PITTSBURG,' MARKETS. II Omen orr Tun T PrsTSBunoHGAZETTE, THII _ RSDAY, December 10, 1868. 1 There is little that is really new or im portant to be said in regard to the market in ti,general wayi For 'some articles, par r.••• ticularly Grain, there an improved de: mand and that, too, at stiffening prices, and the receipts of -produce generally are fall .- ing off, aid' with reduced stocks, higher prices generally 'ensue. There is but very "".. little spirit ofa Speculative character mail'- tested; whi ch is owing _to . a want of confi donee in ' .the future as•well as to the strin ,- .e 1 gency imatoney matters. • • • ' , APPLE ttlirrutft-rDemaucl is better and market firmer but 'prices are , Unchanged, 70 t 075, in kegs, and - 80 Co 85; in erects. . APPLES—There is a j oantined good.de• wand, and the Market , is firmer bat un changed; regular sales at $3, - 60 to 14,50 per BUTTER—Good to prime . Roll is selling at 35 to 40 and choice at to 43. • BEANS-43,50 to $8,7 per bushel. BUCKWHEAT FLO &.:•43i to CHEESE--Dull and nehangetl, ranging all The way yOm 15 ' 2*,, ucbording 'to 4u alit _ 511 • CIDER—DuIi; to per b bl. ' .014.ANBERRI les of 'prime' to. • choice Eastern Cultiva at F 43 to 125 Per barreL •' • - DRIED FRUITS d with .8 414 •.of Peaches at 12 for qrtarte • and 14 to 15 for • lutives;'"' Apples 9.ta 11 cts'ea to qualitY. EG(3B..4u:siood,supPly, and unchanged itUto 1111 V• -• • dis u sed POULTRYSaIes Of Turkeys at /5 to 16; and Chickens'at 12in 13. pc•TATOES—In • rather:better "demand,' we cait , report sales` of Peach /Mows in Store at 85 to 90. t :• - • ' HATL- . l ( hedianand is'isther,better t and . with diminished arrival p rices are tend *, ing upward . 'We can sales all the way from';2o to s27—the ,outside figure for • prime loose pressed. - • HOMINYSaIes at $6,50 to the trade, and $7 in a retail way. • i c , ; GRAlN—There 'is more , inquiry for • Wheat, and the. market is ;firmer. ' No. 1 Red. Winter; $1,85' to $1,90., - Sale of 1 car choice' . Milwaukee `Club at ..111,65. Oats linter! and demand improving; we now quote at 62 to 63c on track and wharf. and 65 to 66 cents, in store. Corn is scarce and 'abetter demand; sales.of new at,, 'F• 75 to 60c, and old at fl to $1,05, the latter i figure for, strictly prime Tellow.., Barley is quiet• and unchanged—Offerings light and dernand limited Rya•isifirm, with .F 4 conaiderable Inquiry and but little offer ang; $1,48 id offered, and asked. . SALT—Is firm but unchanged; gherty river brands whitSd at sl,Bs'on track,- •••• and $2 in store. • • LARD—Is firm and in good demand at 163,ic, tierces, and '7 0,. in kegs, for, z prime kettle rendered. LARD OIL—Is firmer and in limited; supply but ..unchanged; we continue to 11 quote Not at "41,23 •to $1,25, and No. 1 at *1,48 to $1,50. ; ONlONS—Firmer; $1,50 to $1.75 per bush : el, as to'quality, MESS PORK-- j is firmer, and may lie quoted at. 126 tol , the trade, and ;26,50, in n i l jobbing way. • , Y—Sales of Highwines reported • FLOUR—The market is fairly active; and firmer, but there is no change ' in prices. We continue to quote West • •ern • Flours at:' $7,50 to $8;00 for Spring Wheat, and $9,50 to 510,00f0r Winter. Rye Fkrur, $7,75 to 58,00. The Pearl 'Mill qflote theirbest brands,•made of the • best Wheat, as ,folloWal Extra Family. , Floar, in barrels. at $9,50, and, in sacks, 19,20 per barrel;:., Extra Family; in barrels, $10,20, and, in sacks, $9,80 per barrel; .;.1 Spring Wheat Flour, inbarrels, $B,OO, and, .; in sacks, $7,70 per barrel. The City Mills •fi quote prices as follows: Extra Family, (Winter) in barrels, $9,50, and, in sacks, • $9;20 per Extra Family, In ' barrels, $lO,OO, and, in sacks, $9,70 per bar .' rel; and Spring, $B,OO, in barrels, and $7,70, ; in sacks, s* per barrel. t. FEATFilt.S—Sales to the trade at 75 to 80 for live geese, and 85 to 90 in a retail ;; way. - - - ; PEA NUTS—quoted at $.2. • Near York Produce Market. Tetegrsjpa Pittgintrgh eazette.l .i. Nsw Yoult*, December Io.—Cotton very firm and scarcely so active; sales 2,soobsties :, at 25e for middling uplands. Flour-re ceipts 8,422 bales and sailoc. better, with a' fair business doing; sales'l3,2oo bbls at $5,90- , a 6,25 for superfine State western; $5,90a7,45 for extra State; $6,20 for extra western ' 58,40 .:. ale for white 'wheat 'extra; $7139,.1,5 for R. H. G.; 57a8 for_choice do, closing', steady. California flour nominal. Rye flour steady; !...' sales'2oo bbls at - $6,130a8,50. Corn meal dull; „sales 150 bbb3 city at $5,40;250 bblti Brandy - 1! wine at $5,75. Whisky; dull; sales 100 bbis :-• western free at $1,02. Wheat—Receipts 1,440 bn and firmer'and very quiet, the de ' mend being confined to milling and specn. • e lative; sales 25,000 bunt 51,60 for No. 2 spring; $1,61 for- common No. 1 and 2 do. -T i mixed; $1,6834 for poor No. 1 do; $2,30 for t' whitelichigan; 52,22 for white California. Rye nominal at $1,50 for •wesuirn. Barley 1 dull; sales 1,000 bn State at $2; 25,000 bu it Canada at 12,30. Barley malt quiet. ••Corn '•.,,,, —receipts 100 bu l dull and a shade easier; "j 4,200 bush at $1,12a1,14 for unsound; $1,143!, t a 1,17 for sound mixed western; closing for ~,Isellers at $1,17 afloat. Oata—receipte, 1,300 J bush; the market is a shade easier; sales • 4of 72,000 bash at 79a79%a800 for western 4alioat. Rice quiet, at 7%,a814,3 for Carolina. •Coffee active; sales of 24,W0 ', baize Rio at - ,-:zoivate terms; sugar firm; sales of 300 hhds lObta at 11q; .also 320 bbls New Orleans at ,sll%. Molassesquiet; sales , of 407 bbls . Ith,,vr Orleans at 58512 a. Hops dull at 20a I .7 for Americana PetrOleum firth, at 1843 ....Me crude; 33c for refined,,bonded. Linseed ,Jlrin at 9507 c. Pork" dull and heavy, of 700 bbis at $25,50a26 for new mess; 76 for old do; $19,50a21 for prime; A 622,„2,5 , •, i p •, Ed for prime mess; $25,50 for thin, mess; . . 