The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, December 15, 1868, Image 2
0 El tijs .11i*I0gij„..&ai!'0. NEW PUBLICATIONS. SERMONS 811 RENHY WABD- BxEc ic . th l Plymouth Church, Brooklyn. Wi steel plate by Halpine. Completed in two volumes, a v e r cloth, beveled. Publish ed by He & Brothers, New York. For sale by Henry 'Miner, Fifth Avenue, Pittsburgh. Comparatively few printed sermons are read outside, of the immediate circle of per sonal admirers, divinity students, and clergymen. j Most of the published sermons are not burdened with actrinal points, as in olden Mites, but are designed to con vey some If sson of duty on public and special occasions. Mr. ;.Beecher, how ever, and such divines as. Newman. Hall, I Spurgeon ; and Punshon, are exceptionaL Such has been the desire to read - the sermons of these popular ministers, that certain religious papers have furnished them from week to their readers. The forty-six !sermons, comprising these two volumes, were selected from ever five hun dred published and re-published discourses, and Carefully revised by their author. They embrace a wide range of topics, and show the wonderful grasp of thought, and genius of Mr:Beecher. His extraordinary talents and fertility of mind is surprising and with out a rival. every role he assumes he is master of the situation. Fault is sometimes found with his theology, and for his liberal views uPon vita doc,trinal points. People, however, do not consult sermons to build up theirreligions fliith, as in olden times. His pulpit labors and great success in build ing up the Kingdoms of God among men, eversh4ows hia peculiar views in doetrinal matters: These sermons will have a wide circulation and will add still greater lustre to the already brilliant fame of this eloquent divine. The set would be a capital gift to pastorsthese holiday times. CHANGING Bean; Or, what Edward Rice learned at School. By William Everett, . Author of "On the Cars," illustrated. • P_ublished by S ee p and Shepard, Boston. For sale by R.S. avis, Pittsburgh. This excellent work is worthy of com mendation for two reasons, namely, it is a wellftold story of the varied phases of school-life, and -illustrates what may be accornplished by perseverance and unflag ging industry. Rice, the central figure in a company of students, in a classical school, who ha 4 been noted for • his lack of energy and delinquency in his studies, and in the disciplinebrought upon him by his course, so c:Ompletely "changed his base," that he be came ttLe'first scholar in the School. There is so much to commend in this work that we are not disposed to find fault with any - part. ; Capital book for, a gift to &boy. 'TEE PstmosoraT or DOMESTIC LIFE. By W. YL Byford, W. D. of Chicago, Published by 'Lee and Shepard, Boston. For sale by R. 8, Davis, Pitts , burgh: The valuable suggestions embodied in it, are. t the result of carefril thought and observations among all classes of socie , ty, by a highly respected physician of Chi= =go. The Doctor advocates the elements • , of demestic life from a point above the loose views upon this relation so prevalent now - a-dais. He clings tenaciously to the old theory of wedded life, as being the only one to insure happiness of the higheet type Among the topics, are "Marriage," "Ethics of Married Life," "Family Government," ilLinagement of Family Affairs," etc. , The Work deserves to be widely read, as it teaches lessons on wedded life worthy to be foll Owed. THM WOMAN'S KmODOM. A Love Story. By the Author of "John Halifax, Gentle man," "Two Mqrriiiires," etc: Published *Harper Brothers, Now York. For sale by Heery Miner, Pittsburgh. • Domestic life is, portrayed in this "love story," by one who has written much and , well on this theme. The story is admira. Ili constructed, aid each character stands out in bold relfef. • Unlikemany of the love stories, there is a vein of purity and noble purpose running through the entire vol. 160. LESSONS • are taught of vital il teiist to all classes of social life. Most oflthe admirers of this gifted author think • thy^ is.her best beck. Miss Muloch possesses rare taionts and occupies a commanding po sition in therlitermy world. Tie Monsersazra. A Story of Domestic Life. Ll34an hlrs:.Martre't Roemer, 'author of Years o n,'Life-time.' ; Published by T B.'Petggsan •it Brothers, Philadel- PPla• F9r sale by W. A. dildentennoY, Pittsburgh. , - We have here portrayed a very interest= lag story of domestic life. The plot is sin. Mid the "CliareXtell natural, and the Strtightfor r eiard style of the work, ought to , mass it The various phases of lifo an presented in an attractive manner, and in o form which makes the story reada ble and entertaining.•, - Acnoes This'`Assa.rive By Dr. Charles Rumbler. Published dry T. B. Peter son& Brothers 'Philadelphia. For sale by W. A'. Gilde nfenney,i Pittsburgh. This volume com Prises a series of letters , from trance, Switzerland, Germany, Italy Land Hnaiand, most of thernitaving appeared origiray in the Ji(nses .Tournai. Most of thms, 'however, have been re-written arid -. :I enlarged materially. Numerous as such works are, a careftd EnrOpean tourist can not fail to pick up much that ie new and M r Westing. The, ;letters;are unpretendinz, but.crritten in &lively vein, end contain much valushle information. During Dr. Haase ler's travels of several> months he passed 6 Ter a gteat extent of country. Places of interczt, and planners and customs of differ ent places are given pleasant style. - WILL'S. MAITLAND: Or the Lord'ii Prayer Illustrated. Published by Henry Hoyt, LlK:seme` of great moral worth are etnbod led, in this little volitee; and the character deo of this isbcdtable prayer are beautifully ill t a t it)d. It is ssadmirsble book tor the gaial4 Schaal Lthrari: _BEnTr... , Ann Tme PLIIICEnCRS, AND . Tits PAlriraze• LITTLN FRAN/SIB ON A.Jourtnirr. Lirrrar PRANKra. AND sus Morons. Published by Woolworth, ju tialfor th dteo.;'and A. S. Barnes it Co., New York, For : sale by It. El. Davis, Pitts burgh. - Thesa furl juvealle . works are the pro. dicta of //rL Madeline Leslie's: pen. They Jae well written Sad idrairably adapted to - young`folks. There is A healthy glow per ceding each one - which mekes: them safe books to introduce into the fainilY circle or Sunday , Schoel Library. Their tastefulitp pearance and showybinding;willattract the young people. PASSAGES FROM THE AMERICAN 'Nark - BOORS OF NATHANIEL HA.v.raoikk, 2 _Vols. Published by Ticknor it Fields, Boston. For' bale by Henry Miner, Pitts burgh. • 1 These notes reveal the inner man of one . of the greateit ' writeri - of Ida - titl. _They colthin passages of marvellous beauty. and readlta. of Hawthorne will readily.. dig discover the secret acid chasm of his other works. They are noted in journal form, commencing in 1835 and ending in 1853, and range from a single sentence to pages. These fragmentary passages, though much of a medley, are without a parallel for ex uberance and delicacy of thought. There is, however, a vein of sadness throughout, 1 or rather a lack of faith in men and things, which indicates that this glftd writer was so mach absorbed with - the beauties of Na ture, as to fail to pee God revealed in Nature in the highest sense. THE POETICAL WORKS OF ,SIR WALTER SCOTT, Baronet Complete edition.:, Pub-, lished by .Ticknor d: Fielded Boston. For sale by Henry Miner, Pittsburgh. . The "Diamond" edition off the Poets, by this enterprising house, has Ibecoine quite popular, because of its convenient size-and low price. The publication of Teruayson's poems in . 1866, followed with the -issue of Longfellow and Whittier's, in this form, produced a large sale of the se favorite au thors. Of the merits of Ficott's poems nothing need be said, as his l , fame is world wide. A FEW FRIENDS AND How THEY AMUSED THEMSELVES. By M. E. IDodge, author • of Hans Brinker' and o , , lrvington Sto ries." Published by J. 13. Lippincott it! co.,l,philadelphia. For sale by R. S. Da vis, Pittsburgh. ! 1 Works of this character are worthy of a wide circulation, because they accomplish a two-fold object, amusing the reader while conveying instruction. The work embraces nine chapters, and contains descriptions of 'twenty pastimes and - games, and a fancy - dress ball. During these long evenings the fireside circle of juniors and seniors may be entertained by the racy; descriptions of this volume. The ituthor ie a capital story teller. ! Runes. POEMS. By Willim Barnes. Pub lished by Roberts Brothers, Boston. For sale by booksellers generally. This dainty volume Smells of the fragrance of rural scenes and domestic charms. There Is a beauty and simplicity, of style which breathe the true idea of poetry. The poems are short, rich in language, and have the ring of the highest tone lof versification. The volume is bound in beautiful style and bevelled and printed on rich cream paper, and is a capital gift book. The English press speak in terms of extravagant praise of the poems. i No Lovr. LosT: A Romance of Travel. By W. D. Howells, author of Venetian Life, &c. Published by G. P., Phtnam & Son, New York. For male ,by R. S. Davis, Pittsburgh. I • The title of this charming poem-is signifi cant, and the reputation of the author would be sufficient to .ctimmend it. But •it is fall 1 of gems which sparkle throughout the en tire poem. It is well named a "romance of travel," , and the lovers of genuine poetry will welcome this additional creation of the gifted Howell. Just atthis season of the I year it ought to have a w de sale. i . The su perkstyle in which the lo ok is gotten up makes it suitable for a gi l . THE POETRY OF COMPLIMENT _AND COURT: , slur: Selected and arranged by John Willie mon Palmer," editor of "Folk iri Son ;" with illastratiems. Published by Ticie of .:k Fields, Boston. For sale by R. - - S. Davis, 93 Wood street, Pittsburgh. Love, the highest type und most power fill of human instincts, is here wrought out in poetic lines of great beauty and imagery. The Ofiection is the embodiment of the moat exquisite verses _penned by the beat poets known in the English language. Few suppeseilso mn . ch had been written on the sweetest element of life, and in language, too, so pure and chaste. 1 This collection of songs haii been carefully revised in every detaikerid:Ja arranged, topically and pre sents every variety of sentiment and style. The voluble is printed on heavy tinted pa per, gilt edged, bound in handsome :style, and handsomely illustrated. It is a suitable gift at any time, especially for the holidays close at hand. ' TUB LITTLE GYPSY. Bk Elie Sanyage. Illustrated by Loren; Frolich. Transla ted from the French by I. /I. Luyster. Published by Roberts Brothers, Boston. For sale by R. 8,. Davis, Pittsburgh. The story of "The Little Gypsy" 'will be full of tluilling interest -to young people. No young person can . read the story of a little girl, born with the -"gift of song," who was stolen from her pretty but homely home in the beautiful valley of the Tyrol by Gypsies, and afterwards became the greater prima donna of Germany, without impres sions of a lasting knid,espectally as the early religioui training of her ehildhood made her worthy of the applause of the rant titudes attracted byi - Aier singing. The vol. ulne is beautifully bound in scarlet and gold and printed on paper Of a superiar quality. The illustrations are very fine. ' AreLtrox's .Tovetaite, Amuses. for 1869. A Christmas and 24ew Year's Gift for 'Young People. With numerous illustra tions. Published by D. Appleton (t. Co., New York. For sale by Henry Miner, Pittsburgh. . ~ For elenance of att ire, beautiful illustra tions, and vanity of .subjects, this Annual is worthy of the highest . commendation. Young people may be feasted with rich and; entertaining stories. Highlened, and the superb illustrations of the text,. add an addi tional charm to the b00k.,. Then' 4a beauti ful blue colored cover, ...With Curiously wrought devices of gold and dark colors, makes it a rich ornament for the centre table. Parents will do,well to let the young people, by all means, have this beautiful , Annual as a holiday gift. - MADAME THERESE. By Messieurs Erk mann-Chatrian. 'New_ York: Charles S. Scribner itt,Co. Plttsbirgh: R. S. Davie. This is the first of the Erkmann-Chatrian novels we have read In English, and we are glad that we have read IL The , reputations of the authors are well established in France and well deserved, and the present trends- aktrtrit i 11115 DAT; IAtEMBER 15 . 1 ticn is anexcellentoue: The story is very simpleisearcely deserving the dignity of be ing called plot; but, from beginning to end, the book is a collection of __pictures; life-like, , simple, village pictures; pictures which show the combined ppVer of the two authors, the village scenes and characters are depicted's° well with the pen that they remind us of Teniers paintings. The de scription of the skirmish in the village is as graphically written and as wonderful in its details TietciflEfugo% des-ErififionofThiterldi in. Les Miserables, while tre is a pre-rapha elism-about the, in so simple a book, cannot fail to please Those Persons who seek for a sensation novel need not. glance at Madame Therese:' Those who want a hearty, simple little book, well written and well translated with a purely foreign flavor, can surely find it here. THE WH'KEDEST WOMAN IN NEW Yonn. By C. H. Webb, New York; 0%. W. Car leton. To those who have read Lifflth _Lank and St. Twelmo, we need say nothing of the author of this bOok, 'but to those unhappy few who have not seen either of those pamphlets, we may mention that_ as a pun ster, a writer of burlesques, and a creator of comic situations, Mr. Webb is prikbly unequalled, and certainly unsurpassra, by any of his contemporaries. This sew pro duction is short, humorous and witty. Mr. Carleton has produced it handsomely, on tinted paper, neatly printed and appropri ately illustrated. The name of its readers will be legion. T EICILII EXTRACTED • VllrrTiletrE PAIN I NO °PURGE NAVE Arms AuTuricus. TEETH ARE ORDERED. A POLL BET FOR $B, AT DB,. SCOTT'S. PENN STREET, 3D DOOR Azov:. zu.srp ALL woes. WARRANTED. CALL AND NE p r E . II4E. SPECIMENS OP fiENNTNE - - WELDON & ikELLN, Iliarnalhetarese and Wholesale Dealers in [ Lamps, Lanterns, Chandeliers, AND LAMP GOODS. Also, ClA3ditOff AND LIIIISICATING 0119, ZlMlNVarraa, ate. N 0.147 Wood. Street. seo:an Between; 80 and oth AVOWS'S. GLASS, CHINA. CUTLERY. tee WOOD STREET. IBOHEMIAN AND CHINA, DINNER SETS, TEA SETS,i SILVER PLATED GOODS misledd examine fal l oods suited.e feel no one need to be 121711( THE BEST AND CHEAP. AO EST PIANO AND ORGAN. flehoniaelior l s Geld Nadal Piano, AND ESTEYI.COTTAGE ORGAN. The SOHOMACTILER . PLANO combines Ml the latest valuable improvements known in the *en. /traction of a fret elms instrument. and has always been awarded the lifeboat premium wherever ex hibited. Its tone is full, sonorous and sweet. The workmanship. for durability and beauty, surpass all others. Prices from 450 to $l5O. Otooording to style and finish.) *fleeter than all other So.eulled first class Plano. i• EsTEDS COTTAGE ORGAN Stands at the head of all reed Instruments. In pro. clueing the most perfeet pipe quality of tone of any similar instrument in the United States. It is sim. pie and compact in etnistnietion, and not liable to get out of order. • CARPENTER'S -. 01,T15:4T "VOX HUMANA. TREMOLO , ' is only to be found in this Orgar. . Price framsloo to 4650. -- All guaranteed for Ave years. • - • BAB% ENAKE &DEMMER, N0..131 ST. CLAIR STREET. PIANOS AND ORGANS--An en tire new stork of SNARE'S UNRIVALLED PIANOS: t' HAINES BROS., PIANOS: PRINCE fe• CO'S °ROMER AND MELODEONS and TREAT, LINSLEY' t 60'S ORGANS AND MELODEONS. ' • CIDARLOTTEI DLIIIVID. del 43 Pink avenue. Sole Agent. SEWING MACHINES. rPHE GREAT -AMERICAN COM- - A. BINATION. BUTTOMIOLE OVEBSEiNINGI AND SEWING MACHINE. IT HAS NO EQVAL, BEING ABSOLUTELY THY. BEST TAMMY MACHINE IN THE WORLD, AND IN TRINSICALLY THE CHEAPEST. ilarAgents wanted to sell this Machine. CHAS. C. HA.M.51.43211r, Agent for Western Pennsylvania. Corner PIPTH AND MitILICT STEELPTS, over Blebardsonl Jewelry Stern, DENTISTRY GAS FIXTURES HOLIDAY GIFTS. FINE VASES, NNW STYLE!, CIFT CUPS, SMOKING SETS, A lsrge stout of of all desciptions R. E. BREED . & CO. 100 WOOD STREET. PIANOS. ORGANS. &O. For , Christmas WILLIAM 'NOS, 180 AND IR FEDFIR GRE,CIe VAELETY FANCY ARTICLES FOR - t THE LITTLE FOLKS. NEW AND DESIRABLE =Prase Goods AT VERY - LOW PRICES, LADIES HA.NDEDECHIEFS, in great variety Lathes Collars and Cuff's, • Kid Gloves, Cloth Gloves, 8:e, PAISLEY SHAWLS, WOOLEN SHAWLS, SMALL SHAWLS, &c, FULL AND COMPLETE A DEPARTMENTS - VOli.c) le SEA° WILLIAM Nos, 180 and 182 Federal UMW PitESENTS! HOLIDAY PRESENTS ROMAN SILK BOWS. Lace Collars. LADIES LACE lIINDiERCRIEFS. - Rosewood, Handkerchief and Glove Boxes. WATCH STAMM Ail) AGAR CASES, WRITING DYiRS ANt) ALBIBIS. The finest sail cheapest easter:meet el WAX AND 'CHINA DOLLS, TRAVELING .GASES, CARTE. RE TISITE ,;_BASKETS. LADIES' & GENTS lIN EnwEAR, ( LADIEi FINE KNIT OPE BOOM The Yew ,Striped elt Skirt NV001...E. GOODS at cost, Fine Embrelde Embroidered Cus . MACE, , GLYDE & CO.. IS and ISO Market Street. fed Slipper , Batierro. Beautiful dons. li t lF de, A ECU NO. 19 ' THE NEW iSKIRT, ' "LB num". PERFECTION." • "THE FAVORITE." "THE POPULAR," i • "THE RECEPTION ' THOMPSON'S TWIN SPRINO, "WINGED ZEPHYR." "GLOVE FITTI N G," CORSETS AND PAT ENT "PANIERS." THE NEW GORED OVER SKIRT. "BELLE ' HELENE, embroidered; an elegant street or Skating Skirt. RICH RIBBONS FOR BOWS, SCARFS AND SAsHES. ROMAN STRIPES AND PLAIDS. • SATINS, all shades end widths. FLOWERS. PLUMES, HATS AND BONNETS. t LADIES AND CHILDREN'S MERINO UNDER WEAR, I The richest. and latest novelties in GIMPS, FRINGES AND BUTTONS. We especially direct attention to the great excel-, lence or the HARRIS SEAMLESS (Roaillon) KID GLOVES" over all others. and for which we are the Sole Agents. A complete line of GENTLEMEN'S "STAR" SHIRTS, SUSPENDERS, GLOVES, HALF HOSE, UNDERSHIRTS AND DRAWERS. • SELLING AGENTS FOR LOCKWOOD'S PAPER GOODS, and all other popular makes. ECRU & CIBLISLE, NO. 19 FIFTH AVENUE n 023 A MERRY CHRISTMAS! NEW GOODS FOR THE HOLIDAYS. DENNISON & HECKERT, N 0.27 FIFTH AVENUE, Have just received a large and Judiciously assorted stock of EMBROIDERIES, " LACE GOODS, TRIMMINGS, HOSIERY, Mil Gloves. Handkerchief., Slipper Patterns. Zephyr Goods, Sear& and Gents Furnishing Goods, and Notions generally. en A t ltv i l l e e nt o ip, selection is afforded In special novelties HOLIDAY PRESENTS, to which the attention of lady readers is specially called. , - DENNISON & HECKERT, • deft NO. 211 FIFTH AVENUE taIgORGE HEAVEN, OMANI CANDIES AND TAFFIES And dealer in all kinds of FRUITS, NUTS, PICK LB% SAUCES, JELLIES, Ac., ee4 112 FEDSELL BT., -Allegheny. - andNeverearsol At STREET, ALLEGIIENY, FUR 'MUFFS, BERTHAS. Vic. BLANKETS, IN AI & CARLISLE, 'TH AVENUE, ssaroireCrtramt or SEMPLE'S, LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S CHINCHILLA AND PLUSH CLOAKINGS, AND HOUSEKEEPING GOODS, of all Ulnas., FANCY- GOODS, CHILDRENS KNIT SACUES, CHILDREN'S COMFORTS, STOCKINGS, Att Gent's Handiteredlets, - Gent's Cloves, Gent's Ties, Scarfs, 8:c ORME OF GOODS. L THE 01' THE HOUSE. a,32.43. I:Leta/11. SEMPLE'S. St., Allegheny City, . Pa. K r • KITTOKNG EXTRA WAVY Barred Flannel, A VERY LARGE STOCK, row Cowered, EN GOOD STYLES. NELROY, DICKSON & CO. WHOLESALE 3:)Et . 32 °. IM 4 :)C) ) 3C 0 y 154 L/ • WOOD STREET. ... • d i IF z . $ a i l A ° FA 0 A c ,;• H ; 14 tl i 2 W W us t Pr, Pt A 1 0 2 f:l4 el ot tg E cmt W z IL Eni P P: : 1 14t i licA -. gin lag o o = 1. H 4 1 t 4 •• 0 4 a 1:14 Icn g ;T4 .- 0 104 o 2 ,WA ta 4 5 . ' r F. 0 P 1 4 7-' 0 z g c 5 Z PRICES — MARRED DOWN. BARGAINS E{ ALMOST EVERT • REAL HEM STITCH, all Linen. HA Dlf. CHIEFS, 17e, 19e, 22c and upwards. TAPE IIORDERED LINEN HAN DEER HI 1334 e. Be to 50c. All oar HATS at o-te-half regular prices. A:Ctbe new BALMORAL tilt LETS and ; adi latest styles of HOOP , SKIRTS, at the Lo Prices in the City. RENTS' MERINO NEST and DRAW • •q, to *5,00. . AT EATON'S, No. 17 Fifth Avenue.- del CIARR, MCCANDLESS & Tl.—/ (Late Wilson, Carr & C 0.,) WIWI.' • arm DICALEJ(.9 IN Foreign : and Domestic Dry (foods, No. 94 WOOD STREET. Tird door above Diamond alley, ETTTSBIT3OR. PA. 51. FIFTH AVENUE. WI'CALLUM BROTHERS, GRAND dEARING SALE OF ~ • G'A.R.P~~'i~3. TREMENDOUS 'REDUCTION 3F I c)r QUILTS, UNTIL WE TAKE STOCK 31.'CALLUM. BROTHERS. QM itIaIDTJCTION ! CAIt,rETS, COXI-s CX-aCrinE3o, tea., ; We offer our stock at reduced prices for a SHORT TIME before commencing, to take stock. Now is the time to. buy. ' BOVARD, ROSE & CO., 21 FIFTH AVENUE. dP4:dkw7 DECEMBER, 1868. • - FOR THIRTY DAYS ONLY. 54. - CARPETS AT RETAIL LESS THAN WHOLESALE PRICES. We offer FOR A FEW WEEKS ONLY our goods at a large redaction from regu lar rates. Our stock is fall and complete in all departments, and we shall sell the best qualities and styles of Carpets at Pri• ces at which we cannot replace them, giving our customers an opportunity of - obtaihing bargains that may never be 'of fered again: This special - sale will eon. tinge only until the time of taking our itn nual inventory of stock at the end of Ibis - month. • McFARLAND & COLLINS, Nos. 71 and 73 Fifth Aeuue. ANNUAL - REDUCTION. OCR REGELAR DECEMBER CLEARANCE SALE Is now fully Inaugurated, at . prices that se cure BETTER BARGAINS THAN EVER BE FORE. in OIL CLOTHS, MATTINCS, &c., sic" &c., / Good Cdrpets for 25' (*ail a Yard. OLIVER 1 1 4 .1:- 04:,! .. f• .. . i i sk , I*r. - •:+•• - ye •' ~. - ii , ' , . 4 /4 \.:4 , , G K ~....,„„:„.,...,„,„,„.„ .c. ..:,,n,,,, ..„. ~, ~., ,f, ;t l ,. -,..4 ii:: . 0 ~. , ',..,,.. ...,. ~ .L., . , ti t , 1.. ..." ARIFStIPERIOR TO ANY OTM OT'STER, A nnaWATE; UE SUGAR,EADA. CREAM, SCOTCH LEMON BISCUITS. For Sale by Every Grocer in-the City: Bakery, No. 91 Liberty St. non H. J. •ILANCE, NO.; S ST. CLAIR STREET , BENJAMIN sirmasi.T. .._! I rigfixe calif. C QINGERLY. it: LEIS, Summon kj to Gro. T. SCIItiCHMAN & CO., _ _ • PRACTICAL mrsosizArinintil. The only Steam Lithographic Natablistunent Weet of the Mountatns. Business Cards, Letter Beads. Bonds, Labels, Circulars, Show Cards, Diplomas. Portraits, Maws Certificates of Deposits, Inrita w tips eArki. to.. NOS. ISt sad '7* Third street. P, , ts titer: t. FS WEST COMMON Machine Stone Works, est Northwest corner of West Common, Allegheny. Oe FRED , R ATVATER t CO. Have on hand or prepare on , shot notice Hearth and Step Stones, - Flags for Sidewalks, Brewer, Vaults, dtc. Head and Tomb Stones, &s. Orders TIMULDth executed. Prices reaStmabln EXCELSIOR WORKS. . 4.• W. ..TENIEGICEPOIC, sriufaststrera and Dealers TJbaJcas sztuff, Cigait i , Pipes, eve., tbr: 6 YEDir I EtAL ST.. ALLEGELENT 51• cfco. c_4tumpvirs, 31'CLINTOOK AND COMPANY, No. 28 Fifth Street. le) ;ifts):4 ai ;1) :fA aizji OFFEHXD IN THIS CITY. COAL AND COKE. DYER AND.SCOURER. And Nos. 135 and 137 Third Street, PITTSBURGH. PA. LITHOGRAPHERS. STONE. TOBACCO AND CIGARS. El 13 0 =I