The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, December 29, 1868, Image 1

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VOLU • . . r • . '...
. • •
The Conference on the Oriental
Question-6reeks Fleeing from
- - Turkey—Cortez Election's in
Spain--NaJority of Republi
cansChosen—Reports from Par
aguay.• South America—Lopez
'Wining to:Make Reparation to
United States for Outrages Coin-
Telegraph to the Plttetrurgh Gazette.)
Lormois, December 28.—The Times and
Standard, in editorials on the proposed con
ference to settle questions at issue between
Turkey and Greece, condemn the confer
ence as useless. -
The Independence Beige says the pros
pects of a conference are reassuring.
, A. dispatch • from Athens, dated' last
• - Thursday, says the Foreign Minister of
Greece has officially declared that'his gov
ernment is ready to make any sacrifice for
\ the maintenance of her rights and inde
• pendence.-
• The Star this morningcent condemns and the
Standard approves the re action of the
British authorities at Nankin.
Sir Reid Maynes, who made himself no
, torions not long since by breaking up Sun
, - day meetings in Hyde Park, died yester
VIENNA, December2&.--ahe.Grecians are
fleeing from Turkeyiati:aetiMat of the
threatened war. Several families of fug'.
tives have been received by the people of
Motu:mini& Theyhave been warned, how
• ever, that they must preserve absolute
.• neutrality in case of war, on pain of expnl.
The Canatitutionnel, semi-official organ,
publishes a •telegram from Vienna an
nouncing that the Porte will decline to ad
here to the proposed conference on the
terms of. his Greece in the
matter of Crete, or international. questions
The following dispatch, dated Censtanti
noplo 26th, is receivcd Vhe provinces are
tranquil. The' Turkish " Commander,
mil, has arrived before Syria.
Lovrborr, December 28.—A letter from
Montevideo says President Lopez, of Para
gnav, is prepared to accord full satisfaction
to, the United States for the wrongs suffered
by American citizens. it is also stated he
was about to leave Villeta for Asminclon.
ti .The allies were surprised in an advance on
Ascuncion, and lost olnehnndred prisone rs.
lltueue, December 27.—via Lorigen,Dee.
. 28.—The Government is taking measures to
•; ' reduce 'the Budget for the ensuing year.
. , Emelie Castellar, the well known Republi
can, says the Republic has been morally
formed ah•eady in Spain, as the Republican
party carried - all the great cities in the
coyintry, except Madrid, in the elections.
4 BEnia - sr, December 28.—The Prussian
Government received on Christmas day an
invitation - from Emperor Napoleon to the
?,-,`• • , Paris (Amferetice.
Pam% December 28:—The French Chain
bars wilt assemble bn January 18th. •
, •
QUEENSTOWN, December 28.—The steam
ship Columbia, which has been reported
missing, liaa arrived here under sall,having
lost her propeller,- '
430611texprow, December 28 .- The steam
or Rhein arrived yesterday.
Q,unsaarowar, December 28.—The steam
er City of New York arrived yesterday.
QtrEnnsfrowzr, December 28—Theateam
ship Nebraska, from New York, has ar
Lozsrnox, December 28.—Consois 92%
Accounts 92%. Bonds quiet and steady a
74 1 'Stocks quiet; Erie, 263 i; Illinois`, 95
LIVERPOOL, December 23.-" Cotton quiet
.Sales 12,900 bush California wheat at lls
and red western 9s. 6d. Flour, 26cqi.265.
ad. for common grades. Other articles nn
Theatrical Change--Notorions Ruffian
Killed—Muscatine, lowa—Accident' to a
Sallor--Death on the Cars,
Cuicmio, 28th.—Frank E. Aiken, mane
ger of Wood!' a Museum, has leased the new
Dearborn Theatre, which was opened two
weeklagii. The actors complain of being
swindled out of their wages by the bank
rupt managers.
- Cornelius Brown, a notorious ent-throat
and ruffian, was shot dead ou Satnrday, by
Peter Doyle, in a saloon in. Lemont', in
this county. The Coroner'sjury partially'
exonorated Doyle, and heavy bail will not
be exacted. The deceased has resided
twice in the State prison.
According to Mayor Kien, the population
of Muscatine, lowa, is 1,900, and the as.
sensed value of property $2,614,053.• •
About midnight a drunken sailor, named
'Charles' Lawson, fell from a prop ellor ly
lag at this port, and was rescued from the
water insensible. He died within an hour
afterwards. •
Moses Stetson. fifty years of age, got
- aboard artrain at Cordova this morning ap
parentlY well, but died from congestion of
the brain before the train reached Port
Confession of a Female Poisoner—Another
Mrs. Grinder.
I [By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh earette•T •
NEW YORE, December 28.—1 n Lafajette,
Sussex county, New Jersey, a ' widow
White made a confession just previous to
her death, on Saturday, which horrified
the town. Behig a member of 'the Metho
' dist church, she sent for some of her fellow
members to attend her in her dying hour,
and to them she confessed that about seven
years ago she poisoned her infant child,
and that it died, and a year afterwards she
poisoned her husband's, father, and he too
died. Later still; on the return of her hos.
bami from the army, she_dealt to him also
a> fatal poison. The woman had borne a
good character. The only reason;assigned
for making this dying confepslon was her
desire to rid tier conscience of the load of
crime prior to her death. She was perfect
-, y sane up to the time of her decease. -
An Apology from Mr. Gladstone—French
Cable Company—Panama Ship Caual_
Court Cases—Dinner at Delmonico 9 s.
(By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.)
NEW YORK, December 28, 1868.
A letter from Right Hon. W. E. Glad
stone, dated August Bth, 1867, to C. Edward -
Lestor, is published. He says : With re
spect to the opinion 1 publicly expressed
at a peribd during the war, that the South .
had virtually succeeded in achieving its in
dependence, I could not be surprised or
offended if the expression of such an opin
ion at such a time had been treated in your
work much less kindly than the notices I
find at pages 529 and 533. I must , confess
I was wrong, that I took too' much upon
myself in expressing such an•opinion. , '. My
sympathies were then where tbey had long
before been, where they are noW, with the
whole American people.
It appears the French Cable Company
has bought from Leigh at Howard, of this
city, a charter granted by the Legislature
of - this State, conferring on them a valua
ble telegraph franchise. Rut of the pur
chase money was conditioned upon the pro
curement of the opinion of Chief 'Justice
Chase, to the effect that the charter confers
the exclusive right to lay and work cables
between the shores and islands. of New
York and France, so that no future act,
either of the Legislature of the State or of
the Congressof the United States, can limit
that right or authorize any one else to in
terfere with its enjoyment. Tho Chief Jus
tice declined to give such opinion, and rec
ommended that B. R. Curtis be tried. From
him and from Mr. Everts unsatisfactory
opinions were received. The Com
pany% neat made a trial of Rev
erdy Johnson and procured his opin
ion in a banquet speech. In the course of
his remarks our Minister said he would re
mind his friends belonging to the Empire
of France of the aid which they rendered
to America in the revolution. Their gov
ernment did not differ much from England
in the great principles upon which it was
founded; they had made each State sover
eign and each was left in undisturbed pos
session of their own territory. Therefore
-he could not understand how the doubt had
risen. What the company wanted altogeth
er, he did not precisely know, hut he sup
posed they wanted as much as they could
get; but if they wanted to carry their wires
into Maryland, and gat permission of the
State, no one could hinder them from going
The Evening /bat has a report that Mr.
Cushing has been :.sent to Bogota to close
the contract fur a canal across the Isthmus
towards which, it is said, our government
is ready to promise a guarantee of a million
dollars, probably a part of the sum needed
for a survey. The !bat says It. Is asserted
Gen. Grant has been consulted" about the
Panama ship canal,
e nd is warmly in favor
of the scheme. It is said he thinka its
speedy construction necessary to_ preserve
our commercial and naval , supremacy and
our empire in the Pacific.. It is rumored
Mr. Cushing has been examining maps, to
report upon the most feasible line of canal,
and he is convinced the canal must be built
at or very near the line of the present Pan
ama railroad and that the Canal Company
and the Railroad ought to be one.
"-- Judge Nelson has vaciated his order StaY
ing the proceedings in tlie -. Fuller,isee; but
has directed the argument to quash indict
ment, or any similar proceedings, shall be
had until after the trial, when a motion for
arrest of judgment or any similar motion
can be heard, if the defense desire.
In the U. S. District Court, before Judge
Blatchford, the Stevenson . cotton case, in
volving about *
one million dollars worth of
cotton,was to hafe come on for trial, but
the Government asked an adjournment
l i
u til next month on account of the absence
of important testimony. The case was
fin llv set for January sth, with the under
sta ding that if the Government was not
th n ready the case was to be dismissed.
. B. Roosewelt, of the New York CI gave an elegant dinner at Delmonico's
thi evening to Hon. Eugene Casserly,Sen,
atO '.
elect from California. Other guests
ive l e present; Including members of the
New York press, who were invited with a
view of making Mr.Casserly's acquaintance.
A lileasant social evening was passed.
Spe ,
Speeches were made by the host, by the
chief guest, Mr. Cower ; and 1 by Wm.
Cullen Bryant, Horace ereelev, Chas. A.
Dana. John Bigelow, Mayor elect Oakey
Hall, Col. F. A. Conkling, Hen. Erastus
Brooks, Hugh Hastings, J. W. Simonton
John Swinton, Messrs. Sedley, Herrick and
others. Mr. Casserly, in the course of his
reinarks, alluded to the arrest of S unnel
Bowles, and said that the man who com
mitted such an outrage upon the liberties
of the press would yet have reason to rue
his temerity.
Blaisdell and Eckel case is to come
on for trial to-morrow.
Arrived, steamship Weser from Bremen.
Unknown Saielde—Resiguaßon of a Pen
sion Agent... Extravagant ity Expetull.
tares—fienatorkd QueStlon.
lßy Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.]
ST. LOUIS, December 28.—A German,
name unknown, was found dead, yester,
day morning, hanging by the neck In the
. barn of Benjamin C. Clements, nine Miles
from this city.
General E. B. Brown, United States Pen
sion Agent in this city, has sent in his res
ignation, to take effect February ist.
A meeting of Germ
residing in the
lower wards of the city has been called to
take action in connection with the extrava
gant expenditures of the city government,
as set forth in the recent report of a coun t
Senators - Drake and Enriderson and Gen.,
Loan, Representative from the Seventh dis
trict, arrived here on Saturday last from
Washington. Gen. Loan passed directly
through tolls home in St. Joseph. A let
ter from Ulishington is published which
asserts that these gentlemen have entered
into a combination and have gone home to
work against the election of Gen. Schurz
for the U.S. Senate.
The weather continues very , mild, and
navigation South will probably be resumed
ffairs in Cuba.
[By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.
ELaveace,- December 28.—The following
intelligence is published in the Dietro: On
account of the scarcity of provisions in San
tiago the people are emigrating to Kingston.
The suffering of the poorer classes contin
ues. Grinding _sugar on plantations and
gathering the coffee crop in the vicinity of
Santiago are prevented by the presence of
the insuirectionists.
Ofleial repor,ts of the battle near Holguin
are confirmed. The Diciro says tho insur
rectionists confess their loss was Live hun
dred and their only two cannon. Small
bands of revolutionists have made their ap
pearance in the vicinity of Gibara. Count
Vahnezada's column, is advancing from
Nuevitas icithe interior. No reports of en
gagements have been received.
Intelligence from St. Domingo's received
that the government troops had defeated
the insurrectionists at Lasmatas. The elec
tion for Vice President and Senators is pro
fOl7ll O'CIAZIICIC. A. 111.-
Generar Grant--Arkny Officers to
beAtetired-wAttempt to Assassi
My Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] :
WASHINGTON, December 28, 1868.
Will leave — - this city. Weaitettdap
for Baltiinore, where he will Amain until
Thursday,, ;then leave for Philadelphia,
spending Nevi Year's day in the latter city.
There Gen. Grant will be the guest of Mr.
From information xeceived by a member
of the ; Committee appointed by the
Convention at Jackson, Miss., to urge be
fore Congress the admission of that State
to the iUnion, it appears an attempt had
made to assassinate Gen. McKee, who
was elected, as a Republican, to Congress
from the Fourth District of Mississippi.
The following is the dispatch:
"Natchez, December 27.—8i1l Hewitt and
others attempted last night to assassinate
General McKee, on the steamer Lee. Mc-
Kee was slightly wounded; Hewitt severe
ly. General Dudley, military commander
of the post, is investigating the matter.
. [Signed.) MORGAN."
Senator Morton is preparing a reply to
certain newspapers which have assailed his
recent speech. • •
Congressmen are preparing speeches on ,
the financial question, among them General
Butler, who will oppose resumption of
'specie payment. • . , - - ,
A special states: Pre Mont Johnson, it
is understood, intends re iring all army, of
ficers over" sixty-two ye rs of age among
whom are Adjutant Lore zo Thomas, Pay
master Genera ,Brice and Brigs d ieigreneral
St. George Cooke, .
Murders by Negroes—Arrest of an Ex-
Bans President.
fly Teleprapti to the Pit'tsburgheazette.]
MEMPHIS, December 28.—A negro named,
Lewis Street shot another Cabric Vox, on
Pigeon Roast road, yesterday, killing him
instantly. Street was firing a pistol reck
lessly. Cox asked him to quit, when he,
turned, and shot him through the - head.
He was arrested and lodged in , -
On Christmas a negro named John Buil
murdered and robbed another named
George Beggs,near Bartlett, on the Mem-,
phis and Louititrille Railroad,! and then
Vaced his bodY On the track where it was
rehoveribrifirVia-:--H-e-therf proceeded to
the house of William Miller, set the gin
house on'fire and concealed himself benind
a rosebush with,atr - axe; as, he ,afterwards
confessed, for thepnrpose of killing. Miller
when'he came out,. He was discovered and
traced in the snow by the citizens, black
and white. and hung to a tree.
Geo. B. Rutter, President of the late Ten
nessee National Bank, was arrested yester
day by an officer from ' Nashville, on a
charge of, embezzling the school funds of
the State to the amount of nearly three
hundred tnsand dollars. Some rich de
velopments are expected in connection with
the matter, involving officials of high au
thorit3r. He was taken to Nashville last
night for 'trial.
Proposed - Extension of Cincinnati.
(By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh liazette.l
CINCINNATI, December 28.—Lcgal coon
eel have prepared a bill to be presented to
the State Le i gislature enabling - this 'city to
extend her boundaries. The proposed ex
tension will add about thirty square miles
to the corporation. Other bills giving
city authority. to use money for the pro
jected improvements, also a petition to so
change the State Constitution that the city
may make appropriations for construct
ing railroads, are prepared. Council will
act on' there' to-morrow and arrange for
bringing the matter before the State Legis
lature. •
Central America News.
LB" Telegreoh to the rlttebareh Gazette.)
NEw Yothr,liecember 214.—The steamer
Alaska, from Aspinwall on the 20th, brings
$75,691 in treasure. ,
The gunboat Yantic had returned to As
pinwall from Carthage, where she landed .
Caleb Cushing, and reports the yellow fever
prevailing at Santa Martha and Paranquil.
President Dumas, of Salvador, has been
re-elected. i
An attempt to overthrow the provieiona
government of Costa Rica was discovered,
and the author, General Salazar allowed to
resign his office of coMtnandedn-chief.
Mob Law In Tennesse4 Denounced.
tßy Tele4m:lh to, the Pittebutip Gazette.l
NASHVILLE, December 28.—A mass meet
ing of citizens of Gales 'county was held at
Pulaski, Thursday, and resolutions adopted
condemning the late slnstances of mob law
in that county and declaring that the law
must and shall be enforced against all
offenders. Leading men of all parties par
ticipated. It Is believed that this meeting
will prevent any further violation of law
by mobs in Gales, as the people are deter
mined to uphold the civil authority.
Great Billiard Match.
[By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.)
NEW Tonic, December 29.—The great
billiard match for $l,OOO a side, French
carom game, three hundred points up, came
off at the Academy of Music, last night,
before a large and respectable audience.
The game was close and exciting and was
eventually won by Foster by four points,
The game did not terminate until one
o'clock this morning.
—lt is stated that General Grant expressed
himself opposed to turning 'non out of of
fice merely for opinion's _sake. The pnr
pose.,of his administration will be the faith
, fat performance of the duties of his
great office; to see that the laws • are
carried out; that honesty and economy pre
vail in the public service, and that ail the
officers are capable and efficient men. If
an officer In the public service has shown a
peculiar fitness for his position and evidence
of his ability to perform its functions in the
highest degree of exopllenoe and with_ hon
esty Of purpose "no matter what his political
opinions mayatie, it Would be improper to
replace that officer with ono who could, at
least, perform the duties no better. I
' -
Curtis; Grand Seereiary of the
Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows, died sud
denly at Philadelphia, on Saturday, of
apoplexy. lie was also a prominent Mason.
—Patterson's woolen mills, at Durham,
Canada, were destroyed by lire on Satur
day'Aight. Loss $20,000.
—4 Cheyenne dispatchrerts the In
dians running off, horses and - mules from
the neighborhood of Laporte.
testimony in 'the Twitchell-Hill
homicide case, at Philadelphia, it was ex
' Tedted'worild be conclndedlast evening.
—Mary McDonald, a young woman, was
suffocated with coat gas in her sleeping
chamber, in Philadelphia, on Sunday night.
=Hon: John Mason" Williams, formerly
(Thief Justice of the Common Pleas. died
y morning at New Bedford, Conn.,
pneral Stoneman has ordered the'
Mijibr of Riehnitoml,'Va.; td hold in
&WY Anderson,Wholtat recently released
.13yikagge Vuderwoo'
Sit" take Wispatch , ..states that the
CentralPacillo Railroad:was completed to
the hundred , ' and r iterenty•firsf•mile
pog, otl Saturday last. •
Moe and news ellogg Hrobmouse
bui an
ld d
ing, contentats,
Ba Postht
Steuben connty, N. Y.,1 were burned on
Monday morning. Loss 550,000.
—lt is stated the Danish goiernment is
disposed to insist on the Drifted States ac
ceding to the Danish West India Posses
sions; bargained for by Mr. Seward.
secure a settlement of e
the Alabama
claims Question, but that Reverdy Johnson
has caused most of the trouble of late.
—Action has been taken in City Council
of Buffalo looking to the building of an in
ternational bridge over Niagara river, con
necting Buffalo with the Canada shore.
'— . l*chemica analsis of the brandy and
whisky sold at l
leadin y g,hotels in New lork
city shows that they are composed of two-
thirds water, the other third being tannin,
fusil oil and sugar.
have Instru—The City Council of Springfield,
t Mass.cted the Mayor to invite Gen. ,
Grant to visit that city and inspect the Uni
ted States Armory, during his expected
visitto New England.
Erieon the Rochester divibion
of theßailway was thrown from the
track yesterday evening near Blood's sta
tion. No damage was done, beyond the
delay of the train and slaughter of two or
three cattle.
—lt is expected that the Washington
street tunnel, connecting the southern and
western portions of Chicago, will be open
to the public on New 'leer's day. i The
last -:brick was laid on Monday. The
total cost of the tunnel will be /330,000.
—Major William Taylor, one of the vet
erans of 1812, died at his residence in
Franklin avenue, Brooklyn, of general de.
bility, on Monday. He was a soldier in the
war of 1812; also in the Mexican war. He
was, at the time of his death. seventy-two
years'old, and leaves &wife and child, - the
latter one year old.
—The Supreme Court of ()vomit% has
given aidecision suiitaining the decision of
the lowernourt, which held that thaton
stileration of a note given for borrowed
Confederate money was a good and valid
one:. : The plea was the failure of the Con
ration and that •Confederate money
w aralli; money, not money or any
o rthing of value.._,. j‘: ,iZAtt .I.Z . - 4:4. _ .
• .
Markets by Telegraph.
Nnw ORLEANS, December 28.—CottCh
stiffer; middlings, 23;023%c; sales, 9,000
bales; receipts, 7,811 bales; exports, 4,100
bales. Sugar active and firmer; common,
ila 93 / 4 c; prime, 12.141112%c; yellow clarified,
121ia123;c. Molasses active and firm; com
mon, 54a60c: prime, 64866 c; choice, 68a70c.
Flour; low grades scarce and firm; super
fine, $7,50; double extra, 57,62a7,75; treble
extra, '158a8,50. Corn 'quiet at 78c. Oats;
none on landing; quoted at 69a70c from
store. Bran, 11,40. -Hay easy; prime, 826 a
27. Pork dull at $ 2 3,50. Bacon Scarce;
shoulders, 14e; clear rib sides, 1814 c; clear
sides, 19a1934e; hams, 17a18c. Lard firm;
Hero>, 18 1 ,01834 c; keg, 19a1914c. Whiskey
quiet; - western rectified. $1,17. Coffee firm;
fair, 14301431 c; prime, 163017 c.
ALBANY, December 28.—Cattle market
opened with a small supply and limited
inquiry, but at y, a c per pound higher
than last week,•with sales to-day of about
700 head at 5a6 for State and Canada stock;
7sB for fair; 81093; for good tp
extra and 103 i for premium. Sheep in fair
request at 5a63r. Dressed Hogs 12%1113 for
light and heavy.
CHICAGO, December 28.—Even , ng--At the
open Board this afternoon the grain mar
ket was quiet, with sales No. 2 spring
Wheat at 1.1,10W,a1,11; closing with sel
lers at inside figures; other grains are neg
lected; in the evening one of two lots of
wheat sold at sl,ll,seller nexemeek; nomi
nally the cash price was $1,10%. Provialons
quiet. . • • t
- SAN FRANcusefi, Deeetnter 28.--Flour
‘4,75a5,75. Wheat quiet at $1,70a1,80; sales
of good shipping,at $1,77%. .Legal Tenders
74t4. I '_
gton Gossip.
Demccrats seem determined; to repeat the
story that General Grant is at variance with
prominent Republicans until it' receives
credit. Few statements.more sensationally,
false have been sent to the country in a long
time. The very reverse of all these stories ,
is true. Those Republicans who are in 'a
position to converse freely with the elect avow themselves perfectly satis
fiedivith his views and thoroughly convinc
ed that rigid economy will mark his admin
istration, and that a complete reform will be
immediately instituted in the civil service.
The President's amnesty proclamation is
intended to reach such persons as are now
under indictment, of whom, there is a con
siderable number in different parts of the
country. Most of these are old indictments,
found immediately, - after the close of the
war, which have been allowed to slip until
the present time. It will be remembered
that all persons not under indictment were
pardoned by the President's amnesty proc
lamation of the 4th of July last. •
A petition presented in the Senate, nn
Monday, from fifty citizens of Vermont, at
tracts attention. It asks- eight things of
congress: let, to pass Jencke's Civil Ser
vice bill; 2d, tcrcomplete and pass a new
tax bill, with reductions wherever possible;
Bd, to reduce the expenses of all the depart
ments; 4tb, to put the Indian affairs under
the war department and stop frauds; sth, to
stop the sale of Indian lands to large specu
lators; 6th, to grant no more bonds to rail
roads; 7th, to stop useless appropriations
for custom houses and hOspitels; Bth, to leg
islate-,for the speedy - resumption of specie
payments. A shrewd politician, who is , fa ,
miliar with General Grant, says these eight
points will be supported by ,the govern ;
mann • •
Attorney General Everts has n t yet Con
sidered what effect the new proclamation
will have upon the motion now Rending in
the Supreme Court to quash the mdichnent
in the case of Jefferson Davis. There
seems to be some doubt whether it does or
does not relieve the Court from the necessi
ty of dhiposing of, this motion.
• A regular monthly meeting of City Coun
cils was held yesterday at two o'clock r.
soled Council.
Members present: Messrs. Brown, W.
R., Brown; A. M., Cochrane, Coffin, Coyle,
Dickson, Gallaher, Gross, Jones, ReheW,
Lanfman, Morrow, M'Ewen, M'Kibben,
Ogden, Rafferty, Shipton, Wainwright,
White and President McAulei.
The minutes of meetings held November
30th and December 17th, were read and ap, z
The Chairman, in place, read a commu
nication from the City Assessor regarding
the report from the Finance Committee.rel
ative to the application of the City Asses
sors for an increase* pay, recommending
On motion of Mr. McAuley, it was laid
Mr. White presented a communication
from the Auditors of the accounts of James
McGinnis, contractor, accompanying which
was a resolution recommending the pay
ment of po to said McGinnis. The com
municaton was reCeived'and the resolution
Mr. Morrow presented an ordinance pro
viding that the Committee on City Printing
be authorized to advertise for proposals for
the city printing, and thesame to be award
ed Meth° lowest and best bidders, provided
that not more than two English and one
German papers be contracted with.
Mr. A. M. Brown objected to the passage
of the ordinance,
as it was a matter bf great
importance and should not be hurried
through In so crude a manner as the ordi
nance Wlt2l
Mr. MorroWsaid the ordinance had not
been drawn by a lawyer, but he thought
it expressed all that was necessary,'
Mr. Mr. Brown said it was quite evident that
it had not been drawn by a lawyer. It was
not necessary for Mb gentleman to state so.
He.would from the appearance of it think
it had been drawn by a French gentle
man. It had no title, and if adopted In the
shape it was presented, Would not , be
worth anything.
After some further dismission, the ordi;
nance passed to a third reading on a sus
pension of the rules and was adopted. C.
C. non -concurred and laid the ordinance on
the table.
Mr. W. R. Brown, in the chair, read the
draft of an Act of Assernbly providing for
a Board of Trustees for the water works,
setting forth the duties and requirement of
the office.
The act provides that there shall be three
Trustees, and on< motion of Mr. Shipton
the security to be given by the Trustees
was $20,000 for the President of the Board
and 510,000 each by the associates.
On motion of Mr. Gross, - the salaries were
fixed at $3,000 for the President and 51,500
each to the others.
Mr. McAuley, Mr. Ogden in the chair,
moved that, the matter: of the amount of
baillonds and salarie n
s the Trustees be
left to the discrete of C to OI:moils. The mo
tion was adopted. -'
- motion of-Mr.-J=o4' the. matter -waS
laid o _ Veit forthe presatit.s
Mr. Gross presented the report of the
Controller, accompanied, by sundry bills.
The report was received, and' a resolution
for the payment of the bills was read and
A resolution providing for the transfer
from Finance to Policeinmd 16=1.31, and
from the Water Extension to Water Fund
1 4 ,M.
Mr. Shipton moved to, strike out the lat
ter clause.
The amendment was, lost, and, the vote
recurring on the original resolution, it was
Mr. A. M. Brown presented the following
communication from the President of the
Connelisville Railroad:
GESTLEMEN: iPittsbur gh and Con-
nellsville RailroadTh e
Company asks of yonr
Honorable bodies the right to continue the
present line down Water street. A num
ber of the property holders on said street
have signified not only their willin:gness
but a strong desire that this should be donej
and it is sincerely believed that the advan
tage of the city will be largely promoted
It is of special importance to the steam
boat interest, procuring . to it immediate
and large development of business,
We also ask that such legislation maybe
enacted as will provide for the transit of
our business through the city to Western
connecting lines. To this end it Is respect
fully suggested. and urged that the whole
subject of railway approach = and passage
be considered by your bodies and that such
general ordinances be passed as will give
needed facilities to all oompanies alike.
While other companies have been for years
in the enjoyment of large and' valuable
grants from yen? Honorable :bodies, we
would call to your attention that this corn=
has b
pony has received no favor wht4ever, but
een subjected to and has complied
with many rigid restrictions.
We claim that the bestowal of this favor
upon railroads constitutes a real and rind
claim for like privileges to be conferred
upon us.
But independently of the ju.sties of the
claim, we beg you to note that the western
connections desiring to meet us here, and
on our lines, will, in all probability, open
territory entirely new to the commerce of
this city, and hence the vital importance of
the results depending upon your present
A prompt and liberal concession will
greatly facilitate the completion of the ne
gotiations now in progresis.
W. 0. RtrogAßT.
The cornmunleation , w received and re
ferred to the Special Com ittee on Railroad
Mr. Slagle, City Solleit r, presented a re-.
port of the business trap eted in his office.
during the past year.
The report was receive and ordered to
be filed.
Mr. McAuley presented/ an ordinance rel
ative to weigh scales and die appointment
of City Weightnasters.
The ordinance was tead k three times and
comirgaElcp RiPORT.
Mr. Morrow presented a report of a Com
mittee of Conference,
raised at a previous
meeting, relative to the claim of John
Boyce, for removing stop-cocks and water
asses. The Committee reported adverse
ly to the claim.
Mr. Gallaher • called for:the reading of
the annual report of the Street Committee,
which was offered in Common Council, and
after Its reading offered a supplemental re
port, speaking in highly complimentary
terms of the worth and efficiency of Mr.
Weldon, Chairman of the Committee who
has fearlessly and Impartially disohitrged
the onerous duties of his office during the
past year. - •
The report was received and filed:
Mr. Gross presented a plan di streets on
Herron's Hill, which was adopted.
Council adjourned. ' •
Common Council.
Council met at the usual hour. Present:
Messrs. Barnhill, Barton, Batchelor, Ber
ger, Boggs, Brush, Caskey, Carroll, Daub,
Dray°, Fitrimmons, Friday, Gerner, Her
ron, Hillerrnan, House, Jeremy, Meyer,
Ainorhead, Palmer, Rebman, Reed, Rey
nolds, Robb, Rosewelli Scott. A., Scott, 3,
R., Sims, Weldon, Walsh, Zern, Tomlin
son, President.
The minutes oP the preceding regular and
also special meeting were read and. ap
Air. Weldon, Chairman of the' Street
Committee, presented a • report coverliur
ordinances for the opening of Kirkpatrick
street, for the grading and paving of Fos
ter's alley, for grading, paving and curbing
Roberts street, fonopening Roberts street,
for board walk on Greensburg turnpike,
and various streets in the Third District,
and granting the Federal street and Pleas
ant Valley Passenger Railway Company
the privilege of laying their tracks on yari
ous streets. •
The report was accented.' The`ordinances
covered bV the "report, except that relating
to, the Pleasant Valley Passenger Railway,
were finally adopted; the-rules having been
On motion of Ur. Brush, the Railway or
dinance was laid over temporarily.
Mr. Welnoffered an ordinance gr
ing Sp encer do , McKay & Co. the privilegeant-
erecting weigh scales on Smallman street,
opposite their works, the scales to be used
by the city whenever required.
Rules suspended• and ordinance fieklly
Mr. Weldon. an ordinance xhangina the
grade of Cliff street, in accordance with
plan submitted. -
Rules suspended and ordinance passed.
Mr. Weldon, repor(of viewers for open
ing Aiken avenue; in the Twentieth ward,
awarding damages and benefits, amounting
to 31,174 50.
The report was accepted and adopted.
Mr. Weldon presented the annual reports
of the Street Commissioners and City ...En
gineer. Referred to the City Controller,
with instructions to print in official papers.
Also annual report of Street Committee.
Similarly referred. ,
Mr. Herron presented- the annual report
of the' Committee on Surveys. Similarly
Mr. Batchelor presented the - report of the
Road Committee, covering ordinances for
opening of Arch (late Fisk) street, and for
opening of Washington street,(East Liber
ty.):_ln.the matter of draining Canton and
Congress streets, and also the improve
ment of Maderia street, the Committee ask
for farther time for examination.' The re
'port was accepted and the ordinances sub
mitted by the Committee were adeptekfhe
rules' being suspended.' '
Mr. A. -Scott - called up the ordinance,
(laid overat litst.nteeflinzaanihoriziPifthe
grading Mid paying of - Leaflet alley, from
Fortieth to Forty-first Street, Lawrence
ville- Read and adopted.
Akio, an ordinance for the grading 'and
pwring of Almond alley, from Buller
street to Allegheny Valley Railroad.
and adopted. '
(lMdr. Weldon
l c a a sltl e m d
nh) orrdhc c n
of a sewer on Spring alley; froui
Eleventh to Twelfth street.
. .
Mr. Zern objected to the paasage of the
brdinanc% and on his motion it was laid on
the table.
Mr. Weldon also called up an ordinance
for the Rrading, paving and curbing of Qen
ter street, from Forty-fourth to Forty - kith.
Read and adopted.
Mr. Jeremy called up the ordince re
lative to granting the right of wa y to the
Federal Street and Pleasant Valley Passen
ger Railway.
Mr. Weldon presented a remonstrance
offered at a previous meeting.
The ordinance proposed to give the corn_
pant the right of way from the Hand street
bridge to Liberty street. along Liberty to
Seventh avenue, along Seventh avenue to
Smithfield, and along Smithfield to Fifth
avenue, upon certain conditions, similar to
those exacted from other passenger rail
ways heretofore. The Company desired to '
.take their tracks °down Liberty to Wood
street, and along Wood to Fifth avenue, but
the Street Comtnitttee concluded that the
best route would be that indicated In the
ordinance. -
Mr. Jereiny favorer the ordinance, and
Mr. Brush opposed it.
•Mr Robb moved to refer the ordinance
to the Ordinance Committee, with instruc
tions to report at next' meeting.
Mr.--Daub said he was a resideni. on
Smithfield street, and knew that all pro
perteholders alon the line Proposed on -
thatthoroughliire g
were in fav o r of -
ing_the company the privilege asked.grant
Mr. Batchelor thought the matter of too
much importance to be rushed threugh in
After some fttrther discusgion Mr. Wel
don withdrew the ordinance.
The ordinance pviding a change in
' City Printing was ro reported for
from Select
Mr. Brush , took:the floor and stated that
he could see no good reason for a change in
the ordinance under which the 'present
Council had elected its officers to do the
.printing. No advantage could accrue to
either the city or tax-payers by the pro. •
posed change, and he would therefore move
that it be laid on the table.
Tite motion was put without any further
discussion, and was declared passed on a
division vote of 2.1 to 2.. •
M. Bate/1810T offered a resolution pro
viding that the President and Secretazry be
authorized and instructed to have the desks
and seats of the Council Chamber rb-ar-•
ranged for thtt purpose Or affording better
accommodation for the incomina• members.
AdOpted. • ' • 'r
Nos-tortcdnnEncE. •
B.C.non-concurred in the ordinance ;mint
ing Idessn.Spencer,&teßay . Co.privilege to
erect a scale on Bmallman street, and re
f3rred to the Finance CoMmittee withpovr
er to act. C. C. receded and, concurred in
this action. • ,
• Mr. A. Scott offered a resolfitlon for the
erection of a gas lamp on the north-east
corner of Butler and. Covington streets.
Read and referred to Committee on Gas
with pbwer to act.
Ott motion, adjourned. •
A trairLon the Shore Line Railroad,
when near Clinton, Connecticut, Sunda_y
noon, ran into •a carriage containing E. N.
Bowen, is prominent Merchant, of New
Haven, his son and another man. Mr.
Bowen Was very severely injured, and hi)*
son had one of his feet cut olf. •