Z;":"; 7 1-1• EMI —Saratcgs, Is applying Is: ---Egyrt L';.vl £.l l ".7!P% - ."_3(-5 'ltar. a Cl:marl —Dc f; r:rz, :7 E:: , "laid --h3s;~treai zap C rnt - I r z• ' other. --Bob Lincr.a.l-;peczla.e:.; money --SrnaL' to hima. --Michigace. is to haT: - : next month. •-- arrieburg shys nun!: o; :::, y, - .....ir,,F. 'wea corsets. , - lire Logazi is talc. tc ;10'77 :e,'Lri:Ll L l - line Grecian •bend. • --Thirteen. murderera adom the a0.: , Z.;•,_:: 7-7 the New York tombs. —l'ostee MI dory. stairs on IfecinEr'l-..: , .nd hurt herielf h,r.dly. i —.Lny nua±bar afislati2t; _inks arc bcii i •, - , put tipi in Philadelphia. • —Gret•ce is about to adopt the Pr.n.cii, lips's:lel ;:oinago syatere. - --Thf.. income of. La Grand-2 Ducl , es...,e Behnidei last year was $30,000. —The What-is it ?of Barnum has deal :led to again appear.befo re the public. --lA. D. Cook, of Detroit, wants to play checkers with anybody for $l,OOO a aide. i —Th N e ew York Sorosis had a fine I Christmas. tree furnished by Jennie June. —Rumor speaks of Victoria's aliclicat!oz in case of \the clisestablishment of the. Irish Church. --Twenty miliion cubic -feet is the esti mated—. amount of this yeer's crop of Vesu- Irian lava. - 7 Ten million shoes have been madelthis year at Lynn: These few shoes are valued At $17,000,000. • —London has a burlesque on the lugubri ous "Stranger," and-therein Mrs. Haller dances the can-can. —A Christian at Dswego authorized the anonymots distribution of three thousand loaves of bread to the poor. I z--Jubal Early has_ denied some of Pol lard's confederate tales, and his friends ad " vise him to arm to himself. —Mrs. Jeremiah Warren, as fatally in jared in Lowell, Mass., -on Tuesday, by the explosion of a petroleum lamp. —"Metternich green and a stunning bend" is the vivid description of bliss Kel logg as she appeared at Springfield. —Dr. Paul M. Brennan, accused of rani-- der and outrage in Connecticut, was on Wed.nes - dai-discharged from custody. •—lifazzini is getting well and says no one need expect him to die until the United States of Europe is an acknowledged fact. —ln New York 871 children died during , 'the past year of scarltina, and the same disease killed off 402 children in Brooklyn. —The Chicago I?tpublican comes tons in a very f rie new dress and in folio form. The Republican looks very like the Tribune now, and we cannot i think it is as elegant in appearance as formerly. —A -gentlemanly Kentacktan named •Ckesley Tapp,well dressed aad with plenty of money, a passenger on ia steamer de- - seending the White river, jumped over board and was drowned. His body has not been recovered, but his; friends- say he was Insane =A great sensation in New York recently was caused by the marriage of a youthful lawyer's-clerk, and a school girl, daughter of a' prominent dry-goods merchant. The youthful coaple adjourned, to a hotel, se cured the services of a minister, and then defied opposition. The "cruel father" has thus far riraained obdurate. —A family living eight miles from Bloom ington, 111., started in a wagoa for that - place a few days ago. The three - children were wrapped in some straw and a buffalo . robe and placed in the bottom of the Wagon. .N9thing was heard of them until they, ar rived at Bloomington, but when they were uncovered 'they were found to be frozen to death. ; - —A human skeleton, petrified and en ' tombed in a carefully hewn grave, was dis .covered recently near Sank Rapids, 'ann., by some.vrorkmen. R inpposed to be all that retnains of an antediluvian giant, and measures ten feet • nineand a half inches: the skull is thirty-one and a half inches in -circtunference. The skeleton is complete, -excepting the left foot and one thumb and finger of the left hand. '- r For more than two' hundred and fifty years Prussia and lifechienburg have been •dispnting the right of governing the little town of Weide inThamerania; during all of which time that municipality has enjoyed perfect independence. The two goyena meats nave, however, at length bretfilit their negotiations to a close, and citizens of W6lde are liable hereafter to serve in the atechlenburg contingent. t '"=• —A , citizen of Portland, Me:, imagining Idieself`to be a sort of Noah 'and believing that, rainbow's to thefontrary, the world is -shortly to be again sfibmerged, has invested the whole of his property, some $6,080 in all, in building an ark. The boat will be fifty feet, long, fifteen feet wide, flat bot tomed, square sterned, round bows, with a house a little aft of amidship. He is' sole planner and builder; and intends when it is completed, to furnish it with necessary pro 'Visions, and calmly await the rising of the waters. —The Scientific American warns its read ers and the public generally to beware of _ benzine, which though a liousehOld neces sity, is a dangerous serrant. It says: Being wee ',of the most volatile and inflammable products resulting from the distillation of petroletunAt vaporizes with great rapidity, so that the contents of a four-ounce vial, if overtunsEdp would render the air of a mod erate-sized OM highly explosive- The i greatest care Should be exercised in handling this subßtang in proximity to fire. Ind it is important foTanen:dm: that the vapor es ' aping from an uncorked bottle will cause Asa flame to leap over, a space of several feet ;~,. Pletl.7vTG : ORIGIN or XiIIOGANY FURNITIIRn.—A. West India Captain, about the beginning of the eighteenth century, had brought some logs of it as ballast for his ship, and gave them to his brother, Dr; Gibbons, an 'emi nent physician, who was — then building a house. The wood was thrown aside as too hard for -the workmen's tools. Sometime afterward ids wife wanted a candle box. The Doctor thought of the West India wood, and out of that the box was made. Its color and polish tempted the Doctor to have a bureau 'made of the same material, and this was thought so beautiful that it was shown to all his friends.' The Duche'ss of Buckingham, who went to look at it,begged wood enough to make another bureau for herself. Then the demand arose for more, and Honduras mahogany became a common article of trade.—Dickens' All The Year Bound. IN reporting the arrest of another Inter. Taal Revenue officer, the Government agent now at work in New Orleans adds that he has not yft seen an honestOoverment cial in Louisiana. The statement is prob ably strong, but it is well Calculated to re. call a remark of Mr. Lincoln's: "I know I sent some honest men South," said he, "but I don't have any assurance that they are , honest now." We know that there were one or two honest meg sent to Lomi., Tana. :.-.•. :East River Ertilf, , e. - -'fiC7T that thcrc is a B Plie prospect that tke Or:dr:3 07r: C/O East river, connecting this i ely ane. ErJoklyn. will be constructed, the I frAClWing thsc:49%ion of Um design,. as given ' :IS th: chief t'''...e .3 neer of the 'company, f.r. oina -.L. I'. o i'.Toling,, In iso was also the engi neer' , - ..l - the famous Cincinnati suspension tridge. ) will prey, - interesting. On the l'iroa.. l yrt ' aide tho bridge will commence rtettz he jerc.icit or Fulton 'and Main eireote oi, feet above high-water mark; `....70:2!::!Z PrO7pe.Ct street near its intersection with . .F" :ton 7 bridge tht wilt begin in the ::,lini - n 1 ouided. 'or - Fulton; Prospect, Sands, art' 7,7.31.iziat0r :Arcata; from ;his point the structure will run 837 feet to the anchor 77:1:Lr, l'lllier. will oecony the site of James - street, rear Garrieon; this part c f the bridge, fres._ the :erminus to the ar.oliorsge, will be 31::lil'arted by iron Lrirciersor t:',l2SZ'.., resting et al..crt _etc:l - vale en small piers of masonry or. :ren cbliemmi. The east tore:, which 'will-liie hellew, will be erected =,:15& feet .from tlio anchor walls. and wil weigh needy 70,i'00 tons. It will 'rave a licavy timber foundation 174 feet in length by 06 in width. and 20 feet deer. Trim:. this he masonry starts three. feef below low water. The floor of the toWer well be 118 feet above 1.: , :i wstor, and the height of the -rooting ea - is the ficor will be 11,6 feet, 111 akir.gisi tote:. height of 268 feet from higli water to t...i: .oi - , tower, riot including the balustrade ('an :1 ornaments; blocks on the top. There 7T:is be four cables 15 inches in diameter if of iron., and 11 inches if of steel. They 7.711 enter the anchor wall at an elevation of about 96-feat above high water, passing 20 1 i feet into the masonry, and there connecting with the anciam% - chains, which are to be attached to massive plates imbedded to heavy mansonry. The cables will be sue r ended 3,480 feet, 1,690 of which will be men across the river, from tower to tower, 1 white on each side of the river there will be 94.0 feet, rising from the anchorage to the summit of either tower. The kittens' of the bildge floor will be 118 feet above high water, andwill be provided with six tiers of iron.trusses, while iron floor beams will be laid at intervals - of seven 'feet. The weight of the superstructure of the central span, resting oh the cables and stays, and including the weight of the cables them selves, is 3,483 tons. The greatest weight of crowds of people and railway trains on the bridge is ,1,270 tons. The cable, and stays are estimated to bear up six times this ,maximum weight. The _stays alone would hold up 15,000 tons weight, so that if the cable broke the bridge :would sink - some what in the centre, but would not fall. The New Yolk tower will be built near Fulton Market, and will sorrespon'cl, in dimensions with the Brooklyn tower. There will be anchorage near Franklin , Squa?e, corre sponding to that at James street, on the. Brooklyn side, and the bridge approiches will commence ai, the site of the Staats Zeitungffi oce opposite the City Hall Park. The cost of the bridge is estimated at $6,675,000, and the land approaches on each side to a sum sufficient to make - the whole cost of the - structure about $8,000,000. The Bridge Company consists of thirty-seven prominent citizens of this city and Brook lyn, including Governor Hoffman, Mayor .Nsdbfleish, Mr. H. E. Pierrepoint, and other distinguished gentlemen.—.Y. I'. News paper. - ME The Coming War in Europe. [From the New York Sup.] The most terrible wars of modern times have sprung from comparatively trivial illustrating the Divine apothegm, "Behold how great a matter a little Ire liindleth." The - collision between Turkey and Greece may set all Europe in aflame. It is but too apparent that the Great Pow ers have for a year past only been waiting for a good opportunity to fly at each others' throats. The military' strength of the bel ligeret ts. therefore becomes a matter of in terest. Dealing only in round numbers, the forces of Russia, Prussia, France, Austria and Italy, including 'those troops which correspond to our militia, stand about as • • follows : Russia s 1,400,000' Prussia • 1,230,000 France 1,350,000 Austria 1,100,000 1ta1y...480,000 We include with Prussia the South Ger man States that were conmelled to follow her lead after the great victory of Sadowa. These are the five kingdoms that are most likely, in the event of a general European war on • account of the Turktsh-Grecian question, to join in the grand melee.- Rus sia and Prussia, and perhaps Italy, would he very apt to act together, though Italy might try to remain central, while France and Austria would be apt to take the other side. Assuming that Italy will take an at titude of neutrality, while Russia and Prus- sia on the one hand, and'France and Aus tria on the other, should enter into the field as allies, their respective forces would num ber as follows: Russia and Prunsia 2,630,000 France and Austria • 2,450,000 It would be a spectacle over which hu- , manity would shudder to see these title mil lions of human beings, who have not the slightest grounds for any personal quarrel, doing their-utmost to murder one another at I the bidding of two kings and two emperors. Remarkable Juno) by'a rata of Cars. One of the most fortunate escapes from a serious railroad accident occurred on the Erie Railway on the 18th instant.. The day express for Buffalo, when approaching ICJ dletown, and traveling at the rate of twenty miles an hour, was , throWn froin the truck .by a misplaced switch. Dashing along over the sleepers for a distance of two hundred feet, the engine finally struck an iron frog. and was violently placed' once more on the rails of a side track, havipg in this distance crossed two sets of intervening rails. The tender and all the cars, five in number, fol lowed the engine, and; when the terrified passengers came rushing out the train was all prepired to run back to a switch and be transferred to the main line: No injury was suffered by person or property, and but ten minutes time was lost. VITTSrURGIT PAZETiI : M - O,XDAY: lACEMBER 28, 1.1313: - ,-- - ------ Gov. Toa's WM. • • Goverabr Todi 4 will disposes of propertY to the value of $500,000., -No legacies are made outside of the family. - His , four sons are named as executors -.and trustees. The following extract will be read with interest: "Item 2. The silver present received at Rio Janeiro, and the'gold emir-box presented to him at Columbus by his military staff, to his wife, to be kept by her during life, and then the silver present to his oldest am, and the box to his next oldest son, and to their old est male descendants, and thus to be trans mitted from generation to generation as a memento. Item J 3. To his son John, the spectacles and case presented hi by Colonel William Royen ; to son Henry, the - cane presented by Colonel Royen ; to son George the silver tobacco box be queathed him by his father; to son William, the silver spurs bequeathed him by his fa. ther; to daughter l Charlotte, the cane pre sented by Surgeon General Smith; to daughter Grace, the cane presentid by Lu ther Donaldson; to daughter Sally, the cane presented by Mrs. Colonel McMillan; to . B. F. Hoffman, the cane presented by Johi4l. Prentiss, late Warden of the Ohio Penten tiary. The canes given to the daughtei ' , to i be presented by them to their humban , should they ever marry, and if not, to such k is male cousins as they may select. The Bra zilian bane, known as my diplomatic cane, tomy wife; hoping' that she may live .ong enough to find it of great service to her, youthful and'ainart is she low in." _......_:... Tun NILW White Pine Silver District, Eastern Nevada, is still the reigaing sensa tion on our Pacific Coast. Thongh the win ter climate is very severe, and the accom modations only such as could be expected -in a sage-brush city six months old, hund reds continue to floe , there. taking their slender chances for comfortable shelter. Tho' Virginia City Enterpriae, of recent date, Mayo: Judge Pitzer, Tho has for sometime been out in White Pine, returned to this city yesterday. He says the miles of ,that region, aro the richest he kits ever seen—tea times as rich as was the Comstock lead in its best days. His idea of the deposition in that district is, that it resembles a bed of coal, as, for the distance of a mile in length, by over halls rrtile in width, no shaft has been sunk but has penetrated the rich ore. The depth of the depositlis sink:sown. The ore rapully increases in richness, and in the deepest shaft it is so rich and .tough that it is very hard to sink in it. A. pick leaves a hole hi the ore such as would be left in a mass of lead by a blow with the same tool. Thyg can hardly be found in thb lead any kid -Of ore that is worth less ihaa $5OO per tun; in fact, the whole deposit is 'fearfully and wonderfully' rich. DENTISTRY TEETH EXTRACTED wrrriou'r PAIN FO O.HABOE MADE mum ABTDIOL►L? METH ABE ORDER D. A FULL MU res, so, AT DR scarfs. ma PENN STRENT, aD DOOR ABOVE BAND. ALL WORM WABBANTIIM .___LEktLVES AMINE 3P.ECEIIBNB OP torAA IF/AB AN IT& daT GAS Flk-Tl7llllB WELDON 1 1 / 4 , ELELLY; llannfae taxers and Wholesale Dealers ln Lamps, Lanterns, Chaniellers, 'AND LAMP GOODS. lib*, CARBON .AND .larsumants 0114, isp.zizirno, aria. No. 1471W00d Street. te;:n= Between sth end 6th Avennee GLASS, CMNA, CUTLERY. 100 WOOD STREET. - HOLIDAY GIFTS. FINE lir AMES BOHEMIA. N A.217D N.Ew • slytr,s, DINNER SETS, TEA SETS, GIFT CUPS„ SM-OKING SETS, A Ihkrge ntsek of 'RYER PLATED GOOD of kll ,I.seriptions ICall tud ermine our goods., awl we:he stittel/ed so one Need fall to DO united. • R. E. BREED & CO. 100 WOOD STICk ET. WALL PAPERS NEYE WALL Farr /bald, Parlors andlOcamaers, .ISIYtT OTTITINiI. AT lin 'Market St., laver Fifth Ave., •, JOS. R. HUGH= & BRO. MD Pivitve4:l4ply:4oll H o ,as, LANCE, DYER AND SCOURER. Igo. 3 fi3P.OTII3/337Par Sad Pico. lai sad 187 Third fdreett P/T - TaßVßfill PA. TRIMMINGS AND NOTIONS. ... - ...1,t.ftt1.: .. *i.• . ..c141JLE* ; .0...1.9 .FIFTITIVENUZ THE NEW SKIRT, "LE PANIE2. PERFECTION." • •THE FAVORITE. " "THE rortriaz," "THE RECEPTLIN' TIRYMPSON'S TWIN SPRING, I.VINGED ZEPHY. • •GLoVF. FITTING," CORSETS AND PAT ENT • •PA •' THE NEW GORED OVER SKIRT, •."BELLE HELENE," rtehly entbroldereti; azi elegant street or Skating Stir. RICH RIBBONS FOR BOWS, SCARFS 'AND SAsH - Es.. • • .. 11031 AN STRIPES AND PLAIDS.. SAT:NS; all shades *lad widths. FLowKRB. PLUMES HATS AND BONNETS. LADIES AND CHILDREN'S M.r.RINO UNDER WEAR, The richest and latest novelties ~1a GIMPS, FRINGES AND BUTTONS. We especially direct attention to the great excel lence of tini HARRIS SEAMLESS (Routlioni KID GLOVES" Over ail others. and for which we are the Sole Agents! A complete line of GENTLEMEN'S "STAR" SHIRTS, SUSPENDERS. GLOVES, HALF HOSE, UN DERSHIRTS 'AN DRAWERS. SELLING AGENTS FOR LOCKWOOD'S FAPER. GOODS, and all other popular makes. 1111CIUM & C4TILISLB, - NO. I 9 FIFTH A TENUE. n 025 A /MERRY CIIRISTMAS! NEW GOODS FOR THE HOLIDAY. DENNISON & lIECEERT, 'NO. 2'ilIFT.ll AVENUE, Have just received a large andjudlclousty asserted stoc: ad' IMBROIDERIER, TRUtIIII4!ZGS, Kid Gloves, Ilandkerchief., Slipper Patterns, Zeppyr Goods, Scarfs and Gents Furnishing Goods, and Notionr generally sult:t i l e e n g i r 4 selec"pu air7dcd is special novelties • HOLIDAY PRESENTS, to whick the attestion of lady readers Is specially Called. ' ' DENNISON di. HECITEIIT, PRICES MARKED DOWN. BAROAffS .0 ALMOST EVERITHING. REAL HEIL STITCH, all Linen. HANDKER CHIEFS, 176 19c, '22c and npwards. TAPE BG ERIO, LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS 034 c, Sc to 50c. All our LIA.TS at isle-half regular prices. All the new BA.LMGRAL 14K iftTs and Bradley's' latest styleis of 4300 P 'SKIRTS, at the Lowest Prices in the City. GENTS' 11ERLNO VEST and DRAWERS, 40c to $5,00. AT EATON'S, No. 17 Fifth. Avenue:- dos PIANOS. _ "RUT THE BEST AND CIELEAP• EST PIANO AND OELEIAII. Schomaeker's Gold ItelL' Pluto , AND ESTEY'SiDOTTAGE ORGAN, n e SCSION.A.C.KEth . PIAND e =blues all the I latest valuable baprofernunts kinla the , con ' itsaction of a drat class hummer: . and has always .1 bet= awarded the ill 3 elest Dram) wherever ex, 1 hlbltol. Its to te Is full, sOporoua and sweet. The IcorkatanaSlD. for datublllty sal beauty', surpass • all otters. ,Prices frokus3o to hall. (according to style and Wish,) cheaßer than all other eo-Called Brat class Plano. . ~.• 1 • EBTEY'S CiirTAIIT ORGAN Stands at the head.of kteed instzmaants. In pro ducing/ tics most perfect plise quality of tone sof any similar instrument In the:thalted States. It Is situ, pie and Compact in construction, and not liable to get out of order. - 3 C hRTENT.ER'S paTENT "VOX HUMANA TREMOLO"' is only to be- found in this Organ. ;'rice from $lOO to $550. AU luarantteil for lye BARR Y SN A RE & 1113ETTLER, Na. us , BT. CLAIR STREET, PIANOS 4ILND 011 G lea tire new stork o{ • I ENABE'STIVRIV.ALLED PIANOS; ITAINES BROS.:11)1MM/ PRINCE A CO'SORDANS AND 3IELODEONS and TREAT, LIN - SLEI" A CO'S ORGANS AND lIELODEONS. : t. CHARLOTTE BLUME. 4:tirlfth avenue, dole Agent Ell= SEWING ,EIACHINES. !NM THE GREAT AMERICAN COM BLNATION. - BIIITON•HOLE OTERSEAMIN &NM SEWING MACHINE. TT HAS NO EMU*, BErNG=ABsuLIEFTELY THE HEST rAvirE I MACHINE IN THE: • wf.:2.1,D, AND IN TRINUCADLT TriE 'CHEAPEST. Msr Agenta wasted to sell this Machine. CHAS. Co 3131LLSIAMIt s Agent for Western Pennresearrit. Horner TIMM AND MARKET STURM'S, over Ulehardson , rJewelry Store. • n 64 - COAL AND, CIIOS.E.. GOAL: COALIS COAL:it • DICKSON, STEWART & C 0... Havin g removed their Once to NO, 507 x..u3m.wrx. STREET, , (Lately City Blour Mill) SECOND ELOOR. NY LUh[P r , i t t [PP &,Tl7.l;lll°ltlor2,taraile°l4M; market price. All orders left at ir offhie, or addressed them through the mail; w ill be attended to f promptiy. he • MERCHANT TAILORS. TIEGEL; (Lnts Cutter with W. Heapenheidej DIIMELpIIA.NT TAILOR, No. 53 Smithfield Street, Pittsburgh. se:d3:y2l NEW FALL GOODS. A splendid new , stood of Cl , O r ri - It3,;CAASSI3IERES . ofte. Just received by. aza - xv MEYER.. eel 4: 73 Smithfield street TOBACCO AND CIGARS. • SIOR,EIII3. EXCEL ,W 0 • W. LIIMNIKINIF3Orq. santazturera and Dealers Snuff, Cigars, Pipes,'&o• - , I: PEDRICAL ST.. A.LLEGinrsrY 4,94- ARCHITECTS. B ASE &mons, Alteli=rl.C'Tf3 D inturr ROM ASSOCIATION BITILDLNGS, Nos. • and 4 St. Clair Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Sitesaal attention ;given to the. designing and building et WU= DONSZeand PUBLIC BUILDINGS. LACE GOODS HOSIERY, O. 27 FIFTH AVENUE HOSIERY and GLOVES. F. SOUCY', sr- No. 168 Wylie Street. jig 168. 163. McCANDLBSEI & CO., . - (Late Wilson, Can A C 0.,) `WHOLEfiALZ DEALERS Faleign and Domestic Dry - Goods, • O. 94 WOOD STIMMT, Third door above Dlaraoad rirrsstracur. ELRUH, Practical Cook, . etrtUly announces to the public that hOvil On Saturday and llonday Next, Open to the public the 1 . . i DELhIONICO RESTAURANT, FOB GENTImmEN ONLY. It will ally s earnest endeavor to hunish viands trees atimes with the most palatable *which the market or the season affords. • The LiQuails, WINE* of various dates, ALE, BEBE, e Ordersl be their own recommendation. for line Cooking for Weddings and other. Festivals, will, as heretofore, be pre:ropily and cheaply attcnded to, requesting patronage. oc,:sati . MAUR. GEORGE BEATEN, • MAN117.1.011321,1X OP CREAM CANDIES AND ~IVATTIES, And dealer in all kinds of FRU/T*3, NUTS. PICK LES, SAUCES, JRLLDIS, At, &c. mr.4l CO,RIBION Aliichine Stone Works, Northwest corner of West Common, Allegheny. ATVATER & 00,. novo on hand or prepare on shot. notice Hearth and Step Stones, Ylngo for Sidewalks, Brewer, Vaults, c. Read and Tomb Stones, de. .orders Promptly executed. Prises reasonable, DRY GOODS. 54. KI'I'TM _EXTRA 11EA.17 Barred PlaiineX p A V&RY URGE STol`}_, ZaTc::•lA7 IZ)lteaD,sp.v IN GOOD STYLES, DICKSON co. WHOLESALE X2 0 11:12' arC)Cor?Sai, 0/96 WOOD STIIEET. i . rk %1, g , ~ 0 z e s n PI r O2 I. z lla a' P - ri M ~.. rm. la Ei , AF gi c o 1 0 • 41. CS ^E, Pri =I gi. W 2 CO Agh P P 4 cr4 la g . 0 c` v F. E . i 41 Pi ~% .. bid , p rl ;A a 1 418 111 4 44 a ri 4 .r -0 0 id q g 4, 5 01 . I . o 5 , .D .r... m . 0 _ grd r 4 14,k ri 0.41 - - - . Z 4-t; DRY GOODS ALT cosp,- FOR THIRTY DAYS ONLY, TO cidosm wro'cit. TREOBOBE F. PMUIFS, 87 MARKET STREET. CM im• ••••••• •••••• •••••••• ••••• •••••••••••••,igs. NEW GOODS. NEW ALPACCAS. NEW' mtinsis ELACH SILBIL CiiINFECTIONKRIES. 1/sk ITEDZIRAL BT.; Allethally STONE. CARPETS AND OIL CLOI ANNVILL meOtt A * REDtfarION szetadirs• ,E ELLIA Is sow fully Inaursrz.tt Lt. n;lcz care EliTtlit B tR4LUIF., 721 - .1 /NM, La CA3C - 0 - Of L CLOTH VAT &c. g. 5 OLI VER OCR AND COMPAy 2 Fthia Street. rUEJEkilTselrio - _,sr Oak llPEgit: 11=3 C3PME.I 401_v4:::>P7E-1S '` cfcc,. I 7 We offer 'our stock L redyice , prices for a SHOUT be le • commencing to take stock Now is the time to buy. BOVARb., ROSE & CO.; 21 FLETB. AVENUE. - dis4:d2turlP 51. FIFTH AVE NUE. BITALL I BROMRS I GRAND CLEARING SALE OF CILMILM ) 3O I r..S. TREMENDOUS REDUCTION For tOestaili, ITINTIL WE TAKE STOCK. M'CALLUM BROTIEEIIi DECE4BEI . :47t - 368, 1 FOR 30 ont CARPETS AT plit.mgivA.xx.a LESS THAN WHOLESALE PRICE We. offer FOR A FEY WEEKS ONLY our goods at large reduction from regula rates. Our stock is full an complete in all department! and we shall sell the best Qual ities and styles of Cai i pets a prices at which we cannot re place them, giving oiur cue tomers an opportunity of 01 taming Bargains that ma never be offered again. 1111 special sale will confirm only until the time of tallin our annual inventory of stoo at the end of this month. IfFARLAND & COLLIN 71 AND 78 •FTh'T CRACKER BAKERIES. '; _-- ::".; ... , t, T .- 1. •-- ' 0,- . *:- • , , ;.-, ~. fi,- • 'cq ~ . '.4- , L. ': ,::r• ri. „-,11 -3 --e. . ,,/ 41 , '4-I' l s ckl4 :440 :,..: 1 , eta1.,,,,11- lar# • R 2 -k 4 •' • ' - ,t; , 1 1 k t k,'''q 4 .4i c r ARE SUPERIOR TO ANY OTTit OBTERED IN THIS CITY OTBTER, wAnr, • (mam scOTcH I ' E W , And LXllO_ lIII3CUITS. SUGAR. SOV FR Sale by Every 4rocer in the et aolt akery, No. 91 Liberty St. HAIR AND o i • . —........-- J . -- JOHN PECA, Ornamental na.. '' ~ tura WORAND PERPITMErt. •Vo. inll K.= ' ' street Snidthileld, Pittsburgh. ,„, Alwayl oit indiusral assortment ar W 3 . BA -WAS, ViultLE_ ___; GantienseWs WlE:'e SCALPS, Enhascau CHAINS BEAM die. 111 - W4 good Prise in cash win , bs-gi , " a: " sWli • d o d a , an d Gentlemen's Hair Clutha' ~0 % the neatest manner. - N 21, •"" . . . ~ , .. r : - .r 3 51• 51c II AVEMJ&