The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, December 19, 1868, Image 5
• - - ,George it - Hartley, John McCall, ' William P. Bahl, • ' - f. 'D W Radebaugh, • • 8 C Thomas • A J Woolslayer, Albert A Getty/. WII Morrison. la ill i nn W Phillips, • - - -A P McWilliams. J ii Alexander, G A boremund, :,• fli B Stewart, Wm. D Reynolds, J B Miller, .. John Cartwright, • .11" Darden:l, • C 1,1 Atli Wenn, - . - • • 43 eorge Is cele ," ry, “D E Ittilin & 13oa , .'.. David Aiken, ••: ~ JT. Cunningham, it W Thomas, Ferson Bros 'Thontaaß Kennedy. , tiamnel 0 Ra;stner. •-.. Joel Petidock, • ThomasJ Black, - XW Bo e nn ' • re elf; am: Peters, • enry c le gleyJ it ,Ne ... iii.e s'i it Venpool,. J.l Barnes, gtey; t , J a 13, Mellon, Dlt 'Brown. • • !-- <- A drew McCall, . 'John Getty! . Th to Wilson. - Beene T. Weitzel, ~,. 4 J .awson. A J n.e. , Dar d Kirk, - Wilily= S Evans, &tiller. - William Reese, T Nedardes, • . Martin Beemer, • , .lohn Graele & Co., . A Wintergreen, • [ -gl xlt Oracle, JD Robinson, 31J ergs/hey, . • Charles B Strain, . Tack/tros., Charles C email , Wm/A. &Iranian, - J Meskimen, WC Bargeman GA all McWiris. Jo u Conninghani, • P Dale Parchment, tah 'Jones;• B kiMeClaren, .. • S w Morgan & do,' John Borland, • . LWagner,_ . "Wm Metadabs, ra * • - omasJohnittOn. .Janos Boger - .. W F cGown, • , _ . Philip Stager; ~... George W•Hendasen, : . James Black, , 11', C A. Co ' eland - . 8 W Boren. James Johnston,; . .„11 /3•TeMeri -: , - i Win Foster, Thomas?„, Finley, •,,. John B Stewart, C E Bostwick, `• .- , . , Neury•Shaeds , :: Will G Anderson, - •... • W X Sinclair,' rtsnry...Lung, , •...,- `.. Barbet Eddy. ' T Wiumma, t•axnael Wilson, •” - -_J d !Mt, ' .'.. Joun 13 Murray, C 8 Whitehead. ~ •-, R. E litcCorkle, . . WI/ ellsearearef7. • • '•: E Phillips, . • W A Glidenrenney, ' Peter - immune, , - , • Henderson EaerSV. J a h n , loam, . . J W.Morttron, • - -., .fameelloyer, gr., '.. Ci E Chester, ..' dames Sharp, - -Isaac Jove, - -:: Wm B Bleeper, • A M Jacisson, •„. •goba J case, ~ • •L W Armstrong, Wm •I• Hood, . ' Erich (Memos, • J M Elliott. • , „WS Wells, • W J Hamilton. hboert Faulk, • _, B D Hall, i . John ...Croft, :. • . Names Nile...ter, • • ' _ . osiall J Wilkins " . , , John W John, •- • " : John Snodgrass. s• ' •, Alex Cowley. . , •C A Xentston, •• It S raw, ' ,T KS oleo. 11 Wheeler,- - • - John 'Edney. • • ' BB Megraw. - AW Buchanan, • P. Reed • , :Win Dennison, , • W C Whitehead, - John It Wright, John.Kuecitler, , ,r, Johe Paul: - John Meyer. :. Joseph Waltok, ~3 , Fratk.o Armstrolg, - 'Andrew Bayne, JD Gleason, W X llieflinnis. . . , . . , Johisishipton, , ••• • ,:- '' ~. Jetilefl, Wank, - . ___ _ . Arcble Wallace, ' •,, . W Moaner, John Floyd, , rWm 91Kplght„ W PManker A CO, J O olanwa. " . .s Samuel Pollock . • B Goldman.. •• JazaellAMeilevitt, , ',. John Hoyt; • Dtvlin. W Floyd , . • Thee It Kerr, '' . rh omaa••-aelbarfroat 13territt & Ewer, • Jame, le Carson,.J H.Watson &Co, ~ • . JamealF McKee: •, ' , Daniel Wallsee;Jr. ' - -J M Dobbs, . JDToapspa,• Samuel H Craig, - • JohaM Tatev Arbuckle A , Co. - Robert Patton, Howard Day. 'Alex Wmal o 7. Chas Hector, • • W W DAMN, Adamilethl. - Alexander Black, ..- Samuel George; ArMstrong, , James B Durhurnt, .-• J Talon, ' • • . ' • : r Joseph Bay, B FlOyd ThOe_ Johnston,. . W J • winurave.. Sh 4 David Arnow, John M ay ' Robert MotirrefF, - • - J w ammet. • RA Robinson, '3lr Tate. se. • . Samuel B Robison, D W-Crooks; 'Weight Mahood A Co, Littelt & Meehllng„ A.Btrain, „ James is Steelei , .^ • • Edwin Tritell, • ” Wllllarl.A.very, , William Gardner, H W Behrhorst, • - • James K•Jones, • , Joseph Rime. FJ Foley, .1. James Dennison, Darla Stewart. • ' - Irvin, • Oconee P Lindsay ' •.1 Olowes. " Itotr,rt Carson, -. W caul, . George Woods,' ' • - John Ter B Paul , John Tarn = _ Richard USU./ter, enry W oak, ' r Jamesold • • ' orge-Balph, t Andersen, - • . 01111 r/et James Buehler. Samuel Smith, Martin Reiman. • Antriony, ' John Rentz, B Robinson, jr., - Thomas Connell, ; Jameaßlakeiy, Willism Gibson, It Hai horn,, - John Marsha ll, Hamnei Jones, Fred Klan,, ,• Thome. Robinson,. Junes McCrory, • ' B R Kennedy, , John Pointing. Samuel Haslette, John Berating, • Henry Jones, • • ' J F Hasler. McCord A C 0.,• - Jas Gillespie, • • McCord, • • ,Thoo Lockhart, ' Jos E McCol l • Jacob 8 Ileymer, Thos Hare & re, . • . John Blue, J,, Jtut , H D Reym er, , Jur F Meyer, ; _ irranenhelm, !".' Geo Lyle, , Min Brown, • .! 6 Laneenbeim, W W Wallace, X McWhinney. -, JesePit Patterson, John 0 Sample. James McConnell, r in zra_asN - • ' Thos Phillips, - Jame s mos:dui, „ T.l Urlong ' A G Cabbage,• . 0 Klett, Jr. Samuel Bridge , Jr. " Chas Garener, H . Smith, . J W Harding, • ' I.: John Aston. . • Geo W Tanner, ti Jesse Canninglinni, ' Wm Dqueall,_ • Thos Varner, • Patterson & Kautex, • ' Jas Wallace, • John 8 Duncan, • • c Hll Manifold. , Wm Deßarrene, W co cCo d M ord, rd.' rd, Geo W Sllvey. . • Henry Anne' John W . a Bassett, • w Richardson, Jr, John T 'McKenna". E P Holland, •- - Sheilah, &Barclia Jas W Arrott, S B Richard, • Jos E Carson. 8 8 - Watters. . 1 Wm McCully & Co, - John McMinn, , Alex McClure &., CO, , John Pollock, ; • L 8 Riedon A Co, Win Snlvely, M D, C Bartley A Co, d B Hill, Bovard, Rose & o Jacob Poen'', • • Anderson, renzol & Car-W J Perry, fon • - J'H McKetry, .'; Robb it. - Snively, -"'Samuel Flack, Franc's Torrance. Chu C Mackey, J Mr rykes, MD, • -W B Hays, ' Deo Marshall, - H A Mackey. .•7 Nl3 Hutch, ' 11i8 Anderson, Jam's Torrance, J Bovard, • Joseph orrens, - •- • WmB Taylcr, I: It 9 Smith, " Jr Rivers, J K McCune, James M Parke, W Wilson J M Roberts • , Henry Wilson, H Welsh, s D R Goncher , - J A Brodie, • C Dunning. Samuel'it Herron, • H Bic oruutck, Christopher. Woods Oemmer & Lndebnid,tee, 0 •", Albert Evans, G P Clark, . A H Wood Gee', Lorimer, ttr ,, Kaml T Paisley, '• • Mark W Watson, I ft; Henry Carse, T A Evans, Andrew %minute, J R. Fricke, • Thos Bosewell, Jr, John Boos,_ M ochner, F Boo_ ,s , • T W Welsh , W Wakefield, • J Johnston, - Runnel B Melillin, • Thos Laughl i n , . Hu g he s , Ja3 L Arras. t II Albert Steak, Samuel Fleck; • David McCielland, - Thomas J. Diens, .- 4 , .1 L Bigham, Jacob Arras, Peter Garet, John lelt'Keniler. • John Pare, John H liewensteill, Theodore Frank,- • Charles Schwa/mi. . Samuel Bridge, A & G Trautman. Isaac Morris, ' Peter Schlegel, • Alexander Jones, George Bothieder; Julian Haddocks , Bessner & Roebke, 4) Wm Pare, F Beisner, • • Evan Evans, . F W Roebke, L' 2 Jacob Leffel, Alexander Campbell,. Berilatein Laughlin,, Witliam It Wailers, '• • Joseph Cookson , A Patterson, ~" Michael phint_Hoorr, Charles Armstrong, Geo ti Wood, • C F Tillinghast, John C Stevenson. ~„-• Joseph Hagan. 0 N Schafer. *. • Martin Lager, James M Conway, • John Heller, Wm Weunan, • Loring Vinton, , F Bukroyer. • Wm. ri. Lemon, Henry Bede!. • W P Giles. • Henry Logeman, Geo A Dedsey. - John Scott, Themes Rees, J elWalters, - • John Rees . Thos 0 Bogie, WmWilliam Iteel, ' B F Bergen,. B Fehl, - • ! Alberta Weber, 1 . ! • John v Fehl, fiG , Weber, • T M Feld, ' William Hare, 4, G eorge r P r rta ß e r e i g • ey litresNEll4, • Adam ohn Morph, h Henr7 p Wa gn er , *she, Christian Goebel, • PhlliP Stain. D W Radabangb, 4 W L Crof James Brown, /A James' Hesseli, Daniel Jones, • . 6eo Englebtrt, Watson Provost. 1 I; Wm A-Rees, - Wright Provost. ti John Ritchie,. Carson Bros; , k John McCabe . Denten, ~, ' • , Thomas Ford, Wm 0 Murray, Richard Powers. • Starr Loomis, • r Conley, A Potter Neale, James Scrim, John Mc iiirdy, - John - W ollett, Fisher ßoos, • • • Geer Shoemaker , Geo H rmiley • John Forrester,'Will T Reber. Charles Essex, Wm H edgerton, • LI 7 red Reciter, J W Edgerron, Ti McCall; _ Wm Munhall, I:I hi Lit-fort, James white, R mcoraw, win Clendenniug, ' • . John C Hough. • J 0' Leech. • Townes Barclay, Leopold Heilbroner, . • , • ravid Jones. . • Wm M Gormly, 9 James McDonal d, • John Black, • c tenlinger, • Joseph Kiromell. ' • John ii own. - Davin Mnsselman, • Jacob Hetzel, Jlavid Lefevre Crawford, Frank Newman, • Jobn - Gay, Henry Hives.._ • W bite Bros A Co. • • - Rob rt Provost, Wm Brek ze, • James P. ovost, J 8 Snively„ , Francis Vance, . Gee %Cone. - Thomas Harrison, , Junes Black, . • ; A V Shipp, J B Reed, H Humes, - • , Wnillag Karim., Alex Young, Daniel BOZO* • - Jonnthan Cari3pbell, , A Hazlett, Boutuel M Gibson, • - Henry Gerwig, z ._ John Weltenbangb, H e i n t os h, Frederick Christ, , Jas ?d , rarier; John Kranth, J H Elton; - Win V'Svans, John Huchison, y. 0 liazie3. A Clendenidng, J Minis. , Renry_Bler, 1 Jet Dickey, - - John TaAgart, jr, . John Watt., .Wm ma e r j B ,porter . W .1 John Dickey. W Stevenson. .1 luau. 'Remotion, . It Cowley , • Adam Reed. , . Rohl • Dileorth, _,:.jtobert B Miller, H McNeill, John S Coe, - - _James McClelland, James H rimmonsl; ' J McCracken; .; H I ee, MO, . ' B H Luker, W • Hods,- , 7, C W Thos • _ r ,J it tulle, •Wm Nicholas, , DEv e nitr. ,Jjoolitt rAsssalA . 1 .. r Burnes, „.„ _ Jo hn Brown , lir, j obßross..ft : *Wei 11...en_ter, ,osries H Paw/Piro' • aPDXIMPIeut , Wn Buff, Jean Wrigley. NEW ADVERTISEMENIS; B W .R ggt. Wm IL Ball. Wm Mothoral, Jas Bartholomew, C tudth, Prank Coyle, F Stemmber, George Peterson. • V. Thomas. -. , Edward Daly, W Brown.• , John Conner. Ph Wegner, Charles rhaffer, Will Emend. Henry Johnson, Joseph H Mart, . Charles A Decarme, John. Brow • John Clarke, George McFerron , Thos 4 nderson. Aadolf Eberian, . John Moore, Jesse r ildebrand, J M Hall, Tll Gilson, . _ David tibemaker. ii T Ited4t. - . Michael "'homes. John B loon, . Henry Dieted:l , David 1) , ohnson, Frederick Thomas, John Keelson,' . John Speer, B 0 Gibson, . ' William titeer, ' - C has 9 Perekins, - ':'' SAineel-Doure. Thos Belem, Joseph Marelena, James Smith,- . - . George Brown J Smith. • . John Caldwell, , S 8 Stevenson, Henry Raymor, Charles Shaffer, . Win Gerber, Samuel Battey, H Doed, W M Lowther, Chas Hells man,' Ju IdeGlaughlin, W Po to,. Lrwrince Mitchell, 'Louis etreren, Alex Shell, W A Nisbet, Alex Toting, „ _ Conrad 'stetter Thomas' , Enright, John b Hunt, ' ' • Luxe et ees, J ' '' Jell:ant Bro o ks. um lit er d,,,, , ,w,, , :Lc lobe - Lenon, John b °key. Miner T tolaina, Jlt Wadsworth, Jesse 'Kuhn, . Jorm A ;EtAvepc . Nelson Bartholomew. J i lt Fmk: ~.7nt. J. Steele, . c la Ess.etesso„,„- '- . antes a Robertson; I JudsorMeeomb, - S S D Thompson, C - II Kamer, A C Berr ght, Wm L e tt Hnt r e r, Jo hn W l H ch g e li o e n e, , John Fo . are. A D Mel. Inger. ' T A Gallagher, ' John H Ewing, BB L , u s h er , , - Niehaus & nespenhidle HobertJ Dickey, • 'W. Todd.' ' • • Miner Briny , - J kICCOMIMME. Edward Fisher, . H McCune, John./ Miller, W Patterson, Wm Dougherty, W Barnworth.Coates- AW o ElltoPer. - ' Wit McCune; -'.' GeortC,Graw, - , • --Win Williford, • Jobn Vohs., John C Harper, - f Joinston, Wm Id BeCallem, Solis' Me.onald, . ,_ John Johnston, Jahr B Garoley, 'Hugh Graham, - Geoßothwell, James McFarland, varlet Sinters, Hemel Reining, Ale: Boas ! , - , Michael Krebs. ' •., 'Wfarso_ , Larson • •.__,' ' , Wm Krebs, . Chgley W Daellin," Leonard 'Kellen, Edrazd Bothwell, Philip Grim, - Janes Haine. I, Walter.- Jr _ _,.. .. Timms Carson; '' . ; Geo P rineinr." • ArAur Johnston. - Gettlel Fisher, . Jain Walls, • D. idahokoff, 'Filbert rough, ' ' John John, litinHenery, .' • • Thomas Megraw, Thomas Kennedy, ' James Mutat, . rJAn Hughes, Wm Bulhaen. -Vm Carson, Win Spades, ~ Vm Wilson,- ~,'",:- ' 'Wm Earliest • Vm Ingl,s Henry G Watson, turned I. Wesson. ~- Win D Noss, thistles Hatehiston, -' John Sldoons, • A. Reed. J' Wm il Ptockton, Themes Bratte, ' Ha Fleming, • I:set t'araittor. . . , • Je.eph Watson. - nherlaglithill, Geo E Riddle, Jacob H Geter. •• '-- W II Glenn. • •'- ' -Theist Barney, Samuel Doty, lames Taylor. . J A MeHeron. Geo 0 Melinulty, ' - Wm Crawford,' 0 C Parke. W M Flahaahan, D L Patterson Co, •., . . John Heleburier. ' •• . JJMUBj Young. H al Wilkins, s .' : -. •- ' . - H I l u_ J o h n it c t 1 l e e l I Go ff 1 k e L , u e n, ' Henry Coulter, James (Merton, S P Robertson, • : - Charles Sill. • • - I R Chisholm, Herman C Handel. P Hagerman. . R B Blackstoek, " • Nicholas Gardner, Cecil M Snyder. Eobt Townley, t : Alex Thompson, , John Harps . • i al' McClelland, Ism„Ucl4allt,„ , ,„, ~... Robert Hood, •, • - -.WM Johnson, - - •Wm J Sarver, WM Householder, T H Lire B,Twate,' -r• -' 'Thu Brown, -' .Merper,-Harper. C d r . •• Jas M Carib", J a m m ama s, • . - Alex Dixon, Fied Harke, John B Holmes, D W Patierion, , James Brown, f m G a u k; , • , - •._ - ' .Thell Certify,. • .._'• : Win F Trimble, ' '' Win Sloan, A S Wagstaff Joseph Temple, ''Johnson & West, .. Henry Potter, , A MeDoseld, Philip Shame% B F shame.. John F Shrontz, , 'J K Davidson, ' S V McKelvy, .J J Davidson. Joseph gems, Robert Ray. ,lr, , " John Bower, Robert s. , lson, . ' 1 Jams. Bower, Joseph Tagg .rt, • . Abram Bower. John McKinney. ' Eli - ParTM. Baldhsar Sees. . H Barclay, ; Joseph Myers. ' EliJah M Williams, -: John H Mclntyre. Namnsea. John CuiningUm, Thos /dare'''. chrla P Whlston, Jobe P Auderson, win paid Jr. Robert 11.amenton, John Resit, Archibald Hamilton, bonnet Gorden.. Henry Be au . - Ariel Van Byre, ' Walter SVorms, G. EisenbeD. ' r il ilamMirdeng. r • Miehael Schuz, (An Humm e l., ...., James P Gregg. Jr, ; William Hannit. - , ,, , J B M yer.. Joan Hanna, -..--,- WH H Graham. , ' Jerry B.ugard. George Stewart. • Casper Heaslen..,' • John guernsey, ' g Edmonds. James Leitch. James Phillips, 5;" Robert Henderson. E W Matey, '-1. -.- John Swain. 11 H Toby, Boner Tlingit", ~, , M H Mellvais, .4, .. G D alines. - - ...:. Edward Kimmel. John W McKeley....i.". George Jones,Le , " • John MeNelvv, - - -A 8 Thomason. Ronan c am pbeit, „- . . Thomas W Baker, J B Coon, - Samuel Marriott, Mathew Campbell, John liTbetruut i. d 8 wra.. , ~ - .Thomas X Bel" -,.... . . John Carraii, ''- '" '' George Haley, . - - - Jet -A Cuthers, '' James 11, waking, ... , E Hathen, --,..' James Heating., -sir" Wm 0 Mtolar g , i,_ . - -,..-", - Edward Boobver, -,-.,... WM It Childs,,M D,,, , -Michael Walsh Win Oakley,- •' - •- ' Alex K Scaldrett, • HEI ',rum. ~ . . "Samuel Wilson, Joseph Richardson, - . James H Walton, John D. Kirkpetriek, •, Wm liwistbeire. John P. Horniab, , Charles DP le.aii, W Campbell. • - ''. George Lian, John PaLtley, ' ~ •Itii P M'Call, It Me raw A C ompa ny; Jff&RD Hauser, John Paul,, , debit FMcCall i John J Torii, ''' John L'lliando Ph, John Boggs, - . Janes Woods„_ -..,• John Nicholson, Abram Dull, .- 7 T P Muzzy,. - • . Michael (Weitz,. ' 11 S Magee • Win Adams, - Robert ill'iclin. James M'Call, -- --- Christopher G Weaver, Joseph Miller, ~.•' ~ , Joseph Oliver, Hugh White, John B 80. per, James McDowell, : -.... James L Irwin, Alex Homes, T B Horry , Jae M Sinclair. Head & Metzger, , Jesse L Collins, C Arhirlinot,Jame, L Johnston. Wm J Shannon, • J E McFarlane, '--. • duo 8 Stephenson, Cleo K homier. John A Schroeder, Wm W Walthower, - 1 F 8 Lamble . Jared James, 1 John McKain, .. • '' • Jobe B McFarland, Campbell Bryson. . Frederic Winkler. Win - B. MeKaln, - Martin Scot", Jacob Keebler., • Job tißuzzard, Henry E White. 0 Weaver, John R Wilson, . James C Quieter, • A J Hulett', • St J Wizard, Geo .13Kurts, James P Elder, II 8 Neese, - .J McWilliams, 3' M Hill, John Boyle, 'Georg. bhaw, , Frank Shafer, John Colder, ' Joel Loveridge, 11 J Clark, • 'Geo W McClelland, ' "e amis.! bruin'', W B Hagerty, • jki. Cain, . .• A Hoffman, • AC W Cain, ' G Ballentine, . • John 'feelers, Isaac Boal, W II McClurg, Robert Elder, Henry 'swift, John fiperllng, Thomas ll Richardson, - John Mehaffe, T S atevenson. 'John Estee . Jr L Creelman,l John L McKelvy, Joseph Great, • Andrew Scutt, Jame Sneer, Jr., Thos T linee, J iii Campbell, James Gordon, 1 James DeHaven. P Musgrave, John A Gilleland, W J Whets, A A Foble, -W J France, Robert dealt,.' .-- -' • Wm MeC Drive, M. -thew Blunter,. Isaac Black, Jobn :shale, Jr. It 8 Haughtou, T W Davis, .• J Willard Grubbs: James Fitzimong, ' J B Mc itonaig,. .., George Allison, , IEI M Packer; .. Joseph Hunter,..., J A Garvey, Postley, Nelson & /Xl,' Wm Juhn, Jas C T hompson, • D a Dieffenbacher, DC Heitz; • - ' M W "sou, . E Wan.brotrli, -• . Chas Cal center, B F Kurt, Richardson A Co, Rana h, •' ' - Jii3 le e adden a Co. EL. •Maxweil, L H Willrich, D B elm On, i . Jaw Monte, J I Huron.:,. A permeate, John Burgess', • -. ''• le P Mclntire; B A Elliott, . M Aromen,- John C Wa llace, '" Robt 1 elt, 'J W Carnahan, .. . W Prance ; Jai 8 Tress, R Ll Hughes, D it Bowline. W H Barker, Macrum, (Hyde A Co. John Bla_lr, A P McKee, Dennis O'Donnell, acett - Dtbert, .re Fred Wentz. Joan McClung, Peter Schott, • ' Alf hf - Pearson,. Heury_lspping, Louis Cella, ', John Hera, .Geo Schektuaher, ' 'Jos &briber, . • Thos Simpson, . Hants.') CarnegrAco Jos Albeit:, - - Jas lli Low, • J A Miller, .• • ' Jacob Lieble ry r, Je. , Moreland & Mitchell, . Jacob Hemline. /sue N Patterson. L J Illanenart, James 8 Patterson, • , James A Rose, If U Morgan, George Cohen, And-Kenmln, , - - Ludwig Frlela, Wm .I. ,Curr 3, . Nichols. Luta, ' SKldergrave,*, . = •.- Anton Hornet, 7 .Jambs bleChine. Joseph Suitor, Samuel Aar' reics,- ,-..-...-_ , J,Henry - . -. 4,- . S usterrsayer, - ~ joshes K ay , . J G Joao be, • ._._-c , -- , `""J - T Hauler, • • ' Mich.el Matter, ~ --, ,----__Danirl Morgan, Charles Hely, • Mark-Robb, • ' limes hicchrell, • , Castles Lister,- : • ' . Adolph Sabel, ' John Wilhelm, - - - • cadre w Eagle. : r , ..: George Wilhelm, - L 'l.' ••••• 'Dbaries Bogie, - Charles Good, John cebuck, '- = ' Simon Jones, • :Jacob Wilber, . . -, Sterley,o Stevens; . ‘. Philip Keever, •' • ' Louis ood, Ludwig Venn. `; . .•, • Wm Bond, • : . I Mlle. Testis, Samuel Hibbs, team Wilber', W W Leech, .le , er tirace,' .... 'Wec Johnston, , IttilinGrabb; • --. •• . ; , 'John It ?Smith; ' , Aaron Baker, i Heart V Leasure, -Adam Trautman, . .Jacob Bruleoca Siepard David, .- • William-Parker, Jr.' • ilio L Pistier„ J .. • ... . William Parker. sr,' • `3l JWillis,. .... . - - EN4exicklAidwid. .. - ALtm Tiantinan, s r , -' • • Markt laidsrlit, „ William Lutz. Herman Ludwig, . - Hinirßattlemann,, .1 0 Reed .Ecriert hichintilli, • , William kneed, • . doom einyucri.... ... •.. " ' James w a11ate,...„ - . • °Mistime Lamjle, D'lClVilsou. Bilbao' Ernweln, - ' N Oaiiingero ti toley . John Benz. • i ,• . Jol Platter.' '•- .'.' • --' • • • Ti''• Bawdiest; '' ' ' /atm Weidman, N.B Bushes, • - LL frailly, Elias Anderson, - _ .%. B LabAseer," ' - .li Smite . - I ' . GAZETTE : SATURDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1868. A Sanders, Tlianders. • , , F :tey bor. ', .I'B Sanders.' Jnhn Reeser, Jaime Neely, . Willhelro. . . James Leech.' Aug Funk, • James Leech jr. Frederick Abreeton, • Hubert Henderson, Louis Ledttese. John Brown, Richard Hartley & Co, Wm Plckersgill & 00, James L W ilson,. • Thomas Carr, Sr, John Bailey, - E C Roemer,' T J Cochran, James Balaban & CO. lii Beeper, JoLn F McEnulty, Frank HSelige, Piamuel A 14.1111p5, J H Borland, J s Snodgrass, 8 J Kin° , P Lawman, James Bickson, " 3 e R°' nigh' John T Shane, Samuel Fahnestock, F ht Wilson, James Langbridge, Thomas Carr jr, ' McElroy, Dickson & Co, George . ElorhuhtimiderC Knox. Wm (*Bullock, 'J Tile, Wm Lauftcom, J W Oglivee. CUP It Ghlesple, B F Anderson. Clark Manifold, Juries A Neileugard. Jones & Malhenny, John Bpratt, John J Manna, A 0 McCann= & CO, Wrn Fleming, G Smith, ' 0 D Vance. (, eo A James /Main, Wa Klein, F, m J Hartley,-, • W P Johnston. C L Keenhit, T T King. John Wilsmi, J R Bullock, Ka y & Company. Yttniet:Thomas, J(u Kelley, . r - James A Ewing, John T Patter:Wm. ' James R Rodgers A Co. Th Reichard, , Louis Lerner, Henry Zaler, - Jonathan H !Allen RnegelGeo 3,Fialdwin, John Herron;.3*taft B B Moorehead, ... X 4 R•ztlerr • -John irleenbach, - " • towns*, - • ' -.- Thomas Paisley, A Folgey, • W A CantobeZ . Adam Monninger, Jaiotriletzel, G !'icon, James Char ' • ledward Culleton, Robert Johnston, John Megraw, John Charles, John Updegralff, Jacob BuDD, ' etainbti r Christian Gratz, ' Jno Trimble, B Jones, - • J TWeaver, Ed Osborn J Leslie .' ." ' Jainesß Russ," ' . - Jarnes , B McCausland; tiamuell3 Rough, W E Ross, Harve Wriabbnni, ' - Henry P tetton, Sand Hester; Tunable, Xclatvie & Co Wm B Ross, -- Wm Wilson, MD, X • Barnes, • William Moreland, Fr Stemmler. '-John F Edmondson' • Wm Farley, . James A Morgue; A Pilloo. W m Scandrett, Wm H McClurg, . Evan Da Chas Pugh, 9 A Cnamber ds. lin. •• A W Copeland. JUG Remaley, Thomas Shines, . „JacobHodei, Jonathan Neely. W J White,• Wm Boston, 8 J Raskin, '• Horace 8 Snowden, T J Hamilton, . • Joseph Snowden, James Smith, Wm H Plllow, John Ralston, James Lindsay, Samuel Galllnger, A W smith,..: • -, John APED, • John • . •• ' Henry Murph y, • ' Daniel L Smith , Isaac Frost, Win F Leandreto. AD Buchanan. Robert It Ray, Jobn Hennigle. J Boobyer Jr, John Fisher, . • .1 S Reed. Wm Boss, John Hare, William t Jeremiah Marts, , Samuel SHOD. 'John O'Neill, - Endo:pb Scheirer, 'James Morris, John 'Dungan, Wm. McFarland, J H McColl,_ L Johnston, A/slander ulallgew; Henry Parnter, G R B Robinson, Thomas Boyd, James hi Ha ß t, Boaz Martz, William H. nry, BenJ hteveneon, Wilson Henry. Geo Ammorul % : James Olielati. • Jacob Myers, Richard P Cane, Samuel Floyd, J W EtnYer, - Pamuel MeLlukan &Co, R Watson. W D Msg. !Veneer, McKnight & CO, J H Either, James H Parker, C T Russell, John'Johnston, Chittlek, - A Kennedy, John Shepherd. Wm H Hum Alexander Knox. Henry Kerney, homu Wilson., • - .• J 8 Bonnet. J W SIMPIIO4. J C Bruit. W J Crotneru. G A Martin, Henry Sunshine. James A Curry, Chas Bush, ' Thomu Penne. Archibald Young, J J Voltz John Morrow,. Daniel Voltz, Win M 'Kegley. Hugh Eallsoo, Jas Pillow, - John Baum, Trios Smith, Henry ii IN Clack. • Henry Stubbier, James W Wooldridge. Julius A Richter, . . To Sams!! d._ Purilance, J. W. F. Mate, lama Vac's N. _P. Fetterman.. Thomaa George aims., Jr.; Morro. YeEtroji, Diekton Co., Wm. Heftily & Co., and others - .—Your commenication asking thenee of any nameis a candidate for the pealtion of United States Senator, la before me. I have not sought the distinction myself, for 4 have always regarded the nositioh so high that the people alone should designate the person whom tney wish to be their candidate. Though I cannot flatter iataelf that there ill entire unanimity in reference to this question, the very large , number of names at tached to the call, and the character and standing of the signers, gives me reason to believe that it represents the wishes of the majority of the people of this county, therefore / accede to your , request,. and n t j.hOrise the use of my name as a candidate. Respectfully, THOMAS IC MAIdiIIATX. PiTrentracat, December 19, 1861. HOLIDAY BOOKS. 1868. - OIRISTIAS . AND NEW YEARS. • OF NO; er WOOD STREET, MEE - [LAFAYETTE BUILDING IiZZEI MEI ATTENTION TO THEIR MACNIFICENT STOCK OF STANDARD, ILLUSTRATED MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS FOR HOLIDAY PRESENTS, 'oONPIIESING THE TiEWEST =ILkDBTRATED WORiS. PRESENTATION ROORt3, STANDARD AIJTRORS, POETS AND POETRY, CORE .AND HUMOROUS WORKS, WORKS OF REFERENCE, larrommturr ?mu , 1300 K • AMERICAN AND ENGLISH JUVENILES. Illustrated Juveniles, TOY BOOKS,, FAMILY AND POCKET BIBLES, Ameri cap. and London Editions. Finely, PRAYER BOOKS, RoselFood and,Elegant Mahogany W 8,1.9 4 31 1 )%1F 8 3, CABE wax rims, and a fine assortment` of English, French sad Amluadcan FANCY.SIPATIONERY.' riirThis stook la.eutirely frerit, atni be found superior In attraction n" any him. erto offered In SUS Ctf7• 4e/e- - 1869. AND HYMN BOOKS. PORT rata*, POCKET 111001141 kEtv.tiYtmitiiiszniENTs, Y . FOR THE HOLIDAYS JOSEPH HOME & CO'S. A PULL ASSORTMENT Fancy and Staple Articles SUITABLE FOR USitruL HOLIDAY GIFTS. KID GLOVES, AL atums, , TASSEL L ED AND PLAIN . • Aleztndre Bid Gloves. Fur Tappet! , ' Berlin (Nand • ' I o* Gloves. HOSIERY. AN EXTENSIVE AN AnIakf i r . T, ALL SIZES Howl Wool and Merino 0 :JAI Galata' Furnishing Goods. MOON TIES. seem, BOWS, SUSPENDERS, PAPER COLLARS AND CUP/Its.' „, REAL HER STITCHED luxD.l7'9, 'Scents op EMBROIDERED, TUCKED, REVERE, MOURNING BORDERED' AND LACE HANDKERCHIEFS IN R.E.EAT VARIETY. Gents' Silk HandkerehletS. HANDS ME 81801. FOR AND,BABH RIBBONS A , SPLENDID LINE. HATS. MILLINERY 1100013. VELVETS. SATINS ♦ND PREACH /LOWERS. HOOP . SKIRTS, 'PERFECT GOODS, AT ONE HALF USUAL, . • . RATES • CORSETS, .- FRE?STOH, GERMAN ApEAVON, OF BEST MARES, r DRESSAPID Loon; BUTTONS AND ORNAMENTS. 1318L44 COMMIS, JET AND - PLATED JEWELRY BEIACELETII, BROCHES, SLEEVE • strrilms. .BEI7B AND LIANDKERCH . IEP RULDESS. HAND KNIT ZEPHYR GOODS, GERMANTOWN WOOLS, ZEPHYR AND YARNS A COMPLETE STOQK Of New goods Arriving Daily. , 0 100"/ IS • , 7. Corner of Penn and St. Clair Streets THE ONLY ' PRACTICAL BUSINESS COLLEGE • EN PITTSBI7RGB. For large QUARTO CIRCULAR con tainizt: full information concerning the College, Course of Study, Method of In structio • , necessary Ezpenaes, &0., togeth er with • simika of COWLEY'S Ps 1M ',PENMANSHIP Call at' • e Collage or address the Principals.. SMITH & COWLEY, deal MOM ?MID 01 $2.00: - "" CARD entitles the bearer, on presentation, .to TWO DOLLARS abatement on e. cash purchase of $95.00 at the great cheap clothing house of S. C. TRATIERMAN, ORIGINAL BIG NIIMBER 11, Stith Street, late St. Clair Nobody-beat by this establishment, but fair deal ng to ad! Cali and be convinced. All clothing lainly marked by printed cards,-at LO WEST CASH PRIORS, So that no oae may be deceived. Remember the r a ie t te s . t. ozigial big- nnmber BEETS !STREET, BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS OF THIS; 8.. 8" 'TBAIJERNAN. den;Tu.s THE STOCHINGATOHE, 24 FIFTH AVENUE, HOSIERY, GLOVES AND UNDERWEAR, the Lirgeit'and Best Stock in the city at the LOWEST PLICES. • 'MMES PHELAN'S -. Old Stand Stocking Store, del9:B 24 FIFTH AVENUE., , GRAND • CLOSING OUT. %ALE • OF ALL GOODS. ON THE CORNER STORE, No. 100 OHIO STREET, ALLEGHENY CITY. Sale 'positive .to quit the blislnese: Fliteres and two years , lease from April let, ISO 9. 2agi entire . Stoll, cum:wising sgeneral variety of IntIOODS, NOT i OHS. F ORO; CARPET WINDOW iSHADES.• 014001.0 TM,, Lc.' , The above stock will be sold positively withopt re; • sevve. - The sale to commence op MONDAY, De., umber Slat, and eontinnelintilail leaoid eettrely out. Don't forget the place, No. 100 Ohio street, Allegheny Can Fe. O e *go =gap , Irving Manly Warranted. Zoe Yale cheep. • " • JAMES GOSLING . )00;000T4Niin t" 't B.fLD Putt MORTGAGR mem AlleVienz clutity::,,A.ddrets.VAEFß; PEARL ASH -60 casks No. lin st•recar,44lo by . , 'atm- , n• 'C l ANrUittt 111036 , NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. [NO.I.] HEARTH .AND HOME lITED BY DONALD G. MITCHELL AND HARRIET BEECHER STOWE. First Number will be ready MONDAY. Dec. Al For .Sale by all News Dealers. Tr EARTH AND HOME. al .a ri A cnd p a Ntit u e s se r r e r Wee kly eg 3 EILSFEZN PAGLIA First Igumberwill be r eady XO 3 2IDAY ". . 15ec:11 Far Sale by an News Dealers. • HEARTH AND HONE will give every week an ORIGINAJ,. CAR- Toed by one of the best Artiste. tint Number will be ready MONDAY, Dec. Far Sale by all News Dealers. 'tEART . H-„AND HOME will. have in each Number original article. by the EST WRITERS for all members of the family in town and country. .2 first Number will be ready MONDAY. Dec. 21. For Sale by att 'News Dealers. • HEAR Tlig AND' HOME will contain 'Valuable articles on HARMING every week. rim Number will be ready MONDAY, Dec. Al. For gale by all News Dealer. AstARTH AND HOME .1011 be very valuable to the FRUIT u Sint Nastier will be ready MONDAY, Dee. 511. For Sale by al News Dealers. EARTH AND HOME ji_j_ will give due grace to FLOWER CIILTIIKEr rust Number will be ready MONDAY, Dec: Sr, For Sale by all News Dealers. IJEARTH AND .HOME will the especial attention to 01.117AMSN GABDININCt. Pint Number will be reetITMONDAY. Doe. AL For Sale by all News Dealers. • EA,I1T11; AND , ' HOVE ROTURifill_glve meek attention to RURAL AR- S. . First Number will be ready MONDAY, Dee. sn. For Sale by all News Dealers. HEARTH AND HOME willive from time to timotPLANB of DE nABLIC C OUNTEX HOMES. Pint Number will be ready MONDAY. Dee. Al. For Sale by all News Dealers. HOME HEARTH__. AND HOME will contain. all that interests the FAMILY. MRS. STOWE, GRACE (ABENWOOD, M111:1. MARY E. DODGE, MADAME LA VEST, And many others, will regularly write for it. First Number willhe reedy MONDAY, Dec. XL, For Sale by all News Dealers. Ell HEARTH AND. HONE The First Number eel:dein' t he beginning of a powerful Story. written expressly for It by ' J. S. TROWBRIDGE, ENTITLED "IN •THE ICE." Ft rat Number will be ready MONDAY. Dec. Al. For Male by all News Dealers. 'LEARTH AND HONE ee next paper for "fable of Contents of First umber. Single Copies Ten Cents. Phut Number will be ready MONDAY. Dee. Sla For Sale by alUlle*iltlealers. TTEARTH AND HOME A. ," $4 per Anoum do Advance. Single copies Ten cents. First Number will be ready MONDAY, Deo. Al Fox' Sale by all News Dealers. 101EAR,T,H'i AND :t UOME. a PI7I3I4,SEED TAZIEI , I4.I! 13Y PETTENGII,L, gggs & CO, 87' PARE. ROW, NEW, TOSS. EMIR ADDERTiBEMFjNTs FURS ! FURS OUR FUR BOOM WILL BE FOUND to contain everything for LADIES, ,WISES AND CHILDREN, SPECIALLY IN MINK SABLES BLACK SILK VEL.VETS, at fly Ranted Prim. OPEN kEIITERED SHAWLS, Very Cheap for Present's. IMIM FIRE BLANKET SHAWLS. alcapassortment;cheap. - BRIGHT POPLIN PLAIDS, Re4lured from SOSO to $1,2'5. CHOICE. DIELESS GOODS. it popnliwpticin-i. CHOICE BLANKETS, every size and quality. HO GLOVES, THE BEST -BLIES. PANC'Y HANDKEIRCHIEFS, aA encUass assortment. For the Little Ones, all styles Fars, with.e complete assortment _ of GLOVES, HOSIERY, - SCARFS, `HANDKERCHIEFS, EMBRIII& DERIES, FOR THE HOLIDAYS. JAMES Cl sO, 118 FEDERAL B'TIEET, ALLEGHENY. MEI 111111 mum MOST ACCEPTABLE -11- • • - CHRISTMAS PRESENT \ 13 A ' I WHOM & WILSON . . SEWING - MACHINE I Being an aver.preseist reminder o the giver and a constarit roller to the household. Allirlfachlises delivered at the house of the • arcaaser, and instructions given in their nee, HIE OF °HAUGE. We •SENNBII & CO • 9 deli FIVTH AVENUE. WALL PAPER-REMOVAL. THE OLD PAPER STORE IN A NEW PLACE, W. P. *A*SJIALL Hits !moved from 87 WOOD EtTEEET to NO. 191 LIBERTY 82'BEET, a few doors above RT. CLAIR PHIS FUR THil HOLIDAYS.. FURS ! FURS FURS! MI McCORD. & CO's 131 WOOD EITZEDET. SKATE% SKATE% @HAVEL. American Rink, New York Club, Empire, Starr, itc‘n . .. at All other styles and Blau at thfirnarrloweattrates • warrEstom a Baum, - 19_FEDERAL ST.. ATAEI ZGltNr, MEI KEYSTONE •POT'irERY. S. KIER CO. ... .. . -... ~_.„ xan4lhotneete o f • ' !' ' - : 4 - - ~..,._ . Qvirjr,NeWAßE, • BRISTOL WARE dee, -- umce and Warehouse. 30a LlBElrtYsTaliehrzi, ai'All orders brOstettly attended to. „IF'W SMYRNA FIGS—A h . article In din= ontl boxes; w i me le ° k ni t " no os eauilt bum or tor sale by - lutv . 1414 -'4414114 k :aa- --ta°2l"B" el UZI