The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, December 23, 1868, Image 3

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Financial Matters ,11. New York.
. ~ ..
Gold ....
' Closed . if 134%. -: • ,
- . Kew; 'eBY, Pecinit4 3 T 22 ,:i 868 .'
- ---4, Monev. stringent at 7. percent. currency
;to 7: 'per. .cerit. gold,' with"l-114KConimis
•, . ,
slop added: The balk of the tuisiness wa s
On the gold bite melargelloarscalled .
in for,t.o.day4yid tii•ithitirroW aggravatesl the
, ,,... , „ ... ..
IstrhliteneY- , • , Pln.eurits Were EitePPed bY thS
failurn i of a . large , t.housti,,Jbi 'z'dry , geniis.
Sterling; weak at 10930109 X. ,• 018:' ii r,
With a small business. dolp , opeiiin ay
1.35 k iiiiir,alcisiniiiist4 esti'C.o to
tati s
of unirencT fcitbe'Southand, cstooritlit p,
butomanbill e • e. ,i '„, • ~I , • 0 ,
.•• BOVDOAND.BTOCI - f1;- :. : .I. titi
- ' Govenamerntaqut but s " 3r.: , CitiOnb
'Bl, /14%@11_4_,1; .doe, '82.111 €lllO%-: ifio.
'Os , 10930)1 0 M: 110.;'95,:1 ,o:4l.o7yelicio.
new s ,412 k .C .12 015 10 -7071‘ 1 ,10 4ARK; $ 1 54. 1 1:38,
1 / 01 40 ' • (-Teo .o Weer • l. 0 10 §,61, -, ,,.:
• .State'. .n*„,' gidet. 'Ne - Tomiesleas.,
t i
I°w e r 4 ' .."0 6 , 5 P•W i R R,. 4 - P i tP / 1 11 4
' e'itasiritidif Vielisdrit,
~Wrii iiiriiiiiinie
the ,Ipaybient• of Ihel'aillmary iiitereat or'
flibvernnients:a . feividayebeforellit, first; ;
•.,P. The --.. Stook buirket. opened mvithis Much
- ;huger business theirtuundiK,This:usint.nd
,ticeablerpartiecilarl, ;its New Workoentrel.
4 10 4 1 PINeell, NIP asternt. St.:ROW:lu*
Ohio ant; hitssissi9 ~,"•The.iteTeti Pi 4 1004.
.0 1 M:thet,ehleCst , `.atop and. was .yesT
Steady in the Incl, sineat .Isa(Oir t g ,%**
Oonipany begoni 4061/Vet tie* 41 1
_ &Will:a khe'.-dilicsr of the'Trttita - Trait
Vonspshy f ltild it lit 'eittiiitatod 'That liftisha
to•eighteecr Intiliolici•• of *bible have , been
<stamped and scrip•etutitleateif giVen there
on. The Stock .Exnbange tlibtird have de-'
Plinectfo,callfhol.stOck emlividends, scathe'
.certificates; =Esti ‘be:assn ~ s eparately an
collateral. ; Hudson „advanced , . to 4,15 t. in :
aYuillathY,-With,the,Celitich: :.Wabash-]ran :
tip to '6l3i, ph; then egotiatinint with tiiiiCen
tral Cordpany While ROcii"lslarst.tbuched
114,1 -And , pLifte mat ''l2lX;l'...pielate
'Railroad speechified
.'took a*Alownward
:turn *Atha dltileralty kr obtaining .Money
-withoutforcinglieavy 'sales. ;Rock island
felt tcrillfa Pacifuillail. , talltlya Wabash
to 8834, and Northwestern to 7856.. ,- Central
Nos coavaratively steady,. andiit, is.under
stood,icsny lossesl7y : the recent rise there
n licsve - law.b.Pritrafdy Settled;•which is the
reason for eo, few ftiiihres beingiumouriced.
14 0 itettie,cdternckin the , Market OcaMe
decidedly liewirAnCentral falling to 150.,ia
150%; from which it recovered before •the
close to 1523152Xf-ak 'the close the whole
market was inisettled..i-, , , , : : /--.): i ~'
- -__lPive•thwfy.., ,, :lticatti,Camberbuid, 37(4)
4 1 141 , ::Weller:.F.a.Prcws ~ , 21%@25,X;•,.:..kmer
' e i eee . 4 909 tu
; . Adak ~,48 @ ;;48344 "United '
stat;e• ica 4, 6i•Bielehanttitinion,l64§/8,4;
gillekanver, 2120,• ,rantiM, `484; 48X;
- Pacillo'lfail, 'll7l 1 1754' Westimi
- Telegraph; ',3334 , -New. York 'Centinh,
1.5241525(; - .;Ericy 38k,f438%; ' dd. PrefeiTed,
:59;:ailif&dit 1 2 30%@1303 3 ; • 'Earle* `127(4)
-.129; do. pref erred;, 126(41284 , 1:Wading. 97%
, 898; Terra Haider, 828038; Wabash, 67y,'®
57%;-.. St..,•Paul, 871.466734; , do. preferred,
e 8434 Fort , Wayne, 1 10 34@l10,!.; Ohio
ansillialisiPP, 39®39y,,; Michigan Cent
129; 'lllleidgan Ittouthere;: 8834056 KL: w
-nota:Ontial," '.1.4214@a4: - Pittsburgh' '83%
Ki#93rst i Telede' 2 7304 2 7 k; ' ilack ' Island,
112M41123,1114ttliweetezni 77 1 4®7734; do.
preferred ; :80438oxr:Ohicago, Burlirigton
and. Quincy,. 172;- f.kilurnlins, Cleveland,
.Cincinnati , and Indianapolisy 85; Chicago
• .and•Altent Mr - - .....- , -.-, ~ . ,
• -The - .Triencut to-dayiseys :, The stooks of
W the- estera roads:are fait disappearing
from. the' streets.. VhiPago, Burlington • eic
Aluincy; Michigan , Central, Chicitgo ,iic 4.1-
ton end Illinois. ,Central have" all been ab-
Sorbed' by Irivestera: It is' reported that
eleven million dolliirsokNerthasestern pre
ferred is beldforinvestmenc outside of, the
stree4ancl,,,the President-and'his.friends
hold - eight iiiinionsOlorei of Preferred stock.
Theilwk Island' bailie alio showthat there
is less stock - on -the' , street : new
_than there
waswhen .She, bisueof,. Apo ° , shares was
made last spring .: - - • ..,• : ..• .•-. : ,•
)Atining-arft dull. , - Gregory,-.480@500;
. Smith it Farmeiee, Va. • • - .
. Copper stocksi at. , Iloston--CopPer ,Falls,
- 13; Franklin, 13; 7 -.Q6inoy,-_l7; Hancock, 3;
The receipts at the Sub-Treasury to-day
were 81,285,274;,- - nent0R4,4434; Bal
ance, VA qt, 0101. Y..-
Dllarked' by Telegraph.
21Taw XQiiktc, - December 22..uAshesi in
pets. $7,551!400. Cotton' dull and a shade
lower; sales 16,500 bales at 25a25,5 1c for add
dling uplands,- chiefly at .250, Flour- dull
and lowsr; receipts 7,2lr:bids: sales 6.800
bbls at 55,90a6,25 for superfine State West
ern, 16,80a7;35 for extra iStater $6,7,058,00 for
- do. • extra Western;
_68,45a10,00 for good
. choice white wheat extra: $6,95x9,60 for
round hoop Ohio; 6415400 for extrd l 9l3.
Lonis; 610a12,50 for good choice do., closing
quiet: California heavy and lower; sales 400
sacks at 65,75a9,00 irir old, arid 610,25011 X
fur.- nevi. Rye •. Flour without- decided
change; sales • 350, bbis: at $6,50a8,25.
Corn. Meal .quiet; - kits of 200 barrels
of xirandywine -at e 55,65 .; - Whiskey
quiet at $1,01a1,02 for.western free: Wheat
receipts, '250 bush; very dull and nen:fi
nally loiter; `Baled 14,000 bush at51,5434a1,55
forlCo 2 spring, $2,10 for-amber lidichigarf,
'and 114,11 for amber Canada. Rye nominal
ly, unchanged. Barley dull. Barley Malt
maiet. Corn receipts, .23,286 bush;- heavy
"'and 2a3b lower; sales- 69,000 bush at 93a98c
fdr.lleXmixed western, 61,09a1,11 for old
4o in store and afloat. $1,12% for high
mixed, nearly-yellow, .98ca1,02% for .. new
' VOl/0W .. Jersey.. 6 i 51,93.- Pr.,' new -yel..
loWsoritheitiandsl,l4lal;ll.for White south
• ern. Oats; receipts 925 bush: heavy and
draopitegpintleaB7,ooo-builiz at - 75a75360 `for
'Western .in stare -- and - nonalnally 77;i0
afloat. — Rice : very SrmL . at , fiXaNco for
carcouna,, ,cogreto rateltder tales i,4,614 woks
Rio en prlvataterinst ,, Sugi g y a ltd/f.iialeal6
hints Zabit at 11iyoxhifor 41214, sal e s
650 ~ ibis New Orleanflat 74.a81X%-sales
. /O
bluisi Demararit at ditage.' .H.bpslirrn i m
ioa7oe fir Americana PetrOleOm milet,
Igo , for Crude,':3l3o"for reilhed7Oondeft,
tinges& oil firm at ,99m51;02. ~ Spirits •of
Turpentine Skin et, , 453460` 1 Pork' Orme%
Mid qUkitr eileisq:o_ biltbraiiti27;s6al,7s for
new mess, $20;254128,78 fir 'old do.; $20a22
for_art ,V45 1 "4 - 4 5 , , for_Prial9 PaPfla;l27 .
stir' iiieffkldso , i I libiolickniqs; sal_
ler;FebrMifY; at $2B. Beefquiet; sales 1,00
ltbili at4l4 l lo o ffir,o ol ß PhtiS T.ellu• ellafB.6o
dewsilttra mess:::, T.ieree, See l steady ; and
quiet at s2BaBo for prima mess, , and .661a37 .
for India -mess.. Beef... Hams Arta; galeit'Of
22$bbis acs3oaBB.l-oiftldeatfaltirm; 111140 f
iso pkge at 10,4ally i elpr ehoraderet lUl6°
fer,, Imam' Jr:Addles gigot but: hold firm
salsa of (1,000 hxs Cumberland eut at 18lie:
Lard,fiimerrealei of 970., qttat,,Bigarrgo
for steam, "and,.17%a1705 • for! kettle zen
derallicalso,l,6oo (Cs steam, seller, rDereem l
-, , ber. Jiamity and 'reiguary, at . l .7 Y iallMe,.
Butter steady at 954400 for . Ohio, and 40850 c
for State. Cheese drutelt IliaiNe..Dielied
Hogg Alma! 04,A, 1-2sl2pfor western,' gut
mazy for "city. Weights to Liverpool rarb
firmer, with' •engagements. for . 40,000 buts
egrtl at .I#lB l o , l l er , eteata,sa4 4 1-24' pirsall.
Lafege.-119)ar, limed, ,11fig , , apt saloo
liiiikter. ' li c lufat'ls &ITC — Bye 'is q u iet jit
11,55 for ..westein.j. ' Olti ildli join . ' ties of
756Wistorir,/4i4l7loldkifllt.P ZOOrnihT
ailiCApYrial 1tt'..111,0894,11-,,liiil•nldluizeil
eiiTteraPiAttltii.o,oolo4;il Ana 924910 foi
newinlied , ileatern. , Perk firutryritiValleS
404 1
asoo - baire4*o l , , r PrOPARrti:IiV,SAC
-Jot-, r , -311mignit,Ctit
ihaW r „troon,-iciate•bieditag ~
tad • goliorsit 4 / 6 0 foi 't itl i gze,
sfeamiranfleragovEgriars•habilik _
• pik!GW4 3 , 4llBlVottlitArtgnitavaliiilli ,
firy.-Siciodit , 4o4w is.lmw atikpluaton . of , st
leadingoommisslon _house for. ( _itbentiff
million utkcgle-adlittaiitaithidicif dela*
O siris, no doubtito liberal ladesnotoctualle
604x.tifrig*V 1 7 7 40 11 0:4 1/640 0 14
act' Jae; tholififi Asiqufritkpravellif for
°la 11Mr#VXMigratirkirt4
1581534 c for leading pekes, and a few popu
lar brandaare held at 160. The whole tone
of the market is quiet,' but steady. -
'Si. Loins; December 22.:There is noth
ing doing , in tobacco, - cotton or kethp.
flourz-low gradea and ithpelllnei ffearceitnil
in demand; bighei grades - neglected; dales
of Spring auperfine at 55050; 9,11 ' superfine,
50a6,25; extra. 56,50; double extra. 1717.26;
treble extra, 10,50a10. Wheat dull; : choice
'red fa11, , 11,926,1,95:: • s whitei 424,15; wind
sales •of common spring at.11.25.' . Corn '
- ibill-at-6£01656::,' Oat* 'fir tetter-'itimand;
ealoCat 545i5743; , •'the litter let,'Abite. 'Bat
ley Very dull; I sales - ef conimon'lsprlzie at
11,70; fancy Missouri, 12,25. Rye firm at
41,27480..- 'Pork - stiff; asles- i at/527,0125L
Belkmeats fli'm hni. iaqiiitt;,*;
ist ,
,atesx.sidbir; :-'l4fSalsh..' ": creased
demand and ' ' advancing ' cei4; - ShOuldere,
150; ' crear inf . /fides; 'lB,ftedfi; tlesii side s,
I.7yett: (113aig0 Caked hains,l7y 4 ,eo 'Lard firm
'at 17a1.7% choice tieree;;lB6,lBN6-Ibr keg.
Whisky , firmer,-:=at 053008it.1i 1 1 dieffeipts—
.2,ol bbls flour, .5 4 946 , bush .wheyt,,14832
bush 0:5042,15,24:,b1P4L-RO4 269 Pi* WaiST,'
4,118 huah WI; - ; ,
16 4 1 tiltiPt: thigh* Stils ,s l2/bir e rss.
Vaitle'ftt demand at4aN fot ' tb s.
