Fhlaneial Itatters in Now York. _ - Geld Closed at 134r,€)134X. Nair Yonx, DeCember 23,1868. Env Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] °ono. Money stringent and in active demend, and a general calling in of loans. The pressure is equal to the worst time of last spring. The banks are unable to expand, owing to the near approach of the quarter. ly statement, and business at legal rates, or 7 per wit. currency, Wes quite soaall at 7 per cent. gold, or Erg per cent. per an annum, was generally the minimum rate 'and as high as % per cent. per day corn tnishion, or 86 and C-100 per annum.wail paid, as was 7 per cent. , in curreney- with day 3( per oent. per cemmiladon -en gay, , ''. per cent. per annum . alter ' three felook. Loans were made at 7 r cent. higoldand • 7 percent. In currency w ith eommissions pl of %to % per cent. - _ Friday_will be closed as a holiday and there will probably be only a 'tinned buss- . • nese on Saturday, which will cause the money borrowers to proilide tainorrow for I four days in one, andlthere is every pros- Dect of another active day In the money' market. The extreme ,stringency is the effect of a locking up .of greenbacks, -the• continued shipments of currency.: South , muryfeet, the du goods failures here, and t he stivension of 13anking -firms .111_,Lohla. %tile end St. touts. 'The ' lending specula tive shares were Nevilrbrk Central,Taelfie !radial 'and s• Reek -3 Isliknd, ' - whieh were held in. soma- large blocks' prelims 'to the Central dividend. ,Buinor said' that -Vanderbilt and family he1d116,000,000 , of the Central, a prominent dry goods prince 16,000 aharckand the Erie partyfrom 80,000 to 60,000 shares. The buoyant market ens ;bled large holders te sell freely . and stooks have passed into weaker , hands and been • more Widely diffnsed. This , increasednum bar of needyborrowers affects the - suciney Market 'considerably. The:January divi dends find return of money front the west • and south will tend to relieve_ the market early 'in new year. Sterling ' dull .at 109%(§1109% for sixty dam arid 1103@110% for short sight. Gold dull and opened - at 135 and, closed at 134% 6134 g. BONDS AND erocgs. Governments lower but Closed steady. Coupons 'Bl, 114@l14%; d0..'62. 110@l10%; do. '64, '106%@)106%; do. '85,:1f/7%®107%; do. new, 109%@1093 ; do. '67, 108X@110; do. '68,,'110®110% ; Ten-Forties, 1055,® State' bonds quiet.- Mlesciuris 90; 'New Tennessee '68®68%; New North Carolinas 61(0)63; Virginias 5634®5734. . - The ;stook. .market has yielded to the money pressure and weak holders have been f orced to sell. New Yerk Central is quieter and moves more in sympathy with the rernamderof thelist A large amount of it was offered to.daY.and fell to 14834. and though . the stock mbsequisittly rallied • t 011503, the. closing rate was about the lowest of-the day. report says an in . junction was served 'on the - treasurer on - Monday morning, restraining the issues of dividend certificates but he declined to re ; gard it. The report is, however considered doubtful. - One per cent. was ' . Naid to call Central at 160 in thirty daYs an the same rate to put the stock at 140 in the same time. The general market waslower but - elosed steady. Ave-thirty Prices :---Cumberland, 8855® 87; Wells Es. press, 25(25%; Amer ;kin • , 40Q43; ..:. Adams, 48(448%; . United ' States, 45% ®46; Men:lungs Uni0n,1614116y,; Quicksilver, 213@2154; Canton, 48©48%; ' Pacific - ~118%@)110; Western Union Telegraph, 8334®3331;'New York Central, 3.4W®i483‘; ' Erie, 3854 ®39; do:preferred, 460; 'Hudson 130@1304; Harlem, 124% 127: do. prefeive, 126 @WS: iHeadin, 97% tg97%; Terre Ha d ute, 85@39; Wabash, g 57431 ,a7q; do. preferred, 70(472; St. Paul, 6654 .66 5 %; do. Preferred. 85 (4 85 34; Ft. Wayne, 110y1(0110%; ; Ohio and Mirsissippi, ®30%; Michigan Central, 113; Rs-dividend Mehl , glua souiliern,B6%®B67o Illinois,Central, ' 141(4)142; Pittatiurgh, 83@W,; Toledo, ogti, €49834; 'Rock Island, 111%4111%; North -western, 78(i)78%; Vreferred, 793(080; ' , Chicago and Altbn, - 137- de. preferred', - 1391 Columbus, Cleveland, Cincinnati and Ist dianapolis, 75. A dividend of five per cent. on stook has teal declared upon Reading. Mining shares dull and lower; Gregory, . Smith Jr Parmelee, 260. , Copper Shares at Boston: Copper Fails, 13; Franklin, 13; Quincy, 18; Hancock, 3; winnows& 2. • SUB-TREAStrItY. Receipts at the Sukr.Treasdry,to-day were 10318,618; Payments, $763,918; Balance,l9o,- Markets by Telegraph. NEw Yong, December 23.—Cotton a ebade lower: sales .2,500 -bales at 250 for - middling uplands. Flour dull and a shade easier; sales 0,700 bbls at $5,90a6,25 for su perfine State and Western; $6,80a7,35 for extra State; $6,7028,00 for extra Western; 48,45210,00 for white wheat extra; $6,95a9,60 for round hoop Ohio; $7,75a9,00 for extra St. Louis; $10a12,50 for good choice do., closing quiet, Colifornia nominal. Rye Flour quiet; sales 350 bbls 'at $6,50a8,25; Corn Ideal steady; sales 200 bbia y . Brandywine in; lots at50a5,75.' Whisk lower at 1, for We ste rn free; 11 for No. 2. Whe s at lo a shade firmer and very quiet; receipts 42.086 bus; sales 150,000 bus No. 2 spring at $1,58a ;1,60 delivered. RYemore active and firmer; • eales 15,000 bus Western at '51,55, and 8,000 bus do. at $1,57%. Barley nominally un changed. Barley Malt dull and . diooping; sales 2,000 butt State at 52,10a2,1234. Corn ! opened a shade better and closed quiet at 'about yesterday's prices: sales 4,809 bus at 193a97c for new mixed Western: $1,09a1,11 for old do. store and afloat; 51,00 .31,02 for new yellow Southern ; $l. OO 81,05 for ' pew " white southern, and` 93c for straw . oekired: southern; ata heavy ..and lower; :sales- 4,800 bush at •74%c • for - westerritu Store, and 770 for do afloat. Rice ?Arai atilMiar,tfc:tbk Cairfillta. Coffee steady. ;Sugar quiet sales 85 blids Celia at 11a11%c. Mo4mmtiull.t•Tfops steady at 10400 for ..Americin.- Petroleum ; quiet at 18e for 'crude. ' s audillal3l%o - for refined bonded. 'Linseed 011 aria ar.984111,01:,. Wool quiet; :sates:, 276,00 0 lbs at. 015a650 • for domestic Sew* 710 fbr secure d,' 40a60 for pulled, and .58afi9tf for tabbed:, 'Leather; ,Heralocit sole firm at .113%879%c for Buenos Ayres, and Manila light aria Mid ' dle Weights. ; Coal' uiet at 10c for New Castlegas, and 14a feriLieerpooldb; domestic held at laila by cargo. SpiritaTurpentfne whet st et% :s4l;%c. „Metals; Sheathing Copper qui at 33c; Ingot Copper „quiet and drooping at 23%aillgai' for -Lake Superior.:' "Pig v Iron , very quiet Pt, 4011,420 for Scotch, and .483a42 for American. Bar, quiet at $90a95 for English and American. • Sheet dull, at 103aleyo for Russia: Nail rod quiet, at 3%a103yc per pound.' Nails steady, at 5%a .5%0 for cut; 6 3 / 4 670 for - clinch, and 27a800 -for horse shoe. Pork firmer and' in mod. orate demapd; .sales of 900 bbls at $27,50a •28 for' new mess; 526,50a26,75 for old do; T '420a22,50 - -for pritife; .5 f5,25a27 for prime messf also; 1000 bbls new mess, seller for Februery, at 528.12 5 20. - Beef steady; sales of 160 obis at 440,50 for new plaip mess; $14a19,150 for new, . s extra mess. ' Tierce s beef in fag demand - at" "$28a30 for 'priers) meis; ' -431a35( fOr India Jmess: . • -Beef, tams firm; stales of • 190 bbls .at 230a58. ;Cat ; meats steady; sales M . packages at 1034a11340 for ' sh oulders; 'lBal6o' far - . 'Hams. Middles; -qttletrealea of 125' boiee - at 13340 :for Cern beriand 'ClA;• l4%erfer, short ribbed: Hogs firmer at 11%412%0 for Weatern; 112%612%0 for city. -Lard firmer:. sales of, 650 tierees. • ; at 163016Mafor steam;l7%al7%o: f ort et .:,,ielendered: :abut. 2,750 tierces. se ter ~."December, Fehrpary ;and. March' 1417/.s 173 ye. Butter steady at 25a40c for Ohio. Cheese firm andquiet at 14a9c. Freights to r. Liverpool firmer; engagements of 85,000, baltb.frain per steamer at Bgd for comma Latest--Flour closed dull and *tightly, la% papas fii9r.,,Whistaandamiky,!anahant. • ti •• - L 4 T. 1.• .4 e , 1 q I ~si l` ti '.l • .„ A --, '-', MI I ed. The advance in/reightis checks export demand, while dulinessln flobr has driven millers out of the market. Rye very firm at $1,56a1,57 for western. Oats rather more steady at 7434a750 for western in store, and 77c afloat. Corn dull at 93a950 for new, f1,08a1,11 for for old mixed western.. Pork nominally unchanged, mess held at $28,25 seller for February. Beef firm and in fair demand. Cut Meats quiet and without any decided change. , Bacon` firm and in moderate request. , Lard steady at 17a174ie for fair to prime steam. Eggs Stead 5t.38% _ NEW Tons., December 22.—Dry Goods.— The market is devoid. of animation, bat is firm for all staple Cotton goods, while Woolens• are generally dull and fancy styles somewhat depressed. We quote : Woolf , A Heavy Brown •Sheetings, 16340: `Apoleton A, 15gc;'Wachtes/ttlf.lso;Tndian lasad 15Hc; , Stark, 15c; St: Lawrence. A, 14c; MaSsachusetts A, , 14c; Mystic Riper. 13o; Hartford, 1334 c; Live Osk,ll%c; Swift River, 113ic: Prints steidYSpragu at axo ior standard brands:: 150 _tor e's, and 1334 c for ,O,cOeso and. Maple/sok:D. Cor • set Jeans : fir er;Jlatconiatisente $1,52. ' CHICAGO, ecember 25: -;;- Eastern- 'Ex change dead at X- per..cent. off buying; par selling. Flour quiet,lspring extras 5,250,85. heat firm and active; !OK per cent. higher. Sales No. 1 1,14)01,18; No. 2 1,99ga1,12; 0108111 g ,Sim at 1,13,1 for No. 2; sales ,of :N0..,1, 811300; ohange 111%. ~ . ..... .(0. 2;' Balm ~... . ~ ___ , _ Corn dull af,i4170 low er; new - alSelled 4550 IN, closing.at 41;046; kiln kried - 5434a55 -for No. 2 and 53 , for .rejected; nothing - do ing in old—no changesince -been board.", Oats dull and firmat 45a4510. closing St 4ira' 4534. Aye dullard Arm; 234 c higher; tales' of No. ,1109a1,12; N0..2 1,07a1,08; closing at .1,10 for No. 1. Barley dull; sales -of No. 2 at 1,49a1 , 52; closing at '1,69. Highwines dull. and nominal at 9314a94. Provisions less active; sales Mess Pork $29 tor buyer and-27,50'fer seller, Jenuary and February; 27,75 seller_ Jimusul.‘, - 2A teller February, closing with sellers 27,50; seller January and February-end sellers 27,75 buyer Jan uary; prime.ess 23. Lard 16% , cash and 17 seller February, closing at 1634 a 16% cat& and 17 future delivery;lough sides 1234; Cumberland middles 1234.. Dressed hogs opened firm and steady yesterday; prices subsequentlyweakened and closed at lla 11,3734, dividing on'200; live opened quiet and afterward became firm and more, , ac tive with sales at 8,5019,25 for fair to' mid dling and 9,25a10,25 for good choice. Beef Cattle quiet and steady; 3 i 7ssiB for'cottniton and 5 , 2555,55 for fair to good. packing. Re ceipts 9,605 1i0ur;85,634 wheat; 4,045 corn; 22,646 oats; 5,602 rye; 1,100 . barley; 25,660 hogs. .Bhipments 7,605 flour; 2,396 wheat 31,461 - corn; 2,000 oats; 2,500 rye; 4,904 bar ley; 1,114 hogs. - , • • ... Iv. "Loma, December 23.—Tobacco; noth ing doing, and the market is nominal and unchanged for com Mon, With; very little offering; medium at 23344. Flour ,in good demand 'for law grades; which are scarce and wanted; super rangen from $5,5014,50; extra at $6,75a9; double extra at $7,2518, 60 ; treble extra Wisner at - $9,25a10,75. Wheat; beat grades fall are •flrurandwanted; prime t,o.strictly old prime at ;1,62a1,85; choice 'white and red at $2,05; strictly choice would bring $2,10a2,15. Corn dull at 6134 a 6343 for mixed yellow; 67a68 for mixed white and white; 70a71c for choice white; bulk corn at 56a57c. O ats dull and lower at 6 , 41 55c, and fancy whits at 590. Barley dull at $1,90 for Illinois spring. 'Rye lower at $1,24 a 1,25. .Pork firm at.127,25a28, with Wel 600 bbbs mess at Alexandria, Beller for March, at $27,50. Bulk Meats vary Arm, with dry salted shoulders, packed, at, 11c; , clear rib sides at 14a1434, and clear aides 015; sales 100 000 pounds loose shoUlders and clear sides, at Alexandria, for Mareb;at letil4o. Batten—very little 'offering, with males thoulders atl3c; clear sides at •1734517340. Lard firm at 17a175c for city tierce,.and 1.65a170 for country. Whisky excited and higher at 97calL Receipts-1,850 bbls flour, 8,000 bush wheat, 7,700 blush corn, 2,200 bush oats, none of barley, 1,200 bush rye, 4,100 head hogs. . ' Mtge are stiff and higher at ;83,019,1o; number packed to date-185,000. • Cattle; good to choice are in fair request at 5a634c, gross. - CillortcrtATT.Deoember 23.-Flour quiet; family $7,50a8. Wheat dull; No. 1 $l,BO. Corn dull, at 651660 for ear—a decline. eta declined to Ole. Barley dull; the best a des are $2,25. Cotton dull at 23,t. Whisky Arm at $l. Hogs closed dull and Rimer; live:' . $9,25a10, . dreased $11;25a12; 'packers are holding off under the expected large _receipts before to-morrow; receipts 3,300 head. Provisions dull. 'City - Mesa Pork sold at $29;- councould leavelieeri bought at $27,50. , Bul k‘eats‘-beld at Ila 14 1 481511 for shoulders, clear rib and clear sides, but country was offered go less and not much demand. Lard unchanged- and nominally held at 180, bat there is no de mand nor is there much offering. Butter scarce and firm at 36a40c. Cheese , firm at 18a19c. Eggs dull at 32a33c. Linseed oil quiet bur firm at $1111,02. Lard oil firm at $1,50. Petroleum dull at 29140 c for refined. Groceries unchanged and quiet. Gold 13465 buying. Exchange dull at gal-10 discount 1 buying and par selling. The money market continues close at 10a12 per cent. I CLEVELMID, December 23.—Flotr; the I market is quiet and steady, bat lithe down ward movement .In wheat continues, we may look for lower prices; we quote city s made treble extra. white at $11,50; double , extra amber at $9,75a10; double extra red winter at $8,50a8,75; double extra spring at $89.8,25; country made dont° extra red and amber at $8.58.75; double extra spring at raft, and double extra White at sloa 10,50.. Wheat is dull and lower; No. 1 red , . winter is held at $477a1,78, and 11,65 for No 2 do.; there le no inquiry for western spring, and prices are nominal. =Corn is dull and lower; old is neglected and nominal, and , sales were made of new shelled at 67a68e 1 Tor yellow. Oats steady,. unchanged and in fair demand, antic for No. ;1 State. Bye 1 is quiet end nominal; No. 1 is held at sl 2sa 1 1,80, and No. 2 do. at $1,20. Barley is dull 1 and nominal. 'Petroleum; the market' is steady 'and Uralhansied; 'refined is held at 27a27%c; retail lots, 29a30c. • , 'Pointe; 'Deceniber 22,--Flour quiet. Wheat a shade better, sales . amber at $1,74 81,75, do sellers for January 111,75a1,76. No. 2 spring 11;34. . Corn,-old scarce, new un changed, saletitiew at 69c, kiln dried,loo, new rejected 58c, new condeinnicialc, new buyers for,the first ' of:hslf: .lanuary, 62%0. 'Ogts tilieliatigfltat, 571 flit .Michigan, and 55c for No. -2.. Rye quiet %, Hogs 540 bitter; at '10,;41.10; MOO 'ggfirl26. ! Mimi/nil* De g. 28 dull - ' and • iiambiallirtnchanged`.. Wheat ,Ilightir at ' sl,77'for titi.l;- $l,lO for ' No. 2. • Oats 'Om at 46c for NW 2. -- Corn . ..In fair demand • at 480 for - rejected... Rye - steady at' $1,0511,07. Barleys nominal. Itaceipts-20,0001: bbls ,fionri 82.900 km wheat,lso,ooo bp: oats, 40.000 bu corn, 40,000 bu. rye, 4,500 bu„ barley. ShiPmenta--2,000 bblsflour, 2,000 buwheat. ~ LOUISVILLE, Deei.23.—Sales 107 libda to bacco; new lugs to wrappers $4,75a17. Cot ton 230. Hogs $9,75 gross. Mess pork 12 8 . Lard 18c. Bulk shoulders 11344; clear rib sides 13o; clear, sidesls34o. Bacon—clear rib sides 1734 c; clear sides 17y03. Wheat $1,80a1,90. ,Corn 60a65c,., 'Oats 680300. Rye $1,40. Superfine flour-$5,50a0; Whisky— ' PitimenatimaA, December 23. Pieta dulll, and drooping, , with a' small business;' lowa, Wisconsin and Minnesota extra firm.. 113 , $7,60a8,12%; Ohio': $9,50a10,50. Wheat • dull;• sales - at $l.OO for red 'No '2. -Bye steady at $1,60. i Corn dull and lower; with -new at-80a900. Cats steadY: at 'peace :, Fe ' &role= , antral:is]; With 'crude , at,22oi And refined at 80go. . Provisions untinanged. 'Whisky,'o3alAo s - : Borirst,o, Debit:ober A3,-r-FjourAull , and unchanged. -, Wheat retiminaL , - oOrn quiet., with sepia 10 cars•new, on track, • at 76st ,10.006 bush kiln ,drittd',,at,BsaB6e,lo,. store. 'Bye quiet and lOweriVithsales '7,000 b ush No. 1 Ch i cago ' at 51,85 . ' A. OlitiCthill,with' sales 2 cars at. 65a653;c, un track. Barley noniinal..lPOrk firm at fr/STOttesoy Mess.. • Lard 'et4.7018c. - ' -.HighWitilartuonlinal at Ile "'MEiitittits, i Detlentbeii 18. 1 0otkas : 'aeltier• +at 28024raireceipte,' , 140 61 balestr *,0S pO rb41 MOT DIOS. notitwilala IstattlitigtiliNP4.' PlTT si . t . .oo . ! - ..Ci*0itt:.'.,..TA.T.) . ,R0P.4: 4 f;- . .i:ffi.gp:g.10 . ER...: 1 ...' ., .24;.....;. :0 .fM7. Corn 65a68. Oata 68i870.Ha522. Brim 125. Cornmeal $3,75a4,00. Porky $28,70. Lard 1734a183ge. Bacon dull; shoulders 14c; clear sides, 18340. - Bulk shoUlders 11c: clear sides 15M. • - BALTIMORE, DOCeMbeT 22.--'Flom dull aid weak and favors buyers.. Wheat nominally lower. Corn firm; receipts large; prime white 88a92c. Oats dull 65a79c. Rye firm at $1;50a1,80. Mess Pork firm at $2B. Bacon quiet; rib sides 17c; clear sides 1750; shoulders 140. Hams 18c. Lard quiet at 17a17Mc. IMPORTS BY RAILRAOD. OrmvirLAWP AND Prrxesuriost Ran- BAAD, December 23.-4 cars iron . ore, McKnight, Porter & Co; 4 do do, Graff, Byers &Co; 1 do do, 2 do brick, Park, Bros & Co; 140 half bbls Ash, R Robinson it Co; Ido lumber,' Hill, Patterson & Co; 1 car oats, S B'Floyd & Co; 1 car oil, JOhn Spear; 2 cars potatoes, Vangorder dc- Shepard; 2 do rYe, Jos . S Finch & Co; 50 bbls , peas, 10 do oatmeal; W Hatdage d; Co; 49 do buckwheat flour, tee lard, frdo hams, E Homzleton; 2 cars staves, 'W Hastings; 6 bbls dry paint ' , B L FehnestOck jde Co; do do, all & Spear; 4 bales bags, .0 P Markle; 25obbls lime, S Davidecin;f26 car wheels, J. R King; 1 bx. tools, John Eng land ; e 9 bbls, half do larger beer, Joi) pler;10 cases tobacco, S Swartz t CO; 19 o do, t3eghmyer, & Vos kautpi 1 bbl wire, W Mardorf & Co; 1 box hardware. Enledonrs & K; 1 oar brick, Kloman it Co; 6 bbls, 4 la do, 5 k gs. 1 box wine, J F Walter. 260, empty oil tibia, B D Moore: 6 bble, 2 bee dry apples. J D Lions; 1 bbl buttpr, T 0 Jenkins; Ido pearl bar ley.. 2 do oatmeal, Jot& Porterfield; 21 do apples, H Rea Jr; 39 bales hay, .1 & W Fair ley;'ll dos chairs, Thos Bakewell; 2do do,. ly dos rockers. A Milliken; 2 bbls kraut, Morrison &D; 2 half bbls butter, 2 bbl. beans, 5 'firkins butter. W H Graff t Co; 24 sks oats, .1 AS; W Fairley. ,Prrmininow, FonT • WATNN & CIEWAOO RATLRoAD, December 23.-43 cars metal, Nimick & Co; 6 do do, Jae Wood, Son & Co; 7 do do, Bryan & Caughey; 1 car corn, P Duff it Son; Xl2 eke peaches, T C .Tenkins; 1 cer.corn.i. car oats and corn, S Hood; 1 car oats, Robb & Herron; 1 car corn,Soott & Glad; 7 pkgs, butter, 8 bble eggs , 23 bble apples, W H Graff & Co; 10 bee soap. W Haslage & Om - 13 sks rags, Christy it - Ben ham; 41 do do, Frazier &Metzger; 52 do do, C P Markle it Co; 5 bbls buckwheat dour, H Rea Jr;-1 car cons. M. Steel & Sort; 1 car rye,' W H McKim; 2 pkgs poultry, I do but ter, Woodworth & Davison; 12 by buck wheat:flour, Lewis it DroCinre; 34 do do, T Jenkins. ALtEGOSENT Vaimar RAILROAD Decem ber 23.-4 cars metal, McKnight, Porter it Co; 89 skslye, 43 do oats, 16 do corn, Scott & Gisalt &hides, 18 pelts, 2 bbls eggs,G Small; Mike rye, 18 - do oats, W B Hevs & Sony Ibx butter,4 do poultry, J E Shoe maker, 50 bge r ain, & Ritchart; 4 pkgs poultry, 2 - do- eggs, 1 do butter, W P,eedy; 1 bdi sheep pelts, M Delange; 19 ekslionr, McClure & McKee; 8 pkgs, A Gallagher; 11 do do, Z C Shingost; 21 bp flour, M Stary; 5 do do, W H Kirkpatrick. prrrssvaita ein.Cormirmstrlrms Ram arab, December' 23.-6 pkgs cornmeal, McClure & Mese; 1 bbl ta, D Deitrieh J 1 bx sugar, Watt & Wihsono llow cars metal, Moorhead; 56 bdis sheet iron, W F Arm strong; 14 do , do, J Dunlap. ALLZONSICY STATION, December 23.- 1 car lumber, J W Barr; Ido wheat, J A Dickson; 100 bbls flour, S C MoMasters; 1 car corn, Geo_ Stewart;-1 do lumber, John Gregg; Ido do, B G Morrison, 285 eke ear born. Pose it Ewing. • COMMSSION -KERCHAN TS I. L. IDELISNOZE.••• ....A:. Z. 9111741110/1. ,BILLIN It GER , 'STEMSON, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 87 Second Street, Pittsburgh, PA. • azoariz AND MILL AU Sinds•; of Vountry... Produce all ciders for iterchandlsep=ly filled, ,at LOWINT tuarket rates. Particular a entimL,given 'lathe sale of , Butter...7lms, i rMd,..Trulta, de. , Wefeel confident 'US - we can give entire sat ishiction.,-byinaldng gm= sad 1110.111. T 71311.268." at iiiesarr mama= ramie, sand therefore respectfully solicit your consignments. Ail corre. spondence aaswered • promptly. Marking Plates fUrnititted free. Drain in, store and to arrive daily. auSid7ll E 83; A B y L .1111 4 11 E D BY A. & W. N. .00RILLY, WHOLESALRGROCER , No. 271 -:Liberty Street, anizarix Orr. KAMA ACIOTiLd se licrATT, LANG inIOLT.I34ILi DIALE6II Ur greiteries, 17011. r - Grath, Pz , edute, Pro• visions, Fish, Choese, Carbon Oil. Abe.. Nos. ITS and 174 WOOD STREET, aeu Liberty street, Pittainirgb. Pa. naa:ns6 Y. WIILBLZ 4. A. Atir STERILE & SON, IL" Commission Merchants, 43D =AVM IN Piralrinrip GRAIN, FEET). arAle No. 9 95 OHIO ISTRIMEI , near Neat Common. ALLEGHENY ia, I. B. CANYIZLD ....A. T. CANTIZI.D. ITHo CANFIELD & SON, 'COM • -7dIBSION ItERCHANTS, and Wholesale eiders in Goshen., Factory. Bambini _and W B. Cheese, Butter, Lard, Port t Bscon_, - Flonr; - Ash, Dried Fruit, Grain, Ply Lead, Pot, Pearl and Soda Aihek White Lime, - Linseed, Lard, Coal and Car bon GU& O. 14k1, First street. Pittsburgh. MUSS IBM JAZ. Ir. HICEIAIM• liEll:a & RICHARTI . . . .. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. , - ; "ALIID taILLII I I I IX ' Jrzotis,,easztr, erszps,.mmL. 'EKE,. se-, se., ,341) iitberty•BL,Plilkiitklul".- , "myst:b2l AL = ro;: ir . : : s wo . 40 : • 9 . • •- • ril. aim IVICITAIVE - & ANSEL 112 ' CO ar lit ri llSlO .a N icaou :Kß: it a: = l:: ismer. tal"motrit, *mint &a PRODUCE war- EMIT; Noi“ 14 i • WATNII. ISTWUrr. above eattithastd, Putabann. c' ' . . ! lea fatting bfAlfrArlintOaret , AID Alt mama insuguala, 1 , , 70z mesa', onnotir; Groin. Bsooli, tel44' Better Booth - re,42:111 Wholesale and HEW Grocers', No. 395 PENN OTREET. isl:29 BOST. axon - Artrourfr SNOT. & SON, COMMISSION I. TEED and design In VLOUE,GRJMII I. TEED and PRODVICE OE _. E SL No: 79 DlAM9l4popposite Vity Hia.4 Auegliepi, pity. JITTLE, t BAIRD ' ~P ATTONi Wholesale Grocers, Commbsion Merchants ana calor* In rrodnee, ,_Flour. • Bacon, Cheele,Ylo ll , Carbon and Lard. on, Imp,' Nails, Glass. Cotton ;Yarns and p•lgsburth: winnfictures generally, and IitdECOND PittaburSb• foams. nous& ....um. limns, sopa. 4081 1 ir HOVBE 84' BROStenc. Ceslorito. JOHN ', h & CO.olesale room and • fflgisualitston•llleraluntk of Staltste Wets. Pittsburg'. Is. ------------------- ♦- wi..u.aos, i , gssarrrozr , __ /. .. 10 .. , , lIIIPTONXWALIA. ICAMOIOLE. ' 01,V0 0 ROOERS AND rRODViq DEALERO,• . n , iso urnisrucrr..Pinsouratt... . Awns . . irgurair CLOTH EAR , potv, 8 ZS WS nowialtingn a t "61" c't 4na" "Der t 3 oo !l° a: rAltass., tow igit Mr tquiotilltrit Ito einiegfoiltileftleVitebmste i i _16414 • :r Nis as tb, 12 , v , ' c ' t ion • r 11 - = • VEIL NEWS. , The weed", : has again turned very, cold, and-the espy stations entertained the other day, that 1..1 vigition had been fully re sumed, are not likely to be realized. The river is receding steadily with seven and a half feet in the channel. The' Allegheny River is again pretty well filled with new made ice. ' The Grey Eagle, due here on Tuesday night from 'Parkersburg, had not arrived up to last evening having been delayed doubtless by the ice. _ SPECIAL Nicrrica.The Champion, is an nounced to leave for. Cincinnati, Louisville, Evansville and Cairo this evening without fail, and passengers and shippers should bear this in mind. ' The Champion ' arrived in last even ing . from Cincinnati. She hex among other items 0f..! freight, 1,100 bales of hay; 500 for J. & W. Farley; 100 for -.Bricker & Co.. and 500 for IL.M. Henderson.. The Leouldea, from St. Louis, has ar ' rived; . also, the R. It. Hudson, from Cin cinnati. - . , The towboat` Jim Watson, from Aurora, with a cargo of hay, was due last night. i r u d e. the Meesengsr;,frort±St. Louis, is ovisr 1 The Cana Delon for Nash Ville last even ing. Ills n t likely that any ef the boats Ide now loading will venture out until the weather. m rates, excepting the Cham pion. _ , The follo wi ng Is i li s t of all the towboats that have left—there are •others ready, but their owners - refused to • send them out: For Loniaville—Fred. Wilson, 80,000 bush els; Stella, 75,000. For 'Cincinnati—Nia gara,. 110,000;, Coal City,- 110,000; 'Lion, 80,000; Leopard, 80,000; Win. Stone, 55,000. —The Wananita was, to have left Cincin nati for New Orleans on Tuesday. —The towboats Panther and Simpson' Horner arrived at New Orleans on Monday. —The Kate Putruim.was at Evansville on Monday, enronte from St. Louis to Pitts burgh-. —The Mayflower in- the White river trade, has adopted the restaurant system of feeding. ' . —The Robert Burns broke her wheels badly working through the heavy -ice in the Mississippi below Cairo. She has 240 bbbi inelasses'and 21 lihds sugar for reshiP want to Pittsburgh. . • —Capt. H. H. Hazlett, owner of the Great Republic, has sued Sheriff McNeil, of. St. Lents, for wrongfully witholdlng property belonging to him, consisting of furniture, &c., of the boat. The amount involved is 85, 000 . —A Louisville eschange says: The tow boat Valid, which has beenengaged in tow ing barges up the Kentucky broke her capstan on leriday. Coon Hill, one of her orew, who was standing near at the time of the accident, was badly hurt. The Valid, arrived here yesterday for the pur pose of having the damage repaired. —The Van Buren Press, of the 15th, says: The ' river has - been rising and falling dur ing the last week. As we go to press it is rising with tie much water in the chan nel as is required for any class of boats in the trade. The Economist is due this morn ing audwill -,probably leave for points be low this a ft ernoon. The Leni Lssoti arrived from New Orleans yesterday, and left for that port last night. =A Cairo dispatch to the Cincinnati Com mercial says: The Wild Duck nes two barges and 900 tuns ore and sundries for Pittsburgh and points above Clncinnati. She has no Cincinnati freight. She reports the Liberty No. 4, and four barges above Hat Island, sounding. The Glasgow and Thompson Dean are below he Island, una ble to get over. The Silver Cloud No. 2is over the bar. and all right. • —The Madison Courief of Friday, says: The dismantling of the J. N. McCullough is bringing to light the fact that more lives' were lost by that ' accident than had been 'supposed. At first it was - reported that but ene person, a deck-sweeper, had been lost. Yesterday the body of a colored deck hand was taken fromlhe wreck, and the Coroner tells us he has reason to believe that ten or fifteen bodies will be found in the boat. - Theicabin is being removed, and a few days will tell bow many found a wa tery grave by, that catastrophe. . . —The Vicksburg Herald, of the 17th, says: The Imparter passed down yesterday from Arkansas river,. and not having 1,10 for wharfage fees, and stopping oat in ihe stream only. long enough to send a aiwn ger shore in a skiff. She was perfectly covered with cotton, having thirty-six hundred bales, besides one thousand sacks of cotton seed and the cabin full of paasen gore Estimating cotton at 86 per-bale, which lathe price we believe she receives, she will get. eighteen thousand out of it. The Importer Is owned by our townsman, Capt. Jas. Reis. . - 6 River - and Weather. LoomviLifil, December 23.—River rising with SIX feet .t*o; inches in the Canal. Weather lslondy and cold. Barometer ris ing. _ _ STEALtdBOATB -FOR CINCINNATI, LOIT-z i gEt . 110 VILLE. EVANSVILLE AI) N CAIRO—Tbe new and elegant passenger steamer CHAMPION ' W. F. Tam:a% Mister. T: WihTULOt. Clerk, Will leave for the above ports THIS DAY, DEC. ?14; at 5 P. 11.. pOiltivelT. For freight är passage apply on bpard or to. . JOHN FLAcii. , dets . . Or, J. XI: COLuINGWOOD, Agents. SPROVIL NOTICE VO SHIPPERS The steam sr CHAMPION will leave POSITIVELY this even 'tug at 5 o'clock. , , -W: F. PULLER. Captain. an WORag • E . VAN .- S.V o L B L — E e kgitit steamer LtIRENA r• • Capt. B. Bnum.ns. - THUBBDAT. Satb but. For frebrbt or pairtignnpp4 on board or to FLACK & CCLLINCIWOOD: Agents. dell VIIITTSBEROIIi '' ' xiogir i e ' A t' ' - ' : *•:. inimrsivirisi, -'' " Itirietti,f aid ~.Par4ersbarg. :Lhie. .r_ . Lesve Compluiri Wharf 1144i0t of Wood street, ,; 1 11AIIsT, Alf fit. ' " '_ ' igaite r kostAiS'Azip T4SilliiYa. " . BAYABII.-.."...::::... 1 .... . . A: S. SiorlozsIN • , Warm/Mail .AxiIELTuanATS. ' GliEt EAGLE i ~ , .. _ C ! ,l...Brivissll4 Ilitssta. =Olt r l /41q tatatlaq at allttatua lir :• '' . JANES COLLINS. Affent. is 541,pusha;tir.Tlie steamer • IJESSECIA,. a. O. AVOAriLubt. will leave }bore. ports ob< Shp:first , rise of the , For freight or Pgissgeeirpl ' boarder is ft4o. mAotE: 06, • . D. CULLING OOD. Agents. del7 • '. yrytes-Ole übwiltottanCoir,444.l.l4o6otlff CO.. - .- • - + PlTrialluarlil, .December .19. 1868. - I 'rTICE•TO BAKERS. ~ .. „ . .—. • . *Jed rropoeels, e,ddretted to tius,"laspeeters of:. the Adlegtteny 100enty - Priem ,* whl. be mewed la. lute oaten nottLtlut fast tett. leoltuive.for tatititt tag the County ?Woo With bread for six mo h uthy. e - Trout .1 AYH; eRT - Illett,, , igittl LbLidur AV widt tra a halt and twe p_ottna feepelfelY.ltedit_be of ap proved (iv . Bi t's to De" sae a cts. allah per Potted. Oa for , ,two titottesuit Oilr; erhrbe p er 'for . Itlifarperfereu bee lof eetreel: The name oY the slattltatmattlst ► lhlreeMpailt tbe bhll. Bills •endorwa rinIOTIK4OR 11 .401PP b0 14 4, 9 1 40 1 C °, WM bill Witt ,_ -. .. , dam:'ill 4 .l 4 initLADISICIIT; Oostrtillei , • thrf " V. - '• - . r , =::l ' .., r a i n._ 3;inun rut. . _. . P EWA 0,111 atlases - flu all Qtly and wan : ! 1 oitifiiiiiittimttifvf;:ipiiintrimiAsi, 3., 134114.1 lY.mf9l 4'.l;4"l4)Valirt.itt.. ran,o hip d e rll lic !Or, . _, 4 3 a AND, 11Alfrap p .,. mum 4.wHars4 To • ', " 1 " l'` . i=kl.—,2lll43lo"lnr 0.09* maxiio HERNIA, en lativratr. Remits or Rapture Cared• Serails or Ruptiure ,enred. Kends er Rupture cured• Herds`or lanpteuro cured. Hernia or Buptaie erred. Hernia or Raptors eared. Hernia ar Rupture cured. Hernia or Rupture cored. Rupture or lierni”sired. rupture or. #[erala eared. Roptiire or Hondo ours& Rapture or Sends 4nareit. Rapture or . Honda oared. Bnpenre or,*erkla liaplare or lier4la oozed. Rupture or Hand& cured. Manhga Radical Cure Truss. Miter's Palest Trail'. Wito!tos S!,pporter Tross. Salto%Argonne, Truss. Dr. Biumabig g s Lae. or Uody Prato. foi bemire of .Prolapene Uted. rues. Abdominal an gPinalYr""ll4•l46". 1,, Dr.ili.S.FitoligsfUloor.Plntoddupp ortor . Pilo Props. for the support and ERN of Plies. Elastic Eitookbags,• for weak - and varicose veins. • Sinitic Knee (gaps, for weak knee joints. Auld* Supporters, for weak knee joints. Suspensory l!aumiages. 3SLS-lI4IJECTING SYRINGES. SELF-INJTATTNO SYBINGII9. 88L!-INJECTING emmMstEs BELININJZO'TING B*IIEgGIS ; Aldo, every kind of 13Yriggel• Bast Dr. IgYSER'S; 140 Wood St SUSPENSORY BANDAGE 81T3PINSOBT BAITDA.GBS, SUSPENSORY BANDAGES, SIISPENSORT BANDAGES, dazen different kinds. A dozen different kinds dozen different kinds. At Dr. KUM'S, 140 Wood.Strult. KrDrug Bore, .No. 140 WOOD STREIMidgn o the Widen Mortar. Persona writing for Trusses should send the Anneber of inches, around the body, Immediately over the rapture. .W Da..siryser. will give his personal atten Lion to the application of Trasees In adults and children, and he is eatlsfled that, lath en experience of twenty Years, he will be enabled to give eatiefee ' D ISEASED LUNGS. There is no doubt wiatever that diseases of the or ulcers of whatever sort, on an of the in terne organs may be. and are frequentil l roared, and a complete condition of health established. If the elaborative humtions, of which the stomach is the primary and most important one, are restored to a condition to do the repairing of the human system, ulcers or sores, whether upon the lungs, the liver the kidneys or the bowels, or upon the legs, as Is frequently the case,ean be made to heal s and a coa plete etendard of health re-ostsbUstied, {Ye have frequently seen these resniti from the use of Dr. lETBED , I3 WING CUBA • pleasan and agreeableanedinine. which will ripen up and carry oat of the animal economy all effete and used up material. 'Dr. E. says that he had known the Iliad distressing and harassing coughs, whose vtbrs Slone would threaten to shake the whole eonstltu ttOII to pletol, I'IMIOVaIt,III the rune of , a few Ws In long standing mica of consumption. or of oars it:miasma fatal, bat always troublesome and annoy ing maladies, known sr catarrh, ebronio bronchitis, !malt!' or phariasitla. It Is a wouderftil • - tine , medicine In the fttrince and a ewe come in he toter disease. .D2l.Krrszese Loxes Coll se instonees ST • - , Hiss* eatowN TO isz term Amp =rum's= ALL DZTZ gum .OT 1101,1[011.111T, BLOOD,. ,sad whilst it. Addy to.ita pleetia. it, ar. the isate,time 114131.1asus. Coal?' •kot : egeativeir, the ehtn. the Wool% the liver and the thou apnea to eel& dent tendon to enable the body to take oa ltealtbta lotion andeandleste the -disease. The sick and sf fdeted shonld mind the virtues of this 'great utedlotee,' awl U thole who ere andieleilli &Unto the iniEstidiee of health, will moil to It tits be &mini, 01, a cough or cold. there would be no ,dealli es and royli •consuoiptlea. hopefully Inardrade and so aol lardy Mil. . , Bold, try the otos. dasan or single battle. • Dr. ; Ifiyaifi great Me4shie Ste) 140'1 1 10041 Street. TU .11 1 11 M N, MIL :-BTEGMEUPII; Untetbdtlikssixtaen fitst-olass s eablsOuaaer pg«.loltagli ll3 EIN / P /6" "tarojripnNL•• iiiprjoHOATiiniti AND, TEM 1 PX4rilliar 44TicBotacim arr y OF r orrr OF LO -1 " • VESTO 2 I III Cat !" 1 / 9 D V I CASIOI' wr i w a y i gL AT A, Ty tr r, fu iZi u l a a:lfek ova= PITTIOURGIBI PA. Oa=a.,usatom 0 4 1 111 P;3ltn•ins 8 a t i A — 1 , 1 a - ar t • .1. • _tip= 141%"=itingiL OBE _ _ torrrsinnuan CONIfELLSTILLE E. ft. • On and after TWOYDAY. /foietnber. 17th. 1868 trains will arrive Waterdepart from tee Depot. an. ner of Grant and streets. ss Mows; • Depart. Arriad. KanKo sapnodr f A or e m so mm len d Ve. 11 1 : 0 0 0 A A .. M. R6::0 r. P. Me Ex. to and from Oniontni. 3:00 P. M. 10:10 A. 71111 West Newton Asmommodtn 4:30 P. st. 8:33 A. Ma Braddoers Armotamodat , n 6:15 P. Y. 7:50 P. 11. Might Ace. to McEeesport.lo:3o ' m. 6:45 A. MN Sunday Church Train to and from West Neurten........ 1:00 P. For tickets apply to J. B. HMG, Agent. W. B. STOUT. Superintendent. • ode GE of TIME:EMMI 0 " . • EIGEENT WALLET RAILItO On and after mowneT Soreiaber oth , 'l64* TWO TRAINS DAILY will leave Pittsburg!: tita.l ties earner efElerenth and Pike streets for Frank lin, bit Olty. Buffalo, and all points.ln the Oil Bo• 1001311.. . .. .. . MUTE P1r881711911. MC rx rirrawrinr. Mall . ....,. 7:10 a ail 5:40 O *rotes,- . , .}. 7:l* p p ress..., .... W:3O ain Bradrell o dAm 3:00p radys 11 , d Ae10:00 snt in t: Ist SoffsiWorlla ' - oodaWorks - ' ' deeoutodln J.10:50 a Aeeecuoda , n. 11 .1110 ama .Al Soda Worts SodoWorka .- , • • atoolood , a L . sao km Accomodwn. a:apput. China eave Pittsburgh at 1:10 P. at. - Al" ' rive at Iltteb h at 9:50 a. x. fixer( ad express train have bet crair change of bet ween Pittsbn4gh, Buffalo and 011. Bestow. -Iff , and Express rains step only at. prdnelpal pa is hared Way and Ats:oo Mins stop all statfses.• TllOllOO W. BING, Assn. Sep':. , -W. Peens flora, vereveaent. nos I 0 TIONTFBTIIT 6 1 SST. LOUIS 11M111 RAILWAY. ••• . • . . ..., CHANGE 97 TIME.--43n and OW ElUtinalr. 1141 , .22d; IS6 .trams irlitleave iss surly.) at the Union Dern. AI eilleMs, Pltt!lntrgliMine: •. • . • - //silent.: ' .I;iiii. ' ' Mail Expre55.......... ... . . 3413*a. us. 3.3:13 a. Ma •,.. Put Ltne .. Illia3 a. in. I:33`p. m. ' Past Express ........ A:5B p. m. L1:1_ il i.„6. tits Mixed Way tirvn3 a; in. 6 : 4 3 vim.. Fiie n evfll i ii Ac"'NL ' l. : l iai l lt; rt . . 14211 ) ..r. 1 tfta ikl e Awn. Be. k u ..: MRS p.m.. - 3i SP• Vie ~• . . , • ' /fir VW ti ` it: ili zreiss•will•lesie daRT.' ' :2 - ' 1 rkhilitPa ll . M. Train il le a = d 4 l , :; Sandajil e ax ., lespied, and makesd , ose connect:Mils at Newlin:lon Zanesville and palate' on Sandusky ' Mansfield" /V Newark R. B. • ' " ' ' . .‘" S. Y. SCULL, General Ticket Agana. W... W . CAM% SIM'S, Steubenville . 0140. 7 '," -,,' . n 025 1.. . . ... . 'BOB. , - •4,8 I m i 4l l 6 . A.„ ..., - INNE & MOII . -.. FORK WAYNE calessq B• W. AND 0 LANDARITTPSCIRGH It L Frem Dec. 510th. 1868: trains will leave iron o and arrive at the Damn Depot, north std.. Pitts-. 'burgh city Lea tinie, ad follows:: se. Arrbes. '•__.' Chicago Ex.... 3:03 ain Chicago Ex... 9:13 ilia Erie & Ygn lel 6 l - 711/111 a m Chicago Ex....1.1.:59 ail 01. bWl2.7g Ng , OAS LEI Wheeling 3x. MID aye Chicago Nal.. 9:55 a m Otestilne Md.1...3:53p m. China OE_,.. .10052 en Chicago Ex.... - A1135 931 ' Cl. & .les Ex. 923 p m Cleveland Ex 4:08 - p sit Chicago Ex.... 9143 pm Erie AY 'n EX' 6:l3pm W'e & Erie Ex. 443 pn. 04 & Wh`g Ri 0:55 pas Depart from Al hemp. • Arrive is Aitsgtrite. gtliaAc. 11. 8a m N. Brigrn 'Act: _TeO3 a9l Leetsdale L's10:18 am N. Briurn " Sag aat 6 ' . " 11:58 a M New istle " - 10:33tm . Rochester " 1:33p m Leetedsle " 9:13 a zo, Leetsdale Ace. 3i58 pm " - " 1:0SO in N. Brigrn ••,. -5:33 pm N. Brigrn " 9:43 pna N. Brigrn ". , 6:98 pm Leetse ' 6 " 4:53pm Leetsdale " . 10:43P eil " , " 1:/ 8 1 11 Leetsdale ton.. - Leetsdale Sm. • day Church... 1:13 p m day vimrcla...9:slltei tet AM' • 9:43_p. m. Chicago Express leaved daily. Sir 11:55 a. m. Chi Express arrives daily. de= .F.B. M , General Ticket Anent. ' ZENNSILYANUMINIMIII CENTRAL RAILROAD: and after Nov 25th. L 8438; Trains will sr. rive at and depart fr om the Union Depot, corner c[ Wasbington.and Liberty Meets. as fbllows: . • Arrive. Pdrs Rail Train:— 1:30 am Day_Exp_De •- ress.• i1k:304 it Past Line RAD am Weirs No. 1.. 8:30 am Wain, No. 1... 20 am Mali Train - 8:16 Brintonkoen.7:so a la •Cincinnati.Ex 151:35 Wall" No. 2., 8:80 a Wall's Nw,2 .11:80 a m Cincinnati Ex. , 94g.a m Johnstown Ao. 3045 pas Johnstown Ac. 10:38 a m Braddock , Not 4:20 pm Baltimore Ex.. 144 D m Phila.. Express - 5:10 pm Phlla Expresi 51:05 pm Wain, No. 3.. - 5:510pm WalPs No. 3.....1:30 pm Wall's No. 4.. 8:15 p BraddocksNoll 5:50 p m Fast Line 7:50 pas m Wall's No. 4. =F:9S pM WalPsho. 5".. 11(00 p m Way Pamen , r.lo:2o 13 In The Church Train leaves -Walls 'Station *Yap Sunday at 9:15 a. m., reaching Pittsburgh at30:08 a. 111. 'Re tarn g, - leaves Pittsburgh at. 19459 p. m. and arrives at Wall , ' Station at A:00 *Cincinnati Express leaves dilly: All other UMW daily except Sun d ay • - For further information apply to • • , W. BECKWITH, Agent. Pennsylvania Railroad Company l not fume any risk for Beggego, except forwearing ap parel, and limit their responsibility to One Hundred Dollars In value. All Baggage exceeding that. amount In value will be at the risk *film owner, - uss. less taken by special contract. • EDWARD H. wirrais3l9 A General Superintendent, Altoona. re. noZI NE E TILVANIA :--On and. after - Nov. 33C.1888; the Pas. tenger Trains on the Western _Pennsylvania Rail. -road will arrive at and depart from the Feder* Street Depot, Allegheny City, As follows: Aryls& Dome.' Sprlngdle Nol 6:40 a 1 Mall.— 7:001.13 Freepart No.l 8:30 am Freeport 9:18111111 EXprese 10:40 a el Sharpb4 No.111:90 alai Sharpb , g No.l 1:95 pm Express 2445 pm Freeport No. 2 4;00 pm Spnngr llo pm 5:56 p 'eeplirt NaN2 5:300 m. Springd'e No 2 0:45 m Snringd'e No 2 T:29015 Aboyetrains ran daily except Sunday. . The Quash Train leaves Allegheny , Junct. even' dmidayat 7:40 a. reaching Allegheny City at 9 : 50 a• Returning: leaves Allegheny City at p.• Es. and arrive st Allegheny J motet . at 3:15. ._ooBtarriMoW TiCitslit — For sale in : parl=er Twentv,_• between Allegheny City, - Ched - nut Herr's, Bennett, nine Creek, Etna alailharimbilrlis andjood only on the trains stopping atlittations spew ois on tickets. The trains leaving Allegheny City 'at 7:00 a. I& make di rect connection at Freepor with Walker line ofStages - for II utter and Hannahttown. Throng* tickets may ,be purchased at tin Ofte,No. 3 St. Clair streetnear the Suspension Bridge rittablirstk and .at the Depot. Allegbenv For further informationJAMES- apply LEF to FERTS, Agent, Federal Street Depot The Western - r B agg a g e ,elania Railr will nbt gime any risk for except f o c iWDatjllg 1131. rwa:ilanidulittgeir r a n: a il :lg tras amount in value will be at the rig& of the ownesouto less taken by special contract. EDWARD H. WILT:is MA. I in= attn.* Sunerintendent. Altoona. Pa. anti s t at: u-iLLainom 7 . N PACIFIC BAILWAiri .. Eastern Division. The SHORTEST AND MOST BMUS' V. OlYt from the East to all points In Colorado, _.Nevada, California, Utah, 'Arizona, Wazhingto New!!leaden, Idaho, Orion. .Twi Trains Nave State 3.lne and Lea=MO.; Almly. dioodaya ersenteWearrilal of fl o Railroad from , arid B r aalm, BA - Jo Railroad from connectin• st Law. nano's; Tovaila Al.sd Warned° with •atsbioa w,_ t ll Vault in Imsal. At ends of Aral* weatroi - Mis. rz i av a I ,t r aTAIMES EE IBEI3SCOSr. :ARARIgithINS 4A9AofEgd.roit , xrEca‘nmilti And altroliOin,theterlitiriess. And wititSANDISSOWS TEVWERILY LINIL at COACHES for Port tnionßenres For, Pass, Ailne. re e t t rVieigr t"ei " "In" an _ With the recent additions of rolling` s tock tad eirelpment, and the arrangements MIKIS with rep , sponsible (Meant! Tinnspoination Lines front ha western uundrins, this road now oven unequalled fstellitiee far the .triennitissios of - tredsht to um Ran West. ' Tickets tnr: 'Mimi 'AU thit pit:4nel emcee In the tilted States and Canadte. I ti llov were and ask for %Whets vie TER MIMI HIL R L. lOWA , lIMOItz PALI3IO PAILWAY JETERN DIVISSOM To 14 " 16111Piml a ,111111b glalli QUEE:IISTOW*-, A. ANDERSON, Gezerilanperinteadisit' a. ~--',WII2IBITERi esmat, Ifrelistts iiitMdtet isest 311 TWISMEI II 1 El