The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, December 11, 1868, Image 1

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[tnufb sEssioN.] • ' '
S ' ATE:• Standing 1 ommi.Xteis
„,..... .
~,.. , . • .
-i -At ztnounee&-Calendar o f Ben
' ,-• r•• ate Hills Read lP
•T - Spetieayment
. .
--. ..`-Bill ;. Laid _
Over -- Georgia ''Rem
struction Dill Explailed
• _
~ *pin t Gr a d es Descant/on-Cop”
;her tariff allt'lndfatil Unreal/
'Transfer , 111119 - 'lliferred-The
'' Reading of the Presidexit's Mies:
I ..:•sage Conelniled.-MerinnelittOri
`..• sage . ,. _ ...
.t.-..llnenaricii. 11010/1D • Bill-fOrthe
rljaie of /A i Verilo rrY klaaillY
- i rfissea-41ilis - Piiiented • and
. • i `- PassiciLEfeititie Bit /nest Taken
..• i : 47P-41Mti• lintien.,4i4c;iited: far - a
' i "_•7
Recess fro nt, /like Vier' .21 st iii
. ', J apumi7 l 44l4-4111fi tO Regulate
, ' Value, of Legal ;Tender Notes
and Provide for Redemption.
. [BT Tete:Tech to'rbe ?ittrbireti gazette, f:, : -
• ' c Wlimunwron, Decentbar - 10,453 , 3. '
,_•' SENATE.
• •
• - ' • -- 1- The • following' Standing 'Commitees
were SPNkintlid: :i ;i' 1 ; ::', : l I 7
, •; Foreign Relations--bfesars. Stunner,
; f Chairman ' ) Fessenden, Catneron, Harlan,
'. . Morton, -Patu mon,' ',. (New Hunpshied
,• Pittances -Messrs. She rm a n,(ChairMan,)
1. Morgan, Warner, Williams, Corbett, Hen
; derson,'Mbrrill,, (Vermont._)
, • -A ations-Maurrs. Morrill, (
mitn Mc')
`... (0 ) Grimes ,: HOW, Wilm a , Cole,
• - Conklin& "Ricaltlinv. ;.4.,,_.'•,'„, ...
, . Crmirneree-Idesera - Chandler, (Chair
• .'
man, Morrill,,(Vermont,) Vickers, Spen
'' , i car, Kellogg, Corbett.
. ; , Airree-Measrs. i3pragne, /Chair
,lnntt,); Motblaf, Dixon, Robertaeti."':
PV-atiiire; -vimeroic(efilire
- . ;luau ? ) . Cattail, Tipton, Welch; Meureery.
• •• ' 4,i ifshlary Affairs and Afilitia.--htessrs.
' • • Wilson, (Chairman) SpragnsollNneron,
:•;-: Morton, Abbott;-Thayer,-Doollttle.
~ . ::.. Naval Affairs. -Messrs. Grimes, (Chair
: f mom) Anthony, Frelinghnysen, Edo:u:ids,
42,:mkurigLlillie, Hendricks. \
~Ragt,, . ~. wee.; and , ,,t Poet- 4tocg_tit„,-Mregga,
, c••.• • • matilily; (Chairnian.) Maness. , F - onteroy
: --: ',4: YILISIMnkI4: Motbrull'd, Well*. Diuti:fj
, . 1 Rablic Landg.t-gme. Pomeroy, (Chitt.r r
whin) Stevrirt, - *OsbOlt, Wfliburgsi:Tiptdn,
. . .- Irendri cktiVArner.-- •::-.
_.,, ,--
- • ' ?,, Zivate .Land Clanni.-:Messre. Williams;
''i (Chairmtue) Sumner, Kellogg, Ferry, Bay
--f• ', -- : th Ala i d th t - ~..4.1 50 77.4. _Arestawadeimi*
- - , :(chairtnsi,), nil); of Maine,•Roite, Car:
- • • 'f. bett,Thayer. 13nokalew, Doolittle.
man) inim
Pennotus,-;-affAnaris. Van Winkle;'(Candr--
Sawyer. Edile, ibwler, Davis, ' Spencer,
'. •
•••', .. ;1 Revoiutionary C7aiine- Mariam • Nye,
• -•• ~a(Chain:o.4o Saulsbury dler, Poole, , Patterson,
, . ' Chan
-- •
, ..',. . t••• Ctainia -Messrs....Al:me, (Chairigum,)
Willev, Frelinghuysen, Howard, Robert
- .1' eon, Cole, Davis..
~.--,••••_-: • ,
• • • •
~-• District Colum b i a Ritzier'',
, Ccillairmita, Bilner , . Nye, Patteison,,'-14
'. ••• '' I: n't ._, Harris, nn. Vickers.
, - ! _Patents -Meaerl. Willey, (Chairman,)
. 01 1toortifli T/Z4w Petry, Nortoil.;• ":7 ... , )
" ' ' Publw' B
_wept"' and Gr-oundrz-Mentrs.
' t... 4
•,„,' I•Fessenden, (Chidman,) Trumbull, Ferry,
" Davis, widt e . _ , . . ,
. • • • ? :;',TerrderiaLzfestMl:"-Yereiv,;-(oiiiiiiiiez,L)
-. s
N y e ' ersa g h l s n v ilri. ?11 41 ?.?Ne. 1 0, 4'cAeory,
2 , Davigo • - ..L.. -; ---. •
"fi"woe Raarpad--3vard A (441Nr•
n,) Eillitimaniiktorpe,connesi; Ramsey,
-• .; f.Stewart, Wilson, Harlan. Drake.,-,-, .‘,,: ! '*,'
... ~ • 2b Audit Contingent Ezpenaes of the b e n -
, 1 ate-htesem. Omen, (Chairman,) Merrill,
ior Vt., and. Ruakalew. -- • • :-I" . .'
Ingt-oadeifiliffst.:__Mervirs. Bbyrkyr,' (vbidr=r
. smzsn,) Studeer'iinit Norton - •-a; , '•
l , Mine: and Mining-Menem
.' ~. i(Chairman,) Chandler, Yates Conness,
f bury and-tylretei ..,, • r * •-; ~ ,s, Seals
z -- , • -
1 Meat:viz' or Laiie-are ' 86 5" 632 / 1 4/t
'. ..,. ltol. l
lo airMana _ EiLl Inner * Cole, Bayard an „
L... ' r)nwita Committee on BaarNzat.--Matec,
i •.- • isherman, Hardin,..Bumner, Ruckalciiv•-
• Vim:idler, SW*** /Winger suittittewart.
Commtigee to inquire -whether ,imprcper , . ... } .lnrearti have been used 1?r atteltpteidfor in
....:llkedierog Me wore LiErmiate •on Impeach.
-",- •• z atint."4lfeeers. Rao 6_,W , ',749.11ekr0r 34,',
•,: - ;•,•lindler`.43tfr - hirt and Thayer - 1 • _ -,,,
: 4:''. 1 ' . :,-• ' `Joint Committee en Printing--licenkAri-'1
,',.. ,, Whyte and_Rarris.. -
-'''' " - •'•-wate .oatilateconAtret/ifedlitieLidesers.
lie. Paterson, N. H., Dixon.
• •.• .. ;" joint , Oominittee. on .4ibeark on•lpart:. of
'•'• • ' iateAsMltseii.llforgattafoien;Pessentien:-
4Toint Committee on Retrencimient--Meaers.
•• '.." '; ;
Jackals's!. .illinunds, Willisimi,l Wai/eon, N. H.,•;•, _ _ •
4 . 41 , Joint Committee 'to Revise and
';• ':l'9er .
.pi o Pk M ofolar tck a* M ~ .irer
To Bizenine Claim and Accounts for Re
, :viairs and Furnishing ..E'xecutive Igtfintsfen-,--
Weser& Harlan, (Chairman,) Noruki*... I , ,• •
:,•; ~•: On Ordinaneee-Mesers. Howsrd, (Chair
•iiiien,) Cameron, Drake. .• -- ,2 , „
.1 . • _
• - *•.! On Revision of ROW -of 'e
•:-; 774 tleinv.iChairdeut,)•Dmieroy Edmund.,
- rtg moved to add two members to
."'• 6 Committee on. Pacific. Railroad as rep
•• .Isesentative6 or the &kith, biltid?the mg
''cation of Mr.- EDMUNDS lai withdrew the'
.••4 .
motiontepporari/74 ' ;J•••-• f• - •
.0 The DICIEST_then directed the Sec
edti-dy to read the calendarof.• bills and'
klesolutions on the table, .most of _which
tvere referred to approprhde Committee&
, 1 On motion of Mr.. SUMNER.: his bill to
. t•etuune a peekpaymenti_en the 4th of JulV
;ext, was laid over until next, week;when
as will -move f - to refer' it to the cortunitten
Mr. SUMNER also explained thainirpMei
''''' -the bill Introduced ' f Idin to cany-out
he receeetrue' Übe acts in Georgia,' viz: to
• '
me to a certain - extent ',the , power-of
7. ogress over Georgia-4n conillguence of
e Legislature having been. illegally con:
f u
titutea. - Oiriiii Motion the bill was re.
rred to the Coniznittee on the Judiciary.
Mr. DRAR:Eexplainedtheliv:em ends
• solution in relation to • the es of Oen.,
dal and LieutenanhOeneral the Arril h yr,
4 1( i • • Admiral •••; 1 4 1 417 - Tice 4.„4dmical lik• e•
iiitty, to 1:!e tO k e ep those moral
m ile male
As /awards' hi extratirginery •• b ear
. P ee - 14 " and ' not ledge them • • •,tu te - We
twed by regular proinotion atlaccom-
todation.-, Referred first to the Committer*
Malaita: ../ifeire, to ga; if favorably
LRed 'on - by them. to We Committee' 'on"
aval Affairs. - .-' :--- • - f:" ' '- '. • - - ' 'r
ne A:Tag hillie;regulate %ihe,dutlaton
r',' dm. was referred to tile , Committee
pi nee and Mit t ;• • •;._ a-a ; •- ' - -•
riVh_ert thl M i ni D 1.11;4 rmtreNtie titi;•;.
Ft '9f Iliquaw rid) the War Depart
': •• f - . - •
ment was reached, Mr. THAYER moved —Mossie. Price, of Alabama, and Prince, of
to refer to the Committee on Indian Affairs, Georgia.
and Mr. WILSON moved, its reference to On Expenditures in Pubfic Bu il dings—Mr.
the Cominittee.on MilitarrAffairs.. Haughey, of Alabama.
bir.,IFERRY Opposed sendinig it to the -. Mr. BEAMAN introduced a bill to enable
Committee on Indian Affairs, beeause he the Holly, Wayne and Missouri Railroad
thought that would be fatal to the bill. Corepany, in /Mangan, to have subscrip-
Mr. 'IIPTON favored the motion to send tion to capital stock stamped, dzo. Referred
it to the committee on. , :lndian Attain, be. to the Committee on Ways end Means.
cause he thought if any change was, to
.be Also, a bill to consolidate the several asy
made in the Indian policy of the Govern- Inms for - aged and , bled soldiers . was
ment, that Committee• which had so long passed.-
had charge,of -the hole subject,jwas the .Also . ; a bill granting:a portion of the Mil
one most fit to deal ' with it itary reservation at Sault Ste Marie Miehl-
After an animated debate the bill was gan, to the American Baptist Homelhisilon.
ferred to the Committee on Indian Affairs. Also, a bill providing that all army °fil
A_ resolution was adopted to adjourn from airs detailed to give Military instruction in
day to day until Monday. -..-- - -- -, „ r --. Colleges and Universities shall be entitled
After'the reference of tlie,lnclian Brutsoh to the - full pay of their respective grades,
Bin, \ -
the same as if they were in active service.
Mr. WILSON introduied a bill -,to repeal •Tifr. WASHBURNE, of Indiana, reported
section sixth of tho act making appropria- a bill to equalize bounties, whith was made'
tions for the support of the army for the the special order for the first Tuesday MI
year ending June 30th, 1868. Referred to Jantiary, ibr one hour.
Committee on Military Affairs. - Mr. GARFIELD, from same Committee,
Mr. R A.MSErintroduceda bill granting reported a bill to establish a national sys
lands to aid in the con/Arm:lion of a rah- tern of military education, authorizing the
road from St. Paul, Minnesota, to the Alia- detail of military . instructors for one Col
sour! river. Referred to Committee on Pub- lege in eactiState and for one -additional
lie Lands.
college or university. for every million in-
Mi. WILSON introduced a joint resoin- habitants Mauch State designated by the
tion stsbniittingfor ratification the follow- Legislature, with a provision for co in amendment to the Constitution: 'doming cadets. die. .
Amancrx 15—NO distinction shall be made ' Mr. GARFIELD remarked, as it was a
by the United States, nor any State, among very important bill,. ha_ would not ask to
citizens in their civil or political rights on havoit printed and Naha the special order.
account of race, colorer previous condition. Mr: WASHIII7RNE, of Illinois, and
Referred tethe Judidary Committee. others opposed It.
Also, a bill to regulate the elective frail-- Ononotion of Mr. ROSS it , was tabled-73
also in the United States. Referred to to 40. - -
the same Co mittee.
Mr. GARFIELD congratulated the
Mr. CONNESS introduced 41.1111 .fixing organ 'of the incoming administration on
the for labor_perfornied for the support received from the other side.
the Government of the United States, Mr. , DODGE, from same Committee, re
which was lei on the table and ordered to ported a bill appropriating $222,848 to re
be printed. It provides that from and af- Wad to lowa expenses incurred in connec
-1 ter .lune 25th, 1869. alllaberers, workmen, tion with raising .troops. Pending the
and mechanics engaged inlhe employment reeding ' of the report, the morning hour
of the .United ,States, shall receive for a expired. . '
'dere /abdr, as - provided by law, the full ' The House then, 'L on motion .of d ie
and compensation paid for such SCHENCK, proCeeded to business on the
labor as if ten hours constituted a daY's table and disposed thereof aa folio ws:
labor. • •
_...,...- - -- - Senate joint resolution relating to ocean
On motion of Mr. SHErusutN, the eve: mail . and. ship -. service between Milted
dentials of Mr. Hill, Senator -elect from States and 'shirts, Referred. to Postollice
Georgia, with memorials, itc., relating to • ,Conimittee:' '
them - were referred to Judiciary Com- 'The Senate 'hill in relation to bridges
mitteik•• -rs, _ acrom the' Ohio- river. , After a discussion
1 -XI.: RICE calledup the - bill to provide for more than an hour. participated in prin.
ihr the - issue of arias to the- militia of ser e cipally by Indiana,' Ohio and Pennsylvania
tale States lately- in 7xebellioti; whichoM 'members, the bill was on motion of Mr.
Mellott of Mr. Wail: referred to BINGHAid, referred on
Committee on
the COmmittee o nlifilititryAffeirsii;•l •._ - Road& and eirmile,l -. •
iIdrO 3 DMUNDS- *led , for unfinished Mr. .PHELPS asked: leave te 'Offer a
business. Some of his friends"; he said , and resdlidion in 'reference to the ejection - of
some who Were not his friends , our poso ' American citizens from the Guano -Island,
he melted to adjoUrn Wixitunidey. -M order Alta Vela..
to prevent the reading of the nftderirs, bjected. ... . - ' 1
Message. :Rio motion had no such design, . Oto Mr. W &SHBURNE, of Illinois, offered a I
On the.boary, he was in - favor of havMg .resolution for a recess from Monday,' De
it read benefit of hie party, andlthat CeMber Met, to Timidly', ran stb,
the people might..-see- irhat,„ kind of man Mr. SOKANCK remarked that he felt it
they had at the head 'of the Government. was melees to attempt taking a recess, but
He therefore Moved that the Secretary ISO as he wailnstrueted by the Committee oh
directed toProceed with the reading of the Ways endlifeans this forenoon, he would'i
Message. The motion was carried:, -' move an amendment, making the recess
'• Mr.- CAMERON -renewed the motion - to from the 230 of December to the 4th of
dispense with the reading of the message, • J:Mitoiry.' ' . .. ,
but aCthe suggestion of other-senators Mi. ? Mr. WASHRUANE moved the previous
aiedhitely withdrew it. -. s 7:t ' -.. •• question.
The - SECRETARY then read the Melt- , The amendment was rejected-77 to 91.
sage from the point at whiehlie had bees Mr.; BALDIMI moved to table t s he ram.
-interttipted__Yeeturday. Tibilithe 'had flu- 'ltition:-..'c:- ,-.4,-_-,,--
ished;Mr. EDMUNDS =wad to lay the ' Rejected without discussion.
message on the table and ordered it Wiwi • The resolution as originally introduced
printed, which was done. . .., was then adopted. •
The PRESIDENT presenteda commun.'. Mr.,BROOMALL then introduced a bill
cationfrom the Secretary of the Interior, to regulate the value of United States legal
transmitting accounts up to June last of tender notes in coin and provide for re.
the :disbursement for incidental' and, mitt. 'dempdon. , Referred to Committee on
dellaneons purposes during 1 868. ' Ways and Means. The bill the Sec-
Mr. EDMUNDS said, in view of the ex- rotary; of the Treasury to ,directs t gold
troop:Unary propositiOnin tehdionric the coin to be exchanged for United States legal
nettonal'debt containediu the 'President's tender notes whenever demanded at the
message, he would move that on neSt Treasury in sums not leas , than one hoof the Finance Coiblinittee,, imleitis dred dollars and at the following rates of
they should In - the meantime report the exchange: for the first month, one hundred
resolution offeredby him „on, the - 21st ,of dollars in coin for one hundred and thirty-
November - last, be discharged from .the five in :notes, for the second month one
further consideration of it, and would move . hundred in coin for one hundred and th irty..
its passage.
_.-- ' . ', four in 'notes, and so on at adecrease of one
The resolutinit affirms that 'the 'faith `of dollar per month until par is reached.
the United States is soreionly pledged. to The House again went to business on the
the payment of the debt: -
_. • table.
Mr. EDMUNDS inade'afeW temente to The Senatejoint resolution in"relation Ito
the effect that theacceptance of the • Prod- the Library of the Department of Agricul
dent's proposition would dishonor tut for- tnre was paased.
ever in the eyes of all honest men:- The Senate joint resolution' relative to
Mr. F RE'LINGHU,YSEN spoke against coast defences was referred to' Committee
the repudiation. Be' was glad the message on Military Affidrs.. • - -' --
had been read, that the RepresentatiYes of The Senate bill ,for the relief of Miss
the , Americany,people, may repudiate and Emma Wilson of Indiana, was referred to
rejettAhere pudiating.doctrinti, , and let the Committee on Foreign Affairs. .
world know the people of this country, The Senate joint - reaolution to regulate
who had heroism to preserve its -liberties, the carriage of passengers in steamships
.have now the will and - ability to preeerve and other vessels. Referred to Ccuurnittee
fits honor.' --
, onCertunerco. ' - • •
The Senate adjourned until Monday The Senate bill to refer the ' claims' ofjo
sephSelgur to the Court of Clainis.,.: Refer
red to Conimittesion Olidois. .", '
Senate . joint' resolution resjoseting the
provisional governments of Virsarda and
Texas.' 'Referred td '•lteconstruction Com
mittee. - -
The Speaker. eppointed-Mr. Hamilton, of
Florida, on.tbe Committee on Revoltitiona
oClaims instead of Mr. ;Trowbridge, -ex..
The Reuse went intilttee Of the;
Whole Mr.llopkini in C o m m hair, and was
addressed bybir. Blaine, f Maine.
The ComMittee rose dulthe - Speaker re
sumed the chair. t
...:'• •
'' MO - COBURN intrOdUced a bill te7amehil
the internal revenue laws taxing whisky.
Referred to Committee on. Ways andMeatie.
, Mr. BUTLER ditroduced a bill .
an additional judiciary' district in Tonnes
see. Referred to Judiciary Committee.
Mr. INGERSOLL introduced. : a bill sup-
Plementary to the National' Ranking Law.
Referred to the Committee on Banking and
Currency..„ It.pmposes to remove the - linsi.
tathrn.en the 'aggregate of, National:-Bank:
citeirliiticiii;'andleave it unrestricted; to au
thorize the issue of four per cent, gold in
terest hearing. bonds,- and-, to .require the
substitution - of those for the six per cent.
bonds kept by NatiOnal Banks on deposit
their ear:enc./7-
Mr. WART : introduced ato-re
organize and increase the efficiency of the
Medical Department of the Navy. Referred
to the Committee on,Naval Affairs{, . ,, .
Adjourned till Monday.
The lienate bill fir - the lib) of Govern
ment propertyt iltirpee Ferry wail
, a. , .
~ , ,
A Joint resolutiori 'authorizing the sale of
'the arsenal at Bergeu / Ilights, New Jersey,
Was passed. - - - • -- ' • ',"•
f Ajoint resolution was passed fixing the
Of fife citrpietzhidge• Advocates of
'the army and =ratite number at twelve,
including JridgeA.dvocate Ehmerakand A.
idstant Jedge Advocate General, and au
th ng
orisi_ titePrealdent tb filfiacaucieetwith
theuunsent of the Senate.
___, • : ):
The bill authorizingthe sale of the Chat
tanocipt.tOilinirtnilliflUVrty-at ChatM.,
zoos& was pa' '` • ,-- -- '
. . Thejoint r esolution-donating 60ridetnned
cannon -tor the erection of a monument to,
Major General lrearnAy and thf3' tinfoil istil='
diem at Tivoli. New York, was passed.
The SPIIAICEM, announced thelollowing ;
npHointmente on Comulittees, to fill vacan
mssoccageoned by the- resignatiorrofmeuw
Vibin who;‘wereaerving:Onoher.,`oo4unit.
and by other, changes.' - - ' -
:It bp.rdituw-Mesirs. Ifoßee,'of
Kentucky, DickeY , of Pennsylvania, Boyle
and Butlekof Tenzie e p s o.
1 On Mectioi.....%Mossni. Pattie, of Pennsyl l
mints, and Stovek of Misaouri.,.. . •
On Ot z t _ n +e F e e-Mr. Kellogg, of Alabama.
OnA2.7roprfati o n -- Mr.Boofield; Penn
sylvania. c - ,,__< . , - '
tOn / 12 41 14 !?0, Trimble , f iSCen
uckfr. , - " ' ..
On Beeonetruckan-afr. 'Norris , of, Ala
(... 071 maitary Azaoi—mesers. DeweeN; of
Mirth' Carblina, mid Syrther, of Louisiana.
On , Ilitecisisn's• 4pizfra-Mr. 'Bowen,„ of
South Carolina: - - ":- - • , _ •
On Education and iebor--hir. Whitte
more, of South Carolina,
On Revoistions4; pLe.:4l.lsestfil:
Jones, of North Carolina °like! -BiGeorgia,
and Blackburn, of 4ttiehme, ~ . ,
, Otk Revd ,Oktims- M es irs. Dick
ey,- of North - Caro ' Gm* of south Car
olina, and Edwards,' of Georgia.,
On Ifiliage-Mr. Young, of Georgii:
llama .Enrotted Billit-W. Coning of. Ala
_ OcrExpt_mditures in ''State" Departitent_.
Messrs. ,Vidal, of toultdana, Corley, or
South Carolina, and Bates, of Atkanrias,.
On Evenclitures in Treasury-Dep r aitsieisi.
-Messrs. Lash, ofNorth Carolbut, and Tie;
ef Georg's. . ,
On,,li'apenditurea ht..Trar lApainaent-Lhi.
Wench of North Carolina.
• On4zpenditures in Navy_ Reililt
.nent r --
Maar& Buckalew,Cf Alabania t anclGovev,
of Gteos
' On Ezpenditures in IVetoffice Department
. 7
The Press on the President's Message.
Mr Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.)
NEW Yong, Dec. 10.—The dune saYs
. .
. ,
of the ,President's Message: “This Message
is his worst. is last Insult ' andefortunately h
to the" American people. As hegoes out of
the White House, he stops to-shake hie fist
at the Capitol. There n4ho sit the nie.bsf:
tied him; the epresetativ who nn
peached him; th e Serutto n rs wh o
him; themakerof thalami that fetter him;
the servants of the maple who prevented
him from restoring rebels, to power. and
making the war-a useless sacrikce. Utter
lypowerless as he is 'to arrestr the bright
chariot of destiny, he cannot forbear to
throw mud at as ho passes:" - -
The World says of the treattnent of the
Message by Congress yesterday that "Gen. G rsittrs sycophants; both'in the Senate and
House, succeeded in eifinsult upon
the President. ..This ' extraordinary pro--
needing is something more thial,wantpn in;
suit to the head of:the Gaverntnent: It is .
a flagrant contempt - of the-Constitution
The doctrines of the• Preaddent, IhOugh-stu!-
ceptible of confutation, are such "as ' an
honest man may entertain.' .
The Board of Trustees of the Antietam
Society held 'their annual meeting last!
night: John Jay, of New York, was r,
elected President, Thomas A. Bonne.; of
Dr. Briggs,ecret Supericten ary an
dend Treasu
Theer ; nd
. ,cn
tiye- Committee was also appointed. A
prolonged and animated debater had
on the allotment of ground for e burial
Confederate dead, in accordance with the
requirements of the charter. Vhe subject
was postponed to the nextmeetiing.
The Committee on Ways And. Means had
a conference this afterno on on the Tarifr
question. It is not prcihable that there
will be any early action On the subject.
Was occupied most of , the day In hearing
the closing argument of Attorney General
Evarts in behalf of the „government in the
legal tender cases. ',.'
IN lli pn'ion.
Hon. John A. Logan,', having recovered
from late indisposition,: was in his seat in
the House to-day.
aeon * 5 - --;--.... : - - ),---.. '- ~-•-- . _
Navli ClOsell oi.'-'ll-ini t ladsen—The Erie
nuits—Gen. Gt . :int:LW ifs Marder to be
Extraolted—Dartasoink'f College Festival
—A Colored,Min Deteriallnes to Test His
Right to Register as a {Voter.
AY retelling* to the Pltteberetb Gazette.,
XXIV' YOBS, DefeMber 10, 1868.
The navigation of Hudson:river has vir
tually closed. Ths.last boat of the season
arrived from Troy this inOrning. Therlyer
thence to Kingston is filled with ice, and
by to-morrow morning t4o upper river will
be entirely frozen over, : All the Albany
'and Troy boats are laid upt for the winter.
The Erie suitswere beftrii•tiJiidge Cardozo
to-day on a motion for adhpurni32ent. After ,
argument by iounsel the il'udge decided to
permit the papers on eathr+:Blde to be read
and the day was occupied'} in-this manner.
General Grant left this morning for
United States Commissiorner Osborne has
ded that Henrich'Shaffor. the alleged
fugitive wife murderer, fro: n Hess& Danl..
stadt, should be extradited. I 4 .
A large number of dieting Wished afunsisi
of Dartmouth , College at4endscl --..' Dt,
mouth College festival axed d, dinner at Barel
monico's this evening. ' -
James. IL Darrall, a eoku eth man, , has
commenced a suit in the Sit} } reme Court
against the Board, of Registry f r excluding
his name from the - voting list : or want of
the State property, qualification the own
, ership of two hundred "and 0., r dollari
worth of personal property. He aims the
right to register under the Con itutjon of
the United -States. _ ~.- ,
The celebrated Sanitary Fair *it, weigh-
I tn
lug upwards of four thousandl pounds,
raised by Carlos Pierce and now ein exhi
bition in Boston, was tendered Ito Gen.
Grant last evening by Miti. W. W. I':..ellincl;
and is to be served at the inaugewatiou
dinner in ArarciA, in Washington, ' tLuder
the supervision of the Republican Clentral
Committee. ,
Desperate State of Alfatri—Vearsijof Blood
IdEmrxrm, Dec. 10.—The Aral•anche's Au
gusta, Ark.; speciarthiCafte.inoon, says
the militia' under Gen. Uploam continue
to seize. propert 1
y and arrest Icitizens. A
large number a the eitizet*of = the, sur
rounding country have barideroeogether for
the purpose of attacking, the militia,
and are reported Co. lie marching
on Augusta. Vpham dooloires if he is at
tacked he will,shoot all tlya prisoners now ,
in hie hands.and burn the, town. A com
mittee of citizens and .police has gone to
meet them and beseech them for the sake
Of the women and childr;en not to attack
the militia., The greatest' excitement and
consternation prevails. Fluidness is entire
ly enspended. • •
Particulars of the Kilithg of the Indian
Chief Vino* ifmoke.
EDF Telegraph to the Pltte4tulta Gazette.l
CAIOAOO, DOCOMber. .10.---The following
are the facts relative tto the killing of the
Indian chief at Dunla r fp, lowa : •
Elvers' hundred Itndianea had been en
camped near the totiOn.• The Indian: who
wasidlled Caine to Cown and several of the
railroad men got /I; WWI him, and one of
the that acts was get his blanket away.
from,him. Thietkeilnally recovered. They
then took his tomahawk, and when he
tried to get this back, they struck him with
it. This indttedd the chief to make an
effort to get beat his hatchet byforce_ovizen
he was struck c owardly blow and killed.
This otitrageo a conduct aroused the indlg-•
nation of his . mrades, and they came in
lave to the to , saying in plain English
that if the vii a who ' bad perpetratedibei•
crime were not at once aerehended they
Would burn She place. They
tad thee'
enough on Lend -t doile, but theltuthori
ties Once took steps to Secure • the
dastardly , scoundrein. One of them got
•aiway, and4be_other la, in :Jimbo r And will
be tried for his cruel murder of the Juno
cent man. i_
.. 1
votrit A. M .
Public, Debt Slatement Early
Action on the Tariff Bill Not
Probable—Legal Tender Cases—
Hon. John A. Logan--Antietam
CET Telegraph to the ?InslitUl/2 OrWltte;)
W.Aczartozorr, December .10, 1869.
The following is a statement of thepublic
debt on December let:
Debt beatin coin Interest
Debt bearing g
currency Interest .
National debt not presented ****
er .. D ....
rand total. .. .
Six rer l awful atOrley '. ll . l3 . ... 2'41°4374 ' 744
Paolde Railroad Companies
Total debt
Amount in Treanry—r onin. '''''''''
88 CS 374 34
Ca 1111
rKene, • • • •
Asnotint of debt less cash In the
Treasury... ...................... .8 2,530.03144 i 14
Warrants issued by the Tsury De
partment during November, t o o l meet the
requirements offhe Governmant, amounted
in round numbers to the following:
. .
Civil miscellaneous and foreign..s 2,852403,00
Warlnterebt on asbuc debt ... ... . . ...... 2 4.555,000 00
Nary Department .................... .. 6 5,7:0,000 00
.... . . . ... .... . . . ” t . .... . ...... 1.293 000 03
Interior, rensios sod '
Indians M 7,000 03
The warrants issued for redemtion of
the public debt are not included-in the
It. Etna in ieState of Eruption-7.
Republican Uprisings in kpain
— Fighting and ' Bloodshed in
Cadiz Armistice to Allow the
Burial of the D ead — Meeting of
the English Parliament—The
Hungarian Diet—Turkey's Ulti
matum to Greece.
BY Tederrips to the Ptltabargh Gazette.)
LONDON, December 10.—The members
of the new. Ministry had, an audience with
the Queen yesterday and formally accepted
appointments. . •
The following appointments in the Gov
erment are officially announced • Wm. E.
Forster Vice President of board of Educa
tion; Jas., Stantielfi, Jr, Acton Ayieton
and Geo. Group Glyn, Junior, Lords of
Treasury; Rig on. Wm Mongol', Under
Secretary for Colonial Department, Ed
ward R. Purtlessen, .Under Secretary, for
Hnderome Depstrtment; John Arthur Otway,
U SecOtary for Foreign Department.
The rinks this morning has a long edi
torial on khe message of President John
acin. *finding to the Alabama negotia
tions, 1t says: "The English Government
has skown every desire to make an ar
rangeMent and it is difficult to believe
that the President's Cabinet or a hostile.
majerity. in Congress will throw over a
settenzent arrived at after long newitia
LowDort. Deoember 10.—Eveniv.—The
neve Parliament was opened this affeinoon
by. the , Royal Commission. The usual
ep'aecb from the Throne was omitted. The
Wens of Commons reelected Right Hon.
Iples Eivelyn Dennison speaker.
$ 2 4 0 ;836.1M 00
72 ,140,0(K. 00
112 4 58 &364 oe
1 -
. ,
4LI 362 181
44,a3r, coo 00
2443 711,164 61
.146 672:620 67
j: MADRID, December 19.—News from Cadiz
• up to a late hour last night has reached
here. The insurgent/ in that city still, oo
cupled the Hotel .De vnle and the surround.-
ing houses, and have erected barricads
The Government,troo_ ps occupied the Cus
tom House and bnildWgs in the neighbor
hood up to the . CRY gate. All the foreign
Consuls have taken refuge in the Cnstom
House. The civil Governor of Ca d i fled to
San FaIIDIDEIO. The Insurgents have forced
iiit&their ranks all able bodied men. > The
Julson'convicts and the former Royal Guards
have joined, the insurgents. - -
Telegrams from. San Fernando, say .the
movement is reaction/07, carried on in the
name and with the eletnentsof Republica/-
lan. The insurgents seem to be well &up-
Plied with money. The Civil Governor of
Saragossa telegraphs that the Republicans
there intended to. attempt to release and arm
the convicts, but precautions were taken
which prevented the plot from being car
ried oat.
MADRID, Deoember 14 :.-.Evessinp•.—The in
surgents in Cadiz have demanded terms of
capitulation, which it is understood the
government is (deposed, to grant.
An armistice of two days has been agreed
to with the .insurgenta. in (ladle for the
burial of the'dead and to allow the.women
and children to leave the city. At its con
cluelon a combined attack will be made by
the' troops and fleet on that quarter occu
pied. by the rebels. The latter have set
free and armed seven hundred convicts
from the prisons and galleys. It is esti
mated the rebels in Cadiz number three
thousand men.
x .
VALlarrA December 9 .—Dispatches from
Binds report a fresh eruption of Mt. Etna.
On. Tuesday night - the volcano broke out
with increased violence, ejecting dame and
lava until five O'clock this morning. c The
torrents of lavadevastated the sarrounding
country.. The ashes from the crater fell on
the town of Ad Beale, and were blown even
into the' streets of — Messina. At last ao.
counts - the. mountain • was enveloped in
sMoke and labored with deafening detona
tions. Great crowds have gathered on the
northern shore of Malta to witness the mag
nifieent spectacle which, though one hun
dred and twenty miles distant, is distinctly
FLOC WE, December 10.--The eruption
at Mount, Etna still continues, And is in
creahing in violence. Sand from tue crater
fell' in clouds on the streets five miles dis
- Pears, ipecember'lo.--It is reported that
the Emperor has retarned from Campeigne
to Paris and that he will accord an audi
elk* to Salmi Ole raga. , and will , recognise,
him as the accredited,Ambassadorof
, The , .Patrie,thinks the message of Presi
dent Johnson " - in view of the, approaching
close of his'admirdstration, hp unimportant
and' only the. point calling for attention is
the recommendation respecting direct elec
tions. • •
t • HUNGARY. • - -
FXIIIII, December I p .—.The session of the
Hungarian Diet was closed with a speech
from the , throbe.' The Emperor Francis
Josephlpeaking King of . Hungary, -
eulogize the labors .or Par/lament as tend
ing to establish harmony in all parts of , the
monarchy. :.Thearmy bill he declared was
a pledge for the integrity of, the kingdom.
awl for the continuance of yseace. He con
eluded with the hope that the most cordial
feelings with Hunts would be maintained. I
Mormoit. Dixemberlo.-LA. Constantinople
dispatch says: .The , Sultan, has sent an ul
timattun, to the Grecian Goverment requir
ing an 'answer in five days. France and
England sustain his demand.
LONDON, December 10.--A telegram has
plat &mu received announcing the arrival
off Donegal, Ireland; of one of the missing
boats from the; lost Hibexnia., The' beat
contained the second officer find two other
preens. Twenty-eight, all told, embarked,
but tWeetv-ilvet were drowned by the cap.
sizing -of the boat. - -
LoNDOR, December 100.-Evening--Con
for money 923 t,.. account, 02m. 5-20
Bonds easier at 74.„ Erie 28, Lilinbis Cen
tral 98X, ilndAtlantio and Girt Western
L ivr.iPool,. DeceMber 10: --Cotton firm
uplands 1010., on spot, to arrive - 10;0., ,
Orleans 1/d. • Sales of 12,M bushels of
adifOrnla white wheat at 12s. Rye Os,
Bd., for: western. Flour ' firmer at, 289.
A C9._rn ece 6d: - Oats Ss., 6d.. Barley ss. Peaa
1041 . 6d. Pork 584. . Beef 105 s. Lard 68s.
Cheese 665. Bacon ss - for,commort. Rosin
60s. 'Petroleum firm at ftd„ sefined 10d. Turpentine 278:
LONDON, Dec. A—Refined.' petroleum
Is., 7d. Sugar 865., 3d. Linseed oil £26 ss.
Tallow 51s. Calcutta Linseed 575„ 61,
Petreleum at king Antwerp 545., holders as
In the Bank ofEngland specie decreased
£25,000 in the week. , -,_ , , •
FRANKFORT, December 10 „-Fussing. -r ,
11. S. bonds closed heavy at 78X@)79.
Rents Pasts,
25c December 10. Bourse dull.
70f. . ',
New On Mark it
Telettreoh to the Petibersh eisette.l
New ORLEANS, December 10.—. Cotton
(c higher, and sales were made of mid
dling at 23a230, the market closing btioy
ant, with sales 0f6,800 bales. The receipts(
amounted t 08.378 bales, and the exports, to
1,590 bales. Flour' is unchanged. Corn;
the supply Is light, and sales were made at
771178 c. Oats is Arm, and sales were•mado
at 62c. Bran •is unchanged. Hay; salsa
were made of choice at VX;a25 Mess Perk
is unchanged. Large sales vrere made, of
Sugar Cured Rams at 14140, On speculation:::
Lard is firm and. unchanged. Stip? th,
firm.. and sales were made of common a
B l‘a 9 fici Primo at 12)(0, , and. clarified at
12,;a12.34c. Molasses is active and buoyant, •
and sales were made ofiglyne at 56a60c,
and choice at O 2 made
'W is 'tendlag
up. and sales were aside of western
lied at $1,07%. "Coffee is unchanged. -1
Chicago •!lancet.
[By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh 6asetta.l
egICAGO; , Deoegtberlo.—Eveniag.-At
the evening- Board very little was done.. !
Ne. spring Wheat eloatxl steady at fIA z
7 34 . -
for neyr. Corn is nominal at, ay. O ar ;• •
are nonainalat
Ifiehtlile Marhet.
tBY %Weems) to this Pittshimb aueite., •••
N Asionzs, De c. 1 0.—Cotton aetive at
22y 4 0 for
ldary low middling, and 2150 for good
. •
Skating Rink... Vagrants Iteleaied—Pro.
vest Marshal Case.-The "'Weather.
EBT , Telegrapii to tin Pittsburgh Gazetto.l
ST. Louis, December Io.—The Skating
Rink opened to-night for the first time this
season. A. large and fashionable crowd
was in attendance.
The Criminal Court rendered a decision
to-day which. will open the doors of the
City Work House and release all the -va
_grants confined there.
Two or three cases in the United 4 'States
District Court were decided to-day against
George Dousmar, Jr., tobacconist,- Tor
easements aggregating alma eighteen* thou
sand dollars.
In 1864 Charles D. Coleman, PrOveat Mar.
shal, having charge of the draft in this dis.
trict, was arrested for simbezzll_pg the
money of substitutes, triad Losi‘
Commission, convicted and sent to the
penitentiary. After serving some time he
was , taken before Judge Treat; of the U. S. I ,
District Court, on a writ of habeas corpus, and
discharged, on the ground of informality ,
in the proceedings against him. Sibs.),
quently he brought suit against Gen. Ben
neville, Col. Baker, Maj. Eaton,the Secre
tary of War and others for false iniprison
ment, claiming $250,000 damages. To-day
he had the case dismissed at= his own cost. .
Weather very cold to-night, the mercury
sincadark sinking to nav iga tee slier is
full of heavy ice, andon now May
be considered closed.
Mobile, New Orleans and Chattanooga
Railroad—The Peruvian Monitont.:
CBy Telertspb to ib, Pittsburgh Saone. ' •
NEw OBLBARS, December 10,--The Mo.;
bile, New prleaus and Chaitanooga
road Company hive placed on exhibition
maps, profiles and plans ' _ preparatory to
placing the road under contract.
The Peruvian Monitors have been lying
at &Wheel!' Paw aitioe leaving the :city,
owing to stress of weather. The crew! are. -
employing themselves'in Completing,. per:
paratiotui for the Voyage, 'exercising- and
drilling.. The ship Havens,; which I had) r,
been lying outside the , Dar. at Southwest
Pam, hoisted the Peruvian ilaz t takingThe
name of Marone. The Spit With, war vessel:
Chorrucca is here, and, a second
portednraising off the month olthe river.
—John W. GaiTett has been re-elected
President of the lialtirnore and Ohio Rail
—Whalen, the SaftWilsin Of Thonaas•D'Arcy
McGee, has been respited until the 29th
Instant. ''•
—At Charleston, S. C., yesterday, the
Clansalns Steam Flouring Mills were de=
stroyed; heavily insured. --
-The Misseuri river at Lavenworth,.
Kansas, is frozen over, and pedestriaUs are
crossing on the ice. •
—Weston has postponed'his walk to St:
Paul until the• bth of 'Januar*, beink de.
layed by the nozerrival °respected friends.
—The girders of - Baldwin% Iron foundry •
and locomotin works, at Philadelphia,
gave way yesterday monifirg. Four men ,
were injured. . •
—The. goverment laborers. at work at.
Rock Island Leave just been reduced about
one-half in number. There remain !...t Work
about two hundred and fifty,
—Jones & Hoyt and G. W. Ingalre shoe,
stores in Bowdoin square,. Boston, were
badly burned Wednesday, evening. Lcisa
thirty thousand dollars. insured.
—An extensive,planing mill; and sash
and blind factory, at Chicago, operated by
S. M. Russell, was destroyed by fire
Wednesday night. Total loss 875,000. No'
ins urance.
—The thermometer reached • tea degrees
below zero at Madison, Wisconsin, yester
daY. The Mississippi i fs frozen solid at
Prairie da Chien and p4iengers are cross-.
ing on the ice.
(-; —The South. Carolina Legislature has
elected Mr. R. B. Carpenter (white) Cir
cuit Judge and Mr. W. J. MoKlntry
ored) Redster of Mesne conyeyaneo for
Charleston county. ' • -
' —The following is the amount of grain la
store in Chicago, at the close - of the day on'
the 7 thi Corn, 245,884 bushelsi Wheat,
865,288 bushels; Oats,
205,822 bushels; Rye,
155,838 bushels; Barley, 350,446 bushels.
—At Bloomington, Illinois,
morning, a young daughter of Rev. MeEl
roy, pastor of the Methodst Church, ivas
instantly killed by bein g ran, over by $
runaway team while on h e way to school.
-The' case of Sawyer, Steel & Co., Min*
the city of Chicago, brought to. recover two •
hundred and fifty theusaad dolly', r;
'breach of contract oconneCted with t fo he
of the Illinois and Michigan
Canal, has been decided in favor .of the
, —The prize fighterkJames Bayton, and
John Lafferty met In-the ring yesterday. .
afternoon, in Kentucky, near Mneinnsatii •
for $3OO a side. Seventeen rounds were
fo r $3OO
thirty-file minutes when Bay-._
tonrs second threw up the sponge and:ratf- -
ferty was declared the winner. .Both par-.
ties were badly punished.
—John J. Edwards, who was tried. for
embezzling some twenty-thousand dollars
from the Union Savings Association of S.
Louis, several months ago, and acquitted,.)-
has brought suit against the bank for false
arrest, laying his damaged at twenty thotua
and dollars. The bank In turn has brought
a civil suit against Edwards andhis bonds-.
men for fifteen 'thoasind -- dollars, the
amount they Claim the bank was defraud.
ed of.