250 bbbs new mew, seller January, ,at -.5,25; Beefis firm, with sales of 200 bar ' ire's. Tierce . Beef is steady and quiet,, and ' I selin were -Made at126a30 for prime mess, land India mess at $30134. Beef Hams are ' ;firm, with:sales at $27,50a32. Cut meats .: 'fare steady, with ` sales of 190 packages' tlO lally,,c for shoulders,'and 12a14i3' for halm' Middles ars quiet and firm, with sales of 1200 boxes'Cumberland cut et 13W; Lard •fs fir Mer, and sales were made of 675 tier ' i ces at1,3a1430 for steam, and 16a163443 for 'kettle rendered; also, 4,500 tierces steam, iseller'fbr JannatY and FeiriUstrY, at 115 a 153.1 c. - Butter is (dull at 25a3813 >for Ohid, ~and 40a50c for State.. Cheese is firm, and , sales Were made at 14a19c. Spirits of Tar Ipentine quiet, , and sales were made at 45%a 1.46 c. Freights to 'Liverpool are quiet and inn changed._ .! . • 1 LATEST- Flour closed BO better and In • poderate ingairy.i Wheat uulet and ,firm , let $1,60 for No.. 2 spring and $2 for amber 'Michigan. Rya dull at $1,49a1,50 for west • f.ans. Oats steady at 7734 c in store, and 779; laBoc afloat for western. Corn dull and heavy at ;1,15414% , for `old; :mixed wag,. ,ern in store, 11,16a1,17 afloat, and $1,09a1,12 for new mixed western. .lifess Pork dull at •$25,50a26., . : Beef ideady and in moderate " e demand. Cut kteats,quiet and unchanged. .:Bacon* steady at 13%c fol. 'Cumberland Cut. *yard very firm at 10%a163i0 for, fair to prime stearn.', Eggs are 'steady and' un ebanged. . . • e.- --t Toia 9 'mrket. LSy Tepgraph to the Pittsburgh eszette.3 . • • Tor.Eno, December 10.—Flour firmer but :quiet. Wheat; red winter 4c, .white 20 and , ;spring 5e better;- saleswhite Blich!gan ate :41,00, and ,111;65a1,87 for amber, closing 804 for do.; seller, December. $1,06a1,87; 'seder,. January, .1$ 1,85a1;88, - and $1,35 - for :,:2tro 2 sErjpg. gem; old: steady; now Ba4o 11ettert-oLd,No 2 86o; • new 760; kiln dried ii43oc; new rejected 700. Oats • steady; No.l _and Michigan 60e. Rye firm. ' Barley gulet. „IClover better, iseed 160 at $7,90. Flaxseed :1 klq 152,25. Dressed tgo better, at 9> seiv mess financial Natters in New York. Gold Closed at 11344 tny Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.l NEW.York, December 10, 1868 MONEY AND GOLD. MODEM very firm at 7 per cont, on call. Currency steadyfi,loing West and South, the former to move the hay crop and the latter to move the- cotton'crop. Discounts quiet at 7®9. Sterling' firin at 934©63i. Gold strong; Opened at 1361,; fell to 136%, and closed at 136 g. There have been recently heavy 'ship ments of gold South to move the Texag cotton crop, that State doing nearly sit bu siness on a gold basis., amity:46omi. • Gdiernmenti lower, on . te/earertm - from. Washington that hale were introduced in Congress to the, bonds;:elosing weak .Con pons 1881,114Vg1114 - U; do. '62, 110%®1103; do. '64, 10710107 k; do.l 1073%®1073: do. new, 110 34401.103(;,do.: 1 07, 1111}ift 110gl do. 1 68, 1103‘0011ON; • 16-406, - 105X%1053‘.; State Bonds steady. Private dispatches from Nashville say, the' bill , to increase the bonded debt of Venireittee is likely to fail. Miaseurl, 89®90; Old Telineseei3, 683; New 8 8 @i 1 / 4 6874: new North•Garolhia;' 61®63;irew STOOKY Stock tisiket dull, unsettled and lower. The non-dealaration...or divtdend by the Central TR. ore. -keeps the 4:int-- abidpnblks away .Wall_ .street. Erie dir eet°rel'hit a nleeAlli ttmisy.and..it Was rulildred . o4 the, strest J that -4300,000 shares had been,: - cancelled. q The - Erie- P.- R. Co. has learied the Atlantic. and.- Great Western 'Railroad for a term of twelve I years, un the condition Of , the Erie , company pay pog 30 per cent. of the gross earnings of leased road, Or a - minimum of eight:hundred. th§nsmid.'drillars yearly, in • the event •of 'the S6Per eent. of earnings_ falling below that amount. The Erie :,Company engages to keep the trick, stations and rolling stock of "that road in repair, and gives to that companY the option of renewing the lease 'at the expiration of .the arrangement.; and will give the Atlantic and Great Western Company an amount more than sufficient to cover thejnterest on Its bonds due un der the recent arrangement with the bond holders. The anti against the. Pacific Mail Company for carrying excess of passengers is one of those,. periodical proceedings against -Steamship , Companies • generally I compromised for small sums. • FrvE-TtvzirriParoza:—Crunborland, 369, ®37X; 'Was ; Expressi 25341126; lean iSiog - 44; ,;Adams,: 4133‘041%; United StatL4 4 ® 4534; Merchants. Union, 15% Ql6; Quickidly7 i , 21 3 / 4 (422; Canton, 473i ©4B; Pacific, 11•• 11.1®1143‘; Telegraph, @ISOM 'Water Power, 14%/ ® 1 4%; ; , polo, 6(4o3; 6 : 6 l:f i e k :red.• ISX • 012%; • 'New 'York .'een ` l24 9i®/-430 Erie, 373‘6,38; &preferred, Haddon, 125X(4/24; Reading, 9730397%; Terreßaute 13834@3934; : d0 preferred, 63; Wabash,,6s34® 55 %; do. Preferred, 70W1; St. Paul, 63X• ®6 3 %; 'do. preferred. 82X©8234; Fort Wayne, 1103i01110 1 )ADhlo and Mississippi, 29 1 4(0293i; Michigan • .Central, 118i4; Michigan Southern,- `86%486x; Illinois Central, - 144;, ~ P ittahurgh; 83%®84; Toledo,10134§101%; Rock Island, 11114 110%; Northwestern, 76(4763g: ;do. pre ferred, 78©7834; Lake Shore,loo3 s ; Chi cago and. Alton, 140;- Burington. and Quincy, 170; Chicago, Columbus, Cincin nati and Indianapolis, 7134. MINING SHARES. Mining shares dull; Gregory, 430; Quartz Rill, 73; Smith & Parmelee, 415®420. .COPPER STOCKS. • Copper, stocks at Boston—Copper Falls, lb ; Franklin, 143; ; Hancock, ; Minne sota, 2; Quincy, 17. SIID-TREAsIIRT MATTERS. The receipts at the Sub-Treasury: were 82,053,469; 'payments, 111,063,9'36; balance in Treasury, 89,079,351. Chicago Market. [By Telegraph to tbe.Plttobarith 4ozette.3 , , CHicsao, ' December 10.--Eastern ex . change in littge supply, at diseonat buy ing anii,tpar selling. Flour quiet; spring . extra515,75a5.75. Wheat fairly active and firm, and higher; sales No. 1 at $1,22a 11,28; N. 2 rat • #1,17a1,17%, closing with sellern of No. 2 at„fl,l7; sales No. 2 since 'Change at $1;16Xa1,17; old inactive and notrilnal;_new moderately active and a shade lower; sales 5 , 3a54c.;1110. 2 kiln dried et6la6.Wand rejected at 58c, closing at the inside; 'nothing doing this afternoon. Oats quiet and ,tiajf, higher; sales No. 2 at 483 a 49; closing at 48.36a48%. Rye dull; sales `at `1,15 for No. 1 and 1,14 for No. 2. Barley. 'opened flutter; No. 2 sold at $1.67a1,68, bat subsequently weakened and chised with sellers at $1,65. Highwines active;: sales at 93a94c.. 'Mess . Pork excited and advanced 25a50c; sales 6,090 bbls at $24 cash; 1,000 bbis, seller; February and March, et /23,75; Rump Pork 817,50. Bulk meats firm but quiet. Lard quiet — and- firm at 150 for prime steam rendered. Dressed hogs in good demand and 10c higher; sales at $9,60 a 9,90. Receipts for the past twenty-four .hours-9,057 bbls flour, 2,260 bush wheat,+ 2,525 bush corn, 11,740 bush oats, 3,469 bush rye, 1,400 bush barley, 24,823 hogs. Ship ments--9,101 bbls flour, 8,548 bush wheat, 50,196 bush corn, 7,517 bush oats, 3,695 bush Eye, 3,027 bush barley, 3,226 hogs. ' Cincinnati Market. By Teiegruph to . the Pittsburgh Gazette.) ;-' I CurciNzvATl, December 10.—Flo r ; dull; family $7,25a7,75. , Wheat dull; No. Fred ~ , , , .1,75; buyers offer rather less. Corn firm, at 64265 c for-ear. , Oats firm; No. 1 640; WI choice 65c. Rye advanced to ;32a1,33 for No. 1. Barley ja in but I ited demand and grices are unchanged" Cotton firm at 23c. though the demairuYis light. Whisky held `at 97e; the demand - IST:light. Linseed Oil firmer; sales at 97c. Bay firm at $14a15. Pro Visions close firm "with more doing. Mess Pork sold at 524,50 lea the spot and $25 for January. Bulk Meats quoted at 934 elect for shoulders; 12,1a1.c for, clear rib sides, and f 3340 `for clear sides, the outside rates for fully cured, incbiding packages. Bacon;' clear sides in. OA at 1621634 c. Sugar Cured Hams in moderate demand at 17a1754c, the Tatter' rate for canvassed r Lard quiet; prime steam 143 c; kettle rex'. dered 151,Aal5Nc, the latter price asked. Green Meats easier; salescof 16,000 poitga, at 8a8,13 for shoulders; llgo; for sides, and 12%a13c for hams, closirig firm. Butter firm' at 35a39c., ~Eggs 33c. Cheese J4c higher; the Whole range is 1734a18%c; the ithipping demand is good. :Sugar firm at full prices. Molasses dull and s declining; prime New Orleans 70a720. Curiae steady at 21a25c. Gold 13534 buying. , `Exchange very dull at g a 1 1 0 discount buying. Money close. St. Lents Blirket. My Telegraph to the Pittaburgh 9arette.l • ST. -Lorne, Decembei. 10.--To - bacco nn changed and very little offering. Cotton:\ ordinary sold at 19a20c. Nothing doing in 'Hemp. Flour is in goOd demand for , low grades; super sold At 115,2086,13 x, extra fa,25a7,25,t0nb1e extra s7aB, trebble' extra $8a9,50, fancy sloal2. ~W heat buoyant for .prime and choice grades, and priepa ?els tiVely- higher; fitir to strictly prime fall sold at , $1,45a1,80, , ( prime to acncel white 41,80a2,05. Corn higher, but dill' St 70a7f10. Oats better, but inactiye at 558590.'8ar1ey steady at 51,7582,00 f r prime to -choice spring, ,- and $2,56 'f o l. c hoice fall. Rye 'higher at 11,28a1,27. Pork' in active de mand, and advanced to $25,60a25,75, and* is 'held at $26. Bulk mega buoyant; dry salt shOulders, 10s10qc; clear sides, - 141a1-1 1 4c; Ratton,•very little offering; shoulders sold in a small way at 11)tc; clear sides, 17cf new sular i'and balm), 170. Lard firm at 144a11i0 for sterne r and 15540 'for keg. Whisky'dull4nd drooping' at 911%894340.' • Iteceipts—Flourt 1 1 501 / bbleg , wheat' 500 bush; corn, 900 bush; oats ' '3,100 t' hush; barley, 200 bash; hogs; B i nd head. GAz DEMltaz-11;18iE'': New York Dry Goode Market. (By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gasette.l Nzw YOUIE; Dec. 10.—The weather is clear and hard, and the demand for; Wool ens has improved: some slight concessions nave been made to close out lines of low priced hear y goods, but nevertheless the market is „better than a fortnight since. Heavy'Brown Sheetings---the prices of cer tain makes have been reduced %c per yard and goods like- Stark A are selling ma low as 1414, and Appleton Aat 15. White Print ing Cloths have risen fully `340 per yard, and_ under a more animated demand have run up to Sc. Bleached Muslims have been In a more animated demand and are full Xo higher, although thig rise Is not yet quota ble •among jobbing trade.. • On the whole trade, is livelier, although one or two job bing houses have failed to moot their ma turing obligations and will probably go in to liquidation. i . • Milwaukee`Market : _ [By Teieersah Ike !mummy izsiette.i • MxLwatruws, , December 10.—Flour is dull, firm and unchanged. Wheat is quiet and anchaaryged, Land sales were made at $1,27 for No. 1, and 11,17 for No 2. ' , Oats - is firmer, and sales'-were •madeat 48a490 for No. 2. Corn is sleady,.st 044650 foe shelled. Rye is firmd tsiles were wade. at .11,10 • for Nti.'l. ax le y i ld nOyritnid: 'The receipts for the past twenty-lbw sibiodrited t 0.2,000 barrels flour, 35,000 bushebs Wheat,/ 2,000 bushels °ste t 400 bushels rye, and, SOO bushels barley. • The shlpthents' ler the same length Of time amounted to 4,000 borrobt floury /0 ' i bushels wheat, 400 ush els oats, and 1,1 bushels 'rye. 11011 We • (By Teligtok Eisiatie.l , Louravuum, Deoembei.. 10.—Sales of 60 hhds. tobacco, new lugs at !Wig old 7a9c; =idiom leaf 1234. Cotton 22c. Rags 7,ia 83ic grass. Waft pork $34,76a26c. Lard lEon;l63ic in bulk.. Shoulders. 05(a9140: clear ' rib sides 1334a13Nr clear 'sides 1334 a 146 Bacon. clear rib/ sides 164 c; clear sides 17c. Superfine floor 1530116. Wheat 61,80a1,96. Corn 60a63c. Oats 55abse. Rye 61,30a1,25. Whiaky;raw.free 980. Cleveland Market. . (By Teiegrevti to the Pittsburgh Gazette.) - CmtvErJain,,Decernber .10.—Plour is firm and- unchanged. Wheat is firm, holders are-asking an advance. Sales of 8 cars of No. 2 winter at $1,75; No. held at $1,85a 1,90. Salea of 3 cars NO. 2 red western at 11,75. ::Corn, old; hisld firm at 11,00 f new of 82c. Oats, sales at 132ca63.. Bye, sales at $1,35a1;38. Petiolem active and demand for Western and southern trade refined,. firm at 273ia28c in large lots; 29a30 in trade Pidladelplda Mia.ricet. Car Telegraph to the Plttobarah oasette.3 • Paar..4uottmiXta, . December 10. --Flour quiet; lO*a, Wisconisln and, Minnesota ex tra family 17,60421); Ohio $9a10,74. Wheat dull; good red sl,9oa2.oo;iwllt& 112410a2,40. Rye $1,55. Corn in moderate demand for new, sales 4,000 bush at 94c41; old nomi -nal at $1,15a1,17. Oats steady at 67a720 for Western. Petroleum, unchanged. Provis ions firmer. Mess• Pork 526,50. Lard 15M amiqo. 'Whisky 11,03a1.05. Buffalo Market. By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh 6uette.l BUFFALO, December 10.—Recelpts none. Flour.in good inquiry; city ground spring $7a7,50; amber $9a9,50; - white 111a11,50. Wheat quiet; sales of 13,000 bush No. 2 Chicago at $1,45.C0rn dull and unchanged. Rye held at 11,45 - . Barley nominal at $1,95 a 2,05. Pork, Lard and Righwines dull and unchanged. Dressed Hogs firm at 510,50; buyers are holding.off for lower rates. ClnelnaaU Cattle Market. By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Baaette.l CINCINNATI. December 10.—Hogs opened dull, with packers holding back, but closes active, at $7,75a8,25, gross, and $9,50a10,00, net; the receipts during the past twenty four hours were 14100 head. Beef Cattle in goad demand and prices advancinst; Ra 7,25 is the whole range. Sheep firmer for good to prime; sales at 113,50a3,75 per centa4 gross. St. Louis Cattle Market. By Telegraph v. the Pittsbargh Gasette.l Sr. Louts, December 10.—Hogs in brisk demand at $7,25a8,40, principally at $7,75a 8,25.- Cattle: receipts moderate and prices unchanged at 12,2488,50 for inferior to me dium, s4as for fair to prime, $8,50a6,25 for choice to extra. Sheep; the• supply and demand 115 ht, and prices range from sl_A° I#emphls Marke. , By Telegraidi to thellttaborgh Gizette.) ' ME - AtPaiel Docembe rlO.-Cotton firmer and stiff at 23 (c; receipts of 1,414; exports, 2,510 bales. Flour quiet; 'superfine Corn 70a71c. Oats 03c. ' Hay $20a22. Bran 22a23c. Bacon quiet; shoulders 1334 c, clear sides .175,4 c: Bulk Meats in demand; shoul ders 10c, sides 14%c. Pork 25c; Lard 15;01636c. Baltimore Market. Mr Telegraph to the Plttabargh aazettel• • Ruirtnonn, Deoember 18.—Flour firm and fairly active and unchanged. Wheat nominally lower. Corn firm; sales prime white at 90a95c. Oats firm at 78a75c. Rye firm at 81,40a1,48. Mesa Pork firm. • Rib sides 17c, clear 1734 c. Shoulders 14c. Hams 18c. Lard firm at 18tic. ' Chicago Cattle Market: By Telegraph to 4he Pittsburgh GaiettO.3 CHICAGO, December Io.—Cattlii very dull, and • almost nominal, at 1t3,50a4,40 for com mon to fair cows, and 118,804,76 for good to extra prime steers. Live hogs active and firm at ii7,40a7,85 for common to medium, and $8a8,50 for good to choice. IMPORTS BY RAILRAOD. PITTSBURGH, FORT WAYNE $t CIIIOAOO RAILROAD, December 10.-5 bbls alcohol, Little & Mechllng; 3110 alcohol, J Adler & Co; 55 bdls hides, G N Hoffstott: 2 bble spirits, J McCullough; 2 cars rye, W J Meek; 14 do do, J S Pi noh; 2 do do, D Wal lace: 5 do do, 100 bbls flour, Webster &Bax ter; 200 bbls flour, owner; 100 do do, S Lindsay, Jr & Co; 100 do do, Clement & Stevens; 1 car rye, Thos Moore d: Son; 1 car meat, 10 bbls oil, Parker,- 10 boxes ' cheese A. & J Kerr; 20 lags, buckwheat flour, John Porterfieldr 338 galls stone ware, S 13 Copeland; 84 sks rage; McElroy & Harrison; 50 bats cheese, W M Gormly; 100 dodo, Haworth & Dewhazet; 38 do do, SP Shriver & Co; 20 dordo, E Heazleton; 34 kge apple butter, P Duff & Son; 20 sks rage, Frazier & Metzgar; 2,kgs butter. Arbuokles dt Co; 1 car lumber, Nanz & H; -10 kgs - ap ple butter,W H Graff & • Co; 5 bbls poultry, Graff & R oller; 8 bits buckwheat flour, J Dilworth & Co: 5 bbls dry peaches, 1 keg apple butter, Voigt, Mahood & Co; 30 bbls flour, Dillinger & Stevenson; 26 bgs rags, Christy &Benham; 4 cars scrap iron, Jacob Winkle & Co; lot ear corn, McHenry & Hood; sbbls oil, 10 kge lard, W B Hays & Son. CL AND PITTSBURGH' ROAD, December 10.-2 carspotatcies i C Norton; 1 do do, Wilson di, Morse; 2 dodo, Barlett dt Cariett; 1 car blooms, Bryan & Caughey; 28 bbls copper, T M Howe; 1 box hardware, 1 do axes,'Mayburge & Heck; 4 bblii , broken glass, , Bryce, Welker 'dc Co; 1 hf bbli 1 bill' tobacco, J Zimmerman; 6 bdls 'springs, 6 do slats, J W Woodwell; 4 ;do do, bemon it Weise; '6 ' window glass, -Wm McCulley; 6 blip wire, Jll Taylor; '1 bbl , do; 0 liusse3;,; do cider,-J M. Mor row; 12 bt apples; -W `W Reinieirt 8 sacks rage, J5l Weldon & ',Co; 1 W H Kirkpatrick; I hhd drk'apples, 1 box butter, 1 bbl, 1-• kg eggs, A Gillett; 69 enipty oil bbls, C A Winmcastier 11' bbl beads D Gregg ,14' Co:- 26' bra candles, Rinehart' it Stevens; 20 do do, P Shriver & 'Co; 10 do do, JSDilworth tk,"•Co; 16 , 40 do, 1 bad ba • con. E , mye , s c t - cy ; 19. bxs candley, Robinson & Co; 2 ins \santisage,'J,P Hanna ALLzoitErrr MLLE! -BAILIMA-D,Diii4m— ber 10.-160 bbls 011, -- Jae': Wilkinti' 240 do do, 1) M Edgerton; 480 do do, Leech & Wood; 23 ski: corn, J& W Fairlev; car limestoee Shoenberger & Blair; 1 /mi. metal, M c Knight, ; Porter & Co; 10 sksbar ley, 5 do need, Scott t Gisal; 16 eke flour, T C Jenkins: 15 bgs 'rigs. 7 bbls dry apples; 5 bgs seed, W Miller; 1• car- grain; Martin Brickell & Co: 10 bgs flour, W H Kirkpat rick do Co; 1 bbl butter; 1 sack rags, Paul tit Gibsonfl car scrap iron, Coleman, Rahm & Co. , , ALLEGHENY STATION, DeCeMber 10.- 2 cars wheat, R T KennedY & Bro; 1 car do, Wm McKee & Co;' 1 do 'flaxseed, Ewer. Hamiltbn & Co; 7 'bales/ hops, Smith & Co; 33hides, J Luckcawpt; 1 car,. bga riaaseed, M B Suydam; 1 do metal, ,Lewis, Bailey, dr Nisei; 2 cats atone, Stiperiot Iron Co: 15 bbla oil, H M Henderson; 1 ear shipstuff, Heck•& Co; 200 bbls flour, George Stewart; 13 mks rye, 161 do oats, B Knox dc Son. RIVER NEWS, Thesiver continues to retiede steadily with tioaritiaix feet in the channel by the Monongahela , pier (marks. The weather continues sold and freez!bg, and the Ice in the / Allegheny is becoming gdite fon:nide. ble,• though as yet boats can still fight their way tholugh it, . Bus/nags, was ; moderately active at the , rday , yeete,. with , a fair' amount ok„ freight _ 'offering ' for_ Most Points, though there is still plenty of room for improyennint. The Kenton arrived at noon , . yelterdiv with a very good trip, and will return again - to-day. Her officers report hiving passed through considerablehesij ice. r The Mary ..Davage Barges, Captain Shedderi, are, announced .for New Orleans forthwith; arid shippers should hear this in mind., _ ' ' The Camelia, Capt. Thos. Poe, is filling up - steadlli, and will be the first boat out for Nashville. The Grey • Eagle, Capt. C. L. 'Brennan, is the regular packet for Parkeraburg to day, leaving promptly at noon. —The Leon'du, left St. Louie for Pitts burgh on Tuesday. • • . —The Messenger. enroute from St. Lords to Pittsburgh, was at . .louisville on Tues day. ' • —The Cirieinnati & COM pany propose to build two splendid steam ere, three hundred feet long, double deck ere, one at Louisville and the otherat Cin cinnati. ' • —Mr. Philip Dodridge, pilot_ of the An nie Laurie, was married to Miss Emma Middleton, of Baltimore, in the Episcopal Church at Charleston, West Virginia, last Saturday: —The wreck, of the steamer .7, N. MoCnr lough has been floated down toward the shipyard at 'Madison, a considerable dis tance from where she sank.' The possibili ty of raising her is now rendered certain.- -Captain Carter telegraphed 'from Flor ence on - Tuesday that the bodies of twenty eight victims of the steamboat disaster had been recovered, and that the weather had turned so cold that the searching for bodies in the river bad to be suspended. —The Cincinnati Gazette;of Wednesday says: Walter Brown the I, chatrinion" row er, arrived on the Boston& yesterday. Ho was to row from Pittsburgh to Cincinnati, but didn't do it, in consequence of having broken his boat against a bridge pier at Parkersburg. He came from than city by steamer, nearly four hundred miles, but still clainia that he has won his wager. —Capt. Benj. M. Dove, 11. S. N., who was long connected with the Mississippi Squadron, died at Key West Florida, the 19th of last month. Capt. Dove was one of the most gallant and eflicient officers on the Western rivers during the late war, but his modesty and unassuming manners stood in the way of his receiving proper ap preciation. His age was fifty-tive,years. —The steamboat fraternity of this city will doubtless regret to leant that Lew H. Vance of Madison, was amongst the vie• tins of the late catastrophe on the Ohio. Mr. Vance had a wide spread acquaintance on the Western waters, and was univer- sally esteemed for the many virtues of his heart and mind, combining as they , did all the attributes 'of a high-toned, honorable gentleman: -- - -The Dubuque Herald, of Saturday, save: The snow storm has closed - up the river news, and It le doubtful if boats will venture another trip' this season. Be it re corded that's packet left this city on the 8d day of December,lB6B, for St. Paul, also for Fulton. La st year_ packets ceased coming on the sth ,of December. The river was full of alushice and snow yester,- clay, and no-boat was visible but the ferry. „ - —A St. Lone telegram saYsi Navigation suspended 'above Keokuk, there being nothing afloat except - ferries, - Heavy rain along the Lower Missouri has caused a, swell of two feet, but It will soon run out. Ice is running at and below St. Joseph. The directors of the Atlantic & Mississippi Steamship Company met yesterday - and re elected the officers of la'st year, viz.: Presi dent, W. J. Lewis; Vice President„- Geo. Pegramt Secretary, John H. Fitzgerald. —Bai-keepin on the Mississippi is not the !acridly° business it was before the war. It ;the almost unanimous expres sion of those 'interested that it is played out.,A packet recently went down to New . Orlens with 'lBO 'eabin passengers. The bar-keeper says- it pmrved s one of the poor est trips far ever had- Nearly all the time, iiight and day, seven,tables were occupied by ettehre players, yet the bar keeper didn't sell one deck of cards.' An other bar-keeper in one of the. beat trades on the lower river says he has not a sold a deck of cards dnringthe season, although sometimes there a huhdred passengers in the cabin. This is no imaginary sketch. We' know personally several bar-keepers who cleared before' the war from four to six hundred dollars per month, who have become considerably involved during the past twelve months. Some of them did not clear enough to pay the rents which they' had agreed to pay for their bare,—.Sri. Louts Demberat. River and Weather. CB' Telegraph to the Pittsburgh. eiszette.l •-• LOUISVILLE, December le.—River is . sta tionary and 8 feet in the Canal. Weather clear and cold.- • • • STEAMBOATS. . 1111910 ANT SIIIPPEES...: • • CINCINNATI, jag i t g I LOUISVILLE, IsVAHSVILLE: • fto, MEMPHIS, VIOKS2IOIIO AND NE IV OH- L/LANS.—Tbe MARY DAVAGE AND BARGES JAMES SETEDDEN, Commander: Will leave au above oa • . . • -TILIS DAY. :December llth. • . Shipper. shoal& bear in mind that the DAVAGE wUI positively go through without re-shipping. • del • CHARLES' BARNES:Agent.— ITTSBUIIGII, - TritEiLING9 Marietta and Parkersburg Line. Leste Company's Mar! Bet, foot of*oqd street, DAILY, AY 121.* MONDAYS 4141:i TEiItEiDATB, BAYAIII) ." A: 8 Si/ilea/nth Master. •WEON - 28irelre AND GREY .EAGLE . . O. L. Baser sir. Muter. • i Freight will be recel . v i eds E t s o all e kem b N I eis Am A ' e. VOIR. NASHVILLE L Enw, A4 ,4o= 4 RECT—The t team . CAMELIA Wlll leave en r KIIKSDAY. DKCAMBER I,otb. • for Evsnoville,illarksville and Aortrotit* or pt i rmittpri_o i ttotri r yzto. FLACK. #. D. COLLUGWOOD, Agents,. --:. doi IgtORT PITT a: LUMBER COMPANY, CAPITAL - • $125,000. PRWDEM 4II DWAND.DITIENDEIL SICIIIIMARY-T. A. WEIGHT. BET=lnrilarDlOrr--EDW..DAVIBOIC: • Edward Davlaa, I. L. P. Dunesa4 Jobn Mellon t B. D. Dithridifs, Geo. W . Dukadge, 3t. L. mouse, i s . R. J•hasten. arimuuni, I BUTLER Alft , ;MIR STREVI OrittrE AT " 0 : 11 T nieT !tr : +ss W 031.4 WW 11 • . stmt. , • • • Lvntiwie LUM BER I LUMBER. ALDIANDEIIt PATTERSON. Dealer in all Kind. , of. Lumber, . ON BA ND A.1ND , F074 BALD . . 1 4 080,000 feet Dry Pins Beards; aao.eou.feet 131 and A Inch Clear Plank; 30,000 feet Dry 1% inch Venues 7huki 30,000 feet Dry 1 and A inch Oak: - - 515,000 feet Dry Si, A% and 3 inch Ask, 5,000 feet Dry A. 0%, 310. Cherry & Maple 30.000 feet Dry 1. Ms, A and 3 inch Poplar: 10,000 .feet Dry Poplar Scantling: 050.000 feet Hemlock Joists and Scanting: 150,000 Na. 118-inch Shingles, sawed; • ' A 50,000 No.llB-11cli ;Wes, sawed 40.000 No.l 16-Inch les, shaved: *O,OOO Fire Brick; - .1,000 Fire Tile. - 10U Tons Fire Clay; . . . YARDS—NO. 86 'PRZBLIE STUNT. thrum. , Manchester, and 151 REBECCA • SZNT, eppo site the Chu - Works, A ll egheny City. rule AN ORDINANCE To Authorize the Grading of Gloriosa' Alley between Third and.O'Hara htreets4Third Ward; Allegheny. Sze: r. Bt fr ordained aid enaeled by the ` Reise and Cerames Cornelia if the 040 AllefielliV and U O Weby maenad and masted by the autamity of the same. .That the Committee on Stmets and they are hereby authorised and dbected to in vite and receive Proposals for the Grading of Mer man Miley from Third street to O'Mara street In the Third Ward Allegheny, and' to contract therefor with the lowest and hest bidder or bidders, at:their Sze. 2. That for the:purpose of dcfraylag thecost , and expenses of mild Lai provementa; there thebe, and is heriblevied, a special tax, to be egualp *Assessed npoupon. several' lots bounding and abuttiag upon the said Blossom alley respectively in proportion to the feet front to them respective,y esinprised. and bounding and abutting as aforesaid. Stn. -3. That as goon as the cost and expeasessf. 'Bald Ininrovements shall be fully ascertained 'lt - shall be the d oty of the Street Com nilsalenerict maces and apportion the same amonuthe , several lots bounding and • &Dotting- upon the said Blossom alley respectively. according to the, rule above inamated. and Whereupon proceed to make demand and collect the same, according to the provisions of the act of the. General Assembly of the Common wealth of Pennsylvania, entitled An Act defining the manner of collecting the perinea - of - grading and paving of the streets and alleys of , the City . of Allegheny, and for other purposes.' , " paiied the' 30th, of March.' 1822. SEC. 4. That so ninth of any ordinance as may Con flict with or be supplied by the foregoing, be and the same Is hereby repealed. Ordained anti enacted into a law this the 30th day of November, A. D. 1805. JAIIO3 1fe333113, !resident of the deleot Connell. _ _ 4011 N 8. SLAGLE, President of Condon Cimino& Attest D. IfAirainoN L Clerk of Select Donald!. R. DILWOZTII. Clerk of Common Conseil. dee ounr.e.r.nrewehoww,e •INII/•"/ T O WHEAT GROWER% OUPE&PHOSI'HA.TE OF IMF!, The Allegheny Fertilizer Co. SEWARD se CAMPBELL, °Mee, $56 Pan Street, Pittsburgh, Pal • Thetest Eel:Millie? hi nee, ind recognized y Farmers who have given It a' trial, tope the stand and for raising large crops of Wheat, Rye, Oata Curs, rota toes, /to. We have published for grate• 'tons circulation a pamphlet containing interesting and valuable statements of this Fertilizer, copies or which will be sent free to any sending us their ad• dress. • • PENN Building lA C H m S mt ITA LFO R T H WE N S S T N N at Dlxmont. Pa.. will receive Proposals until the 10th DAY :OF DECEMBER, fur the erection and closing in "the Eastern Extenalon ofihe Hosuntal." according to the plans and specifications adopted and approved by them. The plans and `specifications can be examined at the Rosetta" until the time above mentioned tbr.re. . Proposal@ roust be marked u such and tent to R. MILLER,. Jr, Chairman of the Building Commit tee, Pittsburgh. Bids will, bo opened it the Hospital on the 15th of December. _ ! The Committee reserve the right.at their discre tion to reject any or alibi& no; deemed to the inter est of the institution or satisfactory_ to_ the commit tee. order of the - - - - , n 024485 • - BIIILD1N& COMMITTEE. , EWALT STREET BRIDGE COMPAiCT-rt. NOTICE—A. meeting of the subscribers to the stook of this company will be held at the office of Messrs. BILL & IiIfOTTBILLY. Butler,. street. Elev. enteenth.wiid s on FRIDAY. December 11th.1868 at 2Sf, o'Cloch r'. at. By Br eider of - Committee. citurst:BEIBILIIT., Chairman. Pittsbnrgh, Decenuter 7th..11188. N. - B.—Plus dud specifications until the Meeting above Milled for; will bee- received at the office rot Messrs. BILL & all llTTEltulf. deft id • 11 1 1 TED — OkicommissloN,. exArE . HUNDRED TONS 01 • Y . • POR 7t: HOLIDAYS. The highest inariet priees. and gulch. sales 'guaranteed. !dark par..Y..al es dlatinettrand send voices by „ HALLATID elmaJattuili Merchants, WA Washington 'tree New lark. • unI7:I3IT OFFICE OF CITY Eh k11N51L1R„.... : 4 ALLZGHINT CITY. Dee. Elk 461101114•'' SLAVER ASSISSDIENT—NotiCe id • hereby given' to alt timperty bolder' in the WESTaH.N bEWERAttE Dint NWT, which. eut brace" all that porticn ei the city area, lying north- West of the hallowing Unss,via : North of.Ohlo lane and Walnut sire. t and West of BlOwell street, and a line rimming Nortb-east to Observatery hill and'oemcity.line. as well as the -portioir lying -be tween aeltern avenue, *ado lane, Fulton. end Bid- Well streets (comprehending the larger "art of Matt eh:ster and. all they PlresancValley section) that the assessment for the construction of the Bedgwak street sewer is now completed. and= pla...ed In the hands of the City Treasarer for eolleutton. all propert• heretofore assessed for sewerage pa rposes within the limas above .dealgnated la exempt from present assesonent. = - des:afff CRAB. DAVIS, City Engineer. 4 Cail. ?Rol. Pox: MARL ASH-50 casks No. lin store mil for sale by Bea it; yams's, a OQN. Ltrsumst. errs wsia ORDINANCES. 111'1A:1,0:o:I FERTILIZERS. =MA ANIMATED BONE, Iit.6I2;fIi'PACTITEZD BY PROPRIETORS. PROPOSALS. RAILROADS: tnIYrsBDEBH andagyMlN CONNELIAVILLE U. R. - • Ori end ifter TUESDAY, NOTetabea.;llth. trains will arrive at and depart Arom toe Depot MI-. ner of Grant and Water streets, ne follows: ' Depart. Arrive. Mail to and from7;oo A. N. 6:00 P. ite: McKeesport Aceeminodna:ll:oo A. M. 2:031'. Ex. to and from Uniont , n: - 3:00 r. m. 10:10 A. V. West Newton Acoommod'n 4:30 P. N. 8:35 A. are Braddoek , s AccommodaVn 6:15 P. N. 7:50 P. Na Night Aoc. to Melteespert./o:3ol'.'K. 6:48 A.A... Sunday N e wton to from We A.:00 1L.10:00 A.ll' For tickets apply to P -- - W 6 .' Agent:. STOI7T• filaPedittatiellt. 11Cat =GE of TM*. nENI. On and atter MONDAT November 9th,- ' TWO .TRAINS DAILY will leave Plttsbargblets. tion,corner efEleventk and Pike streets for - Prank.. lin, 011 City, BMW*, and all points in the Oil MO. eons. -•• ; i.AV2 tarn rirraNdlteH. Mall B:46pab Express.... ". 7:10 sense.. 0:30 a m Brady , s.E'd . .A. 3:IM. radys _ lit Soda Werke _ • Soda Work. Accomod'a..lo:3o • ..Axesceoda'n. 4.2812 Tie lid &ids Works d Sodi Works Accomod_ .5:00 is Aceamodate. arikeile s Church' TM.. • leave Pit burgle at 1:10 P. M. rive at Pittsburgh at 0:50A: 2, • 1 .1. Passengers taking exresr train have b it rao change of ears between Piltsbanh, Buirala and 01/ Regions. Mail and Ex rent Trains step •nly Wrlolto • Mixed Way andt.tocosoloodadoll trains stop at all statilaltit;rl2lol. rhiro w, ^ R. THO . • POsTSII ROPE, Tisk.' Agent , — , • no* • gI T Gljg ( allallglit' Wrenn! ATI AND um • PAICHARDLEROIRW N 'r CLANGS OP TIME.-Oa and after. SUNDAY. r Nev. 224,18118, trains will leave and arrive it Maim Depot, as lellows, , ,lttsbnrib,time: . - m Mairleiprs j'g r t.. 3: 3a. Ih. 151 .4"4". 411. ,p k: Put Line /Os L 3 1 . Past Express 2:38 p. nt. 151.31 5. 612 4 Mixed Way "5:422. m. 8.4 - McDonald'. Jux.'n, Na, 4. 11 : 88 ,1. la.. 11-114 Bteabeacllle Axeotamod , .. 3:38 p. :8 a. m. McDonald ' , noe'ls, lip. 2.. 3:08 p. 3:181k lne. A1ar51:582. Exress will leave daily. , • - 12:13 P. M. M ve daily. • Tbe 10:13 a. Train letter daily, Slindals carded, and makes close connections al Newark/ref Zanesville and points an ilandusky, , Msattleld dir Newark R. N. .„. P. - 80 1 .8LL., General Ticket Agges,;l2 W. W. CARD, Btenbeaville, Okie. • VnENNSYLVA.NUOMIMB . CENTRAL RAILROAD. and after Nov, Al 1555. Trans will are. rive at aid depart from the Union Depot, corner Washington and Liberty streets, as follows: , aitt • Arrive. ._Depon. Mall Train.... 1:80121 D a Desna. 21:30 Past Lisle • 9:4oa in W 's ,No. 1.. &SOS= Wall's No. 1.. '5:20 aas M Train 8:111 ant BrintonAco'n., 7:50 vs o Ciaelmasititx.l.2l:3s2l22 Wall'S No. 2.. 11:50 Wall's No. 2.. 11:20 ano. Ciswino%ti Ex. 9: 4 0 am Johnstown An. 3:15p12 , • • Johnstown Ac. 10:3¢ am Braddockallol 4:212p 21 Baltimore Ex. 1•45410 'Express .5:10 pi* hlht Expren .24:15 pin WalPs No. 1.. • 15:20 pal Wall's No. 3... 1:30 pm Wall's No. 4.. o:ls,pril Braddock. Non 5:50 p Past - Line ' '- Wall's N.. 4. 725 p WairaN 0. 5., 11:00 p W•, Paasenl m • Tee Church Train leaves Wall's Station eves/_ • Sunday at 9:15 a. as., reaching Pittsburgh at f. m. Batt:raft, leavesPitliibnigh at L91:50 p. at: and arrives at Wall's Station at 2:00 p. as. • • CineinaatlExpresslebOos4ally. - Allether brain. gaily e_xoept Suailay. • - • - ?or fmikerlbSorsaatilinaPply to • • • ,- • , W. IL .BECRWITH, Agent. • The Pennsylvan ia Railroad- Company will not an. snore say risk for Baggage, except .wearing as* pare', tad limit their responsibility One Manfre" Dollars la value.: All ,Baggage. exceeding . that::.. *mint in value will be at the of the swim; ilar. leas taken by special contract. , I • • ) EDWARD if. WILLI aeaeral Superintsedent,-Altooak n 023 it. . ~. ....... „ ,_ :: grtiumn : -B I G__,ii - PO., m aYNE '& CHICAGO Ifo - W. ANI) CLEVEL.AND A PITTSBURGH N.E. . Prom Nov. 23d, ' HMS, halms will leave from and' arrive at the UniOn .RePot. A pOrth silo , Mr' Wile,. as folloWa: ~. ~ ._,..;,,,...., . ~ _,__,.,, - _- 454206. : - -Aftres....;'?' , -t..,r. , i:-.Uhrea.gtfEX. 4 . - .'.="3:03 . Chicago-Xi.. ~.-;211.3 as 1 • ClevelatidEx.. 3:03,a at Cleveland Ex. 91 : 13' M • _Erie & Yeield 6 l. „1423 a m Chicago Ex..- 11:5S ai mg Cl. & Wh_6gli..rtel:3B.4 re Wheelhig Ex. 11:13a; Chicago MalL ,- . '6:58 a m St. Louis Ex.. 3:53p1a - . _Chleago - Ex.... 10:08 a m Chicago Ex.... '4:381i tia • Cl. 5 Wrg Ex. 2:23p z. Ct. .t.o% , g_Ex. 4:13 pm Chicago Ex.,.. 2:43 ple Erie A Yg , ti Ex 8:13 pm, Wh. &Erie Ex. 4:03 pr. CI. WWII' g Ex "elabil DU' Depart from Allegheny. N. Arrive fis Alfeglum_ j/.. N. Brigt , nAdi 8:513a m N..BrigVn Ao. 7:__. _O3 alls `' Leetsdale "I 10:23 am N. Briort6n " 8:25 aII " 11:53 ani Wellsville 66 9:53 ara „Xechester " 1:33 pm m New Castle " 10:33 am. Welleve Ace.. , 3:33 p m Le etsdale " 9:13 am" ' Leetsdale AFc. 4:13 pin . - 66 1:01100. N. Brigt , n '..- 5;33 pin in N.Brigns " 2:43 pm 14: Brigt'n ` , ..,;H:2Bpin Le etsdale ; . , " 4:5341112.• Leetsdale "043 pm - t" • " . T:18 a lia Leetedalez.o:ol, _, -. et/while ...Sop. -..-., . • day`fibuYeti , .. - I:l3•Pni day 't.hureh... 9:58 a/ra.' .—.• 2:43 p. la. ChicagOdExprees leaves daily. . . '' , " 6 air 11:534. m. Chicago Express arrives daily. gm-Ne, change of care .between Pittsburgh and. • Chicago. bleeping care withon change to Inglinap - Cz-gu. J. N wcuitouGG . . , _ - -...., - General Statiiiiinteadent. T. IL MYERS, Geaeral.Tickat Meal. - _ non IF . ESTFJRN PENN. ' SYLVANIA RA—L- B AD—Op and after is eV..51.51d, 1868,' , the •Pair senger Trains on the Western Pennsylvania Ball. road will. arrive at and depart from- the /federal • Street Depot, Allegheny City, as follows: gpringdle No 16:40a is Nall x T:00 Silt Freeport No. 18 40 am Freeport No 1 9:15 alll-' Express 10 a SharptogN,o . .iill:slo art Slyarpb , g Nrs.l. -1:26 , pm Express • 2:45 pea Freeport N 0 .2 ,15:00 pmf3priugcl'e No I„ 3:sl.Cip at .. ..1 5:65 p m .eport No. 5:20 p m Springdle . No2 6:46 D Suringdle No 7 , ) 7:10 p Aboye trains run daily except-Sunday: The Church Train leaves , A.llegheny denct. evert.. Sunday at 7:40 a. m.,' reachin g Allegheny City at. 9:50 a. id. Returning, leaves Allegheny Olt, at • 1:110 p. m. and arrive atc.pegheny Jtuict. at 3:45 ComistresirOtt TicEltii—For sale inpackac e of • Twenty between between Allegheny City, Chestnut Herr's, Bennett, Pine Creek, Etna and Sharpslsurg s and rod only on the trains stopping at Stati ons title 9se. The trains leaving , Alleibeily CitY !et rioo . i. make direct connection Treepon - withWalkere line ofStages fbrßutler and Harmalistown. Through tickets may bepnrehase t Uat Stu Offloe,_No. 3 Bt. Clair street, near the 81115 slat Bridge Pittsburgh . and at the Depot. • Alles eiv For further information apply _to JABIEB - LEFITERTB, Agent; Federal Street Depot., The Western Pennsylvania Railroad will. not sues some any risk fbr Baggage, except for wearing ap. pixel, and limit their responsibility to One HundreCl Dollars in value... All baggage exceeding , Ohl amount in value will be st - the riek. of the owner, lute less taken by special contract: - . • - - • , • EDWARD H. wrumaft,- esp.rai Superintendent.. Altoons4iPm EEO S t i j BILL a IMINMS UNION PACIFIC =WAY-4 Eastern Division. The SMOETES'I' AND MOST lIMS•TAIMPI, Our from the East to all points ' • • Colorado, Nevada, California, ; Utah, Arizona, Witshingto New Meiico,_ Idaho Oregon. • - Two Trains leave Mato Line and LeiVeliWo.l; dally, (Sundays exeepted,kon thearrival of trains -4 Pacific Railroad from tit. , onto; and Hannibal ami M.-Jo Railroad from QT2 cy: conneet.w. at Law.. Arm, Topeka. and ..Wamego with 'ta b oo for all pointa •in Kensac• At end of track went or Ells. worth with the UNITED ATES EXPRICBBSIOOd. PANT'S DAILY ' LINE OF OVER ILLIF t AND EXPRESS COACHER FOB • • . • DEIv VERf 13A1.T TA 1t And all Points la the Territories, ~. , , And with SANDEItSOWS TES-WEEKLY LINE Of. COACHES for Fort .tinlon,,_Bentidlfort. Pass, Alba. , renit,' , tlants. Be, and all points In Arizona and With' the receit additions of rolling stock and equipment, and the arrangements: made with re. - sponslble Overland Transportation Lines from western terminus:tide -road no* offers unequalled' - - be for the-iiransmisidon of freight to the Stir Tickets for .sale at all the PrlnelP/14 °ices lathe United States and Canada Be sere and ask far ticket' via .T 111: SMOKY HILL EOUT.C_ ' PACIFIC ' asnmeT EASTRIE DIV ISION. . _ - ANJVIILSONi • ilkuralifiveristiaidear • AV: Jr: feneAmam . ps. T ®, LIVERPOOL Ainiallit Q I JEENS • • : vim 41stax, awl; sTnireitallrk Iketioriassuftwayst-sius vow* lame UM eelebrated W:f OP PABTA CITY OP A orx/COP BiNIT : OITY •CI or LONDON YatiI . • - z 1 4,...k.e LOP IIAT000AY; from •r/er Nat& „tidier, mow muk. par 'wage *Minket I.llbniiie Oen apply to Jr. Tommie mairmdrn=4 . NoulrellOk/110 Illiee.ll Ell