The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, December 10, 1868, Image 3
financial Matters in New York. Gold Closed at itawg@i3a.; ---- EBY TOeitrapb to the Pittebergh Guette.l ~ NEW York, December 9, 1868. morisT AND GOLD. Money firmer; call loans 61g7 per cent", with the bulk of business at 7. The Treat i urer is calling in deposita froth depositorips. Sterling firmer, with an increased demand at 9x,99X, per ce?t. Gold higher and more ',active; the market opened at 135 N and closed at 13530136. 0011tBNIKENTS. Governments opened weak and u sbse . quently improved about y, per cent„ but :closed weak. ] Coupons 1881, 114%@116; do. 111®111%; do. '64, 10734®107g; do. '65, 108%108y,: do. new, 110%011010 do. ;'67,110,4@1104; do. '6B, 110%10110g; 10-40 s, .11'4%©105%.,; = BTATB BONDS. State Bonds are quiet; the quotations are: ,Missouris, 89; New Tennesseea, 6854@i88%; 'North Carolinas, 63. stocas. The Stock market opened strong. with - New York Central 6le leading the list, ;and selling up to 126 34 on reports from 'Albany of extra cash demand. Later this ;was contradicted and Central fell to 124g© 424%, - exerciaing depressing influence on the whole market, which deolimxi. 'considerably. Before the close, however, Itie market became steady. Fives-Twszerr Pitias :--Cumberland 88 ©3Bg; Wells Express 2634©2635; Amer= Amin 44@44g; Aaams 483<@4834; United States, 45g@45%; Merchants Union 15g 0)16; Quicksilver 22g®22 ; Canton 4834 Pacific Mail 11.5g®115g; IJ. Telegraph 36g ®36g; ..Mrtford and Erie '.;634@.27/; Mariposa 5 ®6; preferred 20g New York Central, 125r5125g,; Erie, 37 3 / 4 ®3B; Ao. preferred, 59@60; Hudson, 1127@ 127 g; Reading, 98®98 3 4; Terre Haute i39©40; do preferred, 61%63; Wabash, 6754 ® do. preferred Paul, 65g 1 - :P5%; do. preferred. 84g®84%; Fort [Wayne, 110g©110g; Ohio and Mississippi, k ›Av 4 ogso ; 1 Michi gan Central, 119 1 ,4 ©120; .Nlichigan Southern. 863;©863‘; Illinois ;Pentral,l44®l4s. Pittsburgh, 84,1(04%; ..Toledo, loo31@gol; Rock Island, 1070 '_o7g; Northwestern 76%©763.1: do. pre - .erred, 79 34 @79%;' Lake Shore, 100 g; St. Toe preferred, 92g. • MINING MUMS. Mining shires quiet; Gregory, 538; Quartz 'alit, 72; Smith dr. Parmelee, 430. COPPER STOCKS. Coppei stocks at Boston—Copper Falls, -,5%; Franklin, 15g; Hancock, .3g; Minna :ota, 2; Quincy, 17. • . EXPORTS. . • Exports for the week, exclusive of specie, 4.026,901. 'New York Produce Market. ,•,• Ay Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] .1 11 C E be W it Y er °B an ic tf 4,200 bales at 24,1825 c for middling ' 2; ~,•nd saloc better ; receipts 9,080 bbls; sales . - 2 P l l 2oo and b a bls ch a ie t il s sY,B3ota2sc6,2o. dDecfairember business9.--C doing;otton aboutsales x , fo Fl r o s nr upe xu r o fin re e a s et ta iv t e e • ,:end. Western; $6.80a7,35 for extra . State; • •,..•1••6,70a7,90 for extra Western; $8,302.0,90 for '.•.. , 7 -;hitii wheat extra; $6,95a9,25 for round :oeop Ohio; $7,50e9,00 for extra St. Lotde; $lO '':" .. . -I '' , . - .112,25 for choice do., closing firm; California huiet; sales 300 sacks at $6,75a9,75, via • • '•,-.lorn; $10,508,12,00 via Isthmus. Ifye,Flour ; rm; sales 250 bbls at $6,50a8,50.- ' Corn . " , • .•,leal quiet; sales 260 ;bus Brandywine at ' 1 3,80. Whisky quiet at 51,05 for Western; !1,03}11,04 for retail lots. Wheat la2o bet- N. , closing very quiet; receipts 3,145 bus; .'fiefi 67,000 bus at $ ,55a1,59 for No. .2 . .'• . 'lnring; $1,90 for amber State and Indiana; • ..,11a2,30 for white Michigan; $2,20 for California. Rye dull; sales 1500 bus •:•; . i'lestern at $1,50: Barley more active and ::shade firmer; sales Canada West at $2,15, , .ad State at $2,05. Barley Malt quiet. „ • - • ,:orn: receipts 6,525 bush; market _without . .-- '-'scided change; Sales 53,000 bush at 51,12 a nd —14. i.. for unsound, $1.14 1 ,4a1,1734 sou ;,fixed western, $1,12 new do, and $1,12 for - sr,ew white Southern. Oats less tern active in ; - .des 59.000 bush at 77%a78%0 wes • `!ore, and 80c do afloat. Linseed Oil firm '• ~ •'''.. 95a97c. Rice quiet. Coffee steady; sales ' • 000 bags .Rio en private terms. Sugar :saes side39oo hbds Cuba at llallggc. Mo ':' ` in fair request, sales 100 bbis New •I:4leans at 64a75c Hops quiet at 10a23c for . 4 ;tnerican. Petroleum firm at 1734 c for I;, , ude, and 3244 c for refined bonded. Wool -,:ore active and firni; sales 45,0001bs at 31a ;i3 for unwashed fleece, 45a481-ic for coe •• ,•,-Zestern, 48a49c for extra and No. State ad Pennsylvania, 48c for No. 1 State-and ..- ~-ichigan, 48c for extra Michigan, 500 No. -phio, 501;51c for extra 0hi0,75c for Canada, ;;;•.a9oc for scoured, 43a50c for super pulled, =ad 421147 ' o for tubbed. Leather - Hem '-';ck stole firm, at 28 1 4a293-ic for Buenos i'vres and Rio .Grande light and middle lifights. Coal; foreign nominal; domestic :;ling at $ a 8,25 by cargo to range ofqnal •:es. Pork firmer and quiet; sales 800 bbls $25,75a26,50 for new mess, $25,75a26,00 for 1. do, $19,75a21,0 0 for prime $22,26a24,75 • , x prime mess, and $25,50a26,00 for thin • res; also sales 500 bbls new mess, seller, • unary, at 1325a26,25. Beef steady; sales 0 bbls at $13a16,50 for new plain mess, • 'ld $16a20 for new extra mess. Tierce Beef . ?let; sales 150 tierces at $30a34 for Indiaßeef tassteady; sales 150 bbls at $30a32. Cut ut Leath s teady; sales 225 - pkgs at lc oulders, and 12a14 3 ,0 tor hams. Middles lm and quiet; sales twenty-five boxes at No for short ribbed, and 140 for long cut ins. Lard, firmer, 930 tierces , lsal6c, I , i t :28M, Mg kettle rendered, also 250 fief- -• ''.3 steam, seller for February,-15N. But- ir steady at 25a40c, Ohio 40a50c. State , - sees° firm at 14a19c. Metals,Sheeting ' ''• 4 pper unchanged at 33c, ingot opper less • vler oand u un t s e a tt n le d d s a t t e 2 d 4 y a a % f 4 o oa r 4 a 2 1l S knd c s h . 1 34a43e American Bar dull, at 110495 c, Wined 'English and American Sheet, =. • )ady at Ilyial2X. Russia N ails steady r %as f; Cut 6%a7 for Clinch and 27a30 • Horse Shoe, Freighte to Liverpool 1 . let, and -unchanged. t/ A T EST —F lour closed moderately active saloc beer on low rades, with some ' • rt dema tt nd. Wheat g quiet and steady . ; 1,513a1,58 for No. 2 spring. Rye dull at Wo 4 49a1,50 for western. Oats quiet at 7734 a for western in store, and 79a80c afloat, I' 7 ilia dull at $1,14a1,15 for old mixed west, ~. ci instore, $1,17 afloat, and 51,12 for new . Astern mixed at depot. Pork . firm at $26 • :ill for mess; sales of 500 bbls mesa, Jan .2ry and February, at 825,50. Beef steady • •-,b a moderate demand. Cut Meats steady din fair request. Bacon very tirm with rood inquiry. Lard firm with a good in 'ity. Lard firm at 15galfic for fair to Imo steam. Eggs steady at 37a41c. lila MIME , Cincinnati Market. Telegraph to the Plttabergh Gazette.) INCINh Decotnber 9.—Flottr dull '5 unchanged. Wheat in fair demand at . .5 for No. 1; 01,67 for No. 2 ? Corn—new firm at 64a65c on arrival. Bye firm, 31,30 for No. 1. Oats higherand the Irket firm, at 600 for No. 2, and 64a650 No. 1. Barley unchanged and dull. per unchanged; receipts light. Ch ee 32se aye at former rates. Eggs, firm at c. ly—receipts light and the market firm at aid and sl7alB. Coffee in fair jobbing nand and prices unchanged. Sugar ler but not lower. Linseed oil firmer h a fair demand at 97c. Cloverseed in culative demand at $l3; holders asking 40. Whisky quiet; sales of 100 barkels 'Tc. Cotton firm at 230 for middling. ea pork held higher and firm at 1124,50 a Lard excited and held higher . new gm at 14iie and kettle - at 154e. ' Bulk its quiet at 9%0 for shoulders; ~al3c ;clear rib. and.13 1 4a1314 0 for clear sides. renmeats, ° quiet; selling at 8/aBl4O for alders; . 113/ 4 61110 for sides, and 12Y,a13c L . hams. Gold, 135 y, buying. Exchange at at 1-10 _discount buying. Sclar ; closed lower; whole range live, $8a8,40, WI for light to extra choice. - Chicago Market. [By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] CHICAGO, Dee. 9—Eastern exchange flat and easier at y i discount buying, premi um selling. Flour—upper grades unchan ged; low grades in fair demand; spring ex tras $5,37%a6,75. Wheat in active specula tjve and milling deinand; sales No. 151,23 al 27; No. 21,15a1,17, closing firmer at $1,17 fOr No. 2; sales of No. 2, since the change at $l.lB. Corn-old steady and quiet at 800 for No. 1, and 75c for No. 2; new active and 2a2Kc higher; sales at 53a55gc, closing steady at 55c; kiln more active at 60a 63c for No. 2; nothing doing thils afternoon. Oats quiet and steady at 49849%e for reject ed.' Rye fi rm and quiet; sales No. 1 at $1.15 and; No. 2 $1,14 in store. Barley quiet and a shade firmer; sales No. 2 at 1.02;01,63M, and' repted at $1,42a1,43, closing at $1,62 foriNo. 2. Highwines inactive and , nomi nal at 93a940 for free. 'Provisions firm and bnOyant; sales 1,700 bbls mesa pork, sellers option for January, Februarrand, hfarch at V23;50. Short clear sides 12%c. lard ac tive and firmer at 15e for kettle. and 14%c for steam rendered . Dressed Hogs steady and Arm; sales at $9,250,75. Receipts for the past twenty-four hours, 6,837 bbls flour, 34,401 bn wheat, 1,925 bn corn. 12,094 bn oats, 1,422 bn ry4bn barley, 26,828 hogs. Shipmen tsbbla flour, 61,000 bu wheat, 18,13Rbn corn, 4,368 bn oats, 4,824 bu rye, 2,400 bn barley, 863 hogs. • St. Lout Market: CBTlesrash to the Pltteburith Eiszette.l Sr. Louis, December 9.4-There is noth. Ing doing in Tobacco.. Cotton is quiet and there is very little doing, With sales being made at 23 / c for middling: Resnp is dull with . sales of undressed at $1,05. Flour is firm and buoyant for superfine and low ex tras; sales were made of superfine at 55,10 a 6,15; extra at $6,25a6,75; double extra at s7aB, treble extra to fancy at $8,50a11. Wheat is stiffer at $1,45a1,75 for fair to prime fall,' $1,80a1,85 for choice to fancy spring; No. lis higher at sl,aq and high. Corn higher at 58a71c. Oats is acti v e ' high er and sales were made at 54a58c. Barley is firm, and sales were made at $1,80a1.90 for prime, to strictly prime lowa. Rye is higher, and sales were made at $1,20a1,23. Pork has advanced to $24,50. Bulk meats have advanced to 93ial0ct for shoulders, and 13a14c for clear sides. Bacon is higher, and sales were made at 11,c for shoulders, 16c for clear rib sides and 16 3 a170 • for cleat sides. -Lard has advanced to 150 for choice tierce. and 16c for keg. Whisky is doll at 950. The receipts for the past twenty-four hours amounted to 2,200 barrels flour, 6,800 bushels wheat, 5,400 bushels corn, 4,600 bushels oats, 4,800 bushels barley, 1,000 bushels rye, and 6.000 head of hogs. Cleveland Market. ly Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] CLEVELAND, December D.—Flour Market steady and unchanged; the receipts by rail are liberal and the stock is accumulating; we quote city made treble extra white at $11,25a11,50; double extra amber $9,50a9,75; double extra red wintersB,2saB,so; double extra spring s7,soa7,7s;axtra spring $7a7.25; country made , double extra red and amber 58418,75; double extra spring 57,00a8,00; dou ble extra - white 510a10,75. Whoat; there is more Inquiry and the market is steady for No. 2 red; the price ranges at $1,83 for No.l rod winter; 51,70 for No. 2 do, and $1,60 for No. 1 spring. Corn; market quiet; old No. 1 shelled held at 95c; new do at 74a75c, small lots sold at 75a80c. Oats firm and steady, with a moderate demand; No. 1 State held at 600. Rye market firm and quiet; No.l held at 51,38111,40; No. 2at 51,30a1,35. Bar ley dull and nominal, at $2a2,05 for No. 1 Canada; No. 2 State $1,90a1,95. Petroleum unchanged and firm, small 2 for large lots and 29a30c for small lots. Buffalo Market. (BY Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gasette.l BUFFALO, December B.—The Flour mar ket is steady; sales are reported of 300 bbls of city ground sold at 57a7,50; also 150 bbls sold at $8 for spring; $9 for amber; $10,50 for white; also 200 bbls western spring choice, sold at 58,50. Wheat is firm; sellers are asking $1,45 for No. 2 Chicago spring by the cargo; $1,42 for red. Corn: car lots are selling slowly at $1,02 for old; 85c for new. Oats are firm; car lots of western sold at 6514 e. Rye is dull and .unchanged. Barley is quiet and.sales are reported of 400 bush two rowed Canada atsl,9s; also sales I,OOQ bush four rowed Canada at $1,95. Peas are quiet; sales two cars Canada at $1,40. Pork is dull at $25,50; Lard steady at 18c. Highwines are nominal at $1,04 at retail. Dressed Hogs are firm; sellers are asking $.10,50 Az heavy. Milwaukee Market. CGTTelesrraph to tbe Plttabargh Gazette.l LwAnirge., December 9.—Flour is dull and firm and, unchanged. Wheat unset tled at $1,27 1 ,4' for No. 1, and $1,17X for No 2. Oats firmer at 48Xc for No. 2. 'Corn nominally unchanged. Rye firm.: and higher at 51,10 for .No. 1. Barley quiet at $1,50 for No. 2. Receipts of 3,000 bariels of flour; 27,000 of wheat; 10,000 of oats; 800 of corn; 10,000 of rye. Shipments, 4,000 bar rels of flour; 3,000 of oats; 1,000 of rye. Ishitadelpula Market. [By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.) PHILADELPHIA, December 9.—'-Flour. wek; lowa ,sconsin and Minnesota ex traa family $7,5 Wi 0a8,25; Ohio do $9a10,50. Wheat dull and declining; red $1,90a2, 00 ; amber $2,10A1.t. Rye advanced; Pennsyl vania $1,55. Corn dull and lower; sales 5,000 bush at 91a97c for new yellow, and $1,15 for old do. Oats steady at 67a72c. Pe roleum dull; crude 21c; relined adTanced to 31a31%c. Whisky $1,03. Toledo Market. LBy Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] TOLEDO, December 9—Flour firmer and quiet. Wheat la2c better; white Michigan 51,85, amber $1,82a1;83, No. 2 spring 51,30. Corn, old steady, new lc better; old, No. 1 de , m new ned 58a6 72c, 0. new Oats rejected 660, new con lo better No. 1 600, Michigan 59. Rye steady at $1,25. Clover seed buoyant; sales at 67,50a7;75. Dressed Hogs %c better at 9%a9,4c. Louisville Market, (By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh essette.l LowsviLLE, Dec. o.—Tobacco at $6a12,25 for new lugs to medium leaf; sales 41 hhds. Cotton at 22c. Hogs at $13a8,60. Mess Pork at $25. Bulk shoulders at 911 c; clear rib bed sides at 4334 c and 13%a140 for ,eleni packed. Wheat at $1,85a1,90. Corn 60a 62c. Oats'at 5508. Rye at 51,33a1,35. Flour at $5,2.5a6,60. Whisky at 98c for free. IMPOSTS BY RAILRAOD , CLEVELAND AND PITTSBURGH RAIL ROAD, DineMber 9.-6 .cars iron ore, Mc- Knight, Porter & Go; 2 do do Sboenberger & Blair; 4 do do, Zug dr. Co; ido do, Wood & Lukens; 1 car lumber, Me,Ewen . Bro; 3 & do blooms, Nimick CO; 3do copper, T M Howo; Ido blooms, Bryan & Caughey; 10 crates starch, J A Renshaw; 25 bps do, C H Morledge; 1 bbl do, Kramer & Bohn; 1 safo door, I pc casting, McCullough & Co; 35 bxa hardware, Seccomb & Co; 46 bbls glue, sdo oil, FW C Feld Co; 11 boxes scales, Fairbanks, Morse & Co; 8 kegs, 5 bbls pearl barley, A.rbuckles dr, - Co; 1 bbl apples, F G Craighead; 11 do apples, Dalin ger dr, Stevenson; 'S _ do do, Vole, Mahood & Co; 3do beans, P. Duff dr Co. I bx, I bdl sundries, 1 ladder. M S Gebb; i 4 springs, Pitts Cast Steel Sprii? r , Co. ALLEGHENY VAL R,8., December 9.-r -22 bbb3 refined oil, Dilworth; 90 carboys acid, Lockhart, Frew & Co; 480 bbls etude oil, ,Jas Wilkins; 2 pkgs eggs, 1 bag beans, 1 bdl hides. II G Crawford . 16 bgs buck wheat flour. W H Kirkpatrick & Co; 1 car metal, McKnight, Porter & Co; 4 can lime. stone, Shoenberger & Blair; 5 pkgs raga II Riddle; 9 rolls leather, J V Reed; 1 car lumber; Rlei,Foster & Co; 13 bbls onions, T C Tenkins; 2 has bwtez., L J Blancbard; 2 bbls,pickels, Chas. Wolf; 2 pails apple but ter, Gl l 9 HuMbert; 80 aka oats, Adams' it Austin: 4kgS p producQ, Le o Hoerr. , ~.., PITTSBURGH, FORT, vir ATMS & CHICAGO 11,Anueab. DeoeMber -9,-5 kgs apple but- GH GAZETTE: TRU ESDA.Y, DECF.MBETI 10, ...immircriwivniM ter, 11 Rea Jr; 23 eke rags, W-Cooper & Co; 20 doz brooms, S Ewan. & Co; 1 bbl whisky, John Seibert; 43 green bides, 2 pkgs tallow, G N Hoffstott; 25 doz brooms, W M Gorm ly; 1 dressed hog, Watt, Lang & Co; 32 bdls bed stuff, J W Woodwell; 12 bf bbls fish, Munhall K Megraw: 1 bx chickens, 1 kg butter,Woodworth & Davison; lot oats, S Hood; 1. car brick, Hussey, Wells & Co. A.LLEGHEZZY STATION, December 9. 1 car wheat, R T 'Kennedy & Bro; :1 car clay, Shang & Co; 1 car lumber, T B Price; 2 bbls wine, Geo. Schleline; 3 kegs butter, 1 bbl egcrs. J N Simeon; .1 car barrel head ings. J M Hemphill; I pkg leather, A , & J Groetzinger; 210 bdla paper, Frazier & Metzger; -1 car lumber, Nanz & Co; 1 car stone, John Shearer; 150. locust post, Mc- Curdy & McGinniss. RIVER NEWS. ------ :The riv;r is again fal li ng, with about 6 feet in, t e channel. We could not get a , very goi;idi vie ty of_the marks, in cone- , wince of a larke number of coal baits and barges 'being clustered around the pier. The weather yesterday , 'weal 'exceedingly cold. and at 4 r i 2a. the.mercury was down to twenjtr. 1 The ilegheny River was pretty well -covered with floating ice all day yesterday, and in the evening it presented rather a for midable appearance. We are fearful that after last night's freerang it will be strong enough to day to cripple navigation some what, though it is hardly possible that the river The will close for two or three weeks yet. Grey Eagle, from Parkersburg, and New State, from Wheeling, arrived ' and departed as usual. The latter boat was considerably behind time, having been de- - , layed, doubtless, by the ice. The Glasgow departed for St. Louis last I evening with a good freight list and quite a number of passengers. Pilots—Thomas Javens and Capt. Marsh Hays. Capt. J. H. Lightner has taken charge of the office of the Wananita. The Mary Davage Barges, Captain James Shedden, are filling up rapidly for New Or leans. Shippers will bear in mind that the Davage will be the first boat out. The Camelia, Capt. Thos Poe, clerk, Geo. Shlane, is filling up slowly, and will be She first boat out for Nashville. • The Wild Duck and Barges left St. Louis for Pittsburgh on Monday. The St. Louis Democrat says that Capt. John N. Bofinger is so completely dis- gnated with tho Great Republic that he will attend the next sale. Capt. B. could afford to double the bid made at the first sale; andtheir consider her cheap. She is said to be In 'good order, and her ma hinery, not • yet two years old, cost over _... $70,006... —The Argosy, is now plying as a packet between Evansville and Memphis. —The steamer Victims was sold on Tues day at Gallipolis, by Deputy Marshal Rich ardson, to Mr. R. R. Hudson, of Mason City, for 81,095. —The Tom Farrow and Barges left Cin cinnati for St. Louis on Monday. She left a barge with 150 tons at Cincinnati, and took two barges with' 700 tons on to St. Louis. —The St. Charles has been placed in the packet trade between Cincinnati and Louis ville, taking the place of the illfated Amer ce, and will be commaneed by Capt. David Whitten. —Capt. D. M. Dryden has opened an office in Jeffersonville, on Front street, having engaged in the steamboat agency and shipping business. He is an old and worthy boatman. —The St. Louis Republican, of Tuesday, says: Captain Fred. Sebastian left last evening for Pittsburgh, where he will con tract for a new hull—on the part of Capt. E. H. Durfee—on which will be pleoekl the machinery of the Jennie Brown. - —At the annual meeting of the Atlantic & Mississippi -Steamship Company, the following Board of Directors was elected: Adolphus Mier W. J. Lewis, W.R. Sa Coates, Theo. Laville, John N. Bofinger. m. Still well, George Pegrarn, G. B. Allen, David Gibson, James W. Goff, John J.,ltoe, E. F. Dix and C. D. Blossom. —lt is currently reported, and no doubt t truehat the 'N Union or White Collar Line,orthwestern is negotiating for the fast and famous Belle of Alton, tendering their little clipper :Keokuk in part pay ment, also that tho same Company will, nextsieason, run au oppositiOn in the Illi nois river against the present line, owned by the Reonk Packet Company. —The National Board of Tiede In session at Cincinnati, passed the following resolu tion on Monday: Reaolved, That the officers of the National Board of Trade are hereby instructed to memorialize Congress ,in favor of the passage of an act to prevent i the carriage of petroleum, or other nflam mable 011 s, as freight upon passenger ves sels navigating the waters or clearing from the ports of the United States. —The Omaha Brpublican of the 4th says: Captain Jacobs, of the steamer Ida Stock dale, and Captain Hazlett, of the Urilda. arrived in the city on Wednesday evening from their steamers. ........ The Stockdale is frozen in about forty-fly& miles north of Fort Sully. Captain Jacobs footed it from here to the Fort, and from thence procured conveyance to Sioux City. He left his mates, clerk, engineers and crew in charge of the steamer, who will winter with her and protect her from the depredations of the Indians. They will occupy their time cutting wood to supply next season's fleet of mountain steamers. The Urilda is at Farm island: Captain Hazlett left a stong guard of his crew to winter with and protect her. clip the following from the Cincin nati Gazette: In June, 1863, while the steamer White Rose was on an up trip to this city from St. Loins, a "difficulty occur red between Captain George W. Dickerson, who had Command of the boat at the time, but now commands the Emperor, and the bar-keePer (JanesSchooley) on - the White. Itose, which restate." in the latter shooting at Captain Dickerson. The bar-keeper was almost constantly drunk. On the ar rival of the boat at our wharf, Capt. Dick erson caused Schooley and his wife Sarah to be arrested, and taken befowthe Police Court, where they . were discharged for want of Jurisdiction. Afteward Schooley and wife were re-arrested and taken before United. States Commissioner Holliday, and bound over to appear before, the drand Jury. Then the matter was dropped, Still later, however, Sarah chooley, wife of the bar-keeper, brought S suit against Capt. Dickerson, in the Hamilton county, Court of Common Pleas, for false imprison ment, laying her damages at $lO,OOO. The defence was, that tile arrest was made without • -silo nil with probable cause. Capt. Di( 'Torday acquitted by the Co CBv Teter Louis' cold; the feet In caned. CocirmATx,Dac. 9.---Weather clear End cold. • PROPOSALS. The Building_ Committee of the WESTERN PENNSYLVANiis HOSPITAL FOR') EC INSAN at lilarriont. Pa.. will receive Proposals until the 10th DAY OF DECESIBELt. for tbe erectou and closing In • '1,1313 Eastern Extension °Vile Hospital, ,, according Or the plans and specifications adopted and approved by them. , • The planar and specifications con be examined at the Hospital Until the time above mentioned for re ceiving blue- Proposals must be marked as such end tent to B. MILLER, Jr.. Chairman of the Building Commit tee, Pittsburgh. t o h n el —l r l dlscre. of ßidswlll December.ho opened at t . te Hospital The Committee Were., lion to reject guy or all bids no story to the Inter est of ihe institution or satisfactory to the commit tee. By order of tie ,‘ • • no2,4.sig _ BITILDINO,OOIdIdITIEE. STAINED GLASII-P. Z. & D. STEAMBOATS IMPORTANT 10 SHIPPIRS , ytai'OßClNClNNATlosigirat LOUISVILLE, KVANSVILLE. ~ n, MERYL:US. VIRIE.SBUDGA.DD NEW OR.. LIANS. — The 'WARY RAVAGE ;AND BARGES, • I JAMES'SHEDDEN, Coinmander. Will leave as above on • THIS DAY, December 10th. shippers' should bear In mind that the DAVAGE will positively go through vrithOnt re-Worth:lS. dN CHARLES BARNES, Agent. pITTSBURGII, • 41. WHEELING, larietta and ParVeraburg Line. Lea; Company's Wharf BliM, foot of Wooistreet, DAILY, AT 151 M. MONDAYS AND TavnensTe. 84YABD A. S. Susfurev, Master WZDNZEIDATI3 AND ilxruaDAYs , GREY EAGLE..(...... .C. L. BasaNAN, Mester 1/'reiglit, will be ieoetv a E t all S. tours by .11MS ES Agent. VOR NASHVILLE, DP• i r i agrNa RECT—The tteamer. °Arnim's. Will leave on EIIIRSDA.Y. DECEMBER 10116 for Evansville, Clarksville ant Nashville. For freight or passage applv on board or to. GRElitaT HASLETI. JOHN FLACK. de4 Or. J. D. COLIANGWOOD. Agents.. • 71 UMF 74 M i I 20009 000 " B R'S OF CHOICE LANDS FOR SALE, BY TILN Union Pacific Railroad Company, - ILLSTEBN DIVISION, Lying along the line of their road, at $l,OO TO $6,00 PER ACRE, And on s CREDIT OF FITS 'MANS. For farther particulars, maps, dc., address' JOON P. DEIMAZIJX, LandConuntsatoner, Topeka, RIFINIL. Or CHA9.,13. LA BORN, Seen St. Loafs. Missouri. ITZI STAINED GLASS-P. Z. &D. FRENCH BURR MILL STONES. French Burr Smut Nae,hines, THE BEST WHEAT CLEANEBA J ÜBE. Portable Flour and Feed Mills, BOLTING cLoTns, All narnbera and best gustily. For sale at 319 and 321 Liberty St., Pittsburgh, Pa ant 6 GLASS 811A'DFAI'FOR FLOWERS AND WAX FBITIT. Oral, Square or Bound Oriricx CItT.ENOINssB AND eIIIIVETOA, £l2rnatradH.December Bth. 11088. NoTicE.—The assessfnent for Wading and raving ,ONG ALLEY, from Ltu Aley to the Allegheny Valley Railroad. Also, SPRING AtLEY, from Morris to Rush street, are row ready for ex amination, cud can be seen at this °glee until DE- C 811.Bbilt 18. 1868. when it will b.. returned to tuu City Treasurer's °Mee for collec io tn. dee H. .1. ),UCTL°Ueer. CLASS SHADES FOIE FLOWERS esD WAS FRUIT, Oral,'Sontre or, Round ECONOMIZE YOUR FUEL, by using . the SRIVEI OEINTRIPOGAL GOVERNOR, the only true and easily regulated Governor mule; perfect in its °orations and truly reliable. A large size Governor can he seen at th e n office of-PERCE VAL BECKETZMeehanical gincer and Solici tor or Patents, o. 79 Federal street.. Allerthelly 'City. the Only agent for this Governor In the West. se22txbil SPECIAL PATTERNS -P• Z• &D. • yBEIM FlSlL—llenJamin Pul. PRE3i still continues to fa all city and coun- IT orders for • • : FRESH WHITE LAKE FISH. SALMON AND BASS. send to No; 45 'DIAMOND MARICETO,PItt.+• burg n, or btsbld well known TWIN CITY ST A ND, Allegheny mart et oat; GLASS SHADES -P• Z. &D. iqtl4loE--Those interested wall ./..N Ps ke,notice that,tho report of the Me wl era in the matter of opening LAMMED A.VBN UP., In the en, of Pittsburgh. as monitied by the court has been pieced In my hands. The assessments. if not paid on or before JAN UAR i 6th. A. D 1869 will be died u liens in accordance with the law in such cite made and provided. J. r'. nt.AGLIII, CD* Attorney. Pittsburgh, December 01h, 1808. . deT GLASS SHADES FOR FLOWERS AND WAX FRUIT, Oval. Square or Bound . uric Off OMrici Bliftinn AYM mtvirrou, rittabarel, Dec. 3, 1868. NOTICE.—The ASSeSSlllelit for the Construction of tho !WARD. WALK on f entre btreet. from Itllswolth Avenue to Walnut litr, et. is now ready for examth Don, and can be seen at this Wee until IV ED NE DAY. Dee. 10th, 1808, when 11 will bo returned t the City Treasur er's I)ffice for Colleetion. __ IMMEI CRYSTAL CLEAR Glass Shades. • OFlrlOtt OF 01TY.ICNOINEER. t Allegheny City, Dec. 1. MOIL I POTICE.—The assessment for Uradl g and roivlng TURN.KIt ALLAY. from trey att. , et to old city line, In Ltie Third ward, Is now ready for examluatlon' and can be teen at t..le office tintIIiWADNEaIIAY Dreemb-r 9th. when it will be returned to the Street Collriiiiibiume io 1 Col cation. CliAtel.h.S I ifi.Vl:3, 4102:183 Civil Engineer. EMINI ,her clear and rising with 8 GL4SS . MADE& FOR FLOWERS AND, WAX TRUITi- nuro or Round MAC CITY OF ALLEGHENY, Timanritin's OrriCa, Lae. 4th. 1868. THOSE . PERSONS WHO PAID aasessments cm the Veers; street avid Mont • gomery aTenne Beertn on or befdre the theiry of November, MN, 'ive requested to return re. ceipts to this office, and the redaction authorised by Connell' Wit he refunded. del - D. MAC MEHRON„ City Treasurer. • GLASS SHADES-P. Z. &D. he 15th OirtCo Or Orrr Exotrizza AM , flvitirsToo, Deo; ti, 313819. f 0111:11E.—The assessment for the construction Of Abe BoARD WAT Eon entre avenue. from Xbapatrtolt stfeet to Zwart.s corner; uow reads for examination, and can be seen at tuts office natit WLDNINDA.Y, December 10, 1808. wb , n It will be returned, to %b. City Tresaarer's einCIO for collection. , tellioloo Sonlieer. , . HERNIA OR RVPTURE. Hernia or BllilitUro cured• Hernia or Rupture enrid. . . Hernia or Rupture oured.i Hernia or Rupturezeared. Hernia or 'Rupture cared. ,Hernia or Ilevinro cored. - Hernia or Rupture cured. ernia or Rupture eured. Capt. Tios. POE Marsh , ' Radical Ours Truss. RV.ter , s Patent Truss. FiteWs Supporter Truss. Self.Adsuoiing Trull. , Dr. Banning" Lace or Body Brace, fel he eine of Prolapses Uteri, Piles, Abdominal and Spinal Weaknesses. Dr. S. S. Flt elt , s Stlver.Pleited Supporter Pile Preps. for the support and cure of Files. Elastic Stockings, for weak. and varieoee veins: • Elastic Knee Caps, for weak knee Joints. Ankle Supporters, for weak knee joints. 13..spensory Bandages. Sold at Dr. KEYSER'S,' 140 Wood St. At Dr. 4 1 YSER'S, 140 Wood Street- W. W. WALLAtIDI U. J. mooRE, • City 'Engineer. Rupture or Hernia elm& Rupture or Hernia eased. Rapture or Hernia cured. Rupture or Hernia cured• Rupture or Hernia cured. Rapture or Hernia eared. Itaptnre or Hernia cured. Bnptureor Hernia cured. .3ELY.-INJECTING SYRINGES. SELY-I,IIJILCTING SYSII(f3ES• BEIM-INJECTING SYRINGES SELF-114F.CTING SYRINGES Also, every kind of Splines. EMSPENSOBY BANDAGE , susrxxsoss BANDA6EIS, STIVENSORY BANDAGES. SUSI' EYSORY BANDAGIS. I A dozen different kinds A duzen different kinds A dozen different kinds. Dnsg Store, Ito. 140 WOOD STREET, sign • the Geld's' Mortar. Persons trztUng for Tresses should send the numbs; of inches around the body, immediately over the rapture. sr DE; KEYSER will give hie personal atten tion to the appliention of Trusses In adults and children, arid he la Wiggled that, with an experience of twenty years, be will be enabled to giTe satishe• DISE XSED There Is no doubt whatever that diseases of the lungs, or uliers of WhiteTer sort, on any of the In- ternal organs may be, and are frequently cured, and a complete condition of-health eetabliehed. If the elaborative functions, Gf which the stomach is the primary and most important one, are restored to a condition to do the repairing of the Duman system eleers or sores, whether open the longs, the liver the kidneys or the bowels, or upon the legs, as Is frequently the case, can be made to heal, and a corn plete standard of health re-established. We have frequently seen these restate from the use of Dr. rEysrars•LllNG CDEE, a Rieman and agreeable medlelne, * wbteh will Tipen up and carry ouf of the animal econery all effete and used up material. Dr. X. says that be has known the most distressing and ti4rasslng eongbs, whose vitors, tlons would threaten to shake the whole eonsUtu tion to pieces, removed hi the maim of u few days In long standing cases of consumption, or of tithe . • , sometimes fatal, but always troublesome and'auuoy ng maladies,' known as catarrh, chibuic bronchitis, rachitie or pharyngitis, it is a wonderful alleTia ng medicine In the former and a cure cure In he atter disease. Da. KEICSIM'S Lexu Cyan IS ',waxen= By SOMM OT THS MOST VALUABLE , PLANTS AND HIBBS SHOWN TO BT lISISJUL AND CIIRATIVS. IN ALL DITTIe BIOBATILD STATES OF THM HUMAN BLOOD, • ind whilst It adds to Its plasma, It at the same time stimulates, Featly but effectively, the Airy the kidneys, the Um* and the glonnlar system to eat- elent action to enablo n the body to take on healthful actioh and eradicate the disease. ' The slot and sr- Mated should boar is mind the virtriea of this great medicine, and U those who are suMetenly alive to .. . the Importance of health, will resort to it in the •cohgti or, cold, there would be 6o falling into deellnes and maid c'inlFlPtlon. I !!!!M!M Bold by the pose, dozen or 'Mee bottles at Dr. Keyser's Great Medicine St lfe, 140 Wood.Stireet. Ds. larrirays siesunarr OTIPICZ for 1;' ,1 . SEILAIIIIMATIONS AND TES TRZATMTST OBVIINATS DBIZAIIIe, MO PEA STREET. rirriarAllit, PA. Oce Um fem. 9 A.,, x:iiatil • l. 1/L., .R.a ~ ~ 'sstie. _ 11011'11411U 18.6111 dna CONNELLSVILLE it.R • On and after TUESDAY. Noyember, 17th. 1869 trains will arrive at and depart from toe ner of Grant and Water streets, as follows: Depart. Arrive. Mailto andfrom Trnionni. 7:00 A. X. 6:00 S. Xi -EcKeesport Aocommodt'n.ll:oo Ai st. .51:65 1. Ex. to and from Uniont'n. 3:00 P. Id. 10:10 Ai Ms West Accomm , n 4: P. 1). 8:5 A. Ma Braddock Newton .'s Accommodat od 'n 6:15 30 P. 11. 7:5 3 1)r. M. Night Ace. to McKeesport.lo:3o P. Y. 6:45 AA Xi Sunday Church Train te and front West Newton 1:00 P. x.10:00 A.ll' For tickets apply to 3. B. ICING, Agent. B. STOUT, Superintendent, no2o GE of TIME 'WENJWN • 0 44 EGELENY VALLEY RAILEOAII -•,-' On and after MONDAY, November 9th, 1616 i TWO TRAINS DAILY will teams Pittsburgh Sta. tion, corner of Eleventh and Plke streets for.,Frank.‘ 11n, 011 City, Buffalo, and all points us tbeon He. • _eons. . . WIATS ParrBlun6B. REITZ Ilf PirrestrnOrt.. Mall ..... . ..... 7:10a all 5:40p m 'Express........ 7:10 Dra Express .... ..• .. 6:30 a M Brady's B'd Az 3:00p rady aIPd Ac 10:30 a m Ist dodaWorke • Ist Soda Works ~ Accomod , n.. 10:50 i Accomoden. 11.301 tft ad Soda Works d Soda WorkS / Accomod'n ~. 5:00 p in . Anent:n(o6'n:: 3:45 pln Church Train leave It sburgh at 1:10 1 k. 11. AX. rive at Pittsburgh at 9:50 A. x. 3, Passengers Asking expresa train brae but on* change of cars between Pittsburgh, Buffalo and 011 Regions. Mall' and Express Tra ins step only at rincipal points Mixed Way and ,Accommodasioll. &sills stop at all itattons. THOMA r• S 16 - 1, SING, Assn. Supt. W. Tango HOPE. Ticket Agent. nog rITTSIBV.R OII 9 ,-. CINCINNATI AND T. - •-•*-•- • •.- - - , II 18 ItAILWA.T. - ' / PAN HURDLE ROUTE. ~ ORANGE 01P TIME .- on and lifter 811110A.s. N0v. , 22d, 1808, 'trains will leave and arrive at tare Union Depot, as follows, rittsburgh time: . , Depart. A W. Mall Mono ' 3:13 a. m.19:13 a. me Fast Line 10:13 a. m. 1:33 p. tee Fast Express 2:88 p. m. 151:18 a. me Mixed Way 5:43 a. m. 0:43 p. nie McDonald e Acc'n, No. 1..11:518 a. m. 8:33 p.m. Steubenville Accommod'n. 3:38p.m.: 9:484. m. McDonald's Acen, No. 2.. 15:118 p.m. 3:111 p. me Mir 2 :58 F. re. 'Express will leave dany. 1a:13 r. x. Mall will aril ve daily. The :13 a.. m. Train leaves daily, Sundays el. cepted, and makes close connections al Newark for Zanesville and pilots in Sandusky, Mansfield Newark R. It. S. P. SCULL. General Ticket Agent. W. W. CARD, Burn., Steubenville, Ohio. ENNSYLVANLi.• r:.v•r--- CENTRAL ItAILROAD. • ••• - P and after Nov, 218th. 11938, rains will are rive at and depart from the Union Depot corner of Washington and Liberty streetsi as folloiss: Amos.Depan. _ Mail Train.:. 1:30 Day Express.. 2:30 aEI Fast Line.. ani Wall's N 0.1.. 6:30 a M WalPs No. 1-18:20 s m Mail Train Bilo ara BriedonAcc`n. 7:50 ain *Cincinnati Ex 1,11:15 p m Wall's No. 2.. 8:50 a m Wail's N 0.2.. 11:20 ain Cincinnati Ex. 9:40 m Johnstown Ac. 3:25 pm • Johnstown Ac. 10135 a m Braddocks No 1 4:210 Baltimore Ex. 1.45 p m Phila. Express 5:10 put Phila. Express 2.05 pm Wall's No. 8.. 5:20 pin Wall's N 0.8... 1:30 p m Wall's No. 4.. 6:15 pa Braddocks NO 5:50 p m Fast Line 7:50 p m Wall's No. 4. 7:25 p m Wall's/N0.15 /110 0 In' Way Passen'r.lo:2 o p The Church Train leaves Wall's Station evap day at 9:15 a. m., reaching Pittsburgh at 10:08 a i m . Returning, leaves Pittsburgh st 1.2:50 p. and arrives at Wall's Station at SI :00 p. m. *Cincinnati Ex press leaves daily. All other trains daily except Sunday. n ml to Tor Anther informano ol W. 13:BECKWITH. Agent. The Pennsylvanliltaliroad Company will not ails sums say risk for Baggage, except for wearing sp. parel, and limit their responsibility to One Hundred Dollars in value . All Baggage exceeding UM% amount in value will be at the risk of the owner. tubv less taken by special contract. EDWARD H. WILLIAMS General Superintendent. Altoona. Ps. non B 6H FORT W rAmDCLE3dLN6B and arrive at the UlllOl time, as fo h llows: altla Chicago Ex.... 3:03 tin Cleveland Ex.. ,3:03 a m Erie & Ygn 'Mg .'7:518 a m Cl. &Wh!g M . g. 0:2 Eta m Chicago Mall. 0:58 a m Chicago SamEx....lo:o CCI. 2:23n.. hicag.O Ex-- 51:43 r p 39 Wh. &Erie Ex. 4:1t3 Depart frost Allegheny. N. Brigt , n Ac• 8:59 am LeeNgtale 10:411a m 11;58 a To Rochester " 1:33 pm Wellsv`e Ace.. m NLeetsdaleigt'n A " cc. 4:33L3p o:m . 5 TN.Brlgtla '• 6:518 eeLeetsdale " 10:43 pm Leetsdale Sun. day church... 1:13 p aa Are 1:43 p. m. Chicago sir 11:58 a. m. Chicag etiirNo change of cars Chicago. Bleeping cars w 1 oils and Chicago. F. R. MYERS. General 'WESTERN PENN SYLVANIA BALL • .—On - and after NOV. 224, lfiRS the res. tenter Trains or. the Western Pennsylvania -Ball. road will arrive at and depart from the Federal Street Depot, Alleghezy Clip , as fellows: Arrive.Repast._ • Springd'e No 1 8:40 ain Mail • 7:00 aft 'Freeport No. 1 1021 Yreeport No. I 915 a s ra Expret 40 am Sharpb"g No.111:90 in iirairping'ru.i 1:25 pm Express.. . 2:45 pm Freert N 0.2 4:00 p Springdle ''' '' 320 p Mail 5;55 p rat Freeport No.'2 S:ASO p Springd , e No 2 6:46 miSoringd"e No 2 7:10 p m Aboye trains run daily except Sunday. ' • The Church Trala leaves Allegheny Juliet. every :Sunday at 7:40 a. m, reaching Alleg h eny City at 9:50 a. m. • Returning, leaves Alle g h eny Cltv at 1:20 p . m and arrive at Allegheny inset. at 3:48 P. M. CO)LIKUTATIOIC TICIECTS—For sale in packages of Twenty between between Allegheny City, Chestnut street. Herr's,Bennett, Pine Creek, Etna and Sharpsburg, and good only on the trains stepping at Stations apees Bided on tickets. The trains leaving. AlleghenY City 'At 7:00 a. an; make direct connection at Freepop with line ofStages for Butler and Hannah , . town. Through tickets may b e purchased at tbe 0111ce..lio. 3 St. Clair stree t ` near the Suspensiot Bridge PlttsbUrgh and at the epos, Alleabea* . For farther information apply to • JAMES-LEFFERTS, Agent, Federal Street - Depot. ..The Western Pennsylvania Railroad/ will not as• s p ume any risk for Baggage, except for wearing ap. arel, and limit their responsibility to One Hundred Dollars in value. All baggage exceeding this amount in value will be at the risk of the owner, un less taken by special contract.• . , • EDWARD H. "WILLIAMS. Sunerintendent. Altoona. pa. _ 113 n 023 MOH.Y' HILL UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY' Eastern Division. The SHORTEST AND MOST RELLS.B 4I , , : 01:1: . from the East to all points in : Colorado, California, Vtah, Arizona, New Mexico, Idah4i, '-, Oregon. . Two Trains leave State Line and Leavenwo •-. daily, (Sundays excepted,) on the arrival ot train , Patine Railroad from tit.. Louis, and ' , 'l...nnlbal and St. Jo Railroad from Qulney, conneetin. at Law, fence,. Topeka and Wamego with ste„cs tor all • • points in 'Kansas. At end 01 track west of Elle . - worth with the UNITED TX COM PANT'S DAILY LINE OF OVERWarre DUX. D EXPRESI3 cOACRE/3 FOR ~ . DE. DIVEItt SALT 1...1L1KV-4 d all rOilltB in the Territories, . , d With SANDERSON'S RI -WEENLY LINE Of C AMISS for Fort Union, Bent's Fort, Pass, Alta. liewrtiittee,xrcintuta Fe, an d al point! in Aemous ant With the reeen additions of rolling stock and equipment, and the arrangements made with re sponsible overland Transportation Lines from Iti wester n t e rminals, tilts road now offers unequalled facilities for the transmission of freight to tue Fla WeTickst. et* for sale at all the principal offices In the United States and Causdas Ile sure and SUN or tickets 'via THE fikIONT gu,f, sou r ic,. mi rsurrio RAILWAY ' IteSTLIEK DIVISION. . . To LivaaPOOLINIDaIk QIIi.ENSTOWN. , Tan urinals men. aromas:an% Numbertag axiom Int-chin veasels. =wig Um. she salebnitell • • ‘" b• " I aTT T Y ritmag. r wino Erst.A7.3s, from Tier =ram Nisenum, Jr. • inkinrom raieszr. ectirayijois :meads impoosie ost AYNETTS CHICIA B. PIBITREM PC. R. trains will leave fro= Depot,. north aide. cal • drrivs. Chicago Et... 2:13 am Cleveland Ex. 2:13 a m Chicago Ex.... 11:38 a in Wheeling Ex. 11:13 am St. Louis Ex.. 3:53 p m Chicago Ex.... 4:38 p m .CI. 9 Wh'g Ex 4:13 p M \ I r e d l l4 l k u ß LTD: Arrive is Allegheny. N. Brigt.'n .S.C. -700 A 81 br.*Brigt'n " 0:88 a m Wellsville " 9:53 a 11l Lew Castle " 10:33 a m Leetsdale - ' ' 9:13 a m " • " 1:08 pm IL Brigt'st ' " 2:43 pm Leetsdale' " .8:53 p m ' 7:18 v in Leetsdale snn. day Lltureh... 9:58 a sci .: Exprese leaves daily. . e Express arrives daily - . between Pittsburgh and [thou change to Indisnap- . 151 , C.IILLOUGH. fiell6llll. uperinteadenU Icket . 11023 Nevada, Washingto A. ANDERSON& @eaeralBnpermtendent a. H. mr.eitsrza, GOitent weight and Tiftet Agent ITEAMSHIYS. _~~ -- II El ,a , , t,