The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, January 05, 1869, Image 2
El Ctt litt,sbur,d Ctayttt. WITHOUT AND WITHIN. My coachman, in the moonlight there, Looks through the std•-light of the door; I boar him with hls brethren swear, As I could do—but only more Flattening his nose against the pane, - , He envies me my hrtlllant lot: Breathes on his aching fists In vsln, —And',looms me to a place more kot. lie sees me in to tripper go, A silken wonder by niy slde, Bare arms. bare shoulders, and a row Of !Soon cos, for the aoor too' wide He thinks how happy /6 my RUM th Its irkite-gtores and jewiled load And wishes me some dreadful wrin, Hearin the mer y corks explode.. McNowlin° I life curse the bore _ Of liuntinkatlllta e same old coon, And envy him. oittside the door, In golden-inlets of the mom. The .zintrr wind is not so cold;' A► th bright smile he sees me win, Nal* the host's oldest wine to old As our p .ur gabltic sour and thin. -lenvr him the engvvrd Prance By which his freezing feet he warms, And drag my italy s chains. and dance The gailey-slav of dreary forms. .0, could be have my share °flip, As 1 hls.‘iulet: past a tionbt , Tiroahl still he one man bored within, And Just anoth sr bored without. FP3[EXERLS, —The Czar is litypped. -Franklin Pierce is again ill. —Wehli is playing at Liverpool. —There are 210 hotels in New Hampshire. —Garroters are again numerous in Boston. Small pox is raging in the slums of New York. —There are 008 letter carriers. in New York city.- . • " - —§aratoga, next summer, will have an other-hotel. • —A. very large acorn crop is reported in California. —California dis.approTes J. B. Browne's surveys and reports. —Montreal had sixty more fires in 1868 than she had in 1867. —One hundred and thirty-one thousand paupers are in London. , — . Kansas had no .earthquake, but then she has had some red snow. —Easton, Ct., has a bale and hearty pau per who is 112 years old. --Tostee's fall did hot break her back and she is now well again. —The Appletons have issued a paper backed edition of Dante's works.. —The price of hack fare in New York was doubled on New Year's day. —ltaly has about twenty monuments' al ready projected in honor of Rossini. —Spiritualists are digging for the Reno treasure, directed by their familiars. —The Soup kitchens are doing an active business in the charity line in Montreal. —Some Madison avenue snobs have fur nisheltheir houses with gilded furniture. —A fire at Bennington, Vt.; on Saturday week, destroyed the house of General Ethan ( Allen. —Bavaria is to have a universal exhibi tion of Fine Arts some time this year in 31tunch. , —Thirty, thousand men are said to be em ployed on the Sunday railroad trains in this country. .—Rosa Bonheur earns $16,000 a year. She is now painting a group of dogs . for the Czar. , - —One Pariseditor has fought silty duels. It is exactly in , that line of editorial duty that he excels. • —ln Richmond, on Christmas'eye, a sky rocket took off one leg froth a man who soon -- £lfterwaril died. ' —Victor Hugo now writes for the Paris Moniteur which - being no longer official has become liberal. —The Pereire Brothers are said to be worth about $16,000,000 which their cred itors can't touch. Swedish composer has written anew opera - which is highly spoken of. It is called lljitimiar and Ingeborge. — Saarairtento.• Springs are likely to be come a place or resort for the fa.shionables and invalids of the:Pacitic slOpe. —General Cble thinks his insanity was neither,herreditary nor chronic, and does not expet, it to tiottble him again. —A troupe of Hibernian minstrels is about to try its fortnnes in lieWarli, - where, negro minstrels have become a drug. —Brigham Young's paper, the Deseret Nais, compliments the Sorosis and pro , leeks to believe it ,is akin to Mormonlem. —A pattper in England was recently-sen tenced to days' ; hard ; labor for. making faces in church and thus causing . laughter. ' =Madame Meyerbeer is collecting, with intention to publish, all the letters written to his friends by her late husband, the re nowned composer. —A church tower near Cologne was re cently blown down during service. Many persons were buried under the ruins, and - 16 dead bodies have been taken out. _ - —Canrobert has written a reply 'to the criticism of the historian Ringlake on some events in the , Crimean war; but Napoleon has requested him not to publish It. —The Americans in Dresden had alplea sant Thanksgiving dinner and a jolly time. Quite a number of Amprican ladies in that pleasant capital graced the occasion with their presence. , ' .--.The editors of the London . Teltgiaph mint be ignorant creatures, they began ari article tbe other day by stating that "they never knew What the Americium. meant by calling a man a festive cuss." —lf Mitchell be not guilty of murder,as the jury has found him, his is the strongest and most convincing case:of circumsitmtial evidence we have ever known,which proved to have pointed out s the wrong man, —The French Government would like, to see - the Duke of Genoa on the Spanish throne. Spain and the;Spaniards are the only obstacles in the way of the thorough accomplishment of this wish of the French. —Sir Richird Mayne was, not liked much in London, and even Ids post-mortem no tices are not fulsome. Yet he seems to have been an excellent officer and to have done what . he thought to have been his duty thoroughly. —The King of Bavaria has taken upon himself the protection of the German lan guage in Bavaria, and . has' commanded that all his ambasmulors shall write their dis patches in that language; instead of French, as.heretofore. —A citizen of Illinois has found a hick ory nut imbedded in solid sandstone rock, sixteen feet below the surface, supposed to have been secreted there by one of those miraculously prisoned toads that occasion ally appear in such places. —Arkansas is a nice place to live in. ,A dispatch from an Arkansas town says, "the militia are fortifying the town against an apprehended attack from the people --out side," and "the proniinent citizens of the town are confined in jail." Russian noble was recently convicted of cheating in a horse trade, and was sen tenced therefor to be deprived of his nobili ty, raik, pensions and decorations, and to be fined and imprisoned besides. Ameri can h'brse•jockeps would think that rather severe. —Every high literary authority, in Eng land has spoken in unqualified terms of praise of the refreshing poems' of William Morris, but the National Review, of. New York, takes the other ( tack and convinces its readers of the ridiculous pretensions of —thei critic. —Twenty thousand copies of Miss Anna Dickinsdn's "What Answer" have been sold. Even its heartiest admirers can hardly desire more for it than this, which must, in deed, be a soothing I:ialta for the wounds Caused by the numerous unpleasant criti cisms on that fiction. —At a recent trial of a revenue case in New York, skillful experts swore that some specimens, of foreign brandy which were submitted to them were not only genuine, but were worth $1.2 a gallon in gold, when it was afterwards proven that they were manufactured in Brooklyn; and were not brandy at all. —Tennyson recently visited Paris, where he was received by a Committee of the As sociation of French Authors. On the even ing of the second day after his arrival the Authors' Association ga've a soiree in his honor, at which Paul Feval read his new translation of "Enoch Arden," and Louis hatisbonne, the translatoi of Longfellow's poems, presented a golden laurel wreath to Tennyson. —The late Archbishop of Canterbury once went to Somerset House to execute.. a deed. "What name?" said the cockney cleric. "Longley;" answered the prelate. "Go to —" (a - ,place unmentionable to ears po lite,) rejoined the clerk; and some explana tion was necessary before it became evi dent that the official had merely aspirated the designating letter of the department, (ar -ranged alphabetically,) to which he wished to direct Dr. Longley. —The Philadelphia Bulletin on the change in the executive department. of the city, thus explbdes "Mayor McMichael out-did General Grant in his valedictory to day. He simply re marked to the new Mayor, in choice French: "Faux Bahl" The style in which the two Mayors greeted each other to-day could not be properly called "two boss-style," could it? The new city government is simply beastly. The Mayor is a Fox, his clerk is a Wolff, the Sheppard is looking after his fleeces, and every deputy sheriff is a•lym in wait for an appointment." Whit to the • , Eive Points , ' of Philadelphia. The newly elected Mayor, the Hon. Daniel M. Fox, in company with several wealthy and influential citizens, ?visited SpatiOrd, Baker, Bedford streets, Dougher ty's Court, and ollierlike localities, for the purpose of ascertaining the condition of the residents in those places, so as to invite an interest in a proposed mode, hereafter to be indicated, for the. removal and relief of those who a fi re suffering from cold and hunger. The visitors went into damp cellars, with floors, in which lilack and white, drunk and sOber, congregated, having no means of warming the place except by small fur naces in corners of the apartments. Here, as well as in - upper rooms, men, women and children were without proper clothing to keep them warm or to hide their nakedness. Some of them 'seemed to feel their condi tion' and exhibit evidences of shame by hid ing their facefi in their hands or old tattered shawls. Mr. Fox found one girl of about sixteen years of age residing in a shed in the back yard of one of the most dilapi dated buildings, no windows were to be seen in the shed, and the only light admitted was through a small hole in one of the, planks. In nearly all of the houses old rags and boards take the place of window glass. Xunierous policy shopS are to be found hi this - locality, where women and men pawn their shoes and clothing to obtain a few pennies to buy a,policy, these, with the low groggeries, keep i most of theinhabitants Ina state of poverty and wretchedness not easily imagined. ROOlllB in cellars without floors rent from fifteen cents a night to $3,50 per week, and so numerous are the tenents in some of the miserable edifice& that they yield from to $5OO a year rent. Front thepharacter of the gentlemen making this visit, and the interest manifested by them, it is to bp hoped that sorne plan will be adopted to make a salutary`change in the locality.—[Philadelphia Ledger. Prince Albert's Tomb. On December 14th, the seventh anniver sary of 'the death of Prince Albert, the Queen and her family joined in a solemn service, which was performed in the mauso leum erected in, the gardens at the rear of Frogmore House, near Windsor Castle. The sarcophagus in which the coffin of Prince Albert is laid, is hewn out of a solid block of dark gray Scotch granite, with a ..cavity sufficient for two coffins. Upon the ponderous lid, which fits closely to the lower part of thesareopliaos, and upon the half exactly over the coffin, lies the recumbent figure of the deceased Prince wrapped in royal robes and with his head supported by a cushion. This Work' of art was executed by Baron Matochetti.- Four large bronze angels with clasped hafids and outstretched wings relieve the otherwise simple appear ance of the sarcophagus, and upon the side of the tomb,- near the Prince's coffin, in carved and gilt,letters, As this inscription: "Francis Albert Augustus Charles Etrunan net, Duke of Saxony and Prince, of Saxe- Coburg and Gotha, Prince Consort; second son of Ernest I, reigning Duke of Saxe- Coburgand Gotha. Born at Rosenau, near Coburg, August 28, 1810. Married Febru ary 16; 1840, to Victoria, Queen of Great Britain and Ireland._ Died at „Windsor, December 14, 1861. Themausoletnfi is now nearly complete, with the exception of the decorations. The walls and the floors are of colored marbles; bas-reliefs of scriptural , subjects and a painting otthe "Restfrrec tion ' adorn the walls, and funeral nrus are placed in the passage way round the octagon chapel, While for lighting.' purposes cot chandeliers are suspended from the root. Pr7SBURGIT GAZETTE i -TUES DAY: - JANUAR Y 5, 1 DENTISTRY TEETH EXTILkeIIED . Wri^ELOITZ PAIN NO CHARGE MADE WHEN ARTIFICLISir TEETH ARE ORDERED. A puTa. SET FOB Olk • AT DR. SCOTT'S. . wrs PENN - STREET, 3D DOOR ABOVE HAND. ALT WORK WARILANTED. CALL AND-EX. AMINE SPECIMENS OF GENUINE YIT,LCAN. ITE. tara:#T GAS FIXTURES W ELDON - 14 KELLY, 'Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers In Laws, Lanterns, Chandeliers, AND LAMP COODS. Also, cARBox AND LUBRICATING OMB, &o. No. - 3.47 Wood Street. se9wirf Between Bth and 6th Avenues. PT OS ; ORGANS, &C. B uY T ( P EST AND CHEAP. „UT PIANO AND OBEiAN, 1 , _ Sohoinacker's Gold Medal Piano, . , AND E TEY'S COTTAGE ORGAN.. The SOH ktACKIER PIANO combines all the i latest vain le improvements known in the con. strnction of • Inn class instrument. and has always been award d the highest premium wherever ex htblted. It tone a full, sonorous and sweet. Th e workmanshi . fo durability and beauty, surpass all others. Prices from $5O to 6150. (according to style and ilnish,) Cheaper than all other so-palled Brat class Piano.' • IOPPET'S COTTAGE ORGAN Stands at the head of all reed instruments. In pro. diming the most perfect pipequality of tone of any similar Instrument in the United States. lila elm. pie and compact In Construction, and not liable to get out of order. CARPENTER'S PATENT " VOX HUA TREMOLO" Is only to be fa _:nd In this Urger. Price from $lOO to $550. All guaranteed for live Years. BARR, RNARE & BUETTLER, No. 12 ST. CLAIR STREET. • PIANOS AND ORGANS—An en tire new sto-k of RNARE'S UNRIVALLED PIANOS: HAINES BROS., PIANOS: PRINCE. lc CO'S ORGANS AND MELODEON'S and TREAT, LINSLEY & CO'S ORGANS AND MELODEONS. CHARLOTTE 13LCIYIE. des 43 Filth avenue. Sole Agent. • CONFECTIONERIES. Ppeeßun; Practical Cook, • estfully nianottncee to the public that he'ertl On Saturday and Monday Next, Open to the public the DELNIONI,CO RESTAURANT, FOR OENTLY.3IEN ONLY It will be his earnest endeavor ( to farntsh his pa trons at all times with the:most palatable viands which the market or the season affords. The .LIQUORS,- WINES of various dates, ALE, BEER, etc , will be their Own recommenca , lon. Orders for line Cooking for Weddings, and °lbex Festivals, will, as heretofore, be promptly and cheaply attended to, requesting patrona l ge. I. RUH. GEORGE BEATEN, xaVllFacruala or CREAM CANDIES AND TAFFIES, • And dealer In all kinds of PRINTS, NUTS, PICK LES, SAUCES. JELLIES, &c., ac. 11 7 1CnitRAL ST.. Allegheny MEROaatiNT TAILORS. B TIEGEL, (tate Cutter with W. Hespethelde.) DrEatcmlAwr TAECOIt. No. 53 Smithfield Street, Pittsburgh. se2B:l-2:11 NEW FAL!.., GOODS. . A ablenAld new trtoet of C1..0713C5, CASISrIIttERES,Ok.o. Jtut received by sel4: Merchant Tailor, 73 Sinithilehl street SEWING MACHINES. MBE GREAT AMERICAN COM. BINATION. BUTTON-HOLE OTEBSELIIIIM AND SEWING MACHINE. IT HAS lip EQUAL, BEING ABSOLUTELY THE BEST FAMILY MACHINE IN THE 10 , ..;ALD, AND TItINSICALLY TBE CHEAPEST. /Fir Agents wanted to sell thie Msetane. CELAiii. C. 33.11.1ACT..r.Y. Agent (o r Western pennsvivanl64 Corner FIFTH H MARECET STREETS, over Richardson , s Jewelry Stare. net W2M:U=II N EW WALL PAPERS, For Halls, Parlors atuliC7iambers, NOW OPENING, AT 101 Market St., wear• Fifth Ave., IOS. R. HUGHES & BRO. .elßt DYER AND SCOURER, H. J. LANCE, DYER AND. SCOURER. rgo. 3 ST. STREET And Nos. 136 and 187 Third Street, PITTSBUROH. PL. COAL AND COKE. CoALt COAL!! COAL!!! , DICKSON;-STEWART • H.ving remoied,thetrollice N,o, 607 mairpavr - st (Lately City Flour gill) SECOND /MOOS.' , • Are now prepared to tarnish good YOUGITIOGHE. NY LIIhIP , NUT COAL Ott SLACK, at the lowest morket price.. An orders left at 'their omoe, or addressed •to them throukh the mall. will be attended to nromotor. TOBACCO AND CIGARS. EXCEISIOR WOURS. B. 'al VV.: .TE.INT1311•7180/41•• anefaelarers and Dealer/' "rJbahro, 8 6; atr, .2 7 : 6 instnratAL we.. ittimmicisY ARCHITECTS. BARR MOSER, , A.UCI3arrECTS, PRIIII,IIOI7BE ASSOCIATION BUILDINGS:Nos. • and.* BL Clair •Street;TittitotrgN, Pa. SPertal attention given to the designing and betiding or COURT HOUSES sad PUBLIC BULLDINEW6 lIENUY MEYER. ,OEMENT, SOAP STONE, ace. TRIMMINGS AND NO • HURT & CARLISLE, NO. 19 FIFTH AVENUE, THE NEW_ SKIRT, "LE PANIER PERFECTION." “THE FAVORITE." "THE POPULAR," • "THE RECF.PTIi iN,' THOMPSON'S TWIN SPRING, WINDED ZEPHYR," • _ "'GLOVE FITTING,' , ..COESETS AND PAT ENT "TAMERS." THE NEW CORED OVER SKIRT, "BELLE HELENE." rkhly embroidered; au elegant street or skating Skir . RICH RIBBONS FOR BOWS, SCARFS AND SAsilE3. ROMAN STRIPES AND PLAIDS. ' b Al5l NS, all e.liades and widths.. • ' FLOWEIRS PLUMES HATS AND BoNarg,itig„, LADIES AND CHILDREN'S MaRINO UNDER WEAR, The richest and latest novelties In GIMPS, ,FRINGES AND BUTToNs. We especially direct attention to the great excel lence or the HARRIS SEAMLESS (Rbuilloui KID GLOVES" over all others. and for which we are the Sole Agents. - A complete line of GENTLF.M EN'S "STAR" SHIRTS, SUSPENDERS, CLOVES, HALF HOSE, UNDERSHIRTS AND DRAWERS. SELLING AGENTS. FOIL LOCKWOOD'S PAPER GOODS, antLall other popular snakes. MICRO I& CIBLISLE, N 0.19 FIFTH AVENUE. IM 0 MERRY CHRISTMAS NEW GOODS FOR THE HOLIDAY DENNISON & HECKERT, NO. 27 FIFTH AVENUE, Hare Just recelred a large and Judiciously assort stock a EMBROIDERIES, THLIULINUS, Kid Gloves, Handkerchief., Slipp Patterns, Zephyr Goods, Scarfs and Gents Furnishing. Goods, •• • and Notions generally. A splendid selection is afforded In special novel* suitable for HOLIDAY PRESENTS, cto ilEd which the atteutton.of lady i readers Is )spectally a. DENNISON Si, HECKERT, dcB - NO. 27 FIFTH AVENUE. pmcEs MARKED DOWN. BARGAINS H ALMOST EVERITILING. REACH - F.ll STITCH, all Linen. HANDHER CHIME,S, 17c, 10e, 22c and upwards. TATA: 1;1; 4L.EICS:LILII: EN H.A.SDE.ERCHIEFS Sc, to 50c. • All our HATS at one-half regular prices. ( AA the new lIALIAuItAL ski tits and Bradley's lateste Ft yl s of RIAU' SKIATS, at the Lowest Prices In the City. totIENT 00S' 31E1111:0 VEST-and DRAWERS, 40c 85,. AT EATON'S No. 17 Fifth Avenue. deG LASS. CHINA. CUTLER 100 wool) STREET. HOLIDAY GIFTS. FINE VASES BOHEMIAN AND CHINA, NEW STYLES, DINNER SETS, TEA SETS, CUPS, SMOKINGE SETS, A. large stock Of SILVER PLATED GOODS of all deisoriptlona! Call and examine our goods, and we:feel satisfied no one need fall to'oe R. E. BREED & CO. 100 WOOD STREET. BILLIARD TABLES. SwANDARD AMERICAN BILLIARD TABLE' AND COMBINATION CUSHION& l'lndisputably•tbe best in rse. NEW IMPRO MENTS, Patented Nov. leelib, 1867, and A. l l inlet, ltOiti. • Everything relating to billiarils of h best quality and Ourlowest prices always otifinnd. ,NEW CUE TRUUNI.ER., PotentelMay 5 b /MON, price 52.00—a great success. Ulna Crated price lists sent on application. Addr • s PHELAN & COLLEINDEIIt. , 03.66,' GI and 69 MOSBY ST., .New York C ty fyiberatorwir MECHANICAL ENGINEE . ~,,,,,,,,,,, piencEvAL BECKETT, inECMANIOAL ENGI'NEEB,' And, - olltealtor or Patents. • • (Lads or I'. F. W. & C. Railway.) Once, No. 111 FEDERAL STREET, _Room No. la uplitalts. F. 0. Box SO, ALLEGHENY CITY. BLAST FURNACE sil descriptions, lieskifned• BLAST FURNACE and 'ROLLING MILL. DRAW INGS furnished. Particular attention paid to de. signing COLLIERY LOCOMOTIVES. Patents cot!- Lidentially solicited. iffir An EVENING MIAS% - MO CLAYS for mechanics every WEDNESDAY NIGHT. .Thi:nm 11YDRAIIIA0 'CLIIRT NADI PIPE, Cheer:met and Neat P/Po In be market. Also. EG. gs-NDALE HYDRAULIO OrtHENT for sale. It. B. C. A. BROCIELSTT IWO. beleei and Manufactory -240 REBECCA 'BT., Allegheny. ,r/S• Ordere by mall promptly attended 69. 5,t • • •-•••• • mirs...lm.••• •to Barred Flan tel, Icow 40>rrerecl, DICKSON & Co., rxEL-se 40-cotc)rbas6, LA rE GOODS, liuSlElt Y, In, g i N QS ° z z :: 1 , co . F ~, a. H r p i i •, ;: 0 O N• la E-1 = .. w a ) 51 /1 :' ill V* 4 a al l • ° ^ C il 5 = ~, m .. 11.1 PA z P ,Ei 2 . Q WI W g ' t ta EC ( o r. 4 : ig 4 cn ,1 p - O r' t-0 a 0 z n. * O I , - , k C' I O E'l ;1 pa a *4 ,4 ri 14 ci 4 ' z DRY GOODS CO[',s FOR THIRTY DAYS ONLY, TO CLOSE STOCK. 0110 RE F. _PEDELLIPS, 87 MARKET STREET. de2. CLOSING OUT SALE OF . , DRY GO 4 ®Ds AT J. - E. BURCHFIELD & CO'S., NO. 52 ST. CLAIR STREET, • All Wool Grey TivFled Flannel for 37 worth 62c. Detainee for 20c. worth 95. Slightly Soiled Blankkets 44,00 worth moo. Waterproof for $1,23 worth $1,50. poplins for 37Sc, worth 50. Kid Gloves for $1,50 worth $2,00. Paisley Shawls $13,00 worth 520.09. - Velveteena 2,00 worth $9.75. Bleached Muslin 193 c. worth 10. Uunbleachtil Muslin 1231. e. worth 17. Cheapest and best stock in the city. No. 59 ST. CLAIR. near Liberty street. de.3 NEW GOODS. NEW ALPACCAS. NEW MOHAIR. • BLACK SILKS. HOSIERY and GLOVES. scoucy, ' , 16S I No. 168 Wylie Street. . 16S. CARR, McCANDLESS & CO., (Late Wilson, Carr & Co., _) i WHOLESALE DEALERS !N I Foteign and Domestit Dilv Goods, No. 94 WOOD STREET, \ Third door above Diamond alley, - 1 • PlTS'llltu.2 GH.' PA. BENJAMIN BINGIBLIt ...... ... CLIMB. QINGERLY & CLEIS, Successors kj to GE°. Y. SCIBICHMAN & CO., PRACTICAL LITHOGRAPHERS. The only Steam Lithographic Establishment West of the Mountains. Business Cards, Lotter Roads, Bonds Labels, Circulars, Show Cards, Diplomas, Portraits Views, ePrtillcates of Deposits e :tom Canis. ac., ROS, WS and T S Tlitt4 ;street, rtstddV.:. 'DRY GOODS, KITTANNING EXTRA HEAVY A VERY LARGE STOCK, IN GOOD STYLES. WHOLESALE 0044 WOOD STREET. LITHOGRAPHERS. CARPETS AND OIL CLOT ANNvAL REDUCTION. • -- 54• oIIR REGULAR DFCEMBER ;CLEARAIqt SALE Isinow - fully inaugurated. - at priers that .1 . cure BIII.'TEIt BA_ROALNS THAN n;VEIt FORE( In • - OIL CLOTHS, MATTINCI Good Carpets fora 25 ceuts a lar OLIVER - 3I'CLiNTOCK AND 0031 PAN! No. 23 Fifth street. ItIELDUCTICIoN CARPETS,. (=ma sibmiConeuras tea., tea. We offer our stock at - reduet prices for a SHORT TIME berm commencing to take stoc Now is the time to buy. BOVARD, ROSE & CO 21 FIFTH. AVENUE. il 4:411.tw1r 51. FIFTH AVENUE III'OALLUN BROTHER! GRAND CLEARING. SALE OF TREMENDOUS REDUCTIO N l •pr UNTIL WE TAKE ;STOCK M'CALLUM BROTTIERS DECEMBER, 186 S. FOR THIRTY DAYS ONL. CARPETS AT RETAIL. LESS THAN WHOLESALE PRIG} We offer FOE A FEW vt.LEKS our goods at a large reduction from reg. lar rates. Onr stock is fall and comple' in all departments t and we shall sell best qualities and styles of Carpets at p ces at which we cannot replace the)* giving our castormrs an opportunity obtaining bargains that may never be fared again. This special sale will ee tinue only until the time of taking our a nual inventory of stock at the end of ti month. . MOARLAND & COLLIk Nos. 71 and '73 Fifth Avetrae.; des CRACKER BAKERIES. 'll r,; v, '‘`st , ED : ti '''.- , - -PEi' ~ ,?,,,,.., . . ,_ $ 7 4 1 1 1 ;,,,f k Q t. ' : 44111 - ' ' 11 2,,.• . ' ~..,. E '''", §-': ''. 15i ' -4g):P.' '.'''' r),-;',77,;7..r:: 6-- ' ' *:- fl ul':4!'' 'eS "'I : P' e .erteVi ,../ e ~: . ...J w i,r, ra ,,,1, ,z A '. 4 4 .... _ . ,t, '' . 4 i ,„ ( '', A u . , ‘"IN '4 , 1144 t.„ t 5w .,,, '''' t rf it ''. 1...,tt..,‘ , 4 , ,,, , d , , ~.: ARE SIIPMOR TO ANY OTHEF OFFERED IN THIS (CITY. OYSTER, WATER, BLrTTER ; , SUGAR. sop CREAM, SCOTCH and LEMON BJECU/TS. For Sale by Every Grocer in the Cif Bakery, No. 91 Llbetty St. El:Mil LUMBERS LUMBERS LUMBEI ALEXANDER PATTERSON. Dealer in an Hinds of Linnbel ON HAND AND FOR SALE 1. 000,000 feet Dry Pine Boards; 150.000 feet 1% and 2 inch Clear Plank; 30,000 feet Dry 1% Dien Common Plank; • , 30,000 feet Dry 1 and 2 Weil Oak: ;, 25-000 feet Dry 2,2% and 3 Inch Ash, 3,000 feet Dry 2, %Ili, 3 In. Cherry & Map': 30,000 feet Dry 1 13 t , 2 and 3 inch poplar 10,000 feet Dry Poplar *cantling; 250.000 feet Hemlock Joists and *canting; 750,000 No. 1 18-Inch Shingles, sawed: 250.000 No. 116-Inch Shingles, sawed: 40.000 No. 1 16-Inch Shingles, staved; '- .:0.000 Fire Brick; • ;" 1,000 Fire Tile. 100 Tons Fire Clay; 1 YARDs—No. 88 PREBLE STREET. !Immo - . Manchester, and 137 REBECCA STREET, op¢¢. site the Gas Works, Allegheny City. noi: wEsr COMMON - I Machine Stone Works, Northwest corner of West Common, Allegheny PREICPIEL ATVATHIR. & CO. Have on hand or prepate on shoat nosier Beall and Step Stones, ;Flags for Sidewalks„ Brewed Vaults, ft. Head and Toxnb Stones, Ste. Orders promptly exonnto,l. Prines roanonablolri rnnw•q:Jottatoi a; - - iN I a O r Olpi PECK, Ornamental:Bar HAIR WORKER AND PERFUMER, No jr. bird street . near Smithfield, Pittsburgh. Always onon band, a _general assortment of Ladle WIRS, BANDS, CURS; tiantiemen's WIGS, Tr 'PEES. SCALPS, GUARD CHAIN'S, will de. tfig- A. good Price In cub will be given 17, RAW HAIR. Ladles' and Gentlemen's Hair Cutting donel. the nantaitt rresnnnpW • ' •• ••vh?",r; ----- ---- ----,, FOR SALE, ~. . • - • . FINE SEED WHEAT, AT 348 LIBERTY ST. EirrCtiCUClii 31cCitZEBT x cam : &c., &c., &c., El 51• LUMBER. STONE.