anciai 'natters in New York. Gold Closed at 135%©136%. NW 4: Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Guette.l I NEW York, December 11, 1868 ' MONEY AND °OLD. 7 ' Mo ney active and light at 7 per cent. Sterling 9%@9;( 1 . Gold lower; opened at X, .'i, and closed at . 1 . 35 ,g®135%. The bears , , ..,,. were free sellers., The demand for cash :•:: .• gold was quite limited, and it is expected. but a, moderate, amount of bars will be ?'' ' 'ohiPPed to-morrow. , ~ ' • GOTERMENTS. G overnments lowe r, closing heavy, it be lug expected the President's Message will ' E weaken the price abroad. Coupons 1881, 114 34@114%; do. '62, /10%®110%; do. '64, l'. 1 . 07 6107 X; do. -'65, 1 07%@108: do. new, , 110 ®110x; do. '67, 110®110x; do. '6B, IJOK t". 111034: 105 1 :0105X. Painfle Rail-. road, Z4es, 4 STA. BONDS. ._. :' State nds dull: Missouris,-89 ; Old Tenness 683 i; New, 67Nig67,0 Old Vb.-, Willits, 65; ' ew, 57 ; Old North Carolinas,, 3 .. 6434; New, 61X; Alabama+, 85 @ 8 8- STMTS. - - • i he Stoc maiket was general l y quiet. Tre was ean improved tone at: the open ' lug, , with an advance on the leading shares, , the New Yorke roads being particularly active. Erie reached an, on the lease of 'the 1 Great Western .ad and rumors • that the directors have cancelled 200,00 ' shares of recently issued stock.:At thet3ec ond ,Board, :however the market was . Z. heavy, and *there was a general decline ;', with an increased pressure to sell and i„' throw out the entire list, the greatest fall being on the New York Central, Pitts -1 burg h,l Rock Island and Northwestern. The depression continued most •of the af ternoon, Erie and Fort Wayne also partici :, pating in the decline. Closing quotations, -:however, were slightly better than the -...: lowest point, and the market , throughout 1 ',,• Was dull, but closed steady. Fivs-TwENTyPitioits:--Cumberland, 3534 4 Q)36 ; Wells Express, 26%®26 ; Amer'- ', can, 42®43 ; Adam; 48y, ®18%; United i ; States, 45y‘@45K; Merchants Union, 15X !..1 0)16; Quicksilver_, 21 . 1 A,(q)21X; Canton, 47 • ®4B; Pacific Mail 113 y,@113;v 8 ; W. U. Telegraph, 3 6%@.36M; B. H. it E.; 2334 :3 4 &24 1 4; Marl_posa, 6@6; preferred, 193.1 ? 4 @120; New York Central, 124®1245‘;, Eria+39V,@39% ; do pref., 5834(§59; Hudson, • 12 434@125; Reading,Wabash, F (4 1 55 X; do. preferred, 71471; St. Paul, 63 !4g)6334 ; do. preferred, 82 y®8234; Fort 1 Wayne, 109%®109341-Ohio andMississippl, ; 29 %@29 1 4; Michigan Central, 11814@119; Michigan \ Southern, 'k 85x@)85X; Illinois Central,ll42. Pittsbt 83®83y • , , I s l and, 4 t 'Toledo, 101@1015‘; Roc /06X% 106%1 Northwestern, 753‘@7534: do. pre .; , erred, 763‘®773‘; Lake Shore, 99%;8ur - I:rlington and Quincy, 172; Marietta and ~ Cincinnati, lat pref., 22 34 . MINING 13KARES. Mining shares dull;,Gregcry, 525; Quartz ~. ;Hill , 79; Smith dc Parmetke, .404.. ; ,I. COPPER STMT.& 114 . •`. Copper stocks at Boston--Copper Falls, 3i; Franklin; .14; Hancock, 3%; Minne i`sota, 2; Quincy, 18. PITTSBURGH METAL MARKET. • -07 7 / 9 A or Tax Pim-nu-Ann GAmErra, • Flerner„ December 11, MI& • :;. The market is quiet but steady with a ~ demand fully up to the supply, which con ! :Manes pretty well , reduced, and especially era this the case in regard to eastern irons. ;IV - hi's there, is no perceptible change in prices, holderi are firm, and, -as general Ahing, refuge to make concessions in order Ito effectsales. We presume that the mills twill suspend operations for a week or two labout the first of the year in order to take frlitock. ANTZBA.CiTYL • • , 30 tons No. 1 Foundry 141 50-4 mos .•;.: 50 " No. 1 Foundry 42 00-4 mos 50 " No. 2 Foundry ....... .... 41 00-4 mos " 50 " No. 2 Foundry 40 00-4 mos -* . -•_,•• 60 " Mottled and White.... 87 50-4 mos • 50 46 No. 3 Anthracite 39 50--4 mos 20 " No. 2 Foundry 40 00-4 mos • 10 " No. 1 Foundry 42 00-4 mos mTIIMIxvB goei. SMELTED FROM LAZA BA PEEIOR ORE. • 1.00 tons Red Short 839 50- 7 5 mos • • •:. .400 " Grey Forge 39 00-4 mos 60 Grey Forge 89 00-4 mos • • • -!.! 70 " Grey Forge 39 50-5 mos '•• :110 " Grey Forge • 39 50-6 moe . 40 " Close and Mottled • 39 00-6 mos • . 4, 78 " Extra Open GreyF'dy 41 00-4 mol 450 ••• ' " Med. Close Grey, de ' liyerable at fur 35 00-4 mos •135 " Extra Grey Forge 40 00-6 moe • •'• ;3'65 " Grey Forge 39 00-4 mos •'• • .400 " Grey Forge ......... 39 50-5 mos : • 420 " Grey Forge 30 50-6 mos "? 20 " • Extra Grey Forge.... 40 00-4 mos ,••r 60 Grey Forge ' 39 00-4 mos :100 " • Extra Grey Forge .... .. 40 00-4 mos 60 " Close Grey Forge S 9 00-6 mos , • - 160 " Grey Forge 30 50-6 mos ;100 " Extra Grey Forge 40 00-4 mos crrancoax.. . 1100 tons Cold Blast- Forge 149 00-6 mos • 150 " Warm Blast 47 00-5 mos • s . .110 " hot Blast Foundry... 51 00- cash BLOoMs. 1;24 tons No. 1 JUniata..l. - New York Dry Goods Market. Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.l i. I NEW Yonk, Dec. 11.—The weather is • • xtremelyvold, and a better enquiry is no ' ticeable for,low priced Wciolens, at the re 'luction of -one shilling per yard for low trades of Meltons and other Woolens. , acepellants are saleable and firm at 51,25a2 ." ibr the:finest` qualities. Bleached Mullins e more • frey, and loso hld igher, but el this is nut genera makes l. • Ctaonidale are up to 16c, and Great Falls Q, .?o 17c. PrintingClothsAre in reduced sup '•• and firm, at 67 for 56'60, and $8 for 64 square cloths. , The best makes or six -cord '• ::''-'oft finish spool cotton are •selling at $1 per cozen net. Heavy Sheetings are steady at 4c for Augusta, /4 3 / 4 43 for Stark, lbc forAp •,leton A, and for Atlantic A. .1; ' .:•• • Chicago Cattle Market. . , isy Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] Carom)°, December 11.—Cattle more ac .; •.' :.,kve and firm at $3,75a5,0Q. for common to food cows, and 1505027,0 T for fair to good !:';;:nooth shipping , beeves. Hogs; the, heavy • peelpts had a depressing effect on the ydrket, and prices declined 10a15c; sales ere made at $7,50a7,75 for fair to medium, ..ld $7.90a8,25 for good to choice lots, osing at $888,15 for ordinary good smooth f.l,lour and Grain in Store in Chicago. Dec. 5, Nov. 28, Dec. 5, 868. 1868. 1867. :r not stated ' 71,050 49,023 • jtit 865.288 ' 628,147 758,010 . , 265,884 103,339 269,900 205,822 186;425. 312,946 155,833 168,914 20,031 350,346 372,918 13.3,470 Philadelphia Market. , Telegraph toitvitt.bursh Gazette.) ' paILADELPHIA, December 11. —Flour 'llll and unchanged. Wheat, the demand f:tght at $1,50a2,00 for ri3d, 12,12 for amber. ve in good demand at $1,55. Corn In '. , jmand for western 70a74c. Petroleum '-t. t i eak, crude 210, 'refined 31c. Provisions j''rnier. Mesa Pork 128a26,25. Lzird 143 a Whisky, dull at $1,02a1,04. 11 St. Louis Cattle Market. Telerrapi to the Pittsburgh Gazette. ; :48T. — LOWS, December 11.—Cattle un banged, and ranging 3 &;aB l 4'. Hogs in sod demand at 730735 e for light to tisedi- Tm, and BaBy,,e for heavy. 1 Sheep in ,mall demand and the price. unchanged . , . New York Produce Market. „ CBr Te'egraph to the Pittabeigh Gagette.j .NEW Yonx. December 11.--Cotton with out decided change; sales 2,100 bales at 25c for middling' • uplands. Flour--reeelpts 13,843 bbls and 10a15c better; sales 14,400 bbls at $5,95a6,35 for superfine State west ern; $7a7,55 for extra . State; $6,85a8 for extra western; $8,50210 for white wheat extra; $13,10a9,50 for R. EL 0.; $7,75a9 for extra St. Louis; $10212,50 for good choice do; closing firm. California flour quiet; sales 200 eke at 56,75a9,75 via Horn; $10,50a12 via lath mu. Rye flour a shade firmer; sales 300 bbl; at $ 6 ,75a8,50. • Corn meal quiet; sales 100 bbla fair at 0,50. Whisky quiet; sales 50 bbls western at $1,03 for free. Snead-- - receipts 1,120 bu and la2c bettor and more doing; sales 110,000 bu at $1,60a1,65 for No. 2 spring; $1,70 forpoor No. 1 do; $1,90 for Winter red State; 112,05a2,08 for anther &Lich igen; $2,20 for white eenessee; $2,20a24 for whits California. Rve is quiet ; sales of 25,000 bn State at $1,55; western nominal at $1,60. Barley dull; sales 4,500 bua State at $2a2,10,- the latterprice for prime; $ 2a2,04 for rowed; also ,2,500 bits German at $2,80. Barley Maltquiet; sales 2,000 bus State at $2,28. Cerra shade easier; receipts 18,000 bus; sales 57,000 bus at 51,12 a 1,13 for unsound; $ 1 ,14a1,143i for sound mixed Western in store; $1,163ia1,17 for do. afloat, $1,05 fer poor new' mixed Western. Oats dull; receipts, 1,825 bus; sales 39,000 bus at 77c for Western in store, and 80c for do. 'afloat. Rice dull. Coffee firm; sales 2,290 bags Rio on private terms. Sugar quiet; sales 157 hhds at 11a123c for Cuba, and 13Kc for Demerara. Molasses dull; sales 260 bbls New Orleans at 60a76c. Hops dull; 10a23e for American. Petroleum firm; 133ic for crude; 33a for refined. Linseed Oil higher, at $1,03a1,06 in large and small lob& Pork is dull and - heavy; sales were made of 650 bbls at $25,50a26 for newzness; $25a25,75 for old mess; 1 20 ,50a22 for prime; $22a25 for prime mess; also sales are re ported of 500 tibia new mess, sellers option, January and February, /25a25,25, Beef is firm and sales are reported of 140 bbls at $13216,50 for new plain mess; sl6a2ofor new extra mess; tierce beef is dull and sales of 100 tierces were made at $23a30 for prime; $30832, India mess. Cut Meats steady; sales are reported of 130 packages at 10al1,k(o for shoulders; 12a1435c for hams; middles ire .steady and, quiet; 25 boxes of Cumberland cut sold at 133ic. Lard is firmer; sales of 700 tierces at 153(01630 for steam; 16,0 16 5 0f0r kettle rendered; also sales are re ported of 250 tierces steam, seller. Decem ber. Butter is quiet; sales at 25a40e for Ohio; 40a50c for State. Cheese is firm at 14a19c. Freights to Liyemool are quiet; en gagements have been made of 7,600 bush of corn, per steamer, at 63id, and of 1,200 bbls flour at 2s. 3d. per sail and 4s. per steamer. LATEST.—FIOM P C/Mad 5o better, with a fair home demand and a limited export en quiry. Wheat 12243 better, with a moderate milling and speculative demand. Re dull at $1,43a1,50 for western. Oats dull at 77e is store, and 7934580 c afloat for western. Corn heavy at $1,14 in store, $1,16a1 163 i afloat for bid, and $1,0621;10 for new mixed western. Pork dull at $25,50a28,80 for mess. Beef dull and unchariged i v Cut Meats steady. Bacon steady and unchang ed. Lard quiet at 16a16 %c for fair to prime steam. Eggs steady at 3,9a40c. Cincinnati Market. Z. 137 Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Guette.l Ciercnimerr, December 11.—There is a moderate demand for floor; family, $7,25a 7,75. Wheat quiet and unchanged; No. 1 red, 11,75. Corn firmer; ear, 64a65c. Oats advanced to 66a670 for No. 1 and choice. Rye advanced to 11,36. Barley unchanged and quiet. Cotton firmer; middling, 23a 244 c. Butter scarce and higher; fresh, 36a 40e. Eggs, 330. Hay—owing, to the light supply has advanced to 516a18. Linseed oil held at - 81; buyers offer 98c. Lard oil firm at .1,305'1,33. Petroleum dull, at 29a 30c for refined. Whisky dull at 97c. Pro visions advancing with considerable spec ulative demand. Mess pork sold at 11.25, with more buyers than sellers. Bulk meats strong; sales at 93ia100 for shoulders; 12y a 13c for clear rib sides, .13,ia140 for clear do packed; 600.000 pounds sold loose, 16 to 25 days in salt, at 934 e for shoulders; 12a200 for aides; 1210 for clear rib de, and 133ic for clear. Green meats higher and in good demand; shoulders, 930; sides, 113iallyfe, and clear sides, 12y 4 c. }Lama, /2ga130. There is an anticipatool speculative demand for lard; sales of 750 tierces, all to be had at 143ic for steam, and 153ia153;c for kettle rendered,;: now held higher; keg, 1630. Cloverseed, 513,50. Flaxseed firm and in demand, at $2,25a2,30. Timothy, 52,75 a 2,90. Gold, 135 W, buying. Exchange very dull at Xal-10 per cent. discount buying; par selling. The demand for money is pressing and the market very close, at 10a 12 per cent. for the best paper offered; out side rates range from , : is to 18 per cent. Hogs active; closinfeat 58a8,50, gross, and 59,75a10,25 net; receipts, 11,000 head. ,-- • Chigag• Market., :By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh eiazette.3 Czioacio, December 11.—Eastern ex change fiat and irregular at par Rolling. and 3 al-10 per cent. discount buying. Flour more active, steady and firm; sales of spring extras at 5,75a6.75. Wheat quiet; sales No. 1 $ 1 223a1,2834, No. 2 ac tive and la 134 c higher; sales at $1,17%a 1,183, closing at $ 1 ,1834a1,18 3 / 4 ; sales of No. 2 since change at $1,18%. Corn very quiet; sales of'new shelled at 63a53%e, No. 2 kiln dried at 61a62c, rejected at 59c, clos ing weak at 53e; old Corn tame, and small sales were made at 78a80c, and nothing do ing this afternoon. Oats a shade more ac tive; sales of No. 2at 48a49c cash, rejected 46a46/c; No. 2 sellers for the month in moderaemand at 4848 c. Rye steady a t e $1,1 d 5 for No. 1, and $ 30 1,14 N f0r No, 2 in store. Barley firmer and quiet at $1,66a 1,68 for No. 2, doting at the , inside price. Highwines quiet and almost nominal at 94e. Provisions less active. ' Mess Pork. $24 cash, and $23,50a23,75 for future delivery; clear pork $26; mess ordinary $23a23,50. Shoulders 834 c; green 930 packed. Lard more active and easier; sales at 14341114%c. Beef hams $29,50. Dressed Hogs active at $9,5059,85. Receipts for the past twenty four houre—Flour 17.132 bbls, wheat 31,295 bush, corn 19 ,776 - bush, oats 3,827 bush, rye 4,428 bush, barley 31,610 bush.. Ship ments-7,074 bbl flour, 6.834 bush wheat, 16,120 bush corn, 3,333 bush 0at5,1;173 bash barley 7,088 head hogs. $192 00-6 Mos Cleveland Market. fp, relerraph to the Pittsburgh Oazette.l CLEITLAND, December 11.—Flour mar ket unchanged, city made $ 11 , 2 5a11,50: for treble extra white $9,50475; for double ex tra amber $8,75a0; for double . extra, red $7,75a8; for double extra spring 16,75a7; for extra 25a9 7 5 country made, unchan white ged at 10,25a9,75; fdr double extra winter $8,00a8,75; for 'double extra red $7,25a7,50. For' double extra spring buckwheat flour steady and in fair demand at 1,8150a9. Wheat N 0.41 at $1,85a1,90; No. 2 offered at $1,70. Corn, sales of 84 car loads of new at 85c, and 2 car loads on track at 79c. Oats, sales of 1 car load at 61c. Rye,salesof 1 car load at $1,35. Memphis Market. CEP Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.) MEMPHIS; December 11.—Cotton quiet; firm and unchanged. Stock, light receipts: 1433, exports, 504; week's receipts 8,562; week's exports 8,723; stock 8,266. Flour low grades firmer and in demand. Corn, 70a71e. Oats 6 2a83e. Hay 21a22e. Pork. Mu. Lard 18a1634c. Bacon firm; shoal. ders 1.334; cleax sides 17 1 4; bulk shoulderit 10l4a1031; clear sides 14Ra14y,. . . Nashville Market. (Br, Telegraph to the Pittsburgh ()untie.] LOUISVILLE, Becember 11.—Tb0 receipts of tobacco are light and tile market is un changed. Cotton, 2230. Mess pork, $25,25 a2O. Lard, 153016 c- Bulk shoulders, 10c; clear rib aides, 13Kc; clear sides, 14y.c. New Orleans molasses, 67c. Sugar, 12a 12;10. Superfine flour, $5,60a6. Wheat, $1,85a1,95. Oats, 55a58c. Corn, 60c. 'Whis ky aoudad. ,:ray. - ~c ~~.:.u. ..t _ _ a,...a3 _—..~~~~ r -~ ~ - - H..:Y. '. '3.:.'~~~,'2 JG . ~..,i?'+i _ ~a:.usx-w~_muva. r :ou • - P.ITTSRUEGII GAZETTE: SATURbAY, DECE St. Louis Market. II (By Telegraph to the Plttsbureh Grazette.l - ST. Louis December 11 .—Tobacco noth ing doing. ' Cotton very little doing, Mid dling quoted at 2234 c. Flour very quiet but hrm with very small business, owing to restriction on shipping by ice in the river; superfine sold at $5,25a6,25, extra - $6,50, double extra $7a7,50, treble extra to fancy s9alo. Wheat nothing doing, except few small lots of' choice fall in store sold on private terms, understood at $2,10415 on advance. Corn, the 'stock is light and hld higher at 72lic. Oats held higher welds mall sales at 57a60c. Barley nothing doing and the prices are nominally un changed. firm at $1,25. Provisions, sales van , nearly suspended on account of the shipping facilities; sales 100,000 pounds of dry salt shoulders at Peoria at 9a93{c. Lard nominal at 143fe for tierce. Whisky unchanged at 9 33004 c. The receipts •for the past twenty-four hours have amounted. to 700 barrels of flour, 850 bushels of wheat, 35 0Ibushela of corn, 900 bushels of oats and 5,400 head of hogs. • • Buffal•' Market. p3s Telegrapt to tke'rlitsbara Gazette.) BurPtes.Lo, Deopmber 11.—Flour; no sales. Wheat; sales 0f\7.000 bush No. 2 Chicago aplag at 11.45; 27,000 biish do at 51,44; 00 bush white Canada at 52,15; two car l oad s of amber Canada at $l,BO, and 1,050 b No. 1 Milwaukee Club at $1,60. C orn nominally unchanged. Oats dull; sale sof car lots at t36c for western. Other articles unchanged. Highwines; :asking /1,02; re tailing at 51,04. Milwaukee Market. CDT Telegraph t• the Pittsburgh Gazette., , IiTLIVAI77LEE, Dec. 1 1.—F 1 ottt quiet, firm and nnchanged. Wheat higher at 51,29 for No. 1; $1,19X for No. 2. Oats dill at 4834 c for No. 2. Corn weak at 64c for new shell; ed. Rye and barley nominal and unchan ged. Recelpts--1,000 bbls flour,. 35,000 bn wheat, 2,000 bu oats, 2.000 bu corn, 2,000 bu rye. Shipments-3,000 bbls flour. Baltimore Market. Csy Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.) " BALTIMOR,E, December 1 1.—F1onr firm and in-fair demand, and unchanged. Wheat dull and unchanged. Corn firm and un changed. Oats firm at 70a75c. Rye firm at 11,40a1,43. Mess Pork firm at 626,60. Ba eon quiet; rib aides, 17c; clear side; 17Xa; shoulders, 14c; hams, /80. Lard firm at 16 Toledo Market. LBY Telegraph to the PlttaborghGazette.) TOLEDO, Dec. 11.—Flour quiet. Wheat— white 40 and red 2a23ic better; sales white Michigan 11,94; amber 01,1383451,89. Corn new lc lower; No. 1 86c; new 74a75c; new rejected 71c. Oats quiet. Rye a shade better; No. 211,26. Dressed hogsf a shade batter at 108103,0. IMPORTS BYRAILRAOD. PUTSKTROH, FORT. WAYNE4 . .t CHICAGO RAILROAD, December 11.-12 cars metal, Nimick & Co; 3 do do, J Moorhead t Co; 1 do do, Bryan .t Caughey; 4 do , do, Cole man, Rahm & Co; 1 do lumber,. owner,‘-1 bx glass, Wm McCully & Co; 2 pkgs but ter, Graff & Reiter; 2 kgs lard, 2 bra poul trY. Wright, M & Co; 8 bills poles, Mo whinney & Co; 1 bbl butter, /Knox & Orr; 8 bbls eggs, Graff & Co; 1 box tobacco, At, well & Co; 1 box, 25 eke buckwheat flour, Woodworth .t Davison; 30 do do, F G Craighead; 14 casks nuts, W P Townsend; 15 doz broom, 1) Haworth; 1 piano, H her .t Bro; 9 cars iron ore, Shoenberger dr Blair; 3 bbls oil, G A Kelly; 800 bbls flour, T C Jenkins; 164 bags rye, Dillinger & Stevenson; 1 car brick, Kier, Glover & Co; 100 100 bb & lsdo flour, Kirkpatrick,i _Herron .t Co; do , toats, Scott Gisal; 50 tea lard, Sellerr & Co; 100 tea hams, J H Parker; 50 bbls highwines, Ramsey & Co; 55 do do, Shipton de Wallace: 3 bills leather, J Callery. .ALLEGHENY veraarr RAILROAD Decem ber 11.-800 bbls oil, Fisher & Bro; 5 bbls whisky, J McCullough; 1 box, Reizmlte dr. Pollick; 1 ba butter, 2 bdLs - pelts, 1 roll leather, 1 bill do, McCandless, Jamison & Co; 1 bx, 1 bbl 2 do butter, Volgt.' Mahood & Co; 5 bbls ' corn meal, 3 hogs, 2 nridßEl butter, 2 bgs corn, J Obey; I bx iput ter, J Burgman; 2 bbls corn meal, Lang & Watt; 13 eke oats, 3 pkgs middlings, J D Srouse; 1 pump, Phillips & Cluley; 1 box poultry, W M Graff & Co; 2 cars metal, Mc- Knight & Co; 168 rails railroad iron, Pitts Cin Itfit Louis RR Co; 5 cars metal, Shoen berger & Blair; 60 bbls salt, Watt & Lang; 2 hides, Seibert & Berger; 10 sks flour, R M Dickey. ArAnairnuy STATION, December 11.- 5 ears wheat, R T Kennedy & Bro; 65 green hides, A Milstein; 1 car lumber, TB Price; 1 car wheat. W McKee & Co; 1 car scrap iron, Pitts Forge Co; 200 bble flour, Geo. Stewart; 1 car barley, M Ilickelman; 1 car staves. J M Hemphill; 1 car metal, Lewis, Bailey -ft Dalzell; I car flaxseed, M B Ley dam; 100 bbls flour, J B WlCee; 2 cars stone. Forrester & meiraw; 3 bxii sundries, H.Riddle; 4 cars limestone. Superior Iron RIVER NEWS. The river continues to recede steadily with scant five feet in the channel by the Monongahela marks last evening. The 'Weather continues cold, and the Allegheny river is still pretty well govered with float , inglice. Business was rather dull at the landirig yesterday, the offerings of freight being comparatively light, and unless it mode rates very soon, we should not be stir . - prised to see itavigation entirely suspended within the next day or two. The Sallie (Captain J. T. Stooltdales mountain steamer) arrived about noon yesterday with a very good trip. She would have reached here two weeks ago had she , not have been detained at Louis ville waiting for water to ascend the falls; being considerably too long to pass through the canal. - The steamers in port yesterday had their flags at half mast as a token of respect to the memory of pilot Thomas Crawford, who died suddenly on Wednesday night. The remains 'were sent to his friends for interment on the Kenton. The New York for Evansville, and Wan anita for New Orleans, It was said, would get off last night. It is not likely that there will be any de partures for St. Louis for a day or two, as the Mississippi above Cairo, is said to be full of floating ice. The Armenia his a sign out for Memphis and New Orleans. The Mary Davage and , Barges, Captain Shedden, are to leave for New Orleans to-day, and shippers should bear this in mind. The indefatigable Gen. Chas. Barnes Is her agent. The Grey Eagle, Capt. C. L. Brannan, is the regular packet for Parkersburg to-day, leaving promptly at noon. ( The Camelia, Capt. Thos. Poe, will be the first boat out for Nashville. —The Leonidas ' en route from Cairo to Pittsburgh, was at Cairo on Wedneaday. —The Bellevernon, PittsburghtoNewDr leans, and the Messenger, St. Louis to Pittsburgh, were at Louisville on Wed nesday. T.-Captain C. A. Dravo is negotiating for th John Kilgour, to take the place of the St. Charles .in the Cincinnati end Pitts-' burgh trade.,- : _ -Of ieneral D. C. Buell will bring out coal on this rise to Fulton, on the Mississippi River, for steamboat use. It will be a great accommodation to. the boats. —Thomas King, second clerk of Alm Biel:nark, Is Missing. It is supposed he , was robbed and murdered, or •absconded. Ile had $1,500 in freight collections when last seen. • --Captain E. A. Sheble Superintendent of the - St. Louis and Peoria Packet Compan, was on Monday presented by the onion of the various boats of ti um , dt h cii “e gent and massive silver tea set. • ( ~ —Captain James R. Lockhart and Mr. in th e And C. Isaa, of the steamer Julia, deny most e mp hatic terms the charge tot reporting at Memphis the loss by lire cf the jow-pressure steamer Richmond. I I —The Cincinnati Ccminserdea. of Thum- Itay, says: Captain I. N. Cook is here awaiting the arrival of Capt. Heigh Camp bell, when they will proceed to St. Louis for the purpose of purchasing . the Great Republic. 1 —A St. Louis - telegram, under date of Wednesday, says: The river has been Pretty full of ice to-day, and navigation nearly suspended. It Is not expected now that any more boats will leave for the North this season; the weather is mode rating, however,and before the week closes the river may be clear of ice again. i —The Louisville Courter, of Wednesday says: The following towboats with cold 200 r for Southern po were to leave last night Grand Lao 000 bushels; Ajax, 276,04 bushels; Bktic, 150,000 bushels; Marl ; . Alice, 200,000 b bele, for New Orleans,: :I.Diamond, 100,000 brushels, Memphis; James) Gibson, 110,000 bushels, Nashville. The'. Panther, with 160,000 bushels, and thdi Simpson Horner, with 200,000 busheLs for N l OO New Orleans,ha ve already deted. - The Lake Erie, 240, bushels; 260,0e0 bushels, and ctor Wilson, with 150,000 bushels, will lea e for New Orleann to-day. The A J Baker will leave for New Orleans Thursday. The Dick Fulton is on her way to this port, and will return to New Orleans 201 with a tower 000 bushels of oak, which, will complete th run for Southern ports. The Painter• No. 2 will take a light tow to Cumberland River: Capt. Packer, of the towboat Diok Fulton, arrived , yesterday, from Cairo by rail. River and Weather. [Br Taal:ma to the Pltteburgh tifasette.l LoursviLLE, . December 11.—River with seven feet ten inches in the Caner. Weather clear and cold. Thermometer nine degrees. Cincimixri, December 10.—The weather continues intensely cold. The thermome ter is now ten degrees and ailing STEAMBOATS. IMPORTANT . TO SHIPPERS. _ • OR CINCINNA LOUISVILLE, EVANSVILLE, Finn, SIERPR/S, VICKSBURG AND NE W CR LLANd. —The 711ARY DAYAGE AND BARGES, JAM saEDDED, Co!nmaader. Will leave as above on THLS DAY, December Dath. Shippers should bear In mind that the DAPAGH will positively go through without re-shipping. des _ CHARLES HARHEs. Agent. pITTS BURGH, WHEELING, laddrillit Marietta and Parkersburg Line. Leave Company's Wharf Boat,-toot or Wood street. DAILY, AT 151 H. MONDAYS AND TRIINSDAYS• • BAYARD A. S; BADYNEN.D, Muter. WZDNZSDAYS ADD SATURDAYS, GREY BALLS C. L. Baxermax, Master. Freight will be reeelyed at all Imre by set; JAMES COLLIN& AseaL VOR NASHVILLE, Dl•jiagget BELT—The creamer CAMELIA Will leave , on lIIS DAY, DECEMBER ISM. for Evansville, Clarksville aid Nashville. For freight es passage apply oa board er WIRIEST &Resart, JOHN FLACK. dee Or, J. D. COLLINGWOOD, Agents, ASSESSMENTS OFFICE OF CITY ENDINRER, • ALLZOIMIT CITY. Dee. 4th, 119611. QEWEIR A SSESSISENT—Notice Is lor hereby given to all property holders In the WESTLRN IeIEWERAttE DISTRICT, whigh eta braces all that portion or tie city area, lying north west of the following lines r _vi: : North of Ohio lane and Walnut strike t and West of Eldwell street, sad a line rimming North -east-to Observatory hill and new city line. as well as the portion lying be tweea If esters avenue, Ohio lane, Pniton and Bid well streets (comprehending the larger Dart of Man cheater aid all the Tleatiant Valley seetion))thst the assessment for the construction of the Sadgwlck street sewer is now completed. sad plated in the hands of the City Treasurer for colleotion. •Il propene her.tofors assessed for exemptpos within the limits above dasignated 'is from present assessment. - deb:a97 CHAS. DAVIB, City Zngineer. 0771C11 CITY XIMINIZE AND bOIYITO3, PITTEIBIMGH.DeceIiIier Ilk. UHL NOTICE.—The assessment for grading and Paying LONG ALLEY', Alsfrom Lewli alley to the Allegheny Valley Railroad. o, SPRING ALLEY, from Morris to Rush street, are ow ready for ex amination, and as. be seen at this oldies until Ht. CRMRSH at, 1868 , whea It will bs returned to the City Treasurer's °Mee fur collection. H. J. MOORE, City angineer. OICS nr OrrY ENGINZIE, t ALUM:Myr CITY,PT December 10th. 1809. f OTICE—The assessments ßD . for Grading and Paying SPRING GAEN NUE, from Chestnut street to Tanner street; also the Grading of ALLEGHENY AVENUE, from e W m e n n tian,n u n d t o a Ri dbo s eena a t r this w once d , u yfor FRIDAY December Jolth, 18611. when they will be N returned to the Street Commissioner for collection. dell : biL CHAS. DAVIS. City Engineer. • OFFICE 07 CITY EFOIEZER ANONEEFLYOR, Pittsburgh, 'December 11th. /868. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed Proposals for the 'construction of a BOARDW Alai. on FIFTH AVENUE, hi In Soho Toil Date to Murphy street, wit! be received at this Olen until December. 17th, 1888. The Comm Mee reserve the right to meat swot' all bias. demb9...5 H. J. Mu Ong. City Engineer. I/Meg Or CITY Itgaiggis AND SURVILYOB, NPittsburgh, December 11th, ISOS. I OTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed Proposals for the partial Grading of MILLER STREET from Centre avenue to Reed, will ,be received at this office until WEDNESDAY, December .10th..1S6S. The COMMltlee reefers° the right to reject any or all bids. dell:M. H. J. MOORE, eft, OTTIOR or CITY EFIGINICER 4VIITOI, Pittsburrh. P C. a. 18811. XOTICEs • he • essm - ent for the Construct • • • • the 12 0A.11.DoiVALIC on Centre Street, from Ellsworth Avenue andalnU,t str/ et, is new ready for examination, an be seen at this will il WEDNE•IDAY. Dec. .I.llth, 1888 wben it be returned to the Oily Treasur ers dice for Collection. deS:aini 8. J. MUOEZ, • City Engineer. OFFICE OF CITY imaiNzza, Allegheny Clty, Dec.], nem XOTICE.—The assessment for Cradle g and l'itvlag TURNER ALLEY. from erry street to old city line, In um Third ward, la now ready for examination, and Can be seen at tuts office until. WEDNEeDAY December 9th , when It will be returned to to • Street Coamlssloner for cal dte2mion.S3 Dit D . CRALAVIB, Civil Engineer. OFFICE OF CITY ENOINinn AND ntintralfOß, . Pittsburgh, Dee. 6, 1868. OTICE.—The assessment for entrehe construction of the ItuAltD WALL oa avenue, from Kirkpatrick stmet to Ewart , s corner, Is now resoy for exarsinstion, and can be seen at this office A. until WEDNABDY, December 10, 1568. when It will be returned to the City Treasurer's office for collection. des:aloo . H. .1. hitionle. City Entrinesr. (wry Tosaarruzive Orrice, Dec. 41b. AG& f rIIIIIOSE PERSONS WHO PAID assessmen Sewerse Federai Street and Mont• Reiner, avenue on or before the Sliti day of November, 1801, are requested to return their re ceipts to this office. 'and the reduction authorised by Councils wit be refunded. des . D. ILACTEHRON, City Treasurer. NOTICWOTICE—Those interested Will E - Those plese take notice that the report of the vlavr. era in the matter or openina LAMMED AtIiINDIC, In the city of Plusher/Ih. as modified by the cou r t has been placed In my banes. ' Tne D ente; uale It not Paid an or before JAN UA.III tit h e A. 1860 will be Med as' Ilene to 'accordance vrith the late lit such cat e made and provided. , .7.. IP. 9I.AGLX, City Atterney. , Pttabureh:December Ilth. 1808. de7 OFFICE OF CLEIR li OF COI of Allegheny County, Pa. Philip {Vaguer. torero. Allegheny elty. The Ldeen se Board wht sit on WEDNIEADAY. the 14th Inst. at 10 o'clock, A. /1. for heating the above applicatio. deltill Joint e.unowzg.. Mork% J. B. CANYIIILD A. T. CATITTELD. D. CANFIELD 'A. SON, COH• MISSION MERCHANTS, and 'Wholesale ealers In Goshen, Facto Hamburg near, Fl R. Cheese, Butter, Larci, POI Bacon. near, Fish, Dried Fruit, Grain, Pi( , Pot, Pearl and Soda Ashes, White Lime. Linseed, Lard, Coal and Car bon Oils. No. 141 Timm street. Pittsbnreh. PiTia LIM JAIL IN Amu" KEIL & HICHART, COMMISSION; ,MERCHANTS, AND DIALI2II IX !LORE, GRAIN, BIRDS, RILL FRED, be., to., my2,4:bff 3411 Lawny UR, Pittsburg/Is 4111 X. WR,IiB2 1. Amnia. McBANE & AMER, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Dealers IaNLOM GRAM and PEODDCTE EOM STULL'S', No. kfie. WATIIN SMUT. abet* Smithfield. Pitteburga. led FETZER & ARMSTRONG, POZWAIDDIG AID COMMON XIDIMug, For ike sale of Flour, Grain, Bacon, Lard. Batter, Seeds, DrKET ed i AT% Produce I and Produ generally, No. /6 MAR , corner of First, Plttaburgli. fitZt• L. J. BLANCHARD. spitz. No. 391 PENN MU= 4 ROM SNOX. &1111.112 W KNOX. K NOXCOMMUNION .31:13B,CIEWM mad dealers In FLOUR, eirATN L FEED and PRODUCE ezifirsaLLY. No. jaI7DIA2dORD, opposite City Hall, Allegheny' Ciy. :017 .. . Capt. Taos. pis. ORN 7101112..... SKIM. TORN I. HOUSE & 880S It 1 nora to JOHN I. ROUSH 8. CO.. Wholesale roeers and esottuaisston Herehaats. Corner of Smithfield aid Water Streets.. Pittsburgh Pa. ITTLE, . i lj e TtD `t4 PATTON, Wholesale 0 Camsfuton Mere'iamb sad ealers in Produce, lr our, Bacon, Cheese, Fish, Qarbon and Lard Oil, Iron_ Nalls. filau, Cotton Yarns and all P%-tsbargh Minufactnres generallY. WI and Iv* 811COND STREET, Pittsburgh. JOHN SZITTON • WALLA /UPTON & WALA, WHOLE. SALE G ROCIERS AND L PROD C II E O2 DEALZDS, 0, 6 SIXTH STREET. Pittsburgh. tom;rig ORT PITT LUMBER COMPANY, CAPITAL - - $125,000. Russmidev—llDWAND DA nALUON. zcarraar—T. A. WRIHT. IRlPARnruxivirr-RDW. DAVISON. DIEZCITOEN: yo ir n a m rd e D uo avlaci, , L. P. Dunca. Z. D. Dlthaidge. C 0.6 W. DAzide3h. sa-LTRdßillt i'ABD--Corner of BUTLER AND LUMBER STRM OFFICE AT FORT PITT GLASS WORKS, wan, Urea Street. , 1•20:398 LUMBER! LIISIDEll.! ALEXANDER PATTERSON. Dealer in all Binds of Lumber.' ON HAND AND FOR 111iM 1.000,000 feet Dry Pine Boards: /50.000 feet 1.3 i and A inch Clear Plank; 30,000 feet Dry 13f, Inch COMIIIOI MIla; • • 30,000 feet Dry 1 and 2 inch Oak: 25,000 feet Dry 2, 2 ' aid 3 inch Ask 5, feet Dry 2, tktf, 3 In. Cherry & Maple 30,000 feet /, and a inch Poplar: 10.000 feet Dry Poplar Scantling; c 250,000 feet Hemlock Joistard Westing: 752,000 No. 18-inch Siang es. sawed; 250,000 No. 116. inch Shin es, sawed _*o ; 40, ,000 F ir e .lB-inch Shidgles,„, keyed; Brick; 1,000 Fire Tile. 100 Tons Fire Clay; YARDe—No. PREBLZ STREET. finger Manchester, and 157 REBECCA fiTRICAT. non • site the Goa -Works, Alleakeny City. _ non Engineer F ERTILIZERS. TO InmAT GROWMI. Mel& AMMONIATED BONE, SUFKII , PHOSPRATE OF I,,THEI The Allegheny Fertilizer too, REWARD & CAMPBELL, 14 .RoPnrwrcortig. Mee, 859 Penn Street, Pittiburgh, pg Dm The best Bertiliser little, and recognised 7 Farmers who hare given it a trial, to be the stand and for raising large crops of Wheat, Bye, touts, Corn, Pota toes, Mc. We have pnbliebed for gratu. itous - circulation a pamphlet containing interesting and ►minable statements of this Fertiliser, copies of which will be sent free to any sending na their ad• dresii. cl - 7.0)714rTJ1 VIIMprzT. iratirindale • • .bicl i i tt is f . Peat pens rL - - 180. COMMISSION MERCHANTS E f e r ED Di A. T We M. GORMLY , WHOLESALE GROCER, NO. 271 Liberty Street, Mammy swrr. Lima Iftvaluo .PrrTsiVIIR43IIEr. 1 0 A. •• . 6 J. L. R ILLINOMM.. • . . ..... . . ••.4, 3. IMINTXIIII4IB. BEIRGER OTSTEVENSON con:I - smolt ITERegins, No. 87 Second Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Egc4nlTM Ann en ' L AU KituW of Cousin, produce All orders for Wareham/Is* prosilitlY Vied at LOWZBT market rates. Particular atteatioalitea to the sale of, Batter, )Cars, Ch Cheese Dried tal W. feel wildcat that we eaa Oro satire sat isfaction, by atakiaa , gam amass sad PROMPT RIF. TIM MS. at ROMPS? MURAT PRICLS, sad therefore reanectfally solicit roar aoasigasaeots w eorre seondenee Answered prompt'''. noricos noter fOsallit 7l ralahed free. Grails la store arid to arrive daily. WATT, LANG & InI•LAILL.UI MALEY Mr e rn, Flom*, Grain, Predisee, Pre. 'bilious, Fish, Cheese, Carbon 031, AN. 172 sad 174 WOOD mid, sear Liberty street. P l Stsbarab. Pa. aatta6s Y. trazta.., 4. b aim& AL STERILE & SON, Commission Merohorde t , 'AND px.otra, GRAIN, FAD. etc.. N.. 95 OHIO STERI9I, near Zest Oenunoz, ALLEGHBNT CITly Wholesale and Befall emus, LUMBER. NINTH WARD. MANIIPAOTEMED BY Z:r DII andalum .A. COR3R. I .I3VJELLZ R. R. • On and after TUESDAY', Noyember.l7th. 11361 trains will arrive at and depart from toe Depot COI , . net* of Grant and Water streets. as follows: bf Depart. Arrive.allto and from 17xtont , n. 7:00 A. IL 8:00 P. Xi McKeesport Acmommodt`n.ll:oo A. X. 2!(15 P. X• Ee • to and from Uniont*E. 3:00 r. Y. 10:10 A. Xi West Newton Moonizood , a 4:30 P. M. 8:35 A. Xis Beiddeek'S Aoeommodat'n 0:15 P. at.. 7:50 P. Night Ace. to B febeespert.lo:3o P. M. 6:4541. Banda y Chitren Train to and from Westl:oo P. N. 10:00 a. it' Yor tickets apply to B. BM% Agent. W. B. EITODT. Baaertntandent. now z ANGE of TlJlnailimit annzar velain run.nomi On and • after MONDAY, Iforesisber 9th, isat TWO TRAINS DAILY will leave Be t s fo r tion,_corner efElevon th and Plke streets for Frank* lin.oll City, BMWs, and la points la the Oft Rem glens. • 1 LILTS PIRTEIDArri Tea . IN prr rill mans Express 7:10 nse xpreUi......: ... wan I Cut ia Brady' BM Ae 3:ILHDp al radys it , d Ass 10 i3O a lx. in doda works t Soda Works AccornOd'n.. 10:50 sins Acsoasoda,n. 11.20 aMk Ad gods Worts . .. d Hods Works Aecomod , n ~. 5:00 p Aecomoda,n. 3:40p it • Charch Train leave Pit burgh at 1:10 r. X. Ax. rive at Pittsburgh at 9:001. M. . than Eassengen tang ex_preu train have trat ge lila of cars between FittstaAth Bu ff alo and Oil Begiont. • Mall and Express Trains stopordr an psinclpal points Mixed Way sa! Aeeinirsexwace trains stop at all stations. THOMAS W. KING. Ass% Supst. W. POSTER EOM Ticket Aget. nab 1,1 TT81111711611 tri c s 'IN RA CEIV I V Alrft ST. . ~ inDLE ny. • OITANGI UP kuf MCC —ft utter strzwAy. a Nov.sllld, 1868, trails will leave and arrive at ile Union Leper, as fellow, Pittsburgh time: Depart. Arrive. 1 Mall T5 p r e50 , .......;.......... 3:13 a. ni. 12:13 a. ais Past Line.— ................ is: ta /1. VI. f:aa p. Ms ~ Fast tie. ...... . .... :as p. in. 111:18 a.m. Mixed.way. ..... 5:43 a. m:.8:43 p. os. McDonaldfs Tc;e 7 n, 'NZ 1.. 1198 a. a. 8:33 p.a. Steubenville Aeccusnod'n. 3:38 p. ta. 0:411a. McDonald's Ace'n, N 0.2.. 5:08 p. a. 3:18 P. as .. RiP•:5B P. Y. gees will leave daily. . ~ 1 2:13 P. a. wlll arrive dell/. , The 10:13 a. a. Train leaves daily, Sundays er• eepted, and makes close connections a: Newark hit Zanesville and points on Sandusky, Mansdelt & Newark E. R. ' 8. F. SCULL. General Ticket Agent. W. W. CARD, Sart.. Steubenville, Ohi. n 0215 kCENTENNSTLVALNIA.MENRE RAL RAILROAD. and after Nov, 231 th. 1568, Trains will as. rive at aid depart from the Union Depot, corner Ot Washington and Liberty streets, as follows: Arrive. Depart. i Rail Train.... 1:30 a m Day Express.. 2:30 a in, Past Line .. ... 2:40 ain Wall's Md. 1.. 6:30 aat Wall's No..L. 6:20 ain hien Traltr ~.. 5:1314 at BrintonAcen. 7:50 am • ClucinnatLExl2l:3s pst Wall's No. 2.. 8:50 aas Wa ll 's No. S te .. L1:20 a. at Cincinnati Ex.. 9:40 aln Johnstown Ae. 28 pat Johnstown Ac.10:35 a m Braddoc.ks No I 4 :50 pat 1 Baltimore Ex. 1'43 pm Phila. Express 5:10 pa Phila. Express 2:05 pm Well's N 0.3.. 8:20 p pis Wall's No. a... 1:30 pst Wall's No. 4.. 6:15 pis . Braddock' Neil 5:50 pto Past Line ' T:80 Dm Wall's No. 4. 7:211 p m Well's No. 5.. 11:00 pan Way Passen'T.lo:llo p m f The Cknrsk Train leaves Wall's Station eves, Sunday at 0:15 a. no., reaching Pittsburg!: at 10:011 .a. a. Bator/44g, leaves Pittsburgh at 17:50 p. Inv and arrives at Wall's Station at lit:00, p. m. • • Cinclanati Express leaves daily. AU ether traini daily except Bllads7. • Par ihrtnerinformation vlO to • W. H. BECRItZTH, Agent; The Pennsylvania Railroad Company will not Iiil" some any rick fir Baggage, except for wearing all. prel, aid Malt their responsibility to One Hundred Dollars la value. All Baggage exceeding that amount in value will be at the risk of the owner. Sta. teas taken by Irleelal contract. EDWARD H. WILLIAMS, Relent Saparintenent. Altoona, Pa. nal .0 so B : POET IC AND ME v ELAND t From Noy. 5113 d, 186111 andeirrive at the Um time; os follows: " OWL Ex.... .3:03 a m CleveFand Ex.. 3:03 a m Erie & rga 7:33 a m Cl. &6:38 a m Chicago Mail.. • 6:58 a m chleago Ex. .. .111:68 a m Cl. &WhOg.E.x. 2:33par. Chicago E.x.... 2:43 Wb. &Erie Ex. 4:53 pa. Depart fr ttlerheny. N. Brigton Ac . 8:58 a m Leepidale"lo:3B a _ - Noche/ter*" 11:56 I:33am pin Wellse'eAcc.. 9:3Bpm Leetsdale Ace. 4 :13 P N. Brigton o• . ' 533 pm N. Brigtoa oo . 626 p m Leetsdale 0 . . 10:43pm Leetsdale tioa• dal r 2 1 114 . 14... ia 1 . : 4:: 1 1 3 1 p m cago lir 1156 a. m. Chicago liwoNo change of cars Chicago. Sleeping cue wl oils gad Chicago. F. R. wrzies. Gezeral EEEJTEgBiMi------------------NN SYLVANIA RA.L .—On. aatter A my. 22d, 1865; the Paa. 'eager .Trains ox the Western Pennsylvania Rail road will _arrive at and depart from the Yederel Street Depot, - Allegheny City, as follows: ...tos. Depart. 1 flpringd'e No 1 5:40 aat Midi ... .. „. . . 7:00 ahi , ceport No.l 8 : 90 a m Freeped.No . . 1 9:15 a 111 Express. ". .. 10:40am Sharpb's No.111:20 a at. Skaubsw .... .. 195 pm Express 2:45 pin Mepori No. 2 4:00 p m 4nrlngd , e No 1 3:210 p na. f 5:55 put nceport No. 2 5:20 P us Sprlngd'e No 2 6:40 is at Springd'e No 2 7:10 if ta Alsore trains ran deny except Sunday. The Church Train leaves Allegheny Just. away 9 Sunda yat 7:40 a. m.. reaching Allegheny City at :50 a. m. Returning, leaves Allegheny City at }llO p. m. and active at Allegheny Imam at 3:45. • p. m. Colo crrrAriONTicarre—Por sale In of Twenty, between Allegheny Olty, Chestant e Herr% Be Pine Creek, Etna and Eiharpsburg, and good only on the trains stopping at Stations plot tined on tickets. The trains leaving Allegheny City fat 7:00 a. m. make direct connection at Freeport with Walker's line ofStagr.s ibr Butler and Hanna n-town. tickets ma be purchased at tar Otice, No. 3 2. Clair stree t, near the Suspe ns io n Bridge Pittsburgh and at the Depot, ABegbeay. • For farther information apply to ' JAMEWLEFFERTt3, Agent, ederal Street F Depot, • The western pennsylvanta Railroad will not 11. nine any risk for Baggage, except for wearing sp. rel, and limit their responsibility to One Hundsed Dollars in value. All baggage exceeding tide Amount In value will be at the risk of the owner, U.. less taken by special contract. WILIAMBGercaI SuDnWADdeHt,ALona. Ps. - not HILL DION PACIFIC RAILWAY Eastern Division. The SHOZTELST AND MOST RBLILB O3 'g our from the East to all points in Colorado, Nevada, California, Utah, Arizona, New New Mexico, Idaho,. • Oregon. • Two Train. leave State. Line and Leavenwo't daily, (Sundays except ed, the arrival of trains , r Pacific Railroad from St. oafs, and Bi.nnibal and. Bt. Jo Railroad from cy, connectitt at Law. fence, Topeka and Wimego with stepes for all points in Kansas. At ea of track west of Ella. t worth with the UNITED ATER EXPRESSER , . PANT'S DAILY LINE F OVERLAND AND EXPRESS COACHES FOR DI3N VE.R; SALT ILA3zEmi And all Points M the Territoriess And with SANDERSON'S TR2-WEEKLT LINE -OF COACHES for Fort Union._ Bent's Fort, PISS, Albs. N u e qa-roue, Santa Fe, and all points in Arizona =4 w Mexico. With the rem' additions equipment, and the arrange; Arponsible overland Transpo, western terminus, this road 'Unities for the tranandsaloy Nyst. - United at the RitLeywe astriftspel EASTERN DI OM. . a7= RE POO QUERMiTOWINI • Tun mos' atem przatgatpUPB6. mualtinns wawa . ,ans..h., vase* pancislion. the 061.1084 4 g err or Nam__ oirf g y, Flak E U B Ri zr br &DON, AL Baitlaa RVEity eATUBDAY, from Piz *P A = mr,e: L 'ar i r e ystk. Par passage er tar or WILLIAM 11/ice, Jr. APITTSYNE BURGH B. & CHICAGO R. 13. trains will leave Depot, north aide ,, Ave. Ckleago Ex rr .. 2:13 am Cleveland Ex. 2:12 aas Chkago . 11:68 a ta Wheeling 11:13 &mg St. Louis Ex.. 3:63 p Chicago E.x.... 4:311p CI. &Will Ex 4:13p at Erie &Y nEx 6:l3pia Cl. & Wh's Ex 6:52 pit Arrive is Ailegbeny. N. Brigt'n Ae. 7:03421. Wellria " 2:2 at ivm e " 9:63 aXi New Castle " /0:33 a 111 Leetritde " " 9:13 are 108 p as N. Brigt'a " 2:43 pm . Leete " 4:53 pza " Leetsdale ann.9:lB p day t , harek... 9:511a at , Express leaves daily. o Express arrives daily. between Pittsburgh awl lthon change to lndlanap - N. 11,1317LLOUGH, General Buperinteadent. leket Agent. no= Washingto 3
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers