PITTRIMTROR MARKETS. _'OFFICE OF TEE PITTSBURG - CH GAZETTE, / i MONDAY, December 14, 1668., Notwithstanding therois a firmer feeling in the general markets, there is, as yet, no increased voltime :61 business. The de mand for , almost'everything continues to tie restricteCito supplying immediate wants, while prices generally have under -vit.6 material change. , _ APPLE BUTTER—Is unchanged at 70 to 75 in kegs, and'Bo to_Bsin:crocks. I APPLES—Theis a continued active il emi i nd, and wit h diminished arrivals, pric are tendin upward. I We'; continue quote at $3 to . 8 ,50 per bbl BUTTER—Is mer and in steady de- , ' mend, and we 'cm report • regular sales at SS to 40 for good , prime and 42 to 43 for.' choice. - . BUCKWHEA FLOUR—The demand is. • fi l improving, and p ces are a shado,higher, 6 . to 5v,, eta per und. _ i BEANS---53,50 _ ;$3,75- perflaushel. CRANBERRI We carilrepOrt sales of prime to_choice - astern Coltitrated at $23 to $25 per bbl.' '- .. ,r- - '' .: -.-- cHEEsE...]: . ) , bnifunohanged, ranging from 15 to 20c. as to quality. - _ DRIED FR ,Steady demand but nn .changed; Peach at 12 for quarters, and 14 to 15 forhalves. I . Appleistat 9 to Ild. CIDER—DuII; $6 to 58 per it bbl. 4 EGGS-n: good supply -and • dull but •uncnanged-30 for limed, and 33 for fresh packed._ I -- HAY,,Is firmer and prices are .13 shade tigher; we can report sales of baled at 523 to $2B per ton. as to quality. - AOMINY-:Dtill; 0,50 per bbl. POTATOES—SaIes of prime Peach Blows in store at 90 cents. J ersey . Sweets, $ 6 per barrel. - - POULTRY-Demand is inther better: sales Of. dressed Turkeys at 15 to 16c, and Chickens at 12 to 13c.. GRAlN—Winter Wheat is in fair de mand, with , sales of prime Red at 51,85; some Spring IWheat offering, but no sales reported. Oats in steady demand., and firmer but rinchanged;l33 to 04c ma track, and 65 to 66c in store. New Coin continues scarce and prices aro higher, and we now quote at 80 to fisc.- Old unchanged at 51 to 51,05. Rye is,firm and in demand; sale of 1,000 bushels at 51,50. Barley is quiet but firm; sale of 500 bushels Spring at e 2,05, de livered. LA-RD—ls firm and scarce, and prices are fully - matititainedi prime kettle ran diked atA.6Ne, in tierces, and 17;ic, kegs. I LARD', OIL—Is aim firm and in activee demand;uote No. 2 at . $ 1,20 to 51, 22 , and No. 1 at IWeq 51,45 to 51,47. MESS POWL—Qtdet but firm; we con tinue to qiitite at $26 to $26,50. SALT-1s firm but unchanged; Alio 'therm ti=er brands quoted at 51,85 on track, and 523 - irstore. _ • FLOUR-- - The market is quiet but steady, with a mideirate local demand, and pAces,- although,: unchanged, are maintained. Western Flours are still quoted at 7,50 to $B,OOl for Spring, -and 19,00 to $9,50 for - Winter. The Pearl Mill quote their brands, made of the best Wheat, asfollows: Extra Family Flour, - in barrels a $9,50, and, in sacks, $9,20 per barrel; Do uble I Extra Family, in barrels, $10,20, and, in l sacks, $9,80 per barrel; Spring Wheat Flour, in barrels, $B,OO, and, "in sacks, $7,70 per barrel. The City Mills quote prices as follows: Extra Family,- ( (Winter) in barrels, $9,50, and, in sacks, $9,20 per barrel; Double Extra Family, in barrels, $lO,OO, arid. in sacks, $9,70 per barrel, and. Spring, $B,OO, in barrels, and $7.70, in sacks, - per barral. WHlSKY—Mghwines are quoted at $1 to 81,05 per gallon. FEATHERS Salea to the trade at 75 to SO for live geese, and 85 to 90 in a retai way. PEA Nll"l"—Quoted at 82. - ONIONS---Sales at 61,50 to 81,75 per bush el, as to quality. Financial Natters in New York Gold ,Closedat 135%. By Telegraplith the Pittsburgh Gazette.l - .NEW York, December 14, 1868 `The moneymarket is active and steady at 7 per cent. on -call, and quite easy this afternoon on the: report of Private tele grams from Washington expressing the be lief that the Legal Tender Act will be de clared constitutional. Exchange firmer at 1093©109%. Gold easier, opening at 1353, declining to 1353, and closing at 135 g. • BONDS AHD STOCKS. Governments without any change at, close. Coupons 1881, 11434®114%; do. 1 62, 1103 (4)110%; do. '64,.106 8 @ 1 07; do. '65, 1073;©107g: do. new, 110@110 8 ; do. '67, 110%@110g; 10-40 s, 10.536®1058.. State Bonds dull and lower. Missouris, 89; New Tenne.ssees, 65W5653 old do.. 65 @67; North .Carolinas, 593@6034; Vir inias, 57%;,Georgias, 80; Louislanas, 60g; Alabaman, 88. • . Miscellaneous shares quiet. Railways have fluctuated, opening firmly, with au advance on New York Central to 1243;, - Erie to 41; Michigan Southern to 853;, and Rock Island to 106);‘. The market subse quently declined, with -a pressure to sell, and again became -bettej, more active, and closed firm. I - FIVE-TWENTY Purcis:—Cumberland, 36@ 363 ; Wells Exprem, 2,5N@26 ; Ameri can, 49.1®423 ; Adams, 48@483;; United States. 45©4f1; Merchants Union, 153, €1;113; Quicksilver,2l3(3®2l; Canton , 4734 G4B: Pacific: Mail 1123.1 1 5 1 4; Telegraph, 363;®37; Boston Water Power, 13% @)14; Mariposa, 5@6; do preferred, 193; 20 ; New York Central, 125.g@125 8 8 -; Erie, 40,®40%; do pref., 59@60; Hudson, 125g@126; Reading, 963@97; Alton dr, Terre Haute, 37©40; do preferr ed 613@62;1 Toledo Wabash, 543 5514; do. preferred, 70; St. Paul, 633; 63 7 8 ; do. preferred, 53y 4 ®83745 Fort Wayne, 1101@lOW; Ohio and Mississippi, .29g€1 , 29g; Michigan Central, 118@l18%. Michigan Southern, 861/A86 6 8 ; Illlinois Central, 1430)1443; Pittsburgh, 83' 4 ; Tol edo, 101g,©1013;; Rock Island, 107 go 107 g; Northwestern, 76g®76g; do. pre ferred, 77%@77V,,; Lake .Shore, 11034; Han nibal and St. Joe, 91. Mining shares unchanged. Mining stocks at Boston—Copper Falls, 16X; Franklin,l4; Hancock, 3'g; Minnesota ! , 2; Quincy, 19. . The receipts -at the Stib-Treasury to-day were $1;139,430; Payments, $3,601,517. Bal ance, $90,627,893. , - A 'Markets by Telegraph. NEW ToRE, Pecember 14.—Ashes are steady-, at 17,75a8. Cotton firmer; closing quiet, with sales 185 bales at 25Mc. t Flour— • receipts, 6,soobbLs; market less active and unchanged, with sales 860 bbls at 1,5,95 a 6,35 for superfine and western; 16,55a8,10 extra western; 18,50a10 for goo to choice white wheat extra; 17,10a9,50 d for common to choice R. H. 0.: 17,75a9 for common to fair do; extra St. Louis at 10a 12,50; good to 'choice do. closing quiet; Cal ifornia - flour qhiet, with sales 3io sacks at 16,50a9,50, via Horn; 110,50a11,50 via Isth mus. Rye flour quiet, with sales 150 bbls at 16,75a8,50. Whisky' quiet, with small sales western, free, at 01,0 0 41,04. Wheat; receipts-1,440 bpsh; spring wheat dull and heavy; winter grades a shade firmer'with sales 43,000 , bush at -$1,57a1,62' grand 2 spribg, talk $1,55 for Nos. do, mixed, and $2,00 for amber State; $2,25a2, 4 6 for white Michigan, the latter for• choice extra. Rye quiet; 2,000 bush west; ern at $1,50. Barley duliga nd heavy. Bar ley Malt dull; 2,009 bush State at 52,25. .Corn dull and lower; 51,000 bush at sl,loa .or 1,13 for unsound; $1,13 for sound mixed western, in store; $1.15a1,16 do spat; 11,05 .81,08 for new do; $1,10a1,12 for r new.white Southern. Oats a shade firmer-but not tic; tire; 60,000 bush at 770 for western in store .and 79a79g0 for do, afloat. Total st bk of grain In warehouse Dec. 14: wheat 3,475,- 64.1-bash, including 44,790 bush California; corn 2 2 01518/4; oasis 3,1044" rye Z 671101; barley 342,921; malt 99,526 bus. =Coffee less active and very firm; salei3ooldids Cuba at Mobsmei quiet; :New Or. leans; - 87ar,50.- llops'in fait:demand at 10a' 12c for. American. .Betroleum, quiet and •sells`at 19c for crude and 33c - for 'refined, bonded. Linseed Oil steady at .96a98e on - spot . .l, Turpentine dull at 44:144%c. Pork quiet and firm; . " -- sales 730 .bbls at. MOO a 26 for new rae55i4125,50a5,75 for old do;, V19,50a21,23 for prime; 1f23a25 for prime - mess; sdso sales 250 bbls new mess, seller, January, at' 326,50. Beef is steady: sales 180 bbls at 139a10,50 for new plain mess; 816 a2O for new extra mess. Tiens Beefis steady; sales 120 tierces at f26a30 for pilthe mess, and 830a34 for- India mess. 'Beef , Hama firm; sales 150 bbls at 1,30a32. Cut Meatnineady; sales 170 pkgs at leall%c for shbulders, and 13a15c for - hams. Middles - quiet and steady; sales 140 tierces at 14%c for_short nbbad, 140 for long ribbed, and 14%c for Stafford cut. Lard firm; sales 180 tierces at 15%a16%c for' steam, and 16% al6%c for kettle rendered; also sales - 225 tierces steam,, seller, January, Februaiy and part of March, at 18a186c. Butter steady and in 'good demand at 25a88e for Ohio, and 40a50e for State. Cheese -firm and active at 15a19c. Freights to Liverpool lower, with engagements per t steamer of 30,000 bush corn and wheat at Latest —Flour quiet and - without deci ded change. Wheat dull and heavy for springrTery firm for winter.' 'Rye tall at $1,49a1,50 for western. Oats quiet and firm at 77c in store; 79a7934e afloat for western. Corn'dull at • $1,12Ma1,13 'in store; ,f)1,15a 1,15 1 4 afloat for old mixed western, and $1,02a1,08 for now mixed western. Pork quiet and firm at $25,50a213 for mess. Beef quiet and steady. Bacon steady, with a fair demand. _ cat meats dull and unchan- ged. Lard firther. at 18;018 3 4o for fair to prime steam.'"-Eggiiiiniet and steady. Cattle Market—Receipts for the week -6,688 beeves, 22,982 sheep and 1amb5,.21,774 hogs. Beeves—On Wednesday of last week, with light arrivals, there being about 800 head, an active demand; the market for beef cattle was twiner and prices higher; fancy steers sold at 1734a18e, while prime at 16%a17c; fair to good, 14a16c; ordinary, 13a133ic, and inferior to common at 9al2c. On Thursday trade was slow, but prices remained unchanked during the balance of the week, and the market, though quiet, was quite steady at quotations above, with moderate arrivals. To-day, with 2,500 head on sales and a fair demand, the market was quite steady at quotations; the major part of the offerings were common; we quote extra at 17y,a1iNc; prime at 161017 e; fair to good at 1514a16y,,c; ordinary at 18a1430, and inferior at 10a12c. For Sheep and Lambs the market ruled moder- ately active and firm up to Thurs day, when, with only about 2,500 head on call and active demand prices advanced fully Comnictn,to prime sheep .41a7c. Lambs same price. During the remainder of the week arrivals fair demand be- ing pasiably active, prices further improv ed yo, closing at sa7ic. To-day, with light receipts, which are mainly composed of ex extra 'stock, • fair demand and prices are Much higher; sales 4y,a6Mc. Sirme—On the day following our llaasst report the -market advancedlully y‘c, owing to the arrivals and active demand, sales being made at 13,(Ac. On Wednesday prices again ad vanced y‘c, ranging from 9a9Xc. At these prices the market ruled quite steady up to Saturday, when it was lower and heavy, prices current being By¢a9c for- common: to prime stock" . 'To-duy the market is quiet at_S%aBXc. -- - - —.Clucsuo, December 14.=-Eastern EX change dull and heavy. Flour very dull; sales at $5,25a7 for low grades to good spring extras. Wheat quiet; sales of No. 1 at $1,23a1,28; No. 2 at $1,17a1,18; closing dull at $1,17; sales of No. 2 since change at 81,17, Corn dull ands shade lower; sales at 80c for No. .1; 52253 c for new; 59c for No. 2, and 57a59c for rejected - kiln dried; there was nothingf doing this afternoon. ' Oats dull; sales of No. 2at 473,4a45c. Eve in fair request; sales at 81,16Ma1,17 'for N r o. 1, and 1,16a1,16%c for No. 2. Barley firmer and more active; sales of No. 2at $1,67a1,68; closing steady at $1,67. Highwines quiet EL 94c for free. Dressed hogs fairly active but 15a20c lower; sales at 88,75a9; chiefly-at $9. - Provisions firmer; mess pork sold for future and present delivery, at 824 for ex tra prime. Pork steady at 18c. laird in good demand; sales 'at 15e cash.. Green meats sold at 834 c for shouldersr nq for short rib; 11c for rough sides ' and 12c for hams. Receipts for the past 48 he-urs -8,633 bbls flour, 25,133 bush wheat, 38,080 bush corn, 28,950 bueir bats, 2,425 bush rye, 1,690 bush barley. Shipments-7,150 bbls flour, 5,832 bushels wheat, 30,124 bushels corn, 6,524 bush oats, 5,580 bush rye, 7,490 bush barley. - The cattle market is very quiet and the demand is chieffy for upper grades; fair cows sold at 54,40a4,50; good steers at 86,75, and choice Christmas beeves at 88. Hogs opened quiet but became more active at a decline of 10a15c; sales at 87,10a7,75 for eommon to good lots, and $8,25 for choice smooth lots. CrisciznyArr, Dnember 14.—Flour quiet and firm, family $7,25a7,75. Wheat firmer, mostly held at 51,80 for No. 1 red. Corn firmer and higher, closing at 68a70c. Oats quiet and unchanged, No. 1, 66a47e. Rye advanced to $1,40 and is scarce. Barley unchanged. Cotton firmer, middlings 23k. Whiskey in moderate demand at 97. Hogs active and higher, market excited; live close at 88a8,75; dressed 510a10,62; receipts 8,860 head since Saturday. rovisions buoyant, market u .good deal unsettled, holders offering to sell sparingly. Mess Pork held at 26c and sold at this rate for future delivery, but cut meats are higher; -shoulders 9%a 10, loose 10a101/ t ; packed sides 12%a13 for clear rib and 139 for clear, all loose and not fully cured. ---Greenittreats advanced to B%a9c for-shoulders, and 11%a 12 for sides and 13 1 /013% for hams. Lard advanced to 144 for prime steam and 16 for kettle; strong' speculations and in de mand. Butter scarce and in demand at 36a40. Cheese firm at 17x18/. Hay firm at 515a18. Linseed oil firm at 81. Groce ries unchanged. Nothing--done- in seed. Flax seed not saleable at better than 82,00. Gold 81,35y 3 buying; exchange dull at %a 1-10 per cent. .disconnt, buying. Money market remains closed at- 10a10%per cent. 6T: Lohis, December; 4.—Tobacco nomi nal, and none in the market. Cotton: sales middling at 22 1 4 r. Flour: superfine scarce and 'wanted, and 10a20c better, ranging at 55,50a5,25, extra 50,50, double extra 87,50. Wheat, very little done, choice red sold at $2, w o c, choice white 05. Corn better at 75a76c, mixed and vell 8211 and easier at' d II . 50a59c. Barley: Small sales choice Main at 82,20. Rye advanced to 81.27a1,30. Pro visions: the lack of , shipping facilities checks business, and little was done, hol ders are firm and prices nominally un changed. Mess Pork sold at 825a25,50; dry salt shonlders packed, 16c. Bacon nomi -nal atl4al4 shoulders, 146a17c clear sides; new sugar cured hams 16ma170. I Lard steady and, firm with a fair demand at 15c for steam and kettle; Whisky steady at 930. Receipts—Flour 2,200 bbls, 6,000 bush wheat, 2,100 bush Corn, 40 bush bar ley. 300 bush rye. 4,250 head hogs. liogs: receipts light and prices stiff-and higher, ranging at 714a8a for fair to prime, 8118%c for heavy.' Cattle: common plenty and dull at *o4o' fair to choice In mod erate supply and firm at 6'6140 gross. BALTIMORE, December 11.4.—Flour quiet, firm and unchanged. Wheat dull, lespe daily high grades, at $10a10,50 for' double extra white wheat: sales 3 cars No. 1 red winter at $1,95; Igo. 2 held at $1,75a1,77. Corn—sales 2 cars No. 1 shelled at 80c. / Oats held at 67c. Rye—sales 1 car at 81,33. Barley in light demand, with No. 1 Canada at $2,05, and N 0.2 State at 81,70a1,75. Pe troleum firm and steady, with a good de mend; refined held at 82,08a2,0834 in car lots, and 302.31 c in retail lots. PHILADELPHIA, December, 14.—Flour dull, but steady; superfine, $5,25a5,75; ex tras, $7,50; lowa, Wisconsin and Minnesota extra family, 57.76a8,25; fancy, 88,50; Ohio, 59a10,75; fancy, $11a13,00. Wheat inactive, but steady; red, $1,90a2,00; amber, 02,10 a 2,15. Eve adyanced: sales 1,000 bus West ern at 60a62c; new held:-higher. Corn in fair demand; malou ,4,004 bus 7e117 at Stba PITTSBURGH GAUMI all; old, $1,20; new white, 94c. • Oats firm_ at 74a78c. Barley, $2a2,10. Petroleum in active. Provisions unchanged. Whiskey - steady at $1,01a1,03. [ Beef cattle in fair demand at an advance . of S - ioXe: sales of *l,BOO head at 9.34a10c for extra prime and western steers, 10a10%c for fair to choice; Ba9c for fair to good 5a73,c gross, for common. Sheep in fan. demand; sales of 8,000 head at 4a4%c gross. Hogs in demand at an advance; sales of 4,500 head at $12312,25 net: CisvELAND, December 14.—Flour firm and in better demand for high grades city made, at $11,50 for treble extra white; $9,75 alo for double extra amber; $8,50a8,75 for donble-eitta red winter, and 87,75a8,00 for doiable extra spring; country made, $8,60a 8,75 for doable extra red and amber: 88a9 for double 'extra spring which is scarce, there being hardly sufficient In the market for quotations., Corn firm: new white 980. Dry Oats firm at 70a75c. Rye firm and de mand strong at 11,40a1,45. Clover Seed sells readily at $7,75. - Mess Pork firm at 826,50a27,00. Bacon_ quiet, rib , sides 17c; clear aides 17 1 .317%c; shoulders 13Kal4c; hams 18c. Lard more active at 16%c: BUFFALO, Dec. 14.—Grain in store—wheat 475,000 bu; corn 220,000 but oats 163,000 bu; barley 92,000 tiu; peas 4,000 bu; rye, mostly, held for distilling 'purposes, 145,000 bu. Flour steady; sales .250 bbls No. 1 city ground spring at, $7,50. Wheat quiet and firm; sales in oar lots amber Canada at $1,78,,' a 1,80; white Canada $2,15 milking; $l5O for No. 2 Chicago spring. Corn dull and quo ted at $1,02 for old western; 85C for new; 90c for 'kiln dried, all in car lots. Oats dill and quoted at 66a67c for western. Rye nominal at $1,45. Barley dull; sales 2 car loads Canada at $2. Pork steady; mess $25. Lard, -15%a16c. Highwines drill at $1,02a1,04... - : MILWAEKEE, December 14.—F10n3 dull and prices unchanged. Wheat lower at $1,25% for No 1, and $1,16 for No 2. Oats, dull at 48c for No 2. Corn dull at 57c for new on track. Rye higher at $1;11 for-No 1. Barley quiet at $l,BO delivered. Rti+- ceipts-1,000 bbls flour, 35,000 bush wheat, 2,000 bush oats, 2,000 bush corn, 1,000 bush rye, 400 bush barley. Shipments-i-5,000 bbls flour, 400 bush wheat, 500 bush oats. LouisviLLE, December 14.—Sales 24 hhds tobacco; new lugs to medium leaf 5%a12%, cutting 17%. Cotton 22%. Hogs By 4 a9c, gross. Mess pork $25,50. Bulk shoulders 10%, clear rib sidesl3%al4c, clear sides 14%c. Lard 16a16%e. Superfine flour $5,50 a 6. Wheat $1,65a1,85. -.Oats - 55a59c. Corn 60a62c. Rye 111,34a1;35, Whisky, raw, free, at'9Bct _ • TOLEDO, Deceinber 14.—Flour • quiet: Wheat steadyrwhite Michigan, $1,44; am ber, 81,89. Cern steady; old No. 1,86 c; new, 70c; - kibi dried, 80c. Oats firm at 60c for No. li Rye unchanged and Barley quiet. Cloverteed is 5c lower and sold at $7,85. Dressed Hogs are 340 lower; salis are reported at 9 1-7a9 3-7 c. Mxrarms, December- 14.—Cotton stiff; 'uplands 23%c; receiOts 2,405 balee exports 3,739. Flour firm at46,50a12,00. Corn dull at 65a7bc. Oats stiff at 65c. Hay 522a25. Pork firmer at $25,5046,00. Lard dull at 15a16c. Bacon nominal, with no 'demand. Bulk Meats brisk; shoulders 10%c; sides 1434 c. I IMPORTS BY RAILRAOD PITTSBURGH, FORT WA.YNE & CHICAGO RAILROAD, Decembml4.-11 cars metal, 7,t.Timick & Co; 1 do do . - Jas Wood Son & Co; 20 do do, Bryan & aughey; 100 bbls flour, 1 car rye,_ 200 bags :do, 1 car corn, Daniel Wallace; 214 bags middlings, N Conrad; 200 bbla flour, McClure & McKee; 100 do do, Shoulaker & Lang; 2 cars wheat, Thos . Moore; 20 bbls oil, J H. Parker; 5 cases to baceo, Arbnckles & Co; 2 bxs booTii, A. C Miller; 5 bbls spirits, S':11 Wation•dc Co; 58 green hides,W H Canip; 5 bbls alcohol, J S. Finch .t tt; 157 bdbi green hides, G H Andersou;s bdls Iron, 0 pcs do, 1 box do;- Coleman, Rahm de Co;1. 3 bdls dry hides, Hays & Stewart: 250 pigs lead, J B Lyon; 2 cars rye, W J Meek; 100 Ws flour, T C Jenkins; 300 pigs lead, B . L Fahnestock_dc Co; 104 empty oil bbls, W -'-Mullins; 50 sks oats, 1 car do, H Rea; 10 hf bbls fish, Hagan & MoC; 10 kgs apple butter, Woodworth & 1 - Davison; 21 bdls runners,zlV McWhinney; 38 do felloes, 3do poles, T:Hare; 13 casks rivets, W P Townsend; 65; bdls handles, W Mardorf; 16 sks wheat, Scott &Gisal; 20 doz brooms, ;W Miller; 1 car fire brick, Brown &go; 1 car empty barrels, Jos Finch & Co; 1 do do, W Herr; .5 cars ore 1 do limestone, ,Shoenherger & Blair; 1 car , scrap iron, Mul lins & Maloney; 13 bags bsckwheat flour, Thomas & Bro; 17 do do, T g Jenkins; 10 kegs apple batter. W II Graff & CO; 14 , dressed hogs, McCullough, Jr & Co; 8 bbls dry apples, SP Shriver. ,-- CLEVELAND AND YITTSBIIIiGH RAIL ROAD, December 14.-3 cars iron ore, Shoen berger, Blair & Co; .1 car barley, J M Car son & Co; 15 .doz tuba, 15 do wash boards. 172 do pails, Little, Barr & Co; 1 car scrap iron, T Maloney; 2 cars potatoes, Van Gor ,,der & Shepard; 2 do do, Hulett &'Bross; 45 pea iron, Bryan & Caughey; 10 bbls lager beer, J Kisler; 4 sinks, 2 bureaus, Lemon & Weise; 33 licks rags, C P Mai kle & Co; 13 cases hdls, Logan, Gregg & Co; 10 bbls flour, Rinehart & Stevenson; 1 case shoes, W E Schmertz & Co; '6 kegssansage, Voigt, Mahood & Co; 10 dressed hogs,` ) P Hanna; 9 bdls paper, W G Johnson; 70 bbla salt, 0 Prietch; 1 cask ware A Bauman; 1 do do, Frielandado do, W P Little 1 do do, S 3 Knox; 1 do do, P Bretsh; 4000 ft lumber, G W Coffin; 11 hhds sugar. Arbuckles & Co; 6 bbls molasses, 1 hhd sugar, S Lindsay, Jr &go; 11 scks feathers. E Edmondson & Co; 5 tcs hams, E Hazleton & Co; 2 do do, B Hays & Son; 10 d o Winlard 2 tcs saus age, J H Parker ; 10 bbisla d oil, Sea Lip pencott; 10 do pickels, Graff Reiter; 1 tcs hams, Ido beef 2 bxs bacon, as E Mill & Son; 2 tcs do, John 'Porterfield ~ Co; 10 bxs Miss ware, ,G W Stoeckler; 4 bxs adse, A Torrence; 2 bxii wine, Jake Hill; kegs pigs feet, 25 bxs crackers, Reymer , ro; 3 doz Chairs, Hammer & Dauler; 10 ales cotton, Holmes, Bell & Co. ALLEGHENY VALLEY RAILROAD DOM.. , ber 14.-2 cars lin.estone,, Shoenberger & 1 Blair; 2do metal, McKnight, Porter & Co; 2do do, Rees, Graff & Dull; 3do do, John Moorhedad; 8 rolls leather ' G N Hoffstott; 1 car scrap • Iron, John Love; 80 bbls oil, Fisher & Bro; 21 sks wheat, J Leslie; 78eks ear corn, J & W' Fairley; , 2500 feet walnut lumber, Geo Jackson; 5 bgs flour, 1 barrel poultry, 1 bx butter,H Riddle;. 17 bgs W H Kirkpatrick & Co; 1 sack rags, flour . Miller; 8 sits rags, Adams & Austin; 9 sks buckwheat flour, 9 do sundries, W H Car= nahan. • 1 7. ALLEGHENY STATION. December J4;- 2 oars iron ore, Spang, Chalfant \ & Co; 436 hides, A& J Goetzinger; 1 car lumber, Taggart & Wilson; 50 bbls, flour C Mc- Masters; 161 elks oats, 7 do rye, GeO\ Steyr art; 11 dressed hogs, A 'Greenwald; 4\cars metal, Lewis, Bailey & Dalzell; 11 rolls leather, J Callery; 162 bdls. paper, Frailer & Metzgar; 2 cars brick, Richey, H & Co, 100 bbls flour, J B McKee; 250 pigs lend, Fahnestock, H & Co; 50 bbis flour, A Mil ler; 40 bgs buckwheat flour, Jos Craig; 1 car middlings, Geo Stewart: MERCHANT TAILORS. 10It TIEGEU, • (Late Cutter with W. Heapenhettle, 2viv,RcHAN3' No. 53' Smithfield Street, Pittsburgh seVirr2l JEW FALL GOODS. . A solendln new stock of C140'1"1"&t O...4.SEMWERIES,Ote _ Just readveti by • HENRy MEYEIL. salt: Merchant Tailor. 73 Smithfield street. CEMENT, SOAP STONE, &o. HYDRAULIC ORIENT DRAIN 11PR Cheapest and hest Pipe in the market.. Moo, 1.10- SEND.A.LE IiYDRAITLIO DEMENT for sale. R. R. 111; A O. A. BROCKETT *CO. °Mee and ManufactorY—P4llßEßECCAA AT. ; Allegheny. Orderg by ma ll proneptiytteneed Le. jeau9l - _ '',IIJ'ESD I ty; -bECEMBFB---'2ls' ENE Navigation is virtually suspended, /not withstanding the river is not closed its yet; there is_ bissthan three feet in the Channel, - however, anrtlie Ohio is full of heavy floating ice: tlllielganongiihela packets continue to make regular trips, the ice in that scream not being very 'wavy. The Allegheny, it is reported, is closed at Tarentum. The Bayard was advertised • to leave Cin cinnati for Pittsburgh on Saturday. —The Silver Cloud No. 2 was c loading at St. Louis on Saturday last far Memphis,:as was also the Silver Lake, for Red R4ver. —The Dubuque ; Mites, of the 10th, says: "A telegram just received from St. Louis says the White Collar Line has sent Su perintendentsWellingto to Cincinnati to put two more new boats under. contract. These, added to three already under con tract, will add live new boats to the Com- Pany's fleet next spring. With , this addi tion, there will be ten firstqclasa side• wheel "floaters" in the line, besides :the present gray of smaller-s eam crafts." -The St, Louis Demo at, of• Saturday, says: Captain R. C. Gr 'y is hefe from Pittsburgh, and as usual, sin remarkably good humor. His faith n the Northern Line Packet Company. of which he is one the pillars ' is undiminished. He knows that it is making important arrangements for the warfare of next season with ittisharp and . ; active - adversary, the White Collar Packetriline. Captain Grity leaves on his return. on Sunda', if he can get over • the 1 river. I. ; —The St. Louis Repubiicon. gives a list 1:?1: . all the steamers that le-t there last season for theflJpper Missouri as well as a list of the disasters , from , which they make the following extract: Steamers Carrie, Amelia Poe,Arabian, iliridgeport, Princess, Lily, an Helena, allAtern-wheslers, sunk and , proved a total' loss. Steamer Lent Leoti, stren wheeler, also stink, but we raised and proceeded on her voyage. The steam er. Andrew Ackley, which left for Grand River on September 27th, caught fire and wasicuttled to prevent a total loss, but wassaised and retured to this port for re paira; the steamer Urilda being sent on Oc tober sth to complete the trip. All of the boats named above have returned to this peirt excepting the folldwing: Deer Lodge, BertharNorth Alabama, and Fanny Barker, 'laid up at Sioux. City; Zephyc,,at: St. Jo afl the Nile, Benton,.lda Stockdale and Miner, caught by close of navigation at points above Randall. ° River and Weather. Mr Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette., Lomat - Luz, December 14.—River falling "With 7 feet 3 inches in the canal. Weather clear and pleaiant.,- CiNcitmArz, - , December 14.—Weather mild; thermometer. 50. LIPORTANT-10 SHIPPERS..: FOR CINCINIVALTI, LOUISVILLE, xxAssvrt,LE, CA IR , O.IIG AND NEW OR - LEAN*. —The MARY DAMAGE AND BARGES, Will leave as above on DAY,-December 12th.. Shippers shoald hear in,lsind that the DANA-HE will positively go through without re-shipping._ deg CHARLES BARNES. Agefif.• pITTSBURGII, A gr a & WHEELING, Marietta and Parker'sburg Line. 'Leave Company's Wharf Boat, foot of Wood street, DAILY, AT 12 Y. - MONDAYS AND TIRDTISDATS, DAYARD A. S. Snaruaarl„Hastei. - ' WEDNISDAYS AND SATonns,ra, , %_>-- - - - ' GREY EAGLE C. L. Bkii:KßAif Neater , . Freight will be received at all hours by seas - JANES COLLINS. Anent.' VOR NASHVILLE, DI.• RECT—The steamer. Will leave on ''HIS DAY, DECEMBER 12th. for Eisusstlle. CiarksTllle and For freight or passtsre applyon board or to. ~V.HASLETX, JOLLN FLACK: '° Or, J. D. CYLLINGITIOOD. Agents. FERTILIZERS. _ TO WHEAT GHOWERSih EUREKA AMMONIATED SUPERPHOSPHATE` OF •LIME, • MANUFACTURED BY The Allegheny Fertilizer Go, SEWARD cl. CAMPBEZL, Office, 356 Penn Street, Pittsburgh, Pa, The beat Rertllizer An use, and recognlzed-.y-.... Farmers who have given It a trial, to he the stand and for raising large crops of Wheat, Rye, Oats, Corn, Pota toes, &c. We have published for gratu• ttous circulation a pamphlet containing luterestins and valuable statements of this Fertilizer, copies 01 which will be sent free to any sending us their ad dress. la - a 'T .. . \ , • as 1 c Ct. 'S a t t I a, lm; VESTERDAY I • .. '.I:O , DAT. AND FOlik,V.a... YESTERDAY to V books b 9 Edyrsrd Henry Blekeisterili, A. lit ti l2lmo., bevelled boards, gilt top, VII. " poem, and one likely Th. is a remarkabtey to at tract a eat deal of attention —lmperial Review. . "The repot simple. the richest, and most sacred poem wide recent days have produced.”—Landon orning A Kiser. • • CON, ANC A.YLMER, It.l. \ 0 % , IV,a; Irk, i'l. ••04.4 A Story of the Set\ mo. The. ulot of 'Cons. tintemhen :New York Al land 'was •ruled by Cron Manhattan Island and the \ graphically sketched; the it, Dritch and 'English ancestor', wonderful fidelity, and at the hues and humor which' throw, story valuable for its historical at thing interest. ROBERT S.; D, PROPOSALS. The Hull:ling Cot:unlace Of the 'WEB ERN PEN ‘ NSYLVANIA.IIOriPITAL FOIL THE IN Nit at Orrtnent. Pa.. will receive Proposals until he 10th 11 , ,1.1* OF DECEMBER, for the rection a d closing. fu ot he Eastern Extensiou off tee Hospital,' according\ to the plans•and cptailicattone adopted and approtcd by them. The plans `and specificatfros can be examined at the Hospital until the time above mentioned for re ceiving bids. \ Proposals mils tic marked as such and tent to R. DULLER, Jr.. Chairman of the Building Commit tee, Pittsburgh. \ Bids will be opened \ Lit. the Hospital on the 15th of December. The • Committee reserve the right at their (there tion to reject any or all bids not deemed to the toter est of the luetitution or Batt factory to the commit tee. By order of the n 024415.5 BUILD NG COMMITTEE. CLOVERSEED. JUST RECELV ED GOOD NFAVIS. - • . , linq WIELD IN DEAR TIM Enquire for WA.IID 9 /3 .13rooxl. Ti e largest and ben. The it4tials "H. W." on OTtly Iva. Take MA NEWS. I STEAMBOATS. JAMES SHEDDEN, Comiusfider. Capt. THOS. rot nteenth Centur : T. One vol, 19 ace Aylmer" is laid in the. 7 Dutchr colony and Eng-' well. The condition of surrounding country 18 aye and manners of our • are reproduced with• .me time with alive •qt charm around a Ncurecy.and of cx . STREET 93 'WO de -TT EIS CHOICE" LAYXI J. KNOV, 137 Liberty:Street. bw:Tms, tal COMMISSION- - MERCHANTS E s z A B y L I s tF4p, 1:1 A. &T. W. M. GORXLY, _ • WHOLESALE GROCER, L . • No. 271 Liberty Street, - mamma. orKEAG.T.Iir. vit-ri4situnen, se' vylg J. L. DILLIKGEE...:. . ... .. . ...A. E. lIVITYZNSOK. .. DILLINGER .14. STEVENSON, CO HMISSION -MERCHANTS No. 87 Second Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. wicwrz awn FILL AU -Kinds •of Country Produce AD orders for Merchandise promptly filled at ]LOWEST market rates. Particularsaftention given to the sale of Butter, eggs, Cheese Dried Fruits,, de,- We feel confident that we can give entire sat isfaction; by making QUICK SALES and PROMPT KZ. TURKS, at HIQISEST lIAKK.ST.PRICIS, and therefore respectfully solicit your consignments. AU corre spondence antwered promptly. Marking Plates furnished free. " Grain it store and to arrive daily. atialit7B - - . • .. • WATT, L'.044 & CO., DEALERS Zlf Groceries, Vonr. ,Grolp, Produce, Pro. Visions; Fish', Cheese, CarbOn 00. dm.. Nos. 171 ant WOOD.BTIONT, Ile ar Liberty street. Plttsbt: tr. Pa. c ooSalSs .7s As 1317.614. M STEELE & SON, Cottiaisstow, Merchant/i f iAND DTAZZES ISf %OltrEtr,", GRAIN, -3.'.kara: o , dr-43. t-: No. 95 011/0_ MEM. new last Common, 'ALLEGITMEY CITY • PVB. CiNrESLD - 'A. T. CANFIELD. 4-e IL'ACANFIELD & SON . ; COM- , o - r - sMISSION MERCHANTS, and Wholesale ansalti,Goshen, Factory. Hamburg and W.E. Cheese. Butter,. Lard, Port, Bacon, Flour, Fish, Dried Fruit, Grain, P i s Lead Pot, Pearl and Soda Ashes. Whits Lime, Linseed; Lard, Coal and Car bon Oils. Na. 141 First street. Pittsbnrirh. EMT= KEIL •KE/16 & BICHART, COMMISSION. MERCHANTS, AND DIALIIII3 llf FLOUR, DRAIN, SENDS, MILL PEED, ac., de., 848 Ltherti tit., Pittsburgh, my24:bEr J'• - - • ALEX. WEAN McBANE:4 - ANJEnt • COM*II.SSI,O1 4 f, , Dealen! FL OUR; pALIN and PRODUCE_GEN -WATILIa EanilliT s • & bore tindtbleld,Plt.tiburgn. • les , _ - -FETZEB , er. AIINISTBAING, l'OßWAßlitirG OD 00131113 4 /1011 lEEBOEUIEI, - _ _ , For the iile of Flour, Drain, Bacci, Lird; Butter, Seeds, Dried Fruit, and Produce generally,-Nb. 10 BARBET STREET, corner of First, Pittsburgh. fe=: • : • I A J. BLANCHARD• - Wholesale and Retail Biota% No. 396 P.I.CN STREET MED MIST. SNO.X. ANDREW .111:0X. -go KNOX & SON, COMMISSION • NERCE.A.2i M TS arid dealers In FLOUR, DRAIN L 'FEED and PRODUCE GENERALLY, . lin. 78-DIAMOND, opposite City, Hall; Allegheny City. ja17:1•37 - JOIIIT I. TIOLrIIZ EDW. 110175V,...WM. tiOLTE. JOHN I. HOUSE - Si- BROS. Suc , . eessors to JOHN I. HOUSE it-CO., Wholesale ocers and Commission Merchants, . Corner of Smithfield aid Water titreets...Pittiiburgh. Pa. - _...._ ..., XIITTLE, HAlitilis, PATTON, Wholesale Grocers. Commission Merchants and alers in rrndnee, - -Flonr, -.Bacon, Cheese, Fl.sh, Carbon and Lard-1)11.- Iron, - , Malls, Glass, ,citt.on Yarns and-all P'.c.tsburMantlactnres generally, 2 and - -1 1, 4 SICCOND.BTREET,Ttrtsbargh.. TOM BNIVICIN § HIPTON & WALLA WHOLE SALE 0 EWERS AND PRODUDE DEALERS, o. 6 SIXTH STREET. Pltubtiroh." 1102:M • ASSESSMENTS. OFFICE OF CIFF , ENGINEER, ALLEG.BEKY Cur. Dec. 4th , 1868. f CEWER ASSESSMENT—Notice is• hereby given 'to all property holders in the WEST4RN CEWERAOE DISTRICT. which em braces all that portion or the city area. lying north west of the following lines. viz :: North of Ohio lane and Walnut sires t and West of BldWell street, and a line running North-east to Observsitery hill and new city lthe. as well as the portion lying be tweet: western avenue, Ohio lane, Fulton and,Eld well streets (comprehending the larger oart of Man cheater aud all the Pleasant Valleysection) that the assessment for the construction, of the Sedgwick\ street sewer is now completed, and plated in the hands of the City Treasurer for colieotion. All property heretofore assessed for sewerage purposes within the limits above designated is exempt from present assessment. deS:a97 CHAS. - DAVIS, Cit Engineer. OTTIcE CITT EItrOINSICE AND DURVEYON, 4 , PrrrebßßOß.December n6B. .t NOTICE..—The assessment for Grading and Par•lng • ' LONG ALLEY; from Lewis alley to the Allegheny Valley Railroad. Also, • SPRING ALLEY from Morris to Rnsh street. are tow ready for ex amination, and caa be seen at this aloe until DE CEMBER IS. 1868. when tt will b. returned to the City Treasurer's Office fur collection. • - • deg H. J. MOORE. City Engineer. OFFICE OF,,CITY ENGINEER, ALLEGHENY - CITY, December 10th, 15138. ~ 1 1TICE—The assessments. for Grading and - Paving SPRING GARDEN A NEE, from Chestnut street to Tanner street; also the Gradin ALLEGENT AvIgNUE. from Western aveuue gof to Ridge street are now read y for examination, and can be seen at this ()glee until PKIDA.Y December leltb. 1868 wnen they will be returned to the Street Commissioner for collection. dell:b2l CHAS. DAVIS. City Engineer. OFFICE OF CITY ENGINEER AND SUErEEOR, Pittsburgh. December llth. 1868. NOTICE TO CONTBACTORS. • - Sealed Proposals for the constrtiction of a 'BOARDWALK on Finn AVE.S film Soho Gate ta.llurphP street, wid be received at this °Moe WU December 17th, 1 SOS. The Comm ttee reserve tlie'right to reject ally or ail bias. dell:b2s , H. J. ItOORK. City Engineer. OFFICE OF CITY ENGINEER AND DIIIIVREGR. t Pittsburgh, December 11th. MS. NOTICE To - CONTRACTORS. Sealed Proposals, for lhe partial Grading of MILLER STREET from Centre avenue to Reed, wlll`be received at this omee until WED.NEbDAY. Decetaber lleth, 1805. The ticinmittee reserve the right to reject any or all bids. • 11:b24. H. J.'sicieE, City Engtheer. KOFFICX or CITY Enidlc7l3lB AND•SMTRYOB, Pittsburgh, Dec. 5, 1565. XTOTICE.—The AssessroOnt - for 1:4 the Construction of the -BOARD-WALK On Centre street. front 'Ellsworth Avenue to Walnut street. is now ready for examination and eon be seen at this office until WEDNE.WAy. Dec. ittitb, 31.868, when it will be returned to the City Treasur er's Ottlce for Collection. H. S. MOORE, city E,,uglueer. MEM OFFICE OF CITY ENGINEER.'' ' ' 1 - Allegheny City .Dec. 1. 1868. yITICE.—The • assessment for (3 radi- g and Paring TURNER ALLEY. from erry atteet to old city line, 1p the Third ward, Is now read). tor examination sad can be seen at tuts thee until WELNEcIIAy 'December Oth, when it nlt be returned to the Street Commissioner for col ec 0n..; .CEAIii..ES DAVIS. • - ' Civil Engineer. --7 O ICE OF CITY ANBINEY.II AND DUZITICYOII, Pittsburgh, Dec. 5, 18081. -pTOTIC.R .---Tne assessment for the cbpstruelon of the SWARD WALK on 'entre ti.Venav from liirkpatrlck street to F.wart's 3corner...is no'4 ready for examination, and can be seen at this anluutil WEDNESDAY, December 16, 1608. wh,u , t will be returned to the City. Treasurer's °Mee or collection. WORE. city . dea:ago J. CLT \ T-OF TREAStltast's LIKFICE. Doe. 4th. 18619. S MOROSE PERSONS WHO PAID ,assessmeuts on the ruder:Li Street "and Mont • sowers . ayenne Sewers on *what're the 47th day of November. 11908, are requesie,d to return their re ceipts to this °Moe. and the reduction authorq.ed by Councils wit. be refunded. deS . um:. fERRONCI.ty Treasurer. NOTICE--Those inter :sled. will please take notice that the repole the view , ers in the matter of opening LARIME A.VENUE, I in the city el Pittsburgh, RS mnaiaed br4he court has ban placed tn - my hands. The seseesmente. - tt `not veld op or before JANUA.It t fitb. A. D. 1869,. ws ni - be Mad asJlena in AccordanCe. with the law in smelt cue made ant pyoyldet. \ J. If. SLAGLE, City AtternTs ' rgisbargli, Penelithitt CAI nue, • 417 t I \ - 101ITTSBURGH andaligalga 2„. CONNELLSVILLE R. R. On Gad after TUESDAY. Noyember, 17th. 113159 trains will arrive at and depart front - sae Depot cot.. ner of Grant and Water streets, a follows: 4irrfos.• Mall to and from Uniont'n. [ 1:00 Depar at. at. - 0:00 P. afi McKeesport Atecaniao4t.n.ll:oo A. 31. 2:05 P. It• Ex. to and from Uaiont , n: :3:OO'P. M. 10:10 a. Ns West Newton Aotiosimod'n., 4:30 P. Ir.- 6:35-a..ats .1 1 raddoek's Ascommodatvn 6:15 P.. 2, • i - :50 P. Ns Night Ace. to McKeesport:lo:3o P. 2. 6:45 = A. . Ms Sanday Church Train ti alafi from West -1:00 P. 2.10:00 L. IV Forueke 4sPAY ; . T : R. :" Agent * , : W. S. STOTT. Superintendent.- - - no2D rIMAIIGE of TIME.. £LLEGUENY __VALLEY RAILROAZ TWOand a ft er MONDAY November ette,' 'ISOI TWO TrIAINS DAILY will lea e Pittsburgh Sta. tion, corner ofElerrenth and Pike streets for rFrank lin. Oil. City, Buffalo, and all points In the 011 Re gions: LEAYZ rurrsatnuarx. RITZ 22f PITTSBURGH. Mal ...... 7:15 am au 5:4 0 P m Express. .... '..: 7:10 pea press.. -.._'6:30 a m Brady's B'd Ao 3:00p Ea radye B , d Ac 10:40 a m j x. JistdodaWarks - ' - larSodaWorks _ _ ' Accortiod'n— 10:50 ons Accomoda'n • O.XO ain .115 Soda'Worim .. d Soda Works Accomod_ .'n - 4:00 . p m Acoomods'n. 3:40 p m Church Trainkave ffi burgh at 1:10 r is. Ar rive at Pittsburgh' at 950 A. x. i Passengers taking . esmresa • train have bat on. change of cars between pittsburgh, Buffalo and Oil Regions. Mail and Empress':Trains step only at principal points - Mixed Way and , A.ecommodatioil trains stop at all stations: - - THOMAS 11.. SING: Assn. Sapn. W. FOSTER HOPE, Ticket Agent. po9 i I T TSBII7IIG Maim trEs.t.NparNATA., &14.-pW. Ii.ALI.WAY PAN LIENS ItottE. CIEII CRA14443 VP TIME:-fin' and after SITIIDAY. 18e8. trains will /ease and arrive Ft the Union Depot; as follows, Pittsburgh time: Expresrs Past Line • Fut Express Mixed Way 31eDonsidls Ace , n, No. 1.. Steubenville Ar.coramarn. McDonald's Acetn, No. 2.. Mr :59 r. M. Exzppress will leive 15 1 :13 P. EC. MIA will lira ve daily. The 10:13 a. M. Train leaves. daily, Sundays ex. 0 cepted, and makes close connections at 'Newark [or Zanesville and paints on Sandusky,. Mansfield, t Newark R. R. . . . S. F. SCULL. General Ticket Agdtit. W. W. CARD, Sup't.", Steubenville, Ohio. • n 025 • , . "k) EN N It LVANLiamigipilli CENTRAL 'RAILROAD. n and after. Nov, 28th. .1868, Trains will ars rive at and depart from the, Union Depot, cornett , / Washington and Liberty streets, as follows: Mall Train.— 1:30 a m Dar Express.. 2:30 ani Fast Line.. 2:40 aer I Wall's NO. 1.:.6:30 a M Wall's No. 1.. 13:20 aln Mall Train 8:15 ant BrintonAcr,"ll. m 'Cluck:mm.lEn 12:35 pm Wall's - No. 2.. 8:50 a m Wall's No. '2.. 11:211). a.lll Cincinnati Ex., 9:40 a m Johnstoirn Ac. :3:25 pm Johnstown Ac. 10:35 a m Braddocks No 1 4:20 pm Baltimore Ex.. :1'44 p m Phfla., Express 5:10 pm Phila. Express '2:05 pm Wall's No. 3.. .5:20 . Wall's 1:30 pm Wail's No. 4.. 5:15 pm Braddocks Noll 5:50 p m Fast Line 7:50 pm Wall's No: 4.. T:25 pm Wall'sso. 5:: litOOp m Way Passen'r.lo:2o p in • • The .Churah Train — leavee Wall's Station every ganday at 915 a. eaves ing Pittsburg. at 10:0i a. in. Returning, Pittsburgh at 12:50 p. nu, •, and arrives at W.aWs St:Monet 2:00 p. m. *CinclanattExPresileaves daily. All other Using daily except Sunday.' • • • For farther informatton apply to • - - • • W. H. BECKWITH, 'Agent. Pennsylvania The Railroad Company will not we; sums any risk for Baggage, except for wearing ap. panel, sa i d limit their responsibi li ty to One Hundred Dollars in value. ' : -Ali • Baggage exceeding that amount in value will be at the rink of the owner. 1* less talon by special contract.- • - _ ME/WARD H. WILL General Saperinteadent, Altoona, JAB: F. HICEA3T• J. 11. A. 8388. nal ° tinß OR FORT $ W. AND CLE vi LAND • From Nov. 33d, 1368 awl arrive at the Union time, as follovia. Leave. dryly& Chicago Ex.... 3:03 a m Chicago Ex... - 9:13 am Cleverandnx... 3:03 a m Cleveland 51:13 ant Erie lt rim 7:28 a m Chicaao Ex 4.. 11:58 sal CL .6:518 am Wheeling Ex. uttaass Chicago Nail.. 6:58 a m St. Louis Ex.. • 3:53 pin Chinago_Ex.,.. - 10:08 a m Chicago Ex .. . . 4-48 put CI. Wls`gEx. 9:23 pm Cl. A Wh , g EX 4:13 pat Chicago 81:43 pm Erie AYA , Falti:-6:l3.pni wh. &Erie Ex. ,4:53 Cl. Wh , it Ex .6:08 Di •Depart frgns Allegheny. Arrics fAAlkren_r.. _ N. BrigttnAc. 8:58 am N. Brigt`n Ac.. :03 a. 15 Leetsdale - ••1 10:AS a m Wellsville :98 &Zit .11:58 a m - 9:53 11.311, Rochester " 1:33 pm New Castle -" 10:33 a m WelirreAcc.. 3:3Bpm Leetsdale 9:13&m .Leetsdale Acc. 4:13 pm " 7.:oB'pna, N. Brigt , n •• . 5:33 pm N. Brigrn 2143 stin , l N,gyigt , u . 611118 pm Leetsdale • " .4:53 pnt Leetsdale 10:43pm 7:18 9 It • Leetsdale Sun- Leetadale Sun day Church... 1:13 p m day church... 9:58 ant p, m. Chicago Express leaves W11:58 a. m. Chicago Express arrives-daily. oarNo change of cars between • Pittsburgh and Chicago. Sleeping ears Withon change to Indlanap• olls and. Chicago, . ' )11'6CLioti96, 1 4 ; _ ; _general Superhatentivnt. RS. Gener a l Ticket Agent.. • tont WESTERN PENN- f- - I, il ' syLva.wie. „B.A.T.' - - , Rb/D.—On and after el eY.-1151d, -186: the Psi. ic e Z e irifl ra li n rgt til e an lC d e d t e e i r el i rt r fro m _the- Depot, Allegheny City, as follows:. . , :t i .z• Arriss. .Depart. SPriagd'e N0t.5:40 a m Mall.„ 7:00MI1 Freeport No. 1 S:2O a m Freeport No. 1 9:159.15 Exprese 10:40 am Sharpb , g No.111:20 sID alpirlobl No.l - 1:15 p m Express 9:45 pm Pon No. 2 400 p m Spdngdte No 1: 3:50 pas. Stall 1 5:55 p m Freeport No. 2, 5:20 p as Spring.De Not 6:45 o m Storingdie No 2' 1:10 PM Aboye trains ran leaves cept ;3110W. • The Church Train A.llegheny Juliet: eve* dnnday at 7:40 a. ra n reaching. Allegheny City at. 9:Wa. m. Returning, leaves Allegheny CRY aa I:510 p„ m. and arrive at Allegheny .juliet. at 3. A lri p. m. \ CoalarrATlON Ticararth—For sale in packages of Twenty, bavreen Allegheny City, Chestant'street. Herr , s,:Bennett, Pine Creek, Etna and Shcapsbarg. and good only on the trains stopping at Stations spew rifled on tickets, ... . --•- . , _ _L. • The trains leaving. Allegheny .City !at 7:00 a. m. make direct •eonnecticm itt Freeport with Walker's!' line ofStages forßatler and Hannahatown. Through tickets may be purchased at the Oilee,_No; 3 U. Clair streetoiear the Snapensioa Bridge Pittsburgh and at the Depot. Allegheny. • .;..,. . - For farther Information IDDI9 to ' JAmEs - r.ryiEßTs, Agent, • Federal Street Det. ( The Western 'Pennsylvania Railroad will n ot as. mime any risk for Baggage, except l'er wearing ap. Panel, and limit their responsibill tolane Hnwised Dollars in value. A ll baggage weeding tale tyl ai amount in value will be at the risk o 03 owner, us. less taken by special contract. , EDWARD H. W I LLIAMS, n 023 Gerral Sunerititendent, Altoona. Fa. S HILL UNION PACIFIC WM!, The SHORTEST AND MOST RRIJAIIM from the East to all points Colorado, Neiada, Oregon.. • : „ , Two TViina leave State Line and LeavenwOrt dollyy (Stmday excepted,) the*Tlval of tralni re/ Facile Railroad from tn. outs, and Hannibal sail Bt. Jo , Railroad from Q ey connect's!. it LW. Tente, Topeka and Wamego with..sta*.s for all points in Rawls. At end Of track west of Ells. worth with the UNITED tlEf ATMS EXPRESS OM. PART'S DAILY LINE DF OVERLAND HAM ARID EXPRESS COACHES FOR TIV.ANVEArk SALT, T,Alrfn'.; • - And an-Points the. Territories, And with SANDERSO4PS TEI-WEEKLY LINE Ot COACHES for Fort Union, Bent's Fort, Pass, Alba. ' iiez,g i te e , x r c t e ta Fe, and aU points in Arizona epi New W ith the recen• additions of 'rolling` stock and equipment, and the arrangements made with re• sponsible Overland Transportation Lines from lid . western terminus; this road now offers tmegnalled fac e lli st ti . es for the transmission freight to the peg West. Tickets for sale at all the principal offices in the • United States and Canadas Be sure and' ask for tickets via THE snov }ma, ROUTA . UNION PACIFiO maws 3/LSD/gall LivicfmTop', Aiw T QUMENSTOW* INDIAN MAIL STEAMIIPS, Trarsatatingitneea : /Olt:OftiSi V111114;ava ate* farbrated _ J o? rvikuk_ CITY OW ANTSOK 6 , BUWEIRT, CITY 0 BAL. CITY OF LONDON , &Mug IVORY SATUEDAY, frora_TlAr 45, North, River, Now York. Far plumage or ranter Informs Con apply to . • •' MUM' , lIIMELIN Jr. 10111 =N •=g 1211 111 148 .1 “3311=111e6 RAILROADS. Depart. ' Arrive. 3:13 a. m.22g13 s. m• 0:13 a. m. 1:33 p..m. 2:88 p. m. 13:18 a. ma 5:43 a. m. 6:43 p. m. 11:99 a. m.' 8:33 p.m. 3;36 p. m. 9:48 a. 5:08 p. m. 3:18 D. lie ATICE &' CHICAGGIIQ PITTSBURGH B. B. trains will leave from Depot, aortb aide, as Eastern. Division. California, Iltah, Arizona, Washingto . L New liffoßcos Idaho, A. ANDERSON, Gei-entl wiumnrit. IBMNMM! STEAMSHIPS. El II 11
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers