E 3 tts thitishitg &Ott, aroirtney , Lareom's new *volume lit P• 1111111, pub :- naked by Yields; eiffeedi & CIP.3 NIANNAR BINDING SHOES. .t. Poor lone Hanna, ' Sitttn it at tke window. binding shoes. Faded, wrinkled, Bitting, stitchinge in a mournful muse. • . Bright-eyed beauty once was she, When the bloom was Oa the tree; _ • diming and Winter. Hannah's at the window, bhiang 'bees. ot a neighbor, riggllir nod or answer will refuse, . To hoe whisper, - "IS there frets the fishers any news? , 0, her heart•kaurift. with one Vu an endless Yety agening Lone • Night and a:tur Hannah's at the window, binding silo s. Fair young it-nnah, - • .Bez the sunburnt dskerrgityli , woos, • Halo and clever, , For a willing heart and hand he sues. Mayday skies are All stunt. Anti the waves are tangling so r For her wedding Hannah leaves bur wild - ow and liar shoes. May is poising; • • . Mid the sppie bough a pigeon recs. Hannah shudders, Rot UM mild iiiidithwester mischief brews. Monad the roche of Marblehead, putward bound, a schooner sped; • Silent, iouesome, Mainsib's at the window, binding abets. alw u s eNohmrwasted •, cliceg bedew'. Prom Newfoundland lirot'n esliFsturnteg , wiltb • lose, Whispering hoarsely. "I/Ishii - men. . _Hare you. tare you heard of Hem?" ' •Old with watching, Hannah's at the window, Madill t shoes. L Twenty 'Winters Veer% and tear the ragged shore site views. "Twenty flumes:— loseer one has brought her sae sews. ' - " Still her aim eras silently !Ghillie the White sails e'er tee sea; " Moveless faitbfal, _ HattaiWa . at the window, binding shoes.' , EPMEIERIS. —Lake Champlain is frozen over. —A ten-year old tenor is the latest prodigy. —Yndy rmys night.eapi are the latest fash- ion. Fv , is to be married during this erinter.'--r LONII9 objects to the immorality o Chicago. —Spain-4%1,55e noblemen, Storichcim ; - - are Dukes. - • 7 -.:rite skating season has `commenced in lien:J . 1;110p:: _ L:Crockery weddings are the neatest things erat now. —Bierstadt has .... goneto'Paris to paint Yo 'Semite some more. —Luber began to feel old when hvheard, of Itessird'i death. —Remit James du Rothschild left a for- OdVA ( • lane of s4ooioO —Nei Jersey his a cave of impenetiabla depth nearElizabath.: —Varioisnwke4 haprovemen4 zgli lig on In,Hsrflsbarg. - 139na of Malta bats, been. leorganize - Memphis. —A Cincinnati paper complain of the re- Sent rallies(' Zie-tation. —The fiF end balyIEU24 trees in Florid& lave been injured by . frost. —Neor :York hi to have reading rooms for foxing theehottleii and tradeemell. 7-1 1 fhenpeWe 'peak of colored serrants 41,1!4 4 4an,!t5een 1 4 31 L. gine" for magistrates. Let-, us speak of s'ircan•• as were fined kiia ' , --LattraXeeite has been. acting ,112.13a1ti swret VW.? 89PP134. 1 4 now 4gehlt.. —Queen Victoria's monogram is neatly Tint on her note paper in,silyer4md black. —The Boston Bulletin says, Henry J. liaymond & go., are the men of the times. —The crop of snow birds is said to have entirely failed in melt parts of the country, —Gloucester; Naps., has had 103 - rof -- her Ishermen drowned during the past eighteen months: —A philosopher does not so much believe in pronarsing young.men, as he does in pay ing ones. • • -M. De Stjerneld, the last male descend 4nit of GlCLltarig Vasa, died at -Stockholin on the 14th ult. ..;-Carl Formes has been engaged by Mr. Il atapli son as leading binimat the Italian bp era ' -- ditors die _rich in Paris. M. Ravin, ,the late editor of the Paris Siecle left $2,- .. 400,000 betdad him. ~ -- —The Lrnidon ifusieal "World-appealed on the 21st ult., with : a black border, in mourning for Rossini. -Mr. Thomas B. paroll, of Troy, has. SlVen his library of 8,000 volnmes to the pillage of . Saratoga. ,The only yOurig DlEM—rays an excharigo - ts\sta \ who was not spoiled 'by being Bonged, s ir he prophet Daniel. ' , .A. toe of JameaWatt, eight feet high .andend made of: Sicilian marble, has been put 11 P Pl"P* ll hBbian; Eni. -.-I,Boobilliar,dsaloons render New Y ork supportable as a place - of residence for fast men of age. tender - -,, ...,-.YelociPedes can Sow be bought iiPitts burgh; audit will not be long before they lrlll:ceaSe to novelties.b . , - . ~. .4.;-.A. musical " Society of 460 members exists' at-Shangliae, China, where it recently pro duced Rossini's2Mbut Mater.., . ~ .i.:-.Bleiserit,Vitc, in spito: of .being an M 1 tm,n, is so moral that it bait a sewing sod sty wheregosalp is forbidden.. . ~ ~ —'jlici Mormon elders find someilifficrilty -1; restraining the young saints from wear ing"their hats,in the tabernacle during ser- TiCe. —Simms Reeves, the English tenor,refttses to sing My • mare , : until the pitch of the .Inglish orchestras Is lowered at least half i lone. . " . , ; .--Que . hundred minks • and forty sable Ittartene, beside other less valuable fur- bearing animals, have been taken in Maine tile fall. --Two sons of the Viceroy of Egypt were driven out of the Cathedral at Cologne the other: day, because they persisted in wearing _their fezes in the Church. ,421eriniuly the beei have beanie old fashioned and out of date as honey is made. Inn& cheaper by a patent process of heat. ing,,eptreli-with sulphuric acid. —The .President of The Mobile and Mont gemery. Railroad married that encyclopedia, Miss Augusta J. Avant . ). The President is o T idenjy a • bold, - courageous man. is supposed that Hon. Hannibal Hsm lin be 'elected United States'Agenator frOm Maine in place of. Hon. L. M. MOtiili t whOse term expires March 4th, 1869. —About the post inconsis tent absurdity that we liave heard of for sometime is that of two New York ladies who sent to . Paris Jo;- dresses to wear at a New York city-charity ball. 4,?0, —Brigham.:Young, Loude Itipoleor4 .. the Pape, the Czar, thi!ultatitia - gaitii Vic toria, are all in delicate health, and in , the ditwn kill of life Noliidy would be much surprised if they were all dead in ten years from now. `The question then arises-,-after these —what 1. INDUSTRIAL. —A. large shoe peg factory is to be started in Mercer, }lain& —A stove and bell foundry is to be built at Owensboro, Ky.. —One factory akCastletim, Vt., turns out 100,000 . slate pencils per day. —ln Vermont ; the .Winttobsti woolen mills firer at -work; employing 575 hands. —The liampskirerAiilts `ILT-Huntingdon, Nam, turnout, 4250 yards of fume' per day. --T.weitty-one.bands And constant am ploynaent- et Vevay (Ind.) Furniture . 4 wtory at Row Gains, hands and 80 sewing —Ho) Con., 1,-,q7 machines. i —Ons Ira 100 hands in 'ter, Nue.; employs = tali and putting it up In CS =lo 44ai Cluißee Dili; destroyedpi fire. Danbury, INer lox fac tories which turn ot boxef w per_ year, employing 25 liana - _ osfird t I[4o -ownei _ at Edinburg, Indiana is otl sr a factory in the same ;village. —The glass works at Na now busily engaged making bo are the oily glass works in Ind. --Pitcher ik Co., of Pawtuck. emiloy My hands in their mil. turns out 1,500 dozen of 200 yvd sZ thread. per.;_flay. 1;--11 e:VeslitliiriiireSteel Tire Ran Weicester, ilass.; is the only u Bailment in America for casting and rah steel locomotiye —The North Wayne, Maine, Scythe Factory employs fifty hinds, and is running full time, turning out fifty dozen scythes and 9 eten dozen axes per day. --Hutchinson & Smith 4ava a woolem sill at.Appleton,•Wisconsin, which' is running night'and, day, employing 80 halide and ion- . snaking 10,000 . pounds of wool yearly. ' - —The iron`interestsoif Chicago give em plpyinent to 15;000 mei, ind represent $l5, 000,000,- of capital invested in• business. There are 100 iron establiehments in Chicago. r—TheLQ,Mstnehmtg krill, at West Ku lingli,l'Conio, has been groatly i enlarged and inipioirol by the addition of a new 150 honi power wheeli 2,000 ring spindles and 60 new looms. . • —la the ten paper, mills at Holyoke, Masi., about twenty-six tons of paper are maniffactwed daily. About 'fear-fifths of this is writing paper,' the remainder collar, envelope and tissue. • —Cutter & Lane's flouring mills at Chap lin, Wis., was swept away last week by a freshet in Elm Creek. The mill was but thiee years old, and the lo'ss to the proprie tors is about $25,000. • - —At COlchester, Conn., the works of the Hayward Rubber• Company are being en lsrged by the addition of a packing roam 100 feet long and anew shoe room 160 fe(st long. This company employs 500 hands. The works of the American Carpet . Company et Bridge port, rebuilt• since the fire, lave recently started up. The compt ny has lately imported 80,000 yards of Brussels carpetink which they will print. —ln 1846 the manufacture of the McCor mick Reapers and Mowers was begun in Chicago, and since.then more than 100,000 of • these machines have been made. The works cover 500 by 400 feet and employ five hundred hands... .• —At the Danforth Locomotive Works, Paterson, there was recently delivered a large quantity of 24 and 42-lb, cannon balls, sold by the Government and now to be put into the furnaces and made over betoleco mativeth•cottoh machinery, &o. • —A Cleveland, Ohio, mechanic has in dented : azajr,engine which, he tlaims, can afford as much power u a steam, ingiie. He thinks that the substituticri of Ida ma . chine for the 1,000 steam engines in use in Cleveland would effect a'saving' of $1,250,- 000 per year. —Amoskeag manufacturing stock is a good property to have held. In 1832, when the worlm were established in Manchester, one share of stock cost $1,000;' it' is now worth $1,700, and the lucky ; man who kw held on*,one.share all that time would have received $75,140hi cash and stock , • —The Chicago Rolling oecuPY an area of about eight, acres, and one of the buildings of,ths,estnblislunents la said to be the titled of .the kind in the conntry. The works coat?ftboat $1,000,000, give ernploy 7 meat to 6001 hands, and' roll 28,000 tone of rails per annum, with menthly running ex pefises of $276. Orr have just finished their fine new saw mill at Oconto, Wisconsin. It is 140 by 0 feet and is as thoroughly fire proOf as it could possibly have been made., A 225 horse power engine • drives the ma. ehinery of this new mill whlchhas a capac - - ity of 180,000. feet per day 0r26,000,000 feet of limber per year. —The phins for the new bridge over the Schuylkill, at, South street, Philadelphia, have been adopted. The bridge will b e thirty, feet ldgh, 'of iron, and will have dve spans of 150 feet each, and a draw of 50 feet. It will comprise 2,000 feet of solid masonry, ' and will accommodate the horse railroads and the usual street tnivel: • —Last week 24 men left Bath, Me., for Essex county; engaged. by the shipbuilders in Bath' to tat oak timber for ships' frames. The trees are cut ,and square, floated down the RlPPahannocir 120 miles to die• Chesapeake, and thence sent by vessel to Maine. The men receive . $2 , per day, rations and quarters, and *M. bp.ln Virginia till spring. ' • PrkrilifUßGlT GAZETra FRIDAY. tol6Elll3rit 141 rpolq*Elaskitmirm , . . 110 SHARON /LUPE 'WINN MIMI A 117.011ZWID. A YELL,15192 PAB Ins mom mum, Re Does moms SAID. ALT, WOBK-WAIMANTNIL CALL AND - Er. AMAX NiOWatE 07 Q3AIII/6111 MaZIA.II". ISP:44IT WELDON & KELLY, itsnaniesareps and Watslank Desionsta - Lamis, Lanterns, Ohindiaii, AND LAMP GOODS. AiseN l CAillei AND LII3IIIOITING GUM 13111141216733. Ake. N 0.147 Wood Street. sic ' ATISUES. !PIANOS. ORGANS,. &O. "EgAP sehoiutekoes,Goi- xedar Ping, AND ESTEY!S COTTAGE ORGAN, shoe factory of The 1110/10M.ABIBIt rums) fierabluea all the West 'reliable. inprayeateata known la the *a strachan of alrirt slaw lassrament. lad has always *ea •awardwrihe liteltart Dreadtim wheievar ex hibited. toas Is fall, **re* sad west. The workWiadlis=terdurability sad beauty, sups* ill sthiei Prises frost to CUM. Caoeosellad to *Vs sad frahlk) *beeper Num all other so-alleil Int 'lase Plano. • • 11EIBI EMS starch serails OOTTA O /1 ORGAN Stuck at the bead of an road lastraments. is pro di Ibis toast perfect pipe tpudlty of sone of say lastrumeat la the lOraltot States. It Is stn. ple aid orapon In etastruetton, and rot liable to 'et ont of order. TREM O.A.R.PaNT LillyT " V =NANA OLOis be (*and InNils Orgas Price frost WlO2. to PAO. AU gaaraatced fir *re years. " Map' UM tit MIMS% - ' No. 12 IT. GLAIR STENNT. are GLASS, CHINA. CUTLERY. ratINA, GLASS AND RICH..: J.:` BREED & CO. MEP.-;s._ T TAILORS. B (Late 70:0114 : NO; 83 Sra Street, Ekittisburgb. • - - ' CWIMELE , Just rosekred t SEWI, C4IN ounswatver AND 1311 7 .7 - G NLlLokairE. 1; 'JO gtkirkt o • - BEIFfi •AZ THE BZZi.7/I.llll ' KAZUO' 7 '; ORL_ ,____D AND IN. Tint , THH CHZAVEZT. KrAgeati' sell Ws Haekine.' 13AZIETS-airojr. Corner • tb illti ve i e sPr a irr e iniV i e" itlehardst ,Sto r e „ • 414 NEW V -c PAPERS, For .1. 107 'se* ' , :4' Letairz, _ . . cx...Akra ; - • and 187 Irkied Sind, OFlfc . 80.62 STONE, ago. DYDDA::IIIENt DRAIN t7>reywl ;- . 4e tie eke natkit. AL% BO; BIJIDAu.111 : - 2.. for - arbe. • • 420431E17 &CO. Ofllse on/ ' ' 1-.1 , • - .I—sll4o 1511131A0(11, AT., Allegbasy. t%. primlyotteadoo, to. letA:ll4 • WEIGHT sewer of 1.4;t; orooooroo l , No. 510=12 - tEetwek ),1 - .4q1.= il)fterry Meet& Ord tee promintly • : ErAiii:Abia..;:.; .; :.7lollM 111-0131 N PECIy t- at_4ll Hair HAIR wourEN, AI :1 • t . r lions,PNA„ iii hitt street, sear Boltlit, , :tt •- Always arrnattlitfflic..l .:( gag of Ladies , F16H3, - BAITM; IMAM 14>*, , ,,ty.ritot rEVA, ALP5,,6/11ABLUW; 3,LA , Pek : 4 1LAUMM - • goo(' pies it s t.isA - All. 111. "MA fa, Is Mt& a Ladules le., An d B e es eal * doi e t ma. - -lad BAmt is, MOSER& - Aitcuirrrt , -7 irstirr Heinz Assoorsnor :: I ,1 1139 lima* at. Moir Street, Plitt - t— Special attention even to tie deslgi}:v: -• 0; h. z.:141.1ze of vomit 8017418 u 4 'ammo I:iteiriitzras: • DENTISTRY VIITIiO PAIN: AT DR. SCOTT'S. '{}AS-FLITEMS 100 WOOD STREIT QUEENSWARE, .CLYZE PLLTBR WANE. lAN STATIIICTTNS, Effini% . _ . . „ AND PAECT raristy. :i -0. BTEUT. ) kurz. T. Bmilosailugte.) C TAILOR,. RIM Mb& RA ' riiirfosk st , t"; - • _ 41211:11EFREsSpdte • . MNILY Mord: slatimet. icHrrnia; bL PAPIERS. i - wriews dwididusabers, t w MEM,. AN it., near Fifth Ave., R. HUGHES 4:BRO. 4.11 AND COMM. ER AND SCOURER. , r ressimen, PA. .Mtoga :',,.-;,-.:•-:i:.i,:;..'..,.': erz .c I, oNg. HOLIDAY PHES d. PRESENTS! ROMAN SILK BOWS. • Liao° Cc)ll.4strei. LADIES LICE IREDIERCHIEFS. Rosewood. Handkerchief and Glove Boxes. l I WATCILSTABDS ABB-goal CASES, - ---- WETTING DBMS AND ALBUMS:, I The finest and cheapest &assortment of - WAX AND CHINA DOLLS, 'TRAVELING CASES, CARTE DE TISITE .13M3REI'll. - r LADIES' & GENTS UNDERWEAR, LADIES IfINANIT OPERA MODS, The New "Striped Felt Skirt. WOOL - Err GOODS at Cost. pine EMbrolderei Slipper - Pattern': Umatilla ihnbrolderod Cushions. NLACB,I73I, GL Y E Az CO.. 'VS and SO Market Street. del illeßtli & C 11,1 1 .811, NO. 19 - FIFTH AVENU E, ...__ . THE NEW SKIRT, . -; "LE ?AFIRE PERFECTION." . f "THE FAVORITE." "THE POPULAN," I 'MIX RECEPTION,' .F.- THOMPdON'S TWIN' SPRING,_ ' ( , "WINGED ZEPHYR," "GLOVE FITTING." CORSETS AND PAT= ENT "PAY:MRS.'" TEE NEW GORED OVER SKIRT, "BELLE HELENE," richly embroidered; an elegant street sr Skating Skim - RICH RIBBONS FOIL BOWS,. SCARFS AND SASHES. ROMAN STRIPES AND PLAIDS. SATINS, all shades quid widths. FLOWERS: ria:rmat., HATS AND BONNETS. LADIES'A_ND CHILDREN'S MERINO UNDER WEAR, . -- The richest a n d latest aloyeltiea:,la GIMPS, FRINGES AND BUTTONS. We especially direct attention to the great easel. lance or the HARRIS SEAMLESS (Bouillon) KID GLOVES" ererall others. and fir which wa are the bole Agents: A complete Ilse of estvrtint gra "STAR" SHIRTS, SUSPENDERS_, r ' V 55, HALF HOSE. UNDERSHIRTS AND DEA • RS.- &ELLIN G AGENTS mit • 1 Kwoopns rizsis t GOODS sad all other popalar,suthee._ , . _ .' . - • ''''--- ,- ---- •&: -. I ICRI3I':,& . ..'eIIILISILB . .. . . .... . , 2(0:19 FIFTH Atribruz. Kehl e) akel:WA v I Orb IF:111 BUM ME NUM AZrowdy_for litankisr :alat. Dlir rhea, raints t7motto., Wants& boar mid caws 1111tRIS' CRIMP CCU, A rpeidis ibr Cholera, Cramps sal Pala Stantsob, tar sal* b 7 EILARTUZI & Corner of Liberty and Wayne Streets, J. OONIATR & SON'S PI RE WHITE LEAD atccovs VEEDITEK GREW, The oali green palat tkat will not deteriorate bi exposure. It will look better, hurt leaser and ere r is m i teribet witlalketlon than ear baba. la-the 7 0RAOKER BAKERIES. '''.: .‘,...." '..1 . 1,.• • ...... .....:". ri., ...:'..i!,,, - . • , , , ~t, i.,,,,,-.....•..., 0 ARE • ' 01731311 M. TEM CITT. oMM T ADMI TI PL4Lr ri Ia l i alSl? "14 For. Site by Every'Grocerin tie City. Bakery, Nedil Liberty St. lon WThria =QUM, ago NITS! I 1611 IMPORTING: 1011 E. arresusuim less SCHMIDT & FRIDAY.. • impunixdps or reniaan WINES AND LIQUOR 3 . , • Are. • 419 Pain Wed Pittsburgh,' Would dlreet the lineation of the pablie to the bolt that. pa Seising sugersor facilities Wastes several large Wise lad Liquor Houses is Europe, and naiad their importations direct, tam are enabled to offer tite various grades of &dee MNEB AND LIQUORS at pried. less than Easters rater. El. laminations of qualities aud . eodtparhiaa of prim respectfully solicited. - A choice assortment of pare OLD STA WHI3- 71.7ar coutaatly in Laud . JOSEPH 11. FINCH CO, Jr's. ma, Mae% ill, us mid /116. I PIM num. rirrestmaz, SAMMOTtalilit Or _ Copper Dbitilk4 Puiv. .Aye lfhWtsys Alas. &mien InIOIEIQI MINIS aid LIQUORS. ISINZAKIN Meld= gittLfr CUM CiLNGERLT & CLEM% thietessers la to Gild. P. Ilontroaxasr a co. rsecriesi, LrEneallaralms. 214 oitly Steam Lithographic EstabUstunent Won sne Agonntrall. Buslaess Cards Letter 'Pau% goads. Labe I, Otrosdars,- show DilUdMaa. Portraits, Vows, Certificates of Deosita. =Ma. *MI ltoie m and 1* Third Areal, solo 4. • _ _ EXTRA HAW Barred Flannel; Mc :mu" Correrecl, II'ELROY, DICKSON & CO. romvir arcociwrons, .. - D Fe, P i 5 4 m rm 4 a 0a; E 4 i .7. p 4 cc ;4 cgt 1 1 m .2 a PI E 4 3 2 _ c W I PA r 2 INN -0 ; st, co iil w gr. Id el 1 2 0 ~ • 2 2 7 4 -. i l g , E fr i 01 0 ' A p i l _ ~ z 87i; muog._ .87. INWAV C4-0013S ! WATBMPEoo7—sllisolemaat 'mantes. CABSIXIBZIP-ter Yea's aiul Bays' Wear. LADIES' CLOAKINaS—Barge asiertmeat. r lumen AND inraralat inERINGNs. men rorum-stoe per fiat. 17KL01:18 POPLINS. BILK POPLINS. PALZBWA CLOTH—for Mts. BLACK SICILIAN LVSTKEIL BLACK AND COLC,KILD lIKPBBISS CLOTHS— Largevartety. vztvuni im s-teris,..• arasarsac•cpmut. Large, sasortinsit of PLAIDS. Pall stock of Dit3SB GOODS, at Lease. Kasten "POI& TREMORS F. PIIIIMPV3 168. HOSIERY and GLOVES. " SO - LT(7Y, mr No; 168 *Ole 168. • • - 1614 ,Bicce.ratmEss & co., ‘,.:y (Lat. WRUda. Oarr k C 0.,) . WHOLANIALD DIALERS IX l e *P i !" 14/4edle .0006, Sw 94 WOOD 19TRIELT. . • Thlrd.4laorabowl Dialsoad anary',' GIOALI COAL!! COALM. • •' DIMON STEWART &CO lambs warred thetr Mee .' • 11117:141:1PMEITY STRJELI27I", astelY CUT PieLF 1044 mein, atom= ' Are atered (tramgoodirOIIONIOGHZ COAL .oBabAci,; a t the lowe s t minket erica. • - _ . All orders left at their oil's, or addressed to the* tin:sulk the AL% "iiittisattesqed te eromptir. 30 : 80041/410 L ENGINEER. O," pir4tePr4t..upolum .• • • iinammirlag,slaridnignia. Axlii: ata sir)li f W. o. asilwaT.) • Glee, Xe. TO Irjib 1 1 L STRlCrr t aii NO, X itqs•lr o t. T .•Box so; ALLXoHER r ' M&0 of all aaacrlptiou,d_calinad. BLAB BA,IM sad BOLLING . NILI MAW. MIS tarnished. _Particular -*Mantic* paid to &- drain , COLlaxBr LOOOMOTras. • 'Patents ova. ....„ace„ltuftLeallsited. Agr An.,BYJCNING DB,Awt a... MAID Bar • aotcliitalat ma? WZDNEBDAT IlfrOWL . GEORI 3 O U 11 "/ 31 6 atAirsiPACMia 01 olusAus CANDIES - AND TASTERS, And dealer In aU kinds of TWITS, artras, Flax- Las BA.IIOZ/4 ato., ao. • • • lit um 73:DZSAL DRY GOODS. - A VERY EN GOOD STYLES. WHOLESALE WOOD STREET. 87 KA.BILIST sTREET. iwzrw Cloctes. DIEW ALPACC)AIL NOISLUN. BLACK KUM -MUIR MID BCOURNR, ooltrysioiricmiims. OARPBTEI AND OIL CLOTHO. DECEMBER 188:=: FOR 30 DAYS ONLY. CARPETS - t -4514,Ptittmart/Lim. ilati L g THAN WHOLESALE.PRICIS. We offer FOR A PEW WEEKS ONLY our goods at . a large. reduction from regular rates. Our stock is full and 1. complete in all departments, and we shall sell the best anal ides and gtles of Carpets at' prices - at - whi ch two cannot re plate' the m, : ong-l tomervan':oppFtunitY;_of4:', taking - 13argam! jthats 'may lievel_be2effered special.: sales continue only-until the time of taking r•our - mud inventory of stock at the end of this month. EFARLAD &. COLLINS, 71 OD 78 MYTH Matt& Yt'F.JDI3C7PION ! CARPETS, =II c3amicJl.T_A:3oT3Exek, deo." cgcss: We offer our stock at redrieed'': Prices I*k* SHORT TIRE before Consuseirt* to take .stook.:::, Now I. tkiitiute to buy,. BOVARD, ROSE ac C 0.31. 3 1 21 FIFTH ATENUE.' dei:d&wr TAKING -'STOOK.,- PRICES.'...':OF: capEtt"i. q-ItEATLY :'''.AEDITCED ! ii Our Steek . 4 new unusual/II knee and well assorted fit every nue. vrei: drfat buy now. • - - A' :2 FOMRIBROMS,t 51 FIFTH AVENUE,. U2l ANNUAL REDUCTION. , was PAGITLAB, =ask - Biz CLEARAVES , BALI: Is mew tally leauganded, at erleits.ellat ewe isr.rrras semitanur Taus -ETNA CAiRX II ]E r rS OIL CLOTHS, 'IVIATTINCi-:' C22221:111 Good Carpets for 25 cents a Yard.'., OLWE • M'CLINTOCK AND COMP.A.NT No. 23 runt street. STONE. WENT COMBION _ 0 , .- ifechitse Sons Works, ~ Restrimat sorrier of :West 4:knaaaari,'Ailleglies7. . V , ' IPILISDra ATATEIi::" CO. - - strre ii kaad Ur prepare Oia ghost settee HeartB ,4 and Step' Stories:: 'Flan for Sidewalks, BrewAirt, Vaults, Le. Head aid Tomb Wes. ka. Ortiliza unuatkr exeastad- , Inua teillayasilW ,_ TOBACCO AND CIGARS. Eiral I m ar ;I! l o V .Exorrav 4 ißALS. sow. ' &id Dwain TAO/fps Sin"; Cigars, Pipes, &0., er: A elaime-ct. al.. eLiaemeanr MONEYI ' HONEY n ---$4,000 % Invest • to s Mortgage on City or County Prto, e t r l t tit f oorag ,tae r n m on d a e nd y Mo n s t gage far yew %vpANTW—llusloessorAccognooatl nPaperrothe =omit of-$10,000; tine from O; days to months. - . -F WANTILI—To Fara or 180 Acres of. Land In , !Hour! for a amily Horse and Boring, Wagon.Apoly to • • 11:MeLAIN & dei Corner north ay. and Sialthdeld at. FREM • ASPARAGUS VERY' : itgoictEr put up In cane hermetleitty sealed. and will Noland iota to that troth from the d en , Anis try JOHN A. HENBILAW. as • Maar Cher!/ and ki.aall mats.. ., CI Ell 11 ME an
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers