tijt Eittstutgt Gaitttr. SMOKE IN 'WINTER. • The shiggi.h smOke curls un from some deep dell, The stiffened air exploring iu the dawn, And making slow acquaintance with the day, Delaying now upon its heavenward cou'se, In wreathed loiterings dallying w,th Itself With as uncertain purpose and slow deed AS Its half-awakened master by the hearth. Whose mind. still slumbering, and sluggish thoughts Have not yet swept Into the onward current Of the taw clay;—and now It streams afar, - The while tee chopper goes with step direct, And mind intent to wield the early axe. . • - Viist in the early dawn he sends abroad 'theearly scout, his emissary, smoke, earliest, lates pilgrim from big roof, To feel the frostysair, inform the day: And, while he croucnes still beside the hearth, Her gone down to Unbarthis door; It has gone down the glen with the light wind. And o'er the plain untntledlts eentnrous wreath, Drs €d Ole tree tonie,loitereld Upon the hill, And wartund , the inilierke ofee.early-bird; - - An drib*: Perchance:llo I the crispy air. ,_ 4 Bad caught , fig tof the day o'er the eartlrs edge, `And:gierts•his master'd eye nt his law door, As SOM. Xerill . 1.0.91111 In the upper skv.. EPHEI~BI --In Parislegroesand,whites are coned 4 ered just as good as each other, —A tunnel under the Delaware :rive is the presint idea in Philadelphia. - 1 -A conTentioi oi Colored Methodist Bishopditi to beheld in Philadelphia. —The neck of the , Empress ..!ugeale is _Said to be wrinkled. Important, if true. . —camills - Urso is playing -her fiddle in Cincinnati, where Fanny Janauseheek is acting. \ • . -The few Indians in Florida are going to more to the neighborhood of Lake Okee ohobee. —A New England paper, thinks all the ater financial schemes are More specie-011 S than sound. - _ -31aziini's health is-in So critical a con .4lition that his physicians have no hope of his recovery. -• —Victor Hugo, who reads English books with great pleasure, can neither -speak nor write the language. • ' Charles-. Dickens has received $B,OOO or his share of the profits ofthe performance of L'Abime in Paris. —Fanny Janauschedk is in Cincinnati again. Last year; she was overwhelmed with ovations in that city, A—Slippers,<are in andliigli boots out in Paris:' We hope this fashion will founder On its way across the Atlantic, Two.of<our. German cotemporaries are publishing as their feui?leton the same story, Grekh ititcg:Ole&h, by AtelchlorMey. --Cincinnati has two skating rinks, at one of which Mr. E. T. Goodrich, who calls ' ;himself champion"shater of America, is gy -rating. — Buie,' is so scarce that people are im iporting it from Europe. One firm in Cirt: cl i nnati received 2500 bushels from 13avarla ,lapit week. t--Prheeton has a negro student, and the white ,itudents feel scandalized. Perhaps ,they fear that he will get Mr. jerorae is prize from them. _ New, - York-correspondent, unwilling to be kind and unable to be gallant, speaks ofMaggie Mitchell as the "Venerable Amer ican Soubrette." —Several in the neighborhood of tincinnati have velocipedes, on which they are, as,yet,lbut indifferent performers, but promise to improve. —Le Folletlells its lady . readers that "all you have to do is to wear a very high or very sniooth . held-dress, and You are de cidedly fashionable." —The Drinamer Boy is . being produced in Cincinpati, and extra trains 'ire run on 'several of the railroads. - for theiccommoda - tion of country throngs. , Canada' woman cut off her baby's head bec4uise she differed with her husband pa to the trimmer in - which the child should -be.educated 'when it arrived at the • age of twelve. ' --Bismarck has two sons who are study diplomacy and one daughter who is ,practicing it' She'. is about io marry a ;Wealthy and influential nobleraan of South •Germany. --.11. - mari at the whipping post. in Dela „ware get twenty additional lashes Tor mak •;'fling faces at the: Sheriff. He was In pain and couldn'thelP it, but the:sheriff is a suspi6 _-. ions : brother. _ • " --- Swissipaprs will get tffentselves into • 'trouble-if they'are "not careful. They have bienlsserting that there is 'nothing more - or less' theffiatter with Bbnrilirck than de- Yriurn tremens. - • The -Bible is - about She only thing not subjected to the inconveniences which fol „lowed the 'confusion of the tower of Babel. The Book is printed in 200 different langua t ges and dialects. _ --Drummers and sample traders were `Somewhat alarmed in Baltimore last Friday 'by - the arrest of two of their , number from -New- York for: tradinc_without licensee. .They were each released on - ,one thouiand dollars bail. . —The January number of the Galaxy is the best and most varied - American poptilar magazine -vre'have seen - , we do not think there Is an article; in this number which is not abovelnedlObritY.” No periodical in. the country advances more constantly than this sane, and the publishers should be proud of their success. - • • -• —The Cincinnati' Commercial thinks op poidtion to their 'short-span bridges comes ivith r bad gfgce &out' I?ittsburgh, where "the-' .budges" aro s of- unusually. short-span. As Tittabuigi the' head - of heavy naviga ton on the Chia, and no large boats pass, itmiler her bridges.. We , ean hardly think that the point fm the Cincinnati paper is -7 411 .4 1 ke0l and, besides, our bridges were -all bullt'solong ago, that we have had. time to discover any shortcomings in thern"and have generosity enough to give our neigh bors the benefit of our long experience. • —On Holiday night Of . hist week a in Chien°, slightly under,-,the Influence of went into an open freight car, lade,it with flour, to escape, the fury of a snow I sto rm .. scarcely had he Rained'this-refuge., 'hen some employe; unaware of. the' tilled addition . . to dig. freight, closed and locked the door. Pour da3ra.afterwarda i on YelitihltiS'cii;4lflcii'll'adreached Zanesville, and the unfortunate prisoner was discovered and released, with his limes badly frozen and his strength starved out of him. He had been Taxable previously to make himself heard during his long jourxelr. —Here are some Bostori'Builetinisms; they appeared as special telegrams : A rise in Erie was reported on Wall street to-day—it turned out to be the people in Erie, Pa., who rise about 7 a. ar. The President complains' that Congress had not the good manners- to listen to his Message. Congress replies that-evil com munications corrupt good , manners. It is . rnmored_that Bonney will• have hand in t)te new Cabinet-rsome Ledger-dp main about this. ,• ; • ; • Secretary Welles intends writing the hie tery of the American „Navy; with a se& The pork 'butchers have refused to supply the Emperor's Ltable-4they assert that he could not be kept inliarn. • A copy of the Springfield (Hass.)..Repub. Juan his reported to ..have been seized in Perla, after 5L Anuoricm bad perused it, on complaint that it was a read Republican. The. Emperor looks careworn and his Bair is turning "gray. He did not dye, as re ported. • The fin in the BUltlkleB eeralgio created great 'alarm among the lailies• r it was.' harens-seare:em affair. Turkey continues to as-crate her -trouble and desires to gobble more of Greece than she is able. B,DUSTBLIL —Fifteen cents a piece are paid for rat skins in IHinesota. —A large•new. carriage .factory is being built at Portsmouth, N. H. —Forty-four vessels, from foraign ports arrived in Boston last week. —A shoe manufactory is the latest addi tion to the industrial establishments of Cor inth. —There are several large flouring mills within three miles of Garden City; Mimie ,l sots. - . —Eight hundred and ten ste,amboata ar rived at St. Paul during the season just closed. -15'p to the 20th of August the exports of tea from China and Japan had reached 84,500,000 pounds. —Fifty-eight million feet of lumber ha4e . been manufactured in Clinton, lowa, during the last' ear. " '-I-One million three hundred thousand tons of coal hive been shipped this year from Cumberland r Maryland. —The - long-shore ship painters of New York work nine hours a day all tke year round for $3,50 daily wages. - —Thd Woonsocket (R. I.) Ribber Com pany employs 120 hands and consumes 1,500 pounds of rubber per month. thousand buildings, besides twen ty-five churches, is what Chicago has done in the building way diking 1868. —Next spring a puddling mill is to be added to the already extensive workS of the 'Rolling Mill Company at Rome, N. Y. Thefurinarket has opened in Millne sota, and hunters who ha're already come in report an unusually successful season. —A gentleman of Pittsfield, N. H., has oftered to give the site for a shoe factory to 'anybody who will build one in that place. —One firm at Three. Rivers, Michigan, has, during the past season, turned 1,250;- 000 feet of lumber into sashes, doors and blinds.: —ln the North,rn part of Wisconsin the saw mills . have / thut down for the winter, and most of ik hands have -gone off lum bering. —Cleveland, Ohio, firms have sold enor mous quantities of coal oil within a few weeks: One Arm disposed of 9,000 barrels, in a single lot. —The'receipts Of oats at Chicago for nine months of this year, up to October' Ist, foot up 11;000,000 bushels, which is equal to the entire receipts last year. '--Lewistown, Maine, is one of the most prosperous places in the State, and is getting to be an lmportant business • centre, doing no inconsiderable wholesale business with interior buyers. • ' _ —The New York 13ricklayers' union wanted to agree that after January Ist, 1809, the rate of pay should be $4,00 per day, bat Union No. 4 mask out for $4,50, and so the resolution dropped. car recently left Boston laden with salt for a firm in . Salt__Lake City, to whicq place itis to go througla without chance of bulk, a distance of two thousand three hun dred and ninety-eiiht —lt is reported -that there were never so „ many vessels in the port of Providence, R. 1., as at the-present-time. Abouf_two hurt .4lred are now -- ,there,_inost than - loaded withioni.ared - w - aiting toditichtige: --Abaliae, Kansas, --is . the entreput for Texas cattle brought into the WesterriStates. Within the last six months:abont oft o zThun dred thoniand -head-of these - cattle-have at. riVed. there tend; - been shipPed. Eastby the —The locomotive business, at Patterson, New Jersey, is reported to be very brisk, and business bids fair to be: good all winter. It is stated that all the locomotive works in the country are employing full sets of hands and are wOrking full time. A process of chemically coloring metals his ,been invented by A. G. Schiller; The &goring isrleautiful and permanent, and co be, applied to all metals. The process will be extensively used for coloring eyelets, Which can be`done, at the rate of 100,000 in 15 minutes. ", :it , —According to , the Ellsworth (Maine) American the averied annual production there is 85,000,000'feet along lumber; 200,- 000 sugar box. shooks; 200,000110 s; 500,000 b . shingles; 200,000 clap ards omd 'a large quantity of smaller stu • Value of annual production -:estimated at;\from $700,000 to $950,000. ' —The National Bricklayers' Union;will hold n Con:Verdian in Washington, D. C., on January 11, 1869, to deliberide on,ques (ions of:interest i to thb entire trade through out the _United States, It Is 'stated that tbererrire - about 10,000 bricklayers orertlz4 In iniiints' tiOuglioUt tlie-'.cClL*#4-r.:,g140 Convention, it is expectee, :will adopt measures to prevent strikes hereafter. PIT T I'SBURGii `GAZETTE : WEDNESDAY, DEC TEETH EXTRACTED vvri-Ercrwr pairti NO CHARGE MADE NREINARTET/OLAL THE E{ ARE ORDEB.EN. A FULL BET FOR U, AT DR. SCOTT'S -; An PENN FERRET. in DOOR ARM mud,. ALL IMAM WARRANTRa.artgLIAND EX AMINE spzoinnuas OT VAOAN- GAS PI 11, "VVAILDON & KELLY, Mauratbstarels smd Whelepale Deakin in Lamp?" LanOM; Chandeliers AND LAMP. COODS. afts„ (Wooer Jam Lis,* 4inare ems,' N 0.147 WOod Street. osenoil I Bei . sreka ilk lia d ilk /vow. GLASS CHINA OUTLIRY 100 WOOD STREET. HOLIDAY GIFTS. FINE VASES, BOHEMIAN AND / NEW STYLES, D4ll SETS, TEA SETS, GIFT CUPS, SMOKING SETS, SILVER PLATED GOODS '- Call and examine - our goods, and .we feel inland no one need fall.to be suited. 1 ' R. E. BREED & CO 1 100 wOOD STREET. PIANOS. ORGANS, &C. DUY THE BEST AND CHEAP. , EST PIANO AND ORGAN. Sehonneeker's Gold Nodal: Piano, AND ESTEY'S COTTAGE iiit6AN; The 13011031ACKER PIANO combines all- the atest valuable improvements known In the con -I:ruction of a first class inssrnment. and has always bCea awarded the highest premium wherever ex hibited: Its tone Is fall, sonorous and sweet. The workhounshio, for durabilloy s sad beauty, surpass - ill ethers. Prices Ikons'/SO to gib% (according to style and tartish.) cheaper than all other so-called first class Plano. I ESTETT COTTAqE OR9AN • Stands at the head of all reed instruments. In pro. iducing the moat perfect pile quality of tone of any atmllar Instrument,in the United States. • It, in alm. ide and compact in conntmetion, and not liabic to get out of order. CARPENTER'S PATENT " VOX HUMANA TREMOLO" le only to be found In thin Organ. Price from $lOO to 080. All guaranteed for fire BABB,. SNAKE & B No. Ili BT. CirAMET. PIANO 9 AND ORG A NS;--An tire new stock of KNABE'S UNRIVALLED PIANOS; VAINEs BROS., PIANOS: ' PRINCE & CO'S ORGANS AND MELODEONS and TREAT, LINSLEY & CO'S ORGANS. AND MELODEONS. SEWING MACHINES. .- - - MHE GREAT . AMERICAN COM. BINATIO.N. •• - BUTTON•IIOLE OVERSEIXINti AND SEWING MACHINE. _ IT HAS SO EQUAL, ABSOLUTELY THE' BEIi.TF'AHILF.-. MACHINE IN THE • Tri , J.ELD, LN THINSICALLY TilE CHEAPEST. ar Agents wanted to soli this Msohi o, . - , Agimii for :Western PennerrlvAlals. Corner FIFTH AND MARKET STREETBrorrer - Richardson's Jewelry Store, MERCHANT Tiaude: -7 4 . 1 " ..1 (Late Cutter With - W. Ifeepenhe)de,) IiZERCEiratNT TAILiOrCo No. - 53 Smithfield Street, Pittsburgh. iie26:y2l NEW FALL GOODS. A splendid new stock of CLOTIa.S, CASS. I2I IZELIMS,sk.o. Just received by HENRY METER. ,sel4: , Marcitaut • Te/dor. 73 it,ill,lllleld Omit. MECHANICAL , ENGINEER: iprzacEvAL.BECHIeTT, 4 *" ''IIIIiIOIIANICAt ithOINEEIIIII • ' • Astd:"Soito_ r Patents. - (Late of P. 7. W. IC. italway.) *Mee; No; 79 TIeDgRAL P.ITZEZniBoom No. ogotalri. .P. Q. 80X,50, .LLLBORE CITY. NACKENZET, of all dseriptlons,_ esigned. BLAST arid ROLLIId(G IaLL DRAW. DEUS faroloked.:lPartionlar attentlob. paid to de. algabgrcOLLLllitY LOCONOTIVE.I. Patents ooto , fideittially_ solicited. An ErENING DRAN - 4 - INO CLAM fir 'mechanic* every. WNDN'ICSDAY NIGHT. ' ' • • .1' 1D4'839 OEMENT., -- :SOAP STONE, &o blteatiest and Seat 'Pipe In the market. Alan, .1“).! B.ICNIDA.LN *WHAT/Lie ,13.E.1113.1i7f0r i • 'iS U. do C. A PROCEEirri" it CO. Office and Manufactory -740 RICREOPA tiT.4 Allegheny. de-Orders by mall promptly attended 1. ter4rOa' Ann, jutr,suzgis To arrive and for 21110 by bon - MoBARE & ARIZ% DENTISTRY Otgo. , A large stock of of all descriptions '.l7i Pro" • 43 FLOW avenue. Sole Agent OS AND NOTIONS. PitESENTE HOLM HOLIDAY PRESEITTS ROMAN SILK BOWS. LADIES ti l .T.. 4.51,43 . ' 0 000ELIStarSi. CE HANIKERCIIIITS. :: ! . ' Rosewood 'Handkerchief and Glove Boxes WATCH STANDS AND CIGAR CASES, WRITING DRESS AND ALBUMS ,The Slant and eheaflat asacortment of WAX AND CHINA DOLLS, TRAVELING CASES, CARTE DE TIS;TE RASRETS. LUMEN & GENTS tINDERWESE LAMM PIU UIT OPERA. HOODS, The New Striped Felt Skirl, WOOLEN GOODS at Cost Plus Embroidered Slipper Patterns. Bearttlfal Embroidered! Cuklons. EILA.CRITht, GLYDE & Co., DS and tHI) Market Street.' HUM & CHLISLE, NO. 19 FIFE AVENUE, THE NEW SKIRT, i .— "LE RANIER PERFECTION." — . - - "THE FAVORITE." "THE POPULAR,". "THE RECE,PTIoN,' 0 -- THOMPSON'S TWIN SPRING, "WINGED ZEPHYR," "GLOVE FITTLNG," CORSETS AND PAT-. O ENT "PA NIERS." THE NEW GORED OVER SHIRT, "BELLE II HELENE," richly embroidered; an elegant street or Skating Skirt. RICH RIBBONS Fen BOWS, SCARFS AND F SAIIIES. ROWAN STRIPES AND PLAIDS. r . SATINS, all shades Ind widths. FLOWERS. PLUMES HATS AND BONNETS. LADIES AND CHILDREN'S MERINO UNDER ..WEA_R, FIN G i n 6 4D allUT'llajt.t. novelties In GIMPS, We especially direct attention to the great excel lence of the - HARRIS SEAMLESS (Ronilionl KID GLOVES" over all others. and for which we are the Sole Agents. ' A complete Hoe of GENTLEMEN'S "STAR" ISHIRTS, SUSPENDER.S, GLOVES, HALF HOSE, U.DERSHIRTs AND DRAWERS. SELLING AGENTS FOR LOCKWOOD'S PAPER GOODS, and all other popular makes. MICRO & MUSK NO. I 9 FIFTH AV V ENUE. n 025 A .111ERRY CHRISTMAS ! NEW GOODS FOR THE HOLIDAYS. • DENNISON & DECKER . NO. 27 . FIFTH AVENUE, , ' B e tova ck just received a large and judiciously asserted of EMBROIDERIES,- LACE GOODS, THIAMIN GS, HOSIERY, • Hid. Gloves, Handkerchief+, Slipper Palierns, Zephyr Goods, !Scarfs and Gents Furnishing. . - Goods, and Nations generally. - eu tal l e e a f d o i r d selection is alfoi'ded In special novelties HOLIDAY PRESENTt, to which the &Gelation of lady readers Is specially called. DENNISON & HECKERT, deB NO. 27 FIFTH AVENUE. pnicEs MARKED DOWN. BARGAINS Di , ALMOST EVERTTLILNG. REAL HRH STITCH; all S, 1 L up inen. I ANRER CHANFE. DO 7e EKEDLLI a EN HAN DKERCHIEFS 034 c ~Sc to 80c. All our HATS at o - te-half regular prices. • All t styles . BALMORAL SKIRTS and Bradley , . latest or 1100.0 SKIRTS, at Ma Lowest Prices In the City._ EIENTS , MERINO VEST end DRAWERS, 40c to $ 5 .1 1 -0. AT EATON'S, .N&FI7 Fifth Avenue. _,cRACKER BAKERIES. '‘ c i ,„ ei _ ~..,..4,y4. z., l..!!= 4 ilziviitiv ) . 1 l 7. "0/ „ -- ir, Ir. Id 1 :: . ,s, t'..:,•f',. ..pi• ;(*.w ...-: i , ...*41.-. 1 . :ii1.v...x.. 4 ,4 3 ,1,4, 44}4'0141 ...k • 13,1 ARE. SUPERIOR TO ANY 'OTHER! OFFERED IN TRIS CITY. ciTSTER, WATER, BUTTER SUGAR, SODA, CREAM, BOOTOR. and LEMON EIeCUITS. ~, For Sale by Every Grikeria the City. .114kqy,.N091 - 0111017 St. ---- 10,0_,40. 1 :AND — 001011. , TT - • •• - ' DYER AND SCOURER. Mo. 8 EYS. CMILM. SWI= And Nes. 1815 and 187 Tldrd Went. r,imstraes, roit. k v i 3 T:'R'PI Zi 311 = Er B. LYON, Heine-' of Weights `No. a FOUIITE lEptweark Libert OnTwin Prompt aitekapa HAIR AND PE ileVir PECp . , , Oran : mental gait /1 WWOIII/UR A`ND liirlDflelt, , RO, 133 rad etreet, neng Stnittilleld,,Mitteburait•' I lis_nd, gm anoxia steepriterli Of MAMA! W A lirg a Val ,t 1 , OUBLg; Gentlemen s WIG% •TO. my N1•3 4, L R eattaivertAiin taum iftkamarrisi ,ge . A good Tries in auk IM given for RAW • Ladles' and Gentlemen'i Rats Cutting dead the zeatefit manner. . mhtmil EMBER 16 . 186 e, nLosiNG, OUT SALE OF J. Z. BURCHTELII Se CO'S., AT NO. 52 ST. GLAIR STREET, CONTINUE.b. THE ENT= STOCK 06', - 12101Et..Y . GODS SEDUCED to closu out hefore taking stock. air time to get useful - HOLIDAY PRESENTS cheap. - R • • 87. IILift.HET 7REET. 87. WATERPROOF—aII colors and visaides. CASSEITERES—for Men's and Boys' Wear. LADIES' CLOAKINGS—Lame assortment. FRENCH' AND ENGLISH MERINOS. IRISH POPLIN - 111.00 per yard. VELOUS POPLINS. SILX POPLINS. PALERMA CLOTH—for Salts. BLACK SICILLAS LITSTBES. - 1. - f? BLACK AND COLORIC CLOTHS— Large variety,. VELVETEENS—for Sults. ELECTRIC CLOTHS. Large assortment of PLAIDS. 77— Full stook of DRESS GOODS, aVairest Eastern Prices. - THEODORE , F. . 87 MAREET STREET. - NEW GOODS. NEW ALPACCAS. SEW MOHAIR. BLACK SILH& HOSIERY and GLOVES. li'. SOUCY, tar No. 168 Wylie Street. jel CIALlpt, IIfcCANDLESS & CO.; (Late Wilson, Carr ) WEtOLYSAL I C , D ir ' A r 'C" Foreign and Domestic Dry (beds 91* wooD wraxisi s • Th)rd door above Dlaraoad alley, , „ rmsiunelt. ra. = I nd. Measures, and Ferry str,et4_ • *tlia? 1201 4340 x lugAyvmi, 2 , yaitifeterarzu or . CANDIES AND TAFFIES, I• ' -`,, • • • t.• lAnds not'. 1,3 q...*-1 14 nra.,11A-MaKs, ac., &c. ivantamq.AL t 31... Allegheny. DRY GOODS. 54 - • MINIM EXTRA HEAVY tkarred A VERY LARGE STOCK, 14 , 70::)17%r c:)rrerett, IN GOODlirryths. FELROvII 19 u 1 -oy2 TlTrivQm vii- i s z CO. WHOLESALE t o' 3R.M" arreo4COaCrttS, r WOOD 'STREET. i. , , ~ • cri cts' 0 z z cn . C. 14 i: rQ 0 k 4 gi2 H = r 4, Si /11 0 ° 1:1 fa 4 ' -i g . R4 F74 a 4 1 ‘ E tis a ' P 14 -.1 r xi FT4 0 z N E E . i ' railA Ir. A I PI g .1 gra 11/ 14 0 0 W 1 H . N 4 ill U) n ,, 44 Illi 4 4/ a ;TI 1 "4 o ti r.. itt 0 c z A 4 l 4 i I 1 K.. • E 4 pa 0 - . '‘:-. ra W A4 Vjs Pa r 4 ' , P d t . , z TkilEW 451-04013 S -PHILLIPS, NVECTIO • ti. , CARPETS AND OIL CL01938. - 54. 51. FIFTH AVENuE, M'CA,LLUN BROTHERS, GRAD 'CMG SAE-OF'.. TREMENDOUS_ REDUCTION Motor 40449m911., UNTIL WE TAKE STOCK. WCALLUM BROTHERS. del4 3R3EIDICr4C7'IOW ! ! . vA • 4 0 1 _opP r inEriElly cfcp.. 9 cfcca ' We offer our stock at reduced prices for a SHORT TIME before commencing to lake stoek. Now is the time to buy. BOVARD, ROSE & cal 21 FIVIIE AVENUE. de4:d4vi7r DECEM z ER 186% FOR 30 DAYS ONLY. CARPETS "wiz .3R.M612.a.X.M. LESS THAN WHOLESALE.tIC We offer FOR A FEW WEEKS ONLY our goods at ; a large, reduction from regular rates. Our stock is full and complete in all departments, and we shall sell the best quad-, ities and styles of Carpets;at - _ prices at which we cannot-re place them, giving our cus tomers an opportunity of ob-_ tainiug Bargains that may I - - never, be offered again. This 1-- special sale will continue ] 72 - only until the time of taking, our annual inventory of stock at the end of this month. N'FARLAND C. COLLIN 71 MI 73 FIkTIE OMIT& lIMMI ANNUAL REDUCTION. OUB REGULAR DECE.3II3ER e CLEARANCE SALE is now 'fully inaugurated, at prices 'tbat Gat cure BETTER: BARGAINS THAN EVER BE. I FORE, in C .RL,II.IE'rES, OIL CLOTHS, MATTINCS, &c., &c., &c., - Good Carpet for= 25 - vents a Yard BT. - OLIVER M'CLINTOCK AND COMPANY, .1 No, 23 Fifth ;Street. • . LITHOGRAPHERS. FIZAJAMIN eint911211.2 5P111412 S P111412 INGERLY ' IC - CLEM, 'Successors to %so. P. SCHBORicAIt s co,_ • • • PRACITDAIr LITHOOMARIMUL, The em.. 17 Steam Lithovaphte Ektabllsbatent tit-the atoaatatne.' Dulness Carets, • Letteir Seadst Beads, Labate, CircuLari v Ah9w Card/N. - MIAOW. Forteittcllawa; Certificates oPtieticadtc , tin' ??195., 4 " and pa*, Pfctd.t e .:l. ' ,'• 'STONE. , WEST COMMON . • ._*.Mae:,hifte Stone Worka, . . Northwest corner of West Cpmmon, AlleghenY. WITJAR 7 E.ATVATEII,4p2cO+ Have on hand or prepare on shoat notice Hearth and Step Stones, Flags for Sidewalks, Brunt ° Vaults, . Se.., ;Head 'and. Tomb Stane sc.. ' Orders DrounnlT executed.. Pri.va reasonable TOBACCO A.ND CrGAB.S. E I X , C*, 4B 4 I P Ia WNUELS. Irsnufascarers ansiDe,tes*l",,tv; Tabarco, Snuff, Cigars, Pipes,‘&o4 IF: 8 TBDERAL BT., ALLEORILIaI- Mk s', 1 51. EiM IN -~--- =
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers