- .ADVERTISEMENTIL' 0 ~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, POR THE HOLIDAY JOSEPH 1101110 & CO'S. A FULL ASSORTMENT j A I Fancy and Staple Articles in SUITABLE FOR USEFUL TERI:6'J G]Ff& - ALL SHADEd, TnidlU t LED AND PL AIN - • .• - Alexandre Ktd Mimes. • ' r Fur Toppelt 2serlltt and Cloth Glo'res. HOSIERY. AN fiXTN,ITSIVE . at 4 Mtl`MliWi, ALL gimes , ANIA I3I -11.E13: Helve, Wool and Matlno •,"; - • Ursis.EßwmAit. Geente _Furnishing Goods. NECK'. nits , somniff, itrunr,NDirms, PAPER cOLLA.R.B AND CIIFFes EIANDBEIRCSIUII . III, irrrrci:&,n rs is • REAL cents up EMSROIDERYD, TUCKED, 'REVERE, _ MORRNIND BoRDERED AND • LACE HANDKERcHIEVAIN- , • feARAT vARIETE. • Ciente Silk - litindkerchiefiu RAlmsomE STTLBS-LIGEIX AND DARE I ' . NECK, BOW AND 8113 H 1 RIBBONS • A sprAritin MILLINERY GOODIL,:virELVEY!,_ SATINS AND PREtiCEI,FLOWEas.. , - _HO CA) !. SKIRTS, PERFECT. GOODS, - AT‘ ONE .HALF , 'USUAL cowzn, PRESTCFL GERldilq ND . 11 . 1 kfieRTO.A.Ii. OF BEST, Y LOW. : '. 1 4 . • IniEss.;un CEO . • OffendiNos., • J.r, LOOPS, BriTtIBEVAND RNXISIENTS. • SEML..II CCMAIZESS, j.E.T AND PLATED,JEWELRY. EIRACEIJITS, *. .• • . • BROCHES SLEEVE EUTTONS, RET T s A.ND ISTDE.EkC.H.LErHULDEM. HAND KNIT ZEPHYR GOODS, 00' , 1 4 , GERMANTOWN WOOLS,ZEPEIYR AND YARNS A COMPLETE STOCK `:.1.0f New,. floods Arriving Daily. 1 7 deli; • • ' 1:111 ZELLERS & =q ratricwomtragm3D ..,i,iimebtimigric GOODS TOR THE OM 4 HOLIDAYS.' _ -433 ATES & BELL HAVE IN_STOCK, at iFurs, Dress Goggle., Cloakings,, ` ,Bilks and Velvets, • ' Linen Goods. B;anlceti. , Flannels, A = LARGE ; j ; VARIETIES T I.OW _ 79. Pril ppLE'rotts ALLtisiFFTEDALtivOke , •Fa R 143 69. \ PRICE ONLY 8O CENTS. BELSIUTILLY I U . LUBTBATED. , , Large BYO, BO supers aratomuolur.' voluitoillt for the Privity! Boom ?able lieu! mait,,fr.s of poifaoo, to Say part of the trailed rUstes, on receipt of the ;Aria. lO Copier* $ 51 • 50. A Mena Discount tb Dosiers. Agents itlinglest. 13. APPLETON 84 CO., Publishers, g WI. 9S Jk 94 GRAND ITSULST. qaoSabs;Trru:s I - Mal ~.:..:. 7EfI.M'S, AND . , FUIS .F 17,118 I LADIES AND GENTLEMEN'S run EMPORIUM AID MANUFACTORY, WOOD STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA. • The subscriber being the only REGULAR FUR ILANUFACTURER IN 1 lily would o.li he attention of ,Laufes and Gentlemen wanting Pars to hi. tock;c omprising every variety known to' the trade. and made in the most ~Pasionable Styies, and • prices that I annot be excelled by anv. I except none. lsok is a fair trial. and I will gnsrantoe ',Atlanta. tion. Fars,- Altered. Repaired anu Cleaned in the neatest and best manner. . LOUIS MULLER 138 , WuOD STREET. Z:EILLERS & 114 ' ':KEYSTONE POTTERY: .8 ~ BIG IC*ll'l l / 4 ' co 4 ••• manufactured of ispzerrox. *silo die., Ornee:ind Wairhollso, asa LIBICRTY 111'J EE IfirAll ',Merl promptly atteidiut to. „ • , - EW - SUGAR- CURED RABE% 4'irc receiver/ (rum awls/natl. the Bret out of isioka of thecelearated ••atarss brand. Sugar Cured Mama and - Dried -Beef. !dr /uta st therecilly_ iz ( eer y i o n of JOHN A. 41.1LISISIIA W. • ae - ' tortes Liberty watt nand streets , , -•-- - Af4AIN.-1113. Gontlos-and datightei. issestad lit , the *attire Itin , Joo. wi u give their exhibitions THIS (Wednesday) EVE IN G. December 17th. In the FIFTH e. CH CH..corner Washington. and Webster streets, (Rev. Reid's; at 7 (retort. Thrit~ eta of admission 2 cents. Doors o en at 7. - - del7 145.5 f ' rgrLIBERTY iIALL;" EAST LIBERTY, }TWAY MUM . DEC. 18, 1888. W..C.:I3MYTHE Will 'deliver Ms lecture entitled "Aqtoss THE ATPAHTIC," . .• IRELAND AND THE IRISH, • ENGLAND AND THE ENGLISH Tickets 50 - tentr: 'tan be had of Mr. NeglWat the yostotflee. IfeClarren's Drug Haase an , Dm alien's Dry Goods score.' ' - del7:bte P'"CE. We hereby give .notice that wewlll lot be respell. alble for any transaction's o 2 J. W. CRAFT, as be ls net anthorlzeCto do any badness whatever In our name. Pittsburgh, Dec. 16th, 1888 11. S. tdAESHAD'S OFFICE, I. W. D. or Pennsilvanis. - • Firrsatritow, Deuember 16th, 1868. 11 HIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE that on the 16th day at Deentiber,'.d. D. 1 1 .8881' a arrant in. Bankruptcy was issued Against the ESTATE OF WILLIAM GREY. pl.pittatmigh-; -- brthe county-or-Aileitieny. and:: State of Pennsylvania, who has been adjudged a bankrupt on his own petition; that the payment of any debts and delivery of any -property belonging to such bankrupt to him or for his use, and the trans fer of any propert by him • are forbidden by law; that a meeting. of y the c editors of the, said, bank runt, to prove their'debts and to ehoOse.onO or more assignees of to estate,' will be "held' of theourt of 'Bankruptcy, to be holden at the ofdce of Regis ter, No. 93 Diamond street, in the Citr of Pitts burgh. Penna., before , : seidDEl4 - HARPER, Eu&iii Register, on the and day of January, .filD;111 , at 10 o'clock A. M.' THOMAS A. ROWLEY, 11. S. Marshal, as MeSseager del7:bs2 AND ENAMELED ; 4 0 TWENTY-SEVENTH -ELEMI-AN NUA.L.REPORT of the • DOLLAR SAYINGS 'BATCH:" I • . LIABILITIES, • . Ainonnt due Dep05it0r5Dec.10.868..2,073,639.17 Dividend:for the ilea' six months.— 83.6138.14 Contiogent Fund 186,497.30 Total liabilities ASSETS Loins on Rend and Efortipige " $14854,088.45 Reih Estate • • ' • ' ' 05,41'5 27 Stock in Pittsburgh Sankt-. 71,034.04 IL h. 10: biz par .cent. Bonds, 43 5-67 350,000.00 A. S. six per cent. , Rends, '1881.... 50.043.75 Bill Receivable 30,790.00 Cash in bank and on hand 133,863.10 Total Asset".. The undersigned A.uditlng Committee rear eetful ty Report &rat they have examined the Tfeasserer'S Report fcc the'luat six months, ending November 30th, IS6B. and have eXinninsd the Assets or the 'Batik. consisting orßonas and Mortgages, Deeds of .Real Estate, Certificates of Bank btessk, ttills Re ceivable. U. S- 5.20 'six .per cenc. Bonds. 65 and ;07. U. S. six per cent, Bonds, 11011. and .the 'cash in Bank and on hand_, and dnd the same to corres pond with tke above Report. It. C. LOOMIS. JAMES 1). • W5l. J. ANI)-R-ON. Auditing Committee, Pittsburgh, December 9. 1868. . . . . . . • The Trustees'have declared a dividend of three (3) per cent. • ont of Urr profits for the last six months, free of Government Tax. payable forth with. If not drawn. will bear inter , st from Ist inst. • OHAS. A. COWPDX, Treasurer.. Pittsburgb,ADeeemberl2, Ib6B. del7-bSZ-4.1&S . EVERY STYLE AND COLOR PACE. ZELLERS Ik.DUFF. T O CAPITIMISTS, • • , ENGAGED OR WISHING TO ENGAGE IN THE HABEFACFUEE OF 64SSWAHE, A rare chance Is offered in the sale of the entire Patent for the manufacture and exclusive sale of the - GRADtrATED - VIAL; f N ou w rt enn general t o s ru h fr u o g m h P t b h ua roy ntlrt y h .. , h B6 n 9 g . The Investment to men of enterprise and capital will pay largely. as toe bottles cost no more than plain ones, and for them there Is a constant and growing demand. Want of capital• sufficient tor . maLufaeturing Is the only_ Caue‘e for offering this valuable Patent for sale. Terms and further Int.r- matlon may be had by addressing . GEORGE W. STOEC'KEL, Pa'entee and -Proprietor of the Graduated Vial, Rox .192, Pittsburgh r. EVERY STYLE AND COLOR PACE ZELLERS & DUFF. FINE CITY RESIDENCE FOR SALE. That eligibly locaied and modern style dwelling, 80. 35 Ferry street, with imniediate possession. Is offered for a few days only. The house is situated near the corner of Teird avenue, • • , 'Contains . Nine - Booms, Beside bath, drying and store rooms. pantries. elc. 18 supplied with . gas and water and finely finished throughout. The property Is-in convenient prox imity to markets, churches, schools and business street#, iq surroucded by beautiful shade-trees and has a fine side-yard . For terms, - latteh 'will 'be made satisfactory, en quire of Loma/ilia. vitzw &co . • aele:wo in. Wood street. • AND ENAMELED de10.140 • PITTSBURGH GAZETTE : THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1868. PRESBYTERIAN BN.ANER FOR THREE NONTH, ' it116:4 RITCsART We propose s to' :send the BANNER THREE MONTHS Ir,OIINQTHINg from the time at which the nimeeei NEW B , IIII ScitIIIERS reaelt 111 6. 1 444.? dition to the - TWEE: O IM M0N1 4 1113 ler which the SS,OO Day. Thus all New Subscribers will get the /BANNER rxruarat MONTHS sou es. Go. REIM -9PI-13E REpGIOVS NEWSPMTR Sirb!eh ias c icontied altigh reputitiot, sad no hot or expense will be spared to keep it In the very frontrank. of Americatkand Itellgtons Journals. new ¬ate. In every Part of our country, And the contributors to' its columns are taken from all sec tions of the ' ' . _ ' " . _ 'Among those who write for its columns are CLER GYMEN and L AWYERS, HANKERS and AR TISTS. METICHANTI3 and FARMERS, and GICH TLEMEN and LADIES who have made Literature their profeassioa; It treats of all the great topics oonnected , with the diturch, with Education. with Literature, and 'With human wellbeing. The peo ' pie have mho .tn th-Lt appreelation of it by the rapid and wide circulation to which it has attained. The FIFTTITWO Numbers of the BANNER every yess contain-an ansoint, of Headiny Matter - which could net be peocitred from any of the Publi-' cation Boarded.of Tract Societies for, lets- than •00 00, Yet give it for IS 00, ins fresh and living form from week to week. And many a fata l* if asked, will take and read a Wit/Joni ne4s paper, which will not buy or read a:religious book.' Here is a meals of usefulness of which, we hope very many or eitireaderstilll $2..315,60.1 61 •-=•:62,316,604.0 A NEW ATTRACTION will be .presented after the Holidays, In the:shape of a SERIAL STORY, running throagh several months. translated froth the. German, by the Rev. G. A. WENZEL. It is Entitled, - "THE 'DUKE. OF ARGYLL," • And Is founded on the Persecutions In Scotland. as vlored from a Germs's' stand-point. The Story Is one of 7111111ns IntcroSt to every frit ad of Jfittedom and Protestantism., It is oar desire to engage as many persons as pos sible, in (every part of the country, to set as Agents in securing Iftw Enbseribers. To this end we offer the following VALUABLE PREMIUMS, to ,which we ask special attention; AMERIgAN- AGRICIJLTUIIST I • - •We have made an'arrangement with the AMER CAN AGRICULTURIST whereby we can ,oirer that most valtos. ble Agrieniturni - Journal, by tar the best in the United States, pubiished at Si SO per annum, for One Year to every one who win send as the Names of two persons not en our Mut Luna $4.00. Vim' every one who will mike the little effort ne. cessary to secure two new aOn co hers, will provide himself with 'PHIC AMERIIJAN AGRICULTURIST, each number of which contains Forty Pages, for one year. In this way many, Farmers and Otbera inay obtain the AGRICULTURIST without charge ter Tivelve Months. GOLD AND SILVER__ - VC7 Ai. MC 3M BENEDICT BROTHERS, 61 - 44'oitn,” 691 Broddtvil, N. Y. For 20 Subscribers, at $9.00 each•'# One Solid Sil ver Waltham Watch, Wm. Bilex7. Price, $2O. For 28 Subscribers, at 112.00, a One' Solid Silver Hunting Case, Full Jewelled, Detached Anchor Watch-. Arnold Adams, Londen: Price s3o.' For For 38 zubscrlbers. at 111.00, an elegant American Wiltham-Watch, Solid Slifer Hunting Case, Ei. panslon Balance, your Holes Jeweled. P. 8. ' Bartlett. Price. $2O. • For 80 Subscribeis, at $2.00; in extra line Sliver • Hunting, Full Jeweled Watch, A . .'Benediet's • Time Watch.” Price, 380. For 65 Subscribers, a due Solid Gold, Full Jeweled. Hunting Cue Ladrs Watch. Price, $75. For 100Subsuribers, at $9.00. Lairs Gold Watch, extra line. .`‘ilenedlotie Time Chron= omeierjtalaneik Full Jeweled. Price, $lOO. For 100 Subscribers,' an elegant Solid Gold - Ameri-• can Wilthain Watch, Full jeweled, Patent Lever, Hunting Case. - i'riee, $lOO, CASH. .COMMISSION. We are wilting to emp'oy. any .number of rSSPon sib .e parties, who prefer Payment In money for new Subscribers, - on most tillers' terms. Every person wto wishea to arlf lige In this work of soliciting sub scribers, Is revealed to address Rtr, giving proper reference. We up ready to employ .an ♦ges 3 every Congregation. SPECIMEW PAPERS. Persons washing to have sone !gorges et theltAlt- NEIL as tpeelmens ter thetr own . Ir,tertnation, or to ; show others, are retfiseiteit Lo send di their naiies PostoMee address; sad we will Need the paper", Postsge Paid. - • - Altiriddrees all Letters, . I) = I3 MMO:BANt - ER; 76 , 1111 RD AVENUE is PITTSBURGH, PA. TII EMI PIMMO TIP NEF . SUBSCRIDERL, '. • . ;..s.'''..,:i.' '43 IS A LARGE EIGHT-PAGR NEW ATTRACTION. ]PIUE*:HJMES. YBOM 1 FOB lIMI El FURS, HUFFS, AND BERTHAS FANCY ARTICLES WIE LITTLE FOLKS. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL at WILLIAM SEMPLE'S, 80 and 182 Federal street, Allegheny. DECEMBER 1868. FOR 30 DAYS ONLY. -AM 11.30°P.ALMICA LESS THAN WHOLESALE PRICES. `:We offerFOß A FEW WtitAKS ONLY our goods at a large reduction from regular rates. Our stock is MI and complete in all departments, and we shall sell the best aual ities , and styles of Carpets at prices at which - we_cannot re place them, giving our cus tomers an opportunity of ob taining Bargams that may never be offered again. This spe644l sale will continue only until the time of taking our annual inventory of stock at the end of this month. IWFARLAND & COLLINS, 71 AND 78 FIFTH MAUL TNTF,W 4 U - 00013S FOR THE . HOLIDAYS. Pine China and llohemlan Vases, Dinner hem. lea het' and Toilet Beta. ' • Panel taps. • Rmokinit Pieta. Par/an Ware. French Decorated Glimtware and Platd Geode. A fresh asscrtment of e entirely new @tyke and de- Mims just opened at . NO. 22: WOOD , STREET, 'DENBY, RIGBY. del4:la7 FiIRS .f4....T11$110,L111,111.:; FURS ! FURS ! FURS jtC6OIIIY 181 WOOD STREET. 47, BOYS' OLOilßer. Gray & Logan, NO. 47 ST. CLAM MEET, PEARL ASH-40 cask i• 110. 1 itl store and !brute by - • • , - •j.R. CA WFIPILD &Tette' • QODA Asn--soo-to clili ce brands. Ia ayirepuld fir wile by • • • non - . . a. H. cuiritt•DW WN. ISMS AND , NEW YEARS, EAT, TAREETY ICLES SUITABLE FOR PRESENTS ROE ES; ~GENTLEIdEN AND CHILDREN lUNDKEIIMM, cotes. FOB itt, NEW 003D2, CARPETS =A lOU EMI PR TIE COLD - WEITHEL BLANKETS, FLANNELS, SHAWLS, CLOAKINGS, UNDERWEAR, BLACK, BBOW . 4(ANp GOLD MIMED WATERPROOF CLOTHS , I:Press Gfroacodies VERY LOW PRICE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL at WILLIAM 'SEMPLE'S, 80 and 182 Federal street, Allegheny irar NOTIOE1&"To . Let," t !Art. ba le," "Loet " o " Wanti,” "Found, ,1 "Boarding," &e.. not sa. ending FOUR LINES - iach totlibe inserted in Meat goininne ones for TW.ENTY-FIVE CENTS; sael tuktitionallino 178 CENTS. . • WANTED --HELP. WANTED —MACHINIST— Who understands the NUT AND BOLT BLR NESS. None but a competent workmen need ap ply. Good wages will be paid and steady employ ment. HOLENSH.ODE•S BOLT AND NUT WORKS, Nos. 993 to 505 West Third street, Ctn. ninna - Ohio. .TVANTED—A few salesmen to • ANTED--HELP -At Employ - ment Mien. No. Bt. Clair Street, BOY 8 ES and MEN, for difierent kinds of employ ment. Persons wanting help of all kinds can supplied on short notice. 1 M Y t I ;_= OARDING=Good Boarding at No. 18 ANN tITKEET, Allegheny elty, tor 80 per week. , W ANTED — BOAIIDERS7-Pleas. ant room, youngoardenitable for gintlemin and wite, or two gentleman at 68 FOURTH sTrtERT, Alio. stew day or dinner boarderi can be accommodated. Reference required. WANTED--AGENTI3 N;VANTED AGENTS--$5O to $9OO PEE MONTH—To sell New Book gertainlog to Agriculture •od tbe Mechanic Ave. by GEWIGE E.'WARING. Itsg.,. the distinguished Author and Agricultural Engineer of the New York Central Park. A.% Nothing like it: SOO Basra rings • Sells at sight to Farmers. Mecbanic.s and workingmen of all classes. Send for Ciremlars. A. 1' TA LC uTT 4 GO., 88 Market street,..Pittaburgb, Penns. delsswl WANTED. Thift to Fifty boisand ALLEGHENIy I7ALLEVIIAIL WAY BONDS—In exchange tur productive city properly Also' Also' first ci , es mortgage security for Twenty-Five Thee-and Dollars, tbree or live years in run for ca,ll.- Address D. L., care l'ostodlae box O LET.-.TWO HANDSOMELY gt; furnished rooms. with gas and tire, one on first floor. and une trout up stairs. Inquire at 198 Third avenue. FOR VOR RENT=the large four story bulldlng. STREET, at present occupied by Messrs. T. Young & Co.. as a Furniture - Warehonor. Possession Ist of April next. Enquire of Sibling JOHNBIObI, isomer of Smithfield street and Fourth avenue. TO LET—A furnished Sleeping ROOM, suitable for one or two gentlemena n t house of a privato family, No. 5120 LA.COUS !STREET, Allegheny city. FOR SALE VOR BALE-Boarding House , GOOD WILL—The u Ner lbrr oil' rs for bale long established 'Boarding House. 79 eiPRING LEO?". between the Gelman Catholic Vhurch and Fifth Ward Nat ket Rouse. It hits now eighteen" or twenty good baying boarders, and enjoys excellent reputation. IitAittiARETTE (VOA. SALE-That fine tw story a.. briek warehouse. 24 by 04 feet. OHIO &TRENT, Allegheny city, No. 95, now noon ,pleit as a I. lone and Grain Warehouse. Alen, that two slur, brick d v eilleg house, 20 by 64 feet, ad. Joining the above containing six rooms For further harticulars enquire on the premites of 81. STEEL A eON. FOR BALE-COAL oA BALE-COAL ra A L WvOiRKSf — FOR Bu t rYad Oh eig a ty-eightm t l he east ofColnuhus„ titkraser,county•Ohlt.`l7l acres of Coal Bank, opening nob: 100 feet from the gallroad, with all necessary bank ears.mules 'houses tor miners, btackamith..hop, railroadsid— ing. dc. Price Terms, 05.000 cash; balance In coal, or will take an active partner with a cash capital of 47,000. batlseictory reasons leas for seinen% Apply to. or address ' HOP? & HIt,LIPB, Real Basin Agentai No. 139. roan& on tie.: • 0 • • • I ' l acres I or goodl.and. situated In 'Penn IV:, West ,. oreland county, two miles from* Irwin Station. on ie reuna:' It. R. Improvements. hewed log louse n good repair bank barn and older outbuildings. elms moderate. .• /Inquire or NNI:, WILSON, Lad' Viers Station, or FL A. HOPE. Penn Station. yOR SAIL.E—A. first class Retail 0 bruit lu veridearabi e location. dd. reA 'lux 1.317, Pittsburgh. 1 , 011 -L - SACE.IIIOII PRINVING • FifJE — Fstsbikbed end doing good business. A. drefs, JOB NUN . Eq.. this °Mee. 47. IOR SALE- DRUG } STORE—A anted/ISb recap ding store to vea l desirable loestion. Terms 1335 J. Ad drellll box 79 ?hill. burgh. ' BILLIARD TABLES. S'4 ll P BILLIARD T4RIARS, minds. ~.....llirtilanutably the boa fu use. NNW neittorg. YNNTS.- Patented Nov. AClth 188.7 and April alf4, 1688. , NitumalUir remit tOdlilatda °flag bag Tulin, and lowest prima a linty* on nand; Our NEW CON TRIUMNIt, Patentei Ney.fitti, 'Bath Dace el. Bo—r great success. ILlnsustedorloe lieu meson appljc(ition. Address PHELAN( & 5101pailm3R. , e ta" find" '7"*" .l ".i Nur yolk OW QUILTS, FITEI S, STOCKINGS NEW AND DESIRABLE AT WANTS. TO 'LET Ili --- MYEC/LANTS AND M.CIVrFACTUILEIIS Pirreurnott, , Dec. 19, WTIIE ANNUAL ELECTION for DrRECTONS or this Bank wilt take place at the BANKING NOUtsE_ A corner of First and Wood streets, on TUE-sDA I, January lAth 1869. between the hours of 11 A. .11. and 9P. N. dele:b36 JO N SCOTT, JR-, Caahler. OFPICZ OF CITY ENGINZIin ANI)PURVITOH, Prrr•ncrecar, December 14, 1888. f IgrNOTICE. The Assessment f r the Nicoleou Pavement on Sixth street, from Liberty street tn, the Suspension bridgl Is now ready for esamloatlon, and can be seen at this omee mad THDEISDAT,December 24, mum when It will be returned to the City Treasurer's obits for collection. • IL J. IdOuRP., • dei4:b4o City Engineer. THIRD NATIONAL BANE OP r ITTSBORGE4 PA., i December 151tb, .Itlol3, I ar ELECTION NOTICE.— The Annual Election of Elrectors or this Bank to sj 3 rwe dosing the ensuing year, w il l tak ^ Waco at the ank, mi. TUESDAY, Janusty 18th, 1869, be tw n the hou JOHN A. 3f. Mid .3P. N. del4:b3B B. LIVINHSTON. Cashtei: UNION .NAT/ONLL BANN. : Pittsburgh, Dec. 12, 186111. r NOTICE.--The Annual Flee • Or TlON , ibr DIRECTORS to amelbr the en suhig_year will be held at the Banking' House, oa TumispAY,.. JaatuuT 12th, /I etwen thehours ofclattd'a P. S.' i - del2:b3o. R. B. SMITH. Casbier.l • MlClUitits Re7ioliAls, sknr: 1.1 Pittsburgh. Dee. 'll, 1888. arAN ELECTION ,FOR DIREC TORS of this Bank will be held at the Banking' House, on' TILTW‘DaT, January 151th.* 1889. between the hours of 19 st. and-1 .P tr 'JOHN G. MARTIN, Deshler del2:b3l • ALLIGHENT NATIONAL HANK, Prrrsinutou. Dec. 12, 186 s. lar-THE , ANNUAL:ELECTION otnitectors to 'serve 'during the ensuing year will be held at the Banking House on TUBS PAY. January 12th.11369, between the hours del3:b23 W. 3fcCAIiDLES B . Assistant Cashier PICOPLE'S NATIQNAL BANS. OF - PITTSBITIIGH, December 1.54 , 1868: THE ANNUAL ELECTION for ELVVEN DIRECTORS of this Bank - , will be held at the Banking Heine On TifESDAY,,. January is, 1869, between the hours of 11A. X and 1 r. m. dem:lyl F. H. GORDON, Cashier. TBADEMEN , EI NATIONAL BAYS, • PITTSBUZGU. December 1. nk6s. rgrTIIE ANNUAL . ELECTION for EEN DIRECTORS win be held at the Banking H o nle on - TUESISAY. January /Bv` 1869, between the hours of 10 and 19 A. M. delb:ba CYRUS CLARKE, Cashier THE IRON CITY NATIONAL HANK OFU • PI ANNUATTSIIII,4III, L Dec. ELE 13th, CTI ON 1868. f WTHE during t FO c R o mi L n R g E C ea O,R wiofhh ih e-lßa nk. h to Banre ing Rouse. on TUESDAY. Jannary 12th, 1868, between the hours of-1 and 3P. M. J. MADOFFIIf. C Cashier. Ael4:b3sd&T - _ EXCHANGE NATIONAL BANK OF Firremiton, December 12, 1868. arl'ite' Annual Election of Di rectors for ibis Bank will take nla-e at the Bank on TUESDAY, January 12th. 1869, be tween pie hours of 12 o'clock, sr.. and 3 o'clock P. B. H. M. HURRAY, dendi2BD.W. . Cashier.-- WALLEGHENY -COUNTY -AG-, BICULTURAL SOCIETY ANNUAL, * MEETING—The Annual Meeting of the Altegheny County A grlcultural Society will be held on- THURS . DAT, Januart 7th, at .KO. 10 St.- Clair - street. at 10 o'clock A. st. at which time an elec— tion for Directorti for the ensuing year will be held. m h e e tßing od W M DND g DA YD . e ho mb eh3eot m a nt hy o'clock A. it., at the same p lace. del& JOHN E. PARKE. President. 'agr'PENBI SYLVA NIA RAILROAD MENT, ,comrazir. ' rAIUREB'S ;DEPART... . , .. • rxrzianiLpiai, Pa.: Dec. 3,1809. NOTICE TO. B TOCSHOLDERS-:The Second In. stalment on the New Stock, subscribe - 4 for wide: resolution' of the Board of I.l3lreetors of 3fayllBl3B Is now due. Unleis 'paid on or before:the 15th Inst., the stalment will not draw its proportion of dlvldens due May, 1869, and those paying up all the remain. lug Instalments will receive lull tllvidends InMity next. ' . THOMAS T. FIRTH. dtf7.b.9 Treasurer. • fgrPENNSTIVANIA.AAILIICIAD • COMPANY T.u.l/Asthma's DEP'ARTHE-VT. PHILADELPHIA. NOY. 2,, 1868. I NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. . The Board of Directors have THIS D AT declared 'a semi-annual dividend of FIVE PER CENT. on the capital stock of the Company, clear of National and State taxes, payable la cash, on and alter Novem ber 30, 186. H. , Blank powers of attorney for collecting nividends can be had at the otlieWof the Company, 338 SoUTH THIRD STREST. - - .Tne °dice will be opened at S Sr. and closed at 4 P. st., from -November 30th to December sth • tor the payment of dividends; and after that 'date from 9 A. M. to 3P. IC nes2o:a46 THOMAS T. FIRTH, Treasurer. ggrIO'FICE. Prrrentrnamr, June 536th; Is6B. NOTICE 1B HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE BiCFEE OF PITTNEUEG;IT till.apply to the Les:4lB6re . of Pennsylhnii. its ext session. for a renewal of its Charter, with its present authorized Capital of Twelvf Dzindred Thousand Dollars. 1011$ HARPER, Pres!dtnt. Attest: WM. ROSEBURG, Cashier IIN THE BIALT'rER OF OPEN. ING LOCUST STREET. IN THE CITY OF 'PITTSBURGFI—AL owners of Lots. or other per*ons Interested in the ROItIAL EiRQUNDS .on STEVENSON iSTRREP, - one belonging to the Asso ciate Reformed Church. known as if:k.R•e'S GRAVE YARD, and thu other - to the , Catholic Church, ..known as the CATHOLIC GRAVE YARD. are hereby noed that they ore required to remove the bodies from the ground within the line of Locust 'street, within three months from this date; and if the same are not removed within that time, they will Ile removed by the underagned. who have been appointed Commissioner. for that purpose. Said street is forty•eiaht„. fear. wide. and extenos along the line between the said Burial Grounds_ about our_ half off each.. AL necessary informa.ion can be hod by appileationto either of toe Comm isaloners. The Commissioners will meet for consultation with Lot Owners, on MONDAY, December ROM, MB, at 1010elock, A. 14, - . at the city Engineer'■ Office, Market Building, third story: , • ve. M. GRIFFIN. 'J. D. Ii ELLY, M. TINDLE, Pittsburgh, Dec, 4, VMS. Commissioners. delkallt, ROCK THE BABY EARNEST'S PATENT CRII3. BOLD' ONLY BY 'LEMON & WEISE. Fractleal, Furniture Nanufacturers, _ Troicarrn A:I7M 2 4 117 E . me:llttnnkfullvorment of Pt r , ot z eenrrati ro WANTED -ON COMMISSIpN, ONE HUNDRED TONS OP • 3PC)1171.,71 1 3Wir, . , FOR THE. HOLIDAYS` The highest market prices and - quick sales guaranteed. Mark packages distinctly and send Tsicea by . H. P. BALLARD & Co. Commission Merchants, 33 1 1 Washington sir New York. - n0r7:321. IE i rat t I LT NT OR BEEQRF. W. P. MAlMlLikial will remove Ida stook of , WALL' PAPERS . from the old stand No. 87 WOOp STREET...to the newly I , ted and elegani store house; NO. 1 91 . - 1,1 1 1 E1t1T: 8222.E.E4 • a lbw doors above ST:. CLAti‘ KATES,' SKATES, SKATES. • American Rink; 4 New York Club Empite,ltarr, &e. Ail °tiler stres s the Teri' lowegt rates jig WRITESIDES& DEM. -`Ta wianaa, riattlizNr. CM la Nil IrEMCI rll7l