El Os gittedli.a.,g..,...etaitttt. AFTER ELECTION. . . BY JOHN G. witi77lllll.,' The day's sharp strif. Is ended now. Our Work ladone.. God kuoweth how: As on the thrnMien, unrestfni tows The patience besi d e oon looms down, I wait to bear. t o e wl e, Tne.voices of Its tonion I of fir.a. Slow, doubtful, faint, they seem at first:: hark!ng, my bean, co know the worst: there the Alleghenies spoke: Thatsoand trans lake and 'prairie broke! ,onset gun of triumph rent /The silence of a centineittl , • That signil from Nebraska sprung; This, float Nevada's m..Untain tongue: Is thatAlty answer, strong and free, t 1 - 1 loyal heart of Te an ess t e y What str.mge. glad voice is that which calla From i'S agncr's grave and dumter's walls? :-N-P - From m round as Matt or the I sslppl',6 llsou'founts tread! ain head A ' There tbatled freedom's CW.rter Oak! in that wild burst .he (ma I. spore! Cheer answer ch. er from Ise to let Of sun. • We ave a eoun y yet! ' The praise . , God, be tilt e alone! Il i Thou givest of for bread a stone:, Thou rant t led cos Ono, gla the ht . 1 . 0 bun ,, e , i t h re turning light: • - 'Not throng its m o uth have we passed, To.perlah. et its mouth at last., , 0 night of pottee. thy flight restrain! • November's moon be slow to wane: thtnetou the freedman's cabin fluor, yOu brows of praer a blessing pour; -':And give:with tell assurence blest, . The weary he t. of "Err edom rest: , • - r-Attantfc, for January. iPHEMUS. —London has a Turkish paper. . —Two feet of snow at Williamsport. --Whisky 's a bad thing, especially bad :whisky. • - —Patti is to sing for three seasons in St. Petersburg, —Santa Anna is in St. Domingo, prepar ing to agitate. • —A son of, Schamyl is a captain in the Russian Czar's body guard. —A New England journal says the "dip per" isiO3aPtist constellation. " —No aitist, it is said, ever equalled Herr. ace Veme,t in drawing—a cork. —A Cincimmtian effectually cured an at tack of the small pox by drowning himself. —The New Orleans Tsn?et speaks e l f the .Republicciri of that city as a Hahn-d organ. —Senator Sprague, the king of modern cottonocracy, is looking up sites for mills in Georgia. • —Long Branch thinks she is not-large enouglato be a city and wants to get 4d of ter charter. —The Chicago Post says Colfax was -obliged to buy a Fairbanks Scale in order to have telly Wade. —"Tr'ollope's Folly," in Cincinnati; built by Madame Trollope years ago, will be sold by the Sheriff on Friday. —Louisville has barely gotten rid of one -of her /newspapers by consolidation, and now she is to, have another_ —The Boston Post says there is to be die - cord at Concord on the 22d in the shape of a Feniale Suffrage Convention. —A german girl, in Milwaukee, died re cently from the effect, of a pint of whisky,. which she drank at a single draught. —A:small boy on Saturday found it so cold that he burned his fingers against the handle of the hydrant in the back yard.- -J. Day's, Esq., B. T., was at a horse race in England the other day, and saw a horse named Abraham Lincoln vrin the race. . —Anna Cora Mo ratt Ritchie says that the death of the Menken was caused by the strap with which she was bound to the horse as Mazeppa. —lCowonder the negro slaves were con -stan.tly running away from Southern sugar plantations, for their masters "raised cane" all the title. —An exchange says: Greeley has.been lecturing on "Women" in Washington, where_there exists a lamentable ignorance ..on that subject. - .-When the late Baron Jacob de Baths. 181iild went to. Paris he was only worth .$200,00@, and•he died .w two thousand times that sum. , —An exchan e, : ikC . ,Oktaking Parepa, calls her • •s,‘;:;r.:". I ,,itarig. The beautiful and gal ''_)rtiaiiiible'songstress weighs _less - ,undred pounds. . -•• tr. - colony of wine growers, is • F.- • tract of land situated on at:fiery 'Ridge which is said to be admir ably adapted for wine grdwing. —Verdi wants the Italian composers to. -unite in composing- a requiem to be per formed-in l3ologna . by Italian artists pn the . drst anniversary of Ressini's death. —Gen. Steinmetz., one of the heroes of Sadowa is seventy-one years old and the father of an infant only a week old. Madame Steinmetz is just nineteen years old. , • -Gail Hamilton is to winter at New York. Persons contemplating a visit to that city sdiould not let this fact trouble - them, however, as New York is large, and , Gall Hamilton is small. —ln New Philadelphia, Ohio, a young =an named:Karns, who had been 'weak and in delicate health, had three teeth ex . tracted'and In three days afterwards died of t. hemorrhage of the gems. —Barron Von Beust, prime minister •of Austria, ieit his house in 'Vienna, the other -day, and Went to Pesth. When he return . .ed he found, some thief had broken in , and :istolenjall of his orders and decorations. —A resident of Elmira reached home the -other night just in time Myrevent his wife from roasting the baby, she having the stove =eddy heated and expressing her intention , to "have one good meal out of that child." -LMassachusetts . politicians concur in .stating that Hon. Geo. S. Boutwell , will be, appointed Secretary of the Treasury under -431ffint. What.yrould Masiabhusette think .if the cabiziet;were made up without touch-' ing itlassachnsetts: -all the' murders now committed , , throughout the country seem to be done by nutdmen, who.for them_ ost part evincetheir insanity ant by a deedof blood. Madhouses seem' to be considered more honorable than penitentiaries or gibbets:* —4l ever there was a hackneyed word, a . poor, miserable, overworked word, it is styl .lBll.';' Once toin'a time, it was a word of distmction brit now to be called stylish is about as bad as be i ng: hun g, that you for it means that you are ugly, vulgar or unprepossess. •Put that some distinction must be found f)r ;you, -.and therefore the poor word is lugged in. - —An English paper illustrates life in the mining districts by this conversation: First collier—" There's been a foire (explosion,) at-Jackson's pits." Second collier—"My .feyther worked there." Firit collier— " Yes, and he's blowed all to pieces." Sec end collier ,-“By gum,he'd got my knoife." '---The Philadelphia Bulletin says the Press calls‘the President, this morning, "the cor poreal wadding of Booth's pistol." We are not prepared to go quite that length. A. J. has doubtless been to the bottom of many a barrel, and is something of an in-trigger, bait "corporeal wadding" is a little too bad. —During the reign of gush in New, York, "dummies" did a good business on horse-cars, securing seats at the beginning of the route and selling them . out at a pre trum down town. One of these chaps was hettid io say that' he had sold his seat three times for fifty cents each, and he would hold on to it next time until he got a dollar. I,—Pittsburghera have been particularly blessed. While our thermometer showed ten degrees above zero, those in Chicago and St. Louis were Mem below, so that when one of us feels his nose freezing off he can render the agony a comparative one by re flecting how much harder it would be freez ing off if it belonged to some man off in the cold dreary West._ —Here is a first rate "four year older." Little Julia L—'s mother lay very ill, and the sweet child having heard some one say that "perhaps mamma would die," went in great grief to the bed to ask if it were so, when her mamma replied that she might die and leave her dear little girl. The poor child, in the midst of her sobs, said: "Then mamma, when you are dead, I am afraid I shall play on Sundays." _ The. Franco-American Submarine Tele graph. The cable of this line, it is reported, Zvi be almost identical in construction with those manufactured for the Anglo-American r Company, in 1866. There is some differ- 7 ence, however. The cable now in course of manufacture will have conducting wires of greater diameter, and the outside wires c l will be made of homogeneous Bessemer n steel, galvanized, and having a breaking " strain of 1,000 pounds, instead of .800 pounds, at which , paint the existing cables can be torn - asunder. The cable from the • Island of St. Pierre to. the American shore, which is 722 miles long, will be covered with a composition of powdered flint and pitch. The deep sea cable, from St Pierre to Brest, is 2,325 miles in length, with al lowance for slack. Soundings have been taken along the proposed route, and the bottom is found to be of the same character as the bed of the existing cables, and is composed of mud and ooze. The new line frill be laid along the Southern edge of the Grand Bank, in deep water. The breaking - strain of the steel cable for the shore ends will be seven and a half tone, and the strain required for submersion will be less than a ton.. The weight of the copper forming the conductor of the deep-sea cable, will be 400 pounds per 100 pounds greater th4t the cable now in use. The Great Eastern under the command of Sir James Anderson, will take the cable on board, in'Jnne, 1869, and; after finishing waling at Brest, will proceed on the expedition. , - THE total vote cast at the recent election is already ascertained to have been over five millions seven huadred thousand, of which General Grant has over three million.. In 1860, the total vote was 4,580,193; an in crease in eight years of . ever one million. A part of this increase must, however, be given to the admission of aegro votes in eight Southern States, which polled for Grant 416,071, and Seymour 435,098 votes, a majority of 19,025 for Seymour. It ap pears that more than.one-half of the South ern vote for Grant was cast by colored per sons, and a small part of the vote far bey mOur can be accredited to the same race, so that fully 250,000 of the increase is rem this cause. In 1860 South Carolina did not cast any popular Tote at all, but Florida did, while it now chooses elettors by Legis lature, as South Carolina did then. Then again, the vote of Mississippi, Texas and Virginia was included in the aggregate for 1860, whielt was not the cue this year, as they had no vote. In. 1860, 800,000 votes were added to the aggregate by the States— full as much as should be deducted for the colored vote, and the vote of South Carolina instead of Florida; so that the number of white persons actually voting in the States now represented is more than one million larger than it was in 1860. In 1504 tbe twenty-five States which voted gave an ag gregate vote of 4,054,789; the same States now give 4,886.128, in increase. of over 800,000 in four years! This fact .alone indi cates the enormous rapidity of growth in these States, for this increase represents an addition to their population of more than four and a half millions. JEFFERSON is at Cleveland, Ohio, from which place he will go to Cincinnati. The subjoined is an extraet from a sermon, on the Theatre, lately preached at Chicago by Rev. R. S. Collier: • "I confess that I never -aw such power, I never remarked such nat. .• . any Chris tian pulpit that it was ever, rivilego to ifit under as in Joseph Jeffers°. Rip Van Winkle. It is nature, no art. So simple; so true; so , beautiful; so moral. No ser mon written in the world, except that of Christ -when he stood with the adulterous woman, ever illustrated the power of love to conquer evil, and to win the wanderer as that beautiful little piece,; so perfectly ren dered by this genius which God has given us to illustrate in the drupa the pOwer of love over the sins Of the ,race." THE LAST PARISIAN ' AGONY.--X. Paris correspondent of the Brooklyn El= "The Grecian bend is entirely Passe. The new attitude is called L'attitude Busse, and g ives an " appearance of immense height. The heels are nearly two inches high, the head and shoulders very erect, and rather thrown back, and the teguet worn with a very tall plume of upright feathers. With this attitude the eyebrowi are worn very straight, the , mouth carried with as much decision as is becoming, and the poodle, ,which is every lady's companion here, should be. shaved au militaire, and his mus tache dyed black. The cane, whichis some. times worn with this . attitisde, is, however, at discretion." CONSITMPTION OF LIQUOR BY RETAIL.- The Special Revenue Comalissioner reports that the amount paid in the United States by the consumers of spirits reiches the sum of $1,483,491,865. The return is compiled from the statements., tinder oath, of the deal ors, for the purpose of taxation and is not likely to be over-estimated. In ' New York, $246,6 1 '7,82 0 were paid; in' Pennsylvlinia, $152,003.425; in Ohio, $151,781,8'75, and in Illinois, $110,033,945. PITISSITR.6II GAZETTE : MONDAY. DECEMBER 14 188 T IMM" FAVVRAWIPED lorrllierarr PAM: No alums KA.= WNW ARTIFICIAL TRIM AIR 011D/SERR. A FIILL WM FOR Mk AT DL SCOTT'S. Alt DOM BTIOEBT, as DOOF. ABOVE RAND. ALL 140IIR WAESANTBD. CALL AND =- AMINE SPROSUNti or ef3l4llllrE, ITS. by,:d GAS FIST WSLAION & KELLY, /inn uhostaren3 and Wholesale Dealers In Lamps, Lanterns, Chandeliers, - AND LAMP GOODS. Ab.. cassoN MID LUBSICATIIie OSA niintrczriciz, &o. N 0.147 Wood Street. se9:u= letrtrwa ISISi end 01 Avenues. t~LABB, CHINE . CUTLERY. 100 WOOD STREET. HOLIDAY GIFTS. FINE VASES, BOHEMIAN AND CHINA, DINNER SETS, TEA, SETS, CIFT CUPS, SMOKING SETS, A. lam stock of ' SLUM PLATED GOODS 3 Call aid eiantine our good's, and we feel eatialed no one need fall to ue suited. 1 .. R. ENBREED & CO. 100 WOOD STREET. PL&NOS. ORGANS. iSitO. BICZ T TM I 32 i r e r uz lp maw. Schentaeker's Geld Medal Plane, AND ESTEY'S COTTAGE ORGAN, The BCHONLAdtrat mute oombluw 'in the latest valuable imprevements known. la the eon• etraotion of a first dam matrunient. aid haialways beat awarded , the hisitutat madam wherever ex hildted. Its tone is fall, sonorous mid sweet. The workmanship. ibr durability and beauty, 1111pASS all others. Pricers from Pe to 4150. tawasedlng to style and IMMO cheaper than all other se.ealleo ant class Piano. OOTTAII. ORGAN Stands at the head of all reed !nutriments. in ire dicing the most perfect pipe quality of tone of say shriller Instrument in the !Jetted States. It Is mut. pie sad minypet in oonstntotten, and not liaine to got out of order. CARPIINTEM , S PATENT "VOX TREMOLO" ha only to be found In this Orgloc. 1 rlce from $lOO to $550. Au guaranteed fez dye yean. BABB, MEE a gulaTiza, Re. 111 T. CLAIR STREET. IDIANOS AND ORGANS--An en, I. tire new sto.k of SNARE'S UNRIVALLED PIANOS; HAINES BROS.. PIANOS: • PRINCE A CO'S ORGANS AND MELODEONS ant TREAT. - LINSLEY * CU'S ORGANS AND MELODEONS. 41. CELATZLOTr deS 43 FlAtit venue, Sole Agent. pIJ(.J:f 1 II BTLEGEL, j " . ( Late Cutter wieW.lferpenhetile,) PiEFAICELANT TAILOR, No. 63 Smithfield. Street, 'Pittsburgh se7R:v2l NEDr FALL GOODS. "!'"' A oplandid mew stool of CLOTHS, CAS£II:ISIS=EWESoke lIENItY Jaet ra ae lyed by sel4: Merataut Tailor. 7aBmlthfield eireet if:U:011141 MBE GREAT AMERICAN COM- A_ BINATION. BUTION4IOIAE OVERSEINIIMi AND SEWIDIG ELLCIELNE. IT NAN NO ECIIIA.L. BEING AIIsOLUTELY THE BEST IN !LACHINE IN THE WORLDAND IN TRINSICALLY THE CHEAPEST. . lap Agents wanted to sell this Machine. ,C. 33.41.1L•81-.lErg. Agent tor Western Pennsylvania. Corner FIFTH AND MARKET STREETS, over Rielsardson,s Jewelry Store. - CEMENT, SOAP STONE, Br.o. RYDRAIILIC , CEMENT DRAIN PIPE. 'Cheapest and best Pipe la the market.. Also, 80. SENDA.L3 ISYDRAULICIVEISSINT ler sale. R. B. & C. A. BRIXTIOrre&VO. Ofeee and Atenntsetory—S4o iIIiBILOCA. ST" Allegheny. A9" Orders by mall promptly attended 1621:ria WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. EE B. LYON; Seater of Weights and Measures, lio. 5 10IIIITH Optio' nrnmotly attended tr. Blank& moss, AitcliarrEcTs, FRUIT HOUSE ASIOOIATION BUILDING% NM I and 4 IL Chile street, Pittsburgh, &• al*" attention given to the. designing and building of COURT HOUSES and PUBLIC BUILDING& ===l NEW !STYLES, of all _descriptions (Between Liberty and Ferry streets. ARCHITECTS. GB AND IifeTIONS HOMY PRESENTS I HOLIDAY PRESENTS ! ROMAN SILK BOWS. Lr oo 40 c>lidsa,rs. LADIES LICE lIIIDEERCIIIEFS. Rosewood Handkerchief and Glove Boxes ATCII STANDS AND ,CIOAD CASES, WRITING DBMS .A.ND ALBUMS The finest and cheapest assiortiment of WAX AND CHINA DOLLS, TRAVELING GASES, CARTE DE VISITE BASKETS, LADIES' & GENTS lINDEIRWEAR, LADIES lINZ rT OFERA. HOODS, The New Striped °Felt Skirt. WOOLEN_ 4t OOblEl at Cost. Fine 'Embroidered Slipper Petters& Besatifal Embroidered Cullaloss. DIAORIIM, GLYDE &..00.. VS and SO Market street. MOO & CI NO. 19 FIFTH AVENUE, THE NEW SKIRT, , "LE PANIER . PERFECTION." ..THE FAVORITE. " "THE POPULAR." • "THE - RECEPTION,' THOMPSON'S TWIN SPRING, "WINGED ZEPHYR," "GLOVE FITTING," COSSETS AND PAT ENT "PANIERS. " THE NEW GORED OVER SKIRT, "BELLE HELENE," richly embroidered; an elegant street Or Skating Skin. RICH RIBBONS FOIL BOWS, SCARFS AND SASHES. ROMAN STRIPES AND PLAIDS: tiATHIS, all shades ind widths. 'FLOWERS. PLUMES, HATS AND BONNETS. LADIES AND CHILDREN'S MBRINO UNDER WEAR, The . richest and latest novelties in GIMPS, FRINGES AND BUTTONS. We espectally direct attention to the great excel lence .1 the HARRIS SEAMLESS (Rontliont KID GLOVES" over ail others. and for which we are the Sole Attests. A complete lice of GENTLEMEN'S "STAR" SHIRTS, SUSPENDERS, GLOVItS, HALF HOSE, UNDERSHIRTS AND DRA.WERS. SELLING ENTS FOR LOCKWOOD'S PAPER GOODS, and alt other popular makes. • 1111 CRIN & CIRLISLB, N 0.19 FIFTH AVENUE. ikoZ A MERRY CHRISTMAS! NEW GOODS FOR THE HOLIDAYS DENNISON & HECKERT, NO. 27 FIFTH AVENUE, Have Jost retched a large and Judiciously assorted stuck ur EMBROIDERIES, TILIMMII% GB, Kid Gloves. -Handkerehlefi, Slipper ratters's. Zephyr Goods, Scarfs and. Gents Furnishing Goods, and mottoes generallv. A s t l i c e nt o selection la affordod in special novelties s HOLIDAY' PRESENTS, to which the attention of lady readers 13 ' specially . DENNISON & HECKERT, liaa DICES MARKED DOWN. JL• BARGAINS IN ALMOST EYEBATH'S& -REAL REV STITCH, all Linen, -HANDKEB *CIIIBFS,I7e, 19c, MSc and upwards. TAPE BO Kb &SSD LLNEN HANDBEECHIEFS' flyjc. Sc to 500. • Ail oar HATS it frte-halt regular prices. kit the no Behalf Mel. eIaiSTS and Bradley's latest styles of iioOr BRUM, at the Lowest Prices In the City. Mil's' BIBISII7O VEST and DEAWEBS, 40c to 0,00. AT EATON'S, No. 17 Fifth Avenue. deb ' - le);lete):Toi;W: Q 2212111 • - -.,-, '..1, s ' 4 '''' ', ' ' ''''. ' "4" A A ...e 4 ,' • , 'L : 1Y : ':'''' /, ir ,‘,4 'k iT.' q e " '' tr ' 1 . 0 41 ~, 4 ;;; 'i, 4„' ,$•:, i:,..'Al IEI s ' '.., t:.,'J ~ , , ,,' A154 , 1, 1 - -'i•ezre,. 6. - .44.4 • P`v , ..!.;.• '. ~,..,,,,- . :':;• - . 1 '.3 1 4..0 4 . , ., 't T . Al ..,• , ;1 ,1; ',. ti ' t .' ID . ' . ,41 1 :1 ,r FerP4. k; k 3, :••;•1 V - 4%,1 f„..f • :•; s : ;_. t '.•)-, • ; T—...1 a '! —4 --"; 1 10 • A im, .. -. 7 t ABB SUPERIOR TO ANY OTICBUD OFFERED IN Tim CITY. LLZMON 1 1 3 32AR. 3 8 . 0DA. For Sale by Every Grocer in the City. Bakery, No. 91 Liberty St. nol2 COAL AND COKE. H J.. LANCES DYER` AND SCOURER. ziO. S ;s;x.. cx,Ant, writiaiwr And No% 185 and 187 Third Street, prrrazineon. T C011131 . 0N . Machine IRMO WOrkao Northwest corner of West Common, Allegheny. FRETIM ATWATER. & 00. Save on 113sege:1,r..; abed notice Ynd Vsntts, Ac. He.. an. Tomb Stones, ne: Orders ormanOir eXpantati. Sto nes, ressansbia 12E11 TOBACCO AND CIGARS. ExCELSIOII , 'WORKS. •E. r .733iNIEIDISON, 1 snsitistarers sad Dealers rJbale. b, Snuff, Cigars, Pipes, &a., tr: 8 PEDEtiAL ST.. A.LLE4III:IOnr Ire ' 54; *** " 'Barred Flannel, Da' c>w C)/Zrerecl, II:EL1101 1 , DICKSON & CO. LACE GOODS, IitYBLERY, NO. 27 FIFTH AVENUE EiTOpZ. DRY (}GODS lITTMNG EXTRA HEAVY A VERY PROF, STOCK, IN GOOD STYLE. WHOLESALE. rO3M'W 4 5 0/ 4 WOOD STREET. u .l" ' vi w 4 , 2, 0 ... 0 . g ;Tz - el IP Si Aa E 4 , gt - FZ., 11 01 W 4I 0 i c l a a ii A i 12 4 2 ;s , 1 V 'L ' E:I. `' -1 1 E A &I a Ai 1- , grAlgiA fa 14 . db Pi . ' 4 t=' Pi . -, w.. . r oi 4 0 ~,,, ~,., 101 ce, ra ;T; Or. 15 w f : 1 i. 2 ,, , 4 0 z Pa ' El!I lo , 4 Ak ri 14 • . 4, PI 0 LOSEVG OUT SALE OF C • 131.11.71 r Cr 0.10071135, For Thirty Days, Commencing this day at • • • J. Bt. 'ORCECEDILTI & CO'e 52 ST. CLAIR STREET. Now b the time to gat useful HOLIDAY PRES ENTS. CHEAP. Everything reduced in price. Stock all new. .POPLINS for 31c. worth 40: AM NE tiB for DSc. worth 31%: - CLOAKING C 1..0 rHS tor 4%73 worth $3,7a; ALP AC .8 for 80c. worth 138, CHINTZ ES for 50c. worth OS; PAISLEY SHAWLS for $13,00 worth *20,00: PLAID KRA wLs ror es,ou worth so,so; • 2dVaLLN forDOic. worth 13; • Linen Cambria Handkerchiefs, Lace Bander. kerchiefs. Table Linens. Napkins, Towels. and a full assortment of everydeserlptlan of Dry Goods. No. 61 St. Clair, near Liberty St. 87. 'EL"' 87. NEW 0-434:33351 . , WATERPROOF—aII colors and qualities. CASSIMERIS—for Me Ws and Boys' Wear. LADIES' CLOAKlNGS—Largeaasoitmeut. YEENCH AND ENGLISH MERINOS. IRISH POPLIN--SLOO per yard. VELOITS POPLINS. SILK POPLINS. PALERMA CLOTH—for Suits. BLACK SICILIAN LUSTERS. BLACK AND COLORED EMPRESS CLOTHS— Large variety. VELVETEENS—for Suite. ELECTRIC CLOTHS. Larger assortment of PLAIDS. etoek of DRESS GOODS, at Liweet Beaten Prices. THEODORE P. PRILLIPt's 87 MARKET BTR ET. oat . 168 •••••••••••• • ••••••••••••• NEW NEW. ALPACCAI NEW MOHAIR. ' BLACK SILKS. HOSIERY and G F.SOU far No. 168 'ii'ylle 1613. rIM/Hif DICCANDWS & CO.. " 14 - 1 (Late Wilson, Carr &(V") WHOLIMALUI DEALERS IN . Foteign and Domestic Dry &was, , , No. 94k1VOOD STBIET. Third door above Diamond alloy. • wrf . s#Aittell. PA. CONFECTIOMMEtM3. GEORGE BELVEN, 111.6XIMACTOILIS dUEAM CANDIES AND TAFTEEIi, And dealer In all kinds of FRUITS, NUTS, PICK. LES, SAUCES. JBLLIEO. . ite.; &e. 119 FEDERAL 02shear. 11:101)1EIC r TIOCN 54. CARPETS, CtaCia .1 - " C..4C) gr X 3 36ra, ireo .9 We Offer our stock at reduce() prices for a• SHOUT TIME befort commencing to take stock Now is the time,fo buy. • BOVARD, ROSE & - CO. 21 FIRM AVENVE. 11.1:4Lwr DECEMBER 1868, FOR 30 DAYS ONLY CARPETS .A.Rr XLMTI-AXL, LESS THAN WHOLESALE PRICE,S We , offer FOR A FrA WEEKS ONLY our goods at E large reduction from regillal rates. Our stock is fall ani complete in all departments and we shall sell the best aual. ities and styles of Carpets a . prices at -which we cannot re. place them, giving our cus. tomers an oppFtunity of ob. tabling Bargains that mal never be offered again. Thii special sale will °outing only until the time of takb4 our annual inventory of steel at the end of this month. ITARLAB (ttOLLINS 71 I`(D 78 FIFTH AYE UL ANNUAL REDUCTION. otra azdtitka.. DECEMBER CLEARANCI SALE hi nov:fhlly iiistigarated, at nrices tbat Pe care BETTEE BAEIIAINS THAN EVER ve FORE. In OA3MED -r iE I SO OIL CLOTHS, IVIATTIPICS Good Carpets for 25 cents a Yard OLIVER, M'CLINTOCK AND COMPA 2A Fifth qtreet M. MILLEI.4 (Late Miller & Ricketeon,) Nos. 221 AND 223, Corner Liberty and Irwin Streets Offer to the trade at Low Figures: 150 pkgs. of NSW MACKEREL, In barrel!, halves, quarters and kits. 100 chests - choice YOUNG - BISON, JAPAI and IMPERIAL TEAS. -- 50 sacks choice RANGOON RICE. kITS bbis. choice. CAROLINA RICE.' 83 75 bbls. LONG ISLAND SYRUP. 50 bids. SYRUP, choice brands. 100 'tibia. N. 0. MOLASSES. • 50 bile. BERMUDA. MOLASSES. - 200 able. REFINED SUGAR. Mids. PORTO RICO, CUBA and D EMA RABA SUGARS. 200 bags RIO COFFEE. 50 bogs JAVA and LAGUATRA. COFFEES.. 100 cases IMPORTED CLARET. 950 cases MOVAC A CRANDON'S CHAM PAGNE WINES SCOTCH ALE and LONDON PORTER coal' stantly oa hand. . 29600400 ACRES OF EMI CHOICE LANDS FOR SALE Vll4ols Pacific Railroad Company : l ZASTRItS DIVISION. Lying along the line of their road, at $l l OO TO $5,00 PER ACRE, ovEs. JR 16S. And on a CREDIT OF ITT& 'MAIM For farther partiordnrs. raspn, do.. addreea. • Joan P. ngvzszirx,' Land , Coombsloner. Topeka, Kama .10 or citis. B. LAnsoloN, seen St. touts. Mtteotit ME • • MONET 1 MONEY ! !-$4,000 trki iv' Invest. In a Diortgage City •or Count*" Property'. for a term of three years., ' 41%000 to loan on Bond and Illortrage for d yeara.Fs WANTS-A—business or ACCarainodawillll Payer to;" 1110 itmorint. of 820 , 000; time from 60 days to months.' 6l WANTED — To exelondi . a Farm Of 100 Acres off: Land In tilssonrl fur lone andborlsot wa gon.A.poly to B. DIcLAIN & CO.. ,s 7, dpi i C.ruer Fourth ay. owl 211:atlalcld st. r ` &Cy &c., &C. BY TSB