PITTSBURGH EVE STOCK MARKET. ' PENN'A. CENTRAL STOCK YARDS, l FRIDAY, December 11,1808. S r CATTLE. ,' The market, has been moderately active ,• s i nce the date of our last report, the sales aggregating 668 head, but prices remain , . • -;,,- BM/staidly unchanged. The offerings :i .. - were-about up to the usual average, in re gard 'ito s uumbers and quality, and the ).-, greatlproportion of those that were sold :-were taken by Philadelphia shippers. As well be seen be refefence to the report of ‘,.; sales, prices ranged from 3,75 to 7,25-one , pair. of ': premium . oxen, weighing 4,525, brought•t s 10. The sales were: `'', •Holmes, Lafferty •&, Co. to J. Evans 21, ' weighing 14,000, at 3,75; same to 8. Miller •'? 19,"weighing 19,150. at 5: same to Marshall *;!, & Co. 18 weighing 19;250, at 4,50; same to W. Hines 19, weighing 18,575, at 3,75; 1., Hedges & Taylor to H. Miller/ 36, weighing ;, 42,975, at 7; same to same 17, weighing 19,- .-. 350; at 6,30; same.; o A. Kiri. 19, weighing '.• 20,075, at 5,25; sa a to • Aull CO. 2. weinh ", ing 2,125, at' 5,60 ! same to S. Miller 22, ~. 1 weighing 18,1.50, tsame 4,25; same to 'l t '? bull, weighing , 910, at 2; same to 82M8 1 bull, weighing 1,110, at 3; same toP. Ipem - ens 16, weighing 20,025, at 6,50; same •to • I Marshall dr, Co. 24, weighing 17,773, at 4; '' same to J. Landis 19. weighing 16,350, at .!.. 4,20; same to P: 'Clemens 18, weighing 16,- 4 075; at 4; same to. J. Landis 3, 'weighing .'... 2,900, at 4,60; same to P.•Klemensl9,weigh ,; ing 21,675, at 6,4o;same to Brooks?, Weigh '',l,g- :1.920, at' 4,15; same to Keenan 41; •.• , pg 31,725,,at 4,50; Smith - de Blue to A & Co. 32,weighing 37,175, at 6,50; same e to, same 2 oxen, weighingl,3,o7s, at 6; Orr & `.•.,. Williams to liallenberger 19, weighing t 21,250, at 5,25 f same tii Swiggart 21, weigh : ing 49.850, at 4,25; Ctititeline to Eichelberger ?, 20, weighing 20,600, at 5,20; S. Bushby to ;: IL Grosh 21, • weighing 18;46, at 4,25; J. "., Dickerson -to same 6, weighing 6,250, at ."•, 6,25; Robison to Aull & Co. 10, weighing :1 13,325; JarnesDolan to T. Glass 19; weighing ~ 20,775, at 7; McGruder to W. Salle 4, weigh ',' big 4,150, at 5,50; J. Henderson to S. Miller il 24, weighing 21,250, at 4,25; J. Dolan to J. Glass 32, 'weighing 37,075, at,6,25; Hanks to i , . J. Glass 18,'weighing 19,750, at 6,62; Look , ridge to Turner 16, weighing 17400. at 6,75.; Fiiiral to H. Miller 2, weighing f,loo,at 8,50; '', same to same I pun, weighing 1,475, at 4,25; .1. same to same 3, weighing . 4,575, at 7,25; ' . ti same" to same '4, weighing 4,165, at 6,25; J. Evans to.same 2 extra oxen, weighing 4,- I: 425, at , 10; ' Cunningham to D. Shriner 22, weighing 20,025, at 4,25; J. Evans to Marks ; 15, weighing 15,150, at 4,75; Hazleweod to 1 ; P. glemens 18. weighing 17,875, at 5i.J. B. Brooks to Swigzart 2.3, weighing 17,725, at ' i 4,25; W. Baldwin to G. Styer 20, weighing 18,175,at 4, 12 ' • • 4 The receipts have fallen off considerably, but prices have not changed much' since our last report, owing to-the light demand east. The sales reported foot up 1,377 head, 11 since our report of Wednesday last, et a range of from 53,30 to 54,15 per head. One lot, it will be Seen, sold as low as 51,80 per ; cwt. . The - principal offerings_ are. of the t, medium class, and sold at nominal priees. 1, Good mutton. Sheep, are In request and I; command high prices. The .sates reported for the same 'period last weak were 4,787 1 - seas. The market for this class of stock con tinnes very Arm and excited, and notwithstanding liberal snivels, prices ' have been (tilly sustained under the Jena , ence of a brisk demand.. The sales report ed since Wednesday noon last foot - up 9,331 head at a range, of from 57,30 8,75 per • hundred. • The' sales for the 'same; period last Week were 5,023 head at from 57,25 to a. 8,25 per hundred. 'The quality ~of hogs offering, are of a fair quality. I; Three of our Packers are now Operating, and we note their operations as follows: ~, R. - Robinson .t Co.-208 hogs, weight, 50,825 Ibs, Price, 58,50; 180 hogs, weight, 50.475 lbs, price. 8,70; 67 hogs, weight. 21,- d 300 lbs, price,B,7o; 97 hogs, weight, 26,175 '4,lbs, price, 8,75; total number of hogs, 561; Previously reported, 728; total, 1,281. E. H. Myers et Co.-105 hogs, - weight 23,650; price 58,25;115 hogs, weight 28,n5, price 8,48; 51 hogs, weight 12;100, pries 8,30; `1274 hogs, weight 64,400, price 8;50;.-74 hogsi . . 1 weight 22,175. price .8,75; 81 hogs; weight ,124,050, price; 8,75. Total number of hogs, 700; previously reported, 2,500; total, 3„200. • • J. P. Hanna &Co., previously to-day no sported 563 head, but the number bought and slaughtered slum we have not learned. • These are the only packers :killing up to noon. , , New YorklFrodnce Market. t.t tsy Gigette.3 NEw YORIC, December 12.—Cetton very • •., firm and in fair demand; Sales 2,100 bales ' • middling 'uplands at 25c, closing with some • - :1 holders refusing to sell under 25t/c. Flour firmer, with a moderate business; receipts • ; 7,281 bbls•' gales 12,600 bbls at #5,95a6,35 for 1 , - • superfine State and western, $7a8,10 for ex. ''tra State, $6,85a8,25 for extra WeStern, $2,50 ..;.alO,OO for white wheat extra,57,50a9,50 for . I', round hoop Ohio, $7,75a9,00 for extra St. • eLouis; and $10a12,50 for good to choice do, • closing* firm.' tialifofnia nominal. Rye _:;Flour firm; sales 4,000 bills st $6,75a8,50. Corn Mea l quiet: Whisky steady; sales - 109 bbls western at $1,(14 free. Wheat; re ceipts 2,526, bush; winter 3asc better; spring " • . t dull and 253 lnwer; sales 32,000 bush at $1,60 '1: . ta1,62 for No 2 - spring, and $1,65 for small • lots very choice do. at $2,10 for amber Mich igan and $2,25 for white Michigan. - RYe nominal atj $1,4431,50 for western. Barley .4quiet, with sales of 5,000 bus German at 152,30, to arrive. Barley Malt dpll. Cern -• .••• receipts, 19;819 bus; less active and lc lower, • , LAwith• sales of 45,000 busat $1,11a1,13 for un. •=‘, sound, $1,L3a1,16 for sound mixed western, ..4451,05a1,13 for new mixed do. and, yellow, .: , 41,10a1,13 for new white Southern, $1,123 Z 1,13 for new yellow Jersey. - Oats dull and, llower, with sales of 34,000 -bus at,79c for - _ liwestern afloat. Coal quiet. Leather steady bat previoue prices. Wool firm; with sales !!of 475 000 . pounds , ' at &lane for 'nn- ".fiwaslied domestic fleece, 45a503 for medium 9state and Michigan; 50a50%c for extra ;Ohio; 55a58c for double extra Ohlo;fiCha for domestic combing; 566 for trebiti extra ;Vhio• 36a50c for pulled,' and &Sadao fOr .•' -fitubbed. Rice dull. Coffee quiet. Sugar; rsides of 200 hhds Cuba at 11a12i4c. Moles ,•.;• .sies dull. Petroleum steady, at 18J0 for ' • • .nn 35e for refined in bond. Hops • • :7"' better•demand, at 10a224 for American. steady, at 96a97c on the 1, spot • • 'hand $1,03a1,05 for future delivery. Spirits • of Turpentine-- dia' at 44a45c. Shetllirtg • Copper quiet at 33c. Ingot Copper More ;- •• • tire active and firmer, at :A •O for all .dkinds on 'the spot; 245 e for January and 1,23V‘0 for February and 'March delivery." fing Iron is quiet. at 40a43c for scotch and '33:142 4 3 for American. Bar Iron is quiet, at %00195 c forrefined English and- American. ;,sheet dull; Russian 10 1 gallo. Naibs quiet •- • steady at 51/0534e for out; _ 6Na73ic for s. clinch and 2740 c for horseshoe. Pork dull !and, unchanged; 680 bbls at $25,50a26 for - Rnevi mess; 925,50a25,75 for, old do; $19,50a21 Lifer prime; 22,50a25 for prime mess; also t";.750 bids new mess seller January and Feb . ' , :iruary at 525.37a25,5 0 . Beef steady and tin ' t c hanged; 125 bbls; tierce beef quiet and • •steady .200 tea. Beef Hams firm; 130 bbls 30332 e: Cut Meats quiet; 143 pkgs at 10 izallW for sboulders; 12a15i 4 d for hams. .••••Ididales quiet and firm tit 8 short ribbed • 11,14%. Lard firm; 1,050 le a at 151160 for 'steam, and 16 1 Aa16V3 for kettle rendered; • ,also 1.000 tcs steam Seller February and fiNtarch; 16,500 tcio do seller December at 150; ve.so acs do Seller January at isge. Butter firm at ,25438 e for Ohio, and 40a500 for State. .;:ebElBl3O firm at 24a19c. ' sesr.--•-Flour closed a shade firth r for • La 0 w • t.imedium andconammi and Wheat, dull ?andheiVy 'for spring and quiet and firm ~for winter. Bye hominal as $1,4841,50 for '!;ivestifrii. Oats dial and heavy; 76 bushels ';ln store; 79 bushels afloat for western. Corn d u ll and heavy, 113 oushebs mixed western • i` in store and 116 do afloat at $1.05a91,12. • h , l few mixed we tern - Fork dull, at 825,50 a r , 4526 00. Dissabeefquiet and unchanged. Cut e'sts steady and in lair demand.- Lard On • Vsteady {ttifilAaltifie for fair to prime steam. ••T.ggs steady at 118a3913. Freights to Liver quiet and unchanged. chiiigo Market. Mg Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.) Cameo°, December 12.—There is noth ing doing in Eastern Exchange. Flour •is quiet, and sales were made if spring ex tras at $5a5,62. Wheat is less active and easier, and sales were made of No. lat $1.,22 1 4a1,28; No. 2 at $1,17a1.18; the market closed steady at 41,17 y, for No. 2, and sales were made since 'Change, of No. 2, at $1,17. Corn is dull , and steady, and antes were made of No. 1 uld at 80c; new shelled at 52a 53c - for No. 2, and kiln dried at 60i61c; the market closed steady, at 53c for new, shelled: There was' nothing done in this market after 'Change. Oats dull and steady, and sales were made at 480 'for No. 2, and 45a46c for rejected. Rye is in mod erate request and lc higher, and sales were made at 11,15a1,16 for - No. 1, and $1,15 ,for No. 2in store. Barley is more active and 'sales were made of No. 2 at $167a1,70,. the market closing at the inside figures. Highwinea are inactive and nominal, and sales were made at 93,4a91c. ; Provisions are less active steady and firm. ,Mess Pork is held at i 24 cash, and $23,75, seller for February and March, and extra prime at $lB. 'Green hams are firm at 12c Lard is active, and sales were made at 15c for prime kettle rendered. Dressed Hogs are active and 20825 c loiver, and sales were made at ;9,25a9,60. The receipts for the past twenty-four hours amounted' to 10;924 barrelr.flour, 12,950 bushels wheat, 32,633 bushels corn,, 16,660 bushels oats, 1,795 bushels rye, 2;426 bwilielsbarley, and 28,913 heap of hogs. , The Shipments for the same length or time amounted ,to 5,244 barrels flour, 8,687 bushels• wheat, 18,409-bushels corn. 606 bushels oats; 1,780 ' bushels rye, 810 bushels barley; arid 5,341 - head of hogs. L&T.r.wr—Evenmg.—There is: nothing 'do ing et the evening board in . Wheat ur Corn. NO. 2 spring Wheat was nominal at $1,17i 81,17%. Corn, No.. 1 old' is held at 800. Oats; No. 2 sold'at 48;4c, . seller for January. st. touti Market. (y Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Efasette.l ST. LOUIS, December 12.—The receipts of Produce were: small and the market was generally quiet and • very - little was done. The weather is Moderating' and navigation South will probably be resumed next week. In the Tobacco market 'nothing was done. Cotton: no sales were reported. , Flour is very quiet and a few retail sales were made at 16,50a7,75 . for extra; 17,85 for double extra; $9a10,2.5 for treble extra to fancy. Wheat is languid and sells slowly; prime red and white tall sold at $1,69a1,77%; choice spring, $1,35.. Corn iahigher and unsettled; 72a750 is paid for mixed and yellow; 77%e 'for white. Oats are steady and firm at 57a Ina. Barley remains unchanged and sales were reported_ of fancy spring at. Rye is scarce and firm; sales , were made at $1,25a1,26. In the Provision market busi ness is almost suspended; packers are hold ing Pork at 25%e.26cr dry salt shoulders at 10a12c, packed; clear sides. 14a15c; bacon: clear sides, 1611617 c; shoulders, llall.}ic; new sugar cured hams, 17c. - Lard is nomi nal; . sales are reported at 17c, but holders generally ask 15}4c. Whisky is firmer at 9334 e. The receipts were of follows: flour, 14,500 bbls• ' 'wheat, 2,100 bash; corn, ' 3.800 bush; oats, 1,500 bush; barley, 1,800 bush: rye, 300 bush; hogs, 9,000 head. LATZE- veiling—Flour is quiet and un changed. Wheat is tirm but there is veiy little doing. Corn is better; sales were made at 73a7643. Oats remain unchanged and sold at b7a.soc. Rye remains unchanged. Whis ky unchanged and is quoted at 94c. -,Fro visions: there is nothing and prices are nominal. Lard is higher and sells at 100 for:tierce. Clue!snail Harter. My Telegraph t. the Pittsburgh Guette.l CINCIPINATI,DEKaIIiiber 12.—Flour steady and in moderate demand at 157,25a7,79 for amily. Wheat quiet and steady at $1,75. Corn firmer; ear 66a67c. Oats firm at 64a65 for No. '1 and white. Rye firm at ;1,37. Cotfon quiet but firm at 23y,". Whisky dull at 964970. Hogs active and tending , up ward.f live $8a8.60, dressed $9,8040,2.5: re-. ceipts, 0,000. Mesa Porkfirm at $25. Bulk_ meats firm but quiet at 914a100 for should ers, L2NalSo for clear rib sides, and 18MaI4c for clear do., the .outside rates when folly sired. Lard firmer mostly held out of the ' marked prime steam 150,•prirne kettle ren dered 16c, but sales were made at 15%c. Green meats firm; sales of shoulders at 8%, sides at 113 i, and hams at 12%a13%; sales 2,500 pieces at the latter, rate. Butter firm at 86340 e. Cheese firm at 17%418%. Lifitieed oil 'in speculative demand at $l. Lard oil advanced to $1,85a1,88, and the de mand pressing. Clover, held at 150. , Ap ples unchanged and.in moderate l demand, at $2,5024,50 per, bbl. Gold 1:35 1 X buying. Sterling;exchange dull at 4el-10 discount buying. Money market continues close at 10312 per cent. - Cleveland Market. City Teleeraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.l CLEVELAIrn, Dec. 12.--Flour firm; city made advanced 25c; $11,50 for treble extra ~ white; $9,75a10 for double extra amber; $8,50 a 8,75 f r double extra red; $7,75a8 for don r\ ble ex a spring; $10a10,50 for double extra white. Wheat—sales 2 cars No. 1 red win ter .at $1 91; No. 2 held at $1,704,72. Corn -sales2 tars at 75c; 1 car shelled at 80c. 'Oats—sales 2 cars to arrive on Monday at 80c. Barley—sales at 1,62. Rye—sales 1 car at 54,35; 1 car No. 2 State at 51,70; 2 cars No. 2 Canada at 52,05. Petroleum very firm and a shade better; 'relined 28a284c car lots; 30aalc trade lots. "inlaid Market. !By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Ouette.3 BUFFALO, December 12 —Flour firm at full previous quotations, and the demand light. Wheat; No. 2 Chicagospring is held at $1,50, and ;1,48 refused; sales of seven cart_ loads amber Canada at $1,90. Corn unobanged. Oats firm and but little doing, with safes at 00a670. Rye is held firmly at $1.45. 'Barley quiet; sales 2,500 bush two rowed Canada at #1;90; and 500 bush four . rowed do at s4ss. Pork 1,25a25,50 for. heavy Mess, and market dull. Lard Ma. High wines nominal at $1,02, and retail $1,04. Otideliota Market• (BY Telegraph to the r/stehurgh (beetle.] PHMADELPIIIA, Deo. 12.—Flour dull and unchanged. Wheat in limited request; esdes2,ooo Ira red at $1,90a1,92; amber 3240 a 2,15. Rye advanced sc. sales 2,000 bu Penna. and western at $1,58111,60. corn lees active; sales 3,000 'ha new yellow at 00 all; old do scarce at $1,20. Oats in fair de mand; western 70a760; Penna. 65a700. Pe trcOulT4—crude nornln l ll at 220; relined dull at 304 t. Whisky—wooden bound barrels $l,Ol. Mitwaukee Market. [By Telegraph to the Plttaburgh Gazette.] MlLWAnsen, December 12.—Flour quiet but firmer and , prices unchanged. Wheat lower at $1,27 for o Ni, and $1,19 for No 2. Oats iv at 48c Rye No 2. Corn lower at 590 for new.. and Barley nominal. Receipts-2,000 bbls flour, 35,000 bush wheat, 2,000 bush oats, 2,000 bush corn, , 'l,OOO bush rye, 1,000 bush barley. Ship ments-2,000 bbls flour, 2,000 bush wheat, 100 bush oats, 1,000 bush corn. Baltimore Market. 117 Telegraph to the PlUbbargb (Janne.] BALTIMORH, December 12.—Cotton firm at 25c. Flour quiet, steady and unchanged. Wheat dull; sales of prime to choice red at 112,35a2,45. Ctirn firm: sales new white at 90a65c. Oats firm at 40a450. Mess Pork grm at,1526,50. Bacon, supply light. Rib sides, 17c; clear sides, 171 / 0173,c, Shoul ders, none ready, 18ga14o. Hama 180. Lard farm at 16)4c. Memphis Market. Mr Telegraph to the' , Pittsburgh Gazette.) MEMPHIS. December 12.—Cotton firm and unchanged; rec,elpte; 4248 bales; exports, 1,727. Lloionr; low grades firmer; superfine $6.00a6,60. Corn 700. 'Oats 700. EV fin. Bran 24c. Pork $25. Lard 16iia 17c. Bacon firm; shoulders and clear sides 18c. Bulk Meats; shedders 10Nc; clear sides 14%a15c. PITTSBURGH GAZEDTP.,:. MOSDA.Y, DE(TEMBER- new York Dry Goods Market. (Br Tel,e ( graoh to the Pittsburg& Gasette.l ‘• NEW Yong,DeceMber 12.—Cotton Print. Cloth; ° markt excited and prices rapidly advanced; sales of 64 pieces square 7 yards to the pound at 9a9/c, and even l 34e is now asked for future delivery in February ,and March; all the leading prints men are into this speculation, and hence we bind most of them have withdrawn their print -from the market to-day for higher prices; Dan- Dell has advanced his goods %c per yard. But, notwithstanding all this excitement, the market is quiet and jobbers have not changed their prices. in the least, if we except Richmond Prints, which were re duced in price to 120 by Clatlin A Co. last evening. For bleached goods there has been an improved inqialry, and all medium , grades of Stiestings, like Hope,.Howsdale, Az., have risen 4per cent., or Ho per yard. Fine unbleached Muslins, like Pepperill R, Laconia B and Atlantic L goods, which have been selling at 1 York shilling. are getting very Scarce and must go to 13e at once. Other Classes of goods are devold'of animation and prices are unchanged. Ne Orleans Market. (By_Telegraeti t the Pitlurgh Gazette., Nitw On r . tles, December 12.—Cotton essier, mid dlings 223ia23e; sales 4,200, receipts 3,663; exports 2,353. G01d51,3534. Sterling Eichinge . $1,47X. Cotton bills '41.46y.,a11,46%. New York sight exchange Mal 4 per cent. discount. .:Flour, superfine $7;00a57,25; double extra $7,50; treble extra $7,75a58,50. i l j Corn, supply light, market firm.• and nehanged. Oats firm at 66e. Bran advanced to $1.40. Hay, no choice here; prime 24c; ordinary dull. Bacon scarce and higher: "shoulders 1314 c; rib aides 17 ic; clear rib 1814; no clear offe r lug; hams 15a16c.• Pork active at 26e. Lard scarce and firm, tierces 17a1734c; keg 1836. Sugar andlifolasses active and 'unchanged. Whiskey, rectified stiff at $1,10a51,15; raw, $1,05. Coffee fair, Rio 14111434 e; prime 16%a17c. . . By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette•l Lotrimmz, December 12.—Sides of to bacco light and dull at 4Mal3c for new lugs to medieum leaf. Cotton at 22%0. Hogs at 84,a8;4c . for gross. Mess pork $25,60. Lard at 16116%c in bulk. Moats and shoulders at 9y al9c. Clear rib sides at 13%alAlc; clear sides 14 1 40. Bacon, clear rib sides at 16y 4 c; clear sides 17yo. Su perfine flour at 45,50a6. Wheat 151,80a1,90. Corn 513a60c. Oats 58a60c. Sugar; New Or leanei at 12a12qc; Havana at 13,f,c. Whisky raw free at 98c. [Ey Telegraph ra the . Pittatargh Gazette., ST. Loma, December 12—The . Cattle Market is steady and unchanged; prices ranging from 2.5qa26 . e. Vogs: buyers stood eff but drovers were firm, though less so than yesterday; fair to good bogs sold at 7%aBc, choice, BXaNc• LATan—Evening--Hoss aro not quotably changed; prices range from 7% to 28%c. Illy Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.) CHICAGO, December 12,—Cattle are firm and steady, with a moderate, active local and shipping demand for Steers. Hogs are dull and 10a15c lowerr, and sales were made at 17,2 5 / 1 7,66 for common to fair. and $7,65a8,12,% for - good to choice. (By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh t,uette.3 NASHVILLY, December 11.—Cotton quiet, but firm; low middling, 22c; good ordinary, 213 o. PITTSBURGH., FORT WAYNE as CHICAGO RAILROAD, December 12.-16 cars metal, Nimick & Co; 8 do do, Jas Wood Son k Co; Ido do, Bryan &, Caughey; Ido do, John Moorhead; 2 do do, Union Iron Mills; 4 do do, Coleman, Rahm & Co; 20 kgs lard, Jan H Parker; 300 pigs lead, Bryce, Walker & Co; 200 do ill, B L Fatinestock dt Co; 100 do Rirk, McCurdy & Co; 100 tea leaf lard, le S ellers & Co; 600 fable flour, 44 eke buck wheat flour. T C Jenkins; 4 bbls apples, carter* McGrew & Co; 7 Vas butter, N J Braden; 2do cheese, S P Shriver & Co; 283 bdls steel, Anderson, Woods k Co; 10 his cheese. A. &J Kerr; 1 keg tobacco, E Me -grew; 39 bga barley, W J Meek; 8 tuba Vat ter, W IT Graff & Co; 4 pkge poultry, H Alcorn; 2 do do,F E Bears; -7 pkga produce, H Riddle; 1 car shipstuff, Jos Dorringtom 1 car oats, Shornaker & Langenhelm; 23 bales cotton. Holmes, Bell & Co; 6 bas cheese, W H Riikpatrick & Co; 2 cars ear corn, Brick er & Co; 7 pkgs,A & rbuckles Co; 81 dressed hogs, J P 14 - a ana & Co. Clxvlsl.A.ND AND PITTSBURGH RAIL ROAD, -December 12.-1 ear iron ore, Park, Bros & Co; 2 do do, Shoentmger & Blair; 4 do do,, McKnight, Porter dt Co; 100 bbls flour, S i Shepasd; 1 car lumber, A Lewis; 1 • car lime, Pitts Glass Manf Co; 2 kgs lard, I hf. bblutter, Graff 6r. Reiter; 24 crocks ap plet but er, Ibr corn, 1 do butter, Yeager - der dt S epard; 12 rolls leather, G N Hoff stott; 7 bbls apples, 5 aka corn, 2 kgs apple butter, 1 bbl, eggs, 1 do beans, 1 box tur keys, Voigt, Mahood & Co; 3 bbls apples, A Black; 1 bbl dry poaches, W J Steel & Bro: 2 hf bbls butter, E Heazieton; 1 caddy tobacco, 5 bbls dry apples, 3 do eggs. Head & Metzger; 10 Ws glue, Wm Flaecus St y Son; Bdo beans, bbl lard, 17 eke turnips, 10 do corn, Greg do Son; 10 bble, 5 bags beans, . 1 bg onion , 2 bar! butter, Ikg eggs, WB. Kirkpatric ; 2 hf bbls butter, H Rea Jr; 2 bus. rag-, McCullough S & Co; 28 bbls flour, P Duff & Son. • December 11.-2 cars copper, T MHowe; 1 car iron ore, Zug'& Co; 1 do blooms, Bryan & Caughey; 1 do potatoes, G E Taylor; 1 do lumber, B Schmrilt & Co; 1 do lime, Atter bury‘tCo; 20 bag' candles, S P Shrive!' & Co; 1 caddy tobacco, E Pdegraw; 198 sacks oats, Dillinger & • Stevenson; 60 she wheat, J & VV Patriey; 1 kg bird, 1 la bbl eggs, 20 bbls beaus, Voigt, Mahood dt Co; 20. do do, John Daub; 36 empty oil bbls, 0 A Worm castle & Co; 10 cases tobacco, ,T * A Mazurle & Co; 200 bags barley, JM Carson it Co; 10 bbls pearl barley, Rinehart & Stevens; 10 do buckwheat flour, Atlas Works; 4 do do, Totten - & Co; 75 empty oil barrels, William Mullins. ALLEGURNT VA.LIArI RAILROAD Decem ber 12.-5 cars limestone, • Shoenberger & Blair; 2do metal, Mclf.night, Porter & Co; 1 car stone. Harrison & Bro; 3 cars scrap iron, M Maloney; Slake oats, 23 sks rye,. do do buckwheat flour, Kell &Rib:alert; 2 bgs flour, J A Best; . 1 car grain, Martin Brien.- ell 4; Co; 240 bbls 011,J Muuhall .t. Co; 65 Ido do, Fisher & Bro; 240t10 60, Fairview 04 Co; 280 do ao; B M Eec. - tong 160' do ao,, Forsyth, Bro; dc, Co; 80 d odo, toile Works; 18 bble,reilned oil, D 0 Shearer, ALrxeiroNT fiTATIOH, December 12.- 1 car wheat, R T Kentiedy & Bro; 1 do staves, J M Hemphill; 1 do barley. M Heckelman; 2 cars atone, Forrester & Me grew; 76 .bdls hides. A • Holsteine; 2 cars iron ore, Spang, Chalfant & CO; 47 sks flax seed, It BS uydam; 200 bbla flour, George Stewarti_2 cars limeatode, Superior Iron Co; 1 do metal, Lewis, Bailey at Baleen; 750 pigs lead, Fahnestock, A.lbree &Co. ___ Louisville Market, St. Louts Cattle Market. Chicago Cattle Market. Nashville Market. IMPORTS BY RAILRAOD BILLIARD 111ABLEf?!. sTAFIDAan ABERICAIi BILLIARD TAIILIS; AID OOKBDIiTION otreniNL . .. . . , triollsputtbly tie best le me. , NEigampurygt , MENT,B- Patented ,Itov. 516th, 46074 and Anill Sift, 1.666: Everything rent-Wirt° blldafds °Me beet qualimand lowest prlees &lamp, ektiond. , Our NEW CUE TIUN.MSS. - Pate nte . 17 . ai Itb. 1068, pr1ee651.5( great *uremia— • . illaetrated prise liniment On applloagon: /Adroit . • P111314/111 & 001,411meg. , 65. 65. Ili 'and 65 61106111 r STo: : New Mirk City lyend.-_ -.---.... . , ---- Frijir, OF CLEUIL OF COURTS of elleeheey Coat re. Philip Ikageo;:teTAP!. wuei h eayeltj. The Mettle Boer4lelif. hit oa W4DNICBO_AY. the 14th Init. at 10 ceeloek)%l'.l, thr ?ening me above ap ~ebutav JOUR 94-345YW81,14erat. RIVER NEWS The river continues to recede rapidly, the Monongahela : Marks last evening only showing three l feet. Navigation, although the river is not yet closed, is virtually sus. Tended, as the y _ :ice is heavy, rendering it extremely hazardous for a boat to venture out. The Wananita got off for New Orleans on I Friday evening, and, we presume, she will get through, though it is doubtful. The New York and Glendale will lie over until there is a change in the weather, and the same is true o the Mary Davage. The Bayard was advertised to leave Cin cinnati for Pittsburgh on Friday. Com. W. J. Kountyleft for St. Louis on Friday night, by rail, ori - bnitinesis con nected with the Great RepUblic. It is re ported, that a sufficient amount of;money has• been raised here to pay off all the claims against hei t and if this be correct, she will not be put pat auction s second time. , The Messenger wa to ave left Cincini nati for Pittsburgh n Saturday.' r -The Kate Putnam arrived at St. Louis on Thursday last. The United States enagboat L. H. Long recently pulled a snag from the Mississippi River, below Memphis, which 'was' esti , . mated to weigh • one hundred and three tuns. " —Capt. Jas. Bugger purchased Capt. 1. N. Mason's interest, one-ehtlit in the Chem pion, at the same rate and terms'as paid for Capt. Gregg's 'interest, which was sold at ad ministrati x sale a short time Since. Capt., Bugher now owner one-half of the boat. —Mr. W. G. Taylor, 'the Yrell-known freight agent of the Jeffersonville and-Indi anapolis Railroad, died suddenly at about noon on Tuesday, cif pheitimMila, at hie res dence, in Jeffersonville. Mr. Taylor was a gentleman of fine business qualifications, and enjoyed the love add esteem of all with whom he was acquainted. • -• —The Cincinnati Ccnninerciat, of Friday says: Capt. John S. Devenny, Supervisory Inspector for this district, arrived from Steubenville, yesterday, on the Major An derson. He will remain here' during the investigation of the pilots of the ill-fated steamers United States and America. Their testimony is now being taken by the local inspectors, with closed .doors, these gentlemen being of the opinion they have no authority to permit the press to report the testimony while the investigation is being made. —The Cincinnati Gazette, of Friday, says: The Abeona had a genuineßip Van Winkle on board yesterday, in the shape of a pas senger from some point on the Tennessee river. He paid his fare in hard money, paid hard money for, his drinks, and handed porters, bootblacks 'and barbers silver half dollars with a looseness truly refreshing. He did not seem - to know that such things as greenbacks were in ex. istence...... ......... We also clip the following from the same paper: The Coosa, which had been chartered by the bummers to convey them to tho scene of the fight which was to take place between Baron and Lafferty, came very near falling to' reach the ground selected for the 'battle yester day. Captain Brown would 'not take in his lines until the charter money (IWO) was paid over. The most of it being se cured by noon, and the remainder , being promised by a well-known detective of this city, the boat left, bearing some two hun dred persons. The fight took place on the . Kentucky side of the river, opposite the mouth of the Little Miami, seven (Miles above here, and lasted twenty-nine min ntes, the combatants having fought seven teen rounds, all of which Lafferty gained, except the ninth. Bayton was badly bruised and cut, and both.his eyes were closed; when the boat brought him back in the evening, while Lafferty sustained only a cut over the left eye. The fight . was for five hundred - dollen) a aide. • . River add Weaken" My Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.) LOUISVILLE, December 12.-:—Weather clew and moderating. Thermometer at-20 degrees; River, stationary, seven *Wand ten inches in canal. . . • • Sr. Louis, December 12.--Weather clear and moderating. STEILMMIJMNI.TS. DEPOILTANT . 10,- ,SHIPPERI. gOR: CINCINNATI .toursvn,LE, lITANSTIL LE, ni): ME111.193.11i, AND NEW OR. LaAN~. • MARY DATACIE AND BADGES, JAMES SIIEDDRI4, dommander. Will leery ai above on • DAT. December IShlpperel shoed bear In mind ilia( the DAV AOl3 will positirely go tkrosigh without re-shipping.' del cHARLE'S BARNES. Agent. pirksounGs, • • Harietta and Parkersburg Line. Learn Company's Wharf Boat, footoiWood street. DIET, AT 12 M. MONDAVI AitD TITIMBILATS, BAYARD WIDNIALATEI ANDIATIIIIDAYS, ' GEEY EAGLE C. L.:EasaEals Master Freight will be relieved.o.'4ll bolus by soli JAMES COLLINS. Ascent. NASIIVILIOE, 01-‘laggEe - A:.llKOT—Tbaiteriner -, CADELIA - • • - . Will , leave on . . • - • Br 3 D AY, DECEMBER *Nth. for Evonrclite, Tor freight oryt i lis i aggrio i t board wr of i tß. .4011,bi 31.4.011,_ f• doi Or; J. D. COLLIIIGwOOD, :Agents. • rnieo , ovvv,reedv,resed s vervwnrovlverAnneveAnn O. Wir/SAT• MOWERS. . . .• . .. • .• ANNOILI.I73)I:IONEs suPq-PliOngliz OF ALANBRAMTILID BY The Allegheny' Pertain' r 00. BA D ea cairrstrzro ri;ForitronCpits. me t ',Bra :you Plttabnrgb, Pi, The best Serif User iz net and • ree‘Vred 7 foreere who have erne 1 a trial, t o the stand. ard for reigns begs crops of:Whea =BM Mate Oons, Po tatoes, O. We - have published for grata. itnu circulation a pamphlet 'cantabiles laterestia mid rateable statements of tbis Fertiliser, copies riblett will tiff Basil:rem 10` may • seadiair us their mu :drew,. • PROPOSALS. I The Bulldlni c i Conunittee of the WZOTRIthr FBNIOBYLVA & BPSTIT 41. RFO TER lbildaiNtt at. Diumont.. a.. will 'receive Progouls Waal the 10 th'DO.Y• ,Olff agoßig RE% for th e erecten doting' in "tinfrourtern sion °Me iltoOtaing to: thßi•Pia l / 144 sPOl.Fri",l l A.odOlit i lk and Improved by-stiem. - , ' Thi plent sod ;'speollictitiottit east be ettieDiedllit the R'osnithi uttlfltho tine abora toe attgaed for re, =Mint bloat' p oral, must be m molt ulFed s molt • tent so B. * JOLTER Jr:. Clutinnirt Of the Building Cemnilt . Bide will rieopeneli, :11 ,!‘ 8P0f4 1911 the lbth of December. ," a "“ ' . The Committee totem , the right it their Moore. titbit to reject any or eit bide not dr meg, tortilt Inter est of the institution or esti4tltßorctit the cumuli tee. By order of Doi • • Ron , . :. BlllLDffi9 ' CQil[l[Tf'T~R• 188 ,SION " = EsZA H i p ID SAC& T. W. N. GORILY, WHOLESALE GROCER, No. 271 Liberty Street, (DIRECTLY Orr. EAGLE licais,) PrTTS33I:IIII3I . I I . to :yl6 CO J. L. ....... ... ....A. Y. rrsystracor. T. DILLDIGER & STEVENSON,. CONMISSION lIIERCILUNTS . . No. 87 Second Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. itzonivit Aim Jana. . All Hinds of Country Produce . . All orders for Merchandise promptly II lied, at LOwgirraaarket rates. Particular attention gives to the sale of Bitter. eggs, Cheese Dried Fruits, dc, Ws feel conident th at we mut give entire sat- Wootton, ty making It /ALES as d PROBPT mt. Yirstre. at lIIGIIIST 11141.11KST PBlCne, smd therefore respectfully solicit your cossivasents. Ali corre spondence answered - promptly. marking.- Myles furnished free. Waist in store and to arrive,daily. au81:178 . • ~ • , • • , , ATT, LATIO '& , InioLia/Lit I#3lolllll GrOCierlOS, Flour; Grain, Produce, Pro visiseus, Fish, Cheese, Carbon Oil. ate., N05..17% an* 114 WOOD WSW ',_near Liberia street. Inttsbargh.Ta. no8:146 Y. ISTSZLZ 44. 11 1, 1 i ATEELP & SON, - COmmiiiti ion :Meoehaiziai • -42(1) — Dtaan" s.;nt - - riaol7ll. GRlllvi a PZED, ate No. 9& OHIO STUMM, near Zig!. Coaanolli% ALLEGIVIRT CIT.• - J. 111. CANTIELD ' a. T. CANFIELD. J IL CANFIELD - & SONY COMA • MISSION MEBOELLNTS, . ant Wholesale realer! in Goshen,. FaCtOrj. 'Hamburg nnd W. Ir. Cheese„ Butter, Lud,. Polk, Bacon, Filth, Dried Fruit, Grain, Pig Lead, Pot, Pearl and Soda Ashes._ White Lime, , Linseed, Lard, h and Oar bon Oils. No. 141 First street. rittsbnre. PXras.t 1L EIL & RIVIWITs COMMISSION MERCHANTS, dam DLUERB mous, esArer. saws, MILL FEED, &a., - 34D Liberty St., Pittsburgh, nritter , - YILANX. a. s .AHJIR. McBANE be ANJER, COMMISSION MER.CETANTS, Dealers la PLODS, GRAIN and PEODDOZ (MX DUALLY, No: 14i RA.Plik MOOT, above Smithfield, Pittsburg . • • les Ferwrit , AdEPEST*9I,I6I, rozwiroureinvomooirimunuarre , For the ode of Floor. Grata. Bacon, Lam.: Butter, Seede,_Dried Projt,. and Pruce g,enerelly, No. 10 MARNAT IaRENT, corner atFirst. Pittsburgh.' te=: L . J. BWICIWW, sTALt9I) SOWN KNOX JLICIMILW ENO 11; LNOX & SON, COMMISSION •IFERCEANTS and dealers In FLOUR.. GRAIN FEED and PRODUCE DENERALLY, No. Te DIAMOND, opposite City Ball, Allegheny City. Jall:rl2 Jan! t. noires.. ..mow. nouns.. —me. U. sOues. TORN I. lIOUSE Su c .. sensors to. JOHN I; • HOUSE t.:CO.; Wholesale ere and Commission Merchants, Corner of Smithfield and Water Streets. Pittsburgh: Ps. • ILIT'TLE, BAIRD ' & PATTON, Wholesale Grocer Merchants a, Commission Merchan and eaters In Produce, Flour, Bacon, Cheese, Fish, Carbon and Lard OU, Iron, Malls, (Mass, Cotton Yarns and all r":3aburgh 'Manufactures generally, 1.131 and 11 1 4 niCCOND BTRZICT. Pittsburgh. . -- - -- JOIN 1iX117021 .11CALLACII. §HIPTON&WALLACE, WHOLE. BMX eibDOERS ILSD PRODII:63I6JDNALEItti,, 0 . 6 SIXTY ISTRIGET. Pittsburgh. 1012:r6s - - OFFICE 07 CITT ENGINEER, Ai.r..seszsrr asst: , .Dca. 186 L. . QEWER ASSESSMENT —Noti,ce is k 7 hereby *teen' to all•preoerty holders in the WEST RRN -OEWERAME DISTRIOT„.which 'em braces all that portion or the City area. lying north west of the following firtea„ylsi • Berth. of,Ottlo lane and Walnut stre• t and West of Bidwell street, and newe running North-east to Observatory bill and city line. as well as the portion Icing lief. kerma sr astern avenue. I Ittio lane, ',piton and Bid well streets tcomprehendinglhe larger tutrt of Dian• chaterArd all the Pier/Mali VelettiNnitlb)trfut-the au.sessment for the construction of the Sedgwick street sewe • r Is now. completed. and 'plaked in -the hand% of the City Treasurer for colleotion. All prop , rts heritofore assessed for sewerage purPoses within the Watts above desigosted is exempt from present. tesesement. desmld DAMS. City 'Engineer. ()MCI CITY ILROflcEfJt A:RD 1:rill/MN • Prrrantruntl:Deeember Stb, 110313, "VOTICE.—The. , assessment .7 for. ;A.N Grading and raving' LONG ~ • , LONG ALLEY, • • • from Lewis alley to the Allegheny Taney RalLroul. Also, SPRING ALLEY; . . from Morris'to Ruth street., are tow ready for ex amination can be semi at this olline unt il DE CEMBER:IA, MSSI. when It Willi tn. returned tcrthe - City Treasurer's t.dieetur collection. - deg - • it, J. MOORE. citrEnstneer. ()inn& rITY Enaistiree, A Li.notralrit CITY, December 10th, 1860. i tri!ICE.--The assessments for Credit:ix and . ravine tiPlliNti fIAUDEN 01JE, from Chestnettotreet to Tanner street; also the Omitting of ALLECHENT AVIIN in from Western arcane to Hidee street are now read y_for examination, and can be seen , ar dile price , until FRIDAY December Ilith. 1880 wnen tiles will be returned to the &reel commissioner for collection. deli:b2l DAVII. City ltegineer. A; p. Binomial), Muter 3.Capl. Tito& roil. JAB. Y. 11110EL&WI. Wholesale and Betail Wows* 199. 396 PENN STRUM. ASSESSMENTS. ... , , OI YfICZ CITY Tltarirlata alga StriciETCH, • • • Pittsburgh, fiecember lith,llloN. NOTICE Tut CONTRACTORS. Boated Proposals for. the construction of a 'WART/WALE. cm AVENUE, • fr 4 ra Hobo Toil Onto to Murphy street, wld be received at this 0010 e until Deacmger 1101,1808, The Comm Um:, reserve the right to reject 'lgor all bile ... - • • - • oeit:h2 s U. . alittiltiC, City Engineer. • *Altai OT CITY EN eimita AND gunVOTOil. • Pittiburgb, December 11th. 1868. s• NOTICE -TO CONTRACTORS. - • Sealed .Proportils for the partial Grading of MILLEK STRELT tram Centre ave nue to Reed, via be recetred ar. thin office until NEDNESD AY. December loth, 11369. The Cemmittee reserve the right to teleatany er ail bide. • • E. J. IitOODE. Oily Engineer. . ' - 01171 . 011 OF CITY Era:llNX= AND eITaVaROE, i 1,,, 0 ) ' Plttsburehi Dec. 5, 1989: ...i : . , N:OT ICE.-The. 'Assessment Cfor - the Constriction of the BOARD.WALK on - trot !Street.. Mau .Itllaworth AVentle .to Walnut • street.' la now ready for examinetton, and canoe !Hen at this odlee until WCD ht 4 DA.Y. Dee. lfitb.. 1585, when It will be returned the City Treaeur- It t etos Unice for Collection.' -- J " - - . M OOSE. 5155 0 . 99 - ' City Engineer.' orrice OF CITYIENOINTS% e , - Allegheny City Dec. 1 . /r 1 0.• OTICE , .. - The • assessment for , oratai,g and Vartnit TURN XII, AL t.r.y. trum erry etnot to old city line, in tue Third word, le now reedy_ for egiunlontloti, and *eau be Beetrat t. lll office - until WEDNEeDAY Deeemb, Oth, when It will be returned to toe Street Cominlesloner for col ectlon. 0 . 11,,,,nt,F.S DAVIS. de2:aB3• Ctrll Eoglneer. OM= OP CITE RN *I If UM I V: 16 ,4 2 14 6 4 6 ( 7 .1 1 4zoirierte. rihttgebUlt.awissAhhHrivenviiii ufoz the censtrnetion or •-- iet 'met t. • wart.it °titre "elm s, Irani "I r g P s ii [intim] sod °An be corner ts noressY.Lo wzD ripsDki, Decesn e ta seen - at this it s cu m be ee t i rsee ta the 19, / 968, 0 " If er °Heaton. gieser. 'Treasurers *NW a ri ? j , tioo m Oitl deli:4101 • ------aTr-----T ALLSOHICIR, t Trinsid*Wll.oitrlCZ. Doe. 4th, awe. TIEtos36:„PVIISONEI ...NIKO PAID assessuteot newtse Seers' itreet and Mout • Punier, avenue 111 or before she ATM day of November, ILIK.d. Isou requested to return their re telOta to Otte Vinod. and MI redaction authorized by Cdr6tts 1111 be refunded. p. MAO .... read IiOTICV - Those' .pie• se .ta Ice notice tint tit cycpart of tie 'law.' era utile of or opening LARIADER AVINUM, in the city ot Pl , tsbarah as mantled by the court has.been placed in tuy heads. The asaessments. It not odd on nr before JA.ts DAB s' 6th. w, D 1869 willbe S eenlas liens in accordance with tho law In such e ode and proided. , • • J. 7. 51,,A0L_ i t City Attorney. Pittsberpti, Deeember atli, 1599. tey 131rilSB1UltGil avid na; OONNELLSVILLE rt. ft. ' On and after TUESDAY. Nolen:her, rlth.lB6B trains will arrive at and depart from toe Depot M.- ner of Grant and Water streetS. ss folio , Depart Arrttn. - Mall to aad fronTlniost , n. 7:60 A. N. 6:00 P. McKeespo-tAccomasodt'n.ll:oo-A.-..n. 0:05 P. Ns Ex. to and A4 jrom Uniont'n. 3:00 P. N. 10:10 A. N. West New on Anew:m=o.l , n 4:307. N. 8:35 A. I. Braddock , s Aecouartodat , n 6:15 P: sr. 7:50 P. N. Night Acc. to licKeesport.lo:3o P. N. 6:45 A. N. Banday Church Train to and _ from West Newton.. 1:00 P . i0:00 A. Toe tickets apply, to •J. B. SlNG:Agents W. I. STOUT, Superintendent. noPb ANGE of TIME. ffaraggii ULGHEINT VALLEY ItAILROAZ On and after MONDAY November 9th, - net- TWO TRAINS DAILY w ill teal e Pittab h fits. 'on. corner ofElevenik and Pike streets for • lin. Oil City, Bales, , and all points in the Oil Bet- Purralrroors. PrrTinnisoirEr • Mail...•• • •.... 7:15 am ail 5:401n Expreso.: . .' 7:10 to m 0:30 a in Brady's:W/IAG , 3:00 p 6rady53 , 41A610:130 ant lit dodaWarks - ist Soda Works Act:tamed:4l-1 0 : 50 a n - Aecorsoden: - Clips IS ---,- Sid Soda Works Std Soda Works Actottiod , ri .. 5:00 p m Aecomoda'n. '3:40 pill' Ohara Train leave Pitburgh at .1 :10 P. Az.. riot oss ttaarrtc A. at 9:50 . ; • . ' Passengers t il ing naivete train have bat on* change Of can between Pittaborgh: Buiralo and• Oil Nektons, Mail and Expres s Trains step only ak • pidnelpfl points' • Mixed Way ant Aeoommedatinn trains stop at ail stations, •, [ •• , • •-. THOMAS 74' - -RING. W. POSTZIR /101%, Ticket Agent. . no) 1 TTS.INURGIEIL asisgin MB RAILWAY. BT' MB RAILWAY. Ii PA: HANDLNIMHTE. - C7HANONDR•TrILE.—On - . Ant !atter'-81TN11AT. - Nov.92d, 1868, trains will leave and arrive at 00 Union Depot, as fellows, rittsburp time: • Deport.. • Irrtele - Mail Express ' .3:13 a: me 10:13 a. to. lrastLiae 10:13 a. in. .1:33 • Vast Kapress -2n50 p. m 12:18 a; me Mixed way 5:43 a. ro, 043 p. MeDonald's nee , n, No. 1..11:28 a. in. - 0:33 .p.m. Steubenville necommod , n. ,3:38p401. .0:41016,124 , ,MeDonald , s nee , n, No. 2.. WOE( p. 3:10 p, as tor 0:58 p.,v...rxpress V i re- ditili% . raq.a will ant 'She 10:13 a. m, Train leaves•datly, Stuidays,ene eepted, and Makes close connections at Newark foe Zanesville and points on Bauduaky, Mansfield'-a • Newark B. B. , . V. SCULL, general Ticket Agent. Ir. II .V 14310. Stip , t.. Steubenville, Ohio. 13025 • • • . - • ; Vn - 16111 N LVANIAMEMIN CENTRAL RAILROAD. and after Nov, 28th. 15138, Trains will ar. • rive at and depart from the Union Depot, corner Of Washington and Liberty streets, as f011ows: Mail Train..:. - 1:30 ani Day Express.. 2:30 a Fut Line . 2:40 ani Wall's N0.,1.-. 0:30a na , Wail's No. '1:. 5120 all - Man 11:10 a m BriutonAcc'n. ; 7:50 am *Cincinnati Ex 12:*5 pSi Wall's N0.'2.. '5:50 m Wall's No. 2.. 1120 a Cincinnati Ex.-9:40 am Johnettimi Att. 3:25Vm JohastOwn Ac. I0:35 a m Braddocks No i 4:20 pin Rhitimare , Exi 11 45 m PhDs...Express C5:10 pat,- Phila. Express .2:OS pm Wall's No. 3... 5:20 pus Wall's N0.11..._.1:30 Wail's" No. 4.. 048 pm !haddocks lie,l 5:50 pm Fast Line 1:50 pin WallaNei'{,TAUS Th W411'6210. 5.: I1:00 p Way Passen'r.lo:2o p m • The 'Church Train leaves -WaiPS -Statimi ev , Sunday at 0:15 a. in., reaching Pittsburg :Litt /0:00 a. in. Returning, leaves Pittsburgh at 1250 and arrives at Station at 2:00 p. - *Cincinnati Darren leaves daily. All other MUM daily exempt Sunday. Tor further information apply. to - - WAL,BECICWITH, Agenti The Pennsylvania Railroad Con:Tatum/11l not as. 'same say risk for Baggage, except for wearing ay. parel, sad limit their responsibilite to One Hundred Dollar& in value.. Ail Baggage exceeding that &monist in value will be , atthe risk of the owner. nll. less takes by special contract. EDWARDII, I WILLLA - 'General Saporiziten uo 1P011 6" H . 70E7 - AND_ From Nov. S3d,' 1868, and arrive at -the 'Limon 31111 e, as r0110W11: ai frriVkh ChleagoE lame. x.... it:o3 a m um:ago Ex... 3:13 a M CleverandEx. 3:03 I m ClevetUd Ex. 51:13a la • Erie iergnlilli m Chicano Ex.. .11:58 ern Cl. &Rh2smn 6:38 a m Wheeling 1.1:t3a.a&. Chien° mall.. 6:68 m St. Lona Ex.. 3:63 pa' Chienge_Ex 10:08 am Chicago Ex.. . 4:313 p m Cl. Cl. &WWI( E . x. 4:lan= Chlersl:43 pm Erie & nEx 6:130 M Ex. 4:63.pa. Cl. S.Wtog Ex 6:58 poi Tor rfl e fOM etileirhErry: Arrive in Ailegfien_y. • N. Mgt, n Ae.• 8:88a m N.,llrlgt , n 7:03 aft Leetsdale '1 10:218 am N. Brij:tin " 8:518 am • " - " VASS a m " • 9:53a Ca Esehester . 1:33 pm New Castle " 10:33 ano RellsVeAeo,. 3:38.p n 1 Leetsdale • " 9:13a re Leetsdale Aim. 4:l3pm" I:Uflp,m N..Brlgt l n " 5:33 pre N. MUM 2:43 pm N. Erigvn " • 6:38 pm m Leeßsdale " 4:63 p m Leetsdale . 10:43pm :_" 718 I/ 18 Leetsdale Ben. Leetsdale mm- _ Sun da church. 1:13P ni day %Ansel:4.: 11i66 13:43 Cameo Express leaves daur. -- mr;11.1251111,.. Chlese;ExPressarrives arlfis change-of ens between Fittsborigivanwr Chicago. Sleeping cars wittion change tb oils aid Chicago. • • - J. N. - M , otiiibtr _ - General Papertnteadrnts 7. B. MYERS. General Ticket. Axext. Don TIy . RATERN 'PENN- - a t alliMil • B .L-On and after °v. sftc6 Asps. titE Pass longer •Trains on the Western Pennsylvania Ballo • road will arrive at and depart from- . the .ledecrai Street Iter, Allegheny City. as follows: • I"v4.Had Del4wt.. Springd% No 1 , 6;40 m T:00 sa Freeport Nei. 1 8120 a mlFreeport No. 1 -9:19 nu Expresti ' 10:40 Wm ISharphig No.111:20 ens Sharphig No. J. • 1:95 p raiEzpress.. . , 2:43 p Fseepert "No. it • 4:00p nroSprl 4 ngd , eNVl 3:20 p ris /Dal. i 5:55 p niln'eepurt N0.•2 5:20 p springd ie. No 2 8:45 m Stwingilie No 2 I:lo.pin Alwyn trains ran daily except blindly.• , • The Church'Traiii leaves Allegheny Jinni. cyst, dunday at 1:40 m. • reaching Allegheny (MI all^ 9:50 a. m. Returnin g, leave% Allegheny . CAM at 1010 p:rn. end arrive at AlleslienY;ffanct. , at 3:46 p. m. _COIiknITAVION TICISIcTS—Por sale in packages of Twenty between between MieglienY City._Chestantstroet, Herrin, Bennett. Pine Creek„Etna and Sharpsbarg s and good only on the trains stopping at Stetiorts ape. deed on, [ldiots: The trains' leaving Allegheny_ City 'at 7 mro mike direct connection st Freepor with Walker , / li tie o [Stage s for Butler. and Bunnell. town: .Tbrinigh tickets may be purchased ,at th. Orlice. No. 3 bt... Clair street., tie:tithe Suspensins Bridge Pittsburgh and 'at the Depot. /Ole Ehe.•• For further information apply tri j,s atx.S ]..h.FFEitTS, Agent. • Fedentißtreet Depot. The Western Pennsylvania Railroad will not as. sutoe a.iy riskier Baggage, except; for wearing sp. enrol, and limit their responsibility to One Hundred Dollars in value. All--baggage exceeding till amnia in vane will be at the risk. ot the owner, tut. leas taken by special contract. • 4 _ EDWARD H. WILLIAM, Stmerintendent, Altoona. Pa.. n 023 .li I L rs , ITNION.PACIFIE RELWAYI Eastern Divii,ion. The SHOWIEST AHD DIOST ItSILLLEtTi from the East to all points la . - CoWade, Nevada, thatfornia, Utah, . . Arliona aehtngtO New Mexico, Ida o, . _ • ' Oregon'. , Two Trains leave. state Line and Leavemne."..% dal?, (Sunday, excepted,). on the arrival of trains , • 4 " Parade Railroad f rom Si. Louis, and Tl..nnittal and J o R a il roa d trona Quincy, eonneettov at Lilts ranee, Topeka- and Wamego with 111.4,..1 , .11:11 aU points In Kansas. At end ot track - west CU B . worth with the UNITED STATES , PANT'S DAILY LINE -07 OVERLAND AND aulizes COACHEd FOB . . DEN VF.A.11,1 SALT r, & And Ai Points in the TerritoriteN And with tikEtiEltdON,l3 TRI-VMDELY FARR 02 COACH ga ler Fort tlnion,__Bent , s Fort, Pass Alba. qul.rr r tte, bents Be, and an point* • In Arisu ' un and New Mexico. ; = • • ' With the•recen additions of rolling stock and eituipment, ,and the arrangements , made with re.- • IsnOnsible Overland Transportation Lines from ita,. western terminus, this road now 'offers rtnequetedk vintiesfor the trnitsmission of freight to Abe pee - Ticket. for age at ell the printing °dices Et the , United Mates and Canadas , Be sure - and.ask for tickets Os THE 831•KE,'Zi HILL RpDTL t , IfFION PACIFIC RAILWAY 3,125V1 1 0 DIVIBIOS. .oenerallhrdskt and Ti4ket Anent' To 44- .01 (ploogia TOWN... z•- ••• • 1 1 10111•.: =1111A11: -- Erraity!slit" orrie lirri f ? 3° 0 8 1V1 4 61 1 ' &VAT /MT SATURDAY, from pier 45, Nom Rive i• New ork. For Panalre or ruttier informs., - . ,WHAUAII 3 Jr.. : voinns m Ro st AM _ PA • Rosalyositio MON Potopsdi: '' IMMO AVM CHICAGO B. PITTSBURGH B. B. trains will leave from Depot, =rib side, city A. ANIDSZSON. Gls-seal Mtitylatindeal- J. *OFTEIItr.