NEW iADVERTISEMENTS. FOR THE. HOLIDAYS JOSEIIIIIOIINIi & CO'S. A FULL ASSORTRENT Fancy and Staple Articles SUITABLE FOR J • USEFUL HOLIDAY GIFTS. KID GLOVES! I ALL SHADES, TASSELLED AND PLAIN Alexandre Sid (}loves. gur Toppelt, Berlin and • • Cloth Gloves. • . 1 1-I.OSIERY. 3.B.TENSIVIDAtieNNME'ST, ALL SIZES Heavy Wool and Merle° usivratwv.A.n. Gent? Ficrnishing Goods. NECK nu. SCARFS, BOWS. susPisanyEßs, -PAPER COLLARS AND CUFFS. • c-- HANDEEncrunrs, REAL BEM STTPCIIED HANDTS, IN cents up EILBRDIDERRD, TUCKED. REVERE, 31.01JRNINO BORDERED AND • . LACE BANDEERCHIETB (MEAT VARIETY. tents' Silk Handkerchiefs. HANDSOME STYLES-LIGHT AND DARN NICK, BOW AND SASH RIBBONS A SPLENDID 'LINE•. EIC.ELTS, MILLINERY GOODS• VELVETS. §&TINS AND FRENCH FLOWERS. HOOP 'SKIRTS, PERFECT.GOOOS, AT ONE HALF USUAL RATES. • • CORSETS, FRENCH, CIEMAKERMAN AIM ARY MER W . ICAN, OF BEST S, `MR LO DRESS OD CLOAK =MIMS LOOPS, BUTTONS AND ORNAMENTS CO3iß6s JET AND PLATED JEWELRY DRACELETS, BROEHE.%_ SEEEVE BUTTONS, SETTS ha'll3 HANDKESCISIEF HOLDESS. HAND KNIT ZEPHYIV.GOODS, GERM&NTOWN WOOLS, ZEPHYR AND YJA_RICS A 'COMPLETE STOCK Of New Goods Arriving Daily delG EVERY STYLE AND COLT q -• SCOTCH PEBBLE CLENLFINE SPECTAC WiREANTED TO DIPROVE THE EIGHT FOE SALE BY DUNSEATH & HASLETT. 56 ' , writ STREET. 11ENRY G. FLAME, MERCHANT TAILOR.' Corner of Penn and St. Clair Streets, Has now stock one of the largest and most varied assortments of •, Fall and Winter Gds • . :ever brought to this city. N •His stockj em4aces al •the latest French and English \ inanufactur . e.apf CLOTHS, OABECUMERES dHD OVERCOATINGS • Also, a full line of Gent's Furnishing Goods. NEW 'GOODS. FOR A STYLISH OVERCOAT FOR A STYLISH DRESS COAT FOR A STYLISH BUSINESS COAT: BUR A STYLISH WALK INU COAT, FOR A STYLISH PAIR OF PANTS FOR A STYLISH VEST OF ALL RINDS, NEW GOODS. For all the latest styles cut clothes, made of the ova, material, and by Srst.class workmen, and. at prices surprisingly low, go to the well known Merchant TILLIOr, W. HESPENIIXII). 50 ST. CLAIR. STREET, now Sixth. nolB B ELL EA ofFIELD PROPERTY FOR T live movie BAL neat cottage house porting:, . two attic rooms. porches, large cellar. stable, well and cistern; lot SO feet-Irons by 140 deep to an alley. street In front and on one side; va riety of choic - efrwit trees, pear, peac h, plain, cher ry and apple, grape -vines and small frults•, &ban -dance of-good-fraitlast-season:-situate-one_square from street cars In desirable location, S. CUTHBERT & SONS, 8 Erni thlield.street.• delB THOB. F. DA.L116,11. S. surrors. D • T HE E-NDERSiGNED HAVE AS 14.TED themselves together for the encE OF MEDICINE. OElee, No. 19 STOCKTON AVENUE, Allegheny ens,: TIIO9. R. DALE, _M. D., noissele E. BUTTON. X: UNDERZUIMRS. -: ' •i. ' ---- - . l .. srt AIKEN,AINDERTAKEB, ~' ,4 2 7 --. - FOURTHTYP' REET Pittsbur enders. g0.'160 d CRAPES, 13-LOVES. 13 of Milan ti, C rN eron of Funtral Furnishing Goods amend e rT des ~ tuurao open 45y all • ..:' 'dated. - d night.- Be , tidied. '' Clrrisg" furn —Rev. David Barr, D Q• . Jacob u. ... ' '',: Egraturscas _ maa Ewing, E . 3 D q. .. Bev. IL •. f Wus:D. D., Tl2O 7 Jacoblsq. ------ CEIAIRIES &PEEBLES,IINDER. i.: TAKERS AND LIVERY STABLES, come! of 13 DUSKY STREET - AND CHURCH AVENUE, Allegheny City. where their COT ROOMS are , . eclastantly supplied vita real and imitation Rest. wood, Mahny and Walnut r-Col:das, at prices VA. , , Tying Dorn s4 to $l.OO. Bodies prepared for inter. k .. ment. Hearses and Carriages farniehedr also, al IA .winds of Mourning (WAS IC reouired. °Law -ape' . at all hours, day and nyhT. la 08-ERT P. RODNEY. UNDER,. TAKER AND EMBALMER. No. 40 OHIO Err, Allegheny, Aerepa,,cpstantly es thed i' 19ifiegsgrritdrri A rittelYe-eYetireetd'Eng. n to t 1 : rib' Cases, !detente Self-seallng Alr-tlint Cases and Casket,nd Roseirood, Walnut anellosewood Isnitation Cos. Walnut Coffins. flan s`43 up , wards. ' Rosewood Imitation Coffins fom $3 up. wards, and no pains will be spared togive entire satisfaction. Crape and Gloves farniked free of charge. Best Hearses and Carriages Arntsbed on shOrt notice. Carriages furnished to =evils 44. =I .ACAILDEDIY OF 11115 SIC. roil ONE WEEK, COMMMING MONDAY, HEUER 41st, Proud XiMary Allegory of • - THE DRUMMER JOY OF SKELOII. To b. iiroduc - dby TWO HUNDRED VETERANS and SEVENTY-FIVE LADIES of the city. under the management of POS L' 3. G. A. It., for the ben efit of Soldiers' widows and orphans. COMILITTEVOP ARIiANGIIMINTS: Gen. James S. Negley, , Gen. A. L. Pearson, Gen. P. Cllier, Oen. J. Z. Sweltzer Col. R. B. Rob erts, Cot. J. W. Baliautine. Malor'E. A. Monteorh , Ma or A. P. Callow,Lee S. Smith. W. B. Cook, W. F. Heed, George 11Grar, A. G. Harry, W. J. CrL well, G. W. &Ivey, W. F. Dalglelsh. Seats may be secured each day from 10 - to 18 - A nr at the box office, commencing December 18. delf• NEW OPERA HOUSE, ' • BRIEF mlrirGaillierra re tho in Em a =gt: Wan, EDWIN BOOTH, COYMIXCING QN MONDAY, DECEIBIP. 21st, 1868, BOX sELF-v-T NOW oiemN. NOTICT—In consequence of the in:me:lie expense attendant upon the engagement of Mr. Booth. the mansgetnent has been compelled to adept the fol lowing PRICES Op ADMISSION : Private Boxes 61 2 6 0 00 Oroisestra Chairs - 0 Reserved Marquette and Dress ...... 50 Admission Tickets 1 O 50c. Gallery FINE CITY RESIDENCE • FOR SALE. That eligibly located aid modern style dwelling, No. 35 Ferry street, with immediate poss ted ession. 15 offered for a few days only. The house is situa near the corner of Tnird avenue, Contains. Nine Reams, Beside bath, drying and store rooms. pantries, etc., Is supplied with gas and water and finely finished t h roughout.. Tiie property is in convenient prox imity to markets, churches, schools and business streets, is surrounded by beautiful shade-trees and has a fine side-yard. For terms, which will be made satisfactory, exi ' guise of LOCKHART. IFR4i WEW ood & CO., et de1.6.1A6 stre FURS! , FURS LADIES AND GENTLEMEN'S FUR EMPORIUM AND MiNUFACTORY, 135 WOOD STREET, FITTfiIitURGH, PA. The subscriber being the only RBOULAII7I.IIt I,AIitiFACTIIII&R I'N THE CITY, would e tit tke attention of Laciles and. Gentlemen wanting Furs to kis Stock. comprising every variety known to the trade, and made in the most Fasiontible Styles, and prices that excelled by any. I except none. All I ask is a fair trial; and I will guarantee satisfac tion. Furs, Altered, Repaired ailli Cleaned la the neatest and best manner. LOUIS 111IILLE1 1 1 delS:bso 135 WOOD tiTttEET. TO CAPITALISTS, • ENGAGED 08. WISIIING TO ENGAGE . THE MANUFACTURE OF GLASSWARE, , A rare chance is offered in the sale of the entire Patent for the manufacture and exclusive sale of GRADUATED N oullouAtlry, , fou w e n ny ne r a t us ru hro rom Feb h u ec y nlth, h 18881. The investment to men of enterprise and capital will pay largely, as toe bottles cost no more than plain ones, and for them' there Is a constant anff, ,growing demand. Want of capital sufficient for manufacturing is the only cause for offering this valuable Patent for sale. Terms and further W.A.- mation may be had by addreasing GEORGE W. STOECKEL • Pa' entee and Proprietor of the. Graduated Vial; Box 4692, Pittsburgh r. 0. deiC tl2 PACE ZELLERS & DUFF, BAILEY, F.A.RREL & CO., MANUFACTURERS OF LEAD AliD BLOCK ro PRA SHEET AND BAR LEAD, and all kiail; of PRIMERS, CAS AND STEAL[ FITTERS MATERIALS. N 0.16 7 Smithfield St., Pittsburgh, de18: We I ;4 o _ ZELLERS & W ri D.l O ' AI • f; \NIEWCr - OCIODS FORSTHE HOLIDAYS. Fine China and Bohemian Vases, Dinner Sets. Tea Sets and Toilet Sets. Fancy Cups. Smoking Sets,-\ Parian Ware. French Decorated Glassware and Plated‘Goodst A fresh assortment of entirely new styleti and de sitrnsjnet opened at "HENRY HIGIBY. del4:b27 AEI EVERY STYLE 'AND COLOR E. ZELLERS & DUFF: 1171 SKATES, SKATES, SKATES. American Rink, New York Club,. Empire, Starr, &c. All other styles and, sizes at the very lowest rates at --- WHITESIDES & DRUM, , del9 19 FEDERAL ST.. ALLEGHEN W, ;IR AN D , , PITISBURGH GAZETTE : WEDNESDAY, DECEMB E R 16, 1868. W ADVERTISEMENTS VOIGT, 'AHOOD PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 257 Liberty Street, RECEIVE AND SELL ALL KINDS _ _ COUNTRY PRODUCE All Orders for Merchandise Fille Promptly at Lowest Market Rates Having hall long experience in the Produce business in this'eity; we feel confident we can give entire satisfac- on, and respectfully solicit consign- ments All correspondence in regard to Prices, Prospects. of 'Markets, &c., answered Prornp% Shippers should pack all goods with care and neatness. Mark directions ain with Name of Article, Weigi and Tare, always advising ns at the on. co I 414 1.1 ,0 me of Shipment MARKING PLATES FURNISHED FREE. kinds of Produce. Stock Light and rices firm. Our quotations are taken am actual sales, and can be consid- ered reliable APPLES—Cbcdce lots scare and, firm at $4.009 5.00; Good io Common, $3.000,1.00, BllTTER—RecelptiCof Choice Roll light and prices rra at 40(342e ; Vali to Good, 35®49c at 15@1130.; Qu4rters Blow, 12013 e.; Mixed, 13' 01.4 c. DRIED APP LZB. - C13010 3 , /OC.; Talr, O@ 9 ,ic for Factory, 18@g0c forG °glen. 61.85®1.90; 740. 1 Spring, $1.50. ConN -750380 c. for New, $1.00Q1.05 for Old. Irrx samco. at $1.4501 50. , OATS-65®580. No. 1 BAIILSY 421.00(32./0 C :! • i `,l* ii PITTSBI7RGIE!, PA., We report a good ?Juliet' for all EGOS--Delrlind 610 W . .. 33@3 5 c for /real; ;Anted BEANB—PrIme Navy, $3.50@3.75; Modham 3.00@3.5 0 DRIED iliUlT—Prlzie Helves reaches scarce CHEESE—Stock light and priced Arm;' noise GRAIN—Stock light and prices itrme:; Winter SEMA—Flaxseed,.2.. 4s ®3. so ;Tim otb y ,s3.oo Clover, $8.5009.00 FLoun—Winter, e9.00®9.50; Spring, $7.500 $B.OO CORN MEAL=O.OOIgI.I6 per bushel roTAToEs•-reach Blows; 80@85c. In sacks 421.75®3.0 0 per barrel POULTRY—Dressed Tarkeys,ls©l6c.; Ch!eke'? 3.2@13c.; seller-12%145! , GAME—Vsnlion, Saddles. 2136215-6:1--Whoie-- Deer. i1..341)15c.; Wild Duck, $5.00©0.00 per • ozen; Quall, $3.90 per dozen; Prairie Hens, $5.00 @O.OO. CRAXB,ERRIES—S2I3.OO©24.OO per barrel. ONIONS—PrIme Yellow, $5.00616.00 per barrel. TALLOW--12Q1 2 55c• APPLE BUTTER-145C059c,7 SORGHUM - 6 5 9 70 c vEni;nErts-1 5 0 900 LARD—iewasic , CEIESTN ' UTS7 - $ 5 , 50 V 3,00 BHELLBARKS - $ 3,00 © 3,50 VINEGAB — /E,1@ 2 . 0 ,c CIDER—DuII, eo,i) pc:7)9,o° RAGS-4 . 3ic COUNTRY SOAP-7c SHEEP I'ELTS--2P075c HAy—Bsied, $23029. BEESWAX 40e 1101d13.7Y•4 11 , 50 0 6,15 F" 11RISTRAS B liElf YEARS , 6 -BEAT N.4.1131:ETi- ARTICLES SUITABLE, FOR PRESENTS, LADIES, GENTLEMEN AND CHILDREN. HANDKERCHIEFS, COLLIS& FURS, HUFFS; AND BERTHAS FANCY ARTICLES THE LITTLE POLIES. ALL :NEW AND CH ACE GOODS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL at WILLIAM SEMPLE'S, 180 and 182 Federal street, Alleghen PpLETolt s I\lE,\Ni 11,11\isTIRRTEboos FOR '1869. The Lending Gift Books for 1869 THE POET AND THE PAINTER, Gems of Att and Song, An imperial octavo volume of four hundred pages containing choice seleutions from the Englibb Poets, and superbly Illustrated with NINETY-NINE LARGE STEEL ENGRAVINGS Printed in the most perfect manner on the page with the text. The Illustrations consist principally of Landscapes y CHURCII, EF.NSETT, DURAN HUNTING TON, CROUSEY. COL le, LEUTZE. and other American !mists, and numerous Ideal. portraits and artistic groups by MACI.IaII, 3INADQWS, Cvlt- BF.AUX. CHESWICK. WEIR, and 'other famous European painter:—all engraved on steel in the highest style or the art. Altogether, this volume is the most lavish in il lustration, the most SUlllyttlOr i n type, paper. and binding, and the most eleg nt in its artistic ap pointments,-.of any gift booklssued from the Amer ican press. Price, in full morocco, antique, or gilt, $20. 0 30. TILE. SCATT.Tira GALLERY, Fifty Superb Illustrations, En graved on Steel, Itepresentlna Characters from theiVerks of FR EDERICH SCHILLER, WITH DESCRIPTIVE TEXT BYIREDERICH PECI4T The "Schiller Gallery" is ansttempt to delineate, by the pencil, the fambus characters In the poems, and pima of the great German poet, in a manner similar ih general conception to the well-known "Stratford Gallery." "Waverly Gallery." and "'Syron Gallery.", The engravings in the "Schiller Gallery, however, ore larger. more numerous, and of finer execution, than those In the collections of any. similar volume. To the admirer of Schiller; a study of these vari ous happy artistic realizations of his charamers will prove a great and lasting delight: while to-,all. others the work Is a SUPEY.B GALLERY OF of unequalled interest and great intrinsic value.. One volume. Imperial octavo, bound in full mo rocco, antique, and morocco, gilt. Price 620.00.1 m. Woodside- and. Seaside ! 1: ILLUSTRATED BY PEN AND PENCIL ? An, elegant small quarto volume, of ninet”lx pages; containing a selection of many beautiful rural poems by TEN.IIY*Ohi, BRYAET. MOTHER WELL.. and other poets: and richly and fully illus trated with Er , gray.ngs from drawings on wood: by BIRKET FOSTER, 111)Wii, and others. Engraved and printed" in the most perfect manner. In cloth, gilt &Ides. and edges,*4.oo; to morocco, antique, and morocco, gilt, $B.OO. , JUVENILE ANNUAL, A Christmas and New Year's Gift for Young People. : . Containing a varied and highly interesting col 'Seao oes, Tales of Adventure, Incidents at and irr the d Forest, Hunting and Sporting Scenes. `Humorous Staines etc., etc. Handsomely Muir trated, and eleaandy bound in cloth, gilt, extra. Price $91.50. . ---- D. APPLETON & CO„ Publis hers, 9 : 9. 92 and 94 GRAND BT., NEW TORS s__ NIBS' FOR TIM 11011 DAYS. FURS I. FURS FRI °AT. ACCORD & . CO's, 131 WOOD STREET. ~~A~ ~; lIMI VeIORIED FRUIT-260 seks.Dried readies: 135 sackssAl Dried DAION pples for pale by 11A.H .= & FOR FOR COIIPHISING APPZETON'S FOR .1.860, ZELLERS AND ENAMELED m a FOR THE 'COLD WEATHER. BLANKETS, FLANNELS, gHAWLS, F~~ ~~ UNDERWEAR, BLA.CS, BP ' .oWlf AliD GOLD MIXED WATERPROOF CLOTHS, NEW AND DESIRABLE I")resiss ar-Qc:›clei VERY LOW PRICES, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL at WILLIAM 'SEMPLE'S 80 and 182 Federal street, Allegheny AN ORDINANCE Relating to Setpr Assessments on Cor ner Lots. SEc. 1. Be it ordained and enacted by the Select .and Common Co rzncita of the City of Allegheny, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of the same. That in the as,essment of frontage tax for .sewer purposes on Sedgwick Strt et proper ty a reduction of 'Thirty-Three Per Cent be made on the following named properties. the same being corner lots and entitled to a reduction by provision of an Act of the Legislature. relating to the sewer age of Allegheny, dated the First day of May, 18017_: " W. Brown. T. H. Gibson. P. McElwee, S. Farley, S. Robinson's heirs; I'. !delete, Wm. A. Craig, Frazier Bros., Graft Si Co., W' m._ Ordained ana enacted Into a law this the 10th day of Decemker, A. D. 11368. _ JAMES' MeI3ILIEB., I. President oLtbe Stied, Council. JORN S. tLAGLE, President of Common Comooll. Attest: D. liacrEnuos , Clerk of Select Connell. lt. Dn.n onTn: Clerk Of Common Council.i del 17. ItEIIiQUIRTERS ' 47. FOR • BOYS' CLOTHING. Gray & Logan, NO. 47 ST. CLA STREET, RED l l°.v„ll7 - 2 , N OR BEFORE w. P. 31EABSILALIA. remove his stock of WALL PAPERS. fram the old Mand No. SI WOOD STREET. to the nevrlf tl ted and elegant store house, NO. 191 LIBERTY STREET, a few doors O.:ice ST. CLAIR • ROCK. THE BABY LY EARNEST'S PATENT CRIB. • SOLD ONLY BY • LEMON & WEISE. Practical. Furniture Manufacturers', &c., • xis AVENUE. Wbere may be found a full assortment of Parlor, Chamber anu Kitchen urniture.. Par ANTED-ON COMMISSION W ONE - ITUNDRED TONS "E4I;3OILTI-1 - FlVir , FOR--THE HOLIDAYS The highest market Prices and quick sales guaranteed. Mark packages distinctly and send voices by mail. - • H. P. BALLARD & CO. Commission Merchants, 33% Washington stri New York, • nol7mat KEYSTONE POTTERY s s N. KIER & CO., manufacturers of , grEENSWABE, BRISTOL WARE Office and Warehouse, 303 LIBEIIXTST,t!..?.:M .': ' —,WrAlLordors nrotnutiv attendeit6, • CITY ALLEGHENY l'A TREASCILICIVB OF OFFICZ Dee.. 12.. 1 geo „ .• ALLEGIIENN CITY COBIPRO mum BONDS-WANTED.--Pcreons holding ompromise Bonds thate CRY Airegheny„ Pa., Are herein' notified the Sinking Fund for 1868 - •willbe Invested In said Bonds at the lowest rates offer'ed. Proposals will be received by the under signed until FRIDAY, January Ist, 1869. de12:147 Tr easerer f the City of Allegheny, a. ~1 CITY OF ALLEGHENY, PA.. - TiinAsunsit`e OITICB, Dec. 12. 1868. -- OTICE 1S lIEBEBY GIVEN TO the holdtrs of the SIX PER CENT. DittNlCl kir BONJJ or the City of Allegheny. that the Coupons on said Bonds coming due January Ist -1869, will be paid on said day. (less tee State tax.) at the Banlinfr Ittsburgh, In the citv ofrlttsburgh, Pa, D..ZAIERRON, dels:b4g Treasurer of the City of AlleghenY, Pa. TI.CoSA.I OO ALIL IS PURIFIES THE BLOOD. FOR SALE BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE 3e7;blo. 3 tirr ARV 011.-1.0 barrels No. 1 jnst received aud lor LS IaH Y DICKILY & CO lk--30 bales , Kentucky Hesap in store andlicanicaux a Co. ell; FEATHERS —6O sacks for sale I:Ey (den) f IgsISH DICILEY CO. MR ECHANTS...BNB MANFACTURER DeS NAT. BANK, / PITTSUBURGH, c. 13, PISS. 5 - "'.TIIE ANNUAL ELECTION for DIRECTORS of this }lank will take place at the BANKING HOUSE, c. Teter of First and Wood streets, on TUE.DAT, January 12th 1869. between the hours•of 11 A. M. and i r. H. cielt:lati ' MAIN SCOTT, in- . . Cashier. Ot , TICE 'OF CITY ENGINET.R. AND bunviyon, t . PITT , DITRGII, December 1-1-. .1.865. r-X—NOTICE.-- The As s essment . f r the Nicolson tb,yent-:t on street, from Liberty street to thetttipensieubridzs . is now ready for eysantnation. and can he sern 31. this oflice mail THURSDAY, December 2.1. 1865, when it will be returned to the Clty Tressureri office eulleetion. ." J.:IIWE, del4;l}4o • City Engineer. • THIRD NATIONAL BANK OF rI7T: 4 ISLI:GIT. rA., VITC-nonce. December I.lth, 1866. y'ELECTION NOTICE.—, The Annual Election of D ireetora oe ths Dank to :erre during the cunnin year,tat. i Mace at g the Bank, on TUESDAY, January 12th, 1869, be tween the hours or 10 A. M. and r. del4:b;:a' ~ JOHN R. LIVING: -TUN. Cashier. UNION' ATION AL LANK. ' / Pittsburgh, Dec. 12, 108. 4YrICE.—The Annual EleoT , • 'PION for PIRECTI , ItS to .erve for the en suing year will be held at the Bankluz Rouge, on 'I:IIP.SDAY. January I.2tb, 1669, between, tne hours of land 3 P. p. de , R. 5.'3111TH. Cashier. QUILTS, 111cIlawics NATIONAL B.Lszyc___ , Pittsburgh. Dec. 11, 1868. WAN ELECTION FOR VIREO. TORS of this Bank will be at the Banking House, on TIIKSDAY, January 15Ith, 11369,'Oetween the hours of 12 and IP. if- JOHN B. MARTIN, Cashier _ CIOAKINGS, del2:b3l JILLEGELIC27.NATIONAL BASK, • FITTSBVBGII. Dec. 12. 186 s. tar TII E ) tors ANNU ELC AL r ETION ' of Direc to serve during the ensuing Teal , will be bed at the Bunting lloiDe on TUES DAY. JanuaryllAtb, 1869, between the hours,( 11 A. at. and 211.. STOCISINGS. d6I3:VM PEOPLE'S NAITIONAT. BANK OF PITTSBURGIT, - December 12. 1868. f ANNUAL ELECTION for ELEVEN DIRECTORS or. this Dant will be held at the Banking House ou T Al, January 11, 1869, between the of 11A. at and 11.. at. • -. TILADI:SMEN•S NATION!.I; ISANIC. A _ PirrslititGli , December 1.. it6S. 5" ri TUIE ANNUAL ELECTION for ELEVEN DLVECTURS will be bell at the 'Ranking Hou-e 'on TtIESUAY. Um:ears:l2, 1860, between the Hours of 10 and t 2 A. NI. . aels:b4.?. CYRIC;:i CLARKE, Cashier WALLEGTIENY COUNTY . RICULTURAL SOCItTY ANNUAL MEETING—The Annual Meeting of the Al'eglienY County Agricultural Society will be held on THURSDAY, January 7t11," at ro. 10 St. Clair street, at 10 o'clock A. at which thae an elet— tion for Directors for the ensuing yea - will be held. The Board or Managers will hold their monthly meeting on WEDNESDAY. December 30th, at 10 o'clock A. It., as the same JOHN E. BABE& Prestdent. a3 l ' 6 PENN SYLVA NIA RAILROAD coltrA24 - 1 - . TREASURER 'S , DEPART- SLENT, NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS—The Second In stalment on the New Stock, subscrili'erfor undel resolution of the. Pliard of` irectoi.s 'cf MaylB6% is row due . Unless paid on or before, he 15th Inst., the etalment will not draw Rs proportion of divideni . due - May, 1.869, and those paying the rem attr log instalments will receive full dividends in May neat. - THOMAS T. FIRTH, del-b4 Treasurer. IWPENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD -COMPANY TagAsu - Orst` s DEPAIITHENT. PHILADELPHIA. Nov. 2. 1898.. NOTICE TO STOCEHOLDERS. . • The Board of Directors have THIS DAY declared a semi-annual dividend of 'FIVE PER CENT. on the capital stock of the CompanY, clear of National and State taxes. payable in cull, on and alter Novem ber 30, 1.868• Blank powers of attorney for collecting dividends can be had at the office of the Company, 339 SOUTH THIRD STREET. • ' Tue office will be opened at BA. M. and a 4 P. x.,-from November 30th to December sth for the payment of dtvidends, and after that date from 9 A. M. to SP. Al. noffinaffi THOMAS T: FIRTH, Treasurer, nol7 lIE W. BfeC S. butAssis Cashier F. M. GORDON, Cashier PHILADELPILIX, Pa.. DOC. 3. 1803 •- - - WIN THE DIA.TI'ER OF OPEN 'N 1 • G LOCUST STREET, IN TH , CITY OF PITTSBURGH—AiI owners of Lots, r other persons interested in the BURIAL GROU - OS On bTEVENSON.STREET, one belonging to t 1 . Asso- elate Reformed Church, known as KERB'S RAVE YARD, and the other to the Catholic hurch, . known as the CATHOLIC GRAY. , YA. W. are hereby notified that they are regaired .....eanOte - - the bodies from the ground within the line of Locust street, within three - Months from this date ; and if • the same are not. removed 'within that time, they will De removed by t undersigned, who ave been :- appointed • Commiss he ioners for that purp h ose. Said street is forty•eight feet wide, and extends along the line betweenthe said BririalrarOunds.about one- half off each. All necessary informtitiotrcatt be had by application to either of the Commissioners. • _. The Commissioners will meet for consultation with Lot Owners, on MONDAY, December 22 , 1, 1808, at 10 o'clock, A. se.. at the City Engineer's Offlce,•Market Building, third story. M. GRIFFIN. • J. D. BELLY, M. TINDLE „ Pittsburgh, Dec, 4, 11168. Commissioners de4:a9a . . • ' aar 170TI0ES — " To Ut; ,, ••For Sate,' "Lost.. "Waned." "Found." "Boarding," kc.. not ex. °eating FOUR 'LINES each will be tweeted in the‘es CO ill4llllB 011 et for awsrrar-Firs cE2s7s; each additioriai Hite IVE CIENTO WANTED---HELP WANTED —,MACHINIST — w ho understands the NUT AND BOLT BUSI- - ; NESS. -None but a competent warknieuneed ap ply. Good :wages will be paid and steady employ ment. - ,HOLENSHODE,S BOLT .A3.:D - NUT WORE - 2, Nos. 493 td 505 West Third - street. Cin cinnati, Ohio. . , WANTED—A: few salesmen to V r Addresse country and sell goods on commis sion. Box 613 4 i, Pittsburgh, Ira. ANTED—HELP -At Employ ment Office. No. St. Clair Street, BOY: S GIRLS and KEN, for different kinds of employ ment. Persons wanting help of all kinds can be snapiled on short notice. WANTED---BOARDERS. pOARDLNG- . Good • Boarding at No. 16 ANN STREET; Allegheny city, for 50 per week. . • . WANTED—BOA.RDEBS—PIeas ant room, with board suitable for gentleman and Wife, or two yonng uentleman at 68 FOURTH uTitEET.. Also, a few day or dinner boarders can be accommodated. Reference required. WANTED=-.A.GENTS MrANTE B AGE TS—sso to $2OO PER MONTII—To sell a New Boa. pertaining to- Agriculture a d the Mechanic Arts, by OEQUO-B E. WARING. .Fsq., the distinguished Authonand Ag,ricultural Engineer of theyork; Centra" Park, Nothing like. it: .200 Engra- - vlngs Sells at sight to Farmers, Mechanics and worktn_gmen of all classes. Send for Circulars. A. L.TIOXOTT A. CO., 58 Market street, Pittshurgh, Penn a. . dei-laWr TO LET. T. IIALNDSOIIELY rirlinished rooms. with gas anti fire ; one Third on first L MA0444 one front up stairs. Inquire t 199 IMOR • RENT—The • large. four iiitory building. 38 S3tITITFIEIi STREET, at i present occupied by Messrs. T. B. Young Cu.. as a Furniture Waretionse. POSSeSitOU /it of April next. Enquire of SIMON JOHNSION, corner of Smithfield strell avenue. , 0 LET—A furnished. Sleeping ItII ROOM, suitable for one or two ifentlemen,l - hotue of a private family, No. 240 L4COCif. STREET, Allegneny city. FOR SALE . yOR SALE—A, first.class - Retail Drug Store Di e i very desirable louation. Ad• ref • Dru g St Pittsburgh. F OR SALE:'- COAL'' WORKS,. Located on the Central Ohio division of the F OR' and Ohlo Railroad, eights-elgut miles east of Columbus. in liguern.ey county, Ohio, no acres of Coal Bank, opening only I.oo . feet from the railroad, with all necessary bunk car..mules,tools, houses for miners, ra ing, Sic., .t.e. Priceblackamith $171.000. Terrus.ilroad $3.000, balance in coal, or will take an active partner with a cash capital of $7,000. Satisfactory reasons given for seiling. Apply to, or address CROFT 3: PHILLIPS, No. 139,,Fourth avenue. FOR SALE- T FARIII.- 200 acres of good Land, situated Prim Tp., West-. moreland county, two miles front Irwin Station, on the re 11113.. K. It. Improvements. hewed lug house in good repair, bank barn and ouierldingS. Tents moderate. F.nquire of rem.ISO, L mees Station. or,R. A. ROPE S;tation. FOR SALE—iOB PRINTING OF.• riCE=Retablished gid. doing good Vastness: drees;JOE PRDT, 11., this °Mee. - - VOR SALE - "'D RUG sTogri ka -A. A: first class retati drag store in a Ten: desi STORE location. Terms. easy.. Address - box VA, r tt9- burgh. • '
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