness the la= appearance of the popular variety troup The Gregory combination appear togno row night. ; j•• MASONIC lIALL Biirid TOm'a sew , grand concert. ; ORPHANS' FAfit, basement of the Cath: dral. Fern in the MIS 5101), Church,. Alleghe P.l*-1 MAY, JANUARY 5, 1869. - t THE COURTS, I' - Cititi3efore iitunitOe and Klrepatrick. The ejectment case of Appel, lessee of . F. "Ninny vs. Woods' heirs;'pretionsly reported, was resumed before Judge Elam p on yesterday morning. It has not yet seen concluded. Judge Kirkpatrick is holding a branch f the District Court in the _ Law Library '' • 'l4. The, case of Wm. D. Williams vs. ' euben Bartley was taken up. This was . n action in ejectment for a piece of pro-' erty on Beaver street, Sixth ward, Alle- Imuy. Jury out. i. Frecko vs. Hartzell .Y. Mout; acti o n on a echanics lien. On trial. Ralva tit Robinson vs. the National Re fining.. and Storing Co. Verdict for plain tiff in the sum of 81.438.62. The verdict was rendered by the jury in the preceding 1, case by consent of parties. The following is the trial list for.to-day : 116.13 i bson vs. Ardesco Oil Co. 118. O'Leary vs. Green. . 119. N. 'A. Oil and Mining Co. vs. Ardesco ger il Co. , 120. Owners of tow-boat Nellio vs. .Ed gerton. • , 121. O'Hara vs. Pa. R: R. Co. , 130. * Fell & Bros. vs. Schulz Jr, Danner. 131. Lander vs. Spence. 131—Wagner vs. Jones et al. • ' The following is the trial list for to-day: 202. Allen vs. M'Kee. 117. Vandahorn and Blackney vs.. Jones et al. • - - • . . 121. Kennedy Jr, Bro. vs. Rahe. 122. Long vs. Smith. . • 123. ' Deltz vs. Duncan et al. 125. Doyle vs. Altmeyer. 128. Fleming & Co. vs. 'Bushnell. 136. Daurr vs. Wycoff et al. 138 O'Brien vs. Holmes. 154. Mitchell et ux. vs. Stager et ux. 162. Horn vs. Abbott. 160, Sullivan ct Brown vs. T owes. 175.'Ellnough vs. Miller dc o. 178. Quigley) vs. Hutehinao dt Hocken ' auser. 188.1 Anderson et al. vs:Pie ensgill tit Co. 107. Bangers et ux. vs. Em Court of Common Pleas—Bef re Hon. J. P. Sterrett. ) Thomas Grogan vs. Lei Verdict for plaintiff in tiu Nimiek cC Co. vs. Dn The jury found for the ph of 8648,38. Haunt Monre jury found for plaintiff X 240,60 . Matthew Anderson vs. Mahn McClarren, Verdict for plaintiff for $l5O. Jacob Ziegler vs. Pittsburg Grain Eleva itor Company. The jury was withdrawn 'Ad plaintiff took a non-suit. Henry Tressei and wife vs. Phillip Petrel and wife. This action was for slander. Non-suit entered by order of the Court. (Quarter Ses . ilons:.:llefore Judge MelloU The Court ; met yesterday morning, Nit, owing to the non-attendance of parties — to suit'S, there Was very little buidness trans acted. On Wednesday the Grand Jury will visit Dixmont. Gen. Cass. of the Fort Wayne road, has extended the courtesies of his road for the occasion. Probable Homiclde—The Late Outrage in 31cUlure Township. In the ,) GAZETTE of.-Thursday last we gave an 'account of a brutatioutrage perpe trated on the Tuesday night preceding, at or near Wolf's tavern, in McClure town ship, in which a stranger named Peter Mil ler was beaten, as It is charged, hy Wolf, the keeper' of the tavern, and left on the roadside in an insensible condition. Since we noticed the / affair; Miller has grown much worse; so bad, indeed, that it is ap prehended he/will not survive.. He has become insane in consequence of his inju- ries, and one of his feet, which was frozen the night Ihe lay on the roadside, has morti fied so as to necessitate amputation. Yet the physicians are unwilling to perform the operation at this time, owing to the fe4‘ble condition of Miller, consequent on his ex posure and other injuries. - R. H. Kerr, Esq., of McClure township, is investigating the case, and yesterday held Wolf, the alleged assailant of Milner to bail in two thousand dollars. j Miller was yesterday removed to Passavant's In. firmary by order of the Directors of the Poor. igothing is`known of his antecedents further than that on the night be was as saulted he told 'Squire' Kerr he was from Virginia. Wolf denies that he committed the as- - sault, but circumstances developed in con nection with the case justified Justice Kerr. in holding him to ball to await the result of Miler's injuries. \ • Clothing and Custard% Work at Reduced Prices Messrs. E. lioustdu Jr. Co., No. 107 Fifth avenue, have marked clown s their entire stock of ready-made clothing and furnish , ing goods to prices closely approximating the original cost, in order to close out their entire line of goods to make preparation for the spring trade. The stock is large and complete, embracing everything in the way of men's and boys' clothing of the! latest and most stylish fashions and cuts, and wilt prove attractive to the purchaser. The firm have also reduced their prices for cnittom work, and with en larged facilities are prepared to make to or der in most fashionable and endurable styles, and at the shortest notice, garments of all descriptions at prices which will ford hly remind the purchaser of days of yore. r'' Having had long personal acquaintance s with the members of this firm, we unhesi• tatingly commend thorn to the patronage of our readers. Defaulting Jurors in the District Court. Attielaments for the following de außleg jurors wero . yesterday directed to b issued by Judge Kirkpatrick. Ho also lirected the Prothonotary to disallow pay to all of those jurors who answer at roll call in the morning and do not respond throughout I the day when wanted. Such a • course seems absolutely essential, as yesterday, although a reasonably full panel was pres ent, when wanted , there were not enough to bo had to fill the jury box, and the last case called hid to be tried before am jurors, The names of the dpfaulting jurors are as follows: Alexander Bradley, foundryman, Liberty township; Joseph Graft; shovel manufacturer, Collins township: A.S. Bad JOrd, contractor, East Birmingham; D. C. Dirnsen, glass manufacturer, Birmingham; •Wm. Porter, carpinter ' Tarentimi bor e. ough; Joseph/Woods, .tanner, Snowdon township. . , 'The attachments were placed in the hands of the Sheriff and these gentlemen will now have the pleasure of serving, With fines and costs added. Can lt , be possible that over Five Million Bottles of Pwavr.vriort,Birruus have been sold during the past year? It is almost in credible, nevertheless it is absolutely true, and is the mast" convincing proof of their wonderful medical and health-testoring qualities. Every family should be sup plied with these Bitters, at whatever cost or trouble it may be to obtain them. Be careful that you get the genuine," and that you.. are not imposed upon by a spurious article. MAGNOLIA WATER.--Superior to the beat imported German Cologne, and sold at half the price. Kenwoodf Boarding School for Boys.— Four vacancies on January Oth. Apply to Rev. J. P. Taylor, New Brighton, Pa. 2w. The place to get White Lime,. Calcined Plaster, ,Hydraulic Cement, ie at Baker, a. Caskoy's ) 167 Fillt Oreet. reorrespondence or the Pittsburgh gazette.; NEW Buronrozr, January 4, 189: The Sunday Schools aif New Brighton held their semi-annual 'union meeting in the 'United Presbyterian Church yesterday afternoon. Dr. John Sargent, Secretary of the county for New Brighton, called the meeting to order, and on motion, Rev. Wallace, pastor of the U. P. Church, was elected to preside at the meeting. The Secretary, Dr. Sargent, then read a very interesting and encouraging report of the schools of the town, in which he gave the following statistics: Whole number of children in attendance, 712. ' reading the scriptures, 534; number of -officers and teachers, 103. There, are eight schools in town. All were represented but the Episcopalian and Roman Catholic. Three of the schools—Presbyterian, Uni ted Presbyterian and First Methodist—re ported $331 collected for missionary.. pur poses. The schools are generally self-supporting and in prosperous condition. The meeting was addressed by the Presi dent of the County Association - ' Dravo, Revs. Crowther, Critchlow and Ross, of Mi91401/li, interspersed with singing and prayer. Upon the whole the meeting was a very pleasant One, and we trust profitable to all. l The friendly feeling existing between the churches and schools is especially note worthy as a favorable sign of the times. MI --Over twenty thoniand emigrants ar rived at Chicago last year. —The total receipts of articles received 'ln the Chicago, market last year was $397,- 550,000. —Joseph "Elaine, of Marsh Plato, aged*2s, shot himself dead in Elgin, Ills., last Wed nesday.' —The Louisiana' Legislature met yester day. A quorum was present in both Houses. • —The ;warrant for the execution of Wooley, at Freehold, N. J., on the 7th inst., has been issued. . 7 ) s Falkenbazen, L /Ida' of $l6O. ra •o fir. Donnelly. Lai tiff in the sum n .fcClarren. The r n the BO C M of —The annual meeting of the American Social Science Association will be held in Albany, New York, in February. —The London press generally approve: of the treaty between China and England, re cently concluded by Lord Clarendon and Minister Burlingame. —Col. Wynkoop, Indian Agent, having changed his resignation so.as to make it unconditional, it has been accepted by . the Commissioner of Indian Affairs. —Commodore W. S. Sahat% U. S.rNavy, died at Elizabeth, N, J., on Sunday, after a lingering illness, of rheumatism of the heart. He was 74 years of age. —Hon. John C. Weed, of Eastport, Ches ter county, a ;timber of the Connecticut Legislature from Greenwich, nicsteriously disappeared ou Sattixday night last. —The Wisconsin Senatorial contest be tween Carpenter and Washburn is waxing warm. Thelotiner's chances are the bet ter. The legislature meets on the 13th inst. —Ellen Kane was found dead in the gut ter in front of her residence, in Chicago, yesterday morning. The jury returned a verdict of death from exposure and intoxi cation. - -The Albany and Susquehanna Railroad will be formally opened on the 13th at which Gov. Hoffman, members of the Legislature, Erie Railway officials and oth ers will be present. —For stating in a police Court item l that -Daniel Lynch kept 'a disorderly house, the injured individual has commenced a - libel suit against the Chicago Tribune; claiming ten thousand dollars damages. —The steamer Great Republic sailed yes terday from San Francisco for Hong Kong vla Yohokama, with 4SO tons freight; 500 passengers, and V 754,000 treasure, 072,600 fur China and 182,000 for Japan: —ln view of President Johnson's amnesty proclamation of December 25th, Telt Davis, John Slidell, James W. Mason, Dudley Maru2, and other ex-rebels, now in Europe, are preparing to return to the United States. - —A dispatch from Jefferson,Texas,reports that Capt. Wm Perry, an old and promi nent citizen of that place, was. shot and killed on Sunday night. The deed is sup posed to have been done by soldiers through mistake. —The Helena Post says that in the famous Union Mine there are one thousand tons of excellent ore ready to be crushed, and ten thousand tons of equally good quartz in sight, and that the ledge contains quartz worth live million dollars. —Sunday night, about eleven o'clock, a i Chicago saloon keepernamed Horner, after alighting from astreet car, was attacked by three men, who stabbed him severely In his side'and then relieved him of his watch and ninety-five dollars in cash. —The McLean County, 111., Soldiers' Monument, at Bloomington. has been com pleted and accepted. It is fifty feet high, of white Lemont stone and Vermont white marble, and cost fifteen thousand dollars. It will be formally dedicated next spring. —R. W. Hobson, ex-Deputy Collector of Internal Revenue of the Danville District, Va., , ras brought to Richmond on Saturday, - charged with defrauding the revenue by not accounting for $2G,000 received by him. He was held in $lO,OOO bail to answer the charges. • —The liteamboat A. G. Brown collided with the _Bremen steamship Teutonia, be tween New Orleans and the mouth of the ;Mississippi, oni Wednesday last, and soon turned bottom, up. The Brown's money and every bodyi on bOard was saved. The Teutonia was injured but proceeded on. • —A Washington special reports that an alleged spurious railroad company bas ob tained sixlnilliOns of dollars and au enor mous amount of land grants frotn Congress, and also that two distinct corporations are claiming the subsidies granted,to the West ern Division of the Union Pacific Railrizad. —The New York Legislature meets to. day. Gov. Roffman's message will be sent in after the organization, which will proba bly be effected without delay. The Repub lican Assembly caucus nominated Truman G. Younglove for Speaker.. The Demo- 1 eratic caucus nominated Llon. Wm. Hitch man for Speaker. —Coal in abundance and of excellent quality has been discovered half a mile from Argenta, on the line of the Central Pacific Railroad, four hundred miles from Sacramento,- furnishing the Company a much needed supply of fpel at the point desired. Notwithstanding the recent heavy rains in the valleys and may storms on the - mountains, trains on the Cen tral Pacific Railroad arrive at Sacramento on time. . —Private letters from Cuba do not con firm the recent reports from that country relative to the reverses of the revolution ists. It is stated the insurgents outnum bered the Spanish garrison in the island, and that there is every prospect that they will be successful. It it thought that if theycan hold out till March independence is certain. They contemplate the total abo lition of slavery, and will not favor alm tion to the United States, unless as anal resort. I. —John McDevitt, of Chicago, on ist- I v mas day wrote to Phelan and Collend ,of Naw York. surrendering to them the c ant pion billiard cue of America, in order hat it may hereaftei be competed ibr, with the push' shot barred. Phelan and ' Cone der have returned the one to Mr. McDevit , as the: one most deserving of it. Mob itt now challenges any player in the wort to compete for the golden cue,at five ibou nd dollars a side, American game, fifteen-bun dred or two thousand polntl, second zln NEW BRIGHTON. • I Sunday School Union Meeting BRIEF TELEGRAMS font pocket standard table, two and thresi eights inch balls, the challenge to remal t open thirty days. —The report of the State Treasurer 0 Missouri shows that from February 4th 1865, to December 21st, ltitlS,tbe amount re ceired into the State Treasury has bee t $22,113,654.' During this period there have been State bondaand coupons retired to thi amount of $7,0 9,575. Auditors' warrant: paid $7,262,543. Union military bonds and defense warrants paid $531,789. There h nowlabout one million dollars in the Treas nry, which will soon be increased to aboni $2,500,000 by the reception of taxes.. amount of State bonds retired since Oct o her, 1567, is $5,023,000. The State bonds outstanding Jan. Ist, IssB, amount to $15,. 1354,000. —The New York Times says: The wboh country expects to see General Grant enter fit li , s aeceSsion upon a bold, resolute and determined crusade against. bad govern. went, and the bolder the more completel3 will he be supported. The Tenure-of Office bill ought to be repealed.' General Grant should be left entirely free to under. take and execute stroll reforms in the civil service as may be required. If Congre.4 sees the wisdotir of making good behavior the sole tenure-of 2 orlice, let it adopt 141 r, Jeticke's Civil Service Bill, but until some general 'provisions of this sort are aaopted, General Grant should have full power oVer appointments and removals which the Con. stitution gives him. Asthma is not'a terrible diseaSe when Whitoomb's Remedy is taken. t:t:h:Vi' MIARRIED.: ROGERS—NEELY—On New. Yeir's Eve, Decem ber 31st, 1808, at Leetsdale Station, Pa., by the Res'. J. M. ran, Mr. R. ROGERS, of Fair Oaks Station. to Miss MARX NEELY; of Leetsdale, Pa. No cards, UNDERTAKERS. A LEX. AIKEN, UNDERTAKER No. 166 FOURTH STREET, Pittsburgh, pa. , G PINS of all kinds, CRAPES, LOVES, and ay. erg description of Puncral Furnishing _Goods fur. R cashed. Rooms open day ' and night. Hears and carriages furnished. IiEFEILIMCES—Rev. David A.err, „„ Rev. M NV. Jacobus, D. D., Thoinas Ewing, E 69•• Janob H. Esa. SciIHARLES & PEEBLES, UNDER.: TAKERS AND LIVERY STABLKS,'cornei of - DUSKY STREET AND CHITRCH AVENUI, Allegheny City. where their COI•FIN RoOms art; constantly supplied with real and imitation Rosen. wood, Mahogany and Walnut Coffins, at prices Va.; tying from irk to 8100. Bodies prepared for inter-: meat. Hearses and Carriages furnished t.alsO, tinds of Mourning loodS, if required. Office open at all hours, day and night. . -------- IIOBEILT T. HODNEV,'UNDERw. TAKER AND EMBALMER, No. 45 OHW EET, Allegheny, /seeps constantly on band a large assortment of ready-made Coffins of the fol.: lowing kinds: First, the celebrated American Bn rial Cases, Metallic Self-sealing Air-tight Dana and Caskets, and Rosewood, Walnut and Rosewood . Imitation Coffins. Walnut Coffins from as up-, wards. Rosewood Imitation Coffins from *5 up. wards, - and no pains will be spared to, give entire satisfaction. Crape and (=loves furnished free of , charge. Best Hearses and Carriages furnished on short notice. Carriages furnished -to funerals *4. GENUINE SCOTCH PEBBLE • SPECTACLES, WARRANTED TO Mr-PROVE THE thERI FOE SALE BY DUISISEATH & HASLETT, 56 FIFTH STREET. SQUIRES' (LONDON), GRANULAR EFFERVESCING P lEPARATIONS, Granular Eifel veering 81. Car. POtassl. do do , Vichy Water, 4do do ,' Citrate' Magnesia.. Ig • do Santini Powders,. do lilieengen Water SQUIRE'S TRUE GLYCERUE SOAP" Contains 40 per cent. Glycerine SANG'S VIENNA SOAP ", contains 30. per cent. Glycerine SW:TIRE'S CELEMICA_ZSI, Imported and sold only by , ' StBSON JOHNSTON, corner Smithfield and Fourth Streets. nomrrs • HENRY G. HALE, MERCHANT TAILOR. Corner of Penn and St. Clair Streets!, Has now In stock one of the largest and mast varled7 assortments of - 1 Fall and Winter Gdods ever brought to this city. His stock embraces al the latest French and English manufactures of CLOTHS, OASSINZBES AND OVBROOATIEFG9 AI5o. s fall line of Goon' "Furnishing Goode NEW GOODS. , FOB. A STYLISH OVERCOAT, FOR A STYLISH DRESS COAT, L FOR A STYLISH BUSINESS COAT, -„ BUR A STYLIST{ WALKING COAT, FOR A STYLISH PALK OF PANTS, FOR A STYLISH VEST OF ALL RINDS, • For all the latest styles cut clothes. made br the nest material, and by Erst-class workmen, and at prices surprisingly low, go to the well known:. Merchant, W.' HESPENHEILD. 7: NO. 50 ST. CLAIR STREET, now Sixth. notB • , THOS. T. DALE. 111.'D . . ... B. BUTTON. 14. D. fruE trNuERSIGNED HAVE AS -j SUCIATED themselves together fotthe PRACTICE OF MEDICINE . • • Office, No. 19 STOCK AVENlTE,allogheny city. TIJOS. F. DAI.E.,! . M. D.. nota•RD R. S. STITToN. M, n. 000,01 —TEN 901 — TEN Pounds CHOICE NEW 7AtENCIA (Cooking RAISIN% Kir6 pounds for si. 00. s At the Original BED FRONT TEA 'WAREHOUSE. -; 114 Smithdeld street, opposite Custom House. C. A. BOUCHER. '''' F I V ETHOIIB — A N—D— -0000 Pounds CHOICE NEW .ZAISTE CIIItWiTS, A. 1f.i.7 Pounds for P.OO. . - g At C. A. lIOUCHER,`S RED FRONT TEA WAREHOUSE. ?. 114 ernltblleld street- ' . 000,1 — E New Candled Rt ir ro S n Al at i l L oc D :per lt : 005—Five Hundred pounds sew Candled . 'Lemon: ' Peel at 45e. per lb. 005—Flve Hundred pounds new Candled ()ranger Pes I at 4-sc. per lb. - At C. - A.I3OUCHER' I 4 : ~ RED FRONT TEA IT .A RE HOITSEC; 114 smltliferld street. - - PERFECTLY PURE SPICES. OFI all kids, ground la the store:: and sold by weight. Ignpnekage trash labelled Spices sold ati the Original Bed FrOlitrVA' aarebouta, _ • C. A. BU CHIJt y. • • 114 SmlthflPhl street. RED HOT; RED movt- EIGHT varlejles orCOFFEE roasled daily. and sold RED rum, 'at 95e .. Wk., 30e., 33c., 3k., 40c.. and 45e. ner lb., at the I ORIOLNAL RED FRONT TEA NA'AREROOSE, 114 emlthlleld at., opposite Custom MUM!. C. A. IBORCEIER, 6 SLOG. at ; POUNDSG WHITS SUGAR' AR' A. ROITOREEII ORIGINAL RED FRONT TEA WARE/101RM, I'4 :mitt:Meld st,rent. Opposite Custom Rouse. (OVER FIFTY VAIIIETIES OF kJ , TEAS, ail grades and peons raaging from All tastes can be su 60e. ti ted a t aA. per lb.. , , 00t _ ' C. A. BOITCHE:t'S • ORIGINAL RED FIVINT TEL WABEROUSE, /114 Smithfield t:reeti 'dets . - oppadtir Cttstait ktouse.,i • NEW GOODS.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers