II 6. STOVES, CASTINGS, &c. T BEST STOVES. A. BRADLEY & CO, manufacturers of Ma greatesfvulety of Cook, Parlor and Heating Staves, TO BE FOUND IN THE STATE. • Bole Agents for the celebrated Base Burning OA tat Stoves and 'Furnaces for Hard Coal or Coke. - ut in theErorld for Parlor,litace. Store or Church. ineeds no rekindlin e- g—lawns all winter. Do act E re y until yon se or for Circular. .-, Ho. BE:WOOD STREET igirs - Agents Ibi - Orient:as—HE WItiLIIE linos., laid St.: GEO. RUBLES'. Allegheny City. .011 . 0411116118 it . ' '-' , . . •._lOO . i,. • . NAninrAortrudiVii . iirAirs*Amair tolt • ' IST I .CONT3EiIgity - . BOSTONI copiparG . BAYGE, ' THE PLEB! FURNACE;' . . _ . • - 'Ys Willem BVILDINCIL' THB - RZW ANTI-Dlla ß coorrNG AMPS, g IIEEKILATOIt. COL ti ' Lt. COOK STOVE, AN'S tOinclanatt Patton) PORTABLE RANGE, ißobl - MANTLE& WELLMAN.II RIG ColtA WRATEH, tree from dltt awl s dust; Ts P.MONTEI, MINDISS, EA. . ' BAR and 208 Lilberty . Street, PIIIIBIIIIIII. PAL serikra I COON. irrOVCIL CET THE BEST. . • BISSELL dc - I TRIUMPH, FOR BITUMINOUS . COAL. Warranted to Cook, Bake Or Eoaot an well as any other Store In the Union. BISSELL & CO., N 0.285 Liberty Street. ilia on Saird'and for sal% PABLOR STOVES, ECTATING Ti tiaLTZ FRO TIOMTERS, COOKING WM, La. EMBEL WORIES. D u Q UESNE IRON AND STEEL WORKS. COLEIWC, iWind to CO., ausesinivitiss -•- - - • Seen, Nails and Steel, Carriage and Wagon lip!inas and Axles. ' Duquesne, XL. and dunlata Merchant Bar, Bound and Square Iron; Band, Hoop, Sheet and Plate Iron; Oval, Half Oval and Half Bound Iron; Cylinder and Wagon Box Iron; Drag and Dropper Bare: T and YU; Ball for 0001 Roads,• Out Halls and,iSpikes; Plow, Spring and A B Steel; Lorainated Steel; Cut. stir Ban, Crow Barg, 80., to. I Office and Warehouse—PT WAITS , SHEFFIELD STEEL WORKS. • SINGER, BRUCK & Ca, PITTSBUUOU. PAL. Mantiseiii of emery AosaipU of CAST AND GERMAN STEEIL, B&ILWAT BPB/N63,_ YLLIMIC A. 1.13 YLATIFORId WRING% AXLES, STZEL MBE, to., dte Warehouse, 88 Water and 100 First Sta. BARR PARKIN. 1111 1114" 4. ' & sizriam. rammnima: Wm. BEETCALP, • REUBEN 3CILLAIR, two. W. BARB , I OHAB. PARKIN. SPACIAL PAW/1113..43. M. EEL CRESCENT STEEL WORKS, 34 - PAIRICEN, Office, N 0 . 4339 LffiertY St, rirrpmgm, PA 114.4 BLARCH DIAMOND STEEL WORKS. PARK, BROTHER & CO., Manufacturers of all descriptions of ST ZT . • Mee and Warehouse, 19_9,129, ISM 131.43039 D sad no and 191 PIEIST EITSZETB, pITTRIITRGH STEEL WORKS. istrusuara tit 1845.3 ANDERSON &WOODS, VOCOLISSOBB TO ANDZBSON, COOS •C 0.,) ifoonfiletoren of everrdesoriptiot of STEEL,O - BEST REFINED TOOL STEEL. - /dill, IpisKClrcuhus Gass and Crou Cat, ' SA.W PLA.TPASI. I smug, Cast and Germs Plow - and Blister Steel. Shove:lo3o% Fork. Bake and Toe Calk Steel. Railroad Springliteel nal Frog Polata,Cast Med law. Bars, 51ckie 13teel. Spring thee re,. Plow Wing., etc. LOll Steel. thus sad Works--4Jorpu PIBBT AND BOW Are., P4Saburirk,. Ps. - 125:d2 IRON WORKS. JAB. V mums; Pres% W. P. Foam, B*p't. pITTIOSURGR FORGE AND IRON C 0.,: SIITAMMiIiUS OP Bar railroad rho BalffillUd BoUa Railroad Car Ixloll Selledt • Railroad Car Riles Hastuatirod; lestozatotive Praises; Lootoitotive Prairie ddiardill Side Rods: • - lgokos,airaps;_ ' Distos Ilitiputabitat Shafts; • Sliataboat eraaka; Paton Rode. Wrists; plasalat Jaws, Class*, Ike. 01na3, no. 177 PIAN'N STREIGT, riTlssvtaz, r•:. E vrEgspN, p 8T0N .. .11r. 00y , . Pennsylvania Iron Wor ks. warehouse,ppm 166 and 161 nen ETEEST, Owen.* 1 1 0 !wmgm-lw• spews-- Privisistaton. COPPER. • T AKE 811190110 - a... OOPYER RILL AND ENEEMENG 'iroaxa *r.ii'ikjzttrkwal.. • PARYL, 11143CIIRDY - & . ldszudsetnie ro or Sheathing, Braslerst - and Dili amper, Presled Copper Bottoms. wanditill Bot tom& Speller Bolder. Also, impoe"r Dealers to Metal. Tin Plate, Sheet Iron, Wire Lo. Con 'Santa,' on hand Tinners , htackines tad Tools. Warehouse, _ E Bo. 140 FIRST BTairdsT and Di" MOOND BTlLBT,Pittstargh. Biaxial orders of Copper, out to any desired t• aft • . ia3l4' • 4/ • FOUNDERS, NLAOEMISTS. KNIT FORT PITT FOUNDRY COTIPAITY. rarEssines, Willing Mill Ma chinery, Nail nackines, Retorts, and Castings generally. NIVIIONAL, FIDIMDAr Corner Verret sad Illesellsma • OAST IRON BOWL PIPE, My Pipes area; out invariably la. Pi% to dry Mad, and 22 lb°, lensiks. A100,f1 . 32 isms:mot of licemilCastingifor Gm and Water Works. I would also can the attentive of Superintendents of Gal Works tole make of 11DS011,11. • ATJLAS WORKS, MORTON STREET, Ninth Ward, THOMAS N. HILLER, Presidents I , • _Theta Works are -among the and roost immolate establbduneats to the Wand are now gespared to tarnish OSMIUM SOLICIT= L. 0. LIVING&POS.W. K. SCOIIMSOO. LIIIENGISTON & IRON FOUNDERS, YANUPACITIMIEB OP . FINE- LIGHT 'CASTINGS, All desertgdons, far Plumbers and Pine_ is; A 4 tioulturel implements, Cotton and Woolen Mill Ye- All ' All e ar prompt!". attended to. Mee and Worke-IPrAEININGITON near Omer Deno:, Alledusuir CM , Pa. ROHEINION; REA & CO; 13aecessora to Somrsor. Moro A Ktizzialh WASHING/NON:WORKS, FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS, PITTSBURGH, Yanatananers of Bost sad Btationary Steam 2n. es . .b . a . mast licortna NachinezT, min, Castings of a ll dscliptions; UN Tan Cla ks an g d Stilly and Sheet Iron Work: . Odiee. No. 12, corner Tint and dmithßeldiltreets. fo dszta for GIMND'ili TAX2NT WJZOTOB for Boilers. jalinet MOAT IBLANC,FIKRIFINEM. Bigler Artrp4 Ninth Ward; Moodie Mg= iron NIUs, I ITTTEOMGI3. Bolling NEU andliridge Castings, THIMBLE SKEINS AND PIPE BOXES, ILLOIEUNBEY AND CASTINGS GENZBALLY. Order. promptly and saretilly exestated.. Curses reasonable. EBB a BUCKLEID. PIETISBIDEGH. oeu:us TIIONIAS CARLIW & CO., Fourth Ward Foundry and Kadin Work; IILICCIIISICY BT., ALLEGHENY CITY, PA:. Manufacturers of Steam Engines, Oil us,. Isys, Machine rist and Saw Mtn Work i tor ill itai Wagona_ eg _ C . as_tim, orate Bars. eights, zn ts nes ;f i a t su n es. to order andhave on handmvl4:lls CENTRAL FOUNDRY AND ROLL WORKS ssci Penn Street. BOLIAL4B, BOYD & BAGAIALFY. Chill Bolls, Xlll Casilsp, 801 l Lathes, &a SARIVEL u WICHEIINHABI, IRON 33R01ER11,-• - • 124 First Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Ar tr lt ftf a t t r u sale of Corxrd Dauje.gkangreidtr, ri l it otter bran i ae D , ci l l t eritbriatter :osighloshau 7 Coto and O. B. Charcoal., PIO jatoNts. conaffi - - , ' , solleitadei ICOITTSBURGII PAPER . MAW. , PACITIMING COMPitla, alanabontuvri of PRINTING AND WRAPPING PAPERS CIMPPON MILL—OMMENTILLE. Omo. BILDIMPUN MILLNNIP BEIGEITON. 15171g1Z AND •RAMInnSEI. 1 10.82 Third Street, Pttabirgh, Pa. „ , 07311711341-7.LIIHMIT'H4Lat Troastrfr. B~I[IIiL BI B Dl22olo . l T r a ir . c . g i Hart, Atwell; H Cult paid de taw ?I,frk• NM JELL HELY FLU pima, MILL base Btar bras Braid, Kul M FRENCH FAMILY ',FLOUR. o This T/obevill oily be polo wit ties eaGelia/11 PEARL SILL SLIM BEA , Lau. PEARL MILL EZDVIAIIr "&. warn 00113 t noti r t tto bu s s u lkl AL. Floar. Aftaalailt, fa; lanriDT &BR% • MAL Mills OFFICE AID. WORKS, TWELFTH STREET, PITTS 8MV1134 PA, AND PIPE WORKS. OM= Rte,) =I WILLIAM SMITH, IlLaaaufseturor of ?OD OAS AND YA YOWL& illmorinee, of every deeerlptleit. *oilers, On Tasks. Sleet Iroa Work. Railroad Callas. , Roping' EMI Casting& Login. Outiogs. Machine Castings. iiNseal Vaathws. IRON.BROKERS. pmbEER. FLOUR. PITTSBURGH GAZETTE: SATURDAY, DECEMBER' 12, 1968 BNGINES, BOLLIIRE, &c. HUGH IL BOLE -8s CO., Car. Polat Alley awl Daquesite' St, , (Maui sin POsrr,) Eightehtliders, Founders & Machinists , X_anuntetars STEAMBOAT ENGINES eat STA TIONARY ENGINES, of all slam OlLtteation Invited to oar new STATION ARY WELL ENGINE AND PORTABLE SUTLER ,1 of IS-horse power. CASTUTOS,_of ever/ ktuClesde to order it our •Ponstry,olTßlED sTERET, below Market. RIGS for 011 Wetle, SHAFTING. PULLEYS. !ANGERS, ROUSE sad TOBACCO SCREWS aid IRON TOBACCO P.ldEdBl.3, 4ni Mad sad maAe Le order, at tte INDUSTRIAL WORKS, Iletaldag ea Idie Allegheny Elver, Mar 1110 ram, ITTTSEVEII4I. PL 481 - 111 orders • 4 „, flied. 1 . 11 • FORT PITT Eadink gaL, ./1141 TANK WORKS. CARROLL & SNYDER, ILLIII7.IOTOMIOIII OF TIMILAB, DOUBLE-PLIIIID rtrierwar., im- SOX AND maim= STNAN NOLLION. OIL 'TELLS AND OIL TANI% OZEIENNYB, Immoaura AND Ani PA" SIZZLING IANB, ■ALT PANIII AND 00N DINOS83; MUM ?WIN, 9ABOKZTEBB AND IS BRED 0118; ?Nolo' DOIDU3 AND COAL exults Mee sad Warehouse eoruer Second, Third. Short and Liberty Streets, PITTSBURGH, Pa. air Orders sent to tke above address will be promptly attended to. inb7:lSe WIC BARN HILL .14 CO., BOILER MAKERS . AND SHEET IRON WORKERS, NO5. 20, SA; *BABB S 6 prn ST: Having secured a large yard and tintisked Width the melt approved machinery, we arepxepared to manufacture every description of 1301LEBB In the best manner, and warranted equal to any made fa the eoantry.'.ohimneys, Breeching, Vire I Beds, Steam Pipes, Locomotive Boilers, Condensers, Bait Pans, Tanks, Oil IBMs, Agitators, Battling Pans, Boller Iron Bridges , Huger Pans, and sole sain fsetwera ef - B , s Patent Boilers. Bepairing dine on the shortest notice. lalkall pupa marries, Noe. 55 and 56 Wpter Street PITEEMITRGEI, PA., . ILLIMPAOIIIMIE OP IRON OIL TANKS, SETTLING PANS, GOYIM?, STEAM PIPE, BULLING MILL STAGES, . And SHEET IRON WORE. Par Scumboats. JAB= 111. Ram 2DXVND D. 1/11011H. J ARED M. MUSH & SON, laatvraortniss Steam Batten, Oil Stills, Tanks. !MET IRON *Oral. iko. 61 .remsittreet, Pittabargh, Pa. ',A..., ...wow e......"..4 , 44,..414,.• wmuNG AND &mei ' ; COMZOILIIOI2 Nerehants d9rokarsla Petroleum and Iti Products, DALZELL'S BUILDING, DUQUESNE WAY, / PITISBIIIIOII A. / 1411LADSLPHLL AHMED% WARING, KING & CO., 1 197 Walnut Street. ACS. BROTHERS, OOMMISSION AND DIUL11:1W r IN Petroleum mid / its Products. PlNsballa ONce—DALZIELL I BUILDING. an zer of Duquesne vrly and Ifiwin Mika. Philadelphia ONce—iiiGrALBIJT ST. apirwso H o N. NAIING & CO., -" • • / MANTOPACTITMERB OF PURE WHITE BURNING i O4, / ihynsd ! --“LucirEPßis.” - 4 DMus, No. 2 Duquesne Way, Pittsburgh. HARDWARE. NEW HARDWARE HOUSE. ~ LINDSEY, STERBIT & EUWER, • Manufacturers and Importer, o HA.RDWAII,m, • CUTLERY, •&C 88y LIBERTY STREET, CORNER or warms, One Square Below Helen Depots PITTSBURGH. . Amnia Ibr WelltßANXes •SCALES. NOVELTY. WORKS. pITTBBVIIGH NOVELTY WORKS. ADAMS, M'KEE & co. ma.2rarmnum or 1148"zie 6 ta a dn rd. , P t ggens Platform anal SCALES. Janus Faced Patent Door Locks and Latches, , , rAtN'r AIID ' C IF YIYPt Li tus mon sio. Corner of Grait; Ottt VIM Streets, *05:181 Trost/BOIL • GAS .ItarD'_ EITRAIIC PITTING. JODI M. 000INIA JO/. YAM. ••••EiMir *l* JORE IL COOPER &:(04 , , WPM FOIMMIERS,,t GAB ANDMAN , FITTERS, . . 1451 . B Ealt Omer of Pike and Walnut threats, PITTSBIIRGEL OILS. PINANCL&L. FORT PITT MANOR COMPANY, No. 169 Wood Street, CAPITAL, : : : : : $200,000. STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLYLIABLE, inieunts IDT 00VERNMENT SECURITIES, AND COLD; INTUIRT ALLowip ON Tilil Colief/Hem alifile en aII eeeeeettLe, sieents la the United States sad Cansdaa. • DIRICTIME: 1 Jae. C 'Mbar. Robs. extr ew Nlller R. Kin, James Y. Bala/. !James Gordon, D. Wallace, A. riwollit. SAWL:RWILIIBILAN, Pres% D. LILT WILSON. Cashier, IiTIOIAL 1111 Of COMIENE, Car. of Wood and Six& S. A. PATTERSON... President. JOS. M.MUS. CAPITAL, ,t t , $30111,4100. AMBOTOBIIs A. Patterson, Cana W. Cu., W. H. Brown, Jailed NoCasein, Chas. Lockhart,lll. Dough; Allen Irirkaatriek, W W m. Heed. W. IS. Haven, DISCOUNTS DAIL- HART, CAW HEY k CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS, Corner Third and Wood Streets, Pr1T5331711431.11, cstroesesose To mums.. Eurr a oo..) DzAnnzin zx • kenhange, Coin, Coupons, And partalar aftenti z t e paid ti; Itts panksee and COVERNMENT BONDS./ Eight Drone on London. rayi: N. BOILAEO & SOAK, 57 Market Street, 7/ E P ITICT6HtTIKIFH, Collection. nide on all the principal points of the . United States and Canadu. and other, Securities 1 ON.OOIIIIIBBION. veld to the puthase and United States Securities. Jo10:al WESTERN SAVINGS BANK, No. 59 Fourth Street; 4:I}L&ILTEREp 1866. inteirest paid ozivrime Deposits ANY BUM NNONIVILD FROM OME DOLLAR UPWARD. DK/OUTS iIninNT TB TO f . HZOK. 'WITHOUT Dlassauts Datil at is welock• President—THOKßElON BKLL. Vice Preddeat—A. KARSHALL TwaeQN 8ud.,1 a. H. MARSHALL, JOB. DILWORTH. JOB. ALUHRI. J. J. alumni. Stockholders to whoa we Wm. Forsythe, Wm. Caldwell; Willis Baleen. D. W. 0. Bidwell X. Y. Talton. NOTICES. Or PENIS SYLVANIA:RAILROAD KENT, COMPANY. PIitMASUHEIt'SiDEPAST. PirLszittglita, Pa.. Dec. 3, ins. NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS—The Second In stalment on the New Stookoubseribed for under resolution of tho Board of Directors of May 113435, is now due. Unless paid on or befove the 1511 inst., the in stalment will not draw its proportion of dividend duo May. 1509. and those paying up all the remain. log Instalments will receive full dividends in May next. THOMAS T. FIRTH, de7-bS Treasurer. `'"PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY TRIABITABIVII DEPARTIIISRT. PRILADairniA. NOT. 2, 1888. f NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. The Board of Directors bays THIS DAY deelared a semi-annual dividend of FIVE PER CENT. on the capital stock of the Company, clear of National and State taxes. payanie la cash, on and alter Novem ber 30, 1808. Blank powers of attorney for colleotin,colvidenda ran be had at the °Mos of the Company, 338 SuTITH THIRD STREET. Tue once will be opened at BA. M. and closed at 4 P. 11., from November 30th to December sth for the payment of dividends, and after that date from 0 A. m. to 31.. M. • acme*. THOMAS T. FIRTH. Treasurer, Ilar'lN THE MATTER OF OPEN. _ WO LOCUST STREET, IN THE CITY OF PITTSBURGH—AU owners of Lots, or other persons interested in the BURIAL GROUNDS on STEVENSON STREET, one belonging to the Asso ciate Reformed Church. known as ILBRE'S G 6 AVE YARD, and the other to the Catholic Church, known as the CATHOLIC . GRAVE YARD. are hereby notified that they are required to remove the bodies from the ground within the line of Locust street, within three months from this date ; and if the same-are not removed within that time, they will be removed by tho undersigned, who have been appoin ted street foiTyTe n ig i ti:°Pesertawilidre that purpose.e.ts along Sal i d the line between the said BariallGrOUida. about taw half off each. All necessary IniorMaLloll can be had • by oppllcatton to either of the Commissioners. The Commissioner. will meet for consultation with Lot Owners, on MONDAY, Decernper less, at JO o'clock. A. Dr.. at the City Elegineer , a Omen, Market Building, third story. wM. GRIFFIN. • J. D. It ELLY, M. TINDLE, Commissioners Pltjobargb, Doe, 4, 1868 ae4,01, IarNOTICE. PlTTBnUnall, June 28th, 1808. NOTICE IS ILEHEBV GIVENTHAT TILE BANK OP PITTNIIVROH. apply to the Legfeature - of Penney'vent'. at tie next suasion, for a renewal of Its Charter, with its preneut authorised Capital of Twelve Hundred Thounathl Dollars. • • JOHN HARPER, President. Attest:i WM. UOSEBURG, Cashier. le27:810-8 FPN 3 qVUef3 P -I;PtI:Y.44I4OUcI HOLMES, & CO., ANCHOR COTTON MILLS. errwszirq%o2l.. Kano Wan of 11:611:TT MBDIWS sad LIGHT ANCHOZ AND MAONOLLA EINZXTINGS AND RATTING. & " JA S DRADY Co. , bo S. JONIIII A C 0..) Corner Dnuth and Wood SO., 13 IkiT SW AND INIILL ALL KINDS OP • GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, GOLD, SINTER AND/ COUPONS, ON MOST FAVOIydIL2. Tffilda. Itir Meek Allowed on Deposits. sor Moasyloaa4 tin 6oves;ataiat Bonds at low est market rates. , • Orders executed for the Pnrehase arid Sale ofaXOCIES, BOMBS and GOLD. /JAMES T. BRAMIT - ik CO. TOATMAL M. ar/PARTIES: DESIRING TO IN V•tST in 'UNION AND CENTRAL PA CIPIC BONDS can 'mesons per . tent. by amebas JAN11:141-11itli let. `Biondi on hand for dellverr. JAMES T. BRADT i CO., Agents Central and Union Paella Railroad eels tiles, corner Fourth and Wood streets. deS:bo Eittsburgi Gay* , Si' Omen ovriferrnsausou Gexerru, FRIDAY, December 11, 1868. 1 Money being exceedingly scarce, and seven per cent. and a commission on call loans at New York, the entire market has suffered a heavy decline. in bonds and stocks. The former hvaing sold at three fourths per cent. off from the early quoia- Sons, and three-fourths per cent. since last Saturday. The decline t wee moat marked in the new issues of 11365, 1867, 1868, and eighty-one's, whilst tho old bonds stood comparatively firm. The firm on the bear aide of the bond market having succeeded prior to this date to unload their dear gold on the public, have had an opportunity also to depre4a bonds by their large gold sales. The gold market was excited du ring yesterday and Wednesday by two prominent houses, the leaders in the gold . room_ on supposed rumors that the Su preme Court of the United States would soon declare the legal tender act as uncon stitutional, and,leonsequently, greenbacks are not legal tender, and the uneasy feel ing in Europe regarding the future peace of the courry, but all the gold these houses bought was sold by thep. twice over througb their brokers. We have all along quoted the market in gold weak, and have no 'hesitation to pronounce it. so yet,. ,although gold may sell to-morrow at 136%. The high quotations for gold is the effect make reference: Joseph Dilworth, Hen See.ry Lam David bert, Ken. A. k. Brown, Thomas Ewing. the efforts of a weak stock clique to keep up the k nominal quotations of their fancy stocks; a heavy decline in gold would de preciate l the market value of all such stock a 4 New York Central, Erie, Fort Wayne r Sorth Western common and pre (erred, Rock Island, Milwaukee and St. Paul, and all the speculative stock, and even the New York roads, like Harlem and Hudson River, would heavily decline, the margins put up on them would prove insignificant, and much of the stock would come on the market that seems to be held now for investment. The dealings in all kind of speculative shares are much re , stricted, and little is done except in the fancies which are daily changing hands with a little , ' profit there and a small loss elsewhere. Express shares are very strong, and if money was not so very scarce we might see a sharp upward movement in them. Money is absolutely tight here, the banks limiting their discounts to favors of thi3ir best customers. tliusiness continuer rather dull. • . , In local heettritleit bpt little' liaotng; the market is 'ciulet, - Cits 'Allegheny. Valley bonds, and the buyers are scarce 4 - the ad vance. Quotation as received by Ph. R. Mertz: Gold, 135 g; Sliver, 130; ; FJghty.one'is, 114 g; Five Twenties, 1802, ( 110 g; do 1804, 107; , do 1805, 107 g; do 1865, j Consols, 110; do 1867, 110; do 1868, 110%; Ten Forties, 105 g; New York Central, 125 g; Erie, 39g; Reading; 9634; Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne it Chicago Railroad, 109%; Ohio •It Missis sippi, 29i.; Michigan Sorithern, 848; Cleveland 1t Pittsburgh, 83; Chicago it Rook Island, 1053; Chicago North West ern 75 ; do Preferred, 76; . Western Union Telegraph Company, 37; Pacific Mall, 114%; Adams Express, 48; Mer chants, 115%. - • —The Chicago Republican, of Wednes day, says: The weather is clear and cold. and out-door movement's are generally more lively. Business is without' decided animation In any department, and com plaints are still to be heard of the back wardness of trade. At the banks the de mand for leans ' ismore than eqbal to the supply, and the money- market - is uni formly quotedelose. Packing is being car ried on an extensive scale, and the call for accommodation from thin branch of trade is very large, but is generally met, inas much as packers only want money during the winter months. Oar goods merchants are quite urgent in their demands, as it is' almost impossible for them to make in -terior collections. Spsoulators are nu-m -emo and want money badenougb, but this claits'of dealers are invariably re fused accommodations, and hsveto seek the open market. Rates of interest`remain as pre vionsly noted; 10 per cent.'per annum'. —O / 081 n1C quotations received by James T. Brady & Co.: '180; United States Sixes, 1881 1 s, 114%; - 5-20's, 1862, 110Xy 5-20's, 1861, 107; 5-20's, 1885, 107 X; 10-40's, 105 X; 5-20's, January and July, 'B5, 110 X; 6-21's, January and July, '67110X; '6B, 110 X; June 7-80's„ par less %; July 740's, do X; August 119; Sent.. 119; Oct. 03 %; Union Pacific, Railroad, 102; Cen tral, 103. - • • TUE BAKILI . fIeatOUSE OF PA. NElautriZ, Corner of Wood and Fifth Streeti. DBA.WI3 BILLS OPMECHANGE ON - LONDON I BERLIN, • UNION BANK," POSIN DUBLIN, LEIPZIG. LITE/WOOL. '. BREMEN, GL ArGOW, FIAMBURGIL B a LPABT„ , BRAKTORT of IL, PARIS, _ WEIRZBURGII, BTRA4BBOUNG F./AIIMBTADT, MAINZ. OAnAEL,_ KAISERStANTBRI, COLOGNE, LAND WAN, TRIER, HEIL/GLOM. BASEL, STUTTGAIt__,T BERN. • EITOVEMOLM. . BAN TRANCIBCO,I 1 and about 800 more sma ll er places. Money it I'l6ol lent to say valor, from central points direct to the roaldruco of parties free of ewe, is frora Mean to seventeen dais. Colleotiona made by poi Bar. po. Goods and parcel I", , • wer of attorney an over to 'nen aid to. H. B. ItERTr. FINANCE AND TRADE, =SI tJirvtiM 1% OPYIDII OF TEM FITTsIIIIRGH GAZETTE, FRIDAY, December 11, 1868, _The change in t h e weather appears to - have imparted a stronger toneio the gen. oral markets, as many articles are in very limited supply, and with an improved de mand, piices are higher. The - demand, boweverls entirely. local, being restricted almost entirely to supplying immediate wants, and there is an almost entire ttb sauce of anything like &speculative feeling. APPLE BUTTER-Llo vinchanged at 70 to 75 in kegs, and • 80 to/35 in crocks. APPLES—There is a continued active demand,- and with diminished arrivals, prices are tending/upward. We continue - to quote at $2 to • ;4,50 per bbl, - BUTTER—The demand is improving, and choice Roll is higher, tieing quoted at 42 to 42. 'Good to prime, 38 to 40. BUCKWHEAT FLOIJR-43y to 5 eta. BEANS-43,50 to $3,75 per bushel. CRANBERRIES—SaIes Eastern Culti vated at $23 to $25 per bbl. - CHEESE-Is quiet and`dull but un changed, ranging from 15 to 20c, as to quality. • - /DRIE.Di FRUlT—Steady with salei of Peaches at 12 for qnarters, and 14 tols for 'halves. Apples at 9to 11e. EGOS—Quoted at 32 to 33. POULTRY—Demand is rather better: sales of dressed Turkeys at 15 to 16c, and Chickens at 12 to 13c. POTATOES—SaIes of Peach Blows in store at 85 to 90c per bushel. HAY—Baled Hay is firmer but un changed, ranging all the way from $2O to $27 per ten—the latter figure for prime loose pressed. HOMINY-16,50 to $7 per libL GRAlN—Winter Wheat is scarce and in - demand but unchanged at $1,85 to 51,90. Oats in better demand - and in limited sup ply: we now quote at 63 to 64c on wharf and track, and 66 to 67c for`small lots in store. Corn is also scareaandeonsiderably firmer buLtinetianged; new at7s to 80c, and old at $11'4:181,05; Rye is I* steady demand at $1,45 to 81,48—held at $1,50. Barley, al though firm, is quiet; Prime Spring is qtio. ted at $2, and Fall 10 to ,15c higher. LARD—Steady, with regular • sales of prime kettle rendered - at 1631, in tierces, and 17%c, in kegs. • LARD OIL- - Is firmer and in limited supply, but unchanged: we continue to quote No. 2 at $1,23 to 51,25 and No. 1 at 51 48 to 51,50. • ifESS PORK-426 to $26,50. FLOUR—The market is steady, with a continued fair demand, and' whilethere is firmer feeling, there is no change whatever in prices., Western ,Flours are quoted at $7,50 to . $B,OO for Spring,--and $9,00 to 49,50 for Winter. The Pearl Mill Quote their brands, made of the best Wheat, as follows. Extra Family Flour, in barrels, at /9,50, and, in sacks,. 9,20 per barrel; Double Extra Family, in barrels, 510,20, 'and, in 'sackti, 19,80 per barrek Spring Wheat Flour, in barrels, $9,00, and, in sacks, 57,70 per barreL The City. Mills note prices as -follows: Extra Family, Winter) in barrels, $950, and, in sacks, ,20 per barrel; Double Mara Family, in barrels, , 510,00, and. in seeks, Pao per barrel, and Spring, $B,OO, In barrels, and 57.70. in sacks, per barrel. WHlSKY—ffighwitues are quoted at 51 to 51105 per gallon. SALT—Allegheny River brands at $1,85 by the car load. and $2, in store. PITTSBURGH PETROLEUM MARKET. . OFFICE OP THE Pirrsußoxt GarsTra„ Fulney, Doi:ember 11, 1868. As the oil market is in a very interesting condition just now, a little history may not be out of place. This day one year ago, Crude sold at 7to 8c; Refined at 2535 to 260 for December, and 61c, buyer's op tion, all 1868. On December 28th, Refined sold at 2:lc, on spot, and a "line" at 233ic ' for January; 240 for February, and 243ic -for March. On December 31st, Crude sold on spot at 6% to 7c, and Refined, same . de livery. at 21 to 21 3 tc. Thus, it will be seen, that prices are much higher than they were at this time last year, and the market is strong, and, if we may be allowed the expression, decidedly "bullish." The pro duction, although it has fallen off consider ably, keeps up well for the season,' being estimated at about ten thousand barrels per day, while the actual demand for ship ment abroad, as is always the . case at this time year, is, and has been for some weeks past, comparatively light. Stooks both here and in the oil:regions and at Cleve land, are pretty well reduced, but there'll; said to be a slight accumulation in the east. The excitement which bas.prevalled for the past day or two cannot be attributed to any increased,dentand on the part of ex porters, but is owing almost entirely to the manipulations of a New York clique, which it is expected 'will attempt to "cor ner" the market about the twenty-first. As we noted yesterday, several at tempts have been made, within the: past , two or three years to "corner" the market, but they have nearly always resulted in a fizzle, and while this one may be an excep- lion, we think, to say the least. that it .is very doubtful. Something usually 'trams pires about the last day to knock the whole thing "into a cocked hat," and the "corn erera" generally fare worse than the "corn ered.' CRUDE. The Crude market continues active and firm and with continued large sales, prices are fully sustained. The sales- were: 1,000 bbls, (40 to 40) first - six months of next year, sellers option, at 12%x;:1,000 (40 to 45) at 1234; 1,000 (40 to 46) . February to August seller, at 1234; 2,000 all next year, seller, at 1234; 5,000 April to December, seller at 42%; 2,000 seller all next year, at 1234; 8,00 0 January to June (40 to 46) seller, at 123 f. Thtts it will be seen that 1234 is the stand ard price for spot; December, and all next year, sellers option. Buyers option, all 1869, may, be quoted at 16, with no offers to sell. - REFINED. The market, for Refined continues very much excited and irregular, and prices fluctuate from a half to a cent every hours, particularly for early deliveries. •1n forenoon it was-reported that sales had been made for next ten days delivery at 32c, while in the afternoon the same de livery was offered at 3114 e, without finding buyers. Sales of 1000 each January to June at 31340; 1000, seller, to the 25th inst., at 31; and 500, deliverable on the Ist, at 3134 c. OIL SHIPPED EAST. PROM DUQUESNE DEPOT. Hutchinson Oil Ref. Co., 181 lob's refined to Warden, Frew & Co., Philadelphia. - Brooks. Ballentine & Co., 76 do do to Warden. Frew & Co., Philadelphia. Fleming& Co., 841 do do to Tack Bros., Philadelphia. Warden & Batchelder, 85 bbls refined. to Warden. Frew & Co.. Philadelphia. M.K. Snodgrass, 80 do do to A.P.Phipps, Philadelphia. Niehouse, 80 do crude to Wallace & Co., Philadelphia. • A. Hertz, 1000 bbls 'refined to Waring, King & Co., Philadelphia. - -Lafferty & Warlng,, 476 bbla refined to Waring, King & Co., Philadelphia.- e Total shipments Refined. OIL 'fiairMiD Ed BT BY A. V. 16 R. Standard Oil Co., 427 bbla refined to Warden, Frew 4t Co., Philadelphia. • P. Weisenberger & Co., 150 do do to War den. Frew. dt Co.. Philadelphia. Livingatimi & Bros., 800 do do to tVar den, Frew .& Co., Philadelphia, Lockhart. Frew & Co., '446 - do - do - to War den, Frew & Co.. Philadelphia. Forsyth, Bro. it Co., 306 do do to Warden, Frew & Co., Philadelphia. - IL Koehler & Co., 169 bbla refined to Waring, Ring & Co., Philadelphia. Total shipments Relined /498 . . • ,-- .• , •. , ... ,. ..kiff?•11 , +:11:-.4. ,, AT.1: 0 1 , ..tb5k • `- • - .;. • • . - - . 1 •••• 2219
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