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II .. r,,ilt , 41 - 1116 ":" 1 1 ~7-... ~.; • isEary '''', •-• ' - _ ... „,,. , -,.-----,- ___L---_,._-__ . __,_,.-:.-_ : ..__ z ,i.,--- ...q . 7 , :,,, i --,.---__: - -- - i - 47:..- - -- -- 7,-- - •---:-,-„. ! .. f; , ::: - ..p..-F.,__. -. . 'i l. • ..'. • -,., ",), ;::, .. [i t . I t T.'. —.=_..-----....._ --,-. --- .. „.,. „” ,„ • , ~...„____„_,7=_____..,,,...„;„,„:„.„,„,.,„_... •:. - .;.•_•.7 . ,1- A L,.. , •:• -- . -- 7 ,7 .:: -- ''' . r. . . • . . - EOM B VOLUME LXXXII.I MST DITIOI. o•criocs , `FROM The War Cloud in Turkey and Greece -- Hostilities NV Yet Commenced—Humors of Nego -‘ tiatiOns for a Settlement of Dif ficulties--Cortez Elections in ' - Spain Proaessing Quietly • Minister Johnson -and the Ala _ banter (By Telegraph to.the Pittsbnigti. Gazitte. r • , • , TURKE.y.,. ' Lorrnort, December 19.—Dispatchesfrom COnstantinople resort that the Turkish Vonimander, Onaer . Pasha, has been forb id., den by his GU vernmentto invade Grecian ierritory, unless armed bands of 'Greeks pass the Theasalian frontier. . , • • PArtis,-Deeember 19.-The .3foniteur has " the following details of the Erosis affair: The Eros's answered Hobert Pasha's signal - with a shot, and sought immediate refuge fn the port of 'Syria,?.where she was block . atied by vessels of the Turkish fleet.' Ho - bert Pasha announced his willingness to abandon the blockade on condition that the Erosis should be to Athens , by a Giecian frigate, and there await the result of judicial proceedings for the outrage corn snitted. The following dispatch has just been re-; calved,. bearing date of Constantinople, • .Dec. 19th: The. Greek Anibassador in this .city to-day demanded of the guaranteeing powers the protection of Greek subjects in Constantinople.. The French Ambasador, on the part of his government, declined ' to move in the matter. -The Porte- demands 'the banishment of all 'Greeks from Bulga ria and Belgrade: It, is said the Russian Governrrient has sent a note to the . French Government in • 'relation to the questions at issue between 'Greece and Turkey. Telegrams from St. Petersburg sa y and reat Powers. agree thatßussia both the othe Por r te G and ' - Greece should delay action for five- days in order that negotiations for a settlement' ,of the question may be attempted. Tho public ,newspaper says the ^ En -vOys of Turkey and Greece have not left their respective posts at Athens and Con stantinople. The Pattie says the naval commanders 'have been instructed, if they can help it, to avoid a struggle With' the Turkish vessels, which would at present only weaken the: Grecian cause. , The same journal says the Athenians are exultant 'over-, the prospee-, tive war with Turkey- deputations froni Patras, Cor f uf and Corinth ,protest, against the. action of the gov,ern anent as ruinous to Greece". The Athenians •expect a revolt oy the Greeks in the Turk ish pravincesof Thessaly and Macedonia. The latest advioes from Atheiis'State that' the government of Greece has not Yet taken steps of a defensive character. - The Monitesr says the Powers who sign •oad the treaty of 1856 continue to urge con ' ciliation on both the Greek and Turkish Oovernmentsi . The Pcifrie asserts that the Porte will sub mit to the Great .Powers documentary proofs that Greece intended to incite Lunn -rection in the 'Turkish Islands and then take possession of them. . - CONSTANTIROPLE, December 18.—The -Greeks in this city ask the peivilege of re maining herein case of hostilities between the two countries, agreeing to preserve a strict neutrality. A corps has been organ ized and is ready to proceed to Greece at -short notice. Turkey continues tranquil. I= GREAT BRITAIN. • • Losiiox, 'December Ip. - The Times in •commenting on the speech recently de livered by Reverdy Johnson at the Bir beck institution, says: “The num of Mr. Johnson's - policy 18; that trifles, 'must not prevent the-preservation of peaceful rela tions between&figiand and America." The Times hints thit the American obstacles to the treaty should, therefore, be withdrawn. LoNnOrt, < Deoember 19.—Mr. Laird pub lishes his cOrreepondence with "Reverdy Johntski today-''Mr. Laird made the first friendly advances in acts before the Liver pool banquet. Mr. Laird invited Johnson to visit him to hear the former's wishes for a lasting peace. Mr. Johnson could snot 'accept the invitation for lack of time, °los 'Mg his note as follows: “Notwithstanding you, sympathized with my Southern breth ren .during. the war, I shall have much pleasure in making your acquaintance, and hear your sincere wishes for peace." LONDON, Dec. 20.—The-latest news from the east is more pacific. The Government at Athens,which has hitherto been swept . along by the popular eagerness for war with the Turks, is now disposed to listen to the protests of EurOpean powers. This dispp • sition, strengthened by the rapidly grow ing sentiment in favor of peace, may avert war, if_the Sublime Porte will grant time for further negotiatimr. It is understood 0 the western powers 'sustainthe Sultan's ul titnatum to Greece, while the Russian in . terest of the _Greeks will seek to modify the terms. • . Ayumor which prevailed in Paris yester dayibat the Rt"safari government had sent an aufalrorable note to France on the east ern question, proves to hare been a canard, 'invented to depreea'the market. The forebiding allusion to the eastern :Question.' made by Lord Stanley on •the 13th of November, In his speech to his con stituents at Lynn, - is regarded'as one of the secondary causes of the crisis in tha`East. SPAI PI . MADRID, "December 19.- 7 .1 t has been de •cided that the Cadiz insurgents are to be tried by a Council of War but that in no case will the extreme penalty, death, be inflicted. - , . The elections for members of the Cortez are proceeding In Incorporated cities. There has treed no disorder. A large majority of those elected are favorable tothe formation • of monarchial "form of government. ,The Government authorizes the statement that the treaty of peace with Chill may be con aidered an accompliehed fact. Manarn, December 20.—A riot broke out at Toros, In the Province of Zamora, caused by the hostility - of some of the people to •the organization of the'National: Guard in the town. It was quickly ! suppressed by - the authorities. • The Cerrespendincia asserts that fhb Car lists have formed•a deep and widespread conspiracy for the possession of the;Govern ment and that they only await the breaking out of the strife between the ,Liberd par ties of the country to develope their designs.,, • • FHA NCE. Pants; December 20.—E -Queen Isabella .of Spain has made a visit to the 'Emperor .at the Turneries. • I • EUROPE. By Teiegraoh to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] WASIIINGTON, December 19, 1868, SENATE. Mr. POMEROY introduced a bill to pro vide for the re - assembling of the Constitu tional Convention. of Georgia, and instruct ing it to amend the Constitution so as to place beyond all possible doubt the right of every citizen of the State, black or white, to hold office. 1 The bill requires the re‘assembling of the' Constitutional Convention within thirty days after its passage, and provides that the amendment shall become part of the Constitution upon its approyal by Congress. . The bill was referred to the Judiciary Com mittee. Mr. HARLAN offered a resolution re questing the Judiciary Committee to report a bill for the re-apportionment of Represen tatives in Congress, in accordance with section second of the Fourteenth Amend ment. Adopted. Mr. HOWE offered a resolution, which was adopted, requesting the President to inform the Senate whether any rent had ;been paid for Libby prison at Richfriond, and to whom and•by what authority. Mr. SPRAGIJE offered a resolution, which was adopted, directing the Commit. tee on Finance to inquire into the expedi ency of allowing !the importation free of duty of fire arms to be again exported after receiving American improvement. Mr. CHANDLER moved to take up the . House bill fixing the duty - on copper, dice. After discussion the motion to take up the bill was lost-22 yeas to 24 nays. Mr. NYE presented the credentials of Mr. Gilbert, • Senator elect from Florida. Laid on the table. Mr. MORRILL, Me., offered a resolution - requesting the President to inform_the Sen ate whether any instructions had been given to proceedings instituted to prevent payment to Laird & Co., builders of the Alabama, of the proceeds of the steamer Wren, built by them for the 'Confederate Government, and now in the hands of the Assistant Trealiurer at New York, and to secure the payment of the proceeds of said steamer to owners of vessels destroyed by the Alabama. Adopted. Adjourned: - -THE INDIAN WAR. The Recent Battle With Black Kettle's Balid—lnforniation from General'. Sher idan. :Bp Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Uaaette.t ST. Louis, December 19.—A letter from General Sheridan, dated Depot on the Ca nadian River December 3d, was receit ed at General •Sherman's headquarters to-day. It gives information 'derived from Black Kettle's sister by General Sheridan, in sub stance as follows: The Indians were en camped, first, Black Kettle and other Chiefs of Cheyennes and a small party of Sioux, linen thirty-seven lodges; eight miles down the Washita were all the Arapahoes and seventy addliioniff lodges of Cheyennes, also Klowai; then Apaches and Camanches. While thus encamped war parties were sent out composed of Cheyennes, Kiowas and Arabahnes. They went north in the direction of Fort Lamed, and there was still out another party comFosed of Obey ennes and Arapahoes, the returned trail of which led General Custer into Black. , Kettle's village. This party brought - back three scalps one of which was that of an expressman killed and horribly mutilated between Forts Dodge and Larned, just before Sheri dan left the former fort. The mail he was carrying was found in Black Kettle's camp. Another party was mixed, and went in the direction of Fort Lyon,'and are still out. About the.time the first of "these par th3s,started, Black Kettle and onesub.Chief from each band went to Fort Cobb' end brought back provisions given them at that Fort, and while they were gone, or about the time of their return, the last war party referred to was sent out. The women are of the opinion that they will all sue for peace at. Fort Cobb, as the result of the bat tle with Custer. They would have _gone to Sheridan's camp had not the opening at Cobb been held out to them., - Oen. Sheridan then says: I shall start for Fort Scott as Soon as the trains from Dodge arrive. Had it not been for the misfortune ~of.the Kansas regiment getting lost and the heavy snow which rendered their horses unfit for' duty, we would have closed up this fob before this time. As it IS I think the light is pretty, well knocked . out of them. Thirteen Cheyenne, two Sioux and one Arapahoe chief were killed. The Government makes a great mistake in giv ing these Indians any considerable amount of food, under the supposition of necessity. The whole coikntry Is literally covered with game, and tbere are more buffalo than will last the Indians for twenty years, and the turkeys are so numerous that flocks of from one to two thousand have been seen. The country is also full of grouse, quails and rabbits; herds of antelope and deer 1 1 are everywhere and even ran through Gen. Custar's train while on his march. The reservation laid off for the Cheyennes and Arapahoes is full of game and the most luxurious grouse.. Blabk Kettle's sister reports three white women In the lodges below Black Kettle's camp. !Another letter from Gen. Sheridan says the mules belonging to Clarlea r train, pho tographs and 'other articles taken from the houses robbed on the Saline and Sol omon rivers, In Kansas, last fall, were found In the Indian camp. The Indian women prisoners say most. of the depreda tions along the line of the Arkansas were committed by . the Cheyennes and Arapa hoes- Victims of Recent Steamboat Disasters Dis. . covered. [tly Telegragoli to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] - CuretNrrarr, December 20:—The wreck of the steamer United States is at the dock in this city. Two bodies were discovered‘in it this afternoon. both scarcely recogniza ble. One was that of a man with an eagle tattooed in bine On the left arm. "Tho sex of the , other body could not be ascertained. Twelve victims of the,same disaster were buried here yesterday. On the wreck of the J. N. McCulloch, near. Madison; Ind., the body of a colored deck-hand, named. Jackson, was found on Wednesday. On Friday, the body of Chas. Gibson, of Pittsburgh, sweep, fifteen year old, was found on the same steamer. FORTIETH CONGRESS. ,1 [THIRD SESMON.I SENATE: Georgia Ileconstrue• ti on — Reapportionment of Con grerional Representation -- Renit of Libb3- Prison—Buty on Fire Arms—Motion to Take Up Copper Tariff Bill Lost lira ceeds of Sale of. Confederate Steamers. ROUSE Not in Ses sion. ITTSBURGIT, MOT , . DA SECkili EDITION. .14. M. _ THE _CAPITU Nominations Character of the Indians Eft couoterid by Custar's Troops-- ApPrapriations by Coligress-: Itettirit of - Gen. grant and See. rotary 'Schofield. • 1.14 Telegraph to the Pit i taburgh Gazette.) • ' WASHiNGTONDecember 19, Belk . , 2 ' . • • - N t OltitiratT/ONIB. - The President nominated to Om *mates Et: for Of;j4er* nal Revenue for Second District Robert D. Andreivei;-COMlotrar Branch Mint at "Denser ortyri-anvo;geas W. Stillwell, of Ihdiana /4,l3,l4erjelOtz! in Venezuela. ' • • ApponrntricTs. • The following appointments' h vftb een . made: -Gouger—Hnbert McClevroti, \Third Ohio District. b r iorekeepers—Henri3r. At kinson, Twenty-fourtlFPennsylvanK-Dis , „ trict; Levi. Templeton, Seventh O hl; •Dis trict; Joseph C. Kelly; Second lowa District. WASECIN-GTON, December 20,1868: ' RECENT FIGHT wrria , =RAM.. Governor Evan; of Colorado ; is herB and says the large number of , horses , found bt, General _Chstar in the - Indian camp at the recent battle Is evidence that guilty and not innocent Indians were attacked, and . that the hostile bands of Cheyenne; ArIK . pahoes, Kiowas, Camanche and Apacha tribes have run off in that direction thous._ andsof horses and mules taken froin , the frontier settlers of Colorado 'and Kansa; emigranttralus and the government during the last four years they have been warring on the 'white; Gov. Evans is confident , Gen. Sheridan will have propositions'.for, peace from those Indians themselves, and that after their punishment the peace will be valuable. APPROPRIATIONS. The following are the appropriations. made during the second session: of the For tieth Congress, as recently compiled: De. ficiencies for execution of reconstrucion laws and quartermasters' department t for the year endingkjune 30th, 1868, $12,839,196. 21; Military Academy for tbe year ending June 30th, 1869, $278,512; Postoilice Depart went, $21,069,000; consular and diplomatic expenses, $1,212,434; army expenses, V3,- 082,993; naval expenses, $17,356,350; legisla tive, executive and judicial, $17,906,317.09; sundry civil expenses, 38174,379.66 pen sions, $ 30,350,000; deficiencies for the year ending June 30th, 1868,' 61,163,026.64: In dian Department for the year ending June 30th, 1869, $3,847,528.45; miscellaneous, 610,- 274,418.08; t0ta1,1160,551,885,85. • RETUBNEji. Gen. Grant and staff, Seeretary Schofield and other military gentlemen returned to Washington this morning from Chicag• . CHICAGO: Violent Wind :Storm-,0, rein Dizaage Property. (By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh pazatte.) Citnitoo, December 20.—The windcom menced bloWing last evening about ten o'clock with great violence and has contin ued without any seeming abatement up to this hour, seven o'clock P. it. Considera ble damage has resulted therefrom, the more serious of which, is the destruction of a new brick building in course of erection, covering lots Nos. 71 and 73 Adams street, just west of State: The building was fifty feet front and twolundred feet deep. The walls, which were of brick, hadreached the fourth story, and each story was a single room. It was to 'be occupied by Coon t Tweedwell as a carriage factory, and when completed would have been one Qf the largest and finest in the country. - The own era of the building are Ogden & Tweedwell. With the exception of the rear section thir ty to forty feet long, the 'building ificom pletely demolished. What remains stand ing is so cracked and otherwAle damaged as to render it necessary to complete the work of destruction by the builders, unless the heavy wind that still prevails should anti cipate them, A small frame building on the east and a small brick structure on the west were completely unshod to the ground, by the falling walls, ana in the latter an old lady and a child were severely though not dangerously injured. The loss on Ogden & Fleetwood's blinding will probablyreach ten thousand dollars, which will fall on the ' builders. CURAN INSURRECTION. • [By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] HAVANA, December • 19.—Generals Espi nar and Latorre, with three hundred and fifty soldiers, arrived to-day In the steamer from Spain. General Espenar will relieve Valmazda, and General Latorre will com , mend the Eastern department. A Spaniard, who had been taken prisoner by she insurrectionists, made his escape from Bayanio. He reports thata Spanish Major and Captain, belonging to the gar rison who had refuSed to capitulate, had been executed. Other officers had -been put in irons, and the soldiers had been set to work cleaning the streets of the town, which was destitute of provisions. Bayern° was defended by but few men, nearly all the 'revolutionists being in the field. The insurrectionists continue in the neighborhood of Manzanillo; Rumors have reached here of an engage. went. between the troops and insurgents in thevicinities of Halquin, Santiago de Cuba and Bayamo. . . Building Improvements in St. Louis. My Telegraph to the Pittsburgh assette.l ST. Louts, December 28.—The Democrat and Times publish statistics of the build ing in St. Louis during the present year. The Democrat says two thousand and eleven buildings have been erected, of which 1,514 are dwellings, 908 stores, 54 manufactories, 20 school houses and 11 churches; of these 133 are stone fronts, 1,642 brick and 236 wood. The estimated cost of these build ings is $15,080,000. The Tidies devotes over thirteen columns to the statement and de scription of the .varions improvements, and says the number of buildings erected will exceed 2,500, and that their value is from $28,000,000, to $30,000,000. Newspaper Suspension (By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] RICHMOND, December 19.—Xunuleutt's paper, the New Nation, which stopped -its daily issue some weeks since, wholly sus pended.to-llay. Tlie editor reproaches the Republican managers here with having presribed him, and announces himself as a candidate for Congsess from this District in opposition to the regular taorninee. , D CEMBER 21. 18e8 NEW YORK CITY. ---o--- i. CE7 ye egruph to the rlttsbargh Gazette.) • NEW YORK, December 19, 1818. Cbi f Justice Robertson, of the Superior Court f New York, died last evening. The teamer St. Laurent, from Brest on the St , arrived to-day. Gove nor elect Hoffman has declined the escort y the 7th regiment to. Albany on - the occasion of his inauguration, on account of the fact that the trip will put the regi ment to great expense add cause the intro duction in CorrinaonCouncil of an appro priation to meet such expense. At the order of Judge Nelson the motion to quash proceedings in' the Fullerton case was indefinitely postponed by Judge Bene dict in the United States Circuit Court to •• •da y. , • The SIAM Army Corps Union wilt bold a Eggdalmihunion at Del monico's Wednesday emeriti:4, - General Sickles will preside and Geriatils ileintzleman and Hooker are ex ;protest to be present: • , NEvr Your, December 20.—The -Con gressional Committee to investigate the election frauds in this city have arrived andwill commence sessionsto-morrow. Commercial , travelers are hblding meet in tre with ,the object of framing a pe tion o Cangr tO take relative license laws of am various citiesaction and States. the ' The skeletons of az - lumber of the martyrs of the Wallabout prison ships were die.- covered in excavating a drain at the Navy, i lcard•yestosably and arrangement, made for interment. A memorial in opposition to the bill which passed the United States House of Representatives increasing • the . duty on eoplier has received the signatures of lead ing mercantile firms. . , The bank of Candor, Tioga county; was broken open and robbed on Thursday night of i 131,000. ' The Herald's Havana letter of the 12th says: It is a fact that a gigantic insurree tion-ailitii in that Island; that.it is support ed or countenanced by the great mass of the native population, tbe exceptions being insignificant in point of numbers; that it has had nuinyeneountera with the Spanish troops, hi which its supporters indicted, quite as much if not more damage than they suffered; and that the best informed( -among the disinterested and unprejudiced are'already beginning to calculate on the ultimate success which shall leave Cubans free and independent. Peruvian Fleet Difficulty at New Orleans. Mt Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazet.e.: :NEW ORLEANS, Dec. 19.—The steamer Havana or Maranon is again in trouble, the Collector - haring threatened her seizure on the ground of violation of the law in not exhibiting pi oper papers when they were Called for, and that the changing of her flag was irregular.— The facts are as follows: The vessel was purchased in New York by the Peruvian government, her owners con tracting to deliver her at Southwest Pass, or wherever the Peruvian monitors might be. On her arrival at Southwest Pass the transfer_ was_ made. the Peruvian flag hoist ed and her former Captain retained as sail ing master, when the' American register was sent to New York • for cancella tion. Senor Garcia has been notified by her former owner - that the register cancelled was not intended to bring the vessel to this city; but while' lying at South West Pass repairs to her machinery be came necessary and she came here under the Peruidan flag, and has since been the victim of continued misfortunes. Having :=lloen thacause of Aitniattfiderststnding bet tween Minister Gitreitiand'Collector Fuller, yesterday officers boarded her and de manded to see her papers.. The Captain replied that • the vessel belonged to the Peruvian Navy, red the had no papers to exhibit, and referred the officers to Minis ter Garcia.. The latter has received'no'ofti °lel communication in reference to the matter, though he notified the Cu.-tom an thoritiett that the Havana 'belonged to his Government; and expressed his readiness to answer any charge against her. The whole trouble originated in her com ing here for repairs. Had she remained at South West Pass no notice would have been taken of her. Collector Fuller states charges have been made against the vessel of violation of law, among others that pow der had been landed from her in the night, and that the law compelled him to seize her unless her pipers were regular. He, however, has referred the matter• to the 'no at Washington and Will take 'no further steps unless en' advice from' there. The vessel's manifest states she' cleared for-South West Pass. To-night Secretary. McCullough tele graphed. to Colleetor Fuller to be govern ed by section sixty of the act of 1799, and informed him that Secretary Seward had charge of the question of nontcompliance stated the law by the. Peruvians. It Collector Faller has ordered the revenue cutter Wilderness to intercept the Maranon should she attempt 'to go to sea withoutamthority from the Custom House. Twenteiht of ih officers crew for the Peruv y- ian g fleet arr e ive'd last and night. The monitors are still lying at the mouth of the river. • • • - BRIEF TELEGRAMS —There,were thirty-thiee deaths in Mem phis during last week. —The Tennessee Legislature adjourns to day until after the holidays. —Jasper 0. Griffin, a well known banker and cotton merchant of Memphis, died sud denly; Sunday morning. —At Lewiston; Me. on Saturday, Garri son's block of stores and offices were burned. Loss $15,000; insured. —The steamer Era No.l was sunk in Red river on the 17th inst., with eighty-eight bales of cotton on board. No lives were lost. • —A Havana letter says it is rumored and generally believed that the Havana lottery is to be suppressed by the home govern•; meat. —The Oridge 'at Elmore, Ohio, on the Cleveland and Toledo Railroad was burned yesterday. Connections will be broken until Tuesday. —The State Senate of South Carolina has revoked the sentence of suspension against Senator Leslie, of Barnwell county, and re-admitted him to his'seat. —At Nashville Sarah'Boyd, an old Irish woman, whose husband left her a abort time since ' was found dead yesterday in her bed. She died of starvation. —L. F. Goena committed suicideat Louis ville, on Friday night last, by shooting himself through the head. His irife's jeal ousy is supposed to be the cause. --Judge Nelson, of the United States Su preme Gaud has issued a temporary in- ,unction to the Shore Railroad, restraining the bridging of the Conneaieut river. —An unsuccessful attempt was made on the night of the 18th, at Thompsonvllle, Mass., to throw the New York and Itoston midnight express train from the track. —ln Charlotte, N. C., on Friday last , a dispute arose In the Mayor's office between a negro 'and Josiah Gleason, tunrominent merchant, when the former drew a pistol and killed Gleason. Tba affair created in tense excitement. For the Pittsburgh (hurtle. scientific Lectures. MESSRS. EDITORS: Another term or lec tures is now just passing away, and we are as far from scientific discourses as we were last year. It seems incredibje that a city like )'ittsburgh, with its vast population, cannot boast of such necessary aids tohnow ledge. A manufacturing town should cer tainly be the very one to encourage, by every means, the spread of science, for is not sctence the cause of, all manufacturing improvements, and by its aids are we not taught to invent or to simplify mechanical adaptations? The new processes of making steel, iron, and the very 'manufactures Pittsburgh boasts of, are due to its discov eries. Why should we here be dependant upon the work of other countries for our newest and best applied modes of making the articles by which we live. Why - should not Pittsburgh boast of such thetas Farady, Lyndall or Blackwell? Surely where the need is the greater the means should be found. It seems strange that science should be scouted where it is very neee. -Nary. This locality is noted for its wealthy citizens, many of whom have nobly risen film the ranks of the artizan to occupy places -in the lap of wealth and luxury. Is ,not science a stepping stone to- wealth—for -by its teachings we can more easily accomplish our manufactures, and if labor be saved will not wealth accrue. Ideas are very progres sive,and although a few- years ago science met with a great ,many enemies, especially among ministers of religion, who, when the great science of geology-was first promalga z led to astonish the world with its merle - 0:1mi truths, and give a real explanation of na- , ture, condemned all who believed in less infidels, or even worse. Now geology le tauglir in most of our theological colleges,. and can voted', and prove if necessary, that a full, clear and true knoWledge of the ology cannot be obtained without an under: standing of geology. Space forbids enter ing on this subject. This assertion maw astonish. some of our antiquated divlneeir but the man of theory and true Praeti all ideas can easily discern its truth and cause. It is only of late years that the people of the west have turned their attention to science, and have before that , time depended upon the dkoveries of the learned .of Great Britain and Europe, tbr . even I shier scholastic requirements. The time is however changing, and will eventu ally change. Of what with few exceptions) great diseov6.ies can the United States boast of in comparison with the grand and noble truths of Famdy or any other great men of science of the Bast; diseovenes from which we reap benefits?... Is it right, or is it hon est to rely upon other men's knowledge without endeavoring to add to it ? We can not• expect a scientific man to spring from nothing. The knowledge of science is not a natural gift s like oratory; it requires study and close attention before even a smatter ing of. it can be obtained, and how carefal and with what eagerness does a scientific man _still farther search. for secrets. The I first application to science is like a draught I ranOf enchanting water,.making University, more thirsty before. The Western niversity, with -its noble' rray of learned professors, offers good andi extraordinary inducemenis in the study of sclences.bat are its classes well attended, ate ( ita Indtmementr/y Boughs - .after'?" Something shaulebe done; surely parents are not the same.' as the ignorant laborer, who, being requested- to send his son to 'school, astonished themissionary by stating that he had lived fifty years without being able to read and write and had done well, and guessed his eon. could do the same. It should be made the duty of the father to give his children the highest education his means will allow, for education, if rightly used, is equally of as much value as wealth. Twenty years from now the world will be considerably changed, and men will have to possess more knowledge than at piesent is thought requisite, otherwise they will be unable - to keep up. with an enlightened age. How proud., and yet how humble, the I man of science feels.- -Education. is they true basis-of superiority, and if aristocracy ' is to exist in this republican country (and ' it already absurdly exists,) let it consist of the learned, for then true aristocracy will exist. Science teaches, independent - of its own blessed treasures, a great many points. It has a tendency to remove that false pride ' we almost naturally possess, the self-imagt nation that we have no peer; for researches. in science,. or a true study of nature, show us how small we are, and the deeper we dig into its mysteries the more humble we be-- come, and: illustrates wonderfully how meagre and insignificant are man's ideas in comparison with his Creator's. Let ua trust that if it be too late this sea son for a course of scientific lectures, some hied friend will take the initiative before next term, and endeavor to remove the in cubus. It only requires energy and a little capital, and I feel assured that with a little perseverance and patience a scientific lee. tare will be sought gladly by all classes of society. PERCIVAL BECKETT, M.. E. eauctioti of the state Debt. Govdrnor Geary has issued a proclama tion communicating the welcome intelli gence of the extinction of two millions, four hundred and fourteen thousand, eight hundred and sixteen dollars and sixty-four cents of the State debt. , This reduction has been effected in the space of fourteea months, ending November 80, 1808, and is a triumphant vindication* of our State finan cial system under Republican administva lion. As affairs are now managedy the peo ple of the State may look forward confi dently to the extinction of the whole State debt before many years. In view of the fact that this favorable condition of ;he State finances has been .brought about with out any increase of the burdens of taxation,, it is highly creditable to the State adminis tration and, will meet with the emphatic: sanction of the people. ThE New York TrOuno, speaking of the proposed abolition of the franking privilege, says: "A poor man who wants to write to his son in the far west must pay postage on his letter; but any scamp who can make a fac simile of-a Congressman's stamp can mail a car load of useless rubbish every day in the week without paying a cent. Some thing might be gained by abolishing the use of frank stamps, but the only true way is to abolish franking." • A RESIGNATION.-Mr. H. Notinghamhas resigned his position as. Superintendent of the Lake Shore Railroad. Mr. N. has-been Connected with the road for the past •fifteen or sixteen years, and+his resignation is uni versally regretted. It is stated that, he will accept a prominent position on the Union Pacific road. Christmas Proverbs. "Chrbtnia.3eomes but once a year." This is a glorious hearty old proverb, fall of generosity and permission to go to ran lengths enjoyment. If the children scream more loudly than usual with delight —if the-- boys and girls dance and frolic more wildly —if Jack takes an extra glass, or paterfa milias purchases a present which is a little too extravagantnever mind it for once— "Cbristmtrs comes but once a year!" - For get and forgive good folks, and we willfor get and forgive in tarn tap,the wine and draw the beer. Christmas comes but once a year." "Christmas is talked of so long, that it Comes at last." . Thisis an old Norm= French proverb': On a font crie ; 4 ,reer que .enfin it eat venta. It is another cheerfnl proverb . ..4dß of 'the , spirit of the season, meaning.that,whatever trouble or darknesa May intervene, light and joy will come at last. .rt lathe same as "It's a long lane tliat has iffo• Minh:4," or "a fast day is the evn of aleasCday.": : Per haps it may have the suspicion of an eM su perstition, that, if we only _haulm; =and weary away at anythrng long enottigir, wee. bring it to pass. So, then, "Talk alt. ere snismersim.- • CilZiStMaA 61:11TV/0 Collie arlast: •,`Aftar Christmas comes This is Grman; -Vlach' Iqiiidai,liba kommtFasteiy. This is a warningt and sol emn, proverb, something like "it ia.dirlenn- - der the lamp," However,. as the Panes say,. Amboldt eaßcke rad for en god‘l'orritam mer, the anvil does not icar a good sledge-- hammer, and he who has had a glorious , feast-Ide finds so much rational pleasure Ire a season of sobriety and quieter joy.: • 'The bow cannot always bent; Pass Christm.s comes the sobor Lent." "A green Chrlstmnemakes a, fat eburchyard," • A...Darrish provexh: En grtra ,rung fxen: en fed IfFnegaarn.. This is merely the old: sanitary and Weather theory, that,unseason able weather is urrbealtlijr. When it is, • warm in winter, imprudent people expose themselves to the damp, unhealthy air, or become impatient of too much Warm - cov =ering and are caught in "a cold snap to their sorrow." In theold times, when most people dwelt in .badly warmed badly con structed houses, such changes in the weath er- were of much greater significance than at. present. "An old bit of a trotlifhl rule— Cilristrrie gre,u a ano , rchyard fell." Closely allied to this, but without, its terri ble warning, 3ve have the German proverb; Ist dans:wetter !in Weilinarht getind, ireut .Icb Alaon, Well) and Kind " Willett in English means • ".s the weather at Cbri3tmas t.• It Is joy to man and wite and chltd." "'Christmas la good tlme to bleed horses tn.' This was' an oid superstition, arid was - clasely followed. The horses.were - run• up and down until in a sweat,. and then bled. As Tusser ; 4 ' Ere Cartsinaa be :aa.se.l let hones•to be let blood,-, For !tinny.al pUrpo.e I . t doth themmuch good. • green Chris(lnas, a wbite Easter." "Gruene.Weinaehl, tartese Oirtern." German, of course. The same has another form: • •Welbnacht ()stern 1w Schnee " "If Chrhttroas bath &over, .haster with snow It be heaped over." AM - the same people say: "let dat Wetter um Weihnacht gellnd, so wrahrt die Kreite gewohnlich lange his Frueljahr-ltinein." ..!..tinte4iittkeAcathex4s...utjtd at , Christmas, cold weather lash - .into;siring." All, or which• proverlm reneite important modiftha lions, when appliea , to tins otr North Ampr-- jean climate. - Arnong.other sa.'w and rtmverbs,:cridch.. may .De cited in brief,.are _ "Merry Cbrl,•trae. balmy New Year. Your pockets fuu of money and your barrels of bet r." "A Christmas box with five nails in it. '• ,Herri,ck's • little poems and rhymes on_ Christmas have become proverbial. ' They may be found in his- "Charms. and Ceremo— nies." Eib, too, hi Tusser's hearty exitorta-- Clop, with which Lconclutle '•AI Christmas be merry and thankful withal, And feast thy pour neignbor,, the great with the Philadelphia. Press.. • A Clear Case or Confidence.. A day or two. ago, say.s. the Cleveland, ; Leader, a young tadderdenallon entered one of our prominent - wholesale houses and ac costed the kook-keeper with say Mister,, won't per please lend me a quarter?.l want as start in, busizieseaS a news. boy, awl I'll. pay yer back the money, surer, The. be-- , nevolent young man quizzed the, little ur chin for a few minutes out of curiosity, and' he toldhiestory with such apparent honesty that he created a favomble impression upon. the book-keeper, andhe gave him a quarter to set him. np in business. With many thanks and the most extravagant assurances_ that he wou'd repay him the following day, the lad bouaded oue of the store. In.. less. than an hour four or five:more little ra,ga- - muffins came in, each begging for a quarter to embark_ in the sale of newspapers. The success of confidence boy number one had; been doubtless related to them, and .they - had thought to try the same game. Asmay be imagined, however; our book-keeper • mildly but firmly refused to ftiraish,Jhein.. the capital. It ie-needleseto ,ssy that they enterprising pioneer, lathe scheme lias hot, been seen since . A MIST,A.K.E.—CoI. J. J. Lawrence, for-: merly Superintendent. uti,he Erie and Pitts-. burgh Railroad, has been. - appointed Super intendent of the MINIS Division; Theansyl vania Central--EPtl..Republiboa. • . A mistake. Mr. Lawrence has boll ap-' pointed General Superintendent, • of the Al legheny Valley RailrOadi and Ulla con nection we may say hiiti. a native. ofHarris burg, and one of the mese usefulkeen in his profession. The Middle Division, of the, Pennsylvania :Railroad will remain tinder the Superintendency, of Mr. S. A. P.lack,.., whose services to thiaroad are of a character to render him invaluable in its operation-4r So says the Irarrishog 'State Guard; • —A exon6act ' for building - a ratironfi. brioge across the billeilssippi river a/G Keokuk has been closed with the Keystone Bridge Company of Pittsburg, for one mil lion dollars. Tile bridge ls to be of iron, like the one at Dubuclue, and is to he comet ' . meneed in the spring and finished within the year. _ —Dr. Tither ParsonS, an eminent and: venerable pbysiclan-of Providence, Rhode. Island, diction Saturday, aged eighty-eigh.s years. Re we% snrgeon of the flag-ship.. Lawrence in the battle of Lake Erie, med. the last surviving commissioned °Meer or the Perry fleet.' _ . —An informal meeting of the Buffalo . Board of Trade was held on Saturday to consider what measures were necessary to .' seoure the enlargement of the Erie Canal ' . ''' and the reduction of tolls. Impatkm, A p : , tion will be taken in a few daye. K 3 iiil3