.tt t -.10.t5111# . 41j..0ii0 . .. ism••••••--- MEET AND RINE. . . . 'Katherine Bell and atherine Brown, The prettiest girls in ail the town. Jody as sand. boys, frightfully nice, Ann oh: such elegant cilpp. rs Oct Ice; I can dirt with either in warmer weather. Butw nen it freezes they come togeth , r, And there's Inc trouble—oh, guiding Fates: What shall Ido with these Kates—these Sates: Even at halal manage it prline, For you only dance with one at a time; And K stherme Bell Katherine Cn to frown 1 • At aught that I say tßrown. While Katberine Brown ea never tell _ What it is that I'm saying t Katherine Bell: But this game At the Kink 11l be all check-mates. What shear do with these ates—these Kates: FOr vrldie I skate with one -atharine B. And am '•deatt"ing and •'s eet , ing deli . -et-•ous - lee , The other B. will come up n wing, And tern , 111/Ortg felOW, 1-0 t out for a sting; For neither jest'm a temper lack. • And they're the B.'s to lay-on the whacks; Good st a sell , and high in the-rates— •., lic hat shall Ido with these Kates—these test t • Antuld that Nre lived in liortnon land, -•-. I were an elder, pions and grand'. • 'Then the Bink with its terrors might be 'own' And, in fact. I'd ,un a Rink of my own:- •,- ttr luck lasd.made me the Grand ow n : r, From my Trills. tea-partv I ne'er-weald ir. Here Kees 3 copper: N.ste Brown,. by tie Fates'. Hate Bed, get another to fasten vcrur sh test .—Philpdap to PreBB. NPIEEIMIS_ _ —The heirei of Anneke. Jails are at it again. --Chicago has held an inti.temperturce meeting. .• -Troy, N. Y., intends to have a veloci pede exhibition. Jackson Ville, israising $10,000•for public library. - —sooo a night, is what Patti charges for singing in Paris. —New Yorkers can get oyster soup at five cents a bowl. üblished in —A paper called the Iliad is p Homer, Louisiana. --There are said to be 1,250,000 free masons in the world. —French doctors say electricity is an an . tidote for opium poisoning. —The Pacific Railroad has a station in -Utah called Junctionopolis. -414 d Sine llethua Scheller is still playing at the Salt Lake City theatre. ---Three'new public parks are being- con structed in Liverpool, England. _ , childrens' Christmas party is to take place at the White House • —Millions of oranges'are said ,to be rot ting on the trees in the Bahama , Islands. - -The Parepa-Rosa concert troupe will ' give concerts in New York' and Boston in Jannexy. --New York his produccd a white velvet bridal dress trimmed with $7,000 worth of point lace. —A young man ten years of age has mar ried a young woman of twenty=four. Both , • are Virginians. —The English and French Ministers are Abe guests of - Mr. Seward, during the boll days at Auburn. ' --Numerous dinners were given to news boys, boot -blacks, etc., in New York and -Philadelphia on Christmas. --There are eight;or ten new railway en terprises in Southern_ Illinois. At least seven of,them are under contract. —On Christmas morning George Francis Train arrived in New York and made a speech to such Irishmen as met him. Imp bus and irreverent Yale sopho mores, hazed -Ward 'Beecher's SOIL and shaved all_the hair from the top of his head. --Eastman Johnson's young Mother sold in New York for s4Bo.Shc.cling, isn't it? And she was was all painted, too.--Boston, .Post. —A rich man in Connecticut has left his --, daughter halt his property in case she is not a Roman Catholic on reaching the age of 25. • —Detroit papers are having their periedi ;cal wrangle about circulation." Few papers escape an occasional attack from this dia.. temper. _Germans and negroes had , a desperate light on Christmas eve,'-irt Newark. Five persons were badly injured, and nine 'moves were arrested. —Gallant general Meade wants to get up a Society Of the Army of the Potomac. We know Scarcely any one who so well de serves to get all he wants. —ln Philadelphia,tile night before Chris mas, the family of John M'Donald went to sleep in a cicses room with a coal fire in a stove. All were suffocated. —A. pet hen picked out a' Was tooth, in mistake for a kernel of, corn, from hetween the lips of Stratford lady. Immediate slaughter rescued the incisor.:' : --The latest style of pantaloons has a ernall pocket, back of the right side, called Abe Derringer pocket Thrice is he armed who hath his quarrel just--an.d.carries revolvers. —We don't believe the tion top of the Cathedral spire was as crest some people expected, re ven as crow those neople themselves must —when thus disappointed. —lt is sat 4 that the New York melt Asiuuds Prevention Society a aids palm to Ur. Bonner, as the most dexte] and humane horseman in the con try, the fact, that his trotters are neve beat Exchange. .-so''-everybody did seem to enjoy the 'rink on Christi:rms.': It is suc a l h uxur h y to a'skater, partioularly to those old ones 7o used to depend on the capricious island and be exposed to the piercing blasts which sweep down the river. A citizen of Burlington, Vt., it is said, -- ' has invented a clock that runs by electricity, and never requires winding. rin It has only three wheels, no weights or spgs, and it is claimed that it has little friction, is not affected by heat, cold, dampness or jarring. —A. Boston writer says of ,a singer that Ether intonation is always pure as gold, and her mastery of the portmente, messare di • voce, diatonic and chromatic scales; trills, arpeggiatnra, grupetti and saccati is such as to stamp her an artist of high rank and merit" , • ' _The New York fferakt Wants the gen :. Ilemen who propose giving a complimentary dinner to Admiral Farragut, to forgo that pleasure., and with, the money thus saved purchaSe De Haas' pletire of one of Fara gnVs glorious achievements, and present that to the' old seeking. —We hear that Mitchell is dead. Mitch. • _ ,ell of undying fame. Mitchell upon whose .f P =EI devoted head so many luvenile curses have been, hurled. Mitchell who is the child's ideal of a man, that has been every place and knows everything. Witchell the geography Tan. Peace to his ashes! —Two San Prtincisco policemen tried to arrest a Chinaman. They found it neces-,. sary to leave hiin a moment, and so hand cuffed him with his arms each side of a lamp post. When they returned their prisoner was gone—he had clirrabed up the post and swung his arms over the top. —The Toledo Mufti seems to be wielded by a . champion of unprotected females. Thus it slashes the New York Maii : "No matter svhere Miss Olive Logan as born, she is not thirty years old; and w we hurl back the insinuation of the base-born Bohe mian who first'exaded the slur, with con tempt and scorn." --Christmas Eve passed in Philadelphia about as usual, with . the exception of the horn -blowing, which the Mayor had or dered his police to suppress. Eighth street was about as jammed as ever with a fun making, pushing, raiiked and quaintly cos tumed crowd, but the presence of an unusual force of policemen seems to have prevented all fights and rows. Harvard College, though probably the best endowed college in-America, pay s its .professors so poorly that the alumni have decided to raise half a million dollars by voluntary contributions from graduates and therewith increase .the incomes of those learned gentlemen, whom the Boston Ad vertiser speaks of as in "urgent need," and the Boston Post declares their: condition to bee•clear case of destitution." —1 Michigan preacher is now traveling in'Europe and writing letters to a Detroit paper. He is one of those persons whose acute sense of moral propriety is so shocked by the Pare thought of somoi -- of the most valuable mid least clothed statues and pic tures of foreign collections, that we wonder what can possibly, induce them to leave their homes, where they are safe, and go abroad where they are in constant and al inost certain danger of being shocked. -:-The Boston Bulletin has the following: - Letters of, credit—Cr.' The office-seekerssign —Sinecure. The new back-gammon—The Grecian_ Bend. When is a cane bottomed chair like shill? When you re-seat it, of course. The corrupt associations which prey on the government are called "rings," proba bly because there is no end to them. It is an old joke that the "Bridge of Sighs" is of very small size; but, we believe, a new one, that its architects preferred small sighs to a full grown. Somebody wants r to know if we expect a Christmas or New Year's present this yearhen 'We have had great expectations, but w people begin to talk of the present, we are generally passed. There seeins to be quite a him and cry about fhb . admission of a republican repre sentative from 'Louisiana to Congress. His case, has bee' referred to the committee on elections, and his antecedents are reported to have rather a black look. - "Come in here," said a citizen to osit e a fancy his coun try friend, as they P aused opp goods store; "come inhere and see a statu ette."- _ "See, a statue ate?" said Rusticus, "who's going to eat it?" "Do you believe in specie payment?" in quired Foil Tart of his friend Dewier. "Certainly, there was specie pay mant by the United States when they borrowed the money. ,, "But the money come hard." "Just what I. want," said Dewier, "I want hard money." - i-P"We3l, you have got a hard looking . cur rency already," said Faye Tart, showinga roll of ragged bank notes.to it , "Yes, but we intend to have a ring erelong, sir." - "What, a Treasury ring." "No, sir; a metalic ring." . "Is that marble?" inquired a gentleman pointing to a bust of Kentucky's great states man ; the other day. in a New York store. - "No sir! that's Clay," promptly replied the dealer.. "Hal ha! I'm! good, a model joke —you take the Dpocratic newspapers, I percei bust v; now what material would make a good of a Demdcratic editor?" "Why, the best Marble in tho World, to be sure. . "That may be, for I'm something of a sculptor myself; but then I'm not a Demo ant." "Then 'sir, the best thing you can do is to 'cut' Marble." --1 think "Thank you for the advice, " I had rather cut 'marble' than face 'brick. ____....--4.---0.---------- - ' Nero was a musician; the in of the tree guillotine was a soit:hearted pidlanthropist, and nito::ll7esepiinerrae :s ew & teurneharadctupera. lyric ' • • • on . poet , ./i. manuscript Lath handwriting and a as signed with his full, issue, has just been. found among the posthumous papers of the 6 - ali- old lawyer in Toulouse.. This Robespier. ten - rian raannscript contains' 'a tende rs ion ' in verse, .of which - the following offered ... as a free translation: ' w Tide.) at least in life thero slips -', lersm rnan , s heart i n fanter truth; 'llotber" lisp the 's itps, "1 love thee I" cry the lips of y oath. When the jo f y r bstrhemarothepr ibesa r s , , Loudlt White this meco maiden'sh tears • . Dims a happy eyes. Ab, beware, Bliss dessi This "L love thee" soundeth sweet; Yet it may be 'utilise ear Yonder flattery and deceit, 'who a lover's truth would prove Rode a deeper skill. "I love Take caret , lie that dettela , ASP Is too often false as fair. 'Who feelstetat will mosttapnear 'Prompt of speech; beware of *Nal To thy bean and not thine ear Test of lover , If truth commit. Itextumi est 11013115r12113.11 1= NM A NEN Yonn report says: The newsud- ok the srispension of - Messrs. Lathrop, L ington & Co., was received this morning with surprise mingled with regret. During a period of twenty years this house has stood among the foremost ' 3obbers in the trade, having passed through thelroubles of 1857, and the disturbances incident to the war without even suffering a Protest or ask ing an extension for a single da Their y. business for, the last eight years has been large, and has been conducted with pru dence and commercial sagacity; but the steady feting off of uices, and the aggre gated failures of. their customers in the West and South,, has been Auu much fOr them, and they have reluctantly been obliged to snspend. We are informed that a state ment of their affairs will be , laid;before their creditors at the earliest moment. _ - PITTSBURGH GAZETTE: Tri vrit I,irwitGT . so osissz }ups wass arrpicial , TBETIL 888 OBBIBBIDeI A rur.,L, am 808 Sis . t 1 AT DR. . SCOTT'S s FENN MIMES. SD DOOB ABOVE. BAND. ALL WOKS WASS/LIFTED. CALL ANDBI. 3 erscussais OF OBBIIINS .kli C. 1 IMll:der ~,,, I ELDON & KELLY, lidannfanturers and Wholesale Dealers in amps, Lanterns, Chandeliers AND LAMP GOODS. Also, CARBON AND LIIBRICATING OILS. 13r.ti#22ENTE, . - In l&assachnsetts they propose to system atize their agricultural fairs, showing at eounty seats the choice from each town,l the and at the Eitate exhibition the pick of al county fairs._ liiiIMMOLPT" PAIN I GAS 'FLSTURES N 0.14.7 -Wood Street. se9:lX. Between fith and 6th iNennee. PIANOS. ORGANS. &O. irlf TUE BEST AND CHEA P BEST PIANO AND OBGA)T. , Sehomacker's Gold Nodal Piano, AND ESTEY'S COTTAGE ORGAN. Tim scRoItAcERR. PIANO eornbines all the latest valuable improvements known in the con struction of a lest elms Lustrument and has always been awarded the highest premium wherever ex hibited. Its tette is full. be auty, : The workanaulitilD. for durability and auspaas all others.' -1" times from PO to $l5O, (wording to style mid finish, ) cheaper than all other so-called first class Piano. • ESTERS COTTAg/R ORGAN Stands at the head of all reed instruments-1n pro ducing the most perfect pipe quality of tone of any similar instrument in the United States. It Ls MM. ple and compact in construction, and not liable to get Out of order. CARPENTER'S PATENT ' , NOM 11011 ANA. TREMOLO" is only to be found in this Orion • Price from $lOO to $550. All guaranteed for five years. BAER, SNAKE & WATTLE% Ito. KSST.IR TEE T• PIANOS AND ORGIALNS—An en tire new sto-k of SNARE'S UNRIVALLED PIANOS; RAINES BROS., PIANOS: PRINCE & CO'S ORGANS AND MELODEONS and TREAT, LINSLEY Ja..0043 ORGANS AND MELODEONS. _ ONAttiaoTwri Burnt. , 43 Flfth avenue; Sole &gent. • CONFECTIONERIES. PraCtiMil Cook, temsaetfhlly sanonnees to .the public that beCtl OD Saturday and Monday Next ) Open tb the public the DELMONICO I2 ESTAU RANT, FOE GENTLEMEN ONLY. `lt will he 'his earnest endeavor to furnish his pa• trots st all times with the most palatable viands which the market or the season affords. The LIQUORS, WINES of various dates, XL'S., BEER etc , will be their own recommendadon. Orders for fine Cooking for Weddings, and other Festivals, will,' .as heretofore, be promptly and cheaply attsnded to, requesting patronage. ocS:yo3 14. RUIL . (4.1110110 E BEATEN, ‘‘-'n ILAZICIRACTIZAZR OP MUM CANDIES AND TArrres,. And dealer in an kinds of FRUITS, NUTS, PICK. LES, SAUCES. JELLIES, !tn. IreDISRAZ ST.. AUsetenv. BIEitCHANT TAILORS. BTIE6EL, „_ , . CLatoi 'Cutter with W. Elespenheldej DEEXICEr T.A..11-AYEto No. 53 SraithAeld Street, Pittsburg)? se26:l2l_____—.......emi NTRIF FALL GOODS. A eplendld new stone o CLAYX9EKS. CASEIMIZEIMISoko Jost received by ElEatitlf NETER. .el 4: Iderch althileld "reel. SEWING TOE GREAT AMERICAN COM.• BINLTION. BUTrON•nars OrERMI llie AND SEWING NIA.CEINZ IT lIAB BO TATIBLI , lIIG assourrEtir Tar. Ban riailvz MI NE IN TAN: 17( 1 .:ALD_ , _AND IN -2 lACIII TRINBIOALLY 'LSE ClolEe.rpT. /prAgento wa5:4454110 Bell thl0 1 .-moe. CHAS. Ann Oorner FIFTH A.n Biehardson,s Jew. WAIaL PAPE • z NE"' AL PAP For Maio, Parlors and! era; 3rciw 014141.1i6, 1O! Market 'St., near ifth Ave., JOS. R. HUGTIV. - &•BRO. I! 13 DYER AND EICO RR, HO "NCE9 DYER; AND SCO =go. S ow. m - Earr andlos.:lBs and 187 Tblrd Street-t2.--%f?::1 COAL ANDS COKE. COAL!. COAL!! COAL!!! DICKSON STEWART 11 • C0., .0.ing removed their Onlce to I NO, 607.1...1333D1MY IErrNMEIr, (lately pity Flour Nun) escoTTD 1.1.0011. Are pow prepared to furnlA ;pod YOUGIFIQEitiIt- NY LUMP, IIIUT COAL on, BLACK, at the lowest reorket price. All order!q. left st. their °floe or addressed to them throug h the mal, wil l be attended to promptit, TOBACCO AND CIGARS. "VOSILSIOR WOUILS. 11. a W. JI3INICINSO rg o XlAutikostuere and Dealero "label 0, Snug,, Cigars, Pipes, &is., "l : 8 7gplr BT.. ALLILGIMAT RARE &RIMER, A-ItClirr'ECTS, • Isurr setn3B AsBOOLVIIINg BUILD/lie% /r*a. Saud& Bt. Clair Street Pittainurati Pa. Special attention given to the designing and buildinii of , COMM 11011BIC8 and rutua 81:11WINGS. TtESDAL DECEMBER 29, 1938. IVlWitil.:',.,l:..VatlStl.T. ... 'NO. - :19 . FIFTIUTEITE, THE NEW SIURT, "LE PANIER PERFECTION," 6 .THE FAVORITE." "THE rorut.AE,,, "THE RECEPTION, _ THOMPSON'S TWIN spursti, _"vvnic4ED ZEPHYR," "GLOVE FITTIN," CORSETS AND PAP BST "PANIERS." THE NEW GORED OVER SKIRT, "BELLE ,HELENE," richly embroidered; an elegant street or Skating Skirt. RICK RIBBONS FOR BOWS, SCARFS AND SAsHES. _ ROMAN STRIPES AND PLAIDS. ' SATINS. all shades +lnd widths: FLOWERS. PLUMEs, HATs AND BONNETS. LADIES A.1 6 .1D CHILDREN'S 3IARINO UNDER - WEAR, The richest and latest novelties in GIMPS; FRINGES AND BUTTONS. We especially direct attention to the great excel. lance of the HARRIS SEAMLESS (Bouillon) SID GLOVES" over all othersi. and for which we are the Sole Agents. A complete line of GENTLEMEN'S "STAB" SHIRTS, SUSPENDERS,. GLOVES, HA.LF HOSE, itIiDERIOURTs AND DRAWERS. sELLIN all FOR LOCKWOOD'S PAPER GOODS, and all other popular makes. SL CARLISLE, NO. I 9 FIFTH AVENUE n 0 2 ,5 AITERRY OIRISTIA.S! NEW GOODS FOR THE HOLIDAY DENNISON 6i, MEM, I NO. 27 "FIFTH AVENUE, Have just received a large and judiciously assorted stock of EMLAIMISO S, BROIDERI ES, TB gid Gloves. Handkerchief., Slipper Patterns. Zephyr Goods, Scarfs and Gents Furnishing Goods. and Notions generally. A splendid selection is afforded lit special novelties sultsOle for HOLIDAY PRESENTS, • to selitch, the attention of lady readers Ls specially PRICES MARKED DOWN. BARGAINS IS ALMOST"ViIIRITHANO. REAL REIS. STITCH. all Linen. HANDEER - CHIEFS, 11e, IL9c, SSG and upwards. TAPE BO AL Elilt.D LIN EN HANDKERCHIEF S 6Me, Se to 50e. - All oar HATS at crle-hilf regular pricea. All the new BALMORAL SKIRTS and Bradley" latest•styles of HQOY SILIENS, at the Lowest Prices In the City, GENTS , IMEINO VEST and DRAWEES, 40e to 11.5,0 0 . AT EATON'S, . No. 17 'Fifth AVelalle. deb_ . , -.woo bIACEENE I3 . C. B- _'P' • t ter 'Western Pe nsylwards. , D' MATIEJIT ST •• ' ETB, e M ve: Store. N PITTSBIIIteII. P► AIWEaVik ) TS. LACEIERY, GDS HOSOO DENNISON a HECKERT, 1:43. sior GLASS, CHINA. CUTLERY. 100 WOOD STREET. HOLIDAY GIFTS. FINE VASES, BOHEMIAN AND CHISA, BLEW STYLES, DINNER SETS CIFT CUPS• SMONING SETS, A urge stoclr. of isuaTEß ,- rum ciooD of all deooriptioos Oda. Lad we:fee Call and exam e ntneeeefuLlgooo de suited. Sa tisfied 11 0 on R. E. BREED & CO 100 WOOD STREET• MECEIANWAL z DWI w, "" ES A...,.........1•••••"••• -' - • - pi ESC EV AL BECKETT, . j 6 . ' ritEMIANICIAL EXGINEI3I2, And Solicitor of Potente. Illaw-of P. Y.-W. &0. P.Mlymio.) office, No. 79 rE.Dira..a. STREET Room No. II I I ill% 1 1 3 I IS:RRl,lrixillteticgtiteaYfig: riL.A.sT lEUEINVIMIndROIO,ING Z.' MUM. YR OS Airmailed. Particular attention paid to de signing COLLIERY LOCOMOTIVES. Patents °car Identially solialted. Sir An EVENING DRAW IR 0 uT.S.Sslor mechanics every WEDNESDAY MONT. . . antsTIPP CEMENT, SOAP STONE, &a• ,IIYDRMILIC CYMT DRAIN Rt. Chestiest and best Pipe In tae market.. Also BO , BENOALE 11YDItAl3LIC 0,51.0 , 11 T for sale. B. a O. A. BROCILIFT.* CO. Olkee and Manufactory—WU) aztrucoi. Allegheny. ear Orders by mall ( prourtly tleTlr - • •m• • I I • VOIEST„COMDION„ - " Machine Stone Works, 2fort4weat corner of Went COMIIIOII, Allegheny. ' , • IPHICIIVIL ATITAMSIO. IA 00. flave on hand or Oepare on shoat notice Hearth and dteß Stones ITlals tor sidevalke, Brewery Vax Ac. ac. Reid atm Tornbiltones, its. ere nroina v Altairstpl.: Prtnell mO4lllOlO . . VOll SALE', • FINE HEEDi WHEAT, .AT 349,148E97r ST. } fig lIITOOCOOR. McCILBERY a CO. 5•. .... ," ICITTMNG EXTRA HEAVY Barred Mama A VERY LARGE STOOK, rpm' Ofrered, IN GOOD STYLES. VELROY, - DICKSON & CO. IN'HOLE , SALE =tortsr Grcocopts, 040 WOOD STREET. . x , i ,.. 4 4 P r 4 14 A a H H' - F4 rce: 0 41 V I S P-4 I 4 " a .a . Il i ; 4 ,PI ' 53 1111 -d 0 14 . ' a P. il NI; a E-i t A -4 "of 0 2 z c.i 1, E-4 ;12 w. W-1 g P c ; v 04 til % 41 Pli . ..1 0 ra a 0 .1. F- til- 4st 04 Da 4r. -1 111 01 id pi re W 72 0 0 iP ;:: PI - X I rr4 a - i L 0 % 5a o . 0 A 1' ri „ Q i ,02 Fi 0 *'4 DRY GOODS FOR THIRTY-DAYS ONLY, TEL SETS, THEODORE T. PHILLIPS, I i1168.--------- - NEW GOODS. NEW . ALPACCAS. i .. NEW NEOIUDEI. I ' BLAbIIL SILKS. 1!!!!1 STONE• 54. Arr TO CLOSE STOCL 87 11fARIEBT STREET. HOSIERY and GLOVES. SOTJCSIC, ur No. 168 Tqlle Street. ja 166. 168. , McCANDLESS & CO ABB (late Wilson, Our & 0c0.,) " WDOLDSALZ DZALDDS 'Almelo and Domestic Dry Goods, Ho. 94 WOOD FITBIL 9 T. Third door above Diimoad FITTeSIMIL PA. KIM ;BAKERIES• SUPERIOR TO IMBUED IN MB CITY. OYSTER, WATER, BETTER, SUGAR, SODA, CREAM, SCOTOR LEMON BISCIITa. For Sale by Every Grocer in the City Bakery,,No.9l Liberty St. nol2 SE;S AND BATTING. 101COVIEEN BELL & 1 - 113 - ANCHOR COTTON MILLS. r iTTsui:m4ari. Wino Weis of HEAVY MEDIVJL and LIGHT AN(111011 AND DAGNOIJA. 'art.ICTINGS AND BATTING. Nlr u" ItEDUCTION. OUR RIOrLA.B. DirCOSBY.B. CLEARAns SALE iduow fully BB inaugurate d. at prices. that se— cure BE rrEE BAR THAN 8e.. . FOBE, in CA-13:17nedi1 S 9 . • Olt CLOTHS, MATTINCS, &C., Good Carpets ,for 25 e,ents a Yard. OLIVER I M'CLINTOCK AND COMPANY, No. 23 Filth Street. IEt]EI:PIUC7CICYN- ! CARPETS, cmic,grmi 5, eco.o tea. We offer our stock at reduced prices for a SHORT TIME before stock. commencing : to ta Now is the time to buy. BOVARD, ROSE & CON, zl FIFA AVENUE. de4:dkw 7 Al rITITLAVIENTrE. , WeiLON BROTHERS; MD MING. SALE OF C.A.2:UP 3 E 9 CE I.. TREMENDOUS REDUCTION For Cash, 'TIL WE TAEE STOCK WCALLUX BROTEERS. 4i14 DECEMBER, 186 S. FOR THI S M DAYS ONLY. SMITS AT RETAIL - LESS THAN WHOLESALE PRICES. We offer FOB A. FEW WEEKS ONLX our goods at a large reduction fiom regd. lar rates. Our stock is full and comPlete in all departments, and we shall sell the best qualities and styles of Carpets at pri. f ees at which we cannot replace them, giving our customers an opportunity of obtaining bargains that may nerer be of. fered again. This special sale will cone tinue only until the time of takintour aa. anal inrentory of stock at the end of this month. ELAND & COLLINS, lier.A Nos.'s 11 and 13 'Fifth Avenue. da DRUGS AND CHEMICALS, BIM MR COWL An infallible remedy for EIIMICter Colavlaint, Diar. rhea, Dyaenierf, - Vomiti n g. 8 " : bt°l3lßeji a" Chelers Xorbus. DR.-1111111S' Mill? 'COB, St A specific (O!br Ch olera. Croatia and rain it omach. for sale by 11WO:at; & -*EWING, , Corner of Liberty and Wayne Slaves, PURE WHITE LEAD DicCODS VIIM)Ma GUEEN, 711.1 3 tg.g1Mit'Illi l '1 „ t u, l , n e ttot e g a: n rr g ill) more perfect satisfeon emu ariv, pant 131 . . , W. NACHEOWN & 8U0.,t WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, 1 AND 11,IANZTACTIIIIIIIS OF Carbon Coll. MOVED TO NO. IA LIBERTY STBart WEIGHTS' AND' MEAS lii M A.cirmerts von 3. SCHOONMER & SON'S AND YITT6BIIBI3H~ PENI`A NOlite Lead, Wißdow Glass &Iva Glossware 4, snafaciurere priceb- - del? alsEr B. LYON, Sea,or of Weights and MettStireS; No. FOITSTR =SET, tßetween Liberty and 'rani! EtteetB Ord trs bromptiv sttende4 to BAIR AND PERFUIVIDRY. .1101I:ar i l Ant' etree W t. °agues' ESvltANDlineldi:ErilltlrtsErilniargl4o. .14111:11, IN PECK_,' Ornamentatilla mway. on band. a general asoottment or WIG% B&NDS, CURLS; Gantlemen;sat ilTs. PRIM BOALPB. °MARI) C HAINS sr At, good P ri ce In es& w be given Hl.lll. Ladles , and Gentlemen's Dal OnttlngZAb2 el-Il ia d- the 13.e6a.e0; manner. ~ R