FIRST f111119.N. O'CLOCIC g BaC., THE pA.PITAL. • iGen. Grant Goes to Chicago To _ • r day—Gen. Mead* Ordereditille. port—Supreme Court • and_ the .111cArdle- Case—Contested Con •gressional Elections. • TB) Telegraph to the iPittsburgh tiagette.l WASHINGTON, December 41, 1868. GENERAL. GRANT I • Was at Army Headquarters, to-day attend ' lug to btisineas. He will leave to-morrow afternoon to attend the re-union of the societies - of the western armies' atlChicago. A large number of army officers - will leave - at the Seine time for tbe same purpose, in alnfiinghlajor Generals Schofield. Thomas and Terry, Generals Babcock, Porter and Dent, of. General ;Grant's' staff, Colonele Schofield and Campbell, of Gen. Schotield's staff, and.many others. .' A very large crowd of visitors paidtheir respects to General Grant this rnbrning, in ' chiding many Sezititors, and Bepresenta tives, as well as Major General Stoneznan, commanding . the I First Military_District, who arrived this;morning.' • surnam..E COURT. • - After a number of unimportant_ motions lied been submitted to the Supreme Court to-day, • Judge Black asked leave to be heard on .the ,question whether the act of ,- Ointrretarepealing the act of February sth, tti/this Court;jurisdiction on an appial,littm the judgment of the,Cir :Cult Court in habeas corpus cases,would have the effect to, deprive this art of jurisdictien in the case, •or whether the Court should not, under the jurisdiction which already attached in the case,-,proceed to judgment. ,He said there - 'was r course a difference between himseif and , -Mr. Carpenter, who appears for -the United States, on the subject, he",lieingof the opiniod that .thee repeal - did-riot affect this case, and that judgment ,should be pronounced, and Mr. Carpenter taking the reverse view. After consultation - by the . Court, the Chief Justice announced that the Court would hear 'the argument on that point, leaving it to counsel, agree'*ion the time. ,lt was subsequently, arranged that the argument Would be heard on the first Monday of February next. • , After the hearing of motions was con lehided, the argument of 'numbers thirty live and - forty-four l the Lotus' ana 'confisc& tion case,,was closed. :,--CONTESTED ELECTIONS. • The Committee onl Elections, at a meet ing on Monday. - wilV i consider the Missouri contested case. If they should have another meeting before theholiday recess, they will takeap•tpit Geared nuse. ,, ,Thet_frorp. jiou latent' Wiirnot probably be conbideredtAiri= - til after the - reCess. MAJ. _GEN' 3tEALE I • has been directed to report in this city on public bnsinese,,at 'such - tinie this month as itehls - juidgment thelPUblic interests will permit. • - • SUPERVISOR CON FIRMED. St3Cretary McCullongh to-day confirmed the appointment ' of Thomas. L. Young as Supervisor of Internal Revenue' for the 'Southern - District of Ohio. runcrisit OF cuss. A special says: It is reported in official circles that General Cushing is empowered by the Government` to negotiate for the purchase of. Cubic from the 'new Spanish Government. • ' CUSTOMS. ' The receipts of Ocietams for the week ending December sth were $2,035,544. =I IMM =I MR CHICAGO • Cold Weather --Gen. Giant and Staff—Bar filar Killed by a SAierltr—Keroaeae Ac videat. = ' •,,, (By Telegraph to the Pittsbirgh Gaze.tte.) CHICAGO, December lf - ,—The intense cold ~. - weather.continues. Early this morning i; - the thermometer in (ranges' from 7-- ten to fourteen degrees below zero. At , ,f 4 ' Cairo . it wasone degree below zero this, :! • morning, which is remarkable' for that lat. i; nude. The Mississippi is frozen over as 5 : far down as Cairo. At:Quincy, last night, • ''„, _ the thermotheter reached thirteen ' degrees , l' below zero. Washington , 1 --1 , A special from Rays Gen. : • Grant and staff will leave to-morrow even ing for Chicago -.-',!' ------ George on, shei r iffor-Brown county, I. WiscohA __,t and killed 'a professional --_. burg!. - - Sdnrehilf, at . Green Bay, on Mondak,ow le; he Whatryingto escape from i _ via.... nelutittietwarreateciby.the sheriff :=- a '--ftt stage coach oti& the authority of a tele -- g .• graphic ,disiPatch frs:pm, Marquette. Three _or your shots were-ettrhanged between the i, 4 shertil - 1414 the , - - - burglar before he was , - biought- 7 .`dowii. - Ifts had on his person a . 1 .,'1, - draftftl*awn on Ivas dr. Son,- • of Detroit, by P. M. Everett 41c Son; bankorsof Marquette' Ft whiSkte had doubtedly stolen. _7- , - - 11 -, IMaggie-Viaerman;n chambermsid at the --- . Adams- Ilense, Oshkosh, Wis., *as burned i' _ 1 ,:tlo death' on' Wednesday night - bythe Up: setting of a kerosene lamp. She was par- - il tially undressed and just op the ,pqint of I M retiring when the accident occurred... She ' was so terribly burned thatlqr body could u -.; not be laid out and had tii'be wrapped up - in the sheet in which sbe 7 ilietifand laid in • 1. , ; her toffin. She had beenfeinployed in the habse = for two years and_ was highly re -----?-sPeeted. ''- , z, , f‘ ‘. -•- ....1 ,t, , - The Plujatielfilila Murder. CBI TileirAPti to the Pittsburgh tiusette.l • Pall,ADEtßurA, December 11.--Georo 4 . Twitchell, ,charged, with 'the •ttigr-der . of Wit: fifflo',..wore - brought Wks :Court-this morning., The counsel of Afrs.: ,Turftehell moved to (wash the indictment akaldet her, on the ground that the Di ~. .4,,tfet:Attottiey bad exereised'=undue inflii ence on the Gfand, Jury to induce them" to bring in a true bill, not warranted by evi eitienco, which he offered to prove by thi. District Attorney, "foreman of the Grand ~,, J ury, etc. ' TbeJudge ruled person - `eOuld lici.oxsinbiod as to.what transpired in _ the jury room, and refused the' motion' to quash. The prisoners:tibre then arraign ed and plead not guilty; Egjenssie rylre inGreeuwlett N. Y . *T' reOgrituit to the'Pittsburgh (unto.; ,•• Y., Decemder great die _ occiirred agGreenwich,Washingion county, mornidg. ,Six stores were''i burned ~.down; - The prinelpal losers are H. H. Gruoth, Boston and Davis, H. Vankirk, all - -dry goedS and grocery dealers; school house tiud. Openheimer's,dry goods. WM. Watts. druggist; J. H. Benton, clothing; 1'• Mrs. ".Nuton, dress maker, and Meader, harness maker; Masonic/. Hall ; ' law office of Ingalls, Sherman and -Berke and several: temps,- . alecrtlesfrOed. 'The losses ti will probat:dyamount to siumoo, mostly covered hy- insurance. • . . .-• „ , . . . .!----- • . • • . ' . • ' ~ . .. , , / i s, / ...I; ii • ie „,,-:, . ' i • ' • . . . - • . • . : . - ~ .. . . '-..- • • .4 4 .. , A,, ,/ ~ . . „. • . . . , ~ . . • i---%"--?•..... ~ .• , , r.. , ,:,,, -' . ...., .. .. ~... , . . ( - ••••••;•••••••-•-• ,• - -i -- .2...'• - ,. i . . ' . ..".:"/.:.? ' ..ilk '-.7. ., 1: -4 .. ,l ' ' -' . 1.. ..,, • '-• --- jel, "...--;",-..- - . I . _.,. .., 4 : ......„ :: „..... : it‘ 4, .. \, - - -!.--. —:-....-ty t 7 ,%2.6111011110.." , ,i.4...'•:: '"- .., • ---,.: • ..! --- ",...A —, -,; * :' . ;.';,‘1".?,.•*-,.. ,. ... , :. ..... 4 ,....... X' ••*-3 1 ..:r' . . .-.:.. :', •:; -.- .. : : .---; !=-' -: -.=1 1;'; ;.1!•:: '' . 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" --- . • -: —:.----,. jmi,-;,'. 7, ... , ~... •,.,, .p. , . , . - . - . --- -7, ki ,. y. , ,.... - .,4 .. . i thy, . - . :, .. .... ... ... .. t•'\ ~, \ ...., -. , , r ~.. _•%,.__ ..... ~... .„ • i.,. ......____ ' -.7- --"`--fir', ... - ~:* 4. 41,, '4- 4• - ----- ---- --: -_----, -.-i:- - -- -----_-.,., • - _-_-- :,. , ,---,----- ---,____..„, _ J ......„ - , i, , • .: • 1 1 .‘ ;•V • . "- - -- C . _ ....''- '....,„-.- - • , 'T". , _ _ . 4-,..- - - •-- -: - - ---- - -- . • .t '= • a i r:t 1•-',.-. • . - , - , 7 . --.::--, f - \ ' i / f, • - NEW YORK CITY. -The Tribune on the Message—Accident to Lewis Gaylord Clark—Telegraph 'Con tract—Serlous Break In IV ater, Ctistom House Officers Exercised—Tobac co House Setzed—Yacht Club Challenge —LlquOr. ases In United mates Court— Broad Way Theatre Outrage- 7 4M Cum pony Curie. [By Telegriph Co the Pittsburgh Gazette.] NEW Yon=, December 11,1888. . • The - Tribune says of the Preeident's mew sage: "It is exceedingly desirable we should begin forthwith to fund our past • due Fivfwenties at a lower rate than six per beat.. but Mr. JobllBoll and his fellow repudiators seem resolved that we shall never be able to do so. This message will compel our people to pay many millions in six per cent. interest which they could have saved had our President been content with the pyramid of disgrace he had al-, ready laboriously erected. Only twelve weeks more and the country will be rid of him forever. It Is hard, but we can endure him twelve weeks longer. Thank heaven he has only power to disgrace us " The Lafarge property, known ,as the Southern Hotel, on Broadway, was sold at auction yesterday for 8871,000. Lewis Gaylord Clark, tong-editor of the Knickerbocker_Magazine, was seriously-4n- , jured on Wednesday by falling' down thastairs of his residence at Piertnont. Fears are entertained that he will not re , cover. \ - The` Tribune says, of the propohed ter mination of the contract with the Associa ted Press, that the actual reason why'the telegraph gave the notice was because of severe strictures against the personal in tegrity of the Managers of the Western Union Compatiy, and they did not deem it their duty to be bound to the Associatioaj by Contract while one of - the members o f; the Association felt at.liberty to tollnpugn the personal character of the officers. - A break occurred in _the main Croton water pipe in Third - givenne, between Sad and 34th:etrebla; on Wednesday, which oc casionedserious damage to property in the .vicinity. A large_ quantity of water es caped,-deluging the cellarsof the adjoining buildings. One drug sicire -- iitiffere - dto the extent of $59,000...: There 11 - a good-deal' of consternation among the Custom Hr•use officers at the rumors of the. approach:of a general decap itation. 1 The large tobacio establishment of John Thompson, in Brooklyn, has .been seized for au alleged attempt to defraud the gov ernment. The' Democratic Soldiers' and Sailors' Aisociation of Brooklyn has becomea per- Marmot institution; , r It is provided that, members being sick-ahail be taken care of and in case of deith.,fulieral expenses will be defrayed by the Attsficiation. • 'lt is rumored „the Nei.? 'York Yacht Club will probably throir out a challenge to the world for a grand trial - of speed of - yachts of theseveral Under on agreement between the Morris & Essex-. Railroad and. Delaware, Lapka .striMtio&WettOM Radroad, the lattee:Pay tO.the former seven per cent. freh 4 lit. all taxes whatever, perpetually, and a contin gent of one per cent. after a certain period. A verdict for the Government was ren dered to day in the Watson-Creery revenue 'case. The Kentucky; Bourbon ease was postponed owing to the - absence of some „defendants, it being necessary to try all-to r getheroit the charge of conspiracy to de- I fraud the Government. - - - • I I Justice Sliandiey has discharged Hickey I and Morn, charged with.the commis - Won of the Broadway Theatre outrage some months ago,• fully exculpating them &omen' , " legal wrong. • - A ease is before' the Supreme Court, of Rhhert P. Getty and others, to recover from the heirs of Daniel Devlin an amount sub scribe,/ to the formation:of a 'now defunct comp any. • • C~A; Skirmisktletween Troops and Insurgents —Ventkadictory Reports—Young Men of the First Families Joining the Revolu. Roulet.. Cliy Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette. 'HAVANA; December .11—The Diario to day publishes the following news from the interior : • The Spanish troops at Manzanillo, re-in forced by sailors from men-of-war in the harbor, had a sharp skirmish with the in surgents near the town. Ten of the latter were killed and Many wounded. The troops captured a large numb& of horses, and some important correct pondence fell into their hands. GoVernment loss.notre. ported. . - - The Ihario alb° states that since the,bat ties at Villa del Cabrie,and Guantanamo, four hundred rebels hafe .- voluntarily given themselves up to the military au thorities and have received the. _pardon of the Government. • The revolutionists flatly contradict these statatenaents and reports. " - They are con.' stantly receiving reinforcements of men, arms and ammunition. jyithin a week about fifty young men, Some of them of the first families in the Island, have left Havana to join in the re bellion: . -The Spaniards here COII;i1M13 to subsoribo 2/lone.? and _fi . arnish recruits for the Gov- Icinment. Weather Reports. City Telegraph to the Pittsburgh:Gazette.) - * AUGUSTA, GA., DeCeMbei 11. There was a heavy : sleet last night: Weather boister ou4 and cold.-..- 11.—Weather cold: Wl•tattrioreirr,f, - .N. C., Deceniber 11. _ Weather cold - and rainy; slight snow this evening: Thermometer. 40. Moriraoh,psy,A., December 11.—To-_ - 7. day has-been the coldest of the season. - ST.-Loris, Dec. 111 Navigation was pended to-day by the Underwriters putthig an embargo on steamers. The riverlikhank full of heavy ice, :but the water being ay# „ or six feet higher than is usual ~at this .oa-, SOD,:' little appreWension of a gorge. The Illinois river,:' ,11 - reported .- ,irozenover its entire :length, and - lhe Mis.sonri. is supposed to-be gorged ai St. Charles, a few miles above its mcioth. The -theory with some- is that-- - 4he. Mississippi will gorge at the-4141'0v ridge and that all the .ice., below will run out, leaVingedear water from - that - point to Cairo, and that:southern navigation will be resumed in a fesi • The weather74rist night-ond to-day was colder than "iho been---iczotwhere ,in De cember for thidy-two years. • , ..:The mercury; sunk to fourteteredegrees below Item in ex posed. places. and to-day ihringed from ibur tonine berdel!... Tci-night. however, the temperaturehaa Materially , Moderated, and the themonieter now marks three degrees Ibbove zero. KANSAS CITY, DeeetOber IL—The weath4 er yesterday and to-driy• "free the' -coldest since 1855. The thernmeneteOlf if A. it. to-day Marked fifteen degrees below zero; The river is - gorged above the bridge, leav-. ing a clear harbor for the ferry. which has reopenek connection with the Hannibal and St. Joe Rennie - di- heretofore' linpeded bi- floating ice, ... . . .. . . . . . .. _ . ... . .r.:,..;,,, . . FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. LonnoN, December 11.—Evening.—Con sole for money, 9234; account, 923.1; Five- Twenties quiet at 74. Stocks opened firm er, and closed easier. Erie, 26V,; Illinois, 1 , 9314; Atlantic and Great. Western,42, 111ANEFORT, December 11.—U. S. Bonds: , 18N. LONDON, December 11.—Sperm Oil, .£93. :Bogor t,Quiet at 369. 3d. Tallow, ss. 9d. 'Spi:its Petroleum, 810., Linseed_ Oil, 278. :10d. : Linseed Cakes, £llss. Calcutta Liu seed, 575@575. tici. ANTWERP, December IL—Petroleum buoyant at 55 francs. IlAvac, December 11 .—Cotton:quiet at 127% francs on spot. • LIVBRPOOL, December 1 1.—Cotton; the gales for the week amounts to 64,000 bales. Of which 16,000 bales were for export; and a,OOO - bales for speoulation. The stock on :band is estimated at 865,000 bales, of which .40,000 bales came from the United States. The amount afloat Is_Ostimated at 238,000 beles,--includlng 05,000rtialea American. The rqerket to-day le easier, and sales were made of 10,000 bales uplandsat 103:alOgd., and Orleans at 11a21,0: The Manchester markets are firm. Breadstuffs—Flour is steady, and sales were made at 269. Wheat is quiet and steady, .at an advance, with sales of red western at 9s. 3d. Corn is low er, and sales were Wade at 389. 6d. ' Peas are held ,at. 465.- Od. _Oats and Barley are unchanged. _,Provisions—Pork is held at 85s. Beef is liregula at Ioss. Lard is held at 679,--Oheese :; is hold at Ms. Bacon, 5 313. Produce--Rosin is,neld at Os. for common, and 159. for fine.'-;Petroleum is bold at 811. for spirits, and ls. '6d. for refined. Turpen ttue-10 hed at 275. Limed, Cakes, .4.112. • , INSI • • - - BEE URGH,, SATJj SECØ'IJ. 'EJhlThjt FOUR FROM EUROPE: . . English Press on President John. sonV Plessage—Turhish Sue . Ceases Over the Cretans-41am int Aspect of the Insurrection Spain — Engagement Between Troops and Insurrectionists in Cadiz—liesult Undecided—The Riiing Said to be in the interest of. Queen Isabella. i'Veirop la to the Pittsburgh Geiette.l ' • GREAT BRITAIN. Lownow, December 11.—The Daily News says of President Johnsop's message that his persistent opPosition to the will of the nation is the cause of the partial failure of his mesiage. • It considers that there is no hepe foi the restoration of pence and unity in America until the accession of Grant to the Presidency. • The Morning Standard strongly depre cates the refusal of the Senate to listen to the President's message, and pronounces such action disrespectful to the Executive. The Morning_ Herald says interestedg commends itself to' everybody in American affairs. It is the warningprotest and testament of a statesman' politically _dying. • LONDON', Comm 11 —Eveninq.—In the House of Commons to • day the election of 'Right Honorable • Air. Denison as Speaker IVOB confirmed by the Crown. The appointment of Earl Spencer as Lord Lieutenant of Ireland is officially an nounced. SPAIN. MADRID, Dee. . insurrection has assumed a moret.alarming'character than at first reported: Telegrams from Cadiz, an nouncing the surrender of the insurgents, prove erroneous. On the first day of the revolt the Insurrectlottista ancdeeded in talcing . some pieces of artillery And have occupied an important positioq. General Deroda, at the head of a oonsiderable mill tar3tfores,.is preparing for a Nigorous as- Sault on Cadiz. k The national guards are employed to keep order and protect property in Madrid. Great excitement prevails there and in other -towns at the - alartnipgatate. 'As'yet Cadiz is the only town in revolt. _A .rising is mo. mentarily expected at Catalonia. Arms and munitions of war have been landed in ,Cadiz, and it is said the party in revoltis well supplied with them. They have also plenty of money,, grad are determined on a tight to.thelait. The: American -flags are •fespaated by both parties. Hundreds seek protectimv,frOm the - . Arnefl'etin Consul at. Thete is ye Teasel in port . ,)lnd the Danbdisszulltallarixesaelikatei placed at the disposition 6t the , Arneriba °Maul. Many rich faMilies are leaving Spain. Gen. Prim has gone to Andaluida. The government is much embarrassed ow ing to the unsettled state of the country and to the impoverished condition of the - finances. • •• MADRID. December 11.-:The proposals of capitulation made by the insurgents in Cadiz were rejected, and at the expiration of the armistice hostilities were recom menced. A desperate conflict took place, in which artillery was used by 'the troops and insurgents. The loss in killed sod wounded was heavy on, both sides. The resort of the battle was indecisive, and the insurgents stilVoccupy the Hotel de Ville, and the surrounding district. The rebels haire detained within the Eta tel de Ville all" the foreign Consuls they could seize, and that by this means they will be able to prevent the threatened bombardment of. that portion of the city by the v essels oftwar lying in the harbor. Great politicril excitement prevails in Xeres, Malaga and Tarragona. Gen. Prim is now on way to the Southern provincesi, hi s and it is hoped his presence there will restore tranquility.. Rants, December 11.-=-Tha Gauloia asserts the in surrectionary - Cadiz is instigated by the agents of - Queen Isabella. TURKEY.'_ LONDON, December 11.—The following intelligence' from Crete has been received, via Athens. The Turks have captuied a strong position in Sphakia, where the in surgents had erected a block-house. They also seized a quantity of , provisions and war material, -intended for the Cretans. The Turks have taken possession of two, landings on the shore of an island 'nearest Greece. It is reported that in eonsemience of thpse advantages gained by the Turks the insurrection is dying out. •- = - • GERMANY: ' - ' Dining, December 11.—In the coursdof the debatein the Prussion Diet on the bill confiscating ihTirAlrelJertV of the - on. of Hesse, Count Von Bismarck, alludG3g.:tp the recent war agitation, satd: "The fears of war which were so prevalent durin g the summer have now , passed away," • - MARINE NEWS . QIIirNSTOWN, Dee. I.—The , steamahip Russia, from New York, arrived here this morzling.. DECE 11 tiE K 12,, I BRIEF TELEURAM. =GeberaiGitint has returned 'id - Wash ington City. , , , _ - -Wils6io'd shirt collar factory , 'at, Tro,y, N. Y., was burned yesterday., .1,1;564, 020,000. —George N. Harvey, a well known bank er of Philadelphia, died on Ti-tract 4rafter ---Dityrson's leithee tactorY. at 4 'mark, .T., was partially burned Thurs de' • night. L05a420,000. ;z 1, -`—Helene Western;-the actress, died on Friday trning it Washington city a ft er a week's I ness. -Thatax-rato in Philadelphia for next year is one dollar and eighty cents, on the hmidred dollars: - —Hon. Wm. oman formerly Mayor of Providence, R 8 1 ., ' was fotind dead in his bed yesterday morning. —At Kansas City, Mo., yesterday, the large _Mattress Factory ot Octtenger LIE Co., was. burned. Loss 820,000. --ehtl. W. B. Fannin, lbr many years a prominent member of the Gsorgia _Legisla ture, died suddenly at. Savahno of apo plezy —At Louisville, KY., yesterday forenoon the thermometer sunk to three degrees above zero, and last night_ stood at eight degrees above zero. —Caleb Cushing is reported as ' having gone to Europe on a secret mission for the Governboent—it is believed in reference to the Alabama claims. —James Fiske prints a card stating that Mr. Vanderbilt was paid one million dol lars last 'July for lbw discontinuance of suits against the Erie Railway Company. —Late arrivals from the Upper . Missouri Reservations report the Indians quiet and satisfied. A large number of Sioux, inclu ding Spotted Tail, occupy the reservation above Fort Randall. - -It is thought the number oflives lost by' the burning of the steamers America and United States, near Warsaw, Ky., will not exceed -sixty-five. Fiftj-four bottles, have been recovered. —The steamer buba, from Liverpool, No vember Seth, arrived to-day. She broue,ht three - hundred steerage passengers, belt*, the first vessel of the regular Cunard that brought emigrants. —Judge Cardoza, at New York, has is sued an order to restrain ' Receiver Davies from' handling property of the , Erie Rail road Company until after, the- injunction cases beforetim are , disposal:l:oC: , _ , —Thionghtrabis on-the lirraon/Pacifie have been running regularly- since Tuef- day morning,, while on.the Chicago and Northwestern the first through 'train since: Saturday arrived Tffursclayanight. Denver dispatch 'says r Daily ser vice from Denver to 'the western terminus of the of the Kansas Union Pacific Railroad was resumed yesterday. The fare from Denver east is the same as vitt A Omaha. —A despatch from Omaha, of the 10th, says the Union Pacific Rajiv:tad bridge across the Missouri River was completed and trains crossed on that day. The track of the Union Pacific is clear of snow. , —The jewelry store' of E. Waterbury, ' ' vas robbed onAlVednes. day night of "PliPtrarideldr .sollaeot and dollars: As the safe was not Opened till yesterday the robbery was not previ ously discovered. '- ' —Allen S.*Keen, near Hillsboro, 0., has - been arrested, arged with at tempting to poison the fa mily of his moth er-in-law by placing strychnine in .a well bucket. There had been some ill-feeling between the parties previous to the occur-. MUM). —A meeting of the Louisville Board of Trado was held yesterday, at which reser.; lotions were adopted deploring the loss Of Mr. Wm. Garwin, of the firm of . Garwin. Bell & Co., an estimable gentleman and merchant, lost by the late Ohio river steam 'boat disaster. —A young man named Edward Roman, from St. Louis, committed .suicide at the residence of Mr. Leob, in Motorail's, on Thursday night, by shooting himself through the head. Failure to obtain em r • pinyment, he stated in alotter, was the . - —Thos. Reid, Tobacco Inspentor, and even tobacco firm" have been indicted in COlngton, Ky., bythe U. S. Grand Jury, on a charge of conspiracy to defraud the government by making incorrect returns of sales to the Asiessor. They were held to ball the sum of 14,000 - each, to answer before the U. S. Court. ; - —The Georgia Legislature is engaged principally in granting aid to railroads and most of the bills acted upon are;purely', of a local character. Tne Ku-Klux bill is now under discussilon in the House. Thire is but little probability of an early adjottrn ment. The Legislature has now beenAn session over three months altogether sine*, July. —A State Woman's Suffrage Convention was held at Providence, it. 1., yesterda - y t and was largely attended, Mrs. Elizabeth B. Chase, was. President. Addresees were made by Col. Higginson, Lucy -Stone, Frederick Douglass, and ethers. 'The 'friends of the cause regard , the meeting as Arbry- successful. A-State Association was formed and officers elected. - —A Virginia• City, Montana, telegram of the lith says: - Acting. Governor Taft deliv ered the annual nithisageti the Legislature , recomnicuded,_,Hie encourage -na en t of emigration t o - Montan a froin North :ern Europe as a counterpoltect6 tho rapid influx of.ChinameM Ti9liiiroktflegislative istance for the tietter;Aevelopment 'of the Mining laterests4difailts for au.-Imb, proYeinent of the school sybtem. -.'. New. grleanii Market - - (By Telegraph to the Pittehirgh Oetette NEW December H.—Cotton-L. net receipts 35,270 baker roes,, 30,542; sales 36,700; receipts to-day 6,778; exports to. day , 9,628; exports of . the week to Llverpool 2,698; fo Continent 11,059; Coast-wise 2.691; stock en hand 118,1330; prices easier to-day. middlhigs 230; sales- 5,800 bales. Gold ' 135Xi11353,. Sterlingy,xchange 147%. Cot ton 8i11ik.146W46X. ' New York Sight % a% discount. Flour firmer under a specu lative superline $6,84a7,00; double extra 87,25a7,37; treble extra 167,50a8,50, Corn firmer a; 77a780.', 044 active at 64a 65e, Bran_ $1,20. HaY;, prime $24. Pork a scarce t. 1 2 7,50. Bacon scarce and firm; shouldere 12s'cj rlh_l7Wi; clear sides 1934 e; edger`cured haml,lsaltio. Suggfae-• tive; common- 8 34a9xli;_..olaritied 12, 1 4812^X, Molasses firm: common-' , 45a80e; pring# 60c; choice MOM.' Whisky7 advanting; stock light; western rectified Coffee; none In first hands, " and unchanged. . _ Chicago illarke t. : . _ By, Telegraph to the Pict /burgh Gozejte.3 CHICAGO, December -11.4butefs' night without change. No traniectiiinein grain; One sabf-of 5,000 bbliihitsel'ork, for January, reperteci at 123,75.:.. Nashville Marketi; cny To;rirrona to the llttehur¢h Evisette.l:a NASHVILLE, December tr—Cotttn ac tive, but prices nuchanged;,invr 22c; good °Misery, 21X0. _ TER COURIS.\ District Court—Judge Klrkp7tria; The Dhtriet Court met at ten o'efeek yes. terday, Judo Kirkpatrick on_ the bench. The case of Cochran (ft CO. vs, the own nors of the steamboat “Neville," reported on trial yesterday, is still on trial. . Quarter Sessions Judg e.Mellon. The Court of Quarter Sessions met at ten o'clock k. tr. yesterday,' Judge Mellon pre siding. The following business was trans acted : The Court charged the jury in.the ease of 'the Commonwealth vs.'Wlite, Dulan, Mee nen and Ward, indictted for assault and bat; tory and malicious mischief, 'reported on trial yesterday, and the jury returned a verdict of guilty. THE SEVENS-HEMMINGS CASE. y. The time of the Court was then occupied for a few moments with the hams corpus in the Bevens-Hemmings case. A requisi tion having been produced, the writ was dismissed and the prisoner Hemmings re manded_to the custody of the officer hav ing a warrant for his arrest. The surety of the peace case against Hemmings, In which Mrs. _Elevens was prosecutrix, was dismissed at the cost of the prosecutrix. • ASSAULT AND DATTENT. , The - next case taken up was the Common wealth vs. David and Ellen Lewis, indicted for assault and battery, Isabella Humph treys prosecutrix. It was alleged that the defendants had beaten the prosecutrix, but the evidence in the case did not sustain the Charge. _The jury returned a verdict of not guilty and directed. that was prosecutrix pay the costs. Isabella was called up and sentenced to paythe costs, which she COM plied with and departed. • - FAIKILY DIFFICULTY. . - • The case of the Commonwealth vs, sarah Kearney, indicted for an assault, on_ oath of her mother-in-law, Ann Kearney. It was alleged that , the claughter-in-law had rudely seized the prosecutrix and shook her.' • LARCENY OP A QUILT. Catharine Newman, indicted for Ahe lar ceny of a quilt, Mary Volk„prosecutrix, was next placed upon- appeared that the parties occupied- , apartments in the same, house in the Eighth ward, Alle gheny, and in November Mrs. 'Volk -moved from the house taking all her pro= party-except a •trunkidirt - lihieh it was al leged she had left the quin t and, turning for the trunk, nalasedtiie - - quilt, which was subsequently „found on i the premises of the defendant. It. appeared from the evidence, however, that the defendant was married and that her husband lived with her, and- the Court • stated that the presumption' of law would be that the husband was the guilty party, and not the wife. Under these directions from the Court the jury returned a verdict bf not gallty. , SODOMY Michael Cella, inilicted_, for-sodomy, was placed upon trial. The evidence for the Commonwealth was all. that was offered the case, the defence relying upon a defect in the indictment; Which it was alleged hoe been for ail ettenipt dommit „.; ltri•-4{,•( g ,90 'SAN The - hour for adjournmeuthavin o'l 7 the charge of the Court was Withheld until Monday morning. , 2 •_. - The Allegheny Library. At a meeting of the members of the Al legheny Library Association, held Friday evening, last, a resolution was, passed an- - thorizing' any person to act as agent in prbouring subscrfistion,/ and donating to each agent one membership out of every seven procured. This premium member ship can either be presented to a friend or sold, the person holding -it retaining the proceeds. The proposal is certainly a very liberal one, and added to the manifest worth of the noble institution, should prva a sufficient - incentive to action to its mem - - hers and friends, We see no reason why the Library should not be a perfect suc cess. The - subscription price, four dollars a year, is' not a very large sun. It is centrally, located; occu pies - one of the moat cozy, home-like, and comfortable rooms for the purpose -that we have ever seen. Upon .its tables are found-nearly all the leading Journals, re ligious and secular, from all parts of the cclintry. In magazine literature, both home and foreign, it is fully up to a first class:standard. Its book-cases are filled with*varied and choice selection of writ- Jags, - by the best authors, in the depart ments of History, Biography. Travels - , Science. Art, Poetry, Fiction, &c. No corn plaint can be made against its manage- ment; 'visitors are always - treated with the greatest politeness and,—in fact the institution, taken altogether, possesses so many attractions to every friend of knowledge that we really can see' no / %reason why it should not be always on the flood-tide of prosperity. it cannot be that the residents of the city are indifferent to the attractions and pleasures of literature. We know different '.from that. Perhaps, .then, they have never visited the Library 'Room, or, it may be possible, with the re membrance of one 'or two failures in this line in the "long ago," when the city was but comnaratively a good sized village, they are somewhat incredulous as to the feasibility of-snstaining a gootVinstitution of the kind in their midst.-Well, onsourse, it can never be sustained unless those-who desire to see 'a Library .flobrish rally tolts support; hot -for, evidences of the 81113c0/3i whic,h will' attend it- when.properlx: au ported; we say' to, the - ineredulous, in be half of the managers;tis Philip said to Na-', thanlel, "come and hee." . - - Reel Estate Traniabrs. The following deeds were filecroirecord . before El;JElniv,ely, Req., Reoorder, Decesa be'r,lotti, 1888, - - Philip Swindermals to Lawrence Bock. January 23, Wit tract of. land In hfcCaucless townehip, con ' taint ng i acres and 149 perches d 11t54 Chrietsan Mayer to Mary Ones:sit. November 20, INS; lot NWT?. eectlon 0, Patterson's plan Bloonol. d.. bY 128'feet 4,'525 Jade* lifurtalg to weorge 11,uniershine. 'limitary 1, IM4I, two acres of around in 11, PS,oso John T.LlLiray to Jsuaes Irwin et ell,Decembcr 10, 1668; tote Nos. 2 and 3 la Shriven" Bed ford eheets Eloventh were. 40 by 70 teet el. 3 O Thomas panicle to .huta Brown, October 17.180; lot WI Meridian itrect. Mt. )911 ab lu ei on, con tale - • Ng 2 acres suit 212 perches -4.1.15 n Ehitlp Barboraer to JohrtMratmer, Nor. 17. 1868; lot Nu.t , In Haslettbr piteri,'•4lfteenth ward,-2. by me Pent, be Greensburg ;ilk,- 46 WO Janus Cable to. Wm. Carlisle. linirembsr 17, I 803; =hi arres oflalithin ROSS towninon • sl Paul H. Backe. Trust rts the Wen tiodirowl, July a . 1663; /ot.ln Brewton, on Fifa! street; 100 b flee Ice t •• • • • ••• • .... •• "491 Jacob liebig to hflehuel Ike. 4 1866,• 'Ot bte,et- Elea: Birtolughem, 20 by 60 Met.' • • 41 500 v. awl.). litliartos to Jecou tsablg,. Sept. nom: - . the 'novo let . 00 hype feet.— ... ... .. . . 0 150 L. It. hiss boy to Lorene Hock. Jan. p,.:1808 ; 12 eerie ti dO . And 33 percheo of lohd In Methodism . „ town.blo Jacob Hauaht to Pail ip Ke.ler, March za, 1868; lot tohlo township, 50 by 200 feet .. .. .. ..VD3O T. M. sounders to A. N. Bare.hticio, I/ec. 10, 1861: /tetetie towarhip, 47 by 74 feet:. . . . . 4000 French. Potter to H. b. Visdici Noe, jeis ; Iwo hi t t In .Perrysville, 120 by 140 feel' et fon john:X'Graisam to (Gorge \Vilest d. Jury 0,.1806; ' tin aorta arid IUS perches °flan d Eitzaboth town • 'ship • $l3lB Fred. vreyermutn to M. Litste„ Bee. 11, 1 , 68; lot on Ds nisttm avenue end nod street, Twentieth ward. /20 by feet. ..1: $1.400 r Hack. to A. Snyder, (let. 10, 1643; boken, 40 by 1170 feet 4,360 I =- VAIIUABLEI PURL/ CA TrONS. The giiowing demand for practical edu— cationty books, in view of the:progressive steps o the sge, is;.exagagirig the attention, or the most cultivated minds in this country, • The' facilities foX - acquiring an edudition,- me constantly enlarging, and Abe masses are being roused to feel the necessity of en joying. the liberal provisions kir securing its 'benefits. Radical changes, also, are constantly taking place in the methods and theories of imparting instruction. The old systems, of teaching are discarded, and school books, of a more practical charaeter, are taking their place. The publishing house of Woormonvir, AINSWORTH it CO., , - late (CROSBT It AINSWORTH) of tioston, are among the houses that have kept pace with the demand of the aze. Some of the most valuable and useful - pablicatione we have, bear its imprint. ' Ther different works is sued by this firm are edited by able andt practical teachers, and embody practical principles front experience in the school room. These works have also been criti cally revised by the best educators is the country, befor offered to the ptrblie. The new: School Text-Books in Physics, by Profs. ROLFE and GILLET, of Cambridge, Mass., denomknated -.-.-" The. Cambridge Course in Physics;" comprising Cheirtietry , and BlectricitK , Natural Philosophy and Astronomy, contain i .all the improvements in these sciences ; and are edited up to the times, and give a egstematic development of leading principles. The revolution in cer tain depaxtments of science have been,care fullynoted, and especial care has been taken not to present any theories that have not - been well established. The methosiadopted is first to establish the fact -by experithent, - when this is possible, and then drawing out the principle. The summaries always come --- at the;end of a topic; not at-the beginning. The illustration plateaand•general mechani cal execution, are well gotten•up and appro . - They have also prepared a shorter course in Physics. The Hand-book of the Stars is now ready. The Hand-book of Chemis try Is just coming out, and the Hand-book of Natural Philosophy will appear early in, 1869. The Hand-book of the Stays is a. neat little volume, and contains all that is important in the Astronomy of the "other Course. It is, strictly speaking, an As tronomy without mattrematic.s. It contains' seventeen full-page star-maps. The' work is complete in' every respept, concise and: within thercsdy comprehension of the stu dent. The • - • publication-oLtheabilional System IrPeMitiortiw - by - Tatraox,:: tiorsTon.& - Scnnnurs, constitutes a large ;part of the business of this house. The merits of this . ' system of penmanship has made its use almost universal. It is recommended by the hest educators in the country, and offers superior advantages over others. It Is the official text book of the leading schools in cities, towns and boroughs of tins State, and the same fact is true in other States. In European countries this system has been re published. The authors are talet,ted artists, and advance with the demands of the age. The system is conceded to stand at the head of its kind, and is decidedly superior to any thing that has ever been put forth. They have also published a Manual of Perunan- elsp for the use of teachers, which contains a full 'statement r,,f PAYSON, Dr,ivrort SCRIBNER'S celebrated method of teaching. It is perfect in thls department. • This souse is preparing Bsvrtior.oetzw's Drawini Books. This series of books, when, complete, will consist of twelve num- . bers. Part of the series are now ready. EaCh number will contain twelve plates executed in the highest style hflithographie dart, and twenty-four pages of drawing pa- per of a superior quality. Each number contains :suirable instruotions, and is graded from the elementarY to the higher department of_ drawing: The Latin, Greek, French' and Ger Man books are not burdened With the redundant;, cies often found in this class of works. A -0— nreat's Latin Grammar is simPle;concise and free from the excess of, Matter -Too _-Often. found in Latin found a good manual otelerireniify instruc tion In Batik- grammar:, The sanie.lxcel fent- features also' charaCterfxe- - series 'of Latin hooks. ' The - . notes in the ,L,rvider will be found valuable helps to stu ,, F dents: - -Prof --- Matiiints;French hooks are highly commended-byatileinuilet Ther_kifinmar is designed espechilryfora clasSTbook, and tontains only egebfinatter as is to-be tho roughly niastere&by-the student: The In troductory- Reader been prepared as a. companion to thiVaistters French earn- • mar. - - Great cereliuneen used in its preps ration.-L The same . ineybi said of the new elenientary.coursegil fge,Gernfan language by Prof. q4latEi.,L, of Minnesota: It is a capital work, Cesn attelsbf Shake speare;--from the - specimen;l4 f ies before us, promises to be a work of dipided Theso publications, and Oth c erinot named, of this houip,nre circulated-feu' extensively and irieliasing in favQr: The-general agent . for the introduetion of all ofs-WoonwOßT,o- ArNewon7l7 06 - :,'s publications in West- ••'' em Pennsylvinia, Ohio and West Virginia, are In charge of Mr. Amos STEVENS, whose headquarters are at' ROBERT S. DAVIS', QS Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pa. • Theract that t _ . some of these publications are used in the "Western University," "Pittsburgh Fe- male College," "Pittsburgh - High School," / "Bowman Institute," Profs. Birs - onsat and GOURLEY'S institutions, shows their popu larity. Mr. STEI'ENS will be happy to give information in regard to all the publicationS of this house. ---- 1?