The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, December 28, 1868, Image 3

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T=l rlTTattrr.V,A
Dece:_utzr 26, lU£B.,
The p, , ne.ral rn , hats -I:a7e been moiler
act're lazir. the p :et week, though
there ia of roor- - ; fez Improvement.
The arrival , . of m. rclandise generally have
• been larzer than .',sual both by rail and
river, as nevi, tion is again saspende,d,
10e e::pcet to see , a falling off. For some
ti es, th r •lute been an Unproved,
demand, and \nett r prices, but these are
exceptional, for.,a3 a general thing, the de
mand for ticarly‘ell of the. leading, articles
has been and restricted' mairtly to
supt.lying imniediate wants. In regard po
'inis, there have been no-very important
eitanzes„one way or the othek.
APPLES—Demand fair, receipts light
and market firm; we continue to quote,
however, .at $3 to t 5 per bbl, as to quality.
'APPLE [BUTTER-70 to 80 cents.
UTTER—Is a little dull, under the in
fluence of an accumulation, and while the
:market is weah,-pricehas yet are • withput
quotable eliangle; 38 to "40 for *gcani,
to 45 for_yrime to choice. -
8EA.1..553,50 to $3,75 per bushel.
BUCKWHEAT FLOUR-4% toy cents.
CRANBERRIES-1n better tsupply, and
2 little dull: $ 22 to $24 per bbL
• CIIEESEte-bull. at 14) to 204 es to quality.
CORNMEA.L—Stdesat $1 to $l,lO.
CARBOXOIL—.StiIes of standard white
inn jobbing wav - at 2634 to 27, and in ,a re
:.tail way at[29 to 30.
-,- -DRESSED—SaIes at 10 to 12c.
DRIED - FRUIT—In fair demand but un
..ciaartged; Isaias, of i_Ve.achpe yat 120 -to
13 for quarters and 15 to 16 foihelves. Ap•
plet., Io to 1.1c.' •
EGGS—Sales at 30 to 32 cts for limed, and
33 to 35 for' resh packed. .
POULTRY--Scarce and firm; sales
Chickens (dressed)llWll 'Co ~12,' rand Tiar:= l
keys at 15 to 16.. . .
POTATOES . -411teadYWith - sales of Peach
`Blows in store at 85 to 90 per bushel.
GRAIN-4There is little or nothing doing
in Wheat, prices are unchanged _at.
41,83 to sl,Bs'foillb; '1 Red Winterr.• Oatsff'
scarce, and e dealers are asking 64 to 655, on
:track—May be - qtaited at 65 to 66e for small
:lots in store. Corn is coming in more
'freely. but,' as yet. prices are Maintained at
seto 9Cc fon prime m;tri„ and-old, would not
bring nitich Rye—prime Penna.
and Ohio is ,in deinend at $1,48 to $1,50.
, f or
is dull and nominal at .11,90 to $2.
,for EicOEl to choice Spring. . 4 E
HONItNY-116,50 to $6,75 per bbl.
LARD.' OIL-48;111ln and - higher; Extra
No. 1 Winter Strained is quoted at $1,53
"to $1,55, in a jobbing Way. - '
LARD—IS - firm but unchanged at 18c to
-,,18 1 c, in tierces, and 19c to 19Ne, in-kegs.
FEATHERS—SaIes to the trade at 80, to
, 145 for live geese, and 90 - - , to 95,4 n a - retail
3,11 , ;5S PORE= -$28,50 to $29. • '
SALT—Alle,glieny River bramis at $1,85
tho car load. and $2, in store.
• WIIISKIC--Highwines lower, being qtto
„ed, ins jobbing way, at 97 to"9Bc.
FLOUR—Is quiet and unchanged, :with
:-arge receipts. We continue to quote Spring
t.'tt $7.50 to $8 and Winter at $9 to $9,50.
{lye Flour, $7,50. to $B,OO. The Pearl Mill
Ouete their I brands,: -.made. of the best
- Wheat, as follows: Extra Family Flour,
• 4n barrels, at $9,50; and, in seeks, $9,20 per
'lnirrel• Double Extra Family, in barrels,
;10,20, and,l in sacks, $9,80 - per . barrel;
, ipring Wheat Flinir, in barrels, $B.OO, and,
” 'en sacks, $7,70 per,barrel. The. City Mills
:Juote prices'tis'fdllotris: Extra Family,
Winter) inL barrela, $9,50, and, in sacks,
-7A9,20,per barrel; Double Extra Family, in
I s Jarrell, sto,oo, and, in sacks, 49,70 per
arrel, and Spring, $B,OO, in barrels, and
1 7.70, in,eacks per barrel. -- 1 -
Natters - in New York.
Gold C/osed at 134X®135.
Br Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette. j
- NEW YOltx, December 26, 1868.
The money market Was quite, close dux
ag the morning, when the rates for call
)aus were 7 rier cent. currency, 7 ( per. cent.
t,o).d and 7 per cent.. currency - with com
„:iissions of 1-32 percent for; the;, two days;
' r oans were made at 7 per cent. currency
:ith per cent. commission. for ten days.
ad 3‘ per cent. for fifteen days. C As the
advanced there was an easier. foaling
,:ad before three o'clock first class borrow
got all the money wanted et 7 per sent.
arrency. continuea failures in, mercan
'le circles brought'' discounts to - a stand
See dry goods report for the failure
Llthrop, !Ludington it Co. Next week
' likely to be a trying one for borrowera,
after that! money will be much easier.
.:,erling nominal at 9%@9X. 'Gold quiet
;Std steady;-! within range of 134%@135,
were the closing rates.
;The bank! statement is more favorable
I,an expected. Loans, $261,312,530; de
,ease, $1,091,650. Specie $179,468,650; de
ea-e, $:02;719. Circulation, $34.387,114;
'crease, $32,3.56. Deposits, $178,603,752;
`''crea-e, $4;573,4713. Legal Tenders, $1148,-
- 6,160; decrease, $2,089,573.
'Governments firmer: Coupons 'Bl, 114%
1111 do. '62, 110 V. ®110%; do. '64, 106 6 a
;161.1!X; do. '63, 10,7%®107%; do. new, 110,
dr, '67 110% t',llo s '• do '6B, 110%
• :110 ?.;; Ten-Forties, , 105%, ®1(15y.. •
'3t.tte bonds steady.' Missouris, to; Old
f3nnes4ees, , ,Gs34;\ North Carolinas, 6134;
'rginias, si. •
,8;,),..1; market more animated and higher.
t- 'York' Central led the upward move
ttz,ivhich was general. The otherifotibe:.
Nos.:mks were St. Paul,,Ohto and Kiss's-
Pittsburgh 'Toledo and Northwestern.
Lnarket closed active and firm, though
e higher prices of the-day were scarcely
in,ec-(irtrly 61=4; iki@
'.-:;;; Wells , Express, 25%®25%;' Amer.
Fat Exp., 48; Adams, 4'Vi049%; United
:ate., 45 ®46; Merchants mon, 15%®15%;
;sot ern Union Telegraph, 343143133 X; Hart,:
i:d and Erie, 24%; Mariposa, 6; do.pre
-193ii@201/a. New York . Central, 154
Erie, 39%®393;; do. preferred, 62®
‘` Hudson, 133',®1333x,; Harlem, 124@125 ;
' Fading, 94; TerreHaute 38; Wabash, 583;
, 19; do. preferred,7o;.St. Panl; 67 1 )11)67%;
preferred, 83%; Ft. Wayne, 110M®110%;
"-dividend Ohio• and Mississippi, 821)®
4; Michigan Central, 11334®118; •Michi-
Southern, 88y i ; Illinois 'Central, 141®
Pittsburgh, 83X®83; Toledo, 101®
?4: Rock Island, 116%®116%; North.'
mtern, so@soN; do. preferred, 823;@82 6 ,.
lining shares dull.
riopper Shares at Boston: Copper Falls,
.4; 1 ranklin 13; Quincy, 18; Hancock, 3;
timesota, 2. - - -
;o'd shipments 'to-day $170,06; for tfie'
fek e.608,190.i . r
.' .
'' - niports of dry goods $935,210; paeral
. 'rchandise $3,875,805. . • .7. ‘•
.;:ecelpts'at the Stab- - Troktetiley`tci-day Were
45,556; Payments, ;2,178,870; Balande,
~4t . 166 835. I
- .'he report that twenty millloae of new
tql2Pitoluelkirliue &Oho
ti that tne Treasury recently., burned,
twenty - millions - pf fifties, which had
called in in consequence of having
•.„ 13 extensively counterfeited; the Waco of
was supplied from time to time.
- air`'l.'“ T
lirywAnicEs, December 28.—Flour quiet
s teady; : wittrchOice Minnesota at #6.50
;3; choice WiseonAin and lowa at 145,75 a
Wheat higher t. ;1119 . i• for Ittil
$1,11% for:No. 2. Oate . ,eiltiroly r norpj..
Corn firm. with new shelled 'fift
advancing,: with sabot lat- "404,20. ,
.Yley steady at 111;50 for No.
-,0 this flO uitiAc W heitqlolll,milt.
000 Man' 4 1 0 1/4lnn
;,-0 busk wheat.
Markets by Telegraph.
Nava Yana-, Paceruber'26.--Aahes; pots
are quiet and ataaady at 27,75a7,80, and
pearls are at 11. . Cotton, is _firm and not
very acttve, with calea of 1.300 Wiles at 25c
far middling uplands. Flour; ascelpte 647
barrels; the marker: fa quiet z4::11 without
anv chanaa, with aalea of 5,200 barrels at
;5,1152'3,25 for superfine State and western;
;6,7023 for extra western; $8,45210 for good
to choice whits wiaaat extra; 1.6,0529,60 for.
commoa choice Round TlOop Ohio; $7,75
a 9 for common to fair extra St. Louis; and
1510e:12,60 for good to choice do:, the market
closing quiet. Southern dour is, quiet and
uticbaaged; with sales of 150 barrels at s7a
7,76 for common to fair extra, and f7,80a13
-for good to choice do. .California fionr
dull and nominal at 05,2fr.19 for old, and slo`
a 11,75 for new.. Rye flour is'easier, with'
salsa of 759 barrele at $6,30. Corn meal is a
shade easier, with sales ofsoo barrels Bran
dywina at 10,50. Whisky- is, quiet with
Dales of .50: barrels westerns at. SI, free.
Wheat; receipta of 1,200 bushels; the mar
het is quiet and without, any claarge, with
sales 10,200 bushels at ;1,63 for MY. 2
Mirwslakes, deliveradi $2,20 for white Mich
inn, and white California at private terms.
..flye is quiet and steady: Barley is; nomi
nal.. Barley malt is quiet. Corn,' receipts
of 7;050 bushels; the market is a 1
ter with a moderato rate of business: doing;
sales 48,000 bushels al. 95a980 for new mixed
western; $1.09Xa1,12 for old do in afore sad:
afloat, Mid 11,05 for new white Bentham.
Oatefirther; reaaipts, 500 bushi. sales 36,0013
bush at 76;;a76 1 0 for western in store, and
78c to: afloat. Ccal -quiet.' Loather,
hemloek sole, in fair request :rod' un
phanged. Wool quiet: and, arm; Wea l, or
450,000 lba at 43%a55c fox .domestic. fleece,.
76c scouretk4.22soc. pallecl a 23;aa3oo
Rice quiat and firm at 019 1-2 c. • Cof
fee mita.. Sagar quiet; s:rilea 46 hhds Cnba
at 11 1-4 all 1-2 c. Mokiuma dull.' Petro
leum quiet at 19th for crude. and sr 1-2c x for
refined bonded. llona'qsiet at 10a20c for
American: Liaseed'.oll quiet at' 98ca$1.
Turpentine quiet at 45a45 1-2 c.. Druga
• quiet. Pruvisions: P.ork lower; sales 700
bbla at ;2747,2-6(or newmeaa,;26a26,2s old
do, ;20222,06 -
,and 425a27,00 prime
mess. Beef steady.: salea 1138 bids at ,39a
111,"plain me55„ ; 11 4 ..a,19,50 new extra
Mawr. Tierce' Beetquiet 'at ;23a30,00 for
'prime mess, q31E35,00 Irtdia. 'Beef harr.3
steady; Isaias of 145 'tibia at ;30a33. 'Cat
Meats quiet; sales of Dkv at 103aa11 7 le
for shoulders,_ 1.88160 for' hams; 'middles
quiet-and heavy. , Dressed Bogs lower at
ll'ilsti2lac for Western, and 12;012 1-2 c for
city. Lard heavy and lower; sales of 630
tcs at 16a-/al7l‘c for steam, chiefly at 17c 1
and 17 1-1a17 1 ,1.-2c,for kettle renderod; also.
2,500 bbls steam, sellers' option, toe:ember,
'Januiary,Febraarii: and March, at 16aial7c.'
Butter quiet and steady at 2,1400 for Ohio,
and 40a50c for State. Cheese firm at 14a
191-2 e. Metals—Sheathing Clapper steady
at 33c; Ingot Copper dull at 23%a23aac
for .Lake, and-Detroit. - Pig Iron - quilt &Ltd
scarcely to firm at U 0842 for Scotch; and
;33a4.2 for_American• bar quiet at $0045 for
refined English . and American; sheet is in
moderate request. 'Russia Nails" quiet at
5 1-4a51-2c for cut; 6 3ala7c for clinch, and
27a30c for horie shoe. Freights to Liver
pool firmer, With engagements per steamier
for 15,000-bus corn at BXa9d.
Latest—Flour firm; common dull, and
heavy for medium - and good. Wheat q - aiet .
and fain, with a limited home trade de
mand. Rye quiet and nominally unchan
ged. Oats firm at 7634 c for weatora in store;
78c afloat. Corn firm at :1,10a1,12 for old
mixed western in store and afloat; 96ae~
for new western. Pork very dull
and nominally , unchanged. Beef dull and
in the buyers favor. Cut meats quiet and
nominally unchanged. Baeon dull and
drooping. Lard dull and heavyat 16%ci17c
for fair to prime steam.. Eggs steady at 37
a4oc. •
CHICAGO, - _DECAGIbOZ 26.—Eastern Ex
amigo quiet and steady atl( r , off buying and
par selling. Flour quiet, with spring • ex
tras at $5,50a7,00. -Wheat - firmer and lalh4o
higher; sales No rat $1,16a1,20, and No 2 at
chiefly . at • $1,12%; sales No 2
aince s change at $1,121-2. Corn more ac
'tile and 1 1-2a2c higher, -- with''sales old No
1 at 66c cash, and 65e last half of 'April; new
active at 45 1-2a4Be, closing steady at 471-2 a
48c; kiln quiet at 55a56 1-2 e for No 2; noth
ing doing this afterneon. Oats firmer and
one cent higher; sales No 2 at 46W,a47c, and
rejected at 44c, closing steady at 47c for No
2. Rye dull and heavy, with sales No lat
• $1,13a1,16, closing with sellers and no buy
ers-at inside. Barley dull at $1,48a1,49 reg
alai.; and $1,50a1,51 in houses. HlghWines
dull at 92 1-2a93c cash, and 95e, seller, Jan
uary. Provisions dull. Mess Pork easier,
with sales at $26a27 cash and future. Lard
dull and lower at 14a141-2c;'sales at 14c.
Sweet pickled hams 151-2 c; other descrip.
tions of hog product neglected and nomi
nally easier. -= Dressed Hogs quiet and 20a
25c lower, with sales at $10.25a11,00, closing
dulfat $10,50a10,75, dividing at 200 pounds.
Itenelptsfor the past forty,,-eight hours
-10,988 bble flour, 28,350 bush wheat; 23,252
bash corn; 13$1-2 bush oats, 5,718 bush rye,
115 bush barley. Shipments-12,304 bbls
flour, 8,682 bush wheat, 43,641 bush corn,
16,473 bush oats, 9,597 bush rye, 2,506 bush,
Hogs dull and buyers and sellers 25c
apart in their views, with sales $8,45a8,94
for fair to prime: receipts 73,093 bead; ship
manta -3,880 head. Beef Cattle dull and un
NEW Yong, Decetuber 26.—. Dry Good!,
Inertia i 9 the predominant, feature to-day,
and a feeling at uncertainty and distrust
has been created by the announcement of
the failure of Lathrop, Ludington & Co.,
on 'Broadway, eraensive jobbers. This an
nouncement, taken in connection with the
suspension of Turnbull, Slade & Co., on
Monday last, fora large amount, has done
ranch to create distrust in the Dry Goods
market. Both these failures will do much
to arrest the upward movement in prices
of. cotton goods. All dark good styles, of
fancy Prints are in steady request at one
'ihWing, but goods which have been put up
&yard recently go slowly, and the cur
rent is against a rise, , regardless of the cost
of gray cloths, which' appear scarce and
firm at 9e for 6-4 square. On Monday nest
„the r Nice of Lancaster, 32 inch, Prints will
Elie reduced.from 20e to 173yc; for pinks •and
purples from 20c to 19c.. But this will not
affect the prlce' of- narrow goods at Present:.
The market for Unbleached and Bleached
Mpalins kfirm, but' rather quiet. The best
yard yvide Unbleached Sheetings command
15;016c, although good Sheetings from
Southern mills can be obtained at 14a143ic.'
Good Tickings,like the Amoskeag, are in
steady and fair request at 20a30c, as to
Aplenty. > i
• . •
Sr. • Louis, December 26.—The market
generally is very dull and scarcely any
thing doing. Tobacco unchanged. , Cotton
in good demand, but there is very little'
here;,, middlings are quoted at 2334 c. FloUr
steady and very quiet, with sales fall su
perfine at $6a6,75. Wheat very firm and 5
alOc higher, with sales prime to strictly
prime red at 31,75a1,95; choice to fancy at
52a2,30. Corn dull at 63c for yellow in
sacks . and 58a60a for white, in bulk. Oats`
heldirmly, but moves slow at 55c forprime
and choice mixed. Barley quiet at sz for
choice Minnesota spring. Rye steady at
01,2401,25. - Pork—nothing doing, but
held at 327,50.> Bulk Meats nominal. Ba-
Atilland nothing doing, the market feeling
- decidedly heavy- Lard—nothing doing.
Whisky firm at 98c; Recelpts-2,700 bush
flour. 8,000 bush wheat, 5,200 bush corn,
fi7oo b,ush'oata, 3,500 bash bar1ey,4,750 head
PI figs lose active and lower at 9a9g; num
ber packed to date 131,500,1igaitust 200,000 •
same time last year.; Cattle
_firm at 62630',
gross, for common to choice..
:0131CINNATI. 'December 26:—FltMr
changed and quiet; family 7,50a8,00. Wheat
dull at 1,75 for No. 1 red.. Corn dull at 65s
66 for eat'. Rye Mill at 1,35.. Oats dull;
- No. 2 59;'No. I not in Market.' tadey un
changed and quiet at 2,20a2,25 for the beet
adAe , gottbittmOtialig.ecl; middling 229 i.
Whisky tlrzn Hoge dull, with hard?
Tr - any denian‘Allough: few in market;
- h4dereVo4 l :l4 , ,entinliot.willinc WI make
tenneetious: live 9a9,85; theise ia1145;
piptkare mud_ phi of 3,111*4 Nati.
y Al unsettled; it is =cult to give quo.
PIT GAZEI.4E : MONDAY, DtetiißErt 2E,:{
tations; buyers.and sellero apart. There is
hardly any demand nor do holders maul
-1 fest any disposition to press sales. Mess
Pork could have boon bought kl-day, to a
I limited extent, at 27,50 for sty. Bulk meats
[at 11.13 1 4a11,1414. .Lard 173 f. Green meats
nominallv at 10,10/, 10 1 .4a111/j. Butter
firm at'Sla4o: Eggs 32a33. Linseed Oil
- sold at 1,03, but the demand is light.
Choose firm at 171019; good demand. Flax
seed in good demand at 2,10. Clover seed
held at 15. ' Gold 133„ buying. Exchange
dull at Nal-10 per cell discount buying.
' OLEvEr.atn, Decetriber 26.—F1our quiet
and unchanged; we quote city made at ,
$11,50 for double extra 'white; $9,75a10,00
fer.doub)o extra amber; $8;50a8,75 forextra
red - winter, and $8425 , f0r double Andra
sprihk; country made; 48a8,75 for double
extra red and an:Cheri s7xB for double, extra
spring, and , $19a10,00 fOr double extra
w.hite. Whoat;, isalea of two car Raids of
No. 1 red winter at $1,75( two car loads of
do. at $l,BO, and two ear loads of No. 2 do.
at 460. Cord; 'sales of two car loads . of
shelled at 69c. Oats;- sales of six cars - at
620. Rye held' at.. 51,20 .1 Petroleum;, the
market is quiet and-easier, . refined held at
27a27%c in ear lots and 28a29e in trade lots.
Istaw ORLE.a..Ns, December 26.—Cotton
stiff; middlings, 230 r sales, 6,ooo,bales; re-
Ceipts, 1,591 bales; exports, 10,907 bales.
Gold; 1355 i. Flour: very, firm;.low grades.
'scam; superfine; $7,59; double extra, $7,59
a 7,62; treble, $8a8,50. - Cori easier at , 78c.
Oats; none on landing, 70c asked. Bran
dull at $1,40. llay, - prime,'s27. Pork nom
Wally $28,75a29,00. BaCon; shOulders, 14 1 /0;
clear rib, .183;c; clear sides, 19 'c; hams, 17
alBc.. Lard; tierce, 18c; keg, 190. Sugar
apd Molasses active and firm; common
Sugar, 9a9%c; prime, L2a1.2,0; yellow clari
fied, 12401230; common'•Molasses, 54a60e; ,
Prime, 62a66c; choice, 67a68e. Western no
tified Whisky steady at $1,17301,20. Coffee
quiet; fair, 1.4014%; prime, 16,0170.
Bursa..t.o, December 26,—Floar dull, at
87a7,50 for NOA. 1 and 2 city'ground spring.
Wheat nominal; No. 2 spring 81.50; white
:Canada Va 2,15. Corn' good. demand for
neir,. with • sales of 20 car lots at 7,5F0n:
track, Oats nominal at 65c. Rye nominal.
Barley; sales of 5,090 -bush Canada two
rowed at 81,00. Pork declining; no sales.
Lard . torninelly unchanged.' - Highv:lnes;
sales of 100 bbls •at 51. Dressed Hogs• Ha
11%c, sccording-to weight., -,
PiEtrtailgia , nr.g4 • December ..26.—Flour
extreme-dull; Superfine., $525,50; extras,
$6a6,15; To. 2 western extra family. 87,25 a
8,12%; Ohio, $8,75a10,50. Wheat inactive;
col/talon and good red, $2,50; amber, 52,10
22,12.. Rve steady at 51;60, "Corn very dull
and drocoing; new, 80a90c; old, $1.10a1,12.
Oats <stead , / at 76a7Sc for western. Petro- (
learn 'dull . and nominal. Provisions un
changed. 'Whisky $1;03a1,04.
, MEILET.R. 9.`. December N.—Cotton quiet
and firm at 2314a23%c; receipts, 2,813 bales;
ei.ports, -108 - bales; receipts for the week,
7,540 bales; exports, 8,816 bales; stock on .
band, 10,995 - bales. Flour at $7,50.• Corn
at 65c. I OatS at 05c. Hay at $22,50. Bran
at $25. Pork at; 'f2B. Lard at 18!4c. Ba
con nothinai • cboulders atl3l4c; clear sides
at 18 ,V,o; bnlir shoulders at lie, and clear
ribs at 151fc. j
Louisa - m.I.E, Dec. 26.—Cotton 23c. Hoes
9a94,0 gross. leas pork $2B. Bacon:-
clear rib sides 11:,/c. Bulk meats—shoul
ders 1134 c; clear ribbed sideslsc; clear skies
I.6!‘c; packed faticy bacon hams 18 , ,‹c. Lard
—prime tierce Itic. Raw whisky $l. Super
fine flour $5,50a6. Wheat ,$1,80a1,90. Oats
58a60c. Corn 60a320. Rye Zit
CLEVELAND, DECher 26. ".ogr quiet.
Wheat 2:13c betiar ..f)r rzuber; sales white
Michigan at ` 4 ,1,51.;, $1,51a1,52, closing
at Ko. 1 red. No. 2 do., Z 1,05.
CO= 2.: uoa l 1, c; new, C2a132!“•;
lip. rejected, 55z5ic. Oats la hatter; No. 1,
58c.. Bye quiet. Drz...- , AI Hogs lower.
* PA 1.94a1031e.
Pidithrmonn, Der% 2C.-',-Flour quiet and
dull. Wheat dull and nominal. Coru---z
roceli ta small;
at whlto. al'al;Ott. Oats dull at
d'airle.l Rye drat 11,Tt1a1,03. Provisions
quiet fund
PriTs.un.oa, FOnT '77 wy i ct CaroAoo
RAlrazozai, .Deasnaber 21-100 bbls flour,
Eleil Rite/tart; 3 cars: hones, Seward 4t
Campbell; 2 cars rye, 2 do wheat, Thos
Moore de Son: 400 bbls f.ccr, owner; 2 cars
rye, 'Mcgenry libis37 100 bbls flour,
Allan, Ki:kpat - riels.t.: Co; 1 car barley,..f . M
Carson; 3 cars rvc, WJ 11 k; 10 bblJ oil,
J C Mattand; 266 pigs lend, I B. Canfield 4:
Son; 3 cars,corn, W Allerton; 200 bbla
flour, Culp Li" Shepard; 53 cars ;natal Nitp
ick Lt Co; Bdo do., ;I:4s Wood Son t. Co; 10
do do, Brfan Canghey, 2do do, - Loomia
Collard; 6do do, Graff, Byers & Co; 'do
do, Brown & Cc; 2 cars corn, P Llt Son;
1 do d0,:51 - Hood; Gl.bbls hour, Thos Collins;
49 sks rags, Gotlfvey Clark; ii bgs buck
wheat flour,.B 17ick; 2G bills hides 10
do poles, Seibert & Berg; 15 log!, buckwheat
flour, T C Jenkins; 20 pkge butter, W H
Graff d Co; 7 dreased hogs, 6 pkwy butter, 2
do tallow, H Rea; 1.1;l:ls. cornmeal, .5 bbls
hominy, .1' Day dr Co; 1 cars rye, A H
Overholt.; 3 bbls.t.ldlow, C rat Z.: Reiter; 1
car corn, John Hinkle; '.l do do t S flood; 1
do do, Robb ,S*. Herron; 1 do do,McHenry
& Hood; 30 doz . brooms. P{•Mi er; 21 sks
buck wheat floury/NV oodwarth Davison; 2
bbls lara, Lang LS ,. . Cu. •
( ALLEorumr V.* Decem
ber bbls oil, Jas 'Wilkins; 240 do do,
McKelvy Bro; 9130 dc; 10, Lockhart, Frew
& Co; 1 . 37 sks dour, 50 do walnuts, 3 do
sundries,'N - Co; 12 sirs brick
wheat fltior, 42.hcila bides, 1 Wit t; - 40,-I'do
butter, W H ICirkpattick & Co; 9 sks buck
wheat flour, E Ileazleton; 16 sks rye, 70 do
eats, 1 'ear, hay, 11 sks buckwheat flour,
Blaney &Moore; 7 rolls leatho:, 5 1L . 4 PeltS,
1 bbl tallow, Wm Harems & Son; 15 bbls
dry apples, 73 sks bttekwheat flour, T C
Jenkins; 5 cars limestone, Shoenberger &
Blair; 1 do metal, 'John Mmrbeftd; 1 do do,
McKnight, Porter & Co; 18 bgs Oats, Scott
Lit Gisal; 21 do flour, McClure & McKee:, 7
do do, 2 boxes poultry, Riddlr, 2 blila
OrifOns, Voikt, ItJahop4( ,f(e‘ Fl Co; 4:5 f? 1,18
IVA Shearer. , • • •
AT,traam9r SiATION. peernher,-211. 7 , ,
'3OO, bbls flour; A . Martin; 1 . car
'76 tge, rye, J B McKee; 2 bids, 2 kgs, lead;
liippley & Beckert; 20bes 'eel* Jos L - raig;
3 cars metal, Burchfield • 1 41a' Rogers; .1 -ear
lumber, Sas licßrier; 255 sks corn Rose &
Ewing; 97 bbls rosin, W.& R Walker; 'I car
lumber, EG, Munson; , 2 tobacco, R &
J Elton; 1 car iron ore,. Spang, Chalfant 4
Co; Ido staves, , J M Heruphill; 1 car wheat,
W MeKtie; 1 car oats, 'M Steel - & Son; 1 car
grain, R Knox & Son; 109 bgs flaxseed, M
B Suydam; 1 car barley, G Seldlo; 1 do do,
M Reekelman; 1 do corn, Geo Stewart,
ROAD, December 25.-1• car rye, J D nob
& Co: 2 cars lumber, Hall. : & Patterson; 50
bbls oil, John Spear; 1 car oats Kell & Rich
art; 13 , like cornmeal,,. Isiciklasters; 2
pkgs bides,.4 yollg loather, Bard; 2 cars
hay, H Sehnelbaoh; 'Bl bales do, McCune &
Bro; 100 do do, Robt Kncix;.7 eks beans, 3
do rags, A Collett; 82 eke corn, Roso J Ew
ing; 190 bpxes 4 extract, • _Gtittendorf; 12 tss
lard, Watt,,Lang &Cp.
I :) o 6 lol[249FiEVir
F 0 Ft' T H E;.` : l4 ot I. DAIE
The bikheit market prices imd quick , Salt% -
emarattuwd. Mark packages distinctly and Bead
voices by mall.
• li. RALLAIRD .frd , 43o. ! :
Ceromisslan UN, Wariltuglairctr
New Vork. , noirpt3l .. „
11 0 1 J , NDAX 41 •'
Illanurantater. 'of COMILIf3. , .K ( OV-19
:Orates; Bentiors_oslo__Wolghtf, sod 101 l .Wooc.of
' Ware . 'Car and lA' klndik - 'tam
-chine& COII:e..WATBON *.lftllN6ll3ll
. 16Tlf;.'PITTes Azaaraprika... t
110“MittVr49 , , IPaneltralt,Y.o:4l.94 l o
115 iii Or
WW 11.3.47AMUWAPPg.
The weather has again moderated con
siderably, the thermorbeter being 36 de
grees above zero at two o'clock p. to.. yes
terday. A drizzling rain set ih t, bout neon.
with 'every appearance that it would con-
Untie long enough to take off the snow
•and cause a rise in our rivers. The Mo
nongahela was . entiroly clear of ice yester
day, and the Allegheny was not putting
out very much. _The' gorge rin the last
named stream, just above the citY, gave
way on Saturday evening, and for a time
it, was bank full of ice. .
There has been no arrivals since the date
'ef our, last report. The , Champion cleared
for Cincinnati yesterday..
The following to*boats that left en Wed
nesday evening and Thursday morning aro
laid up and sticking at the folk:ming
places: Stella and Coal City at Marietta;
Niagara at Parkersburg; Fred. Wilson at.
Blannerhesset. Island; Lion at New Cum
berland: The Leopard, the first boat start
,ing, has net hem heard froth. •
A private dispatch: from. Memphis to I.
Sharpe McDonald says that the. A. T. Ba
ker with . st tow of coal for New Orleans hakl
'struck three barges two miles below Mein.
phis, but was lighting mid would get, them
The' Wm. StOne, at last accounts, was
aground at'Whitten's towhead.
The :Mary Davage and barges are laid up
at themOuth of Kanawha river.
The Glendale,' Pittsburgh to St. Louis,
was at Louisville an. Friday.
The Liarena As up :for St. Louisville:
Sallie, for Cincinnati- and Louisville, and
Armenia, for New Orleans.
—Captain, Hugh Campbell Bays he ,hue
quit the river. .
—The Glasgow le ft St. Louis for Pitts.
burgh-on-Wedn esday
—The Wild Duckand barges passed
Evansville on Wednesday..
- -
—The Kati'Putnam is laid up at Cincin
nati as is also the Kenton at Marietta.
—The Emma No. 3, _was at ldemphis on
Wednesday, on !her way onyi from New
—A Cairo dispatch to the Cincinnati 'C'ent
mercint, under date of Wednesday, report
ed this towboat Dick Fulton , at`ths • Chain
with two barges in a, sinking condition.
—The J. W. Garrett, on-her way up from
Now Orleans, lost a'deck hand overboard,
in the chute of Island 3.5. His body-was
not recovered, although every effort No.s
made to that end. We did not learn his
name, but it is supposed he shipped at
-The Cann' was seized at Paducah by
Deputy 11. S. Marshal Wharton, on Mon! ,
day last. The Carmi is a now boat just
built by Capt. -Win: Thompson and . Mr. -
, Geo. Hopson, and has been launched but a POEMAEDM AND 0 011rIESIONIKEE.0111-NTEI,
short time. She was seized aI, the instance For the .gale of (tour, Orsin i . Bacon, Lard,,
, of John M. Daughtry. ,
Seeds, Dried Fruit, and Pr.duee generally, Z , _%. 15
' . .
IdAlt - r: STREET, corner of Fitet, Fittahnrgil. •
—The Vicksburg Herald Is disposed tot r"._1;118
"gas" when it says that there are three T i. 5, I.IILAN A 1
- boats at Vicksburg that can discount the Lie . . .
Great Republic in: speed or splendor. The •
Republic still seams to be an "eyesore" to Wholesale and Retail GrOcerS t
some of the Southern papers, which is
caused, we presume, by . - the fact .that she lb
139 No: 306 .I.'3:NN STRIP:T. • .
is considerably ahead, in all respects of 3r'
' -
, ' scar. r.:rox. 1 V , 111:19 iNOX:
any boat on the Miss:asippi..
- , EI , KNOX ..'X. isON, COM2ISSIGN
—A well-kpown ateamboatninn, and - e.r.Encsi ANT ~ :-0 0 (1.:.'10r.5 In FLOUR, GRAIN
one -who has been I exceedingly remark- 'MI t. FE!f , t-,! s.2d Pre 4 .::) u,!.:E O . I,,NE,k;ALL V,
able for his success, says in regard 7 ? KY' - ' : `" `PP' 7 1 ' ' (- */ . " -1- • A "`' ghenT km r ,
zo the subject of steamboat signals, as to . LITTLE, k1k.111.11 6i. PATTON,
Which aide boats shall take when meeting. • AlThol , ,v.:l-.lirorcrs, CornalltAlon licrelant ; am!
that-there is but one really safe rule, and Liinlers In .I.'mluce... Flour, Bacot!, Cheese. Fish;
that is for boats to invariably take "to the '
v s , r r l a )°4 l:Vl ,l r. l i , 1 : i - cit r ?'.a N a 4 1 11 4t'ul• G e l i."ge ( e ' rVi n j .-
right," and in till eases for the ascending a a s ae. is ! , -..icc..c. - . ,,, ,Ta r- , -. .. I. F.T:Pit-,,,barril.
boat to stop her engines until tbe docendinJ 1 J•nr...t I.. 11017,1- .... :: , :f .I i 1.2.('!+ , ivy,. n. Liu:-e.
boat has passed. IL is true that at Wiles JOHN, I. - lEOUSE & EMUS., '.511c...
this rule would be an inconvenience, but i cesrora to .ftiHNl. litil:4 , F. & co., whet...ilk
the general safety of all would be , secured., f ,? r 5,.(Ts lac „ .:•9earit3stort- 3ir.rch iota, ' (' must of
u.: i .I.r .r. A I'ltiAburgh, la.
—The submarine diver, Mr. Hill, went jizi;N:: - ,-"iiiTia - ,;- - - ------ --- i - iiiiiiii.:7::
down to examine the wreck of the J.N. kCII.III ON'&IIVAILILAC'E WHOLE-
McCullough, the other dav, and alter going O SALE R.
; i::,• - :E it AND PRVINI'..3 E. DIALERS.
all over her, - reports the tible in her some io. 651 X ~ ..2 1 - 2 - :r i . • P , T. rittsbnrxh. all2:rsr.
thirty-six feetin. length, extending from--" - -!! ---- - . ' - '" 7 "- ------
the boiler to the wheel,, and cut •nearly
doWn tO the kelson. lie alse; reports that
the hold is full of mud and gravel, and
thinks It will be a { b4 job to get her. up.
There must be some mistake about- 33
many lives being lost on her as the officers
were confident not more than two or three
were lost.
111*er arid Weather
Louisvmr.r, Pectim ver 24.—Iliver rising
with Mx feet four inches in the canal. isi.av
igatlon above the Falls has been suspended
by ice. Weather 'cloudy. and cold.
PWILLE. NSVILLE AND •••—eurecotolaarame
i_VilßO—Tbe new and elegant passenger etwuer
CHAMPION ......... ....W. F. FUL 31, h ter.
T. WIRT/I LI N. Clerk, •
Will leave tor.tke above pone
HIS DAY, DEC. 24., at 3 P. M., poiltirely.
For freight or pre apply on board or tn.
di 2 , 1' Or. D. CLLIN G WOOD. Agent::
kiPtON will leave pw,t-ri V 111,1' tills even.
lag at 5 o'clock. W. F. FULI.I-7.1:. Captain.
Parma BURG O,
blarietta'' and Park g l rsbnrg Line.
Leave Company'e Wharf 1134.1., foot of Wood z•tre,:t,
BATARD A. /MP II F, D, • LEE ter
extr Ir.6OILJT; C. L. HENNA 24',
rebibt wilk be recut ved at 311,11(4u:shy
IL-MENI PH 18 AND . i.
4 titLEANB—The steamer .
"AtittErf I .. C. It'Osmca.v.
mill leave tar shore ports on the first. rise Of the
river.. .
For freight erpeeia — ge apply on board or to
41e17 13 ) : tEltt l lNdtfOOD, ArgCnte
• ~um or , Cm*
CITY. December Ind, I,NOII. • .
for grading and paving NORTII CANAL
u EEr from East Lace to dilemma; street; for
grading and. paving MAIN STREET from old city
line to nab Street; for grading and paying XIL
BUCK iSTEEET from Craig to Corry strret; and for
grading and paying OULU A'VhiNlig from Grant
Avenue to Pittsburgn. Port Wayne A Cbicsgo Hall
way are now ready for examination, and can be
aeon at Ibis office till WEDNESDAY, • December
30th. 111011, wben they a be returned to the City
Commissioner's office for collection. • •
City :err .
ALLEGURNT VIM Ih. • 19[11. 19138.
NOTlON.—Assessor ends for the
from llldwidl to lotion taro-. .'
Also, for GSADINu nod P Y :Mt; of
•fr.n grant a►enns to gttarge. • street:
And lOr tam GSADING an , __i 9Nti or
from Allegheny avenue to Walker street;
Are now reedy tor examination. aml con be seen
at this office till KOS DA Y. December With. INN,
when they will be returned to the Street CONWils.
atelier for collection.
dentine MIAS. nAvls. City Reenter.
. ,
'llllTICE—Those interested
• pleas* taltonotlee that the report of the slew:
ere the tutor of opening /ant Knit rat NUE,
in the city "Oi Pittsburgh. as inclined by the court
has been plated In my hands. l'ne assessments. If
not paid on or before JANUAR I, fith. I). 11108 J.
will•bo Sleds* /lona in .acoarelance wllh On /we la ;
anettcsne sane and provided. • •
. .•J. n.• 151.AOLE; ;City Attorney. ;
,Plttanaralk December:Ult. HISS, . eV
-- . J iMerel t i t ie t fgrA s gii 1 1 :i, u 1 s itint r! Vil u e re e s aii”
:I Osman UP Mrs zwanniss Jahr eltraVaToe, ; n 'it'd., 00"Lio lags (Meerut vaelPty_of UHT tl (RIDS, •
. • •
.. u .. - • INlttelna'alv ... .Deg. 111,:...1.11_81.
14 11 Mallion.Tille laillheiginale4l4 ~ jar ; .. 0,11....CLA1T513 ;die , . -,-, ti t • ',.' .-;',' :, • ; + I'. -,' ~ •-.. ; .
hop' rat
'' '' Ges4Lig via Birds% ;, . . I ,
' ,LEY lipseit t -..">'; `- , 1.. , rieute, .Thle p7to Otnaltiellna tat moNii/Lf„De,
.r,i , ~., . . Al r., - : 4 • 1;0 1 4 -, v maakeeills ad 'outland math_ all le told outtroly . ,
'aputTielattriglilb VS WIOW tiara eue. Date; rigetiksrw4 Noi ioo.kohie 'mop.
loritiVile•mkid.sblesseelmul It tNiltestini t aVr. ,
at . D SWUM 1110. 1114. VIII let /.z !;10 i.84 , 0100 , 11.1ikqe,;1,411144ei. , fbai
refers • SW Clirrressurere ollihit i & ect e. seFchean... •,.
CO a. J. welis. ow Dailassa. eittoo I ' JANDS GIUSL/De%
-...--------____. .
J. L. DiLLING.EIf..... . : ........ ;...A. A. 61 4 AVtseez .
No. 87 Scond Street, Pittsbur4ll s Pa
- .4q Rinds of CouWry Produco
All ordera for Merchandise propiOtly Ened, at
LOWEST market rates. Particular ittentlon . glTen
re th , ei'Peleof ceonulitergAiffe„rrih,.!:,•7",!L;er';'."t4lali:
isfacticn, ty making quicx sALEs'and rEunrr ItE-
Tuni{S. at MG lIUST MARKET Pit] CEO. and therefore
.respectfully solicit yowl. consignments. All corre
spondence auswcred promptly. Sfarking ?tales
furiltgaed free. Grain in stare aidto arrive daily.
(10.1411 LY, 1812. • - '
se :A
Groeeries, Plour, - Gralte, Produce, Pro.
vhdons;rlsh,Cheesic, Caribou
. .
NOE. 1721 and 174 WOOD ETIMET, near Liberty
street: 'Ptztaburgh: : n08:n6.5
Coramfswi t on, liferclmpts,
. . ,
1i0..95 011.10 STBEEI. near East Common,
- •
. MISSION 'MERCHANTS, and Wholesale
'Milers In tioshen; Futory. , 'Hamburg and W. 8..
Cheese, Butter, Lard - Port' Bacon, Mar, Flab,
Dried Pratt, Drain. PIC Lead Pot, Pearl and dads. _White Lime, Linseed, Lard, coal and Car
bon Ol e. No. i 1 Flit street. Plttsbureh.
PIT= REV, JAg7.I:22MaLB,/r
Liberty tit., Pittsburgh,
AfcßA bic ANJEIL,
FETZNR & ARMlYrnoil,i,
... -
- U. s. 151Am-3r - rm.'s OFFICE, 1.
- '. IV. of Pennuivanis.
PITTSFIT - 11011.. December 22. trics.
on the 2 tat day of Deesraber. A. 1). 1809,
• Warrant In Bankruptcy was Issued aealmit the cs.
tote of THOMAS K. WILLSON, or Allegheny city,
In the County of Allegheny. and State of Penni , yl-
raffia, win, ha, In,n adjudged a bankrupt, on
his own petltiont that the payment ot any debts
and fleliverr,af any property beton ging to such bank
rapt tp him or for Ills me, and the transfer of any.
property by him are lorhidden by law: that atucetlng
of the creditors of the said bankrupt, to pro'e their
debts,and to choose One or snore assignees of.his es
, tate, win be hell at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be
hoiden at N'o. 310 Federal' Ftrect. Allegheny City.
Allegheny county, I'a., before JoHN N. MIMI.
ANUS,Esq.. Regist. on the Bth day of Febru
ary, A . D. 1969, at 0 o'c!ock A.
U. S. Marshal, as Ales ien ce r.
i IV. D. of Penn,yl:rania.
Flrrigpnitoti. December I Sthi 18118.
9 1 1118 IS TO GIVE:NOTICE that
03 the I.lth day Of November. A. 0. 1868, a
' -Warrant lit Bankruptcy was Issued against the its.
tate 01 ~AMITKI, BAILEY, of New Brtglitry.
Ter enUntr, Pa., Ind IVILf.IAM U. MeDANILEs.6
• of Plu T huralt, In the county of A:lc:near, and
State , of Pennsylvania. partners as ItAFLEY &
NDI. S 4, who hay.: been ntljtidged
rnptson their-own pr rttlOn; that the payment of tiny
debt, awl dell, cry of any propt.n.y heionying to such
bankrupts to them or for their nse. nod the trans
fer of any property by them are fdrbblden,by law;
that it Ineetlo y of the creditor:: oft he said bankrupts,
to prove their debts, and to chouss one or more as
signees of, their estate, will be held at a Court of
fr,tankruptee, to be holden a.t No. 116 Federal SI..
Allegheny - 1!Ity, Alloglicny coduty. Penna., before
.101fN PURV/A.NCE, Itug,is s ter. on the '
3d day of - February, A. D. 1809, a; 10 o'clock
de2l:lf* U. S. Mar:Anil, us, Mersenger.
IN TITE aisTritztfcovitT OF .
WAS I WiTON BRITTON% n hatikritot tinder Els
lact.of Congress of March 2d, 1807, having applle,l
Jot a tilseliarocfroniall hli debts. and tither cottnao
..proVable under said Act, .order o' - .; the Conn
notlee4i IterOny given to all vrolltt.4 who
'llrovedilhetr d.cbts-autt other,
.persons Interealed,
to appea on the-e
the-6th " dtuy of Eittit ailtY. 1869,
at 10 o'clock A, It...before JOHN . _N. PURVIANCE,
Esq., 'Register,' at ' Ida' °face, No. 110
Street, env, P 41.. cause, ir
they have, why Allegheny a
discharge ahobtd not show
tQgrante i to
the field tiaukrupt.., • • • •
de20b71.31 • S. C,3foCIANDIESS
Letter* of administration on the estate of
RGE: CARNAHAN, late of the Borough of
Temperaneeville,, deceased—have been granted to
the undersigned, and all persons Indebted to said
estate ate nequested to Make immediate payment,
and those !Ming claims against the same will pre
sent them properly probated without delay to
note;a3l )t MOSES CHESS, Chanters township.
BY H. B. BitUTHBON at 00.
, .
15.$ .A.ND 57 , FIX' TH AVENUE•
Messrs. H. R. SAIETBSON d CO.,,proprletern of
the well known Mammoth Auction Houee are crea
ttng an excitement consequent upon the arrival of
new goods which aro being sold at remarkable low
prices.. Gootis'or:every variety: the finest sewed
b^ots, the snot ritetilonable beituortti gaiters and
anklet alums, slippers, &c., blankets, - flannels,
cloths. easthneres , cutlery and carpets. Call and
eiamine. • No 'trouble to show goods. 'Ladies%
relosee and children's furs at alqtost • your ow&
prises: All good's wartanted as MlretielltPd 11024
7 Emilie
1 110.-100 °WO szcsET, ALLEqiiENT cLTY.
No. 271 4berty Street,
ta P.: l T 3,9 .
11110.1a." 7 :5:'211W;-:: 0-1.1•1 5":7.775 1 ,7,*ttf,-;r4,..T5.
i • r.,.; .17 "f:
- 7:or Czaa:
• •cf.: .t,
Ls: 2,u' 3:6 10: le
Night Ott-'l. Mr•Xe,:oc.. - : - .-
For ti- , kets gm. 7 a -
Ir. dd, rrar^2, .salt
A LE G.5.1.7:71.:' PA.i.LE.:,:tit;
On and rift,r ,ravviabe-
TWO TIIAINS Df-..ILE 'will 'ease Pitt:Li - ours - It Ons
tlonz , st. - can for Zrank--
lin, 011 City.; ..7tzta' 10,1 'and ell polata :he 411 Me
gloias. I
LEAVE PnieTaanatnr.. 7.1 T 1.7.71317.7E02 0
Man 7:1.5 plrt
Express DDI • 32; pres 3... 6:: : .t0 aas
Brady's B'd Ac 3:49; 1. - ..l2radys 'd 4.1:11
/St Soda Workp ;tat Sc dr:Works •
Accontod•u.. 10:5 a zit neaseiad.t'a. L
2d Soda Worka,--z----- 12413otlaWcr•ks- •- • ••
Accosaod , n SitlO J..aacaoda , 3: 1 19
Church Train /save .leltastarroz. at 2:10 ??..*.ez•
rtre at Pittsburgh at 3:50
Passengers taking e.ress tantuLtiare hut
change of ears between ittautzrult, 2.aralt and O.IA.
: Regions. Mall. and 'Empress Tralas ctep only a::
principal points Mixed Way tr.d da.P.ut
trains atop at all stations. •
W. POSTER HOPE. Tllr4et Agent. ' nay
•- - •
p er. NAI4WAY.
PAN HANDLE r,fithe.ol,
CITANGZ OP Tl3le.—On and snot. ,
N0v.22(1, 1888, trains will le•irei•satt at taw
Union Depot, as follows, rittsbarifs Lima:.
' • '
Mail .Exprdsv
Fast Llne.,.. . .• .....
Fast Expre3z.
Mixed Way
bEctkoniticl: . 6 4ce'n, No. I
Acr.ommod , n. 3:38 p.m. 'SAC a, ?'' m l3 .
- McDonald's Ace'n. No. 2.. 0:08.p.4'..4.1.033. rS
' Jr/I-2:58 p; Id: Express will leave dr.ily.
•:151:13 P. M. Mel willarri ve dat.v.
The 10:13 a. m. I'rain leaves daily, Sunday: cm'"
eepted, and makes close connections al lie‘raz.r. :fa?
Zanesville and points on Sandusky, 'Az
'llewark E. R.
8. F. SCULL, General Ticket _
W. W. CARD, Sup' t.. Steubenv:/le, Ohio.
liMl3 AGE.. FORT WAYNE & CHrCl'f;o 23.
From Dec. 20th. 1868. trains will leave rroaii
and arrive at the Union Depot, north side, Pitts—
burgh city time, as follows: .
Leine.Arne .
- Chicago Ex.; 3:o3 ' a m Chicago Ex... • 2:13 &
Erie it ..Yorn MI 7:28 a mlehicago Ex ....111:58 alit
Gl. - 3.1W1PR.11 , 1 6:28 a m,'Wheeling Ex. 11:13 am
Chicago Mall— 6:58 a. m; Crestiine prat
Chicago Ex.... 10:08 a miChicago Ex..••l 4:38 Paa.
Cl. Wh'gEx. 2:23p ts!Cleverand Ex 4:08 pia
Chicago 2:43 p Erie it Ygln Ex • 6:13 pia.
W. ZrieEx. 4:53 plc! Cl. &WWI; Ex 6:58 par
Depart /ram Allegheny.; Anise in aiiiegheng t •
N, Brigt.'n AC: - 8:58 a sn!N. Brigt*n Ac. 7:03 a IL-
Leetsdale 'y 10:28 m' N. Brigt'n, " 8:28 OM
11:58-a miNew Castle " 10:33 a aa.
Rochester ." 1:33 p iLeepdale 9:13 a als.
Leetsdale sec. 3:58 pm: , • 11:08 p
N. Brlgt'n ' . 5:33 pra Brigt'n " 2:43 p m
N. Brigt'n " . 6:28p ns,Leetedale '• 4:53 pa
Leetsdale " . 10:43 pin r " 7:18 is 61
Leetsdale Sun- iLeetsdsle Snis
day Church... 1:13 p ati day thurch... 9:58 am
2:13 p. m. Chicago Express leaves daily.
(3`11:58 a. Chicago Express arrives daily.
de= ' R. MYER'S., General . Ticket Alicia..
1D EIVNS I ____
On and atter Nor, 2Eth. 1868, Trains will ar.
rive at and depart fromshe Union . Depot, corner oi.
Washington and Liberty streets, as follows:
~,rrim Depart.
Mall Train.... 1:30 ain DM' Express.. 2:30 am
Past. Line ... ... 2040 a m Wail's Egress..
6:30 am
Wall's No. ... 6 20 a m:31al1 Train 6:15 ain
BrlntonAcc`n. 7:50 aru I• F'incinnati.Exl2:3s pm.
Walls N 0.2.. 850 a na! Wall's No. 2-1120
Cincinnati Ex. 9:40 a mi.rolinstown An. 3:25 pm.
Johnstown Ac.10:35 a m:Braddecks No 1 4:20 pze
Baltimore Ex. 1.43 p to:Phila. Express 5:10 par
Phila. Express 91:05 pm; Wall's No. 3.. 5i20 pia
Wall's NO. 3..._ 1:30 p in, Wall's No. 4.. 6:15 pm
Ylraddocks Nce,l 3:50 ptu 'Fast Line . 7:50 pm
Wall's No: 4. 7:25 pmirfall's.itto. 5.. 11:C0 ,:i ist
Way Passen*r.lo:2o p in !
The Church Train leaves Wail's Station every
Sunday at 9:15 a, m., reaching Pittsburgh at 10:111•
a. in. Returning, leaves Pittsburgh at 12:59 p. a :writ es at It. all's Station at 2:00 p. m.
Cincinnati Expresli leaccs, daily. Ali other tr-,
daily except Sitnay.
For fartherinformazion apply to • . .
~ • - W; H. BECKWITH - , Sgent.
The Pennsylvania Railroad Company ne:11 not ar,-.
snme anv rlsk for Baggage, except for wearing up.
pare l, and limit their responsibility to One Humored.
Dollars' in value. Alt Baggage exceeding- that
amount in value will be at therisk of the owner, un
less taken by special contract. ...._ ,
EDWARD' 'FF. vi'irtrkirj.
General Su,aerintontient, Altoona, Pm... -
v Y - SYLVANIA. .11A_L and after n ov. 22,1, 1868.. the 'Fut
seater Trains on the Western Pentisylv.:.zia Raise
road will arrive at and depart from the rederai•
Street Depot, Allegheny City, as follows: • • .
Arras. Depart.
Springdle No I 0:40 r. .... T:OO
:iereeport, No. 1 8:30 a M Freeport No.l 9:15 am
Express 10:40 a at 'Sharph'g No.171:20 a M
Sitsrpb`g No. I 1:25 p 2:45 pm
eport No. 2 4:00 pniltipritgd l e Not 3:20 pm
Mall 1 5:53 p in, Freeport. No. 2 5:20 pm.
Springd'e No 2 6:451: mlSnrinfrd l e No 2 7:20 pia
Aboye trains run dally except Sunday. ,
The Church Train leaves Allegheny Innct. every
Sunday at 7:40 a, in., reaching Allegheny City at
9:50 a. al. Returning, leaves Allegheny Clt'y at
1:20 p. m. and arrive at Allegheny Junct. at 3:48-
p. tn.
Coststr - rAMON TICKETS—FOr sale In packagei et.
Twenty ` between Allegheny City, Chestnut street,
Herr's, 'Bennett, Pine Creel:, Etna and Sharosburg t
and good only on the traits stopping at Stations spot
Wed on tickets.
The trains leaving Allegheny City 'at 7:00 a: .m
make direct connection at Frespoll with Walker
line of Stages for Butler and Hartnaht town. illtrougls
tickets may be pnrchased at tbt Office. No. 3 St.
Clair street, near the Suspenclut Bridge It'ittsburgit
and at. the Depot, Allegheav
For Rather Informative apply to
Federal Street Depot
The Western Pennlylvanla Railroad will not Mt.
rime yrisk for Baggage, .exeep: ter wearing ay.
pare], and limit their responsibility t6One Hundred;
Dollars in value. All baggage exceeding this
amount in value will be at the risk of the owner, nut
less taken by special cot traot. •
Gent_ ,
, 711 Scterintendett, Altoona. Pa.
Eastern Division.
from the East to cal POLlit6
Colorado, Nevada.
California,. Utah,
New Mexico, Idaho,
,_.Two . Trains leave state Line and Leavenwors
(Sandays exceptcd,a the arrival of trains
Pacific? Railroad from St. Ben nis, and Hannibal awl
Bt. Jo Railroad from cy,. connectlti. at Law..
nonce, Topeka sod Watnego with etaabsis for all
With Kans UN I TED
STATESck west of Ells.
worth the EXPRESR
And all Pointe in the Territories,.
COACHES for Fort Unlon,, Benthi Fort, Pass, Alto.
u c e. v Ne e , xi S ci tn . ta Fe,.and all points in Arizona sad
With the recent additions of rolling' stook art
equipment, . and the arrangements made with as p
I:Tensible Overland Transportation Lines frOM Its
western terminus, this road now otters unequalled
facilities for the transmission of freight to.the Psi
Tickets for sale att all the principal offices ill the
Halted States and Conadss
. _
Be ak for tckets ifs HR SMOK
ilesTzpx Drhs.foli.
Gnaws' Freight mid Ticket Agent
"N t hal e ll4eliteen f lizet.eaasevessels, most that
the e I .
EVERY SATUEDAY, from Pies 4 6, Not
Elver, Netil'erk. Tor Moire or further tri f° l2 Olo , `
Ralt APV I 7IO •• c•
Matatit ReiGniX ire "
TO= imam
Po l iM " arid •
GPO/ft p 6441,
Depart, .Gar-tie.
35't.3 a.
10:13 S.. p. Sib .7
~... 21:5g p. re. 1.1.:18 a.. a:
5:43 a. re. 6:1.3 p.
Eketotml Buperiiiterideig
J. • WEB/11TE116