NEW ADVERTISEMENTS: MlZffnEM==6= .J = OSEPTI'.2...II(YRNE . i.,:&,'.•- . .QQ.; ITTHET7.ON OF THE SAJE-' l °' -4a)UIE‘ AXD 2 , RETAIL TRADE to sUisapetdott of Our , _ EXTENSIVE ASSORTMENT . _ i OF Holiday Groods. EVERY DEPARTMENT C,011,117311) IA ND PRICES :1 GREATLY 1.900 PALEISim et, iitiKort CORSETS , at COO WORTH $2,50, • I 'COOP SKIRTS it one,hilt the usitst prise. J ' ' I A large! llue GENT'S gLII. HANDBMR9HIETS, b white, light and dark• colors. THREE utrarDuzn.DOZEN • . ZADIEIS' uAxrawitc,iiimes, TWO HUNDRED DOZEN A G. .17.717 W LINEN 11ANDICERCInEFS, GOOD LINEN HANDK E BOHIBPB6 seats and ash LAOS EttaZDHIGOGISFG, IN POINTS. • POINTE APPLIQIIIC, REAL VALENCL4, • 1! 'IMITATION VALENCIA. • cirmilizivrTins• • - •., SILK AND BlinOlia. • DIMS AND OLtrAIL Tjulattat 111L/ ' 1111-41:11C11 ' • alio. inuniznes. ; 5 . 4 'Cloak Oragneets and Battens. SILK PARTY FARB. mix UMBRELLAS. Leather Satchels, . 110/11/107411//ieS and:Leater Bags. JET`AND BOLD 140IINTID.JZWELBY. • 413raielipts, Sleeve Buttons, Broebts and sests• • - air dents' littraiating Goods, Neck - Ties. Bowe and Scuf fl e. Norrlsini , e , Stir able.. Merino and Wool Underwear. HAND ICIUT:ZEPIITR GOODS. - I So- Ifoods. Sa,cires. .... m ins, So ES?Tes and 77 .and .79 IttABIEEET STREET. , FURS I 'FURS . :$ attention to OOP lolgo stock of :"g 5 Vine Mink Sable, Wine lludeon 'Dark Squirrel. %. Fi .3 Germanriteb, -t Mountain Mink, Canada Mink, CAPES ittriu , BERTECAS, EUEOINES AND 'COLLARS, ;I BOAS, WOODS AND 'furs's. 4 • i COUPRISEIRG EVERY STYLE, EVERY PRICE AND iFILITY • . , , AT! - VERY LOW PRICES. i 'YaNES. ~ ME NO 118 FEDERAL STREET, ALLEGREAL : •-.. FOR.(:liriTz,..:,.•,lfpgaik-Ts. 1.. ~;1; AT $1 GOOD KID GLAIVES. AT 1234 C. NUM REMIND HAVDKEH.CHIEWS AT 510 c. :TIICKILD HANDKERCRIPFS. AT 2oc.,OENT,BIIIO4MEI/ HANDKERCHIEFS FUR CUFFED RLOVE4. ClitOTH- AND 811,8 (*LOVES, LAcr. HA.pDICAR,CI3II.III3.- BINE LINEN BANDEEECIIIEIT GENT'S 1 f ME • Gent's'lFur Cuffed Gloves, Gent's Beaver Gloves, ;`, Gent's Beave , Collars !! - 1 AT POPraLAR PRICES. •. a,E3IIE. HEAVY GREY TWILLED 1 FLANNELS atial cents, t g r ! HEAVY CRAY BLANKETS, COUNTRY BLANKETS, = EviLERTON!9 FLANNELS, ,•-• • • , II Rolm! 4I INELS, WOOLEN SHAWLS, & c. r JAM 04 1181ED1{41/ EISICET,'ALLIGMENT. • ; NEW AD NV:VV . IarOCVDS` FOR THE - HOLIDAYS:. Fine China and Bohemian Vases, ', Dinner, Bets. Tea Sets and Toilet Sets; Vane/ Cups. '',• Stook nets,. Varian Ware, French Decorated Glassware, and naiad Broods,' . A. fresh assortsnent of entirely new styles and de 'isms jut P apeneci at • . , N 0.2 WOOD STREET, IVRYUII . - CARR, N 0.1113 YEDEBAL STREET. 115EAVY QUILTS, BM +`~~:, ITERTII3MN33MI3, del2:br_ .4..0pmc,11141'..P,''0.0. TCAS DI 1 52.613: - HIS entitles the bearer, on presentation, to TWO DOLLARS abatement on • cub plirebase_ of 05.00 at the great ahenti e`othLeg house , • • S. o. l .rnsmassetir, ORIGINAL BIG NOMBRE , u, Sixth Street, late St. Clair Nobodyboat by this e:tabllshment, but fair deal ing to ad..' Cali and be convinced. All clothing plainly marked by printed cards, at - LOWEST CASH' PRICES, SO that no one may be deeding!. Remember the folgt . o t rl i fit r t . al big number 114 SIXTH ISTBEE r, BEWARE OF, COVNTilitllOl.l l 3 OF S. 8. TRAURW I . deltxtr-s P.IVIETOWS NE* illillsrpfccribDoo)cs' FOR 1869. The Leiding Gift BoolEs.for 1869 THE POET AND THE PAINTER, Gems of Art and Song, ♦n imperial octavo volume of four hundred pages eontaining choice selections from the 8n flab Poets, and invert:lly illustrated with NINETY-NINE , LARGE STEEL , ENGRAVINGS; Fluted in the most perfect manner on the page with the text. • • The illustrations consist principally of Latidscapes CHUItCH. BENSEVT. DURATM, TIIINTING bIyWti, CROPSEY, COLT. L.F.1P17.E, and other American *rims. and numerous ideal portraits and artistic grebes MA.Cf.InS. MISADOWB. C BEAUX. CItESWICK. WEIR, and other famous Europesn painter —all engrayed on steel in the highest stele of the art. • _ .Altorethe , , this volume is the most lavish la ir lustration. Outmost sumptuous in type, pipe.. awl binding, and the most elegant in lts artistic ap pointments, of any gift book issued from the Amer ican press. Price, in full morocco, antique. or gilt. THE - SCIEEELER GALLERY! • COILPRIBING Fifty Superb illustrati na, m gcaVe4 lilt Steel, netaielating tharsoteri frail the Arierks of EDIC)3.I.CIi SCHILLXGR, - • • ._ • WITH DESCRIFEYE TEXT BY FREDERICK PECHT. The "Schiller Gallery" Is an attempt to delineate, by the pencil, the famous characters in the roans and pie' a of the _peat German poet, in *manner similar in general conce ption to the well-known "Stratford Gallery," . e Gallery." and "Byron Gallery." Tne engravings in the "Schiller Gallery." however, are laver. mure numerous, and of liner execution, than those In the collections of anv similar volume. To the admirer of Schiller, a study of these vari ous hapry artistic realizations of tits charms era will prove a gm at and lasting delight to all others the work is e SU IPEnil GALLICRY or ART, of unequalled interest and great intrinsic value. One vo'ume, Imperial otter°. bound in full mo rocco, antique, and =trete°, gilt. rriCe Woodide and Seaside ILLUSTRATED BY PEN AND PENCIL. 11s elegant small quarto 'volume, of ninety-As pager; containing a selection or many beautiful rural poems by TENNYSON, BEY/LET. DIOTII EY, W ELL, and other poets: and deity and fully illus trated with Er fro drawings on wood, by BIRKET Ft )91E R, HilWand other& lengrared and printed in the most psrfeet manner. In cloth, gilt sides and edges, .4.00; in morocco, antique, amd.morocco, gilt, $B.OO. APPLETON'S [IJVENILE ANNUAL, FOR 1809. A Christmas and Young Pe 'New - s Wit far Yearsop Containing a varied and b;gbly interesting col lactic,. of t h es, Tiaras:lf Adventure, 'Oddest , . at Sea and In Purest, Hunting and !sporting Scene.. Humorous IS , attics too., Handsomely illus trated. and elesandy bound In cloth, g il t• extra. Price 41.50. D. APPLENR & CO., Publishers, 90. 92 and 94 GRAND BT., NEW TORK. del2:b4s. s.w.o • AMIN= j‘PPI-iEkT O I 4 11411sTrTEDALtntip. 'OR-1869c- ONLY3O CENTS. BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED. Large Bro., b 0 superbillustrations. A. TOillSiel 51 for the rrawing Boom Table. 'Sent brmail, Ate of pnitave, Wang part of the 'United States, on receipt of the pea. 10 copies,,. A liberal Discount to Dealers. Agents supplied, D. 'APPLETON Sc ,Pablibhers, • 90. 02 . 9,94 GRAND . STREET. • ' fiel2:l47:T:'?not• ELOSLIGUI. • . A COMPLETE LINE OF GENTINIEN'S GLOVES MY HOSE, Undershirts and Drawers. . . LADIES , AND ?BMW EITOOKINGS,. YEBTEI Awn DRAWERS. HAND RNIT DREAZIABT SHAWLS. tli 111ISDCAriegT rg Egg / Eo, tag2tBAD. ATUiAS` AT JAMES PHELAN'S _Old, Stand Stocking Store, 4.12:5 . • 'No. 24; "writ A.VICNTIE: 14 oTlCE,;—Letieri; of •AdrOinis• - . tratied noon the estate°, JOeltrii Moe HACK.' • zi. tato of Evisabetb township, dceased, havi in, ng been granted -to-the undetaternedv, llll Patios' debted, td .said estate are rednOtea to masa Immo. elate payment, and thole hatingolaints or demoting sgwitist. UM emus, wilEznialre tuem known without deutv. - •., ~. - JAMICO,PdTTICR I3 e N, denain•B ' '' - IEIII2 E3i3l W ,smAnwrismAil NTS r.ll STAND: 11):' EDITION IcALTIOT%T.A.I_A MTEM.. - OF.:PRNMANSUIP PAYSON, DENTON & SqIBNEII THE mon pRwrIcAL STYLE UUCESSFUL SYSTEM EVER PUBLISHED UMW, NEWLY WROTE]) & zsrounEß REALLY THE "NATIONAt," Because ADOPTED end used in EVERT STATE IN THE UNION. - TEE MOIST POPllLAE—olleially aderited and used L threerfonrtbl of all the lame eines from Boston to Ban Iftaneireo. . . THE 'HOST '4IIPPUOVED—Teught in'two th4rds of all the leading High, Normal and Classi cal Schools, Academies: Seminaries, ComMercial and other. Colleges throughout the entire country. • Tug. been republished, and is • toed in the Schools of Canadas, England and [Scotland. HOST IifICRITOSIORB—It was award ed the Highest FrentlQM at the Nxbibitien or the Mechanic A:escalatlon, Sep.cniber ISB The ' Judges, in their Report. say: "This appears to be the most Practical System taught. 80131bIllirig all desirable Rtetrance, Neatness and Dtelinctoese. It is commended' by Its Simplicity and Adapta . laity to commercial and business purposes. TUB STANDARD --Though the drat 57013112 in this country which ,ancreeded inprinting copies in lithograph,- hiving the appearance of - men work. it has by constant revisions kept' up with the gradual advancement of . pnbtlo tastes and the demands for more rapid style. Bo that it still is ' III it has OW r been, a r.z.taiiis and GUIDI for all Copybook Authors and Publishers. irlt is the unparalleled sueeess of this system whieh has brought Into existence Om various infe rior systems that are now attempting to force th selves upon the public. Not one of these was in ex istence tilt years after P. D. b. was in popular use. One fact will show the high appreciation In which this System is held by the paths ' • and , it will be readily belle Ted that 11'4 USI IS ALMOST 'EMI - VllilittlAL, when we stet* that of all the cities la the UNITED STATEN haying over 10,060 Muhl tants by the census 0f.1560, sixty-two eithis with an aggregate of 2,400,000 inhabitants ' LTse PaY6Oll, DIIIItOII & Scribner!! Penmanship Excitnivelyt • 'White, tut twenty.serren cities. now 468,000 In* habitants, us* any one of ' the several competing sell* ries excluslvey—showing thus A,VAIST MAJORITY * OVER. ALL. We make thlstsfatement thus deg tingly because no Less than three.rival.pubUshers are given to announcing in a eeneral way that their booki ate ne ed In `Wal" or "'nearly all the pitapat chi ."These figures we ire prepared to mars tot • e satisfaction of any doubter. It 1_ Easy to Teach. It is rosy to Learn It Teaches Pupils to Think Las Veil as , to Write. It teaches accurate knowl• edge of Form and Trains to Critical Habits. It teaches the/ most Clear and Natural Analysis of Letters. It teaches the most Pa setical,llusinesedike Forms of Letters. Experience has primed it. The best Teachers recommend it. We most cordially.,solicit correspondence from Teachers, Directors and Soptrintendcnts generally who desire to introduce a better System of Penman• ship into their schools. Eptetai Terms given for first stipp!lle. MI El= BEIN OF THE IE3 MM AND SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT. Tormn WHY PAYSON. Dusrox & RIONER o 'S SIOITTA OF PEN tANSIIIr IS PRBFENSED TO ANT OTHER, IS DEC/113'3Z PAYSON, DUNTON . & SCRIBNER'S STEEL. PEN'S, Thess Pens are made expressly for us by the best manufacturers in England and America. and In, quality`of mated's', finish of points, easy action and durability, are unsurpassed by any in the market. No, is-EXTRA TINE. Per gross. 51,e0. No. 455 -top NATIONAL PEN; Per gross, $1.50. No. B—Tuz LADIES PEN. Per gross. $l,OO. No. 117—THE SEIJELEIOR PEN. Per gross. 111. 80 . No. -7—TEE BUTINEbS PEN.' •Per grim, 0,50. NEW AND' POPULAR SCHOOL BOOKS. THE CAMBIUMS OUSE or ELEMENTARY PHYSICS, BOOLVE I colerstrixo NATURAL PIittOSOPEP, CHEYIBTEY AND I Ziarti IOI2Y. Presenting in • terse and clear winner the. ;inodern discoveries 'and adopted theorei of the best Authors and lecturers of the age. each Colo. SS. ASTR9NOIIIT.' View edition, with /doom or seventeen Star Yaps of 'the Oonstellstianik 0. .BA24DBOOIf. OF TA'S 12ino, SIAM. This little book is designed both u•• earl:insulin to the "Astronomf.” sad for popalar use. It coastal,* full account of all that ho known of the numbeWtosinitndes, distaisises and motions' of the stars; of their changes of brightness and color, end of their groupings Into constellations and swat: ler clusters. lull direetloni ire even for irsellig tha MOM hnportiat constellations. 120 i &scrip-, Inon or the cOn donation! Is illustrated b 7 sat snton siarialpi; filed Mc the ..esitdictli sailuts • i • _ - 4, IL haste° sat otpe sun, moon and planeti Is sir; en sci tli"a ‘ t It may Serra as an elementary text-boot la Astronomy. • .:•• - • - - =IS _ /N . PREPARATION HANDBOOK OF CHEMISTRY. HASP . WNW OF NATURAL PHILoSOPH „I„This popular entree of Physles has been MI• daily adopted by the State Boardi of 'Maryland mid Minnesota; and is already used la whoin or la part: In the dries Int Baltimore, Pittsburgh. Wheeling, Richmond,Savanuah, Charleston. Mobile, New Orleans, Galveston, Memphis, Nastiville,."Loals• villa, St. Logic, Dleomington..Detroit. Cincinnati.;Colambtat. Dayton, Cleveland, St. Jo •seph, Wheeling, Bnffe/o, Rochester, Ncuinrk, Worcester, Taunton, Lowell,. B Lairrugie, Flayerbill,;Bath. Milford, HartforL Nvi London, New Bedfprd, Roston, Boyer, Concord,Burlisg ton, DorChester, Manchester. Pittsfield, Clheisea, Chicopee; Northampton. de.. to. MAGILVS FBE.ATCH. SERIEIS. A 7141701 i OBABIMAIi. 1 vol. 11cio. Pace, A SPY TO THIS EZEBOISIIS IN THE AUTHOR'S FBIIIICLI GRAMII.I.II. Price, $l. • AN? INTRODUCTORY FRENCH NRADER. Edward H. Magill. lvol. 12 me. Price, SS. IN PREPAUEqLf44N, BOOS OF TRENCH PROM AID POISBY. In one volume. , , THE NEW LATIN COURSE Comprising in one volume tal the Latin Prose re quired on entering Collegei and the onlyeditions of the C tassies'witb reference to the new Grammar, by Harkness. PREPARATORY LATIN PROSE BOOS, Crown 81o; pp. 205. Price, O. A HAND BOOK or LATIN POETRY - • Crown Bio. Rrtoe, SILECTIOIII6I2.O III4 hIripAND A hborter Handbook of Latin Poetry. with Motel and Grammatical References. By J. B. Hansoni A. M.. and .W. J. Rolfe. A. crowliS TO. Price, SA. Thts Totem comprises all the Latin Poetry Notes and References contained in the larger yol tune with the exception of Horace. • • 4G-ItVAE]Er_. Tbe Greek gc ries of AGPIIIIIB CeOSBY, late Pro tenor of the Greek Language la Daratoatb College. A GRAWA.AR OF THE GREEK LANGUAGE. Price, ONEEE LESSONS. Plies SL GREEK. TABLES. For ihe we of Simlento. 6NIc IiXENOPHON,I3 ANABABUI. $1,115 AN ANAL/SKS OF TAE OREEK VERB. By IFMarsbal Renshaw; A. M. 41,60. • GBP= ILEAIESTS. Including the most nseilil Booti, Derivatives and indiction& Compiled by J.U. Allen, Cambridge, Mass. lilo t • 4511EIELW. A PRACTICAL Ani COMPLEIE GERMAN GRAMMAR. By Adolph Donal, Ph. D. Ltno. Si. NSW ELEMENTARY :GERMAN GRAMMAR. By Gabriel Campbell, Proressor in Mate University of Minnesota. , BABTROLOMETS PWpIG 8001 • This series of boots. when complete, will consist of twelve numbers. Three of the series are now ready. Each number will contain twelve plates. executed in 'the highest style of lithographic art. and twenty-four pages of driming paper of a sane tier quality. Instruction accompanies each book. In connection with many ' of these books. ItOugle has been prepared for the use of teachers and more ad• .vanced pupils. These books content full and com plete Instruction relating to the eine:vies In the copy-books, and they will be found to contain many useful hints to the inexperienced teacher as to the best course to pursue in imparting information to others. • ' DRAWING SLATER, BARTHOLOMEW,B PRIMARY .130 D o',Sle ELATE. • With a aeries of PrOlgreillate Lease as fn Wetting and Drawing. Accompanying this Slate will be At Guile for the use of Teachers, suggesUng the proper course to virtue In order to make the less' me Intel eating and instructive to children. - The ut'Aity, simplicity and cheaPness of this Slate wine , rmmend ft its once to .the practical teacher,, and to all others interested in the education of youth. ALLEN'S LATIN' GP:AMMAR, containing IST isles, is not merely an. elementary work, but will be tound selllcient to o.naible the student to read deratandingly, any J.,:acts author in the collegiate Course of study • • Pz App, 'sok& ORAIK'S SIIAKfdrEARE7An Americas edited and revise dby J. Role. A complete and e xhaustive philological treatment of Julius Caesar. 10t elate use. 1' rice, sit. jajesySON, VUNION & 130RiBNEIV9 BOOK SEEPING. fty Prof. liioThar, taperiatendent of Schools, Leavenworth. Kansas. (ba press.) containing full det J eriPtions, with notices and , testimonials from 16011.1111T1L teachers . wilt be finished on application. Copitis for exantig, nation will be supplied et one.half the advertised prim, With liti cents additional for postage. Spe cial terms will be giveb for drst introduction easy if tie books. NO. 93 WOOD STREET, prritNiwantes. ';WOOLWORTH, AINSWORTH •& CO BOSTON. ME lIME= ZEE ELI NEW SERIES. NnW ARTICLE, nos 'STEVENS, deli 17SEMENTS. NEW AD DRY GOODS E3U "Vg 114DI.4.1ESAILAE, In:ILL A UMW= or NEW AND DESIRABLE GOODS tiTABLE. HOB THE DENINDS Or THE PRESENT-SEASON, _ AT - THE LOWEST PRICES AT LIE SUMS 80 and 182 Federal Street, Allegheny Anerry,,A.criemo PRIC~~: 41317R3E AT BATES & BELL'S. leha Shaw ls Tarlatan Itobei, Fine Cashmeres, Evening Silks, Cashniere Robes, Cloaks, • Cloaking Cloths, Linen Goods. Piarier -Covers. Tea Cloths, Hemmed ilttrulkerehielS , Velvets, _ Blankets. Flannels, Cassimeres, Olatings, Furs, Shirting Fiantiels, Dress Goods. NO. 21, 3Pll l t33..AL:vesn.ixe. WrIEW AIM POPULAR BOOKS , .011 for sale at KAY. & CO'S., 64 WOOD STREET, Lafayette Blinding. • Paisageu Item tee NIA. Book of Nathaniel Prtiv. Hawthorne; 2 Vole $ 4 ock • louphton,a Juvenile Annual for 1660. rrofusely illustrated 4 .... , po Toe Arts ot ing. Writing moil Speak lag, By ead Cox 150 firadie Lands. By L• dy Herbs t • 2pp Pr.nea Eugene and His TITUS. '.2l' Louise biutilbaou 2 00 Scott's Poetical Wo Mi. Diamond Ed... . 126 Timothy Titeemb's Works. 000 Beightwoo • edi t ion. 6 Vole Bubra Husband. By Marina itarland.• • 2 5 tinder the.illow. and other Poems. DY J. Russell Lowell 2 00 " In irOnn's Woos: Cabinet Ed ...... 2 $l5 O Lithe wren. .Bv 11Iss 41mitt .. . . . ... 1 5 The Child Wire, By Capt.' Mamie Bald. —L New Novel Oriamin War, Vol. ....... Prang!" MOM Of the mere W ar., TweSo• nom .. ......... Europe Illustrated: Macao" abroad with Pen and Pencil. by Veils 0. C. Daley. Illustrated . . . ...••••••••••••• The Woman's Kingdom. . 'Blades Matadi. . . ................ * D i ,l y aeorK,sLtoefi;W. ab a ciVeo orhe D'iarstirs Calamities. and Quarrels of Authors.. Two Volumes. .. . .......... H ..... If. Yea. and Perhaps. B • Edward E. ale. tiold Male. By the Author of . 'Old By .. • ..... •. • ..... • i ; ...... ?flaunty C_ounset for Girls, o hamon. my ilynuey Cox.— ....... ...... Plain Thoughts on the Art of Living. By • Wasidar on Oladdim .... . . Popular Reading* in L'rose and. Nltrys. Loudon and ...... . ..... . ... filsokins and Driaillegt James par:: ip50....... . ... ........................ Da " r e l . h n o e v t s o . n d ll y a I : s i r g .. ity d r a Saunders ...... . . .... . . Rase Mather. BY mu/ J. Holme s ie t Josh tumor on fee. • Ino_pri_ _ Henry rowers, Banker. BY IL B. • bail.... ... . . . . . .... .... . . • NNW ~~.T VEtlitY LOW PRICES._ Miff MUTAT lAMMTI • COUNTRY FLANNELS SHIRTING FLANNELS, ' intrM r . WATERPROOF C LOTHS, CHIPI6IIIL.L.A. .CL0AK.721011,, SHAWLS A D i rtrafk / 113 9D 14 15421 4 /1M 4k4. GOOD BAJIGISXNS 111 DRESS GOODS WHOLESALE, AND IIIETAIL at , . WILLIA! SE LE'S, 80 and 182 Federal Street, Allegheny, IRWIN, ircorasikalco., NO: 178 'FEDERAL STREET. ALLEGHENY. AT 518.. CENTS. DOUBLE WIDTH MOHAIR% VERY AT 16 CENTEL MRS FIGURED DELAiNES, GOOD STYLSS. .ATSO CE B. ,••• , LEAN poplins, , • ALL CJI,OSS. AT 25 CENTS. EOM _POPLINS, ALL'IMELADXS. AT M. pssas BARBED twain, DOUBLE WIDTH. AT AS CENTS, ALL WOOL, FLANNEL Bed, Yellow and,White• A LARGE.FITOpir. OF DRY GOODSi - WEIOIMALE, AYR) RETAIL. 11110N74 & CO., , . 178 Federal St, Allegheny. STEAM PUMPS, KNOWLES PATET... This ramp is arrazged for puiaping each Or thin, hot or sold, acidulosuo or 'pure, or: dear. Liquids. ' - LARGE PUMPS FOIL 'WATER WORILS, • „ . wßEcpitie XIIDiPB. . . Pumps guaranteedloitmail sitnatten. We offer thle Pump aa t e most-perfect Tridepende ent Steam Pump ever invented , and,for and durability dello; competition. BAILEY, 'FARREL -& CO., No. 167 Smithfield St., Pittsburgh,. del2:ws FRENCH BIJRB MUM STONES. French Barr Smut Nachhiest 1 TS $ 00 4 00 TEZ 3 T WILZAT 017t#NER! iA VEIL. Ftwtabge and Feed zaris„ X 00 3 50 X 115 a ut , 1 50 115 100 BOLTING CLOTS% 'All ambers 64 beat quality: 70r sale at .319 and 321 .14berty3tAriMalnultr, CLUMPS -FERRY - - - - - PRINTING INKAVORKei Giers Ferry - 12asd. taloa •:11111friy•1111101% Streets Pk l.delphl • . ; = G. 11.1t0B1151130N.inanutieturer of imeexiia COIMILED Palming and ..I.4tovsplkio bag Veer- Wahl% Leg „ ".• OC2333ltilii A Op 1141 100 M 100 1 80 1 80 I'Bo 118 ~Z~il.': ii L~~~ I - 1 , , • ER Mil IBM Mr AGENTS, W. W. WAIMASIIh ESE 11 II , . _
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers