0 Wooden Railways. correspondent.of the - Montreal Gazette gives this interesting account of a wooden . railway now in operation at Clifton, in Northern New York, near the Canada line, and on` which- immense, quantities of iron ore are transported from the Adirondack mines : 2,-.The grading is the same as for an iron ' road, except that , stiffer grades car. be is , cended. The ties are of the ordinary de scription' 'but are not squared on any side, and on the Clifton road are placed at the usual diatance of three feet apart, except' on the trestles, where there are three tree to every two yards. In future, howeier, the engineer proposes to put the three ties: to every two yards, as he proposes running heavier engines. The rails are of maple, six inches by four; but in future their shape will be altered a' , little without increasing the quantity of timber, making.theM three and a halfinchei --- on top, by seven 'lnches deep, so as-to - be better adapted to he increased weiiht-of engines . (fourteen I tons instead of ten). ' Notches are cut in the-round ties to-such a depth es to'keep the bottoth of the rail about two inches from the ground after the road, is ballasted. and the rail projects sufficiently above the notched tieto allow the flange of the wheel to pass, . The rails are fastened to the ties by a couple of hard wood - wedges; driven in opposite directions on the outside of the rail, within the notch. This has the effect of making the whole stmerstructitre one solid mass, without the adtion of any spikes or pins. _ In making . the curies, the fail,itself is, bent to the required shape, so that there is no angularity whatever in- the line of rails._- The trestles are of the simplest description. , They consist:of two upright sticks of square timber, immediately under the rails, let into a transverse stick, which= are braced to the sticks of timber laid lengthwise from one trestle to another, immediately under the 'line of rails, in each direction. i This is further supported by a similar stick of tim ber at each side, from the head of the trestle to the base, in a slanting direction, the whole of which is litinfo a squared log at i the base. The wooden rail is not a new n vention, but Mr.. Hulbert;-:the engineer, has succeeded in making `it 'available without using a particle of iron in the whole struc-c -tare, and has, moreover, -demonstrated that each railways can be used forlong distanees at a moderate cost, and this through corm- , try where an iron line, as ordinarily con- ' stracted, would be practically an engineer ing impossibility. Mr. Hulbert says that he is willing to' contract to lay - the superstrae-, tare of a wooden railway of his own - proved construction at the rate of one thou sand five hundred dollars, - American cur rency, a mile, where maple and hemlobk can be obtained at reasonable rates. -Since any visit I have become so convinced of the extreme usefulness of such linei of railways developing the resources of a new COUll h7,and acting as feeders to, the trunk lines, that I have no hesitation in prophesying that_before manr_yeara we; shall find them running in dtr.vtions' through- the Do= BM - The Vltigan Colliery F , ~[pioalon On the morning , of the 28* of NoveMber, - About nine o'cloc k , a terrible — arplosion of fire damp occurred in - the Arley mine-cif the Eindleygreen collieries, about two .. and a half miles from Leigh and- abcF ut fourteen from Manchester. At the time ofthe accident . upwardsof thre e hundred men were in the pit. The mine is about three hundred yards deep, and is worked with an up and dOWn shaft: %The- niderground manager 4t , as 'at theWiE•rks -at thelime of the explo `slon _which occurred'inst a ft er the men had breakfasted. In.- the immediate vicinity of - the-:eiplosion itself the whole of the men, and" boys were killed or seriously injared. .-There was at oncea rush of those unin ,Jtted to .;" - the pit-eyes, and large numbers were - rescued, suffering only from fright. The injured, about twenty in number, were Tircolight away and at once attended to. The ~.:task of removing the bodies of the killed was necessarily a very 'slow and painftt: one, as the workings took fire. By;_pro o'clock in the afternoon thirty-eight bodies ..,i;i.fere brought to the surface, and a larke 7 , ` number, variously estimated at from forty to eighty, were missing. - The origin of.,the accident is unknown, as the ventilation was said to be excellent. It is suppdsed that some workman must have removed the top from his lamp and that a sudden rush of gas caused the explosion. The at,' mosphere was very heavy at the time. The bodies were in many cases . fearfully ured, rendering identification very diftlaUlt. It is remarkable that all the men igh iF out were yqung men, the eldest' not' being apparently over thirty years of-age. A portion of the wcaltingi - were on fire l rendering it difficult to get at the whole - ef the bodies. The number of those left in the pit this afternoon was unknown. Forty seven persons, it is thought, were killed and ten others severely burned by the explosion. At six a'clock in the afternoon the firemen made an inspection and reported:that all was safe. Both of the firemen were killedi" The workings extend east and west.-- On the east side one hundred'and fifty men worked and on the west sixty or seventy. All on the east aide escaped; nearly all on the west were killed. Several escaped with burns. A few penetrated the ihoke damp and one was restored by artificial respiration; bat fifty-six were suffocated and one has died from his burns. The extremity of thework ings was not reached until:-six hours after the explosion. Fifty-four bodies now lie in the.workings near the Ipit. The Govern inspector has been ddown the pit since noon. <<~:: ~~ti _ . A Man Killed by Bears. , The bayton (Oliki) Journal of Monday says: Captain Worst, of the canal boat-Senti nal, No. 2, met with 'a tragic fate one day last week. Captain W. started from the Junction for a deer hunt, to be absent only a portion the day. He did not return the same evening; and not getting in the next - forenoon,his mea• thought that something was wrong, and started in quest of him. About the middle of the afternoon they found his dead body. He had evidently had a combat with bears, and he had been over. powered and most terribly torn by their fangs. His gun lay a kw feet from his; and the.barrel was bent out of shape, and the stock had bean hammered into frag. ntente, which plainly indicated thatthe eon. filet had been terrific. -A few rods distant away, a large buck was "swung up" against a tree, arid a portion of it had been devoured by bears./.—the tracks indicating the kind of animal which had made the attack on him: It is the most terrible death in the woods that we have heard of for a number of years. The Captain hid evidently bad a very bard fight—the grounds being beaten with the tracks of the combatants for several rods around—and he had died game. The probability is that Captain Worst came upon the ears after they had begun to feast on hick, and in attempting to despatch the ferocious brutes Ahey turned - on Mtn, and proving more than a match. for him,! he .! lost his life in a manner so fearful that it makes one shudder to contemplate the affray. • • • . - • • . . . . • • - . a ; The Theory of Getting' Drunk. Most of thatclass of persons who indulge in tippling are filly acquainted` with the - 1 practice of getting boozy, but are ,unac -1 quainted with the theory of how it is 'done. 1 1 4 their benefit, as well as those who have neierindulgedin the practice, we give the folrowing theory from the North British Review: "At the biginning of - a carouse of a drunkard; alcohol stimulates the action - of the heart, which now sends blood rapidly to the Itings for aeration. A large supply, gt of blood disks conaequentiy reach the brain,- which 'is ' stimulated into activity. The ideas f the drinker7-now flow rapidly—at_ first coherently, but without control; the brain matter wastiatoo rapidly, !and delft.- urn ensues.— Dminglhis time the volatile alcohol-is - Iliffusiiik itself through the sys tem, converting arterial inte-yenotis blood, and 'biding that fluid with a spirit which has a tendency to prev e nt change in the tissues, so that the drun k ar d becomes stu pid, falls off his chair in the stupor "of sleep, or if too far gone, dies of venous apoplexy." ♦' Mlii A Wholesale Poisoner. The Geneva papers sumounce a trial which is destined to create a great sensation in Switzerland. The accused, a nurse, named Seanneret, is charged with poison ing not fewer than nine different persons, whom she had , within the space of six months lieen engaged to attend. The sub stances used were belladonna and antra phine, an extract of the same. - and to obtain them she simulated a partial ' blindness for which they are employed as a remedy. ' The woman appears to have had a monomania of crime, as she neither robbed her victims nor derived any benefit from their death; she is even said to have nursed them with great tenderness. She was at length detect _nd by a French painter named B—,Whose wife she had attended. Madame at . ter showing symptoms of poisolung, recov ered, when the accused, <inding that 'die was suspected, absconded. She was, how' ever, subsequently' traced and arrested: 7 lz unexpectedly that she had no time' to con ceal the poison that -she had in her posses sion, and all of which .are in the hands of justice. Health of Napoleon.. ' • The apprehensions entertained as to the, health of the Emperor Napoleon seem to be well founded. "Not only," says a cones: pondent, "did he not mount on horsebac and follow the hounds at the grand hunt the other day at Champeigne , but contrary to his murk practice, he acceptcd assistance while getting into and alighting from his estrriage.y At the shooting party one could see that lite walked with great difficulty and seeming Tamenessointgeng hie legs, which wore epread rather wide apart, after him as it:Were, Mid with his arms held out to ste ady nrovementet. On the evening of the dune a - Asir-was placed for him on the bal- COrty . of the chateau, on which he continued seated until the conclusion of the affair; al thotigh-the'Empress and Princess of Wales were-both standing. At the performance at the theatre too, a night or two afterwards, he sat with his head bent forward on his chest the whole time, seemingly perfectly inattentive to everything that was going on. IT is reported that the Erie Railroad Company has leased the Atlantic and Great Western Railroad for a term of • twelve years upon condition of the Erie Company paying thirty per cent. of the gross earn ings, or a minimum of $BOO,OOO yearly in the event of the thirty per cent. of the earn ings falling below that amount. The Erie Company engages to keep the track, sta tions and rolling stock of that road in re. pair, and gives to that Company the option of renewing the lease at its expiration. The arrangement will give the Atlantic and Great Western Company an amount more than sufficient to cover the interest_ on its bonds due under the recent , arrangements with the bondholders. THE LAST male descendant of Gustavus Vasa, M. de Stierneld, died on'the 14th ult., at Stockholm. He was born in 1791, and entered the diplomatic service in 1811. In 1813 he Went to Germany with the SW(idish Crown-mince, was appointed ,ehims d' Tirrjfill;es the Hague in 1814, and-Came to - Lon - don a's Swedish Envoy Eitriodiniirk land Minister Plenipotentiary in 1818. In*? 1838 he obtained the portfolio of Minister:43 Foreign Affairs at Stockholm. He held.tliis post until 1842,, and resumed it inlB4B, when anew ministry was appointed by : Oscar. He finally withdrew from public_affairs in 1856. sPEiLTA :Notio . - : AND THE VIGOR OF :YOUTH restored 'in (bur weeks. Suc cess_guaranteed. , DR; RICORD!S ESSENCE OF =LIFE restores manly powers, from whatever cause arising" the effects or early pernicious habits, self abuse,impotency and climate give way !at once to this wonderful medicine, if taken regularly accord ing to the directions, (which are very simple. and - require no restraint from business or Veasure4 Failure is impossible. , Sold in bottles at•U: , or form 'ireantities in one for $9: To be had only of the sole appointed agent in --America, GERITZEN, SilOttf Betonct Avenue.- New York. ; .• -- te13:164,178 - - IgrPHILOSOPILY OF NAIL - - RLAGY, 411E4 Mariner Lectures. as de. unwed at the 1. York Museums otAnatomy, em. bracing the subjects: Bow to itve=_ - : and what to live for: Youth, Maturity and Old lifit; lianhood.gener ally reviewed: the-cauSe of In estion, tlitulenes and nervous diseases stoociunted or; Marriage !All osophically:contidered, - - Ac. Pocket .volumes con. Mining these lectures will be tonsarded to parties enable to attend, on receipt of four:stamps, by ad. dressing SBORETART, - .New York - Museum Of Anat. ozny and science, 618 Broadway, New York. Jen:lo4're --; arBATCHELOWS 'Lila DYE. - This splendid Hair Dye is the best In the world; the only true and perfect Dye; harmless reliable, instantaneous; no dissp_pointment; no l ' ridionlous tints; remedies the Hair ec andbad dyes; invigo• raths and leaves the soft beautiful. block or /mon. Bold by all Druggists and t er m , No properly applied at Batcbelors Wit lfuetonr, No. 16 Bond'street. New York. aM:p2B , ..—„,—.. ... AUCTION SALES , .L - _-_, -BY IL B. 8111THBON& 00. 7 - --t ee . -. --- Bans, SHOES AND CARPETS FOR THE MILLIOX. ... - AT •' • SMITHSON'S EMPORIUM, 53 AND 57 FIFTH it.V.ENITB: Ileum H. B. SMITHSON et C 0.., ro l oprietors or the well knows' Mammoth Auction Hoise are erea • ting an excitement consequent upon the arrival of new 'goods which are being sold at remarkable low prices.. Goods - of every variety,* the finest sewed tvoto; the most fashionable bahooral gaiters and ,anklet ehs, slippers, &c . blankets, 'flannels. cloths. CAS l iner's , cutlery arid carpets. • Call and examine. „No trouble 'to show goods. , Ladles', misses a d children's fuss as almost your' own prices. All goods wartaated as represented NM BY A. =MATT. LEASE OF STORES FEDERAL STREET AND DIAMOND ALLEGHENY, AT AVCTION. There wb sold fa loc k. endset on MONDAY. December 14 t h , at Ao' the lease of that valu able business property southvrest corner of Federal street and the Diamrd. consisting cf the corner building on Federal treet: 18 by OD feet. for many Tears occupied 'as a merchant tailoring mlOll6ll - 3t. ands good store room In rear of the above, on the I/L=ond. now occupied. as a grocery store. There are three very good cellars. The lease ex tends eight years from next April. Ground rent 1350 a year. Possession or Federal street store given March 1; of toe Diamond store, April 1. To tal rents will yield $l, 800 I year. A credit will be given. lhe super-excellent char ter of thls location is too well known by Mashie 9 men to require coin metdew a. . A. LE r GATE, Auctioneer. PITTSBURGH GAZETTE': SITU R DAY. _TiECEMBER 12. 1888. "ITESTERDAY I A TODAY-.. AND FOREVER. poem in IS books by Edward Henry Blekeisterth, A. 14.,112 'me., bevelled boards, gilt top, SQ. "Thus is a remarkable poem, and. one likely to at ' tra ct a great deal of attention — imperial Review. • The most simple, the richest, and most sacred poem which recent days have produced. „ —Loadoe iforniag Advertiser. • coxsTsivez.AimmEit t A Sto l z of the Seventeenth Century. One vol, 19 The plot of "Conatiinee Aylmer" is laid in the tine when New York was a Dutch colony and Eng- land was ruled by Cromwell, - The condition of Manhattan Island and the surrounding country is graphically sketche an ce s t orss an reproducedf our Dutch and Englishare with wonderful fidelity. and at the same time with a live liness and humor which throw a charm around a story valuable for its historical accuracy and of ex- Sting interest. • ROBERT S. DAVIS,_ aavivris 93 WOOD STREET GLASS SHL&DES-P. Z. & D. 47, 11E9ifIFIRTERN 47. -YOB • BOYS' CLOTHING. Gray & Logan, NO. 47 ST. CLUE STREET, -3 STAINED GLASS---p. B. & FURS ! FURS!! CHOICE AND FRESH AT !'CORD & COI'S. 1024 131 WOOD STREET. GLASS SHADES FOR FLOWERS ARD WAX lima, Oval, Square or Round ROCK THE BABY . EARNEST'S PATENT ,CRIB. BOLD OILY BY LEMON ec Practical Porniturcr 119 irotarr.ir 'A. ENtTE Where may be found a fall atiortment ofParlor. Chamber sue Kitchen Irurnlture. polo QPECIAL PATTERN!!-P. Z. & D RENOVAIL--ON OR BEFORE DECEMBER Ist • - W. P. MARSHALL , WIII remove his stock of , WALL PAPERS, th• old stand N 0.17 WOOD STREET. to the newly fitted and:elegant store house, 2(0 191 riBERT.Y , STREET, i,foors above - ST. CLAIR 11E SASS SHADEOLFOR _PLOWER§ A.261 - *TAX FRIA?, _ .0761:-'13(mazi WANTED COMBIISSION,- ' - ONE ITU2II;IS.7tED TONG 0.? -3 PCOUir-d r iUar l i; FOR THE HOLIDAYS The hlgbeit market pities and quick sales guaranteed. Mark packages distinctly and send voices by mall.. H. P. - 11ALLAROic CO. Commiesion Merchants, sam—Washilaßton etre. New York. nor7:s3rP CRYSTAL CLEAR Glass Skaiea.; LL AND ELAND/1E THE, large 'assortment of FAIWT COAL HODS AND VASES, LOIRE IRONS AIU 40ANDS, Emmxwats, Also,. EARNS , PATENT CHURN ATTACH- Mlf,Pi T at theiHardware store of • WHITESIDES. DRUM, PEDERA.L BT.. ALL/GREW! Ira STAINED GLASS-P. Z. &D. OLOVERSEIED. :CST RECEIVED. J. KNOX, In Liberty . Street. no29:rnre GLASS SHADES . FOR. FLOWERS AND WAX PIM= Oval, Sitars or Bound. GOOD NEWS. ERBAP' BREAD IN DEAR Tri os je,iiquire WARD'S 33rettd, • Tt e Piezest and best. The inithai "H. W." on eveiy tear. Time none else. a„4:Trt, GLASS SHADES-P. 4&. D. • • - - • ' • I - • •.. • - •. , - IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT. • . GREAT - KEDOVIION IN PRIM]. Tobacco, Cigars & Whiskey. ISAAC STERN; No. 10? , ,Feleral Street, above the Market, ALLEGHENY CITY, PA., Respectfully announces to his friends that he !s -now offering his stock, consisting of the rINEST OIGARS, TOBACCN), &0., And the *CREST Lit/VORA, itotA r ices taE,B TIIANEYES =OFFERED IN 411. 1 •Beinem l the plate, No. 162 PEDptAL ST.; .1.1./AGEtelry Orri, set:WO-flys I GLASS SHADES FOR - FLowißa Axiy - 30ex riturr Oval, Square or Bound. A CHOICE LOT • 41// , - • - • // No. 87 FIFTH AVENUE, FrrTtatnz as. PA. P. DUFF Author of Duff's S ystema Of Book. keeping. PIIESIDENT. - • Established twenty.elght yeart,-having educated many trarands of Merchants, Bankers and Ao eounta ts in the United States and Canadas In the most perfect class Instruction, and Is now the first, College In America to Introduce the new important improvement of combining that class Instruction with comprehensive exercise In. • REALI• BUSINESS, By WM. H. CRAULEB P. and Rostili , nuriP, keptxperenced extensi v e Aecoantanta, each having books In extensive firms. giving our students the rare opportunity of beaming at once practical Aceonntants. DUFF'S new system of Merchants, Manufseturer's, National - Bank, Railroad , and Private Bankers _ irkz4G4, Splendldlyprinted in colors by HARPER & BROTR ERS. Hew York., 'pp. 400. Crown 5v0.,_113 75. Postageonc. The only containing National Bank t h e Privat e Bankersl_iccomits. No other work of kind has been so unanimously and em phatically-recommended by the press, by business men, by teachers, and by those who have been edth. sated mom It. See our new Circular, containing also lac simlle of WM. H. purrs First Premium Penmanship, Medals. do. Mottled Ave by, • P. DUFF at SON', Prlinolipals, . DUFF & SONS, 124 S_ J eeond Avenue, Pittsburgh, Gommissten Merchants. Mannfactnrers, Agents, and Wholesale Dealers In Flour, Grain, and all kinds of Produce. Consignments .d Advanade. Send tor oar - Weekly Pri ce toe C m nnrent. norlesedditY WM. MILLER, • • (Late Miller & Rleketsen,) Nos. 221 AND 228, Corner Liberty and Irwin Streets, • • Otei to the trade at Low ilottee:- i 150 pkgs. of NILW MACKERBL, in barrels. • mutes, quarters and kits. 100 cheats ebolce YOUNG HYSON, JAPAN and IMPERIAL TEAS. 50 sack, choice RANGOON RICE. lib • - bble. choke CAROLINA RICE. . 73 DWI. LONG DiD/LND SYRUP. SO bble.-81-ittfP, _ - •Zhoice brands. 100 bblai'N-r-0. MOLASSES. 50-bbltr: BERMUDA VOLASSII3. iloo . .bbla. REFINED SUGAR. 1111 hbde. PORTO RICO, CUBA. And DENA ,- - -RABA SUGARS. 000 bags RIO COFFEE. 30 bags JAVA and LAGUATILA comas. .3.00 eases IMPORTED CLARET. 050: casesmow a CRANDON'S CRAY -- Lr'PAlliNE WINES*OI43II ALE and LONDON PORTZE con stantly on hand. PROPOSALS. The Building Committee F O Re WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA HOSPITAL THE INSANE ..at.T.Mmont. Will receive _Proposals until the /OtE DAY OF DECEMBER, for the erection and closing In ••tbe Eastern Extension ofthe Hospital," atecirding - to the _plans and specLtications adopted and approved by teem. The plans and 'specifications can be examined at c the• Hospital until the WOO above mentioned for re elving Proposals must be marked as such end sto Commit. MILLER, Jr.. Chairman of the Building tee, Pittsburgh. Bids will be opened at the Hospitalsitrthe 15th' of December. _ __The- Committee reserve the right at their discra• mon to reject any or all bids not deemed to the inter est of he institution or satisfactory to the commit-. tee, By order of the n024-a55 BUILDING COMMITTED:,' _ . HUH, prfialim.l-.Cook entestrany annosscesio iht public that he will — Ol Saturday aDd Noriday Nett, Open to tie Pahl. the DE L MON ICO RESTAURANT , FOR GEN'I'LEMZN ONLY. It will be his earnest endeavor to bullish its pa irons at all times with the most palatable viands which the market ors the season affords. The LIQUORS, WINES ortartous dates ALE. BEER, etc will be their own recommendat ion. oudersibr tine Cooking for Weddlngt, and other Testivals, will,' as heretutbre , be promptly and cheaply attended to, rept:Leming patronage. . LATE 603 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIAZ Worms Ida Mends and - natrone In Plttabargh triat _te-te noir connected with EDWARD P. HELL , South-east corner of CHEM.-HT iaieszyzakpra 13THEEM the RILL-newAL ZitERCHAEXT.AILOH OF PHILADELPHIA, and can now ftrulidt-them with clothes 9IIPEHIOR In . ereilYeipect to Mote he has heretofore Riven them, and at MODERATE_ PRICES. " - J. 1. SWINT J. W. '811 4:TT.....,• .Z. BBAIT. SW/NT, BRA & ARCHOECTMIAL AND ORNAMENTAL CARVERS, __No, ILSattilitiky Bt., Allegheny, Pa. ,Aiiiig'ikissortment of NEWEL POSTS and BAL. IST ,R constantly on hand. TURNING, of.all descrlotlone. done. •-• oc9:v KEYSTONE POTTERY. Q M. KIER Or. 00. , ---. mannfitetarere or - - 44rEENswARE. BRISTOL WARE Office and Warehouse, 383 LIBER*-ATIUSIIT. SrAll orders nromptly attended 6. noll7 W. 9, CONODILIZE YOUR:FUEL by _LW using the SHIVA CIENTIUTVG4I: GOVERNOR , the onlitrue and easily regulated tfinrernor made; perfect ln its operations and truly reliable. A large site Governor . can be seen at 'the' onlee of ' , Erica- VAL BEGKETT, NechanlealAnglneer and Solici tor of Patentsi,No.. 79 Feder* street, Allegheny City, _the enly-agunt fokthls4tovernor them-est. se22ix9El - NitaLl7e3" Cit n yltDrc i l o try order. FRESH WHITE LAKE FISH, SALRION. AND BASS, 'to, - No: 45 DIAMOND MARKET. otrekor ble old well knoryn,TlN/NOITT !STAND, leghtny market . 000 :IVIONEY! Pklifirkll—s4,ooo to J . • Invest la a•Afaiticiare - an City or Bounty fatty, for • terni:of threeyears. . 0100 to loan on Bond analfoitgage for 2 years. -AB TBD—BuslneaVer Alittnitnoisitlen Paper to Alit Se:mute ; of $20,090; Clint -front 00 'days to 4 tustls-- - - , ..-• ...- ~ • :-, -, , ',. , D - •wANTEß — Tosevelts363lr aarat of .100,Aeres of Land In aftstourl for tv. nilWiforse and Spring 3Vegon.Apoly to -f' . c...i"-BZ.MeLAIN 4 CO., , b 4 Corn 7 erTeaellir ay. and Staltheeld st. ARLEY. , 1 2,500 BUSHELS CHOICE SPRING AND FALL In store end ter sale Sy arz.A.Non LIBERTY STREET. GREEN OIL CLOTH FOR WIN. OW SHADES—We are now manufacturing tats article of a onallty stroerior In finish, and at prices lower than can be hod of any Eastern mann iketurere. Dialers will End it to their interest to examine our goods. before nurebaslej elsewhere. _ J. H - PHILI, no3o 26 and 28 Sixth St f o rmer St LPS . Ohur. PATE DE FOIL ' GRAS. 0 F fresh Importation,- out up In rano' note, Just -remised 11114 tor , sale at the Family Ciror:ery store o! -• 0011)/ A. RENertAW. de2 • corner Liberty and Hand streets. -- -- LIND IA RUBBER BELTING HOSE, STEAM PACKING AND ROPE, OIIND AND aguans.)—A full supply on nand. old to the trade on as good terms ea can be had from the meaufaaturer J. IH. PHILLIPS. _ _ a EARL AIPHT-410 casks No. 1 In store and for sale by -Lion J. B. CA VIFIRLD & BON. r `tIEKENT-410 barrels Hydraldle Cement 1n store and for sale by J. B. CANYIBLD & BON. GREEN APPLES-7125 banels in skne ftud tor sale br °Aram:fp a sow Ruu 33. • • IG LEAD-500 Pigs Soft Galleon in at ore andlor sale nOl7 J. CANiTELD & SOX. ODA ASH-100 tons choice lb brands 1* agora sad fur sale by • m a • . 41, B. CANYLKLB k MN. • BEN numuLuir . • _. „..... _, , INSURANCE COMPANY. ..- - OF ALLISIBMY 9 PA. , Mee In /*alb Swings - Bank Itaildine l , No. 4E Ohio 19t., Allegheny. A HOER 00EPANY, amaged by Dfrookno well known to the shank of, u 7, who trust by fair loalina to merit a your patzoaage. . - DENIM xavnir. .... ~,. . :......:-.. Piatia mt . GEO. D. RIDDLE - Secretary. .... • }l3: - Hoary Iridt D. L. Patterson only ehrwi_ _B9 Geo. R. itldgie, B. Plill4 '' 9 Gottleib Yaw, filanott Drum, W . B. finish , - aeobirm il l itme i i W. M. %mat h. P. Whlstea. oseph 0 Jot. Lavine; .J. Zinkaad, - oroatlak o apto:ots REMOVAL. NATIONAL INSEHANCE CO., OF THE OITT OT ALLBGEOL °see, Bro. BB azurge.r., entantr, estrum Stockton Avenue. YEBE pis MANCE ONLY. w. W. ILANTIN, ?sudden* JAB. B. (32WVNNBON. Seesety7. A. H. Enkliik Lr..W Ilenalleino. Peon Jno. L. Niter, as, og . Thrr , Jas. L. Graham, . O Jtoy Jno. Brown, is. . sub Hen. ocd7:nst IMMTMANCL - con- L POP PITTSBURGH. WM. P. HERBERT. IZARD= HIMIOE &en , Pre my. esident. CAPT. GEORGE NEMO, General Admit. Ogee, 99 Water streeh i Bring & Co.'. Ware house, ip stairs, Pittstru Wlll In against nds of Pim sad Manias Risks. A home InstMatloa, managed wand lmeteei who are well known to the lama_ „unity who ars determined by promptnem and unewitg to male. Mtn the diameter which they hays, as et taring the boa; Droiooslol thos e who So be Wig,- • Fill na diazaatior Biliatah. arsaoTo : Jo E. NsCarmh p . *. IL =ler, Jr. - Chas. J. Jame 4 Maanay. ' William FrIBMs, Alexander :ftear, , J.,SaLlph Fr.trkriahrist. Andrew Aarasu, , .inpsyroer, Da rld 3L Loam Wiz, Y li oralson, sea _. . . IMPERL&L FIRE INSURANCE CO., • •OF I.4OPirDON. BETrASIIBIIIID 1803. oGABH CApJTAL PAID OP AND INTBSTBD FUNDS NNOBID. LNG 88,909,000 IN GOLD. Insurance against Tire effected on Houses and Buildings, Goods Wares and liferatandiserBteun rs boats, at. Polities issued payable in gold or oar. i ra c i rr ia; United Btates Braneii Mee, 40 PIN 3 AU loss ‘s o e filie ° t.inited Ratko Brans& will be ad'- Jested in New York. - J. Y. MoI...A.I7GFEICEJN, Agenti, PiTTSBIIBaH, PA. Me, 197 POIOIII,TII - 9TIM ET . - MB. NoLAUGEILIN As aiso Amu itw ttie-Manh tan,Life lasers/vs DosapanY. • _ seem 79 at pENwsincysint = INSURANCE COMPANY OF PIMSSURaft - - Orflgi, -No. 1111 X WOOD MEW, BANK 01 0011X111011 BUILDING. Ma Is a Homo Company, sad W ens against Ism by Pin exclaalvalr. - , LICONARD WALTZ*, Peaskkt. C. C. BOYLE, Vice Prealdent. -:_110111)0T PATRICK, TAMlallrer. 41ireli KII!IJIBNY. BOOTettry. , -"'" - Diancoone: - Lac:itam wake, owns Whim, - - '43:D. Boole, Cleo. 14_ . Bram, ,*( Robert rabbit. J. 0. imleao, ...- Jacob Palates, J. C. PlaiMee. _ - Joilab King, Jahn Yower, Jas. H. Hopkins, . AII/31036 - - .11•13/7 Sprollir" ----- pputorrne AGAINST LOSS BY PIRA. - FRANKLIN INSURANCE CO, OF PRILADELPINA. °mos, 438 4 437 Cr/1.621 VT BT., Na Am Ili araKTOBB.,. _ _,.-, ..'..-' Charles ,T. Baneker - Mordent H. Lank Tobias Warner, DarDM. Br•wai-,;57 Benne Brant. Is Lea.. , -._. Jacob E. Eh, Feorce W. lidward C. Date, CHARLES ti. B V ri rr i ss. i. ,; EDW. O. DALE, Vice Fresident. ell W. C. STEELE Beeretarmsro toga. - 4 ,2 J. GIAADEEIt etiPrlts, ..u/Asir, , _ North West corner Third and Wood Onsets. .; mazintria . t _.A LucomENirIIIIIMLIINCIECO* xi. PANT OP PITTSBURGH. - .• . OPPICTE, lio. 37- MYTH BTEXICT. JUNE ELCoczni Insures agolnat all kinds of Plre and Marine Bleb,l JOHH. rawar, Jl.. Preddent. c;.• JO Had D; 11•00 ED, Vine Prealdnit. • ...-:', O. G. DONEELL. 6 ectotsz7. --;--- '-: 1 OJLPT. WH. DEAN. iiihateraoktenti -- --"::-- __....... DIZICTO34: ._ ,‘..,- . _' 6'r- John Irwia,Er. - - Orpt. win . : Vih :5 - ,: 5 - -.... 1 John 1:1.1d • - otTcßill: -_-_ B - 1 - Pahnes W. 1 1 . - Eversoa,l - H4rrny,Ohlido.- •_ ,_-•• Robert H. Dan* --- . =Teal iloaklnson, -' Prznata Sellers,- egrEars, _ % CAM J. T.,-Efookdide. DEOPLESP INSURANCE COM.. PANT. xr. 3. cosisma wow a pniintim A Rome Company taking ilre and Marine Masi tanstrrints: - A I' Capt. John L. Rhoads, , Samuel P. Eihriverc Charles Arbnekle..,?- . dated. itrta b , o ,e - Same el ilfsclai't 7. resident. ~ Presilant. , '.:-. e .____ !rm. John John watt, . PazicA Capt. James Wm. Van Sta. James D. Werner WM. PRIMA'S. 4.1 JOHN WATT:, Vice W. P. GARDNER.. CAPT. JAS. OOBD( .WDIEI3. ,LIQUORS, 8;0 1)1 - ITSBURGH IMPORT[ • asTAigiatarnzt utio. SCHMIDT .&'--FRIDAY • • ,- rispownsous or posztort •••, • • - • WINES = AND - LIQUORS, r . - Noe 409 Penn - - alive*, Pittebttruk Would direct - the atteition of the puWlo tone fact that, po. seeming - superior facilities through several large Wine - and - Liquor Houses In Europe. and making their importations direct,' theiare enabled to offer the various grades of choice WINES AND LIQUORS at prices less than Eastern rates. Ng =Mations _ qualities and ()palpation of prima respectfully solicited. - A choice assortment of pure OLD 111 Wes. NET constantly on hand Joon% $. rirres & co., 710..1116, 187, 1113 %191,11111 and /1069 7128 T BTILIUDT, PITTBDII24qI, LunirAcreeass OP , .Ceppar Distilled Pare aye Wblik.y. Ala, dealers la re/telex 'WINDS aadLIQUOTA HOP% da• 113141"nal DYER AND _SCOURER, COAL COALI: coeurau DICKSON, STEWART & CO., NAT*: restored their Mee so NO, 567 LEBEITIT'S STII.IIIMT, adidaY City Phew Kiln sagoND zw9n. KY s ant Arad to ihruith good YOUGHIOSHII. " A Wtorket pri ce, UT COAL OR BLACK, at the lowest AU orders left at their olleo, or addressed to thus through Si. mall. will he attended to promptly. i4a) al pEscEvAL .1111118APROAL ENGINEER. AXld Solicitor of Patent*. 020 e. L79PPD P 1 W A . L S TRET Iw a l v oo o_W9.X BLAST PlJRNAORandltOtailliG acne tarnished. Particular aMaution paid to ole. awning COLLIERY LOCOMOT.B, patent s co n. ElfENixo DRAW iNo Or , ‘Rig for meoluudo may WZDRUDAY 311011 T. swain ii=2l WEDNESDIT EVENING NEGEINI3EII-16 - 1= Irma:PAMPA. lgOail will be aisisted-by BME.-r;0EROU8B BOWLEE. Tenor. 1tt)8A..... .....Limn._ll-CARL -11Rallt9W; COLBY....Phsalsrata_Aceompanist. . R. J. LIMY, 'Tao greatest Cfornet-a•Pleton Vatic ot tbeworld. enraged at great expellee express forParept Bo— sa,s Coaeert geason-lgegaire leg - • Adadislort to_P-asquette and Dress Mule, ill. -lie '.serred seatelia..s9. Gallery, 60 cents- - The sale of tickets will e•aaateace cor IIONDA_Y ate 9A. st, at C.' C. Mellor's elude stare, No. 8 1 _Wood. * r" street. Iar'KEYSIVNE SILLTINGIIIIO4- . • BEASON 18#8-69.----- ... Gents' Season Tickets.......-:::::- - .. VII ... • 755 Children,* Sesson - Tickati.-. - ..... .. ". . ......... X OD -._ -.-- Conpoits. X 5 admissions . - - ',-"'"---- 500- Double admittinglady and 511nt.....• . /g/ 00 - Bingle admission, Genu - • /10--------. Double admission. Lady and Gent %.,. ... ~...-„..-50-, : - -- : Children andir li years of ace ' -...".. _ - ' - 'l5 Tickets can be - had at Down's elltstO-Deot. the Rink. or from the Treasurer at .No. 81 Wood street. Pittsburgh. ',- Due notice will be given when the "Rink , T will be._ ---_, opened. igg—pitOr. vAßßEwricurs FABBIONANZAMNG ACADEMY. . NO. 75 THIRD STRZW is now erm fbrum r re: cotton of pupil .. Orasi'days ;end ottre-irora.. dlesadacte_rs and liiissWic.-ligetineaday anttiatu._--- at il3rO l clockP,rat. For tiectlemenuebdaaaj - Prlday Evenings, at 8 o'clof.k. _ Private less o n arcitiars can be hadratUe Mud. Store. 7 - - - and at the Academy. Classeaciet of t he_ - convenient, attended to. 0 2`r.."....--- - - 1611• Hali to let to lielect Parties- = te4:ilit - =_____. IgrpROF.,BUD.:- fJEONILART-.• ILATB OP NVICSTSItN*IrIViRSITY:-3--;•-:-, Offers hls services to the mbltc terteichir of - GERRLAN.DIIIA/GAND DRAWING. Also, as 7 . RAJI9LATOB azotiNTEIII32.IITES.: 01Ioe 144 SMITHPIRLD STRIEZT, third store*, 0012 ---- - . .. A NHOODM--Anothei New V MEDICAL PAMPHLET, f rom the pen of Da. traria. 'The Mateo/ Timm MY 11 ot this vrork::: --:: "This valuable treatise On-the eaus e and cure of :- premature decline, shows how heal It Is impaired throw& secret abuses of youth and manhood, and how easireleined. It gives a clear synopsis of the Impe dim enta to marriage , the cause and effects of nervous debility, and the remedies therefor.". A. Docket edition of the above -will be for warded on receipt of sakcents_, by addressing . Doctor CIIII. TIS, Noial . 58 North Merles direct, - Baltimore, Md. lyl , - , MANHOOD: HOW:LOST I Hu 41,1......__RESTOEMDI lasi publishsd tnasak.4 rivet: - • A' - LECTURE ON THM _grfiliii: TIi i iiAT_MENT.- and Radical Core"of W ai nrtorrhea, or oarolnal•Weakness‘ bairoltultal7 ons, Sexual D ebilityandlmpediments to Mar. Mari generallyt Harem:times*: Oonimmption, BO.' led Fits; Mental and Plimdcar Incaraciry. Ts nil from Self Abuse, &c.. - by Rota. J. Culv welL, . 11 ., author of the "Orem BOo_k, ' &C. "A, BOON TO THOUSANDS OF SUFFERERS." sent wider seal, In a plain enve l ope. to any address, post. paid, on reeeiptof stet:eats, or tiwoostageftc&s, to ORA& J. C. KLINE 6 Co ., .w 7 DO NEW YORE. POSTOFPIOR BOX 4586. .i.jltr: Oulverwell's "Marriote Guides" tince 116 Centa• • mys:Dtisof A D Z ICE to YOUNG MEN ABOUT . . . . =gnaw; for-YotulgrAten, . • - On the Errors, Abuses and Diseases . 10cddent to Youth and Early Manhood, with the humane view of treatment and cure, sent by mall In sealed letter envelope. free of charge. ' Address, HOWARD Ad- 1 001ATION. Box phildelDhla. Pa. sigM:MM.,IAT DISTRICT COURT or' THE UTED 8 TATES FOR WESTERN DLS MCT or PENNSYLVANIA—The undershrned hereby:gives notice of hirappointmeutas assignee of CONRAD O. SMITH of the city of allegheny. *aunty' of Allegheny and State of Pennysylvanin within said Distrist, who has been adjudged bank rupt upon em.ditors petition qv theDistrieKourt of the United States for said Distriet. ALGERNON S. 13 KEA.. Assignee. Attorney-at-Lawcl44 Fourth avenue: dereerrfis • yAMEoncE is HEREBY GIVE* that the partnership lately exisilatt between- S DICKSON and W. J. Me *ASTER. U . Car penters and Housebol.ders. uader the Orin time° of joimEss.N. E . MOKAS'I'EIs, lies this day been dis solved by , mutual cassava • W. J. lifelltASTEß, authorised' to settle all debts due to and lily th ew _ paay. . JAMES DIQICSON. , - • W. J. MCMASTER. December 1, lEEE. d a yriorT ES. FLOOR OIL CLOT 1118.--Wei in stock a large assortment otstsiss and Of t widths of thoroughly seasoned - plocc Ott Oletha, which we are o ff ense to the who's sale aad retail trade at prices lower. taking quality Into con sideration, than eau be had la this eitf. J. 6,81. PHILLIPS. 96 ano-sill Mato otreet. noso FOR SALE, PINE SEED WHEAT, _ AT 3,10 LLBEETY =I 501 - 1 111118111:ELS MUM 80IITBERN 311DIVIIMAT To min and Air *QC by sem - NaBARR & - 01 1 11. EA. MOUSE. Leine ... .Ww. IlWwynrappm e Manger W. yearning. SATURDA.r APTERNIJON,' December llatb, EDWIN ADAMS II kTINEE., For bettormance. the beautiful "Air "i the MARBLE HEART. Raphael Edwin Adams. SA'I'URDAT EVENING. December bittli, EDWIS ADAXM The perfot•mancewiti iommeitee with She. eeited7 WILD - OATS.,-;11 - Rover - j - -Edwin Adams. To conclude with the moral drain% of , THE DRENICAEII." • - Edward Middleton.... Edwin Adams. eiti llfc m ud j uir e lv m eLag tau popular fasor.t., /Liss Mau- ar rrrTszivnGH THEATER. Lel . ,„.. .H. ir.•__wir.r.laws.:' Manes r... 1 - Jearlit. IMAGCM. ' Transit r - G. G. IlsistmiaL TM: wtk of the accomplished equestrienne se- .tress Mit , KATE 31 4 11113 MR. SATUR AT ZVENING. December 111 , b, IS6S. SCAMPS OS LONDON, or AFTER. DANK, with all the original music. 1 Matinee on Saturday aftenthon. TRIM BL E'S VARIETIES THEATER. H. W. , WrLiadme Lennie aid Manager Gun. R. *Stage Man 4 eaTe A wouderriti triumph. LOURIA. PAYEE WRAF and ADA. WRAY. _ , • The Great Female Miustrel - scene, by Twelve Young Ladles. BOIMILI and Earth, Larry Tooley, Bent De Fele and R. F. GOimaa In new &sta. To conclude with the FEMALE FtißTYTunrrall. IiMUENELLIS MUSEUM AND. PARLOR SlBNAcnizum The Great Family' ileso - ri FIFTH AVBNIFIe. besTemi sKlthtleld and 144001 - etreete. inpoette Old Theitire. Opea- - Day sad Bieniee, all the year rcendt --- Adntleeltra, 115 cents; Children. 15 este. - Vg"ALCADEBIT - OF 11111816. ‘ . - 7 COLE_ 3311.11L0L E.EBPBCTiTII - L - LY A3NOUI CZB :TWO GRAND CONCERTS -- ;- - _ FRIDAY AND SATURDAY BFIFBINGS; =- December llth and IEO4 assisimtb—tilte followinf favorite artists - MISS BARTON. of Bonen, SopraDO. • M. GI/STATUS 1. ^ BALL, — of Baritone. - LANSIBO, Pietist and AccoM._ _ panist. • Admission ' 9111E-DOLY.AR.. Ofrolenisd Ga11ery....... 50 CENTS. Beats can be mitred without ertrac'eargo at Mel lor"' Motto Store. ',Sale of seats will commecne oa WEDNESDAY MOENING, December- etit. at 9 ore ock. Doers open at 7. Commeneest 8 o i elock. . T. R. TURNED -LW Butaess Manager, 4e4:b4 WACA.DEMY OF - _PAREPA.--ROSA CONOFATEL D. DEVITO ALL' N'ADED. RIME .PAREPA..::II:69A, The aeknowledged QI7IIICN OFISONS. on Terre. tarn from Cameral* hy ores land route, after atrl. unaphant and unparalleled satoesidhl be/130U for_OP. - peratlepestorznancea f 'wilt appear Ln thht ell, la GRAND CONVERT -- D EDICAL LEG.AU 4 Tirreracoux, lifotlßlcEitir a en.' t DI 152 1 1 :4 . 4
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers