tijt Eittstutgt Gaitttr. SMOKE IN 'WINTER. • The shiggi.h smOke curls un from some deep dell, The stiffened air exploring iu the dawn, And making slow acquaintance with the day, Delaying now upon its heavenward cou'se, In wreathed loiterings dallying w,th Itself With as uncertain purpose and slow deed AS Its half-awakened master by the hearth. Whose mind. still slumbering, and sluggish thoughts Have not yet swept Into the onward current Of the taw clay;—and now It streams afar, - The while tee chopper goes with step direct, And mind intent to wield the early axe. . • - Viist in the early dawn he sends abroad 'theearly scout, his emissary, smoke, earliest, lates pilgrim from big roof, To feel the frostysair, inform the day: And, while he croucnes still beside the hearth, Her gone down to Unbarthis door; It has gone down the glen with the light wind. And o'er the plain untntledlts eentnrous wreath, Drs €d Ole tree tonie,loitereld Upon the hill, And wartund , the inilierke ofee.early-bird; - - An drib*: Perchance:llo I the crispy air. ,_ 4 Bad caught , fig tof the day o'er the eartlrs edge, `And:gierts•his master'd eye nt his law door, As SOM. Xerill . 1.0.91111 In the upper skv.. EPHEI~BI --In Parislegroesand,whites are coned 4 ered just as good as each other, —A tunnel under the Delaware :rive is the presint idea in Philadelphia. - 1 -A conTentioi oi Colored Methodist Bishopditi to beheld in Philadelphia. —The neck of the , Empress ..!ugeale is _Said to be wrinkled. Important, if true. . —camills - Urso is playing -her fiddle in Cincinnati, where Fanny Janauseheek is acting. \ • . -The few Indians in Florida are going to more to the neighborhood of Lake Okee ohobee. —A New England paper, thinks all the ater financial schemes are More specie-011 S than sound. - _ -31aziini's health is-in So critical a con .4lition that his physicians have no hope of his recovery. -• —Victor Hugo, who reads English books with great pleasure, can neither -speak nor write the language. • ' Charles-. Dickens has received $B,OOO or his share of the profits ofthe performance of L'Abime in Paris. —Fanny Janauschedk is in Cincinnati again. Last year; she was overwhelmed with ovations in that city, A—Slippers,