‘RedelPti-,4il64ltead'hoiti." .' '
'Euir*clietigi4l3il22 l l o746 ciiillitfid
iinchanged.'l Wheati'MOV•4 Chicago spring
total - nal at '11;48. 1,- afid no dernand." Otits
dull :askant estibq new rat 'lstilite en 'the
track andin attkiiP Oats , Konffiiiilat 45066.
By/slower - I - sales tiva. eszrlotillvisteni # 3 111
stere,,,sf.,s),4o.,r h ßaxle • ..quieti c ,Fork tad
‘*Vaceirilkhd. tele* A s''': jos, heavy , mess,
end 522,5016rtnthpiii; . ''. Ateady atitlic.
'Highinies in ;Mite ~ '. 0;;Aildle held - at
:abontlfl2 , klisgenothlikal., - •
...(1 ., ...) I IL:. ~ '.ii ...., .. •'I el ,
: Pare,WAßFulur' 1 iDeuember 2a—Fleur dull
jthil lower:. ,salea eholcAllithawta_at 56,50.
igkik - efi l ir_ ..sPO4bsiuld lowa at 55,75a6,10. ,
neat sfax a nd l'ottrer-At 5106 'fer No. 1,
'Aid $408Y4 for•lik . 2. 1 - Oats steady at 453 , ic
Ibr'Ne.- 2. • Corn li ninninal; ' RjB lower at
11 1 ,05a1;b7lor No.'l. itirleY nominal. Re. ,
ceipts-2,000 bbls f10ur,42,000 bush' wheat,'
qopo ! bush oats , - 7.000 b ush emn, 4,000. bin&
r l e, 1,000 h u* barley . .
CisrOfin4T t
1 . f Decelitber., zi.4leur and
:ftrainunctur i nged and, dull., ~Cetton firm at
23X4. but: quiet. liege Active At_,50,25a10
- for live; 511,25a12 ', Tory A niseed; receipts of
,200'heact• Pratriefott ' dulrand 4n no de
zttiand;lfitt city ' packers not offering, cdon.
'try stuff offered freely but n 6 buyers. But
ter =and aChees6 'unchanged and 7 firth.
maidky firm at 1m0.;..L001d 1843.1.•.8uying
ErAkenge-, dell At ':1-13a1-20!per cent. dis
count. 491143 9marhet.U 1 9se- , - •
firifanatruis;.'bivahl* 22 . 1-4 .1 0 Ur
'dnil and weak ; lowa And Wisconsin extra.
'family $1 1 :50a4 'Minnesota :1;50a8.12i Ohio
.9410,60. wheat dull, steady and 'unchanged.
-Rye 1,60. 'Cori:l'l/0y dull; sales 40,000; n'ew'
-9ai96, Oats steady; Western-78; fetroloatia
Aviles 2,000; refined siioMaillyZ.-: Clover seed
advanced 10.8,25.:' flax seed 'higher at ZOO'
a 2,85.. Proyhdons, emelt business. • Whisky
-1.03a1.04. • , , . -- ' - • : -.' .:,.
, ' Toi.ino, December. /22.:-.Flour quiet.
Wheat dull and 243 lower, sales : amber:at
51`,73,11,7834c, de dellers for January $1,75,
No. red 51,W, Nol 4 do . $1',40; `°Cora; - new.
-1820 lower, at 540 for new, , condensed 50c,'
rejected 52a53c., Oats le l&wer, sales MiChl
gan and No. I.: at, t 57c,; '..Rye :lower, sales
No. "1 and Mlchigan•ati 51,22. Clover Seed
steady-at 50,50. Dressed Hogs-Mc better at
- 1 0,4 1 1 i
eig 0 .. -
~. . „....
, 9 1 32fiV1W4 December 22.—Tobacco;
sales of 89 .bhds; _common new lugs to
Medium letifs4al2,2s. - flogs 9ga9Nc, gross.
Cotton '2230423:0.', Uses Pork $2B. Lard
I,l7MalBa, Bulk ' Meats; shoulders I.l,ttc;
;clear rib sides 15c; clear sides 15146. Wheat
. $1;80a1;95, -
_Corn 60c. ' Oats 56a570. Flour;
superfine 55,50a6,00. Whisky; raw' free ill.
-- Mnsirnrs;- Thitiember 22.—Cotten easier.
but not quotably loweif 24c for Middlings;
receipts, 1,013- , bales; - exports, 278 bales.
Flour; low grades firm; superfine. $7a7;25.
'Corn, 65a,67c. Oati; 650. . Hay,•522. Brae,
250. , Pork, $28,50.., Lard. 180.-. lkicon,dull;
Clear skips; 18111834 - 0, Rrilk•-Meats Win; .
shoulders,' 1130; q, eear sides, 1534 c; __
; *Fie)* il/111I4tA01).
ILtriatoae, December 22,40 tip*. hams, Jae
Lippincott; 1 car. rye, Thos ,Collins; / car
H Solinelb:a04100 tibia Sour,
McKay de.' Brof 2 cars rye, Thos Modre &
Somi3oo oarmiddlings, 1 car
corn, Shomaker &Langcutheimv,s, bbls oil,
JasLippinCott;'2o(lbbls flour, Watt, Lang
& Co; 700 do do, 'owner; '34 sks ' buckwheat
flour, 'l' (1 Jenkins; 3 cars iron • ore, Sheen
, berger ikßlair;,lsl bgs rye 33 do oats, W J
Meek; 1 oar oats, Dean.& Patterson; 30 aka
barley,' Carson Co; 3 plrgs blitter, Graff &
, Reiter.; 2do doi - Vangorder Or Shepard; 25
do do; Graft it • - Co; 22 dodo, 17 bbls
apples, H Rea, Jr; 1 car corn, Liggett & Co;
20 bge buckwheat flour, John Porterfield;
51 green hides, B'Ptlaum; 20 bgs rye, S B
Floyd & Co; 3 kegs 'lard, 1 box butter,
Little, Baird & Patton; 2 cars corn, Robb &
Herron, 1 car millfeed, Graff, Bennett &
Co: 25 bxs cheese, N J Braden; 4 cars corn,
W Afferton; 13 pkgs 'tobacco, Atwell &
Lee; 10 bbis eg;4l3, Voigt; Mahood Co; 20
bxacrackere,LJ Blanchard; 4 tea hams, E
Heazleton; 1 car barley, Carson dt Co; 2 cars
corn, 11 Knox; 1 do do, W Blirgham;
2 cars oats, Scott & Gisal; 48 doz brooms,
McElroy & Co; 12 bales broom corn, Mc-
Clellan* & Co; 5 bbls spirits, Schmidt &
Friday; 10 do do, Littell & Mechling; 75 do
whisky, 10 do alcohol, .1' S Finch & Co; 4 do
spirits, D Haworth; 10 bbls oil, E H Myers
& co; 130 bdla hides, G. Hoffatott• 150 do
do; HartleYi MOKeeit' Co; 5. bbis alcohol, J
Adler & Co: 1 H Schnelback; 100
bbis flour, S B Floyd & Co; 94 bdla green
hides, :H H Camp; 2A bbis ail, JasHParker;
27 cars metal, Nlmick & Co. • • • •
Cramer,Al6. AND Pirrentr'iniet
ROAD, - DeDecember`22...s . care iron 'ore,
McKnight, Porter'dr,,Cof 2 do . do, Eng A
co; i. do, Reese; Graff* `. ball; 50 Obis OIL J
Spear; Icar staveC` Win" Kwitirigs; 50 bble
011,-D Ely' it' Co; 'li3 de' do, S "B Floyd ..t. Co;
3 hf bids tobekce, C 0 Baer; 1 - , bbl varnish,
Pittsburgh Cast' %net Spring. Co; '7' bbis, ,4
a : ! itak B bk 'glass; Cunningham, 44 Ibm'sen; 1
bi ' Castlego,'AulArn; Latta Ai Co; :digs
thMistriff,:ft r i fer;: i % bble`dr,tepPles, - , 1
kg latitteria do lardi!4 Imp, Atwell, Lee a
Co; 20, kgh Oar' barlay,',Klioimiet en; AO do
9 0, ,Se*bia2YOr. tr,.%rosicanipplblil flour,•.lN
Schaffer; Lda roil Natter; Carter; Mcprew
& 09kb'clire!chairii,'J,Xyerii - 14 :eon; 39 Mils
Poree,,W:litaßell;.Ltioxlcigart; Boreland -tit
Ltiptool4 pea'cpipt,'s',-'bdil* 'bbleail'bri ~2
belle haOskfilate, j Matfett dr.. Co; .. 2 Wide,. 1
trc bacomEatidyera•ile Co; 55 , bblaWhisky,
Wet' l l.f,4ll F .al_bit; 1- .. ~ .. ~, : , -
_1 ALLIMMTIgir STATIC,* ' December' 22;•l- - -
B. 4rened 1 44 P, ',H(PPIOY .44 .. .11eekei1i...1 car
dammed: Ewer, Hamilton•dt , •Co; , 468 , bdls
•aper ; FsazierA Matzgu; 1 car wheat, Win
& Cord pip whOst,'B I' Kennedy dc
Bro; 1 car corn; Gob - Hteeraii; 3 cars lime
stone, Superior Iron Co; 51 bbis bighidnes,
II Tiespenheide;i ear wheat, .1 A Dickson;
1• car metal. Lewis, 'Bailey &Data]; 1 car
staVijis;',j lkilleinphill; 25 bgs flaxseed; M B
Suydam; SO bales hay. =Mose & Ewing;
. 44
bbis lime, Jos Cadg; 2 cars iron ore, Spang
Eitzzottarrr,lrasugr li.ut.kouk.l)-_scillitv
tei 22:-200 bbls refined oil, 8. Richard3p4;
5 Care litheefonei'Sbicidtiberger & Blab; 1 do
rnetalv McKnight,Torter A ' 430; Tilc pkgi
marketing,-J KShomakert 38-:ski oats; 5
do .rye. Ificottnct. , Bisal; 1:12 -aka•mesh. 4 do
flour, ,J,P,Lane; 82 aka buckwheat flourea
Gorml.9t-1 bbillbtitter.JhfcCallough, Smith
* 00;19 aka Iflott4T.4) r Jeihkins; 14411o7d0;
Wi &Kirkpatrick ula Co;• 6 do do, ILt-Gial.
Usher; 4d0d0,..E , 11ea51et0n; , 167.• mks cord,,
Money 41; yMoore.., „:,,,r, ,; -,.. .71 1.;
'll7rsinlbiiiirt,f TA l iv X L A. F . liii:,
Sp iv
go• ~ Dikeitntibt 4 ' 21-4: hi s `Ft ',. W.. 7-,
mad its*, til BCtOW' tiiiK! , 1 Bif
Son; 20Mottki;'w - lifcettitobl Kra ails,
StidtVlVobliPlOta,.oL'il, .aluottleN 'Wats
iiin i f it 0 0 iistgl i f i e MI 14:41 Pii4Pc i ill i ,'
*hi dittlask - elk, . weal - •
~ ,
joatrAir42; ,, ] ) & 1 04 2 11er,22 , ?-140 Ovprii4
1 . 5 /40plis_74 ' ether roe '9t watf;_,110110.
Omit - . Tbe'rw/4 44 is , 5 1 ,00414 , an" :*!0;
with i iiithwind: - '
_- -f i „ 1 ,,,,,,, , ,
ST. Louts, December 214,4Tht i wp#,X1901
clear and cooL
- = - 4
'4! . er'' ra , -rr . ..-„--, ,,,, , , -, , t;:„. •.- .1? - ;. 0~1. 5 . { 2 te
tbizrzt " • .
,p,,8,.E11. -
Vga per
, The stage of Water, by the Monongahela
marks list' evening was eight and a' half
feet, and rising eloWly. Weather waicOn
siderably colder than during the early part
of thSday. " • '•;: • : •
; . Tbereare a number of tow boats ready,to
leave; but they : will- wait .until, she 2410-
glienyjoe•Tuns : ont,.. . , • .
The Grey Eaglet,. Cant., Brennan, is the
regular packet for • Parkeri3hurg to-day,
-; ; - •
; , ThelAlleghenv., river wasifull of: heavy
'floating ice all day , yesterdav,,froai which
It - WT.llr tO infer that it is bpen'a oc:insider
able distance, .1 , • ; • arrivals,eitale the date
of last,: and it ie not likely that there
w 1111.1 4 any y for fire next iWenty-fclur hours,
-orautti tithe ice Tuns out: - ) • , • ,
-4. l .o4 l Aar.depa,rte4l.far rarkAr!burg
with a: rear trip. •
The •LoredittPCiptaln; Shtitnali, Is Midi
up.steadily 'fori,Eit.'.Louisr , asi is. also, the
A l W llla l' Ca P t alii,W9 llllll x 4
Orleans. '
) I Tlitweitnelts; Clapthim ThOthais:Poe,Oß
-410unCeAforliosttv4lle forthC i th i • and pas.,
scugerliwi •
_bear this
Capti 'rho.. 8; ililbolan, 14•111
be the first boat out for Cincinnati and
. _
The himie
from-Ettebargh kin Satiday.t L --
-11 , —Thelt: C. Gray left Cinelmiati for.--New
94aaps o ¢ tiiatyßd t ay t withgooil ; trip. ;
-TThe, Kate; t rawl:4 en..roite from, Si.
Lome to pittab 4, Was 'l4 Cairo 134tur
day: J 1 • • • '
-Harry Dobritign;'nf •• tbe litiicese4-tele
graPha that she ten total to hanng.sunk
40 her hurricane roof on : the putachita
riVer, !bay mile below Blenroe.'"
. 1- -:-lAe'bodyrof I nifienbwri oOlored nian
was fbund, Wedneeulay, lnnne.of the bunks
of. the J.:. N. McCull.ough,,, which was
wrecked near Madison. - It was supposed
lit the time of thetheaster that no lire:Stead
;been lost. , . •
—The : towboats J. Baker, V.F. : Wil
son, Boaz, Mary Alice, Baltio ..and Grand
Lake left Cairo on Saturday for NeW Or
leans with heavy tows of 'coati -The from
:Furrow and barges left there the same,duy
'for St. Louis.
StMottidDinumrit; ofltondayeayin
We , fidled to mention IN:potter that Oneot. the
;boats that came oil ,13abirclity , reported
seeing a boat in trouble aboyo. Hat ;Island.
Tal %oat atiritposed to Clond.
-fronttbie rto_ rtlcir; Bienrphiao alien. to
liOnno", Rp as 'fin contact with, aomethin,g,
then ran Upon a bar and 644 lei ey hon to
4-Thd Mobile ilegister',!of Thumday, says;
Strikes -ahem the' river front, atnoug : the
deck - hands and firemen of the ,ateambotits.
tire' liebbriking ' tinite freAuentcme •the
ether day at Demopolis,. on the Clara, cost
that neat.little steamer. three or , fonr.hurt
dred &alas; and Tuesday night alrthem
M IC termed, '•ijampad" , the - Jewess, anti be:
fore the-boat could go, their wages had to
be doubled.
. .
—The Memphis Avalanche, or FridaY,
*if ''The = griat lbw-pressure - steamer
,Bichmond . -passed down • yesterday, for
_New Orleans., with a splendid trip. Her
46eint'were - filled with people, she hailrig
'one 'of the - bast paseeriger tripset the sea
ten, bound. down .stream. . Ge neral Jack
son and bride and Mr. Bigley and family
look passage on her here, bound South on
a pleasure trip. . • • •
—The Cairo borrespondent Of the Cincin
nati . Commercial, under- date of the 18th,
writes as foll6Ws: The Grand Lake was at
Memphis all day yesterday, building and
hanging a new. rudder, as the old one had
been broken while pulling off two .ef her
barges of cold, which had run aground at
Tradewater: She has a heavy tow of •coal.
Several ,reportslave been circulated here
in regard to accidents theAjae and her
tow. They have no - foundation in faeWas
the Ajax, was r last • seen entirely below
where she was reported sunk, and seemed
to be all right. She was alio nearly belo*
the ice - :• , 1 did- mention the repOrts • in: my
dispateliesi. AS I could:: not trace. them to
anYxeliableponrce. One , report said that
Ohs hidp
dank herself and 21 barges. 'I su
Pose the fellow - whti started that, thought
that while be WO• telling a Ile• he might as
well tell a big one...
—An_EvansAlle telegram to the Cinein
-net' Commercial; saya: • Thepropellei Vol
ant,,used aa a harbor job boat: for. towing
bargee,. blew up to-day., just after 'cawing
Henderson, hiding David Copper, her en
gineer. and slightly injuring! hie brother
and:Mr. Morris, the owner, who was at the
wheel. Cooper and Morris were blown
'forward to the bow of the boat, Cooper be
ing killed and Morris stunned: When the
latter became conscious he saw . Cooper
ing• dead by his side. Ai he was about to lay
his-hand on him, the boat gave a lurch,
and Cooper'a body rolled overboard: and
sunk. The brother of the engineer was
blown overboard, and got ashore. - *The
boat was' shattered badly, and sunk at the
shore.. Cooper was from • Grave Creek,
West Virginia, and had a familY, who are
said to be on their way to join him here.
Morris-is but'slightly injured:
r.. 111
CAIRO AND ST. Lt/lllti-abe
LvRENACapt.A. suumAx.
TIiUrBDAY, 214t1; inst.
• Far freight or passage apply on bciard or to ".
&al Agents...
. 1 ) • ; 1 511 4 30 EAmir6,:-
Marietta and , - Parkersburg,
•, r: • . ;....
peive Coniyiny's liTur Boat, fOot of Wud street?
LA. M. .
• MONDAY!3,414517:1*11:111411)41113.
BAYAIItD Bauman. Muter.
WF.DZiteriAir? .1017) tiAT.ITBDAYEIs
OBEY EAGLE ' BaliicirAir. Muter.
ref gb t wfltbe received•at - sit flours by . ,
len • .*. ' JAMES COLLINO:
WOR MEMPHIS,, 1111111)4 4 66 -
"O.II;;VA,NSItie f.
win least!, .roF alik7e ihe
. ril roi ft
irogeop .
'J. D. COLLINGWOOD. dxenta.
10,. A DAY.. - • •
LLOYD'S ••. '"
• ' •
OP ' Am - ERICA AND EttßarE. AMP:RU:4..OM
n. .THE LitirrisD SrATICti. or
Coloredln 4000 Ceinitles.- , •
These treat Maps, now jail eompleted•sheiw every
pleas of tnportence. ail , Batiruada •to 'date; and the
latest alterations an, the various Enroptan rt•tes.
These Maps are • nee& d in every teboot and'Atmtly.
in the lanl-ihey occupy the speeetrene Map; iii
tly means'or thell4lYerser," either *Me ean be throirti
front, and any part brought ,laseEt% thenye:. , , , Conn;-
ty rlghts'and large discount istvenstot , (id: genti:
- for Circulars, Tonne. bud Ustude lisps SO"
h.t421472.11=1: , oritat!Coertlidalt seesaw N.Y.?..
.:I'vkrtiraihPuroviretragfidtiAritireilintsry uoi
te' ' ' Okirr iff"l ' D IM Ark VW ,
. 0 lapa iv ••• - ,-
dvii 99 ,4l, Wagged trriartorigpikeiereit
the Alleglleny Condit , Prikonin - bio, tooelved si
Ms *Moo until the
_apt. Mit.; oi lye forlotatot
log ttaftlfountr Piworrintli VI for ilit cnonitm.
ZooricrIAMVIUMTMING: area Aoi irfilal one
:4 1 14%1114r i fft eg . ,....VAPArfint ir i tz
ticHIAIKI. *lnds I'AT,SW wi..../usd dollaraollU , mi.
igreatigo i tligingtotagt i n c t 11 1. 1"1:
sart.iltpy tot ordeikosulvroourotst Ms oilkw
tgar gAl "l i tkitl i tilltatir l ,toiliiiilie 't'
------- ---r, -, Ti
picAnIETW-rkf .l 44‘ !Iti - '1 in
a. gore sad for bats by • J''' 5" : . --": ' ',a
an: J B. CA?4ViZLD /I KM
J. DILLING 1111• • • • ........ ri •L SINVINBON•
N0.,87 Second Orefit, Pitiaburgh, Pa.
MEClf , ll7..prD $114.1.
Ali Binds of. . Country Pro d uce
. su orders for Manhandles ;promPtir
bOwser market rates. Particular attention ggiiven
to the sale of Butter.. lrig. ge,.. Cheese.' Dried /rats,
da. We feel confident that we can give entire eat
libation, by making clam SA.LICS and now:. RI.
TURNS. at HiGlisErs manila IltiCita.lpd therefore
respectfully solicit- ' , one consignmentsa Alt borre
epOndence,. answered,. prompAy.. MarhluitllPlatel
furnished bee. Wain in' stare and arrive daily.
ESMARM/in I . F.D ?fi.:
eue,mLY, •
- Vi r" :(101111141' •
.WOCifttsAt.i ' r;'G.ttOQglt t
Liberty treat,
, .
••• : • . 11 rliol?* 4111111121 c
, eiveeitestiFlear s 'erkits; Pftsdiusevito.
visions, Fish, cheese. Cailmin
Nos. ITSI and 17'4V0431! titit&ET, aeir
'treats Pittsburgb..l%.' ' r noBau66
Y. 82111LX 1.14.
ConinaisiOn ,Merchante
- Atinkprruno zit
17d.05 !ma slam*: East
Yet' Wo u seeit, Iractorr. Fitib ili nrc ri / end V s ate
. B.
Chem, Butter, Lard, P_ Bacon, innur MB,
Dried Fruit, Grain, Pig Lead, Pot, Pearl told Soda
Asbes,M hits Line, Linseed. Lardy Coalond Car.
bon 011 a. No. 1414 Firstatreet. Pittabnrch.
rEEL T s 1 1
• osizarna nr •
9.1,088,91141141388.9900:LL ilfus.l l 4.
849 Llborty-94.,,ntitsbnrgib i , -
Aux. ,dears . #..
&RALLY, , No. •
lika. :ITA-I;pa ,111FRX4T. abort
Pittibtran. ' ; 'ld -
petit:Et ' a 4
201/11,AP.DINS AND mum= motuns,
For the age of Flour. Gnu, Bacon. Lard, Butter,
Heeds; Dried ,Yrnft„ and Produce generally:No. 16
MARKETWrEagq. corpair of prat. Pittsburgh.
t 5. nuairowt ?
Wholesale and titan Wow*
No. 3911
at) , lSsiSt riENZZ 17BEET,
IV =
HANTS audii eater& hi PLOrtt i GUAM
ink, lAmoisrp, opposite en/ Hari , Alleghenr OW'
Wholesale Otticers, Commission Merchants and
eaters In Produce,. /lour, Bacon, Cheese; Irish,
Carbon and* Lard I.MI, Iron; Nalls, Glass, - Cotton
tranTilt dcallTlMalnlegitrsttrggrraliT'
JOAN t. 111311E1..Z..W1L. 11. MUM.
OVENOS"_. Sue•
:celeori to JOHN'. ~ Wbblesale
an& - Corilaelon Mee-ban% Corner of
)31Xlit d And Water Streets. Pittsburgh. P.
WS SIXTH STREET. rintAapurstwl •
'',.;',, .;.PROrES 2,i()0
t ., • THE rirlAiPAct
Speciol..atteotton given ttop S .
owt'eyanoing it'd col.
leetteas Deeds' Doody and Mortgages ars Wn
and all legal buolueso attended to promptl7 , oad tic!
=rattly; ' I •
. j..
AllitkaKAN At? rt)iptiteer,
, claw, 1.1", WYLIE STREET. nexx...Wits
, Bonds 'Mortgaiee, Acknowledgment
DeposltLous, Collectlems, aud. uther ;legtttmal.
Wetness executed promptly. - mtl2omu
SABltritt. DicittiSTPll9,
• • • ,
Ex-011icio Justice of the Peace and Pollee Magill.
trite. - (Mace, GRANT STREET, opposite' the Ca
thedral, PITTSBURGH; PA... . • [, •
Deeds, Bonds, Mortgages; "Acknowledgments. , .
Deposittons,,and all Legal Business o . ic en ted. with
promptness and dispatch.
Justice of the Paw,
ollectton °Mute solicited and promptly, attend
to. my*: 80
omit A. silitAiri
• . •
.., ' IP O / 0 / 0 * * 4 4 # 11 4 11 4-,TE• -
' Ottlee,llA STItXtiT, opposite the , Cathe•
•dralv , Ptttalmrew Pt. Meager:Bongs, Mortgagee
Atkpowledgments, Depoition; and all LegalMust
steams zees upd wilts rontAioss and •
EVSTAC - 1911)11110W, • - •
-; •
uraiE "ra t if,: Op
• • • .Iroutor-mictisniv.' • --
.rom dguleOltk
ptnefs and sca tZ
• t osnadt,
, FERGIUSONv; HU v7ft,_k
Want vzoot: , fr ado" Roof. _ • *PI wei
JOHN W. 'lllllllll2Li • •11
. A
11)1111tieMe• ..•
,‘ • 4441,0.4t0 the 4;;t'iqtr!,4oFse%)
.1 • NO. 69 Graizt •
inralle • • • ti• B I 4411. 'PAL, .
, 'l!'
t omit/ 1 - )0717777.f1tr.:!,=,:qt1;:r1,
a oaltaddlt VITTSBAROFI.
il , 3firrEllb—ONVORMUBlOlll --'; ~:1
n .ra9,3 'food' ai Afo9 9 :Ir;ti 11.;:e '1 4 7 . 1 : 'l'B
ONE zAirtr:NOBBZ) CI TONS 1i . 0.1P -
' t . .,:,,,, , ~.
i., t ,i l, ..t, • : .41i4./.
,[MM ' i:i i ) 4 .
10 I,:"Tiiiiitile n .C . : 4 H , J.4 k. „,.
L Jlj,t LS_ _Ho
*A I
I!' Aft ElAik 914 Ay's
kiritesidd quick;
x4 Pre s a y a mnia rity l lfts send
63 c t r ad 8A16,14191001,i - co.
WAtCluidtg Wsslitiguni
Now UM. 110/23aU
lall'l'Stll7ll64l tindiamm
. -
On sad atter TUESDAlri , N.:3yeatber..litti.
trains will arrive at and depart from toe Depot co:.
am of Grant and Water airleetai sc follows:
Matto and from Cltdont'll. : 1 7:Ve t 1s . . sr. 6:00 P.lll
McKeesport ACCOMMOV11.11:00 2:05
EX. 1.1 and from trniont'n. 4 3:00 P. 0.-10:10a. n:
Westp k wton Accommod , u .4;30 r. x.-13:35 s.
Brad l eAeconlmodat , n ' 6:13 P. w. '7:50 P. X.
Nigh Ace. to Itc-Keesport.lo:3o6t6s MI
Sunday Church Train to and'•
tom Meat Newt0n...,,... 1:00.1. 10:00 A.ll
lortleketa apply to
W. B. Errotrr, Superintero s ifne i
=GE of TIE.
GHENT • VALLEY. itaatnoar
On, and aftor M0N1).1.7; blowenther /SW
TWOi t TBAINS OAILY 1011 leave rOteburt h Sta.
Bon. arnar of lOareuth snd Marmara forirria•
Oisy,'Bill/slo. and' a ll points MUM 0 Be.
lone. • '
- r' ••
LEAVZ rwrinonort. sit:iris IN riiranneat.
fit , 7:10 Maly atAgown
oxpress,- ' 7:10 m 6xpre55........ 6:30 am
Butdrißtd Ai3. a:so pit Brady:lll , 4 Aelot3o4, m
let tlodaWorka lst Soda Works
Acieonteilini 10:30 is EstyAtioss'ettilo.• 0.130 kie
!id Buda Morko,. t Buda Works
.ftamwit AeeoModen'.: 'SAO pal
church Trawl cure Jt4bingh at 1:10 r. Is. • AP.
tivelitTittettirith'• • ••• '•'• • '•'' •
things or noel* rween
Veins Atop only 111
principal points' 'MI '4d Way in Aecommodadet
00 -Pl4 , l ll lfit :121, , ;;;
w 11., N 0; Assn. Stip't..
F P 4 a23:lloPl4 . Tlckettlizetit:: -2A not
‘apr i nalp i viisnar,
. ,
Noy AAd, DOS, trains will leave in* arrive ar„taa
Union Lepel, as tbllows, Pittsburgh time:
-•- 'Plefrutta. rirtere,
aunt xspreas 311.34.44151:13
Past .. . . . 10: ESL 'l= v.
Nast ' • A:SSo. IL IRAS a. 'm.
Mixed ay, :;15:43 a. in.:A...SS to.
MODOnald's Aco'n,:tfo.SiSS
Steubenville Aoccunniodni. 1 8.38 p. SAS tn tn.
MeDonald'aAco'n; n: 08 14 3 :/g al
I .4ll 4 slllsEll..3irAtipeeen will tilaie
l'aa3 P. X. _
'the 10,13 a,-ni.".Train leaves daily, Sunday/ ei
tented, and nukes Close connectiona Newark Ica
zanervillwand points oti Sandusky: - Mansfield a
Newark 1. B
• - • &IP:viol:ma,. General Ticket Agent.
W. W. CARD, Bunn., Stenbenvlllo4 OW,
M t ---..,::: _ -ca I SOINS '
W. AND CLI I tViON I 7; rt.'tirrßitlekilli: R.
From - Dec. sold 'sop,. traini, vtill !Puma ..ivur
and arrive at the linton D epot , north aide, ' Pitts
burgh MO , titan: , as, Miaow . -, : •; , •. :, , •
Ammo. Aes.'
-ligeZr....i.outra 4 m ladavi Ex.;:. , 11113 in
rYgn MU 7:98 am nhtcago Ex..., 11:511a m
Ct. acWll7gll , l 0:28 ala Whetting •Ex. 111:S3 a tr'
Chicago, Mall.. 6:58 a,m Drest3selitail.. 3:53p m
Ohleatroklts,.: 10
i 3
a.m Ohteago Ex_.... 4:08 pit
01. A Wlsg Ex,. .51:313p zu Cleveland Ku . it-:09 pm
cago9:43p m Erie& yn Ex 0: m
W.Ye A.Exle.t . i. :AM 3pm CL. AVlV e g. /114 3;5813 p p
_hang. 'Atriire to :Meg/Wm
a Aq• ,61:99 am N.. Bri c r Ao• 1:08 an.
e - nr10:01lain 7.C. - Fitt , n' - " - 8128 a'm
, ",- , .* 11:59 am Nem, mAla • 1 4 , 10:39 ani
- Rochester " - 1:33 pm Leetadale " '9:13 a m
Leetsdale AOB. j 3:58 vm .... • : ," 3.:01tp m
W. Mtn! "-. 5:33 pm 21', Bilirni ' " 51:43 Am
N. B t : d 8 1 t'n' o :r l P,ru LeVader - " .6:53 Pm
Lee ale ', '.10: . Opm " 1:18 pm
Leetsdale Ellinte -!, ' • • Lartsdale Pon- •.• ..
Jihurch... 1:1.4 in day Lhurch... 9:59 am
24; sma pi m. Chicago 'Express leaves daily. -,,
/Er 11:58.a. m, Chime Express arrives daily.. •
den' - -P.B. , MYE,RB, General 'Picket Agent:
and after Nov, With. 1568," Trifiur will ar..
rive at and depart from the Etnion....Depot. goals:rot
Washington and Liberty streets. as _
Mail Train.... lin ain Day E.tp_ress.. SI:30 am
Past Line, ' ;31-40 aln Wills 140 1. 6:30A1a
Wall's No. r. -6RO a m Rail Train. ~.. 13:15 a a
BrintOnAcmin.E:Tsso gm 'Cincinnati Et 151:05 pit
Wall's No. 2.. 8:50 a m Wall's No. 2.. ,11:iilla m
Cincinnati Ex. Shglia int Johnstown Ac. 3:11 pm
Johnstown Ac.10:35 ain Braddoc.ka No 1 ..:RUpM
Baltimore R.T. , :1•450 m Phila.- Rapiers 5:10 p m
Phila. Express 2:05 p miWall's -No. 8.. . . 5:510 pal
Wall's N'0.1..- 1:30 pm, Wall's No. 4.. 6:15 pm
grablocks No 1.5:50 p m.Fast 141213 7:50 pa
Wall's No. - 4. 'T:2S p m Widl's 24 o. 5.. - 11:00 9 m
Way Passen'r.lo:2o p m,
W _ • ' • ,
• The Cherub. Train leave§ all's Station evmy
Sunday at 0:15 a. m., reaching Pittsburgh at 10:04
a. in. Returning, leaves Pittsburgh at 14:50 p. m.
and arrives at Wall's Station at 9:00e. m.
*Cincinnati Express ISavas daily. All other trains
daily except Sunday... . . . . ;
.. .
Per farther Information apply to '
W. IL - BECKWITH, Agegh. ,
The Pennsylvania Railroad Company will not at.
lUMeB I B7 Alit far Baggage , except •for wearing' ap.
=Land limit their responsibility to One Hundred
in. value,' . AIL .11aggage.. exceeding • that
amountin value will be at the risk of the sorter, on.
leas taken by special contraet..3 - , : : __., . , . ...
mat ." ' Beheraituperititvedent, AltoOnai...ra. ,
isTERN pnciar-giums .
ROAD.—On and • after ftov. 99d, ,ISOS, the Pas.
'ganger on the Western , Pennsylyanisicilaill
road will arrive-at and, depart from the
Street Depot-Allegbeny Clty,sis follows: • •
• Arrive
Sprlngd , e No I 6 . 40:a ai Mail '• • • 7:001
Freeport No. I 8:20,am Freeport No. 1 9:15.a rs
Erpress • ' ' 10:40 am Eiliarpb , g r
Sharpb`mNo.l .195 pal Express ,52:45 pm Freepor l ' No.
Freeportlfo.l "4:00 p i_i et , pring NOI 3:90 p m
Mall I I li :58p ni Freeport No. 2 5:510,0 st
Springd4 Not 6:48 m Einrln gd'e No 2 7:10 pm
Aboye Indus rtin OHr nate% thuiday. • • •
The elmreb Train leaves haleghen c T 4 Junet. even
Sunday, at 7s4o.l4 . m.,:reuhing, All eny OM at
9:50 a. m. Returning, leaves Alleg eny, City et
1:90 p: lll,"and =lye at Allegheny, Janet.. at 314.5
p. m.
ComirineriOrr Tien:WM—For Sale in' , Packages of
Twenty between-Allegheny City, Chestnuts treet,-
Kerraennett, Pine Creek, Etna and Sharpaburg,
and g only on the trains stooping at Stations ape.
deed on tickets... - • , • •
The trains connec t iongen CRT 'at 700 a. m.
make direct t •Freepori with Walker
line ofStages for Butler and liannalistown. Through
tickets • may be purchased at lb. Office,_No. 3 et.
Clair street, near the Suspenalot Bridge Pittsburgh
and at the Depot. Alla gbear
• i"0/• puther informatto_rt , apply to . , •
, , • Federal Street Depot
The Western Pennsylvania Railroad will not ale
. r any risk for Baggage,. except for wearing .ap.
p rel, and Omit, their responsibility to One Hunched Dollars. Dollars in value. t All baggage exceeding this
amount iu value wilt be at the risk of the owner, tut.,
less taken by special contract. " , • •
flea , Sunerlatendent, , 'Altoona. -
QMORT llllLLamigs
Rom the East to All points -
C,olorado, Nevada ,
_ . . _ . .. ...
Two Train, Leave Statm Una, and Ireavertwe't.
dapiahulda7l l eitrelitlVAl on the arrival et trate ; -..
P ao Railroad tromlit. , mule; and. Ht.lentbal see
8 • vei Santee& lkoni'Ve ) 1 07;'-eahaehtthi , at fli*
'Dime., Tepee& , and , Wamego,trlth , 18414,01 , ,f0r al;
yoints'in Sumer.' *A.C'end of' tracirrrest 'otot EIIA ,
/40..WA5 8 0-ql l ;l4 l 9 l ß:r.q. 4; , ..; ; Z:aiTil;
:'3,321LN JOALICiT :•Looxitti
And ail Poinis in thgTerritpriek
Ant with tilt2ilNC
I M 'a Vti-NFEEV.limt h int
CO CRCS for Po Mon._ e t•s
in nu.
ii r tier‘n i k.' guns Pei anal ► Pointe in. Arum& sae
trlthetbxie".'rebtii. TOllinit" stock at/
equipment, and the strrangeinents moue with re•
spensible Owland ••Transportztlon• Lines from its
western terminns,this road - now offers nizentiallei
tkeititl i es'for the .tritniffilulan of freight- to tee
rikess- tor • Wait oil:tile intienipal Once' ditrth;
DUnited Statesgrid CIEIIII4III • • • •
• Be Ore anit.:ast•ibr ttekets :Via • 'Tfils}
EsitrizralitzsuvirP' ' vA-lav ° 7 `•
' .111: 'A OW,
- —. • • e •••,
Bn :•"1'
' ;- ••;n4e.,t
• • 46 lyElßs*si
• J.r
-evat*lrreltbividl l 94kAffs , •.;
To lay marvel. AND
cfcrEsNsTativx 7 . 77 m-Th
, llt oo ;! 4 „,, ,
ffa te brg & grip. Arno; 701100.sSistg4beir:
.81ffs;igibsi PlErrinfiffalfe'
I rriVO D AY, 1411140 11 SA lISDAY, from . itier
niter, ew, ark. , ,Porpusagwor tunhar onto.
Insitu4, 14,
lvyaws ro
tehnl9l•Alsbuo,aostit opposite rest Usßest
Eastern Division.
California Utah,'-
4 ri4 f,at
New Meidiro v
i:I1 rt
Homan or Rapture cured:
Kerala br Rupture eureCf
• I
Rends or Rupture cured.
Hernia or Rapture cored.
H4mihi or Suptnre cu r ed.
Hernia or Rupture eared.
; Harms or
. 44a tore ;eared.
Hernia or nu titre eared.
. ( .
Napdifs Radical Cnie Trine. '
Ritteei Patent Villas.
. • • •
SeltwAdssurthair Truss.
'Dr! ;;f l 4 l Winit ' S Body. PFa c TE.ADI!
he cure of Pro'swine Uteri.. Piles, At;.4"414
Spinal Weaknesses.,:;.-. .::
Dr. B. 11:1111 chho Silva-Plated Siiispoitim
- • .
Pile Ptop` for the support and e a tire of Piles...
Elastic weak and vpidoel
veins: . •
ELssile - lEnee Caps, for weak knee hints.,
, , • • • • . • •
Ankle Supporters, for weak knee joints.
Suspensory Bandages. .
Solllo' Dr..:SEYSFES; 140 - Wood St.
At Dr. KEYSER'S, 140 Wooq Street,
air Drug nom
. .Vo. 140 WOOD STREDT, sin
o the Golden Mortar, Persons wilting for Tramiel
should send the ntunber of Inches around the body ,
lnimedlstelj over the'rupture.
. ,
Air DR. sirisra will give his personal atten.
Mu to the APPiteatlon of Misses la adults and-
ebblrea, - aad he Is satlale4 that, with an experience
of twenty years, be will be enabled to gtye satlsfae.
There Itrhodoubti whaiever th'at dteeases of tha
ltuigs, or ulcers , of whatever sort, on any of the ta-
tenni organs may be, and are Eremsenr,ly eared, and
a complete condition of health . established. If the
elaborative ftuiotions. of which the stomach Is the
prhnary and most Important one, are restored to a
condition to do the repairing of the human aysteMa
ulcers or sores, - 'whether upon the lunge, the liver,
the kidneys or the bowels, or upon the legs, u it
treqisently the cue; can be made to heal, and a cons.
pleteitandard•of health re-established.
We' have frequently seen these results from the
use of Dr. KEYSER'S Lt.N. G CURE, a pLessant
and agreeable medicine, which will ripen ,up and
carry out of the animal economy all effete and nee&
up' material. K. says that be has known The
Most Met:reeking said harasslnx coughs. whose vlbra.
ticiaaV4tdi threaten to shake tie whole constitai
tfolata jgecri removed la thecourse or a few day,.
rkleiticata t adlrig cases •of= emmamptlon; or of: °Mak
lometamei &JO. PO always troublesome and aano~;
Aug Maladies, known as ottani!, ebroale t7ronelittlai
kraebitbs arlimaryagfila;lt• !s s wonderful aliens:
ti4ilebse in the - former and'a • sure care In hi
littiti disease: ' •
. Ifarrestoar Limo Cons to EmucnKo.
BOYiOPTUoIoisT vaLtreoLE FL.atire.i.vO HEa
SitOWNVOßlttraltirri, eRD s MALL Dr/16.
atQaAtils BT/TIM or TUE HUMAN sum; sad
whilst It midi to its plartayja at the acme' time
stAmahliell, gently
s hut effecgvely, the iddn, the
kidneys, the liver aad theilautdar system to safil.
iteui 4064 6 'gable ilia - body to take cat heelthtal •
gotten 'end 'e'eadleate the disease: .The sick and st•
Meted shield burin mind the lintel; or ibis great
Fte. 411 4 1 /:VI .1.40 tt Q9 ll l whose lue3ciento alivete
the Importance of health, wilt reiort to tt In'tha
tieghiehii brit eottghor cold . ; there wowd be no
relfhii 6OnsiuitPtlON'
inagrable and io*toss . 1164:
..„1•. , • .
I7 ! li iP s ifl 4 ' . . d ?!efF. ! IJ IOaPl 3 Wch at-
H .
Dr:: - 'LlCoorseets"‘Gfeitt 'll4lChie L'Storei'
I at i IMI
' 140 Weeds Street: `. '
I !C-; fil,il 11'
• .
' 11 7.•
kTmcgrr , rcrTFTIW4, PAt wpm Arai
11 1 4. ussuik TLB.S J>it:: y 1 ,t)
sow al 11811.
- r 3 /AN%nT~` m~~ji;'3i i+uG~Y~ ~'.,l {... :'t ~- :.~ S .i
lisaptuure or scrim' itmm!L
RoPtore or iiersda mired,
-.Rupture arlienda Aura&
`Milani.* or It•isita mOMNL
icoptior or Hernia oozed.
SifptAre ar Kersfia . eared.
Eußiu 2 e,r *! ( . 4 "4 11 Cured.
szrAfAirnornrs EerE6IGIS.
ear.3*-timmra SylentGla',
Also; 'eitry kind of Syringes.
Y sAIIDAtizs,
strepErrspy 13.tmLkozs,
A dozen different kinds.
A dozen different kinds'
A dozen different kinds