The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, December 30, 1868, Image 4

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:I r.:cii Ana, B! .
IPENNIIIIAN REED & GO B , Proprietors.
r. B. PENBfIU 2 Lr. JOSIAH Engel
Sditors and rrornintors.
I fit Pittabarigit, Allegheny and .allegukty
Inotuity. . u. .
Anne — D*l4. lihitt-Preektr. , Wek/Ai' t
I 1
lear•-•40,1X1 , 61ngleeopyi::'.$1,50
month. 73 Bli aloe.. LSO lcoplee,tach. 1.23
ft the week ' Three:hos 17110 '', . " 7 .15
mom canter.) and rile tokgent
DECEItBaIt ao. -1888.
Tun ,Witniam GAstnizy4'iuued on Wed
nesdays mut Saturdays; kfhe Out an4aktaP
_4oB;faiall n newilmier PenOiroan(47.:;,
P each week fortkeight oolulisne of
solid reading maw. It
.gives thb'llot as
- as the mold reiiabkmaria reports°, any
papir try theillate. ltt foes are - used 4:001u-
Mealy blithe Civil Courts of Allegheny . county
.ftr reference sn invortant Wins to determine
prkes in the markets at the time of
de business transaction"n &saute. Terms:
Single.evy, one year,`sl.lso ; in clubs office,
$1,25 ;In dubs of ten, $1,15, and oneftess
to the getter up of the club. Specimen cow
sent free to any address.,
WE Mai , on the inside pages of this
tiorning's.Gezzing--ikeland pap:
"The Chriainuut Day," Burning:Candles at
Both Ends. Third and 'Eliza Pages Com
snereial, Rnanciai, Marketk ; Imports. and
BieerYew& Beventh page: Interesting iris
esilani4 Ansumnent Directory.
Gem Closed in York y ester
N ----
at 134i@i841 !Iv
• TELE Fayette county /Standard and the
.tdonongahela Republican , endorse the /nine
ofGen. 3. E. 400luzzark for IT. B. Bauer.
The Reputollean . Committee of Beaver
county adopt resolutions in ftwor of Hon.
- ',Row Allison for the same office.-
'rim Philadelphia iformiw Post, a p e n ny
ixPer,' and Republican in politics, Will ap
pear on New. Year's Day in' new type, and
"an enlarged form, and bedomele'twikeent
paper.' .It is gratling to know : ihat'the
proprietors find their enterpriseAsnccesa.
Ti Treasury coniMenced on Saturday
the disbursement of gold for the . .Tanuiry
interest on the public debt, unlocking large
sums in the princ.ipal cities. In the mean
time, there is much uneasiness in New York
commercial circles, with ,one or two large
failures which, it is feared,:may not be the
GEN: SinmrAbr has ) advises troin the TO-'
tianterrltatT. which indkate that the vigor
of onr militarylnovements has caused terror
among the hostile tribes, large numbers of
whom have come into the forts and stations
for peace and protection. Those who re.
main on the warpath are known, and are
to he pinned to the entd. :
IT arrnAns that aitho' Chief Justice, then
Secretary, Owls was opposed to the I 4 egal
Tender 'bill on its first intr.oduction, he
changed his opinion while the bill was still
pending, becoming convinced, of the need
Air its passage, and so:a4vir3ed Mr. SPAM
DENG, in a letter read by that gentleman,
during the debates in the House.
Tau latest ontilvings from the State De
partment are that the points of difference
with the English goverment, es to the AlS
batna claims, hive been so determined as to
Insure:a prouipt ratification of the treaty by
the United States Senate, to which-body the
Administration expecte to submit the mat,
ter some time in the coming month. We
will see I
Gni Hetwocz satisfactorily repels the
Imputations of Indian Agent WysKoop,
who charged him with the wanton destrac
tion of a Cheyenne village in '67. The
General shows that the tribe were•afthe
moment engaged in , hostilities against as,
and that, too, after fair notice from him of
th e consequence s to follow
; theft - Patralle , k
irperslsted in. • - '
TEE of Chicago has grown
from the -first ehipmenc of
bushels Or wheat in 1888, tto
a more, than
twenty millionisdi beshels fiV itA year rust
closed. Added .to *ere , 15,000,000
bushels of corn, 10,000,000 buslnlhof oats,
and .000,000 bushels of
. rye and barley.
Nearly 2,000,600 - Itedir'olf holiiind cattle
were also received in,Chicasto;last year, and
oeity : ne.ludf of these were slaughtered in the
, •
, •
; WE ARE to have another veto, 'Clci r gT esti
before the late 'recess, repealedthe of a
previous Benton prohibiting the organiza,
ton pfthaprilltia by pir. Jourmori's pro*.
tonal governments. The power is now to
be resksred te-titaieconstrucied States/Qui
Executive Aristotle vetoes .the repealing
Act on the grourrethat,Congreia had no
right to pass the:original bill. The logic by
whleh his veto is to be riustained' already
aivakens the curiosity of, the age." ,
Tam CONVENTIOiI otloyal but Warrant
Atised citizens of the Corinnonivenith of
Pennsylvania continued' its deliberatlone
In this city yesterda,yr and; as on the day
previous, the proceedings were dignified,
harmoniunsand, temperate—altogether char-
acteristic of men deeply 'impressed with the
ilraYnC , lialiOrtanos of the .occasion .and:,; the
great Object :in • view. 'iltft'seading forth
greeting Ita:ulek ccgoXed 1911Pw citizens
throughout the country, telling 'them that
the loyal f .diefnutchisee of: hriiEttystone
Stater.are not to. The rights:4'nd 'uteri
ista of thetr race , tlAa Ontrentign Present}
ilia ifseic
.ImiNge Wfkr.liNakilW
mires for lithcconsiderafia* pf Ipl i celite
inclined to Mari with thoi?..deapTv*Ri: the
ftlU piiviligeiland rights of s treo:t3meeso.
4 11. 4 .-.4mbiad from the
414 ; 1114 erille itT•7"7 • • e 'Ulkf a
ohtu.di • '` •
A very respectable cotemporary objects
to the continuance, of the Tenore-of-Office
Law. that it would result in the retention
of office by a large class of incumbents
who,—owing their positions to the nomina
tion of Mr. Jortusoß and umfirmation by
a Republican Senate, --must, necessarily,
"have get 'their placei by double-dealing
and political trickery, by making pledges
of an exactly opposite political nature, and
'who natiiralir rod iticheating both parties,
and consulting only their personal profit."
Certainly, an-indictment that sounds quite
formidably Ii . •
But, granted that officials are generally of
this double-deathy and unworthy type, how
is the repeal of the present law to help mat
ters ? The new nominations of the incom
ing-President will none the less require to
be confirmed—and , by the same Senate
which, as our contemporary insinuates, has
already corruptly committed itself to the
present incumbents. Such a Senate will
equally deny its approval of any changes,
whether the law -stands or 'is repecticd.
That repeal,, to be sure, will enable Preii
dent GRAXT to effect absolutely those re
p/ovals which at present would be condi
tioned upon the Senatorial concurrence, but,
even then, the obstinate refusal of that body
to ratify tbe sweeping programme which
some of his injudicious friends are trying to
foist upon the new President, would practi
cally accomplish its defeat, since the Execu
tive would to discharge its re
sponsibilities as , to Vacate all the leading
offices in the ,public service, even if a cor
rupt Senate were to be held responsible for
that condition of things.
BefOre say ing more, let us enter , our pro
test against such unworthy imputations up
on the Senate. Doubtless, this body is not
immaculately pure. If there were not some
corrupt, bad men on either side of the Cham
ber, it would be a miracle among legislative
bodies. But, taken as a Whole, we feel our
strongest confidence justified in the personal
purity, official honesty gtnd political fidelity
of the great body of the Republican mem
bers. They Will heartily support a Republi-
Can President in the great buSiness of re
forming the public service. Nor, as a body,
have these . Senators engaged in any corrupt
compacts with Mr. Joirssosr or with his ap
pointees. They have ratified his ' nomiria
tions in most cases reluctantlY, and in WI
cases fr o m a conviction that the public inter
est would admit of no delay, or could hope
for no better -servants. . They have taken
the,beat they could , get, and should not be
censured because they took any at all. .
, Here Jilt the 7 .ealur,l4b. The law. as It
stands. is the bulwark of an upright and
cautiourrExectitive, against the mightyyush
of a, nit army ' bf place-I/sinters who pro
pose to storm' the White Rouse' In March.
The firmness of the new - President Is grates
fully known to hiscountrymen. It js none
the_less ilreaded by-the great army of ex
pectanta who, for the next ninety , days. are
to live, move and have all their.being fn the
sole ambition of acquiring office. The MI6
stipulation of Gen. ORAN? tostheir purposes
will 40 c/Otteite much of a contract as• these
gentlemen &sip • to undertake, and not' a
few of them despair of succeeding in, that,
—as well they may. When behind those
personal 4ualitles of (linen' himself, they
see rising up also the formidable barrier of
this Official Tenure Law, they naturally feel
hopeless of gaining what they desire/ So
the law must ho repealed, that GRANT may
be left naked to the, worst,of his enemies,
the oillee•seeking mob who are the scandal
of all political parties.
• ' Ntuidoubts for a moment that the rd..
0i,ii,1 8 1, 9 be piridsi by the now Preshleitt—
let them be as isieePleffas they may..—witt
tbe made suMelent cause, And that, toS.,
to the aatiefaction of the Senate, If this body
should‘,;think ' fit to clOnand the ExeCutive
reasons for such removals? And who doubts,
moreover, that the reasons to: ,be thps s ill
signeirbyttiiiits S. Griper ward' bo 40 :
opted as ample by the country? And who
,doubts, again, thist,ll, any issue , . were made thereupon betiititin President mid Senate--
an event of which there Is not even
molest poisiblllty;—:the popular velar, the
condening ' - nriltddli or , the Itepubinati
nutilaes,"would bear/aged on'artiatoi aide. ---or
"Therpeople who have elected him 'will elan should btu;sustain him. They made,4to Amistaks Iry , Ar•.tho,
Aker man, and, to the hot Ater oil* int. 'agriiiiiiat
as other classes citizerity and such anspi
,cos movements as that. now being made
in our 'City will tend to l break down
the prejudices and weak "party ex
pediencies" which now deprive great
masses of citizens from enjoying the rights
or elector& We hail the present movemen t started by the opkhessed people themselves
kis a sign of progression, and, in their be
half, ask that the importance of the Con
vention be not tider-estlinated. Iti+oice
must be heard and heeded, for the mettinow
calmly engqedin the deliberations looking
to the rights of the negro, are CoippiquOlis
for learnitig, wisdom and talent; and are
really in earnest in all they say and do.'
They temperately demand from the Ration
s Ane labiy , enfranchisement, and hope that
,Ute Pf_ t sticelyill prevail in the dis
position tetheir dlga4teci memorial for
Timms are bbstaelts In the may of the
proposed . , European, ~ Conference on the
Gr ecoquAllkqttestion. ~Turkey refuses t
agree that the
,Cretan q u estion shall be con.'kiddie& and theilehi practleally vetoes the
whole proposition, that question being at
the bottom of the difficulty. It is said that
.England supports the , Sultan in this realise],
by the active influence of her Ambassador
at Constantinople,
~,This is the more , proba
ble, since leading .Eondon 'jounials mnly
assail the - idea that a 'Conference would ac
-3 . .
'complish anifieelsiVe 'good: On the other
hand, Greece, Supported by Russia, and
confident of securing the influence of Prus
'sla and the German !kik assenti to the Con
femme*, becauseshe knows it would give her
nothing to fear. Should Turkey remainob
stinate, the inevitable drift of the situation
would be more and more attay ' frees a
peaceful termination of the quarrel., •.:
' ,! .T 11 . T . 8111 :7401'7 - 08 . .:$1!ETTE 'ii '.Vr
CRY ticxo i
MR. DAVID WILDER,' cif Boston, Mass.,
recently addressed a letter to Mr. F. E.
BPninzu, Treasurer of the United .States,
making a number of suggestions in refer
ence to - a return to specie payments. One
of these was that the difference, or. some
thing akin thereto, between specie , and pa
per currency BMW' -be deducted from the
face of all outstanding obligations, whether
of the Government or individuals, upon pay
ment in coin. Mr. Srisxmiobjects to this
plan, that it would involvd partial repudia
tion;.and it must be confessed that the objec
tion is well taken. But, will the Trensurer in
"form the public In what particular the retro t .
I spective action of the Legal Tender Law'
was different or better? -By that' action,
persons who had contracted debts on
specie basis Were allosied •to pay "ern , off
In currency, at par, when that currency was
at 280. That wailndireet repudiation with
a vengeance, especially so far as related to
creditots l ithesei demands ,rested `iii notes,
judgments- and mortgages haying consider
able time to run. All k these, vere,, actually
robbed of one-hall'of tbelr just demands,
because they stood in , (he ' relation of
cr9(1 1 1 , 011. ..' .... ,•-!, : ~ .0'
One serious objection to Mr. Wzmun's
scheme' is, that it Would pluftder the crgdlter
classei again, ` by . ACpriving 'them of that
compeneition; in Part; at ledit, ksr former
losses, which nature, through_ the operatiOn
of its invincible laws, is bringing about.
Tbc, vice of lir e ,WrLDEnte letter Is that
he conceives it to be possible to so•lengthen
the deaCent from, the highest inliation down
to the solid basis` of' coin; that'every body
can got down without 'lots; nay; without
knowing they have descended' at all. The
Idea that men 'can go tin selling on a falling
market without, encountering, .loss, le a
simple absurdity,, no matter from how -, eini:-
neat it financial authority It 'may emanate;
• The . Now York. Central Hallway Com
pany hair termed close relations, with the'
,tioulberg„,Michigan . Centriti,
Lake' Shore, Cleveland and TOledo, To
ledo and •Wabilli, and the Chlcano and
North.western roads. The chief rootoo of
this itirtifinOinent lictlott . allf,rolghts shall he
carried. atuniform rates "per ton per mile.
Nothing can bo more equitabro In; Point pt
principle. Apart from the rivalries which
rAilWAYllidnigantmi IntPeillinee :Id common
with mullopongsse4 In Alt.pt4arpprtulls•
no roaaon - oxlsti whilmidnonni m en so loco
tedttitOtatin 011010 of tante' pitoold . Pai
loss fps frolitits thin ~ o ther men. The iier=
vice thoy requite le:the Seele t rahl thereto-,
floral"' I nn !Or , rivalry
,alluded to,
<WP,nid, bt. elan , ~ 0-1
RA/ 1 k ,-) 1 5 1 , ~would come 10.1ut
'''' ' to ttelnhtsi , daft
Aintsindien; he Wili'fintity their unlit'
Wing confidence.
During the e sessions of the Senate, the
power of removal Is tuilimited so long as
that i body concurs, and this concurrence
may safely . be anticipated' in all cases, unlss
with the rarest exceptioris. Daring the re
cesi, the power is limited only by the de
mand for "eviden6a itatisfactery to the
President," that the officer Is unworthy, in
capable or legally disqualified, and by the
furthei duty of 'reporting his reasons to the
Senate at its next sesion. How much
these limitations upon Gin. GRANT'S power ,
will amount to is better considered when
we'reflect that by the . time he, shall have
purged the public service from all the nisi
WS whom n,srpap'w Jounsoir has admitted
to the:public crib,' there 'will remain but a
anon handful of-honeta and capable men to
`Stand in the way of the aspirants for place.
Is it Warthirldle to : ' repeal ; the law for the i
purpose of reaching only these?
We should have great respect for the per...
sorrel Wishes of "General i llitoirr
When he shall, ;with the sxplicit,frankness
which is not the least of his honorable char
acteristici, recommend • the repeal of the
law, the suggestion Will ileserie the
aired eciiiirdertition. ChM then, we shall
give no credenee to the IrreisPonsible'ruiaors
which set forth his opposition to its contin
uance among thestatates.
l eppointnientic wade by the President of
the people, and the'correspondingremovals,
when sustained,, as they will , be, with' the
approval of his Constitutional adviser;
milder the law precisely as it stands new, will
for the first time in forty years' hlitory of
the Republic, excepting the four years of
Mr. Lnicoisr, be upon their Ike a guaran
tee to the people that the old reqiiialtes of
nenesty and Capacity, with the new, quali
fication of a hearii acceptance Of'thene
publican spirit of the preheat. 'conatitational
order of things, are once more reestablished
in the official service of the govertunent.
To our mind, any conditions are desirable
which fairly conduce to this
in the management of this business of filling
the Offices. We are from believing that
an end, of so lunch `solid censequence to the
highest national 4 intehsts, will be promoted
by the repeal of the law in questldn. ° On
the contrary, it , ls plain tons that such re
peal will be so long 'a step, toward,the
inangtinuion of the Infamous dOctrine that the
public offices, if not themselves public plan
der, are only soughtai facilities - therefor, eel°
threaten President °wail with the severest
penalties for official greatness. We do not
propose that he shall be saved from tests for
an official integrity which, thank lie4ven,
fan impregnable to a corrupt friend es to
an open foe, but we do wish to see his Ad
ministration relieved from the burthen
which•ProVed fatal to nonunion :and Tiy-
Lon. If we btka, possessed an Office-Tenuie
law, extant among our statutes since 1841,
the count'' , would have been spared the dig
grace of a Tr/un ond the absurd Indic!.
lency of a F'n.Lmona, and the long and not
yet ended train of consequences which have
been entailed.upon us by their treacheries to
the party which first gave them office.
.General Gas has. fortunately a robust
physical vitality, and he will need it all if the
White House is to be again, beleaguered salt
was in '4l and '49. And our CoLvit
is neither "a TYLER, FILLIOBE nor Jorayson,
we prefer to, keep , him in sound condition
ready for the Republican track in 1872.
TNESDAV- 1868:
all alike in ,
proportion to bultor weight and
distan and make these rates , such as tol
yican liberal compensation, and no
more, they would deal jistly, and give a
larger measure of satisfaction to more cus
tomers than they do now. Business men at
Chicago, St. Louis, New York and other, ,1
places eircumstanced, would
doubtless think competition better for them,
because it would give them lest% rates than
men in such places as Pittsburgh would
have. But the great majority would be far
more content than they 'now are.
Men like competition when it makis in
their favor; not otherwise. Workmen in
dittereat trades combine in order to deliver
themselves from competitim;
era combine to get labor low, and to sell the
product thereof high. So is it - all Ound.
'Every one wants cempetition in whatever,
he has to buy, but does not want irblivhat
be has to sell.
Washington Gossip. ''
aid i on I ts amnesty proclamation
and Its effect ,the Je f f erson Davis case is
still a topic of discussion. There is a -
mor circulating that some time last summer ru ,
about the time the other proclamation was
I issued, the Chief Justice was aposiched on
the question of the President s power. to
lipardon while the trial was progressing as
n the; iuse of the ex -Confederate President.
It' is asserted Abet Judge Chase expressed
',views that favored the President's pow to
amnesty dodge. - • •
The 'advocates of women suffrage will
old a national' convention here. January
19, in which ills expected that Mts. Stan.
ton, Lacy Stone, and other lea,dinir advo-
Cates will participate.' It Is said that one of
the Brat' thingsdraw the fire of Congress
• Will be Pomerd 's amendment guaranteeing
womanhood su rap. ' It is to be Pressed in
etirnest, and ttie Kansas Senatir Is now
•pramming up bn n' the reports of speeches
Made by 'eminent , members of the disfran
chised class.. He announces that he Means
41. leave no stone unturned to press the'sub-
eet, to a vote. • .
• Things in he, vs Vert.
cam' Youx, December 27..—There were
rePortilast evening of the failure of several
large dry goods houses, two of them' con
nected with the Lowell , mills ' and Boston
fines. Serious trouble' is predicted this
week among the jobbing' houses many of
which have been paying exorbita nt rites of
interest,. lately, and carrying immense
stooks which they could not disposeW.
- A very wealthy old Hollander died, here
abont one hundred and twentvAve years
ago, without making a will, as it was sup
posed, and his property was disposed of ac
cording to law. Recendy ; his will has been
discOvered, and his heirs hive employed
able!counsel to get - possession' of the im
mense fortune of which they have been de
prived. Some of the most valuable lots on .
Broidway and Fourteenth streets, valued
noviat thirty or forty millions, and much
othe property, are in question. The -suit
will rival in importance the famous Gaines
case, And must impoverish persons at pres
ent very wealthy.
Ohio Finances. I
The forthcoming report of the Ohio State
A.ndifor, shoWa the following statement of
the state finances to the close of the fiscal
year : I Receipts of the fiscal - year of 1868,
including the balance on hand November
15,.1867: General revenue fund, $ 1,060,.
156 38 ; canal funds $41,530 54; national
road d, $21,002 22; sinking fund, $l,-
824,659 4; common !school fund, 81,467,-
496 73 ; • soldiers' c ms fund, $3,825 78;
soldiers' allotment nd, $3.469 90; bank
redemption fund, $2, ' 81. Total, $5,025,-
475 61.1 Disbursem nts.--General revenue
fund, $1;518,210 85; al fund, $14,939 39;
nand. tional road fund, $18,829 36; sinking
. fu51,472.226 33; .common school fund,
$ 1 , 4 26,868 80; soldiers' claims fund, $3,781,.
ption fund; aoldiers' a 110 5 1695. tment fund
Tot , a
$482; ,
bank re
1, $4445, 38,-
86.. Balance in Treasury, November 15,
1868, $570,120 , 75.
04 SWTIatiLlill who spent several hours
recently; at General Grant's residence, with
Several others, gives me some interesting
gossip about the interview. The person
referred to was a former friend of the Grant
family, and knew the General when a West
Point cadet at home on a visit. Like others
'have seen,
t h
he did not believe the cadet
any elemen ts of power and greatness in his
character, and told how vehemently he con
troverted] Gen. Hamer's (the Congressman
by whoni Grant was nominated to West
Point, and-who afterwards fell in Mexico,)
declaration that Lieutenant Grant would
make his mark, •for that there , was a good
deal in him.
Myintermant Was delighted with the easy
geniality of the General, and described with
ktisto manher end conversation. Many
stories were told of campaigns and move
ments. The regard for Sherman, so well
known toy the' country; was '
shown quite
plainlyy byl tie vcral allusions to itim, anCeii,
pecially initbe narration 'of incidents con
nected wittt the surrender of Johnston.
' who was resent re-
marked Senator Wilifo
Jocularly n t h at he had n p oticed ,
the General had been' closeted with lace:el
len.. Grant responded • SitinatiTer . 41 in0
fowler asidthat .11cOlelligi was an a bl e Man
and soldier.
The only point. on
.which he expressed
Himself dnring the l etinversittlen that' bore
upon pobitqatfairs u was in religion to Gen.
Sheridan, and his removal from the com
mand of Louislanit.' 'lt was an easy and
fair deduction from his remarks to believe
ttiat among the •first, , if not " Com m ve first;
act of his administration as nder.
in•Oldef" would be the signing of an order
placing. Little Phil. In command of Lou
isiana and Texas, probably also of all the
Tranegilissiesippi region. '• • •
GENERAL EHERMAIIIII instructions are to
strike all hos tile
ui Indians, and cluster ,' those
that are frie ly, abont'Port Cobb, under
General Hazen. By the state of War now
existing and commenced by the Indians, the
treaty made ta Medicinh Lodge , creek is not
considered blhding, and no Indians are-per
loßte4 to boot on grounds , outside the reser-,
vallori , where they were entitled to roam by.
the treaty. Their rights in this respect are
declared forfetted. Information has been
received of :the, death of Rattan 'Nose, a
bad Indian,who refused to come in atMedi;_
eine Lodge creek. He was a principal
oh tef; Or Ithe po g i f_3ol4ul; &pi; hillediby
thertroops under geaeril Z. A. Carr, near
the headwaters of the Republican, some six
TIM New York Herald is moved by the
recent scrip dividend of the New York Cen
tral- Railive& to tell 'how the stook of the
Western U nien;•TektraPik: Cempany has,
been- ' , watered. • Beginning with ecapital •
or $ 860 . 00 „ •1 4N4413:41'o ago,
tiolnew normal capital of o 4 1•001-
806, "ilearly'rlifetimek-WluitAt: should be If
the capital had Nee, Increased in, a legiti
mate dime/ ttletwei , the expenie'o64 7 ,
Arcola* tied the absorptiouof ether lines.
'Four, times the -stock hu been doubled with.
out any pretense of value to show for lt; and
Mil the triceshii stock #6 ll
molly represents fenereshast they • cost
Yalu* original holders. .t 4
\ Relations by Marsbge. . •
A great many comnlex relationships come
about by marriage. We have heard of the
mother and daughter who married brothers,
and who therefore addreassd each other as
sisters; and also of the young man who on
being asked by [the judge whether he h ad a
father aild'thother, said he wasn't Oita cer
tain whether he ha d or not; first, his father
died and then his mother married again,
and then his mother died and his father
married again, and now he didn't', know
eiactly whether they
_were his father and
mother or not. Bat Dazi Bryant, at the
minstrels, telli of the most complex family
ever known, something in this wha t : "I
married a young widow who'llved with her,
stepdaughter. • My wi was therefore the
mother-in-law and' 'dimg%
ter-In-lsw of my
father: lam the step .father of my mother
in-law. and my irife's a pdaughter is 'my
step-mother . Well,: illy stete-mother!--that
to say, my , father's wi :and my wife's
daughter--, - -had a son. I:fe s` my step-brother,
of conrse,.bat being the nof •my; vrife'a
step-daughtei, my wife :of course, his
grandmother, and .I am s grandfather as
well u his stepbrother. c' My wife also - had
a boy., Hy
of , m step-mother is consequently the
ater y boy and ilk his nd
mother, became be is the child of her gra step
soh, and my father is the brother-in-law of
my son, who is the son of 'm stepmother.
I am my mother's brother-in-law, my wife
is the aunt oF her own son, my son is the
grandson of my father, and I am my own
GOLD WELDS IN Atrarics.--By re
ports transmitted to the Government of the
Cape of Good Hope, from the geologist
sent out to explore the gold fields in South
Africa, it appears that the 'prospects. *of
profitable returns are. Very unfitverable.
Traces were discovered "of old excavations
=Midst/3 the.depth of thirty-five feet, but
now filled up by , the. lapse of time. The
Mott encouragin specimens wereear.
about thirte e n inches below,
face, but at agreater depth the gold - was
distributed in extremely fine , particles
through the quarts rock and the friable de
tritus of a green taleose slate. The dip of
the strata is: anew-fiver degnas,' and the
, search for gold requires the: sinking of "al
most perpendicular shafts: The amount of
gold as yet procured is so small that the
Miners prefer " prOspeetlng" to continuing
their present laborious work. This alleged
discovery of therefore; add very
little to the product' of the precious metals,
Tan first bill nOW lan on the Speaker's
table in the House, is D e g .
granting an ad
ditional subsidy to the Union Pacific *Rail
way, 'eastern div:iion. It iiassed last But
sion,•and involves about a million dollars
and about a million acres of public lands.
The parties interested tried hard to get the
bill up, befoie tint recess, and were" only
provented by keeping something else befo re
the. House. Many members voted to waste
a day or two on the tariff bill, so as to de
lay action on this railway measure. > Price,
of - lowa, is expected' to take charge of it
when it comes- up, and the effort will pro
bably be made to put it through" under the
operation .of the previous'question. Its op
ponents wilt iniilst on the yea and nay vote,
so that the country mayhave a chance to see
how members stand. -
/it constructing a new local railway be
tween Manchester and , Didsbury, in Great
Britain; a gunge of 31. feet Is. proposed, as
answering all the rcquirements of the line
as well as the usual 4 feet 81 , inches width;
and costing with the, rolling stock, one
third less. Railways
, of this gauge, it is
said,on, ;pave been adopted in - Queensland,
Ceyl Belgium and Norway, with satis
factory results.
,The locomotives to be used
will weigh fi ft een tons, and their speed be
Putted to twentv-flve miles per hour. The
carriages will be like our•street cars,' 20 feet
long, 6 feet wide, and' '6l. feet high inside,
and will accommodate twelve passengers on
each side, giving:over 30 cubic feet of space
to each.
, ,
Tnz, Stns.— The announcement hu just
heel, made to the Royal Astronomical Sod
ety of England of. the discovery, by means
of the spectrbscope, of a hitherto unknown
envelope of gaseous matter surrounding . that
body,pf a thickness of seven or eight thou
! and miles. Its piecise composition has not
yet been determined, but will, probably, be
fore long, be 'ascertained. At the same
time, air. Iluggins, who his made so many
important discoveries In reference to
composition of the heavenly bodies, by
means of the spectroscope, presented a com
munication stating that at least one comet
contains carbon in a state of ignition.
Gas. Plum, by , his delay -in summoning
the Spanish Cortes, has given rise to the
suspicion that he intends to make ; himself
Dictator. To refute this charge, Prim has
recently written a letter, in which, he says:
"Ihave no thought of being the master, em
peror or dictator of my country. If I had
any such wretched designs, I could not do
better than follow the advice of chose who
think themselves more liberal than,l, and I
should then urge Spain to become'a teptib
lie. In that case she would certainly offer
me supreme pdwer in'one form or another.
Tun Rechoster, Chrzkniae tells this artocry / -
phal story : " Daring Robert Lincoln's re.
centjournev from Chicago lo Boston, he
got out'of his car, and while willtitig - along
the railroad track slipped and 'fell before an
ad van chsg- engine, A: gentleman 'paling at'
the time Saved his life by' dragAing him from
the track, and getting up and looking for his
preserveri he recd
Bs P44111 . 1300th. No
words were spoken, Rooth walking
Ally away. yftt, give, the atorY;tut it is
.Id,to ua.'' •
i Tex production of coal in Greif Britain
i , 1867 amounted 'to 14500,880 tons,. vai
n d atwbont $ 18 0,1100,000. `The 'aura e all
niinersla,V ore; salt, ^clay, dbe:;‘daribg-the
74*, Wwil.PFo7./1220,000000: 'The iron
produnt'waS 'valued at about $60,000,000.•
In JBSZ, Abe amount o f - coal:mined:was only
about 65,000,000 tone. It is tatimated that
the yield of coal in the 'United States In
1867 was about 25,000,000 tons_ •. '
. - THE York Tirites Says: ' The death
by suicide of the reputed .wlclow ,of Mr.
Aniustris Dickens, brotheibf Charlea'Dick
ens at Chicago, itrreporteci by telegraPh.
We t believe that the wifejof - Mr.— A.ugnstus
Dickens is stilt livipg in '.England, and has
been supported by. Charles Dickens ever.
since her. husband c ame to this country in'
company with"; theladY whose' decease is
now announced.
- .
Warrinm, in a lettertn the N
England 'Society at. Washington, on A m
nestyninLifurrage' 'expresses his belief ' that
a mturAtY the Northern: people'.!yould
heartily agree with in supporting the
motion just made by a New England boa
tOrit9 actual, thaptlitshilities, of Moms at
present disfranchised in the revolted
uPke.aPalle#7 and softge wire*.
. . . ! , .. , THlBltaan Illitittltloi of t h e vindette icy
at lot been Inattaurited, udder theeuelAces
of Itunwilene f ha Mk cannily, :Sweetie! .
alremeedout osth or:Bansu!naryrereask
Lmiriiivni now mit to *ark end hutirldjtav •
extertataate the meeker hitejwa who se-,
ticipatettd cutlet Olathe ?exam or thh . Resto
424 4 44 1 4 ar. 4.1.4 U., Vo I
. •
A Marriage Ceremony; .
Nothing, we calculate, could -"be more
edifying to our dusky-hued friends than the
remarks made by a sable parson at a negro
wedding which took place recently near
Montgomery, Alabama. Thus spake he:
"Here is a couple who have walked out to
night, wishing to be fined ins and taro'
and wishing all clem ,dat hay any . Ling
twitt dent come forward and speak pow. if
not, let dem hold dar peace now aud i tor
evermore. - I wants every ear to hear and
every heart to enjoy.
"Mr. Jim Thompson, whomsoever stands
licitly by your side, do you take her for
your beloved wife, to:wail upon her through
sickness and through health, safe. and be
safe,.holy and be , holy, loving and be lov
ing; do you love her mother, do you love
`her father,doyou love' her sisters, do,yee
love ber ister, do you love'her mistress,
,but do you love God de best?"
•Answer: ".I dp."- : • :
"Kiss Mary Thtimpson, whomsoever**,
stands featly by your right side, do you take I ~
to be your dear-beloved husband, to wait on :1 •
him through health and through nonfiution,/
safe and be safe, holy • holy; do y ou`
love love his mother, do you love his father; 'do
you love his brothers, do you love his sis
ters, you love God de best?"
Answer: "I will." -
"I - shall pronounce Kr, Jim to hold Mu
Mary fastly.`by the right hand, and, shall c
pronounce you both to be Dian and wife, by
the commandments of God. We shall hop e,
and trusting though God, that yon may live
right, that you may die right, noiv and for
evermore. 'Row, Kr. Jim, slew your bride. .
Let us 'sing a lame: ' ,
"'Plunged 1/1 a gulf of dark diapair, 9 .91 etc.
Dnswirac i ilarper's Jragasine.
SCIENTIFIC men by a blundering expo
rinient with coal tar and fragments of slate,
which were both fora long time a nuisance,
have discoYered that' when.. the Vermont
sheet slate is ground to a fine powder and
mingled with coal tar, in definite propor,
tions, the plastic material will reconstruct
in a short porion of time and" forma elate,
which is susceptible , fas fine a polish. as a c
schoolboy's slate. The . Legislatlire of the
State of New York instituted a thorough' ,
investigation .of this subject, . last winter , ; , i
touching the adaptation of this plastic; fox ,
covering the roote r of public buildin and f
decks of every kind of boats, and that' i i
were so thoroughly satisfie d of its exec&
e ll
/once as a durable .rootiing .material •-• and
more than as - cheap again as the. best„of 1
tin—that an act was pass legalizing the I
use of what was termed .uplistic slate,"- for I
Mig p es, in all the cities and vil i la- 1.
he State, even "within the limits of i
the lire districts," Where the municipal ,or f
corporation authorities had passed an ord.
inane° to allow no building to - .be ;covered '
with a combustible material. Strange wit
may appear, after the coal tar, whlch is ,•
highly inflammable, -has united with the r. - .
elate Soar a fire may be kindled directly
on the roof : of a building, and the rooting
will not burn any sooner than the Vermont
Tha Morgan (O.) Herald says: A funeral
procession passed through AlcConnelsville
last Monday, snd uperi inquiiing we ascer
tained that it was that of a young man
named Vanfossen, who had come to a sud
den and terrible death by falling &Irides
circular saw In fall motion, zipping biflt
almost through. We have floe been able
to learn all the Parilculars but understand
that he was sawin logaftat .the time 'and /
'accidentally lost hi ll s
balance and dropped '
upon the saw, which.resulted, as above re
In his almost Instant death.
A. PACLEUC RAILWAY orncisz. recently
stated at St. - .Louls that the Pacific Railroad
ivould be opened to San. Francisco June 4;
that rails were now being laid at the rate of
Seven miles per day; that forty-five sleeping
cars and eighteen dining room cars had al
ready been ordered for the accommodation
of the grand opening excursion party.
-When i , c.OLDS, • I
person takes cold the lungs beceme • '
charged with phlegm, which oppressing the con•
stitution a natural effort is Made for a relief,
This effort Is a cough. The only safe and prudent
remedies to be adopted aro those which assist no
ture In its work; by' looser ing the phlegm and excl. •
Sing a freedom of expectoration until theevil is re.
moved. DR, iitAltaENT'S COUGH TP.UP Lad.
mirebly adapted to promote expectoration, ease the
breathlug,loosen the phlegm, abate the fever, and
allay. - the tickling which occasions. the cough, with
out tighUming tue chest. or in any way Injnilnithe
system, and for , alltemporai7 and , local turectiOmi.
!Inch as irritation of the. throat, hoarseness of the
-voice. Influenza, &c., it Is of incalcultible value.
pecially at this incleinent seasou of the year it
would be well for every family to have this
remedy at hand. Prepared by 6, Q. /4.. KELLY.
Wholeittle Druggist, corder Wood street mid Second
ay. nne, ''l'ittshurgh. and for sale by all druggists
anti dealer' In medicine. 50 cents per bottle. • •
-,- Hostetters Untied States Almanac for 1569, for
distribution frreittr,'. throughout the United States
and•All calliscd countries of the Wtstern Timis: ; ,
Wien. will be- pubLished about the Ong of.tannary. ', ,
and all who -wish to understand the true philosophy '
of health should read and polder the tra , nable lll2jr- . *
gestionAlt ;contains. In addition to- an admirable ' ..,
medical t - eatthe ottthe carves. prevention and cure t ....
*of ng mi reattviriety of diseases. it embraces a large
ot oflupernation interesting to thenberr.hanti
'the meMianlm the =incr.-the Amer. . "the planter,
and profsational . mans and the ostentatious have
been, made ibises/I ,ineridlans and latitudes as are
most saleable for a correct and mui
VO preheasive - Nii• '•
rtat. G'arlitittiail. . -
The .nattimitiasem•altd- extraction/xi sanitary ef- ,-
feeta Of mos . ; ETTEit'S STOMACH SITUBS:QS
staple. Virile mid alterative of. more than half the.
cbristifn iorid, are fully *et forth in
iiblikturikiso latf.rtperscd.with pictorial illattia.
t 40 1 ", Valuab l e elPtsfor , titi houSelbold and bush - i
humerstismieedotem And . other instructive and
amusing reading matter, original_ and selected, er 1
Aniceng the #..nanals to appear with the °Paling of !.1
the year.- thif .1,11!. be one of the moat uselbl..tind li3
soy , k Lad (or Asask,inix Scud tar copies to the I:'i
Central Afantilletory, At. Pittsburgh. Pa. - . or to the 11
nearest dealer la HOSTETTER'S ST O#ACR / i n"- ' I ' '
TENS. The BIT are sold In every city, towst
sod and aie SziensivelY vied throughout 1..
the entire civilised *orld. '
this, tlaue of the year. when theaireit! 64 :
Pavements are covered With snow and stash. /CU'
,no wonder that the natural pores and conducts of tine body • I
"c;Sitnicted. and Whole coin:mid.- 1
Slim :become elected whh coughs andpulnion. I.
and throat ailments. One•of the'very best most wslY.. - -
all theee:dhwaies will be found in DR. BETAS:WS" •
PECTORAL pintrP, which, it once sets
free the
Imprisoned matter. reinores e obstruction, ant 'I
auays the Irritability et the nervous system In radii' •
a Way a, to do no Injury to health '. or Interfere with ,•
avructons: * hat bleaslag it must be; 1.1
to ; hay', ack' potent A the hewn. Off •
luravrara picrroam.prituP. wkar.b, ibr: oviti
twenty - yeiui; has gained on the elßctloits and
/tined the. health of thouseuds of o,uipeoile: To
ass the best , '4 *414 Ia le t s L' hood with - 1111, 11
abut ; heti/ ts evectally true withieSaftl In Bteda.
. 1 : 412 i. and tbfgnis no onbili inellotne, shit
we know
'24`qeiv'a i 'Oek 4 7;bg ta hn a cure %*: ' Si r * T oi*!' thin AB. :-
Kicrg.:Wai l co T o l44 , Bnittg.- 1 ,.
Bold at es great ateallatne aitiore,'Neaso 'Woid
t 4 ' ZS thilit.B2llSll2; doe:11;040i . Beat
Main" • _ •
an. azaiDDIWP 071/Cll Ihr ZENO-
ORRONTO. DuciAßA4llllo /WU ITlRpet4lll4l.l.:9l9Arit49sSlikrik./M4.
lhowa le ,a a. ' 'J