The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, December 19, 1868, Image 4
EE Ets Gaitttt. roman DULY, BY . • ' REKD & CO,=Proprist,Ors. F. B. rEICSTIKAII..±' " Jos ult rare, T. P. HOUSTON. N. i..F.XIp. MOH' and Propliefort. OFFICE: GAZETTE BUILDING, NOS. 84 AND 88 FIFTH ST. OFFICIAL PAPER, Of Plttsbuigbi Alligheny and Alligheni Donny. Terwar—Datty. ant-Wssktg. Witekty, toy- ye5t.,..415,000neyear.e2.50 Sluts 00py....51.50 1 1 66 0 Month. 75 Six mos.. 1.50 scovles, each. 1.521 • theireek • Three moi 7610 - . 6 . Ll 5 . • • cutlet., 6.15:100110 to Agent. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 19, 11368. Ws i mprT.on. the inside pages of tai. otorninVa Gazzmi----,9800 page: Poetry, ttnee .Raligioisi badly , lifiiiallaneoui Nagar. Thirea;la . • azu Pages: Commerei:2l, Allan- WA Mercantile nd Bit:eV - Wass, Maikerls, Importk fironth page : interestiitg Mad ing Mat ter Amusement Mreetory. GOLD closed In New York yesterday at 185 1851. Tun vErimos z of a distingrdshed citizen of Allegheny county, Hon. THOMAS MAR. alux,L, lay our.columns this morning 'under a heavy contribution. This public attesta tion of their regard is equally honorable to / /them and the citizen whom they would ele. / vote to a position-of greht usefulness to his State and country • A Cortortussrotrar. Cozurrxer. have in- Nestigated the allegttiona that corrupt means were used to procure the passage of the Alaska appropriation, the expense therdof having been subsequently paid out' of the; funds thus realized: The charges are not =stared by the evidence, which shows 'that the amount appropriated was all paid to the Russian Minister, :excepting . $28,000, .the Attorney's fee, to -Robert' .1. *amen, who 'had been retained in behalf of the Russian Goverument. And so evapor ates the last Washington sensation., I This result illustiates the extreme unreli ability of the "special dispatches from the Capital",whiek many journals regard as an attractive feature iu . their columns, and which have supplied the only authority fer the suspicions in the present case.. It is also worthy ofnot%that the t "special correspond eitt's" indifference to the precise acts, in any case, is impartially shown, no matter wlust may be bis own official position: For example, this investigation was under: taken in Vim, of positive and specific charges, appearing in . a -=Massachusetts joturial;i edited by a. member of Congres who was generally believed to know what he was writing about. He turns out to be ne more tratliftil or reliable than the rest" of his non-official brethren of the curb-stone. THE CONNELLSVILLE RAILROAD. It was stated, In these columns, two or three days ago that if the Pittsburgh and Cohnellsville Railroad officers had exhibited proper amounts of skill and enterprise, im mediately tbllowbig the restoration of their ) charter:they might have formed as advonti; geous connection with the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago Railroad. Upon fal ler thfornuidoit•we are satisfied that we were mistaken,_ and that the connection was not rude because of the other reason- to which we also referred, which was that the Fort Wayne' Managers were fearful of losing their Philadelphia and New York connec t tions if they, entered into the arrangement with the bonnellsVille, which was promptly and earnestly pressed upon them. We understand; farther, that the Con; nellEville Company is tuakirig the experi mental surveys to which we have alluded 'with a view to ultimate necessities, indeed, but with the hope, that their slow freight only will have to take the route which may be disclosed by those examinations, while their through passenger and swift freight may be allowed a channel from their Depot on the , Monongahela front, through the city, over to the Allegheny side, taking con nections as may be established. The preference of the Company is to have certain streets spigned for, its use, to this end, or to have a certain number of streets net apart to be used, for connections, by all the railway companies in common. Fail ing to gain either of these points, it desires to have an arrangement made wherebi it limn be permitted to extend its road from its Depotup to the mouth of the Pennsyl vania Railroad Company's tunnel, and pass ing through the tunnel, leave it on the other side, going in front, of the Grain Elevator and tapping the Fort . Wayne track just be yond. The idea is not entertained that the City Councils have 'power to 'compel an arrangement, but that they could be inftuen tial in bringing it" about. The right off, the Pennsylvania • Company ; to control the facilitfes It has paid for,with its own money is recognized, and as broadly as we stated it. But, an expectation is :indulged in, that the<Councils might obtain the con cession as an efitivalent for privileges to be besiowedby theth, or, failing in this, would deem it equitable to permit this independent route across the city, which is the primary object in view. , Now, it is clear that the claim of the Con , nellsville Company to use the streets of , the city is precisely as valid as that of the Penn sylvania Company, or of Its own, when, it originally came into the city along the Monongahela front . But, it must be re: membered that the city is no:longer what it was 118 to -the magnitude of its business, and that the xallwaye are no longer what they were as an impediment to personal locomo tion and needful wagon transportation be tween the ; diferent quarters. - What we aimed at in all that we have vrritten r , on - Ohl subject was to daiimi the streets as far as practicable from the ob: stractions to , ordinary existing in them, 1)y reason of. the rallivaye, and at the same time to have furnished to the milwaya( all ... • needful and reasonable facilitiee for the transaction of their affairs, and particularly. sUch portions thereof as more immediately , • _ concern our own people. If the Councils hadnow for the first time to deal with this question.of the railways in streets, principles Might be generalized and system deduced which would apply with equal :stringency - or liberality to all. - Bot the beginhing ia4u3t now. lt washing ago. The various - railroads hays acquired differ ent rights and necessities. Some - s - of them are hitiarmony, and satuti;_of them in, an tagonism, with each other, ticcording as their interests coalesce or diverge. Attempts on the part of . the Councils to Induce them to .act together will not onlysil, but may be productive, through the fresh...v:4ll2lBns en gendeied, of still farther estrangement. It seems tons, tierefore, tbet. each aPPll cation for, the , privilege ntusing streets or of having streets vacated, mist, be considered and adjudged Independently; but with the intention of serving an substantially alike, proMoting the dispatch of all legitimate busi ness transacted by the railways, but at the same time guarding as vigilantly as is prac tidable the rights of the citizens to the ,un hindered occupancy of the highways.. What vier feuds or rivalries are Or may be in dulged in by the companies ought not to be _ cotraisingia or abetted by the authorities: Th hai need of the railways now en tering in it, and of more besides. Each one of them is a source of _prosperity to oni in hUbitants, and ought to be dealt with as a friend and helper. In furnishing the roil way companies all reasonable facilities for doing business well and expeditiously, the City only aceommodates and enriches itself. The railways are the great arteries of the modern commercial system, distributing life and health throughout all the members. But there are concessions which ''ought not to be made to railway incorporations. Whatever privileges are conceded diem within the city limits ought to be in due sub mdination to the interests and convenience of the Inhabitants in other particulars. _ln special, we abide by the opinion, here lofore reiterated, that , instead of having more streets occupied by the railroads, there ought to be less. • , RAILWAY NEVIS. Hu. Surimin has-presented to ,the Sen. ate an "Omnibus" railway bill, chartering four different companies for as many roads, one -extending North to Harrisburg, one Southward into Virginia, and the other two to points on the Chesapeake Bay. Among the coxporators named for the first project are Messrs. J. K. MOORKI#D, GEODGI G. WOOD and J. P. Vi arms, of this State. The"Monongshela Republican remarks, upon the provision made by the Baltimore and Connellsville companies, to secure their Western connections, that the former com pany owns the Western end of the Hemp geld road, and that the Connellsville com pany are •now empowered by law to con struct branches. This makes it certain that; at the proper time, a branch from the Con nellsville, at Bast Liberty, will strike the Hempfleld at Washington, a distance of thirty-seien miles, thus securing by way of Wheeling the desired connection westward. The friends of the .Monongahela Valley Railroad are also actively at work to get their enterprise on a promising footing, ready for the stockholders', meeting in January: They are now moving to secure Bich in fluence as shall commit members of Con gress from the two States in ihvor of a grant of public lands, In aid of their en terprise. U. S. Senator=lp, We are requested to statethat at a meet ing of the County Executive Committee of Venango county, Pa., held in ,the city of Franklin; Deoember 16, 1868, the following resolutions were adopted:. Resolved, That in view Of the active and efficient services rendered the Republican party by the Hon.-Thomas H. Maishall, of Pittsburgh, we recognize no one as having higher claims to our support for , the office .f United States Senator. Resolved, That Allegheny, the Banner County of the Nation, justly deserves the honor of naming the man. who shall fill that office, and in the Hon. Thomas M. Marshall she w ill present a worthy and able candi date. • And that the Republicans of Venan go county will hail his election as a just tribute to merit and talent of the highest oraer. Resolved, That we urge our Repreeenta tives at Harrisburg to carry out the wishes expressed in the above resolutions, and to use all honorable means to secure the elect tion of Hon. Thomas M. Marshall. By the Executive County Committee. • A. MoDowELL, Chairman. NEW ADVER ISEMENTS. r 49 11 H E FIRST - METHODIST CHURCH, (Railroad Street, near Depot,) NISEI Bnicarrcrir. Pa: S. F,CROWTHER. Pastor. Preaching EVERY SABBATH, at 1.0% A. It. and 7 P. at. -Ptiblie cordially Invited. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH OF 'PITTSBURGH, W. S. Gray, Pastor, meets . statedly in NEVILLE HALL, corner of Lin ed" end Fourth streets. Services every Lord's Day at 0% A, it. 'and 7% r. "The public are cordially 'invited. • TII E FIRST METHODIST - CHURCH, ALLEGHENY.—The Pastorate of this Church Is tow tilled by the appointment of H. E. KNIGHT, formerly of Cleveland, Ohio. Preaching ITIZET SABBATH, at 10% A. H and 7% P..Y. Lecture on Wednesday Evening, and GetserM Prayer Meeting on Friday Evening. WUNIVERSALIST CHURCH, CORNER OF GRANT A ND. THIRD STS. EVERY SUNDAY - at 1011 A. N. and 7r. m. Preach ing by Eev.' - .A..,ROBSERNIAN. Subject for to•mor row morning, 'THE 0 W ElrOF •rHer lib Evening, "FOUR THINGS." Beats free and a welcome to all. IWTHE FIRST METHODIST OBITECH, Firm A:mama, between Smith field. and Want streets, ALEX. CLARK, Pastor. Preaching KVEn7 SAII4ATII, at 10.30 a. w. and 7.30 P. R. 'Free seats and welcome to all. Sunday bctiool at 9 A. N. and 1.49 P. g,. httactC7 of eermon Pabbath evening, December 30,“THEREDURRECTION 1100 Y.,, EgrSERl4O* YOUNG MEN.- FIRST CHRISTIAN, CHURCH. corner of &aver street and Ideateomeu ave.•ue,Allegheny. tanner the auspices of the You NG. WIEN , m TIAN. ASSOCATION OF- ALL EGIIP.NY. The 'Pastor, JOSEPH SING. will preach a sermon to 'young men on "CHRISTIAN CITARACTZE AND ITN FORMATION," TO-MORROW . EVENING, at. 7 o'clock. Seats free, and all are Invited. _ ligr'THE PROPERTY OWNERS • on the bill portion of Allrgbenv city are re guested to meet at the SCHOOL 'HOUSE. at/joining the_place of W. W. McClintock, on BA.TuaDay EI,NING, December 11.9 th, to tahe into consider ation the Sewer Tax. denlibsi MOTICE.—To all Persons En .gaired In Hauling or Wheeling, Robblib or Allies:• You are hereby notified not CO place any rtibbish or ashes on the wharf. All rubbish er ashes must be taken to the Point. Any ;person caught vl• ,olating the above notice will be dealt with to the fullest extent of the ROBERT A , HILL. Allegheny Wharf Hover. ero LET—Two mast Convenient HOUSES—On with eight rooms and the other eleven, on Zip tk etre.t n-ar Penn, opposite Christ Chards: Inquire at 277 Penn street. "PITTSBURGH, GAZETTE SATURDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1868. NEW .ADVERTII3gdfI=TS. iITISBERGH, Decimber 18, 1868.. lion. THOMAS M. NAILSItALL, SlR:—The undersigned,' your 'associates at the Pittsburgh: Bar, members of the RepebUcsn marty, appreciating your Veiny to its prism'. 'pies and your faithful, unselfi.h and urinous servi ces in its behalf. as well in the canvass just coccus fully closed as in all preceding oaes since the or ganization of our great party; and believing that no better or abler exponent of progressive repub- Mantua can be, found, do cordially ariol .. earnestly call upon you to permit your name to be used by your friends of Allegheny county and throughout the State of Pennsylvania for the position of United States Senator. We ask this of you, knowing that you are the choice for that position of not only the Rogablicans of our "Banner County," but .of the Republican masses of,V'estern Pennsylvania. Sonnet A. Persian's, A. M. Brown. .. 1 J. W.F. W boa, M. uwartzweldey; ,‘ f B. P. Lucas, Leal Bird Duff, . • A. M„ Watson, B. Biddle Roberta, John G. MacConneU, James Veech, - Thomas Ewing, T. J. Bighorn, -. ,David W. Bell, 8. H. Geyer, J. S. Morrison. P. C. Shannon, • , _ J. W. Hall. F. H. Ceillier, Robert Pollock, , , Algernon B. Bell. , , B. P. Mueller. •• ' --• TSt. BaYne,l t N. P. Fettennati, W. B. ' oak, Hans B: Herron, • A. L. Pearson. W. Owens. Jr.. Robert Robb, J. J. Siebenick, John Barton, George Shiro., Jr„ ArcaMald Blakely, Williamßla#ely; Eb. Wialatrus, Jr., R. B. Parkinson, Joseph Forsythe, J. B. Flocs, R. J. Powers, W. A. Leggat, . - E. P. Jones, • • : , 0. 5. Fetterman. ' H.. C Mariam% A. 0. Patterson, John S. Losable, • W. E. Jennings, J. H. Miller, -Thomas S. Sigemw. Thomas B. Hamilton, Thomas MacCbunell, W. W. Thomson, Charms C. Taylor, A. G. Lucas, Stephen Woods, James M. Stoner, John G. Bryant, T. Raird.Patteraon, NV. B. Rogers,• • Wok F. Graham, Samuel P. Fulton, • • Robert E. Stewart, John S. Ferguson, Waiter F. Austin, - Samuel C. Schoyer, • C. Snively, , ff.-T. Crummy, L. P. Stone, John H. Glens, C. B. Ammond, Robert Woods, It. G. Kirkpatrick, James W. Murray, S. A. Johnston, J. B. McKelvy, . W. A. Shinn, H. A. Collier, - . Wm. F: Robb, ' , Josiah Cohen. 0. T Ewing: ' - A, B. Hay, W. P. Miller. B, B: W. Gill, James?. Johnston, Eugene Snowden, Nathaniel Nelson, F. li. Magee, Joseph M. Gazza e, D. W Elder, John F Edmundson,, J. H.:Sewell, N. P. Hatch, ' John W. Taylor, W. W. Shafer Smug Palmer, W. 8. Purviance, • . David H. Verich, ' J. V. Donaldson.' H. B. Wilkins, ' -'D. T. Watson. John C McCombs, A. M. Sto, tier. -' J. W. Kicker. S. M. Raymond. H. H. McCormick, George B. Cochran, If. Hampton Todd, G. M. McMaster, W.M. MCCUIIIe, ' John J. Case, • W,. T. Haines, M. A. Woodward, . „ \ J. E. Strickler. PITTSBURGH, Bee. 18th, 1868. TO THOS. H. MARSHALL, ESQ. DEAR lIIR:—The undersigned respectfully „and'. earnestly request you to allow them to aiesentyour , name for the otitis of Wilted States Senator. Be. firming that your eminent services to the Union Re publican Party entitle you to our support, and hav ing a fell knowledge of your ability and fitness for the ogles, we beg that you will not decline. Respeetfilly,.Folirs, , McElroy, Dickson & Co., Win. McCully- & Co., John nhipton, Samne. McClurken, John Fier), . Mark W. Watson. William Floyd, A. M. McClure & Co., Arbuck`e A. Co., J. IL hicUune. Wm. P. He nker A Co., Andersen. Penzold A Car-! Samuel Pollock, son. Archibald Wallace, Bayard, Rose & Co.. ar Thomas Lockhart, C. Bart le & Co,. Samuel George, L. S. Riglon A Co., S. B. Floyd, , D S. Diffelbscher, T. C. Jenkins, James Gurdon, John McDevitt, Pestle'', Nelson *Co., i i Jan es et. McDevitt,_ Matrum, Olyde A Co., Lincisay.Sterritt& EnWerJos. 'Horne. 8. H. Walson & Co., J. B. McFadden & Co., Dan el Wallace, Jr.. R. H. Hughes. W. W. Martin, _. J. S. McDonald, R. A. Rob.sun, S. M. Packer. S. B. Robina-n. ' Wm. H. Barker, Veleta Mahood A Co., Richardson & CO.. E. C lieellii, • J. Y.- Mclntire, Thos. R. Kerr, - . M. Aronson, Spencer, McKay & Ce.. John Black, .-, • James 11. Parker, • Riettard, - Hartley A Co.. J. S. Bennett. John Andey, Moreland A Mitchell, F. B. Sellers. J & W. Fairly, J. H. Borland, E. H. Meyers a Co., S. J. BAY. 8. Cuthbert A Bon; James Dickson, S. Cuthbert, . J. T. Shane. Wm. Dishy. - T. B. Wilson. It. W. Means, Thomas Carr. Jr . McCord A Co.. Jones A Melitsey. C. C. McCord, . .Wm. Fleming, J. E, McCord, . James Mel..llizi, Taos. Hare & Bro., Win. J • Wortley, • M. kteWhinney, RaLlt Co.. James W. Arrest. I'. 11,Laatman, _ Shellaby & Barclay. W. W. Wallace, C. Arbuthnot. J. Gillespie, W. J. Shannon, Patterson & Bullock. John S. Stephenson, John Morrison, John Caldwell, C. F. Graham & CO.. Read & Metzger, , John A. Danks, • M. Whitmore, ' J. L. Elsessor, C. B- Wood, ' Arbuekle & Co., Wm. Reed, Ed. Hvazelton, James Brown. Hagan &McCarty, r And ew Ackiy. . A. 0. Trautman, Henderson Z. Davis, Win. 11. Wailers. H. M. Duniap, Ai Pattereoa, Simon Drum, John Scott, It. & W. Jenkineoll, Carson Bros. -: J. Washington & Co.. Wm. Clendeming, --,, B. M. SoodaTasr; - Leopold Heilbrnrier, Hemphill, lifelimy & Co.,Wm. M. Gormly, Brown, M'Grew & Yore- John Black. lit an, WEI..D. Ross, Mercer & Robinson. J. Boobler. H. & A. N. Kennedy. Wni..Scandrett, R. aA. Carson, • •'. David Kirk, Robert Ray. - John Oracle & Co, Stephen Mercer, Wm. A Earseman, ' W.H. Dever., Walter Earseman, Wm. E. Ackley, B. W. Morgan . A Co. 1 -.Geo. IL Riddle, J. ti. Robinson,-, Enwer & Long. ' J. Mesklmen, S. Watson, P. D. Parchment, It. Hay A eon U. B. Bostwick, _ J. & B. H. Wilson, Hay Walker, Min. M. McCa lum, . JOhn Heath, Samuel B. Cluley, , Geo. G. Negley, f '' C liar, es C. Identootb, David Aiken, Graham &- Allen. It. W. Thomas, Thomas ti.-Cluley,, Ili,:C. Negley. Ph. li. Mertz. r James B. Mellon, Thompson Bell, John Pe , chment, Jr., James M. Bell, - A. J. Waolslayer, R. H. King, John Cartright, J. McM. King, IL IL Huhn & Son, J. R. Negley, Debt. M. Blair, , John M. ass, N. H. Voeghtley.' J• L. Bigham. Richard Gray. • , Charles Armstrong, John B. Craig. C. F. Tillinghast, John A. Scott, W. P. Giles, T. A. Estee. • - ' Wm. B. Fehl. lsrael V. Hei, John P. Fell, ' James H. Ri ddle, T. M. Fehl, - H. S. Ackley. Bessner &Roeble. John Megraw. B. McMaster.), George J. Parkin, A. Aren't's, M. Jenkins. It. C. liewart. H. H. Phillips. Joseph Tricker, R bert Forrester, Chas. P. Duff, Jacob Klee C. A. W. Redick, David Davis, Wm. H. McKelvey, Alex. Taylor, Isaac N. Coursin, C. Hartman. Allen Means, A. Pillow, M. B. Hartzell, W. 11. McCleary, R. H. File. Charles Pugh, George M. Desch, Jonathan Neely. James A. Gray. - Win. H. Campbell, Andrew McCord, Alex. Cowie). - John W. Tim, Frank Dull J. WW. Davis, Wm. P. Price, Joseph B. McDonald, W. Tat-, Jr., Chris. Dallentiangh. .1: C: Patterson. Hugh D. Murphy. W. Tate, Br., Georgelr. Kimberltn, John It 'Tate, Thomas Kimberlin, W. B. Beaten, John G. Curtis. Jahn McClurg, Duncan Dalian, Alf. M Patterson, John B. Geyer, Isaac M. Patterson John Mater. James a. Patterson ' , J. F.-liellstein, -. S. h. Norgreve, George Topkam, • J. W. aykes, M. D. John Spencer. , '• , James Torrence, John Kerwin, Joseph Torrens. • George P. Bells-elm,' W EinivelY.JlL D., . J. N. Davidson, J. IL Hill. Joseph Taggart, J,_ H. llicKelyy. Robert Henderson. Wm 8. Taylor, ' John Swan, Samuel E. Herron. Robe. t Taggart, W. M. McCord, ( . J. B.Toor, James B. Young, - J. E. ohnston, ~ D. S. Patterson., John cott, Win. C. istockton. James Mackey, Joseph Walton, Win. J. Morrison, Jr., John English, John Allen, Abraham Patterson, George Wilson, John Wright, . James Mandl, W. H. Shellaby, (--- R. Watson, . • L, 1.. [lava, * Casper Gang, J. B. Garrard, B. H. Luker, A. Htlands, Jacob H. Walter,, George Neely,`, Wm Swiaahelm, Andrew Bayne, Joseph Myer.i. I)asid Aiken. Jr., 'James P Gregg, Jr.. . Columbus Coleman, , Wm, Y. Evans, L. At C. Eng li sh, James Me Brier, Thomas C. Guthrie, A. Cieudenuing,, Joseph C. Guthrie , , John Taggart, • . John Crider • W. Stevenson & Co., Andrew Enkl i ish, Robert Dilworth, Andy Emilia , Jr., A. Danner, Samuel English, Jetties Mclntosh, , Mles , English, , Charles A. Dickey, Samuel Ealtilah, Jr., John Brown, Jr., C. B. Seeley, Isaac Neely, John Parchment, Robert Henderson, .. A. H. Grose, - J. Lockhart, '. , , .. . A. J. Davis... ' J. & H. Beggs, John Stewart, A. & J. U. Smith, ~ IL S. Fleming. Jobs Taggart, George R. Biddle, ; : W. H.reildenfenny, , t --.- W. H. Glenn, . _ W. A Gildenienny, ?details & Bement:llde, Joseph Walton, . -,„.. ThomasMcFadden, jr., 'Win. B. Weeper,. " :- ' H. M. Bo ,e. - • Thomas H. Dunlap, Richard Rattail, James M. Carr. ~. Alex. Moore. . .• Hertry4ansebuts& bens, ' Joseph McNauther , . ..: 8. S. White & Co., ' . , J. M. Balch. Frank Duff, 1). L. 'Patterson. Samuel kteClarkilli a Co., jebna l UWest -Bncerlg . aiaCO 7' tlal. E l rrierlOk, Jameti.tarker,iam,onuh.raire anetirQbl F al BleY. )WuWliker Elgraw& Co., Ike Cook. . . James G. Allen, George Rayner Wilson Garvin, 1 . 1 Jeaeph Alarsuall, . .TINS. NEW ADVER. Robert White , T. H. McClellan, J. F. Martin, James Richey, Jacob Goldman. W. J. Backhonse, James Barr. .2 . • ' Jolla Neely, ,' John Barr, Jacks°a Scott, Andrew Barr. Solomon Ague, i Samuel Greer. B. W. Brooks, John Riddle, John Mitchell, _Robert !Stewart. G. &mit. 1 John Martin. Charles•Wetzel, Croferd 011 end, • T, T. Coleman, James Gliand, David Reed, •• James W. Garvin, J. B. Mcßride. Jones English, Jr.. John Meierland, John G. Conner, Colusabui Coleman. J. H. Miller. + • ' J. M. Murdock, L. Warner, Peter Fortner. James Cairalb_ M. Basbetuson, James A. Mcmarlin, Wm. Halton, John Cranford.. Win. McClelland, A. Kelly, Charles Coleman. B. Kennedy; Silas James, • B. Smitbers, , John McQuaide, James Logan, D. Wm. Cornelius, Thomas Logan. Wm. K o r . th, • T. J. MeEnulty, John G s Thomas Graham, Charles beemiller. John Reynolds, F. Dumhoff. - Adam Stange, Robert Anderson. Win. neynolds, • John Y. Hoffman. ' Thomas Regnolde, Charles'Acker. E. Duncan, • James G. Marshall, , .e.b.M.ldd.: IL F. Garvin , James Kidd, G. H. McCaw, , E. Logan, - • John C. Newineyer, ' Thomas It: Here, Charles Schindler, . Henry Seiko', John N. Simon, , Wm. Zoller, . . _•-• Wm. W. Young, F. Redennenn, George W. Evart. Lonis Lear. M. L. Harbison, : P. Diets. . 1 .. -. D. E. Ray, • Louis "reser. Henry Bernback, Win. A. Hinson, George W. Day, JohnW. lissials B. lirelllng. , F. G. Wells, C B, Johnston, F. en, , J. G. Wil li s, • Jo n Mcßoberts. Elias Katz. J es Been, 1 Jacob T. Taweett, John S. Young, Wm. Johnston. D deaden • John Obeli, -William Bliley. • D. M. Coates, ' George F. Wells, Wm. Bader. J. Sower,_ Peter Delude. William Moore, James Woods, William MeEiroy. • Wm. Ackley, . Beaune! Tate. Ed. Ackley. .-- William Sineleir, R. F. Cutter, John Willoughby, J. P. °earl:_ John litevelti, J. W. Mercer, W. D. Moore, Joseph Gallagher J. M. Crider John 8. Critchio v er , Wm. R. Harionsen, Joseph Harbison, N. P. Diffey, Jacob Smith. • • J. Crider. . • Joseph Stevens, • J. H. Schmidt, B. W. Beatty, E. Neitbarell, J. Locehart, J. Pehiop, • J. &. H. Beggs, , James Morton, ' . A. & J. C. bmltn, David Ingram, James Morgan, • G. D. Elmer. Lewis Bhamberg, . William Stevens, John Keil, William Henchman, - James McKinney, - J. B. MeCirdY, John Johnston. _ William Prston, ' H. Weim . John Koenig, Phi i G rail, Martin Kern, J. W. Pryor. GotiebTauker, George Val ells, Patrick Meads, David Holliday, William Pitcairn, John Taggart. William H. Graham, John Bamback, William Dillison, Rob rt Wilson, John Allison, H. Di•-tz, iL Nathan Serum, Louis Stawflner. , W D Benjamin Abbott, „ O. L. Miller . W. /4. Thompson, 4 , H. C. Meckrel, W. O. Borland. % Jacob Augustiee. John I. Davls John B. tisley, Ale o x. c lh iess ble?oxinell , , John Davis, ee Richard Dempsey. H. Stewart. .' A. M. Johnston, Jr., J B Bushtleid, A. M. Johnston, Sr., Wm. E. etewart. •. Stephen B Sample. A. . G. Harrison. Dental Dempsey, W. btrsub, I. O. Halley, Louis Grossmeyer, • Henry dnyder, Leonard Weiner , Winfield Scott, E. Y. Loegbridge, ~ J. Riley. F. Snderaon, Y.i. John Domn, J. Boustasuunn - -,- John Demneen • •...,' H. Meyer. ~ Frank Riley, T. Hartairong, .'-' Jona liruner, Joan Galls •; F. G. Beebread, H. H. Neiman,,.i , O. Z. Talley, J. H. Morrison, Samuel Mitchell, G. T. Bennett. Abraham Moore, A. J. Evans, Joceph Allen. H. B. I.,yons, D. I. Mitchell, Win. tfin_raft Nanx & Merchenrother, Ana row F. Hamilton, Adam Areas at,, K. Dalsell, August Wadlossee. D. Mercer, HenrY F. POOL, • G. W. McCandless, Jacob Esrey. Wesley G. Moore, Jacob Ulrich,. Sam C. Lewis, ' John F. BOhnelder, W. J. Dickson, Jacob Hussim, Samuel Loore. Barthol Erbe. N. Atkinscn, Lards Heinrich, John Mulharten, Wm. Schmolzo, J. W. Owens, Adam Sabsman, Joseph Berger, , George Samna, A. C. Pants. Charles Rube, . D. Penis. John WiUlisger, W. Fairley, C. Espy. W. Fidel'', Jr., 'Nicholson Alt, Wm. M. Kegley, W. B. Weber, David Benbacb • Henry Englert, Matthew Brown, S. M. Duvall, David 0 Bedeck, J. S. Prosser, John Benton, Robert McElroy, Robert Maze], ' J. Etil«, Samuel Baldwin, , Fred. Keuffeld, Robert Anderson, I'. Howard, Wm. Wilson, John Fall. Phillip Reineeke, , A. C. Smith. Jobe Gross. • • J. &W. If Arley. A. H. Herren -- John Miliaav, •• atjobsel Falk, Richard Wall, John Hamilton, •H. Fiteslamsori. • James Patterson, ' Jellies Irwin, M. H. McCabe, James Forsythe, James K. Robertson, Wm. Dean, H. Sul:layer. Wm. L. - tewart, Christ. Y. J. N. Koch, Wan. Perrin.. • George M. Dosch, G. W., Haslet„ James Posing, Jr.. Geooge Shrum, John N. Provost, Andrew Rosenteel. b. P. Armstrong, J. F. G•aluits, • John Eaton, - - Isaac Wright,, James Illyier, , John Sarver. John Cumming, David Emend, Merles B. Ernest, John Holmes, Robert J. Wilson, , Win. A. McCdibs, C. Miler, _ Alexander Gourley. • San um Bridge, Samuel A. Parson, James M. Jones, Robert Kennedy. Andrew R. Graham, Andrew Rosentoel, - B. Hay & don, Hiram Ross, James E. Gray. George es. Hatilield, Riehard Gray, Albert Brown. John B, Craig. J. Palmer, John Ar Scots, _ D. F, Winters. Este H. ga, Win. D. Itamsiey, , J..& R . H. Wilson , ' Robert Forsythe. Win. MoCallem, R. J. Boggs, B. S. Barns, Thomas Forsythe, Jas. L. Brown. . John Gould, • Adam °Dinner, Wm. Giffin, -L. H. Carlice, Joseph Harper, David Dotithett. ' Annulling ts. Eaton, D. B. Douthett, Andrew G. Johnston, J. b. Dodds, Alexander Johnston. Joseph Brown, S. 8. Meanor, George Burns, Sainusl A ckleson, John Kevan, Samuel Meanor, er., Alexander Marshall, Wm. Creighton. James Shaw, , Andy Creighton, • Job. B. Buts, °liver T. Burns, Benjamin Gannce, Henry Leach. W. W. Mcßride, Arch. Marital', • Hugh M. Adams, Andrew McHenry, W. E. Byers. W. U. McSam, W. C Forsythe, John Mor.lson, -8. J. Byer', Joseph Miles, A. M. Burns., A. D. Burns, Jonathan Dehayen, Joseph btewart, John 8. Burn!'" f A. T. Bayne, J. tin Wilson Hood, D. H. Crayton, Geo. M. Shillits. _ H. McLean. S. M. 8. Campbell - John B. Nichol, John J. Campbell. Alexander Asdale, F. S. Limiter, Hugh Botce. • F. A. M. Kreps. John Marton, Hugh McMaster, John MeMasters, William Jackson, D. E. bicHasters, Lewin Peterson, SamuelKingam, Wm. Sheriff 1 Henry Brown, Themes Irwin. Hagan & McCarty. G. Bonaire, Joseph D Latimer, Wm. E. Dodds. ' A. A. Allison, Frederick Dirtier, James Prentiss. Louis Berkowitz, Thomas J. Barbone, ' il Beriowits. - Fred. Brand, William Vogel, Robert Finley, John Hively, Arbuckles & Co., Wm. Wolff. S. W. Owens, Simon Bair, Gust. Berm, August Smack, J. tr. B. Gol den. F. M. Frecker, James,blcMasters, A. Vollmer. D. E. Bennet, E, Goldsmith, Edna. Heagelton, R. H. Irvine, R. C. Howard, J. 8. Forsaltb,, James M. Hays, Wm. Henry B, Crane, C. J. Selieck , 8. C. McCrary. David Herron. Al. D Connermer, • James R. Rook, Wm. H Bowman, . 8. W. Gaits. W. (hirer,' Wm. j ug . A. D. liteinnick, W. D. Hamilton, John B. Miller, John Shaeffer, . Daniel Bieber, Wm. West, John Bolster, ' Joseph Flicker, W. N. Muiholand,• Joe 0. Dunlap, John D. Hither. W. R. Wileon, Jr., , Wm. H. Hieba, Thos. C. Morton, , Fredy Bieber, - Chas. P. Duff, Jacob Kett, P. C. Reship, A. G. McQuade, David H. Wilson. • George Kell, O. T. Ewing, ' Jatnts L. Henderson, John C. Jones, E. D. Davis, J. Y. Lawrence, Diehard Clark, ' Henry F. Eggers, . John W. Wilson. W. W. McCord, A. J. la wag, C. F. Graham & Co.. C. & W. Rediuh, M.D. Beni, Maple. Alvin Stewart, w an . H. Houston, . J.: C. Rurnildes, Simon J. Terburgh, John Barry. ' • .John A. Darks. Th omas O'Connor J, L. Eiseasor. James bleallilen. A, 0. Wililaula, Wm. T. Guam, B. H. Jones, H. P. Callow, E. A. reit arson, • J. it. Walker. Geo. A. ',essay, Robt. McMillen, Thos. D. Evans, Robert Herring. Win. H. Phillips, George J. Gamma, James Beggs. B. Back, William Kirk, O Laz. ,J. B. Charts,- • T. Bred,' J. W. Boggs, • F. Schimmel . , Frank S'mpson, " F. Hauserman, j, H. Keogh, G. Fess,. C. P. Wolff, L. Reit, Samuel LODZ G. Smidt, . W. W. Deals. • • tiamixel Watson, • James O. Pearson, John Ideldarlin,- IL. H. Logan. William D. Parke. ;Joseph Dlersteln, Samuel BprOa s Willipm LYolli• James H. Riddle, Charles Balder, William Walker, G, Remensnyder & Co., n McGregor. actin 'Walker. Samuel Stewart. R. 11. Lecke). - , ai l'''. M. B. Steiner. George D. Candle, w u.m in . eu , O. Weeks, Issas Long. • Israel V. Haag. Wolf J./deter, Alexander Wilson . Michel Velocn, H.,,Ric hard DaTIA: - Riles Irvin, H. C. Duvall. , . ~, - Ilip.Burtneri , O. J. Falter.' ' - bort U. Gove, Rawer & Long, Jo nE, Burtner, J. D. Niehaus.. M Tan is, Mat B. Tths, William Davis. ::1 . .•J J. elm,. Richard Brown, ' William Tutt.e. William Best. R bat Wimpson ' Geo. Heaps, ' Sa net Ashworth; 0. Pinkerton, .. W . E.A.ekleY, r. George Wright. ' W Hashith, . FPW*PVERTISEMENTS. James Hazlewood, C. Hensel, Jake Huai, Icisthlas Yonnginger, Jacob Vent, - Louis Rothchild, P. liteitismelber. John Harternaa, Jaesb Sheinberg. J. Lohman. - Peter Fair'. y, George Hartraim, William rater, Chola B. Welts. It. K. Gray, D. Kestner. Frank Helbling, Jr.. Adam Conrad Diebicn, Henry Dauber, P. Shafer Hu. h Richardson, James Hoag. G. C. i David Rand,ge, • James Harrison, Shergedd, N. Walker. Joh' G. Hawkins, . A. P. Caldewood, Win Meanies, Henry Arine.rong. Theense W. Phillips, Anthony W. Beynelds, . Coulter, , • Rowell Urania. ' Anurew Grabens. Taylor. Robert Hel Heigh Fras ier, John Stewart, Arthur HUI, WM. Kyle. ; George ickle Hensel, John Martin, James Martin, Isaac Thompson, Thomas Grabs's, J. N. Jobnatoa, Davis Frees, A. B• Ritchie, David Blair, David M.Rvans. Andrew Cress, „ Joseph 8. Barter, Alex. Ortrwn, Brice Ray, Thomas M. Mislay, James M. Clair, B Jam...s Allis neaten on, , M.D., „ E. P. Kramer, Win. B. Miller, James Breda'', - David Cos:no, John It. Workman. .e.John Carsodon R . J o bait licElwaia, M. - D. Peebles, I. Charles, Martin T. B. McAleer, J. G. Rodgers, Samuel lieN anther. William Wilson, Joseph Schwabe!. Jacob Geyer, . E. V. Kramer, L. H. Walters. , Alexander Grey, Joseph Armstrong; Thomas Kelley. GrOrge d. South, Thomas Ross, Samu John Bohn r. James Hunter, John Martin, John V. Deer, George W. !Zoe. John Gilkey, Josepi. English, Alexander Lusting, Wm.inotilnson, Richard Ail. n. J. L. Ito..inson, John Rawer, John Heekenstele, John Creighton, John Henry Lots, John Migen, John H. Meyers, Fred Linghisigelter. Win • Blouse, ' Eli George timitte. Philip Lots: Thomas Brad thew, William N:-Harry, Peter Bolster, Wiliam Louts Frank, Jacob Fruyer, U. Romer, August Rider. John Minter., G. Lang. A. V. C. Matters, Wesley Johnston, Edwin Wessell, James Thompson, Ales ander Ralston, - A. L. Connor, . B. Wishart, W. T. Got, Jr. n Whi ichteol. I Company, J. e N Wil bun' Barret, C. Eungeborter, C. Cherrer, J. Easton, • J. B. Turner, John W. Goodwin. • Josiah Lowe, A. It. Hurst. Henry Wegener, G. Branetenetter, John Beyer, Michael eimon, Christian liankauf, Henry Peters ' William Beck, • Gars. Bachmaler, Fredertek.H. Eggers, I'bul* Kehl,. Laois Ling. • Philip Zensch., J L Scbofer. Peel Kelk. John MatMtain, Louie Fish. r, John hi Shelf, George Lobar,' 00 midi, • M Wine, John C oln, ' Augustus elgaub, • Augustus henna, A Hartung, Wm D H Davis, R A W J Rogers, Charles Woodo, G.W Meets, Clottlelb Dahlinger, rge Smith, Faas, James Sangmore, , John Magian* John Campbell, Charles 0 Stutter, Charles Eisenwein. William Edmonds, Henry Grebe, A M Johnston, Samuel McMinn, John Grabam, Jacob Frey, John &tendert John Stahll, John Hocksetiwinder, Robert Phillips, Jacob Rinn Louis Schmidt, John M Fee!, •' Samuel Hastings, Frederick Myers, William Harper, H J Lemon George el Mille, Robert Blair,rew Gbson, John Eyster, N H Voeghtley, W H Saint, Samuel R.ynolds, - James S Hastings, John B Bowan, David Hastings. George Kennedy, ' George H Jones, Andrei, Forbes. Francis 11 Schwind. Thomas B Hamilton, - " Martin Doyle, Henry Smith, Win Cabbage. John White, Wra S Mc tricker. Fred Riddle, W B Norriskson, L A. Jac, James s Wilkins, Wm Teeben Benjamin Waddington. John Jones, Samuel B Williams, - 0 W Ramsey, Newton Metier, W G Bliss, J A McGready, Lewis Osmond, Z B Collins, John Grant. • Alexander Galloway. Woodruff, Benlimin Jewett, Henry Israel, ? Outlander, J G ouster, • T J Faior, SR Boss, MA Knox, T C Wide, W W Rope, Conrad lele, Alexandei Berner, Samuel: Fitzsimmons, , John MeConkel,_ James Lancaster, John Clark, • John Leaver, - Robert Ellison, D - Cochran, T Jones, M Jenkins,- , - • , J W Elteler. W R Johustop, A Martin, - J Newcomer, B Tiegel. Henn. Ebis, • F Lochner. Jr., Win vetting, T Campbell, Andrew Mater, . Albert Bald. , , P d Kelley, W Eberitaitar., John Evans, MY Shole4, , John Scott, Jo-eine Orr. 31 Ardle, M T Donohoe, - James Mackey, • - Wm'J Morrison, Jr, . - George Teese, Stark; ; ~John , Jellui Allen, .' • Thomas Cravat:irk T. O. Campbell. Thomas binkerton, John Wilson. H B. Ackley, Thos. Crosier. John Crozier, Robert Harbeson. John Robinson. .1. B. McAllister, B. N. Taylor. Jac. Reynolds. Themes Martin, David Z. James, Charles D. Maagi, John 8. Ackley, Frank Schilling. 501. Gramberg, T. Heotoi. Charles Webner, Bernard Grey. M. Kranz, Jacob Needy. Wm:Leffler, George Bauman. R. Denver. R. A. Valgell, Wm. Blteaffer, Daniel Magee. . Lbbe, • • C. F. Kuhlman. r: Errol. . _.— Wm. ib.spennelaai A. E. Prank.. , , S. bichlasters; A. Aronson, • E. H. Kelaraft CIL, Thomas M elan. Geary Metager, ii. Cuthbert A Sons. 'S. Cuthbert,. •,. , Frank eIeSMIT, W. M. A. Bell, Win. Dig_by, . Thomas Palmer, A. B. Rutlidge; L. A. Warms, W. H, Wagstaff. li. W. Means, John C. Appalls/. 3 N.: - Helsely, ti , . Molltg, • WM, Ming. . , , .. John Nicholls,' David Gans, ,ti. B. Greaver, George Sailer. Wiliam Murdock, Merles Hoover, J. 11.. Neighbertor. r . Win. Patton, William Chamber'. H. W. Ferguson, Robert Ste wart, . James Hoag, Jr.. A. Bailie, 1 Hobert Marshall, William N. Marshall, Willuun Bell; ~ • Nich James B. C !Andersen, olas arr. • James McAllister, Jacob Meyers, Thomas lindth. - Ceorge Hamsher, ~ Henry limber, John D. Zeal'. Arthur Kirk, , G. G. Purnell, 'John Mangan, Thomas Neely, W. !dither, • Thomas McFadden, Jr. Wa, H. 13cott. - John ThemPsol. IL M. BOW, John Spencer, Isaac Willison, I ' Wm. Reynolds, 0. Reynolds, D. W. Ma Gar rt ne r in. Richard Nuttall, S. H. Water, Alex. Moore: Joseph McNaugher, Benjaminghes, .., Miller, James McDonald. James Jugles,.; Samuel EnAll , sh, Robert W ht. Andrew Gni be, Jonathan Deer, t harles Crider. W. C. Alarm, Thomas Reynolds, Wm. Annum, Robert L. Stephepi, J.ll. Bainh, Frau:Huhn, Philip Meyer, John - Meyer, Jr., • J. Herd Kasper ' Solent'. Adam Coppes, Henry Weber . Victor Zeringer, , . Nicholas Will. George Marzolf, Fred M awl!, Yred Marzolf. Jr., Andrew Buchanan, • Casper Gang, Henry Anslautz & Son, I Frederick Young, John Stephen, . Teo'. A. Weser. Martin Nosheet, Henry Miller, Phil. Long. George Biker, G. bOI 4 MOn. - a. wilkenhand, ' William Knoell, A. Reeder, Charles Gorthman, John Edner,, G. Wolf, • P.S. Cruninton,__ - J. Anderson McKee, Geo. Buchanan, Wm. NV Ph.row,' A. T. McKnight, L. M. Moon, Dickson Higley. J. R. Secy. O. P. Biddle, Jesse Edmund, Henry Shafer, Geo isprouP L. Sprotii, : John Ross, . . John Hamilton,' James Hamilton, Geo. W. Hahn, . Wm. Walker, Walter Glass. John P. Wacker, John Gipperlok. John (indult. C. schlieper, Th. lielninann, George Fisher, Fredlgestic. P. Rader, • -. ~ Lunwlg Lebessen. Christer Clerst, E Redenbach, David Coon, John Sosir, , Adam Weber, Frank Becker, George Snair, Jacob Delta, Wm 0 Gang, John Si dem, John Schumacher, Charles Smith, John Pelfer, • F nista), Jacob Schaffnit. John Brudi, Sr., John Bradt. Jr.. Jacob Sootier, r 11.nry Bork,' • Conrad Eisenhatter, John Schultheis, John Kambsch, Jacob Harley, R 0 Oehmler, , Ph Stenrnagle. J. bn Bening -rtel. B,hastlanScnneitzer, Michael Gang, John C. Baer, B. Renter, Charles Albrecht, John (mutters, Fogan Boiler. Henry Grauling, Fred Wolff. ' Christian Haag. Charles P HarmisCh, Frank Wagner. Conrad fenerrer. John Eathke, F Lorenz, Frledricnaohpert. - B A W int ershansen, Oh Relchhold, George J. Parkin, Robert Waddle,' Ch Dohlinger, W A Walker, , SP Moore. „Isaac Holloway, T 0 Davis, John Moore, Wm J Dreher, Samuel Cahoon, W C Eiseman. --.. A•bert Pitcairn, Walter 'IC Cummings. . John Timms . • Charles O'Donnell, James R Fulton, David Newell, David M. Singleton, James H carver, John W Riddell. Geo ge W Darby, M. S. Webb, L Bell, Wm A Craig, J M. Leech, George Homer, John McCrady,, ,i H W Holmes. ` Joseph Irwin. • John jr,.senhance. Isaac Richey. • SE Webb, • • John Ilerbart, , Albert BlInT. 3 ho gchassler, • , M Banner, . Win Camper, M cD Wm Sou e in i worth, -- e • Jcon Leaver. , -. H G StOCkner, Wm Smith, D Alleu. • Jas Knepper. D S Walker, wII .heilabr, '• - L L DST'S, - Wm Alexander; Charles T Neale,'' - AG Darsie, ''. - Niohnlu Lacher,; b Harrison Findley, - J Vantirk libber,. , John Johnston, BO Henderson, SM Thompson. - D Welty, . .• : I :TtioaW :harp. . ~ ii_B Garrard,. 11 G Carry. - Johnston. _• , . John H MesterllWaino, Le. P B Sheerer, • _ , - Geo V . starshall. .fteo L Markley, .1 A McCune, . " NEW ADVERTISEIMEffV3. let nit, • John L Brown, r J P Wilson, ' J w Jotmattn, Martin Ziegler, J MDenholm. George Park. , John R Allen, • J E Johnston, , • Arthur Moore, W R Lindsay; James Scott. - J EMliter, Edward Blair. H Tons, • .1 Wiggins. Louts Fiesenberger. E M Roes. Milton Kers_ ,s James 8 - Rankin; lames A imeKee, P Wright, Christ Snyder, . 0 0 Morgan, C Eminerllng, C Klinefelter, George Pur.Lance, Peter Forsythe. 0 Dem:destine, Martin b estle. liCampbell; John - Hobson, J T Oxtoby, George Hay Walker, John Heath, , H H Phillips, D. R. fteer, Robert Ferristers . John HugheY, Benjamin Crowther, Wtl tam Stroud, David Keith's", H. B Stanierll, Owens. , heading McCune, , Jacob Klee, B W Wilion, • 0 H Hartman. Hobert Stevenson, James Edgin. • /3 H MoNarr, David Davis. • Daniel McCain • James Kennedy, . Joseph P Spra gue. W. 8. Stack, William Strohm, A A Parton, John Strohm, Alexander 'fowler, Samuel Parker, Walker Harris, George H Nichols, Robert Xenia, . Jelin ti -Fork, - C lkieXutar, , W J Morrison, R J Murdock, W A Bunion, B Agnew .. , James Johnson, • O F Mueller. Wi Ham Brown, - J H Walker.. Joseph RaPP. • . • .1' 1' 'Taylor, Matthew Martin; • William Nelsoli. u J.Harriniit. • - C Gartman, Matthew S tr ay, lichaffort, - John Vandivrender, 0 Barnes, 'J W MciaskeY, James X R eed . ,Thourts FuMker, • JameliMeEtwalo, W T Moore, G H Duke, - John MeKeag A Berner ,_ • Paul Hider, • Jarboe II Ewing, • . C W Martin, Thomas Burns, Jams Ws„de, • Alexander McGill - my, ' Geoeeer Rmitn, Peter Poellat, Nathan Crosby, .1 'l' Thompson, • X Hanna. • • Chas A Rollins, A Berner, L K Lengwortb, John Ambler, A P Callow, James Dover. • Samuel Williamson, Joseph Donnelly, George England. Samuel Sieverunin, John Hamilton. 'Joseph Logan, Wil.fam Williamson, Harry Spraley, : James Taylor, James Dawson, -George. Bailie. Robert Hood, • :Thomas Pickering, • James Hood; - - Kenos Slants, • James Buchanan, .. - Robert Stevenson, ' John Hood. John Fletcher. • David Thomson, William Monomers. . • JeeePlltarts, • - Harry.Birdette, James eerie, William McMillin , James lerle, Hugh Zulg, • Aaron Stelnrook, __ Joseph . Joseph Hence,. Alfred Enaland. George Gre mi yer. Plaine Hleison, Georgeyter. Rob. TI Hetchel, ',Jame* Phedear, - Jonathan Hilton, George -Taylor. • , Charles Graham. Jelin Denis; Henry Mereales, jOhn.Long, - • George Reynor, ' Edward - N(010e; • John Been. - . „Abraham Patte rson, •, William White; - `johti Wale, William Wilton,• ' Talslery, -- James Hays, fan :Weight, • • . John Nickles, . mei &Rollins, 1.. William J Jackson, • •John Magee, e Michael Banks:, • ; jOhlrWaison: Harvey Reed, Si=uel Irwin, • James Hamiltoi, George Cbtes. John Wercelles, -William Oliver. James Heed, • ' Henry Cook, wad= 'Kerney, John Larkins, Thomas Bead, William Mete al,. William Stewart, John Dale. Robert Pedersen, , Henry Tolbert, Timm's Bennett, Joseph Mattis. - John Stewart. - James Wiggi ns Joseph Taylor, • ',George tMirewe, Samuel McClelland, Thomas Miller, John Kernel, James Waddle, • James Mc‘lmuell, • Neely, Ef Lundebereq • - Henry Faultis. • Ledwick, . James Graham, James Orr, • :Samuel McClelland.: John W Curl, William Thomas Orr, • George W Morton, William voyd. G Rudolf; Jahn Muller, B Lamprey, Hebersteek: J G Hine. . Joseph Hicksiods. A, H Roach, Henry Zatelgt, T 8 Selrotn, August Bseker. Henry Butler . WtillaniEnber. D MeCiellasul, H Stoffele, A Ludwig, , George W Baler, Wirt A Pool, Christopher Joekel, . James HilasMs Wlls Amend. B Watson, . J P Ease, • • Hummell. TBo el. J Red pato, • Philip Young. • A _ L Cochra n. George beeley. Samuel A Moore, Thomas Pinkerton. Philip Osterling, • James Anderson, William Carson, Josepn Anderson, D 8 Aiken. Wm Anderson, , H G Neely, • John Gllkey, • ' C W Cochran, • Wm Lonsaale W.F MeClere,, John Searightl besiege Nelson, ^ William FortmuL Paulus, Samuel Morrisoa, George• Mater,. ; William Neely, Frederick Stuart, ' _ - Amos Matilde, . Theodore Menomonie; Jacob Barry, Adam Giles, J Coulter • Janice Brown, A it Colley. John A. Kohrsse*, Wm • H Brant. • X (I Burke, - Shaun, George ditzlex Donn ehram,. - • -H Abalign, ,0 )3 Seely, _ T B Gummett, 'Brutus Johnston, --- J B Plaboneth . A Lanfman,. H licoreheis g jr Stewart ,- - J Lorton Hall, L Lowry, _ N Kinkead, • L Spahr: Jno W Harris,- • John Marchand, A. 'T Lee, Peter Forsythe, J McFeely, - Martin Beetle, • J 8 Doyle. John it Beam. Geo. Adams,. John Bnrcbfletdp W B Sands. , John Peretnnent Sr.. W Madmen, - • ' John Tomer. • Wif H Magus, All °roes: 11:0, . Al' Gibbs, A J Davis. OF . Porter, ' - John Ste Wart, T B Murphy, • -.. John Grace y. - Wm Loch. .. • John O'h eat, John Paul, H W Larimer„ ' Jas Hanna, John Lusk, _ • .-3 M Dunbar, ' .. • Robert McAddare, PM Bower., Daniel Borland. James G. Mali Wm N Emmitt, J V McCullough, - Andrew Emmitt, „ Jacob Cutler, • W J blierrow, D P Markle, Thomas Hasher, F W Martin. • Wm clack, • J D Ellison. r Daniel Rigs:, 0 A Boucher, R Hu Hurd, Jas Ail- s, 'R nt, Win H Campbell, John 11 Forrester, John Long _ H L Luis, Samuel!. M cClure, James McKerral, M. Geier, 0, L d Qalrk, A Elliott, AlexL Anderson, John Belleau, David L Francis, William teatb, John :Barneye, L Lather, 1. John Miller, P Buhl, I - Fred. B. Holmes,- Samuel Tate, • Harry C Campbell, John N Bonham, Jo' n Gaston, • Robert Adair, E W Redpath, ' Martin khrhards, Lear Louie, Wm Fehlleper, Frank Duff. .7 K Meoov. John McKnight, Aloi s Biddle, • ; Henry B dove , Mathew Kennedy, . John Powell, Al tied - McDonald, A 4 Midrange, - ( 8 Barite.. UM Dickey, Samuel Ferguson, !. J humpllfil, Wm P Price W Boyd, G W Atkins: John Holmes, . Adman Davidson, Christian W W W McClelland, Andrew Nauman, W Tate . Jr.. . Henry Stange, . - Wm Criswell, C hour.. J 'C Patterson, , A Berrineer, l ; Geo Sumer. Charles M Knoll, Geo Mc-Visker, j John Canersou, John B' Drumm, • ' J MeMiller. , John H Bruce, T H Klagts. TB Wilgus, , Simon Drum. Leo Gribbin. Jacob olffunfierst. J osephougy, _ W P Ifft, . ohnston, ' . 8 B Zureuff, J Wiggines, August Gruel. Alexander Aiken, H reedier, W F Spellman. • John Sctunid, J I. West. , F Gerdy, B M Clark, • Triedpeter, •r W H Devore, 41 Maly, James A Wirusom, George RanU, A Benne t, L Ruig. Janies 8 Wondwell, 7 Ca-ry . ieellen, • James Bennetf, Jacob Voikman, John Harlow, John G Jahma, John Tad°. J Helps, Christian Pre c inst, E McDonald, . Samuel Hach • George Patten, George Loeber. ' Joseph Wigley, ' Edward Zerneits, - William Munn, , Frederick Heydenriehi P Smidt, ' Ludewig Gelder, . Vin Sword. \ Samuel Smith. all. • Grorge Frazier, . John _ T N mirch. Joseph Schwetel, , Oh Anshutz, Robe t Christian, M Doer, . H B Haute, John Snider, • bamuel B Maley, Christopher Fronmi, Thomas D Patterson, John 11.0ffel, - Wm JDlebl, r David Bennett, Charles C Montootti, J W ties, .• John Rath,_ T.l Bennett, • Albert Frederick, • Join A Dante. James tilidernew, John J. aint„ Graham & Allen, - • it J Hems, • • 0 It Fresser Dlckson , R Waggoner, Thomas 13 . Gutsy, Henry SAyete. George B Gray, T C Waltes, • It II Fetty, A Morton, • • Win Donaldson, 'win Burp”, H Fife, • • James 8 Morton, J G Ness, T H Gibson, - W C Friend, J A'Taylor, E S Morrow. 8 C Robb, John Robb, ' John Barkley, B I.`• Kennedy, James Saint, - °hart Heinle. R L Kelly. H G Gebhart, Richard :Jean, James Carothers, - H Maneuester. - George Schafer. Charles Ferguson,. . Henry Meisterfelt, ' David Thcmpson, John Chest e, • George Thurman, r' Wm Youcg, George sch taut, I Peter Brindle. Henry LiepPer. 'Conrad Ziegler, r Benjamin ituton; I Andrew Moss, . John Porter, • Heart' D Belt; John Murphy; '• Davin Beck, n H Anderson, David Wilson William H. McCleary John Waggnner W,H H ad tleam. Wm McClellan, James H Parke. Henry Coates, •, • • la H di E Zacharias, h . .Wm Cameron, . ;Bit McCleary,. !, Joseph Bell, Caleb Itawder, Edward Barnhill, % Robert McDonald, - Max Everting, _ ' MR Harnooller, Frederick Goettx.l . Hate-inane Silas Ir ame' A Hoppe. ',. Robert McClelland, • Charles Goeta; David 11111, ••• - Andoloh Kleistm I L ,. James - John Henderson, Henry McCombs, ' W Mc - David Williams, - • Wm O'Leary. • G Cartwright. , David Penis, . • Henry_ Matte, , . Laois Bohm_ K Wier, • • 'Ernes Bothrkidte, W Thompson, C Ketteubiarg Josiah Selah, • Chu neck. "- ; John Russel, Jas McCandless, ' . Francis Drum, " • Jas X Dialselh Thomas 8 Byrie, . • George T Bdshileld: Henry P Nubs, D L NooUnt4ok, , . , =II