" - .littolgoeirtei•atrdiproull, of the Re. formed TreabyttfrlWOlitielr, Allegheny, baa magnet:l- hie ;charge and accepted a ProfeeporshlPlafhe'Theological Seminarr. - I ' - , Officers Elected .- The following officers , have ibeon eleetid by the. St. Marys Atd ' Society, of Allegheny, to serve for the en siting, year: President. John 'Gipprlch; Vice President, Chas.' Lauer; Treasurer, CasPar. Ftische; Messenger, Jos. Welcher. Assault and Battery.--Ann Qualter made information before the Mayor'yesterday, charging her son-in-law, John Jackson, witikassault And battery... She alleges that John struck her on the head with a broom stick: john was arrested and -held for a Meld for Trlal.—Jcihn Burke and David Lewis, charged with'feloinouslpssault and battery on oath of John webb, who it will be remembered was thrown over a preci pice in the Eleventh- ward a few weeks since, had hearing before Alderman Strain, acting Mayor, yeetea-day, and were held to bail to answer at court. Needs Flsmg - --There is a crossing over an alley intersecting with,Federal street, betweeknobrusciii and 'ISa blls, which bad 6 ly needs the attention of - the Allegheny Street Commissioner. An hour or two's work would :ke it pansabla and relieve the4mMense .throng ot;ipedestrians.wlm. pass 'ilia W: ,conslif rabic+ mmoyanoti: , Pittsburgh gran mite ,Aissociation.---The annual meet ng of the - Pittsburgh Gyni nastic Association was held at Wilkins' nail, Monday, .eveninu.. at which the fol.: lowing officers were elected for the ensuing year: President ' , &E. Umbsfaetter,' Vice .Wasident, nk S. Lonm; Secretary, James II; mack; Treasurer, Wm. C. Adams. •- - Abandonme t.—Margaret Harkins Made information "fore the Mayor yesterday charging her usband, Pat: Harkins, with abandonment. She alleges tint Pat la her husband' and the father of her - children, anti '•that he has -abandoned both her and her children and refused .to contribute to, their Anylidrt. •' A warrant was issued for the - arrest of Patrick. • Sudden Death.—Alderman Wm. Neeper, in the absence of Coroner Clawson, held an inquest on the body of E. B. Harding, who died snddenlyte Liberty - street, in front of "Carter's Exchange," about eleven o'clock Monday evening. After examining sev eraL.witnesses a- verdict of death from' mi. poplexy was rendered. The deceased was about. thirty-eight years of age, and a son of Majoi Harding, formerly , commandant at the Allegheny arsenal. He leave s a widow and two children. ' Alleged, Larceny.—Officer John Sarber,. of AlderndanDonaldson'apolice, yesterday' arrested a woman named Mary Dougherty, charged before the Alderman with stealing r2O from John Daffy. The woman occu pies a little Wherf-boat mciored'opposite Temperanceville, a short distance above the Ferry Landing, where shp'ertis arrested, shoat 4 o ' clock in the moping. The_pla - ce kept bp her is of a disre • ntable - character. After a hearing she w - committed to fail for trial. - ' , - Burglarious Alt • .. pt.—At an early hour yesterday morni g g the store 'of Mr. George Kaiser,'N. 11-Ohio street, Allegheny, was r e made the's fie of burglarious operations, which to tely failed to realize anything ' for , the . g tors. The front door was .., opened g • means ot a bar. bat in doing so an al. m bell placed •at its top gave • the - - alar gg ; •which frightened the burglars away. Mr t, was about ten dollars in the money • awer and a lame show case filled,,with • . linable fincY articles, none of which, lb:Weyer ere disturbed. ' -, _w - - Poetry ar ino 11 on. - -Pio f. Le Grand Cow per. the finished terpsichorean ar.ist. whose fashionable drawing room is located in the elegant iron building, N0.'51 Fifth avenue, is now, forming dames for the second and last _quarter of• the season, which will °atm mews on . Saturday next, for juveniles and on the following Monday evening for gen tlemen., To enjoy the advantages of the full, term all should commence at .the be. ginning. The term closes 'on April- Ist. Those desiring further informaticin should call for a circular at Prof. Cowper's, rooms. Should be Attended To.—The present ufficrvtelither affoi•ds an excellent 'opporttf nity for all citizens to have the sidewalks and gutters In front of their 'residences thoroughly gleaned, Yet, not% ithstandlng this fact, we notice-but very few availing themselves of Its , benefit. The ,officiate of both cities !Mc:1111(11;13e that the ordinance in relation to.this nutter Is enforced prompt ly,-while there is - no excuse ror - delay: A walk . through any of our principal 'thor oughfare% or in Alleglieny, would be suffi cient to convince any one of the , necessity of ,having something done:. • From the Old to the New.—Rey. J. Eressly and hia.corwegation. took formal leave of their old church -edifice on Sunday afternoon-last; on which occasion' . Dr. Prefily preached a farewell sermon. Ser vices will be held' the ,`basement id the new 'building •on East Common, Sunday next: - The congregation-have been wor shipiag in the building Over thirty years, during which time Dr. Presaly has has ogagpiedAhs-pniplt, The , new; church; when completed' will be one of the finest structurasirr point of liniah in Allegheny cityy Rev, Dr. Spioull, of the, Reformed Pres lyterian'(Covenanter) Churab,,preaahed a farewell' sermon in the building which his congregation baie,been occupying for ever thirty-two years, on Sunday night last, pre paratory:AO:entering their new edifice on SandtiskyatFeeto where services will be held Sunday next. - • • , • - - , ---c-; r, Western - University. . - The annual address . - before the Alumni Aasociatipn of - the Western , University was:delivered last night in the University _ . fllall, corner of Ross and Diamond streets, ''by W. D. Moore. Esq., me mber of the ....., ...., . class ofro 4 4l:r- The subject chosen by the gentleman was ' , modern culture," a theme - which he handled .in an able and instrus - tivanianner, and to the' entertainment of those, in . attendance.• The audience was quite a selectand fashionable one, and seemed Well pressed ,with the Manner in Which the-evenlni hail been spent. In the afternoon the annual meeting of the Alumni waaheld. There Was - a,very largo number present, and the occasion was one of much it s I' eresl, not only to, those directly' con cted With the - Association, but to..the vial f - - who were present by specialinvitation. . . . . , ... .... - , A Vexatious creditor. Thomas Hugnes, we belleve, - . acknowl edges that he owes Michael Moran a little bill, - but thhika the manner taken by Michaellli square the account suciently annaing to throvi even the, patron saints into a tire-heat; and quite beyond the en durance of a rather timid advocate of the estimable virtue. According ,to his state; manta Michael first entered suit against , him before Alderman Lynch, and obtained judgment: He then transferred It to Al Berman Strain, again obtainhig judgment. Thirdly, it was brought before Alderman MoMastem - with the same result in favor bf MichieL . How long this Will continue to bet e h style of managing the . case,. Thomasiuya he can't tell, but to put a stop to it if possible. he made information be fore Alderman Afahuiterayesterday against , his vezations..credit4?r for' barratry, upon which a warrant Was issued. Thomas thi n ks 0 reWitting bv. making Michael, the Alfa dent, and putting him -through in Balm manner to that which he luta auffered% ;. ' !ZEE ES ERE • : . . A•• 1 1 •t.f.) • _ EECONA„DAY—ItORNINO !SENIOR... The - Convention met - art:WO WO:O4=A the Ant half. hourvma Mitt% npyrigtr.aligj ions' exercises,- opening with prayer byltev. Mr. Coulter, of Allegheny city. - The Chairman suggested that the Coin; mittee on Resolutions propose some "Red Hot" resolutions, of course, , in regard to some'of the , officers of the Convention who are absent. The third resolution in the report of the Easiness Committee, presented on Monday evening, was then taken up; The resoln. tion reads as follows: Resolved, That we demand the restora tion of our political rights on the ground of our birthright, as a recognition of our man hood, as a defence of onr liberties, and as a means of protection to"our wives and chil dren. • • 1 1 he resolution , was adopted without' any dis ussion. - , he third resolution, claiming suffrae in' nsequence of servicearendered by the colored people in time of 'War and hi time of peace, and especially during the slave holders' reliellien was thee takea up. Ur. Cole, of. :Allegheny* said , that the Convention was called for the 'purpose of discussing the methods' of securing the electiVe, franchise, and he 'thought there should be an expression of opinion on that Bunter thought there bould-certainly , be noopnosition to the adoption of the 1 . 88- 011A1011 as it read. . Mr. Gatewood, of Manchester, said he was one who had , mate - up from "Egys," 'ont'of the land of opprion,' and ni lit not be capable of advising the Conven tion ins learned manner; but he felt that it was thduty of all to express their views upon the subject under consideration. Let them appeal to Congress and labor to secure their rights as best they could. ' The colored peophiliad always fired, their shot into the . ground, and 'they should now aim higher. I%ir. Carson .thought the colored people had a right to suffrage. It had been gran- ted to them when William Nun came to this 'country and when the' government was founded. A colonial convention, which subsequently met in Philadelphia, and was presided over ,by William Penn,' in' the constitution adopted, gave the elective franchise to the free black man. An amendment to this effect was subsequently adopted In the State Convention, but was repealed in r 1839. if the - black man voted for one hundred ands seventy-six years in the early part of this government, why could he not vote now f After, some further 'discussion by Messrs. lo Coulter, Murra y and Galloway i a vote , was taken on the re m 'lnti and it was unani mously adopte d. 1 - Mr. Sampson, Secretary, who had been I absent, came into the Convention and it was moved that a vote of censure be passed in consequence of bis absence. A reasonable excuse having been offered and accepted, the motion was lost. • The Secretary was then requested to cid the roll of delegates, in order that' they might have an ;opportunity of paying the fee of membership. Mr. Thompson gave notice that he would bring up the matter of appointing dele gates to the National ponvention at three o'clock, and moved that that be made the special business for that hour. A delegate moved toSmendi by taking up the busmosshnmediately. ' After , 'tonsiderable discussion, Mr. Pul press moved to lay the matter on the table until three o'clock, which was adopted. - ' The fifth and sixth resolutions in the re port of the Breainess Committee, presented at the previous session, were taken up seri atim and adopted without discussion. Mr. Murray, from the Business Commit tee, submitted the following report: Resoived, That as economy is the great principle of financial suocess, and that as finance holds a controlling influence `over the progress• of ,political rights, we would` therefore teem:amend. colored men to the substantial business enterprises and the banking interests of the Country, and we would' farther recommend, the establish ment of a savings bank among the.colored people, controlled by men of our own race, as a means of develpping the effective power and creating an influence, in the monetary as well as political affairs of the _ . country. . Be.solved, That we " establish, a savings bank, to be located in Pittsburgh, and, that a committee be appointed to draft a consti tution to contra it.' . The resolutions ware under consideration when the Convention adjourned. • AFTERNOON SESSION. _ . The e- Convention rassembled at two o'clock, puratant to adjournment., The minutes of. th 6 preceding session' were read , Snd .approved. -.. • The resolution pending. at adjournment of themornieg session, relative to the es tablishment of a Savbigs Bank in this city, was taken up. - Mr. Hunter favored ihe adoption of the. resolution in an able and forcible ,argu meatMr; 'Stewart, of 'New Clastle„Opposed•the resolution, on the ground that ft was keep- . ing up the distinction °traces. Mr. Thoinas moved to indefinitely post= pone the qu.estion. Mr. Hunter moved to lay the motion to postpone on the table. The motion was lost; and the question re curring on the motion to , indefinitely post pone, it was adopted COLORED- SMIOOLS. Mr. Murray, * t om the . Business, Comni4- lee read the following memorial. to the To the - onorcthle the Afembera , of the Senate and ffettee of Repreaentativa of the /Rate . , of Pennsylvania: . • GENTLMEN : We, your petitioners, would most respectfully urge you to the consider ation of providing impartial school privi leges to the colored children of the State. In goVernment where the will of the peo ple is legislated tato law. it must needs be that the .j notice of that will depends upon the_intelligence of .the people and , thus upo their general education; hende the ne cessity for our present common school Rya tem of education in a Republican govern-, moot. When children are deprived of the fall benefit of the system,- their qualifica tions for useful citizenship, are seriously, Malted in their influence to elevate moral.. ity, and the industrial interest of society is rendered - as powerless as the man deprived of 'the ballot is rendered powerless to se-: care good gqveniment.' , The intention of the law regulating our COMIA9Zi scheol In terest may be good, but nevertheless schools provided for colored children in most instances are inferior and fen dared mean and uncomfortable at the whims of the Political prejudices of the school. directors. In a very fgreat majority of the separate schools provided for colored children the buildings are meanlyadapted to educational purposes, are. seldom or never repaired and the elatis rooms fur nished with bad seats, often backless, and other facilities not only greatly inferior In their kind bat entirely unaclapted to the PurPoses. And in almost all cases where' the attempt bas been m ade colored children have been refused admission into the higher common schools, and henceircessariw , ere confined to a set- of. InferiOr schools pro: Tided for them or have to pass out gre a tly deficient. in the qualificatklnsculnized by other childrekto prepare them for practical We onlyeak that colored children be ed. mitttici with white childxen impartially in to the common school privileges of the State, and in every instance where they are forced to be educated in separate K 4100114 that such schools be as excellent as those proylded for ether children, and that they be at feast respectable. We ask t this as= fatheis whoni posterity will hold responsible; we ask it as loyal elt izens of the State, as having been soldiers of the nation and knot so much on ,the _ V '" " canoe of our Manikaa#' Elevate onr dichoot tritttageS;and pos. tertty wi l WWI yatt. — Maksj,hci law strict, .that nowhere in the &Idol regulktions our great ;Cenunonwealth drmocent children be , the victims of proscription nor shall a base discrimination on accou nt of color trample down impartial law. The paper was re-committed for correc tion. It Was subsequently reported by the COmmittee and 'adopted. • The matter of the election Of delegates to National Convention was then taken On motion it was resolved that the dele gates at large be appointed by the Conven tion, and the following gentlemen were chosen: Rev.l John Peck, of Pittsburgh; C. W. Nighton, of Lawrence Co.; and Rev. Henry Highland Garnet, of Pittsburgh. Prof. Neale, from the Business Commit tee,' reported a preamble and resolution c recommending that the various religious societies he requested to observe the first of January, 1869; as a day or fasting and prayer, -in commemoration' of the eman _.cipation. After eonsiderable discnasion the resoln ton was adopted. - Accompanying the report of,the Business Committee was a resolution , expressive of the sense of the Qimmitted that colored men in business, who •made invidious and degrading distinctions between white and black men in the Coniiiii'%f their, business, prevent or .hinder colored 'people fronts vuring their rights, are unworthy 'the re spect and confident% of the race..- The res olution was referred back to the Business Commlee. .• A re solution recommending Avery Colt lege and Wilberforce University to the col-. ored people'of the State as worthy or : their patronage was adopted. The following .'. address, presented"'hiy P. H. Murray, was unanimously adopted, without discussion - • Of nearly every State lathe North, Penn sylvania has been the most Tansistent and obstinate in her aggressions Upon the rights of the colored man and her opposition, to his civil and Political enfranchtwment. Sixty thonsand anditore. of her citizens remain upon her soil only to• plow and plant it; only to dig out her rich ores; only to labor in building up her substantial wealth, and only to' help fight her battles in behalf of the nation without any recog nitien or participation in her governing powers, 'or even the enrollment of her bleak heroes' names on her State. Roll of Hdnor. In her courts of law, neither'in the bar no the jury box; in her halls of legislation, 'neither in the Senate nor the house; at the polls, neither to vote nor to he electors; in her spools, to be proacribedi'in her public institutions always to have oar• pauperlam, insanity and. crime recognized btit never our manhood. We are her friends and it cannot profit' her -to keep us weak. 'We are her laborers and to keop.us fettered is to destroy our productive powers. We are to be - punished for crimes and should be rewarded' for We are taxed and we should be represented. • We have to bear her burdens and we should enjoy her franchises. • We are struggling em into the higher levels of intellectual and political. We are contending for the equality of man. We are contending, for a voice and vote in the councils of the State, should the State fail to heed oar claims, we shall still 're main herlriends; bat every time we look upon our national banner with beautc-ous stripes and radient stars, we shall remem ber only-how tinder its shadows we fought 'and bled for the maintenance of these rights for whidli we ask and feel to , be oars. The remainder of the session was occu pied in hearing-reports or committees, al ter which the Convention adjourned to meet at seven o'clock. EVENING SESSION. The Convention re-assembled at seven o'clock, and was called to order by Presi dent Garnett. The exerciqes were opened by singing "Come ye who love the Lord, - And let your joys be known." . After which Rev. Mr. Coulter, of Alleghe ny city, led in- prayer. The minutes of the preceding meeting were read and approved. Mr. Jackson, from the Finance Conimit tee, subtuitted the report of the Committee relative to the expenses which would be incurred by delegates to the National Con vention. The report, was received and adop ted.'., Mr. Thomas moved that the Finance Com mittee be directed to levk a tax , upon the. delegates present to defray the expenses of the delegates - to the National Convention. The motion was lea on the table.. Mr. Hughes,. from the Business Commip ee, submitted the following: Resolved, That we hereby tender our most' hearty and - sincere thanks to the Pittsburgh Commercial, Dispatch, GAzErrz and Evening Chrome/e for the 'excellent notices of the nroceedings of this Convert tion and that elf the reporters whose at tendance we have had here carry with them our honored, esteem and commendations for their fsithfutand respectful reports of our proceedings?. and that we recommend the several•journals and reporters, herein mentioned, to the patronage of the people' of the county; not forgetting all,others who have noticed us respectfully.. , • , The resolution was amended 'by adding the Pittsburgh Poet, after which it; was adopted. . = • • • A resolution tendering the thanks of the' tonvehtion- to the citizens of Pittsburgh and Allegheny for their hospitallty Ole. gates was adopted. ' The thanks Of the Convention were ten dered to its officers. Mr; Hughes submitted the following raßolution: ' Resolved, That while we bow in humble submission to the will of Almighty -- God, whose inscrutable wisdom and goodness has removed from the stage of action our dearest friend and unyielding defender, the Hon. Thaddeus. Stevens, of Pennsylvania, we most deeply deplore the loss of one whose seivices and value was so inestima-, ble; that a long life spent in the servile of his country; and in ,defence of the dearest rights of the colored man, has endeared him to our hearts, and we will ever eherish and teach our children to chetish his un fading memory, as freedom's unflinchinir champion,: the nation's ablest son awl. sinelei r Tyranny's and Treason's deadliest' ibe, tbe black man's' tried, truest and most deterrnined friend, the fearless advocate.of the cause of humanity, and the unswerv ing supporter of Justice and Equal Rights. The reisolution was adopted unantmously by a rising vote. _ _ , Resolved, That this. Convention Is hereby conittituted an annual organization, and whet:tit adjourns it will do so to meet again In the city of Allegheny on Wednesday, the 21st day of December, MA The resolution was adopted. On motion of Mr. Stewart, an Executive committee. cllnsisting of one from each county represented In this Convention, was appointed - to call the next meeting and, at- tend to all other business that may be ne cessary, , . . r_ The following gentlemen were appoint ed: S. A. Neale, of Allegheny, M. Manna, of Venango, Stewart, of Lawrence, Nesbit, of Blair, Hughes, of Dauphin, Johnston, of, Fayette.. , • . O ttlnotian'Of Prof.i Nealis iComititteiet Three was appointed •to • siper/Wend the printing or the,proosedings ot the Conven tion in . pamphlet form. N The' resolution' offered at the preceding session, relative to the degra di ng distino tions made. by colored men gainst their race, . was then taken up, nd, after a lengthy discussion, Mr. Hugh called the previous question. I", , The nail was sustained, and the main question was put and carried. Mr. Devine moved .a, mons the resolution, *4* after 1 discussion, was voted down. ;'. On motion, it was ' resolved other session, and the Con. jounied, to meet at nine o'olocl lug. • ' ' 1 ~+rb'N{,C{q~~ ( uLiH~..rl k" .. + --, iC~iS'Z '+is *mu Hougg.'-Attik'alanktienukit going public evinced theiret op;do /0 b-n of Wile Ravel's talent as an attresi last evening by liberally patronizing 1 I the - °Pere Honse, , _ where she,llinnw_playing in engagement. The “velza4tilkiff" was -preserded in a 'most adziliralttle, intoner. ,To-night 2.1'11e Ravel take4-_,a benefit, when "Mardo the Mute" will•be- preaented '' with M'Lle Rayel I In the title role. s - ' - s Pm:seamen Tn - haTatfiasie Summer. field, thd pleasing actress, is the attraction at the PittsbnaghTheatre the present week, and she is being liberally illetronized. In her line of characters ithe has few if any equals. The extravaganza entitled the Talisman" a FairTalisman"stilloccupies the boards. I . InAsomo HALL—The celebrated New comb Minstrel Troupe will commence .a short season of four nights at Masonic Hall to-night. This troupe, has a high reputa tion and their'entertainments will doubt less draw crowded honees. TECE ACADEMY.—Efartz is trump! No fnoi•e skillful manipulator, `no more enter taining man of, mystery, no more clever magician or ; master of legerdeman has ever, visited our , city. He 'was greeted at the Academy last night - his large . and intern- - gent audience, each, one .ef, whom , he left, mystified and lost - in I wonderment. His tricksAre_all,sligi4t of hand, using little or ho riled:lab: l y and when he does' e mploy it he takes .care.. to, explain the mystery. Hartz gal - wonderful:man, Superior in our jwilgenent .tol.Anderson, .Heller or Signor Blitz, and as4o-night will okse his engage ; . - met:there , we trust 'there willbe a large attendance. H o , - 0 1 _ • ca•DnuMMEn Bov.=--Tile public are lin pat ently awaitilg', forlThnraday evening to arrive; Wham' another oppcgttmity will be tiff ed them el: - seem g the beautiful elle 'gor - of “The 'Drtunnacr BOy of 'Shiloh,"' wh eh drew such ' large : ; audiences last we k. The AcidemY: of Mtn& ino , been Penrod for Thnrsday, ;Friday mid Satur ir day, and the box-sheet is ,now open at the shoe store,' Of ;Thos: E. Phelps, - ,Ifo. 46 Smithfield street. Beata' are beingyapidly taken, and it is probable that the attend ance will. be even larger than it was last R eek. ' • r . Mission Cnunca. FAnt.—Among the many Fairs and F'estiVals noii• in progress in this vicinity, - thatgiven at the Mission Church, corner of North and Avery streets, Allegheny, should not be forgotten. The Fair is 'enlivened with !vocal and instru mental music at intervals, thus furnishing the visitnr with all the enjoyments of a regular Fair, in addition , to a concert by 'trained vocalists, for the small admission price of fifteen cents. i . ORPHANS' • FAm—The Orphans' Fair now in progress. in the I basement of the Cathedral, is one of the most attractive plaCes of amusement of all the number with which our pleasbri3-loving'public are supplied at the present time. Every evening companies of ' , fair women and brave men" crowd'the room in which it is held, and mingle in the enjoyment of the occasion. The price of admission is but twenty-five cents. I THE REP ORLICA N, BALL.—The grand Republican Ball which' comes off at City Hall this evening, promises to be one of the, if not the finest affairs of the.season. .The managers have spared neither trouble nor expense in making all the preliminarY arrangements, and if ia not a perfect suc cess, it will be through no Tatilt of theirs. Republicans have a right to dance and be merry, in view of their glorious record of the last campaign. The tickets are but one dollar. . • . Case., . A Sad . Yesterday morning it young man ,en tered the Union Depot about nine o'clock, .. and began In such a 'Manner' as In duced'officer Chas, Havls l to eject him from the building, under the supposition that i he was Intoxicated. His actions when put outside led to the belief t hat he was labor ing under the effects of mama a potu, and accordingly the officer arrested and con veyed' him in a wagon to the lock-up. When placed in a cell he stripped off his coat 'emit shirt, and in a I few minutes bad them torn - into ribbons.i • At intervals he would recover sufficiently to converse with those about him. During one of these lucid periods he gave his name as Enid. Candorosin, and stated that was a Mexi can by birth and of Freh parentage. lie speaks French, - Span ish and Italian, and says 'he .• came here from Michi gan. He became quite violent during the afternoon, and officers Cupoles and Mess ner were compelled to put handcuffs upon him to prevent his self-destruction. Sub sequently he"was committed to jail las a vagrant, but he should, land will, doubt less, be removed to Dixmont. It is the opinion of those who were with him in the afternoon that he was afilicted with insan ity, rather than mania a potu. 1 Larceny by Bailee. Several days since F. An:thing made in formation, before the lidayor, charging Juo. Bentley. with larceny byl bailee; in which he alleged that he had given the accused fifty gold sovereigns to defray the expense of his (the prosecutor's) family from the "old country" to this city, and that he ap propnated the money to his own use. It was ascertained that Bentley had gone to the West instead of the 'told country," and that he was located in Toledo. The au. thorities there were informed of the charge against him, and yesterday a' dispatch was receivedatating that he had been arrested and would be held untill an officer should arrive with the necessary papers. Officer Gnmbert was sent to Toledo for him. • - Delegates Appointed. 't At a meeting of the rdonongahela Presby tery, of the - United Presbyterian Church, held yesterday afternoon, in Dr. J. G. Brown's church, Diamond, street, the fol lowing delegates were elePted to represent tho Presbytery in the peckers!, Assembly which . convenes in Mclnmouth, Illinois, May 1, 1869: .Ministerat—Dr. J. G. Brown, Rem W. J. Reid, S. B. Reid. , Alternates—Dr. D. Kerr; Revs. Wm. Cole man, F. A. Hutchinson. Ruling (Elders-E. Robh, Wm.' Hall, S. Mahood. • Alternates—Thomas Dittehell. Wm. Fle m John Groves. 11. e ore Complaint was made , be Mayor Drum yesterday morning by several residents of the Spring Garden Run road, Seventh ward Allegheny, against ,the owners of a hair drying establishment which has lately been erected in that vicinity. The com plainants state that the structure is a flimsy frame affair, and Is in great danger of being burned clown, from the insecure manner in which ; the stones are, piled _up. It_ Is used for drying hair for iliortariand the allegation is that the steneh arising from the prooess .is almost,intolerable, in fact awful. The Mayor notified, the owners of the establishment to abate the nuisance which they promised to de as soon es.pea= • Cutting AT A row occurred about night at Jim Williams! sal street, oPposite the Union. Dennis O'Leary and a wo to give her name, in which eeived a out or gash on t above the right ear. O'Leary attacked her with dieted the wound. Dennis woman WU the aggressor a exult upon 'hint - by . 61 shyl him, whereupon he respo lug" a plate at her "k Tho parties were both - tine to the lookup. • , • • , - Ideration o f.• *del able - old an on ad 1. morn- J; ~r.l'F J. Y k ~~ . .w, MalaWiting a ,N,ahuance. i t oo en ih o o ie n lcwi tthe las4 Depot, betwaen an who refttsed the woman re he aide of head. e alleges that a knife and in ' states that the nd amde the as. ng" a cruet 'at oded by fibeav nowledge box. ,, ,isted 'and taken = va • -ainatieeln — lleat tire. Not far.'frititti - ; the* ileigris Building, - says a oorrespondent, there happeriadA lit tle piece of romance Which might 'deserve . . , • place in a newspaper. . On the 4th. day of last July a pretty young lady become ac quainted with a well doing young man, who had "great- expectations," having a rich bachelor uncle without any heir save himself. Of course, John, as the hero may be called, had to please his relative in all things, not even excepting his love affairs, and the female society he kept. The young folks on becoming acquainted, became enamoured with each other, and after a few weeks of courtship, matrimony appeared not a great way off in the dim future. 1 , 21 n fortunately, some busy person carried unfa: vorable reports about a "Dutch girl" his nephew waa going to see in Lawrenceville, where'she resided. These rumors were vague, only saying she was 'Watch," a great objection in the eyes of the old man, and that She was not worthy of John's heart.. The girl, inspired by love, deter mined on proving herself to the contrary. So on learning that the' family where the old bachelor resided needed a housekeepeirl' she consulted John, and determined tci take the place. She applied, was accepted; and ,entered upon her duties. :' Her tidy ways, good humor, sweet and. pleasant xriannera, soon, won for her the love of all about the house, not even exceting the old cynic, whose - objections to her 'she had determined to overcome. John was in the secret, and was pleased to observe what rapid inroads the object of his Own affeo; Lions: was making on ill about her. The old gentleman frequently spoke in dispar agement of John'a Dutch girl, and set him self abotit making a -match for him with his favorite, who he never dreamed. was the self same yixen he had despised for no good reason. The denouement came,, the old bachelor acknowledged himself:sold, butwei Willing that John'should take the girl and be happy. 'A' wedding maybe'ex pected shortly, in the neighborhood of Fifth Ave., when the names will , come out in the usnaladvertisement. Important Annottneement—Grand Clear anus Sale at Fleming's Extensive Knit Clstss Street. Fur Emporium, No. 139 Wood • •, • The entire stock of the' mammoth fur • emporium of Mr. William Flething, 4No. 139 Wood street, will be offered at a grand clearance sale, to commence this day and continue till every article is disposed of, to make room for spring goods. The prices throughout haVe been specially reduced, . and purchasers can ' rest 'assured that they will economise largely by •buying ' at this time. The stock embracesiEngenias, Boas. Collars, Capes, one, two; .three, four and five stripe Muffs, Gents' Collars, Gloves, Caps, Misses' and Children's Sets,- made from the most desirable fur, such as Hudson Bay, Sable, Water Mink, German Fitch, Siberian Squirrel and all the other tine grades known to farriers. In either wholesale 'or retail departments the pur chaser could ordinarily have saved froth fifteen to twenty-five per cent. on his pur chases, and now he can procure still greater advantages. The large and fresh stock of Hats and Caps, of all the recent styles, - for Men and Boys, will be included in the special clear ance sale, and the same sweeping , abate ment of prices will be made in -them. As all goods are warranted, and salesmen are governed by an inexorable'rule to make no false representations, we hope our readers will take advantage of the present grand clearance sale at Fleming's, sign of the Goldin Hat, 139 Wood street. , Alleikeny Ward Ileminaticins. r .krhe Republicans of the Bth Ward. Alia glieny, at a recent meeting, suggested' the . following names forTnomination at 'the en suing primary 'election. Coamon Councils, (2 to be nominated.) Gotlieb Seidle, Robert Porter, Julius pro- , itzinger, Simon Alcßoberts, G. P. Wilhelm. School Areciorl ' (to be nominated.) George McConnell,lf. W. Minnemayer, D. J. Jackson, G. P. Wilhelm. A sae isor, (1 to be nominated.) Gotlieb Fischer, David Crow,Christian Rinker. Inspectors; GotliebE:ischer, Samuel Rey nolds. Return Inspectors.—Alonzo Young, John Mofowell,•Harvey Hayden. Conalabie.--John Long. The choicest brands of Dry Goods at the owest prices. Bates it Bell. American Silks at Bates & Beira. “Let There Be Light”—ln obedieneato this great command, the sun, moon and stars were created, as was also all the arti- Mal lights, the principal among - which are gas and kerosene, and in order that the latter may be used to , advantage as illumi natora, Weldon ft Belly, - plumbers and gas titters, corner of Wood street and Virgin allay, offer for sale a large and very fine assortment of chandeliers for oil lamps and gas, and gas fixtures of every deacription. Still In Favor.—The poplins at 21 Fifth avenue, are in fLEI great favor as ever. The new supplies received by Messrs. Bates dt Bell are very superior and:warranted to give unlimited satisfaction. Bates 8 1 13 ell's, for Broohe Shawls. Mink Sable ,Furs.—We ask special at tention to our kook of Mink Sables. which we offer this week at extremely tow prices; 'also Hudson Bay Sables, which must be returned if not sold this week. • Call and see them at J. M. Carr's, 118 Federal street. Linen• Goods of all kinds, embroidered piano covers and embroidered stand covers, , at Bates tit Bell's. Elegant. —The assortment of miislins at 21 Fifth avenue, is one of the finest .we have ever had the pleapure of examining. , It comprises everything in the line, and in quality cannot be excelled. Dress,Goods—Of all the popular makes and at the lowest prices of the day. Bates dt 13ell: At $1,750 —Try our Laced Kid •Gloyes. Black and Colored Grey Pair warranted, at $425.. Plain kids, splendid quality. J. M. Carr's, 118 Federal ntriet. Evening and promenade silks of every description, at every price. Batts dt - Bell'a for a large variety. Flannels of all kinds—popular prises—=at Bates dc Bell's.' New Year's Presenos.—Furs of all kinds, gloves, hosiery, lace collars, 2 5c, hemmed Musdkerchiefs, be, tucked handkerchiefs, 15c, at J. M. Carr's, .118 Federal street., - Fars.—A 'good aasortnient of long make, at Bates & Bell's. Carnmerer.Onr. assortment is complete and - prled Bates Furs, Gloves and collars for gentlemen; cheap, at J. hi. Cares, 118 Federal street. Cloaki.=-The balance of Our stooi at low. Woes to eltise out. Bates & Bell. Fate, Fun, Fure.--Good bargains this week at J. M. Carr's, 118 Federal street. Asthma is not a terrible diSease _when Whitcomb's Remedy is taken. tali:W Long Brodie Snawb3, goo . n quality, at 822.60.. Bates Bates lit Bell. For White and Gray Blan*eta. Bates et Bell's. . , I ' Allegheny, isminningsolden,opinions from all good housekeepersfor the variety, qualify and cheapness of the articles whide" are there kept for sale. The enterpriaingy" proprietor ' Mr. Henderson George, seems - - to understand exactly what is needed in sy, first class family grocery, and manages his: business according to that knowledae L —. which is the result of his succaiss and the cause' of the popularity of hstablish ment. For the , holidays he has laid in a new supply of groceries and everything. = else in his line, and offers them at prices of which former sales aro a criterion. The store Is located at No. ]64 Federal street, Allegheny, a few doors above the Diamond. -, Purchasers of groceries should not forget the place. Chifichilla.—The material' is iveemirlic veyfashionable. - Messrs. Bates 6tßell;'2l Fi h avenue, have a fine assortment bn ha d. They sell at the very lowest prices and give their patrons the fullest opportu nity to please themselves. IWe should recommend oar readers to buy there. Ladles' Underiarments.—A large assort ment at Bates iklßellts. It ia a matter of importance to the public : to know that Colonel J. D. Egan, 41 Sixth avenue, near Smithfield street, has one of. the' largest and best selected stacks Bodks to; be found in the city, comprising all the latest publiCations. of Text Books, Novels, Gift Books, 'etc. He has just re. ceived a large and well selected stock= of Holiday Goods, . comprising Books,. for Christmas presents, which will be ,sold at the most reasonable terms. A fine stock Stationery, including every variety. of Pa - - per and Envelopes, will also be .fonnd in this well conducted establishment. Not too Late.. , -41ifOgh Christmas has passed, It Is not yet. late for folks to sup ply themselves with the fine goods which - were procured foi..the occasion by the' en terprising firm of Bates do Bell. 21 Fifth avenue. Most elegant shawls and mantles• mil:ming sold there. • )BeWool Shawls in great variety. Bates et, 11. - kW. W, Moorhead, No. 81 Market' street, nowing the demand which would Biking tip for articles in his line of business during the holidays, d9termlned not to .be behind his competitors and took ineastues to sup ply himself before , the, rush would com mence. His establishment now, from cel lar to garret, is filled with articles fancy, useful and ornamental in endless proftui ion, any of which would make a beautiful and appropriate' Christtnas or New Year's gift to a friend. Purchasers can have no difficulty in making a. selection, unless, in: deed,.they become bewildered with the rich and magnificent display wnieh will be afforded them by a visit to the place. . Great Demand—There has been - a great demand for cassimeres experienced at 21 Fifth avenue, thiswinter. The chief reason might be found In the excellent quality of the goods which Messrs. Bates dr, Bell are offering to their patrons. Cloaking Cloths—Desirable shades. Bates BelL - Chapped Hands, face and all roughness of the skin, certainly Cured 14 , using the Juniper Tar Soap, made by Caswell, This; and dr, Co. New York. It surpasses all other remedies as it will prevent'roughness of the skin if used durmg cold weather. It is easily applied, avoiding all the trouble of - the greasy compounds now in use. It can be used by ladies with the most tender , skin, without irritation 'or pain, making it soft and clear. Sold- by the druggists en=,. erally. wT New Year's Celehratiou.—All presents ; are not given at c Christmas. There are many persons who reserve their favors for New Year's Day. Bateke4 Bell •still sell their stock at low prices. Nottitigham Lace from '33 cenis.; Bates &, Kcnwood Boarding School for , Boys.— Four vacancies on January 6th. - Apply to Rev. J. P. Taylor, New. Brighton, Pa.. 2w. The place to_get Waite Lune, Calcined Plaster, Hydraulic Cement.is at Ecker JS Caskey's, 167 First street. . , French Corsets for $l. Bates tk'Bell's. UNDERTAICERS. &LEX. AIKEN, GLOVES, No: 168 FOURTH STREET. Pittsburgh, Pa. INS of all kinds, CRAPES, LOVES, and es. ery description of Fun,..ral Furnishing Goods-fur. fished.- Rooms open day and night. Hearse and Carriages famished. • RSIMIIINCES—Rev. David - Kerr, D.D., Be..vM. W. Jacobus, D. D.. Thomas Ewing, Esq.. Jacob H. hillier, Eso. ' - : LES &PEEBLES.ILNDEO.: TAKERS AND LIVERY STABLE. corner of 83NDUSKY STREET AND CHURCH AVENUE. A Allegheny City. where their COl , l O l BOOMS ar* Wood, supplied W a lnut and imitation Mum. Wood, Mahogany and Collins, at prices vs= Tying from CI to *lOO. Bodies prspared for inter. moot. Hearses and Carriages furnished; also, -all Linda of Mourning HoodS, If required. Orrice eves at all hours, day and night.' ' ROBERT T . RODNEY , UNDER TAKER AND EMBALMER, 1.10. 4,5•1MT10 ; BT .ET, Allegheny, , seeps constantly on hand a large assortment of ready-made Coffins of thelbl- : lowing kinds: First, the celebrated America:lEn- , s rial Oases, Metallic Belt-sealing Air-tient Cases ~. and Caskets, and Rosewood, Walnut and Rosewood imitation Coffins. Walnut Ccitans from $25 wards. Rosewood. Imitation Coffins. from .35 wards,' and no paint will be , spared to give entire t satisfaction. • Crape and Gloves furnished free of charge. , Best Rearms and. Carriages furnished on short notice. Carriages furnished to Amaral! Gramm . • SCOTCH PEBBLE SPECTACLES, werammei TO LEPROVS THE SWRT I'OB BALE BY IDUNSEATH & HASLET'. 56 FIFTII!!3TREET. 11ENRY G. HALE, MERCHANT TAILOR. , Corner of Peniand St. Clair Streets, - . , Has now In stock one of tie largest and most varied i assortments of ' • Fall and Winier Goods - ever brought to this oily. His !toot embraces'al the latest French and English manufacture.* or CLOTHS, OABBEttEBRES ovsuoolerzgas Also. stall line of Genies Yarnlshinx Goods. ,st? EW GOODS. NEWNEW= GOOD& YOB A STYLISH OVERCOAT_,_ • ,` A You A STYLISH DRESS COAT, FORA STYLISH' BUSINESS COAT„ • B011•A STYLISH WALKING COAT, .. FOR A STYLISH PAIR OF PA.NTB„ . ____ FOR A STTLISH !an , OF ALL KINTRI, For all the latest stYies out clothes, made of the belt."-•*; material, and by that-class workmen, bad' at price. •_;•. - 1 r a ratrftgly low, go to the welltntown ?Hernlmn .• f2,..,1 • 'W. lEESPENIKEID. NO. 50'13T. CLAIR, STREET, nowßrix • , TIIOS. P. DALY. P ••••/1.• 13"T621":14:11 'TIRE UNDERSIGNED ITAVE:Aik e -A. SOCIATED themselves together for the - ' ' PRACTICE OF MEDICINE. , . Offloe„ NO. 19 STOCKTON A.VENruz, Aues9ool dry. TllOB. V. DAI.N, 993 37 0 44 • a. a. ZUTTON, g, ; , • Uri Books. 13