NEW. ADVERTISEMENTS, FOR THE HOLIDAYS JOSEPH 088 & .CO'S. A PULL ASSORTMENT Fancy and Staple Articles / SUITABLE FOR , USEFUL HOLDAY KID GLOVES, ALL SHADES, TASSELLED AND PLAIN. Alextyndre BM Glover, Fur Toppeh Kid, Berlin and Cloth Gloves. HOSIERY. AN XSTENSIVE AN ASVIL y T&Er . , ALL SIZES Heavy Wool and Nalco UNDERWEAR. Gents' Furnishing Goods. NECK TIES, SCARFS, BOWS, SUSPENDERS PAPER COLLARS AND CLWYD. lIANDEETWEIIXFS, ZEAL HEM STITCHED lIAND , FS, 15 cents up EMBROIDERED, TUCKEIS, REVERE, MOURNING BORDERED .AND LACE HANDKERCHIEFS IN GREAT VARIETY. Gents' Silk Handkerchief. HINDSOME STYLES-LIGHT AND DARK. BECK, BOW AND BASH RIBBONS A SPLENDID LINE. HdT6, NITLLENERY GOODS. VELVETS. SATINS AND • PREACH FLOWERS• HOOP. SKIRTS, rEBFEC T GOOD% AT ONE HALF USUAL BATES. CORSETS, . FRENCH. GEEMAN AND AMERMAN. OF BEST MAKES, VERY LOW. At TitaiNNEN DRESS AND CLO AK GS. • LOOPS, BUTTONS AND ORNAMENTS. 1 SECEL.I. COMBS, 4 1 II .71T AND PLATED JEWELRY, BRACELETS, BEOCHES A . _SVEEVE BUTTONS SETTS BETTS AND HAI4DILEkCHIEN" HOLDERS. ;' HAND KNIT ZEPHYR GOODS, ~.. GEIMINTOWN WOOLS;',ZEPHYR AND YARNS A COMPLETE STOCK i Of New Goods itrHving Daily. CM 110LEAY BOOKS. 1.86,8. • - CiIIISTIIAS• AND NEAT YEARS, KAY i& CO., NO. 65 WOOD STREET, ILAFATEtrE BUILDING INVITE ATTENTION TO THEIR IVIACNIFICENT_STOpK OF STANDARD, ILLUSTRATED MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS FOR HOLIDAY PRESENTS COMPRISING THE 4 REIVEST ILLUSTRATED WORKS. PRESENTATION BOOKS, STANDARD AUTHORS, • POETS AND POETRY, COMIC AND HUMOROUS WORKS, •!‘• • i • WORKS OF REFERENCE, Oa:PORTANT NE CV BOORS, is AIIERICAN AND ENGLISH JUVENILES. I *Finely Illustrated Juveniles, TOY BOOKS, s F AMILY AND POCKET BIBLES, Amert ,• can and Oxford Editions. PRAYER BOOKS, HYMN BOOKS. Elegant Rosewood and Mahogany • NETTING DESKS. TOURLSES OASES, PORT FOLIOS, solD 'PEAS. and a tine assortment of English, French r_.‘ and American FANCY STATIONERY, rirThis !dock is eutirely/freth, and will . - f • be found superior in attraction to any hith- ado uttered izt this city , dealibn NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, OrFAIR AND FESTIVAL.—The of the Re ortned'Preabyterlan Chnich will hcld a Fair an.• Faattval on MONDAY and TUEISDAY EVENINGS, 2 tat and 22d Ina., IN TEINHALL OP THE Fourth Ward Pubite School House, A fine assortment of fancy articles, the handi work of the ladies. will be - for sale. and the ref, &i -ntent useles ahnudantly furnished. Manner will be served from 7 to 9 o'clocc. Tickets 50 cents for admission and oysters. Pr.ceedi to be applied for advancing the missionary work of. the Church. , dell:b7f IFIRODUCE AND 'COMMISSION HOUSE.EOIIBALE.—The Flitnres, Lease and ood Will of an old established Rroduce and Cum milli-ion House, located in this city. and hating large correspondence with country dealers. Apply to S. CUTHBERT & SON, 85 Smith:mid street. rOITTSBURGII AND CONNELLS. Arlt.L.E' RAILROAD -COMPANY FIRST RTGAIik RONDS.—Tun Coupons of the above Bonds, due JANUARY Ist; ivill be ' paid after that date on presentation and dell , erat the office of the Treasurer. Pittsburgh. or at the Merchants' Nation al Bank ofitattlindre. , J‘DIN H. PAGE. Jr.. Treasurer. Office Y. C. H.R. Co.,Plush% Dee. 18.1868. den:Wl-NW, I VARA' FOR BALE--,Containing 106 ACHES, two miles' northwest of Salem, Ohio. Three good Orchards, Singer Camp, Barn. Dwelling House, Carriage Howie and other out building". Will exchange for city property. Terms easy. For full partie.ulars inquire of detl:b7s OPPICZ OP CITY Ending= AND BtatvitTon, . . Pittsburgh. December Alst. 1.1165. t • .4ITICE.—The • 'Assessment for niV inav bdt3ri l g lgt r L . rILET,igfPe.. ttertiet, now ready for examiaation,and can be seen at this office until THURSDAY, December 311 st, 1868., when it will be returned to the City Treasurer's Unice for collection. de21:574 H. .T; MOORE. City Engineer. CIPTICE Oir CITY ENGINE= AND Sulam - Ton, , Pittsburgh, Dec. 19. 1868. t f Nan - CE.—The assessment for Grading and Paving SPRING ALLEY, from Twenty Eighth street Is now ready for exami nation and can be seen at this office until WED NESDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1868. when it will be returned to the City Treasurer's office tor collection. ri. J. MOORE, City Engineer. ;BANK INSURANCE AND CO LUMBIA eIL STOiIES.—TIMSDAY EVEN .N;4I, December 291 d, at 7)1 o'clock; will be sold on the second floor or the Commercial Sales Booms, 105 Smithfield street, _ ; 20 shares 31. & M. National Bank. • • 10 do neeond do. . 20 do Citizens Insurance Co. b 0 do Boatmen's do. 50 do M. &M. do. 5 do Pennsylvania_ _ do. 100 do Columbia Oil Co. ____ , ue2l A. hiCILWAINN. Auctioneer. UPPII73 PT o m ou De c o emb n er L nao9u,r6 C., I OTICE \TO BAKERS. ealed Proposals, addressed to the "Inspectors of the Allegheny County Prison ' ,+ will be received at this office until the 31st 'mt., inclusive for tarnish ing the County Prl on with Bread for six months. from JANUARY 15th, 1869. Loaves to weigh one a half and two pounds respectively, and to be of ap proved quality. Bads to be mane at so much per 'pound. Bonds for two thoussud dollars will-be re quired for faithful performance of contract. The name of the securrty must accompany the hid. Bills endured by tne Warden audprooated at this office, will be nald monthly. de2l:b76 111SNECT LAMBERT, Controller. - 1869. AND POCKET BOOKS, tADMS 9 MISSIONARY!SOCIETY PENN STEKET SAMUEL PATTERSON. On th remtsee J'RN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES.' FOR TH.KWEST- N DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA. WASHINGTON BRITTON. a bankrupt under the act of Congress of March 2d, 1867, having applied for a discharge from all his debts, and other maims provable under said Act, by I order of the Court notice is hereby given to all creditors who have proved their debts. and other I persons Intererted, to appear on the 6th day of FEBRUARY. 1869, at 10 o'clock A, Si. before JOHN N. PURVIANGE, Esq., Register, at his oface, No. 116 Felerat street. Allegheny city. Pa., to show cause, if any they have why a discharge should not be granted to the said b ankrupt. B. C. MCCANDLESS, Clerk. OFFICE OF CITY ENGINEER, ALLIGHZNY CITT. Gee. 19th. MR. NOTlCE.—Assessments for the GRADING andPAVINGjof PLYETTE STREET. iron Bidwell to Fulton streets. Also, for GRADING and PAVING of \, PARK STREET, from Grant avenue to Sturgeon street; And for Mak} steDLNG and PAVING of SHIELDS STREET, from Allegheny avenue to Walker street; Are now ready for examination. and can be seen at this em e ittMONUAY. December 28th. 1868. when they will be returned to; the Street COMMIS • stoner for collection. de2l:beso CHUB. DAVIS, City Engineer. M. 8. MARSHAL'S OFFICE W. D. of Pennsylvania. } PriTstinnau• December 18th, 1868. arrant In ms IS TO GIVE NOTICE that on the 11th day of November. A. D. 1868, • arrant In Bankruptcy was issued against the Ls tate of bAktIIEL BAILEY, of 'New Brighton. Bea ver county, Pa., and WILLIAM O. MO.:ANDER:B of Pittsburgh. In the county of Allegheny, and - State of Pennsylvania, partners as BAILEY ,k McCANDLESS, who have been adjudged bank rupts on their own petition; that the payment of any debts and delivery of any property belonging to such bankrupts to thew or for their use, and the trans fer of any propertrby them are forbidden by' law; that a meeting of the creditors of the said bankrupts, to prove their debts, and to choose One or more as signees of their estate, will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden at No. 116 Federal St.. Alle_gbeny City, Allegheny county. Penna., before JOHN N. PURVIANCE, Esq.. Register, on the 3d day of February, A. D. 1869, at 10 o'clock THOMAS A. HOWLEY, delß:bib 11. S. Marsha', as Metsenger. EVERY STYLE AND COLOR. .1 . . 4i ..1 , a E, wo PACE. ZELLERS & DUFF. A GENTS WANTED. 610.. A DAY. TWO $llO MAPS FOR $4. 1: LLOYD'S PATENT REVOLVING DOUBLE MAPS OF AMERICA AVD EURcirE, AMERiCk - AND THE UNI Idr:D STATES OF AMERICA. Colored—in 4000 Counties. These great Maps. novriust completed show every place of - importance, all Railroads to date, and the latest alterations In the ',aeons European etetes. These Mapi are need. eVery bchool and family In the land=i hey occnpy ihe apace otone Map, and by means of tile Reverser. either side can be thrown front. and auy part brought 'Oct to the eye. Coun ty rights and large dlicount given to g od A gents. Apply for Circulars. Terms and Sample Maps to • • LLOYD'S MAP BUREAU, - dell-bned 23 Con l rtlandt street. N. Y. ZELLERS & GGI FURS Tiff HOLIDAYS. FORS ! FURS ! FURS ! Anr IcCORD & 131 WOOD STREET. z AND ENA SILATE9, SKATES, ISHATEEI. American Rink, New York Club, Empire, Starr, &e. All other styles and sizes at the very lowest rates at WHITESIDESI k DELTM6 4e14 1g rZDRBAIi BT.. ALLIUIiU f. pur 111 • k t 1. 7 I ; I 1 k• NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. EVERYBODY SHOULD READ THIS. The Flolldays are drawing near Wllh all their scenes so pleasant. The chosen time of all the seas . To make an annual present. TO all those who are lookini for useful and appro priate articles to presenc to their families and friends on t luistmas nurning, . We would sap don't fall to call at P~I~AloT'i~ OLD STAND. STOCKING spRE NO. 24 FIFTH AVENUE. and make a selection from his varied and extensive stock of Hosiery, Gloves, Llnderwear. Fancy Opera Hoods, !Woolen .Gaiters, Sacques, Break fast shawls. Scarfs, Mittens. Suspen- 4 ders, Shirts, &c., kc. You'll save your money and your rains, Beside ti e wear and tear of Brains, In looking round the town For woolen Goods of every sort .Hake thls your.drat and last resort, , Au lusludees are all marked down. den UORACE GREELEY ON POLITL Greeley's History of the War. . , MR. GREELEY purp oses to write, during the year 1.8e9, an. elementary work on Political Econ omy, wherein the policy of Protection 1,0 Home In dustry willbe explained and vindicated -This work will ant be given to the public througlal successive issues of TUE NEW Yogic TaintME, d will ap; • pear all its editions—DAlLY, tiristi-W an IELKLY and The work will contain the best results of the observations and study ona lifetime, and- as the cuestion of Protection to American : lndustry concerns our. entire people, it will be looked for with greet- interest. In addition to this work by Mr. Greeley, Tim Tntnirsit has engaged George Geddes, one of the best and most successful farmers in the country, and other able writers on Agricul tural subjects, to write regularly for its columns. The American Institute Farmers , Club Will con tinue to be reported in the Simi- WEEKLY and WEEKLY Tatnusg. No farmer who desires to till the soil with profit, and to know the progress con stantly made in the science of his calling, can afford to neglect the advantages of a newspaper like the WEEKLY TiartalNE, especially when it tfnitei with agriculture other natures' of Interest and profit. The WEEKLY TEIBUNS. contains a summary of all that appears inthe DAILY and SEur-WEEELy edi tions, while in addition it Is made to address itself to the wants of the great terming class. Reviews of new publications, and of what is new In magic and the fine arts; letters from different parts of. the world—some of them of rare Interest to the farmer, as showing the progress of agriculture in other countries; editorial essays on all triples of home and foreign interest, together with fall and carefully printed reports of the,markets, will be furnished from week to week, and at a loWer price than that of any other newspaper In By: pursuing this policy the WEEKLY TILIBUNK has attained its present commanding influence and circulation, and We enter upon the new year with in .assuranee to our readers that no pains and no expense will be snared to give it still greater usefulness and power, and to make it a yet,more welcome visitor to every Preside In the land. GREELEY'S HISTORY OF THE WAR THE TRIBE:rt also proposes to send "The Ante ri can Coadlct," by Horace Greeley, in 2 Vole; of 648 and 782 pages respectively, to clubs, on terms stated below. This his , ory , has received, from all quarters the highest commendations for accuracy of statement and fullness of detail. It Is substentlally bound. and must be deemed' valuable addition to any library. These volumes should be placed in every School District library in the land, and each school contains scholariwho can, "with a few bcitirs of at tendon, raise a Tribune Club and secure the'bistory. Almost any one who wishes can now obtain it by giving a few hours to procuring subscriptiiiis for THE TRIBI,7NE among his friends and neighti• re, and we hope many will be incited to do so. The work will be promptly forwarded, prepaid, by express or by mal, on receipt of the required DAILY TIIIIIUNZ. Mill Subscribers, 110 per an TM. SEMI-WILEICLT TRIDUSL. ._ Mall Submsibers, 64 per annum. Five over, $3 each; 17 conies, $45. Fa. $36 and Graley's History; for $O3 AO c Greek:Pa Bistery;l ' or $166 40 copies an History. Mall Sub, cribers, 42 per aunnyn; 5 cop! . 40: 11 copies, to one whims*. #l5: Meanies a dl ;seeley's Ilts'ory, oneoa , tress, 120. 21 copies. I. one areas 425; 20 copies ani the intory, t on, ad drets, $3l; 50 Milk!, to one address, 50: 50' .copi, a and the History, to one a , are , e, 1 , 50; 11 coplti. to names of #10; 10 c , Ph's. to names. with our copy of the 111..torv, 21: 21 copies, to names, $27: 20 collies, to na es, with one copy ilintory. 433; 50 copies. to na nes. *55; 50 copies. to names, with one copy hist° , #Ol. The money must, In all cues, be received at one time, and the papers be sent to (nen Postottice. Friends wishing to secure the Ilietory on these terms must send the Clubs precisely as se nave stated them.' Bran-WEEKLY and' WIEKLV atebsbriptions must not be mixed in one Club. Terms, Cash in advance Address .de2i:T EVERY STYLE AND COLOR. M rI2 PACE ZELLERS & DUFF. GRAND CLOSING OUT BALE OF AT , L GOODS. ON THE CORNER STORE, No. 100 OHIO oTHEET, ALLEGHENY CITY. ' Sale posttive to quit the business. Fixtures and two years' lease from April Ist, 1800. The entli e stork, eon:wising. general variety DRY 000 NOTIONS. FUlts, CARPETS. WI DOW SHADES, OM CLOTHS. &.e. The above stock will be sold positively without re sell... The sale to commence on MONDAY, De tember 21. t. and continue until *II Is sold unlit ely out. Don't forget the place, No. 100 Ohio street, Allegheny City, Pa. One $BO Singer Sewing Machine, warranted. for "le clisg. dent: JAMES GOiILING. .z 64, AND ENAMELED an FLED 04 NOTICE.—To all Persons En gated in Hauling or Who, hug Rubbish Or Ashes: You am hereby notified not C. place eny rubbish or ashes on the wharf. All rubbis c a u g hthes muit be taken so the Point. Any person vi• ousting the above notice will be dealt with so the fullest extent clans late. • _ 11.011 EST A: HILL. Allegheny Wharf Mso,er. del9 1 1.0090 00 To LOAN on First BOND And,BOBTGAO logeny 1. Allegheny sou:Ay.' Addreks CASH. dt ippEAeL Asa—tio casks No. 1 in Mrs and for sal* by J. D. 411111(1138.11 a WA. .CAL ECONOMY. TERMS OF THE THIBIJNE :WEEKLY TRIBUNE THE TRIBUNE, NEW Tonic NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. CONTENTS HEARTH AliD _H.OME. I. j C CHRISTMAS NIGHT. A Icrnrits. Thomas Nast. SANTA. CLAUS. Mary E. Dodge. 111. - LIME ON HILL PASTURES. Professor S. TV. .Tohnston, Yale College. A FARMER'S THINKING AND HIS TIME FOR IT. Oliver Wendell HOlmes BUTTER vs. WOOL. H. A. Sheldon. VI. HOW TO KEEP FARMERS' BOYS AT HOME. Levi Stockbridge, Man. Agric. Col. LAY-OUT OF A SUM:CREAN PLACE (With illustrations.) Donald THE CA.RPENTERO BIRD. (Illustrated.) James Hogg. IX. WARREN LELAND'S POULTRY RAIS ING. (Illustrated.) A. B. Crandall. -X. \GENERAL GRANT DRIVING DEXTER. XI. HORTICULTURAL HINTS FOR JAN- XII. OUR-HOPPER. • SIIL HISTORY OF THE TINES-HOME AND FOREIGN NEWS XIV. OUR HEADING AND OUR HOPES Donald G. Mitchell. XV. • A GREETING. • Harriet Beecher Stowe COWS or 10 eoples pies and 11,r etey's XVI. THE OLD-WORLD SPARROW. A Poi William Callen Bryant. XVII. PREACHING OTHER MEN'S SERMONS J. .P. Thoinpson, D. D XVIII. IN THE ICE. A STORY .T. T. Trowbridge . XIX. • HOW WE KEEP THANKSGIVING AT OLD TOWN. Harriet Beecher Stowe. XX. MRS. HUNNIBEE'S DIARY XXI; CHRISTMAS GIFTS XXII. BOB: HIS LIFE AND DEATH. XXIII. ' BURIAL OF THE BIRD. (Illustrated, XXIV. ELIZABETH BARRETT BROWNING. xxv. REYNARD'S SCHOOL.. (Illustrated.) Mary E. Dodge. PRICE 10 CENTS, For. Sale by all News Dealers. 441071 21, 1868. (NO. 2.) MI (Illustrated.) . IJARY. James Hogg. Laura E Lyman. Grace Greenwood. Maclame• La, Vert. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, FOR CHRISTMAS AND NOV YEARS. GREAT VARIETY OF ARTICLES SUITABLE FOR PRESENTS, PM LADIES, GENTLEMEN AND CHILDREN. aviiimcHaps, COLLO S. FURS, HUFFS, AND BERTHAS. FANCY _.i‘.RTICLES FOR ''' THE LITTLE FOLKS. ALL NEW AND CHOICE HOODS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL at 'WILLIAM SEMPLE'S, 180 and 182 Federal street, Alleghen. THE MOST ACCEPTABLE CHRISTMAS PRESENT EIEI " SEWING _MACHINE Being an ever•pre sent reminder the giver and a constant relief to the household air Machines delivered at the house of the Durenaavr, and instruction, given in their use, FUZE OP CHAJOGS. Dili. SUIONOR & CO., Qi , Z 9 FIFTH AVENUE pAPER. PAPER. Printing, Straw, Rag, Glass, • Carpet, ROOFING, HARDWARE AND MANILLAS, Mannfactnred and sold by FRAZIER, METZGER ft CO., 82 THIRD AVENUE. Air CASH PAID FOR ROPE, RAGS AND OLD PAPERS. 0c23 zS6MF I ZELLERS NEW GOODS FOR THE HOLIDAYS. Fine China and Bohemian Vases, Dinner sem Ilea Nets and Toilet Sets. Fancy Cups. Smoking Seta. Varian Ware. French Decorated • Glassware and Fisted Goods, A fresh assortment of entirely new styles and de signs just opened at NO. 22 WOOD STREET, HENBY HIG BY. del4:b27 WALL PAPER-REMOVAL. TIIE OLD PAPER STORE IN A NEW PLACE W. P. THEARSIAIL4I4 Ras removed from 87 WOOD STREET to NO.• 191 LIBERTY STREET, a few doors above BT. CLAIR. r ROSALTIA_ILIS BURIMIN .1112 BLOOD. YOR, SALE-BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERz. de7;blo. swr • KEYSTONE POTTERY. Q`ffi. KIER & CO., •. manufacturers of - 1111,11$ENSWAIRE. /1311INTOL WARE • . Ufflope and WarrhOnike. 303 LIRKIITY OTKELT. M°All °niers neon:ally attendai to. AMERICAN AGRICULTURIDT. Wiwill receive subscriptions for the AMBEtIO, AGRIOuLTUIteLIeT at ONE DOLLAR PER TEAR, which le the lowest Club rates. denaltrr UT Meet, cooed. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. FOR THE COO WEATHER, BLANKETS, -QUILTS, FLANNELS, gHAWLS, 3FIDriEtS, VPIDERWEABI SToc ire. BLACK, BROWN AND GOLD MIXED. WATERPROOF CLOTHS, NEW AND DESIRABLE 3=orese arcicodlis 081 VERY LOW PRICE S WHOLESALE AND RETAIL at WILLIAM SEMPLE'S, 80 and 182 Federal street, Allegheny. AM ELECTIC CORDLE, -An infallible remedrfor Bummer Complaint, Diar rhea, Draenteen Vomiting, Boar Stomach antl Cholera Norbus. DI EMU CRIMP CBE, A apecifie for Cholera, Cram* mad Pala a Stomach, for mile by HAB,RIS & EIATING, Corner of Liberty and Wayne ttreetes J. SCHOONMASER, I SON'S PURE WHITE LEAD McCOl l B VERDITER GREEN, She only green paint that will not deteriorate by eosnre. It will look better, last longer and give more perfect satisfaction than any Delta In the rearket HEIBUIRTERS 47. FOB BOYS' CLOTHING. Gray :‘i - Logan, NO. 47 H ST. CLAIR STREET. ROCK. THE BABY 1 -IA EARNEST'S PATENT CRIB. SOLD ONLY BY LEMON & WEISE. Practical Furniture Manufacturers, Le., 11.13 MrOI;TELTII AVENUE Where may be found a full assortment of Parlor, Cbamber au u Klieben Furniture. . nolB W. MACHEOWN & BRO., WHOLESALE NUDISTS, PEA;1•13011 - MOVED TO 150. 195 LIBERTY STREET, pITTSBIJRGH, PENNA lte Lead. 'Window Glass and Glassware at taeturera M. HUGHES. LATE 608 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, Inforiiis hls friends and patrons In Pittsburgh. that he to now connected with EDWARD P. KELLY, Southieast corner of CHESTNUT and, SEVENTH STREETS, the PRINCIPAL MERCHANT TAILOR OF PHILADELPHIA, and can now furnish them _with Clothes bUPERIOir in every resnect to those he has heretofore Riven them, and at MODERATE PRICES. 'oc23:zEs mlCoNilltuzz Toils FUEL., by .124 using the SKIVE oENTRIF UG L GOVERNOR, the only true and easily regulated Governor made; perfect in its operations and truly reliable. A large sire Governor can be seen at the ofiles of PERCH VAL BECHETT,ldechantcal Eng ineer and Solici tor of Patents, No. 19 Federal - street, A'lle.g.henY City, the only agent for tide tioTernor in the west. e=txte ()VEEN OF ENGLAND SOAP. QUEEN OF ENGLAND SOAP. . 90 I QUEEN OP ENGLAND SOAP. Forjdoing slimily washing in the beat and cheap est manner. Guaranteed equal to any In the world Has all the strength of old rosin soap, with the Will and lathering qualities of genuine Castile- Try this WOES,Soa. Sold by the ALDEN CHEMICAL R Ail North r earth street, Philadelphia. erseEbdilfgalr - 114,TEW SMYRNA FIGS—A choice .itrue* in drams arid boxes; also, prime Prn iiellos in oxtail boxes, or for sale by the and by I . jorEN A.. IiFaiSHAW. dell - corner Liberty and Hind streets. SODS ASH-10 0 tons choice. 'brands In store And for Sale b_y nol7 J. B. CAN FIELD & BON. : EN APPLES-125 - barrels. 1114W111 sat ta sale la J. CAN/ .D SON. El CLOAKINGS, wol
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers