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THE F This journal - enters arm the 83d year of an existence !diet hag never been more vig- (irons, or rewarded - by the tanfidenee of the people with a more substantial support, than now. Always a leading ,newspaper of the ommonwealth, the Present - generation of the people, the. third since the establishment of the 'GAZETTE in the list Century, still regard .. it, as did their fathers, with unabateere spect, and with An, entire Teliance upon its faithful - exposition of the soundest princi ples of political and social economy. The Proprietors need only point to the nnblem , ished record of this journal in the past, to ~ .., . pledge to their fell6w-citizens the satin fidelity to the highest considerations of duty for the future. - Our facilities, for obtaining the latest and ' most reliable news, increase 'bay . All re leognize o ir devotion, to those political princi „plcs which have recently achieved a fresh and most signal vindication before the tribunal of the l+ple The effective services of this journal _in promoting this triumph are ac, knowledged by an universal assent. The GAZETTE enjoys to-day an admitted influence in a wider ,field than ever before. It is no longer regarded as 'a mere local journal, but has acquired an interest, as a ' journal of the nation., which commands at tention to jts utterances abroad as well as at home. Its managers will aim to main . n" tai and increase this;influence by every just Mean It will continue to be, as in the past, the only political journal in Allegheny county - which will be accepted by the people, at home or abroad, as the faithful, steady, ever-true exponent of those Republican principles which one Administration and four successive Con. grasses have loyally and successfully inter"- . preted, and which theamericau people have jist now once more emphatically approved, - : The close of a momentous political strag- f,rle, and the victorious 'situation to which :that has brought us, will'find the GAZETTE acting .La harmony with the new Adminis t- -tration of the Government in its most im : portant departments: We shall have access :to the most reliable sources for early, am ,..rate and abundant ham:mallow nit all mat . tens: transpiring at the National awl State Ctapitals, and viliciriee'#ire - ibliection. of such • 'intelligence Itadinpapccidlty. Our special `and regular daily reports from Washington E: • and Harrisburg, r particularly daring the ,approaehing sessions, will be early, minute, uninterrupted, and from the very highest -sources: The DAILY GAZETTE. "at only two-third the price charged by other journals; wi i• • give an equal amount of interesting.matte it~eight broad pa ;es making it the chcape , gig the one of the largest, daily junta ti of the \ Commonwealth. - I *, The WEEKLY GAZETTE, with its days r of publication eo arranged as to s d 'itit all the . ,•:; t mails from this city, tell give the same mat ' ler in its forty-eight Columns, to all its relders, at a lower price than any `other journal in • z. the State: r, \ . • ,s - Its. Editorial, Netes, Commerezal, River, .i; .Finaiwial, lieligioue,' Agricultural,'Scientifie . i= .and Literary Departments will be conducted with The same earnest desire to command the ':- public approbation; which has already been .. ~ . - conspietthusly manifested, and which confess edly, regcli:ili the QAZETTE as the special '•,' . organ ielid most reliable reporter for th e lead , __.• Itng 'interests, of Western Pennsylvania. 171,e licelee,t Reports of the WEEKLY .I, GAZE'TTE ,Nre 4 standard authority in Commercial - eirctes throughout this region. *lts fates are accepted as an authority for ref erenee in the Courts of this county in impOr :: tant issues, to" . deteiinine the rulings of prices at any given period in. dispute BE TERMS; CLUBS, &c DAILY GAZETTE: One Year, - - 7- - *ls 00 SIX Months, . 400 Three 'Months, - • - 200 Delivered in sny part of the Cities and •/,' adjacent BOrotighs for 15 Cents per Week, payable tothe Carriers. • WEEKLY GAZETTE': Copy, , per year, - - $1 50 clubs of Five, each Copy, - • -I- 125 Clubs of Ten, each Copy, - 1. 1 I`s • Mid One to the getter up of the Names. ~Specimen Copie' furnished on application the Proprietors. Address, PENNIMAN, REED & CO.; GAZEI Y TE BUILDING, 'B4 and 88 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburgh. Er Country papers "in Western Penneyt '-' ' Ea stern Ohio l or Western Virginia i.. ., lo issa, 1 ---, railithing the above and sending a smirked Y , thereof wild be entitled to a Daily E 4 0 P 1 :".:,' challo for em S lar " • - ' EMTIOI. 1869. GREAT ARMY RE--UNION. Separate. Meetings of the Officers of the Different Western Ar mies-The Assemblage at the Crosby Opera House—Welcome Address by Lieut. GEn. Sherman —Orations by Generals of Each of the Armies. [By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.) Csricioo, December 15.--Chicago is alive with soldiers to-day, and what is peculiar, all of_them officers, ranging from the General of the Armyto Second Lieutenants, —men bearing names that have become historie'and will be handed down to future generations as inseperably connected with the, life of _the Republic. The hotels where. - - are located the headquarters_ of - the - differ ent armies are with excitement and enthusiasm. _ Around and, in the hotels are great crowds-of citizens desirous of pay ing their respects to the distinguished sol diers; or -to - catch a glimpse of the great loaders, Grant, Sherman, Thomas, Scho field, etc. - At an early hour -in the.day the different armies gathered at the various places nam ed for the purpose of transacting the bu siness connected' with their organizations. ARMY OF THE OHIO. A meeting of the Army of the Ohio was held at the Briggs House, at nine o'clock this morning, Geu. J. D. Cox in the chair. The Chair stated that it had been proposed to meet and hear the report of the Com mittee on Permanent Organization and then adjeurn, to meet at half past - ten in Cale donian Hall. • Gen. Smith, from the Committee on Per manent Organization, then submitted the. following list of _officers: President, Major Gen., Jno. M. Schofield; Vice Presidents, Major Gen. Geo. Stoneman, New York: Ma jor Gen. J. D. Cox, Ohio; Major Gen. U. S. Hawaii, Indiana; Major Gen - . Jos.,-E. Coop er, Tennessee; Major Gen. L. J. Henderson, Illinois; Major Gan. Geo. S. Hartsuff, Mich igan; Col. W. E. Hobson, Kentucky; Col. Stewart, New Jersey; Col. Thomas, Minne sota; -M-ajor Gen. A. E. Burnside, Rhode Island; Recording Secretary, Major Gen. Julius White, Illinois; • Corresponding Sec :rotary, Col. J. A. Campbell, District of Co- lamliia; Treasurer, Col. W. W.Wheeler, Il linois. The ..report. was laid on the table until the regular meeting. At•twelye o'clock the Army of the Ohio met' at Caledonian Hall, Gen. Cox in the chair. The nominations for officers asgiyeti., above were nnanimously confirmed,:o":- • General Schofield,l President, theii took the Chair, and General Grant, Lieutenant General Sherman, Major General Thomas, and -all the staff officers eonnected with them, Were made honorary members: The constitution and by, laws were then adopt ed and the Society. adjourned. ' ARMY OF GEORGIA. A meeting of the officers was held at the Sherman House• this morning, for the pur posa.of organizing the', Society of the Army of Georgia. General H. W. Slocum was appointed temporary Cindrman, and Capt. Brown, Secretary. - A Committee appointed fOr 'the purpose reported the followino• ' gentlemen as per manent officers of, the Society of the Army of. Georgia: President, Maj. Gen. H. W. Slocum; Vice Presidents, Gens. Jeff. C. Davis, A. S. Williams, Mower, A. F. Ward. Bayard, Jackson,Carlin, Morgan, Casey . and Wolcott; Corresponding Secretary, Capt. B. Taylor; Executive Committee, Gens. Robinson,arnum and Mitchell, and Col. T. Jones; reasurer, Gen. Whittlesey.- Report adopted." • • ' - On motion of Gen. Barnum, the initiation fee was dispensed with and all honorably discharged officers of the Army of Georgia were declared eligible to membership on signing the roll. _.The meeting then ad journed to meet at nine o'clock to-morrow morning, when a constitution and by-laws for the governmentof the. Association will be submitted. •' 1----. FO a 7 -O'CLOC3I. A. DE ARMY OF TENNESSEE. A business meeting of the'Army of Ten nessee was hold this afternoon, in Crosby's Music Hall. In the absence of the Presi dent, Gen. John A. Rawlings, Vice Presi dent. Gen. Giles A. Smith topic the chair: •The Great Western Light Guard Reid then discoursed some beautiful and appropri ate music. . , A Committee of seven .was appointed by the Chair to nominate officers for the ensu ing year. Gen. D. P. Greer, of Illinois, is Chairman of the Committee. A Committee of ten; of which Gen. Leg gett is chairman, was then appointed to designate a place for the nest meeting. Gen. S. A. Hurlbut, after.-prefacing with some eloquentiand appropriate remarks. offered 'a resolution that a Committee be appointed of the Army of Tennessee to attend the, inauguration of General Grant, the first commander of this army, as Pres ident of the United States on the 4th of March next, and tender fitting congratula tions. ' - Gen. Rogers opposed the resolutions pn the ground of its political bearing, and Gen. Hurlbut defended it, insisting that it con tained nothing of a politicalliature. ieSeveral amendments to the resolution were offered, that a congratulatory address be, drawn up to General Grant, &c., but finally r on motion of Gov. Fletcher, of Mis souri, the discussion of General Hurlbut's resolution was postponed until eleien ( o'clock to-morrow. Gen. Greer offered a resolution n evhich was held over, that the Adjutant Generals, Quartermaster Generals,Commissary Gen erals, their assistants an all other staff of ficers of the Governors of the respective States during the war, be admitted to membership, and all the privileges of the organization, upon complying with the ex isting regulations. On motion, a Committee was appointed to watt on Generals Grant, Sherman and Thomas and request them to meet the Mem bers of the rank and file of their old com mands some time to-morrow. The meeting then adjourned until ten o'clock to-Morrow. ARMY OP TZ CUMBERLAND. The Armies of the Cumberland and Georgia held their joint meeting this. after noon at MoVicker's Theatre.' General Thomas presided, assisted by the Vice Presidents of the Society. General Thomas congratulated his comrades upon the happy auspices under which they gathered. General Price ' of the Committee on Me morials, asked further time to prepare his report, which was granted. A Committee on Permanent Organization was then chosen, with Lieutenant Colonel Hunter Brooke of Ohio, as its head. Rev. J. T. Brlstow,'ofi Kentucky; was an-. nounced as Chaplain for the year. ' General Gross, the Treasurer, made his report, showingthe receipts of the'Society to have been 11,866.75, and the ezpvedt- PITTSI3IiRGH, WEDNEeDAY, DECEMBER 16, 18es. tures $1,803.62; balance $62,23. • This does not include receipts of to-day. A Committee, appointed for the purpose, suggested the names of three places for the next meeting, Louisville, Indianapolis and Cleveland. A ballot was had with the fol lowing result: IndianaPolls,l4,- votes; Louisville, 136; Cleveland, 131. Indianapo lis-was declared the_p - Wict . i. ', • '.--;:'• Bev. dranvillev - Moody offered ii-long pre amble and resolutions, that,. whereA the National Lincoln Monument Aesociation of the city of Washington has adopted a design for aMontiment prepared by Clark Mills, which, when completed, will be un equalled as a' work of art, &c., ice.; and that, whereas,am ong the figures already selected from t e army we are gratified to, find Generals G ant, Sherman, Howard and, Wadsworth; a d whereas, the name of General Geol. H. Thomas has been before that of artists's:lid will be adopted liii i at the ens g eeting; therefore,. - the Army of the Cum berland .Resam That we approve the important enterprise; that we have learned with. plesis ure that an equestrian figure of General Thomas will be placed by the side Of the other heroes named, and that we pledge ourselves to ecwmerate most cheerfully with the Board of Managers in the fultite& anco , and completion of the work. The resolutions were received with great -applause.' . ~. - In this movement General Thomas was taken completely by surprise. He came forward, and with great emotion said he_ .felt obliged for the flattering tribute,' but he had done nothing but his duty, and be had tried to do,that with all his heart. He earnestly desired that the Committee would lay the resolution on the table. At this point Col. Loomis; one of the Vice Presidents, stepped forward and in a ringing voice put the resolutions. With one accord the entire assemblage rose to their feet and shouted a prolonged "aye" that fairly shook the building. Gen. F. T. Sherman announced that he was authorized by Gen. Stager,. ' of the' Western Union Telegraph Conipany to offer on behalf of that Company the free use of their lines for the official messages of the Society and the private use of the members to their families. Vote of thanks. A Committee was appointed to nominate an orator for 1866. After votes of thanks the Society adjourn ed until to-morrow morning. i ( CORPS MEETING. A meeting of the Thirteenth Army,Corps was held in the Circuit Court Hall - this af ternoon. Maj. Gen. John A. McClernand presided. The Constitution of the Society was read by Colonel Wilson, of Indiana. The annual fee for membership is ono dol lar. The organization includes all persons whoever, reported to the Corps as a mere ber,vas well as the Generale to whom Gen. Meelernand reported as his superior of ficers: A number of officers joined the As sociation, including• Gen. C. Andrews, Gen. McOlernand, Gen. ( Fisk., '`Gen. Rug gles and Gen. Lippincott. A. 'committee was appointed to perfect the organization of the Corps and a badge adopted, Which con -1-tains-sthe monogram •°l3th A. C." The meeting then adjourned until to-morrow. • AT TUE OPEIIA HOUSE-ADOREiS 01' WEL COME AT LT. (lEN.'SIIERMAN. The Opera House was crowded this even. ing to its utmost with soldiers of the grand armies and our citizens- Major General George H. Thomas presided, and after mu sic by the Great Western Rind, and Drum Taps by StWilaS, introduced Lieut. General Sherman, who made the; welcome address, as follows: Fellow-Soldiers: It is made my pleasing dutyteaddress youthis evening Wm-oral% of welcome fur the deeds that have been spread before you. From the city and from the country, from the town and the village, you haye come together, the representa tires of your grand volunteer armies,which responded to the country'escall in her hour of danger and fought her batttles, some times side by .side and sometimes far, apart, yet always in unison. [Cheers.] At her bidding you returned to your homes as farmers and as mechanics, as artizans and citizens, and after a short rest you have again assembled, as it were, upon a pinna cle to look back toward that vale wherein you struggled so long, to point out to each other the spots of,greatest 'interest, and to live o'er again those• hours and days and months of deepest anguish or of joy. I know that `you have laid aside forever the feelings of aninhoSity and anger which you may have entertained; and that you have dropped hatooblivion the little jealousies and rivalriesof the hour. You now stand here with hands extended in fraternal friend ship, whb haye rather gloried in the right to defend the fiagtf your country on land and sea. You have fought for the Union of our fathers,—[cheers]—and the flag of our whole-country. [Cheers.] No mere self. glorification now animates you, but a just pride in your own actions, and a deep, in-. tense love of the comrades who stood by your side in the hour of deadly strife and shouted with you in the hour of. victory. [Cheers.] Happily, my friends, you did not belong to that class of our people in whose hearts was planted from youth the pernicious doctrine of Statepower, and that the citizen should loves part of the coun try better than the whole. [Applaused You were reared in a better school and taught to revere, the Constitution of your whole country, and to love the wise and genial influences under which are assured the largest measure of security and happi ness consistent with the safety of the whole. We believe that the will of the majority should rule.,. We believe that in this we, have discovered a panacea for the ills that have from the earliest history of thp world ravaged and afflicted the human family. But we were no exception to the ( general rule, that minorities . will not:always bow peaceably to the decision of the majority, and - found that we must maintain the priv ileges of our birthright by force. You may search history in yam for a more fla grant violation of faith than that which, re suited in our civil war. - Never were a., people more ruthlessly, more un willingly dragged_ into a long and ' blocidy conflict,.;:and never was the country.so utterly unprepared for the at tempt. To prepare for danger was called cowardice, and the whole; civilized world was taught to'belleve that the broad stripes on our - flag were to be trailed in the dust, the stars sunk forever from view, and that our fair fabric of Union was broken up be yond recall. Our attempts to reason wore laughed at. Our laws were derided to scorn. The public property-was seized, and a war begun. Men wasted their eloquence in the vain attempt to avert this storm. Statesmen exhausted the last , peaceful rem edy. And not until this time.was the last ar:- biter resorted to. The voluntary sol dier then stepped forth into the field and offered his life and his' service to defend and maintain the Government- against all its enemies, and swore.an oath that Rebellion and Anarchy should not rule this land of ours, but that Liberty, Justice and Law should be restor ed to their rightful throne. [Cheered( Ha has kept his word, and you now ; behold the good Ship of State again full rigged and once more on her free course towards a glorious future. You know that mu gag is Not a star has, been still the [Cheers,] lost, not a star dimmed. That Same flag we have followed so often in the' _glare' of a scorching owl, by the mo,pn'ffi pge,bea;ms, by the light of the blazing> pine torch, now waves alert . victory and peace. Shall I not, then, claim for you. who repre sent this ideal volunteer, the higher honor, yea, the highest honor that is conceded by mortal On - Wet., You can easily recall how long the war seemed`to us snits prog ress; but how sbort, even now, looking back on it; ifter a period of a little more tium' three lean. How.- inconceivably short, then, will !. it appear to those who a hundred years hence will pope,throngh the pages Of histeryto learn of the events and causes that led five millions of people ri to - rebel when cilifigliabt of oppression - or tyrant' was ever alleged. _We owe it to, them, whilst' still in the vigor of life and health, to record the parts we ' ' played played ' in • - the . grand ' rams- of life; • with the motives and f hags that ac tnited tue,Wengh'its Vane stages. Many • .s.' time an oft you have:lain upon the bare ground; 'with no Canopy above'you but that of heaven with its - hosts of glitterl4 stars, andel: know;you:have , dreamed- of a' time to'come, when seated in peace and se curity, surrounded by admiring." friends, you would be crowned with a light such as now hangs over your heads. Accept this,. then, as•tlie fruition of;:yeur - dreams, and enjoy the hour. [Chders.], ' ' ' -- Four of your Comtadea r onefrOm:each of the armies specially represented here, will address you on the deeds you have done. Give them a willing - and attentive ear; and when you go back to your homes, tell them all that these armies,,though dispersed in. the flesh, yet live in the shirit as strong and enthusiastic aS they were four years ago, when in 'the very death grapple with the enemies of our country and civilization. Arid now, in the name of the Committee that haves made these preparations, I ex tend to you all a cordial greeting—to the veteran of 1861, to the recruit of 1865, yea. to the convert of the very last hour of grace: In the name of the people of Chi cago, who have provided the means, I bid you welcome and assure you that a seat awaits you at every fireside, and in the name of every patriot of the land I give you welcome, and tell you that the light ning's flash is not swift enough to satisfy their yearning hearts to know what is done here this night. The presence of the men about me, their high office, and the duties they have left to be - with you here, all at test the interest anclgrandeur of the occa sion, and in their names, too, comrades all, I. bid you thrice welcome. [Tremendous applause.] . Song by Hie Glee Club, ',America." ARMY OF TENNESSEE-ADDRESS OF OEN BELKNAP. General Belknap spoke to his comrades of the. Army of the Tennessee It all seems like a dream. The insult to the flag; the President's call for troops; the great., uprising of the people; the unfurling to the breeze from every mast and stall and spire of the North of the nation's emblem; the enthusiastic meetings of men to deVise ways and means to strike a blow to save the nation; the prompt response of the young men of i the - laud; the mustering of the argued hosts; the waving of handker chiefs; the baud shaking; the kissing at parting; the first battles in the West; the cage; demand for men; the victory of Tort Donelson; the field of Shiloh; the opening of the Isitssissippi; the siege of Vicksburg; the ilankings, and, finally, the surrender of the iebel armies; the ,joy. of that hour turned to grief by the death of.the nation's chief; the final march to Washington; the grand review oat the -nation's Capitol; the muster out. All of those events were passed in review by the speaker. AE3XY .OF VHS CUMBERLA.ND-ADDRESS OF .. , ot;xmiAr.. criorr. ~• • 'General Charles Croft;t6. delivered an oration of over an .hour's length on the Army of the Cumberland His discourse was principally devoted to the considera tion of the following topics: Ist. The prom inent characteristics of the rebellion; 2d. the origin of the Armof the Cumberland and its exploits in the great struggle for the. life of the Republic; 3d. Its peculiari ties as a distinct army in the field; 4th. The teachings of the war. He briefly alluded to, tho long chain of causes, stretching through more than a generation, which had estranged the North and South. .It was not any single cause which brought abont the war, but a combination _of many. - Tho• most noteworthy 'of the . -causes . was - the persistent effort made by the South SAM shape federal' legislation as to foster ettid extend the institution of African slavery, and to establish certain dogmas known as the doctrine of- State rights. This rebellion, Stripped of all polit ical and other surroundings, was an effort on tho part of eleveri States of the Union by force of arms to throw off the Federal Gov ernment and establish ' a Confederation: which should perpetuate the barbarisms of ' African'. slavery and perpetuate the polit ical -heresy of State rights. It was a . fratricidal .._; war.' .. The hand of brother. was arrayed against brother and lather against; son.. •It was a war of sentiment. The South:. was fighting • for a cherished set - of social and political ideas which had been instilled from the cradle upwards. The _North, at the start, contended for the integrity of our Govern ment, but as the contest deepened the free dom of the negro assumed a prominent position, and before the war closed this be came ti,(ruling sentiment. - . The Army of the .Cumberland had its origin as follows: The germ of the arnifof the Cumberland consisted of that porti n of the Federal soldiery first organized it Louisville, 'Kentucky, in the summer f 1.,.s 1861, by uen. Robert Anderson. The bu k of these original troops were Western volt n leers, chiefly from the States of Ohio, In T ana and Kentucky. Gen. Anderson NS succeeded in command by Gen. W. T. Sh r man, and he by Gen. Buell, who was in is ,turn succeeded by Gen. Rosecrans, a d finally General George 11. Thomas beca , e its leader.