II El SM=llllllll Zijt littzlrutO etagttt. "BEIER'S. \ —Pneumonia is killing horses out in In dian& r—Colorado Jewett has started a new party. -General, Fremont wants to be Minister to Prance. I —A new theatre is to be opened inlChica go on Monday next. ~ —Philadlphia has a large lodge, perhaps more than one, of the Sons of Malta. —Twelve thousand dollars was the price of the dress of a recent Parisian bride. —The Boston Post says "The annua season. of thin ice and drowning 'has ar rived. —Highway robbers have been strongly developed on the u per end of Manhattan Island. —We Ilippose th ' are no hopes of the poor Illdiana be g all froien out thia winter. 1 1 , , , --Two thousand men are in now engaged the work of tearing down churches in idadrid. —Are the ohinese, men and brothers ? is ;a question which begins to loom up on the Pacific coast. —Salt Lake/ City is troubled with com terfelt currency, a fact which troubles tile virtuous Brigham. . —Away down in Galveston, Bellettoyd s endeavorip.g to convince people she can act by showing them she cannot. —Portland, Me., claims to have made . Planchette Planchette is capable of decid ing if this bold assumption be true. —Turkeys are driven in . drovei to Cin tined. One drove of . four hundred is now on its way there through Kentncky. —Bateman had a birthdaj dinner 'Tarty the other, day at Pike's Opera House and Offenbach sent a congratulation by cable. ' c --This week's Every 'Saturday is to con: lain Charles Dickens' account_ of his trip on the Russia from New York to London. Poor Carlotta thinks of writing a His. tory of the Mexican Empire. _The friends of the poor thing ought certainly to reetrain her. - • —Lord Napier will reach Bombay, a peer and a world-renowed general, less than a year aftd he left it a comparatively obscure officer. —A friend remarks that most of the ticketa nominated for our suffrage . now-a days have the true 'ring" in them.—.B: Y. Ezra& —Rev. Albert Barnes preached his fare- 'veil sermon at the Washington S q uare -Church in Philadelphia,- on last Sunday morning. —The Boston Post says "An interesting event occurrel on t] steamboat train t jut after it reached Worcester, Monday even ing. It was a boy." —The National , Freemason says deft Davis was never a,member of that order. It doesinot make Much difference to any body now what Jeff De.viswas, isor into be. said that Rossini said the reason he never could get along with 2deyerbeer was becauseitite German composer insisted that saner kraut was better than maccaroni. —Leonard W. Jerome, netted for his moustache, his money, and a few of those pecnliandes common to les sanctums riches, sailed for ,i Burope on the China last Wed nesday. —lt is said that artificial eggs, quite as good as the real ones are nutaufactnred Troy, NeW York, and sold far fifteen cents per dozen' The hens will soon have to lay cheaper eggsor stop: —The New York Nita, attacks Olive Logan in her weakest point. It says "Miss Logan bas luta not visited ElMira, her birth place, for thirty years." Miss Logan is a little _Passes and this blow is a cruel one' —Charles Dickens, Jr., report says, is to succeed his father in the editorial chair o Au the - Yearßound . . - The young man has hitherto been unfortunate, and this will be about thefinit time that he ever did succeed: There seem to be -.no symptoms of a Christmas story this year - from Dickens. AU the Year Bound has no Christmas number this year; but instead, has bound all of its previous Christmas numbers Into one vol anne. —A wide tield of usefulness and $19,900 a year are the Christian inducements held out by Chicago to the Rev. Mr. Bartlett, of Brooklyn, .to abandon the world, the flesh, the devil and hie present flock and come out West. —Mere `is :a conundrum, whose author we are unable to remember. Witat is the difference between a first-cbms hotel dinner, and a peison subeisting at the North Pole 2 One has a bill of fare and the other lunt his Jill of bear. The deith , of she King .af Siam wee a dreadful calamity. He left 2,000 widows - to mourn his loss. Fortunately for these 2 4 000 they did not Eye in a land where the widows are burned with the dead bodies of thdlr hfisbands. =One of the Jtutges of the superior Court of Quebec informed the Bar, last week, that no member of the legal profesition would be - allowed to address the Bench unless he was babited according to the custom and klaages of Westadniater Hall. —Cincinnati has 'small pox solbadly that the Board of Health has been issuing in struetiolli concerning it. One of these is that a sign bearing the words s '" Small Pox Here," must be plaCed over the door of each house containing , the disease. ' - - The — newsboys, lodging honed of New York city, during the three months grading November last, - furnished 11,770 lodgings and 15,470 meals. 247 newsboys were plead in permanent situations, and 80 boys are found homes every month. - the - women whti drew Lord Cavendish's carriage is Peat Forrest (England) Liberal meeting, during the recent English canvass, were all vromen who advocated, female suf frage, and every one of them wanted Caren . dish to back her. : ---Dettolt Tribrene. • —The Chilton, (Wis.) Times says that, in CIO town; of Woodvilleon Indish and a she bear were, found lying thad together. The Indian had put six shots in the bear and then attacked her witlkhisinife, and in her dying struggles she bad grappled and squeezed the life out of him. —Evening schools of art, fifty in num ber with upwards of 4,000 pupils, are main= tained in Paris, Prizes for proficiency are given by the municipal authorities, and, where the skill of tie pupil is very, remark- able, iewarda are bestowed by the Emperor. —The Sultan of Turkey is excessiVeiy fond of music, and plays charmingly on the piano. He extemporizes and composesr and one, at least, of his works, entitlei "melancholly" has been in Milai with the name of the illustrious compose. on the title page. —The Defiance (Ohio) Democrat say "General Durbin Ward is proposed'for tt next Democratic candidate for Govern 'General' Ward, or any other Lincoln wr - General, would run quite as , well up tt way without the prefix. Just excuse from any more Generals." —Almost everybody has seen and shr :. dered over - Dore's illustrations, of Dent: Inferno, and so almost everybody will • glad to learn that It Pargatorici and /2 / 1 adiso have also been illustrated by the as incomparable master, and will be choicest of Christmas books this season. —The Albion says: "With the except of ML George H. Boker, who, in some 'peels is an Elizabethan.', born a comb centuries too late. Mr. Lowell is mor home among the writers of Shakespei.:... _ time than any modern poet, and more af fected by them, too, in the matter of diction and rhythm.". —A local reporter of one of the Cincin nati newspapers visited the Young Men's Christian Association the other aay to get an item and lald his hat, a new one, on the table while he went to confer with persons at the other -end of the room. When he was ready to depart he found that some one had stolen his hat. - —An English genius proposes to over come monitors with 'vessels armed with fire-engines, which will throw water. into -the port-holes and wet the powder, and into the smoke-stack and put out the fires, when the "intrepid tars" will "board the helpless log" and take it into port. He proposes to "put an end to maritime warfare." ' —ln Belgium a new mode of dressing wounds has been adopted. A. sheet of lead one-fiftieth of an inch in thickness is applied to the :seat of injury and made to assume its shape by pressure. By means of adhe sive plaster the lead is secured, and a cu- rent of fresh water is poured over the sur face of the flesh once or twice a day. —Red-hot pokers, and'bombshells are ex cellent things severally, but collectively they hardly pay forth i e trouble , of bringing them together. This at least wu the experience of a confiding grocer who recently attempt ed to clean - out the one with the ether. Even General Grant could hUve bad (a) piece then, if he had wanted, is the explosion was an effective one. . —We may have had better managers or better stock ccimpanies is Pittsburgh-than those who now occupy , the Opera House, but as a purveyor of Stars, we confess Mr. Canning has raiely, if ever, been equalled here; in fact we do not Believe that anyone could provide a more continued or varied series of the best star Performer" on the American stage, than the manager has given to oar people this season. —lf any body wants to get a vivid idea - of the the sufferings of the Arctic explorers,- let him buy a copy of Dr: Kane's book, put it under his arm and start across the Alle gheny suapension bridge. Then, if the river, choked with whiiling wreaths of ice, the hills white with snow, the thermometer not far above zero, and a wind which comes fresh from the ice-filled river, and which, thanks to the big book under his arm, has free play around his perion; if all these do not fill him with pity fOr himself and those other ezpjorers in the far north, nothing wilL Boner Explosions. It is estimated that there are 69,500 boilers in use in the United States, representing a power of over 30,000,000 horses, or of 17,000,000 men. These 69,1500 boilers are distributed as follows:* Locomotive, 9,000; steamboat, 10500; stationary, 50,6110. At a recent meeting of the Massachusetts In stituts of Technology, a lecturer asserted that, according to experiments made by hinurelf, all boiler explosions, except in,the few cases which burst in the weakest place, are caused by unequal expanaion of the metal. It was stated that the greatest num ber of boiler explosions, especially on loco motives, occur in this country between the Ist of September and the lst of January, in the interval between summer and the time when the engineer supplies feed water heat ed by his waste steam, the cold feed water, at the above season causing unequal expan sion of the metal. In order to prevent this a device has been invented by which water is taken from the bottom of the . boiler, and by means of an automatic, apparatus, fur nished to the top. In this way feed water of the temperature of the steam is constant ly supplied to the boiler and unequal expan sion is prevented. - THE PHILADELPHIA ACADEMY OF NAM zar, Stumm Borman.—lt was discovered on Saturday morning that several diamonds and other precious stones and gold speci mens had been stolen.the night previous from a case at the Academy of Natural Sci ences. The Academy had been visited the 'afternoon previous by a number of persons, and the thief Is supposed to have secreted himself in the building; lust before it was closed. The gold specimens were offered for sale on Saturday to Mr. N. C. Gray, who having been informed of the robbery, took means to have the suspected thief ar rcsted. He had a hearing before Alderman Beitler and was committed under the name of William Monk. In explanation of the manner in which he became possested of the specimens, he said that a young man of his 'acquaintance had given them to him to sell.—Philadetpliia Ledger, Dec. 7. TRIBITTZ TO TEE DULMORT OF Rosszsz.—. At the communal theatre of Turin a mark ot respect was renderedrto Rossini on the evening ofthe lfith ult. After the second act, the curtin rose upon the stage hung with black. and the whole of the company, wearing crape scarfs, were perceived stand ing around ,a bust of „th,e deceased maestro. The audience at once rowand remained un covered while the ochestta played a sym phony made up of music ftwa the "Gazza Ladra. • lIBITTPITRY '2"i El EXTRAVILAD wrriasolrr PAIN MADV 1S 1 13,71 ASTIPICTILIe TZLITit-ZE ORD'EIieLC. A YITI.:L BET FV , I, la% AT DE,. BCOTT'S. =BEET. $D DOOR ABOVE. HARD. A o r. WABBANTM. __OALL AND AT. 13.1%.1.411XN1S OF ' ifiyind&T GAS FIXTURES ::LOON & KELLY, oanflosturers and Wholesale Dealers In , Lanterns, Chandeliers, AND LAMP. GOODS. (thaws . AIM LUBBIGIANTSG :*To. 147 Wocxl. Street, porrems w and eitt Meat's. ASS, OHIN.A. CUTLER 100 WOOD STREET. I HOLIDAY EFTS. FINE 'VASES, BOHEMIAN AND CHINA, NEW STYLES, DINNER SETS, TEA SETS, ;LIFT CUPS, SMOKING SETS, A large stook of SILVER PLATED GOODS of all deaartptioas Call and examine our goods, and we tiel satisfied no one need hall to 6e salted. R. E. BREED & CO. 100 WOOD STREET. PIANOS. ORGANS. &C. 'WM THE BEST AID CILEAP. MT PIANO AID OIGAY. Schoinatker's Gold Modal Piano, AND ESTEY'S COTTAGE ORGAN. The WHOM/601E1B PLAZO etrablaas all the latest valuable Inprovesseate known tR the eon exaction iat. a Ime limo inigramezt. and bas always be= awarded the Waned premium wherever az . hibited. Its tone Is fall, sonorous and sweet. The warlunanskly. for durability and beauty, sespais all other,. Psioes from WO to $l5O. (aoonsdiar I. style and hoisb.) cheaper lhan all other econallef drat aim Plano. 7113;7'S 00r/1 0 38 Guam" Stands toletie bead of an ned lastrinnents. la pro dudes stoat perfeet pipe quality of tone of air similar instrument la thAll Vatted States. It Is atm. pie aad impact la soastrootton, and not llsble get oat et order. CARPINVIA*S PAMIXT " VOX HIIMAWA priestOLO only to be fou gua r anteed Orgak rom $lOO to POO. All for -dye years. Rag e IJAHS £ IMETTLII4. No.. US BT. CLAIR STRIIIIT. PIANOS AND ORGANS—Azi ea tire new ito.k or MUM% UNRIVALLED PIANOS; BAINES BROS.. PIANOS: PRINCR t CO'S ORGANS AND MELODEONS and TREAT, LINSLEY t CO'S. ORGANS AND MELODEONS. MERCHANT TAILORS. B (Labs Cutter vicli W. Nespenbsiebh) acuacizairr miamon, No. 53 Smithfield Street, Pittsburgh. Natty= ' NEW FALL GOODS. A 'plastid new stook el 0'.•14 frijukr N. - .11z) •v • ;11 f -Jr ri Jut resolved by mastiyancynilL felt: Merchant "hiller. 13 Smithfield street. Ll2l:ziodepf-xo:3i:1 ITEVE ini fi T MAT AMERICAN COM surromom onatimum MID SEWING NULCHIBM. IT isAs NO Nom, ' BITING ABSOLUTELY TIM BEST rummy MACHINE IN THE WORLD. _AND IN . TBINSIOALLY THE CHEAPEST. air Agenta wantod to .ell tads Maohlne. C. 13A.14614W.Y. (Writer MTH A IN I' VTA I W trantrolier Blohardson , s Jewelry Store. . • CEMENT, SOAP STONE, &o. HYDRAULIC CEMENT DRAIN PIPE. Cheapest and lout Pipe In Ile =tot. Also, EQ. EUIDIDALIC IiTDIiLVT4O OZNIMIT tor We. E. B. a a. AL inzooszrr °Coe and Mannflotirry-2441 . Ellll 2110 A IST" Allegbany. Orlon by mall promptly ottoothol to. lollk198; Ir i ti 3J CC): J, riziki Ji.4l B. LION, a seater of Weights and leat3nres t No. i 701JETII MEET, (Between Lastly awl Peary stisetir °Mars ereatathr attend./ te. !I zto; s 0 0 1.4_0:11 B ANS & MOSER, EXCELSIOR WORKS. - it. ar W. .11FANIELNISON, rßurr HOttliD iSdlocsyrioN inninms, rroth •• 3-atinfaernrers and Dealers , 111 and 4 ht. Glair Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Spatial TAN:lira, Snuff, Cigars, ,Pipes, '&et., attention given to the designing and bending of l ez. - % ill mama, gT.. Aluminum COURT HOMES alit pus= BUILDINGS. 01.11 • ~. i - IATURDA I I, TAMIL= 12 11348: ilic ,l o+lq:VV,P 6 ,teliV(o,l:l l l HOLIDAY PRESENTS! HOLIDAY PRESENTS ! ROMAN' SILK` BOWS.• Loo dollars - . LADIES LICE II EIMERCIIIEFS. .• Roseweod Handkerchief and Glove Boxes. WATCH STANDS AND CIGAR CASES, WRITING DEMI AND ILEUM— The finest and cheapest asssortmeitt of WAX ..tiND CHINA DOLLS, TRAVELING CASES, .CEETE DE ' TISITE BEEHISTIS, LADIES' & GENTS lIPIDERWEAR, LADIESELNE KNIT OPERA. HOOD], Vie New Striped Fat Skirt. wooM:EN GOODS at CoSt• Fine Embroidered Slipper Patterns. Beantlftd Embroidered Cushions. NLILCRUNI, GLYDE & CO.. de9 'TS and $O Market Street. 1:3211 CRS & CAR LISLE, NO. - 19 FIFTH AVENUE, THE NEW SKIRT, "LE PARISE. PERFECTION." "THE FAVORITE." "THE POPI7LAIL" "THE RECEPTION,' THOMPSON'S TWIN SPRING, "WINGED ZEPHYR," "GLOVE FITTING," CORSETS AND PAT ENT "PANIERS." THE NEW GORED OVER SKIRT, "BELLE HELENE," richly embroidered; an elegant street or Skating Skirt. RICH RIBBONS FOR .BOWS, SCARFS AND BASHES. ROMAN STRIPES AND PLAIDS. SATINS, all shades ind widths. FLOWERS. PLUMES, HATS AND SONNETS. LADIES AND CHILDREN'S MARINO UNDER WEAR, The richest and latest novelties to GIMPS, FRINGES AND BUTTONS. We especially direct attention to the great excel lence of the HARRIS SEAMLESS Oloalliont GLOVES" over all others. and for which we are the Sole Agents. - A complete lies of GENTLEMEN'S "STAR" SHIRTS, SUSPENDERS, GLOVES, HALF HOSE, UNDERSHIRTS AND DRAWERS. SELLING AGENTS FOR LOCKWOOD'S PAPER GOODS, and all other popular makes. MICROI & CIBLISLE, .X 0.19 FIFTH 44.TENTIE. noils A MERRY CHRISTMAS! NEW GOODS FOR THE HOLIDAYS. DENNISON &. EECIiERT, • NO. 27 FIFTH AVENUE, • Have Jost received a large and judiciously assorted stock EMBROIDERIES, LACE GOODS,, TRIMMINGS, HOSIERY, Hid Gloves. Handkerchief*, Slipper Patterns. Zephyr Goods, Scarfs _and Gents Pozzaishing• Goods. and Notions generally.' su A t al l e e n i ti selection Is afforded la speelal novelties f .HOLIDAY PRESENTS, to which the atteation of lady readers Is specially DENNISON & HECKERT, doe NO. XT FIFTH AVENUE. PRICES MARKED DOWN. . • BARGAINS IN . ALIOST EVERYTHING. REAL HEM STITCH, all Linen. HANDREE. 011111LFS, 17c, 19c, 5151 s and upwards. ' •PAPrallOttluEltYli LINEN' HAN DIiZECHIEFS RAC, tic to 60c. Ali oar HATti at ote-half regular prices. All the new BA.LBWRAL aIEiRTS aad Eradlerrs latest styles of HOOP SHIETS, at the Lowest Prices In the Cit to y RENTS . ` MERI EO VEST and DRAWERS, 40c $3,00 AT EATON'S, No. 3.7 Fifth Avenue. • dal, • CRACKER BAKERIES. ' . , • ',, ••, ; , r • • • • 4. I . , ARE SUPERIOR TO ANY. MEN OFFERED IN THIS • . • OYSTER, WATER, Burrs% 8•• •Mt, SODA, CREAM, SCOTCH Lad LEKON4I • •ffiTl3. For Sale by Every Grocer = the City. Bakerx, No. 91 Libe St. ton COAL AND, CO :41 . 3. LANCE, DYER AND SCOURER. Tifci. 8 ST. C1....fL1R ST'XIIMICT And Now 186 and 187 Third Streit; WEST COMMON -- Machine Stone Worhs, • Northwert corner of West Common, Aileen:l7. FRED% ATITATINA & CO. Hue on band or prepare oa silo* notice Hewitt and Step Stones, illass for Sidewalks, Brewer. Welts, &c. 'Head and Tomb Stones, he. Orders rounnutiv executed. Peens ricasonabls unlit n TOBACCO, AND CIGARS. PITTSBURGH. PA STONE. DRY GOODS, 54. ....~._..~ ,54 . KITTANNING EXTRA HEM Blurred rinutell A VERY LARGE NOOK, rqcow Clorrerecl,, IN GOOD STYLES. I'ELROY, DICKSO) - & 0., WHOLESALE 3=l3,FLir 4014:00003DIS, - 441111 WOOD STREET. . ~ . 6 m g 0 vs 0 e. 4 pl gql a A it; Ei w la OW V ti p t i l A.. 1 10E94 11° at ' ET' pp i t A 111 iWI ll ad oteg ril 9 oit la PI Ca 0 .4 1 Pt= 0 v 4 c 0 z r, g r. a -0 d z • CLOSING OUT.SA.LE OF . • 1:111:5C GOODS, For Thirty Days, Commencing this day at • J. BURCH:MILD 86 CO'S• g 52 ST. CLAIR STREET. Now is the time to gat useful HOLIDAY PRES ENTS. CHEAP. Everything reduced in price. Stock all mew. POPLINS for 21c. worth 40: Alum RS for 55c. worth 373 i: CLOAKING CLO HIS for 42,75 worth 33,75; ALPAC A S for6oc. worth 65, CHINTZES for 50a. worth 65; PAISLEY SHAWLS fer 413,00 worth *20,00; PLAID SHAWLS for 35,00 worth $6,59; 4-4 MUSLIN for lit He. worth 15; Linen Cambria HandkercWefs, Lace Bander kerchiefs, Table Linens, Napkins, Towels, sad a fall assortment of eierydescriptlon of pry Goods. - No. Clair, Rear Liberty Bt. 87. . BIARKET Erritzwr. 87. iviow 43-cooros WATZNPBOOP—aII odors aadAdalitiee. ' CASSIKBBLII—for Men's and Boys , Wear. LADIES , CLOAKINGS—Large aasortmwst. 41 F NCH AND KNOLD3H MEBIIIO6. POPLIN —SLOO per yerd. 01:115 POPLIN'S. SILK POPLINS. - PALBMILL CLOTH—for Suits. BLACK SICILIAN' LIISTENS. BLACK AND OOLOBBD HKPIZESS CLOTHS— Large variety. - _ ___ THLVITNNNS—for Salts. - 1 BLNCTBIC CLOTHS. Large asiortileat of PLAIDS. Tall stook of DRS= GOODS, at Lowest Madero Prises. THEODORE F. PREIS'S', 87 MILEKET BX7IXEZ 168. NEW GOODS. NEW ALPACCAS. PEW MOHAIR. IMALCH KULL HOSIERY and GLOVES. SOVADIC, Fir No. 168 Wylie Street... 168. 168. CURB, McCANDLBEIS & CO., (Late WLbion, Carr .1 C 0..) WHOLE:BALI DIAL= IN Poeta and Damestle Dry Goods; No. 94. WOOD STREW Third door above Dimond allay, • / PITTSBIIE!H, PA. CONFZIOTIOMERTMEL. GORGE HEAVEN, , 2111137ACT1711711 of CREASY CIAIIDIDE/AND TAFFIES, And dealer in ell Made of 1121:11T13, =ma, PRIX LES, BAIJCIAL JELII/.2. ie., , F • sej 13A ILDILEAL HT., Allettea.T. CARPETS AND OIL CLOTI3BL IRIEDICTCIIPION . CARPET'S ‘, cfcc3.) deo. We offer 'our stock at reduced prices for a SHORT TIRE befell . ) commencing to take stock. Now is the.time to buy. BOVARD, RO S E & CO. 21 Fltl ATENUE. de4:ddroar DECEMBER, 186 S. FOR THIRTY DAYS ONLY,. CARPETS AT RETAIL LESS THAN WHOLESALE PRICES. We offer FOR A FEW -WEEKS ONLY oar goods at a large reduction from rep. lar rates.. Our stock is hill and complete In all departmenb4 and we shall sell the best qualities and styles of Carpets at gel, ees at which we cannot replace them, glying our customers an opportunity of obtaining bargains that may never be of. fered again. This' special sale will eon. Unite only until the time of taking our an. anal inventory of stook at the end of this month. MCFARLAND &:.COLLINS, Nos. 71 and 73 Fifth Avulse. deb ' TAKING STOCK. PRICES OF CARPETS GREATLY REDUCED ! Oar:Stock is nob unusually large and well assorted in every line. OPTO treat buy noun '0 BROTHERS, 61. FIFTH AVENUE. nom • REDUCTION. Good Carpets for 25 tents a Yard. Lonvpil M'OLINTOOK AND COMPANY, No. 23 iritth Street. DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. W. MACKEOWN & BRO., WHOLESALE BRAD STS, • AND IfAXISPACZUBLRB OP .4Cairlzoca3. 411. NOTED TO NO: 196 LIBERTY STREET, PITTSBURGH, PHNNA. 'Mite Lead, Window Glass ana Glassware at Manalactarers deg BLECTICMt CORDIAL An Ink/llble ramedy ., for Summer Cam.atnt,_ cheleirro=., DIL ORRIS' CUR , CURB, A walla Ibr Motors. OrmaPc and PAM 1 Stomach. ter sale by RASMUS& ENVING, Corner of Liberty aad Wayne Street* A.CIVEINTro FOR SOHOOMMER & SON'S PURE WHITE LEAD MCCOY'S YERDITER GREEN; - - The Oaly grean'ioalnt that will not deteriorate h 7 exaosare. It wnl look better, last loner and give amarke t mmo-astha satlatialon thaa any ualnt Litho Etni WALL PAPERS, N EAP WALL PAPERS, For Halls, Parlors antriChamber4 xols 0111131ING. AT 187 Market St., near Filth Ave.; .Ios. R: HUGHES & BRO.. AUPAIRAGUS VERY nilotoz: put up in cans hermetically sealed.. and will be toasd squat to that fresh front the gar den. far solo by JOHN A. BANSIOAW. ge2 emu Liberty and Hand rusts. CLELEAN62 at prioes that se- RAN EVER BE. 'TS, ATTINCS,