IS STOVES, OA.STINGS, &c. THE BEST STOVES., A. BRADLEY & CO. , llszufactarers of the greatest variety of F . Cook, Parlor' and Heating Staves, TO BE FOUND IN THE 13TATS: Bole Altera, for the celebrated Base Burning Ori ental Stoves and-Furnaces for Hard Coal or Coke. Best in the World for Parlor,o Mee. Store or Churc neth. ?Ire needs no rekindling—burns all winter. Do buy until you see or send for Circular. No. 30 WOOD STREET Our Agents for Orientalso-DEVIMLER BROS., Ipalibteld St.l( 3EO. HUR LEY . • • eRA 9 IkULMITIPACTVILEHS OP WritiCT VABECTY 01 ferricElEa, - BOSTON COOKING RANGE, "ME• FIERY FUTtNrE " • FOB WARMING BUILDIXO THE NEW ANTI-DUST COOK G STOVE, •43EOULATOE.". COLUMBIA COOK STOVE, VAN'S' Cincinnati Pattern) PORTABLE RANGE, FLCASETTOR IRON MANT'S E- C, LES. GRATES free fromWELLMAN dirt and d R uM; GRATE LIONTS, Ac. '206 and 208 Liberty Street, PITTSBURGH, PA. COOK STOVES. CET THE BEST._ BISSELL •Sz CO.'S TRIUMPH, FOR BITUAELNOVS COAL. Warranted to Cook, Bike or Roast as well as any other Store in the talon. - BISSELL & N0. \ 2315 Liberty Street. ,Loon hand 1114 foi PARLOR STON:E_ HEATING STOVES. GRATE PRON TB, FENDERS 000 Ellie Akilf3ES, STEEL WOMM. . DUQUESNE IRON AND STEEL WORKS. COLEMAN, RAID! & CO., MANDFACTUF.F. B . I3 OF Iron. Nails and. Steel. Carriage and Wagon Springs and Axles. Duquesne , XL. and Juniata lareschant Bar, Ronnd and Square Iron; Band, Fluop, , libeet and Plate Iron; ' Oval, - Bali Oval and Ralf Bound Iron; Cylinder and Wagon Box Iron; Drag sod Dropper Bare; T and Plat Bail for Amid Rosde;.Cut Nails and Spikes; Plow, Spring and A B Smelt Laminated steel; Cut ter Bars, Crow Bars, ' Once and Warehouse - 71 WATER STREET, Pittsburgh. - ,SEIEFFIELD STEEL WORKS• SINGER, & Go. PITTSDUUGU. liff.nafttAitreisof every, deseriptl of CAST AND. GERMAN STEEL,, VLLIZTIC L a 4.111 . 4er BPITIs t. €3 O Warehouse, 83 Water and 100 First Ma. MILLER IM4tR &PMMEN. 6I 1q aLL rAartrzes: WM. METCALF, I REUBEN MILLEN, eRt). W. BARE., I CRAB. PARK/ N. livirzt#4. PABSNEE - 8. M. HIES. . CRESCENT STERt. WORKS, 13A.Rit 4St PARSING Office, No. 339 Liberty St, PITTSBURGH, PA. fel4:d4B BLACK DIAMOND STEEL WOMUI. PARK, BROTHER & CO., Ifutolfacturers of *ll deseriptacms of Erriowrmr Office and Warehouse_, ,_O 199, 124 EIIECQND, 994119 and L9l. YOST STREES. • - piTTSBURGH • STEEL - WORKS. orsuouiszip 1846.7 • ANDERSON & WOODS, VCONI3BOI II3 TO ANDREA/N. COOK II CO Manersetvrers of every desertptloa of I STEEL. BEST REFINED TOOL STEEL. )Llll, Ilhasy, Circular dadit Ind Cr:Jul - Ca, SAW ra.. -- Aznps. g, Cast and (kilned, Ploii and Blietir Steel. Wel. Hoe York. Sete and Toe Calk Steel.. Itstlroad Springelteel and Frog PoltddLeastSteeT rinser Bars, elette Steel, bpring: Mee, more, flaw. ings, etc.o)ll'D rill steel ireer thane and W eid—Varner it. Tittsburee, Pa. , 774849 • AWN WORKS. Its. V 7JSSILII. Prert. W. P. ' , bran,: FIT'O3IIIIITItfrA!IiFORGE' • • AND IRON CO., liar Iron; P'*ilsoad Fish Bars and Bolds; Plailroad Cat* cafes Belled; _ . Railroad Car Axles Ilisfitmearedit, Zocomotive-Frimesl- ' Loe,otziotire Frame Shapes; , Bide Rods; Yokes, Straps; Elston Heads; • Steamboat Shafts: • Steamboat Cranks; • Piston nods, Wrists: Pitman Jaw,. Colllarii.'ace. , , N . bstioe, No. 17,7 PENN STREET, BE PITTSBUR6 II . P EVEILSON, PRESTON & CO., • Pennalvithilron Works,*' • Warehaiuse, Nos. 166 andllsl FIRST STREET opposite Monon.tela gouge, sp24:de gst PITTSBURGH. LAJILE SUPERIOR oolirrit MILL AHD suLTErte W 0,3711 PITTSBUItO.U. PARK, AttoCURDY staantacturers of Sheatinarg, Brulers► and Bolt Goppar, ?reeled Copper 13ottoms, Raised 81.111 8010. Spelter Solder. - Also, ISlsPoit"rs and Dealers fp instal, Tin f.late,,.l3beo , Iron. Wfre,_ Ito. • Con• latujlllcziarlalltitylipiritcliklnialaitil,l'Ooolasa Ism 11107rD "nsei\ pituburgn•L Special orders of Copper cut co nal oestraixay , so7ltet;d4llll.. MI ES FOUNDERS, MACHINISTS. KNAP FORT PITT FOUNDRY COYPANY OFFICE AND , WORKS,, TWELFTH TWELFTH STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA., Urn Rolling Mill Ma chinery, Nail Machines, Retorts, anii Castings generally. NATIONAL FOUNDRY • AND PlrE WORKS. Corner 'Carroll si l sd Sendlasso Streets, PrrTSIXIMGri-1; 'PAS.• -• . , WILLIAM SMITH' memura,otwer of CAST IRON BOWT4 PIPE, POE GAS..A.I6 WeTEB: wonics. 311 , 1Pirpes area east' invailaiity . in 'Pits, in dry sand, and 12 feetlpiliftbs! , AlsIN taips.f.nmentof General Castings for Gas and Water Works. I would also canine attention of Superintendents of Gas Works to my make of RETORTS. ATLAS WORKS, pirrsstriten. 43V !. • ' COPPER: . Aro 14' 1-7 1;•?i; MORTON STRENT Ninth : Ward prr•rsutrn , Grz. THOMAS N. MILLER, ,lE•resident. - These Works are - among the largest and most Complete establishments in the West, and are now prepared to furnish ) . • E 1110111515, of every description. Boilers, 011 Tanks. Sheet iron Work. Railroad Castings. Bolling 11111 Castings. 3engtne castings. Naehine Castings. General Casting's. oin;EhsiotuATip nos:neg L. O. LIVI/CGSTON.W. 11. lipSls6o/I..TE. L".l 'TON & cO4 . IRON POUNDERS, ..AANUFACTUREILS OF • FINE LIGHT CASTINGS, AU descriptions, for Plumbers arid Gas litter i s; Qtorallmplements. Cotton and Woolen 14 d ]fir inery, All Job Work promptly attended to. Ofilee ) and Works—WASHINGTON Arran= near Outer Depot, Allegheny City„ Pa. . . . ROBINSON,R REA. ts,, CO., SUCCOB6OIII to Boantsow, lams & Mitaxtus, WASHINGTON WOE S, FOUNDERS, AND MACHINISTS, PITTSBURGH, nifacttlrers of Bost and Stationary Steam En! Mr,ti Blast Engines, Mill Machinery, Gearing, Castings of all descrlptions; Oil Tanks and Stills,Boiler and, Sheet-Iron Wor* ; - °fle. No. IS, corner First and Smithfield Streets. Agents for iIIFFAB.D'S FATZNT INJECTOR for feeding Boilers. . - - • MONT BLANC roirriimair. t 7-16 Butter Street,' math *ant, (OPTPoldte rglst) • PTITSBURSH Boning nip and laridiiesxsiiitgs, THIMBLE SKEINSitiVPiPt -., XAGUENERY AND GASSINGS GENERALLY. Orders promptlyreasonable and carefully executed. Charges r EBBERT & 0e1.5:12£1 cratonfei ICAtailli s csS.,'" . • ' --- Fourth Ward Foundry ' and Machine Works tspimmicir isr., AL Lzeuzatir:97lr,?.., ‘ , IMtra ' aent o iEtt--'.i, in ~e,.i,th O,inisstio, Pqinl 2odgeTigtstrutr ntsßre,Whral aißtgr,r lrdto ore!!31lg:?n tri nioisie everrnamr: kolnirtiliir' AND ROLL Wanks ' - 880 Vezuz Streot. BOLlagg, - - BOYD it BAGALEY. ' ctdu ious. 'mu (Awns. lion utascraz.- t , '- 7 :'.:•' IRON BROKERS ~'!!.. SAIIUEL : IM WICKERBI3IARIV • IRON BROILER; • • . „ 124 First; Street, Pittsburgh Pa. I 'Agent foi tied sale of Cornwall i DoogbaliCre.dJsZt rid 1 2e i rb lj r2 1 35 D :" ! m a i = h fcrilkhlclith Coke and C. P. Charcoal • morrs.. Alynit'ompts are most ransotfollo PAPER. PITTSBERGO PAPER._ MANE. , . FACTUFLICG COMPANY, Hannfaaturera of PRINTINGIAND - WRAPPING: PAPERS, CLINTON MILL=STECISENVILLE: OHIO. BRIOHTON..HILL—NEW BRIOIITON. P. .O 7 CE A-ND WAREHOUSE, 1i0.82 Third Street, Pittpurg,h, Pa. OrricEns—AUGUST HARTJE President. .4111111 . 1HATEIV. IseJgggurer . Diii.oTons—Aagrst. Jo;o1 4.trr,e148.,11 Hartman. John H. I.' •thatone •• • Cash mild for liner Stark. ; iatholiS pLotIR.. PEIRL 111414 FAMILY FLOUR. PEARL MILL Three titer Green Brand, equal to FRENCH` FAMILY FLOUR. Floor will onl7 oe sent ant when espeetall ordered.. - I MILLI BLUE , Equ to best St.,Loulu. PSABL BEILL , -91C 1) BRAND.' , . equal to boom:do noir. '' WWIEVORN 114 9 Clit 4/43.):COttla 11111,11VDTAI $1146: ,A4*.vikuPPY..s3!oti.Mo)ll;', -41"; 112 E .taini^,lo:6o " SMAIL-131.7 .fi. I f7r (J rotis4 .lir? -* 0114 ' , owisoliv".e -1, 440 0 , 4 - . ME PITTSBURGH GAZETTE TUESDAY, JANUARY 5, 1969 ENGINES, - 151ILERS,,SEO COI. Point Alley and %queue SU, • masa. TITS POINT,)• EnoeSttilders,Founders&Michinists, , Manufacture STEAMBOAT ENGINES and STA TIONARY ENGINES, df all sizes. Special attention Invited to our new STATION ARE OIL WELL ENGINE AND PORTABLE BOILER, of 13. horse power. CASTINGS of every STREETae to order at our Foundry, on THIRD below Market. RIGS for 011 Wells, SHAFTING, PULLEYS, 'HANGERS, HOUSE and TOBACCO SCREWS and iIRON TOBACCO, on handsand made to order. at the INDUSTRIAL WORKS,, Fronting on the Allegheny River, near the Point, PITTSBURGH, PA. led. Tallza. Kr All orders prompt] FORT PITT BOILER, STILLIin TANK WatILIES. CARROLL & SNYDER, TUBULAR, DOUBLE-FLURD TUBULAR, FIRE BOX AND CYLINDER STEAM BOILERS. .011. STILLS AND OIL TAT , CHIMNEYS, BREECHING ASH PANS, SETTLING PANS, SALT BREECHIN G AND CON DENSERS; STEAM PIPES, • GASOMETERS -AND IBOR BRIDGES; PRISQN DOORS AND COAL BRUTES 01See and Warehouse corner Seeond, Third, Short and Liberty Streets, • Sr Orders sent to tbe above address will be romutly attended to. mb7:182 T~TIII. BARNHILL & CO., BOILER MAKERS . , AND SHEET IRON WORKERS, • .7yOS. so, so, a* AND EIS PENN ST. Eaving Secured a large yard and furnished it with the most approved machinery, we are _prepared to manufacture every description of BOILERS in the best manner, and warranted equal to any made in the country. Chimneys, Breeching, Fire Beds. Steam Pipes, Loeomotive Boilers, Condensers, San Pans, Tanks, Oil Stills, Agitators, Settling Pans, Boiler Iron,Bridges. Sugar Pans, and sole menu . Dictums oßaruhill's Patent Boilers. Repairing done on the shortest notice. JAMES 1!I. BITER, Fos. 55 and 56 'Water Street, • PITTSBIIIIGH, PA., • awrolreorvirss or • • . IRON OIL TANKS * stra"na3va PANS. COPIES smut Firs, • • BOLLING. MILL =ACES, • . eatallßET IBON WORK, , • For Steamboats. J.L.IIIID M. BUIII3II LDASVHD - D. BRUSH. JARED M. BRUSH 81. SON, Steam Boilers, Oil Stills, Tanks SHEET IRON WORE, &O. 61 Penn Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. OILS. WARING AND SING, 6ramisaton ideretuuds and BRA!' • ' Petroleum and its Products, DALZELL'S BUILDING, DUQUESNE WAY, PlTEBBErldtil, PA. PRILADRLPHIA ADDRESS, ' lATAAING, KIN Gr & CO., ' 177 Walnut, Street. TACK BROTHERS,_ COMMISSION MERCHANTS,• ' _ . AND DEALTDB . IN • Pe. , troleum and its Prodnets: Pittatmr WBee—DALZELL , BUILDING. ear lier of Duquesne Way and Irwin streets. rhtladelpllla Ofilea-1511 WALNUT BT. itol:v3o Tx M. LONG & CO., . MANUFACTURERS 07 PURE WRITE BURNING OIL, grand--"LUCIFER." I Oleet: X* 8 IhL4iteime 44; N EW /WI ! ) , .r A B E )E! El Art ID NV ARE, Be 7 'LIBERTY STREET, =NM = auworecTosins 07 PITTSBURGH, Pa. XA-srIIPACTISRILIII3 OP 1: VI 3 plwriffairi LINDSEY, STERRIT: 8r == Man latacturers and Importers • CUTLERY; .&C. COWER OF WAYEM One Square seiriiir`thiloia iiegoist; PI'rTSBIJRGH. ikainWor FAIRBANKS'. SOMAS. VELTY -WORKS. irTSBILTR,GiI . 1, a r I F NOVELTY WORKS. - -,• Omits wricr,E & Co. luararActiniit cos liCoiatour Stanapro, patent Platform apt% Counter • ' SCALES. Janus Faced Patent Door Locks and 'Latches, PAINT lag) C ! MILLS, ILALLESIILIC IRON, ie. Corner of Grant and First Strettte, erersounon. tufa tS4 GAS AND STEAM FITTING. roux x. coorsu JO6;RATZ ' uflfU2 ulna( JOHN 31. COOPER & CO., • BRASS FOITZMERS, GAB AND 'STEAM FITTERS; vinfacturers iy)tro Alm sjur i valtis ii i ii , • o n deniers 112 A A " TUISLNII. °TAU kludx. Pinter of Pike and . Walnut Streetts, PITTSBURGH. • •••••• /..00-1-,, • ,t15,1: 6 Mica (1.1 , ! ..1.1,1"14 - FINANCLU: =EI . - • FORT - .Plll BANG :•C01111)1Y,- -- • • .No - .169,-wool - s#tet; • - CAPITAL, • .• • • • $200;000. -STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE. . • • DICALF.33 GOVERNMENT SEGURrIIES, AND GOLD. INTEREST ALLOWED ON . TIME DEPOSITS. Collections made! on all accessible Pointe In the United States and Canadaa. IRECTORBt 1). Hostetter. • Jno. C Sister. James Gordon. Bobt: H. Bing. •D. Wallace, - Andrew Miller, B. Fawcett. James M. Bailey. SAIEL. NeCLUBRAN, Presit. . D. LNET WILSON. Cashier. - - NATIONAL FiNK OF COIIIIIROE, Cor. of W,ood and Sixth Ste... - A. PATTERBOII.4.4".'.. , • President. JOB. H. U1LL• ...... CAPITAL, \: : • $500,000. A. Patterson, Win. H. Brown, Chas. Lockhart, Allen Kirkpatrick. W. B. Haven, inscovarrii DAIL. HART, CrGILEY & BANKE7 AND BROKERS, oorrie# Third , and Wood Streets, lirrzioxstrittarx., EITICCEBIIOBB TO (ANNA. RABT 00.,) Exchange, Coin, Coupons, And particular stteuti2ep:lti to'L@ prams and COVERNMENT BONDS. Slight Drafts on London. ttyltata N. SOL 3 57 Market Street, Collection S tates s ma nd de on all te h principal points of the United a Canadas. stocks, Bombs and other Securities BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION. l l:Venial' attention veld to the purchase and United States Securities.. ja3o:al WEST CHARTERED 1866. Interest paid onPime Deposits • - /FR Strll RECEIVED FROM ONE DOLLAR UPWARD. DEPOSITS SUBJECT TO THRZST CHECK, WITHOUT 1 I. Diaconal/ Didly,at IS o'clock. I gra ! rxesNen 1 THOMPSON BELL. ree dent — A . M. IMSHALL. DIELECTORS: /mumps° BELL, : A. H. MARSHALL, JOS DILWORTH. I . JOS. ALBREE. J. J. tiII,LESPDI, -, I ‘• . I "'"-- „.....• Stockholders ... wkom we, make reference: i , 1 - 'Nvie forgyoe, ~_ Joseph Dilwo rth, Wm. caldwelL, •,• • , 6 Bt.. David Kerr. Willis Dalzell, Hairy Lambert, D. Wi C. Bidwell •:A.-b. Brown, Z. H. Fulton, Thomas Ewing. NM ligritiANHOOD AND THE 'VIGOR 1 OF 'OUTH restored In four weeks. Sue cesa fousrant ed. 1/11. 'ItICOND'S ESSENCE Olf LIME restore manly - poWerre, frOmrshatever canoe arising:Alm (Sects of early pernicious habits, snit abuse, impotency and climate give 'way at once to this wonderfl I medicine, It taken , regularly accord ing to the directions (which are very simple. and require no restraint :from business or pleasure.) yallure to itpossiblei. Sold la. or four guantlOetitcone fur s9.' To be had only of the sole appointed anus In America, H. OESITZEN, SOS Second Aven El, NeW York. - 1e13:164-rrB USE. PIIGEtL lOSOPHY of Lectures OF MAW. ' - "BlA a new Course , u de livered at the New York Museum of Anatomy, em bracing the 'Objects:Mow to Om and what to live for; Youth, Maturity awl Old A the aauso of j f e• ; Manhood loner. Intvrt,?owAt orophleally considered, Atc. Pocket vOlutues con taining tho.e lecturer will be torwarded , to puller unaOlo,to attend,. on receipt of four stumps, by ad dressing NEC NETABYA New York Museum OfAzai.. only and Sete nap, Old Broadway, New York. . larBAITHEI;01011 HAIR DIE. ' . r ..... This spier' ifi Heir Dye is the best In the world; the only true and perfect DyeLbarmless, reliable. instantaneous; no disappointment; no ridlcrilous tints; remedies the' 11l effects of bad, drat UIV4O• rates and leave. the Hair 'soft and beautlfba. 451404 Of brown. Sold by all Druggists and ref it0D0L11,7,11114 ig i l e jnit . It . d N a e t w ß i ir e c i l i te . lor , sylg lfactml2o. ,C.ll G ,IDE TO. MAIRRIAGE.— vo Muu`s Wilde to HappY Marriage and Conjugal' Pe, lay. The humane views of benevo lent rhysclans, on the Errors and 4uusel Incident to Youth, anu sally Manhood. a. ut In sealed I. tter el , Whiles, fir of charge. Address 110* AIM jitB - !lox 1.•., Philadelphia. mylB:O6T INTM PiTTSBU E:TABLISHED 1830. thig s SCHMIDT' ;gr. ' FRIDAY .. IDIMORTERS OF FOREIUN Nuns AND LIQUORS, 40311'enn Street, Pittsburgh Would direct the attention of the . pnbilc, to the fact thai. po sesslng supersorfaCtlitles through several large Wine. jail Liquor 'Houses tu Europe. and malting their Importations direct, they_ Are enabled to otter the various grades of ,W I N Eel ANL) LIQUORS prleea less than Eastern rates. Ex aminations- 91' qualities 6 :n p d are cont o p L ari p so ity u i :f wim prices . I'Venectftir pouclted. A cho ice assortment HEY constantly on bend 400109 lios. 11 CePPer Also, deal ISOM I/4.i ME DrßEGlTo jt r aemo l reg:2s 7 C . Wm. Douglas, Wm. Baud. aCirdlesa, T, AT 11 A. N. av9;021 znaLroui lA . ES & SONS, E2ZIJ Pri"1"11333111110 -11, PA. N SAVINCitiI BANK, No: 59 Fourth Street.- SPEcIA.T., NOTIOES. &o lIPOITING OGEE 187,189,.191, 193 and 1M !..T STREET. PITTSSWWH. RiscurA.Fronsri Fqr .1 Whindys sokstax.Wll . slEB sad Ll4lllOO, 4 CENTSAt AND UNION • PACIFIC RAILWAY: iIONDS I The eheapest investment now In the market for sale hi PL. Cosner FIFTH AVENUE & WOOD STREETS. Also, dealer In Government 'Bonds. Gold and Coupons and European Exchange at market rates. dell Ims T. %LOY rig& 'OO.l Successors to S. JONES & C 0..) i'ner Fourth aid r4T BUY .&27D SELL ALL GOVERNMENT 13 : GOLD, SILVER AND ON MOST FA.VON.LBL . . or Interest Allowed on W Money tanned on Etovernm at market, rates. • Orders executed for the y Sale of STOCKS, BONDS .TAMES T. B 107 PARTIES DESIIIIVG . TO IN C•ST In UNION AND. CENTRAL P.A. CIVIC BONDS can nave ono per cent.- by purnhas , lug before JANUARY Ist. Bonds on band for delivery. JAMES T. BRADT & CO.,- tigents Central and Union Pacific Railroad cnm les, corner Fourth and Wood street... d.8:b13 rot Itttsliut a glj tgtairs. FINANCE AND TRADE, OFFICE OP THE PITTSBIIRGH GAZETTE, 1 - MONDAY, January .4, 1869. Government disbursements of gold had some effect on the premium to-day, the market opened at 13.5 1 1‘ strong, for gold; but gradually settled down to 135 weak, with liberal off .s offers to ell: Specula ra are somewhat discouraged by the high ate' of interest demanded for - carrying go d, and from the fact that little can bee ected from a rise for some time to co e, al though gold may not decline beyo d 133 Government bonds are rather du 1, an , the expected investment demand fo they 'in. In stocks the tende cy did not set . fn siu..-_ " 57,50t0 58,00 for Spring, an.. for lower quotations, although some peen- 58,75 to 59,25. Rye Flour, 57,75 to es. The 'alive shares are held merely for th pur- Pearl Mill quote their brands, made of the pose of- selling out on the present high bestW heat, a as follows: Ext Family Flour, market. in barrels, t 59,50. and; in sacks, 59,20 per barrel-Double Extra Family, in barrels t Express stocks are firm, but o o, gra ually $lO, -!, ' and, in sack% 59,90 per "barrel; yielding.. , ; yielding.. Money less stringent, but busi- Spring-Wheat Flour, in barrels,,sB,oo, and, ~ pess dull. In sacks, 57,70 per tx:rreli • - The' City Mills Quotation's- as received by Ph. R. ertz: quote prices• as followe: Extra Family, , Gold, '1348: Silver, 130; Eighty ne's, (Winter) in barrels, 59,50, and, in sacks. ill:. Five Twenties, 1862, 111%; do 1864, 59,20 per barrel; Double. Extra Family, in 107 n do 1865, 108 V.; do 1865, Consol , 107; barrels, 510,00, and. in sacks, 59,7 u per do 1'867, 107 Xi; do 1868, 107%; Teu F roes, barrel, and Spring, 58,00, in barrels, and 105%; New York Central, 57%; Erie 377,. 57.70. in sacks, per barreL - Reading; 98; Pittsburgh, Fort Wane X WHlSKY—Elighwines are still quoted, Chicago Railroad, 113; Ohio it, .lissis- l in a jobbing way, at 97 to 98c. BIPPI, 33; . / Michigan Southern, 187 - Cieveland it Pittsburgh, 84; Chicago , Rock Island, 119%; Chicago it North!, West ern, Slim do .Preferred, 84; Western Union Telegraph Company, 33%; Pacific Mail, "119; Adams Express, 48:1 Mer chants, 14; Gregory, 385; Quartz Hill, 66; Smith and Parmele, 260. I - -Closing-quotations received by James T. Brady i - Co.: Gold, 135%;nited States Sixes, 'lBBl's, 111 g; &au's, 1862, 11114; 5.20'5, 1864, 107 A; 5-20's, 1865, 1084; 10-40' 8 1 1053il 6-20'6, .Tanuarsi,...and July, '65, 107; 5.20'5,' -Jativary and - July, '67107%; '68,107 1 4; June 7-30's ' par less 1-i; July 7-30's, do 5.; 7-30's due Compounds . 119 Union Pacific Railroad, par; Central. par. 'ALLIsAinEbi T ,VATTLE MARKET. • OFFICE OF TUE PITTSBURGH GAZETTE,' , ZION DAY, Jaltit,lOry 4, 1869. CATTLE. The number of Cattle sale was at least 400 head larger than last weak. aggregat ing about 900, head, bait with a good,de marid; both for home use and shipment; the market was steady and prices fully sustained. Indeed, prime fat retailing Cattle, notwithstanding the increased num •bei on sale, were field with considerable tenacity by dealer% and, so far, as we could see, there.was to` disposition manifested to 'make crincessiebs It -order- •to effect sales. The butchers bought, 'pretty .freely, and' with less•hesitation Oen tusual. which may be attributed to the fact , thatr hens+ wean several eastern buyers .in attendance. "Prices, as will be seen by reference to re port of sales, ranged from 44 to 834,, for • • "scalawags" to,prhte steers.' • • .• , • O. Metz 19 head Washington county steers and belfersat's to 7: B. Katz 43 head 'common Ohio. -0010.3.:bulla and steers • at 8,50 to 7,50; Kaufma n 10: bead Washington county coats and steers at 5 to 6,25; L. .Rothchllds & Co. 84 head Penna. and Ken tucky stock at; 5,25 t0'8,25: Kraus it, Haas 35 - head Chicago In diana at 6to 8; Jas. Mo. Alllltl3rlo-bead of Indiana steers for Wil- Bard,. at 6to 7,50•,1/0 head, for lA:lgan, at 5,25 to 7,50; Peter Hartman 19 head; Keefer & Zeigler 20 head Chicago stock at 6,50 to 1,75; Myers & Needy/58 - head at 6to 7,50; Trahrman LOttuian,B4 ead Ohio Penna. sto-k at 4,50 to .7,,25; h Hedges & Tay and - lor wholesaleidlci!Ortimwalt & Kahn 36 cows and heifers.ut7ctailed 40 head at 5 25; Jas. Haniin;l4 head Washington -rows and heifers at '4 te 7; Stakely & Co. 22 head smallish steers, to .Aull & Co., as 5,25; 12 head retailed at 5,50; Smith & Blue 17 heed at 4to 6,2501 an to Duffey & Co. 36 head prime Misso D uri steers at 7 to 7,50; Holmes, Lafferty & Co. 100 head at 4,25 to 5,50, S. Marks & Bro. 45 ,head Chicago and' Ohio at 7,25 to 8; Hazlewood & Blacastock 120 head at, 4,50 to 8; Ibricholas Carr 14 head at 5 to O.'- STISEP• The supply of Sheep was also light; about 1.700 head, and, generally, poor in quality. The market however was firm, which was attributed to the fact , that early in the day several droves were bought for shipment, 'andlhls left the butchers . but a very small number from which to' - make selections. There were but few really,good ,Sheep, the largest number being sssealawags", suita ble only for ' , Butler " 'butchers, and not withstanding all kinds of sheep are higher than they were some , weeks since, this par tiOular grade soldlow to day;' ranging from $l,OO to $1,50 per head. Prime fat mutton •sheep would probably have brought to 5 cts,per pount.„ , • , pringiS‘24xt, at,s2 , per : heal; Fowler 175, at $1,50 to 3 . per bead;,Williams to' Bola taloa 150, at 1,50', per head; Garwin & .Co. 208 *old 2,55 per head; John Young 180 at 80 to 1,50 per head; Quigley 380 at 1. per , head:-Banana -126, bold at 2 per hes Jae Shaw 150 at 1,25 to 3 per head; gomery 43 head, • ' BOGS. The Hog market continues firm and ex died, and, compared with last week, prices have still further advanced. We now quote in a retail way at 10 to 12c, gross, for light to prime heavy averages. Jas. Dolan wholesaled 81 head, averaging about 255 pounds, to Jacob Rothchilda at 11,25; Nicholas Carr retailed S 6 head at 10,50 to 11,50; Kahn, Boyer & Greenwalt retailed 125 head at 11 to 12. 1 ,OMCE OF THE Prrrsinmea GAZETTE, ' MONDAY, January 4, 1869. There is no important features in the_ general markets deserving of s'peCial notice. The receipts of Grain continue large, and the same is true of Flour, and with an accumulation of stock, and a light demand, business is dull, - While prices, 'generally speaking, are without quotable change. .• .; , A.ETTAE BUTTER-70 to 80 cents. • APPLES—In better supply but un changed 53,50 to $5 as to quality. BUTTER—With continued liberal arri ,vals and a light demand, the market is-dull • and prices barely sustained, ranging from 35 to'4o cts., for good to choice. BEANS-53,W to 53,75 per bushel. BUCKWHEAT. FLOUR—DuII lower; we now quote at 4q to 4% cents. CRANBERRIES--620 to $22 per bbl. CHEESE-15 to 20c, as to quality. CORNMEAL-5 1 to 51,10,per bush. • CARBON OIL -Is quoted at-2554 to 26; in a jobbing way, for standard white. DRESSED HOGS—Salesat 11 to 123 c. EGGS—DuII at 30 to 32c. PRIED FRUlT—Steady with sales of Peaches at 12 to 13 for quarters, and 15 to 16 for halves. Apples,9 to 10c. HAY—Baled cotinues drill and neglect+ ed but unchanged, at 520 to 525 for common to prime. „ • , HOMINYSaIes at, 56;25 tb $6,51 , HEMP—Quoted at 5210 per ton. IPROVISIONS Bacon Is unchanged at 1134 e for Shoulders, and 18% to 19c fdr Plain Sugar Cured Hams. Country Lard. 16 to 17c, and prime city, 18 to 18y4c. Mesa Pork, 528,50 to $29. POTATOES—Quiet and unchanged; small sales in store at 80 to 8.5 per nushel. GRAlN—Winter - Wheat is quiet and unchanged at $1,83 to 51,85. Oats in better supply and dull but unchanged at 64 to 650 on track, and 67 to 68c in store. Corn is good supply and 'a little dull bat un changed; sales of 2 car toads Shelled at 82c, and 1 car, in Ear, at 85c. Rye—sale 1 car at' 51,45, and 3 cars,-to arrive, at 51,50, which is' considered above the market, buyeraoffering from 51,45 to 51,47. Barley —sale 1 car Western Spring at 51,85, and 1 do at 51,90. • SALT—Is firm and unchanged, Allegheny River brandsbeing quoted, - by the car load. at 52. SEEDS—SaIes of Cloverseed at 59. Noth ing doing in Timothy or Flap. FEATHERS—Live Geese Feathers quo ted at SO to 85 to the trade, and 90 to 95c, in . a retail way. LARD OIL—Is -reported firm and higher; may be quoted at 151,30 for No. 2, I and 51,55 for No. 1. n FLOUR Continues quiet and nn is changed. Western Flours are still quoted at _ _ -)d Winter Wheat, ood Sts., ,R. 13 sa Da OP 01JRITES, COUPONS, TZBZES. IDeposits. at Bonds at low- Purchase and l and 601,14 ADY & CO PITrBBURGiiiIETROiiUM MARKET Onion OP THE PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, MOEBAT, January Ili 1869.: It seemes that we were in error in stat ing, in our last report, that oil is now . higher than it has been at the commence ment of any preceding year in the history of the trade. In January, 1866, prices were much higher than now; Crude having been eta. and upward, and Refined at a like ratio. Its a matter of no great con sequence, but In order to be right, we make the correction. The market -.contin ues iirm and very much excited, and not withstanding the volume of business was light, the feeling 'manifested is intense, though as a general tlaiTig.. it is kept very quiet. There ar s ii several very important problems in the basineis just now, affect ing the future course of the trade, and it to these that operators aite . TIOW givirtg their attention, and endeavoring to . solve. Among others, we might notice a few of the most prominent. Are present prices• Rkely to be sustained? Is there a probs. bility , of a still' further advance? Is the prodtiction decreasing or increasing? Is the dertiand in 1869 , likely to be much larger than it was Are the stocks in the leading.marketi greate.r,orless than atthis time last year? , There are others; cif , . 1 impiiortance,'but these *ill aufflee ler "the present. ;, PITTSBURGH MARKETS. CRUDE. , The Crnde market . was : ~ again, very 14.rq9g and ,ext4teif te:(l4S".and:toithiiared with Saturday, prices have still further ad vanced. We have but a' single,sele to re cord, one thouitand barrels. on spot,:as 13%1 which is an advance of half.- a ,eent.r.. We heard of offers to buy Jainiary to March, 500 or 1000 per month, at 140, and holders were asking 15c for , the Brat six months, seller's option. February was offered at 14c The Refined - market continues very much excited; and it - would seem, after what has transpired today, _ that the top has not vet been touched . ' We can report 1000 bbls each from Mardi' to June at 33c, and 500 Rack January to December, inclu sive, at 30%0, and an "advance Of Jan-• nary to June has . idvanceol to 33c; January to March to 31;c. and March to June to 34c. For spot oil there seems to be no de mand whatever showing plainly that the movement is aliagethtr^ speedlative, and another • inference that can be fairly drawn, is that those who are now brivin^ have strong, faith in still higher prices. OIL SHIPPED RI ST BY A. V. R. McCreary & Co., 117 do 'do •to W. P. Logan & Bro., Philadelphia. Citizens Ref. Co., 500 do do to Tack Bro., Philadelphia. Nat. Ref. C0.,'400 do do to F. A. Dilworth & Co., Philadelphia. Montzheimer, Koehler et Co., 50 do tar to Libby & Clark, Philadelphia. Total shipments Retineo • OIL SHIPPED EAST PROM DIEWESNE DEPOT Brooks'. Ballentine it Co., 00 do do t - Warden. Frew & Co., Philadelphia. McKenna ""& Rogers.'3o do do to A. 1 „ Phipps, Philadelphia. Total shipments Relined • • TEERE will be It meeting or. th(!:PciVre urn Association This (Tuesday) AFTI rioosr, at three_ O4CloCk.' By order of the Prof/Idiot. • • A. F. ituocms, timetaq MEI EIIIEZEI El M and 1017
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers