a'BSTISEIKF3NTB. iOSFI HORNE & CO. .to][4_s_ALLaF, Tz "LU.IM • sa Issued so an • posSlaa of fitENSIVE A BORTMENT l'o/May Goods. DEPARI2EPiI CONPLEtiI IND PRICES GREATLY 111D17= 1200 PAIRS REAL MEECH CIE) , ItSETS; at $1;59 WORTH $2,110, • HO OP :SKIRTS at ocke:hali tYe mail Pricer , •-• , da large tine, GEN7.III3ILIK HANDNENCIaEr3, In white, 'Wed colenk. THREE DO DEED DOZEN ZADIEN. LINEN IIANEKENCI . IIEII3, . . TWO 1117.NDBED DoZIN- GpITS , LINEA 14PIDKERCHILIEus, 134Doii Lairzur's44DRICIICIIIMPEISeeats Liar. EIANDIIBRCHLILIf 8. -LN.POLTITJL% - roncrs -APPLIQUE, •,. BRA4VALEirciA, • ,•,, .11UT#T/ON. TAL4NOI.k. C . l:F l ili cTgZE r X7, l l6, • - 'Lsasocii sO•Birs. , • WIDE SILK PE R TIWD C LOAtißnan3o3, , . , ao*Loopsornapentf llagglis. aItdc.P4ILTY. PARS. . BILK .I:IIIMELLik .Leauter• Satchels, .-Pcirtpurattatiw arid . ::ceather ',saga. ; JAT AND GOLD LMOIINTIEDJEW-BLR,Y. Braeelets,. Slew,* Battens, Broebes I and Sett& ■ Air Gents' Varnishing Goods, Neck- Ties. Bows sand Scarfs, Morrison's Star, didris, Merino and Wool Underwear:BAND • . . HRITI ZEPHYR , GOODS.. . Res, Satinet, Legtins , Genres, Gloves and Ho ei 77 and 79 /11L1LRIKET STREET.. 100 WOOD STREET. 3 HOLIDAY oilrs. - FINE VAgls 4011.0,412.4* AND C.7.7.NA, mcw DIIfNE~ SETS , • TEA MM CIFT CUPS, , SMOKINGI: - Large stock of SILVER PLATED GOODS of all . descriptions.. , -.1 r eat and examine Our goods, and' we feel Ilitttelled no one need - fall to be salted. R.: E. BREED & CO. lft WOOD STREET . GEORGE WtItIENBERGER ve. ANNA WEISENBEBOEN. In the Court of Counnon Ilea' of Allegheny toasty, No. 6.14 June Term Asel:ii,eivoir g e_ vfnouto mairtinentie To ANNA' IV/FINfeN.Ti Egkirfl..the. above named respondent: : - Haripg been appointed , by the - Court examiner to, take teatimonj in„the. above case; you era herebY, noosed; that I win, attend for the narixose Ofiny ay poinlment at the oftleeof 0. 11:11eCCRMICK, No. ST GBANT.STBXET. lie city of Pittsburgh: Pa., on TUESDAY,, January 'pith 1869,'at two o'clock Vi. - . • " deil•b2B P . C. SNIVELY. Examiner. ' • Orrice or Cm Exattrann, AtantintinT Cirr, December .10th, 41/308; I NOTICE—The ;assessments foi Grading and. Paving SPRING GARDEN. A NUE, from Chestnet street to Tanner street; also the Grading of ALLEGHENY AVENUE Vim• Western avenue to Ridge street are now. ready' for examination, and can be seen at this' cake until FRIDAY. Dtcember ISM; see& when they will be , returned to the Street Comm Is stoner for collection., dett:b2t :CHAS. DAVIS, City Engineer.. 'Opirgea or Over Zacencasa awn Straearos, Pittsburgh, Decemberllth. 1888. NOTICE, TO CONTBALCTOWL' • • Sealed Proposals for tbe' construction -of a BOARDWALK on FIPTId AVENUE, trent Soho Toil Gate to Murphy street, wi,l'be receivedat this oglce until Dectmoer,l7lb, xlBBB. The Coluset . ttee' reserve the:lett to mess any or all bids::- • de11:b2.5 • M. J. MOOllB. City Engineer. Orr= or errs'. Ifmotrmort arm Ouoyinfoit. Plttaburgb, December 11th. /SOS. NOTICE' TO' CONTRACTORS ‘ ealed Proreale for the .phrthil firading of 3 111 , LE11., ST4Z T from Centre avenue to Reed.. win be received t this omco math WEDNESDAY. December e8tb,184511. The Committee reserve the rbrht t 0 re;o4knnyor all bids,. • , • B. J. MOOftle, City , . . ... Ha ATTENTION OP THE AND !EMI SKATES, SKATES, , : : _SKATES. , I have :receiied,my stock of Skates for the lemon of 118 and 'O9, comprising everystyle known to the trade, at prices ranging FROM 50 CENTS PER • AIR UP TO OS. My, stock embraces alull line of Ladles' and Gentlemen's Skates. Re* York Club. Americanltink, Blondln's•Ancle Supporter, our La dles' and Gents' Clipper, Philadelphia and Boston Club, Empire and • Valcan, together with a large as = sortment of medium priced Skates for Boys, which I oiler at exceedingly low prices. I invite all in want of Skates to call and be convinced that 138 WOOD STREET. is-the place to buy Skates. For gale wholesale and retell by JAMES DOWN' NO. 138 WOOD STORE?. PITISBDR,3II. no2o;yr MACREOWN & .BRO • WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS . AND *.oprurdicrinezze Or- Caistiwork . ' c 11. s :. MOVED. TO, NO.!, 18.1 k p:BERIT. STENET,, . • .YITTSBUBCiH,. PBNN4:. .*. -White Leld , Window' 411 n ana kilarswars; Ximettacturers pricer. '‘, • dr9 . ugritEEN- OIL CLOTH FOR WIN" DOW pITADES —We are now zoinificturkii article. a' qua li ty- superior In fintsb, , and l it Lot e ggs w . r Di l iteri a 4lll 4 d 4 11. trat i ri t ri p a essalne'oto goods before purdiastag elsewhere. 14" ' • PHILLIP 6, :46 and, fiefil.wific.i tgateriT CAtr.' t ., • ,1 Iig"THE Gn Ailr D 8nv334.)4a ..martrurrzoir or Idols. Mautiers, Hindoo DTINS Melodies and Courtship, will be repeated THIS EVICHING, DEOZ3IBEH. 11th. 4 ,THIRD 11.. i". CHURCH, ILLEGEENy, NEV. Dit.' - iricite_4, at T 3 o'clock. • -1 boors 25 cen cent.. open at sets' 7. o'clock. Tlcif admisside ll:b2•l on - J ROPY ?LIM OUT! $2.00•77.11.,11 C4l/I,lti entltlea the' bearer, oi preseatatloit, td TWO DOLLARS abatemeit ea a cash' snrebaeT;nt nis.oo at the oaks cheat ! ' elothiaihause at. a 47.-7'IUII7III2IIAN, OR' • \•-. IGINAL BIG NIMBXII U. Sixth Street, latest Clair . Nobody beat !i7 establistiment, All taral int to ail! Call be ConllVlCed., elo tilainlimarked brpritited - tatSt, at , LO WEST CASH PRICES, .:• ; , So that no oae stay be deceived. Reinember the place. original big number 11, SIXTH STREXP, late St. (flair. • 8X74 1 / 1 1 OP COITNTERTETTS Op TtIOH r 4, dell:Tx:Ns S. 8. 711117E111LiN. __ An= . • • T.EASE OVEiTORES ' ' • -a-d FEDERAL. STREET AND 'DIMOND . • ALLEGHENY AT .AVCTION. There will be sold on the premises on MONDAY, December 14th, at A Wei ock, tbe Immo! tiatvalu able business property southwest corner of street and the Diamond, consisting ut the c o rner building oa Federal street. liS by GO feet. for many vears_occapled as a merchant tailoring- establish menu and a good store roma* rear of the above, on the DianiOad. now , Occupied: as , a grocery store. There are three very good cellars. The lease ex tends eight years from next . April. Ground rent 4340 March Posses Diamond Federal street Moro given 1; of tbe store, April 1. To tal renti will yield $9, ayear. A credit will be e super-eice.lient character ef this location is too well known - by `beeriest Men to require corn- ment. , A. LEGGATE, Auctioneer. deli 1./ST' OF uncalled' fb ember 11;1' Allen Beasy , -- Amine L K. Ashtals Jessie Bowinan , llenns Borrows - link S. Bradley John EIL 9 P bt7PRANAS FfthllelitOek.rer • 111110 & CO: PrltCk Fmk Gilla• re Ma 4011 in • % elven' ;Wm:: H. B. * Campbell A. Craig Samuel Crouch,Jobn • Cook Jolla M. Clarke Alex. Conway.ld.' C. avis D VVlalleld 8 Denk Ellie.. Dickson altos E.. - . Evans P. S. Evans David' I Evans Ebenezer . Evans Martin F Foster Robert Forties Francis Forster "William Finch Wm... .J.• .Filrm Susan • Ferguson John • Harkin, Dennis Barrel Francis - EiniziPare7s.T.D: naeket John 'ldohnston J Geri iJones Annie Jones John D Johnston D. M:' li. Xirigan Jilt. F. I Kercnenbmwer 0 Larineyri is Lous MI e.i toWrie M. Annie - . - Mnegrave P.'j. tilifinoliandJane Miller Lizzie Murray David K. i Morgan Benj. Metz Louis M. E.G. CLOSING OUT SALE OF '1311.7e • 4 :31 - OCoILOS 9 For Thirty Days, Comnienclag' - this day 'at. • J. IL - BURCHFIELD & CO'S 5.2 ST. CLA.T.I3 STREET. Now le the time to gat uselli /10LIDAY PRES ENTS:C[IIIAP. " - Zrerithlng rmineed Price. 'Stock's/I new. . • POPLINS for 31e. worth 40: " AIifNPAIS tor 2 , 5 e. worth 373 c.• CLOAKING CLOTHS for 5 3;75worth $3,75: ALPAC S for 505. worth SS, • CHINTZES for 50e. worth 6S; • PAISLEY' SHAWLS tor 613,00 worth *WOO; PLAID SHAWLS for $3,00 worth g 6,51,1: 444-IfULIN for Lgthe. worth le; Linen 'Calabria • Handkerchiefs,- Lace Bander kerchiefs, Table Linens,. Napkins, .Towel,: and a fall assortment ererydaterlptlon of Dry Goods. Mc if Stielait !liar Liberty.Si: , A IURRY CHRISTMAS ! NEW GOODS FOR 'THE HOLIDAY DENNISON & HECKERT, NO. 27 FIFTH AVENUE, Ef s aLe ep ie r t received a large andjudlelottili assorted EMBROIDERIES; TBLIDMINGS, Hid "Gloves, liandkeroldro. slipper Patterns. Zeph — yr 'Gonda. searfs and 'Gents Pennalishlng Goode - and Notlons.generallv. • eattable for seleclion is afforded in special novelties HOLIDAY PRESENTS, which the attention of lady readers is specially, DENNISON & HECKERT,- N 0.147 FIPTIE.A.VENth timmEntaßulitclfLzki,,OEM_ FRID - AY: F4C , 11; if&l IS 1211 ' RAINING POSTOP7XCE, ljetOrs:lo.. Matins J. H. Matt eC haute Jobs llitov eykys. ON MONDIVIEBB [ ; L Newinalir Ann Price Wm. H. Punk)," A: - Paul John A. Radford A. S.. - Risley RsWe •siehirds .knk. Robbins John Rlnglson Zaek Rodgers And , w Rea Charles Eehwanet Ene Swankle Waa, Smith M. IMMENSE STOCK I Willard 3111124. d IWhitestde Min I Ward Henry H.. Wattprs George Ward Thomas . IWoieester John UMFZEA pEPARTMENth'S COMPLETE. REDUCED IN LESS THAN BEFORE THE SPAR ` LACE GOODS HOSIERY, LOW PRICES will scoomplisk it, tb/s shall be neli • $l .9ball eellpN all onz former SE -ANIMA SALES. $ OUR ENTIRE WRITER STOCK .lII7BT BE CLOSED OUT IN - X).A.' 4 i 7 ',19. BARKER & CO. 110.- _69. 41.01£,11T • MEET. i 8 ek , : , 114,'H1868 . TOE GREAT SEW-ANNUAL Clearance Sale OF . OF. DRY GOODS, EN 1 . 3 ARK.gfZ..,&00 - 4 . • . - 59 MARKET - STREET 9 COMNCIES RI AND ALL TEE EVERY AURICLE WILL BE KANT OF THEN SELLING A? ASS DETERMINED TELLT•Ir SUCCIESS VV 4OLESUE, NEW AND:` ,4 -DERIi,II3II GOODS SUITABLB - FOi THEr'DELINDS Tag „I•REsENT.'SEASON 'THE LOWEST. PRICES. AT WILLIAM. SENPIeS, , 180 and 182 Federal Street, Allegheny !2,04:10094XXY AGRES OF , • CHOICE W E DS . FOR: 41 . r. 'ail . union PacOilieritrdiailtb;Nimoilh. zAirrice* .Dor Lying abhor iltoilae of thoilf $llllO TO $5 9 00 ACRE, ' oa a CREDIT Or ITVZ TEARE. For farther partioulan, Inaba; • JOIN' • ;ow! Coauideisonor, Taf,i t Or fie f% , , • 8t I Locin . hflesonii. EMI wnt. antWt; • (Latellll6 it - liticketsohi) - Nos. 22.1 AND- 1%9, - • Ciorner LibOrty and Irwin Streets ! . Offer to the tride at Lem li miest 150 s ickga. ert:IN7LW NLACItCHBL, In barrels, • alves, quarters and kits. 100 chests choice YOUNG HTSON, and IMPERIAL TEAS. BO sacks choke RANGOON' RICE. ' 515 bbls. choice CARGLINA RICE. 75 bbls. LONGI LAND SYRUP. 50 bbls. SYRUP, choice breads. 100 bbls. N. O. MOLASSES.' 50 bbls. BERMUDA MOLASSES. 000 bbIs..REPINED SUGAR. 75 Mids. PORTO RICO: - CUBA and DEKA , KARA. SUGAP.S. 800 bags RIO COFFER. ' 50 bags JAVA and LAGUAA 100 eases IMPORTZD CLARETYR . COFFEES. ., 1150 eues MOW & PAGNE CHANDON% CHAii- SCOTCH AL'S* and LONHON PORTER con stantly on band. 47, gIIII6IIITEIN 47. FOB BOYS' CLOTHING. Gray & Logan, NO. 47 . ST. CLUB STREET, I pnicEs MARRED DOWN. RUMEN' SIN AIJIOST EVERYTHING. .L . -131tAL HEIL STITCH, and Linen, IId.NDICER .O/3113"8,17c, 10c, NAG upwards. TAPE 00AL EltZls Lllll HA.N DREW:NIERS 6ge, 80 to 80c. . our HATS at cie•hatt regular prices. All the new 13 gLinflitAL MThnd Bradley's latest styles sof HOW 101ItiTd at the Lowest Prices in the (.11.ty,_ • GENT'S , bilEaLllo VEST and DRAWEI3B, 400 crim ioo. . , re TON~B, No. it h Atrenup. deb; HUGHES._ ` • '; 7 , LATE 608 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, InfOrzna his OlenArand patrons: In Pitteburgh that ''`be 11110 W connected with EDWARD' 1 ) : KELLY, SOnth-east loftier; of OIIESTNET and SEVENTH STREETS. the PRINCIPAL MERCHANT TAILOR OP PHILADELPHIA, and can now furnieh them With 'clothes SUPERIOR' in every reined to those he has heretofore gipen tkeni,and at *OPERATE ;ocit3:Ale OAUE.ILL AND EXAMINE large aseortnientot `.'FANOT COAL HODS, AND TASES I :1 0 11t2i7 IRONS ...411D STANDS, p.. l 3,ispfmEtsii die: I : , Alsch BNB , PATENT CHUB* ATTACEa MEET at the Hardware store pt • • , ' wamEms & DEUX, tie Atrarainixr QM ; Goo aussEsis CHOICE . SPRING - MID FALL, s. ~ - 4 / 1 . i e, ° IVeT b,Y • , ll•,3rEstiron. nAmp.mit, 659 rawaszr eTBIZT. , . DRY , GOODS FE 714,1, ,413,SOBTXELIT OP ,-, MEE =V IME =I IMM OH' , ) IDEg Niter,ADVIMT/SIMTMTT_B. VERY LOW- PRICES, HEAVY MUM/ /LAMM, COUNTRY ; FLANNELS, .„ . . SHIRTING PLAN NELS, FINE IrLAIIMPLS, wATEßPßoor..cLortfe e CHENCHIZLA, -CLOAXINGB., EIRAIMs ,Axa , • • —HOODS, SCARFS. •e. GOOD - DALIZGAINS DRESg GO obs, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL at WILLI! SEMPLE'S,: 80 and 1824ederalSireet,1464, FURS! _ . . • CHOICEi"s . r ESS • • N'CORD - 4-CfloS • - • • 131 IVCoOi, STIMET.• I EO4 Practiml Conk' espeatfally tbs . ' piablla that he will On Saturday and Nenday Next, Opts fo the palille the DELMONI6O RESTAUqANT, FOR GF , NTLICKEN ONLY. , • It will le his earnest gaideavorto,farnish his DP trona •at all times with the . most palatable viands which the market or the season affords. Ti' LIQVCRS, WINES of various ds4es, ALI; ..*. etc 4-will be their own reccentnendellost. --. • • N Orders for tins Cooking for Weddings, and other gestirals, will, as .heretofore, be. Promptly and cheaply attended to,' requesting patronage. ocl,:ytie — . 1 , 1.- &UM , • . • - ROCK THE BABY . . • EARNEST'S PATENT. 'CRIB, • - soil) ()ma's!' • 'LEMON- & Practical • Paraitare. liatuirititaktri3,4a4 118 . 1T01311711- AVENUE. Uhamber Where may be found a fan assortment of Parlor . also Htteben Furniture. 110/9 ( 14)4 AillTNE89111P—I have this - day associated , with UM in truthless agarmED gitO r ili t a aiti l laW:Ns in , d t rianAtirzrt ED 000D2 as heretoforn, under the name:And style of WEAVER JONES. I • • • JACOB R'ZRYLR p JR ..a.rusu U. Josue. • WEAVER & JONES - wHoLzsALE Dir4z.zai pr •'• • ' PETROLEUM AND ITS-PROM:ICI% and PATENTED. GOODS getierrally. Relined and Lubricating Oils of superior, qualities always for sale. Barrels of all description bought snit sold. Office. No. 3 DUQUEILK wAY. rittabur6/6 Putat:33:saz DECEMBER OR BEFORE 4 • - • W.! P. itALlEtsictira. WM remove tits stoer of WALI f PAPERS, fram the old stand No. :8Z WOOD STREET. to the newly fitted and elegant store house. NO. 191 , 1 91711.g.B.2"1" anezar, a few doors above BT. CLAIR. 'HE PITIIIIIIFRGII STEAM LAUNDRY Is fitted en with the most approied machinery. and Is prepared to do all kinds of Laundry Work at the sherti st notice. Experienced Lauudnases are em ployed. and families may be assured tbat theirol6o - will be cared for and.done up in a superior mem , , RED QUILTS, BLANIIETB, BRAWLS, and oilier heavy articles carefully cleansed mithout shrinking or wearing the fabric. . Apeclal attention given to the doing up of LACE OUETAINa and other fabric% of a delicate texture. Clothes and delivered daily without extra • charge orders left - at No. 89 PICOT AVENUE . or at the odic°, No 104. LIBERTI• IaItEET, will r e c e i v e prompt attention. de4:a94.4 FL. L. moinert4 JRID'AJDA:r.4.Is rultinEs THE. BLOOD. F,Oll BALE Et intueensrs EVERYWHERE. : de7;biamwr J. 2. 811! 114 T .;oo •J o DRAM :.. •.*•Z. A. MUTT* BRATT 64 CO. l • AR.6I3II7OTUBAL AND ':ORNAMENTAL CARVERS, No. 63 Sandusky St., illitheny, Pa. _ VklargeleCorttnent of NEWEL PMTS and BAL.: LISTERS constantly .on hand.. TEIIiNINO, of all deserintlona. done. - '`KEYSTONE. POTTERY. R i ft KIER co., & ... • . . - . manutketurers of WAR !d °see -and warm:l9lmo, 303 B Ban' WI:ABET. ordifetiromptly attended to.' OFFICE OF. CLERK Ortoog — ffiti IL, of Allegheny. County, PblUp Wagner. tavern. Allegheur e g y ; The Lleeneelleard will sit WXDNZSDAT. the 114tblesn lat. At le_o9clook, tbrheastng the abaft aPe . eithlf .EAOZ Cittak. ,JI, '~,~'= .. lIIIE J. L. D114.11f.• ......... . . R. alimcnaoll., BUDIUrEII STEVENSON, " COMELSSION 11111,CHANTs • No. 87 Second Sireet, INttsliusgl2 Pa. namnyß Ann ILL AU Hffide of Country Produce. all orders ferlderchandThe promptly flied at Lowithr market rates. !articular attention given Cu the sale of Butter, Eggs, Cheese Dried !, ralts, Wofeel confident that we can glue entire sat isfaction, h ysnahing4o/oEitsixit and PROurr as- - tomes. at HIGILEST IF42.lprr PRICES, and therefore respectfully solicit-lour eonsisnaments. corr.- oondence answera.., promptly. Narking Platen •nistied free. . **lin store, and to arrive dally. Y 4 Cay t-•114 ..g .filropeertes• Pro• visions, rub Cbstdsl4 cakben Oil. Av.. . , ••-. Na. rut4bamo.jias: 171i1 and 174 WOO 41T211161T, sear Libe xim rt7 MM. 5TZ711.3. .J. 8211.11.16 e ST E ELS & SON,. H - Centensisaton. hie fa, . • MULLIS IX NIC.OI7II,AzDT. dte. ito. 95 OHIO STREEI, near East Como i !TJ. B. C.11.117.12LD _....A. T. CANIP/ELD. B. CANFIELD & SON,' COIN.. .• 1718 SIONi'llNNONANTS. awl t Whoiesale Itiesler's in Goshen, Paelorr. Hamburg and if, B. gn" n I Butter, t LAlLPiasza;PAct°,lll ri'Mkiiii2s. Ashes, White Ltin__,e seed, Lard, Coal and Car bon 011 s. No. 141 nest stress. Plttsbnridu I =UM EVIL JAB. P. BIOIIAgT• & =CUM COMMISSION, MERCHANTS' AND "'SALM nr nouje; iniitm, SKIM iffra. :t vo Lllberty Pittsburgh, ,Alay xquani ". . B. ANJIII. NICRAAT & ANIEW • COMMIS S ION Mr4oHANT.S I Dealerlb 1 1 7.0 ' UP, GRAD? had ikp.l) DUCE GEN ERALLY;: No. 14i W.A.TitIC WISSZT, above Smithfield; Pittsburgh. lea FETZER . it ARNI3III,I3IIIG, FORWARDING AND I:XMCDMON 11:111MAIMI„ For the sale of Flour, Grain, Sheol, LULte l t d • Seeds, Dried Fruit. Arid Produ_mgene hi&IIKET 23111ZET, eorner of ntet,'Plt T J. BL Wholesale and Ikto spicve No. 398 PENN STREET. nol7 21011 T. KNOX ' ANDREW KNOX. KNOX & 'SON, . COREMISSION: MERCHANTS and dealers la FLOUR, GRAIN I. FEED and PRODUCE GENERALLY, Na. 19 DIAMOND, opposite City Hell, Allegheny City. ial7m37 JOHN 2. HOUNN...•.HOW. ROUSH W. H. HOME. JOHN I. HOUSE Sr. BROS_.,_ Sue cessors to JOHN I. HOUSE 4 CO., wholesale rOcers and Commission Merchants, Corner iof Smithfield and Water Streets. Pittsburgh, Pa. 1 bITTLE, & PATTON Wholesale Grocers, Commission 3krehanan , di eiders In Produce, Flour, ' Bacon , - unease,' Fish, Carbon and Lard. OU, Iron, Nails,: Masa,- COttoit yarns and all Pt:tsburgb Bimini:Minna. generally, 4 11.31 and la. SECOND STREET, Pittsburgh. . JOHN BHlrrox ..A WALLACZ. § HI PTON&WALLACE . ,WIIOLD. SALE ROCERS AND PROM:IDE DEALERS, o. 6 SIXTH STREET. PlDabursit. . 1A13:2'511 pAPER. Printing. sih n i.,;.' " CWIHAI ROOFING, lIARRWARE AND RANILLIB, ~s isinfictureiialitliombi; • PBAZIER; ACETZd.ER Rs PAID PON. AND OLD eitcAS. t. oczs-szemp 110111IANOS AND _O.IROANS-An 4. tire new itoek 'Of IENABEII UNRIVALLED rIANOS: • RAINES BROS.; PIANOS: & cois ORGANS 'AND MELODEONS. ,and TREAT, LiIiSLEY & CO'S ORGANS AND MELODEONS. • ' REEK , ABPLEII-42•5 blumalk storo,and rlt "IV cAjrjrunti a sox. • , ft . • NOTICES. far% :O. 0. F. -A ' special Meet. IL I or MOTIF. T anetAa LoeuE, ha.; 360 win be heldat the BED MEN% HALL. flaulft sioff Inevatele banding. lifth avenge, FRIDAY NYBD ING, tar UM nut. at 74'welock,_ for tee purpote of conferring thellegree of Rebakall. All Waters and Bret/tern of the Degree ain I Del.: deJl:bll • • J. D. _W,ILLUDI9; &ere ary. , ItgriPtIifISITLITANIA RAILROAD compAitr. , TEl;A2loltDa'al.OlgrAWD. , rimrawicntiA„ Pe.. Dec. 3. !HS. - NOTICN TO BTOCIXIOLDIDS—The Eleoead lit-'• stale:test ea the New Steel, stbscribed for natter r s avoos l wildttione).!l . sks spud of Diriettircet May leBll. , t . trtuess paid Pa or before the 13th hea t the lit. - stalmowt will. not taw ItwProPirticl"...,6.,_d_.adi d.. "sr. 11114114.an•lboll?1,47thielP 411-1121117ahnit"' illO Instabeenti will iteetveltedlrldindi fa Mir atit... , _, . A11021[4.11 ..T. • 11.11714 • 4 7-°5 ' Tiroasszer. IIarPENNISTINA.NtiknAkAL. it9lpb COMPANY Temearkanti DAttsrmiure.: a • PaiLADELPRIA. Noy. A;1888. f NOTICE TO STOCHNOIMERS. - : - I . , . The Board of Meet** haveTHIS DAY deelared a send-snnual dividend of FIVE PER CENT. on the capttai steck eras company. clear of National and. State taxes, aYable Is cask, on and after_Novene. berEO„ !!Alai. ..., -.' Blank powers or attorney for conectinit eividende ',.' ean be had at theoaoe of tho Company, ~ ms SoIITM ', Trio ofte,mlll be (evened . lt. end doted at 4 P. K., boat Nerewbee 35thto December Stre for the payment of dividends, and after that date from 0 A. m. to 3 P. M. • nolceet., r , : , . THOMAS T. FIRT H , Ti.e` starer, grill THE MATTER OF OPEN• , 'NO LOCUST STRZET, llNTille CITY OP 'PITTSBURGH—AII owaara.of Lots, or. ether persons Interested la the BURIAL GROUNDS ob. . STEYENSON STREET, roses IselenZag to the Asso ciate Reformed Chu r ch.r knowalli KARA'S EiItAVE YARD, and • the r to. the , olic' Church. known as, the CATHOLIC GR AYS YARD. Are hereby notified that they are required to remove the bodies from the ground within the Uncial Leftist street,,wltldit three maaths from th is date; and It the same are uot removed within that time, they sill De removed by the undersigned, who have been ppointed Commissioners for that purpose. Said street ls. forty-eight , feet wide. and" eitende along the line between the said Barialiatennds. about one half elf each. All necessary information can be had by applicatioa to either of the Commissioners. with The Coma:l33lo*cm will meet . for. gel/sanitation Let'Owners. on MONDAY. December -Slid, 1888; at 10 o'clock, A. sa, at the City Engineer's ()Mee, Market Balldiag, third 'Stor. wl._ GRIFFIN, . . I r J. D. Jinx:, Doe Plttsbargh M. TINDLE. dN are , .4, IRGI. ,. • Coop kla,glonere Mr' MEN? PITTSBITRUH HIGH SCHOOL, Client' of: Ceestnerce .Buliding,- corner Sixth and. Wood streets.' • Equal tokny Business College having the same etudies and lectures. Sessions: AllernoOrt. to 4 ) oYcloCkt erening t 1 to in Free to all residents of Pittsburgh • - under - AI yearif lowque. Receives students frOnt_ other places at the ad mission fee of $2O. Students'enter at-anytime affil receive diploma on completing Abe course. • Pbr further information call at oar rooms or send lbr clrcniaasell.X7-urs • -1'41; a ogigirroN. Principal. 10M3111.44NTE1 STA BLISRLD B*411;;,- eint.mLT, 1.12. V - X o.o,llltrA' • Nei: 271 Liiiiro .Streoi; ' CDZWICIL I T 0PP. 11 .4 6 ,0 1 . Ir9u4i) PlETTlinii7ll43l3, PAL. as . wzoLsetiat niAzzas rt. • MI& Glass PAPER.
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