II MI g rr rsnußcaPETßOLEmn , - . • ° PPM OP Tai PITTSBURGH GAzerns , _. • , TUESDAY. December 15, 1868. 1 'More is no commodity in this market . , . . that presents the ,same inducement or, . , ' perimps temptation, to persons inclined , ' lo aPeculate; that oil dots, and there are ' but few, outside of the trade, - Vila have the slightest conception of the auWber and magnitude of the operations Of this character that are of almosedaily I oc- currenca. It is very common for men en gaged inother avocations, when their Par ticular branch of business becomes a little dull; and Villo, perhaps, have some capital 4 1 11 g idled to take, what is commbnly termed a "fly" in ell, most generally buy ' lug for l int re deliyejry . As, a matter of course the e speculative movements some times th e the speculator a very hand so/ - . me proti , but more frequently the scale turns the rang way. it is all very well . : for men, pssmessed of ample means, -and Who can give their whole time and glen . tien, but for awn who are engaged in other branches of trade, requiring their •• time, and who can illy afford to meet 'with , lose of this kind - outside of their legiti- Elate business, it is,' to say the least, dot very prudent. The oil bissinessis chem . terized by a good many "short-turns," which sometimes everceme the shreWdest operators, and partitularly has this been the case daring the past few Months. In . stances are-by no means rare, where men *. have been "bulls" one day. and "bears" s the next. They will tell yon one day that . i.' the demand is constantly increasing, the production diminishing, and that prices are bound to go higher. Subsequently, the same - parties—having unloaded in the meantime—haive discovered that they were • mistaken, and that instead of an advanee a decline is inevitable. Europe is full of oil , —have enough on hand, to . run them half - : the next year; the production is increasing, stocks at all the leading points aconmulat - leg, and; more important still, there will be a good crop of rape -seed. The Titusville Herald, of Monday, gives , the situation as follows: The cause of the 1 * -large advance, and of improved prices for future delivery is mainly attributable to 4., speculation. The markets have been un der the control of .a combination at New .• York.during nearly, if not quite, all the - : month, and it is supposed that during the next ten days an effort will be made to "corner" sellers for next months' delivery at New York. When the combination en tered stocks of refined in the country were low, .; several of, the principal refineries had , closed - their works, and the stocks of crude were much reduced. Since the bull opera tions began the stocks, generally speaking, have undergone but little change; but one of the effects of the advance in prices was • .• to start np, there refineries which had been •' stopped, but with this exception the pros - ent condition of the trade favors bull. ope rations as much as it did then. CRUDE. I -' 4 1 There is 1 a continued fair demand for Crude, and the reported sales continue large, while prices are unchanged. The offerings, however, still keep pace with the demand, and buyers appear to be get ting all they want at quotations. Salesiof ..:;;S 5,0(10 barrels, seller's option, 1369, at 12340; .'•';' 340 bbls, on spot s at .121 Sc; 5,000 April to SI , December, seller's option, at 1235; also, a ';;°. put of 2,50 Q bbls, all next year, seller's option, at 12c, an di five hundred dollars, and 5,000, all next year, same option, at 12c, 1: and one thousand dollars. Thus, it will .be 4: seen, that 12sSc is still the loading price for spot, December, or all next year, seller's option. Boyers option, all 1869,15% to 16c. ' I REPINED. - . -.SO far as we could learn, there' was not a single operation in Refined, at least there were none reported. The market was - t somewhat firmer late in the day, spot oil 4 being hold at 803 s, against offers to sell in 7 the - forenoon at 29, and sales last evening at 2935.- January-to June is still quoted at alss, the last sale 'reported being at that figure, Last levening there Were sales of 500 bola spot at 304; 500 do 40 at 30; and 1,000 . 7 at 2934.: • OIL SHIPPED Eh ST EY A. V. R. B. ;.' Fawcett, Logan & Stockdale, 102 do do to W. P: Logan & Bro., Philadelphia. • - Lockhart. Frew Co., 369 do do to War ! den, Frew & Co., Philadelphia. Livingston & 8r05.,100 do do. to War den,Frew & Co., Phiadelphia. ss- Buffum, Renew &Co., 56 do do tb - War lug, King & Co., Philadelphia. -: Citizens Ref. Co., 376 do do to Tack Bro., Philadelphia. Braun & Wagner, 50 do do to Waring, King & Co., Philadelphia. Lockhart; Frew & C0.,137 bbls benzole to Warden Frew it G's., Philadelphia. : Total shipments Refined 1047 , " • Benzole... 137 , ..on, SHIPPED EAST FROZI . DUQUESNE DEPOT. Warden & Batchelder, 60 bbls refined to -:' Warden. Frew & Co., Philadelphia. • Kirkpatrick & Lyon 170 do do to W. P. Logan & Bro., Philadelphia. • - A. D. Miller, 111 bbls refined to Waring, s King & Co., Philadelphia. Brooks, Ballentlife & Co., 107 do do to Warden, Frew & Co., Philadelphia. Total shipments Refined. Markets by Telegraph. • New YORK, Cotton a shade lower; 2,300 bales at 25a25X for middling uplands. Flour receipts 6,002 barrels, 1,547 bags. ' less active scarce and firm; 2,200 barrels at $5,95a6,35 rt . for superfine; ' state western- 7a7,55; extra state 6,85a8.10; extra western' 8,50.1110,00; white wheat , extra 7,10a9,50: R. H. 0:;7,75a. .9,00; ex. St Louis 10a12,50; good choice do. closing quiet. California. quiet, 240 sacks. at 6,50a9,50 via Horn 10,50511,50; 2 / 1 4, Isth • mus. Rye Roar quiet, 200 barrels western w 8,50. Corn meal quiet, 400 barrels estern • • at .5,50. . Whiskey quiet, 50 barrels Westernat 1,03; free receipts wheat at 1,25. Wheat, dull, without decided change; 23,500 bush. .1; els at 1,58a1,60, No. 2 spring; 2,15 for white Michigan and 2,22a2,25 for white California. Rye quiet, sales 6.000; western 1,50a1,55 ; ,‘l l ' Canada 1,55. Barley dull and heavy; sales SOO English;,, to arrive 2,25. Barley malt dull; 'receipts Corn 17,077 bushels. Corn • more active and 2a3c for new, shade easier ,z for old; sales!of 92,000 bushels at $1,09412 / ;I'-for unsound, $1,12;.(a1,13 for sound mixed western in store, $1,14X41.6 do. afloat, lat.- ter price for ichoice, yellow $1,10a1,13, new and old white southern $1,03a1,05. Oats —receipts of; 514 bushels. Oats a shade firmer and quiet; sales of 38,000 bushels at 77a78W,c for western store, do. afloat. Rice • firmer at BaBXc for Carolina. Coffe quiet., • Sugar quiet and firm: sales of 310 hhds of Porto Rico atl 11Xal2c, 40 barrels of New ; Orleans at WalOc and 200 boxes of Havana e s loy i . Molasses dull; sales of 500 barrels of New Orleaeis at 70a77c. 'Petroleum firm st-I.BAc for crude, 323 c for refined honded. Hops quiet and steady. Linseed Oil firm. Spirits Turpentine nominally uachanged, - pork firmer and in moderate demand; sales of 900 barrels at 626 for new mess', §25,25 for old dof ! 1;19,50a21: 'for Prime, $22,50a26 for 7, prime mess, I also sales 5OO barrels of lap*, sellers fOr January, o at's 26; 1,000 bble db.,' skllers for February; at $26,50: Beef !7, steady; sales 50 ' tierces at, $26a30 for prime - 7 , mess; 131U34 for India mess. Beef hamlet quiet; sales 125 bbleat 830a32. Cut meats 1 quiet; sales 165 pkge at 1021.1 1 .4cf0r sherd dors; 12a1450 for hams. Middles, quiet and steady; ages 40 bac: abort ribbed at 14 1 ,4 c. Lard a shade , firmer; sales 865 tierces at 15% aI6Xo for steam; -163,1a17c for kettle render. : ed; also; 1,500 tierces steam, sellers for De. camber, at 16 /. 1,000 tierces do, set . lers for jariuVy, at lexc. Butter steady 25a38c for Ohio; 40a503 for State. Cheese -,tra good demand at 14a190. Freights to Liverpool easier; engagements per steam 0430,500 bit corn at 6a6/d; 7,500 bu wheat _at 6d., and'l,ooo bbls flour at 3s. I,afest—Flour closed quiet and a shade easier. Wheat_dull and heavy for Spring; firm for winter. Rye steady at $1,50 for Ic estern.,. Oats quiet and steady. at 77c in „' stnre and 79c afloat; for western. Corn: the Market is in buyers favor at $1,125t1,13 ,for old Western ' ; , mixed, in store; $1,14a1,15 :.; stoat; $1,03a1,04 for new mixed western. pork firm at 126f0r new mess; sales of 500 ,4 bbls mess, February, $26,50. Beef steady andin moderate demand. Cut meats are quiet and firm. Bacon dull and without decided change. Lard firm at 16MalatAc for fair to"nrime steam. Bggs steady at 39c for fresh. NEw Yonk, December 15.—Dry Goods— The market for staple cottons is firm with a fair demand , especially for unbhsitehed and bleached grades of low and medium .mtuilins and calicoes. The -Stark A heavy sheeting and a few other makes which have recently - been- selling at relatively low rates, have been closed out, and advanced Xc per yard. The Stark now commands 1 15 c. Standard styles of dark prints are in demand at 12a1234c, and although agents hold these goods above jobbers prices, it is too late •in the seasonto establish an ad vance. Colored Cottons. are in - limited de- Aland, and prices. firm. Heavy Woolens are moving more freely at a slight conces sion in the price of fancy, goods. Fine fab rics are in limited request and .are held with more confidence. ClllO4lOO, December 15.—Eastsrn Ex change dull at X off buying, and par sell : hag. Flour quiet; spring extras $ 5,25a7,75. Wheat Moderately , active and_oner cent lower; sales No 1 at $1,22 1 a 1,25. and No 2 at $1,16a1,17, closing weak, at $1,16 for No .2; since change $1,15% askod and $1,15X . .effered for No 2. Corn quiet: n ew and kiln dried 134a2a lower; old No 1 nominal at 80e; sales stew at 50a620; kiln dried 65458c,' closing dull for new; nothing - doing this afterneon. Oats quiet at 4734a48e, closing dull at' - 470. Rye ut fair demand and 2a23i0 higher; sales No 1 at $1,18a1,19, and No 2 at $1,16,5a1,1735, closing at $1,183ja1,19 for No I: - Barley dull, weak and 415 c lower; sales No 2.at $1,62a1,67, closing weak at inside. Highwines steady, firm' and quiet at 94c. Provisions firmer and NI oderutely active. Mess Pork 124a24,50. Lard 15Xal5Xe. Sweet pickled hams 13Xci short rib mid dles loose 12a12xc; dry salted shoulders BXa9c. Dressed Hoga active and steady at $9,75. Receipts-9,744 bbls • flour, 25,612" bush wheat, 45,445 bush corn, - 32,348 bush oats, 5,511 bush rye, 3,210 bush barley. Shipments-10,863 bbls flour, 8,416 buil wheat, 38,908 bush corn, 5,724 bush oats, 3,360 bush barley. Cattle moderately active and stead's , for the best aad easy for lower grades; sales at $7a7,2$ for common, $7,40a7,95 for fair to good, $8a8,25 for extra; receipts of 18,252 head; Shipments 7,748- head. Beef Cattle quiet; sales at $3,'75a4,40 for cows, $5a5,25 for light steers, and Vali) for extra choice. CINCINNATI, beCern bor steady ; family s7 ' 50a8. Wheat firm; No. 1 red $l,BO. Corn and Oats unchanged and quiet. Rye firm at $1.40. Cotton firm at 2334 e for mid dling. Whisky dull at .96a97c. Hogs ac tive and all told, at $8,40475 gross, and $10,25a10.75 net; receipts, 9,000 head. Mess Pork held firmly at $26;. buyers offer $25,75 for January. Balk meats Xo higher; shoulders four weeks in salt sold at 10X, goose clear rib sides at 1334, and clear at 14y,,, loose and fully cared. No bacon in market. Sugar cured hams 17c packed. Lard advanced Sf and sold at 16y,,c on spot, and 500 tierces,' seller January, at 17c. Green meats firmer; shoulders 9c, sides 120 and hams 1334a133.1. The market continues excited and holders are offering to sell sparingly. Butter firm at 36a40c. Eggs 33c and supply better. Linseed oil firm at $l, but the demand is light. Lard oil 51,38 a 1,40, and in good demand. Gold 135 buy ing. Exchange a shade firmer at 1-10 dis count buying. Money market 'unchanged. Beef cattle .firm and in good demand, at $4,62a4,65 for common to prime, $6,50a7,25 for extra. Christmas beeves at 10a10X per cenbal gross. Sheep firm at full rates; com mon S3a4, and extra $4,50a6,00. ' ST. Lours, December 15.—Tobacco quiet and unchanged. Cotton unchanged, at 22Xc for middling. Flour firm and low grades higher and wanted; superfine sold at $5,50a6,50; extra at $6.75a7,25; donble extra $7,50a8.00 treble extra tp fancy $9,00a 11,25. Wheat languid' and unchanged, at $1,65a2,02 for prime tc choico red and white. Corn firm but slow at 76a80c. - Oats firm and unchanged- at 45a50e. Barley un changed. Rye very firm at $1,28a1,30. Whisky firm at 94c. Pork firmer at $22,50 a 26,00. Bulk Meats higher in a jobbing way; Dry Salted Shoulders 10;4111034c; Clear Rib Sides 14c; Clear Sides 12a14c. Bacon nominal, at 1434 c for shoulders; 163ic for clear rib- sides, and 17c clear sides. Sugar Cured Hams 1634 c. Lard higher, at 1534216 c for tierce and 16.34a17c for keg. Receipts—Flour, 2,100 Ws. ' , wheat, 1,500 bush; corn, none; oats, • 700 bush; barleys: 500 bush; hogs, 7,580 head. Hogs; drovers are more anxious to sell; the prices range at $7,50a8,60. Cattle un changed, at 2a6 1 ,.;,c for full range. Lotruivrbriu, December 15.—Tobacco; sales were made of 52 hogsheads; the mar ket hi stiff, at sy,,a6SSe for new common lugs, and 1334 c for medium leaf. Hogs are held at $ 9, :gross. Mess Pork; sales were made at $26;50. Lard, in tierces, is held at 163 c for kettle rendered. Cotton is held at 2234 c for New Orleans. Sugar; fair to prime, 12a12y0. Plantation Molasses, 65a 67c. Flours superfine, $5,25a5,75. Wheat is held at1,51,70a1,90. Corn is held at 60c in bulk. Rye is held at 51,40. Oats is held at 57a58c. Bulk meats; shoulders are sell ing at 16 1 /,,c; clear ribbed sides, 14c, and clear sides at 14Yos for packed. Whisky is held at 98c for raw, free.. , .CLEVELAND, December 15.—F1011S Mar ket' steady and unchanged, with city made at $11,25a11,50; treble extra white at $9,75a 10; double extra amber at $8,50a8,75; dou ble extra red winter at $7,75a8; double ex tra. spring, - country made,' at 58,50a8,75; - double extra red and amber at 38a8,25; do, spring at Slealo,so. Wheat ;held .at $1,95 for. No. 1 red winter; No; 2 do. at $1,75a1,77. Corn held at 80c for No. 1 +Moiled. , Oats— sales 1 car at 61Xc, and also 1 car at 62c. Rye—sales 1 car at $1,38, Petroleum ac tive, with western and southern demand; refined held at 28a28Mc, and in small lots at 28a30c, PtTILADEL'PEIA, December 15.—Flour dull and steady,.lowa, Minnesota and Wis. cousin family $7,50a8,25, Ohio $9a10,50 Wheat dull, prime red $2a2,05, amber $2,10 82,15. 'Rye steady at $1,50a1,65. Corn drill; Sales of 4,000 bushels of damp and dry new yellow' at 05ca$1, old :do. at $1,20. IlDats in active demand at' 77a80e. Petroleum un settled and lower; sales of 1,000 barrels of refined' at 293/ 6 c, crude nominal at 22c. Provisions dull. Whisky at 11,01111,04. MILWAUKEE, December 15: Flour dull and lower; choice Minnesota, $0,75a7; choice Wisconsin and. lOwa, $6a0,62.= Wheat low er, ap 51,22 for. No. 1, and $1,14 for N 0.2. .Oats steady, at 473 c for No i .2. Corn quiet at 75c for No. 2,. old. Rye nominally un changed. Barley firm, at $1,50 for No. 2. Receipts-2,000 bbls flour, 41,000 bus wheat, 3,000 bus oats, 4,000 bus corn, 3,000 bus rye,.300 bus barley. Shipments--5.000 bbls flour, 1,000 bus wheat. ALBANY, December 14:—The Cattle mar ket opened to-day with& moderate demand ancl at an advance of ./o on last stock, and a decline of ;,a1,5•3 on the poorest quality; sales are reported of 1,200 head at 4.}4a5M 0 'for inferior; 6a70 for common to ordinary; 7%c for good to fair; and .premium 'Christ mas • stock brought 10,35eig e . sh ee p sell rapidly_ at 3Natic, bsingSau advance of %a M.- Hogs are steady at BXa9Vo. Tomcoo, December -15 .-Flour; quiet. Wheat quiet; winter 5c lewer and sprlig heavy,• with' sales of amber at f.1,84a1,86. Corw—old steady and now lc lower; old No. 1860, and new OM. Oats steady; No. 1 60c. Barley quiet. Seeds—Clover 100 bet ter, at 57,90a7,94; Flax $2,25. Dressed Hogs —buyers are holding'off,for lower prices; small sales at 59,25a9,745. Biiinuomf, December 15.—Flour inac tive and unchanged. Wheat dull; receipts small; market steady and without decided' change, closinir heavy; white, 93a96c. Oats firm at 75e. Rye firm 'at $1,40a1,50; New York State, 81,70.. Mess Pork firm at 526,75a27,00. Bacon Quiet and firm; rib' sides, 17c; clear sides, 17y,a17y,c; shoulders, 14c; bams,,lBc. Lard more active at 1630. Makram, December 15.—Cotton quiet and firn:Vstock light, and prices nominally unchanged; receipts, 1,266 bales; exports, 1 , 69 7 bales lour; 10W • grades firm at Ifia PITTSBURGH GAZETTE: WEDNESDAY, DECEMBFI? 16, 186 E IMPORTS BY.RAILRAOD. PITTSDTIRGH, FORT WAYNE 4t CHICAGO RAILROAD, December 15.-24 cars metal, Nimick & Co; 1 car middlings, Kell it Ritchart; 400 bbls flour, owner; 2 Edgaro, Watt, Lang a Co; 1 car wheat, J 3 do rye,•Thos Moore it Son; 1 do middlings, R Conrad; 1 do do, Bricker it Co; 3 do bar ley, 100 bbls flour, Dan Wallace; 100 do, do, Shomaker & Langenheina; 2 cars millfeed, Shiptou 45c VV:allace;,l do wheat, J S Liggett & Co; 3 cars barley, J M Carson & Co; 3 do do, Pier Dann&ls & Co; 3 do rye, W JMeek; 17 kgs apple batter; H Rea Jr; 5 pkgs butt 'ter, A L Connor; 1 car barley, Spencer McKay; 1 car rye, 50 sacks oats, D Wallace; I•carleorn, $ good; 1 car staves, Heber a Bre; 44 bxticheess, M Cornwall; 30 boxes starch, Head it Metzgar; 50 dodo, Haworth, McDonald a Co; 25 do cheese, Atwell„ Lee A Co; 10 bales hops, D Lutz; 52 sksTags, Frazier a Metztrar; 14 bmi cheese, W H Kirkpatrick 4t CO; 39 dozen brooms, W M Germly; 25 bbls oil, Johnston & Payne; 10 bxs candles, Thonaas it Bro; - 15 bbls :eggs, W H.Gralf a Co: 1 car staves, M P ,Adams &Bro; 1 do' Corn, 'Bricker a Co; 5 bbls oil, W B Hays it Son; 6 do do„ 1Q laxx candles, W Millar; 6 bales cotton Holmes, Bell a Co; 1 ear ear corni , Mcliedry it Heed; 200 sks eats, 122 do feed„ Dean do Patterson. .. Ciarnsrarrn AND Prratzvnust Ram= Rain, December 15.-4 cars Iran ore, Zng a.Co; 1 can rye, James Graham; 12 boxes scales. Fairbanks, Morse d;' Co; lot furni ture, J Myer dr Son; 3 cases , handles, Whit more, Wolf, Duff Co; 3 cases lye, 7 bxe,, Pennsylvania Salt Company; 72 sacks' wheat, 40 do oats, Scott & Gisal; 4 sacks cornmeal, Hagan do McCarty; 1 sack do, Benham 456 Christy; 3 casks, 1 bbl D W Tnrner; 3 kegs sausage, Voigt, Ma hood 14 Co; 14 chimney tops, H Collins; I bundle bed bottoms, Thomas Adams, 1 bbl tallow, H Rea Jr; 5 rolls leather b , G N- Hoffslott; 3 bbls beans, Ido nuts, 1 x but ter, MorriSon ct;Devol; 58 empty oil bbls, Thos Musgrave; 15 sacks meal, F G Craig head; 4 bbls dry apples, 7 sacks rags, 1 bbl, Ihf bbl eggs, 1 bbl beans, 1 do butter, 2 bbls, 1 sack apples, Head dr, Metzgar. - ALLROHENT VALLEY RAILROAD Decem ber 15.-13 bxs mdse, Wm Semple; 1 car lime, D L Reynolds; 4' boxes butter, 4 bbls eggs, Jos Hilty; 18 pkgs sundries, J C Cud dy; :trolls leather, M Delange; 1 car metal, McKnight, Porter t Co; 43 sits oats, J W Fairley; 43 sks rye, 27 do barley, Scott tt, Gisal; 16 sks wool, S Bradley; 3 cars lime stona, Shoenberger dc Blair; 9 sks , buck wheat flour, 4 pkgs butter, W B Ross,& Son; 11 sks buckwheat flour, J S Dilworth & Co; 15 do do, T C-Jenkins; 16 do do, 3 do beans, 9do rye, H Rea, Jr; .24 bush rye, Chaa Feitsel; 240 bbls oil, D M Edgerton; 240 do do, Pool 4t Bro. ALLEGHENY STATION, December 15.- 1 car lumber, Taggart t Wilson; 1 tc hams, Mercer Jr. Robinson; 2 cars iron ore, Spang, Chalfant 4ge Co; 1 car lamber t Mr. Mahan; 100 greed hides, A J Groetziager• 1 car stone, Forrester Megraw; 1 car staves, M Hemphill; 10 doz brooms,S.Schloeper do Son; 1 ear wheat, M JrCo; 1 car empty bbls, John-Dyer, Jr. PITTSBURGH AND CONNELLSVILLR RAIL. P.o.tn,' December 15.—.1113 bdls iron, 12 kegs nails, F H Oliphant; 10 sks flour, 1 keg but ter, T Howard; 1 bx chesnnts, Volgt, Ma hood & Co; 21 bbls flow, Gay & Welsh; 3 cars metal, J Moorhead; 10 bbls whisky, Goo Head; 23 rolls leather, G N Hoffstott; 5 do do Seibert (k. Berg. "pApazAk LOTION," • FOR BEAUTIFYING THE SKIN ANI) COM PLEXION. Removes all Eruptions, Freckles, Pimples. Moth Blotches. Tau. ete.. and renders the Skin soft, lair and blooming. For load Jes In the Nursery It is Invaluable. For Gentlemen. titter sharing, it reliable equal. "P.SPIHAN LOTION , ' Is tke culy remedy for citseasea and blem ishes of the skin. PEIALOITS "PAPEIitIN For the Toilet, Nursery and Bath; will not chap the akin. Price, 25 cents per cake. A new Perfume for the Handkerchief. , Exquisite delicate, lasting fragrance. bold by all Druggistsl P i LON & SON, new York. ea:rs-lrivr garBATCHIELOWSHAM • This splendid Hair Dye is the best In the world; the only true and perfect Dye; harmless, reliable, instantaneous; no disap_poiatmeat; no ridiculous tints; remedies the 111 eftects of bad dyes; batitto rates and leaves the Hair soft and beautiful. black or brown. Bold by all Drngirists and Perfumers; and properly applied at Batchelor's Wig Factory, No. 16 Bond street. New York - . anl9:o2a fgr GUIDE TO. MARRIAGE.— Yo-ng 3ten's Guide to Happy Marriage and Conjugal Felicity. The humane vie wslof benevo lent Physclens, on Ile Errpre and Abates Incident to Youth and Early , Manhood; scut In sealed letter 'envelopes, free of charge. Address HOWARD AS SOC.tATION, Box P.a.myldaaSGT AUCTION SALES, • • BY It B. SMITHSON *OO.. ' ViLMOTS, SHOES AND CARPETS FOR THE AtILLION. . AT SMITHSON'S PORIUM -88 AND 57 FIFTH AVENUE, - Messrs. U. B. SMITHSON &CO.,proprietors of the wellknown Mammoth Auction House are crea thig an excitement consequent upon the snivel of new goods which are being sold at remarkable low prices: Goods of every variety:, the Anest sewed. b-ots, the most fashionable bal:doral gaiters and anklet shoes, slippers, &c., blankets,- -flannels, clothe. cassimeres, cutlery and carpets. Call and examine. No trouble to show goods. - Ladles , . misses', unit children's furs at almost your own prices. All goods warranted as - reoresented n 024 LIUMEED!LIJAUDIIILI LUMBER. AtriTIESOI4.. Dealer in all Hinds of Lumber: ON HAND AND FOE SALE. L 000,000,feet Dry Pair Boards; 150.000 feet .11.14 and 2 inch Clear Plank; 30,000 feet Dry 1% Inch Common Plank; 30,000 feet Dry 1 soil 2 ince Oak: ' :45,009 feet Dry 2, and 3 inch Ash, s;ooo,reet Dry 2, 3 in. Cherry .t3fanie 30,000 frcrory L I,h, 2 and 3 inch Poplar: 10,000 feet Dry-Boplar Scantling; 250,000 feet Hendork Joists and Scanting: , 750,000 No. 1 18-inch Silingles,-eawed;.--,.. 250,000 No. 110-Inch Shingled, sawed; , 40,000 No. 116-Inch Shingles, uaaved; 110,000 Niro }trick; 1,000 Fire Tile. • ' 100 Tons Fire Clay; . TA.nDS—blo. 1:16 PREBLE STREET. former • Xanelletter, and 157 REBECCA STREET, oPPo site the Gag' Works, Allegheny City. • noi2 . . /. 1151- CIOLGATE 8 . ..000111 ,t; - 4,1,,1 1 REASSIRA • lir • 04. 1 1%.11 .1.111 TOILET SOAPS, • • • • Ate brapared br wp_r„k ',. 2:II.I4°kIAT ~ • AltD by dealers and oustomerd. , ••• ". ti,ld•overTrthere; UNION ENTERPRISE . • FOUNDRY, wrya...J.EWSOle • Manufacturer. ot COOXINO STOVES, arenas, Grates, Fentlera, Sash %relights, lad k:lnde Of Hollow Ware. Car Wheels and — all kinds of Ma. unix:Len'. Caking' s, COR. WATSON k BHINGISS BTU.. PITURRRotII. au26„2.7wa, QUEEN OF ENGLAND SOAR. QUEEN OF MILANO SOAP. QUEEN OF .451. AND SOAP. For doing *fatally washing In the best and cheap est manner. 'antranteed equal to any In the world P. with the mild Has all the strength of old , rosin and lathering qttrl l tlef , of t genriLit lasttle. Try Oils W i e , Rol,lVl4artb: Fourth street, Philadelphia.ohAL ,e2,v57-mwpwr AISH--100 tone choice brands in store Land for sale by nsl7 • 3. B. OANFL I / 1/ 0 & ISOM Effl=Mil 7,00. Corn dull at 69a70c. Oats, - 68a70c. Hay, ;20a22. Bran, 24225 c. Corn Meal, ;4. Pork, ; 26 a 2 6,50. Lard, 16a17c. Bacon nom inal; shoulders, 14c; clear sides, 18c; ,bulk shoulders, 10346; clear sides, 1434 c. SPECIAL PEULLON S BI . "FLOE?, DH 111.170,,, LUIVIBER. i• • --- . - RIVER NEWS _ • The river rose several inches at this point rdaring Monday, night which is said to have been caused by a gorge in the Ohio near Shonstown. The weather has moderated somewhat although it is still cold, the ther moneter at four p. N. being down to 30 de grees above zero. The ice in the Alle gheny is not's° heavy, and is more scat tered, Which would indicate that it is closed at the same Point above. Navigation continnes suspended to lower ports, and, as a consequence there is little - or nothing doing at the landing. The following boats aro in port: New York,' Ingomar, Grey Eagle, Glendale, Camelia, Lorena, Sallie, Armenia, Maiggie Hays, Savanna, ' Yorktown, and Mary Davage. The Wanapita was expectsd to arrive at Cincinnati on Monday. —The Alaika, going through the canal, broke her wheel badly. —The Westmoreland left New Orleans, for Cincinnati, on Saturday. —The Glasgow, Pittsburgh to St. Louis, was at Louisville on Sunday. —The Leonidas,/St. Lonia to Pittsburgh, was at Louisville on• Sunday. —The Bellovornon, Pittsburgh to , New Orleans, was at Memphis on Sunday. —The ferryboat at Fort Shelling was swept away by floating ice on the Bth. —Captain Charles Boers now commands the Lady 'Withaap, front Memphis to White river, —Captain George- Vandergrift's towboat Watson Jim passed up from Aurora Satur daY morning with two barges of hay for Pittsburgh. , , —A barge containing 1,500 brie salt ran afoul of the coal fleet moored at Pumpkin Patch, Saturday morning, and dunk... It was from .Kanawha river. —The towboat Fearless and thirteen barges, aro laid up opposite Ironton, Ohio. The Mary Alice and Ajax, Pittsburgh to New Orleans, were at Cairo on Sunday. —lt is reported that there was no illBll - on the freight burned"- at Columbus, Ky., a few clays since, the freight having arrived by river and insured by river risks only. • - —The towboat Boaz swamped two of her Joaded coal barges, at the foot 7the canal, On Saturday, while getting then together to.start for New Orleans. One of them sunk. —The :Dubuque Tinicq, of the 10th, says: A - telegram just, received from, St. Louis says the White Collar Line has sent Su perintendent 'Wellington to Cincinnati to put two more \ now boats under contract. These, added to three already under con-' tract, will add 'five new boats to the Com pany's fleet next spring. With this addi tion, there will be ten first-class side-wheel "floaters" in the line, besides the present array of smaller steam crafts. —An insurance suit has been pending in the Circuit Court at St. Louis, involving 1;280,000:-. It seems that some time ago the firm of Henning & Woodruff entered into a contract with the United States Insurance Company for the insurance of a heavy ship ment of cotton, in which Hudson E. Bridge and others were . concarued. One steam boat load of the cotton thus insured was destroyed by the burping,. of the boat. Non suit was granteda Inctory for the insur-' ance company. River and Weather LOUISVILLE, December 15.—The riper is falling fast, with six feet nino inches in the canal. The weather is clesr and cold. STE A rVIitOATS OITANT TO. SHIPPFAIS -VOR CINCINTVATI,4IgM 1. LOUISVILLE, .F.VANSVILLE. IRO. 3 IEMPHIL 4 ,' V I UM; AND :N IN QR. LEAS.—The VART DAVAGE AND BARGES, JAMLS•SITEIJDEN, Commander Will leave as above on THIS DAY, December ' l6th. 1 Shippers shoald bear In mind that thoIIAVAGE will positively go through without re-shipping. de4 - CHARLES BRINES, Agent. pITTSISURGH, Magrat WITEELLNG, 1 1Firietia and Parkersburg Lice. Leave Company's Wharf Boat, footsf Wood Street, DAILY, AT 12 M hiO:97AYB AND TRITIIHDAYI3; BAYARD WEDNESDAYS AND BATT:ED/LYS, GREY EAGLE • C. L. BRENNAN, Master. Frarrht will be received at all borraly-scl4 ' JAmEsdoLLnis. Arent FR NASHVILLE,. DI- A: RECT—The eteamer CAMELIA— WIII leave on THIS DAY, DECEMBER 16th. for Evasville. Clarksville and. Nashville. For freight ar passage apply on board or to. GHRIESY & HASLETT, JOHN FLACK. Or, J. D. COLL , INGWOOD, Agents. de4 PROFESSIONAL M. B. NEEPER, ALDERMAN AND EX-OFFICIO JUSTICE 'OF VIE PEACE. OFFICE, 89 'FIFTH AVENUE'. Special attention given to conveyancingcol leotionL Deeds. Bonds and Mortgages tin wo up and all legal business attended to promptly and ac enrately, r • • JOS. A. BUTLER, • ALDERMAN AND FOLIOS NAGINTEATE. Odle°, 120 WYLIB•STREET, near . Washingtof PITT4BFROR, PA. Deeds Bonds, Mortgages, Acknowledgment+ Depositions,' Collections, and all other legltbssal business executed promptly. nilt2o:o Al UEL IticHASTERS, A_ILECk.ItarADZ, Ex-Officio Justice or the Peace and Police Magis trate. • Office, GRANT STREET, opposite the Ca thedral, PITTSBURGIT, PA. Deeds,- Bonds, Mortgages, Acknowledgments, Depositions, and all Legal Business executed with promptuess.and dispatch. • uthl6 AIIMON, Justice of the Peace, .CONVEYANCER, REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE AGT ~ CAR ON STREET, EAST BIRMEITGRAIR. Collection of Routs solicited andpronaptly attend. ed to. '• • • , • my3:yee JOHN A; TificlUf, .A I .4 I : II MME.Ikig, Ex-ornozo JUSTICE 'or THE rzeoz AND TOLIOE MAGISTRATE. OSlee.ll3l STREET, - opposite thweatke , PittsPargh, J.Meds, Bonds, Mortgages AcknOwledgments, Depositions aini Legal-Bust unto oxseaVed with OTOlrlainess and' disnatott. • I: . ; !f A. I 4ID32IIMSdEIk.W, EX-021RM 31MTT0H OP TH2 ?LADE' AND POLION, 114.0IISTEA.TE. • OFFICE, N 0,73 PENNA, AVENUE, PITTSBURGH, PA Deeds, oads, Mortgages. Aeimowledgitients, Depositions and all Legal Business executed with promptness and dispatch. ,nag £4.- r!iatsru-iiiiii, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, No, 87 Fifth Bstreet, Rt.:, fir/01N 49 474114 JOHN W. RIDDELL, ATTORNEY-AT -LAIN. 011ie% ne Dtiumtond Street, (op9oette the equet Nosesti ta15444 A. 8: Blisriiszp, Master Capt. Tnos. Poi ' • OBVICS OF CM fiNGINESC,./ ALLEM:s:yr CITY, December 10th, 18613. ( .. -0111 C.F.--The..Etssesgments - for Grading and raving SPRING GARDEN A 2,1411 E, from Chestnut street to Tanner street; also the Grading of ALLEGHENY AVENUE from Western avenue to Ridge_street are now ready for F_xamination, and can be seen at this °Mee until RIDAY Deeember lt(th. /SOS, wnen they will be returned to tte Street Commissioner forcollection. Cll/04. DAVIS. City Engineer. OFFICIC OF CITY ENorx.Ezit AND t 4 IIIITEYOR t Pittsburgh. December 11th. 1868. NOTICE TO l• sCONTRACTORS. 1 04AIWALi pos FIFTH t LVENIE u fr o m Soho o ho a Toil Gate to Murphy _street, will be received at this reserve until December 17th, 1888. _The CommAtee reserve the right to reiect ( H. J. MOORE. City Engineer. OFFICE OF CITY ENGINS.EII AND SURVEYOR. Pittsburgh, December:llth, 1808. N OTICE TO CONTICACTORS. _ _ Sealed Proposals for the partial Grading or MILLER STIth,ET from Centre airenue iteml, will be received at this office until WEDNESDAY, Decemberl6th, 1868. 'the Committee reserve the right to reject any or all bids. dellatttl. J.. J. MOORE; City Engineer. . OFITIOE OF CITY ENGIN/El:It ANDI 7 . 4 I.IsITHYOU, ( Pittsburgh, Dec. 5, 1868. f • NOTIOE.—The Assessment foi the Construction of the BOARD-WALK On 'entre street, from halsh exa mi na t io n, u to can be street., le now ready rdr _, and can be seen ut this o ffi ce until WEDNEIDAY. Dec. 16111, 186$, when It will be returned to the City Trea O sur er's ffice for Collection. • . 11. J. MOORE; 11e5:a39 City Engineer.: I= Oriricis Or CITY ENO/NIUE AND 8 / 7 8 , 71iY011, Bittsburgb,' Dec. 5, 1868. I\TOTICE.—The assessment for ,AA th ruction of Abe BOARD WALK on Centre a v enue, from Kirkpatrick , street to ETTart's corner, is now ready for examination, and can be seen at this oflice until WEDNESDAY, December 10, 1868. wit.' it :will be returned to . the City Treasurer's *lgoe for Collection. J. MOORE. City Rillitilier• N-N OTICE--Those interested ,Will please take noticethat the report of the sieW ers a the matter of 'opening, LARIAIER - AVE N CB, in the city of Pittsburgh, ad weelled by the court has been placed i% .my kande). The assessments, if not paid on or be re JA,NUAZI 6th, A. D. 1869. still be Mad as Ilene Di am:or/sate with the laW in such case made and provided. ' Pittsburgh, D• ecjmbe r s tt AII 18 6 8 City Attorn d y l . , wbe Blinding Committee of the WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA liosrITAL FOR THE INSANE at Dixmont. P DECEMBER ree Proirssals until the 10th DAY OF for the erection arid closing In • 'the Eastern Extension oftbe Hospital, '+ according to the plans and specticatlons adoined and approved by then. The plans and , specillcatiotts can be examined at the Hospital until the tine above lnentloned for re ceiving bid& aPisir73 • Proposals Chairman ed as Building en MILLER, Jr.,of the Comm i t - tee, I'lttsburgh. • Bids will be opened at the Hospital en the /sth of December. Th e committee reserve the right at their discre tion to reject any or all bids not deemed to the inter- - est of the institution or satisfactory. to the couunit tee. By order of the n 024456 - • BUILD!} 130h1111TTBE • Prrrffiginteg, PA. NMI COMMISSION MERCHANTS ESTABLISHED BY A. a. T. GOICKLY, 1812. W. M. GORILY, WHOLESALE GROCER, 'No. 271. Liberty Street, (DialerLy Orr. EA.Grai Hosar..,) .prr - rsxruno-ri, J. L. RILLINGZE.....- A.S. STEVENSON BILLINGER A, STEVENSON, CORMISSION MERCHANTS , No. 87.peco o .d Street,- Pittsburgh, Pa; EBONITE AND SELL . All Rinds -of Country: Produce 'All orders 'ter MereAsiefse presently tilled, .at LOWIFIT market • rotes. .Particular attention given tiritke sale of Butter, Eggs, Cheese Dried Fruits; We feel mildest tes t. we can give entire eat istketion, by waking IMRE ILLEES &Rd rEORPT RE TURNS, at RIONEST RIA RICET.PRICES, aid therefore recoectfolly solicit your consignments:fome i nts. All corm -I:nrliie:rweeff7Y'rgifPlßlihef raln itlaie4; an 313711 ' • wirr, LANG &. lIMOLISA.LII DSALEIIH LY Produce, Pro• visions, plea, VheilMes Cartmon 6 i 1 ,&e., ' Nos. 172 tuul 114 WOOD STREDT, near Liberty street. Pittsburgh, Pa. ned:uss M. FiTa"MX M STEZLE NON, Commigsien llerchtsnts, ARD MILIEUS IN .--„. ~. FLOUR,GeRAIPT, FEED, etc. Ito. 9 . 5 01110 &MEM. near East Gotanaon, ALLEGHENY CHT,Vgy, J. N. CANFIELD • A. T. CANFIELD. - r D. CANFIELD & EON, CODS u • MISSION 31ERCII.A_NTS, and Wholesale Dealers in Udshen, Factory. •Hamburg and W. 1:. Ckeese, Sutter, Lard, Polk, Bacon, Flour, Fish, Dried Fruit, Grain, Pig Lead , Pot, Pearl and Soda Ashes, hit, Lime, Linseed, Lard, Coal and Car bon 011 s. No. 141 First street. Pittsburgh. rETEn KEIL • JAB. F. mcal737, KEIL & RICHART, • - COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND DEALERS FLOUR, DRAIN, SEEDS, MILL FEED, ,tc., • 340 Liberty St., Pittsburgh, Isy24:b3T ALEX. WEANE J. B. AN.IRE. MeBANIS tra, AMER. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Deal era in FLOUR, GRAIN and PRODUCE GEN "ERALLY, No. 141 'WATER STREET, above Snithfleld, Pittaburgo.. ies FETZER* ARMSTRONG, FORWANDING AND owniaseau KERCHANTS, For Lae sale of Flour, Grain, Bacon, Lard, ButteriSeeds, Dried Fruit, and Produce generally, No.'lG .IdABYET STREET, comer of First, Pittebargh. fez. e 8 T J. BLANCHARD, • iThalesale and Retail 6nocers, split:VS No. 396 PENN STREET NOWT. KNOB' ANDEBT4 1:10X. 4 usox 4 SON, COMMISSION •MTIRCRANTS and dealers In FLOUR, tiIIAIN II I. FEED aid PRODUCE GENERALLY, No. 70 DIAMOND, opposite CityEfall, Allegheny City. ja.17:r37 - . , • JOIIN I. BOVILT.....zpvr. H0V911......W155. /E. IZOtJSI. TO! N L HOUSE S . . BROS., Sue.• uessors to JOHN I. HOUSE & CO.holes Grocers and • Commission. Alerchants, , C 'W orner ale of Smithdeld and Ifater Streets, Pittsburgh, Pa.. ITAIT'rII.E, BAIRD .fg. PATTON, Mholcznree-rs, Cm - i — missi - OnMerrhants and tealers in P wince, Flour, Bacon, Cheese, Fish, Carbon and aril oil, Iron,' Nails, Glass, cotton Yarns aid all P',csburgh Manufacturesgenerall 112 and Pea V.MCOND STREET, Pittsbnr_ h. y,. . .. ______ _______ JOHN SIIIPTON A WALLACIL P HEPTON Si, WA IL LA CE' 'WHOLE SA LE c ROC ERS E DEALERS, _ . o. 6 SIXTH STREET, Pittsburgh. 1a.1.:r53 ASSESSMENTS - - - OFFICE OF CiTT ENGINEER, I ALLEGHENY CITY, ice. 4th, 1811>i, QEWER ASSESSIIIENT—Notice is bereby given to all property holders to WEST aRN isEWERAOE DISTRICT, which em braces all that portietkot the city area, lying north west of the following lines. viz : North or Ohio _lane and Walnut s tree t and West of Bidwell street, and a line running North-east to Observatory hill and ne,w city line. as welt as the portion lying be tween A' estern avenue, Ohio lane, Fulton and Bid tun streets (comprehending Valleygr mart of Man che.ster dan the Pleasant section) that the assessment for the constructima of the e Se d dgwick street sewer Is now completed. and plate in the hands of the City Treasurer for colleotion. All prdpertv heretofore assessed for sewerage purposes within the limits above designated is exempt from present assessment. • des; a 97 CHAS. DAVIS, City Enkaier. OFFICE CITY ENGINEER AND auItYHYDE, I'IMINIIRGET.DeceiIber Btb. MS. f IVOTICAL—The assessment for 11 Grading aid Paving LONG ALLEY, . from Lewis alley to the Allegheny Valley Railroad. Also, • SPRING ALLEY, • from Morris to Rush street, are Bow ready for er; &initiation, and can be seen at this office until DE CEMBER le, 1858. when it Will be returned to the' City Treasurers Oalre fur CollecOolt. des H. J. MOORE, City Engineer. PROPOSALS. "P __„ ITTSBURGH and CONNELLBVILL '`Z*7.2-1.74.:1 On and after, TUESDAI , Noyember, 17th. 1869 trains will:arrive at and depart from toe Depot cot. ner of Grant and,Water streets. as follows: • Depart. Arrter. Mail to and from.Uniont'n. 7:00 A. B. 6:00p. It' McKeesport AcommodOnlloo A. D. 205 P. Atil Z. to and from Uniont'n. 3:00 P. 32. 10: ICI A. No Wen Newton Acoommod'a 4:30 P. Y. 8:35 A. M Braddock's AccosamodaVn 6:15 P. 7:50 P. 3 / 2 : Night Ace. to McKeesport.llo:3o P. Y. 6:45 A. Mr Sunday Church Train to end from 'West Newt0n........ 1:00 P. 10:00 M irr Par tickets apply t 3 • J. R. XING, Agent. W. E. STOUT, Superintendent. noes OILANGE of it E. . ALLEGHENY. VALLE Y .6,ItAILRO On and after MONDAY, November 9th, , 103 TWO TRAINS DAILY will lea' e Pittsburgh Sta. Don, corner ofEleventh and Pike fitreela for Frank.. • Ifs, 0/1 City, Buffalo, and an point. in tie 011Be glans. LEAVE rnrreßunern. 22121VZ IN PI1T:3130800. 7:15 am all, 5:40 pm Express ' 7:10 m Express ....... : 6:30 a m Brady r S B'd Ac 3:092 m radyall'd Ae 10:30 ant Ist Sods Works et Soda Works Accomod , n.. I0:50 a nr, Accomoda'n. 8.2 4 0 a. 16 Rd Soda Works , Soda Works • AccPinod'u,•• 5: "/? . Accomoda'n. 3:40p at Church. Train leave It burgh at 1110 P. B. 4p... rive at Pittsburgh at 9150 A. Y. Passengers taking express Darn hive but wit change of ears between Plttsborgh, Buffalo. and Oil Reglons. Mail and - Express• Toins stop' only at principal points . MLxed-Way and JtecommOdatloil train., stop at all stations. • •• • THOMAS. K. KING, Ass't. W. POSTER ROPE, Ticket Agent. nog • • - rI T T SIR U -6111 : Egego - CINCINNATI 41 , 11) 13Z - .0, 1718 RAILWAY. ' PAN HANDLE ROUTE. CHANGE O TIME.—on and after SI7INDAr e Nov. 5121(1, 1889, trainer will teal% null' antra at the Union Depot, as follows, "Pittsburgh time: ". - Depart.. Arritak. . Mail Expreas - ... 3:13 ii. 111. 12:13 a. MU Fast Line ' - 16:13 a. m..2:33 p. in. Fast Express - • 2:58 p. M. 12:16 st. Ms Mixed Way. — ,. 5:43 a. m. 6:43 p. m. McDonald Acc:n . No . L. 11:28 a. m. 8:33 p.m. Eitenbenville Accorinnod'a.. 3:38 p. in. , 6:48 a. 10. McDonald's Ace's!, No. 2.. '5:08 p. rn. 3:18 p. an. . . . ... lir 2:58 P. M. Express will leave daisy. _ 1.2:T3 P. M. 1122 - will arrive dally. The 10:13 a. m. Train leaves daily, isntidaysix. cepied, and makes close connections al Newark for Zanesville and. points on tlandnaky, Minefield & Newark R. •It'. J. e. BTICILLU. •B. . SCDT.,L. el W. CARD F , Sup't., Stei El j-tioE — NNSM7 L IWL AN L CENTRAL RAILIZOAI n and after Nov, 28[11. rive at and depart from tht Washingtod and Liberty etr[ - Arrfes. Mall Train.... 1:30 am' Da .Fast Line .. .. ... 2:410 a in! W; Wall's No. ... 6:2o'a m BrintonAcc'n. 7:50a at _ .2:55 Pitt Wall's. No. 2.. 8:50 a m Wall's 11:20 urn. Cincinnati Ex. 0:40 a m.lohnstonm Pta 3:25 ohnstown Ac.10:35 a mißraddocks No I 4:20 pne Baltimore Ex. 1-15 p m , Phila."-E:rpress 5:10 pia Phila. Express 2:05 pm Wait's No. 3.. 5:20 pia. Wall's No. 3.., 1:30 p si, Wail's No. 4.. 6:15 pia Braddocks Not 5:50 p m !Fast Line,„ - -.•.' 7:50 pia Wail's N 0.4. 7:25 p m p m ' Way Passen'r.lo:97o p in I = The Church Train leaves 'Wallis Station Mr" Sunday at 9:15 a. ie., reaching Pittsburgh at 10:051 a. In.. Returning, leaves 1 . 1E1.5 - burgh at 19 : 50 p. and arriT es at Wall'e Station it 2:00 p. nz. `CinoirmatiExpress leaves. daily. All other tram daily except Sunday. For Butner Information apply to_ W. H. BECKWITH, Agent. Tho Pennsylvania Railroad Company will not Y. sumo any risk for Baggage, except for wearing an. natel.. and Unit tkeir respcinalbllity to One Hundred Dollars in value. Ali Baggage- exceeding that amount in value will be at the risk of the owner, less taken by special contract. EDWARD WILLIAMS_, • General SuperlAtendent, Altoona, Pa. ECM ***** §'§I§IIGH4 FORT WAYNE s CHICAGO B o W. AND CLEVELAND & PITTSBURGH B. R. " From Nov. 23d, 1868, trains will leave tiro= and arrive at the 'Union Depot, north aide, at,- time, as follows: • Leave. Arras. • , Chicago Ex—. 3:03 a in l Chicago Ex.., 2:13 la Cleve/ and Ex.. 3:08 a m !Cleveland Ex. 2:13 a n Erle & Ygn Mg 7:28 a m'Ohl-cage Ex..., 1158 ant Cl. & Wh7.g.11 , 1' 6:28 a InlWheeling Ex..11:13 Chicago 31a11.. 6:58 ain I St. Louis Ex.. 3:53 pin Chicago Ex....10:08 a inlet/lase° Ex.... 4:38 pa Cl. &W/VgEx. 2:23p to , CI. & M - 11"g Ex 4:13 pa Chicago.:Ex.... 2:43 pmlErie & Yg`n Ex 6:13 pa Wh. &Erte.E.T.. 4:33 pa.CI. &IVIPg Ex 6:58 pia A Deßripart from AtieghertLl Arrive tit AilegheaV. Leetsdgale t'n A'c.Brigt'ntt "c. 7:03 a 410:28 am N. Brigt" 8:28 ant " • " 11:58 ain , " 9:53 all Rochester 1:33 pm/NeviCastle •• 10:33 a a Wellsv'e Ace.._ 3:3/ip m Lee - is - dine ' 9:13 au Leetsdale Ace. 4:13 pm, - " " 1:08pm N. Brigru " . 5:33 pro IN. Brigt'n " 2:43 p a Brigt'n " . 6:28p m i Leetsdale " 4:53 pin Leetsdale " • 10:I-3pm' " •• 7:18 am Leetsdale Sun. ;Leetsdale San. dav (March... 1:13 p m day (~hurch._ 9:08 aat p. m. Chicago Express leaves daily. 4lr 11:58 a. In. Chicago .Express arrives daily. niPtNo change of carer between Pittsburgh , and Chicago. sleeping cats with/3u change to Indianap olis and Chicago:, • 3. N. 31 'CULLOUGH, . ' General Superintendent. F. R. MYERS, Gene ral Ticket Agen:. n 023 WESTERN PENN-Figagissit SYLVANIA,' • ROAD.—On and after nor. 22d, 186 S. the Pas.' server Trains on the Western Pennbylvania road will arrive at and depart from the Federal • street Depot, _Allegheny City, as follows: -Arrive. Snrlngd!e No 6:40 a m Mail a 111 ,Yreeport lie. 1 3:20-a m:Fre - eport No. 1 0:15 a Express 10:40 a m',ShafplOg No,141:20 a m Sharpb`g No,l 1:25 pinlExpress --- 2:45 pla Freeall la port No. 2 4:00 p miSprlngd'e No 1 3:20 p M 1 5:559 nil Freeport No. 2 5:20 p 111. Springd'e No 2 6:46 o mlSiirhigd'e No 2 7:10 p m - Aboye trains run daily except Sunday. The Church Train leaves Allegheny Janet. every duiday at 7:40 a. ne., reaching Allegheny City at. 950 a. m. Returning, leaves Allegheny City at 1:20 p. m. and arrive at Allegheny Janet. at 3:44 Coapii7TATION . TlCS:Erre—For sale la package' of Twenty, between Allegheny City, Cheatnut street, Herr's, Bennett, Pine Creek, Etna and Sharpsburg, and good only on the trains stopping at Stations ape. clued onlickets. The trains leraving Allegheny City 'at 7:00 a. ix. Make direct connection at Freepori with Walker*. line ofStages for Butler and Hannalistown Through. tickets may be purchased at The Office No. 3 St., Clair street near the Suspension Bridge Pittsburgh and at the Depot, Allegbenv, For r further Information apply to • JAMES - LEFFERTS, Agent,_ Federal Street Depart. The Western Pennsylvania Railroad mill not MS. same any risk for Baggage, except for wearing ap. parel, and limit their responsibility to One Mundane!. Dollars in value. All baggage exceeding' thin amount in value will be at the risk of the owner, nu.. less taken by special contract. EDWARD . Genes.-alB92erintendent. Alt omen,l a. • 12E1 S L ialigENlE UNION PACTIFIC ILWAY4 Eastern Division. 'The MOISTEST AND MOST RELIABni Otk from the East to all points - Coloradg, Nevada. • California, Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, fdahei/ Oregon.. TV7.5 Trains lea e Line and Leavenwo , t . daily. (Sundays excepted, ) on the arrival oft rain of Pacific Railroad from t , t. holds, and Hannibal aad St. Jo Railroad from Quinuir. uonneethav,st Law ranee, Topeka and WaMegg with stJ.es for an points In Kansas. At of track west 01 Ells. • worth with the UNITED bTATRs EXPRESSCOH. PANT'S. DAILY LINE O 1 OVERLAND MAIL &ND EI:PRESS COACHES FOR • .I)EN VMR; • 5.A.1.7' And all:Points in the Territories, And with BANDEESON'S TRI-WEEIELY LINE o COACHES for Fort Union, Bent's Fort, Pass,. Alba. Newquarqrie, Santa . Fe,' and alit points in . Arisen!, and Ale..l:lCO. With-the aid t h e of 'roiling' stock and equipment, aid the arrangements made with ro.• sporksible . Overland Transportation Limes f® igg t western terminus, this road now offers unequal facilities for the' transmission of freight to t.ne Dar West. • Tickets fir West all the 'principal .ofilect tri the United States and Canadas • Be sure and ask 'for • tickets via THE SMOKY DILL ItOUTzt, UNION PACIVIODIULWAY EABTEIIN DIVISION. • • - • J. H. *Eoprza, gaunt Freight andet et Agent . . STE.ADISEaPS ...--- TO LIVERPOOL ANDegga QUEENSTONVN: THE_ INDIAN MAIL STEADISRIPII, No!inhering sixteen first.slass vessels, am o4 4 then ' tho celebrated ' CITY OF PARIS, CITY eF Ali'Ygini k CITY OP BOSTON ), CITY OF BAL Vng EVE M CI ETIIIVIN T A D M Pia 45 . Nwildt' Elver. New York. Tor passage or farther Informs. Rion apply to 1 ' , t; WILLIAM BUGIUNI Jr• . , -• 7 , ' _.• STROM. (Chronicle Bsildiss.l :' ' eIiMY opposite Yost Office s Pitumulta„ ..v 4 ,- ", , t , • - ‘y • •-' :,,,. '4 ,- '.:,..=.``'! . ...',14" - __‘ , .- tf-r RAILROADS L , filt'l,4- - .11 • ..j 'fVashi.,gto _-„ A. ANpIAILIION, Git Lend Superintendent' 3
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers