liltstut sttaytts. CLIPPINGS. IT is thought that no decision will be made by I the Supreme Court in the legal tender case 'before next Saturday 'week. THE New York press all agree that com mercial affairs are not likely to be disturbed by any decision of the Supreme Court respecting the Legal-tender act. THE Government of Switzerland is to be the arbitrator in the negotiations for so de: fining our Northwest boundary, that it will ~, be settled whether the British or the Amen -1 ( can flag is to float over, San Juan. 1 ,IT Is ported that John Russell Young, them aging editor of the New York; Tribu ~ is about to resign hie position. - " Two m re daily papers, one penny evening, and an they three-cent morning journal, are soo to be issued there. 1 THE rotocol between the representatives of Grea Britain and the United States, for a treaty defining the mutual rights of natur alized citizens, is said to surpass'that signed between the representatives of the United States and North Germany. 'THE movement for the -separation of the Upper Peninsula from the State of Michi gan and the organization' of-a new State - is again being agitated: . 'A Delegate Conven . lion of the Counties 'of the Upper Peninsula to consider the subject has been called at Houghton, on . the 21st inst. IT is asserted that Messrs. Seward, McCul loch and Everts urged the . President to omit that part.of his last annual - message which countenances repudiation. He rejected their advice, and replied to his distinguished counselors:that before three years had pass ed over their hoary heads it would be the most popular measure in the country. ' Tits Lewistown Democrczt says: .-A wolf . has been killed in Licking Creek' Valley, • Mifflin county. As Mr. George. Rittenhouse and others were out hunting deer, the other day, they were chased by eight or ten wolves, of which number the hunters killed one which measured six feet from the nose_ to the tip of the' tail. It had been feeding , upon deer meat. , THE International Railway Convention, recently held at St. Petersburg, adopted res olutions tending, to facilitate and increase through traffic.. The resolutions propose to allow railway trains to pass frontier Custoin Houses without a prolonged search, to -pro mote the prompt delivery of goods liable to eiril by delay, and to reducAs passenger fares in France, Germany and Russia:. IN As improved process of treatingl_min orals containing copper, recently patented abroad, the inventor claims the treatment of ores and minerals containing copper associ ated with sulphur by calcining or roasting, then re-calcining or re-routing the ore in presence of muriatic acid or chloride of iron. • and subsequently lixiviating the oreSo as to dissolve out the copper as chloride- FEarcEs.—ltis estimated that there are at least two hiindred establishments in New York city for the receipt of stolen goods, commonly called "fences." A jewelry store, on a small scale, is usually • fitted up on the first/floor, and the fence keeper sits at his humble show window, furbishing tit) an insignificant article, while awaiting to receive the proceeds of .some extensive bur glary. 0 1 COMMEISIONEB WILSON of the General ' Land Office has decided 'that either a hurt ; 1 band or a wife may be entitled ton home ' stead, but that they -cannot pre-empt two homesteads, even though they had entered on them before marrying. - That should de _ pend on how they get on together. If they fail to agree, two homesteads—the ftuther • apart the better;--would be none too many for them.- , . A BILL is in course of preparation, which will be introduced into the House in a few days, prohibiting banks from paying inter est on their deposits. It is held that a large amount of money is kept out of circulation, j and in many sections of the country a strin gency is produced by reason that the banks keep control of all the surplus currency by paying small interest on the sums deposited with them. To prevent this is the object of the present bill. I THE, total loss of life on the lakes during the past season, was 831, which is larger than last year by 120.: Among the casual. ties of the year were the, loss of the Sea bird, seventy:two lives; Governor Cush man, twelve lives; Moring Star, twenty three livea;,HiPpocampus, twenty-six lives; ten forming the entire crew of the schooner Persian; propeller Perseverance, fourteen lives; eight men being the entire crew of the schooner Tra;reler. ~ . . Copt.-The total approximate product - of copper throughout the world amounted -in 1866 - to 95,525 tons, apportioned as fol lows: Chili and Peru, 35,857 tons; United States, 14,485; England, 11,158; Russia, 5,600; Atuitralia, 4,250; Austria, 3,775,-Prus • sia, 3,560 Sweden and Norway, 2,850, China an d' Japan, ,2,7oo;'France, 2,500; Turkey, 2,000; Argentine Republic, 1,095; Spasm, 975; Italy, 853. Other countries in . smaller amounts, 1,550 tons. - • A;Dismins.tri. explsion occurred lately in• Arley Colliery, near Wigan, by which fifty six miners were either suffocated or burnt. It is a very curious thing that, before this accident happened, a writer in the Daily Beta had predicted that colliery explosions • would take place, because on the 21th and \ 22d of November there was a sudden fall \in the barometer of an inch and a . quarter, and it is a scientific fact .that these explo sions always occur in the first few diysatter st\ fall. Ventilation is the only preventive, and by it all these lives might have been W savped E. nom that when "the man who first no fruited Grant" succeeds in button-hol in4 the President -elect, and narrates his l if el • sto o ffi cial recognition , he will meet wi a better reception Wil, did the man frst'nominated Lincoln . " Mr. - Lin e° ," said that unfortunate = individual, "my dear, friend, one moment in, private !" Then drawing the President aside, he whis peredin his ear_these startling words : "Sir, Lula the' first man to nominais you for the Presidency I" "Did you ?" exclaimed Mr. Lincoln, starting back with indignation. "Well; Sir, see what a mess you have got - me int0."—.21 7 : Y. Tribune. , • ; - THE one hundred iron manufacturing es tablishments of Chicago employ 15,000 men, 'to whom is paid $12,000,000 yearly for their labor. • The capital invested is $15,000,000; and the annual product is $25,090,000. The establiihments are employed principally in manufacturing railroad supplies, .and agri culturl, mining= and - mechanical tools. Chicago will become one of the largest Man ufacturing centers in the Country just as rapidly as it is possible for a city to - grow in Inky industry for : which It has the most com manding advantages. With 86,000 Square miles of cheap coal underlying the entire, southern two.thirds of Illinois, with cheap canal transportations for it to Chicago, with cheap-water freights for the iron ores of Lake - Superhir and Missouri to the same point;-and with the rapid growth in coin merce, capital and;labor which Is secured by 'her positiOn as the focus who're the com merce of all the Lakes meets the commerce of all the Northern Mississippi and the Far' West, Chicago must become one of the great manufacturing centers, not only for iron, but alio for - copper and woolep goods, ' ' - = The accounts Of the cotton crop of the South are reported to be very encouraging, and it is anticipated that the yield will ex ceed 2,700,000 bales. The planters and farmers are said to be in high spirits as to their prospeet, and that in, addition to cot ton and sugar sufficient wheat, corn and sweet potatoes have - been raised to feed the laborers. In previous years the planters obtained advances from the• factors in order to support their hands while the cotton was growing.: The expense of tnis system was very great and- required the planter fre quently to sell-in a depressed market in or -der to repay the debt with interest and com missions incurred at- the beginning of the season. This year a new policy was adopt ed, and the planters being free from the Claims of their creditors, had full control of their cotton. As a result of this method of doing business, it is asserted that the Liver pool speculators have been deterred from formingtheir usual combinations to force prices down, and that cotton in Lancashire now commands from 10} to 11 pence per pound against 7 to 8 pence last year. Numerator and Lenemlnator. The London Athentenm recently asserted that the person who should succeed in se curing the general adoption of the abbrevi ations limner and dome, instead of nu merator and denominator, would be wor thy'of a statue. In reply to this suggestion for an easy method of expressing a fraction, a correspondent proposes the general ac ceptance of the word over, as two over three, to indicate the division of two by three. This plan, it is stated would simpli fy very much the trinting of mathematical works, especially in the case of fractions composed of long algebraical expressions, If, however, it be required to replace the long words numerator and denominator by shorter ones; the use of - the terms tale and scale is recommended.- Tale is the old Eng lish for number, and scale is now used to de-. note the fractional parts according to which plans are drawn. Hence the writer pro poses - that two by tale and three by scale would be a convenient mode of expressing fiactions. Voleanois In the Moon. Professor Winloch, of Harvard Univer sity, reports that he has seen a volcano in active eruption in the moon during the nights of December Ist and 2d. During the past, year, astronomers have differed in opin ion as to the disappearance of the crater Linnaeus, marked on the best charts of the moons surface till 1868. The destruction of this crater, if it should be the case, is stated to be the rst evidence of actually observed changes going on at the surface of the moon. The observations' of Professor Winloch would Seem to confirm the conclusions of other astronomera on this subject. The foreign journals announce that Professor J. H. Nadler, of Bonn, Who is celebrated on account of the moon • charts prepared by himself, has written a letter on this subject. Nadler has been for many years nearly blind, but the disappearance of the crater Linnaeus interests him as well as other emi nent astronomers. The Pennsylvania Agricultural College. A meeting of the trustees of the Agricul tural College of Pennsylvania has been held at Harrisburg, at which an election was held for President, and Hon. Thomas H. Burrows was chosen. The President submitted a plan for the reorganization of the College, embracing, among others, • the following features: One student to be ad mitted from each county of the State, free (except board,) and one from each county for every twelve thousand of its population. The College will accommodate . four hun dred students, and will be supported by the interest'of the proceeds of certain land scrip donated by the United States. The plan was approved by Senator White, of Indiana county, and others, and will be carried into execution as soon as the details can be ar ranged. The Utica Herald says some humanitarian has conceived a plan of warming street cars. It consists of a simple coal stove, con. structed expressly for the purpose, and bolted fast to the floor of the car, under the seat, and near- the centre, where it is so boxed in and protected that persons seated directly over the heater exlienence no in convenience, and the heat is diffused over the entire floor of the car. By this ingeni ous arrangement no room is lost, and the only serious objection to street-car stoves has been removed. If the directors of the city railroads would have their cars crowded, their stock "go up," their dividends in crease, and be canonized when they die, let them adopt this, or some similar project for warming the city cars. Tau report of the Retrenchment Com mittee will show some•istartling facts about the administration of the Revenue Bureau, and the relations of the Commissioner with the President and Secretary of the Treasury. It willappear, it is said that ifame months ago Commissione r Rollins was not only stripped of all power in the appointment of his subordinates of all grades; but that all papers relating to such appointments were removed from his control, and taken out of the building occupied by the Revenue Bureau. SPECIAL NOTICES. arPHALONPS . • • "PAPHIAN LOTION," 808 BEATTIIFYING THE SKIN AND COM PLEXION. Removes all Eruptions, Freckles, Pimples, Moth Blotches. Tan. etc.. and renders tne Skin soft, fair and blooming. For Ladles in the Nursery it is Invaluable. For Gentlemen. atter shaving, It has no equal. "PAPIILAN LOTION. , le the cnly reliable remedy fin disease/0 and blem ishes of the akin. PEIALOITS"PAPIILM SOAP" For the Toilet, Nursery and Bath; will not chap the skin. Price, 25 cents per oake. "FLOE DE MAYO," A new Perteme for the BanillarChiet. Exquisite, delicate, lasting fragrance. Sold by all Druggists. PIEULON dc SOB, New York. jeT.,r9oiwy IIarBATCHELOWS HAIR DYE. This splendid:Hair .Dye is the best in the world; the only true and perfect Dye; harmless, reliable, Instantaneous; no disappointment; no ridiculous tints remedies the 111 effects of bad dyes: invigo ratesand leaves the Hair soft and beautiful. black or brown. Sold by all Druggists and Perfumers; and properly applied at Bate.helOr's Wig Factory. No. Di Bond street. New York. anTS:trla gar . GUIDE • TO MARRIAGE.— ye n R Mne's Guide to 'Happy Marriage and Conjugal Felicity. The shaman° views of benevo lent physclans, on the Errors and Abuses Incident to Youth and Aarly ltfanhood; sk.nt In sealed I-tter envelopes, free of .Charge. Address HOWARD AS SOCIATION', Box P.. Philadelphia, Pa. myll34lOT AUCTION SALES. BY H. B. SUMMON& 00, BOO'S, SUOES AND CARPETS FOIL THE MILLION. SMITHsoN's EMPORIUM, 88 AND 57 FIFTH. AVENUE Messrs. H. H. SMITHSON & CO., proprietors of the well known Mammoth. Auction House are crea ting an excitement consequent upon the arrival of new goods which are being sold at remarkable low prices. Goods of every variety; the finest sewed b ots, the most fashionable balmoral gaiters and anklet shoes, slippers, lie., _blankets, flannels, cloths. cassimeres, cutlery and carpets. Call and examine. Ho trouble to show goods. Ladles% mlssest and. children , a flue at 'almost your own prices. All goods wartanted ss represented 1104 YL • . . • . . The Southern Crops.. PITTOURTI GAZETTE : DAY; DECEMBER ,18, 1888.1 INSURANOE. THE. NATIONAL LIRE INSURANCE COMP, UNITED STATES OF .AELEEIc WASHINGTON. D. C. Chartered by Special Act of Cougreee Approved July AA, 18e8. . Caah Capital - - - $1,000,000. Branch Office: PHILAIMPBIA, FIRST NA NAL - BANK BUILDING Where the genera. busines -gen e r a lh ompany!. trans- . acted. and to ;snitch all correspondences should be addressed. DIELHOTO Jay Cooke. Phlluta. _ E. A. RollLns. Wash'n. C, H Clark, Philada. Henry D. Cooke. Wash F. Ratchford Starr, - Phllar Wm. E. Chandler,Wash Wm. G. Moorhead. Ma. John D. Decrees. Wash Oeo. P. Tyler. Phlla. Edward Dodge, N. York J. Hinckley Clark, Phila. H. 0. Falmestook, N. Y OFFICERS. C. R. CLARK, Philadelphia. President. HENRY D. COOKE, Washington, Vice President. JAY COOKE, Chairman Fir.ance and Executive Committee. • EMERSON W: PEET, Phila., Bec'y and Actuary. E. 8. TURNER, Washington. Ass% Secretary.. FRANCIS G. SMIg H,M.D., Medical Director , J. EWING, MEARS, M.D., Ass't Medical DireCtor. MEDICAL ADVISORY BOARD. J. K. BARNES. Bur eon General 11. S. A., Waslen P. J. 110BWITZ, ChM; Medical Department IL 13 N. Waablngton. D. W. BLISS, D., Washington. SOLICITORS AND ATTORNEYS. WM. E. CHANDLER; Washington, D. C. GEORGE HARDING. Philadelphia, Pa. This Company, National In its character, offers, by reason of the Lerg- Capital, Low Rates of Premium and New Tables, the most desirable means of in suring life let presented to the public, The rates of premium being largely reduced, are made as favorable to the insurers as those of the best Mutual Companies, and avoid all the complica tions and uncertainties of Notes, Dividends and the misunderstandings which the latter are so apt to cause the Policy-Holders. Several new and attractive tables are now pre sented which need only to be understood to prove ac ceptable to the public, such as INCoME-PRODUC ING POLICY and RETURN PREMIUM POLICY. In the former, the, policy-bolder not only secures a MS insurance, payable at death, but will receive If living, after a period of a few years, an annualin come equal , in fen per cent. (10 per Cent.) of the par his policy. The letter total a moun t agrees to re turn to the assured the total amount of money /what paid in, in addition to the amount or his poltey . The sttentlon of persons contemplating insuring their lives or increasing the amount of Insurance they already have, is called to the special advent agesoffered by the National Life Insurance Com- Pan. circulars, Pamphlets and full particulars given on 1'4 , 1 1 1749 4 1r t h e Branch 01 eral 117.4:;f g. th e Companyin Sir LOCAL AGENTS ARE WANTED in every City and „Town; and applications from competent parties for such agencies with suitable endorsement, should be addressed Tee THE COMPANY'S GEN ERAL AGENTS ONLY, In their respective dis tricts. GLWtAL AGM 'S: •B. W. CLARK A CO_ Philadelphia, For Pennsylvania and Southern New Jersey. JAY COOKE & CO., Washington, D. C., For Maryland, Delaware Virginia, District of Columbia and West Virginia. IRA ./111eVAY dt CO.. Agents for Allegheny, Beaver, Butler, Mercer and Washington counties. For further particulars address B. S. RUSSELL, Manager for General Agent, Harrisburg. Pa. aid:Samar ENTERPRISE INSURANCE CO., • OF PITTEO3IIRGII, PA, Office, No. - 424 PENN ST., az NATIONAL Most Co. Bou.outo.) DIRECTORS:: • Robt, Dickson, 'Rob:. Liddell, F . 3. Friday, G. bledle, C. Van Buren, . Kirsch, E. H. Myers, J. Gangwisch, - Chris. Siebert, L. J. Blanchard, J. Weisser, A'. Schildecken • . 31TX118 President. T. DIC KkN, Vice President. : T. 4.. GRIER.. Treasurer. . ALBIETZ. Secretary. . INSVILINCE COM. PANT OP PITTSBURGH. EX NIMICE, President. WM. P. MERRIEST. Secretary. CAPT. GEORGE NEELD, General Agent. Moe, 9X Water streeaSpang d Co.'s Warn house, stairs, Patents. Will Inure against allkinds of lire and Marble Risks. ' A home Institution, managed by Directors who are well known to the community, and who are determined by promeris and liberality to main. tain the diameter w they have assumed, as of. feting the best prote ction to those who desire to be Insured. DlMgerOnii: Alexander Nimick, Joan E. McCune, R. Miller, Jr., Chas. J. Clarke, Alexanderuley, William 8. Evans. Speer, Joseph Kirkpatrick, Andrew Actleu„ Phllllpßeymer, David M. Long, Wm. Morrison. . D. Damen. neV IMPERIAL FIRE INSURANCE CO . OF LONDON. . • EsTABLIBHED mos. CASH CAPITAL PAID UP AND INVESTED PONDS EXCEED ING 118,000,000 IN GOLD. . Insurance against Vire effected on Houses and Buildings, Goods, Wares and Merchandise, Steam boats, die. Polieles issued payable in gold or cur rency, sir United States Branch Office, 40 PINE STREET, New York. All losses of the United States Branch will bead justed in New York. J. Y. IIIoisAMGMEGIN, Agent, PITTSBURGH. PA. Office, 17 FOURTH STREET. . MB. McLAUGHLIN .s also Agent for theManhat. tan Life Insurance Company. • selkv72 peN.NSYLVANLk INSURANCE COMPANY OF PITTTSBURGH . OFFICE, No. 1674 WOOD STREET, BANK OP COMMERCE BUILDING. This lea Home Comp' and liminui against loci by 3121 exclusively. LEONARD WALTER, President: C. C. BOYLE Vice President. ROBERT PATRICK, Treasurer. HUGH HcELHEN IM Y Secretary. Geor re DICTOES: ' . woo • r,van ls.. gt J. 0. Layne, J. C. Pleiner, John Voegtlen' A. Ammon. , . Leonard Walter, O. C. Berle, &beet Patllek„ JacotrPalnter, Josiah King Jas. H. Hopkins, Henry Sproul, pIDERINITY AGAINST - LOSS .BY. FIRA, FRANKLIN INSURANCE CO. OF PIOLADELPHIA., 07770 E, 435 & 437 CHESTNUT BT., NAAR 5711 DiancrronS. Charles Ir. Brooker, Mordecai H. Louis Tobias Wagner, David B. Brown, Eamael Drank , Isaac Lea, Jacob B. thnith, Edward Dale, , Feorge W. Richards, _ George Falai. , (JHABLEB BAHOICER, - Prealdent. ' EDW. C. DALE, 'Vice Preeldent. W. C. BTEELFSecretary„prorem. • • J. GARDNER COFFIN, AnZmT North West corner , Third and Wood Streets. mtizawis A LLEGAIENT INSURANCE COM. A - X.-PANE OP PITTSBURGH. • OPIPIOE, 'Ho. 37 EDITH STREET, BANK BLOC= Insures against 41 kinds of Tire and Marine Risks. f - JOHN IRWIN, Jk., President. '''." JOHN D. MeCORD, VIM, President. " V. G. DONNELL. Secretary. " ' `-GAIT. WM. DEAN, General Agent. . _ DlitzeTimes _ dotartirbs, Jr. , - Crpt . Wm. Dean, John .Itieool4, • B. L. Patinessoek 0._0. - 11uuey, . / W. H. Everson.; garrey_Chilas. Robert H. Davis, T.J. noskinson, Francis Sellers. curies. Hays. ' slant. J. T. Stock dale. DEOPLEW • INSURANCE COAL zuly. OFFICE, IP. IL COEN= WOOD & FIFTH yrs. A Home Company, Wain& Piro and Marine High DESZOTOrIe: Capt. John L. Mazda, Samuel P. Sbr!vet% Charles Arbuckle, Jared M. Brush. • •WM B. Lang, Samuel licozictart resident. , ?resident. teeter : Li gen erilAgezA Wm. Phillip, John Watt, John E. Parks, Capt. Zanies Wm. Van Kirk, James D. Verner P HILLI kEI d j Pi JOHN WATT Ileei C W •OD 6'o=l ( ;;;.: ' _ OF THE VITT OF ALUM:WENT', VA., TnasStreirm , Orxicx, Dec. 19, VMS. } XOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO the hold, n of the SIX PER CENT.IdUNICI. AL BONDS of the City of Allegheny, that the Coupons on said Bonds coming due January Ist, 1868, will be paid on said day. (fees tee State tax.) at the Bank of Pittsburgh, in the city ofPittsburgh, Pa. D. BIAOFERBON. dels:b4B Treasurer of the City of Allegheny. Pa. GREEN APPLES-120 barrels In store and for sale by 55017 J. B, CANFIELD it 802 T. INSIIRANCE. 8 121 INSURANCE COMPANY, OF ALLEOBKNY, Office in Franklin Sayings Bank Banding% N0:43 Ohio St.. Aileghen7. A HOME COMPANY, managed by Directors well known to the community, who trust by fair dealing to merit a share of your patronage. HENRY tawny_ GU.. D. RlDDzaa DIRECTORS: Henry Irwin, D. L. Patterson, Henry Derwig. Geo. R. Riddle, Jacob Franz, ttl ell) Peas, Simon Dram, J. B. Smith, acob Rash, W. M. Stewart, Ch. P. Williston, Joseph Craig% ? io Joe. Lantner, H. J. Zinkand, Jeremiah Kohen. aplO:OE4 I \ . . \ NATION+ INSUNIA.NCE CO., Or THE OITY OP ALLEGHENY. Office, No. 89 FEDERAL STREET, entrance on Stockton .A.Yenne. FIRE INSURANCE ONLY. • W. W KAMM, President JAB. E. STEVENSON. Secretary. Putzerons: A. $. English FH.P.Williamsr... Thompson Jno. A. /Eyler, Lockhart , Oa' 242_erst Graham, bt,' Lea. C. C. Doyle* Jno. Brown, Jr. Geo. Gent, Jacob Kopp. FERTILIZERS.. e.r e o weee.redwo~redNoWee , "eeknonow.edreedy * WHEAT GROWER& 11 • • EUREKA . AMMONIATED BONE, • SUPER-PHOSPHATE or . , •! MANIIFACTIJRFD. BY The Allegheny Fertilizer Co. SEWARD & CAIifPBELL, .P.IIOI 3 IIEETOIII9, • Moe, 856 Penn Street, Pittsburgh, Pa, The beet Zertilizer in nse, and recognized y Farmers who have given p it'a trial, to - be the stand ard for raising large cree of Wheat, Eye, Oats. Corn, Pots toes, &a We DIMS published for grata. nous circuhttiOn &pamphlet containing interesting and valuable statements of this Fertilizer, copies of which will be sent free to any sending ns their ad. dress. . BILLIARD :TABLES. STANDARD . • - • • • AMERICAN BILLIARD TABLES, AHD OOMBINATION . . ITRutably the best In use. NEW IMPROVE. ME Patented Nov. 26th, 1867, and April 21st, 1 68. Everything relating to billiards of the best quality and lowest prices always on hand. Our NEW CITE TRIMMER, Patented May sth, 18138, price 32.50—a great success. Illustrated price pits sent on application. Address pzzzaaar a COLLENDEIL • 63. 65, 67 and 69 CROSBY By.. New York City iythssi - - PROPOSALS. The Building Committee of the WXBTERN PENNSYLVANIALIOSPITAL FOR THE INS NR at Dixmont. Pa.. will receive Proposals until the 10th DAY OF DECEMBER, for the erection and closing in "the Eastern Extension ofthe Hospital," according to the plane and specifications adopted and -approved . by them. The ,Plans and 'specifications can be examined at the Hospital until the time above mentioned for re. netting bias. Proposals must be marked as such and tent to R. MILLER I 4. Chairman of the Building Commit tee. Pitts h. Bids will opened at the Hospital on the lath of December. . _ . The Committee reserve the right at their discre Lion to reject any or all bids not deemed to the Inter eat of t he institution or satisfactory to the commit tee. By order of the nal-abS WILDING COMMITTEE. Excn :BURR MILL STONES. - French Burr Smut Machines, THE BEST WHEAT CLEANERS IN USE. Pertable Flour and Feed Mille, BOLTING OLOTIIS, All numbers and best quality. For sale at 319 and 321 LibartySt., Pittsburgh. Pa. w. W. WALLAM. auls WM. HUGHES. LATE 608 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, Informs his friends and patrons in Pittsburgh: that ' he is now connected with EDWARD P. KELLY, South-east corner of CHESTNUT and SEVENTH STREETS, the PRINCEPAL, MERCHANT TAILOR OF PHILADELPHIA, and can now furnish them with clothes SUPERIOR In every respect to those he has heretofore given them, and at MODERATE PRICES. : • (lOLGATE Sc COOS )` 1-1 FRAGRANT • C TOILET SOAPS, Are prepared by skilled work men,(ke.fromt the bes ae thmaterials, Y 0 ARD and Ifs"deirrl git ' ggi: Bold everywhere. de27:Wir UNION ENTERPRISE FOUNDRY, War. H. JOHNSON. Manufacturer of COOKING STOVES, Arches, Grates, Fendersh Weights, and all ktnds of Hollow Ware, Car Wheels and all kinds of Ma chinery Castirff,s, COR. WATSON .t SHINGISS STS.. PITTSBURGH. PA. .au2B:v427wata QUEEN OF ENGLAND SOAP. QUEEN OF ENGLAND SOAP. QUEEN OF ENGLAND SOAP. Tor doing a family washing in.the best and cheap. est manner. Guaranteed equal to sny.ln the world Has an the strength of old rosin soap, with the mild and lathering qualities of genuine Castile. Pry this splendid Soap. Sold by the ALDEN CHEMICAL WORKS, 48 North Fourth street, Philadelphia. e2tvs7-iner.tir I'CONOMIZE YOUR FUEL, by using the - SEEM 04NTRIVIIGAL GOVERNOR, the only true and easily regulated Governor made; perfect in its operations and truly reliable. A large size Governor can be seen at the office of PERCE. VAL BECKETT,Mechanical linglneer and Solici tor of Patents, No. 79 Federal street, Allegheny City, t :96 he only agent for this Governor In the West. 5e242: • . . MONEY! MONEY !!—54,000. to Invest Ina Mortgage on City or. County Property. for a term of three years. - $2.000 to loan on Bond and Mortgage for 2 years. WANT AD—Business or Accommodation Paper to the amount of 620,000; time from 00 days to 4 months. WANTED—To exchange a Farm of 160 Acres of Land in Missouri for a Family Horse and Spring Wagon.Apoly to B. Meta IN & CO., del Corner Fourth ay. and dralthdeld st. ALLEORE. Tnnastrnan , s Omen Dec. NT 19. i 616111. ALLEGIIENY CITY COMPIIO- • MISR BONDS WANTED;—Persons holding 'ompromise Bonds of the City of Allegheny, Pa., are nereby notified that the Sinking Fund fbr 1855 will be invested In said Bonds at the lowest rates offered. Proposals will be-recelved by the under- Aligned until FRIDAY, January Lit, 1960. , D. MACFE KHAN, de12:1147 Treasurer of the City of Allegheny, Pa. DRUGS AND CHKIIIIC.ELUI. W. MACKEOWN & BRO., WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS , AND NANUFACIIIENES OP Cawlacoxi MOVED TO N0..195 MEET! STREET, PITTSBURGH, PENNA. White Lead, Window Blues and Glasawar: at Manniaetarera prices. d 9 President. Secretary. BLECTIC RR BA COIipLIL 9 An infillible romedy_for Summer Complaint, Diu. rhea, ?Dysentery, Vomiting, Sour. Stotouch and BR. ORRIS' CRAP CURB, Medd° for Cholera, Cramps and Pain n Stomach, for Bale by • HAREM ac EWl3ll3} • Corner of Liberty and Wayne Streets, AGENT FOR J. SOHOONWER. & SON'S PURE WHITE LEAD McCOWS VERDITER GREEN, 7°:ggraigibltear deteriorate by longer and ge morrerfect satisfaction Zan any paint in thele WINES. LIQUORS, &o PITTSBURGH - 111POIITING HOUSE. • ESTABLISHED 1830. SCHMIDT & FRIDAY IMPORTERS OF FOREIGN • WINES AND LIQUORS, ... • 2'o. 409 Penn Street, Pitt sburgli Would disessing rect the supersor attention of the pallet° the fact that, pol facilities through several =Wine and Liquor Houses In Europe, and c their Importations direct, th are enabled to offer the various grades of choice. AND LIQUORS at prices less. than Eastern rates. Ex• amin.ations of qualities and comparison of prices respectfully solicited. A. choice assortment of pure OLD BIM WHIS3. KIM constantly on hand . , JOSEPH S. FINCH & CO., , Nos. 185, 187. lan, 191. 198 and 195, --.:- . i tlid 311r5T BTRIL,EV, PITTSB H. MANITTACTIMUIS- 0 ' Copper Distilled . Pure - Ry Whiskey. Also, dealers la FOREIGN WINES and LIQUORS, HOPS. de. \ inhmada GEORGE WEISENBgaIIGES,vs. . ANNA WYMENBERGER. - In the Court of Common Pleas of Allegheny county, NO. 649 June Term 1868. Libel in divorce a Vifirtai matrimonfi I To ANNA WEJSENBEEPP.It, the above named respondent: Having been appoisited by the Court examiner to take testimony in the above case, you are hereby notified that I will attend for the Purpose of my ap. poiniment &title office of H. H. McCORMICE, Esq., No. 87 GRANASTREET, in the city of Pittsburgh, Pa.. on TUESDAY, January sth, 1869; at two o'clock, V. M. dell:bs3.P C. SHIVELY, Examiner. 4-tbaOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN t le ttershavebee i g rantedto the under= 4gnedtoadministerupon teestateottlAa AUTf. All persons having claims againsV.said es • tate will present them for payment, and those in debted will make payment to the undersigned. BARTHOLOMEW' AllTll. Moreland, Moore ,k Ef rr, Attorneys for Adminis trator. . n013:a9, NOTICE IS GIVEN HEREBY that the oartnershlp lately existing between MIES DICKSON and W. J. MorIASTER, as, Car penters and Houtebulders, under,the firm name of DICKSON & MCPJASTEII, bee this day been dis solved by mutual consent W. J. McMASTER. authorized to settle all debts due to and by thg - com. patty. JAMES Dl KSON a, W. J. MCMASTER. • December 1, 1868. deBiaB BANKRUPT NOTICES. - - - ' tr. 8. MARSHAL'S OFFlCE,_FrrrarunaW. De ofmbnnalyavn 1888. ' mat HIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE t 1 on - the 18th day of December, A. D. 1888, a arrant In Bankruptcy was leaned against, the 4: -.1. ESTATE OF WILLIAM OREL Of Pittsburgh, in the county of Allegheny. and State of Pennsylvania, who has been adjudged a bankrupt on his own petition; that the paymentlof any debts aad delivery of any property belonging to such bankrupt to him or for his use, and, the trans fer of any property by him are forbidden by law; that a meeting of the coeditors of the said bank rupt, to prove their debts and to choose one or more assignees of his estate„ will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be .holden at the oMce of the Regis ter, No. 93 Diamond street, _in the City of Pitts burgh. Penna.. before SA3IL HARPER, E.„o_it , Remoter. on the 2nd day of damtary, A. D, /now, at 10 o , Mock. a. is. THOMAS A. ROWLEY, del7:bs2 U. S. Marshal, as Messenger. D ISTRICT COURT OF ; THE 'UNITED TATEd FOR WESTERN Did- MOT OF PENNSYLVANIA—The unde_rsigned hereby gives notice of his appointment as assignee of CONRAD U. SMITH of The city of Allegheny, county of Allegheny and State of Pennysylvania within said District., who has been adjudged a bank rupt upon veditors`petition by the District Court of the United States fonsaidllistrlct. ALGERNON S. BELL. Assignee. • Attorney-at-Law, 144 Fourth avenue. deIO:TTUB ASSESSMENTS. FF E 0 • CIT Y' EN - • Etc, , ALLEGHENY CITY, Dec. 4 th , 1868. I QEWER ASSESSMENT—Notice is k hereby given to all property holders in the WESTERN bEWERAtiE DISTRICT, which em braces all that portionps the city area, lying north ' west of the following linso,_viro, North of Ohio lane and Walnut etree t and West of Bidwell street, and a line running North-east to Observatory hill and new city line, as well as the portion lying be tween Western avenue,'Ohlo lane Fulton and Bid well streets (comprehending the l arger °art of Man chestet and all the Pleasant 'Valley sectlOD) that the assessment for the construction of the Sedgwiek street sewer is now completed, and plat.ed in the hands of the City Treasurer .for eolleotion. All property heretofore assessed for sewerage purposes within the limits above designated Is exempt from present assessment. dense? CHAS. DAVIS, City Engineer. ' eraNOTlCE—Those interested will ples se take notice that the report of the view.. a the matter of openhur LAR I &TEE AVENUE; In the city of Pittsburgh, as modified by the court has been placed In my bands. The assessments, If not paid ow or before JAN UAllt 6 th. A. D. 3.800 will be Sled as liens in accordance with the law in Mich Me made and provided. - • - J. EI.AGLE, City Attente ' Pittsburgh. December Bth, MI . S. del TOBACCO. AND . CIGARS; RXCELSRat MTh& 4:a *. •TENICITZSION • bstinfaotulen and Dalai. 7.0)81 , at Snuffs cigar% PIPO3I & FEDERAL BT.. ALLEGII2I,7Ird • ARCHITECTS. BAHR ARCHITECTS, FRUIT ROUSE ASSOCIATION BUILDINGS, Nov. 'fad& Bt. Clair Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Special Mealier' given to the designing mid building of go T HOMO and law 33truznie9. LEGAL.- -1, AatusErt=tcrs. INEW OPERA HOUSE. venee FlgiumnSollts Manager 1 M. W. CArcilitG s Bengt and last night but one of MISS MAGGIE AI 'WHEEL, Assisted by the taleutelt actor, 'lir. JAMES. W • COLLIER. FRIDAY EVENING. ,Peeenlber IS 1568. - will be presented a new 057'11'1 - Men for lass Mitchell, entitled '' • LOELE, THE TINT BELLY. Or THE CANTON. Lorle ' Miss Maggie Mitchell. Reinhard Mr. James W. Collier. .114.(1.LE 4 4ITCHEi.L Matinee on Saturday.:. - Monday Evening EDWIN BOOTH. arPITTSBURGH THEATER. ECM .11. W. WILLIAMS. GRAND RE-OPENING. SATURDAY AFTERNOON at 513; o'clock. ThetreatCombluation Troupe of Singers, Dancers, l'arnomimieta and Ethiopian Comedians. Change of programme for Saturday night. [dela BURNEWS MUSEUM AND PARLOR MENAGERIE 'rho Great Family Resorts. FIFTH AVENUE, between extuttoleld and Wood streets. opposite Old Theatre. sir Open Day and Evening, all the year multi. Admission, 25 cents; Children. 15 cents. rar'LIBFMTY HALL, EAST- LIBERTY, FRIDAY tart, n% DEC. 18, 1888 ! W. C. SMYTHE Will deliver his lecture entitled "ACROSS THE ATFANTIR." IRELAND AND THE IRISH, ENGLAND AND THE ENGLISH Ttckets 60 cents. Can be had of Mr. Negley , the Yostottice, McCiarranls Drug House an, Don. nison's Dry Goods store. dell:btd . • • • • HENRY NICH.OLS Reader to the I tai Palace. the Sacred Haimonio Society. Exeter all 'and the Literary tioclett sot Great Britain, give recitals from memory 'of Tennyson, Poe. : ood, Aytoun. Ingoldsby, Jerrold, Tliackeray. Wll e C lnns, Shakapeare, Charles Dickens, William Allen Butler. &c., &c., at ACAD EMY or MUM THURSDAY , and FRIDAY EVENINGS, Dec mber 17'h and 18th. Ticket/4 50 cents: Reserve. seats 25 cent ^ extra. - - Reserved Seats nbe secared at the Academy of Music. Thursday .. orning. December 17th. Doors open at 9 o'cloc sale of seats commencing pre cisely at 10 o'clock To give an an o . portunity Of securing eligible seats, not more an six seats can be taken by .no person. -deli ACAD .1, Y OF MUSIC. FOR ONE WEER, .. COMMENCING MONDAY, DECEMBER :_2lst, • Grand Military Allegory of THE DRUMMER BOY OF SHILOH. -- To be_prodne.d bv TWO HUNDRED VETERANS and SEVENTY-AVE LADIES of the city; under the management of POST 3, G. A. R„, for the ben efit of . Soldlers , widows and orphanl - COMMITTEE OF ABRANGSIEFTS: - Geri: - Jimes S. Neglev, Gen. A. L. Pearson, Gen. Collier. Gen. J. 11. Sweltzer, Col. R. B. Rob erta, Col. J. W. Ballaxidne. MalorE. A. Montooth, Major A. P. Callow, Lee S. Smith. W. B. Cook, W. Hood,_George B. Gray, A. G. Harry, W. J. Cris well, G. W. &Ivey, W. P. Dalgleish. Seats may be secured each day from 10 told A: K. at the box office, commencing December 18. del6 taf' NEW OPERA HOUSE. The Manager takes Dleastme In announcing dtan.BRIEF ENGAGEMENT witu the Eminent Tinge- EDWIN BOOTH, COMMENCING ON MONDAY, DECEMBER . 21st, 1868, BOX ISIMIET NOW OVEN. NOTICE—In cqnsequence of the immense expense attendant upon the engagement of Mr. Booth, the management has been compelled to adopt the fol lowing PRICES. OF ADMISSION: Private Boxes Orchestra Chairs • Reserved Parquette and Dress Circle Admission. Tickets.... Gallery, FF * FAIR OF Christ Protestant Episcopal Church, ALLEGHENY, AT. EXCELStitR._HALZ, OPENS TUESDAY EVENING, 22D.INET. • Articles of all kinds for the Holt aye. Refreshments as all hours daring the Pali. DINNER from LI o'clock 2. to 3. o'clock P.M., WEDNESDAY, the 23d Inst. - „•• - The Ladles of the Church intend; the receipts of the lair to be implied to aid- in paying GM the in. debtedness of the Church. The patronage of the public is ;respectfully re quested to aid in this undertaking...: • dels:b44 "KEYSTONE SKATING RINK. • •. SEASON, 1868-f9. Gents" Season Tickets / g 7 BO Ladles' Season 'Tickets 5 OD Children's Season Tickets ' -- '3 00 .1.- Coupons, 95 admissions 5 00 Double admitting lady and gent ' 12 00 Single admission, Ciente., ' - ' ' 50 ' I Doable admission. Lady and , Gent 7 50 Children under 12 years of ages - 4 15 Tickets can be. bad at Bown'e Skate Depot. the Rink, or from the Treasurer at lio. 51 Wood street, Pittsburgh. _ , Due notice will be given when the "Rink" will be opened. .. dele:bal ,PROF. CARPENTER'S FASHIONABLE DANCING ACADEMY, • No. 75 TIIIRD.STREET, is now open for the re. ception of pupils. Class days and Hours—For La. dies, Masters and Misses. Wednesday and Saturday, at 111% o'clock r. as. For Gentlemen--Tuesday and Friday Evenings, at 8 o'clock. Private lessons given. Circalani.ele be had at the Music Stoma and at the' Academy. -Classes Out of the Convenient, attended to: ma- Hall to let to Select Parties seirsT4 MEDICAL. -- WANHOOD"— Another New MEDICAL PAMPHLET, fr om the pen of DR. Larne. - The Medico/ Timm gar s of this work: "Thls valuable treatise on the cans e and cure of premature decline, shows host health is' impaired through secret abuses of youth and manhood. and how sully regained. It gives a dear synopsis of the impediments to marriage. the MIAMI and elects of nervous debility, and the remedies Mora:in" A Pocket edition of the above will be foi warded on receipt of fl 5, cents, by addressing_ Doctor CUE. TIB, No.llB North Charles three; Baltimore, Md. MANHOOD: HOW LOST !, HOW RESTORED! Just puhliehed instated esioa... ope. Price, Rix cents. _ A LECTURE. ON THE NATURAL TREATMENT L. and Radical (lure of eperokasorrisiea, or Seminal Weakness, Involuntiu7 Emissions, Sexual Debility andlmpedlmenta to NUN. rime generally 'Nervousness, OonansuptSon. Eni.. le pey and Pits; Mental and Physlcal Incapacity, re; suiting from flelfAbase, &e., Robt. J. Culver. well. AL H. A author ante "Green Boot, Ay. "A BOON TO THOUSANDS OF EIUFF.EBERS.•• sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, post. siaid,_ _on receipt of sLt cents, or two posta_ge stamps, to C R AB. J. C. KLINE 147 BOWERY NEW YORK POSTOPPICE BOk *sue. Alan Dr: merwelPs e'llsoriage Guide, ts price Edema, SIDAwT s ApiticE youlirp Amu! .Esso3mt for Young Nten, bii the Errors, Abuses and Diseases incident to Youth and Early Manhood, with the humane view of treatment and cure, sent by mall in sealed letter envelokes tremor charge. Address, HOWARD-AS. SOCIATION. Box Phildelohla. Pa. - 5e.22:3110.d&P LITROGRAPECEIREL aintriacut SINGIntr,T,; runar mu& INGERLY :11 CLE/LSi iSUCCeBSers, to GIO. SOROONYAN & CO. ' • puAenctaz urraosulAibaints. • The only Steam Lithographic 'Establishment West' of ilia mountains. Business Uardg, Letter Reads. Bonds Labels, Circulars, Show. Cards, Diplomas. Portraits, Vlore, Certificates of Deposita, Tanta. tipu Ose*i, *C.. Nog. VA and 1* Third _strun g PU001312 S. Q $l2 00 0 00 . . lao 1 00 . 50e.