111 Mil • 6. T- ESTz I TES. ' A. BILADI.EIr 8/. CO. ltanuhstarcrs of the greatest variety of - Cook, Parlor and Heating Staves, TO •BE FOUND IN-TES STATE. Bole Agents for the celebrated Base Burning. Ori. natal Stoves and Furnaces for Hard Coal or coke. eln the World for Parlor,uface. Store or Church. needs no rekindling—burns all winter. Do not mail you see or send for Circular. No. 30 WOOD STREET- - - - Our Agents for Orientals—DE'Nl.Nß mos:. Sagthgetd Bt.: GEO. nusur.r..Allegheayeity. KUGUS ~8c: CO.; iptFrAmmlimmoiXnmi*umenrcr 4 , Sri., , !' ..._r 4W - 97 7 7 43 ilinirorrcooling RAzraßk 4 ' THE F Y ACE," I 10UT.. , .. AIMING BUILDINGS. TEC NEW •DTIST COOKING STOVE. °WM:MATO/1" COLUMBIA. COOK STOVE, ZWllle ~a„”- ' :, te . . a '‘ 9ll l In , 0.,. - . ltisnwAtaxvilad dun; 206 and 20S Liberty Street, selSro2 PITTSBURGH, PA. COOK STOVES. . 11 , ; „,, CET TRW-BEST. _... - BISSELL fit CO.'S TRIUMPH, r' r Warranted to Cook,. Bake or Boast as Igen as any other Store In the Union. BISSELL & CO ., 1 N 0.285 Liberty Street. Lbw oa kand and for U. PARLOR BTOMu . aIIATING (MA oTOVES* TeiIs TZ FRO comma e r as, 414. STEEL, ORK& DIJQIIESNE • • was. vinamuswatiuna. - & - co. , esHsdh - sliurtmitothlasas .70 .-- # .1(4441V4 1041 1 4671 c -tints° and eet " d. aria =art And Vittairkro.itc,r:fitioniiiitlittea; put: tau tigiyn.J „,,r : ...;::: .„ t:,. ...., ,• .t ,- ...„ ..,- ....„ 1,t- . , . ti 4 .,.: 4 -;. .. i : vitn::- Co. :,. gigl„=o” & ,O. :., „,._i..lllTMlnnah'l'4o:l.,_ ~';''- v ., . ..1, ..1 , 5”" 4,..r..ut11-1. ' ", If -;..-C. 1' .• ..,-;--: CAST AN4VlElilViAif STEEL, final.fa _ -,,-, - • . i r w urri t,fa, AM SPEINGI3._. . --;:r3„:i 1 , liruitlwaseilkilritek ,, liii ilo o. ,l j rstSbis .. . . clualwo razinerlief ' ' 'Bistatpx ''• • 611.4.iriczt WORKS, Is:r itgrAaanaW.Naik.l3All4Umr. t•it W9tllic's3lfel.Werf,T Atg • ".'1.41 1 34 1 :M0Ut FAA • • ' f " ..~:~~ vim ~ aa, DUBOW* japr.., , 14 , . ii. 10.11 tri' PARKW;BILOTHER. I -IVC O .I , oo 14ln/fiat/TVS .. . _ Aixtbs•lttiiiißieltiiA;...tigAss • s.sita.marro 4=109 Ott I.*ll l l-Wzrx,. . •• „ ...7! • i "4 . -• • . - • • prersuttu, on STEEL WORIP: Issi4llll24lE9CPfu l iets:3 luiDEOastsisa , ltrbians, lIOCEBBOEs -%114156: 06biei 0,) pf.iy..,74.5. 4 pti0n0f . L ette MEM id,l4.;w3i4r,EirOg sad erolllol/V , Spring, Cast satadenielf nivrond Blister Steel. Shovel. Hoe,. FolltZthitteltid Toe Oalk bteel. — Sattoosd Sprittr.al=posSatatv- Cast Steel Elniter BIM Wean Egre4:ti Noe item Slow lteiceiltere,tompt - inagalre--tritel 'IRON 'WORKS: • , , ME JAis. V =nut. es , S. r P;; - .1%svpic , poi, FITTSBITEWII,FigtOIg , - . .t,11 . !?_75;• - .1 .4. 15 t .;: t; 7;1 r, ll ri:ste:47;.l'. ■ :1. r.l; lal . -, ..r .... ;. '-'igiime Dow •'' ' ant Seigel - r road radi-Bars sift. ~:' 1 ' , :. 2 A • a ` u eirAzitiolll4 .1 , ' -1111A11514411 •, - „ •: inrmi! , 4 , --1 patfaiiii t s t-____— ,, — . '.I •- --- '- 7 Vr .. immot . . . .1•• ,, Zoom wipi -yils{tson4 !! •;,-,' '-,,' , , Antif.l l43 *-- ' • ....oficiii P e ri m " - ~.,: a k. s oi II ado .-.......-- _[.....,...6...• 1111.811 / b oas bel" MlL74 4. . l - 1 f • liteanii.,,,, j , ir • ,!..-- ' ! i", pligtqllo7-N•e". 130Uaigrai T"' , , • -:' Pigna4"l 441111 ! ;.4 ... , .1 0. :-.. , iti: ?Ern 'ls t :•%...-- ..,,' ," ' :irriditil VEREN)". IttiESTfti A, tett “n FewuPdvana &Iron Worko _; , - 10417.7=14177,01111116.110" t4Oeoppm , LatMti g ii ? )111 ": 1 1 A . .stu, Ina wom - - rlTTelianSetb ._ . PARK.. 74 0 I ;TP. L 7 g,7. co., i fri f ''' -- - • - -iletbiii: iimmuire - ind - Mil • masa vol. P ais tr il B°1 " int •trarerl, I l iann A la_rdWlNThii, • -a" Iteadir *a d Timistsi_gsouzulellt _oo_lll ....;, i ffl at • bore&. i*A ..10 .7 ......_ 10 „,. - Etittl,:r . ~, 7 irt - urie itliliell_Vl! , .4 1 W 1 . 01-; Milar agls oilidw7lll na _ • ttor KNAP FORT PITT FOUNDRY COMPANY; OFFICE pip WORKS, TWELFTH STREET, rirEngines, Rolling Mill Ma. chinery, Fail Machines, .p 6 t- S A "*".4'a wA.R.D,) , z z rsnVl fll. PS. .7117; S WlLihtlikig Sig/TH.I 34,4 1 .4fgketPAVIPS1 ,- L cuisr a iiipm wriarz,Rukb, M I_ 6%~i .1 , Y 7 kites ate a cant livsrlably in kits, in diT sand, and 1 feet lengths. Also, full assortment of Generaleastings Ebr Gas and Water Works. I would also call the attention of Superintendents of ilea Worts to my make of lIIITORTS. ATLAS WORKS, MORTON STRICZT, Ninth Ward, THOMAS N. MILLER, President. These Works are among the WIMP, end most eamplete establishments In the West, and are now grossed to tarnish Engines, of every descriptions. Boller; Oil-Tanks.. , • .. - , • i iii 4 4l . l - 1 4 - iliT• iiiiiii6ii Bs"'road Casein's. 11° 1 1 1 ,1 1 .W. 1 M 1 . camithX l6, • i .E' -- :...' - '-': amine casusigsk -• . naehine tastIIJ&I. Gleirrall Castings. ' 21 4 / ;:j;i - H:?; PT!PEREtrriaMplo L. Or &WM. A. gtOBIABON, TR. r. i15f4M31 & , 10.40 11 ;9 1 AATT II M o 7 Titters MI deo:muskrat; forriiintereanttiu rfeultaralimpleatentA, Cott9n and Woolen Xlll Ya- Aile7Ohts.ork promptly Attended W. • _ Vuiee D e po t. ks—WABN AVENTrir. near Outer Allegheny City, Pa. OE RonEssm, REA as, CO., , • Summon to BOstaltow. KClni WASHII4GTON ' FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS, PITTSBURGH,: AisnuritAla*-14)&ifilli ✓ nr gatitineit"lrstWati=ah iler an Sheet Iron' ork. IsliotiCetAlS72eatr l I M I N I AI a ' INTL gi , r,os Boilers. :ICI lkiroNT BLANC POMMY. 4.ll* lia&#i• -tk,set,l-m,4kienz,2 g Mill and Bridge Curia:gay THIMBLE SKEINS AND PIPE BOXES, AL , t *ni (hiders prompt)* sl4VlSteititT eiectried: t 714argee • .t• • I • a *glum °m:l . rlfloolllAB NA IA! & '7 4 . 1 ;• gout& Virivhillidzjind MAW Works, . IS.OELVICY ST., ALLZGHENY CITY, PA., Manufacturers of Steam Enifille l t u Oil w rrent o . Pnl liaiMiatrigstr 1 / 2 444. sl 4 3l6hts, Weiveoxerrf- to 4 orderisolluarCouo hand Engine s of all sixes. - layl4: FOrAPRI . • fi errr-#,PI-1:11.19PAR..1-.1.7. SSO Peri= Street. • Bt LIM" BOYD & BA.GALEL °m 1! Bolls. Mill Castings. Roll Latium te. - !r a t IL - b'.7: lOW kqii fin In oi,cl ?(I,lr, Ekoitth, IM =MI BM •. ' , GA' 1 1 WEDNESDAY: 2DEGWIItiI 114 S. • PITTSBURG I, PA; AND NPR WORKS. 1011 BAB Aim 1 lAMB. WOBSIL P'="IVIN3AIRGITX. (Opposite Union Iron =IL) IRON' BROKERS. 124 first Street, Pittsburgh, 7 7:3, ,VV:fil• I 9 4;q 7 47 10 2 kIW,S 4 ,4 ne. aVellis,artunestmon titTope e and other to:a liz ros ot:h rrat tncits. 1 01 4: 11 : 0 10enY Coke end Q. B. Charcoal - 41, 431- g/ Ceeloglitote r test lIR. - era ELVEZI FITTSBURGH pAREB, MAIM. 3!7ACT11413111619PtF4i4,,,, 11:11"4"511;0. PRINTING AI VitaPPlgt 'PAP ERS, %SIAN t.-NA BRIGH6N. 0791011 AND W ~BEHOIIBL, 82el~ Pa. a a -6 0 .3 07wage-ATINTODT HANNr 4 BAM j" lik i alik a Assra N. Treasnrer: - . , ; , Atwalll43LlD * • r' FLOUR. IRL ilithatillY FLO 111 acarjo,ThrotoStar Orson Ensde neaucH___l4lWlLY-_stpun. - lar t tiftifiewpz i ..7 4 w s C-zonts. gr A ILLINts 118i1211110111111011 1 c.... oirA,loll ota Ausliennuout gleitz 4 - 0 411141011/11:# 1 91.PAP.111 404 ftit. • IL T. IMO! iintrtor:: Alleglissy, Pot. 1/. VOL rzum MILL, 1 4 1 iiiiitiftuukto I m e i ll 0 0 11 Con Point Alley and DaquesneSt.r , (Nzatt Tat 'POINT.) Enginelkilders,Founders &Machinists Mantatetail STIVBIBORT HKHOLTIFI and sTA , TIONABY RIM/ BS, of all dam Special attention Invited to our new STATION.: AW OIL WELL BNODIE AND PORTABLZ BOILE)_of 18 - horse power. CASTIIOIB,_of every kind, made to order at our, Foundry. on THIRD sTBILET below Market. BIOS for Oil Wells, SHA iTINO, PULLEYS,I HANGERS, HOUSE and TOBACCO SCREWS and, IBON TOBACCO PRESSES, on hand and nude to: ordeFl ,,- 10, n1 . IMOUSTRIAL WORKti Fronting on the Allegheny /37 , near the Point, PITTSBURGH. PA. • .tly filled. TILT Its, ill' AU orders FOBS PRODY IN 3ti DOUR, STILL AND TANII I / WOILIES. scitimoihicrkgstiveEßi , KAlnnmarosszsOr Tuntmag,Doustx-rtantp 'TIIBIILAB. BOX AND OTLIKABB mum mune. OIL STILLS AND, OIL TANN% CININNETB, BRIMMING AND ABB PANG, SETTLING TAN% BALT PANS AND OON. DE MINBB; - OW& P/P104: £3D': Ilia • 8M:0 4. 4 8 1'r • r-.)9 . • .plusai won :Ain; aßpTsa Ogles and Wareboneey corner seeoud, Third, short and Liberty Streets, _ 7 .iii rrrrth3i4G7;lii /PL:i• • • • Or Ordtglll'Act. titt,ebote agrees will be ,Ea1a.2. 7 .j... WMBARNHILL & CO' . " st 1 3 .Q.44gAilkw : c F f its . . ivarit - ta.ox larOtuaras, 31.00, 514 - 41111116 weirs qz: , and fokrashedit vilth the met approved m.cb nery, we are_prepared to maimilmtnre every description of BO ILERS in the best manner WILMATilinVed equal any • 121 i M temg lln d a im h o Oi r m tunreys A B=rer* ISoir.e d' en A setims, ffi 7.olslnillear k ranall'am; sol tam lmaina uretiof , s . - SepaLritirdisteon the s onest name: • istadi JAMES M. RITES, • A r o& 455.40 d 0 6 Fraflr i Strict , 'irrimnineas, WCUPACTOSTII OP 'IRON OIL TANKS' !SETTLING kilsiit CerrrasTßAK rieX. EOLLIAG MILL BTACTIth: ' 4 A 71,.. 8E P 121 7 IR9,2llZO*** 7 .h 41A/1111,• ..sascinm D. woos. t ymzED & SON, • ...wanothrtimeti os . " Steam Boilers; Oil Stills, Tanks: SHEET I R ON worts. &O. , Peni! s& ol4 ;*Witinwrih , 4 •t • lArc - -4.111EN10-AND • • 1 7 ' 1' N)l2LA7terehint# Frd Brkrs sa PetioliniiiiiinA Ili Products, DALZELL'S BUILDING, DUQUESNE WAY, • - rorrsigriglnll.:ll.l! PHILLDELYELk iSpEESS, • • ; WAAniGoIKMG & Co.6' , „._ TACK . BBOTHEIVI, c COMMON ZERCHASTS " . • 51 :',RFO Rli Petroleum and its Products. Pttuburatacie-diALZILL, BUILDING. ear ner of Ilthattagi itsdlrwiti Wank: : rillikelitiiio2,e4:7lgT*ALNUT Wr. 10Ir M. LONG & CO4 _ "5"!!!'. 111.241/LICITIMERS 07 KBE . BURNING OIL, , Brand --“If 'DWYER PP *. • . W , Office, No. 2 Duquesie ay, Pittsbugh. NEW HARDWARE HOIIB] LINDSEY, STERRIT & EINVER, EE.A. lINV nip., 887 LIBERTY ,STREET, 4E444' Wir.gßjt. ebtle PrFrAIPMAPAT , (I.Sya. NOVELTY—WORKS. ARAMs,nrigir.. , m • itiiff i ni.A .4 4 usaa 44 . • tzt'itiatetit':l 4l6 o. ol6 o l' pnter • '.„ ,S . O 14. 1 .I.i_,E i fll. , 7f.aced l i titent. , Pw. ,l44 # 4 * .tamt,lstielbies, , • - -,r l 4. 15 . 1 4!f1 . f F,..Fticuoir, <4 . Go ner .of Grantz 1 1 1, POPMILVI,II - rfrresuaGrEG, ra, 0 1 3 • itl.4 GlicasVolllo4: ,-, TING. sons it. coonah,r,pidgar4MustsarlT J *. JOHNISMOOPIONWW4 c 4 ~. TOlnanniai - GAS' `AND' EITNAIr Ilinatiotaroro of PIIIIMAAirD BBABErONZA_9_' d_tkol_ olorons la GAO 7XITLIMm MAD TIMM% 0111 U mos. fhinwrorPike and , Wabitititnatilt r‘4ll . 4 4 . t,. x-6.95c; ram OILS. ==Z HARDY 74 !4.M. ter- . .. .. 11,eintifutmzsi024Uwrk ,2114, CUTLERYi &C. CORNS 3 OP WAYNZ. PITTSBURGH. Asants for 191 . ,110101% , KALI& WORKS. .F.l7.4, t itAticH,Li t „:4,f avi. - ..:44........., e „..„„,,,...,.....,,,,,,,,e,„„;.,.;.;_„,. legt...-1111 BANIINO, 10IPANY, , o, , ~ •N 10Viii4 Siiiiiti s . • CAPITAT4F-i?-- :-,,• g .,, t '--: VOO 000. I ....TitoCioioionisllibivibunix LIABLE: • : ... ...-, rt ' 166 - m i r a t ihisi , •-•:" ii, ::: . , acollaidlim - sternum*: ~ 1,,,,.-. :,'"- , fh, AND Lc. OLD • , .f.zi• - -or -i: I _-, INTRUST ALL OWED OE TIDE DEPOSITS.i Clalleetion - made on all 4 :aaallaaarluts In the thatadAtatea. ..- .....› ~,,.... , . 'DIRECTORS: 1)i; . f HOitatter . , ;v . ' ' i thfnati r ShitiOr. James Gorda:h. - , -.. - 1/seits•R. Mag.. . - . ' D. Wallace Andrew Miller, R. Paa .-- :tEmaealiqhlales. .. ~.t 4 , ILIIIPLi ItliltEAS, Preen. DOLEINgi lIIELSION. Cashiers., , N t inotifi,,,D.l6 l ol,4 9 ll cs, t,,,..,,,, ~i ~..& 1 )..„ .3 i Ver. of w a omn al As PATTZII3O7i.; 408. FlL,lfsle. s tsrissses; r ssss r ..oB4klers StiOmoo. [ •••. r F ... _ A. Pattersen. • • Eak: H. Brawl'', nimi• 11%1% 1 44 ; W.B. Haven. . DISCODW/II D 5 1 " BANNERS AND DRONERS, • ; MEE Corner Third and Wood Busses, 051 0011:313QBa TO ELAlrssi. BART lb OM.) Daum= Lir ' • Ftiebiuige,l - 00in Coupons, 1- .! 7» i:TY In 4 gutTenier mita" arcapureittAe end - • We .0 O. ; COVERWINIENT BONDS. I . muesli 'HOLMES & lONS, , ... 511Slariiiit'StriBet;* vrrxwilimitnaon, Ps Collections Made on all the principal points of the United States and Cansdesi : • Storks, Bonds and other Securities Boreal , AND BOLD ON CONIONSION. Particular atteption paid t? the pureame and tprzsmittak • i •ag BANK, 1- - vv . --- •L : • •`- _: : , • No. 59 Fotirtli Street. CaARTEEP-4 8 0 6 5 --. In****VAlLdiS 41 TVP• _ till - ANT SUM RICKEVED FRO otg.':4l.*l l llPelf P. Dams... 4 suß,r fm co CHECK, OUT *savants Daily at, ID o'clock. Erealdeni—Tll - 011PSON BELL. Vice President—A.34 ILIRWHILL, ats ..yen i ld ig r a e : Wh ir. 1 iar, azz . • ~...• ' , . J. J. 0 10. • ' -- Btocktioldoes to ArbolAlnk. Elate equates: ~ ;,,, Wm Forsythe;, aereph ullwOrth, Wm. Caldwell, 1 Rev. David Kerr, Willls Dalaell, „ Henri Lambert" D. W. C. Bldwel4 , T . A..k. Drown. K. N. Felton. ' ThOMI4I Eviler. U. IiARSHAL'S OFFICE , W. D. of Pennsylvania. 1 ; Prtlghtmoll' December 1 8th, 1888. , ._ . ~ , THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE that on the 11th daylof November. A. D. 1868, a arrant in Bankruptcy was issued against the KS. late of L.:A/11:1BL BAILEYof New lirigittnor Bea vet; cduntv, Pa., and wthe,pair O. .11,3uANDLEss of Pittsburgh, lu the.couuty .of Allegheny, and btate of Pennsylvania, partners as BAILEY & Mee AN Olatos, who; have been adjudged bank rupts on their own mtition; that the paymeutof any debts and delivery of any property belonging to such bankrupts to,thew,orifor 'their use, and the trans fer of any.property by.them are forbidden by, law: that a meeting of the creditors of the said bankrupts,' to prove their debts, and tachonse otie or more as signees of their; estate, will be held at a Court of Bankraptcy, to be holden ,at No. 110 Federal St.. Allegheny Cit,v Allegheny county. Penna., before JOHN N. PUItVIANCE., Esit,_ltegister, on the 3d day of February ; ' A. - D. - 1800, at 10 o'clock I THOMAS A. ROWLEY, 11. S. Afttrshal.'a/ Ifeesenger. de .149 WESTERN DISTRICT of PENN SYLV ANCA, WA; -•- ' At Pittsb.urgh. OM 34 day of November. 1863: The undersigned hereby giveirnotice or his appointment as Assignee of OLIVER ADAM. of South Pittsburgh: In the county of Altegneny. and State of Pennsylvania, within said district, who has been adjudged a bankrupt upon his own pt . ttl. tints by the Punnet Cool t ofitald district, ...14191411,1. BAlLZlL,Assignee;, nO:alsr ~ ..AilotnevsaWsw.', ll9 tiotht street. • WASHINGTON & OF EAST BiBaunGHAM. Notlce la heraby given -that ran•:ugleatiOn hu been made itaipidllls,.Lieretaber Term,:AfieN,, roc a Charter for theiNaffdAWFON;Ptt, I O)WFAND LO AN ASAOOLATI NOF EAST BIRMINGHAM" and, Onr. earn, Itrinted , ist neitterDvet qo f yp arderg eXeelithrba are Aledr ••'' 1 . ' ' ttrittEs;l'iothc4444; ' cam:stow i • 9 L. 4 FEE 'WNBOXICNTEAPIUSE ,••-z - 1 9 %-: r l' ' ' T. o* - I#-tiqta o : - 61.' ;,1711A0,1ANUU Xl i a, e: ;1 -' " "I' - • -4 *4ll vit t • 44 , . . A a il' ? , Manufacturer .. .11 c - Oihn Arches. , Grates, Fenders tir, . g i kesind al kinds ot Hollow Ware, Cu ,v , tali . all , kinds of Ma-. Others Casungs,_' • it; W A 11. £ sinNeuss BTS.. P :BURG : . PA. aitalsrAwits -------- . . . • • ,iII 174 ' ..1„,t14-0,201003011- csowv . iptirtrAptmor.iii , -111 _ . ito ft4 l4iti mg re/ i ttifflalk . 4 ; "Milt id MEV r? -..„..„...:„,,,,„,...„,,-,,.. i' , 6V -41 1 4.4. , ;ki-!4 . . Y... .;• 1':: j ., , ,, , '..) .: i - ..... 1 , .1,;"11 ;,:.:'... I:..7:FWlAl4kfrArt4, wc :,,..• , f ""'" li 4tiitiii . oo 0 ,:frvw.v.,,,. „ , ,, t,, ~. ;.. 1 ,, • ,,.. .=bt , aiiii trreliCbtliCifiCllSZßY 10C• . . , • '?.`.; PACIFIC ,ILLILWAF BONDS The cheapest initratraent now in the inalket for sale by PIX. Tem NKJWI T T Z, • pl ; • CanierIrAFTITAIMSTE ft ;WOOD Also, dealer in Goriernmerit Bonds. Gold and Corelom2rdilkiropnrl,sioage ataur k!t fates. S` TI CO., i l ittio " T 4 . '.. i t .: 2 C,1. !. (BUCCitiOn to B. JONES a C 0..) .• ' , ''PESO e) , ..'. :-.. -- :vr.:. , 0;2 2`i Is AET ". ',:":: ;'', , -, . ' COW RORribd at Moo& Sts, 7 „77,77.7 7777, :77. 77„77..„ -: i. -77. 7, , JELlALleclariiititil3FL Et - i 9 , ,M1,r.ML.1,1,,.th";11.,1tre iii'let -7:71 . . 1 BUT ADD BILL 'ALL.ION - D5 OP ; • r , ' * liS ia . . t is **49 1 VOL), sum= A3D corn" — .- 17? 7 - 4 777, -- ON =IT 7AVORLBLZ Trams. , v.:::!1.: 11 !: ter Interest Allowed on Deposits. ' an-Money loaned da Governilent Bonds at low est marlun'tated. • :/='.... • -' Orders executed for the Parehasei slid Sai,of swiNnus.4:pospinsind GOLD. Genie W. Cu.. dameslicesnaless, =illiM!11 U. PA.. rig,PtoPcm- LEGAL. Ark IS! ! j COOS QUA ted 1111 *Med lirile* the wet Istatertehl. , nown u the STAND utile'', and custemen.„ 1,517.17:t. i..:r PA Nu. vths,s -•,....- 1- , y , :Yr tn. - ~a 0 per ..tenA..... --; 4 . , . f ' ' : • liii6( ii(ol iiii ti4A - Pk :: 6340 Ba l 9V . _ __.,_ ''_., i o * . , Ti t . i, ~; In; ,1305111.1 ,u - r.A.piluvr.f.... - ..,., ~,..1 , , • :., : , - bszafpr d e ll* F T -!.;' itepti4, C 9 4, i f Bondi on . i , ~- .2 1-0-,OrkS! ~.: • . • ia,calca• en.iii: iltriAAlia__le w CUPA ß Citt tze i yi ., dr 8:b13 ales, carper Yuu.n."4"` gkel:ittsit "kittt!' • , A . . • 1 / 40 8 — ix.a . thrii" Q7Y •.l`ussioss.:Deeelnher 22 i .1868 % 'The extreme stringeiMV Of the :money Market has, !naught, down the premium on geld &nit' gto 138, with a dull, Market. Whatever thefriture tendencyof,gajd e nmy be tiiki:esitsea will operate agai.na. Arty ad vance at present; the high rates of interest - will prevent purchases on margias, and the -large itaPPeete of January coupons iviir Conte at ii- moment when few coupons will have been fpaid 'out, 'and will require. the National : l*k .rese e rve herb"; legal tendera t instead 'Of flinging into account the goldthat would' get:lintos!tletr Should the new,year fall, on ,Taesda7 the quarterlyrefort 4111 thus "show less favor able,ais it would Oda:WT/0640., . : Government b013(18,.81f.Aull. ,and. 117 w, reaariC*the, 4iiielaura Oti gold:dielinedi the old• homes are steady.' Stinks are lib) ; . :'transactions are limited. New: York • Central is iirong •at 153; Pacific 'Man. - e at ,12,2f . ,#ork'Isltind bad et one time ,reached 113%; -North Western7B and 81; and.phie 6i glotiesrptif tOK..Ate market is sustainedibp.i4liques who do their utmost the - .ntariet`te sell out before their contracts , Thr•chesp'matisy expires,',Wllleh close of the year. 'Express stocks' are dull: and slightly ME coweri .;• • • 'Morley is ' here i;day; oullilarkeihiefleliiand lel& small molt .. • Piles wil,fohkre,"oltoil4:iri., greatet-numbers to;meet paymentic which wercrelpected to be aide te at brit*hieh failed on aecieulf titnee.7. • -.Quotations as '; received 13Y',1*. it. Met* Gobi, ~, 154 6ilver, : 180; Eighty - one's; 1143(;-.Five Twenties, 1862, 110.14cd01864,. 1061; do 1855:1071g• di) 1865,Zonsals, 14)9V 4ci1867;110; do 1868,, 110i,ila`pit,Forthic;, 105%; New YorkUentral, 158%; Erie, .88; Res;dtng; , 9B3. 4 'f Pittsburgh; Fort Wayne. & Glitgagn 1144'04, 111 1 4; Ohio ss BIPPir AM; ntabilia4 Southern,. 87; Moreland & Pittsburgh; 83%; Chicago & , RockUlan - 13;113 1 4; Chieego &NOrth West-' do Pre er , - • ern, 783; . f red, 80%1 'Western Union Telegraph Conipany, 33 1 4; Pacific Mall, 4201 A; Adams. - Express, 483 x; b.ter ehiaji, —The Chicago Tribune, of Monday says: There has scarcely been a week of rpore decided strinirepny'in the Money market during the current year than the one that has just closed. Nearly every department of,t;•ado laas heenin the market ek. borrnw i W some - extent: - The `pickers have; - 103*- ever, been the heaviest borrowers, while the grain dealers have been going on their own resources to- a hav e extent, The wholesale trades have experienced,a little relief from the money set afloat by the pro vision.dealersAuron :the z wh01e:1,4,11,0s rather' 4.H0ET,'11.0 „,10.1'",v0adyl,bile.hi -end, though theY'ilre riof borrovrlnd very much on new paperiare getting"-tome: renewals on the old. The:bank ijitefor discount re. mains nominally at ten per cent, but comi. - 7 mercial paper, that fur jack .cialms of the; Makers' upset. any' riartiaithri ( bitek;iii forced into the street, is subject to heavy 8117NiOlibt 14191111fltglfitnlilalloes lately o paper having one, and in some cases two, respectable names , being shaved at two per cent per niotittehn —Closing quotations received by Arm?' T. -Brady--& Co.: Gold, -1853; 'untold 11 f . . 1 ri7t, 1 1 4 1,07 •I • mu July, '65, 1093; &Ws, January 'an. July, '87110; '6B, 110 X; Junsl-30's, par lesil July 7-30's, do 34'; August 119; Sept., 119; Oct. 1183 fr VnioetelliniPaikroad k o% Cen tral. 103.- - PITTSBURGH PETROLEUM MARKET I L OFFICE OIT THE rITTBLIBGE GAZETTE' , e ltd- ,i' .1 TailM, 1 3 , 1. Nre4i t rai ' 1 dirminitet fo r iernittif i ltbryl day, the volume of business being , nun sually light, while in prices there is no iimport9o illkanse. i grgy thin ig appears to ;have efr'imatWfakie qinftly:in' tPhiladelphia t yestarday, most,. if not all of ithe oil called for having been delivered iailalgArOtAtit as % 00 4041PgA l lial rviat "iit hilOritte." - Thera Weriliblifiritiii 4 shorts," we understand, but they bought slate in UtiiiiVeliiiiitatlfritailiOrta. 814 and, 1 f ar as b arre l: ,„.11,A so ; forwardeliverodpuni — fronillitivirte - TaW ,to pienume, that ernything was Batista°- , tore. It was rumored that some of tie 1 "s its"' had Aolikoiicaliiit% exportels, bu this. under existing oircumstanoeuis 4 hardly probable, though it may be quit. This would only afford tempo zsril lief arid : it - might 'be' the - Meting - of gettinartht ' , short" into a worse tfff*'.. tinin,lie, z7 wits %- fore. : .'. ..: ~". *._. s ' .;.., ..• ;: ,:•; 47 .• ~ .., , tAlsenbX ' ,'• ; - '' , .`-t,•f• 7' The Ernericerwaifeiceedinglyoluiettgar not a single sale reported, and so far as we could learn, but very few offers to either buy or sell. Twelve and a half cents is still regarded 'as, the standard 'price for spot or next year, sellers option, and le, same delivery, buyers option. REVIEW) - • ,TOS iiidine,d,marke,t wastalso-Nerg quiet. ititheinglritwaslitiner than at thWelosnlitit, night. •We can report . sales of 1,500 bbls spot at 31 against sales last night—in Philo. delphismlat 30% to 31; it was k•umored that tbartiffnfkbeen* gate %ISt Ppat it'Vat iibrbelfeved. L 0 eh ust. three months of next year at 30%; end offers to buy first six months, at 31t d. 1 i itzogIPTS.OILOUBDICOIL• 480 Fisher Lockhart et F.... 480 Jas. Wilkins...... 20 J. Gallagher .... &Bro 5 •:•=t l * Joh g.:l `.- -. ZI. -.1.,; ' . .1... ' aSiCi OIL SHIPPED El ST BT A. To B. 14 • Elroy, Jagenlan & Co., 50 bbls refined to Waring, S ing . & Co., Philadelphia. Looklotelew i t ad )o464l4l9 '. 4 4 4° War" den. Field 04: lada. • B. W. Morgan & Co., 150 do do to War.. den, Frew it Co.. Philadelphia. Fawcett, Logan & Stockdale, 250 do dote W. P. Logan dr.lirct.,Philadelphis. H. Koehler '& Co.; 164 ' bble;:refined to Waring, Ring &Co., Philifielptd' t - '••' „ i .A.R. 5 111.11154 - 00 do tar to R. Randoli.b, Johnstown. Totididdlidients Refined. .--.... '''''` 1180 on. SHIPPED EAST PILOVIAIQUICEZTS DEPOT. •.• Unioni.Ret-:&5t..C0.;145.. dci• re fi ned:3D W. P.,Logsn,& „pro.. Pbilodelphia,.„ Brodini.'Hallentinel& 'O5 - 4 za - do . 'do to Wardent•Erew:&l3o., PhileatelpinseT - kt_l' , . Fleming _,& Colt , Htdco ;ilco to Tick Bro s ; ., Philadelphia. •'-- - ut ' KirkpatrA-MTN: .. c dp - Ao to WP. Logan & Ero.:PharedelphitsT • Total•tffdprienta'Reiltiedo':::, .;,.:.....,... : 420 j , : -.'Prrrtil, KM, , .6 JR .1144 " MitU - , • ' A . •• I • . •• , 1 I ° MPFP1r110"11111W-1441.1511.1 ' TussuAir; December *• 17,, ' 1868. i The generalrnarkets; although . quiet; 'step 1 steady, with fair y_uitmul ?fl business, In 1 the aggregate; . 4 - hire sO fax as prices are 'concert 011,,fIxere Sae iniiilioi•tankithat4ta. .i I The receiptAPf ''FI O EK 9T..0 2 )R 1 .Pri? 4 / 9 419 I gei erally, are increasing, , and supplies are rurf,RTitlkihat. :Tsa r few, exceptions, fully up to the requirements of Ahalppal trade, APPLE 4317 . T'PER-TA hit.tidd demand, with ,regulat Saler at 7,9 , -:19; 0 ?iii - Jrk - OIKOZT cording to iiitailly, '''• ' '''' • ' - - APPLESA:ieniktinttedirgclottilemand, and under Me influence of -Jucreated•arrivul t sj, the market is if Shade easier, and prices " re main unchanas • - we st;s3,so to . #4,50 for goddlo tl, suit .5-Zr Choice. il l BUM. 1 .T. l g0 0 d.,-4 010 andtAr54 w‘ can • repett - regular 'Wee at 'OlO 45c for• Prime to choice, tsuil-80/0.40,fer good. • . BEANS-113,bushel. BUQKWIECEATELOPR.•4 to 550-. ' • • , CRA.NBERRIESies at 423 t0.124. - ;•' - pH.E.ESE . 7 •Continues . dull . , but. i eur disliked:ls4n 20 'dß, :ii.Ei to. *Pliny; CORNsl.3alel at lit to " sl,lo..per husbel& •:. •,.. , 0, - • T'''' •'•L! P- .., '-' :Y7.! IX PPLEIS- .. FRU lT—Demand, iiikprpving and prices firmer; sales:of-lititahes at 12 te -18 for quarters, .and.g, R),Ao i for-•,halves. , Apples at 9 to' lo eta.' 41 . - EGGS-00 -and uzicligiigiiiiit 86 id tli for:litried;and in to 35cfor freshyacked. DRESSED HOGS-40'ta 12c: z :, POULTRYn'consequence Of a 'reduced . supply,- the. r 11340 104 firmer t9.daY. Nes , quote dressed Chickens. a t 10v .12,c.,. slid Turkeys at 14 to 15c; '- • ' - ••• •-• • • POTATOElitateadv:iwitk sales ` in store 485 to .90 di per:brill/DA.' • - TIAlf%-LBaltal liafile ih Air' detain& bit. unchanged, $25 to' $2B, for good to strictly .. . . HOMINY - Sa les at 88,28 to. 18 .8 04: ''. ' '- -"- GR44.111-7.4Wheat-Sinquiet and unchanged 4-43a1ir600 bushels Red'Whitee . at' $1,85- Oats scarce and.llrmer; dealers, generklly quote a&84 7 0615 on track, but we .arq, cog nizant WkslaiiiKhavinig tsieut, Atilp 3at e 44 whlchao l lievii,UA .on4tulteilitielpir the market. Corn is scarce and firmer; new is. qUoted at 85, on • track, and 90 in store. Pennsylirania and Ohio Rye is stillin de-- 1 .004 notwithstanding it has .declinWift. ' Chibago. We can report a sale of 500 hgys- _ prime Ohio at - $1,50; dealers are $1,45 to $1,47 for -small lots. Barley is. quoted at $1,90 to $2 for Spring. . LARD—Prime kettle rendered is firm at -18 in Sleroosiim l 4 lB lUlkego• ' 4 - "..tr - 4 7 ! 7 ' 4,“:llroEfir-...Firm ladith 84 4 -$ 44 . 144411 i ii NO. 2, 41,25, and No. 1, $1,50. - • _ MESS PORIC.--$22. to $28,50. • FLOUR—Is in goad..aupply and dull but. unchanged. We continue to quote Spring . at $7,50 to $8 and Winter at $9 to $9,50.. Rye Flouretß,so to imoo. To- alart . Mlll quote:V*o ~hiandlV- d e la eithe444 W fikat, , .as 'Billows: "Era ramllY - Flour, in barrels, at $9,50, and, in sacks, $9,20 per barrel; Double Extra Family, in- barrels, $10,20, and, in sacks, $9,80 per barrel; SpTlng Whell&Flour, in .barrels, $3,00 and, . ln,ssalsa34.4ll.Per heirtel.l ahea.. - .OItY,MWs quote prices as, follows: Extra Family, (Winter) in barrels, $9,50, and, in sacks, s9,2o.Rsr, barrel; Bouble , Extra Family, in barrels, $lO,OO, and. in sacks, $9,70 per barrel, and Spring, $B,OO, in barrels, and $7.70, in sacks, per barrel. , . Catoacni December V..—Eastern Ex change limier, yi per cent off; buying, and at par, selling. Flour quiet, with sales spring extras at $6a6,75. Wheat active, wiLlisate. 4 : 2 o4 fit 411144. 1 .% kilttlNnw..t r at $1,063fa1,09y,; closing firm at sl,osal,o9l‘ for No. 2; sales of No. 2 since 'Change at $1,09-f. Corn active and 114a2c higher, on . mediumia_ctoie; 134168 new qt 44a41134 tot 4ttif ifeek N 4: 2 et154a5501 - itolvigjjeb:oslo 60552 i, old No. 2 .- titl3Bc; nothing was done in the market this afternoon. Oats in fait demand and mark4 . -steadv, with sales No. 2at '44t‘a4stic; closing at 46a45y‘c. Ryo less active and dull, and 134a20 lower, with sales-No. -I,at $1,95404,07t eloidiag,eo l , o72 . • opanhd tidil, vfiltif fella N 0.., 2 at $1,45a1,52; closing firm at $1,48a1,60, llighwines entirely nominal. Provisions excited—liess Pork sold early at 528, buy ksbrz illanuars ihnklatern *lll,utellellfff, ‘onthp' lipbt islet itifuttirstditht • Ma= wing with sellers at $27,50. Laid moder ately active and steady, with , sales at 1634 c, on spot; 163‘,%Mferirforl,Ilinlittiy, and. 17c, seller for February. Cut Meatsvery quiet, with small sales short clear middles at 15r, packed 111 'WOO* for .the past twenty-four hours-14,303 barrels flour, 43,000 bush wheat, 86,202 bush corn 24,840 bush oats,..4,o7lbush s. 3,450 bush bltrieVt.B,sl4 hestalnigtf.' 13h .. .'ant s; bbls fiont.'4l;676 l l:aislitiilf ' '16,209 bush corti,lll;373lllsh oattio 4370 bush rye, 3,801 head foi. DOAAnd $11,241.1.50_ for ..hesvy;„..closing. „.easler at ;10,76111-I;2sidividingon - 200;41!e i liV active uPdaTrY,_ o . l 7 l .-with, s4es.at Hot - extra; - 19,00,75' itnr - gbod ee; ;$9,25a9,40 for. metitunio - and\ 110.594 W /for common. - Beef Cattle dull and lifeless at, 18,7/4%25 rdilmobdi fleihyiithers. I ca _ '-' iiiii."2lll" T Wet a cimvErAznie: 4..? ottr q an dy banal w •.. Viieta6 - :i t rite us t c OOKMANC ;extra am - ; • ' -.l*--eatant• extra iregl a wNarks24BAfor dcm double Idountry made Paa,Ss fdr Odilffed i nd limbos, kilikSAWAPalAtturAnkt PDX 110 4 0,50 for double extra White. waist— ,sales 2 ears No. 1 red voltp ti llitlßplif9.4 }do held at 51.65,K, • g - Pr4 /IN 3 r6ll°w ia . 4312.1411stitLiAirrlviiat e. am—sales 8 - cars at We. Rye held at $1,20. Petroleum 3 3 =tagril l ea s Hued hei43 l P.A 2 l 4 7 34 11: - : - arit-i 1 - ,...t ..q 'vp.- - i, 1 - V t af• XIM,I.IC e • I X l A4 l 3 ,l 4 3 Bt E ir r & . ol4Ak s Tweak; western supe ne . ex .. 1 9 1 50 ; filtwilY 111 0 1%7 5 . Wheat .: almos t }unsaleable.- Corn—receipts large; sales of, ,pap t'1,90;07kRuPez,,... ,,, • ~ . % go, . -I,A 4 m); 441 - _letirr. -Ir i r r lERIS''. " waft ::. PWIL,' 'O4 ".. arm a s 180. .' , --._ • =HE 11 111111=IMI E]