The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, December 21, 1868, Image 2
H Q tijf ur pdtt. • EPTIFIFERTS; —Lotta laughs and lingers in Chicago, —Newark, N. .I*, longs for a huge hotel. —The final state of the poll—baldness.- I ,Tudy. —Wild cats worry 'worthy Canadian woodmen. - - —England depends on Bombay 'for some of her hay. —Mr. Beecher's "chuich possesses three deaconesses. t . —ln Chiaago Parepa had an andieribe of three thousand. r —ln Texas peak costs six cents.a pound more than beef.: —Portsmouth, —Portsmouth, N. H., has a pumpkin pie nine feet in diameter. —The greatest marriage settlement in the world--Utah. - --Judy. —54,000,000 is the amount of legacy tax on, Rothschild's estate. —There is, in France; one lunatic to every four hundred sane men. —TUsk-hoister is the Chicago - name for a professor of toothology. —Madeline Jennings-nee Henriques is about to return to the stage. —Chicago pork-packers cut up the porcine victims with circular saws. - —The new buildings of the Park, Bank, in New York, cost 41,250,000. 1 • —5200,000 worth of pork is pickled daily during the season in Cincinnati. —Victor Emanuel is the royal personage who BO =offers froin'rlieumatisni. —AI t ming yOung negress• is one of the newest Parisian theatrical stars. At the inebriate asylum in Boston drunkardi are refonasid at $4O apiece. —When a man has looked around, can he be said to have had,a circular saw ? — ! Dore, has drawn a portrait in black and blue crayon of Rossini in his coffin. --Snails cooked in their shells are said to taste very like clanks, but are not so tough. --Yernando - Wood'a autograph sold for . ten whole cents in lievr Yorx the other day. —ln his 'new series of readings in Londott Dickens dilates on the death of Nancy, and Sykes. • —Ex-President Pierce is again seriously ill. This is an event olimportance—to Mr. Pierce. —An exchange says the greatest novelty is a seal ring with a portrait of the owner in cameo:. —A, New "York paper says : "Grecian architecture--the stoopS that ladieis use at present:- • ,—The Lowell Courier thinks the reason why "nputer will but" is. because "blood will tell." —Matilda Herron is to deliver the inau gural address on the opening; as a. theatre, of Tammy Hall. -,—Some sanguinary mortal in Savannah is building a house the mortar of which is mixed with blood. ' —E. L. Davenport is playing in Rhode Island, where he has'had $7,300 worth of jewelry stolen from him. • • 4Tommy is dead. Tommy w,as a Japa- Arne who. came to America some years ago with Commodore Perry. , =Mrs. D. P. Bowers is playing Leah in Phihkilelphia. Mr. Edwin Forrest is play ing Lear some place else. • —There is said to be a mental telegraph now at work between New York and Lou isville, managed by spiritualists. —Mrs. Emma Waller, one of the tragedy queens of the past, is again on the war trail, being now playing in Canada: - -Private theatricals are at present pecu liarly popular with the prominent people of Philadelphia, NeW York and Boston. —Fine large brook trout caught in the bounding broctlis of the Rocky Mountains grace the tables of Chicagoan epicures. —M. Berryer, the great Freinch ,lawyer, died without a single decoration; as he always refused to accept such vanities. • —Out in the wild West, Vigilant Com mittees hang Mayors. He of Laramie re ceived that sort_of attention the other day. —53,000,000 worth of new buildings have been put up in New Haven, which styles itself the business centre of Connect , lent. —"My immortal" is a sweet pet name, and so much less common than my pet, or my darling. Rossini was called that by his wife. - —All of Baron Von Beust's decorations which were stolen from his house during his absence, were found in a pawn-broker's shop. , —Atter all her wanderings in India, China, Japan and Australia, Madame Anna Bishop is going to settle down in New' -York. —A man in Stamford, Connecticut, hay. jug lost both hands and one foot; would be glad to have a velocipede which he could propel. —The Emperor of Russia and the family of the King of Saxony are all Very fond of reading American books and books about America. —Petroleum V. Nasby . will lecture in Philadelphia on Wednesday for the benefit of the widows and orphans fund of a post of the G. A. R. Chicago calls New York an eastern frontier city, and Philadelphia.replies that New York is merely a station between the Quaker City and Boston. —A yoUng lady who saw a steam, fire.' engine in Boston on Saturday, for the first time, innocently inquired why they boiled thnwater before they threw It on the fire. • —Gustave Dore, on the daY of the Em -press's fete, offered an exquisite pen-and-ink sketch drawn on wood to the Empress, and a copy of his "rurgatoire" avant la Wire, to His - Majesty. _Putnam; county, Ohio, is an extrav agant place. The authorities have rashly gone to the expense of building a gaol and then have for six months had no :one in it but - the gaoler. -r-Philadelphia may be the City of Bro therly Love, but after considering the case *f the Twitchells, who recently murdered their mother, we are forced , to doubt if it can be called the City of Filial Affection. —A german in Quincy, Illinois, though he lacks a strawberry mark on his left arm, possesses a blood mark on his cheek shaped like a deer. Happy man thus al, Ways to have his deer pressing his cheek. --Maryland farmers are, many of them, abandonding the culture of the _ peach, whose yield is uncertain, and have under taken the raising of strawberries and pota toes, which are niore reliable and profitable. —Robert Bonner, who seems to be very recklessly disposing of the contents of his stables, gave Dr. McCosh a horse worth $1,500, and now the the valuable equine quadruped has been stolen from the learned -President of Princeton. —We thought English was well stretched when the word velocipedestrians was made for the 'benefit of riders on that instrument; but some one has found a name for the teachers Of the art of velocipedestxianism, who he calls velocipedagogues. —Baron Rothschild left 'an annuity o 2,500 francs to every clerk who had been ten years in his service. This benevoleht action must have been particularly aggrava ting to those clerks who had been but nine years and a half employed by him. —A couple of Houston negroes got into a quarrel vver cards, and one chased the other into the bayou, where he was drowned. Now there arises the interesting question whether it is murder. Probably nothing but momentary insanity.—[Boston Post. —darl Benson being challenged to make a rhyme for velocipede, got off this im promptu: .There was a man on a velocipede, Wile said I nerd not give my boss a feed: Without oats or hay He will go all the day, Wait cheap thing to keep a velocipede. , —"Heller, the magician," perpetrated, not lonz ago, the.following sarcasm on his competitor, Prof. Anderson: "Shakespeare wrote well, And Dickens wrote Weller; Anderson is hell, And I am Heller." —On Friday night a grand concert in aid of the. Lincoln Institute, a school for 'sol diers orphan sons, was given in Philadel phia, by Misses Kellogg, Alida Topp and others. In addition to her free professional services at the concert, Miss Clara Louise Kellogg presented the Institute with $250 in . . —The following is the territorial extent in square miles of several cities in the Uttion; New York - City, 22; Phila.- delphia, , 126}; Buffalo, 37; Pittsburgh, 24; Louisville, 12 3-10; Chicago, 23i; Brooklyn, 25; Cincinnati, 7. It is proposed to enlarge Cincinnati.—Phaadelphia Ledger. —The Philadelphia .eedger of the 18th inst., says : During the past week the fol lowing vessels cleared from this port with petroleum : Brig Marianna, for Lisbon, with 88,773 gallons; brig S. W. Welsh, for Trieste, with 101,546 do.; bark Bares, for, Cork, with 134,991 do.; bark Valkyna, for Antwerp, with 201,654 do.; bark Volky nia, for Marseilles, with 96,335 do., making a total of 737,879 gallons for the week, and 37,938,583 since the first of January, 1868, being an increase of 9,789,911 gallons as compared with the same period in 1867. A New Propelling Poser. Thellissonri Democrat has the subjoined sketch'of the new Hiinter propeller' The peculiarity of this' invention consists in the paddle, which is composed-of a num ber of steel floats arranged in a strong iron chamber. This frame is firmly bolted to a vertical shaft or beana which is keyed in an axis placed near its upper end. On the centre of the axis a bell' crank is keyed, and to this the piston rod of the engine is adjusted. On operating the en glne' the shaft is caused to oscillate, which carries the paddle back wards and forward in the line of the vessel's motion. In passing forward all the floats open by self-action, thereby avoiding all resistence, while in passing backFards they instantly close, thereby obtaining the great est possible resistance from the water. The cylinder is very short—a foot or fif teen inches being deemed sufficient for the largest 'vessels. The travel of the piston through 12 or l 5 inches would give a pro pelling stroke varying according to the length of the paddle shaft, of from 10 to 20 feet. The shortness of the cylinder permits great rapidity of the- stroke-150 complete propelling strokes per minute being readily obtained from any good engine. The larger the vessel the greater would be the length of the propeller shaft, and consequently the greater the mechanical advantage given to - the water. This lever age principle is seen in its greatest, perfec tion in the ordinary oar—a long tapering oar has no perceptible slip—it holds in the water as against a fixed body, and all power expendedby the oarsman goes to propel the boat. ' Dr. Hunter's paddle acts precisely on this oar principle. There is no displace ment-of water. It does not travel back wards, but merely holds against the water, so that the entire power of the engine goes on the boat in the line of its motion, and with less friction and loss of power than in the ordinarY wheel or screw. We do not see why it should not be appli cable to boats and barges on the Mississippi: It can be placed in 'the stern, where it is perfectly guarded, and it is said •to work perfectly, even in dead water. • THE Philadelphia Ledger says: "We have on various occasions called the atten tion of our readers to the intimate relation between the climatology of a country and. its forests, showing that as the latter are cut away the amount of rain decreases. An Inter eating instance of the converse of this prop osition has just been announced in connec tion with the climate of Egypt. For a long time, as- it is well known, rain has never fallen in Upper Egypt at all, and In the Delta only on five or six days in the year. Some years ago, however, Mehemet All ' planted twenty millions of trees on the Delta, and they have now attained a considerable size. The result is that the number of rainy days has gradually Increased from five or six every year to forty, with the prospect of attaining a still, greater proportion here after. WoiEN have no greater weakness for dress" than men. Any opinion to the con; trary is founded on the fact that the dress of women is more demonstrative and showy. `•-• This, however, does not involve a greater expenditure. A man sees the last of a one hundred dollar bill in getting a suit of clothes; a 'Woman spends fifty nollars, and is accused of indefensible extravagance. Of ten men and ten women, taken in the street as they come, it will be found that the men spend two dollars to every, one of the women. Of course a majority of the men won't admit this; but it is truth, neverthen less.—Boston Poet. P'CNITIVNItt 'MONDAY, TRITEMBES 21; 1868: TEETH EXTRACTED isamotrr -Nocautea MADE wireasr ARTIFICIAL TEETH ABE ORDERED. A TOLL BET FOR U. AT DR. SCOTT'S. • ill PENN STARES, 3D DOOR ABOVE RAND. ALL WORK WARRANTE D . CALL AND XX.. lAMINE SPECIMENS OF VIENDINE VIFJ,CAN. TE. . iiy9:daT le 7:144 1:4 it slot* WELDON & KELLY, Manufacturers and Wboleiale Dealers in Lamps, Lanterns„ Chandeliers _ • AND LAMP COOPS. Also, OA3IIOII AMD LTIBBICATING OILS, BENZINE, Eke. - N 0.147 Wood Street. ae9:n22 Between sth and 6th Aienies. GLASS,_CHINA, CUTLERY. 100 WOOD STREET. HOLIDAY GIFTS. FINE VASES, BOHEMIAN AND CHINA, DINNER SETS, TEA SETS, SMOKING SETS, SILVER PLATED GOODS Call and examine oor goods, and w satisfied no one need fall to oe suited. e-feel B. E. BREED &CO. 100 - WOOD STREET. PIANOS, ORGANS, &O. 'WM THE BEST AND Etrf PIANO AND ORALLN. Sehamaeker's Gold Medal Piano, AND' ESTEY'S COTTAGE ORGAN. The ISCHOMACHER PIANO coinblnes all the latest valuable improvements known In the con struction of a first etas instrument. and has always been awarded the blithest premium wherever ex hibited. Its tone is fall. sonorous and sweet. 'Vie workmanship. for durability and beauty,. surpass all others. Prices from 650 to 6180. (according to style and, linisb.) cheaper than all other so-called Slut class Plano. ESTEVB COTTAGE ORGAN Stands at the bead of all reed Instruments. in pro• clueing Instrum e nt rfect pipe Quality of tone of any similar in the United States. It Is aim ple and compact in eonstnsetlon, and not liable to get out of order. CARPENTER'S PATENT "VOX RUXA...VA TREMOLO" Is only to be found in this Qum. Price from $lOO to $550. All guaranteed for Are years. BABB, SNAKE & BIINITLEB, • No. 17ST. CLAIR STREET. PIANOS AND ORGANS—An en tire new atcrk of SNARE'S UNRIVALLED PIANOS; HAINES BROS.. PIANOS: PRINCE CO'S ORGANS AND MELODEONS and TREAT, LINSLEY A Ors ORGANS AND MELODEONS. CrRARLOTTE SLONE. • • 43 Fifth 'Tome, Sole Agent. SEWING MACHINES. BE GREAT AMERICAN con- BINATION.. BUTION•HOLE. OVESSELKING AND'SEWING MACHINE. 1T RAN NO NAiIIAIft BEING ABSOLUTELY THE ZEST TAktLY MACHINE IN THY C HE A P EST IN 's TEINSIOALLY Tait ANlTAgerits wanted to cell this Machine. CII.AI=I. C. - 3134TAHXZEIC, Corner rant Afflifillftelr te; xeweir„ Store. OE4 BTIEGEL, (Lots Gutter with W. Hespenbeide.) 3!kMRCIHICIILTiT TitICU3II, No. 53 Smithfield Street, Pittsburgh. NEW FALL GOODS. A splendid new atonic of CASSIAMIVE I9, &o. Just received by sell: Merchant Tailor, 73 I Butlthrleld greet. s gor-/Ahoi,ife3aiUtitij pERCEVAL BECKETT, IGEORANIOAL ENGINEER, And Elolloltor of Thston.Ea. (Late of P. F. W, C. Railway.) Once, No. 70 FEDER ALSTREET, Room No. II upstairs. P. O. Box 50, ALLEGHENY CITY. - MACHINERY, of all descriptions, designed. BLAST FURNACE and ROLLING MILL DRAW. INOS furnished. Particular attention paid to de• signing COLLIERY LOCOMOTIVES. Patents con fidentially_ solicited. aar An EVENING DRAW ING CLAM for mechanics every WEDNESDAY NIGHT. atri:nße CEMENT, ',,SOAP STONE, &e. HYDRAULIC CEMENT DRAIN PIPE, Cheapest and test Pipe in the market. Also, RO• BRNDALIC HYDRAULIC CoIIUIST for sale. B. B. et C. A. JEIROCILIFTT *CO. Aqnce and M nnfaetory-240 RNBECCA BT r o ": e l! h eny. SiA Orders by mall promptly attended ridi a , j ,, BUSHELS LIME SOUTHERN BED'WHUT, To Mitt and for vale by selß MeBLICE ANJER. NEW STYLES. CIFT CUPS, A large stock of of all descriptions Fit a) (s) : 'Ado • IRO lIENitIr MEYER. HOLIDAY PRESENTS I HOLIDAY PRESENTS! ROMAN SILK BOWS. Cc:alarm. LADIES LACE HANDEERCIiIEFS. Rosewood Handkerchief and Glove Boxes WATCH STANDS AND CIGAR CASES, Wit:MING DESSW" AND ALBUMS The finest and cheapest &assortment of WAX AND CHINA DOLLS, TRAVELING CASES, CARTE DE ITISITE BASKETS. LADIES' &' GENTS UNDERWEAR LADIES PINE KNIT OPERA ROODS, The New Striped Felt Skirt "WOOLEN GOOD at Cost. .Fine Embroidered Slipper Patterns. Beautiful Embroidered Cushions. DIACRDIXE, GLYDE & CO. TS Rad SO Market Street. deg MICRO & CARLISLE , NO. 19 Fb'TIE AVENUE, THE-NEW SKIRT, . 1 "LE PANZER PERFECTION." "THE FAVORITE." "THE POPULAR," "THE RECEPTION', THOMPSON'S! TWIN SPRING, "WINGED ZEPHYR," "GLOVE FITTING," CORSETS AND PAT- I ENT .•PANIERS." i THE NEW GORED OVER SKIRT, "BELLE k, HELENE Skating,"Skirt richly embroidered; an el i egant street or . RICH RIBBONS FOR BOWS, SCARFS AND k SASHES. ik ROMAN STRIPES AND PLAIDS. e SATINS, all shades snd widths. s, FLOWERS. PLUMES, HATS AND BONNETS. s LADIES AND CHILDREN'S , MERINO UNDER piWEAR, The richest and latest novelties in GIMPS, FRINGES AND BUTTONS. We especially direct attention to the great excel lence of the HARRIS SEAMLESS (Ronilioni KID GLOVES" over all others. and for which we are the Sole Agents. A complete line of GENTLEMEN'S "STAR" SHIRTS, SUSPENDERS, GLOVES, HALF HOSE, lUNDERSHIRTS AND DRAWERS. SELLING AGENTS FOR LOCKWOOD'S PAPER GOODS, and all other popular-makes. ' & 'CIBLISLE, NO. 19 FIFTH AVENUE. noZ MERRY CHRISTMAS ! DI NEW GOODS FOR THE HOLIDAYS. DENMSON & IIf,CKERT, NO. 27 FIFTH AVENUE, Have just received a large and Judiciously assorted stock of EMBROIDERIES, TRIMMINGS, Hid Gloves. Handkerchiefs. Slipper Patterns. Zephyr Goods. Scarfs and. Gents . Furnishing Goods. T hing Goods. Nations generally. A splendid selection is affordedin special novelties snitable for HOLIDAY ,PRESENTS, to which the attention of I,;‘dy readers is specially DENNISON & HECKERT, PRICES MARKED DOWN. B)MIAINS IN 'AI MOST ETERITIMCG. • REAL HEM STITCH. all Linen. HANDKER CHI.IsEB. 17c, 19c 550 and upwards. I TAPE IOttbEILLDLINEN HAN DEERCHIEFS 17!ar, Sc to 50c. All OUT HATS at sone-half regular prices. All the new BALMORAL SKIRTS and Bradley's latest styles of ROUE SMUTS, at the Lowest Prices In the City._ BENTS' bfERINO VEST and DRAWERS, 40c in $5,00. • AT EATON'S, 17 Fifth Avenue. del CRACKER BAKERIES. : 1—.". ..5 :.. .. Ith i 7 5 : ' ,. . M. ;,11V • '• t i , ' ~, 3 , CRAB{. '".. 1 ‘ ... ARE SUPERIOR TO ANY OTHER! OFFERED IN THIS CITY. SCOTCHR, BUTTER, BISC UI TS., CREAM, and LEMON For Sale by Every Grocer in the City. Bakery, No. 91 _Liberty St: not J.' LANCE, • DYER AND SCOURER: No. 3 ST. CLAM SWIWELVir And Nos. 135 and 137 Third Street, "FTPTSBURGH. PL. WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. IL LYON, Seater of Weights and Measures' No.I ISEET, tßetween Liberty and Perry WWI Ong yrs promptli attended BAIR`AND PERFUMERY IJOHN PECK Ornamental nab emu worami Awe PERFUMES, No. 133 rd street._ near Smithfield, Pittsburgh. Always on hand, a general assortment of Ladles' GS, BANDS, CURLS; GantleMelVll WIGS, TO rggs. SCALPS, GUARD CHALIitt,BIIACELETS, %%food Price in cash win be given for 11.1. W the Ladneatest ies , and Gentlemen's er Hair Cutting donet man. mh2nni 54. Barred Flannel, A VERY LARGE STOCK, ta'crvicr correrea., ItELROY, DICKSON & CO. CRY ,1.,C)C1631:11€3, LACE GOODS, HOSIERY, NO. 17 FIFTH AVENUE %DIN? KTITLNNING EXTRA HEAVY IX GOOD STYLES. .1 WHOLESALE 046 WOOD• STREET. . • is 0, Pei 0 Gil., A W 0 Z sl 0a H ;7..1 1Z 0 4 la 2 E-i W 72 11 A '. ; -1 4 gO4 ma xi ce PI I M ; 14 ea 8 ii 25 ; w ''' 4 1. 00 1 m ;=2_, 0 0, , i WI 10 g 3 g 0 4 z • - CLOSING OUT SALE OF • 3. DI. BIJIICHIInaIIS..CO'S. - 9 AT • , NO. 52 , ST. CLAIR STREET, CONTINUED. , • THE ENTIRE STOCK OF DRY du -coons REDUCED to close out before taking stock. 1161 t 'Nem 'ts time to get nsefel HOLIDAY PRESENTS cheap. , dela 87. MARKET STREET. 027 1,..J • • 7§lT—V--AW GOODS WATERPROOF — aII colors and qualities'. CASSIIdERES — Ior Men's and Boys , Wear. LADIES' CLOAKDiGS—Large assortment. FRENCH AND ENGLISH MERINOS. IRISH POPLIN — SLOO per yard. VELOUR POPLINS. SILK POPLINS. PALERMA CLOTH—for-Snits. BLACK SICILIAN LUSTERS. • BLACK AND COLORED EMPRESS CLOTHS— Large variety. VELVETEENS — for snits. ELECTRIC CLOTHS. Large assortment of PLAIDS. Full stook of DRESS GOODS, at Lowest Eastern Prices., THEODORE F. PHILLIPS' , 87 MARKET STREET. oes: NEW GOODS. NEW ALPACCAS. NEW MOHAIR. BLACK SILKS. HOSIERY and GLOVES. F. SOUCY, or No. 168 Wylie Stre et. .l6B. 6S. , McCANDLESS & CO. , 0" 111 (Late Wilson, Carr a ON.) WHOLESALE DEALNES IN Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, No. 94 WOOD MMES. Third door above Diamond alley, CONFECTIONERIES. GEORGE BEAVEN, XILI U7A0T171411. 97 CREAM CANDIES AND TAFFIES And dealer in all kinds of TWITS, NUTS, PICK LIM ISAUOICS. JELLIZ43, /ix. US FEDERAL ST., Allegheny. DECEMBER 1868. 54. FOR 30 DAYS ONLY. CARPETS ALT rtmgr.aaci_. LESS THAN WHOLESALE PRICES. We offer FOR A FEW WEEKS ONLY Our goods at a large reduction from regular rates. Our stock is full and complete in all departments, and we shall sell the best aual ities and styles of. Carpets at prices at which we cannot re lace them, givingour cus tomers an opportunity of ob taining Bargains that may never be offered again. This special sale will continue only until the time of taking our annuli inventory 'of stock at the end of this month. FF.A.RUND & COLLINS, 71 LND 78 FIFTH AmtrE. del 51. FIFTH AVENUE. M'OALLUM BROTHERS, GRAND CLEARING SALE. OF CIME3PvEITEi. TREMENDOUS REtpuqTiora,__ for Cassla, 17NTIL WE TARE STOCK WCALLUM. BROTHERS. rt - rou - 4crriow #' CARPETS,' c:xcr_icLeicermiei, C~L•a.~ , , We offer our stock at reduced prices for; - a SHORT TIME before commencing to take stock: Now is the time to buy. BOVARD, ROSE & CO.,' de4:d&wP ANNVAt REDUCTION. 01TR REGULAR DECEMBER CLEARANCE SALE Is now fully Inaugarated, at Prices that se-, cure BETTER BARGAINS THAN EVER BE.; FORE, In OIL CLOTHS, MATTINCS, Good Carpets for 25 cents a Yard• OLIVER - COAL! COAL!! •coALIts • DICKSON,STEWART & CO., Having removed their Office to . NO, 567, LIBERTY switmrai (Lately City Flour Hill) SECOND ELOOIL Are now plep_ared to furnish good YOUGHIOOREt NY LUMP, NUT COAL ORILACK, at the lowest morket price. All orders left at their office, or addressed tO them through the me% will be attended to promPlil• N EW PITTSBURGH. PA. For Halls, Parlors atur,Chainl?ers, ------ NOW OPENING, Al' • 107 Market St n . near Fifth Ave., QM 51• ecO. 21 k'lllll AIrENUE. CAXLY9ErrS, &Co ) aCe; &Ca, M'OLINTOOK AND COMPANY,! No. 23 Fifth Street. DYER AND SCOURER, WALL PAPERS, WALL PAPERS, JOS. R. HUGHES & BRO. Et CMS 51. =