' 6. STOVES, CASTINGS, &c. THE BEST- STOVES. • !A. BRADLEY -& CO. Mangeschirdrs Of the greatest varlety of _ Cook, Parlor and Heating Stoves, TO BE BOUND' IN TEE STATE. Sole Agents for the celebrated Base Burning Ori ental Stoves and Furnaces for Hard Coed, or Coke. Best in the World fornselor,Officc Store Or Church. -lire needs no teklndling—burns all winter. Do net buy until you see or send for Circular. 30 WOOD STREET Our Agents for Orlen tals—DE tIBLEII 8805.,, gummed St.: CB LEY: Allegheny City. !RAU, IItrGUS Bc. C0.,- sully VABIETYO; I oTc:rummy BOStOlf 'CoOKI:k' $A - Nag, 6 \ TICE- LERil i I URNACE " 1 FOR _ AIMING BUILDINGS. TREi NEW NTI-DUST COOKING STOVE, "REGULATO ..,".. POLDALR/A. COOK Iti tTOVE, VAN'S •Clnel sti Vattern) PORTABLE 41(GE, CAST I IRON MANTLES; " 'WELLIKA 'S RE BLECTOR, GRATES, tree from dirt , and duet; GRATE FRONTS, FENDERS, Ac. ~, 206 and'26l3 Liberty Street, PITTSBURGH, PA. se:25:111 E.:STOVES. CET THE BEST. SS ELL & CO.'S TRIIIMPIf, iirrumnvoTTS COAL. FO .•,• • : , Warranted to Cook, Bake or Boast as wen as any other Stove in : the Union. BISSELL & CO., - - 'No. 235 Liberty Street. Alao on hand and for sale, ;PARLOR STO VE S TIM bTOVEB__ EiRLTE , PRONTs, FENDERS, COWLING R.43 . 6E5, &o. STEEL WORKS. D ixtuEsNE r_ - IRON AND STEEL WORKS. (COLEZILAN , RWM & Co. , issxlmecttrastexer Axon, and Steel. Ceirrletge and Wagon Springs and Axles. „ . . Duguesie XL. and Juniata Merchant Bar, Round 'and bqtiare Iron; Band, Hoop, Sheet and Plate Iron; Oval, halt Oval and Half Round Iron; Cylinder and Wagon Box Iron; Drag and. Dropper Bars; T and Tlat Ball for t. - oal Roads; Cal 'Rails and Spikes; Plow, Spring IP4 a:B Steel; LaritLttated Steal; Cut ter Bars, Crow Bars, Zee, .te. • Office ;and Warehouse-71 - WATER' STREET, Pittsburgh. s tit k lE l EL P STEEL WORKS. SINGED; trIVEK4 )Op PIIMSBURGEL.:PA. liannfacturers of every deeeripp of CAST AND :GERMAN STEEL RAILWAY 51141709, ThLIPTIC k.E11.4 , rL4 . 71 1 '911.1E SX.SEI., TIRE ite.?"?to__ 1: Warehottse, S 5 Water and 100 kfriit Sts. MILLER, BARR & PARKIN. gianiteuwi i An.vrazes: - WM. METCALF,REUBEN MILLER, ORO. 11V. BAR R, _ I- CHAS. PARKIN. SPECIAL PASTNIER-8. M. KIER. CRIESPRNT STEEL WORKS, 11111.1.4P..13,, 13.A.1111 at PA.I3:ILIDT, Office, No. 339 Liberty St, , PITTSBUEGB, PA. fel4:d4B BLACK THAIIOND STEEL , WORKS. - PARK BROTELER & CO blani4a4turprsprall .lesariptlons ..0190303LE., °Mee and 'Warehouse. 120, 122, 124 SECOND and 119 and 131 FIRST STREETS, SBURGII= STEEL WORKS. F T LESTAISL:SBED 1N.181.5.] AND2RSON & WOODS, uccEssoics To ANDERbos, coox, Sc c 0.,) Esiriutactprers of tvery description of • I STEE,I.,. REST REFINED TOOL. STEEL. - • Mill, 31ulay, Circular Gang and Cross Cut SAW PL ATES. Bpririg, Cast and German Plow and Blister Steel. Bliarel, 'Hoe, Fork, gate and Toe Calk Steel. Railroad Spring Steel nud Frog Points. Cast Steel linger Bars, zdchle Steel, spring Stee ,Tyre, Plow Wings, etc.; 011 Drill steel., Unice and Worke—Corner FIRST AND ROSS MTS., Pittalnirgh, Pa. ' 728!,19 IRON : WORKS. JAS. Vsls NEu, Pre.s't PI TTSBURGH FORGE AND SUPAOTOMERB or Bar Iron; - : Wlr{►ad Fish Bars and Bolts; Railroad Car Axles Rolled; RailrOad Car Axles Hammered; Locomotive Frames; Limoutiotive Frame shapem Side' Rods: Yokes, Straps; Piston Heads; Steamboat Shansi . Steamboat eratailti Piston Rods, Wrists: Pitman Jaws, Collars, at. Office, No. 177 PENN STREET, PITTSBURGH. P EVERSON, PRESTON & CO., Pinnsilvania Iron Works. Warehouse. N 05.166 and 167 FIRST 67117E7. opposite lionongarela PATTSBUROIII. COPPER. E SUPERIOR 119 • 'EB MILL ANAIDEBLTiNG WOBIO ittitG.l3 IvrlS . PARK, I mccontor & co., Manufacturers of Sheathing, Brasiers , and Bolt copller. Vreslp4Copner. St*ionis, liaised 81311. Bot toms, dpeliertmeler. Also, Inipoe - raarld Dealers In ydetal, - Tin Plate,.` Sheet Iron. Wire Vie. Con• dilintly on bandlliintrit'Machlues aed Tools. Warehouse, So. 'Hu frANZAT and no a 1 OND i3TßlZEVTlttabargh. Special order. of Copper cut to any desired pat. inyitchiddwTip FOUNDERS, MACHINISTS. KNAP FORT PITT FOUNDRY COMPANY: OFFICE AND WORKS, TWELFTH STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA, Engines, Rolling 'Mill Md..' chinery, Nail Machines, Retorts, and Castings generally. NATIONAL FOUNDRY Corner Carroll =id Elmollman Streets) WILLIAM SMITH, CANT IRON BOWL PIPE, Hy Pines are i east invariably in Pits, In dry sand,. and 1.51 feet lengths. Also, full assortment of General Castings for Gas and Water Works. I would also call the attention of Superintendents of Gas Works Wray make. orRETORTS. ATLAs WORKS, ILORTON STREET, Ninth Ward; THOMAS N. MILLER, President. These Works are among the largest and most complete establishments In the West. and are now prepared to ihrnish Inginee, Of every description. Boners, Oil Tanks. Sheet Iron Work. Railroad Castings. Bolling fill Castings. Engine Castings. Machine Castings. Genlral Casting's. ORDERS SOLICITED n09:n69 - L. 0. LIVINGSTON.W. 11. BIIRT.W. A. ROBINSON, JR. LIB INGSTON IRON POUNDERS, 2.IILI7UFACTUILERS OF FMB „LIGHT CASTINGS,- rlcut=pl f e ar rw At.....ag o trkoitd; OMn Aue7c;btlhirk promptly 'attended to. Offiee and Workei—WASHINGTON AVENUE; near Outer Depot, Allegheny City, Pa. RIDMOBIBESON, ILEA &. CO., finetesBolll tO ROBINSON, Urns &3ina.ass, WARRINGTON WORKS, FOUNDERS . AND MACHINISTS. PITTSBURGH, Nanaraeinrera •ar /teat An& Btationarg Steann.En- Ones, Blatt' "Enginet, strebtnerT, Gearing, Shafting, Castings of all descriptions; Oil Tanks and Stills, Hotter and Sheet Iron Work. Office, No. 1%, corner First and Smithfield:greets. Agents for GIFFARDI3 PATENT INJECTOR for feeding Boilers. :rE2 MONT BLANC FOUNDRY. Butler Street, Ninth Ward, • • (Opposite Tirdon - ircnt 11111 s,) rrrrsmundEr. Bolling Brill and Bridge Castings, --THIMBLEIKEINS AND PIPE BOXES, IikCHINEIti AND CASTINGS GENICILA.LLY. Orders promptly and carefully executed. Charges reasonable. EBBERT & MACHLIND. 0e15:125 MEE PIT'ISBURGH. rrIONAS CARLU & CO., Fourth Ward Foundry and Machine, Works, SANDUSKY ST., ALLEGHENY CITY, PA., Manufacturers of Steam Engines, 011 Presses - , Pul leys, Shafting. litht and Saw M i llWArk... ' Mlll and M.achlne - Castings, Orate Bart, \Weights, Wagon Boxes, lc. Build to order awl have on hand Nuglnes of all sizes. TRAL FOUNDRY AND ROLL WORKS • SSO L'onn Stroot. BOLLMAN, BOYD & BAGALEY. C11111.11°113, Mill Castings. Roll Lathes, &c. SAMJELIti. WICILERSIL4.III, . , IRON BROKER , • 124 First Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. 54% Agent sal e it s r a t i, h e e n ir) o u e C a o n T , o w: t : l u t e:ft: l r e l ; n o: and other brands or Ant.hrs ' eite, Youghiogheny Cote and C. B. Charcoal LI.tONS. Consignments are most resoPoirnitr it^ kluitiii• cv. r. roaiga, Sup,t PITTSBURGH PAPER PIANU FACTURING COMPANY, Manufacturers of PRINTING AND-WRAPPING PAPERS. CLINTON 3IILL-6TEUBENVILLE. OHIO. BRIGHTON MILL—NEW BRIGHTON, rs. OFFICE AND WAREHOUSE, N 0.82 Third Street, Pittsburgh, pa, • OFFICIMS— , AUGUST HARTjE, President. SAMUELIVINGSTON,Ireasurer. itirmLE, Secretary. DinaCYOUS — August Hartle, Jetn Atwell, S. Hartman, John B. I' •Ington. Cash paid for Pamir Stock.l 1129;flas, PHIAL M LL FliilLY PL3IJR. PEARL MILL ree star Green Brand, equal to . _ FRENCH AIRILY . FLOUR. Thla Flour wlll o 7 oe sent out when\ espectall ordered. , - . . rE&EL !NELL \ • e, Kqu .1 to best St. Louis. "414 L 1 , 1. " k i) qu il ait t b N e i gindo rims, WHITE 66A . xrioun AND CORM :MEAL. E. T. KENNEDY & B so., Allegheny. Sept. 9.1804. ruin, *tit.. • AND PIPE WORKS. oilwrEiiymzpa IX, PA.. Manufacturer of ros em AND WATiLS WORK& - IRON BROKERS. r PAPER. ' FLOUR PITTSBURI GAZETTE: SATURNT, DECVIBER - 19, MT. ENGINES, - BOILERS, Ac. HUGE. BOLE & CO., Cor. Point Alley and Daquesne St., jNRLBmg POINT.) • Enoineßuilders,Founder§&Machinists, Manufacture STEAMBOAT ENGINES and STA TIONARY ENGINES, of all sizes. Special attention invited to our new STATION ARY OIL WELL ENGINE AND PORTABLE BOILER of 15-horse power. , CASTINGS...of every. kind, Wade to order at our. Poimdry, on THIRD sTREET, below Market. RIGS for Oil Wells, SHAFTING, PULLEYS, HANGERS, HOUSE and TOBACCO SCREWS and IRON TOBACCO PRESSES, on hand and made to order, at the INDUSTRIAL WORKS, - --I, • , - Fronting On. the Allegheny River, sear the Point, PITTSBURGH, PA. All orders prom:LPG • filled. TaT F ORT PITT EOM% STILL AND TANK WORKS. CARROLL 4k SNYDER, - I', 11.10117TACTV23 1113 07 TUBULAR, POUBLE-FLUED TUBULAR, FIRE BOX AND CYLINDER STEAM BOILERS. OIL STILLS AND Oil. TARES, , • CHIMNEYS, BREECHING AND ASH PANS, SETTLING -PANS, SALT PANS AtiD CON DENSERS; - • STEAM PIPES, GABOMETEES AND IRON BRIDGES; • PRISON DOORS'AND COAL BRUTES Office and Warehouse - eorner Seeond, Third. Short and Liberty Streets, PITTSBURGB, • Pa. air Orders sent to the above address will be Promptly attended to. . mh7:189 WIC BARNIKELL44 BOILER MAKERS AND SHEET IRON WORKERS, NOS. AO, AA, A 4 A.I;iITX6PENN ST. . . Having secured & large yard and furnished it with the most approved machinery; we are prepared to manufacture every description of BOILERS in the best manner, and warranted equal -to any made in the. country. Chimneys; Breeching, Fire Beds, Steam Pipes, Locomotive Boilers, Condensers, Salt Pans, Tapirs Oil • Stills, -Agitators, Settling Pant, Boiler Iron:Bridges, Sugar Pang, and sole manu facturers of Barnhill's Patent Boilers. Repairing done on tit shortest notice. . 155:c21 JAMES M. BITER, Noe. 55 and 56 Water Street, PITTABWRGH, PA., KA1T1M4.6217131M or IRON OIL TANKS, SETTLING FANS, corrzaISTRAM PIPE. ROLLING MILL STACKS, And SHEET IRON WORK. For Steamboats. JAran H. unusu RDIIUND D. }MUSH TARED M. BRIJSH Si SON, f NA.NIITACTURIES 07. Ken' Boilers, Oil Stills, Tanks =REIT IRON WORE. &O. 61 Penn Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. OILS. AVAILING AND 'KIN 9, Coaurilsslon Herebiuxts And Broken In Petroleum and its Products; DALZELL'S BUILDING, DUQUESNE WAY, PITTEMPIitiII, PA. PHILADELPHIA. ADDRESS, STARING, KING & CO., 127 Walnut Street. TACK BROTHERS, COMMISSION MERCHiNTS, AND DEALERS IN • • - Petroleum and its Products. - Pittsburgh uttIee—DALZELL' BUILDING, cor ner ot Duquesne *at and Irwin streets. Philadelphia Oftlee—V47 WALNUT BT. , H. M. LONG & CO., MANUFACTURERS Or PURE wirrrE, 'BURNING OIL, • Brand--"LTICIFER." omce, No. 2 Duquesne Way, Pittsburgh. • L i HARDWARE. NEW HARDWARE HOU.SE. LINDSEY, STERRIT 4 EUWE}, Manufacturers s.nd Importers p , r . 1 CUTLERY, &C. _ 337 LIBERTY STREET, CORNER OF WAYNE, I One Onneire Below 13'nlon Depot, PIT'X'gBURGH. •Lrents for FAlftlitNKS , t•ICALICH. NOVELTY WORKS. pITTSBUR - NOVELTY WORKS. AD - 45.3515, WILEE & CO. ]QANIIPACTIISES OF Keystone Standard. Patent Platform and Counter SCALES. Janus Faced Patent Door Locks land Latches, PAINT AND 0 writ MILLS, KALLLEABLE IRON, &o. Corner of Grant and First Streets, 1116:t84 PirrtillUßGH. GAS AND 'STEAM FITTING. JO ll M . coopgn th JO ISAY2 ELICKEIN 'OLIN M. COOPER & co., BRASS 'rouNDERs, flirgitMl u ati" llllB2 7 ll4) 4 ,GAS AND STEAM, FITTERS , „., Comer of Pike and Walnut Streets, PITTSBURGH. my15:2,10 ; FINANCIAL., FORT PITT BANKING COMPANY • No. 169 Wood Street, cArrr: :: - $200,000. STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE.. • DRALEBB IN • GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, AND COLD. INTEREST ALLOWED: :ON TIDE DEPOSITS. United made on all accessible points in the VnitedBtates and ()suedes. 1)111.841TOBEI: D. Hostetter;i',4no. o_lllsher, James Gordon, , ,Bobt. H. Bing, D. Wallace; • • . Andrew Miller, Z. Fawcett, ; f . James M. Bailey. , Y. l ITEI AN, Pres 1 11. D. Cashier, NATIONAL . . 1 11ANKII Cor. of Wood and Sixth . Sta. 'A. PATTER 13021..... ' Presidosit. Jos. CAPITAL,' ' : : '5600,000. ••• Drag.! A. Pattenna, Wm. H. Brown, Chas. Lockhart, Allen Kirkpatrick, W. B. Haven, 01:=Ii! ntscouinn n CALIIGIEET 8v CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS, Corner Third and . Wood gitreets, PriVEn3I3IIZIEE, 1181700ESSOR8 TO HAMRA, HART & C 0..) ssname I 1 Exchange, :Coin, Coupons, And particular attention to he intrehaee and COVERNNIENT BONDS. Sight Drafts on LondOn.l,l33l:sa. !lOLDIES ts, SONS, A- 1 • 57 Market Street, .rrra-rsauxtoax, PA. Collections made on all the principal points of the United States and Cans as. 'Stocks; Bonds d other Securities ( Botear AND 8 LD ON COMMISSION. Particnlar attention paid to -the purchase and sale of United. States Securities. Ja.3o:al WEgiTEBN SAVINGS BANK, No. 59 Fourt4 . Street. dHARTERED 1866. Interest paid ()Write° Deposits ANY SUM RECEIVED FROM ONE DOLLAR UPWARD. DEPOSITS SUBJECT TO MISCH. WITHOUT INTEREST. Discounts Daily at IA Piesident—THON.PSON BELL. • Vice Piesident—A. N. MARSHALL. • DIRECTORS: THOMPSON BELL, A. M. MARSHALL, JO S. DILWORTH. ' JOS. ALBREE. J. J. GILLESPIE, etockholders to whom we make reference: I Wm. For,ythe, Joseph Dilworth, Wm. Caldwell, . I Rey. David Kerr, Willis lieNtry Lambert, U. W. C. It!dwell A. 51. Brown, • it. M. Fulton. I Thome.% I.:wine. wENTV-SEIVENTLI - SEMI-AN T NUAI. REvotrr or the • 'DOLLAR; SAVINGS BANK. itiurmnt , 111 , Dept.ltort 1-18.,2,073 1)1v1,1,11,1 the last. tl 55 Cont.lingcal. l'nkit.l To! 1 MBE 1. ,. .1: 1 6 011 POI!,i. 11114 7001 - 1 p:.,,,. Itt-tf -14,4-I,lla .1.: s »i\ per, cent. lloudd, •65-67 350.001).00 IT. .1x per t•••11t. 511.043 '75 8111 It- 0.1 :LH, 30,7'20.00 C0.,11111 Eank 01l liana 13.3. 5G:3.10 =TEE The under) litnrif A milt lug I'iltntaittee re‘r eet rut. iv I:el.:I L. At they have exend eft the I e.snrece, Hpl,„rt. 1 . r the la-t hit month, endia• N vember 30.1 i, ISBN btu! IL.V , eXtlllllll , II the Abete ee ti le ~., Beni:. con,lql zit: ,It Biome amp llori gag, s, Deed.. of Real Estate, it 0 ideate, of Bank .reel., 11111 s lie eideaule. Ai. S. 5.211e1i te•r emu. Bonds. 63 and 07. IL N. nix per cent. Bonds, Ib9l, and the fable In Bank Anil on hand, and find the sain.e to coerce pouel with the above Report. It. C. LOO3IIS, el A 'ALES 1). KELLY, WM. .1. 1%1) It•ON, , _ Auditing A%l)-It-ON. l'ltttintrgh. Duce - halter 9, 1669. i . 'rite Trustee. have declared a dlrldend of three (3) per cent. alit of th- ,p.onts for the last six months. free of Government Tax payable forth with. If not drawn. will hear Inter-et from Ist Inst. CIIAS• A. OM , ON, Trea.nrer. Plttqoorgh. Decemberril, 115138. (107. b6Z-4.1,t BANKRUPT NOTICES; U. S. 51ARSIIA.1.'3 'PFFICE, NV.1,1. or Pennsylvania. PITTAIWILGII,DeLyI.3I3T 10th. 1868. S. „ Tyms Is TO GIVE NOTICE that on the 16th day et Deceinber, A. D. 1868, 3 atrant in Itankruptey was Issued against the R I iTATE OF. WILLIAM GREY. Of Pittsburgh. in the county of Allegheny.• and State of penosyleania, who has been Adjudged a bankrupt. tot his own petition; that tile payment of an y dents and detiqtry or any property belonging to ,such bankrupt to hint or for lila - use, and the trans ler of any proourty by him are forbidden by law; that a meeting of the c editors of the said bank rupt, to prove their debts and bieboose one or more assignees of his estate. will be held at a. Court of Bankruptcy. to be riden at the °Mee of the Regis ter, No. 93 Blame id street, in the City of . Pitts burgh. Penna.. be ore SAMUEL HARPER, Eat., Registerom the !Ind day of jartuar3, A. 1), /80% eit. /0 o'clock A. /a• TIMMARA. ROWLEY, U. R. Monitor, asltessenger. de 17 :b52 KO"STRICT COIIRT OF THE _. I' UNITED S TATEI FUR WESTERN Dla- ' IC 01 YEN NSY I,VANIa.—The undersigned hereby glyes notice of his theta:,ase4 t as assignee (get/MOW C. SAI CH of of a lieghenY• eunnVe Of .O.;lrgh ,- .12Y awl State Pennysylvania whhinssald District. who hat been anjudged a bank rupt upon e-roltors petition by the Di/strict Coast of the. United Statektur said District. - ALGEtiNuN 15. HtML. Assignee. ' • Attornerat-Law,ll4 4. Fourth avenue. _ der° LEGAL. 'rTIOE.-letters of . . . tratleh upon The estate orJOSEP it. late ox Ndubetb. toWnshly, dye been granted' le % th e undersigned, al debted t.) sild estate are requerted t . d latepayment, and three having clod ~ against the same, will make them k delay JAMES PA. I • de14:b33.13 - • =lle. 1 THE BANKING HOUSE OF Tvil. R.. mcon.trz, 42 orner of Wood and Flfth Streeti DRAWS BILL§ OF EXCHANGE ON LONDON, B • • UN tON BANK," DU RUN, LIVuRPOoL. ArGOW.' Br LFA.ST,. PARIS. " STRASSBOURG • MAINZ. KAISERS r ANTERN, LAND WAN, BF ILBBOM. STUTTGART, STOLKHOLM. and about 200 more steal sent to any village from c resPience of parties free o seventeen dace. 'Collections made by po Eur, pe. Goods and parse JAKES ,- .T. BRAD ' Y • CO., 33 A. IST 3EK,E rt.. 19 , $103: f George W. Cue, James McCandless, Wm. Wm. R ee d. ."' GOVERNMENT SECURITIES Sr Money loaned On Government Bonds at low est market rates. Orders executed for the Purchase and Sale of STOCKS, BONDS and GOLD. PARTIES DESIRINIG - TO IN- V.ST in UNION AND CENTRAL PA CIVIC BONDS can save one per cent. by purchas ing before , JANUARY Ist. Ronda on hand for delivery. ' JAMES T. BRADT & CO., Agents Central _aad.Union Pacific Railroad cora nies, corner Fourth and Wood streets. ,ScB:bl3 to RiftAu* etagtts• L2l Gold which was selling yesterday at 134%, opened strong at 134 V to•day; with a firmer tone at the close to-day, 135% was bid. The legal tender question of the gmenbacks now before the Stipreme Court, as well as the bill introduced by Mr.isiorton in Congress, in regard tospecie payments. F l ash gold Is I gnite plenty, and the expense Of carrying it is the high rates of interest will prevent any material advance before the middle of January—lt would rather hare the effect of depressing the 'protium:it • I for the present. Government bonds are firm. but slightly off from the early quotations, especially the latest issues which were held on specula tion by weak parties, who expected to real ize the accrued interest due January next. The invistment demand is limited to smal ler amounts. r.36:17 664.1 4117.30 601 GI I 104,315, 51,1151.0f1Q..15 . 25.4 '47 • 71,031-.01 /4,315,601.61 dminiag. eiceitACK esi,uti,:havlng r ho , totti • mike fume , s or dem.nds T own ERSON, without =;3 BERLIN, Potir N. LEIPZIG. BRE MEW. B AM BURGH, FRAN FORT all., WEIRZBURGR, DARMSTADT, CASSEL, LOLONNE, TRIER, • BASEL, • BERN. SAN FRANCISCO. er places. Money le also entrat points. direct to tite eharg•, in frets fifteen to wer or atterner all o'er Isattenaedto. ' H. R. MERTZ. (3Fccessors to 8. JONES & C 0..) Corner Fourth and Wood Sts., BUY'AND SELL ALL KINDS OF GOLD, MUDD AM) COIJPONS, ON MOST FAVORABLE TERMS. Pr Interest Allowed on Deposits. JAMES T. BRADY& CO. FINANCE AND TRADE, OFFICE CF THE PITTSBURGH GAZETTE* I''RIDAT, December 18, 1868. Railroad shares are firm, especially New York Central, which advanced to '132, un der the rumor of a large stock dividend, and lu an attempt to corner the stook, winch waa7largely oversold at the recent advance to 134 N; the rest of the stock list is quiet but firm, and every decline is fol lowed up by a corresponding advaco. In locaf stocks there are more offers to sell than'buyers are willing to accept, and from now to- January some shifting will have to be resorted to iu order to meet ma- Wring obligations. Express shares are firmly held, and a considerable advance is expected after Jan• uary settlements. Quotations as received by Ph. R. Mertz: Gold, 135 q: Silver, 130; Eighty-one's, 114; Five Twenties, 1862, - 110;.1; do 1864, 1064: do ;845, 107; do 1865, Consols, 109 X: do 1867, MN; do 1868, 110; Ten Forties, 103; New York Central, 131; Erie, :)*4; Reading; 96N.; Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne ,t; Chicago Raili•oad, 110!4; Ohio 2n ; I Michigan Southern, 86;4; Cleveh l ind & Pittsburgh, 8:1; Chicago it: Rock Island, 1083,i; Chicago North West ern, 76; do Preferred, 78; Western Union Tolegraph Company, ,3'.;r;; Pacific Mail, 111; Adams Express, 48;.; Mer chants, 115,g. —The Chicago corner in corn has culmi nated, and resulted in repudiation by about two•thirds ofthe "shorts." The number of bushels repudiated was abont.loo,ooo, t t he . difference was about $25,000. The people naturally inquire how much these specu lations and attempted. "corners" are at tributable to the abundance and deprecia tion of the' currency, which, through the influence of 'banks, centre in the hands of reckless and unprincipled men, who will not permit even the necessaries of life, breadstuffs and fuel; to . escape their avarice and thirst for gain. —Closing quotations received by James T. Brady kt Co.: Gold, 135; United States Sixes, . 1881's, 114; 5-10's, 1862, 110 q; 5-20's, 1864, 106j4; 5-20's, 1865, 107; 10-40's, 105; 5-20's, January and July, '65, 109:v 4 ; 5-20's, January and July, '67 1003;; '6B, 110; June .7-30's, par less v„; July 7-30's, do qt August 119; Sept., 110; Oct. 118 1 4; Union Pacific Railroad, 102; Cen tral,ll.o3. PITTSBURGH METAL MARKET OFFICE OF THE PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, FRIDAY, December 10, 1868: The market has been moderately active during the past week, and prides, al though unchanged, are well sustained. We did not get a full report of the sales, some of the commission houses, for reasons best knoWn to themselves, refusing to make a report. BITILILLNI7B COAL SMELTED FROM LAKE SU- 2E&IOR ORE. 100 tons Open Grey 2O0_ ; " Neutral 1000 " Open Grey,future del. 37 50-6 mos CHARCOAL. 60 tons Mill: 50 N 0.1..:. BLOOMS. 10 tone No. 1 Juniata-... ANTERACITZ. 139 50-4 mos .18 00— cash 41 00-4 mos 38.00-8 mos 60 tons No. 3 50 " N'o. 3 50 " No. 2 Foundry 75 ig Grey. PITTSBIIRGII !lAILKETS. OFFICE OF TRH PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, FRIDAY, December 18,' 1868. There is really but little that is new or impo:tant to be said Yabout the markets in a general way. What we said in regard to. Graft and flour yesterday,'still holds good to-day—the market for both being rather offish, both east and west, with indications of a still further decline. The impression seems to he gaining ground that prices are. not 'likely to go much higher, and, as a cons3quence, holders are not so stiff, and mom inclined to realize. Money is tight, and is likely to continue 83 until after the first of the year, and, as a consequence, col lections are hard to make. AFFIX BUTTERThe demand is more active, though prices are unchanged at 70 • to 75 in kegs, and 80 to 85, in crocks.; , APPLES—Firm ' and in g00d.., demand, and prices Continue to .ten.l upward,,;. We now quote at $3,50 to 14,50 for fair to prime and $5 for choice.' ' BUTTER--Ia in good supply, "but with a brisk demand, prices are Arm and well sustained, 38 to 40c for• good, and 43 to , 45e for prime to choice. BEANS--13,50 to $3,75 per bushel: BUCKWHEAT FLOUR-5 to 534 c. CRANBERRIES—SaIes of prime to , choice Eastern Cultivated at $23 to $25 per barrel. CHEESE—Continues dull and neglected, though prices are unchanged, 15 to 20c, we to l quality. CORNMEAL-41 to 51,10 per bushel. DRIED FRUlT—Demand fair and mar ket steady with salesof Peaches at 12 t 6 13 for quartera, and 14 to 15 for halves,and Apples at .9 to 11c. DRESSED HOGS—Sales at it to lle. - EGGS—DaII, with a supply considerably in excess — or the deriutrid; we quote at Sue to 32c. • POUL'PRY.--Under the influence of in areased arrivals; is dull and lower; sales of tressed Cickens at'l)e, with heads and guts, Ind-10 to lle, withoutanikeys at 13 to 14c. . POTATOES -Bales of prime Peach Blows la storsat.Bs to 900. ' GRAIN---Wheat is quiet and unchanged $1,83t0 11,85 for No. 1 Red Winter. Oats steady; we'continue to quote at 63 to 64c, of track, and 66e to 67c, in store.' Rye— s:le of 1350 bushels at $1:52; may be quoted atsl,so to $1,52. Corn. is scarce and firm, wth sales of,new at 80, to 85c. Barley is qttet and nominal. at $2 or No.l Spring,and 02,10 to 12,15 for prime Fall. EAY—Sales of Baled Hay at s2s' to forprime to choice. EOMINY-16,25 to 56,50 per bbl. .tirm and scarce, and prices are' fully maintained; prime kettle ren dertd at 17;5c, in tierces, 'and 18Nc, fa keg/. MISS PORK Notwithstanding the de maul is light, it is held at an advance. SALT—Is firm but unchanged; • Alle- . ghent river brands quoted at $1,85 on track, and: 18 in store. . W.EISKY--Highwines are quoted at $l. ONIONS—SaIes at $1,50 to 11,75. FE2TIIERIS—SaIes to the trade at 75 to 80 for live geese, and 85 to 90 in a retail way. FLOM—The market is: quiet and with out imlortant change. It is stated that Spring Wheat Flours are branded and sold in this narket as having been made front. Winter Wheat, which, if true, is a r egular • fraud. We can hardly believe, ho t wever, that they is a dealer here! who WOU d de cend so ow for the sake of gain.. Spring Wheat :rands are &till quoted at 17,50 to sB,2s ' aid Winter Wheat, 59,00 to 19,50. Rye Floir, $B,OO to $8,25. The Pearl Mill quote thdr brands, made of the best Wheat, at follows: Extra Family Flour, in barrels at $9,50, and, in sacks, 19,20 per barrel; Doable Extra Family, in barrels, $10,20, ant, in sacks, $9,80 per barrel; Spring Wleat Flour, in barrels, $B,OO, and, in sacks, 11,70 per barrel. The City Milli: quote prim ,as follows: Extra Family, (Winter) in barrels, 19,50, and; in sacks, 19,20 per baxel; Double Extra Family, in barrels, $l(,00, and, In sacks, $9,70 per barrel, and Bpring, $B,OO, in barrels, and 17.70, in sacra, per barrel. - PITTSBIJIGH PETROLEUM MARKET OFFICE 07 VIE PITTSBUEGH GAZETTE, TEIDAY, DcCOTEPer 18, .1868. 5 The marlet for both Crude and Refined was modentely active and steady, though devoid of eccitement, and there was little or nothing lone in the former. The sales of Refined however, were ( rather larger than usual. while prices remain about the same as onThursday. A large delegation ofdealers 'eft for Philadelphia, last even ing, their tbject 1 eiug to be present on Monday, dAlivery day. It is said some of them repreented the oshorts" but we are satisfied that there was one "long" among . the number. CRUDE. • The maliet was exceedingly quiet to day; but a single sale reported 1,000 bbls, seller's onion. first six tnotiths. at 1:.!;ic. Indeed, tvelve and a half cents still seems. to be regarled as the ruling price for spot, next year. seller's option, and 16c, same delivery, iuyep option. It was reported that oil W:l3 a shade lower at Oil City to day, in cotsequence of. the withdrawal of the Clevellnd ouyers. • The maiket fir Relined was moderately active today. the sales being rather larger than for same days previous. but, aSa gen eral thing price!: remain unchanged. Spot, or delivered on the 2lst, may be quoted at 30,4 t o-3 I - -c f —no sales reported. First six months o: ISdD, buyer's option, 33;1c; Jan.; uary !arch; 3016 c, and March to June, 32c. Thesales were: 1000 bbls,tirst six months; buyer 500 " 1000 " 500 500 " 3ach March to June 500 " 3ach January to 'March 500 each March to June OILSHIPPRD BAST BY A. V. R. R. H. Kehler St Co. ' 146 bbls refined to Waring,King Co., Philadelphia. Forsytt, Bro. S. Co., 789 do do to Warden, Frew & Jo., Philadelphia. Monti] ei mer, Koek ler & Co., 368 do do tO Viaring,King Co., Philadelphia. Ide,Creery Co., 5p do do to W. P. Logai A:l3m., Philadelphia. B. W. Morgan Co., 200 do do to War den, Frcw & Co.. Philadelphia. Livingston ,t Bros.; 250 do do to War den, Frew S Co., Philadelphia. McKetvy Bros. & Co., 231 do to W. P. Login it Bro. Philadelphia. Fawcett, Logan (qk StOekdale, 500 do, do to W. P. Logan et Bro., Philad,dphia. LOckiart..Frew (t. Co.. 577 do do to War den,lFmw Co.. Philadelphia. Stancard Oil Co:, 1361 Ws refined to Warilm, Frew Co.. Philadelphia. - Erny, Jageman clz Co., 214 bbls refined to Waritg, King it' Co., Philadelphia. Mcßee. Hackett & Co., 200 do do to W. P. Lognilik Bro., Philadelphia. • J. C Kirkpatrick, 209 do do to Waring, King k Co., Philadelphia. B. W. Morgan Liz Co., 100 do tar to Truks & Co. New York. Lecch & Wood, 104 do tar to Libby dr. Clark; New York. Totalshipmenta Refined 5154 • Residuum xO4 01!. &FLIPPED EASTIPROM DUQUESNE DEPOT. G. W. Holdehip &CU., 90 do do to i War ing, King d Co., Philadelphia. Funning &Co., 279 do do to Tack Bros., Philadelphia. Uxion Ref. • & St. Co., 8 do refined to W. ?. Logan it, Bro., Philadelphia. Brooks. Ballentine & Co., 17 do do do Waden. Frew & Co., Philadelphia. Kirkpatrick & Lyon, 30 do do to W. P. Logan & Bro.. Philadelphia. Pt ookß, Ballentine 41c Co., 36 do tar to Litby & Clark, New York. H. M. Long & Co., 21 do tar to Libby & Cltrk, New York. Taal shipments Refined 437 at Tar 57 539 00 , -4 naos 39 N-4 mos 143 00-4 mos 46 00-4 mos VO 00— cash =EI 331 c 33 1 4 c 33 1 ,40 33%c 32c .. 30 1 4d .. 31Xc
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers